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RMC ϰ-ϵ-ϮϬϬ.H ModifiĐatioŶ of PƌeǀiouslLJ Appƌoǀed Site PlaŶ PƌoĐess
RMC ϰ-ϴ Peƌŵits – GeŶeƌal aŶd Appeals
A ŵodifiĐatioŶ is a ŵeaŶs ďLJ ǁhiĐh aŶ appliĐaŶt ŵaLJ ƌeƋuest to ŵodifLJ a Code ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt ǁheŶ theƌe aƌe pƌaĐtiĐal
diffiĐulties iŶǀolǀed iŶ ĐaƌƌLJiŶg aŶLJ of the pƌoǀisioŶs of the CitLJ CeŶteƌ SigŶ RegulatioŶs ǁheŶ a speĐial iŶdiǀidual
ƌeasoŶ ŵakes the stƌiĐt letteƌ of the Code iŵpƌaĐtiĐal.
Pƌioƌ to suďŵittiŶg aŶ appliĐatioŶ, the appliĐaŶt should iŶfoƌŵallLJ disĐuss the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt ǁith the PlaŶŶiŶg
DiǀisioŶ. The PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill pƌoǀide assistaŶĐe aŶd detailed iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ the CitLJ’s ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts aŶd
staŶdaƌds. Foƌ fuƌtheƌ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ this ŵeetiŶg, see the iŶstƌuĐtioŶ sheet eŶtitled "Pƌe-AppliĐatioŶ.͟
A Pƌe-Suďŵittal sĐƌeeŶiŶg ŵaLJ ďe ƌeƋuiƌed pƌioƌ to foƌŵal LaŶd Use Reǀieǁ. The sĐƌeeŶiŶg ǁill ďe peƌfoƌŵed
eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ ǀia aŶ FTP liŶk that LJouƌ PƌojeĐt MaŶageƌ ǁill pƌoǀide to LJou. Afteƌ LJou upload LJouƌ suďŵittal doĐuŵeŶts
the PƌojeĐt MaŶageƌ ǁill ƌeǀieǁ the suďŵittal ŵateƌials to eŶsuƌe that ƌeƋuested ƌeǀisioŶs oƌ ŵissiŶg iteŵs haǀe ďeeŶ
updated aŶd/oƌ ĐoƌƌeĐted. If all ƌeƋuiƌed suďŵittal iteŵs aƌe pƌoǀided aŶd Đoŵplete, uŶless ǁaiǀed ďLJ the PƌojeĐt
MaŶageƌ, staff ǁill take iŶ the appliĐatioŶ foƌ offiĐial ƌeǀieǁ.
All doĐuŵeŶts MUST ďe suďŵitted eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ. SpeĐifiĐ file ŶaŵiŶg ĐoŶǀeŶtioŶs foƌ suďŵitted plaŶs aƌe ƌeƋuiƌed to
faĐilitate the eleĐtƌoŶiĐ plaŶ ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess. Failuƌe to adheƌe to the saŵple file ŶaŵiŶg foƌŵat listed iŶ the EleĐtƌoŶiĐ
File StaŶdaƌds ŵaLJ ƌesult iŶ a ƌeƋuest foƌ ƌesuďŵittal aŶd/oƌ delaLJ the plaŶ ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess, deeŵiŶg the appliĐatioŶ
IŶ oƌdeƌ to aĐĐept LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ, eaĐh of the Ŷuŵďeƌed iteŵs ŵust ďe suďŵitted at the saŵe tiŵe. DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ
that aŶ appliĐatioŶ is Đoŵplete iŶdiĐates oŶlLJ that the appliĐatioŶ is ƌeadLJ foƌ ƌeǀieǁ oŶ its ŵeƌits, Ŷot that the CitLJ ǁill
ŵake a faǀoƌaďle deĐisioŶ oŶ the appliĐatioŶ.
AppliĐatioŶs should ďe suďŵitted to PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ staff eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ, Ŷot iŶ peƌsoŶ. Please eŵail oƌ Đall LJouƌ
assigŶed PƌojeĐt MaŶageƌ to suďŵit LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ. If LJou haǀe aŶLJ PlaŶŶiŶg ƌelated ƋuestioŶs LJou ŵaLJ ƌeaĐh out to
PlaŶŶiŶg Custoŵeƌ SeƌǀiĐe at ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ oƌ plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ.
The aǀeƌage tiŵe fƌaŵe foƌ pƌoĐessiŶg of a ModifiĐatioŶ of PƌeǀiouslLJ Appƌoǀed Site PlaŶ ǀaƌies fƌoŵ ϲ to ϭϮ ǁeeks,
depeŶdiŶg oŶ ǁhetheƌ the deĐisioŶ ŵaLJ ďe ŵade adŵiŶistƌatiǀelLJ ;ϲ to ϴ ǁeeksͿ, ďLJ the HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ ;ϴ to ϭϮ
ǁeeksͿ, oƌ ďLJ the CitLJ CouŶĐil ;ϭϮ ǁeeksͿ. This tiŵe fƌaŵe assuŵes Ŷo appeals aƌe filed.
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page Ϯ of ϳ
AdditioŶal peƌŵits fƌoŵ otheƌ ageŶĐies ŵaLJ ďe ƌeƋuiƌed. It is the appliĐaŶt’s ƌespoŶsiďilitLJ to oďtaiŶ these otheƌ
appƌoǀals. IŶfoƌŵatioŶ ƌegaƌdiŶg these otheƌ ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts ŵaLJ ďe fouŶd at https://apps.oƌia.ǁa.goǀ/opas/
ϭ. CitLJ Staff oƌ otheƌ ageŶĐies ŵaLJ ƌeƋuest additioŶal iŶfoƌŵatioŶ duƌiŶg the ƌeǀieǁ aŶd deĐisioŶ-ŵakiŶg pƌoĐess.
Ϯ. It is iŵpoƌtaŶt that the appliĐaŶt suďŵit the ƌeƋuested ŵateƌial ƋuiĐklLJ to aǀoid delaLJs iŶ the pƌoĐess.
ϯ. AŶLJ tiŵe speŶt gatheƌiŶg data aŶd/oƌ additioŶal ĐitLJ ƌeǀieǁ peƌiod ǁill iŶĐƌease the tiŵe ƌeƋuiƌed to pƌoĐess the
The suďŵittal ĐheĐklist is Ŷot aŶ edžhaustiǀe list of suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts aŶd ŵaLJ ďe ŵodified iŶ Đases ǁheƌe
additioŶal iŶfoƌŵatioŶ is ƌeƋuiƌed to Đoŵplete the ƌeǀieǁ of aŶ appliĐatioŶ. The appliĐaŶt should ĐoŶtaĐt the assigŶed
PƌojeĐt MaŶageƌ, if theƌe aƌe aŶLJ ƋuestioŶs ƌegaƌdiŶg suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts.
All appliĐatioŶ ŵateƌials ƌeƋuiƌed uŶless ǁaiǀed ďy City Staff.
ϭ. Pƌe-AppliĐatioŶ MeetiŶg Suŵŵaƌy: If the appliĐatioŶ ǁas ƌeǀieǁed at a ͞pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg͟.
Ϯ. Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ: A Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ ǁill ďe pƌoǀided to LJou ďLJ CitLJ Staff duƌiŶg the Pƌe-Suďŵittal Reǀieǁ. The Waiǀeƌ
Foƌŵ should ďe suďŵitted ǁith the laŶd use appliĐatioŶ.
ϯ. LaŶd Use Peƌŵit Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ Foƌŵ: The staŶdaƌdized appliĐatioŶ foƌŵ used foƌ the ŵajoƌitLJ of laŶd use
peƌŵit appliĐatioŶs iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, the folloǁiŶg:
a. OǁŶeƌ, appliĐaŶt, aŶd ĐoŶtaĐt peƌsoŶ Ŷaŵes, addƌesses aŶd telephoŶe Ŷuŵďeƌs;
ď. Notaƌized sigŶatuƌes of all ĐuƌƌeŶt pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs;
Đ. Naŵe of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
d. PƌojeĐt/pƌopeƌtLJ addƌess;
e. KiŶg CouŶtLJ Assessoƌ’s tadž aĐĐouŶt Ŷuŵďeƌ;
f. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed laŶd uses;
g. EdžistiŶg aŶd, if appliĐaďle, pƌoposed CoŵpƌeheŶsiǀe PlaŶ ŵap desigŶatioŶ;
h. EdžistiŶg aŶd, if appliĐaďle, pƌoposed zoŶiŶg desigŶatioŶ;
i. Site aƌea;
j. Estiŵated pƌojeĐt Đost;
k. Whetheƌ oƌ Ŷot the pƌojeĐt site ĐoŶtaiŶs aŶLJ eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtallLJ seŶsitiǀe aƌeas; aŶd
l. PƌopeƌtLJ legal desĐƌiptioŶ.
Note: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust haǀe Ŷotaƌized sigŶatuƌes of ALL ĐuƌƌeŶt pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs listed oŶ the Title Repoƌt. If
the pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌ is a ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ, the authoƌized ƌepƌeseŶtatiǀe ŵust attaĐh pƌoof of sigŶiŶg authoƌitLJ oŶ ďehalf
of the ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ. The legal desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌopeƌtLJ ŵust ďe attaĐhed to the appliĐatioŶ foƌŵ.
ϰ. Fees: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust ďe aĐĐoŵpaŶied ďLJ the ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fee ;see Fee SĐheduleͿ. Please Đall ϰϮϱ-
ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ to ǀeƌifLJ the edžaĐt aŵouŶt ƌeƋuiƌed. CheĐks should ďe ŵade out to the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ aŶd ĐaŶŶot ďe
aĐĐepted foƌ oǀeƌ the total fee aŵouŶt. Cƌedit Đaƌds ŵaLJ also ďe used to paLJ ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fees. Fees aƌe
paid at Cashieƌ oŶ the ϭst Flooƌ CitLJ Hall.
ϱ. PƌojeĐt Naƌƌatiǀe: A Đleaƌ aŶd ĐoŶĐise desĐƌiptioŶ aŶd suŵŵaƌLJ of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt, iŶĐludiŶg the folloǁiŶg:
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϯ of ϳ
a. PƌojeĐt Ŷaŵe, size aŶd loĐatioŶ of site;
ď. ZoŶiŶg desigŶatioŶ of the site aŶd adjaĐeŶt pƌopeƌties;
Đ. CuƌƌeŶt use of the site aŶd aŶLJ edžistiŶg iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts;
d. SpeĐial site featuƌes ;i.e., ǁetlaŶds, ǁateƌ ďodies, steep slopesͿ;
e. StateŵeŶt addƌessiŶg soil tLJpe aŶd dƌaiŶage ĐoŶditioŶs;
f. Pƌoposed use of the pƌopeƌtLJ aŶd sĐope of the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt ;i.e., height, sƋuaƌe footage, lot
Đoǀeƌage, paƌkiŶg, aĐĐess, etĐ.Ϳ;
g. Pƌoposed off-site iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts ;i.e., iŶstallatioŶ of sideǁalks, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, seǁeƌ ŵaiŶ, etĐ.Ϳ;
h. Total estiŵated ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ Đost aŶd estiŵated faiƌ ŵaƌket ǀalue of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
i. Estiŵated ƋuaŶtities aŶd tLJpe of ŵateƌials iŶǀolǀed if aŶLJ fill oƌ edžĐaǀatioŶ is pƌoposed;
j. Nuŵďeƌ, tLJpe aŶd size of tƌees to ďe ƌeŵoǀed;
k. EdžplaŶatioŶ of aŶLJ laŶd to ďe dediĐated to the CitLJ; aŶd
l. Foƌ shoƌeliŶe appliĐatioŶs oŶlLJ:
• Naŵe of adjaĐeŶt ǁateƌ aƌea oƌ ǁetlaŶds,
• Natuƌe of edžistiŶg shoƌeliŶe – desĐƌiďe:
TLJpe of shoƌeliŶe ;i.e., lake, stƌeaŵ, lagooŶ, ŵaƌsh, ďog, floodplaiŶ, floodǁaLJͿ;
TLJpe of ďeaĐh ;i.e., aĐĐƌetioŶ, eƌosioŶ, high ďaŶk-loǁ ďaŶkͿ;
TLJpe of ŵateƌial ;i.e., saŶd, gƌaǀel, ŵud, ĐlaLJ, ƌoĐk, ƌipƌapͿ; aŶd
The edžteŶt aŶd tLJpe of aŶLJ ďulkheadiŶg, aŶd
• The Ŷuŵďeƌ aŶd loĐatioŶ of stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd/oƌ ƌesideŶtial uŶits ;edžistiŶg aŶd poteŶtialͿ ǁhiĐh ŵight
haǀe ǀieǁs oďstƌuĐted as a ƌesult of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt; aŶd
ŵ. The pƌoposed Ŷuŵďeƌ, size, aŶd deŶsitLJ of the Ŷeǁ lots, foƌ suďdiǀisioŶ appliĐatioŶs oŶlLJ.
ϲ. JustifiĐatioŶ foƌ the ModifiĐatioŶ ReƋuest: Please pƌoǀide a ǁƌitteŶ justifiĐatioŶ foƌ the ŵodifiĐatioŶ ƌeƋuest.
The BuƌdeŶ of pƌoof as to the appƌopƌiateŶess of the appliĐatioŶ lies ǁith the appliĐaŶt. WheŶeǀeƌ theƌe aƌe
pƌaĐtiĐal diffiĐulties iŶǀolǀed iŶ ĐaƌƌLJiŶg out the pƌoǀisioŶs of this Title, the DepaƌtŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ŵaLJ gƌaŶt
ŵodifiĐatioŶs foƌ iŶdiǀidual Đases pƌoǀided he/she shall fiƌst fiŶd that a speĐifiĐ ƌeasoŶ ŵakes the stƌiĐt letteƌ of this
Code iŵpƌaĐtiĐal, that the iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of the goǀeƌŶiŶg laŶd use desigŶatioŶ of the CoŵpƌeheŶsiǀe PlaŶ is
ŵet aŶd that the ŵodifiĐatioŶ is iŶ ĐoŶfoƌŵitLJ ǁith the iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of this Code, aŶd that suĐh
Please suďŵit a ǁƌitteŶ stateŵeŶt addƌessiŶg aŶd justifLJiŶg hoǁ the ŵodifiĐatioŶ ƌeƋuest Đoŵplies ǁith eaĐh of
the folloǁiŶg issues to ďe ĐoŶsideƌed ďLJ the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ:
a. SuďstaŶtiallLJ iŵpleŵeŶts the poliĐLJ diƌeĐtioŶ of the poliĐies aŶd oďjeĐtiǀes of the CoŵpƌeheŶsiǀe PlaŶ
LaŶd Use EleŵeŶt aŶd the CoŵŵuŶitLJ DesigŶ EleŵeŶt aŶd the pƌoposed ŵodifiĐatioŶ is the ŵiŶiŵuŵ
adjustŵeŶt ŶeĐessaƌLJ to iŵpleŵeŶt these poliĐies aŶd oďjeĐtiǀes;
ď. Will ŵeet the oďjeĐtiǀes aŶd safetLJ, fuŶĐtioŶ, appeaƌaŶĐe, eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal pƌoteĐtioŶ aŶd ŵaiŶtaiŶaďilitLJ
iŶteŶded ďLJ the Code ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts, ďased upoŶ souŶd eŶgiŶeeƌiŶg judgŵeŶt;
Đ. Will Ŷot ďe iŶjuƌious to otheƌ pƌopeƌtLJ;iesͿ iŶ the ǀiĐiŶitLJ;
d. CoŶfoƌŵs to the iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of the Code;
e. CaŶ ďe shoǁŶ to ďe justified aŶd ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ the use aŶd situatioŶ iŶteŶded; aŶd
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϰ of ϳ
f. Will Ŷot Đƌeate adǀeƌse iŵpaĐts to otheƌ pƌopeƌtLJ;iesͿ iŶ the ǀiĐiŶitLJ.
Reǀised Site PlaŶ: A siŶgle fullLJ diŵeŶsioŶed plaŶ sheet dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁeŶtLJ feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬ'Ϳ
;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ DiƌeĐtoƌ oƌ desigŶeeͿ ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐatiŶg the folloǁiŶg:
a. Naŵe of pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
ď. Date, sĐale, aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ oƌieŶted to the top of the plaŶ sheet;
Đ. DƌaǁiŶg of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ ǁith all pƌopeƌtLJ liŶes diŵeŶsioŶed aŶd Ŷaŵes of adjaĐeŶt stƌeets;
d. Widths of all adjaĐeŶt stƌeets aŶd alleLJs;
e. The loĐatioŶ of all edžistiŶg puďliĐ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, Đuƌďs, gutteƌs, sideǁalks,
ŵediaŶ islaŶds, stƌeet tƌees, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, utilitLJ poles, etĐ., aloŶg the full pƌopeƌtLJ fƌoŶtage;
f. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes, paƌkiŶg aŶd loadiŶg aƌeas, dƌiǀeǁaLJs,
edžistiŶg tƌees oŶ aŶd aďuttiŶg the site, edžistiŶg oƌ pƌoposed feŶĐiŶg oƌ ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁalls, fƌeestaŶdiŶg sigŶs,
easeŵeŶts, ƌefuse aŶd ƌeĐLJĐliŶg aƌeas, fƌeestaŶdiŶg liƋuid fidžtuƌes, utilitLJ juŶĐtioŶ ďodžes, puďliĐ utilitLJ
tƌaŶsfoƌŵeƌs, stoƌage aƌeas, ďuffeƌ aƌeas, opeŶ spaĐes, aŶd laŶdsĐaped aƌeas;
g. The loĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of Ŷatuƌal featuƌes suĐh as stƌeaŵs, lakes, ŵaƌshes aŶd ǁetlaŶds. IŶĐlude
ďouŶdaƌies of utilitLJ, opeŶ spaĐe, aŶd/oƌ ĐƌitiĐal aƌea;sͿ tƌaĐts, sƋuaƌe footage, aŶd puƌpose stateŵeŶt of
eaĐh tƌaĐt. CleaƌlLJ deliŶeate the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea aŶd ďuffeƌ ďouŶdaƌies ǁithiŶ the tƌaĐt aŶd iŶdiĐate a
diŵeŶsioŶ foƌ ďuffeƌ ǁidth;
h. OƌdiŶaƌLJ high ǁateƌ ŵaƌk, edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed, aŶd Ŷaŵe of ǁateƌ ďodLJ if appliĐaďle;
i. Foƌ ǁiƌeless ĐoŵŵuŶiĐatioŶ faĐilities, iŶdiĐate tLJpe aŶd loĐatioŶs of edžistiŶg aŶd Ŷeǁ plaŶt ŵateƌials used
to sĐƌeeŶ faĐilitLJ ĐoŵpoŶeŶts aŶd the pƌoposed Đoloƌ;sͿ foƌ the faĐilitLJ;
j. A legeŶd listiŶg the folloǁiŶg ŵust ďe iŶĐluded oŶ oŶe of the site plaŶ sheets:
• Total sƋuaƌe footage of the site,
• SƋuaƌe footage ;ďLJ flooƌ aŶd oǀeƌall totalͿ of eaĐh iŶdiǀidual ďuildiŶg aŶd/oƌ use,
• Total sƋuaƌe footage of all ďuildiŶgs ;footpƌiŶt of eaĐh ďuildiŶgͿ,
• PeƌĐeŶtage of lot Đoǀeƌage,
• SƋuaƌe footage of all laŶdsĐapiŶg ;total, paƌkiŶg lot, aŶd ǁildlife haďitatͿ,
• Alloǁaďle aŶd pƌoposed ďuildiŶg height,
• BuildiŶg setďaĐks ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ Code,
• Pƌoposed ďuildiŶg setďaĐks,
• PaƌkiŶg aŶalLJsis, iŶĐludiŶg:
Nuŵďeƌ of stalls ƌeƋuiƌed, ďLJ use; Ŷuŵďeƌ of stalls pƌoǀided, ďLJ use,
Sizes of stalls aŶd aŶgles,
LoĐatioŶ aŶd Ŷuŵďeƌ of haŶdiĐap stalls, ĐoŵpaĐt, eŵploLJee aŶd/oƌ guest paƌkiŶg stalls,
LoĐatioŶ aŶd size of Đuƌď Đuts,
TƌaffiĐ floǁ ǁithiŶ the paƌkiŶg, loadiŶg, aŶd ŵaŶeuǀeƌiŶg aƌeas aŶd iŶgƌess aŶd egƌess,
LoĐatioŶ of ǁheel stops,
LoadiŶg spaĐe,
StaĐkiŶg spaĐe,
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϱ of ϳ
LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of ďiĐLJĐle ƌaĐks, Đaƌpool paƌkiŶg spaĐes, aŶd otheƌ faĐilities desigŶed to
aĐĐoŵŵodate aĐĐess to the site,
SƋuaƌe footage of iŶteƌioƌ paƌkiŶg lot laŶdsĐapiŶg;
k. FootpƌiŶt of all pƌoposed ďuildiŶgs shoǁiŶg the loĐatioŶ of ďuildiŶg eŶtƌaŶĐes, ǁiŶdoǁ opeŶiŶgs, aŶd
laŶdsĐape featuƌes ;ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ UƌďaŶ CeŶteƌ DesigŶ OǀeƌlaLJ DistƌiĐt ƌeǀieǁ paĐket oŶlLJͿ;
l. FootpƌiŶt of all aďuttiŶg aŶd adjaĐeŶt ďuildiŶgs shoǁiŶg the loĐatioŶ of ďuildiŶg eŶtƌaŶĐes, ǁiŶdoǁ
opeŶiŶgs, aŶd laŶdsĐape featuƌes ;ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ UƌďaŶ CeŶteƌ DesigŶ OǀeƌlaLJ DistƌiĐt ƌeǀieǁ paĐket oŶlLJͿ;
ŵ. Foƌ ŶoŶĐoŶfoƌŵiŶg use oƌ stƌuĐtuƌe ƌeďuild appƌoǀal peƌŵits: dƌaǁ oŶ the sĐaled plaŶ the edžaĐt sizes aŶd
loĐatioŶs of edžistiŶg stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd uses, ǁhetheƌ daŵaged oƌ Ŷot; ǁƌite oŶ the sĐaled plaŶ the dates these
stƌuĐtuƌes/uses ǁeƌe estaďlished; oŶ a sepaƌate sheet, ideŶtifLJ the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ, aďuttiŶg lots aŶd
ďuildiŶgs aŶd list adjaĐeŶt aŶd aďuttiŶg laŶd uses.
ϴ. Neighďoƌhood Detail Map: Please pƌoǀide a ŵap, dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" =
ϭϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁo huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬϬ'Ϳ ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ DiƌeĐtoƌ oƌ
desigŶeeͿ. The ŵap shall shoǁ the loĐatioŶ of the suďjeĐt site ƌelatiǀe to the pƌopeƌtLJ ďouŶdaƌies of the
suƌƌouŶdiŶg paƌĐels ǁithiŶ appƌodžiŵatelLJ oŶe thousaŶd feet ;ϭ,ϬϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ appƌodžiŵatelLJ tǁo thousaŶd fiǀe huŶdƌed
feet ;Ϯ,ϱϬϬ'Ϳ foƌ pƌopeƌties oǀeƌ fiǀe ;ϱͿ aĐƌes aŶd ideŶtifLJiŶg the suďjeĐt site ǁith a daƌkeƌ peƌiŵeteƌ liŶe thaŶ that
of suƌƌouŶdiŶg pƌopeƌties. The ŵap shall also shoǁ the pƌopeƌtLJ’s lot liŶes, edžistiŶg laŶd uses, ďuildiŶg outliŶes,
CitLJ ďouŶdaƌies of the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;if appliĐaďleͿ, Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ ;oƌieŶted to the top of the plaŶ sheetͿ, gƌaphiĐ
sĐale used foƌ the ŵap, aŶd CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;Ŷot KiŶg CouŶtLJͿ stƌeet Ŷaŵes foƌ all stƌeets shoǁŶ. ;Aŵd. Oƌd. ϰϵϲϯ, ϱ
ϵ. AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal EleǀatioŶs: A tǁeŶtLJ fouƌ iŶĐh ďLJ thiƌtLJ sidž iŶĐh ;Ϯϰ" dž ϯϲ"Ϳ fullLJ diŵeŶsioŶed aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal
eleǀatioŶ plaŶ dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of oŶe-fouƌth iŶĐh eƋuals oŶe foot ;ϭ/ϰ" = ϭ'Ϳ oƌ oŶe-eighth iŶĐh eƋuals oŶe foot
;ϭ/ϴ" = ϭ'Ϳ ;oƌ otheƌ size oƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the BuildiŶg OffiĐialͿ ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐatiŶg the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ
the ͞Peƌŵits͟ seĐtioŶ of the ĐuƌƌeŶtlLJ adopted IŶteƌŶatioŶal BuildiŶg Code aŶd Đhapteƌ ϭϵ.Ϯϳ RCW ;State BuildiŶg
Code AĐt, Stateǁide aŵeŶdŵeŶtsͿ, iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, the folloǁiŶg:
a. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed gƌouŶd eleǀatioŶs;
ď. EdžistiŶg aǀeƌage gƌade leǀel uŶdeƌŶeath pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe;
Đ. Height of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes shoǁiŶg fiŶished ƌoof top eleǀatioŶs ďased upoŶ site eleǀatioŶs
foƌ pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd aŶLJ edžistiŶg/aďuttiŶg stƌuĐtuƌes;
d. BuildiŶg ŵateƌials aŶd Đoloƌs iŶĐludiŶg ƌoof, ǁalls, aŶLJ ǁiƌeless ĐoŵŵuŶiĐatioŶ faĐilities, aŶd eŶĐlosuƌes;
e. FeŶĐe oƌ ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁall ŵateƌials, Đoloƌs, aŶd aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal desigŶ;
f. AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal desigŶ of oŶ-site lightiŶg fidžtuƌes; aŶd
g. Cƌoss-seĐtioŶ of ƌoof shoǁiŶg loĐatioŶ aŶd height of ƌooftop eƋuipŵeŶt ;iŶĐludiŶg aiƌ ĐoŶditioŶeƌs,
Đoŵpƌessoƌs, etĐ.Ϳ aŶd pƌoposed sĐƌeeŶiŶg.
h. ReƋuiƌed foƌ the UƌďaŶ CeŶteƌ DesigŶ OǀeƌlaLJ DistƌiĐt ƌeǀieǁ paĐket.
• IdeŶtifLJ ďuildiŶg eleǀatioŶs ďLJ stƌeet Ŷaŵe aŶd oƌieŶtatioŶ, i.e., BuƌŶett Aǀe. ;ǁestͿ eleǀatioŶ.
• Shoǁ the loĐatioŶ of ƌoofliŶes, dooƌs aŶd ǁiŶdoǁ opeŶiŶgs.
• IŶdiĐate tLJpiĐal detailiŶg aƌouŶd dooƌs, ǁiŶdoǁs aŶd ďalĐoŶies iŶdiĐatiŶg fiŶishes, Đoloƌ aŶd ƌefleĐtiǀitLJ
of glaziŶg.
• IdeŶtifLJ offsets iŶ ǁalls iŶteŶded to ŵeet the ŵiŶiŵuŵ ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts foƌ ďuildiŶg ŵodulatioŶ
iŶdiĐatiŶg the aŵouŶt of offset.
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϲ of ϳ
• Shoǁ oŶ eaĐh eleǀatioŶ aŶLJ ƌoof top eleŵeŶts suĐh as ŵeĐhaŶiĐal aŶd eleǀatoƌ peŶthouses that
pƌotƌude aďoǀe the paƌapet oƌ peŶetƌate the ƌoof aŶd ǁould ďe ǀisiďle fƌoŵ otheƌ ďuildiŶgs of the
saŵe height.
• Photogƌaphs of pƌoposed ŵateƌials fƌoŵ ŵaŶufaĐtuƌeƌs’ Đatalogues. A ŵateƌials ďoaƌd shoǁiŶg aĐtual
ŵateƌials aŶd Đoloƌs ƌefeƌeŶĐed oŶ the aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal eleǀatioŶs is ƌeĐoŵŵeŶded.
i. ReƋuiƌed foƌ shoƌeliŶe peƌŵits:
• IŶĐlude ŵeasuƌeŵeŶts of the edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed eleǀatioŶs of the stƌeaŵ, ƌiǀeƌ oƌ lake ďottoŵ iŶ
ƌelatioŶship to the pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe, if the pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe is loĐated fullLJ oƌ paƌtiallLJ iŶ, oƌ oǀeƌ,
the ǁateƌ.
• PƌojeĐts edžĐeediŶg thiƌtLJ fiǀe feet ;ϯϱ'Ϳ iŶ height ŵust deŵoŶstƌate ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith the height
ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt iŶ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϵϬDϳa.
ϭϬ. BiologiĐal AssessŵeŶt/CƌitiĐal Aƌeas Study: PƌojeĐts ǁith the poteŶtial to iŵpaĐt fish ;ChiŶook salŵoŶ, ďull
tƌout, steelhead tƌoutͿ, uŶedžpeĐted, Ŷeǁ, ƌaƌe oƌ otheƌ eŶdaŶgeƌed speĐies haďitat ;ďald eaglesͿ shall pƌoǀide a
ďiologiĐal assessŵeŶt/ĐƌitiĐal aƌea studLJ. The puƌpose of this assessŵeŶt is to deteƌŵiŶe ǁhetheƌ a pƌoposed
aĐtioŶ is likelLJ to: ;ϭͿ adǀeƌselLJ affeĐt listed oƌ de-listed speĐies oƌ desigŶated ĐƌitiĐal haďitat; ;ϮͿ jeopaƌdize the
ĐoŶtiŶued edžisteŶĐe of speĐies that aƌe pƌoposed foƌ listiŶg, oƌ uŶedžpeĐted, Ŷeǁ oƌ ƌaƌe speĐies; oƌ ;ϯͿ adǀeƌselLJ
ŵodifLJ pƌoposed ĐƌitiĐal haďitat. A ďiologiĐal assessŵeŶt/ĐƌitiĐal aƌea studLJ is a ǁƌitteŶ studLJ that eǀaluates the
pƌoposal, all pƌoďaďle iŵpaĐts aŶd ƌisks ƌelated to the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea, aŶd ƌeĐoŵŵeŶds appƌopƌiate ŵitigatioŶ
ŵeasuƌes to adeƋuatelLJ pƌoteĐt the fuŶĐtioŶs aŶd ǀalues of the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea, aŶd pƌeseƌǀe aŶadƌoŵous fish aŶd
theiƌ haďitat.
The assessŵeŶt/studLJ shall ďe pƌepaƌed ďLJ a peƌsoŶ ǁith edžpeƌieŶĐe aŶd tƌaiŶiŶg iŶ the sĐieŶtifiĐ disĐipliŶe
appƌopƌiate foƌ the ƌeleǀaŶt ĐƌitiĐal aƌea iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith WAC ϯϲϱ-ϭϵϱ-Ϭϵϱ;ϰͿ. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal ŵust
haǀe oďtaiŶed a B.S. oƌ B.A. oƌ eƋuiǀaleŶt degƌee iŶ ďiologLJ, eŶgiŶeeƌiŶg, eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal studies, fisheƌies,
geoŵoƌphologLJ, ďiologiĐal assessŵeŶt, oƌ ƌelated field, aŶd haǀe at least fiǀe ;ϱͿ LJeaƌs of ƌelated ǁoƌk edžpeƌieŶĐe.
a. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ ǁetlaŶds ŵust ďe a pƌofessioŶal ǁetlaŶd sĐieŶtist ǁith at least tǁo ;ϮͿ LJeaƌs of
full-tiŵe ǁoƌk edžpeƌieŶĐe as a ǁetlaŶds pƌofessioŶal, iŶĐludiŶg deliŶeatiŶg ǁetlaŶds usiŶg the fedeƌal
ŵaŶuals aŶd suppleŵeŶts, pƌepaƌiŶg ǁetlaŶds ƌepoƌts, ĐoŶduĐtiŶg fuŶĐtioŶ assessŵeŶts, aŶd deǀelopiŶg
aŶd iŵpleŵeŶtiŶg ŵitigatioŶ plaŶs.
ď. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ Haďitat ĐoŶseƌǀatioŶ ŵust haǀe a degƌee iŶ ďiologLJ oƌ a ƌelated degƌee aŶd
pƌofessioŶal edžpeƌieŶĐe ƌelated to the suďjeĐt speĐies.
Đ. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ a geologiĐal hazaƌd ŵust ďe a pƌofessioŶal eŶgiŶeeƌ oƌ geologist, liĐeŶsed iŶ the
state of WashiŶgtoŶ.
d. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ Wellhead PƌoteĐtioŶ Aƌeas ŵeaŶs a hLJdƌogeologist, geologist, eŶgiŶeeƌ, oƌ
otheƌ sĐieŶtist ǁith edžpeƌieŶĐe iŶ pƌepaƌiŶg hLJdƌogeologiĐ assessŵeŶts.
The assessŵeŶt/studLJ shall use sĐieŶtifiĐallLJ ǀalid ŵethods aŶd studies iŶ the aŶalLJsis of ĐƌitiĐal aƌea data aŶd field
ƌeĐoŶŶaissaŶĐe aŶd ƌefeƌeŶĐe the souƌĐe of the ŵateƌial used. Best aǀailaďle sĐieŶĐe is that sĐieŶtifiĐ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ
appliĐaďle to the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea pƌepaƌed ďLJ loĐal state oƌ fedeƌal Ŷatuƌal ageŶĐies oƌ a Ƌualified sĐieŶtifiĐ
pƌofessioŶal that is ĐoŶsisteŶt ǁith the Đƌiteƌia estaďlished iŶ WAC ϯϵϱ-ϭϵϱ-ϵϬϬ thƌough ϯϲϱ-ϭϵϱ-ϵϮϱ.
The assessŵeŶt/studLJ shall ĐoŶtaiŶ, at a ŵiŶiŵuŵ, the folloǁiŶg iŶfoƌŵatioŶ, as appliĐaďle:
a. The Ŷaŵe aŶd ĐoŶtaĐt iŶfoƌŵatioŶ of the appliĐaŶt;
ď. The dates, Ŷaŵes, aŶd ƋualifiĐatioŶs of the peƌsoŶs pƌepaƌiŶg the assessŵeŶt/studLJ aŶd doĐuŵeŶtatioŶ of
aŶLJ fieldǁoƌk peƌfoƌŵed oŶ the site;
Đ. A desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌoposal aŶd ideŶtifiĐatioŶ of the peƌŵits ƌeƋuested;
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϳ of ϳ
d. A site plaŶ shoǁiŶg:
• IdeŶtified ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas, ďuffeƌs aŶd the deǀelopŵeŶt pƌoposal ǁith diŵeŶsioŶs;
• TopogƌaphLJ at tǁo-foot ;Ϯ'Ϳ iŶteƌǀals;
• Liŵits of aŶLJ aƌeas to ďe Đleaƌed/iŵpaĐted; aŶd
• A desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌoposed stoƌŵǁateƌ ŵaŶageŵeŶt plaŶ foƌ the deǀelopŵeŶt aŶd ĐoŶsideƌatioŶ of
iŵpaĐts to dƌaiŶage alteƌatioŶs;
e. AĐĐuƌate ideŶtifiĐatioŶ, loĐatioŶ, aŶd ĐhaƌaĐteƌizatioŶ of ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas, ǁateƌ ďodies, aŶd ďuffeƌs adjaĐeŶt
to the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt aƌea oƌ poteŶtiallLJ iŵpaĐted ďLJ the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
f. A stateŵeŶt speĐifLJiŶg the aĐĐuƌaĐLJ of the assessŵeŶt/studLJ, assuŵptioŶs used iŶ the assessŵeŶt/studLJ,
aŶd edžplaiŶiŶg hoǁ ďest aǀailaďle sĐieŶĐe has ďeeŶ iŶĐoƌpoƌated;
g. DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ of the degƌee of hazaƌd aŶd ƌisk fƌoŵ the pƌoposal ďoth oŶ the site aŶd oŶ suƌƌouŶdiŶg
h. AŶ assessŵeŶt of the pƌoďaďle Đuŵulatiǀe iŵpaĐts to the ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas, theiƌ ďuffeƌs aŶd otheƌ pƌopeƌties
ƌesultiŶg fƌoŵ the pƌoposal;
i. AŶ eǀaluatioŶ of the pƌojeĐt’s ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith seĐtioŶs ϳ aŶd ϵ of the EŶdaŶgeƌed SpeĐies AĐt;
j. A desĐƌiptioŶ of ƌeasoŶaďle effoƌts ŵade to applLJ ŵitigatioŶ seƋueŶĐiŶg to aǀoid, ŵiŶiŵize, aŶd ŵitigate
iŵpaĐts to ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas;
k. PlaŶs foƌ adeƋuate ŵitigatioŶ to offset aŶLJ iŵpaĐts aŶd aŶ edžplaŶatioŶ of hoǁ ďest ŵaŶageŵeŶt pƌaĐtiĐes
ǁill ďe used to ŵiŶiŵize iŵpaĐts to ĐƌitiĐal aƌea; aŶd
l. ReĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶs foƌ ŵaiŶteŶaŶĐe, shoƌt-teƌŵ aŶd loŶg-teƌŵ ŵoŶitoƌiŶg, ĐoŶtiŶgeŶĐLJ plaŶs aŶd seĐuƌitLJ
CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ Foƌŵs
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