HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/2015 - Minutes _ ;_ _
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� Human Services Advisory Committee
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Meeting Minutes :: `
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R ton City Hall ': _
, Cnuncil Conference Room, 7th Floor . .
_: . . . :
_ . .. . . May 19; 2015 3':00 p:m. :.:.:
, . ,. . . . ..
CALL TO:ORDER:::Ryan Mclrvin,Vice�Chair, called:fhe meefing to order: A quorum was not:present::
_ . ..
ATTENDANCE: Ryan Mclrvin, Linda Smith;. B.rook,Dodd, Kyle Burleigh Absent:Amy Koehl; Leslie
,. .
Anderson, Chad Buechler, Kyle Burleig.h Staff: Karen Bergsvik; Dianne.Utecht,Jennifer 7orgenson
Guests: City;Councilmember Ruth:Perez; BERK Consultants Annie Saurweirt:and Allegra Calder :: ;: :
, � .. . ..
Minutes.were tabled due to.laCk of a quorum:
. . ,,. .
2. WELCOME. . . ::.
Allegra gave a brief overview of the items used to help form.�he Draft Human:Services Strategic
, _
P an::
,: . .
Commun'ity Needs Assessment:
-. - Public,Engagement Summary.from the five.World,Gafe conversation discussions
_ .. .
Draf€ Funding Plan `
The Strategic Rlan'r:ecommends that it be updated as appr:opriate along with the biennial
bud.gets and Compreliensive Plan updates: "
... ..
, .
Allegra asked for feedback on the Plan.: :: : "
:: . ommen: s:: :
.. ..
• The Iist:of th.e Advisory Committee.members needs to:'be updated
. .
• Who:is the intended..audience? If it isthe.public,then the document needs to take.into,
' consideration,the jargon.uvithin-does the general public,have any idea who, or what; a. ._
'stakeholder'.is? On page 2 the word 'navigator' is not normally used I�y the public. Is
_ .. .
,. ..
there a more appropriate word that can be.used?
. .
' • - Special.,l.nitiative#5 needs to;be.guantified.
• The word`advocate' needs to be re=phrased.
• . Seco:nd bullet,second wo:rd, 'with' should kie-ehanged to 'b:etwe;en'
The general consensus was the overall scope of the plan looks good.
' .,. Exhibit 1 lists identical.figures for both p.rior.year categories..Dianne clarified the.listed figures are..
, ..
not correct.
_ ,
The Chair raised the question, "1Nhat if we turned tlie:entire process upside.down, and had the:
" agencies make.s.ubmissions based on ou.r co.ntracts for the Needs:areas?" Th.is wo,uld.provide the... , `
� .
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, � , . .... �
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Cif of Renton Hurnan Services Hdviso Committee �� _
Y rY
' May 21, 2015
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Page:2 . .
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oppo:rtunity to examine contracts with bids,versus grants being based.on tlae proposal process.:
The Cit would need to consider leavin the consor�ium and ettin awa fr.om the gener.aliied .
,. .. .
Y g.. g , .. b Y
_:: _
gr.anf applicati�n.paekages.
, . .
AdviSory Corrimittee mem.be.rs were not comforta.bk.e with using the'prop'osed percentages.in:
, .
.. .. :
Exhibit E: :It.was su ested.tfiat:bullet oints be used instead of ercenta es, `
_ gg. .. p.. . .. !? g
� : A1legra suggested thiriking about usi:ng minimums as a basis:for f.unding.
- The Chair asked the group to:co.nsider what do we:need at a minimum:fo:r basic survival needs for
,: . .
the;citizens of Renton?;;Is there a better way to do this?::
Will there be protected services?
VVhat�re they?
- : ::What do yq:u propose for allocations? •
How do we:know:that we're funding what needs to be funded?
,. _
' Should we look into the finaneial stability of f.un:ded agencies? :
,. .
A comment was made that, as tfie process c.urrently sten:ds,we n:eed to add a disclaimer steting that
: fiunding is based on competitive applications.
Staff noted that on page 8, item#3,the wording need5 to include align to City...
, ..
Members were:asked.#o look at cre�ting a.set=aside.or a percentage for funding for.capacity
, . :. .
�: . .
.. .. .
building..Capacity building wou.ld also incorporate.u,pdating the Funding,P,lan and the Community
Needs Assessment.
The members feel th:at this plan clarifies the issues around.the.funding process. . :...
,.. ,
Berkwill.re=viiork the funding page and re-empha.sii:e t:he competitive.aspect of the funding p:ro.cess.
, .
Allegra explained this is their last meeting:as consultants:to parti.cipate in the'Human:Services
_ . ,
Committee rrieetings, and:they:thanked the group for all of their hard.work to help crea#e thiese
- documents..They were.thanked for all of their work: . . ,
The:status of filling the:vacent Committee position was asked abouf.: The diversity of'the:committee
members is.important to cons'ider. Anh may still be intere.sted. It was noted there is an open call for
.. : " applicants.on the Human Services web page,. Members wou.ld like to.see otfier social.media being used
to help fill the vacancy ; ..
The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m: :
, ..
Respectfully submifited,
Shannon Maf n, Ghair : . . ' , .. . .
� ; �� ,... ��: :: � .
. = ;_ �. � , � -� �.�� � �
� ` NEXT f�EGULAR MEETING. J:UNrE,:16,,2015,7th.Floor,Renton City H�11 '
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Luptatam,.sant est, sit accus iurri..eostium, officatecum .qua s am sandignis
sit:eos cus, cus destrum.vellac�tate parehit eum at am, ad' �F diosam hicabor .- , � ..
pqrehentem dolliquam ex:elenime ndebis voluptur? .
: ,. .
: t ` Ut aut eos:et et eum qui ius molorep udionsequa � : . di om t�u� tatiaus ma �
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iaeprem aut;que comnis restibus "
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. . . ,� � � ' bearum, andicie a , , :. . .
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P�O JE�T �A�K G I�O �1v�D : . . . . Ackn�wl�dgemea�ts
.. _ _ �
Tlie..City ; of Renton . eompleted� its -fir.st _Comi�nunity Needs �' - -= - `
Assessrrmen�for Human'Ser:vi:ces and Housing'in January 2015.:": CBTY REPRE�ENT�TIVES ..
The process used to develop the Comrnunity Needs Assessment ���p���rveces�4clvosory ,
,r; , . _
'Iitate. iden.tificafion of ` -:
, --
__ . __: _:._
wid.ely engaged stakeholders to `faci : ; , Co►�mii�'ee. :' : :
Renton'spriority needs�The process included interviews, servcce
°� " � '' - >: Shannon IVlatson;:Chair
provider and resident focus groups; :a visioning session with ' �, . '
, . : . . . : ; :
� �Renton's;Human Services Adyisory�Co�mrriiftee; a workshop'`with ► Ryan Mclrvin;Vice Chair..
, ... ...
. ,', a group of Renton's human service and.housing pr.oviders, and a` ► Leslie Anderson. ,. �'
� workshop with City'managerne:nt staff; .;; ►, Chad Bue�liler.. :�:
Usingthe;informafionin.theAssessment,theCitythenconveneda _ ► Kyle Bu'rleigh > �
.series of five stakeh.older enga�ementevents attend.ed primarily .► Dorothy Capers .`
; .. , ,: . _
. .
... . . ,. . .. . .
by provider.s to determine-h`ow best to'add:ress these�priority ; -
. „ ,
► ::Brook Dodd ;
needs. This.Strategic Plan and Funding Strategy was developed: . . ,
. :. ►: Amy Koehl
� out of this stakeholder engagement process, focusing on the
; .
, , . � , .. ,.. .. _ . . . : : : � Henr.y Malphus
City s rol:e and how it cou.ld �est help to address the needs
> . , . , ' .►.. Linda Smith, . . .
.. ; ,
, ;:
I�EY.T'I��11�E5: .. : ,. s���: . .. ..
,. .
. Stakeliolder engagerrrent :was„organized ;aro.und the human: . _ ,, Terry Higash:iyama, �
services definitions; and sparked wide ranging:conversations. Communi:tyServices
._ .. . . .... .. . . .. . , . ..: . :. _ . , .. ._ . .
_ Throughou:t the course of tfie discussions;."several key them_es Administrator ° .
_ .
emerged: ,. . ....: :: . . . . ,:r Karen Bergsvik,.Humari. :
< .:.. ,
- � ,:`. .; ,:_ Services Division:Manager
.._ Childcare; housing, and transportati:on were identified as - '`
.. .
` � " ; ; r Dianne;,Utecht, Human s
the:most criticaf needs.. . :: . . .. .. ,'. .... .. . . _ . ::: . .
: „ . .> . .,
� � . Service or
" s Coordinat
Demand for services and support:far exceeds the supply. : '
_ ...
e.. In addition to capacGty;: barriers to s.ervice access must be. ;; ` -•
. .. ,
_ . ... . .
-.,.. .
addressed.. . .
.. . .. .
. ; . . . . ; . : .. .
: • ; Inforrriation and commu'nication'about`exrsting services
_ _ , .
and supports shoufd �e impro.ved, .: ' :' ' `
' .: � .. . a Employment and youth employment are viewed as lorig term ,;:.. .: .
solutions to many Renton.community needs,:but manyjob
,:. .
` seekers require-significant support; :; � �
- • ..Partnering with existing,organizations in Renton is a strategy for _
addressing community needs. � ` �
PAGE 2 DRAFT:MAY 1:5,.2q15
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• D E�I1V I T'I01lT 5:0: :
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" Human.services are defined as..those services provided directly to,
• � . :
Renton:resi:dents to meet basic:h:uman needs f.or::
, .
� . , .... ..
� Basic SurvivallVeeds—food;shelter;and protection from.
violence; abuse, and neglect. -
, o
, . ...
=• Avai�ab9e, Quality Hous�ng-available,safe and healthy housing . `
� � for low and moderate income households
� , :::•: Health and:llVelio�ess—healtfi egui:ty:and family:wellness services �
including early childhood screenings; parenting support; and ,
medicaf, dental;:mental health; and substance abuse ser.vices
' ' �� �i • Nei hborhood O
g pportun:ity—access to affardable, high quality
. , _..
early childhood educat�on; ou.t-of-school opportunities for youth; .
� � � o� and mobility and transportation options _ _ _ '
. .
� �conomic.C�pportunity=sustainable employment and financ�ial
_ . _ :
conditions :: ::
CITY _ ,
(JF. RE1�T01\T I�OL�S. _ _
- .. Inspire:Highlight programs and.providers thaf are making a '
� :::difference and advocate for increased funding and attention
to the issues,
. .. . . .
� Understarad a�d Evaluate: Assess community needs ;on
: :: ;
� � an ongoing. basrs, including .through broad stakeholder
- ' engagement and tracking.repo:rted outcomes:from agencies
that"receive funding.
Educa�te Communicate an understanding :of community 7
needs to stakeholders, and promote available resources
: ,.
, ..:. . . ,
and solutions. . __.
' = Cm��ec�. BUild a . network of internal and exfiernal
�� ..::stakeholders thro:ugh convening and referrals,and advocate.
\ for and sup.port a systems approach to meeting_community :
_ . _ : ,.
nee s. _ ,
� .. . _
$ Invest: Priaritize the: alloca:tion of public funds to
responsively address community. needs, with a focus�:o,n
: . prevention and stabiliiation for residents in crisis. ::
DRAFT:MAY!1:5;;2U15 PAGE 3
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;I�iT l��AT'�V E S ::
Initiative.#1 : Understand, Measure, and Respond �to Community Needs �
.. . .
• Establish a schedule for human services division.pl.anning and assessment.�� �C �
(Resources for these activities are addressed in the Funding Plan under Capacixy Building)` . . .
_ . .
o' Community.Needs Assessment: Updated ever.y two years jcompleted afiead of funding.cycle). <
� .: ' o Human.Services Strategic P:lan:.Completed every:four to six years:
o :Funding Strategy: Refreshed every funding (every two year:s):cycle based on Cornmunity Needs
.. . ..
Assessment. °
� .Align human services division planning an,d assessment documents with other.�i#y documents,..
including the Comprehensive Plan, biennial budget,and Business Plan.; � � '
. • Widely distribute Community Needs Assessment and updates to partners and;srtakeholders. �
• Measure and report on the indicators identified by;the,Commun'ity Needs Assessment as possibl'e "
, .: .. . .
: metrics for each:commuhity need identified;widely distribute this information to:partners and
stakeholders.. �: -.
. _ .
• Celebrate progress toward meeting community needs as demonstrated by indicators; highlight
programs or resources that are workin well in Renton.
_ '�k .
. :
� , ' , ' "Quote froin a Renton esident `
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, �;s or.human service pro:vider."
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' InitiatiVe #2:foster a culture of inclusivity and c_ommunify fo �educe stigr�a araund
- acc.essing human services ;: :
• Make City programs as accessible.as possible to:all_residents, regardless'of,income or other
_ _ . . . . ..
characteristics. �`*
, ,
o Increase sctiolarship op:pqrtu:nities for City programs that charge:fees.� � - -
, .
: o::5eek opportunities to provide child care and transportatian options for City events. -
o Seek opportunities to proVide translation of materials and at eventswfienever possible:
' ' ' o Focus on incr.easin .accessibilit of the Git 's reschool includin throu h acce tin tlie Washin ton
' b Y . Y p g 6. p g g
. State Department of Social and Hea:Ith;Se,rvices Working Connections Child Caresubsidy pragram : :
• Reduce barriers to access to.services and referrals �.
o::Focus on customer;service in all interactions with residents and act as navigators.for those seeking . .
. _
�. . human:seryices.
� Ensure that other City:departments and staff are aware of:human services:resources and providers: :
: . . .. . ,
within the city and can make.app:ropriate referrals.: � _
, .
o: To better serve residents, ensure that staff are trained and able to make referrals to human services:
,.,. .. . .
_ , •
• Raise awareness of the community needs in Renton.'� � -
� Develop a new,searchable resource directory available online and updated on an ongoing basis,�
: ,
o Within.this new tool, proyrde additional inforrnation about service providers including; focations, � `
services provided, eligibility requirements, and current availability of services.. :
,. __ . .
� o Ensure that the resource directory includes all relevant resources and services; some resources and
- services to add include:Child Care Aware.and King Co.unty Metro`ORGA LIFT...
DRAfT:MAY 1.5;;2415 . PAGE 5;:
� • � � e � : r � � e
,.. . .
Initiatpve #3. partn�r fo Address H:um�n Services Prior�toes
. .
e Participate in regional and King County wide conversations around
_ .. . . Human Services to ensure regional and city priorities.are aligned: : ' ' - • ' - • " . . °
� � � � . .
:. • PFovide.networking opportunities for human services providers • •
and facilitate relatio.nship development among them. � �: . . e .
. .
,. . .. . .: _ . _ • e • - - -
, .
� Collaborate:with other city departments to address changing � .
needs and demo ra hics in Renton:
g.. p..�,
o Work.to:a:lign human services:priorities with city.policies and
regulations-for example; ioning that limits housing production, unit size restrictions; uneven code
- : e:nforcement.: ': :: :
__ .. _.. . . . _
_ _ . ..
o Participate in the Housing Str.ategic Plan to:ensure that identified:needs for available;:quality
_ .. . . _.. :. . _.. .. . . , _... ..
h:ousing and tiarriers to achieving it are taken into account: :
o Educate Public Safety'Services about resources in:the community; how to partner with them, and
how to make appropria#e:refe.rrals. „
_ . _ _
• Strengthen the Gty's relationships with key partners (e.g.,grantees, Renton Scho.oJ District,
- . : University of.lNashington;Medicine Valley Medical Center, Renton Technical College)to enhance a �
. . :. : ; :
_. ..
systems approach to addressing changing needs and demographics in Renton.
Initcative �4: Rep�ioritize Hu�an.Services Grant Funding �as�d o� Identifa�d
Community Needs
_ _
� Invest in.capacity building and shared resources for.stakeholders, including stakeholder engagement,
; :
__ ..
- training;fechnical assistance, resource directory,convening, and Corv�rnunity Needs Assessrrnent
� � �e.
updates.4'��. . $
� Tie funding sfrategy to identi$ied corvimunity needs and demonstra#ed results as.shown by indicators:
, _
�-�$. . _ ..
_ ..
_ ._. ..
� Allocate a sh�re of hurxian services fundin to srr�aller human service or aniza�ions.
g g
Advocate for addifional grant funding to support haaman services in Renton. $
_... .. .
� � :: :
e Assess commuroit su
y: pport for supporting human services through other revenue sourees,#oa�
_ . ..
exarnple a levy.��$
� Analyze City biennial;hurnan services gra:nt ffunding to understand cycle over cycle funding trends, :
_ .. , . . .
and or anizations and eo le served. -
g p p . � $ :
' � Increase marketing and awa�eness of human services grant funding oppor$unities to organizafions:
_ _
aiigned with the City's human services funding strategy. � $ -
PAGE 6 DRAFT: MAY:1:5,:2q15
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,. .
�nitiative #5: Special lnitiative
_ . -
:: :
�, .Advocate for the.City to be a modeLemployer in terms of wages, benefifs,and.hiring pracfices. �.*
,. . ....
_ .. .
. _ .
. .. .
• Collaborate:with Economic Development and:other departments to'promote Renton's assets,
_ .
inclt�ding the.diversity of the community and'Renton Technic�al College,.to employers.�iuith a goal of
increasing employment opportunities::� � *
• Partner with YouthSource;Wor.kSource,and otliers to hold employment.events—covering topics
sucli as how to look for:a job,to matchirtg.job seekers with:employers,and opportunities to match:;._:
: . , : :
� *
�youth employment oppor.tunities with senior citizens' needs. _
• Work with employers:around willingness,to hire"non-traditi:Q:nal"candida#es a:nd offe,r internships;
, . ; ;
. .: � � �� ENlT - ..
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� . � � � �
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'� � ° ± ����2�� conseq.ue-nonsequi iliquatta;velent.
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- . . Les 'a arum_excere:qu t �nagnis plique co
: con eruptaque experum fuga. Nam,:eonet et autem eiurri:sandem et et apid trtaiorpo restiam ut t�a i�ideseque
re voluptde sunt aut odignat offic tectem conem:Neque lis nulpa volorer chiciis is aut at estempe llatur, que
coresciaterrt quatiore iducitaectia plabor acerruptis ipictur? .Qui blac�uptus utet evelenis es nis essitatae �
conseque iuin et�ti z�eliam fugiaerum as r:atusda ectende nihieia ndebit do�orro reptium nonsedis dallest
ruptatem quaest diones eaquarrius ape offici rectatem earum et quos audi officabor simolorest,sequi debis ut �
eate sit qui dero c�uos estet fugiatio dolum nuiyi raepudae vel magniin dolore sit ent; apersperibus not�etum
, .., . ,
eossit que amanctotaere nim ipit est, oecum aut offic te na i�iquunt eos et�saptet experci mporruiri�psam lissita - '
' tiarro.vellacit voloren ditias:ut labo. Nitatibea pe num � � � -
DRAFT:,MAY:15,;_2Q15 PAGE 7,: `
_.. _ . _..
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The.City of Renton fiunds human services to.. esf a ress . asic,nee s an provi e sta i ity to t ose in.
crisis through collaboration and community su.pport. Four main goals inform the City's funding plan.
The City of Renton's investments; "
... . , �
1. .Focus on basic needs;:prevention and providing stability fo:r:those in crisis: ' -
- 2. Respond-to changing needs in Renton as s.hown in the Community Needs Assessment:
g g _. .
3. Ali n to re ionaf priorities (see lnitiative #3):
_ , .
4: Are large enough to impacf the indicators related to the need addressed by the investment.
�LTl�TI�Il�G I'I�OCESS _ .
_ .
The City of Renton executes its Funding Strategy through a thoughtFul, collabora:tive funding pr.ocess..
_ . .
Tlie Human'Services Advisory Gommittee reviews:alJ grant applicatio:ns together and: scores each
_ _ _ ..
one, identifying the funding pools for which each requesf is. eligible. For examp:le,. grants for smal;ler
,. __
organizations (10%).or community needs grants (80%, split on a percentage basis; pr.edeter.mined by
HSAC, between the five areas of community need): Grarit requests are prioritized based:on score, and
funded in order as available funding in each_category allows...
Every two years; ahead of the grant cycle, the City updates its funding strategy based on its goals and
_ : ::
any updates to the Needs Assessment. :
, . . m
�tnv�st mr� capacity buoldin�`and shared rescau.rces for s�akeho6ders F 10%; w�
� " �W � � ��
. > _, o,_P �. ,
(this might enclude'shared stakeholder engagement, traming, technical '` ' " _ ��, ¢ , {
� P �� � �
assistance, data collect�on, reso.urce di`rectary, conyening, and Cornmur►ity�
Needs Assessrnent u�date's) M���ew �,b� 4 � ����.'� � ` .�y� �a�
�..w � � ��.. � �:��. �
�.�.aw�,�_.� ..�.�.�.,.�.�z�
�Ilocate some 'hurv�an servaces funding to; srnaller hurv�an::serviice 10%?
organizations : : - . _ ..
� � � `"---�---� �-��: �.�
�Ca+�rnuraity Needs ..... .�w � y �,. 80/' ��
, v � �.�� �
Basic Survival Needs �� 25% �
�m�A�arl b Qual�ty°Housing�.��..����.�..ti u<���.��.�...� � ���.�...r� � `� 20%�:� � � � �
,� _ ��_�u.,.. '��.v�. �,,�✓.�..
� �....�. ��
-, .
Hedlth and Wellness . ' . 10% .
�.IUe�gli�borh�`od Opportun�ty ��..�..�u.�.. � � Ww_����.._ � .���'__..� ` � 5�_ �.��..�.:� ,
_ .
� �..�w _� .� .
Economic Opportunity � 20% -
� �
�.�., 'h`'.,
, • m � �
• • . - �
�'' a PAGE A-1
_ _ .
_ .
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Community Outcome: Improved access to nutrition support. • :.A direct measure of need for improved access to quality food would
be families or individuals reporting that th:ey do not have enough:to e
- ; eat, or that:they ha�e hatl to make frade-offs between food and other
ilie n
basic needs: An indi�ect measure is the nurriber of fam" s living i
_ _ . . _ ,
poverty or not.earning enough to be.self=sufficient: `
p,:; , .:: _ �. . < _. .�`�•� _ �. ,�-���
_ , :�e -�--�-�.,,
�,�,;_, • _� a ;.. ,,. .,. ., ....:,, .� .. ., ,, r.�w:� ..: ,... ._
,�,< , ,,. . , ; o .
�A enc ,: Outcome.=vfn.di,vidual/families�=a�.m roue..,ar�maintain �eat�n , .`. •, -Dollar�ualue af UVIG/P;EBT SR�voucher�s, ent.at�er�ton Fa,rmer s ' 2
.g Y A g f P
� ThabltS � � z �. � �� � MarkEt `� "
, ,
. - _ ' ..Fe .�,... y� F
Community Outeome:Service-rich day and niglit shelters for homeless: • Unshelteredand sheltered homeless counts.
o families. � Renton School District McKinney-Vento-qualified students
� _...
- : : � ; • Evietion court filings as a:leading indicator of housing insfability.
_ _ .
�:: _
_ .
� , • Schoo.l enrollme.nt furnove�.rate. „
�!... • - 211 calls for shelter or emergency housing assista:nee frorri:Renton
o. . residents.
�, R��� .�.,�.---�-� � .
�_� K 5 � ,��.: ,�
. . � � l af clients thattransition,andstay in•stable housing k
�Agency Outcames a,, �
... � '�` ��` .,�. �zf e { � � �� $ � � ���� 3 ,�. � �'�''�' � Y .,tt � �',
}.`f` • 3�Individuals an°d�farrii[ies�hau��a ces �. .�. � { k .,� _,' � � �`�� � �� �'
".�, �- .4���:,�e S 't ���,4 �. +. `� ,s ,� a i .a r � *
� to andJor knowlec�ge of cornmun�tyt � � � ' ` �' ��
'�., L x°i, ; �$ Y `"� � ^ .�"�' Sr � x `- ' -
. ';, k �. �r+. x. a -�'s �'f � ��� '�
- �• a, �x rE�SOUrC25 �g , v' : x � �"�"'� '� � � ,. °
- � '' '� w � � .�t r ����� '' � � � t �r
��"� • Irtd�vidua(s and��_famili.es haue�secure ,, � � � a � � _'•� � � � �� � ��, � '�ti�
� � ' � �' F � � � � � � � � � � q
� ; �IOUS�1g�� c ' � s � r ��p � � �' � � t��� f � g � � �
��-u,..as.:-L*�.:.,M .� e�; Y ...:k...:....,. # 4 u.�3.z,. � F�>`�v.�.L- �,a�:.#' 4�l �' d:
.. .. . ..� ... ... 0 ' �� � . 0� ' , �". "_. �." .... .. .8,
Community Outcomes: : :: • .:Number of subsidized:housing units.
� More �ental units available to very low income houseFiolds � Number of eviction wsrrant filing:
(households.earning 30%of King County AMI.or less) ., persons per room as an indicator of overcrowding. .
: _
• IVlore safe, energy effici;ent, and healthy housing available to low :; . Housingstock rated "good" �y.the County Assessor:in various value
and moderate income:households(earning 30%:to 80%of King
County AMl). categories. .. _
_ ,.
_ ...
_.... _....
. . � . • . . .
. �'
Community:0utcome::Better access.to healtli.and dental.care for low= •: :�.Indicato�s of access:to healtfi care include.points of.liealth care:. . : ...
income residents. �.. .
service and.tfie hours ofavailability:An indicator of financial access
to health care includes those reporting that they could not see:a
; doctor due to cost and tfie proportion of the adult population that is
- _. uninsuced.
,;� ,,
,. ,^Q. o . .
. ,, .- . :: . . . .:, . , , . , . .
: .; . ,. .
Agenc;y�:0utcom� Individu,als 'and_familres'.improve,,hea,lth, (mental,
� 80/of 2 and 6 year old patiertts compleCe age appropr�ate: �
�physical and derttal) ' ` �� � �
� �� ,' ��� ; � "; irr7muniiations on tim:e
_ _ . a , , .. . . . � �
' '; „� �7 ._ ` :; =t , . : - ' •..::75%of'oral patients corriplete oral:health�treatment plan=
, . r; :: �:. , �..-.: . : , _ :, . . .<. , � �..,: ... , ,, . .
; w .
• �° ,_: .,. � • :.� :, � ,: .,. _::.' . � ' ,:, ... - � . .. -• • D%_o.f.;abortion care�clients.r.eturn to clin�ic.for bir.th:control w.i�hin
.. , . .
one year � -
Community Outcome: Early childhoo.d screen'ing and :parenting: :: • A direct measur:e ofthe ch:ildren who:are receiy:ing early c:h_ildhood
support. screenings would.be the nurriber of:1—:4 year olds receiving annual
_ _
- - medical assessments. For many, the dominant.obstade to receiving: �
_ . _ _
preventative medical.exams is cost;therefore,the number of 1-4
o _ .
n - _ _ _: yea d by he s a:proxy.
� ,. ; . . , . . .
r olds n:ot.covere altli insurance can act a
�. �Agenc�r;;0utcome Irn,proved;ability to meet;'developmental rnilestones �_y, u, � �
, ,. . . . . .. ,. . . ..� . . ..,
j Community Outeome: More mental health and substance. abuse: • Distutbance a�rests.
�. . . ...
services,.. _. �
Substance abuse arrests.
. N .. . .. . . . . .. .. :..; � . . . . . . .
. .O.. .._...� .. .. . ..' .".. .. .. � .' . " .' . .. . .. . . . . '..�. . _.. . . . . . . . � .
. . . � . ... .. ... .. ... . ... .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . ' .. : ' .. .. .. ' . . . "
• _ Suicide rates.
_ _ • :.Contacts:with.first responders.: :
.o . . . • . .. .
Community 0utcomes: � Transportation cost.The cost of the average commute to wo�k:at
Im roved mobility and transportation options: : $0.50 per mile;:
' P.
• fVlo�e high quality, out-of-school time:opportunities for yo.u:th. �
Transit.cost.Th:e:co:st of the average:transit fare.
• ccess to transit.The percentage of the totaf area that is:within 1 4= •-
� Increased access to affordable, quality,early childhootl A
education. - _ mile of an:Express Bus Stop. _ _ .
• Walkability._The perce.n.tage of workers wh.o walk to work; �
- • Numbe�of 13-19 year olds living in l.ow-income house o ds.
- - - - • Youth Partici ation:in K-12 S orts and Arts Pro rams. •
_. . p . . P b......
_ _..
� Wait lists for Head Start and Early ChildHood and Assistance P:�ogram:
(ECEAP) can �eveal unmet need of lower income houseliolds for ea�ly
� educational opPortunities. . : �
� � - • . Total number:of childcare slots i.n.centers p.a.rticipating in:Early
� � e.
Achievers can reveal the quality of childcare ser:vice.supply.: ::
_ . _ _ .
: .L7� � 0 �� • • •� • �
.. . D • e i � m� . 6', •
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-- Community:qutcomes:. -; • ::The number of persq.ns:who are.persisten.tfy unemployed
Support for adults who f,ace barriers to employment(ch,ildcare, (unemployed:for more than 27 weeks).
• �
transportation and affordable housing). � Disproportionality in emplo.yment rates among:race; gender, age,
lan ua e abilit or nei hborhood.
- � Access to liv:ing wage jobs and career advancement. g g y� g
- - - � Full-time workers earning less:than a livable wage.: :
, . _
•:, .Participation in skills training programs of:targeted populations.: .
, �-��-�-.�,-� •
Agency;;0utcome {Peo:ple acquire concrete jobs skills y.�-�;., , � �' � - � �_ :�
_ _
_ ,. .
. _ .
. .
o _.. _
_ .. _
__. _..
_ •
T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. ._ . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .
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.. ... .. .. ...
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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_ .
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� �
Publie Engagement Summary.
aY .
f ����1�C�I�.� . . :
, _. .. . ... .. .
The City of.Renton is developing a. Human Service.s.Strategic Plen to. ad.dress priority service. needs
identified in its January 2015 Community Needs Assessment for Human 5erwces an ousing. 7 e
Community Needs Assessment identified thirteen priority human service and housing needs across five
_, ..
majo.r categories,.includ'Ing:
� Eco:nomic Opportunity
� : Basic Needs fbr Families
_ .
_. .
� He:alth and 1Nellness
• ..:Aveilable;Quality Mousing
: � :: Neighborhood Opportunity. :.
The pro.cess used to develop.the Community Needs Assessment widely.engagetl:stakeholders:to facilitate
. iclentification of Renton's priority need.s. Tlie process includ.e.d inteniiews, service:provider and resident
focus.groups, a visioning session with Renton's Human Services Aclvisory Committee; a:workshop with a. ::
group of Ren:ton's human service.and housing providers; and a workshop of.Gity management staff._
To develop the City of Renton's Human Services Strategic Plan;sfakeholder engagement focused primarify
on:proyiders to determine how best to address these priorities needs.0ur engagement strategy included
five community conversations,.each around a different.category of need, using a modified World.Gafe
Gonversationmodel. -
Tlie 1Norld Cafe Conversation Model facilitetes dynamic.con:versation and knowledge sharing around a.
topic of interest. Participanfs startetl in conversation clusters around the.room, and explored pre=set
questions around the engagement fopic, actively listening:while.s.haring their own ideas verbally an.d
: visually. Facilitators :moved from table to. table, cross-pollinating _their ideas throughout the room:. :
_. .. . . _ . .
' Participants tlien converged:for a large group discussioh where we shared insights and discoveries:made
that day, :allowing these smalker: conversations: to:increase our co:llective knowledge aro:u:n:d the
engagement topic. .. . :...
_ .. .
A summary oftfie five community conversations is belo.w::Each category starts with the identifietl:needs
from th:e.Community Needs Assess:ment and is followed:by the questions pased at the conversation and
the.key findings.
FINAL:May.13;2015 1
_. ..
� . .
• Childcare, housing, and transportation were identifi.ed as the most critic.al.needs.
_ . .
� Demand for services and support far exceeds the supply:
• In addition.to capacity, barriers to service access must be addressed:Partieipants described a range
�. - of kiarriers to accessing public services in Rentqn},in.c.lu.ding: .
_ ,
o A complex web of services witfi differing and complicated eligibility requirements;
_. . .
o Lack:of awareness of:existing resources and how to access them;
_ _ .
:: o Difficulty in accessing services d.ue to.tr.a.nsportation.or childc.are needs;
Inflexible supports and subsidiesthat do not always seamlessly meet actual needs
_ . _ . :. . _
o Linguis.tic and cultural barriers;
. o Stigma around accessing services;: :
o Identification requirements for undocumented immigrants;
_ . .
o Need for a permanent address:for people experiencing homelessness; and;
� o ..Isolation, in the case of many older adults.:
• Ideas for improving_information end.communication about existing services and supports incfude:
o. Advertising.tlirough Renton River days; .
o .:Creating an enhanced resour.ce directory that provides eligibility,s:ervices,and locations:for all
, affordabl.e. healtfi services in Renton,,is regularly upd,ated, and available on:line; :
_ .
o . Developmehf of a Renton coalition of service pro�iders;
_ _
o Translating informational materials,. . .
o Encouraging pai-fners to use a "go=to=them" approach in their.service provision, i.ncluding
_ _
development of mobile services; and,
_ .
o: Marketing available services that address the highest need issues.
• Creating severai geographically distributed on.e-stop-shops foracce.ssing services would address:.
many service barriers, but may not be feasible:ba§ed on existing resources. :
• ..High quality case management would be:a major asset in supporting individuals aecessing any kind
of public.s.ervice or support; and.would reduce the barriers to access related to the complexity.of
the currentsystem of services:: "
� :..Subsidies provided for any purpose should be flexible to increase the chances fhat.they are useful,
_ .
appropriate;and beneficial to users.
� Education could support residents experiencing.many of these needs;topics.where education could
_ .
be a supporting strategy to meeting the eommunity need inclu:de:
o Parenting;
_ :o Nutrition;.. . ,.
o Job skills and training; and,
_.. ...
o L'ife:skills. -
FIIVAL:May 13,2015 _ 2
�� ��\
• Educating Renton residents about the level of community need is a suggested strategy for reducing
the stigma faced by Renton residents accessing services. �
• Pursuing regional and system-level solutions,through conversation and collaboration with other .-
' public and private entities in and near Renton,was identified as the preferred approach to
addressing community needs. �
' � • Employment and youth employment are viewed as�long term solutions to many Renton community �
needs, but many job seekers require significant support,which may not be available in Renton.
• Partnering with existing organizations in Renton was identified as one way to address many of these �
needs; participants suggested that the following partners, among others,should be engaged in
these efforts:
o Major Renton-area employers; . o Nonprofits and community based -
`o Other City of Renton departments organizations:
including Parks and Recreation, . Somali Youth Services
Community and Economic . Rotary Medical Clinic
Development, and Fire and Emergency
Services. , • Kiwanis
o .Childcare providers • Boys and Girls Club
o Faith Community • Skyway Solutions
o Other public agencies: • YMCA
. King County Best Starts for Kids; o Educational Institutions: '
. Renton Youth Source • Renton School District
. Housing Authority(Renton and King • Meadow Crest Early Learning
County), Center;
. Renton Technical College
. Green River Community College,
. Renton Youth Advocacy Center _ �
FINAL:May 13,2015 3
_ . . .
,. . .. � . .
��L� CA�E.006�VERS�T���S:SIJ�ifViARY . ::
Economic Opportunity. . :
� Supportfor:adults who fqce:barriers to employment:: : �
• :..Access to living-wpge jobs and career advancement.
Q�aestio�s :.
. 1.: :If you could fund.one:project to suppo.rt e:mployment for:un.employed Renton residents,what woufd
you fund?. ,. : . ... .. _ .. . .
2. Thinking:of a family membe.r o:rfriend who has faced a period of unemployment,what things:�nio.uld
have or did made a.big difference to them finding employment?
3. W at jo s i s are most nee e in your community?
6(ey findings
� Participants suggested several priorityprojects to support unemployed residents;fHese included:
o An adult mentoring program
•. . . ..
o. Assistance in ch.o.osing a career field :; . ,
o Better technology training
o Career fairs.. . :. . _
o : Entrepreneur assistance :
o Internships
o Job.application and search skills
' o :Priorlearningcredits:fo.r:immigrants
_ _ . .
o Workplace Engl.ish.Language Learner(ELL) supports : -
o Participants discussed how.several supports could.support unemployed Kenton residents in.firiding
new employment: _
. _
o Additional education _
o . Cfiildeare for people.actively job searching
_ _
o Encouraging employers to hire people of varied backgrounds:
_. _
o ::Mental:health and substance abuse prevention:and treatment
o: Reducing stigma around GED and similar programs :
o : Transportation to job interviews and services �
�. _Partic'ipants identified.soft skills, skills for service jobs,and child.c.are skills as the most needed skills
in their communi
• Participants believe the city of:Renton can promote economic opportunity in a number o.f ways;
6:. . _
FINAL:May 13;2015 4
_ _
`_,1.. .. . .
. . { J J . i �' ` .. : :
, . .. _ . .
"o Better inte ratin :cit a ericies and functions like em: lo. rrie"nt economic:develo ment and
,. . g. g Y g p Y . �
p ,
. .... .. .
, . .. .
, ... .. . . human services:: . , , .
. :.
o .:Collaborate with theschool district Renton Teclinical Colle e RTC :and:other artners::: ;: ::_
, .. g � ), . p ,.
• o Encouraging erriployers to take bn:interns and higher=risk hires
o Modeling best practices in non-discriminatory and inclusive hiring.as� .model employer.
_. .. . .
. - o: Promoting Re.nton'.s assets,including.diversity and RfiC,to;potential employers :
. Basic Needs for Families : " .
: N�eds
• Improyed access to nutrition.support.
: ..... :.
' � 5ervice-rich day and night shelters for homeless families.:. `-
; . . .. .
, . .. . .. ,
_ .
_: Cpue�tions ..
1':..:Ima ine that ou were homeless and livin and accessin a da or ni ht sHelter:what:services would � :.:.
:: b Y g .. g: Y g
be most usefu:l tq you:so that you c.ould:a.ttain permanent housing?
2. Wliatservices should be co-located with day and:nigh#shelters? �
, ..
3.: What is the most:important thing w.e could do to prevent hunger:in Renton? ::
_ `. Key fir�dings .
� : Participants described:an array.of services and infrastructure that:would be most useful to people
accessing a day or:night shelter;these:might.include:
A one=stop-shop for:subinitting housing applications,with no fees: : ::
. . . . .. . ..
_ . :..o An address or.mailbox _ . '...
, . ... .. . . _ .. .
o ::Assistance in applyirlg for public housing ;:
, .
,. .,. . . _ :. . .
o: Cliildcare:for those:searching fo,rjobs and housing
. . .
` ' o . Financia.l management services
_ ._ _
� : . : : :: . . o :Gr:an:ts.to pay for background.checks and security.deposits
: v p. p ;
o Increased:avai:labilit of advoca.tes:for eo le without kids:; :
_ _.. ; ,
' .. . :.., o Job readiness training and;supports ' _
� :
. . ... .. . . _ . .
"'o Legal assistan.ce for those with evictions;collections;.warrants,civil,and family matters
_ ,
_ . ,
o :.Real-tim..e information on shel.ters and permanent housing
o. Respite services and safe space to.relax..
_ . ;. ..
, . o. Recreation and:fun-physical activity:and games ' :. -
o .:Subs.tance abuse counselin "
g : , .. . ::: ::
• :. Participants identified some basic needs thet people experiencing'homelessness and.accessing a day . .
;. .
or night shelter mighf need access to;which inelude:: ` ' `
;. o: Cell phones . .. . .. : . .
, . FINAL:IVIay;13;2015 : °. 5
o Computer, internet,and printers
o Kitchen supplies
o Laundry supplies and service access
o Postage and envelopes � �
� o Showers and hygiene supplies +
o Transportation
o Storage for belongings
• Participants described a range of barriers to accessing food and nutrition services, including:
o A complex web of services with differing and complicated eligibility requirements
o Identification requirements for undocumented immigrants
o Linguistic barriers
o Isolation, in the case of many older adults
o Difficulty using public transportation to transport groceries
o Stigma around accessing services
o IVeed for additional service hours
o Need for additional weekend meal services for children
o Inadequate SNAP benefits amounts for people on Social Security and Disability
o Difficulty in accessing school services for children without permanent housing -
� Participants described a variety of ways to prevent hunger in Renton, including:
o Additional city funding for nutrition services .
o Better advertising of services
o Changing the face of the EBT card to reduce stigma for users
o Creation of partnerships between schools and farmers
o Developing flexible subsidies like food gift cards
o Development of a holiday meal program
o Development of a more in-depth resource directory that shows eligibility for services,services
provided,and locations
o Development of subsidies and flexible buying options for produce
o Ensuring services are available across the City, including by providing meals in users
neighborhoods at their familiar institutions
� o Ensuring that quality grocery stores are located where people need them .
o Establishment of community gardens
o Establishment of a permanent food services location in Renton
o Kitchen space in community resource centers '
o Partnering with DSHS to provide nutrition education
FIIVAL:May 13,2015 6
_. ..
_ . . _ . ..
_ _
_ .. . . _ . .
' o Providing:school meals on weekends'
_. ..
o :.Providing transportation to services
o. Provision o coo,.ware and kitchen accessoriesfo people experiencing homelessness
o. Provision offree school lunch and:b:reakfast for all
: .: � .
Flealth and Vl/ellness _
��eds _ _
_ _
�. .eefter access.to health.and dental care for low-income residents..
� ;: Early childhood.screening and parenting s:upport. `
• More mental health and substance abuse services:: :
1. How cou�d.access to health and dental care for low-income residents be improved?
_ . ..
_. .
2. As a parent,w.hat kind of support w.ould benefit you in parenting:your children?
_ ..
3. Thi.nking:of a family member;friend,or acquaintanee who suffers from a mental illness or substan:ce
abuse, what is needed to ensu;re.they receive services?
_ . _ �(ey Fin i��s
• Participants' ideas for imprqving information and.communication a6out existing health and wellness
. . .
services in Renton include:
_ .. .
o : Advertising through:Rento.n River days
o, Creating an enha,nced resource directory that provides eligibility, services,.and.locations for all ,
affordable health.services in Renton :_
_ .. . _ . _ ..
o ::Development of a Re.nto.n:coalition of seniice providers
'o: Encouraging partners to use a ':'go=to-them"approech for i:n their service provision; induding by
developing mobile services
o :Marketing available student dental services ::: :. :
• Participants' ideas.fo.r improving health a:nd wellness servic.es.in Renton include:.. . : .
_ ..
o Co-locating services at places:where people already gather, such as scliools, community centers,
and shelters
_. _
o Creating a mobil.e (van) program for chemical dependen.cy:de.tox
o Developing mobile liealth and wellness services...
o Empower:ing families to improve their own health and w.ellness through health education
� o _Impr.ovi.ng transportation to health and wellness services ' �
o. Increasing capacity for preventative healtli services
o. Informing:people.about access tirries:and costs for exlsting services
_. _
o .:Supporting individuals navigation of the health sys.tem, including thro.ugh case management and
_ .
- insurancesign=ap assistance�
FIRIAL:May.13,2015 7
• Challenges to accessing health and dental care for low-income Renton residents iriclude:
o Lack of affordability, even for subsidized services
o Prohibitive copays and fees
o Long wait�times for accessing existing services
o Over-subscription of existing subsidized services •
• One specific suggestion heard in many conversations with participants about health and wellness,
was to improve outreach to cultural communities to focus on improving their health outcome
deficits.Some suggestions for doing this included:
o Addressing language barriers
o Ensuring that providers are aware of social barriers to health service attainment that may be
present in some cultural communities
o Helping remove berriers in accessing health and wellness services for undocumented
o Partnering with small organizations with expertise and relationships with cultural communities
to provide outreach
• Participants suggested that parenting supports should be family-oriented,celebratory in nature,and
� include children in the programming and/or provide childcare.
• Participants also had ideas for how to support parents, more generally.These include providing:
o Child care assistance
o Free ESL classes,technology training, parenting classes ,
o Support for parents with children going through "Americanization"
o Support for families with children in community diversion
• Participants also had many ideas for how to support children, more generally.These include
providing: .
o Mixed-age programs
o Employment for teens
o General interest programs for teens(without a focus on sports or academics)
� Participants suggested that the following partners should be engaged in these efforts: King County
Best Starts for Kids; major employers; Meadow Crest Early Learning Center; City of Renton Parks and
Recreation,and faith-based organizations.
_ • Participant had many suggestions for how to support people suffering from mental illness or
substance abuse.Their responses included:
o Educating the public about mental health and substance abuse
o Encourage collaboration and convening ofthese service providers
o Ensure that there is capacity for serving all age groups
o Focus on connecting veterans to services
o Increase and improve overall access to healthcare
FIRlAL:May 13,2015 g
� ; i
_. .
� o Increase f.undin for existin mental h'ealth and substance abuse treatment ro� rams and
g.. g
p. .g...
: , : .: : SupPorts : :: :
� o _,Increase the communityconversation around mental health `
o Partnering with:housing authorities:to identify and serve people in need of help `
' o Provldi.rig a sense ofcommurtity to help make people affected feel.safe: -
, • . .. . , • ; . . . �
,.. . . _ . . _ ., . .
. ,
o: Train first responders to effectiyely respond to these:needs : -
• Participants also noted some barriers fo accessing mental healfh or.substance"abuse services, .:: ° ' `
;: inc.ludln . ,.
_ . .
g; :
_ . . ,. .
' o Constraints on interventions � ' ' -
. . ... .. . . _. .. . . , ... ..
_ ..
o :_Denial of problems/stigma/shame
, .. . .
. . .
• o: Fearoffacilities
: ; :
o : Lack .o.f-monitorrng : -
o :Preseription costs
_ ,
A�ailable, Quality:Housing:. :: . : . -
. . Needs � .
, .
. .
� IVlore rental.unrts bvailable to.'ve.ry low ineoine households(households earning 30%of King County '
AMI or'IessJ.
. � IVlore safe, eneryy.efficient, and healthy fiousing available to low and moderate income'households
(earning 3D°o to 80°0 of King County AMIJ: �. , `
;. ; ,
, . .... ,.... �. . . .
_ .
Qu�s�ions �
:... ,
1 ;: What barriers to housing currently exisfi f.or the very low ineome?How are these different from the : .
barriers low to moderate income hoaseholds#ace�
.. . . ,_... ..
2.: How can we s.upport developers and landlords in making more:iow income housing available to `
, .
, .. . .
. . .... ,-
. : . ..
, Renton resi ents.: :; . . _. .. . . _ . . ,
_ ,
.: 3. Thinking of:a family member;friend, or acquaintance who has struggled to attain safe and healthy
,. . . . . . ..
. fiousing,what:service would help them the most to get their.liousing needs met?. ;
.. .
" Key Firadings .
, .
• : A;range of barriers to obtaining qua..lity housing for low-income and low to moderate income °
:'households were identified by participants;:these include ' „
o :Overall:inadequate housing supply
, .: . .. ,
o Lack of affordable units, compounded with many affordable.units being occupied.by higher' . `:..'
; :: . . , income:individuals . . �. .. . ,. . .. _ , _
o :A housing stock with:a preponderance of substandard.housing
o Background check:disqualifiers like criminal records,drug use., unstable job histqry;credit
; . ... . . . . _ . .
- histo:ry,:debt to previous landlords, etc. •
, ..
' . :o Fees for background checks and applicatio"n fees
_ .
: FINAL:May.13;2015 " . `, : . . . . 9
o Initial costs of security deposits and first/last months' rent, etc.
o Covenants preventing housing subsidies from being employed in new developments
o Fear of dislocating children from home/current schools
� o Income discrimination �
o Lack of knawledge about tenant rights and anti-discrimination laws that are supposed to
prevent discrimination for low-income renters
o Language and cultural barriers that prevent some from applying to certain units
o Location of many affordable units in areas with poor transportation options
o Loss of supports when moving to another area
o Medical expenses and debt which make the rent-to-income standard unaffordable for some
o Stigma against low-income renters
• Participants had many Ideas for incentivizing developers and nonprofits to build additional
affordable housing stock,which include:
o Centralized tenant screening by the City with one fee or free
o Free rental application services
o Developing ordinances that would make background checks and credit applications valid for two
o City purchase of vacant or foreclosed properties to be retrofitted as affordable housing units
o City-sponsored foreclosure assistance program
o Educating renters about how to be a good tenant
o Engaging employers to support affordable housing efforts
o Impact(or other)fees to fund affordable housing
o Improving the speed and predictability of development
o Incentives such as tax deferrals or fee waivers
o Land use and city code measures like densiry bonuses, inclusionary zoning, allowing smaller
units, etc.
o Providing home repair assistance program for renters to improve affordable unit housing quality
o Public infrastructure improvements to lower development costs
o Recruiting landlords who have had positive experiences
o Repurposing city facilities/parcels as affordable housing units
o Strategies to.reduce risks of renting to low-income for landlords such as rent guarantees
� Participants also suggested that the City make an effort to solicit from developers and landlords,
information about their perception of the barriers to affordable housing
• Suggestions made by participants,for how to help people experiencing homelessness to attain safe
and healthy housing, include:
, o Additional day and night shelters forthe immediately homeless
FINAL:May 13,2015 10
_. .. . .
,—�, ._ .. . . . . . . ,_�. . .
: _. _: , _ ;
. . .
o Additional support/enforcement of fair:housing laws:
o : Creatin a landlord liaison:service to su ort eo le'in en a in with:la.ndlords
g pp:. p p g g g
o Creation of an.a artment ins ection .ro ram; preferabl modefed after the Cit of Tukwila's`
, . .. .
� . :: : o. Safe and anonymous reporting of poor.quality housin �
g :.: :: .
o .:Developmentrof a o.n.e=stop rental application pt-ocess �
:. o Establishment:of.a housingtask:foree...:
o ::Im roved code enforcement:to hel raise:standards on affordable housin stock
<... P .... p g
. ... .. . .
o: Income-based assistence for both upfront rental costs arrd:rent
o .: Rental.application support.:.,
o :Moving assistance
_, .. .
o Laws to support:rental units(i.e.,allowing mother in.law5,:Cohabitation of.one:unit,and
. . . ..
_. .. . .
accesso dwellin units
rY g ) ..
, ..
o Requiring air quality assessments, like:the American Lung Association s
o . Support.for older adults aging in place
o :Using empty homes for;affordable housing through bank incentiv.e.s.:
Neighbor.hood Opportunity.. ` -
• ::
Improved mo6ility and_transportation options. . . ..
• More hi h ualit , out-o -scfiool time o ortunifies o� outh.
, :... _ . ...
9 4 Y f . ... .. . . pP f . Y
� : Increased access:to affordable, quality;:edrly childhood educa.tion;
;. .
_1.:..Thinking about your.average day,what serdices,appointment5,.and events do you travel to?Which
_ .
of these do you use a private vehicle for?How could.your mobility and access to transportation.:.
options 6e improved?
2. .:Ifyou could fund.one.projectto�supporE ouf=of-school time.opportunities, incfuding employment, '
, _ .
for youth,:.what would you funda . _. .. . .
3. Who could.benefit mostfro:rii affordable,guality early childhood education?.What do we:nee:d:�o do '.
to ensure these services are culturally appropriate to those.audierices?
Key Findings:
� : Participants id.entifi:ed:many places:that the:average Renton resident has to go:on.a daily or weekly::
basis.These.include social services,grocery stores,medical appointments,food banks, colleges and
univer.sities;work,the airport, dovuntown Renton;Seattle, and to visit fr.iends and family:The : ..
" diversity and breadth of places Renton residents need tQ go daily or.weekly, shows how important
the transportation challenge is.
• Participants identified rriany barriers to transportation and mobility in.Renton:
FINAL:May 13;2015 11
o Difficulty in carrying groceries to and from the bus
o Difficulty in transferring between transit payment systems
o Difficulty in walking to and standing at bus stops for long periods
o Frequent tardiness of Access buses �
�� o Need for additional accessible transit options for older adults or people with disabilities �
o Inclement weather, which may preclude many from biking or walking
o Language and cultural barriers to using public transit
o Length (in time) of many bus trips in and from orto Renton
o Overcrowded buses
o Public safety concerns
o Unaffordability of public transit and limitations on low-income or free ticket options
� Ideas for improving mobility and transportation for Renton residents include:
o Consolidating social services locations to reduce transportation need
o Create a shuttle program for kids
o Creating a ride-free zone in Renton
o Develop walking school bus routes
o Identify safe walking routes in and around Renton,and facilitate monitoring of those routes by
Renton Police
o Increase ADA parking in Renton
o Increase Hyde Shuttle capacity for older adults
o Increase public transit capacity in and around Renton
o Increase traffic enforcement of speeding and unsafe drivers
o Install more bike racks in Renton
o Invest in better pedestrian infrastructure like sidewalks and crosswalks;
o Provide assistance and instructions for how to use public transportation
o Providing more discounted transit scripts to Renton residents
• Participants suggested many potential after school time opportunities that the City of Renton could
support for young adults and teens.These included:
o Affordable driver's education
o Centralize programs
o Community gardening . .
o Employment through matching youth with senior citizens who have home support needs
o Health education and access to health resources
o Life and job skill workshops
o Mentoring
FINAL: May 13,2015 1Z
o Tutoring ,
o Participants also suggested that the City of Renton reach out to young adults and teens to find
out what programs they need and would be interested in - •
o Some models for after school programs that might benefit young adults and teens were
identified, including: Bellevue Jubilee REACH;TIPS Teens in Public Service;CryOut;Salvation
� Atmy. � ° ` �
o Partners who could be'engaged in supporting after school activities for young adults and youth
include: Renton Technical College,Green River Community College,School District, Housing
Authority(Renton and King County), RYAC, churches,Somali Youth Services, Rotary Medical
Clinic, Kiwanis, Boys and Girls Club,Skyway Solutions,YMCA,and Renton Youth Source.
• One need for'supporting after school time opportunities for young adults and teens, is additional
transportation to those activities. It was suggested that those programs could be centralized to help
. � consolidate this transportation need.
• Participants identified many benefits of early childhood education, including:
o Breaks the cycle of poverty
o Decreases the achievement gap
o Helps prevent English Language Learners from starting out behind their peers impublic
education system
� o Helps promote economic stability for families
o Improves children's educational outcomes
o Provides needed childcare to single-parent households
• Participants had many Ideas for how early childhood education could be more culturally appropriate
for all, including: ;
' o Choosing learning materials that reflect students and their families
o Hiring bilingual teachers who speak a language,other than English,that is represented in the
�• school
o Hiring quality teachers r
o Making family engagement part of the curriculum, including through a parent academy and by
supporting life skills and other continuing education for parents
o Partnering with trusted people and institutions in all Renton communities
Childcare providers
, . F,aith community
. Nonprofits and community based organizations
. o Providing high quality case management to children and their families � �
o Providing outreach to underserved populations fo help spur enrollment of those people
o Tailoring services to the communities,families,and students served
o Translating curriculum and materials to engage all children and their families -
FINAL:May 13,2015 13
, -
Staternent�f Qcaa9ificat6ons
Capacity Building Suppor�f�r Renton Fu�ded Agencies
The City of Renton Human Services Division is soliciting proposals for the purpose of evaluating
consultants capable of providing professional services to improve the capacity/sustainability of non-
profit agencies funded by the City of Renton.
The City has set aside a maximum of$7,000 for services in 2015, primarily to six agencies identified by
the Human Services Advisory Committee. Consultant will conduct an organizafional assessment with
each of the agencies, analyze and summarize the findings, identifying key issues and develop
Please provide the following information: \
• Agency Name and Contact Information
• Agency Services provided � �
• Statement of Qualifications that describe the following:
o Approach to organizational assessments
o Areas covered in organizational assessment a
o Experience with projects of similar size and scope ,
o Experience of staff providing the services
o Proposed budget and units of services provided for contract amount
All agencies performing work with the City of Renton shall have insurance that meets or,exceeds the
x.:;; .
minimum requirements and will submit an approved certificate of insurance to the City of Renton prior
to signing a contract. The agency will also have a City of Renton Business License prior to signing a
contract. .
For questions r�garding the Statement of Qaaali�catioras(SOQ�, ptease c�rotact Dianne lJt�cht, at
425-430-6655,or dutecht@rentonwa.gov.
The SOQ may be mailed, emailed, or delivered to:
Dianne Utecht
City of Renton
� Sixth Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057
All subra�ottals must be rece6ved prior to 5:00 p.m., March 6, Z�15.
� ;
SOQ's will be evaluated by the Human Services Advisory Committee.
C:UlserslkbergsvfkVippData\LocallMlcrosoftlWindows�Temporary Intemet FIaslConient0utlook\NV4KTSUAIcapacitybuilding SOO revised 2015:doc
P�opo�a@ Sc��'sn� Sheet: C��a�9ty�uildio�� S�s��art
Reviewer: Date:
:Elem�nts to Score Possible Points Reviewer Score
Approach to organizational assessments 30
, .
Areas covered in organizational assessment 15
. _ .
Notes: _ _
Experience with projects of similar size and 15
Notes: .
Experience of staff providing services 20
Proposed budget/units of service 20
Fotat Score Possible 1�0 .Reviewr�r Sc�re:
Other Rlotes/Comments
__. .. ..
; � , ..
_ , .
, .: :: . .
. 2033 6th;Avenue, Suite 700 .
. . .
Seattle, WA 98121-2873:... �� : . . .
_ .
, 206 548'Q45:1:
; : _:. ���
20S 548 Q150 (fax) .
Statement of Qualif cations for : : ::..:
,. . .. ,: :: . . .
: Capacity ;Building Support for
, .
Rer�ton-Funded Agencies �
Presented by.
The Alford: Group -
� Cicy of `,
. . .A : . . . .�
s. a _ •�,� .
, .. .
March 2015 :: :: . . . . _ : ::
Primary Contact: ' ` `::
.... .
JoAiiri:Yoshimoto,CFRE:: . .
The Alford Group . .
. (206) 548-0451 .
Th:e..cpecification.c of this�iroposal, including the professional fee and.availability of the con:rirlting team, are valid for . :; : . .
:cixty (GQ)days follozving submi:rsion of this propo.ral
� � � � � . ord.com
2033 6th Ayenue, Suite 70
_. .. . _ . _ . 8
Seattle, WA .9.12.f-2573
206.548 0451
_ _ . ..
� 206 548 0150 (f
�� THEALFORD GROUP � .5trengthemngnot-for-profts . wuvw.alfo�d.com.axJ
Febxuary 27;2015
Dianne Utecht
City of Renton. _
Su�th Floor,:10:55 S Grady Way: :: :
Renton,`Y1A 980:57
Sirbmitted via email:ta::dritecl�t c�,reyrton�va.gou : :: :
_ ..
Dear Ms. Utecht,
Thank you�ery much fox invitingThe Alford Group to submit a proposaT for professional services.
It would be our honot.and pleasuie to pYovide services to:improve the capaci�r/sustainability of
non=profit agencies fanded by the Cify of Reriton.
Utilizing both personal intervie�vs and survey tools to elicit qualitative and:quanritarive informarion,
The Alford Group will take an objecrive pezspective of each agency's organizational structure and
operations.We will engage staff,board ancl:other leaders to exploYe and delve into:organizational
capacity,efficiency,leaderslup, finaricial managemex�t;funding strategies az�d more.
The Alford Group brings to this process:inore than 35 years of professional organizational and
management experience;a coininitrnent to excellence,.creativity; and joyfulness;arid familiarity.with
the not-for pxofit community in the Puget Sourid reg�or�and beyond.: .
_ .
It:tivould be a pleasure:to work with you and and the nonprofit agencies to advance:tlie important
work benefitting the residents of:Renton. I am avaalable to begin work on tl�is project as soon as you
_ are.reacly.
_ .
Thank you again for considerarion of The Alford Group's qualifications and proposal fox services: I
look forward:tq talking with you soon.
oAnn.Yoshimot , CFRE : . . . . ..
Senior Consultant
_ . .
Chi�ago. .� 312 929 4646
New York C 860.916 7339
Seattle � 206 548 0457 :
_ _
_ ..
Overview of Ser�rice
G�a� of Serviee , :
_ . .. : .
The pr:imary goal of the ass:essment is to review:e�risting information;analyze_current pYograms:and
structures,gather input from staff and volunteer leaders and provide bb�ective feedback.to each
agency with recomm:eridations for increa.sirig capacity in each;a:r.e.a::
Tkrough interviews ivitfi the executive directors and board:members,The Alford Group will assess
the following key organizational areas:
GoveYnance .
_ . .
Management arid Staffing
• : Strategic Planning :
� Financial:Managemerit
• Systems and Operarions
. . .. _
� Runding Strategies ;
o Evaluation
_ . . .
,. .. .
'I'irne�ine .
``�1e anticipate the.assessment will be corripleted within appro�mately 10 weeks.from:the date a
' contract is si ned b botli. arties.The.Al£:o`ed GYoup is available:to.begin iirnnediately and will work . :: : . .
g. .. Y p .
with tlie City of Renton and eacl�:agency to complete tlie assessment as quickly as possible witliout
compromising the.q.uality.of the finished.product.This schedule depends on'the�availability of board. . .
'' arid staff leaders from each agency.
Given the unique.natute of this orgariizational assessment;an.d:the:fact that it is,being conducted on
behalf:of multiple oxgaruzarions;we have designed a process tliat meets the:needs of tlie City.o£:.
Renton and its:s�agencies and Will:result in identificario.n of key issues and r.elevant and acrioriable
_ .
_. _
The'Alford Group w�ll work both:collecrively and independeritly with up to.s�agencies thxoughout
the assessment: The Alford Group`vill conductthe:following activities:::: :: :
_ _
� We will facilitate.a meering with the s�agency executive directors to provide ari overview of
the ass.essment proeess and introduce the organizariorial self:assessxnent tool to be
coinpleted by each ageri.cy:Each agency's executive diYector or desigriee will be expected to
be in attezidarice at this meeting.
�. The Alfprd Group will administer:tlie self-assessment.tool:Each agency wi11 be asked to
assemble a team of:key staff and board Ieaders:to complete the as,sessment, synthesize.the ,
'responses,and return tlie data to.The Alford Group. . .
� The Alford Group will conduct a:total of 12 interviews eluring this pYocess, tivo.with each
. . . . _ .
agency;The first w�;ll'be a pxivate interview with the agency's:executive d�xector,and the
� �
: THe Alford Group&Ciry.of Renton Page 2 ."`�r.s�: �
. . . .
Statement of Qualifica�ions for Gapacity Building Support for Renton Fitnded Agencies . . March 2015 �
_. .. .
. .
second�vith the agency's volunteer leadership,.including the board.pYesident or designee:and
up:to t�vo addirional participants.
�: The Alford Group will interpret arid arialyze the dafa collected,identify key issues and
. .
develo acriona:ble recommenda�ioris for each a enc This infoxmatiori will be resented in
p. p
g Y• :
a.wYitten format.
�. The Alford Group will conduct a 30-miriute follow.up.phone call�vith each agency's
Executive DiYector or designee to review recomme�darions and address queStions.
Expei�i�rice— Firm arid:Staff
_ _
. . . . .
TIie Alford,GYoup has expenence with otgaruzat�onal assessments with.human services agencies and
organizatioris.all oveY the country..Of note is the work we did recenfly with.tlie YWCA of the.USA
to.conduct an organizational assessment and:assist��vith implementarion ofa restructuring of the
narional network of:loeal and regional affiliate structures.We:have:conducted many smaller
assessments:as�vell,including foY volunteex-driven orgaruzations,and often conduct assessments as
part of:other services including strategic plannirig.We have served oveY 3,000 clients in tlie past 3�
. � years;the majority of those being human services organizations.:
" JoAiin�'oshimoto, CFRE, Senior Consultant;lead.consultarit for the City of Rerifon,has
condueted oxganizarional assessments for a number of'human service organizations,including :
:: agencies in Washington and elsewhere.JoAnri is based in our Seattle office and.has faniiliarity with
not-for-profits in I�irig:County.We have included references for our wotk with four:human services . .: :: : .
agencies in Washington;JoAnn�vorked as project lead for the first three.agency contacts and.as an
engaged board member.for the fourth.. : .
laroposed �udget anci ZJnits of Servic�
Pr�fe�sional Fees :
The pxofessional fee fox the:organizarional assessmen.t:�vill be $7,000.:JoAnn:Yoshimoto will : :: :
provide 33 hours.of services on behalf of the City of Renton and its agencies.The fee iricludes time.
spent both on- and off:site for preparauo.n;iiieerings, telephone::calls,noYmal postagc,materials
preparation, training,planning,wriring reports,researclz and any other assignment perforined ari :
behalf of the City o£Rentori or its agencies wi,thin the scope of.this.proposal: The Alford Group
does not charge for ttavel time,howeveY:actual expenses foY any,project-related travel.�vill be
invoiced monthly (as described below).
One half of the fee is due upori execution of the coritract; the other lialf is due upon delivery:aiid
pxesentation of the final..evaluations and follow-up phone calls :
E�cpens�s:: : ,
Tl�e Alford Group wi]l:invoice the City of Renton for any reasonable out-of-pocker business
expenses iricurred during tlie course of providirig the sexvices described iri;this proposal. This
includes,but:is not limited to such expenses as rnileage or gas,parking, tolls,.project-related meals, _ ..
and unusual clexical expenses. Mileage will be billed at the:federally approved rate. Oiily the actual :
_ out-of.-pocket expenses will be.invoiced. The Alford.Group will work,closely with the City of .
Renton and its agencies and make.every effoYt to keep expenses to a:ininimum.
� �
THe Alford Group&City of Renton Page 3 �: C
Statement of Qualifications for Gapacity.Building Support for Renton Funded Agencies ..: March 2015 ��� .
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Experience:aricl Skills .
,. .
!� Consultant to nonprofit organizations;workingwith diverse elient pYojects,.including capital
campaign feaSil�ility studies, capital:campaign design&counsel,interim founda:ti:on:executive -
: director;interiin development director,Board developinent and training; furidraising:program
' :development and trainirig,:major gifts program development and trairiing,grant reseaxch arid
' proposal iyriting;donor cultivatiori, solicitation and ste�vardsliip
� MoYe than 20 years' experience in tlie:riot-for-profit sectoY:
� Former Capital Campaigri Director for Camp Fite:USA, Central Puget Sound Council
� Forrn;er Executive Director of the King County:Libxary System Foundation
_ . ..
� Former Associate Director,Major Gifts:&Planned CTiving for Planned Parenthood of Western:
Education: :: .
� B.A.,in ArithropoTogy from Beloit.Gollege
I'rofessional:ancl Communiry:Affiliations
� Cert�fied Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) 1999-present
� Member,Associarion of Fundraising:Professionals/Wash:ington Chapter(AFR) 1;995-present;
` " ;.Vice;President for IDiversi 2.003-04 and 2007-08 ::
� :Memlier,Washington Plariried Giving Councii; 1994-1999 and 2012=present
. � Board Member;Bicycles for Huinanity/Seatde Chapter.2010-present
;: �. Gxaduate,Leadership Tomorro�v, Class of 2000
� : Trustee,Wing Luke Asian:lVluseum 1995-2000 :
�. Founding Boaxd Member,I�auai Public Land Trust (Hawau) 1988-90
_ _
_ ..
_ _ �Q�. . .. _
_ . _
_ .
. 2033 6th Avenue �Suite 700. � Scattle � IX�ashingtoii ( 98121-2573
20 . 48.0451 I 206.54 0150 fnx
G 5 8.
���oshtmofona,alforij.c�>m I w�vw.alfoid:com { Connect with me ori'F;inkedIn
r, �: . . -
. .
, . . b
,: out 7'he Atford Group
. .. . _
As a:narional full service consulting firin servirig-not-for-profits sirice 1979,The Alford:`Group has
. , .
eriipowered more thaxi:3 Q00 mission-based:organizarions to groiv;i�mpxove, fulfill:tlieir missions
and change tlie world. Our mission is to strengthen tlie'not-for-profit community. We offer. :
, ... .. .
' custoniized Solukions.in,furidraising; oxganizational st�ategy,assessment,govetriance an.d .
` ' tools and structures'that hel
professional development;all based on sound;principles,gtudance, p
oxgarii2ations:realize"tlieix dYeams.£or the fiiture; ` ' `
, _,.
OuY approach.centers.on partnership and we involve and guide.you in.every.step of_the process �.'.
Fixst;�ve tailox our co.risulting teams and services specifically to ineet youx needs Sec.orid, our core:
.. .
vaIues—creati�ity, diversity,excellence,integrity,joyfulness,-leadership,>and;respecf=ixifuse each
project and activity on which we;work. Third,we work�vith you throughout the-service to ensure �
. .. .
your:orgariization is left stroriger,tivith.h'tgher capacity arid a greater sense of ease ir�your work as a;
r.esiilt of our time with:you. ' ` `
Across the narion,The Alford:Group's staff inernbers;are Yecognized leaders:in the consulring and
; : .
not.for-pYofit"seetors: .They fteqiiexitly paYricipate as presenters at local,regional,and:national '
conferences and often:s�rve in volunteer leadership Yoles for professional associations such as The
Giving.Institute,the Associatiori:of:FundYaising Professionals,and strategic thought partners sucli:as
the UriiveYs�ty,of Chicago's Scierice of Philanthropy Initiative and othe.r highe.r educarion resear�h
orgaruzarions. Our corisultants are attracted tb The Alford Gtoup not only for its dedicarion to the
highest quality of service for,its clients,but also.for.its c.o.re values and missio.n to strengthen the ,, '
not-for=profit.eommunity. : -
.' We°have offices in C�iic�go;New York .and:Seattle,and our consuIting staff Yepxe.serits decades of
eXperience in volunfeer,staff and consuldng rbles with not for�profit organizat�ons: :�ut '.
methodology,.in theory and pxacrice,is designed to.advance the mission and,vision of our clients._ ,
, As a.xesult;�ve distinguish ouYselves by: . .._ .. ' ;
- �� - • ,:.
' `..:with tlie knowledge and resources.to take that essenrial step beyorid �
s �'planning to ixnpleinentation oE;projects;
� • � • �
. _
`....by seniar proEessionals who understaiid the local�nd regional
� -,philanthropic:laridscape and aYe supported by the resou�ces:of a
' . . ^riational firm; , ..
- � �� �...each with a passion for exploratiori;assessment,and creativity,who .
' ',,;haye.first-harid expexience in.tlie field:and bring to consulting a diyexse
� � � � body:of knowledge:and uriderstanding of the iridustry,its scope an,d; :
• • 'challenges;.and . ..
. II .
, .
` � � -� �.,.The.Alford Graup has bee,n a consistent leadeY in the fieli�of . �,
philanthYopy for 35 years ;:Members of our team:often contribute to-:
' � � � � articles;research,and courses in addition to speaking engagements and : ,...
� � '�conference pxeseritarions or panel:disciissions.
: T1ie Alford Group 8c City ofi Renton , Page 5 � 'C�,
Statemet�t of ualificatrons for Ca aci Buildin Su ort for Renton Funded A encies .:. March 2015 � -
Q .. P t3' .. g PP .. g.. '�� :.. . .
_ . .
_ . _ .
_ . .
_ .
_ . :
_ . .
�ervices _
The firm has extensive:experience working�vith all segments of:the not-for-pro.fit cornxnunity to
enhance leadeYship,.establish best pract�ces in:the field, ancl develop institutional capacity to meet
strategic goals and objectives. Oiir service areas include:
Organiza fiorial:Strategp
, . Strategic Planiung
• Strategic Visioning : : .
, � Sttategic:Imple:mentation Couns.el
• . MeYgets and SYtategic Alliance Coi�iisel . .
• Pxogram Development:
_ .. . .
.: Benchmarking . . .
_ .
Frindralsing. ..
• Feasibility/Campaign Plarining.Studies
� Campaign Pla,nning and Management:
_ _ . .
� Development Planning
• Major Gifts Counsel
_ . ..
s Planned Giving Counsel
� : OtheY Philanthropic Program Planriirig&Managemerit
• Key 1Vlessaging and.Case Development :
� Devel.opment Assessment .
s Goverriance Analysis.
� Organizarional Assessment
• : Philarithropic Market Assessment
�. Staffing and Infrastructure Assessment
• Surveys
• :.Bericliriiarking
• . BoaYd Development. . . _
• Bylaiv Review
�: CEO and Staff Evaluation
•. Governarice Arialysis
Professtonal Developmen:t and Tratning
_ . ..
o Board an�Staff TYaining
� _ ..
� Executive Leadership�Coaching and Counsel
Corporate Impact. _
Corporate Giving Arialysis
Corpoxate Philanthropy Program Design
: U
� �
Tfie Alfoxd Group&City.of Renton Page 6 �: �
Statement of Qualifications for Gapacity.Building Support for Renton Funded Agencies March 2015 ��� :
_ . _ .. .
endix A: '�eferences and Case S�udies
Steve McGta w: .
� E�zeeuttve Director : :: � _ �
` Washington Business`�1eek
_ 253-815-6900 _
smc�raw C1,�vbw.or�
Planned and facilitated a fiall-da�Board retreat svith a goal of.cetting the stage for orgqni�ational carlture,rh�,:.retting
irp for:�ective Board co�rrtittee ivork, and esta6li.shing clarity on Board/.rtaff svorking relationship.s.
Mo11p Ga�ep : � _
EXecunve Director
_ .
Evergreen Treatment Seivices
mcarnev cr,,�evergreeri�:org
Provicle ongoing cor�n.rel to Exeeaetive Director on Board developinent,parblic azvdrene.rs aizcl firn�lrai.ring strategy;
provicle training to Boarcl of Director.r on role.s anc!re.rponsibilities and principle.r of nonprofr,t fi�nclrai.ring
IJa vl%d Fagerlie
_ ..
. _
Execunve Director -
RiteCare of Washingto:n . _ _ .
206-324-629:3 :
d fagerlie(c�rirecarewa.org.
Conducted a Firndraising As.ress�nent and developed a lnulti- ear Fiindrai.rin Pla�a or p..rtateavi�le or ani ation.avith
_ y. g . .f : _ g : �
tu�o priinary-locations ancl several satel'lite clinics. Provided Board training related to f rrzdrairing perforinance: : :: :
.rtandarc�r,financialprojection.r, and roles ancl re.rpon.ribilitie.s for Boar�l, Executive Director and developJnent,rta�f
avdrking a.r a team.
Fra�k Finnetan _
President;Board of Directors
Bicycles for Humanity�
Ms. Yoshimoto.rerves on the Board of:Directors of tl�i.r �00°lo volirnteer-clriven orgaiai�ation. She has tvorked in
program i�nplementation and frnd developTnent; and i.r catrrently orgdna�cng a lea�lership transataon.�ort.
_ _ �
v G.
, Tlie Alford Group&Ciry.of Renton Page 7 .�. �
Statement of Qualificarions for Gapacity Building Support for Renton Funded Agencies March 2015 ��� :
_ _
_ ..
:E�ppensiix �: 'Y'he Alford Group Ethical I'ractice Statements
. .
We strengthezi the.not-for-profit coiilmunity
,. ..
Vs1on. ..
To be the trusted.transfoxmarional leaders who empower our clients to change the world
✓. Crearivity ✓. Excellence ✓ Joyfulness
✓ Divexsi ✓ Inte ri ✓ Leadershi
ry . g �
_. .. . Respect:..
EthicalPractice Statements
The Alford Group will:
1::.:Serve our clients loyally and focus on their best interests throughout tfie scope o£service:
_ _
2. Pxotect confidential oY privileged information shared`vith us by clients.
3. Be honesE_and accurate about:our o�vn limitations and not make exaggeYated claims of past:: =
achievement;nox guarantee Yesulfs for clients.
' 4. Price our.services fairTy;based on tlie level a.nd extent of professianal seryices provided,and .
never for a:conringent fee,coiiunission, or peYceritage of charitable income raised.
5.::_Represent accurately to our clients,the;assigntnent of the service team.
6. Disclose:any peYsonal or professional xelationships with any clierits.ox prospects,including:
a. T�iird. ar interests... .
p tY. _ .
b.. .Strategic partneY Yelarions.
c. T;eadexship positions where it may be intluenpal to the hiring.of the firm.
7. : Develop recominendations for ouY clients:utilizing both qualitative and quantitative analysis to
_ _ . . . .. .
- sub,stannate:conc usion.s:
8. .Stxive to inspire.our clients tlirough their own sense of dedicatiori and high purpose.with a goal
of bringing credit.tg their organization. .
9. Be:comriiitted to diversity and treat all people with res ect and di
p ��':
10: Accept as clients only.those cause.s and:organ'izarions tliat�e believe we can best serve,believing
that it is in tlie best interest of both parties.
11. Pxomote:and encourage,that it is in the best intexest of our clients for gift solicitarion to be . :
undertaken by Board members; staff and other volunteeYs. .. .
12: Affirm thxough personal giving arid/or volunteering our coininittnent to.p�itlanthxopy and its.
roFe in society.
_ . . .
. Additionally, The Alford Groa p zvill:adhere to:t{�e Code.r of Ethics paiblished Gy The Giving Ilrstitute, the
As.rociation of Fzrndraising Profe.r.rional.r, and the A.rsociatiori of Healthcare Phildiithro�iy.
Tlie Alford Group&City of Renton Page 8 ��C
: �//,� :
Statement of Qualifications for Gapacity Building Support for Renton Funded Agencies Maxch 2015 �