HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/2015 - Minutes , r �. �.��.��l�C c�'���I � �.�J_� � . . , : , Hunaan Services�dvisory Corn►nittee . IVleeting Minutes : . . Re - ,. . . , nton City:Hall ,, _ Council Conference Room, 7th Floor � June 16;:2015 3;00 p:m. CALL TO:ORDER: Shannon Matson;.Chair,called tlie m.eeting to order. A quorum was present: . ATTENDANCE: Ryan Mclrvin, Brook Dodd,Amy Koehl, Kyle Burleigh-Leslie Anderso:n,Chad Buechler: . Absent: Linda_Smith: Staff: Karen Bergsvik;bienne Utecht,:and Jenniferlorgenson.Guest:Council=; : ;: member Ruth Perez. ,.. ... _. ° 1: ;.APPROVAL OF PREVI.OUS MINUTES ' :. _ . , . . , Kyle:Burleigh noted his;name,is.,noted twice in the March Minutes and asked to have the record. : `. - . correeted to show he was present at that.meeting.° With that cor.rection noted,Ryam m�ved to approve the balance:ofthe Minutes.as presented. Brookpodd:seconded the motion;motion . .. _ . . .. . carrie .:. " :: . :. :.:. � 2. JULY AND AUGUST MEETINGS , . . .. . . �.,. lt was discussed and:agreed 1)the Committee will not meet.in luly and August;and.2):the Committee..wilf do agency visi,ts during this time. , ` Karen passed out a guidance sheet relating to the agency visits(a.ttached). 5he,listed:examples of _. : :the types of questiorrs'members might�sk df each agency: At'the September meeting;each team - . _ . . , . .. . . would share:their agency.expe�iences with the.HSAC;members. Karen asked:for feedback;.and th:is . .... .. .. .... was given::. .: . .. �; . . . :, . _ _ • A tool kit for each team to take and:use during their irrdividual:site visits. • How the agency maintains key relationships witti other agencies. ;. . ,� . . •; Point of service delivery. ,. . , . _ , . :. . . 3. ' SURVEY RESULTS " . Karen passecl out the tabulated results to the survey questions. The top.fiVe topics that tHe . members want.to learn more about are; : , . . . 1) WA.State HouSingTrust.Eund _ : . 2) Renton Resource Directory 3) Brie�ng on Kids First Levy � , . _ 4). :Housing Repair Program:Overview _ _ 5 Tie: Suburbanization of ove what this means for Renton and South Kin Count ,and , . � ,... P rtl/-: , . .6 Y CDBG 101:: :. . . 4. FIRST C�,UARTER PERFORMANCE REPORT _ . Dianne shared that she:ettended a DateWise meeting and.she was impressed with vuhat she saw. : ;... , DateWise is a ro cam.we fund thaf is r.un b. the Greater Ma le Valle Community Center. She P g Y ,. p Y then went.over the results of:the first quarter agenCy.reports. There:wer.e no disconcerting issue3. . . :. .. . , . . . . . . .. . . . . ..- . .. . . . . . ' . . . .. . . . . . � � __:a .,. . . � . . . .. . . ' . . . .. i � .. . .. .... ... . .. .... .. , .. . .. .. . .. .... .. .. .. .... . . �. . . �.-, . . . . . . . . . . . . ' �ity of Renton Human Servi.ces Advisory Committee ` June�6,2015 , . Page°2,. . raised but it was too.earl to dete , . ' ' y rmine if there a�e any performance issues with.any of th:e reporting agencies: ;Staff will have a clearerpicture after the sec�nd quarter reports ha:ve:been _ . . , submitted:and analyzed..• . . S., .SOUTM KING COUNCIL ANNUAL LUNCH .. . .. The South King Councif Annual Lunc[�will.be on June 23'd a.t Emerald'Downs. Karen explained this is . ' a great netwotking opportuniry... The City will pay for member's tunch ticket if.anyone is interested. . in atte�d:ing and a carpool from City Hall will be arranged for those who want:to join in. Amy,Brook : ' and Shannon expressed interest in attending. Members need to checktfieir celendars and:gef back in touch with an RSVP.to Karen as soon as possible. , .. .. ;. 6. VACANT�OSITION _ . .. .... , . , , ` Ahn Le has not responded to Keren's inquiries.so her name will be.witFidrewn from consideration. 'The diversity of the committee members:is important to consider::There is an open call#o:r Committee.applicenCs on the Human Servites web page. Members were encouraged to seek qualified candidates from their realm of influence: Karen will put together,a position description: ; ' : along wifh the application forrri and get it qut to the Committee members. Ryan,Brook,.Amy and Leslie volunteered to be on the interview panel. . Dianne:is doing research on community indicators for tracking and analyzing the Funding Strategy Plan : : _ . . .. outcames for the Renton P[eeds Assessment, . . . ` 7he meeting adjou�ned at3:50 p.m,,. .. ` °- Respectfully s mitted; .. . ° : ..' - , ' _'...' ... . . f .. . .. .�' . '..'.", � ' . .;. . . . . . . . . . .. . . ' - ' ._. . - ' . .. . .. . .-. . ... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. Mclrvin, Vice-Chaie : : , . , NEXT REGULAR MEETING..SEPTEMBER 15,2015,7�'.F[oor,Renton City.Mall : COUNCIL:CONFERENCE ROOM: . . .