HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/2014 - Minutes � _ � . . . .
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May 5, 2014 ; Renton City Hall, 7th.Floor=Conference Center'
Members.Present•. ,. _
Peter Hartley, Chair; Evelyn Reingold,Secretary;.Jerri Everett; Paul Hebron;JarisEnglish; Natalie Gress;:Michele :
Bettinger; Mitch Shephe.r.d; and,Elizabeth H:iggins,Staff Liaison : . :_
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- : fxcused Absencec .Ben Andrews, Bill Huls, and Marsha Rollinger.
Call to.Order: The meeting was called to order by RMAC;President; Peter Ha'rtley at'4:37 pm
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Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the April 1, 2014 RMAC were read and accepted with one correction: Jaris
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English had an excused absence:for.last mo:ntfi .
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Correspondence'and Announcements: :The correspondence.and event folders.were circulated for ind.ividual
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review. . , .:
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• May 2-10, 2014,'`Disney's.Aladdin Kids"; at May 14, 2014, 6pm—at Renton Civic Theatre (425-226-5529
or rentoncivictheatre:org for ticket.information) _
• IVlay 14, 2014; 6pm Film Frenzy meeting at Luther's.Table '
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• May 18, 2014, 2pm:"Aunt Dottie's Sing=Along Cabaret'' at Rettton Civic Theatre (4:25-226-5529 or
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rentoncivictheatre.ocg for ticket information) .�
• May 22, 2014,:7pm—Seattle International Film Festival Renton a.nd Opening Night Gala '
' � :. May 23-28,SIFF=18 films at:Renton:IPAC :
� May 27, 2014, 6:30pm—8pm=Allied Arts monthly meeting at Luther'-s table; �
' • June3, 2014,4:30 pm:-7pm—Next RMAC meeting
New Business:
RMAC Committee Review and Assi�nments—The RMAC Committee Assignment document was revised to show
the Executive Committee members who are currently assigned to each committee to help keep the focus on the
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' goals..This is intended as a living document to be re.vised as necessary. Committees will be.assigned a specific �
month'to provide a report to the RMAC: 'fhe first one will be from the Renton River Days Committee in June.
. . Paul Hebron Presentation: '
�' •. Art Walk—Arts Unlimited is ready to hand over the Art Walk event which'is scheduled for.Safurday,
August 23, 2014. Meet'ing with Piazza committee to try and align it with the Piazza Market Days and
increase it from a half day to a wliole day once a year, It could be a win/win and spark some interest i.n
the empty buildings downtown :
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� Artist Co-op Gallerv in Downtown Renton=The vision is for the project to include.ALL arts, not just
visual`antl is part of:the RMAC:Master Plan#o have:an Art Center for downtown Renton. IVlembers ;
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would pay fees and have a'"Responsibility Agreement"which would outline membership : .
resp`onsibilities. The first group would be small (10-20 artists),with'a short lease in a.vacant building to
serve as a prototype. The committee is reviewing the strengths:ofyarious artist:co=ops in this area. :
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� RMAC Lo�o—The.results fcom the flash card exercise that was conducted at the lasf retreat showed; "
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that:ev.eryone preferred organic shapes with pe.ople as the most prominent selection to visualize the
' future of art:in Renton; We were asked to choose from several.combi.nations for Marsha and Paul to
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use as the basis for.our logo design. � _
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HighTands"Turtle" Relocation-This was formerly located in front of Sears store before being moved to the
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Higlilands. A group called S`ustainable Renton would like to haVe the artwork. Michele suggested that it could -
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be move to the.Moses.Water Park.. .There is no urgency.and a new loca#ion is open for.suggestions;
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Old Business: �
Review Committee 2014 Grants Application—Peter,Jerri, Marsha, Michele, and Evelyn will re�iew the grant
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applications during the first week in June in order to report the recommendations.af the RMAC meeting on]une .
3, 2014: Notifications will be sent to each:applicant by June �6,2014:Meeting date and location for the review
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- ' will be coordinated by Peter. . ' ' ' �
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RMAC.Website-Lynda Maybury,V1/eb designer and Social Media Consultant,gave a comprehensive.Po.wer :. :
Point presentation on what needed to be done.to redesign the RMAC website so fhat it is more user friendly;•
builds connections with other social media{Facebook and Twitter); brings input from other organizatio,ns antl
artists,as.well es show events. .Lynda made several suggestions as to how we can be more effective in building
` awareness and ownership of tfie direction for arts in Renton:::Elizabeth will check Renton's:requirements for
consultants and contract details.: Lynda will provide us the number of required hours and cost of her services �
so that we can determine our priorities. - -
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Plaques for Public Art,—Evelyn and.Jerri decided on the.larger plaque from the examples submitted by Benson
Shaw,"Going Global"Artist. There_is a nice description:of the project on his website and he said we were free �
to use anything we needed.. The next.step is to have the plaque fabricated. Evelyn`will check'with Facilities to
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:see how this done.for other ar:t. � _
The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 pm.
Evelyn Reingold,
RMAC Secretary
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, Peter Har.tley,Chair
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