HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2021 - Minutes CITY OF RENTON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS & FIREFIGHTERS DISABILITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 23, 2021 – 9:00 a.m. Video Conference (Zoom meeting) Attendees: Russ Olson, Ed Prince, James Matthew, Wendy Rittereiser, Jim Phelan, and Erika Eddins Absent: Valerie O’Halloran, Leslie Clark CALL TO ORDER Jim Phelan called the meeting to order at 09:00 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Russ Olson moved to approve the February 3, 2021 Special Meeting minutes and Jim Matthew seconded. Motion carried. Ed Prince moved to approve the January 26, 2021 minutes and Russ Olson seconded. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS #4333 – Request for approval of expenses not covered by HMA - The board reviewed a claim request for a member seeking reimbursement for out-of- pocket expenses paid for a portion of eye surgery services that the provider indicates is not covered by insurance and has not billed the insurance. Wendy Rittereiser explained that the member’s eye surgery occurred in January of 2020, and at that time the member signed an agreement with the provider upgrading to a special type of lens and acknowledging that insurance does not cover the upgraded lens and accepting responsibility for payment as the provider will not bill insurance for non-covered items. HMA has not received a bill from the provider, and they cannot process claims for reimbursement directly to members based on a personal credit card receipt and no medical diagnosis and procedure codes. Russ Olson made a motion and Ed Prince seconded, to deny approval of this reimbursement request and to inform the member of the proper process to follow for submitting claims to insurance. Motion carried. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS None ADJOURNMENT Ed Prince moved and Russ Olson seconded to adjourn. Motion carried. Jim Phelan closed the meeting at 09:15 a.m. April 27, 2021 LEOFF Board Jim Phelan Member at Large (Chair) Ed Prince Council Member Valerie O’Halloran Council Member James Matthew Fire and Emergency Services Russ Olson Police