HomeMy WebLinkAboutCitizen Petition - Fire Station 12 Medical Aid Car (1984) 1-1117 H1.19J1rPS RID C-A RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 12, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; DAVID R. CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; LT. H. RAY CALDWELL, Police Department; CHIEF LEE WHEELER, Fire Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared March 11 through Girl Scout Week 17, 1984 as Girl Scout Week to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the organization, which has had more than 46 million members since its inception in 1912. The proclamation was accepted by girls representing three different troops. Kathy Robison, troop leader, expressed appreciation for the proclamation and invited all former girl scouts to attend Girl Scout Recognition Night, March 14th, at Dimmitt Middle School . Samples of cookies now on sale were passed to everyone in attendance. AUDIENCE COMMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE Playtime Court REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS TO ALLOW FOR A SPECIAL COMMENDATION. Case Victory CARRIED. Referencing Judge Nancy Holman' s recent ruling in favor of the City' s Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to adult City Attorney movie theaters, Councilman Stredicke applauded Mayor Shinpoch Warren Lauded and City Attorney Warren and his staff for the victory. Accolades were also extended to Administrative Assistant Parness, Policy Development Director Clemens, Captain Don Persson of the Police Department, Steve Munson of the Policy Development Department, and Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman for their individual contributions on the City' s behalf. Mayor Shinpoch added her praise for the commitment of the community, the courage of the City Council , and the skill of the City Attorneys in pursuing the matter. Council President Hughes concurred in their comments and felt that any future challenge can be met in view of strong foundation already set. Councilwoman Keolker presented a congratulatory balloon bouquet to Mr. Warren, who shared credit with Assistant City Attorneys Kellogg and Barber as well as City Council members, Mayor Shinpoch and supportive Renton citizens. Continued Chuck Slothower, 517 S. 17th, representing Citizens for a Quality Community, thanked everyone involved in the case on behalf of a sizable segment of the community. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, requested Council discussion Advance to of the Public Safety Committee Report regarding the Highlands Old Business aid car. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT UNDER OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Public Safety indicating that a meeting had been held with interested Committee citizens regarding emergency aid service to the Highlands. Highlands Aid Chief Wheeler had described level of service since 1981 , and Car had indicated intent to request six additional firefighters/ EMT personnel in the 1985 budget to be considered by the Council in November, 1984. That additional personnel , if ilL approved, would allow operation of an aid car in the Highlands from Station 12 on a full-time basis. Renton City Council 3/12/84 Page two Public Safety Committee/Old Business continued Public Safety After additional input from the public, the Committee felt Committee continued that an emergency condition does not exist. In fact , given Highlands Aid Car available resources, the Fire Department has provided an impressive level of service to Highlands residents. Committee Report The Committee agreed that an additional aid unit to serve continued this area would be desirable. However, the proposal to enhance service, which would cost $200,000 for staff, should appropriately be discussed at budget time when the Council can compare merits of the program with proposal submitted by other City departments. Committee Report The Committee further recommended that the Administration continued contact Ray Gervais and Pat Houlbjerg prior to Council budget hearings on this matter. Audience Comment Audience comment was invited: Ms. Houlbjerg requested approval of staff funding for reinstatement of the aid car prior to implementation of the 1985 budget, noting immediate need exists. Mayor Shinpoch reiterated assurances that the Highlands area is being fully served by an aid car based at the downtown Renton station, and rumors that aid service and 911 emergency telephone number have been discontinued in the Highlands are untrue. She also indicated that funding of additional firefighters would not be automatically ! approved during 1985 budget review, noting necessity to review all departmental budgets concurrently to determine priorities. Contingency funds do exist to staff an aid unit for the remainder of 1984, but there are no assurances that funding will be available for subsequent years for new personnel . Chief Wheeler is available to address service clubs in the Highlands concerning aid service and allay residential fears created by rumors recently circulated. Continued Fire Chief Wheeler explained current staffing levels which serve various fire stations in the City, and noted his recommendation to restore the aid car to the Highlands station if funding is provided; however, at this time, the same level of service is being provided from the downtown station. Discussion was held regarding negative impacts of funding personnel with contingency funds this year with no assurance of future funding for staff salaries. Audience Comment Audience comment was invited. Responding were: RayGervais, 516 Windsor Place NE; Paul Curtis, 201 Union Avenue ,WE, Leisure Estates; Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. ; William Bliss, 201 Union Avenue SE, Leisure Estates; Phyllis McGerry, 551 Windsor Place NE. Comments addressed the possibility of increasing property taxes to fund the aid car; communication breakdown in getting information to residents of Leisure Estates causing unfounded rumors; 25 calls to Mayor' s Office from Leisure Estates residents in support of the aid car represent those unable to attend meeting; notice of aid car meetings in the future may be placed in Leisure Estates newsletter; population in the Highlands represents almost half of the entire population of Renton; various staffing alternatives were suggested by citizens to reinstate the aid car while still providing fire protection to the Highlands; policy of dispatching both an aid car and a fire truck to to every aid call was questioned; and citizens recalled that a fire bond issue approved several years ago by residents included aid car funding which voters felt was a permanent action. Continued Councilman Stredicke requested the following information from the Administration: 1 ) the number of aid calls versus fire calls in the past year; and 2) length of training time required for emergency personnel . He noted that approval of additional fire staff for 1985 would not ensure immediate service due to training need. Fire Chief Wheeler reiterated response procedure from downtown and Highlands stations for aid and fire calls, and explained staffing levels for each station as previously stated at Council meeting of 2/6/84. Councilman Clymer clarified that approval of the ballot issue resulted in purchase of an aid unit, and noted severe economic hardships Renton City Council 3/12/84 Page three Public Safety Committee/Old Business continued Public Safety in past years required budget reductions by all city Committee departments as well as imposition of 1/2% sales tax reluctantly Highlands Aid Car approved by the City Council . Councilman Reed requested investigation by the Administration of results of referenced ballot issue. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:25 p.m. Council reconvened at 9: 37 p.m. ; roll was called; all members were present. AUDIENCE COMMENT Roger Coleman, 13809 SE 141st, requested Council advance to continued adoption of the Northward Rezone. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Advance to BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND Ordinances ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Northward Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-018-82 certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Residence Districts (R-1 , R-2 and R-3) for G. M. Associates (Northward Development, File No. R-018-82) for property located north of NE Fourth Street between Union Avenue NE and Duvall Avenue NE. Continued Letter from East Renton Plateau Community Council was read stating that the Environmental Impact Statement for the Comprehensive Plan for the area in which the subject site is located did not consider this intensive residential designation among the various alternatives examined in the environmental review process. Policy Development Director Clemens clarified that during comprehensive plan review of the Northeast Quadrant in 1981 , three different intensity alternatives were reviewed by the Planning Commission for the subject property, and one of those was more intensive than proposed by the applicant. City Attorney Warren stated that EIS review is not appropriate or timely at this point of the approval process, appeal periods established for those approvals having expired long ago. Continued Councilman Stredicke questioned the scope of the plan as it relates to mitigation of storm water runoff. Mr. Clemens explained requirement imposed on applicant to contribute proportionate share, at least 5% towards funding the storm water drainage system. If Northward develops first in the area, that developer would be responsible for designing the system; if other developments precede Northward, Northward would be required to contribute a proportionate share as stipulated in the concomitant agreement. The applicant will also be providing on-site detention facilities to accommodate runoff generated from the subject site. Continued Mr. Coleman urged Council members to address runoff and traffic problems prior to adoption of the ordinance approving the rezone rather than delaying the matter until development has occurred. Ray Griffin, 14306 144th Avenue SE, advised concern that the applicant ' s plan proposes release of storm water at pre-development levels or at a five-year storm peak. He stated that the neighborhood currently incurs storm water damage during a five year storm; and approval of the rezone which allows intensive development will exacerbate an already intolerable condition. Ordinance #3795 MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Northward Rezone ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, R-018-82 MATHEWS, REED, KEOLKER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Kelly Farrell , 11811 NE First, #204, requested the Council continued advance to the Planning and Development Committee report Advance to Old regarding the Evergreen West appeal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, Business SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report concurring in the findings and conclusions of the Committee PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 12, 1984 REQUEST TO REINSTATE AID CAR IN RENTON HIGHLANDS (Referred 2/6/84) The Public Safety Committee met with interested citizens on March 7, 1984, to discuss the status of the Fire Department emergency medical aid program serving the Highlands. Chief Wheeler described the level of service and the method of providing service that has been in effect since 1981 . The Chief further stated that he will request that the Mayor include six additional firefighter/E.M.T. personnel in the 1985 budget which will be considered by the Council in November. The additional personnel would allow the Chief to operate an aid car in the High- lands (Station 12) on a full time basis. After additional input from the public, the Committee determined that an emergency condition does not exist. In fact , given the resources available, the Fire Depart- ment has provided an impressive level of service to Highlands residents. The Committee agrees that an additional aid unit to serve this area would be desirable. However, the proposal to enhance service, with an attendant cost of nearly $200,000, should appropriately be discussed at budget time when the Council can compare the merits of this program with proposals submitted by other city departments . The Committee further recommends that the Administration contact Mr. Ray Gervais and Ms. Pat Hjoulberg prior to any Council budget deliberations concerning this issue so that they may appear in support of the Fire Department proposal . John Reed, Chairman Thomas T r i mm Kathy Keo ker March 14, 1984 To: Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor From Maxine Motor, City Cl erlsyoy�/ ' v Subject: Election Information re 3/12/84 Council Meeting - Aid Unit In reviewing past elections that may have been referred to by Mrs. Phyllis McGerry at Monday' s meeting, several elections may have been referred to: 1974 November 5, $2,02,000 G.O. Bond Issue for Fire Station 1 and 3 (downtown and south stations) Plus new equipment including aid car. Issue Defeated at polls. 1975 February 4, Special Election $2,020,000 G.O. Bonds for Stations 1 and 3 plus new equipment including aid unit. Issue was defeated at the polls. (City's second aid unit purchased 12/75 Excess Revenue)* 1976 Proposed G.O. Bond Issue did not go to ballot as E.D.A. Funds applied for and 8/77 Federal grant approved for downtown station. 1979 Fall Election for Emergency Medical Services, King County issue. (including City) for $.21 per $1 ,000 assessed valuation each year for six years for emergency medical services, commencing with 1980. See budget pages attached. (I note discrepancy between ballot issue of $.21/$1 ,000 and $.12/$1 ,000 paid - may be collection costs. ) I believe Mrs. McGerry was talking about the 1979 election re E.M.S. *Information I<W21 F41 Eli VI VJ X U L.00 1-1 Is U8elU ���V:-' 338 Garden Avenue North Renton, WA 98055 (206) 271-0637 13 February 1984 �LA " 4 1984 / The Honorable Barbara Shinpoch, Mayor of the City of Renton City Hall Renton, WA 98055 Re: Should the Highlands get an aid car this year. Dear Ms. Shinpoch: Please pass on my sentiments to the city council . I agree comPletely with the editorial appearing in the Sunday, February 12, Rgswd CW&M. The Highlands are receiving the same emergency medical service they have always received. It' s just not prestigously delivered by an aid van but by a fire truck. A council decision to spend money needed elsewhere on a Highlands aid car (or worse, to raise taxes to do so) will raise considerably more than ire. Such a decision will be emphatically remembered at the polls. Sincerely, 4<w"aov, W j&J Wov-,& Karen Willard Hallock cc: /iity Council ty Clerk /r Notify of Aid " Meeting Pat Houlbjerg 14319 SE 100th P1 . Renton 98056 Milton Fiene 750 Cames NE Renton 98056 Bill Snyder 1209 N 31st Renton 98056 Judy Hastings PO Box 2092 Renton 98056 Ray Gervais 506 Windsor Place NE Renton 98056 Halea.nnnr. OHLA4p 011n1t).Pe FEB g ;17 411, ```d�N J j l c, C�`R 3'!©1` P. O. Box 2168- Renton, Washington 98055 K n_ Tr. 'o,I Wos' Feb. 2 , 1984 Mayor Shinpoch Council members City hall Renton, Wa. 98055 The Renton Highlands Lions firmly endorse the petition that recently circulated in the Highland area regarding the Aid car. As a service organization, we feel our involvement in this matter is necessary, and we will lend our support to the action being taken by both Mr. Roy Gervais and the Highlands Business Assoc . The Aid car should be returned to the Highlands for the safety of it' s population. A good portion of which just happens to be senior citzens and those in a low income bracket. We ask that the city council please give this every consideration and serious thought before making it' s decision. Thank you for your time. ncerly, The Renton Highlands Lions Milt Fiene treasurer . OF RED THF, CITY OF RENTON `� } Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o MINIM ' lL rn BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR I MAXINE E.MOTOR, 90 `O CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 091t 0 s EPSO'O�P February 15, 1984 Mr. Milt Fiene, Treasurer Renton Highlands Lions P.O. Box 2168 Renton, WA 98055 Re: Highlands Aid Car. Dear Mr. Fiene: At its regular meeting of February 6, 1984, the Renton City Council referred your letter of correspondence to the Public Safety Committee for review and response back to the entire Council . If you require information or assistance regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON e. Maxine E. Motor City Clerk cc : Council President Hughes Chairman, Public Safety Committee 7 •v" E.JB ALLISON-President PAT HOULBJERG-Coordinator KING PARKER-Vice President PENELOPE L. HEPWORTH-Secretar BEVERLY ROOTVIK-Treasurer r� T"_ ,n rc� Highlands Business Assoc. � =-i.r' ,� P.O. BOX 2455 1' 'd' FEB p 1 1209 KIRKLAND AVE. N.E. i iiii°11t.• SUITE 203 EJ►. : . . 10• RENTON,WA 98056-2455 CITY CLERK Feb. 2, 1984 We the Highlands Business Assoc . ,Renton,Wa. think it is time that the Aid car was put back in service in the Highlands. The Highlands is a community with a large population that is very mixed with a great deal of senior citzens and low income people. What this means is, they will not see a doctor on a regular basis, and than likely need emergency care. The fire trunk can provide a valid service in aid, but not near as efficient as the aid car. The aid car can maneuver in traffic and in the tight driveways prevalent in the older homes that are in abundance in the Highlands. We feel the aid car should be of top priority as it pertains to life and death situations , and nothing should , or can be more important than that. This years budget allowed for three additional fire fighters, surely it can be worked out to provide the aid car with one of these on each shift. We realize that the city nor the budget can please every want or need asked of it, we do feel that life is important however. Thank you Pat Houlbjerg coordinator HBA 47 _.. 4'4 e/'"(1/,---7- 7/---/ 1 , i OF R�� ,y 0 THE CITY OF RENTON v t i ID z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, IMMO 0900 PCO CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 4TF0 February 15, 1984 Mrs. Pat Houlbjerg Coordinator, Highlands Business Assoc. P.O. Box 2455 Renton, WA 98056-2455 Re: Highlands Aid Car. Dear Mrs. Houlbjerg: As you are aware, the Renton City Council referred your letter of correspondence to the Public Safety Committee on 2/6/84 for review and report back to the entire Council . If you require information or assistance regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON —ycy Cn Maxine E. Motor City Clerk cc: Council President Hughes Chairman, Public Safety Committee Renton City Council 2/6/84 Page two Public Hearing continued LID 301 be accomplished for a lesser amount. Douglas Becker, 2417 NE continued 20th Street, indicated concern regarding restoration of NE 20th Street after the sewer trunk main project is completed. Mr. Houghton gave assurances that the street would be repaved and the shoulder restored when weather permits at no cost to residentE. Cleve Richards, 2113 Dayton Avenue NE, inquired regarding procedures for reforming a scaled-down LID. He was informed that Public Works Director Houghton may be contacted for assistance, and advised of the possibility of referral of similar letter of interest to Utilities Committee for study. Willis Sparrow, 2109 Dayton Avenue NE, proponent of the LID, felt there is little chance a reformed LID would succeed in view of 70% opposition to LID 301 . Gene Buxton, 10245 115th Avenue SE, agreed that costs are too high, and inquired of the number of lots included and the total cost to run service lines in various configurations in the area. LID Terminated MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, LID 301 AS CONSTITUTED BE VOIDED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch announced that Public Works Director Houghton may be contacted for further assistance or information regarding LID projects. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, requested the Council Advance to advance to Correspondence, Items 9.a. and 9.b. MOVED BY Correspondence STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from Milt Fiene, Treasurer, Renton Highlands Request for Lions, and Pat Houlbjerg, Coordinator of Highlands Business Aid Car in Association, was read. Both letters urged the return to Renton Highlands service of the aid car in the Renton Highlands for the safety of its citizens. Ray Gervais, 506 Windsor Place NE, submitted a petition signed by 1275 Renton and 278 King County residents requesting the City Council to return the medical aid car with appropriate staff back to active duty at Fire Station No. 12 in the Renton Highlands. He noted that since removal of the aid car due to budgetary cuts in 1981 , response time by an aid car for emergency calls in the Highlands has increased to as much as 15 minutes. Mayor Shinpoch explained budget cuts by the City Council had been necessary for all City departments as a result of the recession in 1981 ; the City has received only one complaint regarding service since that time from police officer observing victim lying in the street in bad weather (fire truck has no accommodations inside vehicle for victims • as does aid car) . Prior to removal of the aid car from the Highlands station due to staff shortages, determination was made by Fire Chief that the area could be safely and adequately served from the downtown station; the average response time to emergency calls in the Highlands is 3.84 minutes by fire truck; aid car can be dispatched from the downtown station, and, depending on the nature of the call , Medic One, Shepherd Ambulance service, and Mutual Aid can be dispatched by Valley CommCenter. In 1983, a total of 3,299 calls was received by the Renton Fire Department--2,173 for aid and 1 ,126 for fire. (Station 11 (downtown) : 478 fire; 1 ,067 aid; 1 ,545 total . Station 12 (Highlands) : 400 fire; 827 aid; 1 ,227 total . Station 13 (Benson) : 248 fire; 279 aid; 527 total .) If the City Council determines the aid car should be reinstated in the Highlands area, six additional firefighters filling three positions will be required, which totals $190,000 per year excluding overtime. Continued Mr. Gervais cited two instances in which response time by the aid car was between 11 and 15 minutes. Responding to further questions by audience and City Councilpersons regarding emergency backup, Fire Chief Lee Wheeler advised that in addition to services previously discussed, Fire District 25 could be { contacted for assistance. He noted that the Highlands aid car serves as a backup unit out of the downtown station when manpower is available or when the main aid unit breaks down; since steep grades on access roads to the Highlands slow response time by heavy fire trucks dispatched from the downtown station, the engine must be dispatched from the Highlands and the aid car from downtown. ; ton City Council 2/6/84 Page three Correspondence continued Request for Valley CommCenter has the capability of contacting all emergency Aid Ca - in units at all times and can dispatch backup units instantaneously; Renton Highlands depending on the nature of the call , the aid car can be dispatched continued on its own or any or all available units can be dispatched to assist; in 750 of calls, a ladder truck responds; firemen have identical training and qualifications, and emergency equipment on all vehicles is the same; a tent to protect victims in bad weather in the event a fire truck responds would probably not be practical since it would be in the way. continued Responding to questions about a Contingency Fund surplus of $500,000 and allocation of funds to put the Highlands aid car into service, Mayor Shinpoch indicated $95,271 would be required to fund staff for the last six months of 1984, and $190,000 per year excluding overtime for six additional firefighters. To clarify, Chief Wheeler advised that the ladder truck must be staffed by a minimum of two persons for reasons of safety and efficiency. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. continued Concerns were expressed regarding fire protection in Kennydale by Mr. Gervais and Mr. Bill Snyder, 1209 N. 31st, who cited an instance in which a fire truck responding to an aid call had difficulty arriving at his residence. He complained of generally poor service to the Kennydale area by the City of Renton due to lack of funds and manpower. continued Pat Houlbjerg stated that the Highlands has 50% more residents than the downtown area; double the number of residents 45-64 years old ; and youngsters under age 18 number almost three- quarters more than those living in the downtown area. Responding to numerous suggestions for shifting staff to put the Highlands aid car into operation, Mayor Shinpoch assured that all possible alternatives have been carefully reviewed; that economics are a little better now than existed in 1981 , and if Council chooses to reinstate the aid car, the Administration will go along with it. Mrs. Houlbjerg felt the Contingency Fund should be used for matters of life and death. It was pointed out that although excess funds exist in Contingency this year due to increased sales tax revenue and economic recovery, salaries for six additional firefighters would be ongoing for many years. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 15 MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:27 p.m. Council reconvened at 9: 39 p.m. ; roll was called; all members present. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Library Board Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mr. Phillip L. Beckley, 655 Ferndale Appointment Court NE, to the Library Board to complete the term of Kathy Keolker who has resigned, term effective to June 8, 1985. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Planning Mayor Shinpoch appointed Michael McCloud, 1555 Union Avenue NE, Commission #7, to the Planning Commission for a three-year term effective Appointnent to January 31 , 1987, replacing Commissioner Frank Jacobs who recently passed away. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Board of Ethics Mayor Shinpoch reappointed the following persons to the Board Reappointments of Ethics for four-year terms effective to December 31 , 1987: Reverend Donald Hammond, 1707 Edmonds Avenue NE; and Donald 0. Jacobson, 2919 NE Fifth Place. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 1/25/84 for Sunset Pump Station Sunset Pump System, Sanitary Sewer TV Inspection, Sewer Grouting and Smoke Station System Testing; four bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $42,000 total . Refer to Utilities Committee. (Bid tabulations attached. ) Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 1/30/84 for Coulon Beach Park Coulon Beach Park Ground Bark; two bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $10.50/yard Ground Bark (blower service) . Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommended concurrence in acceptance of the low bid in the amount of $10.00 per yard submitted by Sawdust Supply Company, Inc. for approximately 3,000 yards. Council concur. (Bid tabulation attached. ) From the desk of: CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER STATION 11 STATION 12 STATION 13 Fire --- 478 Fire --- 400 Fire --- 248 Aid --- 1067 Aid ---- 827 Aid ---- 279 TOTAL 1545 TOTAL 1227 TOTAL 527 TOTAL CALLS RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR 1983 = 3299 AID = 2173 • Fire = 1126 Average response time for aid calls in t e Highlands = 3.84 minutes e . . PET IT I Oil 1ig/i.•-rsh E ti ilD /664AT idA s7° rote t &milt C 7 C ;i4. '-r71 kyr'Ott/ The A4ED;e-A► h Ai° CAR, bAe- It �i Aerty . Da i&/77Er cirxr-1 oi/ ilt, /•L /'/ 7 &AT 'Al fitsvivt-itA/Ds . ALz ' MAA/ owra r *Mt. p AI E ATP &sc diva; 6:4- • Karo My% /4, L/ ' 1— t `-22r ? )t-7,---LAig--,,A-A-L_ // Y.5! G (4,-�.�L�. /— 4,-; 6.1 r' -�C ,i t,/ L �1� ,J L ?7,E . L � o� uY ,' ( d �z - S C ?Pi. 1�A� 0 r ,r I , / owrc.6. flE/ St � 3p-<y/kn, wioorv6Ai.L f � ✓<J AIV)E S 11 L/(i s� 1 194•l-t--esI),v V L- /V c /(1 f III 632e6r °' / / '332L/- S 90I1 Pit/ -0 / 1 it g4 M 1::- ')0 0 0-7 r? !"k- 16 7-1 I 4-' r 7/(7( *k.\:41; --_-D- R.pivao-y\ \-711 , 7rWita-9,a-vn/affyl . l la K; filid kyr NE (e. h -to h ) ^,j 1-4RBr/f l .t ie5 rfi il! 246 /tr• 4/7 /4 -'1)1 7- d fl I 111 d-4,-,,k___ ."--7)1(a.iv -! / i -)- - /41:-1111 ; °<- &A,i2:--- A_-;. -,-,4: X ... % 1 1-1,0 1, Rill Qom) (1&A, 71' -r. ' bLL;- • 11111MMI I -• ---•�-.- ►. _ -":--. AMEMIZEMEMEMMIN • - y i 4'' ,-7" e 17r, JSID day 31411/11 no2 •,w,f'ar ,wymed„ v►w .s7v • s.cuvvile.iti " 04,,, 3y / r / ,Is/ ail/ 4 Anq i d J.-Li' V ';L ' t 1 Y'1 'Wiz) a! V • y r-Po asW 3 1414 m ar °L-: 7! V r h a17 4-41 t3 • • • • ) 1 sv� rv°L0'� l'� h I '3 'Cy SZ.2,) i 41/77 ‘44‘94°2 1 A-410 J.C.:71 ,111/ •,w„f a eJzos m oc/nr V W v s 7 ' s a�.�r ,►i y a,i /r•--i✓le ' L /*/ `er/ Q AN"! 4„Lp •I.1'ad.., v I y apy rusty aid fro 1.1.,a, '12 7 gp p 4.441 13 Jars owe ..L v vpt asp w •roglali I! 3 ETITIOil 144,0"7rbE upiDE A Air rots esstmf C1'ry Co a , Q i h. ,.--7 a 1e cr k RAJ ThE Div CAR, LA► E- 't `T'i Ad71' D in, it,/ ;Ir cirri,- 1 s A/ Ak' /.td T,4 &1v7-;,d /16IA'zs . ALs O AAA ppow E/Q.r !`• k t rA m e. VAME Mo &srCrry ?LTITLQII_ • PETITIOil Ammummuminimillwriiill 77.71 E if p/D t'a'I.d►*/S D %•✓A Mr° lIP E &a7 .I C "r Co G PI d i i..,. ,r° ,ecT e..,✓ The QED+e-Ai h A i D CAR, 1 AS'7'f 'cbai7, I&/E►RE cire7-1 a / /VO' /.tom i Al Ts. & 'T RI /./, o4kaivvs . A Lso MAC/powirortrnitiAmt. VA *I E AP P kES fl C fry leptiilr, `t ? r cZ 2_ lc;[ J�'1 4' 3 r, ii.�,2 j e %J - Ffe,E�`i� ' �':k L t:`r�) E -w✓/ ✓ i (qtr4 ' 0,•�.j 3 �� C it 15 l' L • �, ---c4-...p...1_, / -e-A-e /IY,r r i g / t�. /�..7 - . '") t ,ii ,,duo/7./_4,-mIL 3a 57 `'J2, E iS it ,/. -.4,_,.Z --7-4, j,,-1:-,7 T,;e• , Tr ' 2fr' 4 3 /'1: /5"e ,q 7" /t', '( `'' `)/ 'n. ,,v !,!.-. 1•- 3 c^ - /1 715. I :3Y 1^-- `..1 ,•-2--;X;-e t/ lam/\•'1""(r. _,, & d ,Y:�, .3 D ,5= ee^ /_5 , A ,.� 2/J'(7 ! z _ L ' l�� " .4�d ° mac �y � - L y I / L` G 4,4:,-',,„,j,„) 4,...,g) i Y 5- 7-/-deeAe41 4 yr. 4. 647-,c-t-x; A--:_,:J:ii, wA * ,36'12 WE c<Le ,�.,n Q B 4 c` `- ) 6', ( !' l _a,Ali, ;,v_ 4,1,,,;:, . 4/ 7 Qe-t : 3040zA.) - /s- - ??..,a_.,:ej__;. .___, a°01 L'': ..t 14..rts 5 ove ./vi1/2•-e",,Ilf)--te,V wit�i�`"rf .(; r ai ` ,a. /id e, 7L /c-'L I IP A---7.-.J AY:-.--.--,—., • t-/TILL& 14-7) e- j ems4- kir, k(7.'L • `/ FLTir c.) 144:-Tasil E u AFD ',Gil Ation ‘dA 4-4 rot . esk/Tht C,"r3 Co G p/ d ; 4. ;""'r'e 1e CrOtti T6 4,z eA L A i D CAR, 6 A e- It `T.'i A d'71 v A `+T, i&/ ►EE' a A/a f 4 Ik' TT,- &A/T 'A/ 1.1;6!41-A ,vDs . ALs ' AAA A/pests, Arie-7 1AMt. Mv &scCOM ' , A P,„ ` E r ?Lie aril-- i 0 it . .........., • ` -1 * e \l��rh V 4 D E'1`.40 I.et it/rD %dA or Ili E eis/741 C, r7 C , ;kr i FL ✓ me Mcz e-, b Aio CAR, 6A & 't ...71i Ad71 7) 4497, ♦V rer P7I-A7?--°Ito,✓ go, /•t. i A/ 7,4 &dv'T Ai 1 . fry 1•04 k I ,VDs . A 410 MA N ew . Q 7-kiAMi. VA AI E .„ ‘ Mo ,€ Esc , • 1 /�' Apt- k i, f 1,. 41 �ejt7-7 r/c . It Al ►c� �✓ E i .1v c 4 7( 7),/ , t.. L. : 1 .'"- ' 4111AI. "7I/ . m i ,1 ) a/e1(1 rtt 1St 44:ti) . ti (: , . . 4-Q 4; e ' (r , r ti hy �b �.kra -- „. Adi4e1...,e ?,,I,L. ( 1114W a -Zrait..,,•, • ,l ►c i, SC7)9_,e t i,., Y,2i,:;,_ •• i• . .... q,,„--);,,4,4 „,...1 4.6,,,,,,,, ,A ,‘ZaA...,.:`---Pici4v4-k-;..-- Y y r V 4116:t ( 14,10,- , , , , , , ; i . /, • . . 67 ,w,,.,/2:,,_ 4. , - . e ,.. .. . a �a-i � Y .C' I • �' wf • • • syC /III • • F is raw 7-7A.-7- /��/''///A `5 / (114111 klasel 115 sailw d 3 W YA • •j w wf''ar�• c,�,,,,'2)►s e ' QC/iI V W opt 7 • t a v 1110 ficlileY? syl /if rr*/ 4/V Pi - • it pi4rat9a.� V �� 4t -e ivq w v o aft/ "'Nasty add les a ;.1.... 7! vrn °47 4,4g pups? s t', r..h rip% asp'? V 1 Q P h 3 ya.,.3 f10‘ • • • f • • PETITtoil 14/j 7 h E u ID a pub,'da %.VA AO' 7h t es,/rAt C,'r39 C c ti1e..i The A4ED; h Ai° CAR, 6Ae.. '7"; A � •c Zirr, ,&/ ,er crlso-r-1 s ae A/c' /•t. IA/ Tic &A'T 'Al 14;o4k.AAIDs . ALs , MAC aw . Qrnii,LAME. NAME P IC ES C c ' - I Cotar, : }(21ret) (A, 001 /t/4-- zoAk , kiY1 Y z �Z g ' 7,2 1 4JL- 6 PZ 141 �s o�.� /,L��� i'cam .72 • ��//.'/iC �, f ter//�!'t ,2 5-c0'4,-, � '�!• lier'07 ‘ f G1 a(L/s, .v1635- c A#4-1 le-A° /Pa Z)19-A61 a/4# W,7 kr 6.14 t -ti 1;f I 7'; ;�, Co 6 5d7c5� �� (yip-0AI ,-t., • 41 PET IT I Oil _ . . • 1,JE"7'h E 4WD 'Cr s'd asap %•dA MT' rot• &dm, C, r7 COD iL771 1ecrtsR.il PIE Mc tie- A AI'? CAR, 6 a e. ite—r. At drThe C. b ierp i iegkr VrA7-1 ea A/ Aid /•L iii This. &wired ,L /,.Q41-A ,vZ,S . AI. s , MAit/ dwE#C7i fwMt. pmE A;' ,OICES.c Cay toutirz 52 716A/ LL ac�12 _ s VS›274-c--- 17,74:46 6,WA)4,iii,24z,e4 Ao i9 i A 1 it t,7 lei<e ---41),_ i 4A--,4/e9 /, io/z/z► 5 Zd/ /.J' 'o../ IQ✓, sE *-2/6 2,N Td i-/ E `4,v zr — 74 , I *._2-v , 16:&;,nA,w, dyiziAL Rdert4.,„:6-1 A_ ,eviie '177 Le -t-f -L /E/L:vko gsca.,,,, ae., %.,,,, ..?„, Ii„....:,. ,.-_,,, L, a e, ,,,,-, y. tole0,- "_____ ' /e `. -L,ft,i,e�c-P__,'— ,se-e_eiE'a 9,e y/ Gt— -,\.Ps f- /)' i' -_ 4216") 08. iV 1 (. , /RUC` 5 7' /fd #.. 7� 4/; ,;7 1> - . /ig 7 'v>rri1 r r 4 ' 4,1,)0 q d 6) 11,U71-r-01 -AILLtb-2 9\1 �� . ., % Li���r rrry l,Piln'.S K �' rY ser,7.7J____ ,Z�1 />n i02i 4ve sr R )/o)f A. /�� e AA , ..1 ,--7.z.e.e.c-e--r-e-c-e _,Ie,/-f,er.e-e,-,e--0-;&-eSF^/.1 7 4-r-Z--,__, 7 I:7— [i, i( 720( /,t3,-,,.1ijn.,Jz- -d/ 1:,,,,, , %7-.-1 1i7) o:) / /p... 8,4 , -,� _ /I/ /( /7 7 �� 917. 020 i `2AnL.0-y„ Cam_) (c #14,/ (2)--,24- (D l%Z, /2 o( UN/ON AV/ s -4i�y ./y�`o /�l l�/ N C,-..— i:/ • 0, ,;, 17 .2.,e2o_i_c_ v,P,tb Q(.! , 01 ttija .ma_ 44.4 Iutc di, • // �/,r//oizr,s'g .iA tL 3 /2 ,-/ Ka-- , , /, _ e/16,e.b.y- SF L23 e el, (0 n 127- • I r )_-( '07, 7-i-lefrep 4/4, __I 'd(i-r -r-nv i P aii-il , i , 7,,,,„ - ;-)-719 'c,__47:h L , i, iPrii x,,4;/—,, ,fr ga4 igeko-rw /0--e , N� Q►r# S -e,"'tJ NO►U►2 i 0� V A r '9/'/0/ --fi, (20 -r; :7 s 4n-y/voi(Y 0 1 oT i- ' y j-2{-49,-Z.. /' of c� ^tea ,rc dF'�'F ^"° (10 1 C?-� ►---�d-M�-} -zi .77 I, '. < �otaa t7 I�� ----p J ems, s ?S -yvn -C. `� l ---)-4-0-- --e-) '� p » lam( _" ,, - ll ►� �?/�, - l J ) )-Ig--rv•03 1 > , ' /i;,y '$- -►•_,a,- it I o Z° totv pytoppoi , i --6 -1-- - -- , )vQ C 1/e3/49 7-s _,77 }vc ivy ,-,7,3- -gfr,,,-/v 4 " —,0-) I --,ic-o --z-„v ;c . t-,- r-7-vov(r-L ,,,, v- ,, v (,.. ..72,y y 5-a--477-x-a-pwii / g•Z° 10-.1#7.1 yi-a--7) A ,f. NV .4-4 ,fJ 5 5/ady Y PON r • to fillilEi T I T I 0 it /j7b E u LID 'Cr I'4*/ta %oilA m7 714 E &Mid Cs'i rrotw 7?, qcz e-,I h A ,a CAR, bAe- ' ` 7. Ae7-fP C. Z) a ,' / ►,er c7 -rio*/ A/c' /•L iw' 77c &A/r-e d *6.04 iqL AIDs . A LSo mAit/ powIrk ii,fwME. • _........ fl/ÂME AN ICES r C try ))„____ 0„_:._ :,), u,,,._:_ ,,,,___ _:.), c(-,. , , .a.„.___. €-„,-, ic , bizezci,,),A.t. , 7.6,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, --/7? iy,;,,,,_ - `zda- -0C j/L?3,11111 ,/zA_//4,1- 'I ,,fit- Y2 e-i-,( /ow A _,,___. j ii ids t, -7447 /.,,,, ,,e,_, tI P�t " /1 I ,7 die 1` ,, /, 7 ,, F . r 4iz _' 0.4,--,c) n '' ). ,4 /, /' yy, oo /( .C,2// I' I' / j- ,', _9 _�� do/ ti4wjeal, sE 4e.d..& i ( ( C 1 , , ! / ( i daerd . ' /c/a APae-r1-4- 01D / G/" --.... G ) S. - �i? / 1 /1 D --, 13 --wee,-,:..., . ‘2.(-) / Cc-4,-,-;-,, 5,-.-0 t j �OrA:6- n ) 1 , i---? �1 4 - za/ 1ry �Z• by &-I` .r/ CA V.D ' ' . - . ' i i ' / 4.414 Sl ' 45td..._ Y r I,.,,j,,. . 4-4- 7 .'. ''' - , - ` ( AJr '-)t44I4 /1 if 1 I 1 0 J .62e ./( ,i4 7 • • PET LOY u wD E */si) ‘.dA jY rote eittlad C, 'r C ;i -r e 1e gr& ftoil ThE Algae-At A /D CAR, bac it `71 Ad' 1 An, 1•/6r11E cirIrr' a A/ A/d / Trio eFAtred /41'.04 /..AlvDs . Al-so mAitife, 10 .47-firkiAme. PME AD Pie ES r ell r-ek k t-r-f e 1-0 /7-4 f •T ,44vno2 /7--Li ts 5.1 9 w vA s wvf'Y� cL10�► oQlo tI W o i 7 p' ' :CEO / fit_ovip oyi ier/ a/v atty.! �inQ JLPV 1�4 * ' -0y9 'Vito aid Iv-a/c syr 3y1 7.0a f..1 = 7! v /rn0 4i4' 7 otattg e..ZN VA►I asr9;tn." QM n 3 r • . • PETITioil • co4n.77—h E £ w0 ers ►sArit/c 14/A sir •* 4 it iegitri4 Cry Co G t/ d i h. 71 1e c7 i !e,,/ T4E tit EDP G A t A10 CAk, bite. ... It `T'i Ae r va Da i&/rkiE c177-7-1 so ii Alt, /•t,I /ai/ T/jç &A/7 ,d 1-1 iv 41,iiA/Ds . AI.r , M#419.301.) ,,q, T4, AMf . s 0 /4 E Av &sr , ...-c : ,.(---;„..., e;2 -,1. - 1/c S'il.r.t 02-'1 /a ,, /..,A_ ti. , , „ , .__,T-f,,,,,,,,/ , .53n l /Yr l..vl 4.- ,, F ,yam---1 24-14 * Ot44-F1-A-Vr <1 t-i7 n e.)_, // --- -2-4- , ,,,_,,,,---, , ''. , gaj:,, --- /�o� � /vi 1�� / . e V V• / //V _//a A 7, /-.V o-7 ' fry • Y' V 1 / xit ce,,,,,LP, 1 4.12,12,17z, 6 1'.G. -- - r-ta,..-.- e,42- 77 4' i'-'<.,20- - 1 iv lk //-;, —2/1(J a/'1 V, =lr7-* (L, ,-7A /-1.-:Le--ee ,,- - , _,4 );,,,,,i4„„., r// 44--zit ,c.k-T. i yr-ii)T04/ ' )'i}17)/y -ii,,,., ..77::4-;_fe-7,L.. r',,--3-3,7 ,J-, (-2 41 E.Z7,--i---210-1---21, ) /1-?-A---7,"2-47-1),/,(7 QI/u-ted-q-e- 1._r , P..6.3e) v1444 e.v*-_iii3j.:oie- i7 ,,-__?_y:/--" A‘__../.._____.., n,,L,Ltp.,,....a....L.. 1 0 P. NA-7 7 c a wari,,,,'i'a art) %A/A Alr4 flit Ziperisit Co Ca tA ph/ d. o/ T—r; ! mj/ The A D$ e , L A 0 o CAR, 6,14, “ _'_. 70 Aerffra i a1 itE ©A/ A/0 /c I ' Tic- &iVr ' . 1-11.126t.A. A/Ds . A Lye) mAA/ bwrg 7"riAme . DPICEST jl Af 3 /tart S e / a7L4 V 1 ix.t. l' c !MEM Il 1I6A Alma • • PETITioit 1,JE^7'h E. 14 W D ECr A's arts t.t/A 07-4 rote es", C, 73 C o dMr1 Cr* !ail Th s ' h A ;D CAR, bAe- ' -r. ACT- 0/ EE c77ir1 a i Ak' /.tom i i/ Thy &A/7- d ALso mAttipowiro.7971t,Ame. MAME ADP ICES' C try iCOUir, U � � /0/? /y vz2 717 /ee i v/)/ “a_n ,e_ciLet9-, I ''''71;) �� f " 1 11"°-"TI 144' ritc,, � .r..q: _i A 1 $ Atv .41,,-; - - • • • \A, s' /i 14 el I) 4-74,41/.didirD mre% Mr. r ► e g L- 0 fy Lc & ch 1 di4 ,6-71; lecr-414z,741 ThE A4sD;e411. . Alp CAR, bAe. 1t a At 'I1s-a i141 i&/ ?E c:?Tr' 747-1 6 A/ .A/e) /(Ad I A/ 744- dr A/re d d.04 / 1 S . AL ' AAA o/ aw ,e, iti,Aria. ,;i A. T 11 i H /� I' . A M E • ` :L..11,.y✓._ 1 /' //j 6 , �"ZS - � , e-�2 `i5-. i_ _.,._A_.....us... Frig. F.,......„ I -- /_ - re. i •.��.- /.. ..�- • . 3 � f_ � .ice J i:,, 1t II: . 4 MAW . ID Li h ou : i lid' �E L... . .:Al /L.I ( L. e � 1 ict_4.1.1.7.t_ — ,/ ,/7f 4 i,,,c.i i ; Wes—4, 1 ' / ( , _. AP /4 - ; .► , , / . 0, . O, /. i 'IT' 0 6 5 kr- • g-eft)Tork) ./-: ...A . - -'4IP -- /y j(�, J - //) ✓P'L i(FA,M, ..., /�//V 6 ' r , A Q�J Aiva:-,ii 144a1 /- OA i.dqe..... ..,2 .4 6,6V ,Slk/ zL ABC- iue ge/v/'rt /t/ cy, 02.L__J-___u:tek 6 e .1 SIle--1.7e)A) illie. Ne. /47.4.) ;--0 A"' /<7/1/4/6z. e, viamitet/ I 1 Z`z ? /w, s ,p /at 4.,iG ,r ' ii 15 AM Ind 19) 6,,,/,,,,,,, __ _.. . , , 2//<< r c. .c, 4ii 6 '7). _ILL S t- �d e-, - ---o' i �. . ___---_-,_ 4 =,z111-j'' - 4 TT fv .f`% 44-----. . . . P - TITIOAV \44,^'-''',, E 1! 'JD ',Ge l'a n/s'0 ,.VA 4/7" rote &Aerial CS'?-3. Co ;i - r a leg W TIFE Awye-iii. Alt) CAR, 6Ar & it *-r'. Aerfiec. Z44 ,i/FrEE 97-14-7-140il Aid /•L, / '/ Tars &ivr 'A/ fr- 041.I► M S . ALsø mAN awE477*,,(wmE.VA M E ATv &scCIry i -.. t, , •, _ tbt.r- /r) ;A-, e.,Cit r � el / ; / (0,71 --)fy 02,2Y 4 --e (: .�/ _ 74e :\)eiLl ki lNo2 =ag ) AU si F , ,o,l(L 42,ou41y rwi /J047 co , Th bial� l I(Q 0 -7 1?5-±="lr �C�( ,�i -c►Y, l�h7, 5- r� _ I CC37Z- ' 9 o i s 1 ?)(,, )(4 , sc- _ --RQL-N-+OrA kti-1G CO ti Vliwi LC Lake lacAr pr (ev kc. co di1/4 , . - , 7oz litT .3-__ -�. U 0‘, E��5r5r--V+L '. -g`Fa� ek) .76 /0 ...4----- ----- ; -7/-4 ../,, „sr, r R I tt.: . / 4-= A, r d-, A/ /r/A, r), E-1/1--) ,1 ' 1'6 ‘-s- 7-6-2-- 7e1)_ , Lie_„. .,, 6,±,,L, L d_,.-1 Nr-va l--A-- I'3 73 141 s-' Cu,,v I-G 0 /y4r c__.._All �ii 7 8=SE o14 17a/Cle Vcz12 u Uili-- ; ' /ic b(7'4 i•y‘IY -4 ; *2- -*AS-4-47,— (?‘ -(>1-- _ ,J..,E 05.. , z-m000 vA--s Zi � ci' a x__), ( , ,_,CD ,C h-, .,W : /2Cr 3 /&'O /9 ,„ , I . ic:"Ls T 1 T 1---0- il \1 i--”, E £4 d✓D 'cc isdiagv 14/A ai7 rot t esMo C, r7 C ;i -re Jecr OW ME A4i IA i i h AiD CAR, 6Ae. 't "Th Ad7lvC Da ,&/ EF ;rr t a A/ /tkd /•L / v' Thr & "r 'A/PT' , 1.424JAJDS . A LSD MAC/ taWil; ri�ttAmt. sommtaismOilb ivAAIE Mv &srCrry totiwri ( / a 6.rimeeeh,._ f�//� S� l/lo �f 1�� / ---(-1A-7 E ? ,, .,&.,.. , .„)____ Raz) Rekii 7,' w r ITV J457. R teit)-), )k-) /C I . la '-C ( .s' .G ' / /5 7iW#,�< / A 1/ -E3d - u-_b -,. I 0-7 C . LY1O►J300b l E_ g t NrD►3 1C._.T0 (-- - - 1i * . I)E T I T i 0 di A/l C-rh E k WD pus is64/ct wA mr4 rot E eip/74/ CYwriiCoup/ Qi4. 1err* tti✓ The Ali e-Ah 4io CAR iAee '7''i A sr,gea Da •17rier cire-7—P, aA/ Ak' /4, I�/ 77c erAtreRi , ,/7 i•d 4t.AA/Z)s . A1z o MAit/ awsr4 1 .(*Mir. _ . HA M E AD P i 7,-.-----,/„ . --. -).H 4...,i,?„...„a, ' , , ,_,, , ,• } , ,,, ,. f ,,- • , , ''..atA.. M.,A,._ • ,1 -'3 C A , 1,/,,,' /.1t, 4 ,:i4 o /V /' , "T /o -h v' ' ~ , a , . , . /373i si /20,ii4 -7--- ,' / /--)-:_Af / Vol A/C rah, J..r .) 10 4. -‘ arse) 1 tog k /vD A /) %i 44 ,i i.i T aioe „./. ..i 04-2- -/er/...54.-i-,-. de-"e-- ---' , _,??_ •3:1,_ ) :- ----p,--) / 7)/7,,z-43r,- '' j--'• ' i) S" / GDP ' ` ") q/U-4110-- b £ 3/2"/ --y,- -r Qii,,/vvciu( iiidg1/.)L ; ' ` t ( " ii u :tz,,,,t,Ar), °$D h.e ie,-4/ -7-,u /C• (168, 11 ii 0- (-- G t.��-1 . e-e-kLii:--, L= '' IV , _ Nv3a /'/'I,41) s E Rc-14/0JA , K( 4 ilf9 If:i i,),i, a-0/_ : ,CE. 6/ � , , ran 4 = { S/ 0 Sf / iz6 ,22----2---1-2.-./ ... eAwiii - .1 & is m.c- )2 so (-2, i_el, r-- _ ,,_ i , _( ,2-- : x)cf. • 4,(_,14. - /(--/,.....c____6, .a /�./1: , / 4 .L.. /,�/ _, /, ; [/2 -- '` Al ♦ i; r / / Y( ,,, � tip' �L i �� - c "(,--.T7j1 ‘'i-t-‘41).y 6 Ze2 r-r, K-0 CAA - n-Ay , pr81 ,-yfro- y n e/ 'PA 341 7 rl b J4 ? /v(Pf /.141 t552Ydalf 144 11.1110111101.. ',W Vf'a►1, c 4 W 01 QC/PI v w Oil ' S a/V 11 y a*i ti .1..fi.9° itiol I er aiy ityip! 4,1„.0 -21.1susy 1:4 . t .pylif 1Wyo a v v7;asiv ai r. les al riJ7! v /rno12 oc_4117 / sal a th e-Lw Vfit UPStn., QIV 17 3 j_.,ip‘ • - PETITioit 1 D E Cr,'darts '.t/A 07-J Th ( IP WM, C,'73. Cor 1e crti R.11 Th e. xis");e- b io CAR, 13ae 'ri Ad71 - •177;eE PrArrl a A, Ak' /•Z.i /iv' 77,c & v7 ,Al 4A A'zs . ALr ' MAC pot rRzs-7i—ie,fwmt. PME ANICESc Co7 tow,77-3 egiRFt— J �0cc, L/c ( -71 ti Lli r Il Ga k/ ° - ZZ38104,'44wee;? - � �vr�� E /,� 1v - f ` ?LTiTL • • I NAI i7rb E u •D '4. 1'I'd*/rD %A/A 4/7-4 rote &era., C, r7 C o a �/ �. i IL � 1e r-t, W Me iI ED+e-A b AIo CAR, bae- it `r.; ACT 7) War, iL/471.. .eF c7 -1 eo Aio /• s / A/ Tyr &A'T */ 11;t241-41141DS . 4Igg A N o w rc�'�i j*M t. 1 '1 OLP re OAAT-vveit_E0 /44 M AP Pie 1� ES � UL1-/\. (' ( PL 5 E 23G d 64h Xa':-/1/ 1<_2-4/c, re:T. (14ff- ititodif,t1S4 MTh() Ur .46- 9 6-e'r• , I t:6 G AI' p3,417) ea//c too' ►to ;) (_/ s� le) /2 A/ �' sue. ^/ g/l /5/7 a), P: iO/z) � � I • PETITioil 14477 ' 1 E u WD e,e,�r;Elan ,.✓A air Me eidThl C "ryC0i ;i.. '-T-71 12 - tW The Aitcae- Ah A i 0SCAR, bAe. it *-7-:. A ‘•a z0 led , carA-r1 a*/ / ko /•L i ,/ 7/., &Atred ii,..aki.",z)s . ALso MAA/ paior,t "i fwmE. ........4. .............., PAIE Mo &scC , ' ^ �, t.__ /5n /(3=� / �5 ,�/7-er4/ ii/ - 6 1,et ido5 r/emtnif,ovluolv, .,.) Yip i I, , , ,,,,,,q, 7 _ tza-ip ,1 6-7a 3 0,),44/is /so g )---._ Jz_374,, s e- '..,..4,1 ,-,-, i .7 -y, I )„,,,sid .,td,e 1 je>, ,.(_1 e?' 1411 (hr l! 7SH Iix.6101/4) Pti Al _, W�: A i L/W ClAAAADUk.,) ��Sy�- s y "� R,,k--, k v. U .T r ,� ! ��e : I . I. � G � :i / ..7.1) . i . ., . -4' . i 40S-- k-(- I c-1 (. -/- - i 'r , s ' / )' MI il >'-/.0�c ‘--iLa,--c—. 9/ -2 2 Cv//57-vc_.r Sd -3—GJ75t i l LGs• .1- --J 6k ( ? U -7- A) 1- -)pu • - kmAi(/ 7_ Al -s 4 ka ).),-,7:6 ' 3 („, 9 •4-- iP W",1 %_. IL rim er w,1-C;L.- -k3/ '. /, ' . „. i-/4/0V /VESrisfg&up gQA- o-77 (. 1vi(5--)- 17.s1:, z e /' y l<'.I2A4 itp k� s-- /( 2 , //03 y ,. .,4.. ar-'61a / ?o -- lki , 3 S� . ( & , 7 / - 1 12dC4A-)J K /' e__L./.7-7 - 41-;„„,./14:-(,/// , /e/-4,=- 'po./ ?yyLcyl /6 col ' ,0_ 6 < .; / 12?ide‘ 6, , . - ip '( \z*/ F./ sc P__-_,„ 81 NdAnt.____ 1 . 4 ci 1 1)-)44 ' SE .8 ] UDC ;y., , i • • • • • -29/1".._\/ r f/d} J9/ S;Y r ,3 yy•,94f co.%,a �3 - ‘A-4 'v +,wo- 1 olcons ( 1 5-5-rhh f���-� >; IV p±„, d { S 7 f 17 C 5 n' 7.. OZ �i —2)=7 1 Yl M "1)1 b1 i a 311 1,z2S \ ) 1) riji" r T 1 J � N S , l 9 1 JT V ) ,, i � `� � a 'a"�/ 0.) NA.N\ pr 1 ‘416.4°2 kV 45S3WdlY 3141W . •swvore- ram. ...Ty ► en4ciovw os • salt 1/ y0' /r v ��fl /vit 'er/ Q- Y pi! LV_1 /v! 9 1.E Q 4 VW •;1,, w 9 al Y 7 y -ohs* a ;.1.271Vr0o 44' 7 13 pealsa7 •th lw VP% as w•i�+i GP 0 3 ygc.., 11,' • • 1:13 TITI oil E 4WD ecr s'd 4✓cv t.dA ail✓ rot it &Mil C, 73pCo �i �a k C te.r/ e A ED+e , h Aiv CAR, '""ri Aserf a VeE clrACTI et) � a /a-' Al T7,c &Acreeti Wfo61.bI1A/Ds . ALs o mAN awrriQ, 7rm, Ame. pME MTheESSI Cfry wawa :! C•911,77", r p ir . 1,�,�--'r'ib r u PI t�.�c'I'atisT idA Air rot a egemt _ C, ,, Cati n/ esi I.. k rrt R.A✓ T4e A4 E z+l.,1► h _ , ____._. AiD CAR, LAe.. 't 7". AC71va b an, i&/?er P7-747-allo*1 //d /•t. i P/ 7 er ivre A/ 141.424i.A. A.Ds . A Lso mAId b4Jir/Qr nJ iAme. V.A M E ATP &sc relAi► oth A?€P?e � `5 s �/rd ;5 %Fr: tYrr Rbflexl ' /O/3 o e4' / Q4/ 1(it. Re 4//0N) ki'l C 442)-- 7ra). )6 Add,"ri dri.-0 ft Kc-c- ,,/"---i-J 7.---_-< a.g. , ti-8-1-i—c-- - , i )_)-4‹ — OA,/ �215/ 09 Nc ,2�5 igcN;a() ! ,//2C� 4.iiLcAP)6(MtkiA6 Q (ft,,, r\vc 21-4-'n-/ Ki2J'W))L___ kJ "L___ lI L., /Z6,13 s. -- �� ' V --4'. /e Cc x tart a, / S/Urc• l 0 >-4 . fq)--w/5t r[,,,. .%,,_. A.,/„-,-., -/ /0_)-1. riz ,4 6/:',./ : '-i(Te-_ -.-,' ' A: &it i ,C�C '4�.�p�//�J i.-5a'5- S E l 9 1,r1,/ I L- - . _ ei ms. - 1 el 4' i Iritd- AV 1*/j 71bE !4 ,/D Elea,,'6*/FV 14/A 07"-J *ht Iei l Cry Cotih/ d ikpa 'err"OW ThE QED+e-Ah Ail) CAR, b of .. it *T. A d?1 v C ,ate A A/7EE: c71:74d7"-jtio A/ A/d /• s I I 14/ 7-4A- &Atre it 141.A. ,vis . Also mAidpbwirArnitielime. vimilIIINIIIIIIIIIa' V.A M E: AD Pie ES r C y Cotitir, i i l',► )3 635 5 i0/ -Een 980640 1 r 1 i 2( " r te-ili - AL-E- 1 a,,,,,,,* ,„� ,R/T,,,,_G� ,Y i' „/Y G Il 04,,,1-, i J 1 a13 N . ;2,7 ` St., .Lo < < h U Scv-N Qa_ Ill 3L-1 c%) Nl f-_ G e cy\t on Ki m l,- 1j-4 //Z % U 5 6/ Y4 7,- / , iii z FA- . a., /0/0--raiicry) AL. it_, ) / iat_ti-75,( , . , / ,da.2.,,, ,, „, ,56‘4,te-x., X E-- :7/' , c 7) ''Ig__ —0 • C (71 qtg MAIL A J 1 0 i ..$0A4 [1-6-1 .- / - /7;3,2 c//cJr0 L) /- L vP)v-p A-4-6-1- ,56 / >9 e -,, -.� a /0// 2l..e.tx. 4 e. 7/6 ,,� s> , \ ._ A (,_ -c-\n \ \\tic. �;11 � f.tmit a7A&2e(vt /�/z,e27 K re la Zoie� _ el-: . /gym; 96 7 b t a 7 j,¢u'/:,/, , `/.1 Il ke..t/_t_e_e_.. � r..,c 0-4-c/< , _ & /OCR 6/e wMY1/c ///,X- /V�- je e/it°n Ally, O 1le-z in bu Li J,r-(v, . 53_S A), „2,0 -111 L / A PETITioil • • 141i,T'h E u d/is Ems's'4 n/f1 %.t/A Air rot E eit`TIsf C,"r3 Ca I d iI '- ° 1Ccr- ft ,/ ThE A4EDId-1 h A /a CAR, 6Ae. It 77. Aerrs- ba i•/?e, cl-ri — b A/ /Vd /•Za1 e/ Tyr A'T� A/ m- 17-,:i,.1i24kt �s . ALso MA A/ pa w .,t^�''i, j*Mt. . N v.....wb r.., G i AtAME A2) 1)Av &sc tetigr, 4 <, 4, 1 f /2 , / ' kA f ,lamf k,(24a.--,,, //30i/ ,.gems),,,,/af-- itz, ,e,___-J, ' r , /6 k(f-(- iy Via'fk I z i-- /.- 4`! , --, 7it 1 ci„,:_)/&-el.-2"--/'„) f, ?A,... ./tPlet,4),44.7, :,--,), 1 ./T.: , \.,--- ,, ),/,-, -& T /7/°/ a,„..„___. IA,., ,,,7, iietill-7, ) ,_.)-ziza -3a0/ /e) . (fM 371 /.e4 / 2-7 , e ) - J[.P� /(.5- Y-42y, /1 0.E. _1 _ /t, �,,,, , /1/1 tut,t, f iieli,, . ,9 c Paw ICU c m -, . 6 _ • o.9ti n Ai& (-794 lrl ?()7(1-6e.r>'l ` l j Y._)c I ii;N 6.*..i i t /ll( (1)4 > C.i /2/ 2 -n i-iL J 7 ,-'1- erVIA/J1 0 P.a3OV 3-- 0_,(_,60-,-, .g<i-e--7,-1 0-� (70.2 hi.. / Vo". I • 1 TITI uil N'Y C-'h E 14 pip eft,eh is tvitl) 144 Aires / • einflai/ 017-freobwesii. 7711e&Fr& / Tie QED+e-A I. ,4 i s CAR, 6 A `T.'' A err,se a D in, 19 kirkF �►-�-�' 46A, A/a /.t, �/ T4c & 'T 'A' fir' , Hi6.244-AtelDS . ALso MANpowlrlQ,,ikfwME. A/1 AT PkESc C try toe V,eo; v, I 1 116""/G E I r , ... ea - A IT Loy . . _ A ' - ' - 7 - 144-7-h E kplD E, 44IS4►ifp 14'A M7 rote es", • . Cs Cat' ,/ ct ;i - r 1egrow The HE'D►cA 4iD CAR, b A e It `7::. Ad71s•c. bii7, i&/?F Prer"'i a A/ A d /.L / ,' 7,4, &A/re A/ I W,.Q6k& M7s . AL:ø mAo b10 ,4, 7'• klAME. (II 114 E AD Mv &sc .,-2-At „ d -, :- 4:'t.( — /-a()-c12 f _ --zi-- , /,,.._..z .L,L,,,,_1,,,. ,, , 6, 2 t' q - ) 0- C- i-zi ' i 7C17,/.-L-,-1 4),-----7- -,_-/Fbi-f, ' ' r -( 11 1 ' - Z,1 0 Q-ii 14. r4 , Tew =Kir ,'I" , c - /X'X, C-4-6) ._ 1�� , /2��v� 2 )6RAI. 717144 /„2 07- tc:ni,c-c-ei4 Pi i4..E. X147 27-e, (/0 .rw-d iA\ `i),,t . /:3 3/, / / i72. 51 e_ (//1/-0() /e„ ,,,ifc_- 1 f ith 6,,,-ii-J„., )11,;-_.6.i, /i --( g - /,7145)eS.,-/i. .S-4:. id,,i7--,„ ' / Z_/-- , gif.m- ?a, (2,,,,, cvlillui. ioie Aitt;0 el L 2)E 44.c. /?-ei,jte-- j' a1/4-/ 4./e(77 /(y(----,e,ii-it 0:e7(V. (---- /124(6-7( Ael ,G, ,2 p. ,/ / C%!//QiU' ` , mac/ , -7i, , /7 -- f "°)?-,ce,,, e- ,_ 67o, Cazixie_d> ahe 21.e e, .. ,,. --)„ /-2,!:),,,....., 0 ,4 P ,i, ill/- �-- Al e � `I�- , -,,,, ,e4.,,,e. ricw,(5c‘: /D:::),54),y ► .._ A 5 IT 0 . a, / 1bE 14 •1 btr tt*/tV 1•✓A srj 7'P t eiad C, r7Coopiti "-r s ie Cart R.A/ 771E Alt to, AiD CAR, 6 e. `75, Ad?1vC berrp cl.r.A7-/ a Al d /•L. I 14/ 77,, &A/re A/ /.w/1.Q4 / ,L )VZ $ , ALSÔ MA A/pbwri2rn tfwMt. d E 11Mv &scCiry m.ta, /, 7 7 , v`c. , -6/i?c) i /Jv / 7 0 C-1,--4/A_ 5 >C (Iiti 1 PD,100 A e A1T . _ . .. ... ... .. ��� on/n}e� 647 / suAlc �. i)L / ITo 6-cE3 665-torge,, 0 5 / Ay „4:701,) 676,0 ra /A) "9„ ai 3O7 / 1 A,;\7 . ‘t(NAP1 e7)(6\\ CC Tom) amiuiv4&-Q. , McAv q�� Mom 'A �J� 3ot � -rr;,� K i rvc /;i.20 A2.7efry, Clue. ttehill14-$. get 36 t4E 7---/-4 f(4.7' f,7 J /4 // 'k.4771 Ca ' (11 449 if:4\(tf IN al- 1'5 oho C s _ 12,,e4b _..__ .: I • PET IT I o e.-rh E u pi D cr i t*sF %4/A v7 eiramiit C isra' Co G r4 d %�. T'a kerlfej4I The A4 cD.d-A b Aip CAR, bAe. '77. Ad7-fac bffr, clawfirr-Isail /k/G /•L. ! #/ 77ç &Atre. //19I, ! itAd'zS . ALz ' mAid awa-ozr i fwME. NeA ADMESc Clary ' CiOee,773 0//, ;.„ 6e;a", ; 47 / -(4 r /4fZ/ l� ,c i ti�Dx P g i r eET IT I Oil \4/j 7' h E 4 WO r ','d*/ict %4/A ura rote efors4r Cs 'rr Cor 1e i- RJA/ T4E *Mg D+ -• t .410 CAR, AAA. `T,'i Ad71' ie . Da iii Er Pricr'tet)A Aid /.t, � ' T'c &"7 'A/ I-Il•Qlitt-l► J/Ds . ALz ' /VtiAlt/ ow �'� i'�.fwME. PAIE ATP &sc 7/khitx;i2_ gLevktiA, W044 Eyr&ii ' /1 '7 / L o q " ( J (-/ -7° //S L'a--S / 4/14a/ 4eql `,, Irv\ 1 ( C-f��. N,hA u r.x., p .ir n 2 f'` S ��, ice •lam v -l 7 _A ry 1 . . ••• •. 1 1IL... 1 . . .. ,, .. . . . . 1 •_________*.- t N./Y-1- ----7,2,-fri--2 ----A - -- 03-1,a`67 ' 'L-Ipab:. , c2 ..j) \.k t �� , ti, L 0 6 -. . 7 "1 -7 i __. "'"i---- 1 .-e:i 4/ - (1-r-p-479.0-- .6--1-z,' -niii91 elil-/- A-00-2--- ---, 14,647" 1f f J> ; y ,��..� , . f �r 1� r -y// `,''`fur/ / ;77✓J L 4.1e40) ; 1 4"U 0 VS21d � a led w of '�sAiQc/,yVrw vs • SciivY-010.1--/ x.. ir t.1,/✓ 'yr1 i ....115 l l r/ 4 /V 4 / �..r . ity.pi 4.0 CZ -3 dsidipy •.....L. , yffy iwyo alv ..,,...., y r7 4.Yr /41 . ar ;.4._: 7! V /r a 0 ' 4i417 maifse7 s va. e..,Lo rfit a.sn► ►,i tn+i at. 03 &;j l 1 s)N'/ ! ,-v nr � � i'S eQO f4 f 3 a`-�'- 3 ' R''C 4-4/ SSd 9 WI' •NwVIre4r 01/ 01onlp/ VVY Qs7 • stintY1yCV/ /r Cisfi Jt f1 ifif fir•/ 0 1/ osi,...c...t..115 LtI itylf 4.4.tiq '3 ps V •v cif 'Wyp — lyloolsw attat freil_Loa V /4000 4-4'0 f4q se s L r.z1V vP+ asp v J+a a r h 3 f)ETITI Oil \Alt-7-1hE D aw Cr? aaSti id A Airi The esi/Thi 0117-y Co , ;L -r cftil 77, �qcz tAib Alp CAR, bAC 't. ' 7. AST1leC. l) in, s/ itr c17ri o!v A/a /.t, 1.ei/ T7,c &Aire.t/ 1-1;o41.#6. A.Ds . ALso A441/ pawtc,C7.1fw,NE. bE teESC elsrly 2,L , R° J,L)y-0,J 71-c 2 A/aGoi F-..? Re-AttPlc, Mvpyl c Pe KL_,r i 1,,,IJ .Cz , / c/xd 704-= 2&/771e947 q s k , I • ("ET IT loit /C71hE dDecr,•,14/sto %A/A4/7"' a eshew C,'r7 Co a ; TT" 1Zcrow 'r A4cacii t Aiv L AR, -7'; Asrf D4+ iil ►ir cr'A-r' o A' A/0 /•t, 77c Al ► IR41,Aavzs . ALso MAI✓ owiwArv! k.rwME. VAI'4E 3pu r - f } f • rETITI • drhE D E ,'‘*1%'0 or' rh a `imo Cry Co G i,4. ,'r c ftJ Th cz e- h A i D CAR, A e. 't `7�i A cr71 se a ,a itT, i/.Iir 537—ATI a*1 Aki i W/ T,, &A/ar:.A/ a41-A An)s . ALs ' /VtiAidpawiri fw,Nt. E Mv &scCn ,' jeomwr, i - • PETITI Oil • Nsk,"""rh E 'ID er stit/C1) 14/A 07'4 Th • iefeTh CY'rfr. C The Aori e-At Aiv �... R 6a e. `T . A4drlA-a D irr, %&/nto( c17-7A-7- ilo ,'.t, / A/ T' c & 'r ' lits.a4AAAtzs . ALso /V All' bWirl2 y`• kfAMI. 4 VAME tCiry • ? ' T1TL Oil k d D 'Cr;b✓i'D ‘dA A/j� The eis/774/ Ca'T'�r C , d ;L -7'e R4r7lRl✓ MED►l.At ,qra CAR, 6Ae. `7 . Ad7' ivC is/�RE cir-A-7-116 Aks d 74A- &A/-red 111;01, 1"1" Atzs . AI. s ' MaNpowLRtiwMt. JIAME__ AP P ICES C Try Cotart • • 4 viii, Q ,„„iN s A V "--..c% oks8, el\iiii•‘fl. .914 oti-A 0 3A' \ 'Av.( 1 7 I 'I' '15-i s.._ _....e...... ....k .4.al,. .. ikt... Jli t . t...% A f i • q 1114 N4 i IN) it.1 ill 'e 5% C\ C/ ....4 III /)Nil 1. 14/ \A% 4 1-14 4 3-4 % \r")'s th •*. \' ""le .b A a 4 A 4 ...,.) I% k 1 . ...� 5.. \ 1 1 .: ff 1 • • PETITioitt ...... \44: ---rh e u iv a E.cr As aft) 14'A A7--4 7r,r E eserait C Y'r Ca a ../ d %4. 71 Je r R.i T6E A4,DA cA h Alt) CAR, 6 a e �i A C7,v C. Z u i••/ EE r 4 i— i o IV /t/ ' /•L 1 I Al T4A- ei'7 d Wita-kt.AA.zs . A 410 M A IVloa w t'#Q79.7 ,r�ME. MAI4IIE ,...... . MINIMINIIIIMM I Comwr, --Zit,, , ; . ./.„,. / ,,7.5., v ,t ,5, ,, - it - 41---Li , , L______.„ ii , -AV,1,---17 /�� SF/e / '. .CYiJ'y�; / �� (5) re , - -w` Z.s5ii,,,,„ebo a r i. )q cc: ,,,,/4--_6,-,,_ / ..__,:,,-- I/C/ )-e44 11L t oAA..4 �D I u-- t' C.2-� /-� ,62-14 --./J --)��G i L , i ,7,1Aj iff_4_e•-t--- 1.-i.(-4-k.- Ae'/ 2z....0‘eir__,,e_aie..,.ele; 4----_ __,e_.---) - / ' V ) -e --c-if- - '---- - __ l&"e",()C/ J 0 - of 5.7 . /�-P..e-7- K1` 1-1 -. l' 6L ^<'' A 9 C '---. 1 1 A((6;i'' ',1 . 6 ' ' ,:e: // /,u to/v I 9- j2 C' i I S L /45 -- F'L 0-1-4-Th.,- . . /47si, - 3 ',P-/ rc,- fi--- e-e---e/-- ,e4-/ , :, „,<„, 1i , , La„ ._, ..`,,, , / -Z r 'r11 bzij-% J o 3 4 /xi,/4s. yam-l -„ r$6 K/ . .. /gal Z7 C rZ"/l/ .. , v-. 7Fv5 6 , fr 16� 5502 De w �7 f e ` eo:s-6 LL /l�.a . i 1 J.5"/ 7 GIA4o/i ' 404--. /1/,e eE, i oy) lt.. 3-', c A----,.,..._(- af /G_?3 ..s ez s i c) 21 ?.fry c A: .? , i I�t4�114- W��u� Pn ( ►T� g55i e--i11 r-s e \ IP_Ajt AR C 1 4Crq \C t 2_____ i/ 'fe-1?-ei 1 i Iria-itirrn-N----t e.--/,'- lig P3 5-eCI 9 ea-Letz" ._ez,11:)1. ,,,o0-ei Nc'-:- 4€_-,-0,-,- %c; .-6 `*------e )w0lzm/1 �222eV 1 �t 4 ,1 Alt, fit%.,,;= . • PET iTioil 4 NlE:--- 'h E u pi eqe. r,'dasv ,./A oY 7 "4 E esepo C1')3 Co1ctLr -OW 774 A4 cz, e h AiD CAR, 6Ae 't `r• AS71s•c. b arr i&/ ikr cirgr-l 'oe ilo /•L liv' Tic- &A'T .d/ WIRA, t4i /vDs . ALz ' MA /9)6wf#ernit *Mt. ............... ._ ., ,4'AME •AN EScOuArr.5 s � -, s. ,; , . /7L_5-- .9, ,. /i34/7 • ,X;-,P6/7- zi_i z-?-2/1" • i_ I 6 11/' /6 aeg,,, ,,,,,..._,. i777,--,„.,,,,,%, ,, , , ,L`— ;--; //7 A/,,,..e.';,�-7 ,..,waret/,zr' ,e�,/�.,-- 4.i i✓c. 4,,, I ,t.),(s`:--Co 3- 407 ItiQ. II Fk ' R_o_,,t--to d 1-k-Y 4 ‘ ; I-'() '.‘,1 i I k Uc,,, •l.s... ci111( 1 C1 IJ.E_ . 1 0t a c� � 1 , ; -" L . 2 1 ? o [59'38-/Vz e l) F. 2:4" 1,77tfroyo E g� 44,c,,,tz 2,,ite ,:at F9ei-ixfi, i, 3e/e ; :erit5-1 / O,c' i o i4 n v�,�uzi, lee0 i o in /C ► )j� l� cl,c.� g2 � (1,, . 755 .4 C k, ce_-)„l G., ��. -01/-n-e-e_ /1( --‘,,,e.,,,,,e,--r ORV7 - ,76.,=-,04,4f. ,e/-e(.: /C---;-•4/70.v ' //.--- 7 QkA/.5, ��J / , ��.73,.E_17t h7. oczy--2 w ► ✓// 23,, -vin �Dp � / a,/-, i-g 1-7 II') a J\et- ..A 0'- . ' ,i-X;. '5Z.1 /z at/- * /44 7-7 / ,Ld1,,j ''' ci `/16 g ri. c. AP 5 v�"11 Avi, v /( 7 t; `)ft)egetiQ/141/ 113Z /3ads-E 94 e - ti L Lo ‘ D, I ) ° DAyrao AvE KJ El REN)TO ki <I )v G ..y.., z C ,23O! ,v e.4) 12iJ 1)( /ec-ii)7L0 /1 / -- 1- ' - 3frP/ y z e_,,, ait/r_d7E ___;Qa J . 4- - - gLy 212l ;Z Z. ,0. r ,, , ,,,, ,,,,,„ ,„ , ,,,, , ), .,,,,, ,,,/,, „/ _ ? ",,/ ,u9,' , i'ci S 3 0' 0 6 z" �f -- 2:2:21T/ '3 &f./V Wri h/g —14111P Y ' I �� 1/ 44.E � a/v aY7' d'ys d /7 _9(7. 1 y j -1. o_i 4''7) ,41 ol t)-E/ 5 N h -- a s vs -a ti t,i� ,, "1 cc »-a/ -�5 `�/iH/ 3fV E _ e G.E Y 3 -',.p^"f-`Y�2 3)1,f irr D(21 y . ' tt 3 it 14 4, oOP( fP K#to,� ''"'o C hv '� , 3riv42u Gr'ov5! rvyte '14 -4/ry 1 rvo- 2l • , - •ire 1/air - 01 cc 4.61 tv s1 pv-retwils- torwx Turrerylsot/ Irenp 7•71(016 N oi N91,N au 4 3 '�1pyrze,C.i ' °tc.•41 • ?.c 4/2.4.2, .....-.1/ -"x"gt, - rr"7604 . . . 7 1-.11,v -N4 tr.4•rg se NT on "1,1vviv'M *cl .on►/tI '11.9119, '/ 114ON/ 75 b QIS i orivn ° (P./ A vl"rsolgt E 4 1 Avg,OA unNn fis; .4..c 4..•.v.e i p/ Vie 7•47 Widiri '.1741,4 '1"71),/ o/ 341 .oil y / • f; , ,k4 0,9, „woad ^.0. .:..s eavh. i,,, ,N f•virro 'mirk/ eatoli _Vs/ ‘,417.3? "4"177 /1//X t i,2 £/ ..cI4p/ 3M1,52WO " ri7e 4m41"2(92 /4-4 t55.2Wdlli 914/ 0 .. •YfiliilYY1�Y. / Y •3wV"are.1 .0reielQC7/PyVW vs7 Ve • S(UV t1 IV! ,ti /r1..L "tf1 /14/ r/ Q V /V v 1�_1.-.tu / t c Ia! w,l .1„1Z "24 V . / . t •DY9 'W17 Q! b' Iv-a/QsYv aid /ralr- ► 4(t.4 . y! v pa o 0 4.41 �kciiva? ova. r_ow VPt asp,,!i 0/r fi 3 sc.L.3f 4) A. j v 0-� 1 U,"-r,�' -tv- ° v rr►u+7� �-I (/ Q.7 '3S a'$I cg) ec-'Shl h - 5 ---- - -- -=--1-- _„,_,)m,„1 _ rtivvrmr?t_;oq(Y) Nrnr), • rcroiroc , _.,„ -,7., �7 s saky - -) - rt l Ci6 / mel �A D -- 0-)--N1-7J— ?(\ —\'t .?N'i - ,1—(-) , Q-0€0)6 nl`? -\fr'Rq 'N 421 __:73 rw/Y ---,A-7-)-11-Vi -7,7k 0 / J Y ie'l-' ---)- 9Ga_ __.?Q' 4 //o _SIB-S ) "v7" iv ./j ' *---,°r;A/ _>-1/ --2-- -71-1-1-P7rg , ., ----v-t--,L, prp -j i v.1)1 ,„,. r\-n_i(w j ----sv -8.--) —a-1(Yr W2S\-- A___\c,?1.0 ,-,, ,e4 nr/ /'l 0.1 lY.� a' ':�'S -a-(7,fit' � C G���, Q v,� a���{�^,r1.2 ' Cti/li r\v4Arr ")- - oict 1 I ' 1 -)\. Q Q C \(Kfrir0 (421-6-Nr \\ 3 4/01t „),, . •ai16, 4/O/tvh _5G rv3 i' -)A0 a r 1 V tcre /7e-5-E- , /e 2)3)i&7 /v o, '-(e? p W ' d- 4 z/r "1-a-l'iP ,, Cfr / /O/ 25 SEOVa-,-c-7-7x . 5/1/-?- fik-i74,,,,4117_„..4.0pi - ° IC ' ' e7,-r?/c / V At.:: ),.., __,.... -___52. 0 i 1 :,1,6 41.1,41 /7.•-41 0 45 5.1W d IV 3 14/ 0 J 2- i \, / �' — E-/ cook/ -T •,w,,f arm..res of 4ci jy v w v s • scioyi410-iti Ivo,_.ov 3tf1 /1,1 'e•/ 4/y /Y4 , V / _ c AN"!1A?, q "2 did.sqv •;.L. .Pwq 'Wro a/ o' I • PETITioii Ntili7 ''h E '4 o'a ,+ !e./0 is J/rtl t4'A s17 rot 1 eirstn• Cs'?" Cit ;i -r a 1C cr-0 itil ThE Ails de- h Alp CAR, 12Ae. It '7-7# A erffrt Z A/74r c7i-i oil Ak' /•t. / #/ T4A- eA/`r-e A/ /7/s. ?4k* * ls . ALir' AAA la powiriarnkfwME. 4'AI'4E Mv &srCiry &elArr, a,\,7y )22A0 31 c-d?/- - 3 927/9--/- ---& ,e " :6-,,,,_, , _,_-_-___,,.; I 7/-' ,f6,4\4174-cA/t - gerf- 7 / ./y r ' ,,,/1,, atrfze / , /,_-:,___d, 1 0 / 6-, 4., t ( I ArE -7.L,,,5_, ,,,,,,, _ � �` 1,. -ri-a,,, ,,a ,,, ,,- , , 1 I au: 41.12iNr..-Lin. (-;()-k--9--0 (V. ,X1t3-J)i , (12.0 0 1,jouol _A)._.v c(01-3 _a-0.- E-,-, 45_,,, i\--, El , )._.-cL-,-.-7-0‘,.._) ' '''c )42,a,Lr 3p30 ' _E(cla I, ii--c,,,,G--,-, 96,.7, 7YrLen/7/,,e.poz., 0 , /z ‘3, S`G o/ s 7. i /h-reFo 10E iC s .2YvIS' /hSFr 1N �� �- -7?:m1 1//UC' '` i '7 �� /�7D/ g /,' ,74 / --7 =-<-,- -Zr:)6------7§----- 2- 7--- 1 C-41----,_st— Q__,..:1 i_ R,,,,____÷._ __,,,_ 1-(1-1 1 7,(_.-._ 14- ),(-C.,-XICI, -e)r?-I ,z:: 3>Ai.. - Cat--e'77 . (7:24k_Zet 1-,' - ' a k.1"-',:616,4'/I—- 1 5- ..,e'1..r?cil4 f,&g rii- ' tr t, ,,, /r6/i'( ,_k -3 40 2 - �r k 4vv, 114 kt,,_ (k,,,t4. ,„Q,,,,,,,_ g,„ _ ',- ,S—c)3 n 1-,- x,,b,-4 s ( 1 -e ' . 9‘,,,,,/ scJ,!_` _3-e d- tea. /s-,,-7o av /\/ " "e c--,-Y-6 ' ,/61_ L&c,, ,,,A41,a 13 1 1 9-ei-tr-°-\/'--k- -.0- n,-+_b-, egi , A 41, . ! .. I (3,0 qty....p_i A, !. ... , ,s2-e-4---, L `� \lS r ✓1 \Ac1ti , --) . Z._4\_, /(- /' �30 5E sr. A€0444 (IiiW& ) , �U� 3 5 l�l s 7 ,/,- a ,73 G'/ n / s/- <EA/T ✓ ( x!( N Zii • / S So/ Pi //7t J i �[ivro,) /ci/v , j /54 �1' izz,k(," -- -_e,_ -(-, , 7/ ) _z__v ,d_.,_rp_ii- (-, ./,_,:t \ ,.__2 >-z_ -411411111w 49 ,•••• '6 070A 5//treemfpxt, Afedipe4CK•Jg) _ 4. -7_- ' //epl_i ___ --,-, c ,, -----)____ ,,e ei,ce,.. ""e ms h ii,„,,,othc) ly, fw,o.Akup t 3O 3 5 3E_ Iota-- aM-W \-.( i n?J \ sec 1 €e. 1/oh6e 5ttl l Zts S" 51. ,az 4-1•Til feety, joy Mv52oth ems, Yeer07/006416 ) +'? 'f/7b' T 7 -sue 4f-�,-4,t_ O, (1 r 7 NV. / / 6 l78n (, /e . fir, Gc.) -e- ' J U `02- cµ-cUw 1S55 cam►icN ,1e. KI'E-#6( P _ - i (A.)&. (71L12, _tA , ) � / I / 1003r r2607_ 4,,,,,,,... ..„,„,' 9ges4 Aria /. , ;.ptiAt - / g-z777'1- 74 ' ' ' l I / • PET IT I 0 if . , 144..- -rbE u WDecr,'adory %A/A AirJ 74 a efelair Cry Cora 1e c tt.i/ ne ACED'e-4 4 AiD CAR, 6Ae. 't 7-:. Ad'7hvC b in, ,aJrkr PrA7-146 A/ ild /41 I i A/ 7_/7 &At7i Al /./lO4kiVZ)Se ALz ' M A A/ a w .R7'9 i1.11/4 M L. 4'Ab4E ,----74.., .______. --s)c,_clatd.c,,,,,_:,- ,____ ii67,/,;,,,,,,„)i,„,/,, \ -A//I re"-;/,- ) i )< ,jt )(------ /?lt4-"ZZ. ` _ 7 1/4(",4-, 1.c / ,', ! < , 41 � - , � _ ,// E10,4 / itzti. • t Y>,.- - - ' Ik-7 av/ c.9_4A:,i, . ,ii, /Y ?,o(17 /6)F ,7cP /c t k )1 C: ? Kl /1 :':: -k ij� .�, 3�/7 1��� �� - ‘7. -7 .1 '� 5 CtA-4.e �, 77 �� ,�, 7 aS �n: Yam`` / ed./ce _ /\�� t111 61'10 CI.Y #0/ 1 17) A---),.„7-c.)/i.i , k( Liel ,. - ‘,Z1, Z,' ,- ‹,.ie.e.i,..1._44,‘<i),.// AK:t7,-,, .12e-1 (--,e 41 6..„--,7)\kti)41, 4,:),x.,n AA.. c. °lc- "e„, 4,... -6--,,,, ;2,7 , ii4„I. 0 /D(o / Ly,u R- ft.,..v lam-.r.v `f-a 4_,. h'e, . ZixX:'� 1--r z)►"FeQn1 I l`0t1iv�ri c`t;., : \\k,*4`1 .c c%fl.Ur'l iI)r TO inrn 2-lif 1 'ILK) r\rYr e3 e401‘ 2e. rc)n +n R c ( 0 ) 3() a..\ NC::: 144\ S t n-e‘i\ CP1 \'C\V1 V`‘\ 1 tZ�f ( 1- / 'i S /l7 f 'rtyt� ell-57 t' Q'� f �,�.. or kg C.1 G}, r o C ! \?.t.A.,,,, plancpti,T.--/pwatver,„ 4ajoe- AirA , D-', ' .124,1Nt-c"-'- -1‹..1*Ij C. 4 r1/,17;th\ )\ ,C_I 2 ILECI. -0'1L. ‘-' -.:2)A0,- ...t.---1At' 3-‘, S14-,\ADe ci, 163.3)<ir1.1.,,,,o,\ 6F ''z" I � � -,C) Pi I kF .6'r� Ve% /V I , kc, 1At--,jeto 1 . . PETITI Oil 144..-7-sh E Li •I D it te4%is a,(An vig/A 4/7''' Th II 6,171,411 C Yry C o h. TT; tecTabttil The A4cae-il A h AiD CAR, I:I A cit -r; A erb-r. t• irr, iiliFikr crArral 'osi Ak /sit. i A/ 74 r & /-7-e d 14 t.04 ,..A. A/Ds . A Lso mi to pbto irgrnittAme. _ ... AtAME APPICEST C fry : Coteilr3 - 11A ,,,) , kn -A-(-x/0/77 /---rirte,0A740/1/ /Pei' g --riat .ele . Pe-f,/-0-7., i--\. /..4 • i ./. e.-.....,#--,— .vM1_,Q ‘7/241-71'iSA,, 31Z-6. ' " 7 /-----,7 ' 5 -1.- 7 #(;i I r '19 '7 I 2--q0 q /7ga,,2.-e-, /5, .,cf.,_-_,, z. __-_---;--;;. -c2-- i .),' . /t-{(,-, "7--b -/6 r.,c& /5 3 3 J ax/&S' A4 ,v e _ 4,6,..,A i it, . A-- .) , - 44aQ //i. t4_'. ie,t42 niek4A( J: NA.12k.A."0 , C-4 Ci 4- Gr..4.A...",-ILler. (di n/;- : ).L--'f., i- ) * CAL ti) L 0 00,i 2ill --()/1 i.v.em1D--7- ) /C,' /01,3%z 6e96 P1Knt------ /, (go6 21r%( /0t--, VIA,4- ./A--:41/7,a4W fa A/6 4I# A ' ' -1--4- •— , il_ 1 (-1-il7k 1‘/L 7 i itt- 01 Al v,_ .. < c:_ , . --/-5 -" '/t' .z , _ ,_r Tr- 719-td2-pil , --f / ✓ -�L i !i ti� >� ti-,� -v T_ ry 3 n tD-dJtrr a DW I S o f \�- J ‘?'% ,../)--;‘ri C/ ,t_L6 ..-7N h -. PTA K 6 W77 /4. '` � r7/ ', ♦i ,T /0 y 0 3( (- v °err I1 7 . r-v/?/ r-vaini V --yd z_./ fre. ..cE_ST --2---("ii-ti .V.V i -,3/. Q-/1"PP/ _WY' `?vrealll/Y/7 7;1a/ P2-21-Y 'OP w77717 ' • --- - 6Kly Cr0;7Z17'AE-- /1/..,-- e7f- --.-erf-i ---./1-2_--z: -----:--fr7-2/-72'1AP7P ')( Vrjr-v"ef, -.(of \ic41'w- citi7 ,// romqvcr,T14 -,,/ , Y,/ , , . /yN-C 91:S; ite-)a mac'/4 "")71 -er l 5 __..2&, ,f,t__ • ---Z-L/---)/,/ ' (1 sW.0/ W.?7 2 7 ' /.7"1/ / A--ry 7 a- ":_y _7/. (/c_c- /:7_.C A?,,s, ? ---1-7-A0 ' i417/,', `7/ z-'9 Z L /mod, ( . 1---1(-.- 1-1-i',7 Z4 ((G,/ )l t-Vi/$ `✓'t/ ' NA C)-- VI es A 3,47 ./) ,' <-9vv")-) 7 2_C_.z.- - ---jrp'(f 3 ,'d v t� rv_. ', —Vr 4 c-)V1 'a y r'if/ A a,',v v %/ "I ZT D d/,-i :7 - 4--c.r.v .2re/ _____, /:? a. 7.)-?, 4 C'9'7775, IrLI W L(ol cia ow d/i cif—am do -\'`. ` - .-firkl', (-17-7-/ )0((/ ' ' p/ -:1, 7/7 7 e// -7 7) ?/ y/ ),' .~ iCI _or7477'V'cy tii)1W. J a '� l./i I el,/, c' 9(i/ (?v Dc1('(✓A�7�' f�' !/I� . , � ,sues l� i -3 r <in/0 2 33 i 'r2S DO I/ z v 1 ra, r A/L- r7 ) , =. _.\./ A i 1, 6 3 -zQ i2 �r� J a' yn 1 }< -,,)w, . WiT/7_--)i71 )/-2/ ' i 41 ‘1.114.171 V 5.2WdaY 9 1/i/ V/ ..... •pwwf'a► artesolvcijyvw (piny • ScZ/VY1 'f01I Iv o...L,/v Jt f1 /r f 'e '/ Qyy iv! le-Lt./15 idr /e! 4...nq 4,4 i..zsy 0;1., t -a4viiv 'al 1 a! b' 1r7oiQSYv au inil..„L,a 27! V Pr: o 0 4-4117 pa/iv • i.i, r-L"' rp' asp,•!gni, Q P 0 3 sf..,L,ily% ?' r ' ri. uu • 144--rh E u w oo ecr Asarco o ‘4'A07 1 ?, E eseixit C, i- C ;ira k cr-t, R,il ThE A4cD►e-A h ,Ai0 CAR, 6Ae- it -7 :". AdTfvc 1) irr, AA/?er Pri-r-'1 a A/ /ha /•L ii4/ T/c &A'r */ /41'.04AAA.Ds . ALso MA A/ a W .47 TT .JAMS. L 0ME APPICESc C try totewr, /'Cl_ _,)G,,,,, b`)-O / 5t.,vt, ,v i. IV.c. „v., i 1:, L0e- < 5') T zo 1 -244-4-,,Uwc( Geri. 9e.edvil z0,454, i 440 7 V+ S c0--5- 1-6-v 13,4 `1—)A3 c), ._ . _ /5-22 liAlz-kne‘aeA-e. )').6'. '2,2-Z-9-c) a)ct_- • 7)I ! iiec4--6-,-0._ ,A2-€4 3-5-)- S- A)E-6 --f-k,S+ z,„t-„„ e).) . /,q,,, ti"Zo j / 1/ / a-�, sr /Ze-iv -t, /9, -1.3 . cejt 41 /yv,5/ /✓C, ,2 0 `. X M-"-' nvOMa fop AA Co ZLt K I Z( T-VE . S L . DLl I (L U G rr-. -6A-1 n 1 )A At eil ni111O Air 10 0 -1 x mry Ctnx AI F fZ-i, :l:cn- K- KCifiUt `A �z 1_411 c; LIZO Ac lhff/A P,P n-rnA ) `et '") _. 1..,,..0 ,..+ "7 0 21 41,,14,r) Pie N.i= R n+0 n r,.0 2/ /D//� 7/C44-4/(e 1, FA iz PM kt, ) Lt3L1 PA ave i, aviktoi‘• 1<iksi'-di _ .,c/.4-/ , e- .2-ii7c. d //o3 7;ie,,,,AX/e _ ,.-- 1 -e--,10't— 71" 7 c� ‘ � 0 - ) /.?“ I / Ltyrih 44 Sc.. (2 ( &f TvN) (el G ptha,_-,- ,_gthcia_z/ /J66/ Ai` 5_ , .ram--a__, • AI // �,��" 7?4 J li/n :,0 y/la/ so,v 5 i- ! r/ ,/E ,' �1210jt) ' ' r:/. r / Ri ll A I ili vle. r' l )- /W-1' .' ' 47;,17 . • l'ETITI 0 it • l \v .lh E al W/D E,r 1.4 an %.t/A 4-4 The 6•1774, C,'r , Co ; -r 1e c r-t iLil ME At 6D+e-A t AiD CAR, 6Ae. 't `71 ACrf s. C. Da /&/ iE'r PrA-r-1 ea A A/a /.tom I i es/ Thr &A'T 'A/ Ai o41.jAIDs . ALso mAiti owto,7 k,(Aml. 0 All E 1 ANI€ EST C try Zomir, 4.,,,_,„,c ,r-„,,,,,_,, (y it40),w,, t Igo c A iP 'y 7-O IY ; / /. /y,-F 77 ();/_ ,, , ( 7 S Xec v p d,* , 41),E. 7Pen o n./ All 2 '6 y. eiziti , 5/ 916. 17& e- � ` e�, 00- --_,'/J nn G ti, n CA, J �I� ,„, `/ ,Y i�����*.ri" </ /7 N/- ' -cam li‹, �V 7.7?4_, ,°&O / q/ 2 �I,G6' zi _ _ , K , N J < � �S /4 /3 AA, 3‘ /,-)-1 ,�� wc,,_-� �,e)1 Ll/ aQSoie (e4ir& i A " C-`A 4 X i/7 a /63a- - .F, R--' ` /C r r. 21;6,, /4, ,;,_ 0,4,4i a, . -, R ,,,,._ __,- !4) - - 4,16-J- /4 2- 0.,1,,Luz„ ac7, 77.t. .w,,,._,t,t,„ , ' '- , 6 -): \,..,„.„,. ., .- , ,,, ,c- \\. -),-, c,...\.. \. t,_._, .. . \-2,._,-,,,-,_._\ ; ; ��, /cf.,. /4/ 7$ ' 7'C �,„ , //7/ . 1/11 1'i V /1/1-- - e l 'i.t/e:--, ' A_ e ltAM, 1.1)tT , .1O2 - NE -6 Q-2,4.e.e.. I u-A-s''1. 1-K-t, 1� _ . -11'i4t A4/-e%g* leei-A--1-tev al% D-7 C, _,,,,,,/,:„1 1 `-1 ` Li9AW6LAI 6 usog NE Sr leCVI. � %1M/ rr A(-Jon.-- 47/a 6 S/'=744{7" ,2t-,'-ala-4--,-71-J 7-11-Zte- --, Z,.I:i /f)g 7r°‘ E-/t)7.,0-3--e_i Z./ �'.v�- f/ ._, ..hi.4.a2 it2.4 274'??, 1-1-e--€ n , ),e,(-/-/-1---,--,7 c' . '' 0 kik P ae-D ._?7/_, 2,i)e.e 7(5._. 407)("4-7( .- -7- -i -2,'9 A,p7t,-,—. ' Al,I . I.Ji . -N,Q+) ,._ j 01,0_14,,t4020r. , 0),, eQ, C c-----A (4., ‘..),)_, 7----1,- - ,.._, 4 I 1-4-2-14 /1 I ,\,01,)/ ,_?Zi, 5 i 6r:. J vVocii \, \:\ -\-\\ \ g-i-v-(- ,..., -2,---,/c.›,-/ 7-Vitt--27- '9 ''-KP*' ) 4 7S /-/''.:- ,g ' i(j177fZ/''l ,k7i/ -y 7/2-1' .)'' -/igt8; &._2/C- C2M ,, 7 , '' t,AW7 r, • PO 1 1(7)4 wl 1 4 11/ 0E4.7 ifre,19 if, OtrA. --,, ,,,,g ----,4,2,7 . ..._,,a, J( )f Lohz ---w-!7,qr ncrio-c-, , c. /, ./,, , A., t-,Ly __Ty,, 7.,4 t) ,7, -2., i,/, ,----- -72;2- at-7.-,, ,. �� , _Ly -'7 C-'0Miv/y c /-1 �<, ?�7l?� .4,„q,j, , -2,,€ ( -- 77/A Li T,- -.- 4 'r I4i y /7' l 0,.14. f '1 is�4l i U/6 f''�' , � ,:_ (7iP--,% 71 ' 7 ( C\1 \ F-��� ,N !'40 ,IA y "( 1, -tip" -'1-:r.) .-76' ' `'":r'Y" f-e- )(----7)-7--0;;;4_., 2c12-7Thl-C ) ,11.-e) 3ry e - ' L (Y (2L,475d -yp/-7y/)/?sue -ifs c - - . _9 2 _ v22 7 '`f-V Z, CAI � l ')--), 'r! J . ':4S41 /_,Sf(U 1 )" '•5 tkiTh 1 ri\ --)Mkp- 2.41.1 . v-i7-1-12}( ___,-2/e-?-2/ / &54 --)-1?ra7g717° ca) �/2, Q , -) '- 'i- ' ' ' _. 7,7c ;,-,--c, _.'t , ---,___, -;. ------i----- '1 ../.3„9"2/ , S' /my ..t/2?( Azi-.0,4-' --ierev/i 07p020' -r-//)6-___57,__ ' ‘.. ii,702 4_4.10 r JS.2Yddelf V 4„...... •s w rrf•fir Te1 ol gciry d w v s 7 • s apt ,r-� eJ�,9 e /�l fi t isfi 'y1 r V ' V/ oiv cic,, le-Ltio • AN/lef 41..“ (z -idiusy •;.L. t -o •vay iWyo a.iv . 7vitrrov av fiii .i..,a9 p_27! v r n 0 0 4.4.ss 13 -- I ea's? s V. . e.-ZirVP' a3/rs•I%nogQIY h 3y,, 1f''‘ . •fi0 I oil igcl I • l'ETITioitt 4.--rb E 14 *10 ',Ge,•d*/r %dA Mrs rote &emit Ciy C ;ia. - The Ail eb►e-A t A i 0 CAR, 6.4e. It �. Aerrf`c barr, iilIK.Er cirearl osv ilo /•L. hi 7/ic & i- ALro /VGAA/ esw .47Pii wME. PA1E ADTh€ ESc C try Zotiar, 4�.a.�� 100 fa,/,2z /�� . 72-e--;41-e-vt.- : 7, A „,,,_ , ,,,,,,,,_ , /,/,-,, lüZ1e1 .2$ 1S Ac S s4- Q0171 r; A 5 Cl ctl 4132_ g ronso n t4,01 12em.-ion Kt t(x9 (Ast 4-Z*-- 0 L igc. lk apt& 6iteke k/I* 411./7 ;41,0c/i.A.a 4c, , .177. A.( __7 Z. -- - 7 S igRcry,cc)N 1,1)//: /7. 77 zr2-7 ' li/ ,,,,_ 0 ,..x7-,,Axir 4)„,--- /.2,rit‘f . i . , / ,'7 -4 t j? _c-- /, �), ', 4, \ ke_i �.6Se- JL /sue 72 71F /c. Jtn 4 ( 14 2,6. 5-4 el/ 4-4,2/7-1-t__„— g- -Li 6-7-- ---,t), re,r, f_QA /1z230 /`777 -4-,L,z f6. -72,----or, 4--) P.6 .6 (----7 4 r/ 9r , IRde S-e' _l 20 A !*-1 e i 4,-, 7,,,- / . ��� C�e1-1 I�2. /� 33R°57; ����vra� kI -I/ ,/a 3c 3 let) -F, . k' " S 7 . i&-,� ,�. I( Al 6 ,. is ai ,y E'P.frc r Ail' ",„44,, ,, /(*'1-7 95 S G fAi A WI at-rcie flit R I • PET IT I 0 AI ........._ 1.,/,..---rb E £4 W I E i.d o/S 1. ‘4/A M7 74 t £ '7l Csy''T'' Coto w di k 71 Je 1 r-t R.i✓ The At ED+eA h ,Ai0 CAR, iacit 'r Ad '-f fr C ti irr, i&/7 e, Pry-7'1 a A/ A/C, /•L.I i l/ 74c &A/ '0 A/ /7/ .Q/ I.b,IAb'Zs . ALz 0 MAC/ . 5-4,"--fri Ame. , _ AllA /t/I E ADMEST C fry tear, 6 a it.,...---Th 15035 SE-- it)i 5 f. h Loon) (nin c- ) j)z.-,6 (2it�,h teA, /4 ./ ,, l2.l to72 , --i ce-. i ,41 ")71 et.,Q claCtx-04,4, _7Z0 fl lb ti 0 ...1--3v 7( I y-7/ /.„,„„.,,/.d.,$)Ar.,_ 3&'8' ,ii .di G-g /7- f2_,L,.--r-eK/ cei�. g R 1� — , 2 to,:.?i . a,-v,(/_G ie,_, ,-f,,_ ,2 (-..J.- 1-*-e--,e,-,-A7 Y-10 -icz-,t_e,t_erRe, a-01/7, &‘' -4.-47r7-t ' 76/7 Y .f' 8 d... ,„„f s-'N\ //6 04.i.i,/,( tc,i, 74 i 4 /i 2�2 7 3. ,-, 2705 ///'l 7`� /'Z P.Z Z f I 4 - / a z- 3z iJ F - 71/ j-itt ':ill am ,< tt- pe,,,Ca ii,,d,,,* (a -7 / 1,4,41,,,--,, I.p, SL?z,-6-,;,- GJUr e�Gl.G,W _ '_ '//lc=.... (.,J,e-i, ,-r —.v s-C..-- ----Q1 .4_,6,_ , 3-2,_ (. s IT II -71 !,, (21_ -Qc , ( , IL t. ,, ',A#4,(7,n)cti_lc ' :Y5-2,- . / - / (1:zt '3A4.•,,e,7b-- - , c)r}-11,,,)6 kle All i' ,-1,eyv .i(i.'A2; r� , r� A A4=-- 447(/ 4i4Yte Ge,JP A„_, i---- -f dal, 36.2-c( / _ F. fd Si . A_,. 7.,,., ff: ), ,,,,,4 , g I. c. "6„,, , 4, , 17. . , C _ GL� -77� 0",-tit,, 69 b� / 7I/ 3l , / o� 17 l� e1_A / _ ET IT i • lif ps .. . • NAri.---r-A,E u PI I) M4'l0 da/i'o t4'A AI7 *h t es,/774 C "ry Ca ;i. R4"6R.74/ Pte Atc Die.A b A /V CAR, 6Ae. it "ri Asir,vic 1) iii ii iv. P7—Ad-r-lea*/ /old /.L /iV 74c &A/Te d //,.o / A/ s . A lso MA N bwlc,4 1 wme. --P ,X)Oil1i, a 1 1:., :. - 1 Al L -5 _ ' �. IN b <1 (' ____ IA M E Al) P Mo &scCI7y C try totiwr, j -1?L4 `I')'Lcu . -a 70 T Yl.F 6 201l i i?1(}(36 11) riA,t _E. ,..kiiiiAgist,_, -35-36 frk- eif : , lee-i, 1 ).„//,-„t �o „ : p.g.skTye..) Y�:y,,R-141` .. '..,..-,_.,,,/ ,„ / 3,- „0- , Lila& ku. F vr • : gA2it., 814/\ , y.,'_,,,,r, 4 �r d .,s 06-e/ /U,t; c!'t . ri_ A :4,74 A'"i to cr---. /_o..c. 1141. 1ch.fil , 9O7 ARF,Pd rs'IU A/ JctiJ L ,A . - ;. r, .�. 0V V6-r /UE"-9 t/ ''-L- / c < < 0 t r'_� -./4..,/'fk . ,..3C"�5-,1• ''-�1.`. 6 .4 nn nQ ► �, )(OAK. �5 ?rt., rt,..) �ik�. ,ti. rf,). - J1 PG. N h I_1 1 ' /� e".-- JO%_ , t 4 (,. �,r.t _ -� /Sys'S�"lf'�7,i4-44u lid' !8' ,`17jeekLik,y _Neryficpc, , :2 oe Y1 cc- 9'*44 ') t rja4 a1 M1C q',l/ 4-., vJ01 r/ au( ithr /: &,t r: id') / : l.4 / F e.vv- ).: A gill 3 // )/. , ( -.J_, ,,..J V ,..Ti..., 4-& 4 / s�- (2 A .?.� r e f/zeet., ,...,. /l 1 r .4"' , r , '' - �d , ! t..: )Jki YI MAeq Lf /a 7( (7 7 _ frc. v �.'..1 c , iv,g_i /) re, , Y:e..,,,,vi ems;, ' 1 PT rM.: A i • „At ., ,;.:„ ,441 4.2.1imeer-. , ,444,-11/4 l''.-' J 'rally r /VG G �-1,; 7) i ' , -)tacitt( 'l _ } T- i 2,i4=-,c I A. /Oat Ia, 3 .fst4 man 1►2rm r._3., .1 ,. . .....rk ,A. k_ - A OCVM %44944t/tv rY(Vell\ Ct lirrifi '7e917) C' 7/ r fir'3 a '9 I o�►. 'PA /9 Z >'�� 1" Wit°r -7n/ 1>( o I Nk 7do/ 3 n/6 oge )4$ fcry Ple-413 r»QQ4/41/J 01 14 .137d I M7�b' rDD c'+'‘11 '')?1 ci, 71 itt\‘ , `24:1 ct, ,=S .,-,t47l `3 K b®bz7n.s z - ' c•s I, - '."°4Vie 3u W 121 W 7S°5 I I -x1 )1,,-r','tuw0� kl-•1 A -) �.�i� LWOW 11/A ' , i ____<42,-,1-- y ?.i 6,J& .i.is-ti ric)TDP0 e.,,1 --z-—3 , ( — L- )ifit -a-criVr' VP 1 Tc2( 7%Lz7d-r? ,) )7 7-,li ''''V`-7 ?/C7-R g70_7- p% v A 7-4(!-A-Pt(5,, •r73'-- ----4 -----c)-D _---e, 7,4,e._,..,s,5 C i- t Ql"? r—ea-o-ft-;;;--\-7 ) E_ 4)c, eyt-,-v--i;(._ 61- vgg/ -2,1< ,acc„ .., 12-_z..-77 „--rx . ib . -P47.c LI ph 7 O / 5 I - l 1 kly4 - - 7 Z-4/ l��-. J�/ 1,UJ� � .� .C�` � ��1" ail Y i a •£ 1"ter-2-�.. o f 73w7 iC.rV1 � ,i�n `'N ti-,,4 .�t}c,,—,A9 �j h€ 5-a 4l// (V O,,,, 3 r/1/ (VC)ll( 859 4:V-V d(Y5 '3 ?J9 t 1V1 ° J„, ' `' '4) 14/ 1 1(-1-hr rtli96.,Y , CT 411IN ii r rif L"'- el --3-1?-c---0-171 .z.irvm ''.-7"4-n."1'7',/ -6 ?):11)a)74(7771479411 i ZZ d7; // _7' /'c,,: d ; - 7z ,3 7 y_, - -7 _ /1/ frzr- -vrItt r S Lf i V ,- a f L,: 7, .,4,/ -,7.+y�.7,--""'lc (-7 6oC ,-Fii%� rft 'zr ! a << /S /a/ ., 's i ' '.Yr� ` ,,,,,, ,, ie,5, . ,, _so- j7 7717 21/(L , . ,,;., f ' ....,, 1 _,N ...col t/1„,.....0, ---7)N 1:) -`-2- tAtT,T) c,N I, Prroyop C: •! r-rQ--T ' 7N 1> r- -L kg2i gI —. rf 6 1-SZ .---1.-Z1 )i (3-) t.- (2)tr7 4fr7? ' ,1;) C411/21 /2- 41 9 cArl 71 -----%-1/42)Tha=z--) -• <I ' _.:4=V 7,5 d1 3 IN 0 •ArwW".41 • c,L, 1010, editVW grit V. • sa,Vit7 `10• /Y'.-1.1✓ 'Y1 I'! "V/ 4 /VQ ,r.l..t. A /.! i n q -3 y 1:4 'ar ,r 0 a! y y v-a Qsly 3gti, It-V 1-4va' :-2 7! v r a o 0 4-41 ows? a va. r-10 r/Pt as/7v•11rM viv 0 3 N,.Lif''k ?ETITLOI/ 1 Ilig, • \di.•---'''h E u A D E,t4►,•1 JorV t4/A -r 1? E &Mitt C, r . Co € / t ;L —r 1e c7-ib ftil Me "4E D+e.A h ,4iD CAR, iAeo 'P i1 AST?vc Z u 1 ileFrier Par747-1 a,v A/o /.t, I A/ 7-14A- ivre Al Wl. ' tA/ZS . ALz a AAA A/pbtoArit' i wMi . r .._. // -El /-may Ne-0,9, �5 CW 1 AI!4E CEfr-y fir \V.o n AA. /1 t 24is�. /3Ot i 5))?.2L 44)Ale Se, ..Pa 7iiie )ii. 98/7 �� Cwv7 J( L° A o k4) eci(4111-- Li L_l Komar ) 1 , kpG . Cr c: L. it r 1j ( ._,„i 6Vied lAkai .4'L1 11 7 Sr 1/i •',J'tU y ri V;ii5 c,i th e •v oidr.^r°1 /(c J' 7a t-v-4,-, -i v G'/'c f Va Ski /<e.1 7 Al 1- (610 ist\fb , 1 )1"1 11 Z`lite`. . , ke.144-r,t'.i? - - 9! A: /id (144adtst :: 1 .3 (:7 :- 16f44,L;t:j4<d" nras--7 M56 M.it5 isT, ,\ At3 , c _ ;C- IIKEt, 1 tic, 1 ct au_ I, duk `- " 1-(c i, ) tr -. n4'� cl r G / . e '. l /2/0 O, A _ , 1► • g v. ,s .. . t- �y . M.Ii L v 7cr 15 kYbtA...) 7'&637 Ci , ) NE►L hoetSfM 1531. to% / e l'A REnI btI 1`0512 Kttllx 44-yeg4) 01,p,),). AO? �`�l P!/ef; Atho /1/F f)e11 Trit 1 ,P :l., Al 45 „ Z„010,4 11,,A4 21) , tJ .-FL Eiform1 g bse. K ?P i& � ! ET na ilk)r A4 ! /a J s77 /1&' •-M . r r l'Y n l-7;),„ bit, cku _ � w �� ,L to / ram , 1(�l)L 56 It ti �)I. �tr(tiT n ,N►n-. `g651 itsno,, yuc Asi A ) /(o(?7 bl- l,3 Y 0 I Qo . il-r) t-c)C 9,P u,, -�: /--- ri . . 4A,._.,,,,i) 1_, 4-- -e„ i 15-p,v A a K : 626 ilF lie --//. /p44, 7(--7a. -9 te -rio /r,-- -9 - ri,._. ....id,.z,w,__ ) 4 , ' .5z, E 1---F N.-e ) 0 IC 944 r iiii-Aden) „i6_, --5e7,/a/6A- .oiriipti 114 ,VaZ ,71)10 ) / , 76f -flu E 1I 9.3e9.34, / 44.4.„4„it.,.., i -L_9 (a><vir_Li Cf.e ,,,i !!//� 7�ko A 1\ :�? .t l-elAct.- )2-A20z.c;e. /0b1/ Xa/a bE . , 109 9 Z. I w PET1Tioit 144:---rh E a ?ID 'Cr I'da/sD tdA m7-4 Th • &WA C CaLrkgribttli me qcr e b A i o CAR, b A e. 't "7".. A dT1v a birr, iV it r cars'Arril b,v A/a /.t, i A/ Thr &A T .A/ MRI, / A'Z)S . 4Lzt' MAC owar4Q79"i wPAe• PAIE Mo ,eEsc Crry (11. z.. 3(9c1,41.0_4._ az..ect--, , 4,uti,-ot, lea-41 ' a' t;4'� Lilo-5- a, yvl SC-f- Abo igAra) 1kiibt,) '' Arno /0-7/2i i} S, - r71t/7 . 1 i q r(2-M, (f-t z� e-,-4 3 Vic)tt-c.e 4 P ,... /c ffe7 24 A 4-, 32- -s2- N ( a--,<_+d — k-/.✓.6 ?e )/ 1-7-C-S S S'C- I --(e, 16 706 S 7 ei A, --o^J 1 K' ti) / u, We:1 -2,..) 7 ,.��,r, ; „� j,,tet,xci,, -;;I),,,,.:4,4t ,0106, 4,./4)weep y�d� /V g f -7e.w_t 1, /:�, _„4.4,f)./4., ,/,...t.,Ai'..,./...viii,w ,47A.4., .e-i .--- -' } ;ft <;r « .. )))L(. L :3 0 0 6L;)) - • [',.. 3/ A u-/ - %êL2.-&,/ , Cl V �t/,vA, cc,-v :.c 4-' ter- e,,iv yet? ,f( = i1, `fir. . S C- -- lti1 /t,,t -( ki�i Aleft-1 l �S Z� �L) L=?Rf A c , L.,%,7___ , / V e_ *dim yri o40-( P wit- 5- L /z// .5t. qtatzt4. Mos7,5 72 ( 'ettil/cDn skf 1_1\k-wwc)o- �14 L1� , laL E -e � cw fir. t 3 c-f q ,,, 5 3 ( 6r r c. S7 ce l -- -1" _ ‘o_zi,*,,,,.--,-/ =tip - LAP 3 i— N _ I .: ._-- -- , �� 1 ic)ETITI 0 if 1R/E.---rh E Si pip erces 6aro %A/A or The &Wad 0#'7'' Co G t/ di I.. 1 k gr R.il ME A4eD;e41. Ally CAR, 6acit `T; AS 71i- . birr, i&/Kkr cri—rlso A/ A/0 /•L.i ii ' T4s. & A/ I-/►.o41"► n/Ds . ALso AAA it/ pawirot tAme. . P AI E � v &sc , Crry u 2,,,,, 0 - .37." Ng /, *4. ,,,e.• ca„-e.--,,, (ii,„:„hi_ -, ,,, ,,/,-, 4-49e---cc_, /., Acio--ic (53:_ .„ 2. kehi4.4904 . ) 3 Z 2-/ . --• V .?: l '/I/ t 4- Q -,0---a 4, '1..4_ ) ' -4/4434.Aiit k-_7 _:op .s- _--_.(2-pdot-4 ,c.:-/-y-- 5 ;,-i 'c z /2G'7 5�/607�`�L �h (,ee cd) le li &oi.', '-ZAL1 L if_ fs ' etni--6 )7fL /a i x'/ �J Page& sa,oeit, ii_s- AerotAJ.6(e./ur ' / j(i./ - s>,ir.l.,n. - �i,� � �ri i I l 1 ��k-i'i�1 t5��1�'� 1-� �.l F M E Pt- , iT n tl 1 ti� � I. ,��, 7 i/ 5,E. fS 1,0/ f_i- 1,-{e at-e,t;t/1,6 ,:c?-d-Al lof. M%-"Sd-- -iemiti6A. /9 Y(tEth; ) ga /D/ 14m/4i dvei (g t(n-, � L.), A_ 140074 � ) 0,0 7 c'�c-,-y,�.e. '14 e 1. - FCn L i l(iy. r� / ' Yr l..'c.A.� 1 7 (. id Pi,. G F 1R c��, 4 ,) --- 1 - >j 1 .55IeG47/1 did 414: -'0n-1'°A (/t/"/Ln /, -' _ jr::-,?-1 ,./73i7:Y:47/66 ,1( ,t_ i_"_ ,,,i/1).7 , t___ ., __ ,of(vt. ,,i:, /-ouc, Li-yLe,r_ f_'7 I(a 11.- •_ Z4‘15-1 ' epf.t,-- --'11-.- < ,,,-4/--(, :--) fill9_46e.._OLVIV*_ /-iz3C) L6i:- 136 " `d/`-t,yt yI__. n 1 yr- ?tiv-t_. Lit) �--e.v vt ckct 1 c-a J N R`E v\t 0 v1 Kin n . • PETITioil „A"7h E u WD iCri'aas') id A M7 rot . e;t/Th/ C, t3 Co a p/ ! ihL. 1e cr- ,J T E QED - . Ail) CAR, hAc 'E '77. Ad'! f v a D i�/?e, cirs1r7-1 a 14/ MP / i P/ Thr &A'Th/' 141.0,4AAA/Ds . ALso mAIi✓ pows.4:7- 1Ame. VAM E -- A3PICESr _ , +on.6), 0,--,p J,q...sui,„.„4- So:ALI , ' 6,-62:)uli• Y-L-- : )){,(1 4�3r�o 5 i'7� d u G / ' /33o v (,mac-r,�,o-p. /V I. /-1. A-- 2F3 u 5-64<-ser/S1-vv s" .rZ-i A " g F<5 ��J /I/5/Z ' � /60-410( ti d /163 tesAtiodzi 4,,e ALA: ,E___„.,.._.,./77,..) g,... 727/LA/ ,<_c_e_,0(_,` /7y, •41 ?•,223adligif4 t&-_ 4:7. i)ke„wn° -zz,,,„,a ‘70 t 5 ,,v 31)Aof .1\)‘ ., IlAdery\ Oa . Icvng . - W 1 .72P/ r_ e'' 16 3 41-5-14:71Z#4- 1- E-71F-IV k(// 4 4,,a,,,,, 1/4„,„,- . .„0/, ,,, /,_,,, /.„,,/ei._),7 (2fc _ 47--1_ ne,r.,;„,&_.,, ,,, ,o,.( 6),Q4.,, _ ,. 41 . &,,Ja-,,, 7 ‘,I cz g-6-;-4-7,4,,-.,-4 61-4/gr )-e"-'-' -'- 'I ii/ e__,---4 . (-)' letinFv0( {4UG-- I vos,ri,j4i2„ (,,)ryz, �. 7�_ .'-c��r.�� �/ i Li 7 �.,�'"'�CZcJ- , ,..-,:e-4.‘27:, ,,,-- ,,,,,,.. ,,,,), N.,. xt,„, ,„„0" Louq , cog' Soh, fz,ed, 44, S c „<N,,c7_,N A-mi7c /44 /zrs,"7, ..,7 , „„,,...,..,‹ i-,. A------,-.-e_? 4-0 z-/ ,26,<,_ 4./ 02 14 .3e5 _3 4,,,--r-c) /./ / bt14-- t ./,,,6 7/e ms . 4sc7s4' 4b7Pf� ,z, G>nA-' )-1-6 3 3>4/E /o'' 06sf//6 420:)‘_ G/�A- i 171L4r17‘26FWVV-- tit A3 x- 4 /c r w / cdA- ' :4 s ,L (Lc() SE q q l g d 4 _ g8 , act Coat ^ziA. >/o ,zk,- uh d 22_70--A/,_- far-Pt le 7 )4-1 a- , l Lt 9 8'7 r . . 50,,i7, - 4 - 3a, 4u' f m g -SG 7?/ 2 ' ' r tz, ' Y 2.s r'd',6 / t4/ 11- 6 r d 6/-7-, _? ( c f_/ 40y --ro•,72,-- 4 / 7---s4 6 ,/'i , ry ' b' -(7,i/fil o sea/ J1A4D- ,, 75 9,8,4 r17 CU-e-W -_6-7,7,- ,S z/ r-77# 47/ q c c )7 o--?` 9 4cdtil .if �N/// jS(76).z- /A/cy-,/ Y .F g 4014/( / -'/t> o/ 'S f / �,1 90 `Y \Ira) ' )-' Hn"s s)' n 1-7 )„, 91 - -- � 1 V °\91 .n )7PsW / 1 • V'YI-74 2_5'a 6 ' 2/ /():_f- 1-‘--Y ' 'IC " 7/1247 7 9 c E/ . , _____s_piZ zy,e( _f--7/7 -2--, ,-,7744,77-,-- 4(2) e-2 -----2-0,2, , 9=5"‘ try /\ rVilr?/ `f '"'""'Y / 9 '41-7 -L/ s PETITioil . • E"- rb E u WD E'e r ti di✓c1 I /A or—' fl E &WM, Cf itr Coi ;I -r fi kr ttl Mee AED+e-A h Aio CAR, 6AGiE T A err sec Di ,&/77e, PrA-r-lapi A/0 /.t IA/ 77c &A/T •A/ ilia41.xlvDs . ALso MAA1 aw .r�Q,' JAMt. e /VA ME Ai) PICES try 7 , //4/ 5--4, zi. ) e f/ /,I 1/ /L <P5f 1, g.— , `�N- t1( i 31 ,0 ilik-il66-5>r: F-e-cc, 7W-e '941 /g,:27n --//6 .4-ie .-,./-7-v,t) I /Uri f -�:`,M/Vi„Z . _ l/r.'f -�iC, �D// / 7/k/ -t') %;%t'N ti F - 1157 s1-1L t ic) v� _ ,�zr /4 �'.c rJ To nJ lc-% A/6 7 (//4ice-rr .<.-e-fi-e. J.__ 8 , , %�a-44 Ccf.4. 0 ; /6 ' Sr - fir' fr ,/ 4./ - J / /i C golf ipe, Al /7/(//0A) 1// .f2---44 J r/rif el. 's ) 7 .ef:-- r(' .,:ciA -f o it / /// 0 Pci.“_ec •-A -7-7 I kei d iiic p_p ,7-. 04.. i ', -(70!&._ /YG4 7 s� , a k-Pil,h-ii -(l(6 6/vo r -e:'Pv . 2 1 t-i. L<>`1 I � 'nU .--- P tilt'r en.1_2_161 " --P( si ( `-((oo-7 c- 1-:-_-, nD\kr\A 7617)4n e r tPU ( cf G1Nd -PL , Q \,Lk(0,p`Th S. 13.2 end Re An P/ ` C' rsjec \ <o(y) S5 ( 31A . 4 r-tnn r r , ,...... .......0...„....„.,..„_.27.14 ?,/ rv_45-,,a2 ...., . . _ _9,,,,)+ ' ?/`e/,' ,5' `o /ra rt--.P/ •Zt--g---03/.""""r _/ 10'7Pri l't. _...,5 Ag ' ( iic,. 1p( ,,, -7iv )-n/ /iddh d 1 G .'/ . -„ ,7. i ' V V tir,v )' /fl " 9 /vl �/ '!�� ± 3C _ -, 7 C'1,W1 "--if„, .//-v-3,,, , ' , - .&2(1? -: , ezt/,-,.. i.i,.‘„, ,, Ucf/ 1o' ; , , ��- , SYI°� 3-0/ t-e`c- i --- e , 2� -,-),____,_ /17 5Z_Z-7_ d %. ?-> 0-v, :v ----'' - X \A--jf‘-i'V 't-yp onfwv-i-- 1-7 (i b ren i "I,, v7,..4,5 ,--.,c_4 6- i,, ,,,_ , ,- / f`/ r 5, : `t- -, ,)-7 7 2,-'o 72_,_r ,Z "D i "v?x /Yo/./YaT y r''°1`. .£/_q,c — � C_f�/ • 7Y'3Y✓!11'ci) ' I/- 17 c.- z-(J/ , -1-4Q/o9 yr,W73--)(7?7y/ 2,,--zyd / , , --)-=--ei-f--72/ ai,„._ ,7•9-7x_75-c-/.7 4- -1/.?' ) ,o - „.--)4e4TV,%r Li, -,--:' ,, (-/_ •"/ WV 7> C P g (1r7Yrr) 7/t4� ' Lr vy �l at7 s� v G p �' �el- 4 -vt,, 6174 9 - 1 C.C.)/ , I' ,,y � Vv�f- - , 1 U � u ,.,,,8,,,1 LC.)/ 1�v .p6-53 . -?7)7 V i r 7-V' -3;3'P 7 (t a V , ''71/1/1/) ,� � 9 _________-• 2 6- ‘..1.1‘402 j 0 is 53 w d ly 3141 Vh/ 1 ..... •swif-1;�u_oresmodotvw os • scryYr110. A el../r ' L I'! " / Q 'V Q i,../...t./.0 Ja► p! 6.pfq aldpsy 1:1.. ' t .p Y 9 'at ,9 0 a! V y Sri;askv aid trai g--Ldva . 7! V /r n o42 '-41 ,3 ivaisg au e...40 ram+ 4S/ V,1 r goo 3 N,,j_l •A07 .111gc! I ..........., PET 1710il 1dE'-''h E is *F D e4_4'Alan a/n %d A 'r The es,m4/ C '7 CaL ecr t.il The ABED+e h A /a CAR, 6Ae. 't e-r. Aerfa-c. b diRT, ,V? ,, c?7r I b A ilo /at. i A/ Thr 'w`re A/ I wi...41... m.s . A41. m A 0 o w E,,P-7!�,.rw,N E. AIAME A1) 001€ ESr etery tot,wr, ,-,. ....... . -''. / 1 ri. (-Zi ) . 2 i; 7a-7___--ic-f /D, ( `�� /L u G e.i_ t / ,,,, t ii _iatt-- tiir „J, ,,),/ Q s-)vim / 9 \'=-_-\ ' F ,.--7-25 -, [ , la :14144-614,--6----- Ti- e4,4-6-14_ JSc c,s__ t 1 I ite, •4 i ,..1 .cr-, i ,,. , 7' ' I r7Z/Z7, 0(f,,-(41 , ) i , 7l) t/d7Z4,(/ rtte_ --"V--- , u Nfil (A):C , -€+h61,1 i S S '1.e r,_ v /'C/�(',/e _-I O,.-c, L,i, ¢7 Y_L74- I lc-- -- IP 9 5.E, //, 4- Ar3=5)-it/N-1 f;27. "" e A---z . L i..-< -4..r.›.,5-- ,-:,7.,7-- 'A-- 7',,..-zh c,.__J M _i ,„:,\ i aA 3 o> rr 6 6Y-1 //`/ P-e-t---Puyu Ida 4P' Cct.,:e7. pp � / 0- r ,i,��-P ;' /� .,� -G� -� ,8 c2.4— ///t ri)�-,--�. �;' c.- ,e6 /i 427 /.n/ /30 05- /•471- L1 (--.:) '�z� " � ?-�� Lc?r- , 3er l? /41- (Y' /(0 I lv 4-v k/ v A /27 7 , i /--".- 2 / 0/5 - ivY% `__,,- /r ems.. i " ,.---i /C/to c 7 - -e - i! _, c i - ,I/ , ,,,41 AR C, 7?„-z74/6/-__„4,,,,,,,,,_ „,,),) ,,,,-. ,,(3!4-5„.„,_ ,,,_,, ,,,,,,_. ri., . . W/1 7) < ,,,,' _ o�J % 1 - A Ala)--- ((_Z ( ,..e..i.- _., Z_ '9_,e,-, h,e-, A/az- /ap4---.-, , , / .,,, ' 73) (.mac. i-7% /f;-U, 01-P//f /90 2 /t/E' /97N PZ Rg t1To /1 /av�7 421)29 /9 //E /9'6 PL 71'471no , cd: 4,v,,_y___ _ ,(_, ____.4.17. 3r,R41 cuvuoH_L s..„-ucl I 7/-rir hhe4,- �z s v'/7s13o2 'orrf f / 17,,,ak if-.7_-v- :-7,07.,7P. /fra' ro/v. ((/ , ,, . 7-• ! ----x--- -y --T70/-*717{,A, /17 :-,24, ziyi,e j/ /1* I:' _r r ,2 z"-a-u-74 7 of ,' 7 7/ '' 7,i" --'-` -'-t-pf , //, -?-4, ''°- -etc c• -:66e' x4-p.1..ck ,y1:12-7 ?)// It )(6 vcpfrbkl ':,)0.079w17/ (Au/ /ig-'967/P:pf 9'7).,9 i: . j-/ ' tea-L,/ -4 S , C/ =7 'tv 7(- -?-7 )-4-' -L,-,.)i (,,,,v-,,, -,,f 4c:, /rya 7 y w 1-(r t-- ih' ' I frwri r 177k2);,/;7` i fi'Di �� ,9 9 V '3 '51• ,,yyl1^t-�11V / c'i 1 `Qe : 4 -(/-� i r (4 (i pc „ �"'� /L, 7/ 7 '�' -)/'" `"'',72,6-ff/ -PZ°/o/ --,ia-7J-2 /-wry l ) lL�)j L _ o f, 1,as fop 117Y / Q 0/ a •, ?-.ffor P7 w) - 1 ` f ; c4or ov v_pt A-7 `oJ 1 z fi ,( d -57b r Yu I ri :b \1 , ,`s d,' 4,--),/ ' `-Lti, - " 4,1 -6 l Le as rml:v'�,I ,6) ''4'''" 'VA\ -------rd, Th.v.,51 --)d —1,tsg-C ni ct_011 ----C-7 -)0--,-0-1? 6--1'.v)--?/ /0/ ..7 -9 _WY /c).9 (711/VOZ4K p/VOrAiS7 -- Zvi ! L(f)-4"/ O 1�,,,o7y 0/ -- .11-1y1T b 1 4.itin61-: It5S2WVEY3 P w IFf'a► e. 0194, VW OPS1 V ' S CIv 11 y o'. ,1/11 /r COY ' L iii ter/ 40 /1/ /119 le.40twit5 Ja► p! L" q 4 IN M s a V •� 4t .olv9 17lirp a! t y v-a risiv aid /vs a p.21! V r a o17 4.4' 7 17 peas.? a th r-Lo rfrt asp v.,Jam+, oft h 3 sta._,ip‘ if 0 I 21 ...1. .7 cl • • I • • PETITioil \d1i••71b E u pip 'Cr;ti min % /A A/7-J rot E leirMO C Yr-1 Co i4. 7 - ti 77te QED'e-At Aia C ,& k, isAe. i `T''i A err,fC Z• dimr, i 1161Er 971(7—I o*/ ild /•L I 1.ii' 74 &N'r .d /Jl.O4k1A/Z)$ . A Lso MA A/?be tR7"9"4 Ame• vmstawnworsee 0 AIE Mo &sc k � �(,o it rIF ) ) 3fRSi 0 S—t-- VF-1. )---7---o-k) c ) _./iix)�n Kim 1 ,t)01 io--rn 200 e >7Lku K./ R6 rouz., (4', ,,,vkt IL,,,o, `--ir6'-`2 C\ , .S ,(-; , c':', 6) (4'0 irl k k("\,.i aka>kiMLA7.�Q KAe0 i s'(ZN 4-41A/i ICLc A 19u f\Lc\ 4"1" � eIV 7 04 he-7z=e-ei Ea 0 y -/ o> `' S-F' /i7-ems,, � - i()Gri& ejdal--Cv) /- U/�-4 0/04 &E I C _ 1150 _t )1,1 A iiZiL( ,,i -, t,, .)i 74 c-c -/- ..-1 `_i)"( CG) #'/SS ispf 4/� dizk!-A____ /..1 _,,,y-i - 1(QXSL{ C vl no -16 i -7 eU d L`e eZ- I MC ,-vL- _- qc :-L c- _ 1 i 0 _.L , 1,9Q 0(0 .'') ..17\Afuri Oor Ott( rv-.-- ,• '0, r vt/, " /,,/o c-E, / nth Ti-s-r 1,61 r /7e7v/2k / 7/ , /f.— - 7i—L, i L l v►°v)).--- 7-- -- .i4r5v► r,,0 N r 'ram > ki( i0,L, l 71 c /ILL 7 (2L.' -1-4-o-,-, ,. /" Aitr,r / 7g 7 Ni Z'/ 2.--k) re ac/ ,-i 6-- %_ L _ 4113 C.c. / cis ' - _,,_.n,,,0),, K(',,i c_ /3C0/,3 /% A L 416(/ r,i '�-s1 /�-t,�----�/ 36, /) /9 ,j , - -- 4;, I • ?4,- __ er r r. i t) iv \,Jj 7''h E u pi ecek?'d*/S V %.4A 07 -♦ rote eserid C,'r r Ci ;ir kr?"6 R I Th E mEae-A h A i a CAR 6 A► e. it ''r. A d'7'l v c 7) a m/ rkr SST rrl a A, Aid /.t.. /#/ 74c I/`re d ALID/t,/i O61• *'ZS . M A it/ pb w rit" :it,•(wM s. CipktE APPI€ EST et !, ,,,, . - ' 1K a -z-Air..., - A 1 • l . , 7 / " Zi. Al .i l ,/ice/fi '/ .5 _ ' t =' '' LA_ L1tidal e4-..1 / 4P,MAI PIMP Ad rEllirliro.......&..r Id . .1Ag ASTAIMPAIMAIROMMIIIIIP ' - If i; _.: ' I- - /.., ..415 . 4MMI / .00 21 - ' - I' 1 _..., .." ) • : ' , •1 c / dili% 14' An ; .'fAzz-i- , An-.A/e- • -/i/7.--ir,f/- . -/ DA f/.q-1-.--- . ---I‘,(/,?G' b S f -‘5-A o. 1 e Al tR�^l!D A r 1 f l 6 't,')./z.LA Inffigil,10 G '-' -- ! - , ' <..._ . 7 ( A ' 'IA 1,A,Minn )-25-6 ei -')1, (= 9 Ll )•- frk 1 s ? - I l A c' %�/I / . "J/, G'G) . / f> , / . / -....- .i - -.1: . i \a C.4. , ( , Mini 1011 I , 11 )11( i . e Si i. , I /_, 7 _ ft c 111111 t -J. ' ' .‘th la' 31-1- ° - n i pr.? . / i fl,,, • . . , , 15 -6-re---7 '2. - () • 'Alf-e__/3 . - _77 c; --,-,"IL , - AIIM dricAA)-eilLe ' Ail a gc� / '/ '� #? \ , ?LTITUU • N4/C'lh E !4 N D eIt4'►'d af1) ‘4/A 07-4 The esA/774/ CstCY-ry Cotsw' ct I� 71 1e cry 9-1/ ThE "tED&Ai I. Alp CA1e, 6A $t `T.i AS11vG Di`1, 1.1474( c77 - */ A/c' /.ls i A/ T4A- &A/T */ • //1. 4I. .& A/Ds . ALr ' MA0 pc, wg4r rtiamE. p A/1 E AT) Pie ES f C i , ; , : --,e - - •.A l � � ,� �.�: � L��.� � � mom- � A .44 • "' '• CI.► - 7/ iningiggill �.• l'.r 1 / 4.26 .,/,.;,A,4?, .,Mil//. 1M1 /37vSfix,./ser 0 oc - ,,..i"i"eYr--) . /310 5 06 C_ pue'1/40 i -- ,() . `,/,--- ffriel Ai or 0 PT/ Al _ _4( e , .el /01- /1./i/ -d14 Al .I A OA( aiNIE i ? A I.%' , C j /at' '5/e//Aa'/ ii-L '11-' e/Ito / r., c , , , mil / ca` • Ilr__ -i;ree, 111E.4.... , _ 4.4.: OA 4,1.4.mor L/6ai_s. 1 ___.e - 1.2 ,e _tif (' j-cf- E MB= me c- . 4, _if e.. ---2--49-s---/-s-- ,d -.. S1E # -/-- ,_ _ . C AL.�-4 _..:. 1 ,,.f ( . %... A- / aI .2 1 4... I .7 5 _ .. - - rffignilli )4- 7 ...... a K� ,,._ i f. -I _A / . .1i .w. ' llAll 'tIMNM11 A . -.7A • - / fa7- St'/rn / ,e'. .- ,,._ -- 7. & ' (25-z5 a_dAL,_ zi i/ee,„.1_0_.,_, it)ee • ,/ . .1 'i-I_ , i / I '//,f.4 1 4, ,/.. /d- - S ,,•,.;Firms' - io- `(SOS 5 � . . , P E riri 0 ill , . ,44-- ,,E uWDE,e,','d*/t1J *a,Am7 rot E &WV Oil, Coe. ,ictiL. rr IZ‘Par6 ftil ThE icDeeAh 4 i 0 CAR, A e. 'e 7 . AS71vc to derfr A/ 7 , Pris17-11 a it A/a /•t, hi Thr &i'tT ' / W' a6sA'zs . A4s, MAA/ )bwki r t*Mt. .... Zom#773 p MEMv &scCI7y r \i)warl �� �' IIU,(c..� OD �rc,mQ;r—by) c;-.v . . � 1 12;cib Yoc\ u d * fit ' o S` 31/5 ///7/ Wi ry -- s h ,1),(;) \ I N)c) (46-A,LpLo- ive_ ' g,„161-t-- 1 ' , , /-K-1 e-f7f��'1L ,i, S-r am ? 9 Sr- I l/ .- C� 9a(Lkx‘ (Ci .'z5t10(o IU 0 n = p r_ l C'e V1 ( 1 \a `7i14 62z u /r/� ( ; )xli,,d4 c 14 cth4--7 (d§ G L tf,v,u OlvpD Ai-=4' / xi�ti i i EJ Ri ,u(f c 2 G(Lz Jc c Z 6 E Jb'6 4,,,rr- ,n (fir X.,� jA,QAAci, 1V, `ram Qom, h it! 1 L IF'''e'. 0 }-'4, `A(` 4/(A_ d4d71 --, 1655 it,r);()ri ii-o-e_i/Lie. --7),0--11-10/-7 Ktil q -1 ////a ,42 ,, Ia L/.',- 7/ C/ /Pw/W/%/9/p4(/f- //!/� e(-%� / ri,,t- /\ 1/ l j� Nkli,,,, L / 7 714(.00'711-ii J A.)? 04‘QtrY\ ,-)c e' J c �j �J C�JJ C mac.-PS6/ 7 I / 'u h..,t..r� (' 1�=e' : �f� PAW? ;P,12 v ) 1 F, ) -- 4/ k dr9 Z41,-;n �lno, ' 1-s-- kcy,_ L '/ -s- / n '.., S (' ,;? 1 i 7sy-279/4'nv,-friV A , /../)7\4, /P 11,, f`60 4/"PaL r .41t g (iTirS 2 5Pci?4/iaroe+)/c 4:_ (:)c 4 A., . t.,,,, ,got-k v-i- � � � 0 y � � d � , 7tiI ____ _ -___ • • 1:) T1 -Tiolie • - .r 1dE7"'h E u d D ircr i 6*'ro ,.VA -r rho &wait C,',-,, Ca d iL , r gc fi w The Ater e h A /v CAR, 6Acit `r'. AdTfa- Z arr, 111611.EF c.irx-r-leoil ilo /•L / A/ Thr exAtre A/ 1,.a4t.Apizs . ALso M A it/ pd w i-4774,fA m e. AtA AI E A.DPICES.c C try totiiry -ze. Y'-i h wv.,--reNr l lOtp SN,�� A Oluc9 . A- 7 Z() 2 .v--(-o\i- i le• `�`. ti •, . 35cc77.L. //�'�°- .�. 4' ` l� " ��,�� Iti.Atix.d. f 1. M����1►`i I . , i. 1 I.♦111 I i l 0 l % A i S, I L�I (11! A/ , At, . 5-- / >U / Alr. f (4)C .0_0 A-'a 5 , ( 6 , 21A1 , _ , _ i . • IL _L i4 ,W 3 ( u-e-,-- `�J�- ( r 11111, , tcfLi Aill 04-trrr/ --_ , - iJ . dt-- -eR orK. I - -(9e) ' Otc//c° laffill111111111. ( - A. oirl, I if%// i,4 •• 1 ' A // f i, / i1. L Ad r ( ' '7. ' - ' IMMIEMMEll ef _ 51111111111M11111111=11 - _ allrelliglieNI INI . 12A16:&e Arikii _ t 0 7(75- 1 Laiti- . ' S r_.'-_ clew ,Q CUAA4-;\ I I-1 A -e -e. N? .i&A-M., klvu -721 - ' ,s-c) y' 1-- - F . — Pi, LA' 17 y IL) S u itizkiP Rt,"h% \ 1e:f ' 4y6S. N_, s 0ns64. 6V. curl 9res ., '.<' 0 ,, a , v, Wrii27,te __DIDNAiE1a( ) q o , 9c"_,4 1 I PET IT I 0 if ..........., ...... 1./r_''-, E u 'JD ecr As as-o %.'A air' ante ,ester C Yr, C , ;L '- re 'e r& fe.i/ mE ittEv -A t Alp CAg, bAait `T'. A is b40 i il?EE creer 1 b i A/0 1.t /#/ Tor &A'T */ s .Q 141. . 14/ D s . ALso m A AI b w EA '' n:,�,fw M Lr. ittA ME AI N E C `/ — . ola?" __ yi. dal, 4.....1/4 J5,v,,cy ,,,,5), A ile_Aik_.‘., )'-- /4--- o.,J-2,-c--f _ 9C?: n_ �Q ) 1 (' __In ,n' e E L---'`� / r _________ 0 a h,,,g, 4ret,," cvos()4.e.' -9*-1,,z-e-i � Q-ck- >W 6 Q. mn ' ' 5 L-Sc-A tom"✓'.2_- qoxN -r- i ' -< � i(I/L./9d 26-( i,ti /7a y �� a ) ,,, /♦- n ti: � P zeca. 2. 7)7;1-4-i ,,--7/( A/ &. /v '`4 PL- /�,, /t. V . ✓` c, , I wL / 3 ahui ,,, tc. ' 4 L ✓&Y 4-,:: /( ,„ :.v e I f%t a_ l7 Ilia r,(A v `` 4:,� - I/. 5//•n vtti )11O7( -- Zl 1----.,ze v s .0pa„,, GC , �-h / 7 o/ /Jai,b',IA i i-it �i 6r c.l�n-, _ �'", 51C( 11I ' fri71-1-A' , ir{.2,}azn e-e--vi(7.--- '.:d,/,41-r ,,t kaAn±_ Dd ( -/)Rie 4 Y -' 2- 1 7?e ic.-6 vL-- /t/1,7 " -� o ,,,� 90/�v f 49-&ti )3 t ��- - 1 d n„mt/PA-u-o-Lle 26 o 1,7a ey,/ c r -, ,7,_,e, ii -/�� fc ft /3 /7 Cl."-- nr�'. Le-,,,x,:v / - /9elm /Piave/6 13 -13--( /(\)l` ,i& ) i��' 4,-t-Zei- ievphridi- , Ni. ', ).5 - —n 2 _ 4/I+ 74-1./eid _ e.- //2,5;d0-544- la>K-T-Le A- ._e_ y_' _q 0 I 1(:) TITI Oil ................ \,c/j..-- h E tl w(D Ec'As*/sv i.dA or rot E &wait C,'73 C Coittidii.. 71 PcT'oti ME AgwD;eAh Alt) CAR, 6Ar cit. `r'. Ald7 ,vC b arr., i / i4E Pr"A-T-1 a se/ Alt, /•L i i A/ T/, & r 'dc/ Wi.o41-frAlDs . ALs MAA/ owk'RJi J*ME. _ _ _ _ p Al E A.D P ICES f C Try : Cote < (, . �� /,5/5=/Y,, ,S, Ffrr 1oh i ..` �` 1 ) .t. , / S N s L < � tiAli 1- in - 6 J Ian<<e., V Zuut rt. (`7a5 G',1, ,,40,,,d3 Arm i-)C Wit n10v? i ),CTI--)C pe\Do«\'` R rPe i- 'a,5 zdr kind s RJe_ NC:Ail 1 Re 10-r` tit \ra -1(;: efikQi 7g-X X ' 1c71 l 1 74 4,`_C a.-�' kt,-E6LL r o q - )'I ,f_ , P `k ./ u`- , ��.. � k._. c ?���1��' ��.ih.Gc N� ,� D i ii� a'Lce' c L-, , ,(J (/&7/7 cku, Ce ,C/,v,c'c"Vitt) A W-Aic RE/V'Ton/ K /Al - A4 4,),- /- )1CALe--4-4,- 17 q (6-,,-(_;>.„ -74,. E, ---9-,---,D-c-‘--d f'A---- 46.)-%,d._:,- 6:4-).---,,, , ,4_, . ial,.9 )(.46,1-J/9_, t-S. Fs (74)----. ..,, , - __ZA. i. /1/,,, A4/.61 li/3 , g• //- mod - _ *91Y/ A1'.1 1-524,1 ?2,, A,,,,u,„4, c-Z ,,,k," .., 16- 4.,_&,,i [Li), f ( - , 1 71 A'LA a&,‘ ' i%� r g!ry l� c1-4t. /9P-411,24Z elij ,Ae,i /4-tia-7/ Z:7-e-/4 i ilei 49,-4-ytt;;-1 l/ r- — Q,r..., 09- lKo0 oI . 1 i f 1 ,cyp..- /-0,z, • 029a) l07, /6#_;/, .,e,e 4:2-- ie--(5 �/. - / =�!..:'I.1..e _1 41l s. _ , / / _i/4l fh►i .�!/YJ 7i) ;,f7j1Q.e..J.A" . Y - 0 / 7/4-c-,--w.)&ie:/-Sc4i241,-( /-4& /V' ''-cfi , t:, 3a60 Al I- io pi- if._ / 1 C t.. ji?it,C,,-.0 el//7 h / ? ST f -1,_,4,, 9 R FLP 9 _- - I • FETITIOil 1/j T/ E £4 'ID E ?'4 4/cV 14/A ,'r rot t & '7a , Cry C0 ;i4 -, crt, ,J The ABED+e-At AiD 0AR, 6Ae.. ,t `7'�i AerT eIe Z in, 11/ EF cirA-r-1 'oil Ak' /•L I w/ 7-4, & 'r / ►_o/ i.AM2s . ALs ' MAli fbwriernIiA pAi. ..... p Al E ATP &scCn—y : Couni, y-z,ki gc., ,?„ AT- / A iZe Nr,-,4, i 77//A/ P - - it,,, c:7- 3,3 0 A/6-- 'hi PZ PEA/7--" ,"/ 1(---1 //1/67 4-, -.2.,i--.- , 1--t—,,y;-40-0 .. 'l 0-2- Al k 7t4- 'sr' Af-c--,t--&-,-- I‘) ,,,,e,A, . A„,,,,,t- -5cok_( p, c 6, -&-- , ---- /i .---(,, Datr„,940.47),-,, / 2 . /e40714J/&-- 4i---- - --- kr ,u, v z, r4 - 1'71- - u., ri. - Re .W, M P� — - Ho F.Imdi,21 i Ad_t 41/3 / e G, f/yrtitilt. Vid(;,0 7/b Dirk -ee,v- l/n"c 71E. R-e,, e- `- -z'v f I2i ' -- - ) . ,.5—Pet-TAAA_e -)1 -le:6-- -------- • l .- ------- j:7-t-i-t-- -ti .2,;e) -,,v/±- / / a- 1Z,Z/ ,` (-/ ' ,,7 _:. 4,L,n /i// -/iz,-x- -4 .,.d. . /& „,- 7rz---7,° t .:L A'JJ c),-14, ' ),)vi d i t 1 tilLipv 141 g, . &Q_,fit-,A) ), A;3/7,g./4 `J, �� z A) ,, _ , _, / /-7 (Ti' J<c/<Z�—,.,4, //So Sci„.o, c N - G . K,., 0e-,t---/--- l3 o 10 s LC- /U G' -.<4 „--,--es /.1Le- . /a-t1016 -106-4‹ Ilr7 ./0 7 7-14717./iPia /LA 7 Oej2419 6---)1":11, ' '''f / A - --- (111114q 4 / _a 3/ JO 1 I#Ii? 0 „ 7-. ,c- ",, ,_.\,/gar, _,Z09 ftikcik`jr°(,P6 LicilA 21;--- G �ru-e (( c y c7 er a� ��� �G'�%h7o� ot� 2/2 / -22/(27 r-,,r - S 7 - 7//7- (-u 7 2?' ' , c.) /1 // '/ - ` -I CI.7 9-0 e P 4."-ii ft,./)2 -.-tzvi-rsi 94.5e S'VW&P/64 --t--47-FErr, • afrx , Li-77; -17-7-7' -)7 "m'r/e/1(6 eg .277;17.fr°-?` e ‘ -72JV ---ei . r.--z- / ,---)(z(72 .--)z --2-f 7,2___ 0 '-6i-• -) -0/ P ‘-34 '" ' ' - 19 /. , ___ (/' - /9. - , , it\ .7-7-PA " A77 �, > -,-,-,, „±z /- / _, / '} /(,/0j l� �✓ v)?r, p ` 4 �„ ��� _,_,7�o/ fir /n, �, 7777- 27,7 4.-,,, ' )/ � ' T OrAtiki-- ______ - �1/4.-r` ` -ei -3 7 M L.c�L 7. (., 2,./.7( 1_,/ ../-7-2./. _IN Ay --->_./._,• .e>/ ;./Aj lz --e 1•- 21- --El "). / 17'7v . --..17--y-obt --",--9,7 g A'77 17171 - .7 , ' II- P' °P-'.. (:).,�a +U :3'N ()'Jd IVO - ' 2,--a,03 ,),/ u e ,s y c6 _-g 'W b /LE 4 ,7:7d 1 - - _ -_ - -/aS gib'' W7,0/ r.. - r'sc',.�.�., 1---/---?,--T,7 . -1-1/4re, --"/"Le/r7/77;y1 af;-4 7 ' 1‘077-- s_ 87,14ig'7 , i 2 j,(1✓7j (e0J0tygyp/ Is. 1 0-0�1 (w-d /o 1( 77_ ,' iA) 7ry i 0 f tea- j 719,gAl J o7V S`4f -1S ' c7&'/ij /�� ter or_d, / S i�-wk J �PS� /-�� ) ///l \''' ClliVn°2 /L4/ tssgwalY 914/ 1/A, ........ •3,ww. ate,res 9c/fivw os • savY1ye ai fi ctim .s y1 /'• " ', 0 y /V o ,r..L.t Ays, itwisi ‘i,..nq -1-ti_zsv 4::d... L -oitvcit IWyp arniv y Y P QSYW 3411 it?i a y ' V /r n o 0 4441 17 OW tg s ti r.lw rfr% asi v,s rec. 0r 0 3 i{,„t.., f''‘ 4 • • , 4 ._. / u- l'ETITIOil Ndie---rhE ti 'ID ecri'lkary 0 1%."" C o a ti ei ih. 71 te4P7-0E.A/ PIE AtilYee-,I A h Airs CAR, LA c1t7".• A SW s• r. tsim", isitirkr Prrrlio A/ A/c' /std ip/ 74, exA/71•A/ , 1 - - - --- 111.i01,, AAA/Ds . ALso mAopowirArrritiAme . .... p ME AP /CES .c te try ' Cot/writ, rifio„,,, , A:At ( E (,,, ,,, 6,,, 73, 4,, z_. ).417s es/ ,r oiv(i4 11-tie iti . 12eND-0&) IC-7 i. c00/..( -7 L_ c; Ei/z( A/ti esi-, -41-6. e\tr z)11/4) 77:4407.;( ,14(cdeEFE,1 / %_ s_.c. dpio,Axi€ A)€, .7.,,,, a Toe. kly„ 4444417- t „i , ,.1(.( -JA1,...n,Ja,rovi Qsil--r>1., A„--- cle--------R- Ali i-( cv--- - /1/1 ck IA E: Aiowis. 2...F.-00 iliF_ . \ . ------- /(f \, 69 -1,,,,,4 el 2-y, 1i1/4---- a r?crzriT-0-6-) 7‹Ail .'<\ 0 '.\\- ,-),f(rm/-- i \I -trci _37,, NE qA59 , ),1E11111. i 1 , -te 0 C 1:12162 Lj '9'': 4. 1 , 9,,cb k) 6- - o ( Ai,---6,,,--1 iile_4/ Aty, i i ( 1 iibo mfo ) 1 ii , i kc‘lit, 5S ?,,0Qtyrzol_Ia 01_, 0,a4r4t / 'ay (7 Z4 tk,,.. DI\a/v,,, l 1 . /( Ais,,, 7 SE % f-A PI R€ .167,) e) rig' 74t,,, n-,„ , L16 ,c, - 2,1 iy.o--- 9/3 A -E. ‘iLli Pt lb:e, AieLf2,t_ iegit-i- E'• 5- e t___k i , , I 5 5-A 7 Kr m4,cid ill/ At Of '7 ..L/i/o'6.9,‘ ), , __ (7.-q--cl /x-4--,_ ) _),.,_ J-.-."9 i" 6(--61-1/Dvvn (-2-5 FE-fncla It, Atit )lf_ Y, g /jp-f cAl-Z- ' L cov C RP /0 Glv 4.QIJY/`d—i /- t -.ul L uvan D 62,LI sh.z +oN IVY R.e.N4ao''V Nl' l T I 7 tail , g ecr if&aim %A/A 07-- rote &dim/ CY-r" CoG jd ij r 1erTtR.,/ ThE MEae-A► h CAR, bad. -T'. Aerbec. bet, ii/ kr c7r- a Al A/a i/4/ Tyr eAr-e A/ A LSO mAop. ,,, r4;-93--kAmes mM C try s r»rv. nc�kite_ A)4.. 11 r\ /qc R\-Ao\c\ 1\(-\ \ PAS (2,77v ti� �� � � c/4 e ?6-g44466tici-k Rosz;,. 7( //;- Aox435-a-icir64 ` q C X D 6 Ii f 7' r R u,y 1`'1l "i q 41.1'1W lAi/A44.4 56‘i .0z.s_1" ) u.,ek W/Lc/ In dleig4AYO,Y/r,e • krn� ' to • PETITioit 144.---rh E u pi a,i,'darts idA '7-� rh t es Mat C,'r . Ca a �/ et %�. ' lec7- , i The AiEz -' Aia CAR, Aae. 'L 7ri Ad7"fvC D i./ i •F PrA-7--1 .0 A A/c' /.&. / 1./ 77ç &,*/7- ,d //i.94 / evs . A L s o M A id pow cie-un��,.rA,H E . PIVIE AP teES sc C17-1/ tomit77—, /&t5-r-bv/9- Su•K---7z),A1 02.-r;Lik, A[E:14- (?)/, }307,-6-0-7L ILi'n, I.,_2 }� ' 0 J ,n . ��rrr�AO ��� E ?�I �•��0 ►. 1 r ti , 'V /V' 5441,AL ' t 1e v-v-j r I ) 4 17- -J e $v, Ae N E Re-tt l-t l4222 _(1 ' `lit l/ CO 1/42c44 it& /44( 4---ti VtTh -) `T Z . /631 b7v go .,,,i .L,,,„vy,\) C,== gib-c,L( 3(2_ l ��"�:�cry, (N l y 1 0 /E'Mp4 " 2_ J s-Aivajz0,44110.,i 4 i *IV( 17441#1) C;<42.14../ ji"% 4tAttli i ) . ie,6' 41& ,i.1 1-,4 / (.4 , .14!_t iag,tAtl �rG - I 40. 1, ,,/ ,,,T, ,,,.),„y n,f 1C`,Vl ,-, q Pa,14 f hie /l o ko_,a4-0-/-1 'f)( ) L.0.41 M i a-) -CS-P.7& - 1 vet.-)k, ); P_,10-0-1/ /-"PL0 3/7 Ca-.---io-a , e/Vf- 2 knit crc ;apryeCti ,:g 33c3 Sic-i V e VI/ 2-C/1 eet.t4;t,e. A . 644") 1465 :( Qi b3 Ahc 'c e'J Q0.67. t�eti./.041 ,(1 i ,;,(4)) 0 h I AZ 1 'j ‘i 7.`•:% full+ 1 . , , . I, . -. • • • . .,', 41111. -.4 • -I. • ' Z Si illop4AZ ow . .• ' . S • .6• lilli SIIIIii * %oil . .\s‘'. • . AN' % ik _ , . ....•.:, • , . 0.4tc • . • . • . ,., . . ,, lik, . 44., 10 i i ( , ... , . • 1 . . , • . . . v k • i vilio:tiroi ,•, S. • .' A ; 4 • • ' 1 .1 ' , . • • 1. . ' ha 4 . . . 1 A I . . A / I • PEVITioil u/c-rh E u pi Ei+,'&ail) 14 4 0T4 rote &atm Ci ? xcr-ift,i✓ 7; ititED4 -Ah A i r) CAR, 6 A. e it `YTs A d'7hv 1C a any i i/ �e, 977er 1 so ii Akv 1 eta 1 i P/ 77c AT.d //1961A'zs . ALr ' mAit/pbwirArnsltiatme. t Ep A S� u ?)'1 )4 j--)H'j)li");\ I V607 7__, 132/ Y ,a-:63-- 'i K //�Vi'ld . -4 /;f/ C Z- .� 's i 2—x- t ' � Jam-: ,1- c �' I- U/' l(L / (/( - S( h c.'C/�.(� C' / � U - 71/1--- dip/121 114000 - I`/7 pi_ S. l;eti - (li7 c> w�" /Y6 7/ 2 H�A �3 Yve.,-i /, �K l/1 C r / 3 376 /'y , //7 Xe-id /< , g p- / 3____cy o— / (,;s7/ISE - fle , 7/0 ki , 7 C i r A-7 4- 7 4 Xi/ , / / /r de E ids( r i-y, 4il�-, / �f c' /' /.. _-2__ 4-/ G' 1� 24 r/i k,A. ili e" A i A4'/ (j kkilk_ Sqt1 , , -/), Er'.°c_--i (k5 f -r,i4 e( Utc(' (x_Lt - ) 3 ccr. i<L3ec,/ fee-4d4)--, /2- -)s/r , 9 . � Lk i -,-,7? �/ y� 'O /G 5;v,. S'l" . 7d-„ ,/cr,__ , '/I,al...„_ _ Lti 2 l•(vti( /�_,v<6J A-t/F c-o< eE .C1--d r1 '' & , 0-2c__ /mil/.-is8 - -,5,,E, Rcel-z 7& 7 K r`(--� 7 c/9aa, I ,274, /053'35 /'3`c) E_ Ren1-0n i< ; 7 o ... 1� H -�0/ -OST S'C c� ( c l 1 /s -c �f�- 4 L /t } C n .ks TbiL (__9 s i(l FETITIOil . • \dJE1171.ti E ti At D ele,ris6ti/S1) ‘dA air 1-s it &OW C,1ry C , ;L - r Rgrt ft.,/ ThE mcz, i h A /v CAR, bA & it ` . ACHgeC. bar?" A/74F cirAT-lio A/ A/d /•t.1 I A/ Thr exiore A/ //i.94 ! *' s . AIz , AAA Ai pot .02. 741fAMt. .... 0 M E Mv &sc _,),„ - - / ei. , 04_ , ; d4�I j Ccf,ate /7J o1 P 5/z /tU /►. Cl/Af i 7erGs,)-- lis ,,,,,st,:,),, \ k),wakki- tN driukaPicTI .-n . E . -ft9j-r-ckin I cIV)t(c)4"c_‘ (,-9 -/-.2-- --7-e- __ ?O/ Ifem,--433,-- 1 g .3—.6 Zh gv v/ , . frg,J`- ' ,Z/nej 2)(16, CQ 70( ,U E7 o I/PI-723 ga,tt;, 9?c 5-6 rg o iii., ii ),0-A 4 . 192 34 .�(.F l Y) +4 Pioo o , 5_A K gii f,e, .r., c>.,76 rl CU-E._ Se__ n ,e•U.,v. (cc -c SO 1 ;I'0 cs a--,,,,--,7_ __d2.0„,..,,,-7, 7 x7/i, /',f 6;.,..., -4-L._ 920_)/t /re->----7 )0J4-4)1-4-vZi44,6110-A4,tr+— 79/ //a 6` 40z e"--.J7 7 �o 1--- /- ,H i.,, ,L -; / -7/ a 7 /ya i , , /e fG �-� ran ;n,4) 1r1- ► 7cl(g II 0-7) Av'eS O/ K.AC"S\. . ? o k,.: i) L ' 744-Z 7 — / 4 R. s-E. -.ma4.../..,z,c , it.„,-„, / 306 r/ Ar ./e072 . r/t./ A (c-JL. 7) LJ>e) s--_ / c--a____ 4_,a ---i-77---e..,--- 7 ---(---:2--- 7 ��c n 2? .0 ctk.7 ( ( ( l // *L -'' / ,,i - IZ6?0 IL? cf I dr- 6:7-f-7- #0., -p• ukcro .P pJO /63 r d/- ui- 55 75.einhAq (</A,p ?, • ^wi I l'ETITIOil 14/41:77"'h E u d D i. 'I'd*/s't) i•I A s7- 4 The e,il7a,, es'ry C ;L '—r a 1e cr-t, R.,✓ The A4ED+d.& L AiL) CAR, !SA e.. 't `)''i A ern'& a b in, i&/ ier ciTirr-1 o i/ A/c' /40 1 Ii/ Ths. exAtreA, //, o/, s..tA/Vs . ALso mAidi..)bworieWskiAme. __...- S MAME ADPICESc CI-7- ef : CO€1,7r1 W)7Yv ///Z 4"lai'/` ,XL -11 -t i 6.%L7 1/..,,v..._%O�,.,yok1 ciccoca-► (-I ow. 4, •P . Q,canocon E (-) ;cw.k fact 4):K yRoa A F ...3-crse QIuct ' r2‹ &AOA) [ 9 ors ?( ►vtA -eA, 2-2:2-24 9)4 Ate. S. .c was \ 6,,A- c-AA \' 'ArdiAL I I_1(20CA ,E•, ) -0\--1/4-- Km-to l>,�rv. a�clr 1�1 l�h� 1(��n r�rt�' � c� . k-Y-q1 .,�-c._ - /3 0l 11r N;. / 07 h 1 I i cr,-� i.62 d -Will reoutui_ 3-2)aa. N c 71 k S 4 RE-NToit,J ke .� - ,--i,q--. Ul .U(YL f SQ CM, t A 0 f --AAti:s.y.. le-1 Vl ,Jl.i-7.i,,2`,2 C,,, y�:z 3 se 3-,4,z St- la,, UL X t 5r \- ) //tin -/e5 MVC 15E' bk',,. i)r1 (: (C., Y'r, MI-AA-6/ S /to ahtstivs AGE ,i,e' , &,, i7164/ //ram DP).p R0O )ko % Sr , ,.7/61, J t( , ,e--- _,.:' , j :?:. /%,,, 3 3 2_ IYA--/ 7 s / /e9c 1C.el .j jj..-24,7 ,A, /yc I 6. E /, 4 h X.....&., -V ,tI/1. q s -21-1e0i � O /91Y'-4/6/1-- 1Z-2,- 1 i p . . PETITIOil ♦ A , Jj 7 h E tl p/D e ,sd*/st 14 A sl7 rote &me 0,'?- Ci ;i -rG ° err R ✓ 7Z qEz t- sL r Alo CAR, 6ae. 7'. Ad71vc Aa li/ itF a of A/d /•L I i/ T44- &A'7A/ c371-ri , / O4J *'vs . AI. z ' mAit/ owirAtr tjamt. li/A 14E AD 00 ICES r C try j Cow wrzi - --RA),,__ A, 50.6 ouiluct) pi. k),,e , .1 )--1-6 Kf k I N C1-- - -4-7 ti-. .‘(,2 v- 8 ,./e.,_„,... -----, e__;: y_ _ _ ...,,, , 7 s s c)4_ Zu.(--7,-i--,,,e 6 1) r i2e-,-- ---,--, 7-- ---,-4- 9_ / (Wf ) w•y -,.e e, /fe-z-i -1 „ ir- ,,/ ,ek i-f ss7 // C2'it . n �4 r i . , . • r ,_ \;, 4-,• , - „ . :,..i.4.,, -5-..,,y ,, , . • , • cg.,_...,,,..1„..; 7,,,,,_, , ,,,r,:‘,:i am , L_ .—., V , . - c.rii c.3 7 ik.4,eizi/Y/ ./e' t 7/27 A\?0.ii7;t Zaji, 1 0,, ,--;-‘ / , . ; 2 7 1,(I/ivd sd,02., Re. .e.,v-off; ,,5 4 A7 , '�. � 4{o;- , �vv� v ivE . 1//4f1 0- Axi `�- 7.$ho-vy) ,a_ sL v.� I• �� R i ,(1; il,' Kluci mil 1 , j i1,, ^ 2.- � '11 o c I L 1/Y G �'1 c_ 4` Ci t f/tt',,,r \`-Vat''\‘.J 45-02 2 41, ,2; Ik,•-r A I 51 IZL`M/ ,LI i A. 1 •y/ 1-41-9• ,L;1iLi 7 4 C/s,--,-,' ,1s/•7- 44 _ C -� -,,,,, z,)7 _,.‘,,, f-s, -c-,,-,47--)ii,e,g," , 4-,4 4),&-- 4-1---e-H- P_-,,t1,. -...-Th ___..40.ez_ .-e- e--=. ----jv • n di d4-22.-,,,A , '3 Pti,-- ,/,',g- . ig>1.A.A.v.t..r00.0A ))/,. ii,L,4 w,....4,,, ,p,0 `i n n. C i - 4 _,K e4,-h. ( q_ _ C 1 /76i� .dlal,., nit . e ,e i( . L. 3 360 NE (a —" Reeou1, L$&. king • • 1:1)ETITioil \dJi 77'h E s, * D lr,Cr►'d*,'c1J '•t/A airj rot it &Mgr- 0 il Cata ,it iLr 1e&? OW The AOIAAh A 1 0 CAS@, iA e. i A6"7lfC b in, ,&/Frier PrArri ee•e A/0 /.L I A/ 77c &dr 'Al = . 1.1' dt 6 A AID,s . A 1.14 M A A o w Arit.WklA M!. _-- w. 0 M E totar, Mo &srCrry -/%6p/7- 4.:,-; ,,,7 -z-k/(- 4,1 ,,,-: ..C64=-5 -.:7.X11‘i Afi-//1 -4? ' . / --/ Y.-- • . ' - oilrein) /i// ;00 il)iefil - 4 -. ',Zeiatelk, / ' vva.ct: /ce(i-1, . tor ' . ? 4---i-Za:' Js'A z..w \si . / 1 e D 7. . ; cierx . ,,i? JA t_ triA4N .---)6„ckt..,„.1_ Icicci_ uo.:( trr\ A 0(._ 0 `' e-fil-rsyk_ • KI i '1 ' qio- iv, i f- G __;7 4. x-;ta';3 4 )___. / x-z----) /.i. .-C uzii L/3) 9 /// C_ a ' C- /- , 1/)'1dd, ''r C' tt /()q(Y/ /4176/z 5- /Cry / 0)n Alt.i.e. -,:iiefil. aoLo CG(e. )1e ( ` . e l(,,,,zr ciF.,,,(4,,,O) .)q ' ‘yuct•0 (6<:-c-_, CL4 ‘), if ,:tc- � �i J n (�, M\ ; .�, .1,14J31z uc)& Wnt-k9.)5 - \93 t_PC(-'__ ',-) :‘,5-,-0/-J 1(w,) Jjv).-yi i)f, 5Z'em rpv7 1/, ' -3 0.c)/<__< , _ .'a /te k-)74 `,,e j727g'�.,Gif 2 /L� 7 �5 S'A) C}��/Z& y� , ,:*i .,,,ivyiw.,.() 20„_.,.?-4,, , ,?_":_,,_ .i?" "__ _z_z_e._:_r_. /-7_," 74: 6e-4_2 ,s-_32 . y ., - LX U _Ac d go -zt 14 eU l 6 4-tri1 /C/ ri if ' ' I' L jJJx �I:(-1e5j Cam' r ) 4 -- ///./c _ _'�, 1(e ,, , e ,,:1(1 J'� • • i'eeix 1 • N . te.oft V -74,;421 / vr • r ,/ r '7 /yelfria,(I' -0-A' It °5/WW Zoe j c.—w-,-096?-0 `77- ' _,,,, ,‘ -,,,,,,, ,,, , ------ --trq,cr r77,, _,-7 i , ., 9 -7-,: i irt, -5,----tru----aTT:::, Li 1-7 ' In o.�.�D� 72/` 47S / b 109 '�'‘^''''D ( y _flirt fl .'vr� - se : !U) Q,6 P)' VrkYO ) V-C 1--.2/?;/_71 --17 -''',:r /7,c2,/; c:v/-----„..... , (11> /,,,Afyil ' i-pi Imcit ‘cN, (4 am) ,--- r,tfy\ic -„-mcs C., d.r), - ) Syr ;)6 c-cc_ cti livirki, \in1)4...- .y..t ( -' 3 ' I' t ViCITA/T )) q4_1_:?0 Ce d 8-t rcri-- I r(11- % ))i(Y -- / 46i69 c -Yrzoir tp ( 06 —M.,/0 QE9- 62_72 /-I, -,V,Ir7 1,tg- LCI)aff V L9 rv-tc,-7, , _), ,...,0-6-6, ,,,„ ,.,„_,_ __,,,,,,)Q__,,, , \ ,-„ _czN. .- --6 \ . , fr--(v -N--0-4-7- -d .i-g,p --/-pri-c(6iF '7-C % ' 44 'w,-,79- 1.7 () 1/1/ )1' '24-'8 - -3 - tl rnomirdi .wvi ; ___,n_pv -cyp t,.LQ e icy o 0.42-c — -sir �1 le x. 4 �� -ri: `7",V' ,'� ccjN_ ,_ ° /2,4 Lr/td".J `2/.(.04 ,,,_,,,_ ____70 _41) 140v5i,(),0b/ �� '� .-,-. ,--?' z, off,-a, f- '2iI a"1' `'975 1 9) 00e`' . ', v ,r ZIV 41 477' t5S2WOIVI 3141 .............. •iwirf-14.'tisolocirvw of • s41/vviele vi /Y elsfi 3lf1 /vl 'Pr/ Q Y ciosi,..2...t.Le5 'tip/ 4..L.pq --34$4_43py 4,0P.:1_, -0 yffr 'wyp 0,10# yrr-p;Qskv add traimar -.. 7/ Vt no 4-4'0 iteaftig a ti „Co v f 0.% asp V.1'Vela Q ti fr, 3 sit,„Lipk • Aro I siiii 1,7cf 0 do . • PET IT idol/ - ...,„ 14/j.'-- "•h E £ *FD Ems,'6*✓V) %. 'A air' rh t &dm, C1'i C ;i -r leer-Of,/ T6E qcz GA► b ,q i D C i 1e, is A O.. 't. 677. A s rt C. D Arr, ,a Frier J "r-r-lo1, A/c' /•v i Aff 717 sr &A% ed I //194 / A'Ds . AIso MAA/ aw .R2^7i&f*ME. 4'AblE APwcCrry fiurr( tiv)It4 t:i_k, c \o(11/i---fr\ fiJuutt-in i pii -)Vali i.e_4/>„. .2,/e9„9 ->7 E , -e=_,;p, e_„,,,e,„_ 1 ,Igilz 0- 441- ale i('_ , SD-7 i 10i A( ii;) -,„ ,•4-4-; _- 'j_A-1,..t hi A..et,"-„C 0 5v-Le- t or - S';C-- - 6 ,2_,:iii,-;--;=;: it, )[7% 1 --___,),,-.` . h( a 6�--i52 24 k'" Y t/ it /„4': , ' J /( il rio ?, ' kli\ie) TLAJO\NZ(Lr ati lr 2,--ti 'v-k- & ,kor 13 Ca -3 ? SE tc"3 tkVti )` e l( -fc, v ; '( ;:e._,Q(--0.14,-- c?,:e_e____ is-f z r ...1.&--,. /8? -71-. P _, e.,.--)0-r-en-A.) . ,i- i/t-' LA6 (I).x j2.,k__ ( --- ., .Q1 217Y-- it Q-: ,.. 1 -k---1 ,,e_i/c2 , /� g--r a -S'F /'2-7 le21A- - /' ;Z1/5-07 t i 7 C ;34)-Vt44/-4\'1A- //(2 ‘ - ( 1 1.----t-r- 71/ c' lt/ %/ le, 14. D -nL. r r t r' i ALAO9P ifo2aC 4E ICI 14 i�T- . 2-C-079 <Itic, ...15,7(04(73/e& o'er ,,70 0 -il*/3-61 Ztf/,' (:-/17!:; 2.0(),C /24;4 7r ifer-74 /i/ \ 7 (1,) 44-1A1242-L 11(61/ Aif: --' . guijelea6 67&2:10-7-if- -'1Y \ill I ti V4 /-%3 </ .Sc' /,)a '``` a-�- C Sz` - � 7 v...r 7 �� 7 ` sx' /� s r-/ �� "Fititer-tipA) --- / _//e/teed i.,th.,z1441 , . 13.: /V-f- 6°7?--e-T: ' -ig-A-,- -t- /(7`,Z . ihutlet c/ Zr 3 y�9 ��� 7 '=`�_c,/• ,_Vic,%¢ /G/1'6,; P.•"" 141,1 /1 CmiTi ‘ -N020,?9,, uri,..349/ 7"5- /Fi,q/ r ci-ovpm ro?-?)(vi,GA i 1 yv 0,41,./ iii& 7z/h7(.21 ,--,-75 'c 0 9 crvii gig re 1-ff/./ e('' • �/ _., ( A/ AY ,n jç / ' tf�1V7 "1/71A, ' I , 1 , 1 ' F e6_ -1 aY--e $:4''4' ' ' / i . 77 9."' I _ � �,, � g Aftd� .� r ,( ,.. { ),47P --y ri yA/7 .ice A c. z l ' La-, Cr' ' ( ' I__. (T. :fjoll )3A11AK)12*111 rri l/! 1 f.:; I ) r� ' te-,y, L...,,;•-:/ .�Pn, 3S ,t'1'4-es/ (". � IF . -r.,.. ` 4 41 %' o J,- i' -. 'wa g ,. -, 3.5,h l ,, z z i - , )-r �yr�,. /7 c-//. cv21.4/3cj' .2n/ dAV L9sins�'5/ yv(/ , C-� — .'_ , • -M 1 N moo$ `&--" n---Tr r LA '�i cr►g -1 -v-r S c2s 11 . 1-,ti . ,-b it-r'y-1 71; kilA 1(;' 0-(41C1r-U1 g I u-flo -ifiv-1K Ili ( ,,,,,i5,0041/ E, ,) 4 . _,- i„, N ,_,, '-4 -"L '01_1.JM`„ 0/ g(V PZ P2. "If•Aat'PT r,,g1VIV 1 , ,___r__:,__,_(,,G h°qa.V -7 CL 9 C?E ;-7""''-y____Z___-'-'-s'-rk.- J� (11 / N'Q1.fV ax ,8 0-e d, 1U an-v a-o-s-i.co� R s 6 47:" 'ICW14___ ."f7:1-74*121T14 . a- --,-)-;k, '\A-- --),:v-(-1, nz rja/ 3N o11 ° 0r--r1 Lie 1 4..41 0 JsEa 91/YY# _ ...... •304,)1,2 erei .solocir, vw oily • szv11yo !ti /ro..l,/v ,gyi /If ' V/ 4 /v0, 1e-1.5.115 it p! 4..nq 4/d V .� -oY' '21ii p a , a' y Sri;asiv 3 ►h /4-11 1,V '-i- . y! v /40 °0 41.4117. Nags? au „Zsrfr' asp,,g4 semh sta.:Ip‘ - Rwr • • 11 PET IT Lod' 1oiE,' 711 E ti wD e,e..46 1'a4/1) %.dA mr me &mit C, ,,, Cokr Ferrb te,Al ThE icy G A b Aiv C A R, 6� e. 1t `T'i A d'?1v a ?) in, 41 .6.Er Prerli b*, Al, /4.1 i/i/ Tic &A'T */ /JU6 / A/ZS . ALso m A ii pb w a-R79i�,,A M E. ...... ____„ AtA m E Avv &sc tow eto ,s ' 'I 4 ,--;,-li--`;7_ M--j,y'' � r ' 7 , r2c �s J-69 11 • E , It S�- �`��� ' Sti es zie-‘..L. .6, ,/,',.... 3 , /,7? 7(-72V/ fiAz --- 1 22c-Iii, ed-pfkiZ?&//7 , e v i ' , y /3 S lam'(--0/SF. ,:,,/-e)N.,_ 3� :-)iiii- -- ,,,, <� „ os-// )(5 // '- ,— ,.' 4,7cet-to--e&I, vegi _4z1. 626y2.2 IL)'4ze_-__- ' ?_ z____ 4410i ,e07,e0, // /oe_./--/-3/0,te_t) ,V /0 .L4/7-x)( ,t1---eci \7I e 6liicAZ-z-c-)-L- 2S ,,,d/ce ,z-,,-,, e-t-<.,-)1 R, „ ,/,_,„_ i Kz,,e_a to ' „,) (x c o / Z co,.0 SL (- gin e t 5 1C . 3lie ( ov i- AA_ A a„„k,„ --- -Iu ,, , .//443457/1 ,-/, J&13 /uk- a 9----iie / A.t-,e-x , J-./. 2t- �' of o 5 ,F,dri6 Ai/d tiF ' ��4 - -yt n /i o . 9L-, /�C` 1/457 i. i1-c-&2-7-7 a i CA.A,.. 0 - ea---7a-K J ' )( Akejk 'W The-‘)'" cP `-i) <a . A L.. - C-R5L--ad-r\ Act--, ilk-ce"-D e/),,w-e D.Q. (--? II S . . /0 o g-g� „- L.,. -7 - -- --- --, ----- - -3.4-,, /6.)4e- /1/&-- - ---;7/</%-c-A/' , „7 `r'y/1 /1>,,. t'-t ,)AA-G% r6i '7 '/ , K e ,v( ,,,,, ,/2/6- it? 64'' -(i ' ' i":„, A((// C-C ` -c�_ 1 it 1.(..\\-c�_,caml '-e- Q , ,,N=5, \,,,., I c^ :; $/,; Pp,1),t 7��J V S 6 -D n 609 f;P1 a2S06 N-17132), ‘""v -\)?'-2"-.°-)S J2 ':)>S6 \A4r-2/ -2)CAZ\. VDa') a)sp b goo ' 4k, 'rig pri445 QS l/ 14,0 u i /1 -n l=c ) c25'0:86 3ar)i v-v-Ps./ ``-1917771'---0° lb& ,' j Una) -I-1 S 10?AY 0 lt04 I • 1 ic" TITioit \4 N7Ilsh E 4 pi D eel. i,'d*/cv 14'A A/r 'rit t eit/734t C,'r Co It P/ Q %k. 1 1e crow ME Al iD+eA h Alp CAR, £i A 7 i A dr3`P c b art, ,&/ i.e, cl-fi , A" -1 o A/ ilo /•L iii To r &A'T 'd //io4J & * zs . ALso mAli powriernleAme. _ _ _ . 1 VA M E Mv &scMPICEST C fryt Comiiir- gAdeef io„ if :e1,,5 zz'7,1,Z_ '/,7 .313)1,/%0/"/- l'_,„,, 11 ,e--2-z---„ __ )C c'? �7)r-,, .P n 1 )r) 1 1\o/N ,1_ CA. 4,i- es- o-1.. E' . -/-4 p ? �n rC 3/)X l ri L S s U r a e 4 /LS i'adi i� We/A d.,e,44- 3 .5/ -,/. .7d. /.,,‘c-,.--- We__,Ai---- KV" ' 42.0A-g--e ;7' a_ W,ea,J git? ), ,g-e.,04.71-- Z, G��,.&-e /a --�._.,//, i/ -,,� i C.- qic Tlurr 1. n lily R it-d.vr) k►n .4i,e „,,,,4 ,c, , c, ,_, ,' , 47;y4 ,ar, „ 40/ r;m4,,iezhair AC XerP,- ---- XL;t1 ,,4.--t--S------"k" .7, . /// 6 %/).,:57-9SK €, ,, 4/--,,c .1..d.-a e7 0(2-7c,ea / /57) )07-,-&---c-u--10e— ,6_,z.c :,-,, /-Y t.7 ) ocar .D `- (a,,,,,,, ,& 1 /3 9'0 Y 45i ay.. , E . ieit--t-02 irs--e- mrr o' if 7a-6,4, 7 ! 0 Ae rd,,,, /ZG1i/`a --A 11 , 2,6A,„ , . ,,,,/,An(2,6 w/0- i2 rkf-4_ eeaK.'?.--, , '-'7 4../.. .Z-Z1- /_3v I .Z+ ,Q- / -- ,� )6."°, 6 SiA, 6 /� / ) 7/rtt -4:c7., -. 19/ :32 ,/yt 4_' _ &, ,c, 6 I • FETITioil _ ____ \/EIwrtiE a pl D 'icors 6a/ff) ‘4/A v7 TA it & ITh/ C,'r Ci, ,it i I 71 1e rr'ii fW ThE Atet e.A t - AiD CAR, 6ac 'L `�i Ad7-f,G bin, is/?kr cirrrl 'oit/ / ha /•L I /4,' Turk &A/T A/ /4t.4'41,jAtzs . ALso /V A0pbwirie-r fwME. ffAI'4E Av &sc C ay tow wri, la cJ. : li1 Ur q s�r� Sf- (P - fief\,\��,N AV\.C1 3„,„ A_ci 3 7a/ Act:-9 C' 7 r„. , i '7c-e-, ail:yr-Lie-viz-11E. 3 7 o/ /LE , c24 �cc_._-�,., I pe 1104. 35-Ov - N yaf7- ( ,.,0,,,,'67,---1 I I .z o`uz -.� - /i0/i /� •-i-. r' /r ? 4go „, 95P ,cam l/e,. ,¢' t. / - { n -.01 ,9J-/vr A) ' A-2/V C 77-77v ; 75--1: i ) /off rH <<. rZ A / 970 c. /%1; S� �KC /C--;q (y d)z e c_aJ 04` L d- /O 7,5 aref, of eai -77 6 ',_J 4)(1 y '.�� "- '‘:/ii/ei f. ,e;e-41-1-f- 9,5"a4i-e-xh 127, --,, ' _ th/,-,>7 /17 c/ _l ,,D,v ,i v t ✓I.f e-e L--yam ,jli% X, is0,- s.c--. 3re d PI-- /r-1-7--z-Y A9 �, PAil. (4-\ .26(1q VE 6 ' r , f, It �� 3 t.,PPciOar lei-`— it 5;4.51E 145 hk)n 1L )/-)r:Y t'''' -AI— /V5/- A-) . ct".-2-F;— C-1 //e ,<,-)„.„,.) 7 ------:-'--,- il-N(AZ 6L)2_ 0,6_„,,,,,6 ke flz--) -e-L ,, i (4 7,)91/Lel `, S-66. A1, -- i n Y `) p / )--*)* (i.oij Z,04._ e 7- ,-,-, 7y a2(w .2 217 A) E ao _ / t bJ ?s0J-(,„ lv / 73 ,! (ilititrik_ 2-EZ1 A-) /i&CSY- ' &idl-'n 41 61) " \ . E----- () 00g5 6 CITy C.Obilil PL-le Yit -) g f 4 -d4.,.4:14-16)7r 1-7lio 6 ,„•,,,,11,4,_sF 4,-,-1,5-vL ___,_ _ _7<7,2 22z) ,._ . 2 ic .9i30 / ,, I_ 4 - SIls 2 $ r---/ 75 R''' k- -k-N k , . , . . A I PE IT I Oil 1 .--rhV a WD Ear►'6*/ra ‘41A airJ rote eseThr Csr Co G ri d %L77° be CT& R.A/ The A4cD+e-At Air CAR, bacit `T:'. ACT IvC. Dan, 111 kr c177-T e e MP /•L i 1,1 74r &N'7- .d ALso MAME ' ANICEST 'ZS-772/1A44A44 01;J ta-7---(n .7-fieiALW--, A-1,,e rK . /trt-6)- ; ' , .7 - (1/ezt-I-Pz-4 g l O auf2A- d i,J,t _1(k 44-4-/;., [ -i,% - ,_,,, : 1/-Y :-Mco0 I 6tk qVg qmnod-444,n F.. r 'u,- _,Lip ./t''A , (5"-F7'" ca ,-, f.' - "P-. _, /Air '..,.., % fl--, 101 ;, _gf AS ME IL9 ' &NTO 14 I I P 11 &t.k. , -Ayrii.6____ ii.4,30 441)- 1,(YLeattrg A, i-Ltx Ili_ A- ._k_,)AJ.---i-;- ----, s i ,i u-'• 1 9,)LIA.,)\1Dr(-\AD Ila ,"T> .) ) ,e1 If, I ,'RiAt.KA, 9. 4,,,, , ►rvr i L L\►yam 1-k�� Ny.7 qF 10 lZe r\5 in tA) l:, u� ::--1'4,_, did cv\, '7')71 -i-4_1,i,,),/4t. (- (,). A,-i- - I Pt,--- )i../ Nm - 1. ;as, Acum; (, ,) 1 . , f .„ re A) `,JZ 1.4o 4'4. il.ahlka- ,4,,,fauf_ ,,,c),,D- .3E, (_o .irt 4 ii-ewv4)--- . i;v-aok �( (, /c/031li c/i `S�cw- l—/� iC ii 9 Do.„..a1,-0-,___- 3D-ci /(4 , // 64- /Ze-..e,72, i,c .IC/ -- 5=_ ,D E 1- 40, i e / z- -"` c ► ' )(E A- tr.-1 / ...)4 M_ && o,6„- a 4J4 34,LA' id /r--_,c,,,_-_,. r ci'r,ele. Giz,,, i,j.dc),0 2:52 6 id e 771- 1f7 hi-tep) 6, I - , , 'rt7-,•1' -3- '-.5 iy:// pot,/ , 5-E , l?r kt ii-c-ri _K'042 4A , ' ram - /yam A /6(4 SI. ,,:-(ri\4 . V ;,,,,,_ --, Zi 317 gf Z 'v°Pi - --o . .5o1i0 - , IJ ek, ,;$/S tu E /Ct'`ST i9 '," v/I Lti/A , k, . / l/7i ii /10(n 1<iP11 7Q/ l 2-7 T" it S '<'r'`f d✓r WA lc, ''► A to « e ,:.' ETITI 0 if . . 1a/,.flyE L! W1) 3' 'i'£*/Z ‘4/AAi7 1 ?, E es Wm, C Co a p./ Q i I 71 1C gft r6 R.il ME A4iDi e-A 4 Alp CAR, ISAc 71 AsTfv1c b irr, i&/?, c7r- bsv A/a /.t I'! T4A- &A/i-eA/ 1-/ra4 /-AA'zs . Also MAN pbgorg.:7 fAme. NAME AP P leES T C fry totililr3 .3---2-7.--"-.,) /1W-dt//5-10 ,s 4/ . , ,-Tdp 4A C..A/ G•us e .r a a% aW.2 0 7 J& .2 ijJ ,,0a,o /,, 41, %r 4.,( 1 7 y (� ,9v a Pc/. ./-----,„, i Do 1,,°� /6 3 3 6DM oNvOs 4o ti� , )?F,i9-0 .&-,,t. to 7 -71 (z 6ei( it fry(- L 1K-1 7 aip4(44.1„--, .2 'Or 2i. (-7,7 7 -j-7-21 -,--ce----, - / -4:(.7 4-,A1,_,ki,‘„4,,,-,,.,,, oci,..),) Of. sT ,.. • 7 2;1- -.02-,i-1- - /4-3-1^,. --4k,c--J A!)-O > boo /C1 6/c,& hive AJ E kr, A,-r, ,-L _,cc - ?- , 'i IC7 Poi/ (-7-- Ad. it 1 / 's-1 / ,cE 4---c...-27 7 )e ./a lti /,? /) ,7 S _,/ -,-2) -7, N / ,.. .(2 e.-)r_z_ .� D /l .,/a SC /ei� 1 , 1/gm S Er as s- si bd/7-- / r �'� saz ciQ® ,2if . 6Un-1, A ciAtVAAIV 47 0 to- 18 '5 AV2- 14 ,e-: RE--1.,Til) /WC k I 4 q J Le :kb!) :?4( 0 :irl iri‘PI Ref hk WI- (<-1 4 t..171 :?\6:lic HO 0 C `5-E- I? t A mt t o vk- k,--(4'y 'ALynr&zoinslx. ok.0:5-1 c7 e r-40 n i -' ' /Le z, i �51T)L' '7iG ijJui2��a rt fib ( j Pewin4140,241,u4 7'71 / %kLd- ° OP', ti r ' '''' I a / 1 I Ndit....rits E 4 al D !',Q.,r,'&or %4'A iii7- 7'14 a efonigf C,'r7 Cotctokr o k R.A/' The As -, L Aio CAR, LA 'E 7'. A S7-ffC. i• ii7, i&/? eE c -ir-:CT-1.4 a A/ A/c' /•t.. /iy' 77,c &Aired *otot.frxeDs . AI$o /VtiA /v atdiriL 7~• k• aiM!r. ittA M E Mo &sc -4,,,,011:3,_,44.00y. _.Ak 1) 1 4)6,.. Q s b ),(40 s„ k. nd ,9'L.) ,,, Pii ) k 1„,7 DebKa_ f/ca-24 i5.6 -(4,Qt aiee'i ) /) , l -?7V`rl t) /# 7.j (awl:1 iltiL- /3--c, (j-e_L-0_17.--fts'o/-/ 4(--A/6;z , 12--eitroX/ <Ix, �� 1E. , � �/d /�,iQ K�C HNrO ✓e ��n-0 'u K �` 1? 7 /rti//c9,�,Pj� l 'T Al 1 '7'Z� •..., e.-G 0 i(.. ... , iay. i•& ., ofb 6--- tian) . ___vide/n1 - •Y`Q unta,, 2,114_ \Aldni4n h ti citz-n, Y A;14_ bo cPTici4k '7 Oru iZtAilt(AA (-9Ci/Gzy,) . )(4 3 Lo d(J o/J.A I/c 2e/1z KTA4/ � 9 4 111 ' li b 3 er 2.6,.. ' 4etAti A-01-4--,, /10 Al 4 -. ;?t.-Av rr ' K _,(), lm-u1,,,x-a,„ ,R cza/ //z: ,2 g- _. ,__i_,‘,__ )6'AI)21/, ) 4/1//,', JJ.,2 4 , e, , s 4A g Alk- -Y%-d A -6*,--, 6c.3 ._rfv\ 22 2 1 tJ . Z PardovN • • PETITLaitt _ . i,,_.rtiE 14 AID EIrAlan ,.✓AAir 714 E eproat 01'7-fr C ;i -r71 1e cT R.ii The im cD+e-fr h ,Ai° CAR, isAe. it `7', Aerfi• 1. bin, ,&/ Er cirorr'feosi /4 Ak 0, /'/ T�,� &AT ,At /4,7a4t-AAIDs . Also mAit/ pawirg79-4,.(w"n!. /VA M E APPICES .c . 0 try 4,,,,_.,,,, fl— p, /,,_,,,,„,„< _..,,_ , s,,,,,,,,___ , 7-e-,, D )7 J , �.,fi�.l, .a 4 . �� 7l . ,)i J2i f �a/ - &;-2o7/9114(ii&cS cc XI . ,(;-4fx '.4-- : Mte-e ./-e(a0L/-6, - ,R*V)7/z , -n.i.A � f.)CLAJA .7_,kE if#M el ai5 yr # 2//.Z 3 o/ W.67,/. ° �-,c , ,, Y.�--iv .,( - ,,...`-Z)%7 All,9944_vy,/16-4, _, e),--// //,,:„L-: -,7 1 7-- '-'1 q18 i 0 )1 12. 2,-727---/-k, I /e ----- c -�., ,ti� 12C'// S /Z/• i ,4.; e&loi-idigi,itirt,A) ,3y 1. /7? 1,,�,a /i' ' ,F -vim ly-,/,,t,e_L i 7?)0; ....<,t,a 4, ,,,,-, I , ,/,/-77 /3tr /..ig-di-eje (f7,- 21.,:? (7,_ ___i___71 l(7e-f-tjx' b . ,71,) I; ../.1_ /y61 ( )41-ce4.4/ li" 4 ` -' i .�d'A'.,.49� ., J11do ,J A4. . YI r_ /P�r� /l' -za,, ,, /: 35.E d, 4---)1 ,. 1 2 , eA.,.. / z:?f --_ )c, &, ‘, - gp ,,___ ,t_, f{-/-7; 10/4 y)i ii ;,.-. /, .zz=3.- )767442,C th- ----,_. -- V • _II ictdic 'hz 4>za icvilk/01,-g) -Eft yvnia-p-rd 0 -, e 16,,t7e. / 1(,(4,, C4:-,. .&, , , ,,.. /z9e ,„, ,. - i -/ / „, �._ ', ! _ 4 _ O e 4-‘0 kli., 3"Sq( e_ 6..0-e iv L ig-tom= Go 0„1,_ I aaz,d-7 ,,„ikei- /c e 7 /i'el,e4677 k l'k) !/t/Gt_ l r-Z,ey 6, , . . 1:"E T 1 T I 0 it ... N,44,rh E 14 AO iCrI 4*/S t 14/A Mr 701 t eikhl 0s'7": COt. ;I.. rTa 1t 471 1,i Th A 1 D CAR, 6Ae- It `-r• A en t vc b in, 1&/FTEF cir-A-r1 Oil A/0 /.L I A/ T/c &A'r */ /4112/„ AitA/Ds . ALso MAA/ btori ,�i tiAme. _.________ 44 ME Mv &scCrry 2(4, , 3,,„ F -s-1--- , P_ it."16wv E KAK,-- ( _,, -__:-,-- /3?si SI 'q.0 1 C-Seui-tcf /7 • H Epic) 1{. a.( -I&LA--)fi, 2 ll73- #47v/A,,,,A, /4_„-/4, 4,c, : / CC),,,-cu-- K _ ,21,,,-.434 3 62 V ivg- / v..__=f Z...,4,-,---4---„.. I /1-.:\ , �� �� ' .f4, ‘,.Pa JZ- ( ..'e , • /, . L.) i&zi,tfr? J RR 4 ( `lt8 sEl kge-7 _ / 4 : 1--, 77./ — t s-/71' se_ ( VT— sr Z P A)-._ cr/k), __. . _ ty (xikidli Z-6/y `�G G 7i ice/ . a( 2sw- h (.:15 Y (!e41. ,r- 4(c-e) hie-/-t- z-.7 g57c) CD[ifor,c. hl , ill 6- I. ,,,,,__ic,_,t_ I<i(frt fog c, )S- . 7 °>i e t/ -- ,-� -t,-,�Z -ei, maid) (U ..__A � A e-Yl6 ,k _p,or-2-( ic'''r`a 4741,1,14, ; o, ivy l � 5/- g zep / / / '-, 51, 4-/00 GU, (/,47)/5 &//49,-, et (fyi /(}).,y (0 (1;75- 5 (-- (`-f_s:11- ie--e,,, rci.c, . , . 4- -/I- , )'_ 11 Zo,D / L-4) -L5-4 2 '7 tJ /, II ,l' C7 f 7 -w.-r2) ,il c4,,,kk- j�(�.Nl(- cf(�r IK - / / / / f�JJ y /V4/ I\� < � j!'), ti/fie//• , Pre)/ 1 '�� 2/' ' ,ep 2J /1 i/k-y /f 1 SI PET i M • .......... 1dE""Th e if ND 'Cr,'e det) ,.✓A Air Into &MAI Cry CD a r/ (114. 71 1eCr it,/ Thf qcD+e-A h Ai CAR, bAe. ,e -"• ACTrs'e b,ifir i*IV?, Prirrl b iti Aid /.t,I I ii/ T,' , & s'T-eA /7/,. /, j *,vs . ALso MAit/ pbw .479�le, amt. ._.,...0 IVA ME ANICESc etry . tomar, -2 1,4 4 el-- -v_ 11,5' ,S i.),(1__CeTA ti2-e.A- -(--- i 16, z - ------ (0z-f AVL4coc''25 /fIC ityc-f v ,' ,_, kt t / V K v A we kr:7� I iliL / Jr vvv. fff��'' 14 j 7 cf' -)/ /e ' 1,/() /1 I cf l'''`' 9) 0-,,,i,e,1 :4 :,. I W&,l'i n)7-1 / 'PS ./ . ,mac 4 h< K . n1 - 3 tilinSA- -1-t3-1\. K (( )r-., c42--tk ck,--se,,,:1, .3?,10--- kg .4--uk _,4-t -alL,,,,,-/ -y-N i4;-471 A7 -14A) 7.c?V .)-)E / 0, , j-7 ';---) 4--_ _o ) ' 4 lck �� (-h Gt� �07 A ron,lon Avg lUt V -rt-1-6 '1 /l� I 11 PI Ort`'----e " . 7 Ifs I„d , ,I, ,�/� c 7: / _°%' z(1.1-r:it-411 /4// 2) c04 -rt, 4eA41--14 /61/141_ * , , 4 0-- -it- '7f- / 4(f3A 2 Ci V f -7 i 4, 1(--(-2 V.,r4, Oa9 A)F -aH �` __t_lzy 1 ClecnRinx-( 1n)S 3-S e .�R�Q e.,,�. r -;;i7wy&A.yr- 3n-/74-:. 7,-A-A 4 --if --- ,z,A, ct-e-yiri /4 /tc f.51)-- '-","-‘e-,-rq's 'r/ - e fle-r.-1 ,1"-7 r '/. e (j)QQ, /iiM. ,Q/6 IL - (1 free"") ri Zi ,L d.3o AlC 54 sc! g +� / t e . . Ell' ITI 0 it •....._.... Ndi..--r-he a p I D trCie is esery ‘444 07-P° 74 ea--25;71.111f/M___= C,'rr C a if a/ d 14. ;—1 a JQ gi R.i✓ The itts D+e-A h ------ _ A i 0 (2 A R, isA e. iE 7 r A S'T's a ?) in, Ai kr cr7—/ b A/ A/o i J. 77,cII/ '/1/`j"O Al - 11 1442 4 / AAv7),s . A LzO MAN owgier :-k.fwMt. .4.: . VA E Al) P RES f C try COW A7r, - 91*/K. L 'I (t/)4`6 s y ' ,e-) 0A---,_. 14;/.//e-A14,Ly.(_ _ _ _ 4k7./.4.._ _ / , ___ ______ , . /<' 1 -0. L ci .hi d -vc.E Esc, // /I ` 1 Attie_ 13'©fie rzc c..t id, 5 fe_ c/0---/-..., 1 /v , ".> 6-- "7-7-1C,--e-4,,_ 7 3 7 S_- /..)-/ , 4, I, , /�� " , /i?iAYf l/60 ® kx fIn- 10C ,fie n � , 7 ' ( ir c4.4.o/(*- V - / -ii,Cu aYx ,__ /tfix_;1)4 „- 7 -5- Cdoe% a/it V jp„,(4.6_) &0/,_ , /,,,,i _ - , s, &c c_o-h, rdS Ave. j Ro--yiLtbr __ ( -,ti . „,) V/n4 / �sE , .Aq/-1-7 -2,-7 tdi/ '.) /o6.-/moo/0/ S= _ '21/ 9'01 - i0 . 3L - c/p, Z—, i,m,� 69o--- 6( �S 6\ q; A,;- ; Xe nlTz"v k) ,� - ,,-)7 tk (,,.-efi4pe_ = dyni, L'71 NPiiiiiiC2--Y3 .-� /1( Liz( N� 1 4. (�- i- ,___-- _ . , 2 g rc,x v-- (---c (gam iCi - '-'7 - - .--)?A,, V _ i_ ;„ ,_, AiA-,,,, ).‘,. )2 _c - 6. '9,,e4Ar /‘67.2--//10-v-e lc; , C,A,.- . GS7-c--,, 4i vt / / / 42// Itt4:5 c'/c // 3 e'i i A/4� 3 R O /1. ) %'Z /^/ . I w ti Ll. " "I im. II' I Oil . , .............. Ndic- h E 4 k'D E,,'6*/ra 14/A mr The es#17$0 C, r7C ;i —r ' I 7 At rz ' AAb AiiD CAR, ,3A it `7 A en*vC. D itT, ,k/?er ç7r- a A,/ Ak' i 4. i/ 7'4'c &i"r 'A/ 17/;04 ,..frwzis . ALzo Mis A,/ b wirog," 71et*M(. aA_Ji..6(re„ . 57., .cat,Aq_s i, „ ( V, ', ‘\ A '''- V.A Mv &scCrry totio7r, c- 1,61.1,utA_ , ii. 3.(y _ai 2i. c-,,,, z--7 7e-05-- ' r, - . � oo6 11€_ 6 Cam— Q �vs-� K� . 6) t_ / J 4, -1- L -7y'.,‘,0--eivt) __41-1 /4-/ k 6, it_A 1 le/L.-a-it )4 4 L )zi 2 --(__) Wa-1 i)7._ Lii . 9 at2.'L.-1 : y , l(S I vNioN Ali- J,JTe),, c 1i0G' 1 !'� ,s /- id2/s-=. 1-9—�11s ( A )(WV (.,-- ' /` //' I 0 k • prireofe-eq.5 pot- Re/IAA-0)16 ik,j-L..-- (kii. i ,e147, ,i 7 6- r F. /lJi' / ---- go , %c , K i L' 7 - ;A, r ' E), -3s 1 Vderioili P/, fiii: pEfv-rmi it) 3°-(ic AI r; '>fr 1 ._,A, --- _ ,r,, 4c,, , // ,�/1/Aof ti q, --e_-,/ -6,,,,_ PA b;lield /e4 -- olArrAAI.L.reodi 4 „, �� ' 11. 5 -' ' 0 006 r i ti--01 k, ' q?)4/1- 17,57!- pl , , ):----, .- V 1 ILI nk- 4t/P,_ /Z 47 ' ,2,,i / l�/i-�444/� �. , ) / I/ �F�G / 05'" /r/o e 5 l= I y/ s - °/ . N c.)(l.. ( ) I /L ci i 1 Li,./)( )U, '1 ISA 06ll Ji0x Cov.P / )-ie,3 Lie`ei t, lei gel 4 , '/(Ipli.. Ali Ali ► . i /126 7 I i a for) ,doc, 4(i-'--- 17��i,-, , -i,`,/ ` .. ,ki) iziih ' .`-1a 1/t)-( k. $) Agy\'" v\ ,,v 01,1 V.,v-t • / /c'' G•s:-� ./, �)' /7iC7l4 f/.11.- %t„ s. /; , /??i%/ri i .' ' k 1�Z, c/J d i/M // '' ?/I (74'‘eI - ,�c. fri_Y .'& Avi -. 1; . itJ liddi-- 3 Komi(/g- iegO ritit)65 -<:.1 /9/Z1,-6J . _2 Ve 7 7;7 5-,a. -.4 ' 71-, . ,,, , ' zrkEI6 PI. a - .ji , 0 • • • • w�• • • { • • . p ,' . • ' ` Ctil -11 Ch c I 7v7-14 -p-A/L4r(),-. ‘ .1( Gam` --/ 4// , j ( 2% j Y/1/9i fr,me/ap ��� 7' o / .‘, (2.c., ,/ '742 24' 77' x�, 3-m /02e r „,,,(2/ , ,.6; . - 7 . 1 l". ' /.. �� (Th'" - fr- -) ler 0 ( - JAI- I /b e raj - .. ,P" _., -N/TX r -:No---03---rari ' /// L rt-, � s a7/ sact (e14,77-;›,, /0/4/1::,_ /Z-,24/ r r ‘T, �i r (__ r. afi-- j,C '7t 7 Y.d l(1!Y'/ -----evfre (----•..G.77" L V7 ' . 4ct 0, !J -ii!tvlz S_- (L't� - 1..(mod ica � (-7 ;,1l sQ41,) Pi_--, -:-V -- /-4.---,b,/ 1 -) ,-/ W .,,1 - r f �a ,‘--__;,,;?, 1 ___,,;,r,cy __ r -,,!,:oitii_.,Ay., /c ri-4,-, _7(4,--1547?;___ -('_ - Zia' (/(,w-vO` ' /Oo /E lyrr p --)Lv0 .� �,z 0c.I-, rJ4-2-v‘ Yl irl7 ` - C,lc?AL ' -2_14rvi .-6,--k f‘ie_-?,--7-0c---7frie,)-oyv--r, LV 7/1-2- y ) -,(k i o i 3 I ' -3 -.7 1 Y6) - , i , 10--h ) 71;,, ,P i - -- --?7- -y� ( rie:r (I /r'i i'-17 :12-- , I/17V '_), J1 -.] flyo-.(\f - cla 3N °°°YZ 6\i' l U' " i / S d VA, 1 ............. ------- •S w itr'ar�,�c rbf1 01 ac/Iv v w vs 7 v • s tzar y i `I v. .* fit.-L v 'y1 r 1 1 / ail/ 'V c ,r._L_j-t5 -1#.9.p! ‘i.nq -1 4 gLiiinv 0;1_ t -plecir IWyora/ pP ly-i.Kisky add frai %J.,21 p_27, 171441700 4:410 itteto9 a VaL ,..10 ram+ a.s 'v. IrOla 0fl h 3 glij,....i1 API 0 ilijgd • • • E ..• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • A • • • • • • • .. • . • • • • • I • 1:)E' TITI 1,fi.-- h E u ND i' aaro %A/A 07-4 1h 1 ei � Gill, Co G p/ d 4. �0 k Cr' R.il �'6 AO e- h ,4ia CAR, bAe. it 'i Ad'T fi c. ,aa i kr P-r3r7 / o A/ A/d /•L Thy &A'T 'Al ,.12b /A AID s . ALso AAA pe eQ, ri fAm /fAb1i Mo &scCrry ; Coeiwr, CVULJLI5- /5(0 s L sL ? r c_7( ‘..41 poo& /am 3� Gelb( T2vS ace ici NZ l ni Ac\ r , foling4.11(ia, /,%c/.5 da/4 .d C fefb/t/1 a A OP ` • ETITI 0 A/ 4 j'"7- h E Li piD 'Cr A'44/$ l %•✓Aa/T1' rPtt esitiv C,b't Co Coatidil.. 71 kgr* ttil Me , cz - h r A i o CAR, 6 a c '( 'sr, A CT,t• a b air, ,&/Fii+F cirA-rlso iv A/0 /.tom i A/ 77, 14►.941 dIAz,s . A Lso mAA/ powsie !e.TAmE. 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AV 14 1,/ 13.4,7 Q -I 4 sus V •,,j., ' t -01y9 1 y 0 a! ' y f3.Qsky ada frai .L'of p-2 7 1 v /4 g o 4-4' suitsad a va zo vim% a.s/' 1'•r Oa yr ii 3 £/ L..,if'\ if 0 1111 ,7d . . z6 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 12, 1984 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF ROBERT J. HUGHES, Council President; EARL CLYMER, THOMAS W. COUNCIL MEMBERS TRIMM, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; DAVID R. CLEMENS, Policy Development Director; LT. H. RAY CALDWELL , Police Department; CHIEF LEE WHEELER, Fire Department. PRESS Pat Jenkins, Renton Record-Chronicle MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 1984 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Shinpoch declared March 11 through Girl Scout Week 17, 1984 as Girl Scout Week to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the organization, which has had more than 46 million members since its inception in 1912. The proclamation was accepted by girls representing three different troops. Kathy Robison, troop leader, expressed appreciation for the proclamation and invited all former girl scouts to attend Girl Scout Recognition Night, March 14th, at Dimmitt Middle School . Samples of cookies now on sale were passed to everyone in attendance. AUDIENCE COMMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE Playtime Court REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS TO ALLOW FOR A SPECIAL COMMENDATION. Case Victory CARRIED. Referencing Judge Nancy Holman' s recent ruling in favor of the City' s Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to adult City Attorney movie theaters, Councilman Stredicke applauded Mayor Shinpoch Warren Lauded and City Attorney Warren and his staff for the victory. Accolades were also extended to Administrative Assistant Parness, Policy Development Director Clemens, Captain Don Persson of the Police Department, Steve Munson of the Policy Development Department, and Hearing Examiner Fred Kaufman for their individual contributions on the City' s behalf. Mayor Shinpoch added her praise for the commitment of the community, the courage of the City Council , and the skill of the City Attorneys in pursuing the matter. Council President Hughes concurred in their comments and felt that any future challenge can be met in view of strong foundation already set. Councilwoman Keolker presented a congratulatory balloon bouquet to Mr. Warren, who shared credit with Assistant City Attorneys Kellogg and Barber as well as City Council members, Mayor Shinpoch and supportive Renton citizens. Continued Chuck Slothower, 517 S. 17th, representing Citizens for a Quality Community, thanked everyone involved in the case on behalf of a sizable segment of the community. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, requested Council discussion Advance to of the Public Safety Committee Report regarding the Highlands Old Business aid car. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT UNDER OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Public Safety indicating that a meeting had been held with interested Committee citizens regarding emergency aid service to the Highlands. Highlands Aid Chief Wheeler had described level of service since 1981 , and Car had indicated intent to request six additional firefighters/ EMT personnel in the 1985 budget to be considered by the Council in November, 1984. That additional personnel , if ilL approved, would allow operation of an aid car in the Highlands from Station 12 on a full-time basis. • Renton City Council 3/12/84 Page two Public Safety Committee/Old Business continued Public Safety After additional input from the public, the Committee felt Committee continued that an emergency condition does not exist. In fact , given Highlands Aid Car available resources, the Fire Department has provided an impressive level of service to Highlands residents. Committee Report The Committee agreed that an additional aid unit to serve continued this area would be desirable. However, the proposal to enhance service, which would cost $200,000 for staff, should appropriately be discussed at budget time when the Council can compare merits of the program with proposal submitted by other City departments. Committee Report The Committee further recommended that the Administration continued contact Ray Gervais and Pat Houlbjerg prior to Council budget hearings on this matter. Audience Comment Audience comment was invited: Ms. Houlbjerg requested approval of staff funding for reinstatement of the aid car prior to implementation of the 1985 budget, noting immediate need exists. Mayor Shinpoch reiterated assurances that the Highlands area is being fully served by an aid car based at the downtown Renton station, and rumors that aid service and 911 emergency telephone number have been discontinued in the Highlands are untrue. She also indicated that funding of additional firefighters would not be automatically ;approved during 1985 budget review, noting necessity to review all departmental budgets concurrently to determine priorities. Contingency funds do exist to staff an aid unit for the remainder of 1984, but there are no assurances that funding will be available for subsequent years for new personnel . Chief Wheeler is available to address service clubs in the 1Highlands concerning aid service and allay residential fears created by rumors recently circulated. Continued Fire Chief Wheeler explained current staffing levels which serve various fire stations in the City, and noted his recommendation to restore the aid car to the Highlands station if funding is provided; however, at this time, the same level of service is being provided from the downtown station. Discussion was held regarding negative impacts of funding personnel with contingency funds this year with no assurance of future funding for staff salaries. Audience Comment Audience comment was invited. Responding were: RaySGervais, 516 Windsor Place NE; Paul Curtis, 201 Union Avenue AE, Leisure Estates; Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S. ; William Bliss, 201 Union Avenue SE, Leisure Estates; Phyllis McGerry, 551 Windsor Place NE. Comments addressed the possibility of increasing property taxes to fund the aid car; communication breakdown in getting information to residents of Leisure Estates causing unfounded rumors; 25 calls to Mayor' s Office from Leisure Estates residents in support of the aid car represent those unable to attend meeting; notice of aid car meetings in the future may be placed in Leisure Estates newsletter; population in the Highlands represents almost half of the entire population of Renton; various staffing 'alternatives were suggested by citizens to reinstate the aid car while still providing fire protection to the Highlands; policy of dispatching both an aid car and a fire truck to to every aid call was questioned; and citizens recalled that a fire bond issue approved several years ago by residents included aid car funding which voters felt was a permanent action. Continued Councilman Stredicke requested the following information from the Administration: 1 ) the number of aid calls versus fire calls in the past year; and 2) length of training time required for emergency personnel . He noted that approval of additional fire staff for 1985 would not ensure immediate service due to training need. Fire Chief Wheeler reiterated response procedure from downtown and Highlands stations for aid and fire calls, and explained staffing levels for each station as previously stated at Council meeting of 2/6/84. Councilman Clymer clarified that approval of the ballot issue resulted in purchase of an aid unit, and noted severe economic hardships Renton City Council 3/12/84 Page three Public Safety Committee/Old Business continued Public Safety in past years required budget reductions by all city Committee departments as well as imposition of 1 /2% sales tax reluctantly Highlands Aid Car approved by the City Council . Councilman Reed requested investigation by the Administration of results of referenced ballot issue. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:25 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:37 p.m. ; roll was called; all members were present. AUDIENCE COMMENT Roger Coleman, 13809 SE 141st, requested Council advance to continued adoption of the Northward Rezone. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED Advance to BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND Ordinances ADVANCE TO ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second & final reading: Northward Rezone An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of R-018-82 certain properties within the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Residence Districts (R-1 , R-2 and R-3) for G. M. Associates (Northward Development, File No. R-018-82) for property located north of NE Fourth Street between Union Avenue NE and Duvall Avenue NE. Continued Letter from East Renton Plateau Community Council was read stating that the Environmental Impact Statement for the Comprehensive Plan for the area in which the subject site is located did not consider this intensive residential designation among the various alternatives examined in the environmental review process. Policy Development Director Clemens clarified that during comprehensive plan review of the Northeast Quadrant in 1981 , three different intensity alternatives were reviewed by the Planning Commission for the subject property, and one of those was more intensive than proposed by the applicant. City Attorney Warren stated that EIS review is not appropriate or timely at this point of the approval process, appeal periods established for those approvals having expired long ago. Continued Councilman Stredicke questioned the scope of the plan as it relates to mitigation of storm water runoff. Mr. Clemens explained requirement imposed on applicant to contribute proportionate share, at least 5% towards funding the storm water drainage system. If Northward develops first in the area, that developer would be responsible for designing the system; if other developments precede Northward, Northward would be required to contribute a proportionate share as stipulated in the concomitant agreement. The applicant will also be providing on-site detention facilities to accommodate runoff generated from the subject site. Continued Mr. Coleman urged Council members to address runoff and traffic problems prior to adoption of the ordinance approving the rezone rather than delaying the matter until development has occurred. Ray Griffin, 14306 144th Avenue SE, advised concern that the applicant' s plan proposes release of storm water at pre-development levels or at a five-year storm peak. He stated that the neighborhood currently incurs storm water damage during a five year storm; and approval of the rezone which allows intensive development will exacerbate an already intolerable condition. Ordinance #3795 MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Northward Rezone ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM, R-018-82 MATHEWS, REED, KEOLKER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Kelly Farrell , 11811 NE First, #204, requested the Council continued advance to the Planning and Development Committee report Advance to Old regarding the Evergreen West appeal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, Business SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Development a report concurring in the findings and conclusions of the Committee r 6 . PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH 12, 1984 REQUEST TO REINSTATE AID CAR IN RENTON HIGHLANDS (Referred 2/6/84) The Public Safety Committee met with interested citizens on March 7, 1984, to discuss the status of the Fire Department emergency medical aid program serving the Highlands. Chief Wheeler described the level of service and the method of providing service that has been in effect since 1981 . The Chief further stated that he will request that the Mayor include six additional firefighter/E.M.T. personnel in the 1985 budget which will be considered by the Council in November. The additional personnel would allow the Chief to operate an aid car in the High- lands (Station 12) on a full time basis. After additional input from the public, the Committee determined that an emergency condition does not exist. In fact, given the resources available, the Fire Depart- ment has provided an impressive level of service to Highlands residents. The Committee agrees that an additional aid unit to serve this area would be desirable. However, the proposal to enhance service, with an attendant cost of nearly $200 ,000, should appropriately be discussed at budget time when the Council can compare the merits of this program with proposals submitted by other city departments . The Committee further recommends that the Administration contact Mr. Ray Gervais and Ms. Pat Hjoulberg prior to any Council budget deliberations concerning this issue so that they may appear in support of the Fire Department proposal . w Gam/, /2 John Reed, Chairman //;---/ , , Thomas Trimm e---k) ' Kathy Keo ker March 14, 1984 To: Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor From Maxine Motor, City Cl eris y�/ ' " Subject: Election Information re 3/12/84 Council Meeting - Aid Unit In reviewing past elections that may have been referred to by Mrs. Phyllis McGerry at Monday' s meeting, several elections may have been referred to: 1974 November 5, $2,02,000 G.O. Bond Issue for Fire Station 1 and 3 (downtown and south stations) Plus new equipment including aid car. Issue Defeated at polls. 1975 February 4, Special Election $2,020,000 G.O. Bonds for Stations 1 and 3 plus new equipment including aid unit. Issue was defeated at the polls. (City' s second aid unit purchased 12/75 Excess Revenue)* 1976 Proposed G.O. Bond Issue did not go to ballot as E.D.A. Funds applied for and 8/77 Federal grant approved for downtown station. 1979 Fall Election for Emergency Medical Services, King County issue (including City) for $.21 per $1 ,000 assessed valuation each year for six years for emergency medical services, commencing with 1980. See budget pages attached. (I note discrepancy between ballot issue of $.21/$1 ,000 and $.12/$1 ,000 paid - may be collection costs. ) I believe Mrs. McGerry was talking about the 1979 election re E.M.S. *Information K 338 Garden Avenue North Renton, WA 98055 (206) 271-0637 13 February 1984 � ~ / i ~~ ' The Honorable Barbara Shinpoch, Mayor of the City of Renton City Hall Renton, WA 98055 Re: Should the Highlands get an aid car this year. Dear Ms. Shinpoch: Please pass on my sentiments to the city council . I agree completely with the editorial appearing in the Sunday, February 12, R(--i cgrd Ch[gnic-le. The Highlands are receiving the same emergency medical service they have always received. It' s just not prestigously delivered by an aid van but by a fire truck. A council decision to spend money needed elsewhere on a Highlands aid car (or worse, to raise taxes to do so) will raise considerably more than ire. Such a decision will be emphatically remembered at the polls. Sincerely, Karen Willard Hallock cc: ty Council 41w' City Clerk Notify of Aid - Meeting Pat Houlbjerg 14319 SE 100th P1 . Renton 98056 Milton Fiene 750 Cames NE Renton 98056 Bill Snyder 1209 N 31st Renton 98056 Judy Hastings PO Box 2092 Renton 98056 Ray Gervais 506 Windsor Place NE Renton 98056 In))`Pe FEB 2 zyt,4 Is 4., Y CLERK �3 © P. O. Box 2168— Renton, Washington 98055 40410 •�9�0 °a. Wash Feb. 2 , 1984 Mayor Shinpoch Council members City hall Renton, Wa. 98055 The Renton Highlands Lions firmly endorse the petition that recently circulated in the Highland area regarding the Aid car. As a service organization, we feel our involvement in this matter is necessary, and we will lend our support to the action being taken by both Mr. Roy Gervais and the Highlands Business Assoc. The Aid car should be returned to the Highlands for the safety of it' s population. A good portion of which just happens to be senior citzens and those in a low income bracket. We ask that the city council please give this every consideration and serious thought before making it' s decision. Thank you for your time. 97 --(7-4'1 S ncerly, The Renton Highlands Lions Milt Fiene treasurer , • 01: R4,4 THE CITY OF RENTON `�, '� Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o .a S BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, 9-0 `0' CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 0,91 7. 6' 0 SE131 -' February 15, 1984 Mr. Milt Fiene, Treasurer Renton Highlands Lions P.O. Box 2168 Renton, WA 98055 Re: Highlands Aid Car. Dear Mr. Fiene: At its regular meeting of February 6, 1984, the Renton City Council referred your letter of correspondence to the Public Safety Committee for review and response back to the entire Council . If you require information or assistance regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor City Clerk cc: Council President Hughes Chairman, Public Safety Committee 7 .4/ • E.JB ALLISON-President PAT HOULBJERG-Coordinator KING PARKER-Vice President PENELOPE L.HEPWORTH-Secretarl BEVERLY ROOTVIK-Treasurer Highlands Business Assoc. r' r P.O. BOX 2455 1209 KIRKLAND AVE. N.E. 2' �• SUITE 203FEB 41(641 �• RENTON,WA 98056-2455 CITY CLERK • Feb. 2, 1984 We the Highlands Business Assoc . ,Renton,Wa. think it is time that the Aid car was put back in service in the Highlands. The Highlands is a community with a large population that is very mixed with a great deal of senior citzens and low income people. What this means is, they will not see a doctor on a regular basis, and than likely need emergency care. The fire trunk can provide a valid service in aid, but not near as efficient as the aid car. The aid car can maneuver in traffic and in the tight driveways prevalent in the older homes that are in abundance in the Highlands. We feel the aid car should be of top priority as it pertains to life and death situations , and nothing should , or can be more important than that. This years budget allowed for three additional fire fighters, surely it can be worked out to provide the aid car with one of these on each shift. We realize that the city nor the budget can please every want or need asked of it, we do feel that life is important however. Thank you Pat Houlbjerg coordinator HBA f OF RA,A 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U `$ `� Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, 43. CITY CLERK • (206) 235-2500 o9�TFO SEPZ0 February 15, 1984 Mrs. Pat Houlbjerg Coordinator, Highlands Business Assoc. P.O. Box 2455 Renton, WA 98056-2455 Re: Highlands Aid Car. Dear Mrs. Houlbjerg: As you are aware, the Renton City Council referred your letter of correspondence to the Public Safety Committee on 2/6/84 for review and report back to the entire Council . If you require information or assistance regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor City Clerk cc: Council President Hughes Chairman, Public Safety Committee Renton City Council 2/6/84 Page two Public Hearing continued LID 301 be accomplished for a lesser amount. Douglas Becker, 2417 NE continued 20th Street, indicated concern regarding restoration of NE 20th Street after the sewer trunk main project is completed. Mr. Houghton gave assurances that the street would be repaved and the shoulder restored when weather permits at no cost to residents. Cleve Richards, 2113 Dayton Avenue NE, inquired regarding procedures for reforming a scaled-down LID. He was informed that Public Works Director Houghton may be contacted for assistance, and advised of the possibility of referral of similar letter of interest to Utilities Committee for study. Willis Sparrow, 2109 Dayton Avenue NE, proponent of the LID, felt there is little chance a reformed LID would succeed in view of 70% opposition to LID 301 . Gene Buxton, 10245 115th Avenue SE, agreed that costs are too high, and inquired of the number of lots included and the total cost to run service lines in various configurations in the area. LID Terminated MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, LID 301 AS CONSTITUTED BE VOIDED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch announced that Public Works Director Houghton may be contacted for further assistance or information regarding LID projects. AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Houlbjerg, 14319 SE 100th Place, requested the Council Advance to advance to Correspondence, Items 9.a. and 9.b. MOVED BY Correspondence STREDICKE, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO CORRESPONDENCE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence from Milt Fiene, Treasurer, Renton Highlands Request for Lions, and Pat Houlbjerg, Coordinator of Highlands Business Aid Car in Association, was read. Both letters urged the return to Renton Highlands service of the aid car in the Renton Highlands for the safety of its citizens. Ray Gervais, 506 Windsor Place NE, submitted a petition signed by 1275 Renton and 278 King County residents requesting the City Council to return the medical aid car with appropriate staff back to active duty at Fire Station No. 12 in the Renton Highlands. He noted that since removal of the aid car due to budgetary cuts in 1981 , response time by an aid car for emergency calls in the Highlands has increased to as much as 15 minutes. Mayor Shinpoch explained budget cuts by the City Council had been necessary for all City departments as a result of the recession in 1981 ; the City has received only one complaint regarding service since that time from police officer observing victim lying in the street in bad weather (fire truck has no accommodations inside vehicle for victims • as does aid car) . Prior to removal of the aid car from the Highlands station due to staff shortages, determination was made by Fire Chief that the area could be safely and adequately served from the downtown station; the average response time to emergency calls in the Highlands is 3.84 minutes by fire truck; aid car can be dispatched from the downtown station, and, depending on the nature of the call , Medic One, Shepherd Ambulance service, and Mutual Aid can be dispatched by Valley CommCenter. In 1983, a total of 3,299 calls was received by the Renton Fire Department--2,173 for aid and 1 ,126 for fire. (Station 11 (downtown) : 478 fire; 1 ,067 aid; 1 ,545 total . Station 12 (Highlands) : 400 fire; 827 aid; 1 ,227 total . Station 13 (Benson) : 248 fire; 279 aid; 527 total .) If the City Council determines the aid car should be reinstated in the Highlands area, six additional firefighters filling three positions will be required, which totals $190,000 per year excluding overtime. Continued Mr. Gervais cited two instances in which response time by the aid car was between 11 and 15 minutes. Responding to further questions by audience and City Councilpersons regarding emergency backup, Fire Chief Lee Wheeler advised that in addition to services previously discussed, Fire District 25 could be icontacted for assistance. He noted that the Highlands aid car serves as a backup unit out of the downtown station when manpower is available or when the main aid unit breaks down; since steep grades on access roads to the Highlands slow response time by heavy fire trucks dispatched from the downtown station, the engine must be dispatched from the Highlands and the aid car from downtown. , Futon City Council 2/6/84 Page three Correspondence continued Request for Valley CommCenter has the capability of contacting all emergency Aid Car in units at all times and can dispatch backup units instantaneously; Renton Highlands depending on the nature of the call , the aid car can be dispatched continued on its own or any or all available units can be dispatched to assist; in 75% of calls, a ladder truck responds; firemen have identical training and qualifications, and emergency equipment on all vehicles is the same; a tent to protect victims in bad weather in the event a fire truck responds would probably not be practical since it would be in the way. continued Responding to questions about a Contingency Fund surplus of $500,000 and allocation of funds to put the Highlands aid car into service, Mayor Shinpoch indicated $95,271 would be required to fund staff for the last six months of 1984, and $190,000 per year excluding overtime for six additional firefighters. To clarify, Chief Wheeler advised that the ladder truck must be staffed by a minimum of two persons for reasons of safety and efficiency. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. continued Concerns were expressed regarding fire protection in Kennydale by Mr. Gervais and Mr. Bill Snyder, 1209 N. 31st, who cited an instance in which a fire truck responding to an aid call had difficulty arriving at his residence. He complained of generally poor service to the Kennydale area by the City of Renton due to lack of funds and manpower. continued Pat Houlbjerg stated that the Highlands has 50% more residents than the downtown area; double the number of residents 45-64 years old; and youngsters under age 18 number almost three- quarters more than those living in the downtown area. Responding to numerous suggestions for shifting staff to put the Highlands aid car into operation, Mayor Shinpoch assured that all possible alternatives have been carefully reviewed; that economics are a little better now than existed in 1981 , and if Council chooses to reinstate the aid car, the Administration will go along with it. Mrs. Houlbjerg felt the Contingency Fund should be used for matters of life and death. It was pointed out that although excess funds exist in Contingency this year due to increased sales tax revenue and economic recovery, salaries for six additional firefighters would be ongoing for many years. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 15 MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:27 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:39 p.m. ; roll was called; all members present. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Library Board Mayor Shinpoch appointed Mr. Phillip L. Beckley, 655 Ferndale Appointment Court NE, to the Library Board to complete the term of Kathy Keolker who has resigned, term effective to June 8, 1985. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Planning Mayor Shinpoch appointed Michael McCloud, 1555 Union Avenue NE, Commission #7, to the Planning Commission for a three-year term effective Appointment to January 31 , 1987, replacing Commissioner Frank Jacobs who recently passed away. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Board of Ethics Mayor Shinpoch reappointed the following persons to the Board Reappointments of Ethics for four-year terms effective to December 31 , 1987: Reverend Donald Hammond, 1707 Edmonds Avenue NE; and Donald 0. Jacobson, 2919 NE Fifth Place. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 1/25/84 for Sunset Pump Station Sunset Pump System, Sanitary Sewer TV Inspection, Sewer Grouting and Smoke Station System Testing; four bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $42,000 total . Refer to Utilities Committee. (Bid tabulations attached. ) Bid Opening - City Clerk reported bid opening 1/30/84 for Coulon Beach Park Coulon Beach Park Ground Bark; two bids received; Engineer' s estimate: $10.50/yard Ground Bark (blower service) . Refer to Park Board. Park Board recommended concurrence in acceptance of the low bid in the amount of $10.00 per yard submitted by Sawdust Supply Company, Inc. for approximately 3,000 yards. Council concur. (Bid tabulation attached. ) From the desk of: CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER .�o�ir►. f} gA1 an d S 13.0. 4reN STATION 11 STATION 12 STATION 13 Fire --- 478 Fire --- 400 Fire --- 248 Aid --- 1067 Aid ---- 827 Aid ---- 279 TOTAL 1545 TOTAL 1227 TOTAL 527 TOTAL CALLS RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR 1983 = 3299 AID = 2173 Fire = 1126 Average response time for aid calls in t e Highlands - 3.84 minutes eC ; � -7- "{ • • PET IT loil 1447711 E u wo rr,+A'd/cD 14/A Mr' 74 E efeTht C, r7 Co a t/ d i IL7a 1ecri ME A4Ezeh Ail) CAR, 6 a e- 't. `7',i A d7'1v C Z s i•&/ Er P7.--A-reo A/ A/d /4, I A/ Thr &A#17- 'd //1.t4 / A.' $ . ALz o MAC/ owirie n— AM!. Mv &scCrry isr--r e/ C.it.L. (_ Y • /catIo Plf7t I. � �1� U �-�.�� € CW(y I c �,/ L �1� IdctLe 0. 77.E. . L� ! �, a- c"- ,S. C i)( A I c" e, o w c��� / S�" � � P-�y/�N w �o o r v Iv_� ��r� ✓ < rnE S I 1`/CI - 6.5� 1-r�S��t/ /lv ,✓ c /:,t ,,., _.,ie .4 /, el&,, ,oy/ l`33Ol/_ s` C`l9v'n' r (2 71,--7---c, , l /() gi-A-1/14 1-:J, c' .e-R-- ,''c/ 0 iiri: i? ,24--L 16-7-‘,7I---- 1,(zc," nr IA - P\..0NW-v\ \--sr 1 1 v\ 1 la k; rAki Pik NE (c h -6--0 h k '1'1.3 1-1 f 1f/11-W7-4i/5 1 p 2 p( ,, 0//) 111 1 5. il 7 l-I .-T -11( T 0 10 K I A/7 pA4 O iAi , 11 !j 4 4'©w tii c,9 Z , Yc:a .�;, , ': _ , i,t__-11-)V,/u a- 7 a .-' /L.1 )-1..,- -- ,,,, ad,_ -. 42e,1,627- , i,A m� ."5. y'( o Q � _ �?1h__` ! Ji!U. C f Y!L/ .�I i / '/(/�: --LC-�O ! '�1 \��.���{, ( �..-��C�'J�iG���'I J `- lA�J��..��/7 / `11 f 7 _ Imv 1 ver i tio iiii El _ • • 141 "-rhe uPIDeffA'l.*Sari) 1vA07-• 70, &Mil 0 ttrii Coir k Cr-ti R.,,J 74i AO Di.t A h I4iO , CA1e 6a & It, '77• Ad7'1vr. z• irr, 1.1 kF Prid-r-1 ,&/d /.t iw' T/ic &A'T 'v' /4/.6/4AAA/zs . ALs , MAN bwfoz,"7. ,.(*Mt. MAA'15 A3meEssr , c / , i Vim_i i..a./.I 1 At _/� . /.11 ii/i i 1_ii. s;/ / r/ a / A/ Ark ' i_.....agar. .t` —e— , c__. ,,,/ /-14 L ibite:ecA,, , , . 1. /1 .., A 4 • i Ir ma`s•1 . . t6we t �� EWANWin1.11111W AA A • a t- ' :! IEIIIEMMMWBYAIIF IMUIrri V! , J -, Mire.4 3 _ Illrie --aI/1 it, ,,, iiimmis 1 . _ ___ ___________:: IIIII ,, _ - wl r I • I 'g • • J1 {-4critrorl -14((ri) ‘witin02 l7. t./ 45 SE1W e IV 9 l4/ •3wrf'ar rti►JetionlyVW v$ • stitY1yo�� 7 � N �CO 'Y1 r `Pr/ Q• ANfesi t •o •va7 Iry p .21 y r7 IS1►v aLtti L3 al ,o l....` 7! v Pe o 44,0 (4 I ti rET IT I 0 AI N./..•-r-b, II 'ID ete..01.414/sT tdA Aird erst I &ow C'tr C ;j -r TrR.il "The qcz e b ,qiv CAR, LA e. -77; Ad71, c Aa iVa' cirerlsoil //a /4 / '/ Thar & r 'd t !Q41- 4 An,s . AIzD mI job W rigrrelttAme. Mo &scCrry ,t/A77-3 kj r 1 � 4 liii 11111111 b I • f)ET , IT 0 i 0 if • . 1 '--rbE 14d/Dr1 4'1'644v udAA/T" 7%t es l C 'r . C / ; L1 tc ,1 The Aiczh A i a C ` A d'rf,•C b a / igKier R, 6A► � T.. a Aid /.t, i i 74c e r d c7r� �/ , W, Q6/ *' s . A /.to AAA o/ awrc02,,---fri (*Mt. .......... • *Vie eA11111111P VA 14 6 AP P I€ E S f C 177 r Cal A7:: 1 . , , ,,,_..„,, ty„ ,, 7,,_ 3 n t/9_71 e. /4---71 fi,'-',. c,z ✓k it,- c ' O, -, 0 l NJ! i' z 1/ L •1111111011 et- r 'L-,_,;--' ,14e4./f3 / 9' /V E. // -�� � „L:•_:„. .• ......... e-,,b4,._ ,4,1 Al f-A c-11'li',L 3 0 5 7 V?, i,5761 „7)--....- , z 141---A., : Ai,..)z d ......... . t -,- , . i . . 3/J334-/ 7C- �� . ,/'�' ,2 -4° t . - .)//th v�`/1... I - 3 0 5 4, i 1 5_- / ;) , “_- - / ,.-c , t/ ✓\ (ems c;j __ f : 4 &Fe 91;4--Jv 2,4(f_0 i z/ .22,.. - 2 ' 4.,_„.4.. j � 1 /C 1� v 3O3C) `( , �, / t� ! C �zy Lp6x `_ Lac1G �v ,//JZi /' 4. J" r'-; • 7 ..... a,)14 a. („4,,L , , !,.Liz OF 13-d 4 P 4 z ,,-)/1 if,t _ t (33;. Qe `‹.- ,(?a-a,c,ii 4 o z c` `- ) .6' . 1 _5 j I /),. ,, • s 414 4 30 4i Z is 2, ., i „ .-- ii, 4_4.. 1st 4.1 14'1_ ,:.7 .LI-i-i--,,, ,', ,-,), 1. 'Im-7?--z-i/7T,-7--f 4,,, 1 LTV J�,.IrGSdAL Y. � 8 / e/1" ,�=f � � : •ter „,_. _., ..... -. ., A.,,,94Lii_t,t..., I 4-*5 e- ,itat,x.,,it.1- 4 II'', ,....6z4,41-7- it, ,,,, r c e ap j C) C i a•••110 7• a i 1111111111111111111 � v� , • _I) ! L I dyl, , / ..4•� / " r 7'J no2 Lai jiicgiCli(Elf WO •Swwfar�•,cL,rall el //YVW 011 V. • sa/V ,1.110 1 ti"fi 19 "Y.Z /II I q4. 47/1/ Cfs Ity 4111 pj9 V seD y ea( Y lte yY lt !►v 3 Ati, /rai “ :J 7! V /rn ° '41 13 PrilrOSog yj „Zs vp' asr'v.'Jr+g o A' h 3 y,_L.l f • ` • • PE T ''1 T I- oil • _ . ''7�b E 14 wD ,,'i d*/cv ‘dA Or rot t ei,m4.1 C 'r7 C I d / 4. ).---71 garl t 1 Th Mct'I* t A CAR bAe. itseir. Ad7'`vcc berr, IVWEF 97-0 r r 1 o si /V d /••L i I/ Thr exAere#' �l 94,A%A ✓1D.f . AL: . MA */powt t * j*Mt. 44 \ AWN i VA ME .„, AP P v ,€ EscCri' y S te 7 I '10 ,4-A Al; lw 4 ) . 6 %(61 �-�4 h(C� ( �-� ►c tV ir ` ,.... l • E C � 4 L--))--r J t. WPM 117 ft/Q-1 tol__-(.:-/' r l''''' 1- ir 1,A."71/ CI . I /) > / 41 V Z�/dC, ��--ems , )iii 1 ko-717--a7.) c- --- t_ . . ...... akic,/ 14--„,-4„ ,-- (..- . , . .... 4-Q-,-,_.%-(---L-tee !, , , . , , i . , ...... /dam I 0 / jl _ (f i( c/ / -' -1_-e V,,,,: ' i 12A cl� s( f( ilie/4 I' 84111:;,- ,.. ,, %' , ....MNIN jl r\-ftl. ;''CLC140‘f Qi1A-wl - Yy r V / i ....dakik rvv, 4 , .. i , 1 , i , ......... 442- Vtiffili i-) 67-' . l' --- jjec:,,, , 6.,/ X % ...... r ) ,yam .‹,,;-,:-C--,-- ,,,� 'Y\ .. . 1 IIIIIIIMMUNIMMONIllem • • a. • r r II iiMiiiiMinf ,:e 1 • • i ' MOs .V7'. • ' • , 7/ J. 7re e (-."°1r: t; l / I , L/ 1 714-1/? /5.- ;>(;- V] i ; (0,,,,,iti 402 44.100 mill 0 jsValy 3WYA • . . . sovirwrage...resmodovw ossiv • saoyietaiti e syl IV IV/ Q eele-LX-115 '- • - - -- ANP,1 4-PPq -24p.Inv 0;1.. t •Pavy '2ivo a t v � i . ----- -- yri.�aW � � s a ra 1! vrn ° 0 ptufs s va, r-LiV Vfl% asp,is a OP h 3&t1..lfn :// - i, /:3.-,./3/,,4 /volt Y i ) 1 1-5';(111.4 r 7 ,2 ? �[ ri-it-J-j/ --- 7( 1 tbi 9 —4 A rl9V y 0) L-e-:;/ ----- --g 0-ic?„7-e, y-A-N7(7 -etw "-, a ' _ I'r ,:c , ' ') -7:-'4/‘ 4--'? •(1-7/61Pc- "T D 5Cir t)t) - /2 fri il( 4-' 'PI?? ,i,"4 ._--:/' /T.""7-4-2-r" c"" or.-7c ,,,o_r7.7-7 -s--- ,i7.7,1,/ ,, ,,?/ i,,,-„,,,,TI ,''e'a -1,ri�Z�;',/7/ ---,-?-j 4? ' ‘ LA/T1)/- i -Y-J)*--)xry 1?v/#, _77_4 /-7 ' . )it- 1 7 fic a'11?-f r-Ir e i -"��,-f--k z,-- yi,. • 701 rim 9 _;7/'V °) C L' sc e7'I v -' 7 A V- . /�, 1 --,E : (- 1 cn-v l 4-.-")1/4 )r-,c L L-. �0 `y 1���cjr d`\�iG1 I v rl. I (if 4 P6/4 ' ll / TV/ i C.) 0 PO 7 vai Lime) i /7,-.C./ 0 314/ YyYJsEa a •3wirf"arm,,cL, IS ' QC//vVW os7 V • Salt/ Y1y19:W /Vtil,, 311 /vi "V/ Q y /10 , J ' 't p, 4.1..fp q '14 V t:j. -pY9 'Wr f 0 42/ p' yYl.KISIY aid les 1.44,21 ;L 7! v r " o 0 4-4'0 J' +ri? • y4. r..t,'' ram % air`lif•' l OP h 3 ij..4-1/ • *IT 0 7 1 1 1 7c1 • • • PETITIOil \d j 1'ti E u N.o st , d*/s�o ,dA Air° The eskeridit C,'7- Co ;i -r° k cr1 R,1/ The E v e-A t r Air) CAR, 6A `T: As ? tvC bats?, i&/ ier /.L, I A/ Thr &,tr ,z/ J1oI, 1A'vs . AIro Ais si o po io a ^�i�,.rw m e. 4/AblE ADMESc C fry t' Cotewr-, 1 • lc)E T 17 I o it 1.,.'7"h E u W D ',Ge►.6 on ,4'A ai7--d rot • &dim C,'7 CaLr gri10il The- MED+-, b Aiv C A R, 6Act, `ri A €779vC I) al" i•/ 61tE S "'"A-r-1 ail ilo /•L' i A/ Thr &A'r d/ /./i.o4k ' s . AIzg, mAidpowiriewk.rAme. sk AP AI E Mo &scC , cotot,77., .r. , ,,) `fib h j -/ L�- ac)I Z ,c sLE i� v/ A01 PIA ge 1- 14"--.4/cc C >02!z► s "-e/ Lbti/0,4 A✓ sE /5 ,L..v rdi-/ /26....,.;„ de.,__- 5T /1174 ,&--7; 4--7, ' *Licl , /i),A.mow Wr . - ad -t-r-oru ,crve /7 6- A-cl€T-C-- 1E/A. ke gixiet.,3t1;,,, e, 9 .70, 4_,";„, a,),1, a F. /1,2- y_. ie,1,-yi--- /e () -L-te.e.„2--,- _ .e� Lei/ ----.9--,#s / />. f - g! /4_. )1,-1.-4 __ 49e)g_. ____21.`71__,W,. __. 12_e_ to- , ebu -(3 ,..„ ' Pe/-So Ola,,,A4/-4,r- je-.( &/( _ 7(-4/4/. 41,7 ill - , n LieZ* /0 -----1 7 7C-frlir' / -- O.A) r)2 ( r, qdo Th21 -fiLid. 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S f S/ 7 1/ N/1/4 kW/ Ciu/N-r y 44zel . 65 1-44-x.&i..-- 1,,skg \ al(;74-7, L cC)/(ize.)A.04' . c r(9( )-?ceZ:=-7"-. /M a )l ° , 2 o I it-K.44;4,, a.L e.S.6' 1 I z ( ` k CO\AA-s-tk sti2-hotkia-t4k -1/3 ti/v;;‘41_, +-tTG tt C° [ zl 4 ,- ;`c 5 /sue' C_ .A- gi-tveuLat 744A4.cs.,S Uja C) .a-c)l Xi Low, �•� `� r? w a�- ✓ AJ.J c t-�, Q o �'1 vu zr �C C S 21 p ,L4 Cam. t� q 20I 24711o31 A-("Q Sa• b gyp/ Unliaw " . 6tzu2 020/ �(4 1-wrdu[ r5 Qe a4t lC dzoct 1'4 O 1 �2.�u(..Zde,sz. i 7l 4gc C d II it r lc)E T& T1r6il i o Av . \/i..--7,. 4 Il o Ei.4'As an %•t/A 07-'r The einem Csy CaILra R gra& R.i 7-6, MED.e-Ab Ai° CAR, 6Ac 't `7ri Aerfka bar', iJ/ iEr c7Ar1 b*/ Aid /• 0 I P/ 77,, &,VT .A/ t 1.1 is,41-xAlbs . ASD AAA it/pawirie ni fwMi. 4. HA A4 E AN ES f '1. Cote,77-i .Q •gt11--/Cit 1) -e,6--ietnt4/ Z1/ 71---1t-t-8r) 4f-v..- /7Z _A):--4 Oit-ii74--- `zd ez-J „__ Wi n . Iti,,.. _ �_.� . '. 6. , a /(,,,a t, ( { YL 72 ion 1 v 4., / ' / d- 44/ 24,iX-<_- i 2, 1. '` 2>/ C. /1 r ( dt-A0; 4 i( 1( 412--/--ef__2 0,4_,/,--- i, „ i 4 i /' Z)6.-I, -ay W-7,,,,,„41 . i y f „ ,t � I - .SP, /8% i� /) U4 .4. ?�/ GGr�cvw laze_ 5'Z 61-& /IGe& / ( ' ` 1 // r --6,, , /)1 d„d(_-, ( e , , ,- 1-z- 4-teex-t-u1 (l (/ 5 I / ae,„...0.., R 6-cy_r.vd- e , I y/y,..4,;,_. 6,7,-s. , lt93 / / i f _ e-4 6 4e,-1:,--, a.. / ,_, 5,- sA- ate' ir cc ---i awls- zd/ ((11.4_ , '' 'K)/f)1 A e,A4..2S li 456i-,." yi,„%, -//. -,,„/, ,,j,,j/ . ia-e-,1, ' '' -- - --,7 a ..s- 4 ( 01044-14-6' I ► i01 -�ti 02 01 l 2 I//7 • • PET IT Lodi! d/E.hh E £/ Wt4jW4h I.d*/%'V %4'A j 7 J rot E efernit C,"r Cota CT"OW m MS Die .AI. Oil) CAR, 6a "77i Aerrhelc Da ii/?e, Pr1rr't a it /ka /•L, ! �/ Thr &i/`r V //?•Q4k* M'AS . AI. s mAitI bwiro. 77k AML. Av &scCi ' C Zotar, .);;_:0.4F-A/ cW/S X&'12 .1v 7C7/2C6Q-Air'ek f Kifij T T. I • • 14/E"'ThE amcercr%s✓sv u✓A .r7 ' 'the &rep,r C CoLr r* R11 Tx+ cr .1b ,qia CAR, bAe. +t `7�.• AdTIvG iJ�RE Prer-lioil Alo 4.• "Pi Tho eriered W6 ' ' Also /N{AA/pewtRrriltiwmt. i---7, ( .,_7_,,,,1 z_/ 7 .7,„,i,e6c,73 /7 ,,3-/ z),,-, -‘ ,-, , 7-4_,- ,t>er-xp, •4 - -r ‘)/V,/r 1.‘ /I'e I(ti- cV I .S3 Ng-A-L/V 7/6 p frP-'- *7 --1......_____44 hrt ' IV G214 -aAr ,;.-4,/1"'' rd o�,-J /soft l'.-/j � ' 13'1-7-7 r1/14jPilt- ___el - ilfr-71.411/4'le'"" (v La - ,-/Aft>,-,. .,,, A4ti ...GGG 4/ T.1 /6 VA} /• ./ - '-`-‘' " I t -?e?r e•- -6-. -n] -c.. ” ,.`_' p )14 n `-v /`42,i/.y z_pbAy7r A--"V E2//-J/k rp i 49/ )1?J/ 1 -, 71/ '/1-19 'rc'24(774ffi , ---- , - //c027A ii. ! ��c -a' // ? I /61 J'fl y'—�' ,r-�/%—� r_c_ -- -, j _ , /�L ,,/ r/7 / 4,5 , y�e✓- -+G/ N , Z-vzi 'S •3,,/ ,,-.70 /ems„ 95 /// -i Z'. 3 Z' //'» 7_,Y--7-( ‘. glinl 4-410 4552WdlY 3144 ....... •a w of•a; :0, 01 9dol v V v s . s'a/r ,r O'i ti /r•.4m oy1 ,' f /el'/ ofi /tiro , d .,115 -stye el 4.4..nq -24 j.d.pv •:.L. -pw9 'wito a! v y r7o QsYv aid frai .Laval p_2 7 i v /r h o 47 4 '0 irtrsa► s Vic, ,...Ls rrfl' asp?•' a QP h 3 & .,,LiPk . ir0 7 .Lii ,gd . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • .• • • • • F 1 .. co 0 ''' P4'-‘71171 • z ek:7131 C-1 tt D Er te,r t°64/CD ‘..t/A iiirj r efireITA C Co0Nied. i re.crifie-71 The Aisde-At . Aio CAR., 6Ae. t!, "-rei Acry ar, ,'&,' r c77-747-144,A/ A/0 ,'old I T/ç exiored /Jr. 4b.iMzs . A I$ ' MA A/f'o14) M •i E• momormereamegn rtDPICEST fry f 144 E . nettrin,, 8/-14114*,C6 12/al4t ,6eVja-"( /e117 (-7EICin°Door, ik/fig /21-i Eezvz-tio . KA—ge - talc mk,uvlit , 11-1 i G 1)t-i V-erKriAA41 JP--k,*/ I • fe) TITI u AV • W D e 'i 4/ro i41A air' rot I eselai Cr-y CI.. ' r Cr lt.11 E At;IA-Ab A /0 CAR, 6Ake.. 'L `T; AdT"vC 1) al, 4/eFrEF Pre?' a /•L I i/ T7ic & - t' /7/1. /, / A'zs . A LS MAA/ owAirot tisodtt. PME Mv &scCrry F U meeiico ' /9i:3 /Y Tr/,Sim � /Yi v/)/ 6) 7 14c i i -,''''.7"-i.) _ ii: ,,,:,, ........ 1 r..17 ....1 cp 0 1 _ 1 ip. ,, ,,, .,, �AJ13.. /i �J D 4° I. atrD %.4/A ta7"' rileeievii4at , i? 0 „ pi i . 1� -r ail 76 s� e--i I i 1 "lip b CAS A A �. It A f t.. u'r-°' /&/ ' ° i r car-ArT-1, 46 A/ A/ testd 1 Ai TTr4- erwred 1 t•i6 / , r s . A 140 MHO/ a oes Tritfra1AAC. lit)A IVi E ApPieEsc ,. et ‘ 1 -$. elArr ,,tt t IA , 4 .41 . .�L.1 y 0 # II : i ►../E.. :a" r1�J1.-. INS* C l 1 t 1 °_ ._ 1 I / 11% irk"— C . . (1.1,./: Ai - 12- -7 t. _ ' --- '73 i zi e . .— ii°: .0 - A......r.g.... , i .se r'. ,Al. i 1 ,:des. i--- , /5 ' E - ._ ,_ • / a A z 65 1-7 /88g -e oTor,-)ill r '-ILI NJ-0)- J-.( //..2 ,'Ai 'l fivvre:),•-/ idit)b r A My Aio-vi,'A itu .f iu'/ 4,11 , `ii4 , .A ' , . ' q % 4)-0/,6- I k" '--11/ I k. _44'� i l (pa.V NSA,//CM ,406- /C;,'e /9e4-/i7`Z /ti a 0-Aje6eLf S//lC[%dA' 41)e. 11/C'. INA.) ivA✓' / 1/,/6j 5 e, vipot/ 112_7_ &)°:azii / is PZ -- keikr73hi,..4A___11 a 15 tV12 lad 19) CA,ti‘. Al/ ' _.. ...._ 9 s /;/,/tti.a_64.„Iiiii 4/71 e '-zEia_411._ C I- ,I.di ie. A, .-094i• _..i..c_____- J' o- i' 5.t -Ton te- ..i., ,Lci.._ ......jelcaxj 1....ist2A.A.,...Lt6,___ki..a.s..,1 9-5-Y\ tri . i K1 1 = I A I • PETITIOil . . 141 j..- '''h E 14 il D esp&p A'd,✓ra %.41A07- 74 t £'ait7af C, r C o G t/ d i IL 7e le r? i ft it ThE At sD+ A h AiO CAR, biad. lt ` i ACT's' C b in, i dilcEE cinc-rta*/ Alas /•L I IA/ Thy & r 'i " . H t.Q 14 1.-iI MZ s . As o MA /pow .4 -orriA m . ...... P M E . ADP Mv &sc /X: , /; ' , //, /2- 37 : .-E.e., � . 1 6. Lai ,, - , t ' l (0 .4 1.'727)c),)-:, --2. .2-K /cce-tac (% 41/ec-b _C -0 ALI ki . ,• • Ic O -,2-F1 Ai)e, F _ in,l(Le_. Oilu(2), w/1 >el0 7 co . fiek, (//1/1. 1 )1(o0 -7 )-3-1--b\(a),C 1?_(_ it+-0- Th K hrl ci c)-v . avv‘V to?) Lake Id2Are ctr RQ-vkA-b -v- -c.__,,,L% c 0 , .3/Z72- 1/0 44,4245-4.--:"..,„ 1 0 7 Xtir W-fl 5:544+06:7F -g- -(Ci7r A) '11- -r --.1.ti' 6 ,-) .- —_". 7/6/ s,, ti s is , 14 ,4-: A, / (/ A1/ r T- d)4-Jr,ui\, ,Nr-v1v-A-, (3 73 z I (-{, I S' \_ -� , zy (_/4. k/ e7(, ' is ,-s- 7--4: -. /31 i_9/ Ze___.-_ -______. 62_, :',,_, 4___4 /,72,1_, _al. n _c,,,27M.8- 5.E_c,70217/ s7)7aloi_evias2s2c,u.)._ .1. tAlci ___. ,wsi, - *2- ' 11 L'' 7e ‘C '' -- --, ...-,/ 0 Q,- .-. -2.-moo o "a4--(54-,,,,.)z i U'-o i k, ,<,c� ZeA,. ,_a /2cY 3 /c2 176,& coZ v2 •• / P - ._, _ fg)ETITI Oil Wt.—rib E 14 d D 'Cr A'd ant %A/A ,ul7 me &Mat Cs Coeaitra 1C T�i R.r/ T4E Ate1o+e-A t Aiv CAR, bate- Iti Ad"T1va Da i&/?eF Prerl a iv A/c' /•L I A✓ TA4A- &A'T Al / OIp / t ,vzs . A Lso MAit/ awiri , fwMt. ___.... HAME A.PMEST I &rink/m.4._ I// sc //!o 7, foA4z,-- ) --- Ler e / ` � i--- l'6v Re,�� ', r ,.% 1 /C 4 -7---AoilL ),)- - 04e-1\\\C \ 'Ay\ye., ''' f 44 l'-' - • 1 \<_,t i / �r E .r ,v 5� l').-/// 4 '_. ./t4 / .70.71 /,* ' �i ...E:3o-4 -__1 b21Tr3 I 0 7 LAWt uUob JUL g t N+`p rJ IC_TK)- r 1 : PTZT : Oil_ ................ \sJ 'hE c4proi, Ater° IdA _r r E e.a'7a,, Crfr Coit ;i —r - ie,, The A4cDIe h AiV' CAR, A A c 'T"-• AerrifrC Da /•/77er cirerl es A/ ild /.L iii T/,c & r 'A/ Ai o4t.AA DS . ALr Q MAO awArIt i APAir• NAME .AP Ao &sc C try , C0t,p7r, . , :r/3:- ". )_ ,' �,, ,., . , __ . ' — /5- Tom- fi s -- . , _ „-, , „._ .''- T Dbuffx.trityitt, (., / ,,,,: eiri ---40- • . 9ar tvf sw, c.' '' ' • /, i'T. - ' /• ---1-41 l'7 1, 4. ' e ' oroe) ),4 lig AP /f? /2 F,, %/,% ,</ ,q f- . a 2- -fs��.- 4�17 e.-� rn ) ---::' 1. 1�Q i}-� rt Li / 1. - .(-12 W2-f- 4"-A-. 1,/d - ---) . ir;/(ficr-'N-J ;) F- 1 � A '��% G.r-R.Wzr7vfot41-_ : : „- s/r) t- .S.ar, E/'i S.7 g r /J 7`o 1..) I C i r.J 6 fLL Ile- 9-toollv a3% Je D - gv,y, -._ - { _____ ;i 4-,,, 4)1,A i OSm -2-kti'. oStN, h.e f/; � yt lc--.' iv. ., ' ill ,a f.,.,, Yl e �,-„. 4,,,,:,_, U `so >yv3D , 4.�vt_ s �- RCIA-?(CIA I gt; s . a_&,'Z `� , e , '� /7- I t Ct 4 v ' C --,- flA /S/10 SE- _1/y jz& T6 . - 5 _.4./ iv /11,c- 6. (-2 , i_a,-1,, ,--, _ / e---i- I.j l0/-2- j , ),Le. , le-,(_-piL. o---- ,e,_,4____ y , /-i 2lv , &2 Tcife i i PETITicsit 1dj.' 7 h E 1 D ,e.,,j+ 4Asto %A/A 11/r fl,E £ '7a ' C,'i- C0 ; —r 1e grt it Al 771E AEtad-la Alp CAR, `7�i A CH se C. Di /a/?k, cire7-10 04/ Aid /.L, i/ The 'A/`r• / AI. ro /V{A pbe .0277-4 .(w M t. 6'AME Ao &sr C '7y JohA/TDUE q k,21,e,/ rz/vECj C5 1 /r")1:01. _Le . a1...,v 6, 7 9 d'i) A,4 jea) • • PETITioit 7711E uA'oecrAta/it %4 Aor The es•mo C,'r . C , d ; r e itecrOtil T4E qcD+e-, b A i O CAR, b a G 'L 7"; A d7-1 . D a i•1 717EE PT°A—r—'let)Al TEA- &Atre A/ /L/'.0 41-j ,VZ)S . ALz ' M A it/ o w ticwsk fw,M t. PME CO--et totary jaigri4JA / -7) ,c20-411-; ,9 04_1/4 t/Jk4 P, zt384)17,Vroffe2,4&- r I • , / ! 1 ?/ 7,/0.2_.(Y,, / '(2774447 P I Y91/ gs ohs V OA1J r JU ,oV \ � � 3$-/77///bh/ z9'vr /1/,7�( it,i �n/1/f9P/ ,5 204 4 ,2 `% 'C.- 1) ! v Wno2A / dl 9WW 10 0/0 3• swwf7r, ,ry.stil4 rv+ vs7 1 . s4aelY711 i /V• "91 oyi v ot iv Qs stip! (Wyp a/ v yv-a,Qsilv p. 7! t4 .7043 4.410 Jkraftg • e.LMV/r% a3/7,,6 +2Orh 3 &I.L:3/0k ft 0 1 11. • • P El T I T 1 0 if 144."- '"h E u pi D Ecr As aim 14 A 07-4 TAr t eserilit 0/'ry Co Pr OW T6E AEr - b ,Aia CAR, bAcit `-r; Aer71 vcc D in, ,&/ ►.EE cirA-r1 o,v A/a /.t..1 i i/ T/,c r .Al /],. IA/zs . ALs o MAC/ awdriQrn:,e,fAME. 4/AME Mv &sc r 4 d.ilt; 14)11-444, i 3 ri - ,:3/-41/. SE /rg:/We-4/ / //4- 7,f ha6 l3 s )'- iZ, SC �� .9/M 2t IA . 1i705 t I- id ..si,o, liii ; 6, 7 _ c0,q,/dic A 61°3 , itaZY27,/,iikigid ,r41,e/ i ' ' l YVL�A)11 han M 117S/Igod rrrJ Pti Al' WE1k o/<) 17 1 A1C 1sSy - s � ► y 3 RQ.A/A---„,,n k ;-v\r_k� a-kc ..� 9 A) I/2 G�I�AnS�r�Lvf• S n Per r` ief./7. -1; ct i I ct UPS ( .�- 1 `� '\L \ \ ` c` -�_i�--, ' 'Pyli yi; 4/. 4 -‘7 z--c . - -`- e74,-7i-k_ /411c V-e,/ z7-,-.2 ,7.2 7 Cv/..i.d,_r Sd _s---4.5535i ii'L ems. /-T___:__; c 6<,,-&tk C-ry-1)-9 . ( 2-01- iJ 3 `f-- --) - e- /‘4'- 1, /.-c ke: ,-kiwar_ p Iv ' /2 ;z At 5 4- -}----,--t ; 71'4-c;AI:CA. 3L-G-- • toci 4-4 IkJ . PI- >•1 .- KI 'Ai- t)L.- t-,) i „. '-g>11 . - /. ' - -- 1/4-0 AlES(AuFtgi/iin gr2A- 49-79 (. ivic_5---1 @u.e )7 t 2 5 E /' y R Jo k-') iv- ,-I CYA;,..0,, /( - I/03 yam.... C �/, _ , % c&e C� I ?ems- /3 , 3 - s`). ��- , - -._ __Z7_14-/ , _ 4i-1,-,,,- 6‘t,/// /, 1 p0/ /6 / xis( _9,,a ) Kiz� 130". 6/, ,L irn '1t.>� c i l r>)4--I f:4 .�'6 1� 1 -ii Lot gr-N(14AU------r . • , ?ET IT toil • ' . �E'7''h E 4o/D ifcr s 4A0,0 % ✓A �7- l ip a &Atm, - . C "rfr Cot ;Lrr ThE McI GA.� A /v CAR, LAe. it 7:. soC. b err, hiriv; A'r- a A/ A/0 /•L V Thr &AtTf ', / t. 4 / i' *i'vs . ALir' M A i/fug& rR;�'•&.,rw,N a. .. . i pmE AP P teES.0 C ZMv &scCrry COti,1143 ,s 5.6 v. CIOIcam, 1 ( 4iVh _ —Qf S I IA ara_4.4TCY kI til, (...cuiti _ St/ripe (66--tire) "--- < 11 74_<_/ ll Cl , c A is zZ Y fE ?P u -II_,('r ,eCI _ V\-e. 'W,i. K ,`✓. , 0 (T , -ci/I 'Yvv S .5-u.-✓Se i L/1.n l _ 2 P AA'0^) �C r .mot; ?i,97)--, f)--)'iz, v►-,-`.- 765 r ime�r os ,J-vE.N: . —i —r'7 Y. I