HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/2015 - Minutes :
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Human Services Advisory Commi�tee NOU � � 2015 :
eeting Minutes �Ec��vE�_
- -------- #on City Hall . .:: :: . . CITYCL�RK'S.OFFIC�.
om, 7th
:.. Council Conference.Ro Floor . :. :..:
. . . Octobe.r:20, 2015 3:00 p:m...:.
' CALL TO:ORDER:::Ryan Mclrvin,Vice�Chair, called:the meeting to order. A"quorum was present: :
.. . .. _.. . .
ATTENDANCE: Shannon Matson, Ryan Mclryin, Brook Dodd; Henr:y.Malphus, Chad Buechler.
Excused:Amy:Koelil, L:inda�Smith. .Absent: Leslie Anderson. Staff: Karen Bergsvik,Katie IVIcClincy, ..
Jennifer Jorge.n.son. Guest: Evelyn:Boykan, Human Services Manager for Tukwila.
It was moved and seconded.to:ap:prove the September Minutes as:preserited. Motion carried: :
11lIs. Boykan ga�e a brief overview on one of:the studies done kiythe Brookings fnstitu:te. The
following excerpt from Confronting Suburban:Pov.erty:in America, May 2:0;2013, explains fheir :
philosophy_on the.topic: "The changing.ma.p.ofAmerican poverty.matters because place matters.... ..,.
:. Place intersects with:core policy issuescentral to the long-term.fiealth and stability of inetropolitan . :. :...
.. :,
areas and to.fihe economia success of individuals and families:::" " °
Data shows a 25.%.increase in t e poyerty ra.te for South King.Cou.nty.The data also indicates ma�or .... . ..
' . :. cities' housing stock in.the Pacific Northwest is no longer considered afforda6le.for..middle to low -
, .
income pop.ulations. Trends are:shouving that these.p.opulations are moving to South County,.where
it is perceived the housing is less expensive. '
One of the human:services planners:for.Kent put together a handout related fo poverty, and it
,. . : : ,,
sfiows that.there are three drive:r.sof economic secur:i.ty=meeting basic needs;education;and,
: : :
havin.g a:yibrant local eco.nomy.: :
Ms: Boykan thinks tliat:fo reduce poverty that it needs to be:looked at in a broader:sehse. `
- Employers.can reduce some of the hiring barriers by:incorporati"ng;job training and apprenfiiceship -
progr:arris in their hiring strategies. Government and human service entities can provide grants to
_. .. . . . .., .. . .
: individuals for work force training. ScH.00ls can broaderrfheir:effortsto include family members in` :: : ;
_ ,.
some of their p�ograms. Social organizations(Kiwanis, Rotary;:Chamber of Comrrierce,Soroptimists).:: :: .
- can par.tner..together to brainsto.r.m programs or.corn.bine forces to benefi.t or mentor the. :. :...
underprivileged. Economic development drives jobs and.elimina_ting barriers stimulates social
' : recovery. There's more that can be.don.e:on a regional basis:to benefit everyone; it's a matter of .
. . ,. .
uttin the ri ht forums to etherfor ex anded brainstormin , alon wrXh the authorit to
'.: p g.. . g g.. . P g g .. : Y.
..: ;; . . commence;meaningful, lastin chan es for better:outcomes.
g:. . g
The cities th�t participate:in the common f.undin a lication are workin Co ether on re ional : �
. g. pp g . g . b.
ca acit build.in `There are four commiftees that:include:
p � X b•
1. : Review of the application and the questions that are asKed: :
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City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee
October.20, 2015
Page 2
2. Looking at a way of funding agencies that may be excluded from applying or getting funding in
the current process.This group is looking at a demonstration project that may run parallel to the
current process, or may happen in the off-year.
3. Looking at the systems in human services—like diversity of human service commissions,
expanding the capacity of South County agencies to be able to compete regionally for funding,
4. Collecting the tools that cities currently use to evaluate funding applications, and looking at
them through a social equity lens.
Karen helped to facilitate the regional discussions.
In discussion, it was suggested a social justice and equity tool kit should be developed and used as
one guideline.Another suggestion was to look at changes and tools system-wide with human
services committees and getting more people involved.
There are three vacancies on the Committee, and possibly a fourth one. We are recruiting for
applicants, and members were asked to reach out to people they thought would be an appropriate
fit. Shannon said that it is time to start thinking about officer elections for next year, as her term is
up at the end of 2015. The Vice-Chair usually moves into the Chair position, per the bylaws. In this
case, Ryan is the Vice-Chair, and if he is elected to the City Council, he will need to resign from the
HSAC. That would leave both the Chair and Vice-Chair positions open. IVlembers were asked to
think about volunteering for one of the two positions, and Brook indicated she was interested.
Karen reviewed what work remains to be to complete the plan by December 2015. The goals are in
the Comprehensive Plan and the way to reach the goals is the Strategic Plan. It is the roadmap for
the next three to five years.
There was much discussion about the initiatives, and how they would be prioritized. There was also
a question as to if the staff or the Advisory Committee or agencies were going to do the work. The
general feeling is that both the members and the Manager do not have much capacity to take on
additional tasks at this time, and there would need to be agreement as to what is realistic to get
done. There was also discussion that there are many new members starting in 2016 and if this work
should wait until they are on the committee.
• Human services agencies have historically been placed at the front for being awarded grants.
Are we looking to shift away from that?
• What perception(s) are keeping people from applying for services?
• Both early childhood development and child care are behemoth problems to tackle:
• Is the City a role model for other agencies to look to for guidance?
• The City is already partnering to address human service priorities (Initiative#3). Initiative#1—
Undersfand,"measure and respond to community needs is also already being done.
• Discussing I'nitiative#5—the Special Initiative on Employment— it was thought that additional
data is needed:What employees in the City workforce specifically look like in depth-full
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. . . . . . -. . . .. .
City of Renton Hu.rnan 5ervices Advisory Gommittee .... . ..
October20, 2015
Pa e 3 _
dem..ogra:phics—where tliey live (City residents'?); homeowners or..renters; annual income levels;
, .. .... .
� males:vs:.females; in:whatclassifications-�occupations, ethnicity,.age; single paren:fvs::two-
parent households;education; longevity; etc. In terms.of employment,what agencies does tMe . :. :...
City coll.aborate with? What does tlie City do to.h.ire non-traditional..s.taff? It also would be
interesting to know w.here:Renton residents aetually work, if that information is available: VUhat
. .. . . . .
are the unserved needs?
For the next_meeting; it was suggested that th.e committee look at.the social equity work that.the '
City is doing: It was noted tfiat just being fair is not:enough.
5::. HOMELESS WORK:. :...:
Karen gave.an overview: ,
.. .
• Volunteers are trying to locate another location for the Cold 1N:eattier Shelter because :
- Harambee is:taking the overflow from the REACH shel:ter.: The prefecable location needs to
be in a:chuFch,on a bus line; and:within walking:distance.to the meal p.rogcams.
• Emergency Management is.very interested in getting a,detox antl sobering.center
established in the South King Caunty area.
• . Tli:.e Renton Meal:Coalition has relocated.to:the Highlands First:Un.ited MethodFst.Chu.rch,
and the participation rate has dropped by 50% because of its new location: It is difficult to
: :: . ,
reach for anyone using a wheeleliair;walker, or pushing a stroller. .lt is not on a bus.line. "
: . .. .
• ARI5E has been.struggling for the;last fewyears.:,New:ch.urches Fiave:notvolunteered to :.
host the men: A group is working tb put together a new:interim board and direction.
The me.eting adjourned.at,5;10 p:m:
Respec Ily subrnitted;
Shan ori Matson, Chair
:: - . .. -� ' ° � : • . � ° -
., _
� ;; NEXT REGULAR NI,EE7ING:�NOVEMBER 17,.2015,:7th Floor;,Renton�City Hall. .�
.: ,. . . . ... �. .:
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� Fakequ(ty—.Talk with No Action f '�' f�� � 'b p 'k n��;�'"i-i� �`�" �` '��"`� � _ t�,�n�".«�'����`��
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� You thinlc you're doing equity work but you're raally plsstng off a pro�ect u equity�nd perpetuating tho saina power dynamics w�th no com= ; �,;
i muniry accountabilfey.Systems stay the samo but you anticipate diffarent resules by having a if'I�fiuifd it they will'come"approaCh Sama '
! shlt,difterent lahal.You stlll hold`tha powcr and are snl�sh wlth sharing ih You takQ the easy�oad: � ,' , � � � � ,, ; j�
�. .
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,'Awarr+.ness Riisa•s—All the Talking •'� � .. •
�You go co their placc,but you at Ioasc thinl<ahcld�nd aslc if you can l�ring f�od,Con�r�tulations you reiiiember co t�l<e otfyow•shoes and you mzstGred the
c chopst:icl<s.Howcva•ic is still your mceeing.ind you do al!o(the tall<ing anc1�ardly any listening.You fail to follow up�nd there is.little tc�,no accountiability;
q • 8-.
ou i � q i� r u n g . o d � .1 � ho o . o pro q 'ty b Il) opl
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�,You play,a supporting i ole'�nd let communities(dispr�po�nonately impac[ed comniumnes Pcommunrt�es of co�or,etc.)lezd. You use your position
C�+�nd influence to encour�ge accountability,to..the community You open doors.forothers,who4are�the�most impacted.You relinquish conp•ol and I<now
' ,.. . . , - .g-,.c,q -� . .
ehe work�isn'c about'you�Your work drrves towards zction not`just talking You;have}z glow abouryou end you smell nice.
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Equality=SA�ENESS Eqiaity= FAIRRdESS
_ _
Equality is about SAMENESS, it promotes Equity is abou�t FAIRNESS, it's abowt making
fairness:and justice b ivin eve one the sure eo fe et access to the same
. .
Y� g rY P p g _
same thing� _:: o.pPortunities.
_ .. _ : ,.
_ _.. , .
BUT it can only work IF everyone starts from Sometimes our differences and/or history,
the SANfE place; in this eXample equality can create barriers.to participation, so we
only works if everyone is the:same h.eight. must FIRST ensur� EQUITY before.vve can
_ .
_ .
_ enjoy equalEty.
q �
In/e need e ua � equaili�to shift and change the many forrr�s of
, _
� injus�aces t�at are pr�valent in our society.
_ __
Fauitv in Cammunities: YOUR Power to (rifluence
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P � • 4
(acceptance, experience, purpose) �
(confidence, respect for others)
(friendship, family, connections) �
�health, employment, stability)
Basic Needs
(air, food, clothing, shelter, sleep)
SuppOlt Caring and supportive
�^�powerment values,roles to make a
, difference in the
Boundaries and Expectations accountability
Constructive Use ofTime Creating options for life
Commitment to leaming Nlotiveted to do well, �
engaged in learning.
Positive Values caring,equity,integrity, _
Honesty Responsibility,
restraint '
Sacial Competencies� Resistance,and Critical .
Positive Identity ' HOPE
� u
Frr��itv in ('nmm�mitiAc• Y(1!IR Prnniar tn Infli�anra
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t�ware�ess + _ ction. -
hat does it equal to you7
(knowledge/messages) . ..... . .. (challen e%xpertences/sWlls
g . . } : .
, . .
.... ..... .
(Risl�/Benefits) :. _.. . . _ . _
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_ _
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Frn�,'tv in Cn►r►rnunities: YOUR Powet'�o:lnfluence
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1'his fr�nnewor�c�be use.d tio assist it�an�►.capa�ty-bun�ding processes�a�in�su�ppor�tave:te�tn conte�s::
`II'h�open e»dect questaons are not al�ays liriear;tdaey�intencDeei to:faciii�te:conv�rsations Fa sola�tions. ..
AWi4ItENE� : �1AbY5,,,�5 : AI.TE�T�ITI{�S AC'H`I�N
Etecog�z�w6at grmu are F�ime de�ils:of C�nsider all ogstioas Uevelop a plan to
m do �t as.effeitive a�le�ammd sohiti�ns.. �adda�ess b�rrieas . .. �xecu�te an�obscrv±�-
�. KnowledEe. «►hae are yau�otn�a6re�d� 6'ND�at areas would you�ike tco VVha3 resousces,or; Caaa you Isa�a�ak aetions down
,c: to tncoura�e equity 9eat�n:enore abirut.': peop9e do you Ica�ow ia�to sts�aD�eisteps?
�� 6VTt�C'do}�u��v? a�eanin�fW�vay+' Hho tinay l�ave otleer
. . . '..'. �..-� . �. ': . . ���'
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� .
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"� ' W4lat ate u currered tVhat ar�she l►asriers cowasd : 1R►bat is:one new : 1A�$at resourc�s do . u
�I`8Cl7Ce q° 3P : , l,� .
�n: doins:�improve equiey :: : makin�R�ese iznprovemetau?: strategp you could:try need to ay;a atraeegy?
withiu ur s i�ete of
3� P
O`� b�liut`do ymu do?:. �n�9uence.
. ,
� . .
� . .
� �
v .. .
�! �Yh.�t bappened when you Eiow:did ffie outeorne mateh.or Whas.would"succcss How v►Zil you ka�ow�i►hether
�, �iltC0111@S k
?; treed s�ate�ies to proQiotr : aensmatch evH�at you expected? lomk 6ike? it i;workir�g or not?:, :; :
� , .�
T'�/tcrt is the nestrlt? eq�°`�".
_. .
_. .
_ _ . _ .. .
.. .
� ,
� . _ _ : _ .
�V�Ua�:lO�! E.tpta� lessons 6ears�ed'ia Flow a•ere you able to W?eat aeig�t you cham�e: lM1�at did you cio�velt.and
, .. . ,
your e.siperie�nce.. i�etiuence e�eetaveZY' ° Y P '
` for.next tinne.. . ivhit are. ous.ne.ct ste s
:ll��►wios th�<
_ .
Admpted�m R�asi�:D..Sbeldrn.M.,:Itaab.M::(�OOg).li fra�ee��vork for ref4ecrive questionins�v�en�sins a coacl�i�s interactton sty8e::
CASEcooJsfivrin�pteretenR Eer ChildhoodS'rFami •�r �rLUm�. +� 1 .1-7:...
�4 +�'. ... . �l . PF � �
�s�.��'v�sres�r:�d�.�.�:e:�udc��D� -- /�d���t�„��,2� e�c�s�r�oaR�a. �'�ta���_ �4�,���€��d�. :
_ _ _
__ _
_ ..
_. _..
'.._ _ . . . _ :�" .
_ . _ _ .. .
_ .. . .. _ . . _
.. . . .
�Vha� is one ,�h�n� you are already doin� to promote egu�ty .
_ -
_ _
; . . _
wha� c�i� you do t� max�r��ze eq��ty:
� VVithin '�he r�ext week?
� vVithin the next � r�or�ths? _
_ _
_ � i�lith a new tar�e$ verith�n your influence?
_ _ _ _
_ _
_ _
_ _ _
_ _ _
,� _ _
fauitv in Corimrrmunities: Y�UR Power to lnfluence .
� . .. �. . . .. . �
� . . ..... . .. . .. ..... . . . . ..... . .. . ........ . . . . ..... . ... . ........ . . . . ..... . .. . .. ..... . . . . ..... . .. . .. ..... . . . . ..... . .. . ........ . . . . .....
�. .. . .� . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..
. .. .. . . .. .
. . ....... . . ..�..... . . : .
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.. .... . .. ..... .
..... . . ..... .. .... . ..
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.. .. . . .. �.... . .. .... . .. ..... . �. ..... . �. ..�.. .
. . ....:... . . . ..... . ........ . ..
_ _ __
lCin Coun ,
g ty's E.qwty&Social iustice:Work: uvww:kin�countv.�ov/equitV.
o King County Equity�C Social lustice Annual Aeport.
_... . .
Th.e Deferminants of Eqpity: Indicators ta:Establish a Baselir�e of Equity
� Infographic: .Building Equity.�Opportunity
_... .
,. . .
Best Starts or.Kids: www.kin�countv.�ov beststarts
More info coming,4pril 27 with the Executive's 5tate of the County adcfress!
_ . . . . .. .. . . . . _ . . .. _.
Videos;on Inequality:
_. .
• Unnaturel Causes...ls Inequal.ity;Making Us Sick?A serren_part documentary:series on inequality and
_ _ _ _... . ..
ea t . www.unna4uralcauses.or�
• Unequal.Race. https: Ov�ww.�mutubQ.eo�ral�vatch?u=e�b5T���t�P�'Y : . _.. . _...... . . _. .
o - ,: ..
Ineq:uality for.All __
N . ... . . .. g _ _. . .
A documenta film.f.eaturin former U5labor Sec.Robect Reich.www.inequali.tvfo:ca:ll.com
• UVealtti Inequality in America Videographic wvaiw.voutube.corn/w�tch?v=QPI<KQniinsM Talks and :
Lectures on Ine ualit
_.. . : _ . ..
How Economic Inequafity Harms Societies
" TED.TaIk by Richard Wilkerson,co-author ofThe Snirit Level
htt��(/u�ww:ted.com/talks/richard vurl�Cinson?lan�ua�e=en :..
• Beware; Fellow Plutocrats;the�itchforks are Coming TED Talk by local self
proctairv�ed plutocrat;Nick Hanauer'h�fip://bit.iv/izCOmMe
_ . .
• Color Blind or Color Brave by Meffody Hobson
.. ,.
htt,�: /blo�ted.cnm!_b�-cotoP-bPav�-not-color-blind-meHodv-hobson-a2-ted2014/ _..
° tncome Inequal�ty&'American Democracy
Town HaU:Seattle event with.fVobe) Laureate Joe Stigli4z,April 2�
__ __
_ . ..
Policy Institutes 8c:Web:Resources on Inequality
o Policy Link: .www.policvlink.or� .
` � EconomicPoli.cy Institute: wwuu:epi.or� .
• :The Institute for Policy Studies,project on_:Income Inequality www:inequafitv.or� `
� Center�n Budget�C Policy Priorities,lncome Inequality.research area:
, .
• Center fo.r the 5tudy of Social Policy,Strengthening Eamilies Framework
r:�,�;.¢., i^....,.....,., :�.: .....:vi-►� ►o n..,.. ...,.�.i.:i`�,...r....
_ .�
_,. _ . _. . . _.
_ . . _
... _.. . 11
_. _.. . _ .. . .
_. _..
. ,:...
�i� ,��n►�r��.css�.ci��a�o�t/r�cia9-ec�u��-a��nrl�
_.... _.
l�rticles�C Reports o:n:Inc:ome Inequality ;;:::
- • Equity is the Superior Grawth.Model, Policy Link.http://bi2.Iv1ZBXXFQ .... . .
_. .
The Increasin 1 Une u�l S.te�es.of America: Income(n,equality by State lnteractive websit��nd too
� F Y.... G
_ _
_tittp•//wvvw e6�i o��/p�+bf9cation/income=inequality-bv-state-1917-to-2012/
• 17 Things We Learned abouf Income Inequality in 2014,The Atlantoc htt�J/theatin.4c lvalaj� .
•. .Middle Class,:but Feeling Economically Ins�cure; iVYi'; Part.Il.in three-part series,.�rith interactive
media http://nYti;rrts/1Jv�'12U '
Books on.lnequality
_ .
The Price af Inequalitv� How Todav's Divided Socfetv Endan�ers Oiar Futur�,Josep Stog�tz.
' Just Growth• Inclusion&Prosperit,y in Am2rica's Metropolitan Re�ions.Chris Benner&Manuel Pastor.. :
,.... .
_ _. . __. ..
• The Spirit Level• Whv Greater Equalitv Makes Socie#ies Stron�er, Richard Wilkinson�kate P�c; ett
_ . . . _.
Selected Resources on Race and.Implicit Bias
_._ _ . .. . __.. . . . . ..... . .. . ._
_ •
Race::7�ie Power of an Illusian A.three-part ,ocumen ary series
_. _.
htt�•/lwww pbs oa��lpace/000 General/0�0 00-Hom�.htm :
_ . .
_ . _ ... . .
• Embracing lnclusion for One King Couniy: Addressing lmplicif 8ias,Racial:.
Anxie�j+&Sterotype Threat
King County:2014 Equity�Social Justice Forum featuring Rachel Godsi)httu:%/1.usa.�ov/1D9TRVh
.. _ __
Project Ir�plicit
Leam mo�e about implicit bia"ses and take the implici�associations.test :
https•1lim�lic�t haP+iard edulim�+liatl. :
_ _
, r . .
Racial Bias,:Even When We Have Good Intentions,iVXT http: %nvti.ms 1EYo�Hu
o Blind 5pot: Midden Biases of Good People,Il�ahaarin R._Banaji& Anthony G.Greenvuald ...
" Kubota,J.,Bana�i, i�I,;Phelps, E.(2012):The neuroscience of race.Nature Neuroscience, 15,940-94�.
httq�//wNruv nature com/neuro/lournal/v15/n7/fislf/nn.3136.htm1.
Selected:Resources on Early Childhood Development ..:
. _
° , The Raising of America: Early Childhood �the Futu[e of Our IVation A�ive-part documentaey series
http://www:ra ising�ofarnerica.or��
The Bi 6an in Learnira : Brain Chan es
_ . _.
• �� g: g��' g � g �e Childhood Learning Aspen ldeas Fes#ival,talk featurin�
Drs..P�t:Kuhl&Andrew Meltzoff.https•I/wwv,r voutube.com/watch?v=4z�kSObH4dU
_ _..
` Heckman: The Economics o�1luman Fotential
. �� ... . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . ....... . . .. . . .
. . . ... . .. .. .. .
l.�. . .. . . . .. .. � ., . .. . .... . . .. .. .
:. .- . . ... .�. .� ... .. � . .
. �. �... . �.
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. . ..... .. � . . .... ,
. .... ... - Criiii��-��in r'nrvfrv����nii`ioc•..VnIIR Pr11l1lOP�t/.'1:IP7 (1Pn('P . ... .. . . .
_... _. _ _.
_ _ _ __
.. � ,. .
_... _. .
VVebsite featuring t9�e work of Nobei Laureate James Heckman ww.heckmane�uation:oc�
e .
Institute :o.r tearning Brain Sciences httR: ilabs:washineton.ed.0 :.
_ . . ..
, . g P ,
• T.he FirstYear National Geo ra hic http::J/bit:lv/1zIi3Hn .
<.. . .
. . .
• Patfivirays: Free tools to maximize early child devefopment
�`::::WA State EarlyLearn:ing�Developr�ent:Guidelines "
�. . _ . . . _...... . .
hYt '1/�vuvvu:del.vua.�*ovl�leyelo�ment/�uideBinesl..
� Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning::
.... . .
, . .....
Ht��://�sefel.vande��i It:edul
Center to:IViobilize Early ChildFiood Knowledge
, . .
_. h�;jcommunicy:��:ua�c.ec�ul
fakequity .. - _
� :::Ar:e you guilty of Fakequity? If so,what fo;do:about it. (Monprofit With Balls) �
` http:llnon�Pofituvi�Fibails:cor�a12�15(03/are-vo�a-�,uiBtv-of-f�ke�uitv-6f-so=what-#o-do-about-it1 : +
_...... . .
•.. Dodging Equity Bombs and Avoidin "Fake ui " Collective Im act Forum
_ g. q. tY l P . 1
h�trp: c�lle�t'sv�Arnpactforaam.or�l�lo�s/589�6/dod�d�-e��ait�=kior+nbs-arod-avoEd�r��,-f�kec��itv.
A 6 Steps ta Take:When.You've�een E uit Bombed Collective Im act Forum
G Y: _ , �.. R � .
'htt�:,4lcollectB��i�ri�a�'efo�a�rro.��/blo,�s/58906/6-steps-ta.@:e-vu6ien=vot�/oE2%30%99ve-Been-e�uaY�-borribed :
• Fakequity�he Blog
_ . . _
s Fakequity.'s.Eacebook Page
_ ,. httt�s1lv�iviiw.faceb��k.eomJfekec�ui� . �. . _
..... . , .
_ .. _. .. . . __ . _ _. .
Other Resource: _ ,
• Words:D�ned. http:cssp;orgJabout/racial-equi4y-agenda
_... . .. _... . ..
_ . _
�rYi�if�i:ivt:/�nvr�troi�ini�Einc� :1//lI1D Dn�.�.,�.+n.l.,,�l�i...-�n.�
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Build financial welibeing and opportunity for low income families
, oal:XX Families Reach Econornic Security—
• lncreased quality of fife
• Increasedwages . --_ —
• Increased social mobifity(ability to move upward or downward in status based on wealth,occupation,
education or some socia!variable)
Healthy citizens Quality Early Learning-Kindergarten Good Johs,educated workforce
Safe,Stable,Affordable ' Create enthusiasm for local career
Housing • Quality Childcare opportunity and provide roadmap for
• Parent engagement accessing them
Healthy Nutritious Food • Early Learning Education
• Pipeline/Pathway to increase
*preschool enrollment income
Access to benefits-Promote • Education and Training
EITC - *Kindergarten Ready . Case management for career
On Time HS graduation paths
*Affordable and quality • Improve work supports to
ousing *Reading at grade level by 3'd grade help people meet basic needs
*Nome ownership *Sth rade Math and stay employed
*Access to credit/financial Youth Employment
Quality Extended Learning and Out of
. services School time activities • Career Exploration
*Access to healthcare , Post-Secondary Attainment • Internships
Secure resources for low Create a task force on economic Bring more county,state and federal
income families security $to SKC
Help strengthen non profits Promote economic opportunity Increase foundation/private funding
in SKC
Create space for collaboration
(community leaders and ,
CRITICAL POPULATIONS Families with Children, Immigrants, Refugees,Youth of Golor
"'DSS SECTOR ALIGNMENT Align resources, policies,change sysfems
PASSIONATE CHAMPIONS Elected Officia{s, Business Leaders,Community Leaders, Philanthropic Leaders
� ��'� .����,
' -- ..;�.:V
What exists? � �
� �
CCER/Road Map—School district leads locally—what is City's role to support? .
o Quality Childcare and Preschool
a Quality Out of School time
King County Employment and Education
• Summer Youth Employment
• Youth Internships
Financial Empowerment Network
The Financial Empowerment Network � Seattle-King County (Network)organizes its work through its
collaborative of community organizations or action teams: Bank on Seattle-King County; Financial
Education Partners Network(FEPN); EITC/Free Tax Preparation;Youth Financial Empowerment,
Homeownership and Foreclosure Intervention and Integration of Financial Empowerment into other
Service Systems.
SKCHS—focused on capacity of the system of non profits
Capacity Building for non profits
• 501 Commons
• Wayfind '
• Nonprofit Assistance Center ) \
, , Yi,`Pr U`L�� �or -f" '` vc.J h� f c� f.J/ G.� � I n„/1��� , '.
./�a � (� ���,.ri■ - �
�� _ vn/b�,✓�r''
S u,C�uv ,�'�I�
Community to End Homelessness � lar
SKC workforce workgroup—Evie,Karen,Colleen, Lori, KCHA �.p'��
1� :
• Purpose of group: Highlight/coordinate/convene opportunities for workforce development O n�4
I �
` agencies and refugee services organizations to collaborate to produce strong employment
• City HS Planners—others in City
� $J I ,
• Workforce Development Council - :
� , • CAMRS(Tom)Center for Advenced Manufacturing .
• Renton Tech � „
• Highline College � .
• CAMPS(Tom) Center for Advanced Manufacturing
s Renton Tech
• Highline College
• Green River College
o Neighborhood House
a Puget Sound Training Center
• Airport Jobs
a GOOdWI��
v Prosperity Agenda
� Private certificate or training programs—Cordon Blu
erookings—suggest three key principles for addressing region-wide poverty challenges: Getting to scale
by improving systems and networks, promoting high-performance organizations, and supporting smart
consolidation. Promoting collaboration and integration by identifying and reducing barriers to
integration and collaboration, rewarding integrated and collaborative approaches, and catalyzing
regional capacity. Funding strategically and flexibly by committing to enterprise-level funding,
promoting strategic tools that leverage public and private funds, and developing and maintaining
consistent, comparable data.-See more at:http://confrontingsuburbanpoverty.org/action-
SKC Workgroup—potentially explore these questions—
• What is the city's role?
• How does this link to city Economic Development plans?
• What's working—what are best practices?
� What workforce training exists for fami(ies in SKC?
• What level of case management is part of workforce development?
• Are sufficient workforce supports(childcare, housing,food, basic needs,and transportation)
• Who is the focus?All low income, underemployed, unemployed,families with young children,
youth,disconnected youth? Is there a sector focus?
• Wha else is working{high level beyond service delivery)on this issue?Are opportunities to
Urban Institute—possibility strategies
(1) collaborative efforts that better conr�ect employers with workforce programs and services,
(2) approaches that help build the education and work experience of under-skilled and unemployed
workers to get them on a viable career path, and
(3)adWances in business practices and technalogy to better serve workforee system custamers ,
http:/iwww.urbart.org/sitesJdefa uitJfiles/aifresco/publication-pdfsJ422884-innovatians-and-Future- _
Di rectians-fo r-Warkfo rce-Develapme nt-in-the-Post-Recession-Era.PDF