HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing - City Wide Master Trails Plan (9/17/1989) April 22. 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 172 Resolution #3184 A resolution was read authorizing application for funding assistance for an Parks: Lake Washington aquatic lands enhancement account (ALEA) to the Department of Natural Trail Project, WA St Dept Resources for the Lake Washington Trail project. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, of Natural Resources SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS ( Grant PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3185 ' A resolution was read calling for the annexation, by election on September 17, Annexation: Maplewood 1996, of contiguous unincorporated territory lying in an area generally Heights bounded by the City of Renton corporate boundary, 152nd Ave. SE, and the Burnstead Annexation, and commonly known as the Maplewood Heights Annexation. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/06/96 for second and final reading: Annexation: Black River An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of certain Quarry Prezoning, 68th properties to be annexed to the City of Renton to Heavy Industrial (IH), Ave S/MLK Jr Way Arterial Commercial (CA), and Residential Multi-family Infill (RM-I) (Black River Quarry Prezone, File No. A-96-001). (See page 164 for action.) Budget: 1996 Amendments An ordinance was read providing for 1996 budget amendments in the amount of $38.3 million, and creating and establishing the municipal golf course system capital improvement fund. The total 1996 Budget is amended to be $136,360,424. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/06/96. CARRIED. Vacation: Maplewood P1 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Maplewood P1. SE from SR-169 SE, Humble/VAC-95-004 to SE 6th St. (Doug Humble/VAC-95-004). MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/06/96. CARRIED. Vacation: SW 12th St, An ordinance was read vacating portions of SW 12th St., SW Grady Way, and Grady Way, Maple & Lind Maple and Lind Avenues SW (Howard Sheridan/Good Chevrolet, VAC-95- Ayes SW, Good 005). MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL Chevrolet/VAC-95-005 REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/06/96. CARRIED. Vacation: SW 13th St & An ordinance was read vacating portions of SW 13th St. and Maple Ave. SW Maple Ave SW, Renton (Jamie Pierre/Renton Dodge Automobile Dealership, VAC-94-004). MOVED Dodge/VAC-94-004 BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/06/96. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Von Holt, 505 Burnett Ave. S., Renton, 98055, said while he appreciated that Citizen Comment: Holt - much of the proposed bus traffic has been routed off of Burnett, he felt that Downtown Transit bus routes should be restricted to the perimeter of this area and not placed on Hub/Transit Routing residential streets such as Wells and Williams. Noting concerns relating to noise, crime and panhandlers, he was also worried about pollution, particularl as his wife has severe asthma. He encouraged Council to rethink this project and eliminate the bus routes in the residential area. V April 22, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 169 $114,246.86 to SpeeWest Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Plat: Renton Place Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Renton Subdivision, Preliminary, Place Subdivision preliminary plat, 12 single family lots on 2.2 acres located at S 19th St, PP-95-199 728 S. 19th St., File No. PP-95-199. Council concur. Annexation: Maplewood Planning & Technical Services Division requested Council acceptance of a 10% Heights Notice of Intent to Annex for approximately 526 acres located south of the Burnstead Annexation area and north of the Cedar River (Maplewood Heights Annexation), and recommended adoption of a resolution to commence an election for annexation of this area. Council concur. (See page 172 for resolution.) Public Works: Emergency Utility Systems Division submitted proposed Emergency Mutual Aid Mutual Aid Agreements, agreement with King County jurisdictions and water and sewer districts for King County Jurisdictions reciprocal help in the event of major disasters such as earthquakes or floods. & Agencies Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Responding to Councilman Parker, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman explained that the City paints the inside of water tanks as a preventative maintenance measure because these metallic structures are subject to corrosion. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Paula Bean, no address given, opposing both Citizen Comment: Bean - the siting of the transit hub in the downtown and the proposed transit routing. Downtown Transit Hub/Transit Routing Citizen Comment: Correspondence was read from Diane Emmons-Bell, 10908 SE 183rd Ct., Emmons-Bell - Downtown unincorporated King County. Emphasizing that she was was speaking "as a Transit Hub/Transit resident," she objected to the fact that the City did not mail her any notice of Routing the proposed downtown transit hub. She opposed routing buses down Wells and Williams Avenues, suggesting that shuttle vans would be much more preferable since Renton is such a small city. She strongly urged Council to utilize the Grady Way Park 'N' Ride, adding that if delaying this project for a period would secure the opportunity to do it right, the end result would be well worth it. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Community Services Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) grant application for Committee development of the Lake Washington trail project. Grant applications to the Parks: Lake Washington Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) are due May 1, Trail Project, WA St Dept 1996 for funds made available through DNR's ALEA program. These funds of Natural Resources are provided to local agencies through a competitive grant process to improve Grant public access to aquatic lands. Approximately $5 million is available state- 2, 6 : wide for grants of up to $1 million. Staff believes that the development of the Lake Washington Trail meets the intent of this program, and requests authorization to apply for $1 million in development funds for its next phase of construction. The next phase of construction will extend the existing waterwalk an estimated 1,200 feet to the DNR property adjacent to Boeing's assembly buildings, and will include trails and passive recreational facilities on the DNR property, consistent with plans approved in 1991. Additional items April 22. 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 170 include improvements to the boathouse, installation of handrails on the existing waterwalk, and interpretive signage. Total construction cost for this phase of construction is estimated at $2,350,000. ALEA grants require that a local agency provide at least 50% of the total project cost. $350,000 in local funds have already been approved for improvements to the boathouse and existing waterwalk. Staff proposes that an additional $1 million in local funds be pledged from Renton's local share of the County's upcoming Park and Open Space Bond to complete the project. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to apply for a $1 million ALEA grant for Phase II development of the Lake Washington Trail project. This recommendation also includes a commitment to pledge $1 million from Renton's local share of the upcoming Park and Open Space Bond Fund, if approved. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 172 for resolution.) Parks: Park Rules and Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Regulations Amendments recommending concurrence in the Board of Park Commissioners and staffs (Pamphleteering, Use of recommendation to revise the existing Parks Rules & Regulations, to clarify Wheeled Devices) Section 8 regarding restrictions on distribution of any printed material in special purpose buildings (i.e. Renton Community Center, the Senior Activity Center, and the Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse); and to clarify Section 2 regarding signage restrictions on the use of any bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, rollerskates, land sailing device, horse or pony. The Committee further recommended that Council approve these revisions and clarifications to the Parks Rules & Regulations. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Event River Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Days Fee and Permit recommending concurrence with the staff recommendation to waive all permit Waivers fees for activities endorsed by the Renton River Days Steering Committee. The Committee futher recommended concurrence to hang the River Days banners on City light poles for approximately one month from July 6 to August 15 with installation to begin the third week in June. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. H&HS: 1997 CDBG Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Allocations recommending concurrence with the staff recommendation to elect to receive and administer an estimated $357,102, as a pass-through, with the conditions outlined in the King County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consortium Guide. The Committee further recommended that the Mavor be authorized to sign the certification of Renton's acceptance of receiving CDBG funds in 1997. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: 1996 County-Wide Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Park and Open Space City of Renton's project list for the proposed county-wide Park and Open Bond Issue (Project List) Space Bond Issue. King County is proposing a $215 million Park and Open Space Bond Issue to be placed on the ballot in September of 1996. 63% of the bond proceeds are proposed to be allocated as an entitlement to local agencies based largely upon population. Depending on the formula to be used, Renton's local share is estimated to be between $3.6 and $3.9 million. King APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT Date ily g APRIL 22, 1996 LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL DEVELOPMENT - ALEA GRANT APPLICATION (Refer red April 15, 1996) Grant applications to the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) are due May 1, 1996 for funds made available through DNR's Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA). These funds are provided to local agencies through a competitive grant process to improve public access to aquatic lands. Approximately $5 Million is available statewide for grants of up to $1 Million. The staff believes that the development of the Lake Washington Trail meets the intent of this program well, and requests authorization to apply for $1 Million in development funds or the next phase of construction. The next phase of construction will extend the existing waterwalk an estimated 1,200 feet to the DIIR property adjacent to Boeing's assembly buildings, and will include trails and passive recreE tional facilities on the DNR property, consistent with plans approved in 1991. Additional items include improvements to the boathouse, installation of handrails on the existing waterwalk, and interpretive signage. Total construction cost this phase of construction is estimated at $2,350,000. ALEA grants requite that a local agency provide at least 50% of the total project cost. $350,000 in local funds have already been approved for improvements to the boathouse and existing waterwalk. The staff proposes that an additional $1 Million in local funds be pledged from Renton's local shar of the County's upcoming Park and Open Space Bond to complete the project. The Community Services Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to appl ' for a $1 Million ALEA grant for Phase II development of the Lake Washington Trail. This recommendation also includes a commitment to pledge $1 Million from Renton's local share of the upcoming Park and Open Space Bond Fund, if approved. The Committee further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reac ing and-ad tion. ,(.\______2 King Parker, Chair 1 Dan Iawson, Vice-Chair Bo) Edwards, Member cc: Sam Chastain Leslie Betlach 96-123mb(4-18-96) April 15. 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 154 added that the interim hub is already, by definition, understood to be temporary. Mr. Corman replied that the language in the proposed resolution does not undo anything that staff has been working toward on this project; rather, it merely ensures a constructive process for considering resident comments, and specifically gives citizens an opportunity to participate in the work of the permanent hub siting committee. Moved by Corman, seconded by Clawson, Council adopt the proposed resolution with the understanding that the permanent hub siting committee would be advisory in nature.* Councilman Corman explained his desire to ensure that the permanent hub will be selected via a public process. Councilman Edwards suggested that referring the matter of the implementation of this project to the Transportation Committee would provide for sufficient public participation and citizen input. Mr. Clawson replied that because the Transportation Committee convenes during the day, it can be hard for some residents to attend its meetings. Noting that the transit routes have not been unalterably established, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler said these will be determined along with the location of the permanent transit hub. She added that it remains unknown how long the Grady Way Park 'N' Ride will continue to be used. *Motion failed. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are accepted by one motion which follows the listing. City Clerk: Quarterly City Clerk submitted Quarterly Contract List for January 1 - March 31, 1996; Contract List, 1/1/96 - 52 contracts in the total amount of $1,941.852.95. Information. 3/31/96 Parks: Lake Washington ( Community Services Department requested authorization to apply for a Trail Project, WA St Dept ! $350,000 grant from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources of Natural Resources for development of the next phase of the Lake Washington Trail project. The Grant City's cost share of $350,000 is proposed to come from funds already approved for improvements to the existing boathouse and waterwalk. Refer to Community Services Committee. Parks: 1996 County-Wide Community Services Department submitted a recommended park and open Park and Open Space space project list for inclusion in the proposed county-wide 1996 Park and Bond Issue (Project List) Open Space Bond Issue. Refer to Community Services Committee. Community Event: River Executive Department requested waiver of all permit fees for Renton River Days Fee and Permit Days activities endorsed by the Renton River Days Steering Committee, and Waivers for permission to install River Days banners on City light poles for approximately one month from July 6 to August 15, 1996. Refer to Community Services Committee. Budget: 1996 Amendments Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of proposed 1996 budget adjustments in the total amount of $38.3 million. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CIT OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA _L Al#: � ,Q SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF: April 15, 1996 Dept/Div/Board Community Services (Parks) Staff Contac Glenn Kost AGENDA STATUS: Consent XX SUBJECT: Public Hearing Lake Washington Trail Development -- Correspondence ALEA 3rant Application Ordinance Resolution Old Business New Business EXHIBITS: Study Session Site Ciagram Information Resol ation Other RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approvals Refer to 4/18/96 Community Services Legal Dept )QC Committee Meeting Finance Dept Other FISCAL IMPACT: Expenc iture Required $350,000 Transfer/Amendment N/A Amoun Budgeted $350,000 Revenue Generated $350,000 SUMMAF Y OF ACTION: Grant Applications to the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) are due May 1, 1996 for funds made available through DNR's Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA). These funds are provided to local agencies through a competitive grant process to imp!ove public access to aquatic lands. The staff believes that the development of the Lake Washington Trail meets the intent of this program well, and requests authorization to apply for development funds for the next phase of construction. The grants require that a local agency provide at least 50% of the total project cost. We proposed to utilize funds already approved to complete improvements to the existing boEthouse and waterwalk as our local match. Capital development funds, Community Development Block Grant funds, and projected staffing costs total approximately $350,000. We will also be working with the Boeing Company to establish a value for the easement dedicated recently for this trail, which may also be used to leverage additional grant funds. The attached Resolution authorizes the staff to apply for an ALEA grant for the development of the next phase of :he Lake Washington Trail. rev.4/9/36(96-102mb) c:\files\v ordfile\agbi112.doc ..t rR "y0 '}"'f': '� , - r?'pr ��, T:.,:�' c `.t. '• �Nf . •-.., :N....k - '41 irta _ S .. \ ti�...rY. a ,0 4.. sir,}:?., -� , a x aR . t ¢:.. f n a i a e 9 \r'�.t.: . +5+�•'• fir. Fjr-" =".ca'4 i3�. .� .�= ��', ,'�T' SV:hr'? •�. � � ��•�_ :•�� xi. �s'.i ��_ � .^��Y� v"1. Y,w'r y�' t�A"' .c�;cs��!rc." •.jrS,�':S`�.�u t- '..w 4. '' - : Sfi 1 t *.I. •i' y>' Iv' I .4.. ' '<, egari:w. „,.. #f.;. ,li '-',:.;J"_. ''3 , ,'Y..21.. .'ta.�F;f P'.. Z 40V . .A fit-' ....y�i AS ,40 i't :e4: ef�4t.t � 4 1•3r �'4: t� '.... • •,, �y J� $. ' i..- i• x. r _ -fi'- ;;1-'.iy .5 yq.+f;'t», ,. xis.. 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CH2M HILL ti 5o ion gnu reef �� z 4/9k October 2, 1989 110 Renton City Council Minutes Page 274 Rezone: Polygon Referred 9/25/89 - Mayor Clymer responded to Council inquiry regarding Corporation (Sunset whether accelerated apartment growth in the vicinity of Sunset Boulevard NE Downs), R-019-89 and Aberdeen Avenue NE justifies installation of a traffic signal: According to recent traffic counts, the existing level of service (LOS) at the intersection is "A", or the best operating condition. The intersection must deteriorate to LOS "D" to justify installing additional traffic controls. Council President Stredicke expressed concern that mitigating measures will not be taken until LOS "D" must be reached, and the owner of the last property to be developed would probably bear the entire cost of the traffic improvements. Instead, he suggested that all owners of properties developing in that area be assessed an equitable share of the cost. Mr. Nyberg indicated that all mitigating alternatives will be evaluated as traffic increases in the area. Streets: Traffic Signal Referred 9/25/89 - Mayor Clymer responded to Council inquiry regarding Malfunction malfunctioning traffic signals near the hospital and the downtown area: A failure of the switch in the controller cabinet on 9/25/89 caused the signal at Talbot Road S. and S. 43rd Street to revert to flash mode. The report of a problem in the downtown area could not be verified by Traffic Engineering Division records. Fire: Highlands Shopping Referred 9/25/89 - Mayor Clymer responded to Council inquiry regarding Center Fire whether occupancy permits have been issued to fire-damaged businesses in the Highlands Shopping Center: The following businesses are now open--dry cleaners, shoe repair shop, barber shop, Skippers restaurant. Upon Council inquiry, Community Development Director Ken Nyberg was uncertain whether the Kings Table restaurant would reopen due to extent of the damage. Parks: Trails Master Plan Referred 8/21/89 - Mayor Clymer responded to inquiries by Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11 th Place, Renton, regarding the trails system: Final design for I trails proposed in the master plan, including lighting, hours of use, etc. has not yet been determined; the cycling trails will have a hard surface and require periodic maintenance; all public facilities, including parks and trails, are regularly maintained and inspected; use of trails by pedestrians/bicyclists as well as routine patrols will reduce problems from use by all-terrain vehicles; if the King County bond issue on the 1989 general election ballot is approved, the City's share of the bonds will go towards trails development as preferred by Renton residents in a recent survey; and Mr. Evans' suggestion to charge fees for trails use has been duly noted for the record by the Park Board. Building: Abandoned Mayor Clymer also reported that an abandoned home at 1009 N. 3rd Street Home on N. 3rd Street has been secured against unauthorized entry, and staff is working with the owner to rehabilitate the structure. The City does not have the authority to remove the unsightly overgrown vegetation unless it creates a fire hazard. The complaint about rodents has been referred to the King County Health Department. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Time: 8:42 p.m. MAXINE E. M TOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Marilyn Petersen, CMC 10/02/89 ti ® CITY OF RENTON "LL PARKS and RECREATION Earl Clymer, Mayor John E. Webley, Director Mr. Ralph Evans 3306 NE 11th P1. Renton, WA 98056 September 22, 1989 Dear Mr. Evans: The City Wide Trails Plan is a masterplan and as such is designed to be carried out over a time span of several years. A masterplan is a general plan which gives guidance and direction but is not cast in concrete. It will evolve and respond to changes over the years of its execution. (1) At this time, there has been no specific decisions made regarding the final design for each of the trails identified in the Trails Master Plan. It would seem prudent to anticipate that some portions would require or be deemed desirable to provide some level of lighting. Conversely, it would not be cost effective and/or in keeping with the environment to light all trails. The question of closing specific trails at designated times to reduce City liability is a course of action open to the City should such measures be found to be necessary and responsible. Seattle's extensive Burke Gilman Trail System, for example, has no lighting and is used at all times of the day and night. (2) Cycling trails would, of course, be hard surface (i.e. , asphalt) and would require periodic maintenance. Most of these trails, as identified in the Trails Master Plan, will utilize road right-of-ways and existing pavement which is part of the normal street maintenance program. Off-road systems would be exposed to much less intensive use since bicycles are extremely light and do not drip pe- troleum products, etc. This results in much lower maintenance requirements similar to those found on pedestrian trails. (3) The City endeavors to keep all public facilities in a safe and attractive manner with a regularly scheduled program of maintenance and inspection. The issue of a lawsuit resulting from a loose rock on a trail is always open to debate and potential lawsuit. (4) The maintenance of such ancillary structures is a normal part of park and/or trail maintenance generally requiring a low level of ongoing effort if properly design and built. (5) The City patrols/maintains all of our trails/parks on a routine basis. Some of the trail areas identified in the Trails Master Plan currently have garbage problems which would, in fact, be lessened considerably by development and use (i.e. , Devils Elbow, Seattle Pipeline Road, Cedar River Natural Zone, Spring Brook and Valley Wetland areas, etc.) . 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2560 Facsimile (2061 235-2513 Mr. Ralph Evans Page 2 September 12, 1989 (6) The problem of ATV's utilizing these trail corridors is already with us, much to the denegnation of the environment. Development and use by pedestrians/bicyclists would, in fact, reduce the problem. Ongoing maintenance and patrol would also be of immeasurable help in reducing/eliminating the problem. (7) A plan of action to provide reasonable security for trail users_is-in_ keeping with the City's existing efforts throughout the City park system and involves a cooperative effort between our citizens and the police and park department staffs. (8) In November, citizens county—wide will be asked to vote on the trails and open space issue. The City of Renton will receive its fair share of the bonds should the issue pass. Trail use was identifed as the City's number one recrea— tional activity by Renton residents in the 1984 Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan. Use of existing trail systems on the Cedar River and at Coulon Park bear silent testimony to its continuing popularity. Your suggestions to charge fees for trail use have been duly noted for the record by the Park Board and elected officials. Fees are considered annually in the City budget process. In closing, let me thank you for your interest and comments regarding the City's proposed trails program. The City's goal is to maximize the quality of life of our residents, and we believe the provision of safe, accessible trail corridors that help us to maintain and protect greenbelts and fragile areas are not frills, but necessary ingredients to successful achievement of this goal. Your continued interest in this important City program is encouraged. Sin rely, r Jo E. Webley Parks Director JEW:sw RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 17, 1989 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, TONI NELSON, KATHY A. KEOLKER-WHEELER. (Position held by Councilman Hughes vacated on 7/3/89.) CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks Director; LYNN GUTTMANN, Public Works Director; JOHN MORRIS, Housing & Human Resources Coordinator; LT. JOE PEACH, Police Department. PRESS Kathy Hall, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 10, 1989. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Parks: City-Wide Trails in accordance with State and local laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Master Plan hearing to consider the City-Wide Trails Master Plan. Parks Director John Webley explained the purpose of the hearing to accept public input and receive affirmation for the long-range Trails Master Plan developed by staff and a citizens' committee to provide a trail system within the City of Renton. Twenty-two pedestrian trails and 18 bicycle trails are included in the plan. (See City of Renton Trails Master Plan attached to minutes.) Audience comment was invited. Ms. Andy Jorgensen, 1321 S. 7th Street, Renton, urged support of the King County open space bond issue on the 1989 election ballot, which will give residents a second chance in saving open space in the City and other areas of the County. She advised that Renton's share of the proposed bond issue is more than $3.5 million, a substantial increase from last year's bond issue election. Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Avenue N., Renton, suggested that a bicycle trail be provided alongside the walking trail connecting at the Shuffleton power plant to allow riders improved access to trails. Mary Merbach, 13732 SE 141st, Renton, commended the City for planning trail systems in advance. On behalf of the Maplewood Heights Homeowners' Association, she expressed opposition to inclusion of the Maplewood Heights common property along the Cedar River in the trail system. Ralph Evans, 3306 NE llth Place, Renton, questioned the large number of trails being planned. Mr. Webley clarified that the master plan provides a long term program of acquisition and development since funds are limited at this time. He also clarified that some trails do proceed beyond the City limits to connect to a broader network of trails in King County. Tom Trimbath, 17528 157th Place SE, Renton, pointed out the importance of a comprehensive trails system to encourage bicycle commuters. Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, Renton, supported the trails plan if it is tied to the King County bond issue and residents have the opportunity to vote for or against the program. Don Gallagher, 19225 Talbot Road, Renton, indicated concern that his trout farm property would be used for extension of the Springbrook Wetlands Pedestrian Trail, Item T on the plan. Mr. Webley confirmed that the trout farm may be identified for the proposed route, and the City would enter into negotiations for its use. Mr. Gallagher requested that the trout farm be excluded from the plan because of potential problems with trout pilferage by increased pedestrian access. Councilman Reed suggested that fencing could be installed to protect the trout farm property from access by trail users. July 17. 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Page 200 Amy MacAulay, 1527-210th NE, Redmond, representing Cascade Bicycle Club, commended Council for adopting a trails master plan. She approved of the consideration given to connecting City trails to those in King County, and pointed out that every bicycle commuter is leaving a parking space and cleaner air for someone else. Upon Council inquiry regarding the City projects proposed for the King County ballot, Mr. Webley reported that the following projects are being included: 1) Cedar River Trail from City Hall to the Cedar River regional park; 2) Honey Creek Trail from Devil's Elbow to NE Sunset and Union; 3) Old Pacific Coast Railroad Trail along the bluff from Coulon Park to Kennydale; 4) Springbrook Watershed down to the wetlands; 5) Lake Washington waterfront and viewpoint acquisition; 6) Interurban Trail in Tukwila with King County as lead agency; and 7) and Black River riparian forest to be funded by all suburban cities. Regarding concerns related to use of the Springbrook Trout Farm property for the trail system, Mr. Webley reported that one of the reasons for purchase of the Springbrook watershed property was to improve use of that area as a city amenity. On the subject of maintenance costs of parks versus trails, Mr. Webley explained that costs are dependent upon the level of development with high maintenance required for the Cedar River trail, and low maintenance required for trails developing , east of the City. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. It was noted that the matter is pending in Community Services Committee for monitoring and review. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, commended the Mayor for providing Citizen Comment: Vaupel the audience with copies of his administrative report, and suggested that - Administrative Report copies of committee reports proposed for adoption at the Council meeting Handouts also be provided. Citizen Comment: Vaupel At Ms. Vaupel's request, it was MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY - North Renton Projects MATHEWS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO MAYOR'S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Correspondence was read from Ken Nyberg, Community Development REPORT Director, regarding status of Boeing and PACCAR Draft Environmental Planning: Boeing and Impact Statements. The following timelines were projected: PACCAR EISs PACCAR: 9/4/89 - release draft EIS; 9/18/89 - public hearing on adequacy of DEIS; 10/4/89 - DEIS comment period ends and consultant begins work on the FEIS; Mid-November - final EIS issued; Late November - ERC imposes specific mitigation measures on the project; December - public hearing on conditional use permit. Boeing: 7/17/89 - Release draft EIS; 8/1/89 - public hearing on DEIS adequacy; 8/15/89 - end of 30-day comment period; 9/7/89 - Issue final EIS; 9/30/89 - ERC review and FEIS and mitigation measure approval. Noting that the draft EIS is not yet released, Ms. Vaupel asked whether other deadlines for the Boeing project would be shifted to accommodate late release of the draft EIS. Nancy Laswell-Morris, Associate Planner, advised that since there is a 30-day comment period for the draft EIS, projected for release at the end of July, all other deadlines must be shifted accordingly. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ms. Vaupel asked that junk cars with expired or no licenses parked along Citizen Comment: Vaupel streets in North Renton be removed or vehicle owners cited. She thanked the - Abandoned Vehicles Police Department for excellent response to residential complaints regarding and Drug Enforcement drug problems in the area. Plat: Final, Sea Van Rene Manning, 2065 8th Place SE, Renton, discussed sidewalk configuration Properties, FP-082-84 for the Falcon Ridge development. He indicated that the current location of Falcon Ridge the proposed crosswalk is inappropriate due to proximity to the corner, poor Improvements sight distance, and location of parking. Councilmembers Reed and Keolker- Wheeler felt that the entire project should be reviewed, and expressed their opinion that modifications in the development are inappropriate, the sidewalk is disjointed and sloped, and workmanship is inferior. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THE HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT AND THE ADMINISTRATION TO REVIEW CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN THE FALCON RIDGE DEVELOPMENT. CARRIED. CITY OF RENTON TRAILS MASTERPLAN PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN TRAILS A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: connects Bellevue, Newport Shores, and Renton. The trail follows the existing I-405 Trail, Ripley Lane, Lake Washington Blvd., Park Ave. N., N. 6th St. to Cedar River Trail. To Civic Center: follow Cedar River Trail southbound to downtown. Lake Washington Loop: follow the Cedar River Trail to Airport Perimeter Rd.;.continue around the Airport out to Rainier Ave. S.,leaving through the north gate to the Airport; proceed northbound around the lake. B. MAY CREEK TRAIL: continuous east-west natural zone trail that extends from Lake Washington Blvd. to Coal Creek Parkway. Connects to Honey Creek and Union/Seattle Waterline Trails. Passes through steep, heavily wooded greenbelt rich in fish and wildlife. C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL: extends from the confluence of Honey and May Creeks in a southeasterly direction until it reaches Union Avenue, approximately one block north of Sunset Blvd. Honey Creek is one of the most tranquil and soothing walks in the city. The trail follows the course of creek, passing through dense vegetation. The only sounds audible are the rushing creek and birdsong. D. UNION TRAIL: is a continuous north-south urban trail along eastern side of city. The Union Trail begins just above Maplewood Golf Course and proceeds north ending its urban portion at SE 96th Way. It then continues north across May Creek along the unpaved Seattle Waterline right-of-way. The trail connects to Cedar Crest Trail and Honey Creek Trail, which in turn connects to May Creek and Devil's Elbow Trails. E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM: follows crest of the ridge above the Cedar River Valley from the Monterey Terrace development out to Jones Road. It begins at the base of the slope on the west side of Monterey Terrace, ascending the ridge in a southeasterly direction. It follows the crest eastward up to the Union Trailhead. Smaller trails extend out to Jones Rd. F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM: combines existing and- proposed trails into a 15 mile network of trails that follow the Cedar River from the Industrial Zone, through the Civic Center, the large natural zone conservancy area, out to the new city limits at Jones Rd. The Urban/Industrial Zone Trail: provides unique opportunity for accessing the Cedar River in the heart of the city. People can spend their lunch hour jogging along the river. Benches provide a pleasant place to eat or socialize. The trail's proximity to the Senior Center provides Renton's senior citizens with a safe and scenic vehicle for exercising and socializing. The Natural Zone Trails: will pass through the extensive natural zone conservancy area. These trails are rich in active and passive recreational amenities which include green meadows, woods, proposed ballfields, river access, Cedar River Park, the Maplewood Golf Course, and the newly acquired County recreation land. G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL SYSTEM: follows Seattle Waterline Right-Of-Way from the base of Renton Hill, southeasterly through Tiffany Park and Fairwood neighborhoods out to Lake Youngs. H. CASCADE TRAIL: extension of the Seattle Waterline Right-Of-Way trail due west through Cascade and Victoria Park neighborhoods and across the valley. This trail will access Tom Teasdale Park, the Panther Creek Wetlands, the P-9 and P-I Water Channels, and the King County park land just west of 126th Ave S.E.. I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL: follows course of Springbrook Creek from Monster Rd. to SW 43rd St. This separated Class I pedestrian/bicycle trail will provide a major north-south passage through the heart of the valley, which has become a thriving office and industrial park area. J. INTERURBAN TRAIL: A north-south trail running along the eastern edge of Tukwila. , Trails Master Plan Page 2 K. BLACK RIVER TRAIL: passes through the Black River Riparian Forest from Monster Rd. to the intersection with the Empire Ridge Trail. This wetland area is comprised of a unique vegetative complex of emergent, shrub, and old growth hardwood species and contains a noteworthy stand of old growth Oregon Ash. The Riparian Forest, rich in birdlife, is associated with a forebay pond and Heron Rookery. The present 600 ft. protective buffer zone surrounding the rookery however, precludes trail development within the limits of this area. Determination on these limits is still pending. L. BURNETT TRAIL: begins at the Cedar River Trail directly across from the Senior Center, continuing down to S.. 2nd along Burnett Ave. where it passes through downtown Renton. From S. 2nd to S. 5 it is presently a linear parking lot which needs to be improved for pedestrians. From S. 5. to its terminus at S. 7th St. the trail passes through the Burnett Linear Park. M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL: follows the Puget Powerline Right-Of-Way from the Cedar Crest Trail to N.E. Park Dr. It is a mixture of urban, suburban, and greenbelt in character. Windsor Park is located within one block of trail. N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL: follows the abandoned Pacific Railroad Right-Of-Way through the greenbelt above Lake Washington. It begins near the Park Ave. freeway offramp and continues up to NE 24th St.. Various points offers great views out to Lake Washington, the Olympic Mountains and Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. O. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL: passes through greenbelt above Lake Washington Blvd. It begins at Kennydale Creek and follows sewer utility right-of-way. P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL: is a continuous cross town route running east-west from Lake Washington Blvd., up NE 30th, Kennewick, NE 27th, through Devil's Elbow, along SE 96th, out to Coal Creek Pkwy. The Devil's Elbow Rd. section passes through the lush greenbelts of Honey and May Creek. This steep, landslide prone road has been closed to auto traffic for the past few years. Reopening this road to motorized traffic would make the trail too dangerous to accommodate pedestrians. Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL: follows the Bonneville Powerline Right-of-Way from the Cedar River Natural Zone to Grant Creek Trail. R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL: follows Grant Creek from the Cascade Trail extending north to I-405. It then proceeds to lower Renton Hill where it connects with the Lake Youngs Trail. S. PANTHER CREEK WETLAND TRAIL: extends through the Panther Creek wetland which runs along the ease side of SR 167, between I-405 and the Valley Medical Center. T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL: extends from Panther Creek Wetland southeasterly to the City of Renton Springbrook Watershed. U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL: follows the course of the proposed P-1 drainage channel from the intersection with the Springbrook Trail at SW 43rd St. up to the intersection of the Cascade and Springbrook Trails. V. EMPIRE RIDGE TRAIL: passes through the Empire Ridge greenbelt between the Black River Riparian Forest and Empire Way (SW Sunset Blvd. -- SR 900). This is a densely wooded area with very steep slopes. Rich birdlife is found in the ponds along the eastern half of the greenbelt. • Trails Master Plan Page 3 PROPOSED BICYCLE TRAILS A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: connects Bellevue, Newport Shores, and Renton. The trail follows the existing I-405 Trail, Ripley Lane, Lake Washington Blvd., Park Ave. N., N. 6th St. to Cedar River Trail. To Civic Center: continue down Park Ave. to Bronson Way. Lake Washington Loop: follow Cedar River Trail to Airport Perimeter Rd.; continue around the Airport to the north gate; turn right on to Rainier Ave. S., continuing northbound around the lake. B. DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL: a direct north-south route along eastern edge of city from SE 128th to King County. The trail follows Duvall Ave. which becomes Coal Creek Pkwy outside of city limits. C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL: offers an alternative to the dangerous Sunset Blvd.. Beginning at the eastern city limits, the bypass follows NE 17th westbound off of Duvall Ave. until Union Ave., then proceeds south to NE 12, extends westward across the Highlands neighborhoods. Remain on Union to access Presidents Park neighborhood and Kiwanis Park. To Downtown: continue along 12th to Edmonds, head south to NE Park Dr. which becomes Park Ave. N., connecting to the Lake Washington Trail. To Highlands Neighborhoods: continue along 12th to Aberdeen, head south over I-405 bridge, until road meets Sunset Blvd. again. This lower section of Sunset has two dangerous sections near the freeway offramps and would require signage and striping of road to coordinate bicycles with automobiles. D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL: extension of existing pedestrian trail from Civic Center along the Burlington-Northern Railroad Right-Of-Way out to Jones Rd. This would be a separated Class I bike/pedestrian lane passing through the extensive natural zone conservancy area. See Pedestrian Trails for more detailed description of this trail. E. BURNETT TRAIL: begins at the Cedar River Trail directly across from the Senior Center, continuing down to S.. 2nd along Burnett Ave. where it passes through downtown Renton. From S. 2nd to S. 5th it is presently a linear parking lot. From S. 5th . to its terminus at S.W. 7th St. the trail passes through the Burnett Linear Park. At SW 7th the trail connects with the Earlington Trail. F. EARLINGTON TRAIL: an east-west trail along SW 7th St. that extends from the Burnett Trail to the Springbrook Trail. Its the only direct route across the north valley. G. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL: follows north-south course of Springbrook Creek from the P-1 Channel to SW 43rd St. along a Class I separated bike/pedestrian trail. This is the main north- south bike route through the valley which has become a thriving office park development area. H. INTERURBAN TRAIL: A north-south trail running along the eastern edge of Tukwila. I. RAINIER AVENUE: signed on-street bike route that follows the west shore of Lake Washington en route to Seattle. J. SW 16th ST.: east-west connector across the valley beginning at Lind Ave. and eventually connecting to the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. K. SW 27th ST.: east-west connector across the middle of the valley that will begin at the Springbrook Trail and eventually connect to the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. L. NORTHRIDGE TRAIL: passes through the May Creek area from Lake Washington Blvd., along NE 42nd, Lincoln Ave, Stimson Rd., out to Coal Creek Pkwy. This picturesque route has rolling hills and is good for training rides for recreational or competitive cyclists. • • Trails Master Plan Page 4 M. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL: is a continuous cross town route running east-west from Lake Washington Blvd., up NE 30th, Kennewick, NE 27th, through Devil's Elbow, along SE 96th, out to Coal Creek Pkwy. The Devil's Elbow Rd. section passes through the lush greenbelts of Honey and May Creeks. This steep, landslide prone road has been closed to auto traffic for the past few years Reopening this road to motorized traffic would make the trail a much more dangerous bike route since there are no shoulders and the terrain is steep. Q. PUGET TRAIL: follows Puget Dr. connecting Tiffany Park, Talbot Hill, and Downtown. Trail begins on Main Ave. S to the Old Benson Rd. to Puget Dr. S., around to Tiffany Park. R. BENSON TRAIL: north-south route connecting downtown to Benson Hill. Follows Main Ave. S. on to Old Benson Rd. which becomes 108th Ave SE. S. TALBOT TRAIL: north-south route from downtown to Valley Medical Center and surrounding medical community. Trail begins at the south terminus of the Burnett Trail, proceeds down new Benson Rd. to Talbot Rd. S.. It serves Talbot Hill, Talbot Park, and Victoria Hills neighborhoods and provides access to Burnett Linear Park, Teasdale Park, and Panther Creek Wetland. T. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL: follows course of proposed drainage channel through the valley from the intersection with the Springbrook Trail down at SW 43rd St. and continues up to Monster Rd.. Pending review of Heron Rookery 600 ft. buffer zone, trail would have to terminate at Oaksdale Ave. to stay outside of this protective area. U. EMPIRE TRAIL: follows Empire Way (SR 900) out towards Seattle from the Renton Center. It would serve the growing residential areas of Sun Point, Empire Estates, and Skyway. Many residents in these areas do not own a car, yet there is no safe way to get to and from Renton's business districts without using motorized transportation. The Empire Trail passes through a steeply sloped greenbelt and offers dramatic views to South Seattle, Boeing Field, and the Seattle skyline. • 4. __•,,,,:14.:::......,,,,_,L, ir/4•77, ,,,,,11 \ .....,i if Q1 i,4 ,o, ,, IC . 9',.., 11) ,,\ \U \ r\b-\......r...._-_, . . / / 4/ IA, II ? )\\li!t 1 1 \ (----- -"\---, .-\•, I;Af•_°---,- ill.;;,'I \i \\\fc.., , ). • , ,) '- 1-4 i S 1 if ( \ /-7-? I',4;.<-'. ?1! i \ \-,• °\/ 'f,tk _, ( . id .^-1,.iro c rlI ,p-TF�. � .s �`� Ifni Y. � 4 Y AKE W.SN,NOTON `, 41 _ ••• /J •.C' .. t1, , . it ., p q wit, 1 ii. . . ..... ,, . ,..,,,,„, II '''7 " ' CIIV:4':16. ‘I'l.')' .11 �,.,..mmirm, a �t �� �!"1 str .A41 To ir \ bENNI MN" \7 0 ��...,, � 51n,. 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CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL H. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL 0 00 MAJOR TRAILS O O O I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL MINOR TRAILS J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BLACK RIVER TR(.IL L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL 110 tic.., Y � CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN I +*-..Nrv...0 I + DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JOHN E. WESLEY, DIRECTOR i /,/,.. - --„,,,-i 1 x•i,, ,-.5\ qi / _.... .., . ,_. ..„ — , ',. , „ ,. 'fg,',1;`,‘,ris,/:-;.. ,0„,: nk. ; \S:j)1\417\,..i) f.\\\\' :1\1:11, P 1 7. f\b-\J-C°°.---1--- NE (ELAND �' M' O�-� i\ it , \ )i i` I 1 •• 4.194:PfAs,,..• .,k-'61! , i•• •M lc\ it \ \/ \J‘V P i ,0 1(k) 'y,.et; ---, / 141"t, d, ,- . . \ 'e d 1. e +5,o bA7py� `•i. - nl Fri - ' .4 --•-•"--- It'''',, ..rfit-It...:-F . .44sv: ...-- - --- - .-.',,,i;. 0 47'.g!... .---**-:',Ta x ` - �# WAwEpwN . 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INTERURBAN TRAIL S. TALBOT TRAIL I. RAINIER AVENUE T. P-1 CHANNEL J. SW 16TH ST. U. EMPIRE TRAIL K. SW 27TH ST. (cY 0 CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN .i Ufa: 1. 4` • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION I TX W. 'ej Po +� JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR �4 L� • • • 0 41), CITY OF RENTON NA FINANCE/CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 7041-4 i XL 5 V 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 '''' j• NETER—, ** *• '',,k,f/ISIA• ''' I F00 s * 6 CITY OF RENTON JUL 1 1 1989 . . 4 . RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Laura Baggett 11225 8th Ave S Seattle, WA 98178 tr:: ../\ ,-) _ i (t-- (...7; t2 GI q's`., ri115,";:c :1; S'''.1j..;E:.i 11;;;.-: L NO \,:,., INV ."-',/ '.,1,143e,'>'. . Ihhiltilltillillifillihil!ill • 4i ® CITY OF RENTON "LL FINANCE DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk July 3, 1989 Laura Baggett 11225 8th Ave S Seattle, WA 98178 Re: City-Wide Master Trails Plan for Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails Dear Ms. Baggett: The Renton City Council has established the date of July 17, 1989, at 7:30 pm for I public hearing to consider the City-Wide Master Trails Plan for pedestrian and bicycle trails. The hearing will be in the second floor Council Chambers in the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave South, Renton, Washington. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval or opinions on same. Sincerely, Maxine E. Motor, CMC City Clerk MEM:rjs 111 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2501 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 4 4' O. CITY OF RENTON "LL A FINANCE DEPARTMENT WIMP Earl Clymer, Mayor Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk July 3, 1989 • Laura Baggett 11225 8th Ave S Seattle, WA 98178 Re: City-Wide Master Trails Plan for Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails Dear Ms. Baggett: The Renton City Council has established the date of July 17, 1989, at 7:30 pm for public hearing to consider the City-Wide Master Trails Plan for pedestrian and bicycle trails. The hearing will be in the second floor Council Chambers in the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave South, Renton, Washington. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval or opinions on same. Sincerely, • Maxine E. Motor, CMC City Clerk MEM:rjs 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2501 , .VIASTER TRAILS PARTIES OF REC___D JUNE 30, 1989 LAURA BAGGETT AL FOLMAR 11225 8th Ave. S. 4120 NE 10th Place Seattle, WA 98178 Renton, WA 98056 JOHN COOK DARRELL IGELMUND 639 Glennwood Court N.E. 3602 Lake Wash. Blvd. N. Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 PEGGY DuBOIS DENNIS LENSEGRAV 2907 Mountain View Ave. N. Puget Power Renton, WA 98056 620 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 TERRY LEWIS JOHN NELLOR Boeing Company 1300 S. Eagle Ridge P.O. Box 3707 Apartment 1069 Mail Stop 14-49 Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98124 KATHY McBETH FRANCIS PIEPER 1906 Rolling Hills Ave. SE 345 Meadow Ave. N. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 RANDY ROCKHILL ESTHER SCHAFF 141 Capri Ave. N.E. 12224 56th Place S. Renton, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98178 TIM SEERING PAUL WANTZELIUS Seering, Gettleson, Keaslar 25727 SE 240th 211 Morris Ave. S. Maple Valley, WA 98038 Renton, WA 98055 ANDEE JORGENSEN TOM TRIMDATH 1321 S. 7th 17521 118th SE Renton, WA 98055 Apartment A-3 Renton, WA 98058 RICK SMITH RAY GRIFFIN 4012 SE 11 th 14306 144th Ave. SE Renton, WA 98058 Renton, WA 98056 MARY E. MERBACH PETER LAGERWEY 13732 SE 141st City of Seattle Renton, WA 98056 Community Transportation Service 750 Dexter Horton Bldg. Seattle, WA 98104 HELEN WICKSTROM DON WILLAIMS Park Department Park Department City of Kent City of Tukwila 220 4th Ave. S. 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Kent, WA 98032 Tukwila, WA 98188 • JOHN BARKER PHIL MILLER Park Department Public Works Department City of Bellevue Room 973 P.O. Box 90012 King County Administration Bellevue, WA 98009-9012 500 4th Ave. Seattle, WA 98104 CASCADE BICYCLE CLUB BOEINGBICYCLI c,LUUB P.O. Box 31299 Mail Stop-1 3 5/ 8 Seattle, WA 98103 P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124 May 18. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 168 Parks: Community Center Council President Pro Tempore Clymer presented a report recommending Master Plan adoption of the Community Center Master Plan as presented, with the recommendation that the Fire Department address the concerns regarding emergency fire access. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: City-Wide Trails Council President Pro Tempore Clymer presented a report recommending that Master Plan the City-Wide Trails Master Plan be referred to the Transportation Committee. The Committee of the Whole further directed the Administration to work with Public Works Department to see if it would be possible to put bicycle lanes on Sunset Boulevard NE, with a report back to Council as soon as possible. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED Parks: Cedar River Council President Pro Tempore Clymer presented a report recommending that Natural Zone Trail the Cedar River Natural Zone Trail elements be referred to the Transportation Committee, and the associated recreation sections be referred to the Community Services Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report indicating that Police: Kent Drinking the Committee has met with members of the Kent Drinking Driver Task Driver Task Force Force and the Washington State Liquor Control Board Enforcement Agency to be briefed on the problems and penalties of selling and serving alcohol to customers under the age of 21 and/or have had too much to drink. Free training classes are conducted by the Washington State Liquor Control Agency for all employees in the business of selling or serving alcohol. The Public Safety Committee endorsed this program as being beneficial to the community, and suggested that all businesses holding liquor licenses in the City be notified of the free training program. The Public Safety Committee recommended that this subject be referred to the Administration to determine the legality of expending taxpayer funds and the extent of City involvement in this matter. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED Elected Washington Councilwoman Keolker shared with Council the information she obtained Women's Conference while attending the Elected Washington Women's Conference in Tumwater this past week. Loop Councilman Stredicke requested a status report from the Administration regarding the loop. City Attorney Warren and Lt. Claude Evans of the Renton Police Department advised that the ordinance was not enforced this past weekend since the effective date of Ordinance #4057 adopted on 4/13/87 is 30 days after publication in the local newspaper or 5/17/87. Enforcement will begin on Friday, 5/22/87. Transportation Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Committee recommending approval of Fire Department training of staff for Airport Fire: Airport Crash Fire crash fire rescue. The Aviation Committee recommended that the Airport Rescue Training continue its support of the specialized training and that $1,095.00 be allocated in the 1988 Airport Budget for training of (3) firefighters. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Administrative Assistant Parness advised that Fire Department personnel train with Boeing personnel in the use of foam to extinguish aircraft fires, and also have limited capacity to fight hazardous materials fires. Councilman Stredicke requested a list of fire personnel who have received this specialized training. *MOTION CARRIED. Lease: Airmaster, Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Reed presented a report LAG-001-85 recommending that the previous approval for transfer to Boeing Employees Lease: BEFA, Flying Association of a portion of Airmaster's basic ground lease area and LAG-00I-87 Seaplane Ramp should be amended by adding Parking Lot "A" and the float storage lease areas. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE REPORT MAY 18, 1987 HEATHER DOWNS PARK MASTER PLAN The Committee of the Whole recommends adoption of the Heather Downs Park Master Plan and that the matter be referred to the Community Services Committee for monitoring. It was further recommended that the Administration proceed with negotiations for the acquisition of the Barfield property. COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE The Committee of the Whole recommends adoption of the Community Center Master Plan as presented with the recommendation that the Fire Department address concerns regarding emergency fire access. CITY-WIDE TRAILS PLAN Tre Committee of the Whole recommends that the City-Wide Trails Master Plan LIE referred to the Transportation Committee. The Committee of the Whole further directs the Administration to work with Public Works to see if it would be possible to put bicycle lanes on Sunset Blvd. with a report back to Council as soon as possible. CEDAR RIVER NATURAL ZONE The Committee of the Whole recommends that the Cedar River Natural Zone Trail elements be referred to the Transportation Committee and the associated recreation sections be referred to the Community Services Committee. dja7f /' Thomas Trimm, Council President e� ^ � � � ` 4, . 1-79i-, 74"- ' • j _,... ,- _ . , 1 i -17:: • r",0 kdr '; . ,\i nv,.•,...,OOOOO II 1110A*I•110111. -- .„ ,..,..4.0 _2' '___iv. .1, ._. ,.,,, -4 -•-‘ ...... ‘ I •I i , \I • I 1 V , i :i., I. 1 , ____ • '. k , '47 I R. 0 • ,.. , ., ; la i ,,, --,. i!! 4,..........t •. ,. qirei,h._, 1 lq, , ••,... / i ' s i 1 , • - (.'• -• 0-,' ' ''•:,, ,,f 'i i '-.. • ..7e .... .,,,....,.. ....1,;....,*..... .s. . ,..--,,,,... .. is , `.1) I 4... ... .. ..• . _.. , '-....--,-? . -''`.-st,.,I.41',0.•„. ', 4411,, '7,.... . ik•-‘ -,,r."". " - - id •-,1_ - l • -•...1. ::., i.'.144CAOF . '• •'—" , -• *'.• N a '.. 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OPEN SPACE BOND ISSUE el alp CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 17th day of July, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: The City-Wide Master Trails Plan for pedestrian and bicycle trails. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor, CMC City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: July 7, 1989 , , . NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 17, 1989 AT 7:3 0 P. M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERSI 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH r 'I ' �'"=t 2‘.1 •,1. ' — / it .; ' 1? '', \q'kc.) y*77."-- To CONSIDER THE CITY-WIDE MASTER 1� , `z :-- I. t f,:H;c?, a{,;�' TRAILS PLAN FOR PEDESTRIAN AND ` ' '..',' ..,l,,' 1;."-_ �� ^�T�'�'- B I CYCLE TRAILS, FOR LISTING OF __ . •t I --1 ,, k'�' TRAILS AND LARGER SCALE MAP CONTACT ' S ^�>' , ' THE PARK'S DEPARTMENT (235-2713) Imo.;. ', l , ' ',, rN 1 ► OR Cm CLERK'S OFFICE (235-2501), ., �'..e rr'''P• k'7. �. - r, , if '\ . :4 * ANY AND ALL I NTERESTED PERSONS ARE sy \ti''\ , I " •' t, I. INVITED TO BE PRESENT TO VOICE '\ -..e ' 'I,e', rr1L. ' �, '�, �'' W � i fig, t,;�....y_, ..r APPROVAL, DISAPPROVAL OR OP I NIIONS , .. . ..... `1 I Io I h ► '';) ' .. ON SAME. - - s,r I.' ,'7' ', F ." ' 1 v' t'n:r,iT r {' I1;' RIr'�l ��..,q r' LA �..., r �� J� f.�m�r ^,,+.Pl,�tt f, I�;tI�II�,J. ,Ini .1., . 1„,,,, ,, . ,., c,,, ,00, „n I. te , .0,1 11'4. I_ .. .13-!- t ..."•-• ‘1,1- 4" 1 1-e -f- ' ;�'•cad - _ ,, .I�\ ��Oi 1-' :�.� .. .�a; • ' f / A (, fir Qii. • 1,1, --- -- --. -2 ,-:.64.)- - I-1-Y \ 1 ,c? 4 _ ____, ____ __.. , „. iirw' \ if' .,.., 1 '; , r.....,,U.,.,. ...................._......_._..... P' {'"'t Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-25(I1 a r • u ra ea I The removal, mutilation, destruction or concealment of this notice is a mis- .p dswyA..wwr punishable fine d W ra m m punishable by fine asw imprisonment. Pubh c.. 14earin9 July 17, I I2F1 re> Consider the, C kAaSt'er Trails Plan -for c -i-r�an anal 3i�y�to Trails . I •1.---7a►1 outs c Posti i 1 nve July 3 6116189 ►) Ma ple wcradl ,4ve S. e . - 2,) Man t'eray Dr;N N .E . Si. Llfiov1 Ave . s.E . 4 S..E 4t St 4') Duvall 4ve. r•J . sunset Blvd . s) Unic" Ave . W.E . I4h.Z. 3vnse'f Blvd . • k. nnewick. Ave. N.E. 4 N.E . 28ti 3+. e2 7) Meow Ave. Norti 4 ►North 24Th SI- . g) Lin Ave . N.t✓ . ISo't SooTh cj M.E. . ei) Qipley Lar1e , Povve-r Pole. * 5041 En1-rance +o Lk.VnIask. BI.. u. .S1cyde..Trail5 10) Lek - V1/4.,(as111P791 in Slvol ., Powe.r Pble 4 4341(Srie tsc.ross l3.arb e M;11) 11) Lake wagkt��ton 81,�1., . NorTh 3I St St . 12) Per 4S� . Nor"l� 1,,jort11 ► 8+ . — • Lca r Ave. S . A i r�rt tea•), v4) eu`Jrnett Ave.. . S./Liner Park £ Se Tli 7m St. 16) Soolt1 Put •Dr;ve 4 vi.scv (2.:54%olSoul I6) errant Ake. • sooTh er SooT let £ ' . ») sojrtk R -t 'Drive g almonds t4ve. S.E • le) tSenson Svcthh 151 St • 19) Talbot Road 4 Cott, 23''-71 St • 2o) Tal.lx,t 12o.ad 4 Sooth 43'72-1 21) 7-Q160 t 4 -ocjti s5 Ii S%'. C icrzvlei St. S.a) 22) ©akesclale, Awe. S.W. S.W. 4311?-1 3+ . ?3) l—i►-ic1 Awe. . S. C. , Frov1.t of BUJ . # 22.01 24) Mor1S+e1- Road, Front 0.f- 13143. it Col (Corrainer Carp. 1irntrica) zy) S.w. Ste,r> e+ BI=1. S.w• 31= pl . lc.) Park- 4, - . tibr'th s`, Rout* Brbhson \^/ay 1.1.0 C Li k r+y Park) CERTIFICATION ` STATE OF WASHINGTON)ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I tvligno C. hesdquivel,Jr . HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 2Co COPIES OF THE ABOVE NOTICE WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE OR MORE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND TWO COPIES WERE POSTED AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 MILL AVENUE S. , RENTON, WA ON DATE OF 31/4„ly k 5 , lga9 • $U]BSC D AND SW AN TO BE.,t • ME ` of , 19 SIGNED � _' (Iwo • • Mary Pub• f rg the State of Washington, - residing at �/�`� jsTo T 1 dE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON DULY 17, 1989 AT 7:3 0 P. m. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBER. 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH . . , ,, ,,_,__\...,...,/ t -z, I ,l;t f,l ii,,c.. si._.:: _ tt ,p.H.� To CONSIDER THE CITY-WIDE MASTER ' 14 1� :, L, :i '' ! '.(_ TRAILS PLAN FOR PEDESTRIAN AND ` ,. BICYCLE TRAILS, FOR LISTING OF �'t��. 1 • " �'a, TRAILS AND LARGER SCALE MAP CONTACT `' .' r ';i � ,� i s 1 THE PARK'S DEPARTMENT (235-2713) . '�,, j4 , ' 11 1 , , OR CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (235-2501), 0. .ti ''•? .; "'''' tt y�.- ), �' r. ANY AND ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE ;� \ , . f `t� i '1 INVITED TO BE PRESENT TO VOICE '`. "..e \ _ APPROVAL, DISAPPROVAL OR OPINIONS _'� I I, Ii l, i ;h :''C4,J"" — ..: i ON SAME. ,f,�1 - ' -,'y i } , , ' ,r"' ' - 0;1,1r_ _ r. ,, ,,Ntit • g., \ tdeph-s‘-, <1 ):( -- , ', t,•1•,-,-,.-,„,,;(. ,„,.,1? p )• mil A :„,,.„,..in)"' - \ tu , 1 - • i• { 7; ir, L I ��{,, yam ,,,� .,`_` . ikrio I`(I .�' \� ;,' i( i , I../Ii.. ' II' r mono uemro ... Complete legal description &further information available in Me City Clerk's Office - 235-2g01 • The c ornecmeavma ,n mouft itlhats ionno,t idce sits rau cmiosn Warnin • demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Abbreviated Meeting June 26, 1989 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers ]MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER- COUNCIL MEMBERS WHEELER, TONI NELSON, JOHN W. REED, THOMAS W. TRIMM. Council members Robert J. Hughes and Nancy L. Mathews were absent. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; ATTENDANCE DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; KEN NYBERG, Community Development Director; LYNN GUTTMANN, Public Works Director; CAPTAIN MICHAEL MAGULA, Police Department. PRESS Kathy Hall, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 1989. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. King County: 1989 Finance/City Clerk submitted 1989 King County Election filing information Election for City Council positions due to expire 12/31/89 currently held by: #1, Nancy Mathews; #2, Thomas Trimm; and #3, John Reed. Filing period July 24-28, 1989 at King County Election Division, King County Administration Building, Seattle. Information. Fire: Surplus Pumper Fire Department declared 1950 Kenworth pumper (F026) as surplus equipment and recommended sale to highest bidder. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Parks: City-Wide Trait_ Parks Department requested public hearing be set on 7/17/89 to consider M c .rj „ City-Wide Trails Master Plan. Council concur. Annexation: Renton 91, Planning Division requested review of Phase II of Renton 91 Annexation Phase II consisting of 9.6 acres located east of Lake Washington Boulevard and south of SE 76th Street; acreage deleted from original scope of Renton 91 Annexation by Council action on 5/8/89. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Rezone: Appeal of hearing examiner's recommendation filed regarding Ralph Warford/Ellenswood Joint Warford/Ellenswood Joint Venture IX Rezone from G-1, general, to R-1, Venture IX, Brandal single family residential, classification, and Preliminary Plat (Brandal Wood) Wood, R-015-89, and for 21 single family lots on 5.5 acres located at 2015 and 2113 Duvall Avenue Preliminary Plat, NE, File No. R-015-89 and PP-015-89. Refer to Planning and Development PP-015-89 Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report concurring Transportation in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to extend the Boeing Committee fire pit #2 lease on a year-to-year basis until cleanup of the fire pit is Airport: Boeing Fire Pit complete. Upon completion of the cleanup, fire pit #2 is not to be leased #2, LAG-06-81 again because of the regulations prohibiting storage above ground. The lease will become effective the date of Council approval until June 1, 1990, and year-to-year thereafter. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport: Specialty Transportation Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report Restaurants, Inc., Lease recommending that the Public Works staff be authorized to continue to Change Request, negotiate with Specialty Restaurants, Inc., and that a report be made to the LAG-07-76 Transportation Committee on July 6, 1989. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. A For Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # T le. . AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Parks & Recreation g June 26th Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. For Agenda Of Staff Contact John Morris (Meeting Date) (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Public Hearing on City wide Consent X Master Trails Plan Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Other B. C Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A X COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A X Set public hearing for July 17th. Other Clearance Council concur. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) On July 10th staff will make a presentation to the committee of the whole on the finalized pedestrian and bicycle trails route. This information will also be mailed out to interested citizens and groups. The public hearing on July 17th is necessary at this time stage so that staff will have official direction to proceed with the final phase of the trails plan. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. CITY OF RENTON TRAILS MASTERPLAN PEDESTRIAN TRAILS • A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: from northeastern city limits along existing 405 trail , Lake Washington Blvd. , Park Ave N. B. MAY CREEK TRAIL: passes through the May Creek greenbelt from Lake Washington Blvd. to COal Creek Pkwy. C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL: extends from the cofluence of Honey and May Creeks southeaste ly until it reaches Union Ave. , one block north of Sunset Blvd. D. UNION TRAIL: begins as urban on-street trail just above Maplewood Golfcourse and proceeds north ending its urban portion at SE 95th Way. It continues north, cros' inc May Creek as an unpaved Seattle Waterline right of way. E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM: from base of Monterrey Terrace development up to top of slope, then due east to Union Trail Head. Smallers trails will extend fto Jones Rc 404t1 t F. Cedar River Trail System: 15 miles of trails along the river from the industrial zone,: through the civic center, along the railroad right of way through the large natural zone conservancy area to Jones Rd. G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL SYSTEM: follows Seattle Waterline right of way from base of Renton Hill southeasterly through TIffany Park and Fairwood neighborhoods, out to Lake Youngs. H. CASCADE TRAIL: extension of Seattle Waterline right of way trail due west through Cascade and Victoria Park neighborhoods and across the valley. I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL: follows Bourse of Springbrook Creek from P-1 Channel to SW ,43rc ;- 7. BLACK RIVER TRAIL: passes through the Black River Rlparian FOrest from Monster Rd. to intersection with the Empire Ridge Trail . 1 t4 BURNETT TRAIL: from Cedar River Trail Head at S. 2nd southbound, SWeift passing through linear park to intersection with SW 16th L. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL: follows Puget Powerline right of way from Cedar River crest trail to Park Ave M. Pacific Railroad Trail : follows abondoned Pacific RR right of way through greenbel above Lake Washington from just above Park Ave N to terminus at NE 24th N. Kennydale Creek Trail : follows Kennydale Creek from Pacific Railroad Trail down to Lake Washingotn Blvd. 0. Devil ' s Elbow Trail : runs east-west from Lake Washngton Blvd. along NE 30, NE 27, Kennewick, through Devel 's Elbow, along SE 96th out to Coal Creek Pkwy. P. Bonneville Trail : follows Bonneveille powerline right of way from Cedar River Natural Zone Trail to Grant Creek Trail Q. Grant Creek Trail : fa4=1=w4siogfpiak from Cascade Trail follows Grant Creek, then extends north along 405 right of way to intersection with lake Youngs Trail R. Panther Creek Trail : through the Panther Creek Wetland from SW 16th down to Valley Medical Center S. Springbrook Wetlands TRail : extends from Panther Creek Wetland southeasterly to City Watershed T. P-1 Channel Trail : follows P-1 Channel from Springbrook Trail to Cascade Trail U. Empire Ridge Trail : passes through Empire Ridge Greenbelt between SW Sunset Blvd and the Black RIver Rlparian Forest. BICYCLE TRAILS A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: from NE of city limits along I-405 trail , Lake Washington Blvd. , Park, N. 6th, Cedar River Trail , Airport Perimeter Rd. , out to Rainier Ave. B. Duvall-Coal Creek Trail : n-s from Coal Creek Pkwy to SE 128th St. C. Sunset By-pass Trail : from Coal Creek Pkwy -NE 17, Union, NE 12th to Edmonds to Pa k Dr. or to Aberdeen which connects to the n-s portion of Sunset Blvd. D. Cedar RIver Trail : extension ofexisting trail from civic center along B-N railro,. right of way out to Jones Rd. , passing through extensive natrual zone conservancy E. Burnett Trail : from CBD, S. 2nd to SW 7th F. Earlington Trail : e-w trail from Burnett to the Springbrook Trail G. Springbrook Trail : n-s trail from P-1 Channel to SW 43rd St in the valley H. Northridge Trail : passes through the May Creek area from Lake Washington Blvd, along NE 42, Lincoln Ave, Stimson Rd. , out to Coal Creek Pkwy. I. Devil 's Elbow Trail : east-west from Lake Washingotn Blvd. along NE 30, NE 27, Kennewick, through Devil 's Elbow, SE 96, to Coal Creek Pkwy J. Puget Trail : follows Puget Dr. connecting Tiffany Park, Talbot Hill , and the >D K. Benson Trail : n-s route from CBD along Main St. Benson, 108th SE L. Talbot Trail : n-s route from CBD to Valley Medical Center following Burnett, Tal of M. P-1 Channel Trail : follows P-1 watercourse through the valley from it €crsecti.Q. A southern end of Springbrook trail to its intersection with cascade pedestrian trail N. Empire Trail : follows Empire Way (SW Sunset Blvd. ) out towards Seattle, serving SUnpoint, Empire Estates. Skyway RENTON CITY COUNCIL Abbreviated Meeting March 13, 1989 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tempore Stredicke led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, COUNCIL MEMBERS JOHN W. REED, NANCY L. MATHEWS, TONI NELSON, KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN ROBERT J. HUGHES. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; LAWRENCE J. ATTENDANCE WARREN, City Attorney; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; DAN CLEMENTS, Finance Director; LYNN GUTTMANN, Public Works Director; LARRY SPRINGER, Planning Manager; JOHN ADAMSON, Program Development Coordinator, Public Works Department; LT. DALE BAKER, Police Department. PRESS Kathy Johnson, Valley Daily News Kathy Hall, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 6, 1989, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Latecomer Agreement: Finance/City Clerk submitted request for latecomer agreement by Heath Heath Properties, NE Properties for cost in the amount of $62,313.97 for roadway improvements, 43rd Place and Jones storm sewers, and water line in vicinity of NE 43rd Place and Jones Avenue Avenue NE NE. Refer to Utilities Committee. H & HR: City-Wide Community Development/Housing and Human Resources Division requested Master Trails Program review of City-Wide Master Trails Plan. Refer to Community Services Committee. H & HR: Housing and Community Development/Housing and Human Resources Division requested Human Services Plan review of City of Renton Housing and Human Services Plan. Refer to Community Services Committee. H & HR: 1990 Community Development/Housing and Human Resources Division requested Community Development review of 1990 Community Development Block Grant Program policies. Block Grant Program Refer to Community Services Committee. H & HR: Renton Historic Community Development/Housing and Human Resources Division requested Fire Station Renovation review of Renton Historic Fire Station renovation and restoration project Project prior to going out for bids. Refer to Community Services Committee. H & HR: King County Community Development/Housing and Human Resources Division requested Human Services review of King County Human Services Roundtable Planning Project. Refer Roundtable Planning to Community Services Committee. Project Community Event: Mayor Clymer submitted Centennial Committee request for Council Renton Centennial consideration of the name "Centennial Way" for the entrance road to Cedar Celebration River Park/Community Center. Refer to Community Services Committee. Comprehensive Plan: Planning Commission submitted recommendation that Talbot Road Private Talbot Road Update Comprehensive Plan Update be considered as part of ongoing Comprehensive Plan update work program for 1989. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Parks: Senior Citizen Parks Department requested review of extended travel program for senior Travel Program Extension citizens. Refer to Community Services Committee. For. Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # 4• b AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Community Development Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Housing & Human Resources For Agenda Of March 13, 1989 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact John Morris (Name) Agenda Status : SUBJECT: City Wide Master Trails Plan Consent XX Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A. Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Refer to Community Services Committee Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The City Wide Master Trails Plan has been a major planning effort for non-motorized circulatixn in Renton. Council has periodically reviewed this planning project. The purpose of this review is to present for information and discussion the final mapped draft of the bicycle and pedestrian trails being proposed. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: c."!PMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. 1989 COUNTY WIDE TRAILS & OPEN SPACE BOND ISSUE PROPOSED RENTON PROJECTS PRIORITY 1 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT Renton Civic Center to eastern city limits at Jones Road PLANNING AREA: Renton to Soos Creek COUNCIL DISTRICT: Nine ACQUISITION COST: King County has set aside funds (not part of the proposed bond issue) to purchase the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way when it is abandoned. The City of Renton owns the property or has secured easements sufficient to provide for a continuous trail system from the Civic Center to the eastern city limits at Jones Road. ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST: $2 , 009 , 935 ESTIMATED M & 0 COST: - 0 - (pre-development) $43 , 101 (Development completed) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project will provide for the development of approximately fourteen (14) miles of trails. This will include trails along the river, on the railroad right-of-way and through the large natural zone conservancy area. The abandonment of the railroad right-of-way is in process and should be completed within the time frame to allow bond issue participation. The bike/pedestrian trail on the railroad right-of-way will be part of a major regional trail system that will include connections to the Soos Creek Trail system, Green River Trail system, and to systems accessing the Issaquah Alps and the City of Issaquah. The bike/pedestrian trail on the railroad right-of-way will further serve as a commuting link into Renton from Maple Valley and points east. The system will be constructed in a major city greenbelt and natural zone area. Renton and Tukwila plan to connect the Green and Cedar Rivers with trails between the two cities, thus creating a major loop trail system benefitting South King County cities and unincorporated King County. Open Space Bond Issue Page 2 Use of this trail is anticipated to be very high based on the high visibility and high use of the existing Cedar River Trail System from Lake Washington to City Hall. ACQUISITION COST ASSUMPTION: This is not an acquisition project. %3ROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND ESTIMATED COSTS: This project will provide for three levels of trail development. First, the primary trail will be on the railroad right-of-way which will be paved with a twelve foot section starting at the Renton Civic Center and terminating at Jones Road. It will serve bicycles and pedestrians. Secondly, the secondary trail system will also be paved, but it will be narrower sections at eight feet to ten feet in width. Thirdly, there will be a system of soft surface footpaths three feet to five feet wide. The secondary and footpath systems will provide access to the water, passive park areas and the conservancy areas. ESTIMATED COSTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Primary trail (railroad right-of-way) 15, 600 lineal feet 301, 900 Secondary trail 18 , 450 lineal feet 258, 300 Footpaths 39 , 900 lineal feet 239 , 400 Bridge from Cedar River Park to Cedar River Trail 250, 000 Signage 35, 000 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM Drainage $ 80, 000 Restrooms 175, 000 Subtotal 1, 339, 600 10% Mobilization 133 , 960 Subtotal 1, 473 , 560 Design, surveys, fees, testing and 24% 353 , 654 Subtotal 1, 827 , 214 Contingency 10% 182 , 821 TOTAL 2 , 009 , 935 O.Den Space Bond Issue Page 3 ESTIMATED MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION COSTS: Currently there are no costs associated with the proposed trail system. Other costs for the completed trail system are estimated as follows: Primary: 1. 66 per lineal foot or $25, 896 per year. This estimate is based on adjusted M & 0 figures for the Burke Gillman Trail. Secondary: . 83 per lineal foot or $15, 313 . 50 per year. This estimate is based on adjusted M & 0 figures for the Preston trail . Footpaths: .40 per lineal foot or $15, 960 Total M & 0 costs for the trail system are estimated at: $57, 169 . 50 Buildings (Restrooms, picnic shelters, etc. ) 9, 980. 08 TOTAL $67 , 149 . 58 Ooen Space Bond Issue Page 4 PRIORITY 2 COMBINED HONEY CREEK AND ABANDONED PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TRAILS ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. PLANNING AREA: Renton COUNCIL DISTRICT: Nine ,ACQUISITION COSTS: $305, 399 (1988 dollars) ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COSTS: $69, 601 (1988 dollars) ESTIMATED M & 0 COSTS: $17 , 200 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The intent of this combined project is to acquire easements and ownership of land (where appropriate) in areas where development is imminent and potentially disruptive to an integrated trail system through the City' s greenbelts. HONEY CREEK: This trail connects to the proposed regional May Creek Trail and to the City' s Union Avenue Trail which in turn connects to the proposed Cedar River Crest Trail . Some trail easements have been secured, but there are areas where easements were not readily obtainable. Without these remaining easements, Honey Creek cannot function as a trail corridor through one of the City' s lushest greenbelts with water access. The maintenance access road needs to be upgraded and a pedestrian trail from Union to the maintenance road needs to be constructed. ABANDONED PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY: This project would acquire the rights to use this historical railroad right-of-way as a trail through a greenbelt area that is slated for major development. This trail makes connections to the proposed Sunset Trail, the proposed Lake Washington Regional Trail and to the Devil ' s Elbow Trail . This trail offers commanding views of the Olympic Mountains, Lake Washington, Gene Coulon Park and the Renton Airport. Access to the trail needs to be developed from both Park Avenue and Lake Washington Blvd. The railroad right-of-way itself will also need development in order to function as a trail . ACQUISITION COST ASSUMPTIONS: Estimated acquisition costs for these two projects is $305, 000. Open Space Bond Issue Fage 5 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND ESTIMATED COSTS: Trail development will be in the form of three to five foot soft surface paths. Honey Creek $ 30, 839 Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way 38, 762 :ESTIMATED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST: Three trails combined . 40 per lineal foot or $17, 280.00 Cpen Space Bond Issue Fage 6 PRIORITY 3 SPRINGBROOR TRAIL CORRIDOR AND OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PROJECT rom Talbot Road east along Springbrook Creek to the Springbrook Wetland. PLANNING AREA: Renton COUNCIL DISTRICT: Nine ACQUISITION COST: $400, 000 (1988 dollars) ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST: $11, 718 Phase I ESTIMATED M & 0 COST: - 0 - (Pre-development) $2 , 880 (Development) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This acquisition will enable the City to extend the planned Springbrook Trail from Talbot Road west and north until it reaches the wetland area east of SR167 . This trail will also connect to the Panther Creek Wetlands and planned trail system that will ultimately lead to Renton ' s Civic Center where there is ready access to the Cedar River Trail system. Park Department acquisitions will be coordinated with the City' s Public Works Department acquisitions in both the Springbrook and Panther Creek project areas. ACQUISITION COST ASSUMPTIONS: The estimated acquisition cost for extending the Springbrook Trail is $400, 000 . PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND ESTIMATED COSTS: The development of this property will provide trails in the form of three to five feet wide soft surface footpaths. Development of these trails is estimated at $11, 718 . ESTIMATED MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION COSTS: . 40 per foot or $2 , 880 per year Open Space Bond Issue Page 7 PRIORITY 4 LAKE WASHINGTON WATERFRONT AND VIEWPOINT ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLANNING AREA: Renton COUNCIL DISTRICT: Nine ACQUISITION COSTS: $100, 000 ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COSTS: $50, 000 Phase I ESTIMATED M & 0 COSTS: $3 , 657 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project would target for acquisition and/or development relatively small properties with physical and/or visual access to Lake Washington, Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Mt. Rainier, and the Olympics. Some of the properties are adjacent to existing publicly owned property so their acquisition and development will increase public access to this highly scenic trail corridor. It will also enhance the overall visual quality of the trail corridor. ACQUISITION COST ASSUMPTIONS: Cost assumptions were based on two major categories of property: 1) Property with direct physical or visual access to the Lake and; 2) Smaller properties publicly owned parcels or railroad property. Acquisition costs are assumed at $100, 000. 00. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND ESTIMATED COSTS: Bond issue dollars would fund Phase I development of property that would be the most publicly accessible and afford the best scenic amenities present in this corridor. Pedestrian amenities such as paths, benches, platforms and informational signage would be included in Phase I development. Cost: Phase I $50, 000. 00 ESTIMATED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS: M & 0 (trail and view points) $ 3 , 657 .`1`..... i..,. .\\ ) C i 1 -.,,-;lw -s, '.\ 1\\\'' 1 ( -.'s.: — • 111' -,_ , '11 ) -jc ___3 \ ... i . ,.._ C jc. \Il t�'I ■ 1\ 'I ti 1iT PI; NClR I .NO / � \ II % rI i I i ..- • til :I' - ,,. 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III _ - e �!© am G�t�Alii.,,,i,.. 7 �` 1 — --- O a -Q.i�. ' 11 I 'A) . ! I 1\ I C \: \ C.:\* ) i 'r II ) or • 1 ■ 1 G . .. s 21 1 ). • \ .:, \ � ,I„-i,i(j(i- -:-;..: 1 *.•',;,,,., I :z,(,toIe ' - !.:(1. .I .---- gsiti . , A:'.,-''4•!,,N.--.C:-:-.:--:,;,,.1,.': lilt /-. - ''',ri,',,',i3O',4. J f ° � _______. _:. 1 I A . .., iii 1 ( .,\\1 ' ) L......rm . ;I / ,) --\_..., \t \ n- r \� -T PRIORITY LISTING I III I Hill it II 111,111011 11 P 11l9'IIIIII911! A. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM IP d111P1 IIIIIII`IDIII'I[iII o .21N1 .eui .76111 1.00141 NORTH B, COMBINED HONEY CREEK& ABANDONED PACIFIC RAILROAD R.O.W. C. SPRINOBROOK TRAIL CORRIDOR ee. MAJOR TRAILS "II. MINOR TRAILS D.LAKE WASIiINGTON WATERFRONT& VIEWPOINT ACQUISITION E. INTERURBAN TRA- -- JOINT PROJECT WITH KING COUNTY AS LEAD AGENCY Ok(S1( CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN CIJIIIIIR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION OPEN SPACE BOND ISSUE CITY OF RENTON TRAILS MASTERPLAN PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN TRAILS A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: connects Bellevue, Newport Shores, and Renton. The trail follows the existing I-405 Trail, Ripley Lane, Lake Washington Blvd., Park Ave. N., N. 6th St. to Cedar River Trail. To Civic Center: follow Cedar River Trail southbound to downtown. Lake Washington Loop: follow the Cedar River Trail to Airport Perimeter Rd.;.continue around the Airport out to Rainier Ave. S.,leaving through the north gate to the Airport; proceed northbound around the lake. B. MAY CREEK TRAIL: continuous east-west natural zone trail that extends from Lake Washington Blvd. to Coal Creek Parkway. Connects to Honey Creek and Union/Seattle Waterline Trails. Passes through steep, heavily wooded greenbelt rich in fish and wildlife. C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL: extends from the confluence of Honey and May Creeks in a southeasterly direction until it reaches Union Avenue, approximately one block north of Sunset Blvd. Honey Creek is one of the most tranquil and soothing walks in the city. The trail follows the course of creek, passing through dense vegetation. The only sounds audible are the rushing creek and birdsong. D. UNION TRAIL: is a continuous north-south urban trail along eastern side of city. The Union Trail begins just above Maplewood Golf Course and proceeds north ending its urban portion at SE 96th Way. It then continues north across May Creek along the unpaved Seattle Waterline right-of-way. The trail connects to Cedar Crest Trail and Honey Creek Trail, which in turn connects to May Creek and Devil's Elbow Trails. E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM: follows crest of the ridge above the Cedar River Valley from the Monterey Terrace development out to Jones Road. It begins at the base of the slope on the west side of Monterey Terrace, ascending the ridge in a southeasterly direction. It follows the crest eastward up to the Union Trailhead. Smaller trails extend out to Jones Rd. F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM: combines existing and- proposed trails into a 15 mile network of trails that follow the Cedar River from the Industrial Zone, through the Civic Center, the large natural zone conservancy area, out to the new city limits at Jones Rd. The Urban/Industrial Zone Trail: provides unique opportunity for accessing the Cedar River in the heart of the city. People can spend their lunch hour jogging along the river. Benches provide a pleasant place to eat or socialize. The trail's proximity to the Senior Center provides Renton's senior citizens with a safe and scenic vehicle for exercising and socializing. The Natural Zone Trails: will pass through the extensive natural zone conservancy area. These trails are rich in active and passive recreational amenities which include green meadows, woods, proposed ballfields, river access, Cedar River Park, the Maplewood Golf Course, and the newly acquired County recreation land. G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL SYSTEM: follows Seattle Waterline Right-Of-Way from the base of Renton Hill, southeasterly through Tiffany Park and Fairwood neighborhoods out to Lake Youngs. H. CASCADE TRAIL: extension of the Seattle Waterline Right-Of-Way trail due west through Cascade and Victoria Park neighborhoods and across the valley. This trail will access Tom Teasdale Park, the Panther Creek Wetlands, the P-9 and P-1 Water Channels, and the King County park land just west of 126th Ave S.E.. I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL: follows course of Springbrook Creek from Monster Rd. to SW 43rd St. This separated Class I pedestrian/bicycle trail will provide a major north-south passage through the heart of the valley, which has become a thriving office and industrial park area. J. INTERURBAN TRAIL: A north-south trail running along the eastern edge of Tukwila. Trails Master Plan Page 2 K. BLACK RIVER TRAIL: passes through the Black River Riparian Forest from Monster Rd. to the intersection with the Empire Ridge Trail. This wetland area is comprised of a unique vegetative complex of emergent, shrub, and old growth hardwood species and contains a noteworthy stand of old growth Oregon Ash. The Riparian Forest, rich in birdlife, is associated with a forebay pond and Heron Rookery. The present 600 ft. protective buffer zone surrounding the rookery however, precludes trail development within the limits of this area. Determination on these limits is still pending. L. BURNETT TRAIL: begins at the Cedar River Trail directly across from the Senior Center, continuing down to S.. 2nd along Burnett Ave. where it passes through downtown Renton. From S. 2nd to S. 5 it is presently a linear parking lot which needs to be improved for pedestrians. From S. 5. to its terminus at S. 7th St. the trail passes through the Burnett Linear Park. M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL: follows the Puget Powerline Right-Of-Way from the Cedar Crest Trail to N.E. Park Dr. It is a mixture of urban, suburban, and greenbelt in character. Windsor Park is located within one block of trail. N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL: follows the abandoned Pacific Railroad Right-Of-Way through the greenbelt above Lake Washington. It begins near the Park Ave. freeway offramp and continues up to NE 24th St.. Various points offers great views out to Lake Washington, the Olympic Mountains and Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. O. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL: passes through greenbelt above Lake Washington Blvd. It begins at Kennydale Creek and follows sewer utility right-of-way. P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL: is a continuous cross town route running east-west from Lake Washington Blvd., up NE 30th, Kennewick, NE 27th, through Devil's Elbow, along SE 96th, out to Coal Creek Pkwy. The Devil's Elbow Rd. section passes through the lush greenbelts of Honey and May Creek. This steep, landslide prone road has been closed to auto traffic for the past few years. Reopening this road to motorized traffic would make the trail too dangerous to accommodate pedestrians. Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL: follows the Bonneville Powerline Right-of-Way from the Cedar River Natural Zone to Grant Creek Trail. R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL: follows Grant Creek from the Cascade Trail extending north to I-405. It then proceeds to lower Renton Hill where it connects with the Lake Youngs Trail. S. PANTHER CREEK WETLAND TRAIL: extends through the Panther Creek wetland which runs along the ease side of SR 167, between I-405 and the Valley Medical Center. T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL: extends from Panther Creek Wetland southeasterly to the City of Renton Springbrook Watershed. U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL: follows the course of the proposed P-1 drainage channel from the intersection with the Springbrook Trail at SW 43rd St. up to the intersection of the Cascade and Springbrook Trails. V. EMPIRE RIDGE TRAIL: passes through the Empire Ridge greenbelt between the Black River Riparian Forest and Empire Way (SW Sunset Blvd. -- SR 900). This is a densely wooded area with very steep slopes. Rich birdlife is found in the ponds along the eastern half of the greenbelt. Trails Master Plan Page 3 PROPOSED BICYCLE TRAILS A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: connects Bellevue, Newport Shores, and Renton. The trail follows the existing I-405 Trail, Ripley Lane, Lake Washington Blvd., Park Ave. N., N. 6th St. to Cedar River Trail. To Civic Center: continue down Park Ave. to Bronson Way. Lake Washington Loop: follow Cedar River Trail to Airport Perimeter Rd.; continue around the Airport to the north gate; turn right on to Rainier Ave. S., continuing northbound around the lake. B. DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL: a direct north-south route along eastern edge of city from SE I28th to King County. The trail follows Duvall Ave. which becomes Coal Creek Pkwy outside of city limits. C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL: offers an alternative to the dangerous Sunset Blvd.. Beginning at the eastern city limits, the bypass follows NE 17th westbound off of Duvall Ave. until Union Ave., then proceeds south to NE 12, extends westward across the Highlands neighborhoods. Remain on Union to access Presidents Park neighborhood and Kiwanis Park. To Downtown: continue along 12th to Edmonds, head south to NE Park Dr. which becomes Park Ave. N., connecting to the Lake Washington Trail. To Highlands Neighborhoods: continue along 12th to Aberdeen, head south over I-405 bridge, until road meets Sunset Blvd. again. This lower section of Sunset has two dangerous sections near the freeway offramps and would require signage and striping of road to coordinate bicycles with automobiles. D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL: extension of existing pedestrian trail from Civic Center along the Burlington-Northern Railroad Right-Of-Way out to Jones Rd. This would be a separated Class I bike/pedestrian lane passing through the extensive natural zone conservancy area. See Pedestrian Trails for more detailed description of this trail. E. BURNETT TRAIL: begins at the Cedar River Trail directly across from the Senior Center, continuing down to S.. 2nd along Burnett Ave. where it passes through downtown Renton. From S. 2nd to S. 5th it is presently a linear parking lot. From S. 5th . to its terminus at S.W. 7th St. the trail passes through the Burnett Linear Park. At SW 7th the trail connects with the Earlington Trail. F. EARLINGTON TRAIL: an east-west trail along SW 7th St. that extends from the Burnett Trail to the Springbrook Trail. Its the only direct route across the north valley. G. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL: follows north-south course of Springbrook Creek from the P-1 Channel to SW 43rd St. along a Class I separated bike/pedestrian trail. This is the main north- south bike route through the valley which has become a thriving office park development area. H. INTERURBAN TRAIL: A north-south trail running along the eastern edge of Tukwila. I. RAINIER AVENUE: signed on-street bike route that follows the west shore of Lake Washington en route to Seattle. J. SW 16th ST.: east-west connector across the valley beginning at Lind Ave. and eventually connecting to the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. K. SW 27th ST.: east-west connector across the middle of the valley that will begin at the Springbrook Trail and eventually connect to the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. L. NORTHRIDGE TRAIL: passes through the May Creek area from Lake Washington Blvd., along NE 42nd, Lincoln Ave, Stimson Rd., out to Coal Creek Pkwy. This picturesque route has rolling hills and is good for training rides for recreational or competitive cyclists. Trails Master Plan Page 4 M. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL: is a continuous cross town route running east-west from Lake Washington Blvd., up NE 30th, Kennewick, NE 27th, through Devil's Elbow, along SE 96th, out to Coal Creek Pkwy. The Devil's Elbow Rd. section passes through the lush greenbelts of Honey and May Creeks. This steep, landslide prone road has been closed to auto traffic for the past few years Reopening this road to motorized traffic would make the trail a much more dangerous bike route since there are no shoulders and the terrain is steep. Q. PUGET TRAIL: follows Puget Dr. connecting Tiffany Park, Talbot Hill, and Downtown. Trail begins on Main Ave. S to the Old Benson Rd. to Puget Dr. S., around to Tiffany Park. R. BENSON TRAIL: north-south route connecting downtown to Benson Hill. Follows Main Ave. S. on to Old Benson Rd. which becomes 108th Ave SE. S. TALBOT TRAIL: north-south route from downtown to Valley Medical Center and surrounding medical community. Trail begins at the south terminus of the Burnett Trail, proceeds down new Benson Rd. to Talbot Rd. S.. It serves Talbot Hill, Talbot Park, and Victoria Hills neighborhoods and provides access to Burnett Linear Park, Teasdale Park, and Panther Creek Wetland. T. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL: follows course of proposed drainage channel through the valley from the intersection with the Springbrook Trail down at SW 43rd St. and continues up to Monster Rd.. Pending review of Heron Rookery 600 ft. buffer zone, trail would have to terminate at Oaksdale Ave. to stay outside of this protective area. U. EMPIRE TRAIL: follows Empire Way (SR 900) out towards Seattle from the Renton Center. It would serve the growing residential areas of Sun Point, Empire Estates, and Skyway. Many residents in these areas do not own a car, yet there is no safe way to get to and from Renton's business districts without using motorized transportation. The Empire Trail passes through a steeply sloped greenbelt and offers dramatic views to South Seattle, Boeing Field, and the Seattle skyline. CITY OF RENTON TRAILS MASTERPLAN PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN TRAILS A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: connects Bellevue, Newport Shores, and Renton. The trail follows the existing I-405 Trail, Ripley Lane, Lake Washington Blvd., Park Ave. N., N. 6th St. to Cedar River Trail. To Civic Center: follow Cedar River Trail southbound to downtown. Lake Washington Loop: follow the Cedar River Trail to Airport Perimeter Rd.;.continue around the Airport out to Rainier Ave. S.,leaving through the north gate to the Airport; proceed northbound around the lake. B. MAY CREEK TRAIL: continuous east-west natural zone trail that extends from Lake Washington Blvd. to Coal Creek Parkway. Connects to Honey Creek and Union/Seattle Waterline Trails. Passes through steep, heavily wooded greenbelt rich in fish and wildlife. C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL: extends from the confluence of Honey and May Creeks in a southeasterly direction until it reaches Union Avenue, approximately one block north of Sunset Blvd. Honey Creek is one of the most tranquil and soothing walks in the city. The trail follows the course of creek, passing through dense vegetation. The only sounds audible are the rushing creek and birdsong. D. UNION TRAIL: is a continuous north-south urban trail along eastern side of city. The Union Trail begins just above Maplewood Golf Course and proceeds north ending its urban portion at SE 96th Way. It then continues north across May Creek along the unpaved Seattle Waterline right-of-way. The trail connects to Cedar Crest Trail and Honey Creek Trail, which in turn connects to May Creek and Devil's Elbow Trails. E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM: follows crest of the ridge above the Cedar River Valley from the Monterey Terrace development out to Jones Road. It begins at the base of the slope on the west side of Monterey Terrace, ascending the ridge in a southeasterly direction. It follows the crest eastward up to the Union Trailhead. Smaller trails extend out to Jones Rd. F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM: combines existing and proposed trails into a 15 mile network of trails that follow the Cedar River from the Industrial Zone, through the Civic Center, the large natural zone conservancy area, out to the new city limits at Jones Rd. The Urban/Industrial Zone Trail: provides unique opportunity for accessing the Cedar River in the heart of the city. People can spend their lunch hour jogging along the river. Benches provide a pleasant place to eat or socialize. The trail's proximity to the Senior Center provides Renton's senior citizens with a safe and scenic vehicle for exercising and socializing. The Natural Zone Trails: will pass through the extensive natural zone conservancy area. These trails are rich in active and passive recreational amenities which include green meadows, woods, proposed ballfields, river access, Cedar River Park, the Maplewood Golf Course, and the newly acquired County recreation land. G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL SYSTEM: follows Seattle Waterline Right-Of-Way from the base of Renton Hill, southeasterly through Tiffany Park and Fairwood neighborhoods out to Lake Youngs. H. CASCADE TRAIL: extension of the Seattle Waterline Right-Of-Way trail due west through Cascade and Victoria Park neighborhoods and across the valley. This trail will access Tom Teasdale Park, the Panther Creek Wetlands, the P-9 and P-1 Water Channels, and the King County park land just west of 126th Ave S.E.. I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL: follows course of Springbrook Creek from Monster Rd. to SW 43rd St. This separated Class I pedestrian/bicycle trail will provide a major north-south passage through the heart of the valley, which has become a thriving office and industrial park area. J. INTERURBAN TRAIL: A north-south trail running along the eastern edge of Tukwila. . Trails Master Plan Page 2 K. BLACK RIVER TRAIL: passes through the Black River Riparian Forest from Monster Rd. to the intersection with the Empire Ridge Trail. This wetland area is comprised of a unique vegetative complex of emergent, shrub, and old growth hardwood species and contains a noteworthy stand of old growth Oregon Ash. The Riparian Forest, rich in birdlife, is associated with a forebay pond and Heron Rookery. The present 600 ft. protective buffer zone surrounding the rookery however, precludes trail development within the limits of this area. Determination on these limits is still pending. L. BURNETT TRAIL: begins at the Cedar River Trail directly across from the Senior Center, continuing down to S.. 2nd along Burnett Ave. where it passes through downtown Renton. From S. 2nd to S. 5 it is presently a linear parking lot which needs to be improved for pedestrians. From S. 5. to its terminus at S. 7th St. the trail passes through the Burnett Linear Park. M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL: follows the Puget Powerline Right-Of-Way from the Cedar Crest Trail to N.E. Park Dr. It is a mixture of urban, suburban, and greenbelt in character. Windsor Park is located within one block of trail. N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL: follows the abandoned Pacific Railroad Right-Of-Way through the greenbelt above Lake Washington. It begins near the Park Ave. freeway offramp and continues up to NE 24th St.. Various points offers great views out to Lake Washington, the Olympic Mountains and Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. O. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL: passes through greenbelt above Lake Washington Blvd. It begins at Kennydale Creek and follows sewer utility right-of-way. P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL: is a continuous cross town route running east-west from Lake Washington Blvd., up NE 30th, Kennewick, NE 27th, through Devil's Elbow, along SE 96th, out to Coal Creek Pkwy. The Devil's Elbow Rd. section passes through the lush greenbelts of Honey and May Creek. This steep, landslide prone road has been closed to auto traffic for the past few years. Reopening this road to motorized traffic would make the trail too dangerous to accommodate pedestrians. Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL: follows the Bonneville Powerline Right-of-Way from the Cedar River Natural Zone to Grant Creek Trail. R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL: follows Grant Creek from the Cascade Trail extending north to 1-405. It then proceeds to lower Renton Hill where it connects with the Lake Youngs Trail. S. PANTHER CREEK WETLAND TRAIL: extends through the Panther Creek wetland which runs along the ease side of SR 167, between I-405 and the Valley Medical Center. T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL: extends from Panther Creek Wetland southeasterly to the City of Renton Springbrook Watershed. U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL: follows the course of the proposed P-1 drainage channel from the intersection with the Springbrook Trail at SW 43rd St. up to the intersection of the Cascade and Springbrook Trails. V. EMPIRE RIDGE TRAIL: passes through the Empire Ridge greenbelt between the Black River Riparian Forest and Empire Way (SW Sunset Blvd. -- SR 900). This is a densely wooded area with very steep slopes. Rich birdlife is found in the ponds along the eastern half of the greenbelt. Trails Master Plan Page 3 PROPOSED BICYCLE TRAILS A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL: connects Bellevue, Newport Shores, and Renton. The trail follows the existing I-405 Trail, Ripley Lane, Lake Washington Blvd., Park Ave. N., N. 6th St. to Cedar River Trail. To Civic Center: continue down Park Ave. to Bronson Way. Lake Washington Loop: follow Cedar River Trail to Airport Perimeter Rd.; continue around the Airport to the north gate; turn right on to Rainier Ave. S., continuing northbound around the lake. B. DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL: a direct north-south route along eastern edge of city from SE 128th to King County. The trail follows Duvall Ave. which becomes Coal Creek Pkwy outside of city limits. C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL: offers an alternative to the dangerous Sunset Blvd.. Beginning at the eastern city limits, the bypass follows NE 17th westbound off of Duvall Ave. until Union Ave., then proceeds south to NE 12, extends westward across the Highlands neighborhoods. Remain on Union to access Presidents Park neighborhood and Kiwanis Park. To Downtown: continue along 12th to Edmonds, head south to NE Park Dr. which becomes Park Ave. N., connecting to the Lake Washington Trail. To Highlands Neighborhoods: continue along 12th to Aberdeen, head south over I-405 bridge, until road meets Sunset Blvd. again. This lower section of Sunset has two dangerous sections near the freeway offramps and would require signage and striping of road to coordinate bicycles with automobiles. D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL: extension of existing pedestrian trail from Civic Center along the Burlington-Northern Railroad Right-Of-Way out to Jones Rd. This would be a separated Class I bike/pedestrian lane passing through the extensive natural zone conservancy area. See Pedestrian Trails for more detailed description of this trail. E. BURNETT TRAIL: begins at the Cedar River Trail directly across from the Senior Center, continuing down to S.. 2nd along Burnett Ave. where it passes through downtown Renton. From S. 2nd to S. 5th it is presently a linear parking lot. From S. 5th . to its terminus at S.W. 7th St. the trail passes through the Burnett Linear Park. At SW 7th the trail connects with the Earlington Trail. F. EARLINGTON TRAIL: an east-west trail along SW 7th St. that extends from the Burnett Trail to the Springbrook Trail. Its the only direct route across the north valley. G. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL: follows north-south course of Springbrook Creek from the P-1 Channel to SW 43rd St. along a Class I separated bike/pedestrian trail. This is the main north- south bike route through the valley which has become a thriving office park development area. H. INTERURBAN TRAIL: A north-south trail running along the eastern edge of Tukwila. I. RAINIER AVENUE: signed on-street bike route that follows the west shore of Lake Washington en route to Seattle. J. SW 16th ST.: east-west connector across the valley beginning at Lind Ave. and eventually connecting to the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. K. SW 27th ST.: east-west connector across the middle of the valley that will begin at the Springbrook Trail and eventually connect to the Interurban Trail in Tukwila. L. NORTHRIDGE TRAIL: passes through the May Creek area from Lake Washington Blvd., along NE 42nd, Lincoln Ave, Stimson Rd., out to Coal Creek Pkwy. This picturesque route has rolling hills and is good for training rides for recreational or competitive cyclists. r •'` Trails Master Plan Page 4 M. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL: is a continuous cross town route running east-west from Lake Washington Blvd., up NE 30th, Kennewick, NE 27th, through Devil's Elbow, along SE 96th, out to Coal Creek Pkwy. The Devil's Elbow Rd. section passes through the lush greenbelts of Honey and May Creeks. This steep, landslide prone road has been closed to auto traffic for the past few years Reopening this road to motorized traffic would make the trail a much more dangerous bike route since there are no shoulders and the terrain is steep. Q. PUGET TRAIL: follows Puget Dr. connecting Tiffany Park, Talbot Hill, and Downtown. Trail begins on Main Ave. S to the Old Benson Rd. to Puget Dr. S., around to Tiffany Park. R. BENSON TRAIL: north-south route connecting downtown to Benson Hill. Follows Main Ave. S. on to Old Benson Rd. which becomes 108th Ave SE. S. TALBOT TRAIL: north-south route from downtown to Valley Medical Center and surrounding medical community. Trail begins at the south terminus of the Burnett Trail, proceeds down new Benson Rd. to Talbot Rd. S.. It serves Talbot Hill, Talbot Park, and Victoria Hills neighborhoods and provides access to Burnett Linear Park, Teasdale Park, and Panther Creek Wetland. T. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL: follows course of proposed drainage channel through the valley from the intersection with the Springbrook Trail down at SW 43rd St. and continues up to Monster Rd.. Pending review of Heron Rookery 600 ft. buffer zone, trail would have to terminate at Oaksdale Ave. to stay outside of this protective area. U. EMPIRE TRAIL: follows Empire Way (SR 900) out towards Seattle from the Renton Center. It would serve the growing residential areas of Sun Point, Empire Estates, and Skyway. Many residents in these areas do not own a car, yet there is no safe way to get to and from Renton's business districts without using motorized transportation. The Empire Trail passes through a steeply sloped greenbelt and offers dramatic views to South Seattle, Boeing Field, and the Seattle skyline. 12) l s ct.1\ , ._. ,' __ ) ) \\; (fp\ .- -fir.* .\ 1, •.. , ... .,'ZgiAtt. , , ••=,,r... ,, ., - ) 6 I ,---, ,--, ...1 . % _...., • .,..- --. ,„,. / 4.4' § r\,-i q \ ,---v \) I r. ''' IP 1 1 . 1\ \,, y,11. MIMEO ISLAND r't /) • 1\ IC \ hV ,, d z.. y \ \-,,,,4'V Ik? 6• ( 1 1 / V w., �.'E,rA 4,►r,— 7' rye,. \J ,,- ` i - - l�.J1 ' 4 1.' I 424p 4 •1 '4•‹ ti ' 1' fly ri I'•t' O. 111 F y a. �. �+ .■ , 4rir L aME WASNIN410N -IN '.' 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CT)) CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN w DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION +,��,, JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR ,'; * , .01! ik . ‘1 ,,S , C11\ ' l I w. �/►. v J fv \k‘\� �i. rj \ . 4"..4 • ,.. ,„... . ...e.' / Or F.,,.. / 1‘\\( 'Id arli) WAGER ISlANO e"xY.- ,� �I y, ` , Id. _ i 1. e .��y jj VVV I� \ ./':'At' '114•i'— '‘A.."'e'e hi/ N:4H.----' ,ri \ ) k"._/- . ' ` 7wI .= •, ; -w•� -A ., tip "g ;p4a -. ... '�' ;4. YT YON v4 i µ� �� r „ In 1.I $ ! LAKE wAsweO w1 1 _ • I ., IC • ib ,y . i I • 11 Li I ill D 111. r, (1, . II 3 ...am. \ \\`O EG.WE came III \i- r pin, \ f� € '~;; 1) 01 I ill dill J `"tla (‘.\ \ \�■ .1 = +,= g,i" Lill 101 �'� 1�ao►� ►,!p24.7 Flu L I tl ,;11 • ^7���1Aj� DI� ti Q ��, nr r __ ..7,,,_,( 11 ill ,,takt � L ,...-/ -3----- - ` - g 0 , 1.- ClIVP°'?' 9er'lerli •/'- 1•.r .` 'd 'yt a� �, • ��/ ^44 !' a, NWVirtilt.'•'el'4VN:°4 10..1,44.41.; -d .44..'rttil ... ,,,,... .114, Sit-e....._ , :•A Ah 00 4�., rytt ���/• �' t�� • �i� III., �+ V c. 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HONEY CREEK TRAIL P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL 0 )641 ewe .e++� . 00u \ NORTH D. UNION TRAIL Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL N. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL0I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL O MAJOR TRAILS O MINOR TRAILS J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BUCK RIVER TRAIL • L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL <SY U1 O� CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN 't 1 - Ee + ` • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR , , -_,_,-----400- , , L___, ____,_ , i ,,,!, , , .. (.s.\ i i ? _.\ _. T I 1 \\\ nce.....„,.......„• �#) 9 , ,� l vJ 11 iI �. �,� /� I rERCU ISLAND �/� ,;� ■ ? \\\\L:)1 1 11 \ \s --'"-- -- 7 ; 1t 1� I47,11,- • { t ` I(" lls ( / � , f*,....-.--- i\\.:,°t-- t ..) 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DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL o 25A 5 zsN� Loor' \ MORTI-I D. UNION TRAIL Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL H. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL O O O MAJOR TRAILS O O O MINOR TRAILS I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BLACK RIVER TRAIL _ L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL G1(Y O� CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN „�y + DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JOHN E. WESLEY, DIRECTOR _ -\_,- , iii4.. \ii ...iji,,.),,S _ t I, t \\\ \ •._ v ill 40 ) \S /...) , ,1 iiril ` J fj L)H p A., (i ( t.) if ( t• / n qii , / / xlvi ed.\ (\liittiv\„ ‘,____ _, *\,..\ dr A.,0..,,.. \\ )\\ 1. 1, 1.-.....-.4....,. \ MERCER ISLAND ,A' 'Leal I ? 1 \ \I \ \rc Il lir , \ .._ , lc. i9k .q i 1 % , \, - ir p iio \ \ 1 / ( ., -.......,, \•...„, /17' „./ , . ,,, iv/ _ID •h,._ -, \\1.;- 7 -))\___j--\_ _ , 11,4 , ti.,..W , -,i i•"-,...5' 1 fr '''" i 4i.,..-,:-'''...,- • ' fie E Nape-II. . , /.., .10 :A/. ..._ „..,,„/ . 2.... .,.... 12.i't• . . ,2, .A.0.4,2:- Or..t 1 S.''S 12'4'4“--t-4.-Zgg• 'ililii '''ko./': .13.1* -0-6---g-*`gk", r 4 .. . ''.1 .A01-' •./yoliiiitippm - .. ViL.,111, __--4-Zia-IP 411r41 .,..h.-4,r.--::,-_,:,;_;._.:-:<__.., '‘OiWAIMMr. ffi • A ERR. .;,,,• ---11•,' ----„,- __. ii 111$":?-1v- -.1" 1 *-2 e 1191111114-ADO . c--- RI 4.-e •?;:... ......,, . ••‘,„ -iimi ': Ill e • ait 4D , -- ... ,,, : .i.is.-04 - , • =1/4 LAKE WASHAIDTON .• ti.: '. .,* r...1 ;ii. ‘,4111, r,Jr .• • - . • --P\ • '-• ‘ , •••„, \ \I-\ 1 A. - 01 ii, . J../.• ,. ,•• .t,s1/..! _ ...1 - -: I . ,,o1", , 1 41•••••;• 'VI 0- 11 U Illal. „---- •N ', ; s'"'*- -•-.0 --A argenalisi 1\_,..,\ :. > • \ 111111 . . CI.°4#14 "?.411111111111114 11 - .••• 4,11, ‘.I 1111 II0EINS PAN 411 • ' , \ \ Ili 1110 ri (II • it' \ ,.1/4.,0;1) Is si o . ,40 Filli. , o At _ i Ili , 1 tips ip 0 f i \.-0 ' /,m-i i 0111 ,S 11 \-1, (ill/ ( . ,i ii_ _____' <-- I \lie Ore aim AACCAA i jlival 011 I I 11111/41 , vi t-41.,7"/14 me 11111 I LI 0-s.:41 1 ' IBt,f4. OR I Pi O itt4iiir.Z.-67-41-r'----- 2 v. • 0 _..- -1 11' N.,s_ 11) , p • lip - 1.1 II I '---^..........;00- 1 ' I I ,,.....C'. e,(I) .. 1 11/ • iy .b, • CO - __,--/ •)-----._ - - q r- al'L-441t fel, 410.1",„:".°00 fr ' ' - • .,••• . 4:1;111 CO 1 ' V° 44i,.. ._ ........”..., ,, '4_z-' -'''''•••• -4 V.•.is -' .8 e.4, •,;,' 4&;''---„,;;‘:1-•'-,,,,A,... r mispookaBle - .4... _. "1 .." -der ow, 1':..,. * .a. 4. '. i....._ '244,4:4e.i 't• ID... ...* 4.,'-'m ,..,.....s:,;.,-44.4,1::%,-:•.!,-;Itii-, ,rRt- 4.14P7N1001 -*61144',.'0.- -414•14/09A(11::T\*. • .,seu .--,„AO,s'•,, OA• ILO., -ig .da•L`41/.- . gag, 6.0 Mk tor I" 1,1L. AN ,...,., v.1:444 em11.1:49,1,14'1:40., 0 C ...1.--, 14PM °0...•. 11.01 ji 01 ‘‘IkN *..1/'-,_iegIY,411,7,i•IrOi•Aitg- ''Vgjggargj ge-'---, i_ 71 / is Qox,•,r,1,1.66,64. • - .0 ,.4.4,1,Av,•,,-,..,,....-:.„.'70400,...i.,;e4p,-,0:L.,.,/,,T,....!....1_„..):0,......„1-.7:4::•"',..•...}4(.7.,: ...v., \lip ''.-- .114- 1111111117 1,,/..ta . - 8 rIV. ..se C.il'-'• .1:5:1,..'19!!.s.„.:7 -•1-1We'Se44%10.7 ii:Ii :V ..ZSRP:...; it 0 q 030,•'1,4.0• it, : c_._ 4- 7..---; - 0114.)OA. •____Aso 'I ,i- '. c %_, ,••••4. 0- ,7P ' •''', 4 ." '*'4,‘A.A".4L:ig-eti'!i"friCt' . L , . ...4 Ili\, 0 Q"*. •..":•.:f. • •fr.,:i.. ...A .;:. ........,,,,... N -11r:400.44.„, . w.01,p., iikli‘ ___......) .00.. , .,., 1 c t.lt•.-..4111.<,...lc:'.6' - .5,- IS1 ,... ,a .tE,Te ,lu• 0.4,46,,..\ -.. -...\-? 'DT-- (*Ir''''' -' 1 t\ :if ,.,. ' ''',7,..'. g.410 A 41, ikiji ,,.; ---100 I 0 1 F , •...,, . '2•k / ‘° ACRES 1 b ! 11•414 ah.e.,... r-, ;• i lit, 41 Imo ea, t .. 4. ‘,.... i/ .------„,_ _____I,11.1 I ..y. .....l: 00.e. as r ,.= ,,,. h..,a_nif _.-_- e-e iit Gret-it,4"-e)01-Crs •,. ' I ;a • :0, ,,,;---,:_-_---,,, lo,: •,, 11\ / N-.7 \ ,•;00100000 '. 00 i no tii) - • L I ( t,zt...p.?..q..?;•-„,„, . \, i a - 0 • I . L - \i Q .., ... ... .., 1 (f) .. ii, . . ..I 17,:,_„,.•,0-. :4,, ,...lir* .1/,, • . ., , .3 .f.• I :.-saN,'A.:, ' ( Fl.kr< kv:71t, „42 ,.., 9till!. gnat i > 0 .g,1'•A Arlgt,kk# / I 0 ° / 1 a 1 k • . 1 4-, , ...„, • .ta / , ' 44,6:4.,s'7. " ;,,,1,..ViVgArqt<ps,14 , i '44,0)•••-,Pai$.'AA ' rl • A i" 7 )11? **. 407 4.ggij Kr,AR Altj)), • ..!1.,..,,„,.../- \ r r- ,s-P: , . 7-\.1 ...,2 • / J( (1 I/ i 11 •. \ I 1 g. / 1 1 Er ( __, \ A \ v 0 , \ . N.,.. 0 .... , _ ........, _ - t....,4 -, / ) __ / .I2,:e!'-',•%?gi- \ N--- 1 L- - r-s -\....... --- ---- -Th7 TRAILS KEY MAJOR TRAILS MINAS TRAILS MIDI 10111111111111111}1111 1111111111111111111101 A .. , A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL IIIIIIIIIII1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI B. MAY CREEK TRAIL 0. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL o 252.11 5M1 ',MI 1 00mi \\....... D C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL NORTH D. UNION TRAIL Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL H. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL I I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL 000 MAJOR TRA LS (DO() MINOR TRAILS J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BLACK RIVER TRAIL L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN I 1"6+ • DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR , � e,.. , „... j \, J r �ot 1 a.0 :\:),,,,..,\,,,,,._ � �I/ I/ ,.;) : 7 , ( )i ,-i ! „/ I '\ vi., \).1 \ .,,,j1. , ) \\j_il , J \----v,t . ' *i ' ), '\ if \ ISLAND _ ■ \ Ii •E ` \ \ II `) \ '` -, . . j)'„ ' II. si E. it \ \Thi4:1\il ( if \ 1./ up I \...44\N \,_ 5\. 6v, ip `. IQ :-fra\ - ! � u:� j ,th�rO . 4F}� • B t a... Too, , .. i. •• �a�1 -4 "' -` `4-� U '•• „. .. � -�-v,p 1,..L. • , ) \ �/. - - -� LAKE WASNINOION d -•j!t ll. ` ., �/• o r•■ b. �1 1 0' �LI'N' , It'll \ A. • o � i \ ‘LN _,104,. � . P,1u 0to �� fl.' ....1: .,..misaiii !' \ // NN.\_ �.�' �,All plil 0 •.. 7. b / it1 1v 1; .OENIO .: NNII'. i , "' �I,\\.. am pi \E ,1 1\= ® �. soil ).., ( 1 J'",'A 1\' , iii w �1111At ■ ■ D . 11'. �J �y�� ill -1/ IIII 'li3 NY/ i _ N...._ 1 i�it ., U V ,-���a OLIrliw- �1 —4 `M 1 - _- I : Jfr4.'14 !IIZJ - ._,-Y ,:,_-________ -__ - a Oat! ./ 1 4I1 .,stot_..- .„--,----:,...:7-,4_,,,,. • , ,...„,.......„.„ :,....,t.,, ,..,. atill•--- ..-- ir • IiiisoffOrlaiag- fil ' ' .c—iii. • s -v � 1►�r I�ij i��r'k"'''i.v, � ` •�.••`c v,�ria� to 1. - ,,..,,,i,G� et>f° \s Off, ; i . .' p . •,: • I� " ..-..„.'....i.t.i.F--.t,..4.1..:;,,..,..-,t4.y--- „, , „AfA Tip r a' • ram} °Z ,r ....,...AmPlarltikek*., - oirAwari ,..e_ -,,,,: io —0.4 (E-31.. i 8r -- ritpec•J17,sce -,4-.*. _M-4-. , %,.$: .. c, 10 i, I: A 0 ! a %� o • F � • • ' faigiala fit! 'I ! • i • s sue• z • • � l_ .,,,,„4 ; , f. 1\ .1► Kf2 • 14 R -01:4°. Va, — .-n CM. ••!'i ,,_ •,ft • 16 1,1k,:t. 4.....-4 r' 1t 4oI,• iI :...0•.01.•b4 LONG 09 0 e,QQ- �; L 11 ,.. L 4w,g �'> t \ l.- t It� O - d -'.?"9aI• ■• q- is -gyp O,t7,.4.',e ....=114.- -.=.... .-m\ -.-_- e C P Ie,hd.'.,,...,..,,,.,w., <1.,-t e l . -- _,. .. ,...._ . ....„..e..... . alk lit.% , ' .k. ." 0] // ify / '`*• 1I. oafs ,i. — i I I� r ' �\:( ,-4) .io(..,. .. Fv.A. rIII J'� • \ , 1 �,� -{� \� J • a • P. .. ^,.. sA Jw - mow„ [ ) i CO age444) i -..„,-...r.°,...- 1 .. . , Y o 1 \ 0 / / . \\, , _____. _ 411(1 o t o Til,,, • r ......„ _is - 1 - - _r_ ________..r__________ L.1. ! ---"\I / ) . -- ‘4.t: ".,,,, ! / ,..*,-7;w.. vIilEK; \.. 1 >c---, r\r-- --\_ - __--\..._ .. ....., \ ..._, ,_ II \ TRAILS KEY MAJQB TRAILS MINOR TBEILLZ IIIIIIIIiII It IIIIIPlII11V1111!IIII II IIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIWI A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL Illllllllli 111111111111111111111111 / B. MAY CREEK TRAIL O. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL \„..„._, L',7 C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL o asui .sui rsM� ..o0u� NORTH D. UNION TRAIL Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL H. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL 0 O O MAJOR TRAILS 0 0 0 MINOR TRAILS I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BLACK RIVER TR[.IL _ L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL 41, G<SY O� CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN t i.it, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR ,• "\i \) L c `, A 'mil \ re �� �1Nit . \ . , p i. ,.,„ f - •••— . i ) 'tli 1 o#.7--.- - , k \ \( \ MINCER ISLAND I ■� I I I '� ' - ii>/'* !lb \ \Th.q,sq\/ �l!'/II) ;' ��(�\\)\\\ \\ ��,J' 6\( \ems w^.0e w kT, '" — r,,,,,-, .0 0 \I - Mia 01V ?a• 'r �`y� <e'"�'� )� to,, a•a,.14 �TENLIL AT*�=-=a�N *AL 0 B- 11,,, • . "P' ti , S } '� a . Lv t 4� 1� ' ' O' � "Fok11 , \ 'Th: • LAKE WASNNGTDN • .., •�LC y/" o L ,' ' `% . S 11 . ..*. b \ � PN All mocamiltil IA:, , V '''\ >\2'\ IIII r: , . r\'iiji1 f . 41) , i .o1 I �\€ iTI �I.% ) 1 �/ % '` a\ +� n ,I � (1II II 1 4P � I - � . _ \ 1 e .1rI i © cc ____ , J / .,- nATri olikiim � 4,P•S 0 •.ll%.404f.t ka Cf''' ,. \'?\`') -- _ *h— - na, Irks 1�;111 CIPcA �, A A.' �� li,�' �1 ��i��,�a1�•� %I.4+,,, I�1 ..s:.,. 1, • 5 ,...wrEh4 y Th ,,�Q'+' �� 1 •. ICI,, goo.i►��`gt�•., �' 1 ••VO0 Oo f:70.. 4114 $acX .,.I 111 • -Si D • • O? � yc ,r •0(f•••r,°�'•{� ?D• ‘a�';3,'�ai y{ •�• 'dam u0.��• I/� D� �� • .� 1 J\ / ' ' �� ••W^ a��• �y .pl and a ��•..•. :Ai� :y' rvi E a.'' \• .�� i r 1 ,� e`erc' •I,.e 1,l•=vial N ''�Earall74P11I r � •i' .� • `' .p' F►fir �,�7 11111 ,'ice - ��WAN ' _ •Cl .. to ACRES i S• Wiley ' l '*" .A 01.- \ 7 -i a * s _ .fi eco�T - - C 1 ... • C,oU4bCfo2 �, i .. _ a ? . F..„,,,,...,: g.. ,.. ( 3® , „,,,,.,4'11C/...‘ \ ',A, ,‘ :172 •\ \` . II' O , ls" IF yaIV.alley , 44 , \ I'2L ;4074\ ., \ ' .!!!:---)1 "g- .l.,,,,,, . ( riek ap-s4 kidgi'l-,.. y.34114:4;41;;;:''ji.':i \'s r ) t. i . . ,.„,,,o ,, ., ,,i,.4.,„. \ .....„„ 0:2P,' *,.!!!%''' - \\\ / 1 i bAit. V .2,AZre' .. i 1 _r___________ , o ?I( g_IN/ r ---_ Al o i \ \ . ILoi L , c\i---j 1 ---\_t� ci ,.'• ..';--it I \ } \ TRAILS KEY MAJOR TRAILS RUM TRAIT 111111111111 IV111111lIIII111111II$II IIIIII1INIIIIIIIIIIIWp Q� A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL IIIIIIIIII1 IIIII�II1III�I 1111 B. MAY CREEK TRAIL O. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL o asNi sM, rsrn, , ooM� \ D NORTH C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL . \ D. UNION TRAIL Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL H. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL Q Q O MAJOR TRAILS 000 MINOR TRAILS I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BLACK RIVER TRAIL L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL (SY O� CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN • .0 ® ♦ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATIONil JOHN E. MEDLEY, DIRECTOR f ,,,,,,, , , L.,__/.....______,..._ ,_,_...,,._ _ „ , „ rs., 0,,i„, . _. r _ , _--__ ... I, .\,,,, '._ '► �� , I.... ,, „,, , ,), .) \\, i fl ms. ♦' ---. 'v, , . 1 S ti rJ• ,1 r,I'. l� � �� ,11 1 _ � _ 1 �,, .\ MERCER ISLAND 1 e \ , �!{:— € - <++ 1r ( \\ 1 P'/ ' ,?,/4 i . tife ;.4 i \ \Thl4,44\) NN :-....''\ 7 um 1 ...r.:.—41, • ,. 111.,„-,t,.., vw-f--,.. t--*,-,i12--:‘\-;-.0„,: c‘--1.1.‘,1-(),,;\0(7,k ,j ---i, • -\\..•. .„., $. ,,,d'j „ y:<+. :( '"yam .•�.j ..,..„a I. ♦Y ,Oam 6 i6A _ ' :4 ' ,k,,,,.)1•, • Tha. �..^ LANE WASHINOTON `OA[ ---__ 't.c .. .' \\ —_ ,''' ,... t\j:- >> \ �Ii 4 .'f Illy 0 S i>I 40 1 ,ir r• ..\\., 1,�• ,, KOVNG • PAN/11111 'D' :w i __/"..),. • . 1 ,p1� ''? AI]4 dig, li z. "s 11 f lin 11 Cv.‘.411LbJJIII .1 -g$_4- - 1 — 40 _ —/____0, 4'144 ift .41;-41/1111rIE4/44111r xy �. �_— C •• #i _�p i3i •• '^'; lip ®ill) �°°� 11111 S R r �' ��� �I 17 itt y �•7' ..:'4 3.'1_h••;•' 4•4• g ..L•Y-f`�hrfy 4, A~ Y0,� � • CAS °' � N. °'P' a*.. • �:•�` �04 ^ � tTA W I•. ^ �. •�°° • •••if '. V w In $A C/ 41. _�� C. �E ;,• ...,T*1 ie-----'.. ,:,,,,,,., :1).% **ii,\ r--11.. - , i Or-. N-4.4-, 0 0 64 ••r'i•N"":"2.,•::tt•jAVrtfa4*f.. ,z.1,!•,,r. •, Iv;Wi'',a,,i'9„t 4. '',. 10 ,,,,,,,,,,.‘„,, ,t,,,,.., ... . NC„),(- .,.. __ iiii., , ,,, t r•,• •.viibirlii •-,•i,•7 -,.../00 • ..111— ,-,... ''', li It' •... • \ V.OTAA1 �._____..i:I i i40. Cl! i • a �_� 1 '�®��r; M.3 L �. _,,,,���1�i ire,, = i.' y 10p • �r •!• c.Cam-. • (.1.'s,*--i /-- • '..:, A \ , , ..,,, ,. _.-_, ...„‘„,,,,,,, ,. , ,__,,,,,;,.,‘) ,-!.(0 LONG i .4 ----__ )ES-III e„.0,04 0 ...74,,,,, L_____,1 ACRES • S• —..:� 'w„lidw .0.•,"�\ / / �.`` `. �1 ..t�_ _ ,- ��� - ee-e1: :t. 6a, 13 • al C\\ 4. ' 'i,a, , ill 1 - r7;23404:"1" 41 ..7"-1 \ ,.Atkih..4,,,?W ss I 3 „ , et, ii,,,, ,v„,,,,,, . . (1, , . .... , ., : „ . , „,..,,,,„. I /!:O hy ,�q*'yh' ohs r x" \\ i O� O ,.°"ten , r -_ '?:e��^_ ., � \ ai r I\\\ ., , • .. ,. :„ .„.„.4 , •. ?!. . C - - — 4 •4 ..„ \ , -A ' + as "=° ` Tma. . v, N ' / • � I?, ( \ , , At o $ 1 i 0 \ 1 [_ l —-...\.z 1.7._1, , , (TRAILS • KEY MA _ MODE TRAILS KINQE TRAILS 11110111111 IVIIIIII@IIIM11IUI111 11114IIIIIII8111 J . A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL IIIIIIII 1l'IIIIIIIIII1III!I B. MAY CREEK TRAIL O. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL C. HONEY CREEK TRAIL P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL 0 aeMi sM� aSM� +.00M� \\ NORTH D. UNION TRAIL Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL H. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL O O O MAJOR TRAILS 0 O O MINOR TRAILS I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BLACK RIVER TRj.IL L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL ,a �, �� CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN � t faiR . DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND R F CRE A T ION �N`r(? : JO HN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR 'I t I t�� ,� aoo \ 1 il \\\ 6 k -- l c ,1) ..; k i / 6 : ,. 7 'NJ i\J ) li ri reb.v.-c„,,---- • • 2. r$11 8 : 1), ) r) j .. \ ,---/ _______„ ," MERLIN ISLAND �'� P. , I \ I I 11 ` f)) . II 1 \. ‘ 1\ A,, Liliti I \ \ 'Ai1, poi E /. ..»...iZ/��e/ y A ft --.L.f.- �� V��� \`� k� ,4., 1 • s y1�7"" ,,,,0 /�eo \ - \, kilr.ti'g-T.-t g t"-•"-•-•g.r.r.I. ,4111 B eillo _.•-.----0-0-?s.:431! W... '---L'l .4.'"WK••- \ ''4,...,. . MIASNINGION q ` •-I --___1 •<;1. i • 1 % �`�\ LANE l ♦. , ,.. • �f „.., .\,... \.‘,. „.... ,. ‘,. , 1_,:a7):://- \ 2,\::,,,N,,\,, , 1 .:.\. ,. . cc.) ' 0 RAA 1.-, Id Pi 41 r ii -14 l ; 1/1- .4 1. 11, '''. .\: ',, , " '1\4 .�, , ‘ 1 III N1W ) l `��-Hi ' -..p.'m \\I \E 2_ q)11 �I� , III lit , , • L t ` 0 T' PAC4N I s g% l1-.4 Mik i, QII • tV1..o8eL.i:-pL'S.' :„C�. /i16IiS11+�., firii r ST V 1 -- q OIIy .i `II % o _ ren to A4f} �� "I a , ,ram , .g tailfitt .\• ." +I,i� it. ICI u. • "��E' ,�l.��i•�,`O O �•, t i•f „• li• �� :v'��/ 1 it, III Q► `' ; • g �!: .a) �,{ n \�� • :to •` O.wii'.P . `` .'s!4 • y >'•'•f� w^a; • il!D.4✓^^• ;.,.:i: < +, , I40 ..41 li ri:10)‘,4.,.•,. Iv O OO-irzi!r1•a 4!3 ��`'iy„r"i�t•�y A• �q 4a Ni‘i • Lam•_irmINIMfM!!� 1 ---__ p \ i - } , • •q5,� n` �' • �• 4 . , •.� r1w Ana FJ 1. = i p,, , 44 i1 al ., ®1 ,°".Osli, •,.-,6.•0 t€ .4 ,p , 'tr II ( i i 0Q000p o /0_. • # ._ , ,,,..,.., N ~ ��. rt' '\ 1 Li l oe.0 1 ) L.7,. i , ..0' ,,r �/ r; f ( (., ,, , �` T.____. I\, ie.,. ./ / '111Viz, N 1 e '. TRAILS KEY MAJOR INO TRAILS MB TRAIL* IIIIVIIIIII INIIIIUIIIIIIIIII!UII illiiNNIIIIIIIIIIIIW!I 0/ A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL N. PACIFIC RAILROAD TRAIL IIIIIIIIIIII illllllllllllllllllll!II B. MAY CREEK TRAIL O. KENNYDALE CREEK TRAIL DC. HONEY CREEK TRAIL P. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAILo YSM, sM� rsM, ..00M� \ NORTH D. UNION TRAIL Q. BONNEVILLE TRAIL E. CEDAR CREST TRAIL SYSTEM R. GRANT CREEK TRAIL F. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM S. PANTHER CREEK TRAIL G. LAKE YOUNGS TRAIL T. SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS TRAIL H. CASCADE TRAIL U. P-1 CHANNEL TRAIL 0 0 0 MAJOR TRAILS O O O MINOR TRAILS I. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL V. EMPIRE TRAIL J. INTERURBAN TRAIL K. BLACK RIVER TR(.IL L. BURNETT TRAIL M. PUGET POWER SUNSET TRAIL a ,1,Y Q CITY OF RENTON PEDESTRIAN MASTER TRAILS PLAN t i� a + ♦ . DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION �'Nrc0 ! JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR . 1 )../ai -Is\ c'N q r ,\..,i . -,,„ - , I, ii . jig 1 a�i, 1 \ °� \ ME0.GER ISLAND `q P. i_ / 4 II \ S J f) i I \ I I I 1 m'c �/ ( . \ �/ \ `` \ 1 L! \ /w'c. I, \t (� -�'� � • ? " • JS tt lid \ 4 _ •. 7MF� . �`Iyy/—:� -: 4. „ '..?is.: _yi •Y y- ' T.. 4.w , • : .,. W \ / cR , "S> 11 111 ,J �, z. `~te r. 1.,- _41 .441 1U ..�. . TON411 y LAKE WAVING `yjG.N ., ,,,,t„ ..,,,• MI i) ' ' rim t /3 ill: .� \L \ �°✓'. . ' 111 III .v..: s I xI:a<n sI. tip \ p 111 111 1 c..-.,.. I,)(�Oe 1 7_ "..'" .1.111"7",. \ ) '',., \..- -..' l'it 411 0 g:-.0\ 4.., ,, • . -P. q 4, IS* AI 01, l-40.11 ' '' /" .Aral , A • al Essiltss I ('I / i .CLING . NM 11/ ` II%, I �irr ii.mo•1Sr mor wIliV,, YI. /1► ��Il► 111 N%/ �, I ■■ y/ ,,, Z 1, 1 '5�111 11-71 c\ �� \\_,.. l ,.f f40! J \. i � 'tilt WC.. II! 1 J * I i pt _41 i11111. ill , gamJ4.01.11pr �` Ili I . � � 1 ro' cA 11 . �lir'U111 d� ��' A I O . 140 1 0 \. : ....._, __, _ `J` 7i3l-- Irvr ",,, I I �Z. ' \' . r- .F'T SW.* , I•,fe 7-.-1-7ihri IIII 4,is. • 1 • Cl�"'1'4t'•v�..1 c.a.,c., 1 < v;1�,. �!3 i1I. .�,,.:. ._., .sue�l,. 4NX Y " 'I ..atlI f y 1��l; go-"' Crty .y • fc• ZI. ••'• .`A- -.A1� N..en R Y..y 3 f,�`-.,,./l�l�[,�Z �I ,�L`A4c. , ^`rAijr'� -walk +-,,t. ,h•' • ,:+" ` : _ \- 7 AS �_!f•.+�/ / AS I►��II L I •::, AN�W40-4.;"*4 I;ft ..-\• `.").;t K• .,•? .,`i.1. • r. IN s 7'f.,; �, jjpprr��pp�} 4,�•r'" S. +p`1\�•r. Dm... r.c.>;' ,,�• bA ... s 111��' 4A�^ ( _� .•' n' y 'V 0�f ,,•'M,pN� /.acrp, 4. ,• .,/ rw• 1 ��4 III/ ^K,:•L 1� `�'\\// to •�'•c. ;( .�,'�` i!� �, . < i . P 1. - • N'� \ �.����� '11�1 aA•YI \\. )",'.- � '�F� �.6.0 ` OI��`�F� ..4 �f�e. ... oay.,..1110.m�i_-,� �,w—•c - - , . !� i�„ ' riaLX': 1��.�v >�•q,g 6x,cr,- J fop ,....,6V1-40 ./- ,'",f$ •;,:,, :41,1 ,, • LONG41 _ �z. - 5..�• '9{it -fro.,•'•LaL, -,door . .: is® , i..,\ @,,, 1 `, I,i :4,0 •* I •t II "• u/ t1 ( • t 7..`'bit $ I'\ /l y� goo•:-�- ; ,•� -: IT \ // 1:1 600.00 V i D , 1 III Qo N .7 11► ._-:.=-a e--I off► Fkt,4,iv.,4 11\\�� 1) 0I0 3 II I�, , I14 0 /1 I►1 ,1.0 ; \ III ,,,,,, - i; 1 f �D �1�' slily�s ,tea h"`" x I II Q A /III��.'".C_�, tt, III .'11,4, `74-' yy,,„Y, 54 .\ . i ^0 A . I X .T4,. ., 111 J14uµ.f?Eq Zq y \. /'jl , 41/ VdMv t�l ( - 1t4c �E� r 1 \.\ asi kg))/ _t: --------- r / -iv s .reS.1;14,:1115116.1'"I',41) 1. r � fe. ,biII .. ,..-/ 4,1.: , 111 ----- _ 1 $11� i`, ' $� ��� A IT'—': . ' .Try✓ �«.{! \ -"\---'-7/ - --\_. TRA I LS KEY 11111111 01111 I IIII� A . 'tlL148 TRAIIi HMO TRAILS IIIIIIIIIIIII1IIII A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL L. NORTHRIDGE TRAIL G asu u 6U' I oou�.si I . B. DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL M. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL \--- / IV D R--H C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL N. EDMONDS AVENUE .../// D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 0. ABERDEEN AVENUE E. BURNETT TRAIL P. UNION AVENUE F. EARLINGTON TRAIL Q. PUGET TRAIL G. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL R. BENSON TRAIL 000M A J O R TRAILS 000 MINOR TRAILS H. INTERURBAN TRAIL S. TALBOT TRAIL I. RAINIER AVENUE T. P-1 CHANNEL J. SW 16TH ST. U. EMPIRE TRAIL K. SW 27TH ST. U. Y( O� CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN aw tt N 1II•I- � 1. ,�, ..li DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 'd1v�o ,� JOHN E. WESLEY, DIRECTOR . ,/, II ) 7)-. s' sl 1 c 1\l 6 1-, 'Tr •i • a , t. . )., .( \cl j , ....\\C\ MRCP BEANO fil Q't I , — -f t \ \c III t e� 4 `IA\I \ (---- -----, ‘ - . '4/._ - :' 82.111 ' J \ , Th.,% i\il) II ,, `,-...„ \iti\-/ • ' 0 ( l 1 •,i%v 6 1 A \Aft .4.... '.4 °-- \.-. :141,c,,,,ktri- ,.'c,-e-.-Tp.t.•_.t,,t-? Vit,„,e,, ',,=.• sk", I N___i--\_ -..._.-. '‘..,:i1".4)141'.6.a.,_41.mility: ...e..;AA, ':46;..:i;r: t;:::-:.:..Hfr....4.1.::::„....,,,:z1/4111;4._..r.lt,e,,,,:::(41.4;iO4.";:,':::;.:1„_____7:1/4-L!..:_,!:.,,,,:,:,74.441..z.z.4.\.. , ‘140.7.7p..t...,a zi 1:,%,,rir-,'" '.•• %.- low- • 1• %..."'..& ,s.•'• ,..c.,':1,4' VI 'rn lily %; Lam- LAKEWASHINGTON ;�.\`a``w• tl► ► y. II j► �� . ;Y, �, ICI II weot _ 1;`.., , I' ill:7 ,.,,,. �� I1. III • ' .. offN�O 1 1111 t7.3 11 iil I [i • T _ Ir. "Ir I I.an4s. ,...,. 1\ 1,FIlw V' 1�� �� ,� lip" .-'01 l •11WFill► A /11j� r, ■■ 1 ,� C1 C ) I '`fin; 1 u I ' `,� 4/ �,op !O 0i * . , vo ik.*- Lil-l' .1/1.1 IP kje-v- - t r ‘-l•-• IIli' �' : 5410,2�►� ,•; 4110Y+ fs,y� III ID ,--:.,.....----.E....,.... zirii:=1 .z...16.1 %I ri 16111,/,/ T........---i -----1 poi 1 • --------.3oo----)"----,..-....-> - ig— tp(4b NIP" ., • • i ,•..• ai 400.. '. a.., ,„ .9,.;..: • ,�. I�,� ..TL CN. (( 1 ' it ��(y- ',Lc._ _':4,-_Ilk �� ' - �6'/v� 1 �•�' C `Y'1"`4 1 �,.'r.'.+�q • b.'1,11•,.. A • 111 I , r- :d.N � y;�,�•�-_-�!y,i�� �l•Li.,r1 1 1• • • • gk �. ,�'�•`., c oM1oo' _if .,' it `` e.. `-tiL;*-'84��, '• v bl. \"s- \` Qi II t • ` ^I'' ram' f` :. , go...41 6. NA,.A.A., 0.4, NOIE )11! \\. ..w• ••,..?:„...‘...:,,.. ..vv-010,yr.;,,,.....-, ;.-zstiv4 ; 4 4414,.. .'h.:.0 i'fir-w.10' 'rat NV-...tk, •••• ..- I/ lik, �111 II' ,, '•� �/ it - Val? t fr.7 O<I'. (.',,0IM,Plr,,,4 i?'.1, 2 ,• / i, .1 ,,. 1I \ il,�' av:. I. 1 . i�d Si$'• ^.•S' .f{� r I. �' o ,•''l 1 / t�_ •. 1,..,. 1 \ �\ •S. '.Y` ' rI••: CoII n`? , :4,49 01 •,4111.1T( ;?I ' —0. u., 1 • • z Li t 1 AGMS i . r8 ;. 0 _-�.-l_i"'� i'i� -__. -'�!, A L\ 13),,, ( (Aso `• �!' 7 • ID ti J' • r 1I y� oOOO oe-_ `" < �i. a. s`a F ;g1+ c o�s�.o.caa N -• 1F .1 III 1a •N ?1 `� in I OM It�s; s \ 1 7� i ,W I 4 ` + •� a J tB r '1 A1.I. • II► .1.. I sL 3 ;x I a. ... im tttt III I , �Iji ��•r�,'1 j \ ��' •0 e 3• III' ...rT�}f•.J I y41i -Z••r" \'\ 01,4 ( ►)O8� NWPII. 9 !..L.,, Ii' r- ; 3ZCuFs .. ., ra 41 A� �. Al I EA •i e 144:�, \r. o ' ;$;'. ts • .:L.A34•.) rr / .i'l - • 9 iliV;1? e.,.•%.,E:t..:,..-;i' . ' 1 r4 `,�� 1 21 f III I / I • III ? �`1 ,., �.� - , A \ It, Iq QQ, (, \\ I\ \\\ ^ IU I} X V .I 1I `! ..i— ._- -_._ _. ...._ _— _ l--------7.......„ am_. 1 1 ,, r( }. \ 1 c\r„ TRAILS ..,_.Th ,x,....z,„....4 KEY i7. 11111111111 411111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll61111 miss xsaus dIUQB TRAILH MINI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL L. NORTHRIDGE TRAIL B. DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL H. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL 0 -261.1' au. 76u. Ioou, NORTH C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL N. EDMONDS AVENUE \,_ D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL O. ABERDEEN AVENUE E. BURNETT TRAIL P. UNION AVENUE F. EARLINGTON TRAIL Q. PUGET TRAIL G. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL R. BENSON TRAIL 000 M AJOR TRAILS H. INTERURBAN TRAIL S. TALBOT TRAIL OOO MINOR TRAIL S I. RAINIER AVENUE T. P-I CHANNEL J. SW 16TH ST. U. EMPIRE TRAIL K. SW 27TH ST. � S`Y O� CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN N IS rII ♦ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION `.'' 1.-13 eir-elr �i\rTO JOHN E. WEELEY, DIRECTOR • 0 0 , j ) ^j is.) ) \\\N \: .. ,) ,\ 1 \ nct,_, r 0 1' r*.r iii, YEAGER ....NO I \ �\---.1, It \ \I \\\lc), Ill 1p 1( n / \N\ ,!'. t \\ Av. e-•Fi 4,`-,.,,'.-.7. .Y. - k.' tit- 4.„iiim;:v �- -d1 -4. i11JI E �'w �_ ' IAKE WASNIHGTON �� '�4 111 0 1� y ' 1' •I. �� :la , ,ay, 11i1 7► l l `41 1 I ► \ 1 f' S \ , 1 111 411 O S"$.2')�;A 'II /� 11 '� wi�. 11 11 111 Y7\ . I).n f. Rll, J ii ''s til ��lia •`\ J, ;A?. y all 11 '// � 1�/O" �; \ I .,Ian 6.. : , \�. \. / 41) ti�1'♦ 11► 1 v a'�tea• �� .OEIMo ___Xf \,. 11!iii) .,..'„. 41 - 14 .- \ 1 It 1. It O dIiiJi r-/ K\ --iii , 1- 4111; vo ! 41iNEL 1 ill 4: i , Li-_, ,. *I 0 ---.- L0'.1 , q;(wrif-ArMinno -,-:f ___...----- ) ir J1 I 6)). 4111701 11 rlIP" �� III'�4 II - ,, ,i \ � /(;1 `•a....j O O -•.........,,,,,--- .....,„..:::y - . - GP- •‘'l4qpilrit' 9-'1" ifi '\ xe . I ! 0 -__ - - '‘\ 0.11i,„ , ,,,/, „. 1 1\ .,„: .6, .. ..........„ 1,,, : .„...„..„. , ........, ,„ ,,,,E,7.,.. , !f,..... .,.., i�y Z •v,r cy . d �'L.%+' �� i'.c . C�..1 �,. �., cl.:,,tY ') vJv b _ — .+r. i. I II�Gh 1' .• ''•- / F,I.`� :'. ` -r `ice\ ,.. 6'W!•11, •�„ \•1%�—'— III �•----,•,- ,-, 1. r' •,1�_, yu# � S-'^➢.� ' a��`` .•rA�•'.�.���Y�i..V `_.., rr ti `t.r . •• .0 Y , �, �fy1so�y�AJ,3� �.. . ; �•-� .: .9f lK. !� M (►j1 ;h-�.. • • 1::8\ _1� 11, • �b ac:. I .I'y�•� / ' C ., ST p,§IA 0\•Y.pl''�iy:#��• ,, 37 i' ii tt� U :.� 4 I. . ,1.± ate ' •� �1;.' .II,.., .. '�'.,A`'�.',R9 ., *./ !.• As�I. .....i.,NEENE I.II. -7 A pip I I I I 111 �•4I 11 a , \\`. , � >. Oly„���` t�� fqq� ,S,•^ 4� • . / �I r 1u , 7r• 9 Pri‘ IF, -40r,t5 46.$ ....;,,, :,,,,....,., ,A :40 p . :,6'. \ .4).- ii ._. , 0 tit : : .. ___ : ;8' I ' . ....„ @„; ,,,z; _e-4....i-tn• T-1. _-:.— ..,..4 -_:.-__ __,...r.-7--.1.7 - - ci, . fo- •. ..., \'',a.),1 ' , , ,, . 11 Q'\w"C%IIP \�� � ooaOa N '•1 '. AO '' •.V,, r ,,,,,.. '0 , 1 ..„._ ,i, -,x,?..i \ i',,.);,'ntr;,,,z \: ‘111 ath \I, I�t' o' Taq'•�, t11 • y , • C-T,,. 107-,,,C1,7':Is.•,-"2-1.4.,4,\::\\.:: \ O (////�TTTT61� v", .A 44, ? _ 0 ib s ;Ifbf�y'"-,° ' 'Jr / \�. Wei V 1--/ G. .. IPINY' °.6 c v v r��if,� / 1 i,► `fie�,Do,� `ri..)„,,Y , •' \ \\ // 11 -- �I( i' 7 \� I / II • , .11, p..; \ i E r ' 1 _, , . . ' ID lit 1 1 • 1 _............"7 :? ((\/ • yI//I •,{A ii:r. \ l _��-. TRAIL/ aax #1111111 41111111111111111111 111111101111111111III1 "'aQB MILS nu1Qs TEe11I 10111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIId \ A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL L. NORTHRIDGE TRAIL 0 25M. 6Mi 76Mi 1.oo 8. DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL M. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL '/ NORTH C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL N. EDMONDS AVENUE D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 0. ABERDEEN AVENUE E. BURNETT TRAIL P. UNION AVENUE F. EARLINGTON TRAIL Q. PUGET TRAIL G. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL R. BENSON TRATL OOOMAJOR TRAILS 000 MINOR TRAILS H. INTERURBAN TRAIL S. TALBOT TRAIL I. RAINIER AVENUE T. P-1 CHANNEL J. SW 16TH ST. U. EMPIRE TRAIL K. SW 27TH ST. U,` -'-'1- O� CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN is + .J1 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ,(�"+ ,f1 —. - 1\7 f+C . � _�JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR 7): :\1 c� \ ,.1 1 I/ I v '\\,1l e ,i . . 1 \ , f L kthy � Nv , „ .\ , 0/..0-riggi ) t .\ ;AV' • c . , p f, 2, ,., 1 \\ , 4.# Ill ;. 1 *41 kt (-z , to ..:,r , • War- •,--•‘:•-e•-•t' . ... 4, /j\__J.'-\-- 'a°°:--- Or . .. ` IA=--=RMILV-- w`� �N ; €" �/ Ee,. S...,.., , \ i/11 ."je d by i� 'p le, F:; a H e II -.c ' 4,Ar-i,dI'i-r'k- ,.'7 t� IN *p s ,,. JIB @, W `^-T�, 4 4**1 - rit11 r, Ea`-;�.' LANE W.SNINGTON :M l 1� '•rt. MI III �1 r f ;- 71 1 y , 1 � � I 1t 111 0 4" sy F\ I'1 1 ;1 ��` \.. l\..\ NVV ' 111 1iI "q,v�•oe . x,:u n s,. loll \� ' l \ V.1� 111 111 C...w41).e.0• ( - �,-\ 1,-•x' 7► / r C 11 I. .. ✓, - '\ _ nt �, ill► fil.* — —'—� I II `� . al�• �•', , 74)1i;*771"-Hilr VW pi MI IMFmr 2i,. p Imo... `r m i ,� ll ,�1 ID �, ��►'(,�� ,�; WINO • R,N tl/ ii► -r 411 ri y .� : )„ ��Y,Il 11 I Nl, `u O j 'ill Ili, F► I an l f \' l+ ;f_ 1�V., sea it �) 41 III --) 'k Lt.'..:, , mit All,a- LJU, ,111.1 ...tit/ tifr--*V4. - - r 0 4& _ 91101 74f - ���- __ . ) �_r :1\47 J "" :r ye V ��(,S-- Wag O tf'rs��•/ _` `._ rl , — ©0. QCI,r� ,�,Au i� i i ''1i j o !i e,t' �:�E-!illy` —�U kJ) —� — �. ,' "•� i.v I g O O lr.„4,44, .. r- ?"A.% ,,;,4� I•L`1 J�I�,�, �''� - N,. Ciuv."�`11..�1�,.I<,�nr+ , c. CY 3 tp,;01 Flb• .I.c t4. ~ L�\ *.�._.�.I q r,`,i�,l�* 4q•11 `Y-SI;'�1!. ''JM re ✓•.� �-h- :d:R'CY � 1-lam• �r' iiirci-1,,,,„. '� N �1,�M 1.v, !".�1.. — .._ T f I��• 1:1 I ' 9c Fa.�~I.1?r I r" ..1►\i�%� ,› 9.1 .1, 1 �' L.-A.. .:a '� Y..1 _.'� . 111 IU li n. �} ,^` 1 �y a' ���' M p• ood %�• - •• ?r* 0" • \ 1J2 1: Fr.. L� ?T i.`.S., 4,' ..,c 1s2 VI I I '- •�- T 1;1i, c' ". Imo- 7/'�'�/ )/4,,,,o.," , Se ..C•� Tlc 11 �► �r ' `S.�t1S,0'• :� ��1��n ,1111s,� \�� -.s'I�, 'r F O111y,'+l! f�N c 4 ` ., lir V .-IC- ( ,f..i-rl&. • Ategi `• ACRES VI•.• ,,. - ' _' I �. _ .il- , ** '/--- ,..17.(S?). ',,,, , //, V, : V , .. ‘‘\ 0\ ..04 .,:, • , .1)' Ng 64, ("',„ / '\ 1 /)(J • P4I e® ...'", b.)I% * - ' Ili-=•• \ , .,sx ,.. s,\ ). i /4S° r'!vdall J rao.oaa : - 'll 100 H w• \I a e \ :-e-e .I p IN F F6r4itlAi\g.:11\\�\ 1 ' Cy. /► f '. • '•1{'�W ,..0 Cy Q i �o- �y •N P�•3'<' J 'NI , ,rigs kAI �°0C�...y ��, O If 0 7J ;• 111' 'Cc!iF 'c 111 l ..„ �RMF. 1y,"h•`�;pi;p^ \\ aO1 O c...), D -1 r ,.0, III \ s� 7 / \ _ , V �-/ NOiP111o� ti^ jam'/ tt ,.;;;1Y ,• {�•/jyY'�'T''(2('t I \ • t :. t ..,( \'' il 4)/ -. ...- -"''.-- 1 110 kI \ , 111 1 1(, y I \ i\ 1..\ .� i ----714---- 1 1 t7.____,___ _ . .....___ .,,____•_ . ___ `_C v/ ., .._.. ,i I ---‘ ...,/-- --., ., ----\z--Th_,_ it , ... TRAILS KEY IIIIIIIIII IIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III � H .LQB A TRAILS MUMTRAIL.2" MIN I�OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVV� \ / A. LAKE WASHINGTON TRAIL L. NORTMRIDGE TRAIL B. DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL M. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL o 2sN su. ,.u. I.aou. NORTH C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL N. EDMONDS AVENUE D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 0. ABERDEEN AVENUE E. BURNETT TRAIL P. UNION AVENUE F. EARLINGTON TRAIL Q. PUGET TRAIL G. SPRINGBRO H. INTERURBAN KTRAILL S. TALBOT TRAIL R. BENSON TRAIL OOOM AJOR TRAILS QOQ MINOR TRAILS I. RAINIER AVENUE T. P-1 CHANNEL J. SW 16TH ST. U. EMPIRE TRAIL K. SW 27TH ST. 1 ' 0 CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN A U A 8 ;r DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JA — As 0 - 1VT JOHN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTOR )' , , . ..) j , C ) \\'0 / ' i -)----(‘-"--21-\.i / ��, �• 1J VJ L.i 1 �.. �, MERCER ISl.HO ',/' r �� , 1\\ - 00.1, , , \_ f , :. ,..„,. . , 4 v( \) . 1 4 [ ........,....,_ ; \ . .../, k.,/('4 I ,;'...,1,) `;' ( 1 0 \\Alt4;‘%-\--.. .'s k?:,‘ -.?. ,,,. .......„.. s. „A ike.,,..,,,,,, iks, ,._,,,,,,, . ---.----- Yr �• ?f, �ti „; „. \,..,�� •"'E'er 'a- \��'I f\` xI•l1•R .fir J/'--� �•� 4.Cs, /jJ`� ~ •. t7 ,, I II + 1110 0% Cr 1 M 11/ �I� I �1I �' �� E.KE wASRlncroN y . m oil • �'4�� ? _ '- 11 ,r, ,,".„, ,0„, f I .!Iltn f� ilD . . 4 73 ,..„ •.,...." N 2/- -.. '''. L L.- • 11,!')elliiii.4.'...":-.0' �, 4tIiiiit :::.. 11 111 I I- ���;�t 10,/k‘;t4.1).A. 0 411 ille N4/3\ \\. —4 .r Ili- ill �� , MI aI■„,;, \\� �� , p\ �v1►t///I '�► �, i ('1 � ,� .COYG . MR:it o%/ -- ��dlik,71/:, /4: 1 I 10, Nll til • , \ gilk t.tI I -1-. 1 1----u_ :111!'l c. ill; fir.- T-_ill r.ccv,n I 1 ;Cr. i j, ,,) \ _siti\\\\-5 \Cia I,L: L oitvvw ©�Fl�Y 1 ����'0 �y� r, 'L =-=_=i"n 141 _ -7.z.:.- _...-facr ,,,,----------, 0 \ z..-..•••.____ -‘-- ' 1).71',.:41.0111 A -,,,,, ilvil.,,,,,/ 4-?......- c,,,( 0 .-----°42:- ty.(01,_,6 .,;,411Ah%IN, \ —_, i... th ,.c-<r k�' —few p...�+I..•a 1 ;r.a. I i .Z. +ai r •. 'L a��` � II�. I+ Ir \ w4 ''�ZI,I _���•• � f l•;0;3 M'S ` A 4 i uti dp )11 k, �.���`�• \`I-•�'� �! '�•' �'�' -'�/�1'f 41 - • `•,-; .t,",, K K•�I,, "``i��1►1 -•�a,,. 4 \ .��,.I 11�0 1r 1 rl ;.c ISY.f� :'! d�.^�� Y� t,. ifl r.< r v„ ✓�u \ �y Q� %i pr - +�j;''S "\ 'r: P tee. •x'. _:e n a ti • $ \\ 111 III �It .�. 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DUVALL-COAL CREEK TRAIL M. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL o 16M' sui v6Mi ' 00u1 / NORTH C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL N. EDMONDS AVENUE / D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL O. ABERDEEN AVENUE E. BURNETT TRAIL P. UNION AVENUE F. EARLINGTON TRAIL Q. PUGET TRAIL G. SPRINGBROOK TRAIL R. BENSON TRAIL 000M A J O R TRAILS 000 MINOR TRAILS H. INTERURBAN TRAIL S. TALBOT TRAIL I. RAINIER AVENUE T. P-I CHANNEL J. SW 16TH ST. U. EMPIRE TRAIL K. SW 27TH ST. C��Y " CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN 9.4 a.® .. 1\ + ..II + DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION (;;qp,JOMN E. WEBLEY, DIRECTORJ , --- . Alli , ,,, ,..s c1.1\ 1,' • - P ,. --, .,,,, s., • _.. - — ),-..., 1 -.--- ,_, ( •._ ,\ . . .4 (1 '?, --i ,-) .\ \ I \ g)--\--;;;,----' ./ ,Loin i J rj , !, sp,.. ,,,• , po - — ,i \ fit if' ; A ,. ir i \c- 1 .---/ \ ---, , (--- -\-___, / 1 ek • ' (;),,.........• ,... , ,/ p. ..1 ? , \ st, .-)\)\ \\I I \\ In INCAS 111.4140 t/ I \ \IIt \ \ i •••• ,, pi ,c1 \ \ ,, ... ./ . •Ap s , i,„,,,,„_sil_ r \ 7.% .,•• -- \ E 0 \_,.//4.:23,0 -\,..,_\,..s 1 • 1 Sfh i II 1' " 4. - - • .. • . keirk- ..."•-=:-.----mr4110hro. \\ '1 41)*'I\-.. -)1\, ,.. N • . -'=.— , ...r„........ -..13 414,...6.E .,1.....1/4 .44- ‘..._. .t.-,...'.---4;4,0 .4 :‘,441/4 ,.... le •,... \ j AVOrr1,04 '7 L6. ' kr ..,A.d.i.. ,,- / „...q4-44.,4- .,..,,,,,,•kg, -.-- kii•.. •+,••1 4• . •41..,* ror; 0,4www:v.. 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II/ 4tc4., . -•-•\ 0 c •Vv:..tn "149...s2 ' ,t-e0 6/'''.7 \ J ? .Val,,,„ ---"N _--..--- -4. \\ 1(fir) C 0 -t, ( , UP 0,41 /•••., 3 I ,,,vty• ,-A., 4,-.,..- , \\ a I 0 vo., ., -..\4;e4 r' - • ,I, -;... .,.., . Ark.m.4-- or \ Cote, , •I.,, i , If Nosplia i 11 ( ' 41 ''N:1rfi41 / < -.0%Mt'. i-4r-4vish , \— rt 4,, vtt tivo. / l',6.684,00 rw' Ci." el.. ‘.- 4 - . • ) \ ) j:° •y,,t6.1,34 '.9*1., Si, \ ‘ , II 4thd. tr tell.00,..12,)/ .! r .: k ...^. it ? 1'. .- ,( \i 1 t.,6// ,--- , is 41: i‘i E.-. (- ( .-,.. , ) .----- 1\ a , ,-/ A 6 k.i ,.. „, ) , II. .: \/ Al \.ii, s k i § \ '--, _ _...__. ,,i, 1 ?, , . t— ----\-t----\,, ---- r\r-- li > . -----\.. I , i._.. T R A ILI; KEY 111 E El„,9„20 TRA I ik ?LULU 11111 RAIL I I A. LAKE W ASH1NGTON TRAIL L. NO RTHRIDGE TRAIL 0 25M. 51, 76M, 1 001.0 B. DUV ALI:COAL CREEK TRAIL H. DEVIL'S ELBOW TRAIL ' ..„..) NOI1TH \., C. SUNSET BYPASS TRAIL N. EDMONDS AVENUE . . D. CEDAR RIVER TRAIL O. ABERDEEN AVENUE E. BURNETT TRAIL P. UNION AVENUE F. E RLINGTON TRAIL A Q. PUGET TRAIL G. S PR INGBROOK TRAIL R. BENSON TRAIL 0 0 0 M AJOR TRAILS 000 MINOR TRAILS H. INTERURBAN TRAIL S. TALBOT TRAIL I. RAINIER AVENUE T. P-1 CHANNEL J. SW 16TH ST. U. EMPIRE TRAIL K. SW 27TH ST. 'Y 0.,et CITY OF RENTON BICYCLE MASTER TRAILS PLAN C.) 104% + • - + N ...DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AA ./LiPle ..irme JOHN E. MEDLEY, DIRECTOR