HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA99-023 CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM [:)ATE: June 8, 1999 'O: Jim Paxton, CIP Coordinator a�v FROM: Lesley Nishihira, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Revisions to Cedar River Trail Shoreline Exemption Permit Project No. LUA-99-023, SME Thank you for providing us with a copy of the revised site plan for the Cedar River Trail Revision Project. ),Ve have determined that the description included with the Shoreline Exemption Permit issued for this project adequately covers the proposed changes to the site plan. Therefore, no further action is necessary. If you have any further questions, please contact me at extension #7270. ME99023\ City of Renton Community Services Department MEMORANDUM DATE: June 1 , 1999 TO: Lesley Nishihira, Development Services Division FROM: Jim Paxton R.A. CIP Coordinator SUBJECT: Cedar River Trail Revision Shoreline Exemption Permit Las.: March 3, 1999, we received a Certificate of Exemption From Shoreline Substantial Development Permit in reference to the Cedar River Trail Revision Conceptual Plans. Since that time, the plans have been further developed and the county has required a few minor changes to be made to these plans. All of these changes are minor in nature and do not effect the basic concept of the project. Nevertheless, the county is desirous of a confirmation that these minor changes are not considered significant to the previously issued Shoreline Exemption Permit. I have put together a list of all the changes that have occurred since your previous review and am listing these as follows: 1. The proposed dates of construction has changed from May thru June, 1999 to August thru October, 1999. 2. The new trail is proposed to be moved 80 feet south ( at the furthest distance ) from the existing trail in lieu of the 55 feet south shown in the original plans. 3. The east end of the new trail transition is proposed to be moved 65 feet west of the original transition. The west end of the new trail transition is proposed to be moved 80 feet further west of the original transition. This makes the new proposed trail 15 feet longer than the original proposal. The total new proposed trail length is 1040 lineal feet. The west end of the new trail transition starts 150 feet east of the east edge of the freeway. PERMI-03DCC I 4. As a matter of additional descriptive information, the portion of the new trail located furthest south of the rivers edge is 155 feet in lieu of the original 120 feet. 5. The fence and gate across the trail has moved from the center of the Narco Site to the west edge of the Narco Site where the transition of the old and new trail starts. 6. The relocated trail, at its furthermost location, is now proposed 125 feet away from the top edge of the river bank in lieu of 80 feet. In ai quick overview, the trail has moved further south from the river and a short distance further west than the original location. A revised site plan is enclosed for your records. I would appreciate your review of these changes and let me know if there is any effect on the original Exemption Permit. Thank you very much.... PERMI-33.DOC 2 CITY OF RENTON CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT March 3, 1999 EXEMPTION FILE NO.: LUA-99-023, SME 3ROJECT NAME: Cedar River Trail Revision \PPLICANT: City of Renton; Community Services Jim Paxton; CIP Coordinator (425) 430-6617 )WNER: City of Renton PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira, (425) 430-7270 PROPOSAL: The proposal is to replace approximateI 1,000 feet of the Cedar River Trail at the former Narco site. This portion of the existing trail is damaged from erosion of the river bank and has been fenced off from users because it has become a safety hazard. The trail will be 10'-6" wide - consisting of 2" asphalt over compacted gravel base with a 2' wide strip of gravel along each side of the trail - and will be located a distance of 10 to 80 feet away from the river bank. The existing shoreline at this location is covered with medium density natural growth, including trees and shrubs. One tree (8") located immediately adjacent to the trail will be removed in order for the new trail to realign with the existing trail. Included with the proposal is the demolition of an existing 100 square foot weight building and approximately 1,500 square feet of ground level scales necessary for the trail replacement. The proposal will not likely have any adverse environmental impacts and is considered to be the common method of repair for an eroding trail. The project will begin in May of 1999 and will be concluded by June of 1999. PROJECT LOCATION: Adjacent to the south side of the Cedar River along the existing Cedar River Trail starting at 300 feet and ending at 1,300 feet east of I- 405 (the former Narco site). _EGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached. SEC-TWN-R: 17-23-5 JVATER BODY/WETLAND: Cedar River 4n exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby granted on the proposed project described on the attached form for the following reason(s): SME99023.DOC\ X Normal maintenance of repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident, fire or elements. 1. "Normal maintenance" includes those usual acts to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation from a lawfully established condition. 2. "Normal repair" means to restore a development to a state comparable to its original condition, including but not limited to its size, shape, configuration, location and external appearance, within a reasonable period after decay or partial destruction, except where repair causes substantial adverse effects to the shoreline resource or environment. 3. Replacement of a structure or development may be authorized as repair where such replacement is the common method of repair for the type of structure or development and the replacement structure or development is comparable to the original structure or development including, but not limited to, its size, shape, configuration, location and external appearance and the replacement does not cause substantial adverse effects to shoreline resources or environment. the proposed development is consistent or inconsistent with (check one): CONSISTENT INCONSISTENT X Policies of the Shoreline Management Act. The guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been finally approved or adapted by the Department. X The Master Program. arry Mec, g, Acting Director Development Services Division Attachments: Legal Description Vicinity Map Lcc: Applicant File 3ME99023.DOC\ CITY O'F RENTON LAND USE . PERMIT PROPERTY OWNERtS� PROJECT INFORMATION Note If there is mora than onerlegal owner,please attach an additional nota�i ed Masier Appl(cationifot eachiowner:: PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: CITY OF RENTON CEDAR RIVER TRAIL REVISION PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESSES)/LOCATION:Existing Cedar ADDRESS: 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY River Trail from 300 to 1300' east of I-405 and adjacent to the south side of the Cedar River. RENTON, WA ZIP: 98055 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): CITY: 172305 - 9027 172305 - 9015 172305 - 9179 TELEPHONE NUMBER: CITY CLERK EXISTING LAND USE(S): (425) 430-6502 City-owned park with existing trail. APPRICANT tf other than (owner} PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: JIM PAXTON, R.A. CIP COORDINATOR Relocate portion of trail. COMPANY(if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION COR Center Office Residential ADDRESS: 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY 5th Floor PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): N.A. CITY: RENTON ZIP: 98055 EXISTING ZONING: COR Center Office Residential TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 430-6617 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N.A. CONTACT PERSON t..� OP f\IT Pu`f SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREACtikJF hENTON NAME: JIM PAXTON, R.A. CIP COORDINATOR 29,000 SQ. FT. FFR 1 a 1Png PROJECT VALUE: RL L'L I �� COMPANY (if applicable): �.. COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION APPROX. $100,000 ADDRESS: 1.055 SOUTH GRADY WAY IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? 5th Floor APA ZONE 1 CITY: RENTON, WA ZIP: 98055 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 430-6617 WITHIN 200' OF SHORELINE LEGAL;DESC TION Of PROPERTY (Attach. se ate sheet if'necessary!) • SEPARATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED. • TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES Check all •pplicltion•types•;that:•appl - City •s•t•aff'wi•ll determine fees _ ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT $ TENTATIVE PLAT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ • SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ _GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ FINAL _WETLAND PERMIT $ _ ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION $No Charge _ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $_ REVISION $ AFFIDAVITF OWNERSHIP';: I, (Print Name) ,declare that I am (please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application, the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and CITY OF RENTON for the State of residing at (Name of Owner/Representative) , on the_day of 19 JIM PAXTON, CIP COORDINATOR (Signature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Notary Public) (This section to be,z'ompleted by City Staff ) City I ile Number' A AAD RSP' CAPS CAP U CPA CU A CtJ H ECF LLA MHP FPUD FP PP R.. RUMP SA A SA H SHPL A.:: SHPL H `SR .SM. SME ...T..P :u A ...V B .. V.H .W TOTAL FEES S TOTAL POSTAGE PROVIDED, $ MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL RENOVATION PROJECT PROJECT NARRATIVE The Cedar River Trail is an asphaltic walkway located along the Cedar River and commencing at the South edge of Lake Washington. The trail extends east along the river and through the former Narco Site located East of 1-405 and South of the Cedar River. This is part of the Regional Trail System which extends further east into the County and will be further developed over time, as funds become available. A portion of the trail located within the former Narco site is in jeopardy from erosion of the Cedar River Bank at a location where the river changes direction. It appears that a portion of the trail, over time, may eventually become unusable as the bank erodes 'away. In the meantime, the eroded area has become a safety hazard and has been fenced off to prevent possible danger to trail users. During this past year, an application was made to the County for funds to stabilize the river bank and save the trail from further degradation. However, the anticipated new regulations for protecting fish habitat recommended this method as not being viable at this time. An alternate solution to this problem was recommended in terms of moving the trail away from the eroding area so as not to be in jeopardy from the erosion problem. This is the essence of the proposal being made on these conceptual plans and in this report. The present Narco site is not being utilized for any purpose except the temporary storage of granular material from other sites. As part of a separate project, this material is presently being removed and the site will be restored to its previous condition. Most of the Narco site is barren of trees or shrubs and is primarily grassed over or consists of previously paved areas left after most of the Narco buildings were removed. A small office building and a truck-weighing shed are the only remaining buildings on the site. The small truck-weighing shed is planned to be removed under this contract. The Narco site is located in the general watershed of the Cedar River and approximately twenty five feet above the river. The trail is located approximately fourteen feet above the 100 year flood level and is not subject to flooding of the Cedar River in this area. The Cedar River is an open river with medium density natural growth of shrubs and trees along the south bank in this area. The trail will be 10'-6" wide consisting of 2" thick asphalt over compacted gravel sub- base with a 2' wide strip of gravel along each side of the trail. The newly relocated trail will be approximately 1000 feet long constructed in a similar manner as the existing trail. This relocated trail would be located 10 feet away from the top edge of the river bank slope, at the closest location, and will be located 80 feet away from the top of the river bank at its farthest location, which is in the area of the river bank erosion. The existing south river bank is covered by trees and shrubs, however none of these will be affected by this project. There are nine trees located on the site immediately adjacent to the revised trail location and one of these trees is planned to be removed to allow a smooth curvilinear transition of the new trail with the existing trail. The existing chain-link "control fence" and barriers presently located across the trail is intended to prevent entry of non-park type vehicles and will be re-constructed in a similar location. Park signage and limited plantings will also be installed to enhance the fenced areas. A permanent security fence will be installed around the river bank erosion drop-off area to protect the trail users. The approximate "hard cost" of construction is anticipated to be in the neighborhood of $ 100,000 with funds obtained through King County. The construction is projected to commence during the month of May, 1999 and be complete by the end of June 1999. THE BASIS FOR SUBMITTING THIS EXEMPTION REQUEST IS AS FOLLOWS: 1 This trail relocation work is necessary to protect the trail from causes of natural erosion and to protect the trail users from potential harm. 2 This work does not effect the Cedar River, or its banks, or present natural habitat. 3 This work will not impair future restoration / recovery opportunities for the river. 4 This work will not degrade water quality, flows, instream and riparian habitat, or floodplain function except to the extent that further erosion will contribute to the sedimentation of the river. 5 This work will not increase indirect effects such as those that would be caused by increasing the capacity of urban infrastructure in rural and forested areas. 6 This activity does not involve the installation of a structure, and upon completion of the work, the vegetation and land configuration of the site will be restored to approximate or better conditions than before the work commenced. 7 The work does not interfere with the normal public use of the surface waters. 8 The work will have no significant adverse impact on the environment including people, fish, wildlife, or wildlife habitat, water quality and aesthetic values. 9 The anticipated work is of a low impact to the site and is expected to include less than 500 cubic yards of earth fill. City of Renton Community Services Department MEMORANDUM DATE: February 12, 1999 TO: Development Services Division FROM: Jim Paxton R.A. CIP Coordinator SUBJECT: Shoreline Exemption Permit Cedar River Trail Revision Enclosed are four copies of the submittal requirements for a Shoreline Exemption Permit pertaining to the proposed Cedar River Trail Revision Project. A linear section of the present Cedar River Trail is being proposed to move up to 55 feet away from its present location in an area near the river where the river changes direction. This particular area is subject to erosion and the bank is slowly eroding into the river. This drop-off area is becoming a hazard to trail users and has been fenced off for safety reasons. A more permanent solution to the problem is to move the trail away from the river and away from the river bank erosion area. The present proposed schedule for this project is for construction to commence in May 1999 and be completed in June 1999. If any questions, please call me at (425) 430-6617... OPMENT PLA C[1y rtr, FF SHORE02.DOC 1