HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/2015 - Minutes . .._ . .. . . . ... . .. . . - . .. . . � . .,. . .. . . . .�� � . . . �.. . .. . . . ... . .. . . .. . . . .. . .,`.' . .. . . . .. . . _. . . . . . i.. � : . . ,. . ' ' � . :: ry y : :`� : : ... ��. a_ . , D C1�� . . . .. . . .. . ' � . .. � •�•.. .. .... ' . ... .. ;.' . .. .. . .. . . . .� � . .. . : . ' � , , Q , .. . .. . .. .. . . ... .. . . ... .. . . . . . . �. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . : � Human Services'Advisory Comrnittee , : . . . Meeting Minutes: � Ren#on City Hall ,.. ' Council Conference.Room, 7th Floor .. . : . . . . , . . . . . ,. . . `' September 15, 2015 3;00 p.m;. _ .. ,:: : , - -. . ... : .. . . _, . .. . . CALL TO ORDER: :Ryan Mclrvin,'Vice�Chair, called the meeting to order. A quorum was present: : , .. . . .. _ . .. ATTENDANCE: Ryan IVlclrvin,Amy Koefil, Leslie Anderson, Hen.ry M,alphus, Linda Smi.tfi,.Chad Buechler. .,.. ::_ , .. . _ . .. " Excused:Shannon Mafson; Brook.Dodd: Absenf: Kyle Burleigh: Staff: Kar.en Bergsvik; Dianne.U:techt; • ` Katie McClincy;JenniferJorgenson.: : " _ . , 1:�: APPROVAL OF:PREVIOUS MINUTES � , . , .. .. Chad moved:to approve the J.une:Minutes as presented. Leslie seconded the motion; motion _. ... ... .... ... ..., ... , .. . . . . .. . carrie . _. .. . ` 2::: AGENCY TOUR REP..ORTS . Member.s reported on their visits:to the agencies. ,.. .. . �.. .. , .. . .. . . , . .. Leslie: Puget Sound Training Center;which is pr'imarily hands=on training for skillsworking with ' - ' ,. : for.klifts,jitney:tlriv.ing;warehouse equipment, and basiceducation as well as resume:preparation: � ' They recently started offering mu�ti-lingual training at:this facility. She was:impressed with how welP , .. - ,.organized they are and.the quafity of the.,good; basic education:and training they.provide#or their . :. .. . students. :... , : : .: . . .. . . . . _ . .. . " Linda and Ctiad: REACH Center:of:Hope—Linda coordinated the visit, as she is the Director for the ,... , ; Center: They are ve.ry appreciative of th.e support they recei.v.e from the,City and its staff: They hefp_ ' an ave'rage of six to.seven families tr.ansition into long-term housing each mo.nth::Chad commented � on the irony.of changing a jail into a center of.hope for those in need�: Chad appreciate.s.the structure that has.been established to run the#aali#y;noting it is set up to , . ,. help people work..:He wonders if one of the:roles of HSAC mem6ers is advocacy,and;how members.::: ::..: : , . can advocate for the needs of�the homeless. . _ ` Chad: Margie Williams Food Bank—His v.isit.was:more focused on getting answers.to.questions,#han ' observing the foad:bank in action. He saw tfiis as a true.grass;roots.effort with a lo.t of organic : .. .. . ' community:outreacfi; including some fiome deliveries: _. , .. He.saw how they.co.uld.use volunteers.to help with�he manual labor;sueh as moving 5b-paund _ sacks of potatoes and onions. He thought the high school Key.Glubs, and the.Re,nton;schools in , . ,. .. . ` general;might be an option-because_tFiey have a volunteer requirement.to graduate. _ .. , . : . � Chad: Renton M.eal.Coalition-He saw.that there were a lot of families and diverse populations with:. . . , a sense ofcommu:n:it:y being served.: He:le:ar.ned that Leigh;:the communify chaplai:n, and Maggie,.: . . the Executive Director; have been doing ou�reach to.downtown tiusinesses to o er to e p wit some of:thie negative behaviorofsome ofthe:homeless in the downtown area. A.few homeless , ., . .. . . , individuals are causing problems, espec,ially;in the vicinity of 720:So.Tobin. Thi"s`tend:s to cast a _. ,.. .. . -` negative few on all:ttie'homeless populations. ' , . �_�._ , `t � _ City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee September 15, 2015 � Page 2 Dianne:Washington Poison Control Center—She found it to be very enlightening. They are a very pro-active resource available to anyone that calls. For example:This could benefit seniors who may forget if they've taken their medications;they can find out if it would be harmful to take them twice , or whefher it would be better to wait and take them when they are supposed to. Amy: Is going to Washington CASH on Thursday. The Ukrainian Center visit needs�o be re- ` scheduled. Visits to CryOut, Orien;and Youth Advocacy Center need to be scheduled.-Karen asked the leads to share the schedule information with the rest of the members so they could go along if desired. 3. CAPACITY BUILDING BRIEFING ' Dianne highlighted the terms of the consultant contract and noted the final reports had been received and the�hard copies are being distributed to the members today. , Linda reported that the REACH Center of Hope was a beneficiary of these efforts and presented a , candid discussion on how the process worked for her organization. She admitted to being skeptical at first because she didn't.know what to expect. The consultant used a gentle process that left her feeling valued and important. She especially appreciated the oral interview portion of the process and believes it will be an ongoing very useful tool for them. The organizations will now prepare their next steps going forward based on their individual report � outcomes. � 4. SECOND QUARTER PERFORMANCE REPORT � Dianne reported the Emergency Feeding Program (EFP) is.getting a large number of return customers. EFP provides food to agencies that giye out the food as needed. It is supposed to be an , immediate,short-term solution that supplements the food bank. It is not designed to serve people more than once. In order to better track their numbers,they have changed the way they operate. Agencies can't replenish their food supplies until all the paperwork is turned in. The agencies have since become better in doing that, so their performance numbers shall be going up accordingly. 5. HUMAN SERVICES STRATEGIC PLAN AND FUNDING PLAN Karen reviewed what work remains to be done month by month, in order to complete the plans by December 2015. Some of the key points are: The Funding Strategy needs the most work. Good data sources for the indicators need to be identified, and the data has to be easy to get. A. The priorities in the Community Needs Assessment need to be overlaid with what we are currently funding to see what and differences are. One challenge is.how literal or figurative do we want to be, in terms of the identified needs? If we are literal, it means fewer programs will fit into the new priorities. If we are figurative;then more programs will be funded, but will that � be helpful when we are trying to narrow what is funded so that the funding will make a difference? Karen asked the members to read the Need's Assessment while looking at the intent behind the need. Karen will review the consultant agreement with BERK and see if all the funds have been spent. B. Karen is working with Leslie Miller,the Human Services Manager of Kirkland, in an effort to do an analysis of what the 18 cities in King'County are spending on their human services. This has City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee _ � , September 15, 2015 � ' Page 3 � been more difficult than anticipated, as each city defines human services differently. They do. have the data on what cities allocate to human services agencies but in some cases, like Renton, this is just part of what the City does. � , C. The Strategic Plan has five initiatives. We need to pick a couple initiatives to work on in the next two to three years and develop an implementation plan for each of th'em. One of the factors to consider is, do we pick the easiest(lowest hanging fruit)to do,or do we work on the highest - need? Another factor is the staff capacity, as there is only part of one person (Karen)that will be working on it: _ , D. Karen is facilitating a regional capacity building group. This group is working on many of the �same issues that the Advisory Group identified. It would be helpful to know what is fiappening � regionally, prior to deciding-on what strategies to work on. Another South King County effort is the group that is working on Brookings Institute Suburbanization of Poverty;this group is focusing on employment. Karen suggested that a guest speaker ca.n,speak on these regional efforts. 6. HSAC VACANCIES ` The overall recruitment of additional members was discussed. It is hoped to have the position filled by the end of the year. Ryan requested that the committee members think about people that might � be good for the Committee. � Leslie asked if the committee is considering changing the days and time of the meetings to be more favorable for volunteers. She has someone in mind, but their work schedule won't allow for afternoon meetings. Karen advised the schedule could be set to accommodate the wishes of the Committee. _ Chad suggested members share the recruitment link using Facebook and Twitter. 7. MISCELLANEOUS/.UPDATES A. The May,or's Day of Concern for the Hungry is Saturday, September 19th. This is a food drive for the Emergency Feeding Program and the Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank. They are both looking for volunteers who are willing help with the two-hour shifts. Help is needed at the . stores, and at the agencies(unloading/stocking). It was suggested that items that can't be used � . by the Emergency Feeding Program be given to the Margie Williams Helping Hands Food Bank; D.ianne will work on it. Key Clubs and Just Serve (justserve.org)were suggested as places to recruit volunteers. B. Karen commented that the first four-week series of financial literacy classes were done in Renton, in partnership with First Savings Bank,the YWCA,the Salvation Army, and the City. The City's role was to provide daycare and the printing of materials. There were seven graduates. . C. Sound Cities information on Homelessness—Karen noted the Public Issues Committee of Sound Cities met in Renton a few weeks ago. Cities shared the work they are doing with the homeless. Cities in King County are all facing the challenge of dealing with more of the chronic homeless in their downtown areas. � � ' _ , , -' �.. : . . City of Renton Human Serviees Advisory Gommittee .. . . ... September 15;:2015 :. :... . Page:4 . . , ,. . .. . . _ . .. D. The Renton Housing Authority and the Low fncome Housing Institute (LiHi) are both applying for _ . : funtling to build affordable:housing in the City. LiHi is planning:o.n building 48 unitsin.the' . . downtown ar.ea near Harambee.Chur.ch:' _. . . , The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p,m: : , � .. Respe.etfully submitted, _ ' _. -. :... �— : Q .. . . .. . : n. Nlclrvm, Vice-Ch.ai.r:: . . �.... . .: . ..: : : .. , . , ; �; .. �� � r �. ,. y , . . .. � . ' ULAR.MEET.ING � OCTOBER 20, 2015,7th Floor, RentQn.City Hall : i; � �.. . NEXT REG , , , , , , . . . -° � . : -° - .: ` . COUNCI,L CONF.ERENCE�ROOIVI _.... .. ...... " 'N . .. . .. . .. . .. . � .... . .� �... .. .. .� ... .. . .� ... .. � . . '�. .� ... .. . . . .... . .. . .. . .... ` :. . . . ... . .. . . .. .. . �. ... . .. . . .. ... .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .... . .... . ..:. . . .... . . ....� , � . �.. 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