HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/2015 - Minutes � � � � ��� �ITY 0F RENTi��q
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�4ugust 0�,�OI�J CITY CLERK��o�Fic�
ME{UIBERS PRESEN7":Pat Baytor,Peggy Budziu,Bill Ctapp, Darothy Caok, Ruby GrifFin,Karla Nuss,
5andy'P,.olley�Vicki Richards, Charles Robinsat�, Kay Stone,Milt Tiede, ;
EXCUSED: Marge Cochran Reep, Eric EastbergF Shirley Haddock, Kris Stiiv�psan,Shawn Daly
STAFE: Debbie Little,Maryjane Ort�z � _
CAI.L TO(?tt(�EK-President Pat Baylor called the meeting to ardec at lO:QQ A.M,-
APPRi?VAL QF AGEt�DA. As stands _
A6�PR{�1lAL QF AGENDQitV11�1!!�S— Mi�utes af the previous r»eeting were �-ead, carrections
,.� were noted and a matiort was made and seconded and the minutes were approved:
PRESID�NTS fRE11��itSiCS: Pat addressed the issue ofi inclusive participation by co�nmittee
members when t#�e board under takes a pcoje�ct. .The exampte being tiie Rer�ttan Riv�r Days
Parade and the pre-parade v�rork of getting the Duck.ready and the day of the par�de. it is a[ways
the�same peopie dedicatdng haurs of their time where it should be a bady of carrtrr�i�tee members
, working together. Pat asked that in the future.even'if you can give one hour be a part af the
�eam and iet's alt wark together. ' �
Pat.had brought her tablet and had downloaded pictures of the float and the van from .the
parade. If ypu wish to view them see Pat after the meeting. if you wish to do it an your c:�a.� +x}'���
at home go�to Yout�be.cam and an your sear+�h bar type'in�7250184. ' - �. � _�
Pat gave.Treasucer 5andy Polley 3 receipts for expenses incurred for tli�float. �
TREAS!lREk ttEPQRT:Sandra Palley Bank balance as ef 08i01/25 $27,312.50 �
. RECR€ATIUN SUPERVtSQR: Shav�r� Cta(y{p�t�bie little for Shauvn)
Debbie gave a receipt for$450 ta Treasurer Sandy Patley that uvas€ar the Singo gift cards.
Mi#t inquired about participation#ofthe Renton Rive�Days Seniar Pice�ic. Ctebbi�said 43t}tickets
iiad� bee�� picked up. 7here was mixeci feelings among comrn"rttee members regarding
attendance. There vvas also mix�d feeiings regarding the musicthat was piayed� it was suggested
that maybe next year they wouid provide more af a variety af music.
RECREATION CO+ORiDtNA�`�i3--Debbie lattie , , �
° Last Thursday fihe Renton Senior Activi#y Center pool players participated•in the Daubles Paol
� Tournamenfi irv Auburn, Yes, Renton players won,agair�. .Congr�tulat�ons yau are the best.
On VUed.July 29�'we had a trip to Seattle to Meet the.Fteet��uise. it was a reatiy beautiful day
' and a great outing.
� Tuesday August 4ih.we have a trig ta Gig Harbor and wifl do a walk startin$ a# o�►e �end of the
town and follow the sidewalk to the ather�nd.
Tuesd�y August 4"'is Bunko Tuesday. If you have never played Bunko join the graup ar�c! play a
simple dice game. Time. 10-11 A.M.
. Tuesday August 4�'we have a Speal�er: Pear1 Program for Veterans.Tirv�e: 12;3Q-1:30 P.�tti.
Thurscla�r August 6�'is Bingo.Time: 1-3 P.NI.
� , • . . ,.
` P�����aeo Delbbie 9.ittle�or�#. � ` :
1�le h�ve�new cla�ss,Card M�king starting�`hursday.At���s�6�'.Tim�: 1-2:3�P.91f�. There is a f�e
fcar tE�is class
7hursday Au,�ust 6�'is Aftere�oon Dance tim�wi#h�onmi���rch. Tirne: 1:i�1-3;Qf!P.lVl,
Friday August 7�' corrae aa�d e�joy Sea�awk �unch�or�. Dress i�i yc��r Seah�wk best and ra�ayb� ,
w���pr�x�.Y���: �i:zs-i:�o�.n�.
Tuesd�y Augus'�11�'Speaker: Patie�t Em�ow�rrn�nt�ow to Tatk t�Your po�tiar or Eiealthcare
Tearn. Ticne: 12:3t}-1:30 P.�i.
�21��C'1""�R/�Dti�#tBVEST�ITl7R REPaMRT—Kras Stipnpscan (Macyj�ne Urt�x for Kris} .
Wedn�sday Aa�gus�5�'wili ba the�ir�ai Concert in th�Park�eici at Cauion Park.
Friday Aug�st 14�'is your last chance to come to Coi�is�n Par�C and watcFi an ou�doar r�ovie wifih
you�fami�y. Nddovie wilfi be i'he BoxTrot(s and the�ates apeR at 8 P.l�l1.
August 22�'�is th�downtown waik and atso the opening of the Iibrary. .
Witt� the fantasti�c r�eather v�e have been having #his has b�en a.very busy time at Couia�n
Mernarial Beach Park. � ' .
Poach Piunge, 6ring yaur dog to the Nenry Nlases A�quatic Center for ouc anr�taal pooch Plun��.
Regist�r far an�ar more af the�ve session�b�in�offered Satu�d�y�Sept�mtaei�12th
Graund bi-eai�ing witl be happening soon for the apactment cQm�lex b�'sng buil�at the si�e o#t3�e
� �,fghar► resta�rant that was d�stroyed by�fire. � . .
16iP6tfT�'(EN and0aa�C�1RAL CC��Il1414�(N1CA'T!C?t�--
Bitl Ctapp�sep�rted 4n the.expenses taken fro�the$SQQ that uvas approved tast m�et�ng. Total
� exp�e�s�enras$479. -
I�t was sta#ed an�h� int�rrte�that�he �enton Senir�r A+ctivi#y Ce�t�r flQat and par�ieipan�s vvon
the Spirit af Rentc►rs Award. That's two years dn a cc�w. V�/ay to go! l"h� Duck vre�s a big hit witi�
th�kids. -
�t3�fi�lTi'EE�e1f�4itBER idE�6tT5- , �
t)C�i �USiWESS— Han,daut adcfie�essing observations from Kar1a Nuss is tc�be postponed for th6s
meeting and wiit i�e ore the ag�enda for oaar nex�meetin;�whem Sha�wn Dafy Bs present. nnil�riede
gave sorne explanation regarding tFte diagrarn that he h�d drawn. - � .
�EVY�USi�tESS— . _
(was n+at present for this poction of the me�ting and the tape recorder did not pi�k u�the vaice�
of severai of the committe� mer'inbers. My ta�� recard�r is nQt high tech and rr�any�f you have
very soft voices and the tape recorder is unabl�.ta register ya�ar voice. ,
P�t BayEor adjourned the meeting at 11:00 A.tVi. �
Pat Bay��r, President �
Kay Stone,Sec�e#ary , .