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RMC 4-7-070 Short Plat Recording Process (aka Final Short Plat)
RMC 4-8 Permits—General and Appeals
To ensure the proposed land division is in accordance with City of Renton’s adopted standards and consistent with the
approved Short Plat. In addition, final review is used to verify compliance with any required conditions.
Applicants have the option to submit the application package that includes the numbered items below, for an informal
review prior to submitting for the formal application submittal. Contact your assigned Development Engineer to arrange
for electronic submission of the application package. If you do not have an assigned Development Engineer within the
Planning Division or do not know who your assigned Development Engineer is, please send an email to
developmentengineering@rentonwa.gov. This Review occurs prior to substantial completion of project construction and
prior to compliance with all the Conditions of Plat Approval related to construction of items in the field. This review is
highly recommended to reduce the time between the official final short plat application submittal and final short plat
All documents MUST be submitted electronically. Specific file naming conventions for submitted plans are required to
facilitate the electronic plan review process. Failure to adhere to the sample file naming format listed in the Electronic File
Standards may result in a request for resubmittal and/or delay the plan review process, deeming the application
To accept your application, each of the numbered items must be submitted at the same time. Determination that an
application is complete indicates only that the application is ready for review on its merits, not that the City will make a
favorable decision on the application. PLAT NAME: Please ensure that the final short plat name is consistent with the
name used for the preliminary short plat application.
Applications should be submitted to City staff electronically, not in person. Please email or call your assigned Project
Manager to submit your application or email developmentengineering@rentonwa.gov
The average time frame for processing of a Preliminary Short Plat application is typically 6 to 8 weeks, and the decision is
issued administratively by the Administrator. This time frame assumes no appeals are filed. As a Type 2 application it
requires public notice which provides an opportunity for public comments prior to a decision.
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Once the Final Short Plat application is submitted to the Planning Division, the materials will be routed to those City
departments having an interest in the application. Reviewers have approximately two weeks to return their comments to
the Planning Division. All comments and any requests for revisions will be sent to the applicant. Once all comments have
been addressed, the applicant re-submits the revised plans and/or documents for review. The time frame for Final Short
Plat processing is largely dependent upon application completeness and prompt turnaround time of revisions.
As part of the review process, the assigned Planning, Development Engineering, Construction Inspector will ensure that
that all conditions of the preliminary short plat approval have been met. Once the applicant has demonstrated these
items have been addressed through either a confirmation of improvement installation approval or letter of deferral, the
Community and Economic Development (CED) Administrator will issue an Administrative Decision. The CED
Administrator’s action to approve, modify, or reject the Final Short Plat shall be final unless the action is appealed to the
City Council within 14 days of the Administrative Decision.
Note: Lots cannot legally be sold until the Short Plat has received its recording number.
If right-of-way dedication is required for the Short Plat, a separate deed of dedication document for City approval is
required. The associated deed of right-of-way dedication must be submitted along with the final short plat application and
shall be reviewed, approved, and recorded concurrently with the final short plat. A reference to the separate deed of
dedication shall be provided on the final short plat map.
1. City Staff or other agencies may request additional information during the review and decision-making process.
2. It is important that the applicant submit the requested material quickly to avoid delays in the process.
3. Any time spent gathering data and/or additional city review period will increase the time required to process the
4. The applicant may request a letter of deferral from the Administrator and post security for improvements that have not
been completed. Approval to defer improvements is not guaranteed, therefore it is recommended that applicant work
towards completing all improvements prior to recording of the final short plat.
Time Limits: Such security shall list the exact work that shall be performed by the applicant and shall specify that
all the deferred improvements shall be completed within the time specified by the Administrator, and if no time is
specified, then no later than one year.
The submittal checklist is not an exhaustive list of submittal requirements and may be modified in cases where
additional information is required to complete the review of an application. The applicant should contact the assigned
Development Engineer if there are any questions regarding submittal requirements.
1. Waiver Form: A Waiver Form will be provided to you by City Staff during the Pre-Submittal Review. The Waiver Form
should be submitted with the land use application.
2. Land Use Permit Master Application Form: The application must have notarized signatures of ALL current property
owners listed on the Title Report. If the property owner is a corporation, the authorized representative must attach
proof of signing authority on behalf of the corporation. The legal description of the property must be attached to the
application form.
3. Fees: The application must be accompanied by the required application fee (see Fee Schedule). Please email
developmentengineering@rentonwa.gov or the assigned Development Engineer to verify the exact amount required.
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Acceptable methods of payment are credit cards and checks, if paying by check it should be made payable to the City
of Renton and cannot be accepted for over the total fee amount.
4. Calculations: Please provide complete field calculations and computations noted for the plat and details (if any) of
all distances, angles, and calculations together with information on the error of closure. The error of closure on any
traverse shall not exceed 1’ in 10,000’.
5. Certificate of Incorporation of HOA: Please provide a State of Washington, Secretary of State Certificate of
Incorporation for the plat’s Homeowners’ Association.
6. Confirmation of Compliance with all Conditions of Short Plat Approval: Please provide a statement detailing how
all conditions of plat approval have been addressed. Provide the Administrative or ERC conditions.
7. Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication: If any public right-of-way is required for your project, please provide a draft deed
of right-of-way dedication.
8. Draft Legal Documents: Please provide the final draft of the deed restrictions with appropriate signatures (covenants,
conditions, and restrictions) any street dedications, draft of Homeowners Association, or any other legal documents
pertaining to the development and use of the property.
9. Monument Cards: When a monument(s) is installed as part of the project, please provide 1 electronic copy of a form
obtained from the City Technical Services Division. It must be filled out by a surveyor providing information regarding
a single monument, including the Section, Township and Range, method of location, type of mark found or set, manner
of re-establishment of the single monument (if applicable), description, and a drawing showing the location of a single
monument and indicating a reference point to that monument.
10. Plat Certificate or Title Report: Please provide a current Plat Certificate or Title Report obtained from a title
company documenting the ownership and title of all interested parties in the plat, subdivision, or dedication and listing
all encumbrances of the involved parcel(s). In the case of a final short plat, the certificate shall be dated within forty-
five (45) days prior to the approval of the final short plat. The Title Report should include all parcels being developed,
but no parcels that are not part of the development. If the Plat Certificate or Title Report references any recorded
documents (i.e. easements, dedications, covenants) the referenced recorded document(s) must also be provided. All
easements referenced in the Plat Certificate must be located, identified by type and recording number, and
dimensioned on the Site Plan.
11. Final Short Plat: A plan, with a two-inch (2") border on the left edge and one-half inch (1/2") on all other sides,
prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.010, General Provisions, as
it exists or may be amended, and/or chapter 58.17 RCW, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of one inch equals forty
feet (1" = 40') on eighteen inch by twenty four inch (18" x 24") plan sheet(s) (or other scale approved by the Planning
Division Director). The reproducible original shall be in black ink on paper and shall include the following:
a. Name and location of the short plat or binding site plan;
b. Space reserved for “City of Renton file number” (large type) at top of first sheet;
c. Space reserved for “City of Renton land record number” (small type) at bottom left of first sheet;
d. Legal description of the property;
e. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow;
f. Vicinity map (a reduced version of the “neighborhood detail map” as defined above);
g. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open
spaces and reservations, as well as all utilities, streets, existing and new easements and associated covenants
within or abutting the short plat. If a new easement is created on the plat, it must show grantee of easement
rights. If the grantee is the City, a statement of easement provisions reserving and conveying the easement,
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with a description of the rights and purposes, needs to be made on the short plat;
h. Lots designated by number within the area of the lot. Tracts shall be similarly designated and each tract shall be
clearly identified with ownership. Lot lines with all property lines dimensioned and square footage of each lot;
i. Lot numbers;
j. Addresses for each lot and new street names determined by the Department in accordance with the street grid
system regulations of chapter 9-11 RMC;
k. Reservations, restrictive covenants, easements and any areas to be dedicated to public use with notes stating
their purpose, and any limitations, and identifying the grantee. If the grantee is the City, a statement of
provisions reserving, granting and/or conveying the area with a description of the rights and purposes must
be shown;
l. Coordinates pursuant to City surveying standards for permanent control monuments;
m. All interior permanent control monuments located pursuant to City surveying standards;
n. Statement of equipment and procedure used pursuant to WAC 332-130-100;
o. Basis for bearing pursuant to WAC 332-130-050(1)(b)(iii);
p. Date the existing monuments were visited pursuant to WAC 332-130-050(1)(f)(iv);
q. Verification that permanent markers are set at corners of the proposed lots;
r. Statement of discrepancies, if any, between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated;
s. Location, dimensions and square footage of any existing structures to remain within or abutting the plat;
t. Location of existing conditions (such as wetlands, steep slopes, watercourses) on or adjacent to the site which
could hinder development. Include boundaries of utility, open space, and/or critical area(s) tracts, square
footage, and purpose statement of each tract. Clearly delineate the critical area and buffer boundaries within
the tract and indicate a dimension for buffer width;
u. Reference to all agreements or covenants required as a condition of approval;
v. For binding site plans only: provisions requiring site development to be in conformity with the approved binding
site plan;
w. Certifications by:
• A State of Washington licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes
have been set,
• The King County Department of Health that the proposed septic system(s) is acceptable to serve the plat if
not served by sewer;
x. Signature and date line for:
• All property owners (signatures must be notarized with an ink stamp),
• The King County Assessor,
• The Public Works Administrator.
12. Public Works Approval: Written confirmation from the Development Engineering Manager or designee that all
required improvements have been substantially installed or deferred and authorizing the submittal of the final short
plat and final binding site plan applications.
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City of Renton Forms
Electronic File Standards
Note: This handout shall not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The Applicant is responsible for
compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document.