HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project Narrative_210529_V1Project Narrative 1.General This proposed project is called Tran-Nguyen Development, located at 2309 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056. The tax parcel number is: 3343901963. The project site total is 37,321square feet in area and is currently a single family home with garage on site, which is proposed to be demolished. The site has a Comprehensive Plan Land Use of Designation of Residential Medium Density and a zoning designation of Residential R-8. The lot is mostly covered with lawn and some trees along the west and south sides of the property line. The lots are bordered by single family houses to the north, south and west, and Aberdeen Ave NE to the east of the lot. 2.Sensitive Areas. The project site does not have any sensitive area such as wetland, streams, or other waterbody features. The site also did not have any hazard materials reported in the past. The ground surface within the property is relatively level to gently sloped down from west to east. Based on the geotechnical report stated that the surface soils for this site were mapped as Indianola Loamy, 5 to 15% slopes. The erosion hazard for this material is listed as slight. The potential erosion and landslides hazard for site soils should be low. 3.Soil Based on a geotechnical study performed by Nelson Geotechnical Associates Inc. (See Geotechnical Report in Appendix A). The geologic units for this site are shown on Preliminary Geologic Map of Seattle and Vicinity, King County, Washington, by Waldron, H.H; D.R. Mullineaux,D.R; and Crandell, DR; (USGS, 1961). The site is mapped as younger gravel (Oyg) with younger sand (Oys) and alluvium (Qa) mapped nearby. The younger gravel and sand deposits are described as fine to coarse sand that contains varying amounts of gravel. The alluvium is described as silt with varying amounts of sand and organic materials. Nelson Geotech explorations encountered fine to coarse sand with varying amounts of gravel and silt within the western and central portion of the property that Nelson Geotech interpreted as younger gravel outwash soils. Nelson Geotech encountered native alluvium and younger sand deposits at depth within the very eastern portion of the property. 4.Drainage Condition According to the topographic survey plan of the site, the terrain within the site generally slopes down from west to the east at grade varying from about 5% to 10%. Most of the stormwater runoff from the existing site is either infiltrated on site, sheet flows east direction toward the existing stormwater system along Aberdeen Avenue NE. This project is required for water quality treatment and water detention. Perforated stub out trench will be proposed as onsite BMP’s to accommodate each building roof storm water runoffs. The access road and individual driveway will be use bioretention cell as BMP’s to meet water quality treatment and water detention requirements. 5. Proposed use of the property The proposed project will subdivide the exiting lot into three lots with the existing house will be removed. Three new single-family houses will be built on the new subdivided lots. An access road connected with Aberdeen Ave NE will be constructed at the north side of the property. The proposed lot size is varied from 13,242 S.F to 13,300 S.F, the proposed house building size is from 3,500 S.F to 4,000 S.F. The off -site improvement will be included installation of 5’ sidewalk and 8’ planter along the frontage of Aberdeen Ave NE along the property lines limited. A 6” sewer and storm water line will be installed within the easement and connect with the city sewer and storm water line located at Aberdeen Ave NE. A fire hydrant and water line will be also installed for this development. 6. Project cost & value This project will cost approximate $3 million to construct, the post construction market value will be $3.5 million. This project will have approximate 1,685 cubic yards earthwork excavation and 1,935 cubic yards earthwork for fill. The materials for fill will include crushed surface based course, crushed surface top course and common gravel borrow. 7. Dedicated ROW to the City. The Existing right of way width along this section of Aberdeen Ave NE Street is 60 feet. City of Renton is classified Aberdeen Ave NE as a collector arterial road. To meet the City’s complete street Minimum right-of-way width for a collector arterial is 83 feet. Per the City established standard street section for Aberdeen Ave NE, City will allow a pavement width of 32 feet (16 feet from centerline), 8 foot planting strip, 5 foot sidewalk, 1’ foot clearance at back of walk and 0.5 foot curb. This City recommendation results in total right of way width of 60 feet, as such of this, owner does not require to dedicate right of way to the City. The owner will apply to the City requesting a modification of the street frontage improvement. 8.Tree Removed The table below is the list of trees will be removed from the job site. Please see the Tree Retention & Land Clearing Plan for details. No. DBH (INCHES) SPECIES REMOVE YES/NO 1901 33 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1902 36 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1903 32 PRUNUS CERASIFERA NO 1904 44 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1905 21 BLUE NOBLE FIR NO 1906 27 INCENSE CEDAR NO 1907 10 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1908 19 LODGEPOLE PINE NO 1909 15 WESTERN RED CEDAR NO 1910 35 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1911 9 WESTERN RED CEDAR NO 1912 41 WESTERN RED CEDAR NO 1913 34 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1914 28 WESTERN RED CEDAR NO 1915 40 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1916 42 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1917 33 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1918 31 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1919 21 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1920 16 WESTERN RED CEDAR NO 1921 30 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1922 30 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1923 36 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1924 29 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1925 24 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1926 33 DOUGLAS FIR NO 1927 18 PRUNUS SP. NO 1928 9 PRUNUS SP. NO