HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, May 24, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Councilmembers are attending this meeting remotely through Zoom. Audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom, but the public is requested to sign up for such testimony by calling 425-430-6501 or emailing cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or jsubia@rentonwa.gov by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting. The public may also submit comments in writing to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser) or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253- 215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917 Passcode 156708, or (3) call 425-430-6501 by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. Those providing audience comments will be limited to 5 minutes each speaker unless an exception is granted by the Council. Attendees will be muted and not audible to the Council except during times they are designated to speak. Advance instructions for how to address the Council will be provided to those who sign up in advance to speak and again during the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) Safe Boating and Paddling Week - May 22 - 28, 2021 4. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a) Administrative Report 5. AUDIENCE COMMENTS NOTICE to all participants: Pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 6. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of May 17, 2021. Council Concur b) AB - 2866 Mayor Pavone reappoints Charles Seil to the Planning Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2024. Council Concur c) AB - 2869 City Clerk reports bid opening on April 15, 2021 for the Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit project CAG-21-038, and submits the staff recommendation to award the contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Diversified Holdings NW, LLC in the amount of $208,983.36. Council Concur 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Finance Committee: Vouchers, Restrictive Covenants (Fawcett ROFR Conservation Futures Grant); May Creek Trail South Project; Amendment to the FileLocal ILA* 8. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No. 4436: Amendment to FileLocal Interlocal Agreement (See Item 7.a) 9. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 10. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 6:00 p.m. - MEETING REMOTELY Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings -ArmondoPavoneMayorProcCamationW1iereas,theCityofRentonisboundedbyLakeWashingtonshorelineandencompassesnumerouswaterways;andWñereas,alargenumberofRenton’sresidentsofallagesengageinrecreationalboating;andWfiereas,onaverage,700peopledieeachyearinboatingrelatedaccidentsintheU.S.,withthevastmajorityofthoseaccidentscausedbyhumanerrorandpoorjudgmentandnotbytheboat,equipment,orenvironmentalfactors;andWhereas,asignificantnumberofboaterswholosetheirlivesbydrowningeachyearwouldbealivetodayhadtheyworntheirlifejackets;andWhereas,themissionoftheUnitedStatesCoastGuardAuxiliary,Division2,overseeingRenton,istopromoteandimproverecreationalboatingsafetybyteachingboatingsafetycoursesandconductingvesselsafetychecks;g’s[ow,therefore,I,ArmondoPavone,MayoroftheCityofRenton,doherebyproclaimMay22-28,2021,tobeSafe(BoatinganéPaclétingWeekintheCityofRenton,andIencourageallcitizenstodedicatethemselvestolearningaboutandpracticingsafeboating,includingwearinglifejackets.InwitnesswhereofIhavehereuntosetmyhandandcausedthesealoftheCityofRentontobeaffixedthis24thdayofMay,2021.Armone,MayorCityRnton,WashingtonRentonCityHaIl,7thFloor1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.govAGENDA ITEM #3. a) EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 24, 2021 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council FROM: Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Administrative Report • Renton Farmers Market invites you to help kick off our 20th Market season by shopping next Tuesday, June 1, from 3 to 7 p.m. at Gateway Park, at the corner of South 3rd Street and Logan Avenue South. o More vendors will have fresh flowers, fresh produce, honey, baked goods, ciders, cheese, and crafts. o We welcome back hot food vendors, so grab your dinner to go! o We are proud to offer the SNAP Market Match incentive program for SNAP and P-EBT shoppers, which offers a dollar-for-dollar match of up to $40 per day to be used for fresh produce. o COVID-19 safety policies will still be in play, including physical distancing from other shoppers and designated entrance and exit. o Two hours of free parking is available at the City Parking Garage. The entrance is located off South 2nd Street between Burnett and Logan Avenues, just one block from the market. o For the most up-to-date information, visit our website at www.rentonfarmersmarket.com, or find us on Facebook and Instagram. • The Parks Planning & Natural Resources Division has commenced work at two park sites: Thomas Teasdale Park and Liberty Park. At Thomas Teasdale Park, the replacement of the basketball court started with demolishing of the existing court on May 17. During the work, the remaining park facilities will remain open for use. The new basketball court is scheduled to be completed by July 31, 2021. The Liberty Park playground renovation is scheduled to start on May 24. The playground will be closed while the remaining park will be open for public use. Work includes demolishing the existing play equipment and removing the existing engineered wood fiber safety surface. New play equipment will be installed for ages 2-5 and 5-12 as well as new poured-in-place rubberized all- weather safety surface. The playground is scheduled to be completed by mid- August 2021. AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Randy Corman, Council President Members of Renton City Council Page 2 of 2 May 24, 2021 • Information about preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures happening this week can be found at http://rentonwa.gov/traffic. All projects are weather permitting and unless otherwise noted, streets will always remain open. Preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures will be at the following locations:  Tuesday, May 25 through Thursday, May 27, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Maintenance crews will be conducting asphalt repairs along 106th Place SE between SE Carr Road and SE 174th Street. Flaggers will be onsite to manage traffic flow.  Ongoing Trail Closure through May 2021. Ripley Lane North Trail closure just north of the VMAC and the trailhead going north in support the WSDOT I-405 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes Project. Questions may be directed to Justin Johnson at 425-902-7172.  Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion Project. Impacts to traffic will continue throughout this area between South 2nd Street and South 3rd Street. Please visit the project webpage at https://rentonwa.gov/ww for more information.  Downtown Utility Improvement Project. The Downtown Utility Improvement Project requires several roadway closures and detours between now and project completion in 2022. For more information on current upcoming road closures and traffic impacts or to sign up for email or text alerts, visit the project website at https://rentonwa.gov/duip. AGENDA ITEM #4. a) May 17, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CITY OF RENTON MINUTES - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, May 17, 2021 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pavone called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Randy Corman, Council President Angelina Benedetti, Council Position No. 2 Valerie O'Halloran, Council Position No. 3 Ryan McIrvin, Council Position No. 4 Ed Prince, Council Position No. 5 Ruth Pérez, Council Position No. 6 Kim-Khánh Vǎn, Council Position No. 7 (All councilmembers attended remotely) Councilmembers Absent: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer Cheryl Beyer, Senior Assistant City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Judith Subia, Council Liaison Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Jan Hawn, Administrative Services Administrator Ellen Bradley-Mak, Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator Jim Seitz, Public Works Transportation Systems Director Ron Straka, Public Works Utility Systems Director Kim Gilman, HR Labor Manager Kristi Rowland, Organizational Development Manager AGENDA ITEM #6. a) May 17, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Vangie Garcia, Transportation Planning Manager Interim Chief Jon Schuldt, Police Department Administrator Commander Dan Figaro, Police Department (All City staff attended remotely except City Clerk Seth) PROCLAMATION a) National Public Works Week: A proclamation by Mayor Pavone was read declaring May 16 - 22, 2021 to be National Public Works Week in the City of Renton, encouraging all residents to recognize the contributions public works professionals make every day to protect our health, safety, comfort and quality of life. Jim Seitz, Public Works Transportation Systems Director, accepted the proclamation with appreciation. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. b) Mental Health Month: A proclamation by Mayor Pavone was read declaring May 2021 to be Mental Health Month in the City of Renton, encouraging all members of the community, businesses, schools and community organizations to take the "stigmafree pledge" at www.nami.org/stigmafree. Mayor Pavone noted that the proclamation would be sent to Paul Charbonneau, Ending The Silence Coordinator, for the National Alliance on Mental Illness South King County. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT CAO Ed VanValey reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2021 and beyond. Items noted were: • Update from the Parks and Trails Division: o Kennydale Beach Park will be closed for fence repairs between Monday, May 17 and Friday, May 21. o Boat launch permits for parking at Coulon Park can be purchased online at rentonwa.gov/boatlaunch, or call 425-430-6700 and press 8. o Remember that no dogs are allowed at Gene Coulon and Kennydale Beach Parks, and no bicycles on the pedestrian trail at Coulon Park. All other parks and trails allow dogs on six-foot leashes, or you can visit the off-leash Cedar River Dog Park at 1500 Houser Way S. o For updated information, visit rentonwa.gov/parks or contact Community Services at 425-430-6600. • Community Services Forestry Division will be continuing with informational mailings as part of the ongoing “No Tree Topping” Campaign. Letters were sent recently to some residential areas where tree topping has occurred. Letters will now be mailed to commercial properties where similar tree topping problems have been noticed. This outreach will remain an information and education campaign only – no enforcement action will be undertaken at this time. • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. AGENDA ITEM #6. a) May 17, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Peter Duncan, business owner in Renton, spoke about the tragic events leading up to his cousin Kaloni Bolton's death. He urged Council and the Mayor to pressure the board of University of Washington/Valley Medical Center (UW/VMC) to conduct a full root cause analysis of the situation; asked the Mayor to speak to the CEO of UW/VMC on the family's behalf; and requested a meeting between the Mayor and the family. Mr. Duncan also opined about systemic racism in the medical industry being a contributing factor in his cousin's death. • Francis Bowman, King County, stated that she is the aunt of Kaloni Bolton and echoed many of the same sentiments as Mr. Duncan. She requested assistance from the Mayor and Council with getting answers from UW/VMC staff. Ms. Bowman also urged Council to establish new legislation requiring Urgent Care facilities to actually provide "urgent" care to patients, noting that the UW/VMC Urgent Care facility on Benson road took over an hour before seeing Kaloni Bolton. • Kristina Williams, Renton, noted that she is Kaloni Bolton's mother, and explained that Kaloni's asthma issues should not have been a death sentence. She urged Council to help hold UW/VMC accountable, and to get them to provide answers on what exactly happened that led to the death of her daughter. • Celina Irving, Renton, noted that she is Kaloni Bolton's sister, and thanked Council for listening to her family. She urged Council and the Mayor to support the family and help them get answers from UW/VMC. • Holly Hill, Renton, spoke in support of Kaloni Bolton and her family. She echoed Mr. Duncan's concern about racial injustice being a contributing factor in Kaloni's death. She also reiterated Mr. Duncan's requests to help the family get answers from UW/VMC. • Ashley Paynter, Renton, noted that she is a current PhD student who operates a podcast entitled Decolonizing Science where she investigates systemic racism in the sciences, including medical science. She urged Council and the Mayor to help pressure UW/VMC into providing answers for the reasons why their facilities failed Kaloni Bolton. • Krysta Strasbaugh, Renton, voiced support for Kaloni Bolton and her family, and urged Council to become an advocate for the family. • Lydia Nichols, Renton, stated she is the organizer behind the Black Nurses Matter movement who held a recent march in support of Kaloni Bolton and her family. She reiterated Mr. Duncan's request to pressure UW/VMC into providing a full root cause analysis of the events leading up to Kaloni Bolton's death, and requested a meeting between the Mayor and the family. • Rev. Dr. Linda Smith, Renton, stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the ugliness of a system that often fails its black and brown community, by providing yet another example of the poor care most families of color receive from medical institutions. She urged Council to intervene on the family's behalf and help eradicate racism by holding UW/VMC accountable. She concluded by stating that if Kaloni Bolton had been white, she would likely be alive today. AGENDA ITEM #6. a) May 17, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • Joseph Todd, Renton, voiced his support for Kaloni Bolton and her family, and urged Council to do the same. He also exclaimed that he wants, and should expect, that his black family to receive the same level of care as anyone else. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of May 10, 2021. Council Concur. b) AB - 2858 Administrative Services Department recommended adoption of a resolution authorizing execution of Amendment No. 2 to the FileLocal interlocal agreement between the cities of Bellevue, Des Moines, Everett, Lake Forest Park, Seattle, and Tacoma, which extends the current cost allocation until 2024. Refer to Finance Committee. c) AB - 2863 Community & Economic Development Department recommended approval of an agreement with Alexander Codd, in the amount of $5,000, to design and install a mural celebrating the rich history of athletics in Renton over the past 120 years at Liberty Park; and approval to allocate the funds for the project from the Arts & Culture Project fund. Refer to Community Services Committee. d) AB - 2859 Community Services Department requested authorization to execute a restrictive covenant for the Fawcett ROFR property (part of the May Creek Greenway) acquired in 2020, which requires the parcel to be maintained as open space in perpetuity in order to receive $305,181 in King County Conservation Futures Grant funding. Refer to Finance Committee. e) AB - 2860 Community Services Department requested authorization to transfer $250,000 from the Parks Impact Fees fund to the May Creek trail South fund. A contract to design and permit a new soft surface trail and bridge to connect to the existing trail on the north side of May Creek will be brought to Council for approval at a later date. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Transportation Committee Chair McIrvin presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve Change Order No. 6 to CAG-20-001 with Cascade Civil Construction, LLC for $270,000 for the Williams Avenue South and Wells Avenue South Conversion project (TIP No. 20-28). MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY VǍN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. AGENDA ITEM #6. a) May 17, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 8:01 P.M. Jason A. Seth, MMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder 17 May 2021 AGENDA ITEM #6. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar May 17, 2021 May 24, 2021 Monday 4:00 PM Finance Committee, Chair O’Halloran – VIDEOCONFERENCE 1. Restrictive Covenants: Fawcett ROFR Conservation Futures Grant 2. May Creek Trail South Project 3. Amendment to the FileLocal ILA 4. Vouchers 4:45 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Prince – VIDEOCONFERENCE 1. Docket 16 Update 2. Housing Action Plan Update 3. Emerging Issues in CED 6:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Corman – VIDEOCONFERENCE 1. 2021 Legislative Review 7:00 PM Council Meeting - VIDEOCONFERENCE AGENDA ITEM #6. a) AB - 2866 City Council Regular Meeting - 24 May 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Reappointment to Planning Commission RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Executive Department STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant EXT.: 6520 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: None SUMMARY OF ACTION: Mayor Pavone reappoints Mr. Charles Seil to the Planning Commission for a term expiring 6/30/24. EXHIBITS: A. Recommendation Memo STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm Mayor Pavone's reappointment of Mr. Seil to the Planning Commission. AGENDA ITEM #6. b) c:\users\analexander\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\inetcache\content.outlook\1m7r7dl3\seil_reappointment.d ocx  DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY   & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT    M   E   M   O   R   A   N   D   U   M       DATE: May 12, 2021     TO: Armondo Pavone, Mayor     FROM: C. E. “Chip” Vincent, CED Administrator     SUBJECT: Reappointment of Charles Seil to the Planning Commission       Charles Seil was appointed to the Planning Commission in August 2015.  Over the years,  he has demonstrated an understanding and commitment to the City’s mission  statement and Business Plan goals.  He has the ability to review detailed information,  and to balance the sometimes competing objectives presented to the Commission.      I recommend that Charles Seil be reappointed to a new three‐year term, expiring on  June 30, 2024.    AGENDA ITEM #6. b) AB - 2869 City Council Regular Meeting - 24 May 2021 SUBJECT/TITLE: Contract Award: Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit Project - CAG-21-038 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: Project Budget: $786,921 Contract Cost: $208,983.36 Engineer's Estimate: $296,847 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City Clerk opened sealed bids on April 15, 2021 for the Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit project, CAG-21-038. The bids met the following Council criteria: 1) There was more than one bid; 2) The lowest responsible and responsive bid was within the project budget; and 3) There were no significant irregularities with the lowest responsible and responsive bid. Therefore, staff recommends awarding the Heather Downs Detention Ponds Water Quality Retrofit project, CAG-21-038, to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Diversified Holdings NW, LLC, in the amount of $208,983.36. EXHIBITS: A. Staff Recommendation (including Irregularity and Responsibility checklists) B. Bid Tab STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit project, in the amount of $208,983.36, to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder Diversified Holdings NW, LLC. AGENDA ITEM #6. c) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:May 18, 2021 TO:Jason Seth, City Clerk FROM:Ron Straka, Utility Systems Director STAFF CONTACT:Ken Srilofung, P.E., Surface Water Utility Engineer SUBJECT:Bid Award – Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit Project CAG-21-038 (SWP273989) The Public Works Department has reviewed the bids submitted for the Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit Project and recommends that contract CAG-21-038 be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder Diversified Holding NW, LLC. We request that this item be placed on the May 24, 2021 Council meeting consent agenda for Council Concur. This project will retrofit the existing detention pond into a water quality treatment facility by increasing the storage capacity. Schedule A represents the work associated with the retrofit of the pond while Schedule B includes storm system upgrades along Union Avenue SE in the vicinity of the project area. The bid opening for the Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit was held on April 15, 2021. Twelve bids were received. The low bidder for the project is Diversified Holdings NW, LLC with a bid of $208,983.36. The engineer’s estimate for project construction was $296,847.00. The bid breakdown is as follows: Schedule A – $148,889.08 Schedule B – $60,094.28 The Public Works Department has reviewed the bids submitted for the Heather Downs Detention Pond Water Quality Retrofit Project for completeness, inclusion of all required forms, bid bond, acknowledgments of addenda, and mathematical correctness of the bid. Four bidders had minor mathematical errors resulting in the total of the individual bid items being different than their bids. However, the corrected bid amounts would not have changed the low bidder. Due to the major difference between the lowest bid and the engineer’s estimate, we conducted a thorough review of Diversified Holdings NW, LLC’s bid to ascertain their ability to perform the work satisfactorily. The review included sending DHNW a list of questions about their qualifications, contacting references, and ensuring that their bid meets the criteria listed in Special Provisions sections 1-02.13 and 1-02.14. Our conclusion was that DHNW’s bid met the bidder responsibility criteria. The city attorney concurred with this conclusion. Attached is a summary of the bid evaluation. AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Jason Seth, City Clerk Page 2 of 2 May 18, 2021 Seventy-five (75) percent of the construction cost of Schedule A will be funded by Ecology’s FY 2020 Stormwater Grant Agreement WQC-2021-Renton-00187 (CAG-21-040). The remainder will be covered by a King County Waterworks grant (CAG-17-239). Funding for Schedule B is available from the approved 2021 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program budget for the Heather Downs Detention Water Quality Retrofit Project (427.475511) in the amount of $786,921. The bid tabulation showing the engineer’s estimate, the low bid, and the other bids submitted are attached for your reference. If you have any questions, please contact Ken Srilofung at (206) 422- 9720 or by email at ksrilofung@rentonwa.gov. Attachments cc: Martin Pastucha, PW Administrator Joe Farah, Surface Water Utility Engineering Manager AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Bidders Item Description Diversified Holdings NW 1a The Bidder is not prequalified when so required.Not required 1b The authorized proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not used or is altered. NO 1c The complete proposal form contains any unauthorized additions, deletions, alternate Bids, or conditions.NO 1d The Bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, or enter into the Contract.NO 1e A price per unit cannot be determined from the Bid Proposal NO 1f The Proposal form is not properly executed.NO 1g The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Subcontractor list, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6.NO 1h The bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantaged, Minority or Women's Business Enterprise Certification, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6 NO 1i The bid proposal does not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet the material terms of the bid invitation.NO 1j More than one proposal is submitted for the same project from a Bidder under the same or different names.NO 2a The Proposal does not include a unit price for every Bid item.NO 2b Any of the unit prices are excessively unbalanced (either above or below the amount of a reasonable Bid) to the potential detriment of the Contracting Agency.NO 2c The authorized proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not used or is altered. NO 2d The completed Proposal form contains any unauthorized additions, deletions, alternate Bids, or conditions.NO 2e Receipt of Addenda is not acknowledged.NO 2f A member of a joint venture or partnership and the joint venture or partnership submit Proposals for the same project (in such an instance, both Bids may be rejected).NO 2g If the Proposal form entries are not made in ink.NO A Proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if: Criteria A Proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if: Special Provision 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Bidders Item Description Diversified Holdings NW 1 A bidder will be deemed not responsible and the proposal rejected if the bidder does not meet the responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.Meets 2 A bidder may be deemed not responsible and the proposal rejected if: a More than one proposal is submitted for the same project from a bidder under the same or different names NO b Evidence of collusion exists with any other bidder or potential bidder. Participants in collusion will be restricted from submitting further bids NO c The bidder, in the opinion of the Contracting Agency, is not qualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid, or to the extent that the bid exceeds the authorized prequalification amount as may have been determined by a prequalification of the bidder NO d An unsatisfactory performance record exists based on past or current Contracting Agency Work of for Work done for others, as judged from the standpoint of conduct of the Work; workmanship; progress; affirmative action; equal employment opportunity practices; or Disadvantaged Enterprise, Minority Enterprise, or Women's Business Enterprise utilization. NO e There is uncompleted Work (Contracting Agency or otherwise) which might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of the Work bid upon NO f The bidder failed to settle bills for labor or materials on past or current contracts NO g The bidder has failed to complete a written public contract or has been convicted of a crime arising from a previous public contract NO h The bidder is unable, financially or otherwise, to perform the Work NO i A bidder is not authorized to do business in the State of Washington (not registered in accordance with RCW 18.27)NO j The bidder does not meet the supplemental qualifications criteria as stated in Section 1-02.1(1).NO k There are any other reasons deemed proper by the Contracting Agency.NO 1 Before award of a public works contract, a bidder must meet the following responsibility criteria to be considered a responsible bidder and qualified to be awarded a public works project. The bidder must: a At time of bid submittal, have certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW; <Dept. of Labor and Industries> Yes. L&I Lic# DIVERHN802DR. Account is current. b Have a current state unified business identified number;Yes. 604-399-638 c If applicable, have industrial insurance coverage for the bidder's employees working in Washington as required in Title 51 RCW; an employment security department number as required in Title 50 RCW; and a state excise tax registration number as required in Title 82 RCW; Confirmed d Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12.065(3); No per L&I. e If bidding on a public works project subject to the apprenticeship utilization requirements in RCW 39.04.320, not have been found out of compliance by the Washington state apprenticeship and training council for working apprentices out of ration, without appropriate supervision, or outside their approved work processes as outlined in their standards of apprenticeship under chapeter 49.04 RCW for the one-year period immediately preceding the date of the bid solicitation; N/A. No training goal set. f Until December 31, 2013, not have violated RCW 39.04.370 more than one time as determined by the department of labor and indistries; and No per L&I. g Within the three-year period immediately preceding the date of the bid solicitation, not have been determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the department of labor and industries or through a civil judgement entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction to have willfully violated, as defined in RCW 49.48.082, any provision of chapter 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW. No per L&I 2 Before award of a public works contract, a bidder shall submit to the contracting agency a signed statement in accordance with RCW 9A.72.085 verifying under penalty of perjury that the bidder is in compliance with the responsible bidder criteria requirement of subsection (1)(g) of this section. A contracting agency may award a contract in reasonable reliance upon such a sworn statement. Form submitted with bid. 3 In addition to the bidder responsibility criteria in subsection (1) of this section, the state or municipality may adopt relevant supplemental criteria for determining bidder responsibility applicable to a particular project which the bidder must meet. N/A a Supplemental criteria for determining bidder responsibility, including the basis for evaluation and the deadline for appealing a determination that a bidder is not responsible, must be provided in the invitation to bid or bidding documents. N/A Criteria Special Provision 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders (RCW 39.04.350(1)) RCW 39.04.350 AGENDA ITEM #6. c) b In a timely manner before the bid submittal deadline, a potential bidder may request that the state or municipality modify the supplemental criteria. The state or municipality must evaluate the information submitted by the potential bidder and respond before the bid submittal deadline. If the evaluation results in a change of the criteria, the state or municipality must issue an addendum to the bidding documents identifying the new criteria. N/A c If the bidder fails to supply information requested concerning responsibility within the time and manner specified in the bid documents, the state or municipality may base its determination of responsibility upon any available information related to teh supplemental criteria or may find the bidder not responsible. N/A d If the state or muncipality determines a bidder to be not responsible, the state or municipality must provide, in writing, the reasons for the determination. The bidder may appeal the determination with the time period specified in the bidding documents by presenting additional information to the state or municipality. The state or municipality must consider the additional information before issuing its final determination. If the final determination affirms that the bidder is not responsible, the state or municipality may not execute a contract with any other bidder until two business days after the bidder determined to be not responsible has received the final determination. N/A 4 The capital projects advisory review board created in RCW 39.10.220 shall develop suggested guidelines to assist the state and municipalities in developing supplemental bidder responsibility criteria. The guidelines must be posted on the board's web site. N/A Valid Contractor's License? Yes Any Tax Debts during previous 6 year period? No Any License Violations during previous 6 year period?No (However, did have violations due to trench protection.) Valid Worker's Comp Account? Yes AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Project: Heather Downs Detention Water Quality Retrofit Project ‐ CAG‐21‐038Due Date: April 15, 2021 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl Acknowledge*Tax ExemptCCT Construction13018 Canyon Road, Suite C1Puyallupx x x x x x $364,285.00WA98373CraigShipmanDiversified Holdings NW9811 192nd Ave E2Bonney Lakex x x x x x $208,983.36WA98391MatthewWebbEncore Environmental, LLCPO Box 11503Issaquahx x x x x x $385,048.28WA98027AshleyBaldwinBidderFORMSEngineer's Estimate$296,847.00AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Project: Heather Downs Detention Water Quality Retrofit Project ‐ CAG‐21‐038Due Date: April 15, 2021 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl Acknowledge*Tax ExemptBidderFORMSGreen Tech Excavation, Inc9812 Coral Dr SW4Lakewoodx x x x x x $426,298.00WA98498ChadBickleIron Creek Construction,LLC1420 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 2‐22985Issaquahx x x x x x $295,910.25WA98027NathanDodsonMike McClung Construction CoPO Box 11896Buckleyx x x x x x $324,655.00WA98321SteveMcClungEngineer's Estimate$296,847.00AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Project: Heather Downs Detention Water Quality Retrofit Project ‐ CAG‐21‐038Due Date: April 15, 2021 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl Acknowledge*Tax ExemptBidderFORMSNew X Inc719916 Old Owen Rd, #7x x x x x x $308,610.00MonroeWA98272J.D.NewtonNordvind Company43112 248th Ave SE8Enumclawx x x x x x $439,967.50WA98022EricPetersonNorthwest Cascade, IncPO Box 733999Puyallupx x x x x x $349,977.00WA98373ClintonMyersEngineer's Estimate$296,847.00AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Project: Heather Downs Detention Water Quality Retrofit Project ‐ CAG‐21‐038Due Date: April 15, 2021 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl Acknowledge*Tax ExemptBidderFORMSRoad Construction Northwest, Inc10PO Box 2228x x x x x x $350,806.00RentonWA98056MatthewWagsterTalakai Construction923 25th Ave SW11Seattlex x x x x x $590,295.00WA98106PeteTalakai  Tastad Construction, Inc1502 Bonneville Ave12Snohomishx x x x x x $348,605.00WA98290NeilTastad Engineer's Estimate$296,847.00AGENDA ITEM #6. c) Project: Heather Downs Detention Water Quality Retrofit Project ‐ CAG‐21‐038Due Date: April 15, 2021 ‐ Bids Due at 2:00 p.m. ‐ Opening at 3:00 pm (Video Conference)CITY OF RENTONBID TABULATION SHEETBid Total fromProp L&I Bid Sched Wage AddenSchedule of PricesTriple Form Cert Bond Prices Compl Acknowledge*Tax ExemptBidderFORMS1314Engineer's Estimate$296,847.00AGENDA ITEM #6. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON  RESOLUTION NO. _______  A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE  MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE  WASHINGTON MULTI‐CITY BUSINESS LICENSE AND TAX PORTAL AGENCY  INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT.  WHEREAS, the City and the Cities of Bellevue, Des Moines, Everett, Lake Forest Park,  Seattle, and Tacoma (collectively the “Parties”) are authorized, pursuant to RCW Chapter 39.34,  the Interlocal Cooperation Act, to enter into interlocal government cooperative agreements; and  WHEREAS, the Cities of Bellevue, Everett, Seattle, and Tacoma entered into an interlocal  agreement with the Washington Multi‐City Business License and Tax Portal Agency d/b/a  “FileLocal,” effective March 1, 2014 (the “ILA”); and  WHEREAS, Section 13.g of the ILA, providing a method for allocating costs among the  participating cities for the years 2014‐2021, was amended on June 12, 2017; and   WHEREAS, the City of Lake Forest Park and the City of Renton joined the ILA in 2017 and  2018, respectively, with the City of Renton joining via authority delegated by the City Council in  Resolution No. 4335; and   WHEREAS, the Parties desire to further amend Section 13.g of the ILA to revise how costs  are allocated among the Parties during the years 2022‐2024, so that the allocation method used  in years 2014‐2021 may continue to be used through 2024;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  4436 AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______  2  SECTION I. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into Amendment  No. 2 to the Washington Multi‐City Business License and Tax Portal Agency Interlocal Agreement,  attached together with the Washington Multi‐City Business Tax Portal Agency Executive Board  Resolution No. 2021‐01 as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by this reference.   PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _____________________, 2021.  ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _____________________, 2021.  ______________________________  Armondo Pavone, Mayor   Approved as to form:  ______________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney  RES.1876:4/15/21  4436 24th May 24th May AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______  3  EXHIBIT “A”  AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE WASHINGTON MULTI‐CITY  BUSINESS LICENSE AND TAX PORTAL AGENCY INTERLOCAL  AGREEMENT  4436 AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Resolution No. FL2021-01 Page 1 of 2 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-01 2 3 A Resolution of the Washington Multi-City 4 Business License and Tax Portal Agency 5 Executive Board regarding an Amendment of the Interlocal Agreement to Extend Use of Historical Transaction Counts. 8 9 Whereas, the Washington Multi-City Business License and Tax Portal Agency 10 (“Agency”) was originally established under the Interlocal Agreement By and Between the 11 Cities of Bellevue, Everett, Seattle, and Tacoma, dated March 1, 2014 (“Interlocal 12 Agreement”); and 13 14 Whereas, Section 13.g. of the Interlocal Agreement was amended in 2017 via 15 Resolution FL2017-04 to provide that, for the years 2014-2021, the allocation of Agency costs among the Original Principals shall generally be based on 2012 transaction counts of each Original Principal as set forth in Exhibit A to the Interlocal Agreement, and to further 16 provide that, beginning in 2022 and afterward, Agency costs shall be allocated 17 among the Original Principals based on the actual number of transactions processed 18 through the Portal for each of such city; and 19 20 Whereas, due to various city-specific factors associated with implementation of 21 the Portal in the Original Principal cities, the Original Principals have determined that 22 converting to use of actual transaction counts as the basis for allocating Agency 23 costs beginning in 2022 would be inequitable, and that continuing to use 2012 24 historical transaction counts of the Original Principals for an additional three years, 25 through 2024, would be a preferable way to allocate Agency costs; and 26 27 Whereas, Section 18.e. of the Interlocal Agreement requires that any changes to 28 the contribution responsibilities of Principal cities must be approved by the legislative 29 authorities of all Principals; AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Page 1 of 3 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE WASHINGTON MULTI-CITY BUSINESS LICENSE AND TAX PORTAL AGENCY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITIES OF BELLEVUE, EVERETT, SEATTLE, AND TACOMA This Amendment modifies that certain Washington Multi-City Business License and Tax Portal Agency Interlocal Agreement, dated March 1, 2014 (“ILA”), entered into by and between the Cities of Bellevue, Everett, Seattle, and Tacoma (collectively, the “Original Principals”), and as amended by Amendment No. 1 thereto, pursuant to FileLocal Resolution No. FL2017-04, adopted on June 12, 2017. WHEREAS, Section 13.g. of the ILA, as amended on June 12, 2017, pursuant to FileLocal Resolution No. FL2017-04, provides a method for allocating Agency costs among the Participating Cities for the years 2014-2021; and WHEREAS, the Principals (the cities of Bellevue, Des Moines, Everett, Lake Forest Park, Renton, Seattle, and Tacoma) now desire to further amend Section 13.g. of the ILA to revise how Agency costs are allocated among Participating Cities during the years 2022-2024, so that the allocation method used in years 2014-2021 may continue to be used through 2024; and WHEREAS, Section 18 of the ILA allows amendments to the ILA, and specifically allows amendments affecting the contribution responsibilities of the Principals, so long as such amendments are approved by the legislative authorities of all Principals; NOW THEREFORE, the Principals hereby agree to amend the ILA as follows: 1. Section 13.g. of the ILA is hereby amended to read as follows: g. Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery Principles. The PORTAL AGENCY budget shall be generally allocated between all Participating Cities based on the number of Transactions processed for each City on the Portal. In years 2014 through 2024, the number of Transactions for the Original Principals shall be based on 2012 historical actual pre-Portal use Transaction Counts (as set forth in Exhibit A). In years 2014 through 2021, the City Transaction Count for any other Participating City shall be based on the most recent historical data for that City prior to it joining the Portal. From and after 2022, the allocation among other Participating Cities will be determined by considering the actual number of Transactions (if the City had joined before 2022), historical tax and license information, and the experience of the Original Principals as to how quickly businesses have adopted use of the Portal since its launch. The details of the cost allocation calculation shall be set forth in the Portal Operations Policy. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prohibit the Executive Board from including factors in addition to the number of City Transactions in the cost allocation formulas as between Participating Cities, so long as the primary basis for allocation remains the City Transaction count. 2. All other terms of the ILA remain in full force and effect. // AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Page 2 of 3 AGREED TO BY: City of Bellevue City of Everett City Manager Mayor Date Approved as to Form: Date Approved as to Form: City Attorney City Attorney Date City of Seattle Date City of Tacoma Mayor City Manager Date Approved as to Form: Date Approved as to Form: City Attorney City Attorney Date Date _______________________________ Finance Director _______________________________ Date Attest: _______________________________ City Clerk AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) Page 3 of 3 AGREED TO BY: City of Lake Forest Park City of Renton Mayor Mayor Date Approved as to Form: Date Approved as to Form: City Attorney City Attorney Date Date City of Des Moines _______________________________ City Manager _______________________________ Date Attest as to form: ______________________________ City Attorney ______________________________ Date AGENDA ITEM # 8. a)