HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Grinsell Risk Assesment425-237-4141 | planterra.co | P.O. Box 226 Issaquah, WA 98027 TREE RISK ASSESSMENT Prepared for: Jason Grinsell 999 Tacoma Ave NE Renton, WA Chris Welch ISA Certified Arborist® #RM-1057 ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified 425-654-4745 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY 3 METHODOLOGY 3 OBSERVATIONS 4 TREE #1 - WESTERN RED CEDAR (THUJA PLICATA) 4 RECOMMENDATION 4 SITE PLAN 5 PHOTOS 6 ASSUMPTIONS & LIMITING CONDITIONS 8 BASIC TREE RISK ASSESSMENT FORMS 9 SEE ATTTACHED 9 SUMMARY On February 24, 2021 I evaluated a single western red cedar at 999 Tacoma Ave NE Renton, WA. The purpose of the inspection was to perform a condition/risk assessment of the subject tree and to make appropriate recommendations to reduce hazard risk where warranted. The subject tree is within the striking distance of two homes and the neighboring church. Occupancy rates of the target zone are constant and cannot be moved or mitigated. Potential consequences of whole tree or partial failure could include extreme risk to people and significant damage neighboring homes and fencing. METHODOLOGY The tree assessment procedure involves the examination of many factors: ‣The crown of the tree is examined for current vigor. This is comprised of inspecting the crown (foliage, buds, and branches) for color, density, form, and annual shoot growth, limb dieback and disease. ‣The main stem of the tree is inspected for decay, which includes cavities, wounds, fruiting bodies of decay (conks or mushrooms), seams, insects, bleeding, callus development, broken or dead tops, structural defects and unnatural leans. Structural defects include crooks, forks with V-shaped crotches, multiple attachments, and excessive sweep. ‣The root collar and roots are inspected for the presence of decay, insects, and damage, as well as if they have been injured, undermined or exposed, or if the original grade has been altered. Tree #DBH*Height Overall Risk Rating Recommendation 1 48"≈65'HIGH REMOVAL *Diameter at breast height. ‣Inspection method included examining the tree with binoculars and sounding the trunk with a mallet. No invasive methods were utilized unless described in the sections below. The subject trees were assessed under a TRAQ (Tree Risk Assessor Qualified) Level 2 Basic Assessment (visual inspection from the ground). OBSERVATIONS Tree #1 - Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) At 48” DBH this tree falls into the “Landmark Tree” category as defined by the City of Renton. This tree has a previous loss of top resulting in a co-dominant situation with two remaining points of poorly attached regrowth. The topping site is at about 40’ above the ground. The regrowth is significant in size approximately 8-10 inch diameter stems, comprising 25% of the canopy. The poor attachment of the co-dominant top is the major risk factor for this tree. Additionally a large cavity on the south side of the tree at the base of the trunk extending into the root flare approximately 20” wide and 16” deep is present. RECOMMENDATION It is my recommendation that this tree be removed. The present defects that cannot be mitigated. This tree poses an elevated to high risk. SITE PLAN Subject Tree PHOTOS ASSUMPTIONS & LIMITING CONDITIONS 1.Unless stated otherwise: Information contained in this report covers only those trees that were examined and reflected the condition of those trees at the time of inspection; the inspection is limited to a visual examination of the subject trees without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied that problems or deficiencies of the subject tree might not arise in the future. 2.All trees possess the risk of failure. Trees can fail at any time, with or without visible defects, and with or without applied stress. 3.Construction activities can significantly affect the condition of retained trees. All retained trees should be inspected after construction is completed, and then checked regularly as part of routine maintenance. 4.Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural report of surveys unless expressed otherwise. 5.The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or to attend court because of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made. 6.Loss or alteration of any part of the consultant’s report invalidates the entire report. 7.Unless required by law otherwise, possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply a right of publication or use for any purpose by any other than the person to whom it is addressed, without the prior expressed written or verbal consent of the consultant/appraiser. 8.The consultant’s report and any values/opinions expressed herein represent the views of the consultant/appraiser. The consultant’s/appraiser’s fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified value, a stipulated result, the occurrence of a subsequent event, nor upon any finding to be reported. 9.Ownership and use of consultant’s documents, work product and deliverables shall pass to the Client only when ALL fees have been paid. BASIC TREE RISK ASSESSMENT FORMS SEE ATTTACHED 3/10/21, 11:05 AM Page 1 of 1https://block--vz-ay2jw-tr83g-z0--9if5dam.airtableblocks.com/__runFrame?bl…3jWi&shouldEnforceCspForPublishedApps=1&shouldReportCspForPublishedApps=0 SpreadHeightDBH Target #1: Practical to move target? Restriction practical?Target Zone: Target Protection: Name Site Address City State Zipcode Jason Grinsell 999 Tacoma Ave NE Renton Wa 98056 Tree # 1 Tools Used Binoculars, Camera, Diameter Tape, Hipsometer, Sounding Mallet, Trowel 2/24/2021 10:10amAssessment Date: 48.00 65 40 Neighboring Residence, Primary Residence, None Target within 1x height. Constant No No Occupancy Rate: Target #2: Target Protection: Target Zone:Restriction practical? Practical to move target?Occupancy Rate: Target #3: Target Protection: Target Zone: Occupancy Rate: Restriction practical? Practical to move target? Site Factors History of Failures Changed soil hydrology Root cuts Site Changes FlatTopography Slope Aspect Soil Conditions Construction of church 2 years ago grading in root zone. Prevailing Wind Direction SW S Common Weather Strong Winds Heavy Rain Standard weather for east Puget Sound lowlands. Target within dripline None Constant No No Church Tree Health & Species Profile Failure Profile Chris Welch ISA Certified Arborist® #RM-1057ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified(425) 654-4745 chris@planterra.co 37.4°F and Partly CloudyWind: 3.107 mph (210°)Air Quality: Good (37)Visibility: 9.998 mi Barometric Pressure: 30.59 inHgHumidity: 83% Weather Conditions 47.4993951, -122.1648671 Assessor Botanical Name Common Name Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar Normal None visible None visible ft.ft.in. Vigor Foliage 100%Normal Chlorotic Necrotic Pests/Biotic Abiotic Description Thuja plicata is among the most widespread trees in the Pacific Northwest. The tree is shade-tolerant and able to reproduce under dense shade. Thuja plicata is a large to very large tree, ranging up to 50-70 (200) ft tall Page 1 of 4 Load Factors Wind Exposure Protected Medium Normal Normal None Some indications of construction activity in root zone from construction of neighboring building. Relative Crown Size Crown Density Interior Branches Vines Recent or expected change in load factors. 10%Pavement over roots: Basic Tree Risk Assessment Backyard 3/10/21, 11:07 AM Page 1 of 1https://block--vz-ay2jw-tr83g-z0--jdt2qrx.airtableblocks.com/__runFrame?bl…n3jWi&shouldEnforceCspForPublishedApps=1&shouldReportCspForPublishedApps=0 Sapwood Damage/Decay Canker/Galls/Burls Dead/Missing Bark Cavity/Nest Hole # Broken/Hangers 1Tree # Page 2 of 4 Crown and Branches Unbalanced Crown Live Crown Ratio: Dead twigs/branches Max dia. in inches: Over-extended Branches 85% 0.0 Crown cleaned Flush cuts Pruning History Selected branch removal on church side, likely for construction clearance. Cracks Lightning Damage Three large scaffold branches growing upward. In addition to the scaffold branches, there is a codominat top situation, poorly attached new growth included bark. Inspected from the ground with binoculars. Codominant Branches Weak Attachments In addition to the scaffold branches, there is a codominat top situation, poorly attached new growth included bark. Inspected from A few minor branch failures. Previous Branch Failures Similar Branches Present? Conks Heartwood Decay Response Growth Botanical Name Common Name Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar Jason Grinsell Included Bark Major concern is the co-dominate top with included bark. Fall distance of the affected part is 40' feet and would make a significant impact. Conditions of Concern 8-10" diameterPart Size Fall Distance in Feet 40 Load on Defect Moderate Likelihood of Failure Probable 5% 1.0Max dia. in inches: Targets Potentially Impacted 3/10/21, 11:08 AM Page 1 of 1https://block--vz-ay2jw-tr83g-z0--4au3jjr.airtableblocks.com/__runFrame?blo…n3jWi&shouldEnforceCspForPublishedApps=1&shouldReportCspForPublishedApps=0 % of trunk circumference missing wood: Sapwood Damage/Decay Canker/Galls/Burls Cavity/Nest Hole 1Tree # Page 3 of 4 Trunk Dead/ Missing bark Cracks Sap ooze Codominant Stems Conks Response Growth Botanical Name Common Name Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar Jason Grinsell Conditions of Concern Part Size: Fall Distance in Feet: Load on Defect Likelihood of Failure Some near cavity on trunk flare. Abnormal bark texture/color Included Bark? No Lightning Damage Heartwood Decay 15% 16.00Depth of cavity in inches: Poor Taper No Lean °Corrected? Limited regrowth. Cavity 20” wide and 16 inches deep. Whole tree 65 Moderate Possible 3/10/21, 11:09 AM Page 1 of 1https://block--vz-ay2jw-tr83g-z0--6ht7dvw.airtableblocks.com/__runFrame?bl…3jWi&shouldEnforceCspForPublishedApps=1&shouldReportCspForPublishedApps=0 Name Notes Depth: " % tree’s circumference affected: Conks/Mushrooms Cavity 1Tree # Page 3 of 4 Roots Collar Buried/Not Visible CracksCut/damaged roots Response Growth Botanical Name Common Name Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar Jason Grinsell Conditions of Concern Part Size: Fall Distance in Feet: Load on Defect Likelihood of Failure Stem girdling Distance from trunk: Depth: " Ooze Dead Decay 15-20' Surface roots affected, possibly more from construction activity. No visible signs. Building foundation within the drip-line of the tree. Construction completed within the last two years. None Witnessed 16.0 Cavity in trunk extends into root zone. On th side where construction occurred. Remainder of flare and roots on primary residence side are in good condition. Root Plate Lifting Soil Weakness Root collar decay related to trunk cavity. Whole tree 65 Minor Possible