HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/2015 - Minutes �. �
�' ` �tiY OF RENT�N
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February 2, 2015
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MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Baylor, Peggy Budziu, Bil! Clapp, Mij Charbanneau, Marge Cachran
Reep, Darothy Caok, Eric Eastberg, Ruby Griffin, 5hirley Haddock, Karla Nuss,Sandy Po4(ey,
Vicki Richards, Charles Rabinson, Milt Tiede.
STAFF: Sfiawn Da{y, Debbie Little,Kris Stimpson -
CALL TCt ORDER-President Pat Baylor apened the meeting at 10:00 A.M.
APPROVAL fJF AGENDA-Pat asked if there were any emendments to the agenda and there were
nane.The agenda stands as is.
APPROVAL QF AGENDA/MINUTES-- In- (ieu of minutes a (etter was read from Dr. Linda Smith
with REACH Center of Hope.
PRESIDENTS REMARKS: President Pat Baylar read a letter that was sent to Mayar Denis Law
fisting the namination af offieers far the 2Q15 year. lnciuded in the letter was also a
recomrnendation af positions to be served by members of�the board. ft was requested that the
mayor instafl new officers and committee members on January 5, 2015.
President Pat Baylor alsa read a (etter received from the mayar thanking the Rentan Senior
Advisory Committee for their danation of$500.00 for the Recreatian Scho(arship Program for
Senior Citizens that participate at the Renton Senior Activity Center for 2015.
TREASURER REPORT:Sandra Polley � Bank ba(ance as of 01JOSJ15 $18,590.95
Treasurer Sandra Polley dist�ibuted to rnembers her repart of aur budget starting Januery 6;2Q14
through the 31�of January 2015.
Shawn had a �na! draft of committee member's names, addresses and e-mai! addresses.
Members were asked to look the draft over and make sure their information is correct.
A eauple of items being considered far this year are as foflows,the roo#on the center leaks and � -
is in need of replacement. That replacement will be done during our two week clasure in
September. The other item is in 2016 they are ptanning on redaing the lights and the ceiling tiles
in the auditarium. That praject wilE take an additional2 weeks plus the 2 weeks that#he center
is ciosed for a totai af 4 weeks. Some adjustments wiil need to be rriade to the Nutritian Program
during that project and we will decide what ta do iater. '
Shawn had a check from Lottie Calhaun in the amount of$150.00 that was given ta the treasurer.
The Farmers Market has ask us to man a booth this coming-year and we wil) secure the same
time slat as last year which was June 16t�'. Shawn requested if they have an additional date we
would alsa like to man a booth on that date.
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' One of our goals we had was to provide a customer service training for our volunteers. �
Volunteers are the back bone of our senior center. Arrangements have been made to have
Michael Buschmohle conduct that class. Shawn requested approval of$500.00 to be paid to Mr.
- Buschmohle. Marge Cochran made a motion, Peggy Budziu seconded and the committee
approved this expenditure. This class will be held February 23�d from 1 to 2:30 P.M.
Shawn requested a check for gift cards for the Bingo Program in the amount of $450.00. Mij '
Charbonneau made a motion, Marge Cochran seconded and committee approved this request.
January 22"d the city of Renton did a one night head count of the homeless in our city. In Renton
, they counted 79 individuals which was a decrease from last year. It was thought the count would
have been higher but many of the camps were empty the night the count was taken. � ,
The Blueberry Pancake Breakfast is being held Monday February 16 from 10 to 11:30 A.M. A
special thank-you to City of Renton Employees Union Local 2170 for sponsoring this event.
There will not be a board meeting on that date and Shawn has requested that board members
be available as volunteers to help with the breakfast. There will be a sign up sheet at the
receptionist desk. Please sign up,your help is needed to make this a success. �
y Saturday March 14th the Knights of Columbus will hold their annual breakfast here at the center.
No ticket is required but it is for senior citizens only.
Debbie asked board members if they had noticed the new format and quality of the Golden
Opportunities brochure. There was positive feedback from many of the board members. One
suggestion was to have the pictures in the brochure be of our seniors and not random selection.
� Refer to the Golden Opportunities Brochure for classes and upcoming events for the remainder
of February. �
Debbie reported that the Wednesday night program is flourishing. There is better attendance
and especially an increase of younger people attending. Overal) it is a fun evening for those
� attending. �
The center has hired a lady to instruct a new Spanish class. More information to come.
A meeting is being held on March 5th for those interested in participating in this year's Senior
Revue. The meeting is on Thursday March 5th from 10 to 11 A.M. Requirement:You must be an
active participate at the Renton Senior Activity Center.
Kris discussed the status of the goals that were established last year and made a decision to make
that list on-going adding new items as needed.
An update on the new van. Shawn, Debbie and Kris met with the.fleet manager to try out a demo
van. It ended up being much more than what the center needs. The fleet manager is going to
get some additional vans for us to demo.
We had discussed getting a gentleman from community development to come and talk at one of
our meetings. Kris is going to contact John with community development and set up a time. He
will give us information on plans for downtown Renton. If any of you have suggestions for
speakers you would like to come to one of our meetings please let Kris know and she will try and
facilitate a meeting.
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Vicki Richards was informed that she will be serving on the Code of Conduct, Concerns and
Compiiments Committee and the Rerttan Foundatian, Planning and Facility fmprovement
' Camrrtittee. Vicki will be replacing Mary 8rowr► on these committees.
Marge Cochran-Reep would like ta me with her Programs and Marketing Cammittee on Monday
February 9t�' from 20 to 11 A.M.
Ruby Griffin gave her report on visitors to the senior center and haw they became aware of the �
Renton Seniar Activity Center.
A new seating chart will be distributed at our March 2"d meeting.
President Pay Baylor adjourned the meeting at 11:10 A.M.
Pat Baylor, President �
' Kay Stane, Secretary
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Volunteer Hours Report Period—December 23. 2014
Center RSVP 448.25 42
Nutrition 320.25 17
Meals on Wheels 147.75 21
916.25 80 �
Volunteer Hours Report Period—January 26, 2014
Center RSVP 429.75 45
Nutrition 269.75 17
Meals on Wheels 173.50 23
873 85