HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/2015 - Minutes . �� � � � �� � �-- (��"�` �� �. ' ' _ . �L�� RENTON MAYOR'S 5ENlOR C!TlZENS AQVISflRY.COMMITTEE. ' ffff-.. � !u!y 06,�0�lS � f .. � � . _ ' _ ' ' . . . ., . � � ME�OIBERS �RESENT: Pat 8a�+lor, R�ggy Budziu, Bi11 CtapP. Ruby Grif�in, Shirtey Haddcick, Sandy Potley,Vic[ci,Richards,�harles Robinsan, Kay Stone, Nfilt Tiede. _ . EXtUSEU: Dorvthy Cook,Marge Cochran Reep, Eei�Eastberg; Kris Stimpson`` �'= = �� STA�f: Shawn Daly,Debbie Eittle ' _ , CACL T63 C1RDEi�—President Pat Bayior calied.the meeting to order at 10:00 A:M. �> � �� � � � AFPROVAL Oif AGENDA: ,Milt Tiede made a suggestion that the agenda needs to be amended to include new�business. Karla Nuss made a motion to that affect,�Vicki.Richards seconded and the � commi�.#ee approved. . . . . . . : - . , APPROVAL C1F AGENDA/MINt1TES— Minutes of the previous rneeting were read, eorrections were�nated and a mation was made artd seconded and the minutes were approved. � PRE5IDENTS REMARKS• . � TREASURER REPORT.Sandra Polley Bank balance as of Q6/29/15 $18,040.24� RECREATtQN S!lPERVtSt3R. Shawn Daly. , . . The River's Day Picnic is coming€�p.}uly 23�!artd we wi#I ne�ci voiunteers for both the A.M..and P.�ld.tit�o�sta�ts. There aa-e th�ee time slofis#hat need ta be filted,8:00 A.M.—10:ti0 A:M.set-uR. 30:OQ A,M:12:30 P.M..#ake tickets and„help senre coffee-and etc:, i2:3t1 P:M;1:30 P.M. ctean= up: Pick one or rincire times and"sign.up on tite.sheet that is being passed around. � " �,� .� We had a meeting with ali of the Bean Bag Basebali participates and gave them two options to divide the teams up or keeping the grr�up together. The conctusian is they wish to ke�ep�things� the way they are. .. � . _ ' .. T.he emergency fiurad account has $32.00 I�ft and 1 wauld like to request $68.00 to bring the ba(ance fa $100.00. 5hawn also requested a check for$450.00 far 5afeway g�ft c�rds�Ehat are_ us+ed forthe'Bingo program. : - . . . � j � - . After losing power for a short period of time it was discovered that�nre had an underground wiring pro6lem and res�lted:in a need #o.dig up a section o€the partcirtg lot, That wii! be rlone s�n Tuesday July�7�':��t���a���two a�y���,e�. � RECREATION CUQt�D1MATUR—#}ebbie Little , . _ . We cefebrated Richy Harmon's last day last Monday. �he,has served at:the Senioi-Center for 19 years. Macsella�ee will be replacing Richy for the sumt�r�er..:Marsella was the Zum6a irtstructar; � A,nev�a dance ctass�Afest Coast Swing and Tr�pte-Tinne Swing begins this afternoon luly ft�'and�will� meet every Mor�day thru August 3�. A.new Yaga class s#arts Tuesday.fuly 7'�' and wiN ru�i tiiria Aug.4�'. Y�ga for the Srein and Body skarts.lu1y 10�'a�d runs thru August 7ti'. We wi11 be daing. the beau#iful Bear Creek Tra'rl walk in Redmond or�Tuesday.luiy 14�'. .Bunka is back startirig� Tuesday July 7"'. Thursday Afternoon Dance with Biii Bennett is luiy 9�'at 1;00 P.M.—3:00 P.M. � The Disctassion Group wili meet on Friday luty 10�'9:30 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Tuesday July 14th 12:30 _ P.M.—1:3�D P.M,we will have a speaker:Rre-Planning Funera)and Cernetery N�eds. �` � � �; � �-0,� � P�g�two Delbbie i.ittie�o�n#.: . -, � � ` ��� f Dc�n't rniss Wedhesday luly 15�' special iunch program c�iebrating Cow Appreciafiion Day. `" Contest will be held at�.1:15 A.M.and lunch at 11:30 A.M. Nev�Cam�ers Haur has moved to Fridays. . Thursday luly 9�'we will be gaing ta.the Param+�unt�'heater to see the production af"VVicked". Qp�tECTQ�t//ADMINISTRl1,TCIR REPORT--Kris Stimpson Nothirig fz�r this meeti�g. WRl7TEN�ndjor flRA!ICOMMUNtCAT�ClN�- ' ` � Debbie inf�rmed us we now have the Golden O�partunities Brochure available d�gitally, Go to \` �our web site and view#he brochur�,also,you have the choi�e to sigiz up for cl�sses or�line. Rul�y Griffiin gave a report ca�a visitors to the Renton Senior Center. T#�ere were�14 dre�p i�t's. - 8itf�lapp set a time far his cornmittee#o meet on Th�arsday 3u{y 9�'at 1:�0 tCi t�i�C8'�F�@ BBF. Shawn Da�y wiii be driving the van for#h� parade which wrtl��give great.advertisement#ar the Sen6or Center. Sharavn atso suggested tha�neact meetir�g v✓e need ta determine hovu many pe�pie wiit be riding. in the van far the parade. � Kay Stcane reported an the Nutrition Sta�kistics for voluntesr hours thru June 26, 2015. Center RSVP had 543.5 haurs and 45 volunt�ers, IVutritian RSVR fiaid 271.5 haurs and 21°valunteers, Meals a�Wheels had 196.5 hours and 22 volaanteer's - pli3+.BUS!lMESS�- , Kacla lVa�ss asked the status of a door rev�sian for the restrooms that wauld enals!'e wheel chairs e�si�er access. Nlemb�rs imputed several options to facilitate a change. Shawrn wai! check with .��'; the Facility people regardir�gthis issue. � N�W BUS1l�1ES5— ' " . Mil�Ti�ede distribc�ted a has�rlout ta mem6ers regarding upgrading the Af C:system ir�the Sen�ar Activity Center. Committee members had sev�rat suggestions and quest�ons o� cos� and financing a.new A/G system. tt was sa�ggested tci finance f�om the #kuta fund. Shawn read the wording of th� wi�l and it stipulates how the fund is to be used. A#ter a iot af discc�ssion the conc{usion is the citi�s attorney needs to look afi the wiil and give a ruiing. tn the meantime a mati�n was rg►ade by Mitt Tiede to get estimates regard6ng A/C cast,Shiriey Ha�idock seco�ded - and mem��rs approved the motior�. " � . IMij Charbonneau ask if it would be possibte to get adc�rtional fundin�for#he Budkis Memorial � Fund. Shawn respondecl that untii the present funding is exhausted th�re wauld nat be a w►ay to �et,additionat funding thrcaugh the lkuta Fund. � pUB1.lC COMM�NYS—: . . . Vicki Richards expressed a thank-you for the n�ew card tables around the cent�r. � � P�#Baylc�r ad�oe�med tlze rrseeting at 11:00 A.lVl.� � - . . . ' . . , Pat Baylor,President , �, ' � _ Kay Stone,Secretary }'�� `� __..�