HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Hardy Short Plat_Project Narrative_200405_v14648 Shantel St, Mount Vernon, WA 98274 Cell Phone: 206 714-7161 email: cliff@sitedme.com Development Management Engineers, LLC The Developer’s Engineering Advocate HARDY SHORT PLAT 2 Lot Development 857 Field Ave NE PROJECT NARRATIVE The proposal is to subdivide a single lot, Parcel Nu. 143765-0040 into two lots and construct two new houses. The property is in Renton’s East Plateau Planning Area. Zoning Designation: The site and adjacent properties are zoned R-8, RMD. Current Use: One SFR plus a small shed. Special Features: There are no special features on the property. Soil Type/Drainage Conditions: The property is in an area generally underlain by Vashon Glacial Till that is typically unsuitable for infiltration BMPs. The natural drainage of the site is via sheet flow from east to west. There is an existing public storm drain system fronting the site which flows north then west to a stormwater pond. Drainage ultimately flows to May Creek. The proposed storm water control system includes collecting public runoff from the replaced frontage improvements and constructing a new public storm system through the Tract and to a storm detention vault in Lot 1, with the discharge run in the public drainage easement to the existing public system in NE 9th street. Proposed Use: The existing buildings will be removed. The property will be divided into 2 lots of 4,816 and 7,565 SF plus a shared driveway Tract. Two new houses will be built. Required Off-site Improvements: Per PRE20-000160, the required off-site improvements include a sewer main extension and replacement of existing frontage improvements. The sewer main will be extended from its existing terminus in Field Ave NE, about 40’ south of the property to the north property line. The existing on-site septic system will be abandoned, and the two new homes will be connected to the extended public sewer system. In addition, the City is requiring replacement of the existing frontage improvements with a vertical curb, 8’ planter strip and 5’ sidewalk. Estimated Construction Cost and Fair Market Value: $150,000 Estimated Cuts/Fill Quantities:90 CY Cut and 340 CY Fill for a net Fill of 250 CY. Trees Removed: There are 6 trees to be removed including 2 apple (6” and 10”), 2 English Laurel (both 6”), 1 cedar (19”) and 1 vine maple (3”-6”). Explanation of Dedication to City: The existing ROW of 60’ is already wider than the standard Residential Access street ROW width of 53’. However, with the City required frontage improvements replacement, see above discussion under Off-site Improvements, an additional ROW dedication of 3’ is needed. Proposed Density: With the proposed two lots, the density will be 7.04 DU/acre.