HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/2014 - Minutes `
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Human'Services Advisory Corr�mittee
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, ` , , Meeting Minutes
, Renton City Hall :
: Council Conference Room, 7th Fioor. •
�. :. . ` - November 18, 2014;3:00 p:.m. � ;. .
" 'CALL TO ORDER:. Shannon IVlatsoh, Cfiair,called the meeting to order: A quorum was preSent.
ATfENDANCEc.Linda Smith, Lesl:ie Anderson,Shannon Matson,;Brook Dodd, Dorothy Capers,Amy Koehl, -
Ryan Mclydin. Excused: Chad Buechler, Elyn Bland6n. Cify of Renton Staff: Karen Bergsvik, Katie °
_ McClincy;Jennif.er J.orgenson.. Guests.Fauna Larkin.and Annie Saurwein from Berk Consulting,and.
- ' Renton resident Ahn Le. > �
Tfie October 2014 Minutes were presented for discussion and approva:l. Linda movecf to approve
the minutes as written; motion.was seconded by Amy; motion.carried. The minutes were approved
-,. for:signature;. . , :. . :. . `
The September 2074 IVlinutes were presented for discussio"n and approval. Linda moved to approve.
the minutes as wri�ten; motion was seconded by Leslie; motion carried: The minutes were
approved for signature: � � �
�Karen introduced the team mem:bers from Berk Consulting, Fauna Larkin and'Annie Saurwein. -
' Fauna and.Annie are working on the Human Services 5trategic Plan.
Karen:provided the background ofthe City's decision to develop a Human Services Strategic Plan
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� (the Plan). Fauna explaine.d the Scope of Work that is outlined in tfie Berk;memorandum.dated:
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November.l7,2014. The focus.of the P.lan`will be..centered on.the defined 13 Needs outlined in five .
specific categories:.Economic.0pportunity; Basic.Needs for Famities; Health and.Wellness;:. . ;'
Attainable, Q.uality Housing; and,.Neighborhood 0pportunity. The Human Services Advisory ,
C.ommittee:will be the:steering committee thaf.develops overall:strategies and.gives;:fieedback on -
the process.
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The Plan includes commun'ity invalvement. .This input.will be gathered from-stakeholders at five _
meetings that will be mod'eled.afterWorld,:Cafe Conversations concepts. Members wifl be given an.
` orientation%training o.n this.concept at a future meeting. Advisory Committee members will be
< facilitating the meetings,witli Berk staff and.City staff pre.senf. Fauna expla.ined this concept is _ <
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actually more of a series o.f ineetings with very.limited focus groups.because of the in-depth
conversations that.a.re involved: �
' Data.collection and enalysis is also part of the Strategic Plan.
� - S,hannon asked for an assessment of how riTucli time is anticipated from each HSAC member. Fauna
calculated somewfiere between ten to iwelve hours. `
City of Renton Human ServicE visory Committee
November 18, 2014
Page 2
Berk will prepare draft agendas and questions for the five worl<areas and bring them bacl<to HSAC
for comments and rev,iew during the December meeting. -
Next steps: See how the members'schedules will be impacted. Karen suggested members review
the Executive Summaryof the Needs Assessment to see what areas each member would be
particularly interested in facilitating for the conversation meetings. Also,what is each member.'s
general availability for meetings—evenings;work days; weel<ends? Please email your•information
.to Karen.
3. 2015 WORK PLAIV
Karen presented the proposed.agency.visits for 2015 and asl<ed members for feedbad<. There was :
discussion as to whether the visits should oniy be to newly funded agencies or'also include others �
tfiat the members have expressed an interest in seeing. It was the desire of the group;that
whatever agencies were selected for visiting,that the process was fair and transparent. It was.
pointed out that members can visit agencies on their own, or'in pairs. Brook stated she would like .
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to visit the proposed agencies. Members were generally in favor of going along with:staff's
suggested calendar f.or ageney visits. Karen will prepare a visitation plan for discussion at the
December meeting. _
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There are two openings on th'e comm'ittee. Staff has received several applications for thes'e
positions. After.much discussion about the current diversity of the group;it was decided fo go
ahead and interview the.applicants,and see if further marl<eting.to diverse populations needed to.
be done.
Shannon asked for volunteers for the nominating committee. Dorotliy,Amy, and Brool< ' �
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The Vice-Chair position is open in 2015;the position is.for one year with the expectation that the
V.ice=Chair will become the Chair:the follow.ing year. If you are interested please contact either:
Shannon or Karen. Karen will be contacting the members wliose terms expire at tfie end of
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December 2015,to find out whether fhey are interested in being.reappointed or not. °
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Karen presented an update_on the Capacity Building Workshop that was held this past Monday. The
topic was Grant Writing. Twenty-seven (27) people were in attendance. Two more workshops will
be held in December...
The Severe Weather Shelter at Harambee opened dur.ing this past cold spel.l., They hosted a high of
39 people and a low of 15 individuals. Included among them was a family with an.infant.
The City hosted a Candy Crawl for children for Halloween; children came from the Center of Hope, .
the Saivation Army,the Highlands Community.Center;.a.n.d Way Back Inn. _ _ .
The One Night Count will be conducted the night ofJanuary 22—January 23 early morning fiours.
Anyone interested in helpi.ng is encouraged to contact Karen.
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� City of Renton Human Service visory Committee
November 18, 2014
Page 3
Kare►i handed out information from the City Clerl<pertaining to the required Open Public Meetings Act
. training. Councilmembers and every member of a board or commission are required to complete this
training within 90 days of tal<ing the oath of office or acceptance onto a board/commission.
On the back ofthe form,.there is a Certificate ofTrainingthat each member must co.mplete and.return
to Keren or Jennifer for further processing by the City Clerk. . �
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. -
Respectfully submitted,
,. �
Shannon Matson, Chair
NEXT REGULAR IVIEETING: DECEIVIBER 16,:2014,7th'.Ffoor; Renton City Half ,
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