HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/2014 - Minutes , , . _ _. __ .. . r ,- - � � at - � � � �;� ���, � ° C��Co�� � Human Services Advisory Committee . _, Meeting Minutes , Renton City HaN Council Conference Room, 7t" Floor ` - December 16, 2014, 3:00 p.m. CACL TfJ dRDER: Shannon Matson,Chair,ca(led the meeting to order. A quorum was present. ATTENDANCE: ' � In Attendance: Shannon Matsan, Cinda Smith, Braak Dodd, Leslie Andersan, Ryan Mclrvin,Chad Buechler. Excused:Amy Koehl. Absent: Dorothy Capers, Elyn Blandon. City of Rentan Staff; Karen Bergsvik, Katie McCfincy,lennifer lorgenson. Guests: Fauna Larking and Annie Saurwein, Berk Consulting ` 1. APPROVAL{�F PREVIOUS MINUTES . . Brook made a motion to approve the minutes as written; secondedaby Leslie. Motian was carried. � ' Minutes were approved as written. � 2. WELCOME AND REVIEW OF AGENDA Karen explained Fauna and Annie would be facilitating the meeting. Fauna presented the agenda which pravides the required action items and time lines they have developed to finalize the Human ' � Services Strategic Plan for the City of Rentan: � 3. HUMAN SERVICES DEFtNITION AND CtTY ROLES , Karen and Terry Higashiyama met with the Mayor and Jay Covington last week far guidance and clarity of the administration's goals far providing human services for the citizens of Renton. The - administratian is concerned with taking care of the City's residents and doesn't want the city to become°a magnet that attracts people from outside the city because of our services. They feel the city should act more as a clearing house that directs people and assets to available resources and services; not as a provider of services. The questions were asked, "Are we spreading our dollars too thinly?" "Should the city direcfi more dotlars to fewer services?" , The Administration has targeted certain human categories as"priority populations"—Seniors, , disabled individuals,youth anci families—as targeted areas of concern. . Fauna Larkin went through the steps the committee will use to refine the definitions of human � services and the rale(s)the city should take in develaping the Human Services Strategic Plan. � 4. ENGAGEMENT PlAN ' Annie Saurwein directed attention to the Engagement Plan and reviewed the processes the committee will use building up to the five community conversatians. -° The next step towards engagement targeted names of organizations ta solicit stakeholders for each of the five conversation topics. This was followed with suggested days,times,and locations for the conversations ta be held. The lists will be refined over the next few weeks. ' : ; a Gty of Renton Human Servic- � `,�visory Committee _ December 16, 2014 ' �,- _:.,. - . . :::: : Page 2 .... . . ,.. . _ . _. . 5. MODEL WORLD CAfE'CONVERSATIOI�S `' :... .... , . , ;... Members uVere asked to look at the five different topics and pick two;of:tliem that,the,y woulef:most, like to hefp facilitate.:.(It is expected:that.tw.o committee:members wiil work togettier.to direct each " _ , conversation;with support from.8erk an Associates,). ` ...... :_. Shannon,:Linda, Brook, Ryan, and.Chad volunteerecf:to be the lead for a:world cafe conversation at.. -- ,the last meeting: Shannon—Economic Opportunity; Linda Basic.Needs; Brook-Healt:h.and Wellness, Ryan-Attain:Quality Housing; Chad—Neighborhood Qpportunity. ' �1� . . , ;: Annie would like to be in contact witli you directly,to work on sch:eduling the:Vllorld�Cafes antl when '` �, , . it works for each of,you:.She will be in conta.ct with you directly; .We hope that the:rest of you ,. . . .. , . .. ,. . .. . volunteer to be a co-lead,or.be part of the discussions:: .: _ - 6: WORLD CAFE CONUERSATION PF20MPTS ` ' _ . Fauna went over thesuggested concepts and potential;questions to be used to facilitate the _''::: - di.ff.erent co;nversations...Members were.aske.d.to review them and prepare additi.onal.questions and .. ,.. ,... . _ topics to address each i.ndividual Coriimuni�y Need within the:conversation model:::Members were ,. . . . . "asked to br.ingthem to the nextcommittee meeting,,:. - ,..... , , 7. ._NEXT STEPS ,.. : . .. . , ,. _ �... , .. _ . � .. ,:... The meetin ad ourned,at 5:Q5 m � • g:.. 1. .. p�.... , ..... . . . R ully submitted, ..:.. l ,. :. � : _ ;;Shan.:..n Matson, Chair. , ... : ti:: . _ ;_ . .. . . . , . . . , _ , ; .. . . ; . •.� . NEXT REGULAR MEETING` JANUARY 20, 2015,7th:Floor,.Renton City Hall _.. . . , . ..,. _ . .. , � COUNCIL"CONFERENCE ROOIVI .. . , . ..,. , , . " � . .. . . �..:... .,. . ..