HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2015 - Minutes � �
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Human Services Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes _ JUN 1 � 2015
Renton City Hall ��������
Council Conference Room, 7th Floor �ITIP�LERK'SOF�IC�
February 17, 2015, 3:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: Shannon Matson,Chair,called the m.eeting to order. A quorum was present. �
ATTENDANCE: Shannon Matson; Linda Smith; Brook Dodd; Leslie Anderson; Ryan Mclrvin; Chad " �
Buechler;Amy Koehl; Kyle Burleigh; Henry Malphus
Excused: Dorothy Capers. City of Renton staff: Karen Bergsvik, Dianne Utecht,Jennifer Jorgenson,John
Collum Guest: Berk Consultant Annie Saurwein
. Linda moved to approve the January Minutes as presented; Leslie seconded; motion carried.
. Annie invited the committee members to sign up and attend the remaining World Cafe
, Ryan facilitated the first meeting,which Linda and Karen attended. Linda expressed how much she
gained from being present and listening to the providers. Karen was impressed with the depth of ,
the responses to the three questions that were presented for discussion. '. ,
Annie handed out example sheets explaining the Facilitator's agenda and explained how they
typically introduce and run the meetings. She explained the.guests will break down to individual �
tables for discussion of the questions on the Facilitator's agenda. Notes and flip charts are
developed along with the responses and are compiled after each conversation is held.
Berk will prepare individual summaries from each meeting and these will be summarized as part of
the Strategic Plan process. .
Ryah volunteered to be the Vice-Chair for 2015. Kyle nominated Ryan for the position;�motion was
seconded by Linda. Motion carried. ,
Karen noted Elyn Blandon had officially resigned as a member of this committee. Two other
applicants had been interviewed for the recent vacancies,and the nominating committee agreed
that both were qualified, and to contact them to see if they were still interested in the position. ;
Staff will furnish copies of the agenda, handouts, and minutes to the members at each meeting.
Karen will survey the members to see if there is a better time for the group to meet.
i � �
City of Renfon Human Services Advisory Committee
February 17, 2015
Page 2 � � �
Due to the lack of response to the initial request for proposals,the budget and wording was
changed on the Request for Proposals(RFP)for capacity building. Members suggested using
graduate students to do this work if we don't get a high response. The proposal responses are due
March 6, 2015.
Mayor Law has four priorities for 2015;one of which is serving the vulnerable and diverse
- , populations. The homeless population is considered part of the vulnerable populations. Karen
reviewed the Homeless Resource list that she.compiles for the community.
Dianne presented the year-end report. All of the agencies, except Hero House, met their
performance measures for 2014. Hero House ended up serving fewer residents, but with more
services. It was decided to reimburse Hero House the full amount of their allocation, even though
they did not serve the number of uriduplicated residents that they said they would.
John Collum from the City's Economic Development-Strategic Planning Department was introduced
and gave an overview of the Main Street Program and downtown redevelopment being planned
using the CDBG funds. They anticipate using$165,000 in 2015 for the Fa�ade Improvement �
Program to take care of exterior improvements based on a 50%-50%matching program between
the City and the business with a five-year, zero percentage loan. The building has to meet specific
criteria for the downtown area and qualify for CDBG funds.
John explained the National Main Street model and that a local group known as Renton Downtown
Partners has been formed as a 501c3 organization with the sole purpose of revitalizing downtown.
Karen asked the committee to consider the limited time and number of ineetings available to deal
with so many local and regional issues, plus the desire of the committee to go on site visits to some
of the agencies we fund. She wants this to be a topic at an upcoming meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, `
Shannon Matson
� �� d � � �� � � �
���� `� `�� � � NEXT REGULAR�MEETING MARCH 17,'201.5, 7t�Floor, Renton Gity Hall Q �� � ��
� �� P� , � OUN FE 3� �
� � � z , , �� C CILCON RENCEROOM , ,
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H:\Human Services\Main folder\Advisory Committee\Agenda-Handouts-Nlinutes\Minutes\2015 Minutes\Feb 2015 Minutes.docx
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City of Renton-1Q55 South Grady Way �
Renton,WA 98057 �
February 13, 2015 -
. ,
For more information contact:- .
Karen Bergsvik, City of Renton Human Services Manager,425-430-6652 ` �
Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator,425-430-6569
� , City's First Human Services Plan
� Public Participation encouraged at World Cafe Conversations
, � ,
' WHAT: We invite you to contribute to the City of Renton's first Human Services Strategic Plan. The
Plan will help the city address the 13 priority health and human services needs identified as part
of the 2014 Community Needs Assessment for Housing and Human Services. Please join us in
World Cafe conversations on how the City of Renton can best support human services.
A copy of the report is available at http://humanservices.rentonwa.gov.You can also contact
Karen Bergsvik to have a hard copy mailed to you. �
WHO: All are invited. In addition, staff from the City of Renton, Renton School District;Valley Medical
Center, local businesses, non-profit organizations and Human Services Agencies will participate.
Health and Wellness (better access to health and dental care, more mental health and
substance abuse services, early childhood screenings and parenting support) ' �
February 23, 9:30 a.m.to 11:30 a.m. ' '
Renton Senior Center, 211 Burnett Ave.5, Renton,WA
, Neighborhood Opportunity(improved mobility and transportation options; more high quality,
out-of-school-time opportunities for youth increased access to early childhood.education)
February 27, 2:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m.
Meadow Crest Early Learning Center, 1800 IndexAve. NE,.Renton,WA
` Basic Needs for Families(improved access to food, day and night shelters for homeless families
that offer services, increased services to prevent homelessness)
� March 3, 3 p.m.to 5,p.m.
Renton High School,400 S 2nd St, Renton,WA,
� `
� , .
( ` _'-}
Economic OppaPtunity(support for adults who face barriers to employment,access to living- �
� , wage jobs and career advancement)
IVlarch 4, 6:30 p.m.to 8:30 p.m.
Renton Technical College, Culinaire Room, 1st floor, Robert C. Roberts Campus Center,
Building I, 3000 NE 4th St, Renton,WA
COIVTACT: For more information please contact Karen Bergsvik, City of Renton Human Services Manager,
at 425-430-6652 or kber�svik@rentonwa.�ov
- nnan�OF TNR CVAV�
Page 2 of 2 '
.. . ...... � .. . ,.,.... .. .
i.� .. :': , . _ ..
,... . .
: , �
, Hornelessness `
_ Large Group
.: . ' .r'..: . . ,.. . . . .. . . . .. .
.. . �....., .. . ..�.... .. . ..�..... .. . .... . .. .
. . .... . ' ... . . . . .
F9ealth Resources 5a#et
Y Restrooms . . .
. Goals.. ,
• :. Action P1an to better serUe those in need -
•: . :; Com ine Re.sources
, _
� Get Infoi-mation /Pr.oblem:Solve
_, .
. ...
Bourrdaries? Greater tlian the Git
� �r:_.
New Strategic:Rlan—Committee to: End Homelessn:ess: :
. ;o: ....
_ .. .... . .
_ Getting Fublic Safety Data :
_.. . .
IVI2etirags/Trainin�s. _
1. Large group meeting: Homelessness 1a1 is the topic of next;meeting -
_ .... . . _ _. . .
- ::February 26, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.:m,; Merrill Garde:ns ; '
2. Briefin on Committeeto:End Ho
g melessness;:5trategic Plan
..... .
' February 25 1:00 m. to 4:30 m:; Renton City Hall;`Co:unc'il Chambers :
, p. p.
: �.
. . . ,. . .
_ 3. South King County Land Use & Human Service.Planners
, .
` February25, 1:30 p.m:to 3':30 p.m.,:siting of regional facilities
H/Human Services f Karen/:Homelessness Presentation ; ; 01/30/2015
_ .
,; , _ Serii6ces for the FEomeless in Ftentori _
- Ager�cY� ��: ;���,.�`#��'���. �Des p ao,�n�f Servic�s������ �h ;u.� W[�e ������llh��re���``�.����'
tenton; : 1..The Renton Meal Coalition proyides a dinner Friday,:Saturday, 300:Rainier Avenue N (oid
. .
�cumenical on Friday,Saturday and Sunday. &Sunday chamber of commerce
_ ,: _ . ... .
Association of .: ;::: . _ . .. ,: _. . .. . .: ::.:: . .. doors o.pen 5pm; building) ,
Churches... dinr�:er:5:30pm-
(PtEA�H)... . . (pm
_ ... . . _
2. Center o'f:Ho e. The mission is to rovide Da SHelter Rentorr Cit.
P P Y ,
Y :
tem orar su ortive housin and a safe and Ha11;:1055 5..G,rady Way
P. Y: Pp g. ,
healthy community#ostering dignity,.respect,
;. ; : >. .
: :
and personal stability:
' A. Day SHelfer.Services provided:include:
meals,showers, mail service,supportive
_. . , .
environment, laundry; personal.hygiene
services,�ocational and profiessional services,
and computers/pfione:
. . . .... .
B. Night Shelte.r ..: :::: .
3:.Sa e Parking-provides a space on church: Nigfitly Harambee Chutch::
property for those who:are homeless to:park, . 316 5 3rd St: ::: .
_ . .
their cars. Ba:ckground checks.and.application _ .. Renton,WA 98057 '
process run by REACH:.Run in pertnership w.ith
, .. .
homeless community:::: :
4.Warm=up's:The Homeless were going to Marr:=Friday 8am Harariibee Church
P . ..g...
, ... . .
` Lu:ther's table to i�varm:u and et coffee..
- tol0am .: . ,.. _ 316S3rd.S.t. '..:...
REACH and.Harambee partneced to.provide a � Renton,WA 98057 .
warm place;fellowship, and breakfast. - -
_ . . _ ..
.. . ..
Current y a ot breakfast is prepared on :. :
-: .:: : :
Nlonda and Wednesda s b volunteers: <
_ :. . . . y . .. y. y .
Auburi�Youth A team works with homel:ess and street youth; - Primarily tlie transit
R:esources helping then find resources to build stability: . : Center
They connect youth to programs and provide
_. ease management: . ....: .
, :..: . .
The Renton 1;Renton Communi:tySupper, Hot meal ;:::: : Monda Salvation Arm. Cor s
. . . _ .... .
Y' _; .;::: . . Y p
: Salvation;Army Thursday Building
, .
� 5.30pm-6:30 pm. 72D S:Tobin
Renton,WA : ,:::; .
�:... -,.:... , :
, 2/16/201515RentonHomeless`Resources.xlsx.. . . P8g2 Z.Of.6 : .
_.. . .
c�rvices for the Flomeless irr R�nton ,
. . � T .. �, . .:. .�.N • rz +r - .m . . .
�' �$dgency� } �,,,`�z �s f -� F:=Descriptio�,o#�erv�cesf��y , � '��1/heri,, � s �` � UUlvere��
: 2.Showers:for:the homele"ss:people sign up � Friilay, 10am to Salvation Army Corps : . : � :
_ _ ,
Monda throu h Thursda referabl at the 4:40 m Buildin
Y g .: Y, p Y .. P _ g .:
. cQmmunity supper: Sfiowers are 20.minufes 720.5.Tobin -
Iong.Towelsare offered (must retu�n after use),: Renton;WA
soap;shampoo,and personal toiletries. - -
: Harambee . Haram�ee has run a Refuge program for the Saturdays Salvation Army Corps
paSt six(6)years. They are a partner in the 5:30pm-6:30pm:' Building
Renton Meal Coalifion:toiletries and hygiene. 720 S.Tobin
_ .
products,fresh socks, and under.wear are also .: . . :... Renton WA
_ . ,
provided to those in need. Blankets and "
„ sleeping bags are provided on a limited:basis;as
funds allow: The are also a artner in the cold.
Y P .
wea.ther shelter. . . . . . ..
_ _
Frientls:ofYouth Homeless:Youth Services serves:ages 15-22 Tuesdays, usually Van:goes to the Libra :ry,: ::
Outreach who are homeless or in.unstable situations.. : beginning around Skate Park Transit
_ .. .
, . .... .
THey serve 15 King County.cities. :The oufreach. 3pm . Center.;Park N'Ride 900:.
worke:rs,fia:nd:out fl ers in:the downtown area : B1ock ;5alvation Arm
Y Y =
a.s well as posting at the.library and ti-ansit::: all between 2:45pm -
center. The.y.provide snack pack.s,.hygiene 6:30pm each 7uesday _ --
- : .:::: : items,hats;:coats and gloves in.winter. Friends- : ._;,.
of Youth also proyides ca.se managem,en.t :
services for young people witho.ut stable -
housing to:help them transition fro:m
homelessness to independent and stable :
_ housing.
2/16/201515RentonHameless Resaurces.xlsx. . . P8g2 2 Of 6 . ;,
' ' Services.for the Florrreless in R�nton
. ��. .:� -sNti+x�,��.�i�r " '�.'°ay��-•-r-���'� �'�4. tl�" ��,^�-�S.�'x � 3��'�v''p�..- s�-s� �n+*'�'�" ,,�".�,�r�"�- ,� ,� . . .
��;.�Agenc�ti.����� .:�,� �, Descr.iption.o,�-Services �'� �.�.. , .f�;�rWFien=_ ���'�� }.1,N`.here,��.�.� •°
atholic 1.ARISE program ; Seven days a Rotates:every thirty days �
_ommunity Provitles men with a safe,:warm place_to rest:;: week,9pm to 7am to different churches in
_ . . .. ... _ _.. _.
Services(CCS) . Case management.provided. M.en.allowed to Renton,.Intakes are done
_... .
stay for.up to.six months. Goat is to get them at:St.:Anthony's Church : : :
back on feet;and into permanent housing. :Sack on 314 S.4th St:;Renton
, lunches and breakfast;a:Iso provided. : .; :;:: : . on Tuesday.and.Th.ursday. _..
- Intakes are done from.l-.:..
_ _ . _
- 3pm. Men can walk in
, .
. .
and request:an intake or
_ .. . _ .... . .
calJ.the case manager at :
253=204-5352.. . ..
_ . _.
z:.Cold V1/eather Shelter-partnership between. Activated when 32 Harambee Church::
CCS;Harambee Church and the City. : ,: . degrees for:24:: . . 316 S 3rd.St: ::
hours,_snow of Renton,WA 98057. : . ..: ..
_ . .. t ree or more ..: .
- inches, or weather
_ presents
substantial th.reat.
Mobile Medical The mobile ven provides basic medical and Atleast two times TFie Salvation Army Corps
Van d.ental care, as well as social services to : ::: and sometimes Building
_ .
homeles5 individuals and families: They are three times per 7ZO S;Tobin
_ . ..... _., .
located at meal program sites:The medical van . month on Renton,WA . �
tea.m can assist homeless people to apply for Wednesdays or. .
, . . . . _ .
` IVledicaid, as 100%of the current:clients will be . Thursda,ys from
: eligible The regular case manager dealing with 4:30-7:30
benefits will be focu.sing:on getting people.._ ., -
signed up for_Medicaid: They will.bring on extra
� staff at busy:s.ites and will also:assist those
.. .
atten.ding the community:suppers to sign up if:
they quali.fy.. A needs sssessment is.done on all
new clients so appropriate care and:referrals
can b:e ..
_ . , ..... .
arranged. . . .
, .
, .
Z/16/201515RentonHomeless Resources.xlsx . . .
Page 3 of 6 .
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__ . . _
_ . . .....
. . .
� ;rvices for the hlomeless in Ren$o�i -
_ _ o
__ _ _ �
� � Agency ,�;ti' ` �,�pescript�on of Serv,ices� � � 2i � � WI�`en - � °�` �1Niiere -
�:x .
: Sounil IVlental PATH provides outreach activities to serve EacH site has own Shelters,community : .: : :
Health Path . sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons: hours suppers,and.areas where
_, .
Program . .. Tfiey conduct street outreach and respond to the homeless might -
community calls. Staff connect with the congregate.
_ .
Hoirieless where they a�e:found and try to ;
engage,assess tlieir needs, and/or connect: . . ,:
them to social;services and:housing:
St.Vincent de Sack.lunches are provided to the wocking poor Tuesday.=Frida:y . . St.Anthony.'s :Parish
Paul . and the homeless. They consist of.Cup of 1:30pm-2:30 pm 314.South 4th Street . .
Noo es;water,Vienna:sausages;granola bar;
Renton;WA . ..:.
, .
cheese and crackers,fruit cup and cookie. .In.
addition to tfie lunches,clothing vouchers are
given to tfie St.Vincent.dePauf store (.up.to:one
a'month in the winter so:they can get:dry :
. . _ .. .; .... .
clothin.g),.St.Vincent dePaul store vouchers for
housefiold o�other goods. TF�ey:also proyide.
'ja;ckets in winter,:bus tickets, referrals and:
s urces:-. .
_ .
1: .... __.
Valley Cities Valley Cities is at 222 UVells Ave S. They offer Monday.-Friday In addition to office
mental health counseling, chemical dependency and occasionafly in services provided,Valley..
treatment;and help with employment and the evening workers do outreach to.::: :
housing for their clients::If someone arrives the Renton Compass
priorto 4pm,they wrfl be able.to see a mental Center.and Renton . . ..
- health:counselor that day. There will be two Community Supper on a:::
_ . .
rimedical exam rooms; ancJ they hope that ; set schedule;and:the
Healthpoint wi.l,l be able to provide.the medical YW.CA .4.-plex as needed
care on s.ite;;ln addition,there:is a resource (by.referral from staffJ: :
raom with computers open to tfie public: There They also meet clients in
�s an on-site directqr,tialf.time in the o.:ffice:and _ the community:wherever
_ _. . ..
halftime in.the field. the.cl'ient chooses. _
Portable toilet Po.rtable toilets managed by City of Renton. Dusk to Dawn .. Cedar River pog:Park,
tocations by the: C.o.mmunity Services pepartment 1500 Houser.lNay South:
: City of Renton • 1 ADA unit available;
. .
CommunrtY . .
_. .
Only open on Farmers Market 233
_ .
Tuesda.ys; dusk to . Burnett.Avenue S two
_ .
_ ,
� dawn standard.restrooms �
2/16/201515RentanHomeless Resources.xlsx. _
Page 4 of 6. ..
_ . .
' • . Services.for#he Horr�esess in Reraton :
- � � '����'',�' . . `^�`'�' -�"�$. :����'..r L 'z.i. �m�l � d � '£'�e �. -�� �� �'r,4 RF' ��'�A�:�"S. a...,s . . . .
�,;��gencY�.�.Q,,� .�y��_:. .. �Description�of�Services� � � , �����°�"�1�Ihen�=� ,�� ,-�k'�liVhere,� >��� m �:
Dusk'to Dawn Highlands fVeighborhood::
, . .
_. . .
� •: Center S00 Edmonds ve
_. NE;.ADA aceess'ible _
Dusk to Dawn : Maplewood Paek34-O SE
: h St,ADA accessible
Duskto Dawn Renton.Greenhouse.and..: .. '
Corrimunity Gard�n, 10
1 .
. . .. . . Williams Ave N;one
:. _
_.. . _.
regular unit
° Dusk to Dawn. . .. Renton High.School,
_... _..
South 2nd St ih parking
_ _ . .
_ __
lot f�y attiletic field; one
: ADA accessible
Dusk to Dawn Riverview Fark along
, ... . .
,: : . �..
. . _ , . .
_.. , ..
availa le summer .trail; 29q.1 SE Maple
207:4through Va'lley;Highway;one.A.DA_: . .
_.. .
summer of 2015 accessible
D'usk to Dawn Ron R..egis Park,1501
Orcas:Ave SE, 2 regular
units; one ADA actessible
�; ��. . : . �� * . .. d .� ,f � �:- �:�
.: n�>�:te� ,�.�``ik�:ea.�-.._r.�.nwe,-+�n�sr.ae�za ,air taaasea�t°�I:�.�aC �:�. .%...��.�a ,,.'�°,..�..:�s�.-,�..,..- . .. : �4 ~•.,e' � , � h„w;: � {�'� . .. ..
"�Agency '��`� �" Descript►on of 5ervices 3 � �llUhen�� ' '-� �.i_Alhere ���"
>. ,, �.,- � _ .. . . _ ..: .. � ... _,..
.yM._�. .
Gascade. Intensive outpatient program IOP offe.rs a M-F; 8am-5pm: 12844 Military Rd.S,
Behavioral r.igorous chemical dep:end.ency program wi:fli : 206-244-0180::Call Tukwila Vf/A:98:T68
. . .. .... .
Hospital the flexibility to continue their current work or for.appointment
school obligations. SATISFIES COURT-ORDER .
_ .
Consejo" : Provides culturally relevant long teriia M-F;:8am-5pm 3808 5 Angeline St,
. _..
Counseling& outpatient d:r.ug and.alcohol treatment services. 206=461-4880_.Call. 5eattle,WA 9811,8.
Referral Service for I.atino adults, including alcohol and:drug;; ; for appointment :
_ _,. .
_ .
evaluations; DU.I assessments, intensive
outpatient a:rid:outpatient treatment. . ,
: _ .
Evergreen.; Opiate replacement therapy. Medically Intak.e:open house 1700 Airport Way 5,
. . _
Treatmerlt:` supervised.rrtethadone maintenai�c�and Mon @:9am Seattle,WA
Services Suboxone detox tteatriient. Fri @ 2pm
206-223-3644':: . .
2/16/201515RentonHomeless Resources.xlsx.. . .. PB�e 5 Of-6 .
,.. .
: :
_ c.�rvices for the Horr�eless in �er�ton _ �
�, � y � � �.� �.,,, i..�R- � ��-x �
Agency �" ;Descri`"fioro'of Serv.ices�A. . � r W�heh ��- � �lhere
: . : -
Recovery Detox; inpatient treatment program, outpatient : , 170118th Ave S ,
Centers of King . trea:tment program.. For detox call Seattle,WA..98144
County......- , ... _ .... 206-325-5000 : _
: ' ,
Call:for intake
. . _
Programa S.E.R.: Prb�ides alcohol.&:drug.information scliool; DUI Call for,hours:: . 918 S 2nd St, _
assessments, outpatient chemical dependency : 206=387-1240 Renton;WA 98055
_.. . .
tr.eatment services as weil as intensive
oufpatient treatment::: .:.
_ ._ . .
_. _
Cowlita Tribal Provides.drug:&alcohol assessm:e:nts, 206=721-6288 15455..65th Ave S
Treatment DU.I Deferred prosecution, intensive outpatient M=F 8am-5pm;. Tukwila;WA 98118
� treatment, inpatient:re:fe:rral and placementfor
_. .
youth and.edults. Approacfi bl.ends ancient
tribal custorias,traditions.and teacliings.wi.th _
c.u:rrent practices:
: Doorway#o:. Provides alcohol &drug information school, DUI 206-772-6260 879 Rainier Ave N
_ .
_.... _.
Recovery.: . . assess.m.ents; deferred prosecution programs, . Call:for.program Suite A103
_ . _
__ _
drug/alcohol testing;.anger management, hours. O.ffers: . Renton,WA 98057
_ .
_ .
outpatient chemical dependency.treatment group.sessions 7
services as:well as intensive o:utpatient days:a:week
,. . . .
Renton Area Provides.s.ubstance abuse assessment, 425-2Z1-5600 1025 S 3rd St
Youth &.Family individual an.d family counseling; outpatient M,F:9am-5pm Renton,WA 98057 : :
. . . ... .
Services tr.eatment and aftercare services and supporf.
; groups for youth;ages 12.through 20, Offers . . .
slidingscale fees. �
2/16/201515RentonNomeless Resources,xlsx. . .. P2g8 6 Of 6 .
. . . . . �. , .. _ , ` �. � ... . . . . ... . . . . ... � " ... . . . . ,.. ' � . � �- ... '. ' ... �.. � . � ' .._ ' rl ' ..
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� - Summary �f tfte 2015 Uh�helteretl Homeles§ Gounf in Selecfed Areas of King County
� ` . . :.. _
} .
;: -
�. , .: .
, ...
"�'; ; : : : , '> � ,
� ,; :. .
_ �
North East SW fed ` i ht Ow Vashon ;
;� ' 8eattle Kent End Sicie County*• Way Renton NBnses ' Awburn Island"`�::Total p ;:
; .�.,�....._._.:� .._ __.,..� _ .� ._�..._ . _ _.._.___ __ . ..
r.. _ _.. . _�
3 _ 1�8en . . ":695 21 7 �4B . 69 �3 :. ��...20 � 96 .� 22 .. ,. 2 993
, , -. , - " 5 ;6 1 . . . :24: : �4 4.. 1 . -1:0 . . 5 . ' 0. . 230. . i ,.
�: . ' Gender.unknuuvn . 194.
lNomer� 16
f. - _
, 4 1 O:T.. 40:...- . 55
126 88 '.58 : 0 : 98 8.: 257:8.'.
� . _
RAinor(under 18) 9 : 7 0.; 7 0 0 0 ._ 1 : � 0 31 ...
� ; : _
� . "' Total. 2813 135 48: . : 134 209 105 79: 707 : 132 : 10 3772.:; _
, � .
. _
•� . . . , _ . _ _
�, Benches 35 0 1: 3 ': p 1 .. : 0 0 0 0 40
;. •.. Parking Gara�es 31 0 0: , 11 : 0 0 :: 0 0 0 0 42'
. ° . ::
_ _.
�' . .. Cars/Tcucks 776 44 32 16 : 88: : 81 37 0 '54 8 113g `
Strucfures . 641 , 11 8 . . 2 38 ' `. . 3' 10. , , 0 : `19 . 0.-.; 732.:. ' '
��. _ - ,.
-; Under roadwrays , 1:73 : 6.. 0 ;... 10 0 0 . :...7 : _>..0 . 4. 0 . 200
�, . : Doorwrays.. : 306 : 3 : 0 ::. 1 4 4 '3' 0.. 0:... 0: .. 321.:,.. �
,. .
: . "City Parks . 47 ;. 1 1 :' 0 0 0 2 0 1.0_ 0 . , 61 .. , �
, - ; : .
,� . .
Bushes/Undergrowth 94 28 1 10 4. . fi. .: 6 0 31 0 180
� :.. � . Bus.stops - 32 1 � 0: 1 : 2. �:... 0 0 : � 0 _,: 38 ; ,
. .� . Alieys : ':: ' :26 ::` :1 0: 0...: 4:` 0::::... 0 0 ' 0 0 31
: .� _. _ , . :
�� Walkin:g Around : 303 19 4 ' 2 21 .. ; 8 .. .. : 6 0 11� 1 375 a �,
� : .. . .
,,. `. -.Other . . . 3.49 21 . � . 76 48 1 8 1 Q7. 2:. 7.:. 614.:. . :.
,�. _ ...
� Total: 28.13 135... 48 =..: 134 2:09 105 79 107. 132 . 10 . 3772 . � i :
#: ' .
+: : �:
�, ,
_ �9% Increase j
�; , ,. : ,
i : .. ':` : ; : ; . ; 2015 3772:peopls.outside . . �
� , .
, 201.4 . 3123 people outside ;
,� . � ... $ ; ..
;€;:: : . , «.Vas
- - hon Island and.Southwest King County are participating in the count f�r the first time in 2015. f :
�� '
� ; ""The number of people observed in SW King.County inciudes the 89:peaple couaEed.ln White Center,historically reported separately: ; :
t, �.
� , . ; ,
�;": _ , : . � .
,, , :. . , ..
`.. : :
�..'. .
,�. ; ,
�, For moCe information contact the SeattlelKing County Coalition on Momelessness : www.homelessinfo.ora f
,< - _..
�. " :; Alisoh Eisinger(206)204-8355: Nicole Macri (206)515-1514
� . • ; : ,_ - _
. .
:, � .
. ,
: < _ . � -
� .. , `: . _
>. :...
,_ �� . :
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z. - , < :: �. _
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' � �
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City of Renton Hurr�an Services
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2014
Agencies report all Renton clients.served by all funding sources on the performance reports. The
contract, however, is.based on what services can be provided with Renton funds.
Actual lJnits Provided
2014 Perforrnance Provided 90% or_
Agency& Program Annual Goal from all Greater of: �
Allocatio� Measure(s)
Sources Goal
Alliance of P.eople $5,000 Unduplicated 20 22 YES
with disAbilities Clients
Independent Living #Adyocacy Hours 64 134
Skills # Employment 16 62
: _ ' :: Service Hours:
, . .
Bridge Ministries- $5,000 Unduplicated - 67 �79 YES
Mobility Program Clients
Units of DME- 120 131
Durable medical
equipment .
_ .
Catholic $40,000 Unduplicated 32 95, YES „
Community Clients:
Bed nights 1,400 3,919
Catholic $10,609 Unduplicated 64
68 YES
Community Clie.nts
Services— Shelter 430 659
Emergency Financial Aid -. 12 26
Catholic $5,000 Unduplicated 10 57 YES
Community Clie.nts
Services-Volunteer # of volunteer 515 2,047
Chore Services � chore service hours
_ .
_. _
,.--� __
� , L
, � ���� � �
... . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. ... . .. . � .::.... . �� 4�.r�. .
. ... . .... .� , . .... . .. �� ..
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2014 ��
Actual Units Providec`-
2014 Performance Provided 90% or
Agency& Program Annual Goal from all Greater of
Allocation Measure(s)
Funding Contract
_ ..
Sources Goa
Child Care $5,000 Unduplicated 36 411 YES
Resources- Clients
Resources and Information & 36 411.
Referral referral contacts
Training hours 17 395.5
Technical 12 56.39 _
assistance hours
Communities in $12;750 Unduplicated 108 494 YES
Schools of Renton Clients
Family Liaison #ofstutlents 144 850
receiving liaison
Communities in $16,435 Undu licated 50 179 YES
- Schools of Renton Clients
Mentor Program - #of hours of 660 ; -: 1,822
mentoring received
by students
Consejo Gounseling $5,000 Unduplicated 6 17 YES
_ _ _
and Referral Clients
Services #of Advocacy 120 81
Domestic Violence Service Hours
#of Counseling 50 71.5:
Ser.vice Hours
. . _
Crisis Clinic $15,OOQ
# of incoming calls 1,085 6,751 YES
, .._
Crisis Clinic $5,000 # of incoming calls 607 4 484 YES
24 Hour Crisis Line �
Crisis Clinic $5,000 #of calls and 169 698 YES
Teen Link students receiving
youth suicide
prevention training
2 _
:..::, .
` ^ � ) t c�ry ur ' ;�
.. . ..� �._ �{���� ��� '
- �
_ .
� , �.
Report;on Agency Performan�e January-December 2014
; ,. :
Actual Units Provided
2014 Performance; ' Provided � 90% or
Agency&:Program Annual Goal . from all Greater of .
Allocation �, Measure(s) -
` ' Funding ' Contract
_ . ,
. ,
.:: Sources. . . . Goal
Domestic Qbuse $8,480. Unduplicated : . , 240 329. YES
. , ... . ..
Women's Network Clients
- - Community ' : ,.: #of calfs:on crisis :15.0 488 . .
Advocacy&Crisis line
: _
'Line Hours of ; 240 " 1,173
service/advocacy �
� .
Do.mestic Abuse $20;402 Unduplicated 8 ° 20 YES :
_. ..,.
, Woriien's Network (CDBG) Clients .. ,
` Continuum of Bednighfs : 250 929
� Dynamic Family: $10,280 Unduplicated . : 12; 159:, YES
. _ . .
_ .
. ..: : ..
. _
C ients '
, . :
,.. _ Early lntervention #of Therapy ` _ 7.1 1,345
Services �
- ,
`. . . ,Eastside Baby. Unduplicated. 2;905 YES
Corner Clients
' $5,00.0 ,
Basic Needs for #of items
: : 6,014 ,
Children distributed : . .
Undu licated
� 210 1,496 YES ,
- Emergency Feeding $11;OD0 „ p '
: .
: Pragram of Seattle , , ';:, Cfients '
and Kin ..: . ,.
. � g Count:y #of ineals served 5,.500 15,699 .� ;.
' Emergency Feedin , '
g . _
, , � .
Feminist V1/ornen s $11,002 Unduplicated 66 : 388 YES
, ,
Health. : : . Clients . ,
,. ,_ _.
Cenfer/Cedar River Abortion Care 40 205
, _
, ,.. . Clinics WeII Woman 33 256:
. ,
` Re roductive Care,.
p .
; : . - , �
, . . ,.. , : ,< . .. ,
3 � �
;. . . . . . :
' . -
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2094
� �'����� -�� ".
Agency& Progra:rvi 2014. Performance Annual Goal Actual Units Provided
Allocation: Measure(s) Provided 90% or
_ _ _
f orn all Greater of
Funding .Contract -
Sources Goal
Friends of Youth $16;000 Unduplicated 14 : 30 YES .
Healthy Start. Clients _
# Case 83. 337_
_ , Hours
Greater Maple _ $5,000 , Unduplicated - 78 197 YES.
Valley Community Clients -;
Center-Datevvise _ # education hours 78 - 394
in classroom
#of peer education 7.8 39.4:.
HealthPoint $5,000 ' Unduplicated 12 1,315;. YES
Dental Clients _
#of dental visits 23 2,257
HealthPoint $28,350 Unduplicated 42 9,758 YES
Nledical Clients '
� .. ..
#of inedical visits 125 17,364
� HERQ House � .$5,000 :a �`�� Untlu`plicated °� ��� 25 ' �����TO N0/no��;�� "��
,- ,, . .
. . ,
_� � �Psychiatric;� �� � ; ' �°�: � � - ��� Clients� >. f,�indi�ng,: °:
Rehabilitation� ° # Employment° ; r`.� 80 286 w:ithheld , .> '
�S`ervices �
It should be recognized that in 2014,:we saw a low number of attendance days:from individuals who reside:in Renton.
There have been significani cut backsto the King County Metro System in 2014 that has negatively impacted members ,
from.South King County.This:cut back has limited the amount of routes:th.at are vital to accessing the clubhouse::It:is a
parf of our standards that we are accessible by public transportation to members an.d our location is on major bus �
routes. However,.tfiese cut backs have hindered the ease of.individuals being able to use public transportation to
access HERO House.We have instated a progcam to provide fransportation in our 75 passenger van to allow for
individuals from Renton.to be picked up at local.park and rides and be brought into the Clubhouse. Also, this year we
experienced:u.nforeseen staffing I.oss.and are actively pursuing to rectify the loss.in our clubhouse,At this time,we have.
hired one full time employee, wfio is expected to start in the middle of January 2015. Until we can increase our staff, we
will are not able:to o erate our own trans ortation ro ram.We are lookin for new wa s to increase tfie:attendance
p.. . . . p P. 9 _ . 9 y.
numbers from South:King Gounty, and will be rectifying transportation sifuation as�soon as we hire more employees.
_ _ . .
_. , .
_ 4 _
. . `,: .
: � �� � � '� ���y oi�--;—.—,-,
��� �1,��
� ,��
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2014 : ���� °' .
_ _
Actual Units �rovided
2014 Perforo�ance Annual
Provided 90% or
Agency� Program from all Greater of
Allocation Mleasure(s) Goal Funding Contract
_ _ Sources ' Goal
Institute for Family $6,550 Unduplicated Cfients ;8 10: YES
_ .
Deve.lopment #of client service 90 : 90.19
PACT program-. hours . _
_ _ ,
, ..
Parents and: :: .
_ _.
Children Together _ .
King County Bar $5,000_ Unduplicated Cli;ents 44 1,127: YES
Foundations Pro
Bono 5ervices Legal Services contact 80 634
_ . . . . ..
King County Sexual $32;000 Unduplicated Clients . 99 223 YES
Assault Resource
Center #of advocacy:hours 357 1,819
_ .
Sexual Assault
Multi=Service $6,631 Unduplicated Clients 10 : 17 YES - :
_ . 390 4,173
Center - - _ . #of shelter nights to `
Emerger�cy Shelter Renton households
and Transitional #case management 20 - 179 -
Housing_ contacts _
_ . . _ . .
Multi=Service $10;500
Unduplicated Clients , 11 32 YES _
Genter .
#of tutori.ng hours
General Literacy
, _
MuJti-Service _ $37,363 Unduplicated Clients 120 186 YES
Center (CDBG) #of househo_Ids 14 56.
. .
receiving eviction -
Ass,is$ance prevention
_ _ _
#of households ' SS 99
receiving emergency
assistance vouchers .
_ __
_ .
�� ,
, � ��_
'. D �� 9 � ���. y
> : _ ��� -��.
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2014
Actual llnits ; Providec,
2014 Performance
Provided 90% or
Agency & Program . Annual Goal from all Greater of
Allocation Measure(s)
Funding Contract :
_ . _ . Sources Goa
Pediafric Interim $5,000 Unduplicated 1 4 YES .
Care Center .
Interim Care of : # of child 10 147 .
Drug Exposed care/i.nfant care
Refugee Women's $8,726 Unduplicated 23 33: YES -
Alliance (CDBG) Clients
Family Support # case 137 185
_ ;
management ho.urs
# receiving 4 6
assistance :
Renton Area Youth $20;000. Unduplicated. . 16. 59 YES
and Family Services Clients
_ .
Youth . #Youth Services _ . 191 404
Development and Hours.
Prevention #Support group 7 33
# Hours of group 7 169
activity _
Renton Kiwanis , ,
$6 000 Unduplicated 800 1 628 YES
Clothes Bank : Clients
Clothes Bank #of clothes banl< 1,400 : 2,767
Seattle/King County $5,000 Unduplicated 26 56 YES
_ Department of Clients
Health Mobile #of dentel visits 32 60
Medical Van: .
% � : :: .' . . . '. : . . :. . ' . �� City o[��
_ . _ (r�'J'� � a'fE�.
. :. . . � . . .. - . �.. :. ��l�f'�. C.�� .� ".
Report on.Agency Performance January-December 2014
Actual Units Provided :
2014 Performance : Provided 90% or
� Agency& Program Annual Goal from all Greater of
_ Allocation Measure(s)
Sources Goal
Senior Services $5,000 Unduplicated 22 500 YES
Comrnunity Dining Clients
#of ineais served 655 15,082
Undu licated 122 136 YES
SeniorServices $10,000 p
Meals on Wheels
# of home meals 2,114 22,501
delivered ,
_ _ _ _
SeniorServices $11,180 Unduplicated 80 118 YES
Vol:unteer Clients
Transportation Mileage 9,500 33,590:
One-way trips 780 2,854
_ . . _
_ _. _
_ _
Society of St. . $15,000 Unduplicated 32 64 . YES
Vincent de Paul Clients
. Emergency Rental assistance 24 24
Assistance : Utility assistance 40 40
, Somali Youth & $5,000 Unduplicated 43 103 YES
- Family Club Clients
Shah-Shah Early Participants in Play 60 _ 57
: Foundations & Learn/Support
Sound Mental $10,000 Unduplicated 25 145 YES
Health Clients
Children's # Case 47 811
Community management hours :
Services # of Direct Service 53 1,852
#:Fsychiatric 5 114
Medication Mgmt
, .�. ,
` �---_
�,�� �
° t�� � a��`'
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2014 : o 'f�
_ Actual Units Provide(:
2014 Performance Provided 90% or
Agency& Program Annual Goal from all Greater of
Allocation Measure(s)
Funding Contract .
_ Sources . Goal
Sound;Mental $5;000 Undu;plicated 12 69 YES
Health Low Income Clients
Counseling . : Assessment and
35 764
Assessment and 1Z 38
Medication Mgmt
Case Management 33
_ 12.
Sound Mental $5,000 Unduplicated ; 6, 28 YES
Health PATH Clients
Case Management 12 152.5
_ _. -. _
1"herapeutic Health $5,000 Unduplicated 8 187 YES
Services Clients
# Counseling 8 123.67
� .
#Support Group 96 2,798 .
# Case 21 269.5
_ Sessions
Ukrainian $5,000 Unduplicated 5 41 YES
Community Center Clients - -
' of V1/ashington Parent Education 1 2
Crisis Family Sessions
Infervention Professional 5 41
Program Mental Health
$5,000 Unduplicated 17 ' 134 YES
Community Center Clients
of Washington # Case Mgmt Hrs 17 : 134
RusSian/Ukrainian # Cultural 1 2 �
Refugee,4ssistance orientation
-, �
: � ° �'�.��� � .
��� �-� .
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2014 '
, . , _
• - Actual Units ' Provided �
2014 Performance Provided 90% or
Agency& Program Annual Goal from all Greater of
Allocation Measure(s)
Funding Contract
Sources Goal
Valley.Cities $14,000 Unduplicated '. 28 33 YES
Counseling& Clients
Consultation Number of service 279 282
Homeless Family : encounters ,
Way Back Inn $15,000 Unduplicated 53 78 YES
_ Transitional Clients
Housing for #of Transitional 1,875 2,894
:Homeless Families Housing bedn'ights
with Young
Case Mana ement 150 157
Face to Face
Washington $5,000 Unduplicated 3 3 YES
' Women's Clients
Employment and Employment 3 3
Education Services
Reaching Case IVlanagement 3 3
Employability and _
Achieving Career
Habits (REACH)
YWCA $7,300 Unduplicated 8 16 YES
Children's Clients
Domestic Violence . # of Direct Service 75 201
Program Hours
YWGA $5,000 Unduplicated 10 12 YES
Domestic Violence Clients
Prograrv� #of Direct Service, 80 215
YWCA $7,560 Unduplicated 12 - 14 YES
Renton Emergency Clients
Shelter :
c;�y orS� •
_ �� � ..� l��'�� ����.
Report on Agency Performance January-December 2014 �� '`�`�
Bed nights 312 1,801
City of Renton 181;836 : Unduplicated : 220 240 YES
Housing Repair (CDBG Clients
Assistance Program Gapital) # Minor Home 750 1,248
Minor Housing Repairs
i f�
� � �r ° `w� i '` ,
I �
� �� � � � � I � oaq�°�ii
. . .. . ..... . ....� . . �� .. . . ... . .. . ... . . I/ co�m���ry���ae<o��micik.�a�pm�m� .�
! — �
I �'
Action Steps... About... � ��`� `-��;���`�e� ��' ����;�� ���> �� ��
I ���. � ��� £ ��� �� � ��� ��� k
�w:� °
1...Reviewthe Program Guidelines at The City of Renton is offeringfinancial j f�^� � �,�, �� ����� ���� ���fr�,� .
www.rentonwa.gov. assistance to upgrade business �� � � �� ��- ���£������� .,
�DOwN��'ow�� ���r ^ ���,��, �
� storefronts in the downtown area. ; �': , - ���"�� �.,����` �%
2...Contact City of Renton program staff to discuss �=" - � _� �.��. : �� ��� ;
eligibility. Throu h the Downtown Commercial � s S �, h , ' ; ��
g i COMMERC�IAL` ���� ��,���
, Rehabilitation and Fa�ade ' � � ' ; ���,�� ���tr
3...Submit application to City's Community& � Improvement Loan Program,the City i ��E FI�4,6 1 L I�T%�T 1,'0 N' :lf1�N��D � � ;ri
� � „
Economic Development Department(CED), � hopes to encourage investment in n? � � ���� � : �, �� ,
i i F���1 D E I M P R O V zE-�IVI E`N�T�� ;
including all requested attachments. , Downtown,attract new and expanding , �. ,
� �, x�� -
businesses,achieve significant visual � � �O l�IV P R O G R�M������ , ���� �
improvements,and improve , ,� �fi �� #
�� �������� �
4...Submit additional information required by , Downtown's overall economic health ' �� ���� �� ��
Program Guidelines and program staff to CED, � and safety. � �' ��� Yt,:���`�. �
including all requested attachments. , , � - � a,�
S...Receive funding approv.al from Pr.ogram Loan � The City will provide loans to seve.ral I • ��� =p�`�-���� 4�`� �:� _ .. � ,
' businesses or prope�ty owners fo�' : �
,-, �
Committee.. 1 projects in 2015,with minimum loan ', _
_ � . ,
6...Work with program staff to de�elop loan :. . i emounts starting at$10,000 and `
documents, provide any necessary closing � maximum amounts subject to'eligibility_ ',
information,and close loan ` : ; and,availability of funds. "
� �
7...Construct project improvements,with Gity loan �+ i ,' "�
proceeds provided on a reimbursement basis `
unless otherwise noted in loan documents
( ).. � � i ;.
.e �rs .� :�; .
8..,Maintain.uses and property while contributing � .�
,� .. � ,.:.
. . . , � _- _
to the revitalizat�on of Downtown Renton! � 4� ���;�° � �;-���`,����`�`�� �k,
: , Y �; ���. !
� � .Contact Inft.,��orma�tion �,� �
. . �.,� �. �S Y I
. � �'� , Johro W�Collum,AI.CP F•
_ � � �•,9-v Commumity De�elopment Projec�Manager' . �
_ � ` Community&Eeonomic Development Departmemt ' ��� � a� ��„:
r . Renton City Hall 6fih Floor � �� �� ��
_ . _ �,.,�
, -_ ` �i`Yl�tll. ��� < �
� � -: 1055 South Graciy Way ,: � � ±t'1��r•- =
r , � �.,
� Renton V1IA 9805�7,32�3Z ' z� �
�, , �
� � � � �. a�. � jcollum@remtonwa.gou� � �::�
�`� 425-4'30-6589
� �.' � �_
` .. . ; - . ::: _ An Affordable W y o pg de Your
a t U ra
��� � ��� � � �
� Storefront and Enhance Downtown Renton!
� �
i 1
• � ._� .. �' -p
—� '` c:i�y of �, � �, ; r; e � -.� d, - - a a � � e� - - a e
)S (��,������� �� w� �.
C�m nily+nd F unomi 1)c�xinpm�an �
�— 1�� I� �
Downtown& South Renton ; °�������t��� @ ���`���� "�' '�-�;t��,���_-����.���' `�,u�
+�Ws F O ,- o :h�dh�� � ' t�.,�,�air� �W�tZi�F`�I� s�"a�+rt-�'-+..y� !'�
FaCts... Cor�bined Subareas AR R Av� �� ���_ '`��{�� ��"+��������j�=�• �-;
' ..' . q.. � „ � '� . Jk.:t- �c'i� i31�1 � �."`{ P' � �'�,.� �,'�c_ � � =..r-� W au i..��J r�.
x --t. �J�. u...� i���� -� ��n.�� txx �carm „- i�s:a�,..,r
$ .��,,.�S�e�'�t,._=?i�i q,��, �.�a�;` �t�:1Cl��ij`�:�;`7�� � '�'�,d,�y�� L�y �,� ���.�.„�.:`�'�[rr� u.�
■Loan Amount: Minimum of 10;000;maximum �k�q�n�,,.��s�g�?'��.•.�� �� ,� ���aG'��a"� 6(��r�� �, �.�,'��;*�s�������: ; �} ��(, �;� �;
���'� ��7,. .�.���1��t��.! � t3��l: � 3� w. l'�Y,4�'�y,.�#s�cu�zi� 1�;.� 7 in�-L��� �
subject to eligibility and availability of funds. �.E%- � , 7 - �-��i � _ lS,,
■Matching Funds: Loan recipient to provide .,� ���e '���a� �4 � �� '" f,. ��-�,�����(��'���t�� ��'�1s���� �Y��°'�'",'
. ���' ,v, ��:. , f-.. .. . � . S� �� P..:. 2 ,�.,�'
matching funds in an amount at least equal to �r ��� � t ��,� � � a �
the requested loan. �' ' �}f '' U�A! �,.�'d : . � ,` r..r, '%��� �� _'�f y ,,���
■Loan Term/Interest: Up to 5 years with 0% ,� ���'.: ��t��`��,��� � ��'" y"� ; . , ' ;'^ C�`'���-�_` �� . ��'
interest;loans may be forgivable subject to ����6�l(�`����; � • w �,;,; � ' �� .� '' `•a>r�,�� t� M=-
performance. ,:���t+s ��,*.l� L�...��� .�. . ,� � s. • .,. _.� ;� ,�. , � .
�Fees: No application fee. Loan recipients subject (��) ?k, j�° r � d y/ ,' 4���� �x ''" ;�r ��'r�
to Loan Origination Fee of$150,or 0.25%of �'•�F.,�7�`� .' � �` { �`� "'Y = • � �; ��,���. `�',
�� �((' �. � � f d . �.� �./��:' J f "3 � �,.fi�k�� �
the actual loan amount(whichever is greater) � �R' v
���� f�!�C,.�� 'yn. � + �.� yy s � a' f-'� � � .a�s�^ ���5=
and Closing Costs(including any legal fees)of p_,� ,�t�G 2: ,� y � ,�t� ��-- i �.� ' ��7 ,�.� ;. {`-.�� �'� �,
50%of total actual costs. ���;�5�7y�'- ti� r r e : ,.f �: ,�X �, ��� � �, f � �,�� ��
■Eli ible A licants: ��; �'"'�r� '� �°��> � �' "� ` � ����
g� pp ,�1'�" �,''�r-� - _. . <� �'� '� {, �` � �
o For-profit or nonprofit operating businesses ���� .%"� .�;�'�4 p��t� � � --=��,�`� � �4�� ,r1"� ' ��,e`'��s��`��� o�,.
(new or existing)seeking to locate or expand � ✓%�� ''�'�;�..���� � i�'�'�� ; � �. �.. ., ',.{' g��T���-
`v�`�t ,�"�, �,..{�""�� . � �,:.- _ -.xi �� �,� ��tn�h ��t1."�9
(with landlord/property owner authority). � .,� ��:�,,.,���,� *�- , �'�-
�, �'
,��-��+� ,,�v'�j�`• � ". a �,. ,• ; �r, . .y :'�'��j�� j��.`�'..,�-�
o Owners of existing buildings(vacant or � _ ,,��.;���,. `� � , � �, ` !� ��rap�,ea.`��,..,i�
occupied)with a re-use plan. 4 �� �F},��s�y„P,+��N# ��-.�. a � + , Yr� . �;?�°'�'„����'7�e-`ac�
■Eligible Uses `�� ' A ����1e:�S.�m.+��= � > � ! ,� ''s'�'���i�`�
�,� ,+Y,1��S �' ��� .�' ,4 r '���� fji* .c�+ .
o Improvements to existing commercial ;��� �R:>>f�„� .���.._- r ` ,' r , e i; - ,i����.. �� ,
buildin facades,includin windows,doors, ��a%�` � �--°''�� - �� � � ��f�� '��
g 6 w„ ,s,....--,�.s�►�as �.� �- ■� a �. I � rib 1��
walls,roof,foundation,paint,awnings, ` •``^�`�r•E'"`���',��"� �� o. �' �� r.. � ;�,� ,� ��;�f.�� �
signage,light fixtures,etc. o soo ,.o0o N `�`�Ff � � � � �� ����� �['C� ��tl���J
. s•d .a . r�� �A ��a` 4��..,� � �.,.p�Yl����.. ..�:
F¢ot rJ i�'" . �P. �t � .
o Upgrades to bring existing eommercial --+� � � � ' � � �{,�- , � ��� ��
buildings into compliance with current codes tommunityee:economicoevelopment ; � �"':' , ,r r':i�' �����ji'�~i���,��''n'��C'
cr..�aayvwm� �a�wu�ma.rovkn � w n 9Y � �4�y,i� � ��i �'l,1�
(correcting existing code violations). „�,�.,��,.�. �,�,.+ �� ,na_ _�� ,r�; r� e;.�`� ] ! ���r�,�������;��Q
o Off-site infrastructure upgrades that are a _�,�r ����� -�� .,��- - : � \,��°�� ' �
e,l�Pf;C"�If� �� ,I� a f'P�� +�'�' r•" � `�!{' ��s powntuwn 8 S,Renlon ComWned Suba2a5
requirement of a city-a'proved develo'ment _ °�������� "��'',� �.�'-"�, ����
plan. Existing buildings must be located within the Downtown or South Renton combined subareas as designated within the City Center Community Plan(see boundaries above).
o Soft costs(professional fees,consultant
studies,property reports,etc.)related to � � �,,
eligible uses. � .,�"��
■CDBG: Projects selected forfunding must comply Projeet Evaluation... �
with guidelines established by the U.S.Housing "� '
and Urban Development Department's CDBG Projects seeking to be funded must demonstrate a
program. reasonable level of feasibility and impact on improving ^ , � �
■Use Provision: Properties with improvements ;�-� ``-,et
utilizing loan proceeds are subject to the economic viability of the downtown area. Applicants
recordation of a lien or deed of trust placed and projects will be evaluated in the context of ineeting `"` �. ., �,
against the property for the term of the loan, criteria in the areas of feasibility, project impact/public -' �` �' " �` .���•"``''
including provisions that uses and condition of benefit,quality and significance. � „�-��`'-'� ��,
the property are adequately maintained. �M�� ��� "
,._,J .. .