HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950 Annual Report - Renton Recreation Council/Park Board ._, / 1950 ANNUAL REPORT CREA TIoN rcp ___.,...,-,--,-,-- _,Ly.----7-7.------- -_-_--- -,-,..-„..,±__:•-,.,-.., u _.,.._ .......v.„ ,,............... ...„....._ PARKS „, , .,.. • .2,11 ,1% ,:., , ,, atilt ,_ — • 'r4:10171.0.4* ;;;101,lik 2100-.0 .606w )7 AND ?•:,:::,,:•„ •:i,,,w,:••••••_._ !P.,,,,,,. r '-1-7,---i'1 ...'—.:.-4' HOME RECREATION ,,,i06,!.:.• - g • i - a '' ._ :‘_--f Q _ 0 ..,:., -441.- • t ').14, ;::;Y':.:::,...7,-,,,..,.. ---\--'•. ' -,----- _,-_,-_, (A.• .41:1‘ii• .%.• t4.0::40.'"' 1.4'': ' t ., .r... ':';7r.--.-- 4,66) •:•-r,:. 4_N- ,..- s'?\--:,' V10 4r.117 .,,,,...,::•••,-;, j'V. r•',•• 11,...\1111Alk .. 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CHURCH SCHOOL _ - --- ----____________ _ _ , •_ • - .,,•4- - ----.__ =----i-_----, --- --------.-- ......., tr:.....„ ,.........„.......„„, . ....v _ ______.....116, -'-'0411. A:•15- .:''' iltiA 1 - Z - F --7-ff--- .1.,, . .• , ...k7.,--. ;..k,..,-4, ', - '= '''' i 4 --:-;--Crs-11:)'‘ . 4 4. - •--' - -.14\1,-- ''. .s.." **,444E' .' ': 5 ,:: Y : ' :fi • • 1. . .T-L _ , ....___., . ,.....•,_-,... ..P. ...!411 *ilk P. fl, ' v .);,,,„iir,• ." ' ' . .'•'.'- -,. _-- ...-, ..'•, • —,- _ .:,`.:::.;;4,..' ' '' .''''' e1 *9 ../V".„._ •-1..: 41 A 1 ' a "?: 13,--- 0 -/'0 PARK .. „ _ , , • __. .. ... . . ...... . _ ., ._ _ . , . .. .. . ._. • .. , ... . .. ... . . .... . • : CITiL IOt 1-P IT rj.) IRCE. TTO RENTON PARK BOARD Lon Tackett Nando Phillips Rev. Godfrey Hartzel RENTON RECREATION COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hamilton Church Lon Tackett Don Humble Stanley Thompson Mike Lotto Ben Richardson Frank Mathewson STAFF Gene Coulon, Superintendent Esther Benson, Recreation Center Director Elmer Anderson, Athletic Supervisor Carl Niemi, Camp & Playground Director Dorothy Donnelly, Secretary Part-time Staff Judith Hannus, Teen-age Supervisor Hilma Nelson, Arts & Crafts Hedwig Husby, Dance Instructor Virginia Greenlee,, Recreation Leader Chrystal Jensen, Recreation Leader Fields Flynn, Recreation Leader Harold Lavik, Recreation Leader William Diambri, Recreation Leader Russell Ralph, Recreation Leader Summer Staff Wayne McKee, Recreation Leader ?":illiam O'Brien, Bathing Beach Director David Duc .w; Bathing Beach Supervisor Dorothy Thompson, Recreation Leader William. Cate, Recreation. Leader Lindy Aliment., Recreation Leader Olof Oytson, Recreation Loader Yea te'? L')rd. Recreation Leader Shirley aeon, Cairlp .Leader Anne Costaer, Recreation Leader Robert Dunnington, Recreation Leader Plus volunteer leadership P.[711 11 ..2)��U _ report of facts and figures is presented with the object of acquainting the community in general with the services of the Renton Park Board and Renton Recreation Council. \ \VI ! i� U\_� Li-- have an intense feeling that a better understanding of the Park Board and Recreation Council aims and accomplishments could be at- tained by all clubs, civic organizations, churches, PTA's, groups and individual citizens through greater community participation. (-(I. ..� ,�., your information you will find each facility's general physical plan and program condensed in this annual. The total ex- penditure for the year and the purposes for which it was allocated have been listed; also, the statistics on the number of participants of all age coverage who have taken part in Park Board and Recreation Council sponsored activities. JL ' year 1950 has seen the realization of major development on city park properties at Liberty Park, .Mothers Park, Windsor Hills Playfield, plus much needed improvements at Renton Hill Playfield, which property at the present time is leased by the City of Renton for recreation purposes. It-A 4- C� B c nC `� r , (� � � \ � IT and appreciation is extended to the City of Renton, Renton Housing Authority, Renton School District, the Greater Renton Community Chest, organizations and individuals who have so generously cooperated and contributed towards making this Parks and Recreation program possible. n---111. ---.)\\-/\--: // ....... ........ ...,........ . tr\s_c (:\ . \\x ...:,. . __ \\/(-Th-F, -- I „----.-. ,,,„ t , _____., i_ ) 1 , t3 i i „.. , , „,.. . 7---\\/ 1-N1 _ . r _ .� _ I �1 I THE GREAT EP. RENT ON AREA a \ �n .� 4� mg KnJNyop.i_t t>.,,,.1" 5\ 4R•Uhl. N .s\s''' -<,P 46' itleNuYoAi.ra - ?7 TTT�r' r i �// 7 j.. iiIMACA ib Av .N '...,..l rvi Ne . N H. i tilunr: , I sAi `'• •. • harel�n ,•1 f3RYN MAV1R V { rf ' �• °x _ ti Ho1nFr.s k ` So. I2.0,a r ` k A,WI. eidri• 1 y t^1y, '• Y i j� L /1 at }' J Y ,. �*i w rk. a iti��:r •,, {{ �. 11 , 7r • 1 ` Vl♦� / cF e ' IEYf/ ' v ✓/ Pk / ' EASLINOTON 3✓ _.._ _ _'f:lis.� ..." t /,� AS #sor dam, CeOAR „ QAC ft.-)-.......- M4,/ A a. T0=1•4.s.4L Ai's v �a RIvtR yes' /Pd. no.a.ior, P' , ,^ • MAPLE liENR Fr" \ > Geilift /://"( ,." k /" R EN TON 1,;y! I/ so,Pfkilonjr Hii_I Qeo rirrIORiAc. ri j t ,.ti !. FJLAY�°? `)9 yo,,TH CAMP ��1 1� yaV'\ r �, 9 r„;. \. / -.,- /\ %`ti, t • -a I/ 6,.. a I.E.C 'r,.N i) s "'y _Ci!.'r // !Borderline of r C ;_' ear.F recveof.orin) ✓ 1 ii !i Areo. Coverin JA ..L(A GR. SCH. i! I. 1/ ® IE wit,rt Cst9. 7 1777 ji-7,777Tj?7Tf l i C_.�._1 ReCre Citlo n IL i4r' �R.S . 0 C .} 1 �/�; { t/ i 1 3;fl..1i11 IR ent r, P 11.t 941 t CA.,1 i1 i — G-vad.9 LJati �. 1 i I ' I a 1 ( d Z.. i ? v 3fi 3 z 1 1 v� \ i- n 4. t° x 4 x,1 U�II: I ti ! ..........!/ / 1 / i I / 1 II / 1 I i ,! 1. 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Plc.,..! nrc....,.. ...;..ra.c...,:t. 4,......c.1v a.a., • 0 i..,) 1'. I / / ; i Pc14,11 l v6unci 1 / 1 N t k. \ \\ \i.\ Y.,'• I / \ \ .\ /\ .NNZx . / • • ‘ ‘ i iii vt \i \ , , 0, /i6 ..., ---z.x..... , a•;, ...„,.." / v #Il \ ,/ i \\ ,AC A \ .\\ • \ r \ ti• N, \c't. 5, itplA , ? ./1, s,• i. :..k . q 1.1 ..,‘ , t, ...c. %. V\ ., .. ,s, A r •..%6N. 1 07 6c's, e.•..,, Q.. ..‹), I "--- 72 .7 \ ..._ *Year round gym activities 1 � gr�iM�ton E ieh nntat-1.4 School Gf I Pkttground L0.hti st-on 0 1 Sa t plamciivioci Rooms I 1 el BjaakOck top pia i ' ap,'r.�rcaus roma. \ / } / / // ' \\\i's>,S, \\ /% ,4pv'aeya R 1 1 El [. c, j Pi Henri,' Foi-c. ervientorii .,....el,00l art . a.f...iciri....wricl 1 . if.--:101 faF,F-r att.-. 1 1 (1.4.d,-Nr•to.,,i I'i 4-:. .4:, 6....1,1•Austt...Y, v1 1/) ' ••• • t •••• \ 1 Z \ . ,... N \ ' ( loz,vp.1+( i 1 \ • Pir"14","d 8,.ikei 1 00wt i • • i\ • i • \ •,, 1 ", \ • J. 1 1 \ \ i \ •‘ 1 t 5 111- A v,Z. •s k 1 \`N k• 1 11 I\• ve : - -71- 1-. :1 -I\, -1/ •" i1/44 •\ 1'\, _ ,,,. v t. ,..- ,riPe ; \1;c-,-,.---- ki ni \(j 117-1!\!N -‘' i"!0; 77/V it -,.'./7 " / /V 's'I 9..Q.? s. .-- -411----- if Year round gym activities I • rirpAdG e E ;niet' rkj ScI"f,f�1 aric1 P1(:�':�L�1"('?t. I�;i, I F, a: r-- 1 IC)"I.a1'u,i" e pia i ET i ONQ4 ---J _ a top 19r ea i—.— 1. 1 / / \ \ / \ / \ / / �`\` /// ,r;\ � ., \ /, Yi IA ra0, `,� �C�1/� ‘I‘ ` =7' T.:I i A— "S �,' f" 1 1 It 1 I *Year round gym activities 11 . r--,-1 Orillio F lemelljarki ...., ( colf cirio i loq(lt-c)und ._ . ! _ .._.__ _ . ...._...._ . 1 5- 11:',01.11- I I / ,-- ei i,191'.41, s; 1 I— , I i )ct..1 •=:..- 1 4 I __, ! — 4 —....--,•--- )c h 1 ; 1 i 1 I 1 i RO.,11 q V;0••.•",ii / / 1 / /1 / i I • i 1 ! / ri • 1 1 / ' / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 //, rirs(4----.1 ------'.-.. ..' 1 i II 1 .;'-'7 1 -7-7 c-"----, / ,/ /1 ii ,,, 1 // t' -- i- I. 1 r \t,% 1 // -/\'›- \(/\ , 11 r .'d 1 \:i. Ii / VI .iA.L II 1 I VI II 14, I I/ a UJ rA 4 /I 11 • f // S. 130,=1- , It It,,1::c'!.• riik-2.....7,. ... - 1.- ^ . , ,, , (-:: t-, Rer,,oil kilt.r erlicar ni.c.in ,..)c000l (imd ''-', 1,(ilf d 1 r_______1 L.__ ,...„,,a. .,4 1,1 — li 1 I f t 2 sci Ave. 1 / i ‘ i 1 / / 1 \ / ,..... \ 1 I , . .' k'. ‘‘..-<-e,:;•------- / / k I 1 i \/\ k / " \/,'. \\ / / \.\ / / /i ‘'\ t/ / . I / \1) I';. \X\ 1 1,k1 i I 1 .fk /4 7 \f".1 \\\'40., I • V'ql- // Jr! VI \t \.-P.41 4..I i, 1k ft i \'I, 11. 1/1 V \is'IZ5,4., 17,111 in •10e, A iX ' —..... •••...: • ••.. •.. .....- . ..... r/, •\...,,.....,Z0 u.sk rA2,-;,:r. ,...y.e.• .:,‘ ...-. ...„...- ..k..7174///,2:77-,// f; r . Ae.J D- • oi• Z11.`,iiii. \ 1k1 ' < . *Year round gym activities The facilities preceding this page are operated under a uniform but flexible program of activities as specified below, providing the utmost in programming by taking into consideration the equipment, facility and supervision available. ARTS & CRAFTS Coloring Skills MAJOR SPORTS Clay Work Soap Carving Organized leagues Leather Softball Wood Basketball FREE PLAY Plastic Soccer Scissor Baseball Group Football Couple Team LOW ORGANIZED GAMES Checkers Paddle Tennis LIBRARY Ping Pong Ring Toss Magazine Exchange STORY HOUR Badminton Check out books Horseshoes Serial stories Marbles Short stories Peggy Tether Ball MUSIC APPRECIATION Group singing PUBLICITY Records Local papers SIMPLE DRAMATICS Playground news Encouragement of self expression SPECIAL EVENTS Refer to Special Events page. ,K.,Yi n y C LO.. e. and, Ha 7_e I tag 0 o L 13e c1 kes, �t 't:.E E'"�'��' June 7th - September 5th 6^� These beaches are open and supervised •�X as follows: �"'`°�� 3 HAZEL WOOD BEACH "-tiff Open under supervision Fridays from `. 11 A.M. to 7 P,M. , 1 : IENNYDALE BEACH --K l k t,..,. Open under supervision 7 days a week ifs from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. v r 1 Bathing facilities were open at all � r times for the convenience of the public. r---- ? ~� SWIMMING SCHOOLI'- August 7th through August lath ice" �� Record attendance from all playgrounds `3-' '., has proved the value of this program. R,00rr: 4 t ruses r:ere operated, transporting all .- registered participants of 7 yrs. and T';r11-1c" \ , up to and from the beach. Poed Beginning, intermediate and advanced groups benefited immeasurably through the scheduled separate classes, limit- ing the time spent at the beach and re- sulting in a more thorough instruction for each of the participants, • file 1'IOG' IA! YCU.l11 % L1111 E7 9 wile . Jo . E st o R rito 1 Lions Memorial Youth Camp, made pos- s?.bie by the work and efforts of the R+J "�...----"''��" Reny:or_ Lions Club and sponsored by (met-- the Pa: 4.: Board and Recreation. Council �,`=4"4' is i'rovidirg for all boys and girls :..........."......./...„ D c.o-.vator4 froyr. 8 to 13 yrs. the opportunity to n. ' rP 'Intl participate in an outdoor program in �t"^'r' Y n„LL,e its natural and original environments n',ti,r .�4.1i41•; ' 1 'c,,^, Transportation to and from this camp L�Leon t, 4 1 1 was provided free of charge to all children of the entire area on a G '�av;,rcv',e=• staggered schedule of one day a week. Lean-1, Under the guidance of a camping spe- cialist and assistant and with the aid of volunteer junior leadership, hundreds of children were taken care a Renton 9 rn•+l25 of on a day-to-day basis. -=. \ A Ideals and Objectives of Camp - \:�, �-� R�. a 1. Fun, recreation and relaxa- \----1. r 1 ��'+'�'�� tion through stunts, sing- ing,, E Li i `..! \\It 7j campfire and original • 1N games. q 2. Physical and mental growth r through hikes, pioneering, . A ( 4..rk, . \ _ � � ' �, games, handicraft skills, \ / �;�:� ��,4 cooking, etc. _1.� �-- - ,a •- `,%fie 3. Social and emotional growth �. .�-_-._= ,� through leadership opportu- rydu. ;. _ nities, assigned responsi- } 4. '" PQca men: ate% bilities, building and con- ' �, i` ti YGurN e�Kip strutting and preservation \/ 9 'Vies of nature and wooded areas. \ , 0 IZ / L .�„' 1�. Adventures through hikes, �/ ;4 hunts, nature study and se �s 7trail blazing. *Transportation for Girl Scouts on their allotted time at Day Camp was arranged for and provided by Recrea- tion Council and Park Board. Leader- ship was conducted as a scout acti- vity by Volunteer Scout Leaders group. *Local and County Boy Scout Troops used this site also for overnight camping. *Clubs, organizations and groups also by schedule. RehfUrl COMfrii.mlil Ceintet' — ChcirtAier of Coiiiale.rce tidq.)fiel;ton r e:ar, bee of Commerr.e Kih:l\E.1, O*.; Le. Banquet Room Clubs I4... rw—..1 l;:;. Po.vk E:oar'- 8 Organizations Rer,:!-eutiorra? Group Meetings F,e.y,t :0un.,i off ice.. Civic 1 O°'"°' z--- - Service ' and Offices: 5.+°vv.L"ipQrt1 Recreation Council Chamber of Commerce Headquarters \ / / \ \\ \ 41''r� , / / r -,�uZ.\was.../ / \ , / i .� / i l \\\ ► / a� N. • \ \ ki\o it; 4nil /j 4/k/l ] �\ i \ec/9 A, / ✓// —"` l�Av�C N i\ i N i‘-//. . /I / ,,t)° 'be! '----. 1 "T _______. 1 - -----\__„ A n A '!,-`,\,?:`_, ----.. 4 •-•........... ) \• At?\.,..-,-,.. '41/t \ g/P ..'-'-'"....,..,...." .....„................. 3 r cl• 13 v e \ ______� 1 \ yV.1(511 A . -- -""---.2N,:... t N\, I , ! \ N\::...... \C't ° 1 ' fir0 c vas lk r .11 ti 91\ 3 W / . �J ' .ti ..."'''''''''''..".\''' 01 7 7 7.,..----.7 \, • b4 c4 0 ba �o --- \....... pri 4a%a\ ace* - --,, \ / \ `� Ayb 7 41,- ar tl •11"'L ARP ‘, `' ,pl I 'hd ��� �� J� / `\ T /rr \„, \ \\\ ) \ /I/ R \\ 1 „yt \yi.................. \ I \ 1..- \ \\ \ �.._�\ r \. \ \ I\� ! \ \ \ \� / / \ , \ \ .\ ! /• \` � \ /I / \\, r / I�To14 \ \ !/ / r\� buIllir �1/nog \� \ ! r0" ;Ano 11(IP9 \ y I Iirig \/ \ \ / / \ y r / 'as^on \ A / tea4lay5 3 \ / CC, \ Pfa'4 ')'.of44d 4,3 I 1/ d \ oa''b \\ c auu.,L AO inarA91 y\C> 4°� -0C° "nti_ — 1 4 ild h40 2 911 LIBERTY PARK Open and used by public on year round basis. Supervised nine months of year. Three supervisors daily during summer months - Monday through Saturday, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Facilities Tennis Courts Fastball Fields Play Apparatus Baseball Diamond - Bowling Green Picnic Area Wading Pool Horseshoe Pits Hard Surface Area Program Major Sports Social Activities Arts & Craft Organized Leagues Picnics Clay Tennis Teen Age Outdoor Dances Soap Fastball Scissors Soccer Painting Football (flag) Drawing Bowling Paper work Baseball Library Story Hour Dramatics Book Exchange Self expression Low Organized Games Free Play Music Checkers Group Singing Paddle Tennis Couple Record Ring Toss Team etc. Publicity Contests Local Papers See Bulletin Board Special Events page Playground News ill oth ra k 0iid i<kJ{scar 1"10►: . rark :Live. <y . ��rrtc�r 8 vi A v e,• NI• INDOOR FACILITIES }t,�ire.v=_iui-e 1 tire,:,. Auditorium Billiard Room shett . Showers ,a c�,...e. m'i c"'� „: ' s• Hobby Room w �t�` �rV —:-- Check Room r ;` Snack Bar ' d'..,a r'c;r l.cr f,�l'inrri ". '� , H� 0 ' sH„� ;.o.r. ` '" OUTDOOR FACILITIES c( • n'S F'0^.a i�C C, tnac:k r...r ( - _ �` Gy m:�a e i cc rn Shelter House ` �` Play Apparatus Tot Lot ,\ � � INDOOR ACTIVITIES / 13, ' / Ping Pong / / Volley Ball i / ; Badminton . t / / Hoop Shoot ' to t>L Ave. N. / i' Western Dances — Teen Age Dances ` k Basketball: ` �1 \ 6 Grade School teams , ' ' \ � ��, i ,' 27 Community League teams ' a A ''` `i;/ (7th through 12th grades) �` �yh • 1' 'A 9 Adult Community Leagues .,), i� OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES 4 )4,�• �l '� Arts and Crafts y, it •<yy Story Hour 11 i/ Library �', 11 NI /,' Music Appreciation ., 1.1 /; \\ 4 /. Dramatics c'a 1 0,un.t /' Publicity c, E-- i. Free Play 1, its y" Low Organized Games i',9 t 6i i Major Sports ` s G• '-----.u, 1 Special Events * (Refer to Special Events WI r 1 14 page) � r r � c C�'cgr klver Cor Ceti ee C cJcar �"\ !vEr �''ark i eat on epdCL1' e;\,6-, oroige. / "'+ Store Room AKIitoNiu -n Kit 11zh `` pp'^'"9 \ �('i4 1 H O; . '''� .. 1 R O 0‘,A 9, 6 Csaf+ or� ( Kroa 44., \ \ \ \ i \ \ \ \ / ,/\ r \ \ �// \ 4 / / \ / \! \ I / / \\I / / . .! // L `,\ \ \ �1 ^t ��A��y �-- 41zk J\vr_ .N. \\\\ J1 .79 // 4. \\ r�1 \\ / �j/ // \________..._:________( ,.,t , -;,-„_...,, i\t„, ." �CI4�\yF /'�,/ , �\ ry r' j_ T ,Yl'�r � ''Flea•" _.�\ `��. lb Yf ...`C.,� ! 9L i✓� . P co L° s o 4 \13 alauraitir j P \ CEDAR RITER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Organized classes, clubs and groups only Open daily Monday through Saturday FACILITIES Indoor Outdoor Auditorium Picnic Area Dining Room Benches Kitchen. Club Lem Craft Room Store Rooms (2) MONDAY TUESDAY Drill Team Scouts x Garden Club Rainbow Girls x Rainbow Girls' Mothers Dance Cla; s Mineralogy Club x Sorc ,t:_r^is Club x Cedar kivar Community Club WED.dESDAY THURSDAY State Patrol Girl Scouts Craft Classes Craft Classes Dance Instruction (Teen Age) x Pre School x Eagles huxitiary x Orthopedic Luxiliary FRIDAY SATURDAY ReDanGa Club Baton Twirling Craft Classes x Renton Testernaires 3 And other groups **** Key: x Specials t •oN •wAY/ V ; t i 1 1 i t n t ) I 1 ii :I t end *� 7c. —.....(\ b a11 ) sir -7 '' -' ! H ! / •,H has , 1,j \ i //�q� J,�44 I \ t !! , . \ i t 1 i `�` I ,i"' ! i �r 11 r i ! �� 1 i r � t % i 1 l / i 'wed,{ qrJ 1 1% 1 woozj 1 / • . ! Gr'IJ I i t // ...;I,=9 / u it0a•+3,) Ni CNN / <*....N..„1:. ril Z,,a puro• >,t,oid , �� T • 4, 1:,1_,.:!A / v1I.I-I.1 i Li 0.p.la6 -..v; 3 _ re41.►-„,.;3 h ,iuiill!t+:ia-, ypurlLib1i_i HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY CENTER Athletic, Organization and Club Center Open - Daily Monday through Sunday throughout the year. FACILITIES Indoor - Club Rooms (3), Auditorium, Outdoor - Tennis Courts, Playground, Showers, Check Room, Kitchen, Athletic field. Photo Dark Room. SCHEDULE MONDAY T HU RSD AY Gym Activities Gym activities. Pre-teen groups Pre-teen groups Teen-age groups Teen-age groups Adult groups Adult groups x Intermediate Scouts o Brownies (Group 4) x D. A. V. o Brownies (Group 5) x Postal Clerks x Sunset Garden Club x Windsor Hills Community Club x Highlands Community Club o Brownies (Group 1) x Altar Society x Eastern Star TUESDAY x Overseas Brides Gym Activities FRIDAY Pre-teen groups Teen-age groups Gym Activities Adult groups Pre-teen groups x Pre-School Mothers Teen-age groups x Recreation Council Adult groups x Cub Scout Committee x Well Baby Clinic x Girl Scouts Committee WEDNESDAY x Orthopedic Auxiliary x Scout Mothers' Association Gym activities Pre-teen groups SATURDAY Teen-age groups Adult groups Gym o Brownies (Groups 2 and 3) Catechism Class o Senior Scouts o Church Choir SUNDAY o Intermediate Scouts o 1omen' s Club Mass x Emblem Club Sunday School x Cub Scouts Jr. Choir x Highlands Community Club Adult Choir Church And other groups * --** Key: x Once a month o Once a week m 4, n 0 1411 c 0 m rri u.li ! 1 ti C e lite r - st-rpct , k erftori H ...... , , Ai• ..a- , -....,............ r---To t Li)t• ,. \ '6550,61 ele-i d / •••-...., ••-.....r.------ 8 re-a• \ 5r,2,. 7--- ‘ \ 1 \ \ ‘ \ 1 , a ea.01,1 1 ‘ ...."-1--------. ..\.,..'.\`'....:. .. \ \ ‘ 1 .... ...... ... ,, .... ts1 o•...., *----____Lal.. - ‘‘ . %. ..„. 1. ..... • 1 \ ....,••••• s.`-‘ rii)'• ''''''',, ,drip -..,z, ., N 7.7. --/// /-77 /7-7== _ La.=il.. ri...7.2...2..ii .r :ip, ..,,, vi,..,, zr , se;,. ,I / .,<;,.. / /, , / o, , ,4, \ :, \:,... k / ...77 .../.> \e; ‘ r; ,... A A N.,/ /47.-' r , v 1 i .....> -....N \/\„ ../Q tY .,...,7-....k eV I / ,/ .47.. ....,(<,,.\ (t)i )C / . ‘-.1,)•_?._ „/:L/ A-Y ,.. ( ( i . . , \ NORTH COMMUNITY BUILDING SCHEDULE Social Center Renton Highlands FACILITIES Auditorium (Social) Open Daily Check Room Monday through Sunday Kitchen throughout the year Dining Room Library Cla E=ooms (2) Storage room COOPERATIVE PLAY GROUP TEEN AGE GROUP Monday thru I riciay n . __ 1 to 3:30 P.M. M6/7.a s'G. MUI—.sdays 6:15-9•36 IL,M0 Ages 3-7 yrs. Ages 13-19 yrs. Arts and Craft Dance Instruction Folk Dancing 6:30- .00 P.M. o Tap-Ballet-Acrobatic Popular Stories Folk Games Popular Dancing Music 7:00•-9:30 P.M. Simple Dramatics Games x Parties Library PRE-TEEN GROUP ADULTS Monday thru. l riday Wednesday, 1 � ay Saturday 3 to L :30 F M. )Ages 6 to 12 yrs. 6 30 - 12;00 P.M. 6:15 to 8:30 P.i�I.) Wester,. Dance Classes o Beginners Dancing o Advanced Popular o Arts and Craft program Folk Texti1.e, u ood Games x Special Dance (Western) Lib ary Club.i - O,r: ni e.ations x Party Night ' o Pre-Teen Plight x Renton Toun & Country o Scouts x Reselliers x A11c.gria • Miscellaneous groups SUNDAYS o Sunday School and Church and Young Peoples' Associations **** And other groups **** Key: x Once during month o Once during week • Occasional fr, 3 .9 (r-I . (. .,,.. )7;.0irt11:P.1 ./ leVQ(.74-, c t../41:„‘,. / .., ‘"''C',.. ":.„4:?. r.„ c....),-,,..:•.-.. fi • 7.. / -'4.-- -...•-•:g v. ';1 e' irlp ., c.0(...,-,.:14, .c. 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Co."7..i..145t. g-ifiwe ATTENDANCE Total Attendance South Renton Playground 1,615 # Maplewood Playground 1,950 rindsor Hills Playground 800 # Renton Hill playground 1,780 Bryn iiawr School & Playground 1,200 Earlington. rlementary School & Playground 1,600 # Henry Ford Elementary School & Playground 1,550 Kennydale Elementary School & Playground 1,500 Orillia Elementary School & Playground 55o # Renton Jr-Sr High School & Playfield 2,392 Kennydale & Hazelwood Beaches 36,347 Memorial Youth Camp 3,200 # Renton Comm. Center - Chamber of Comm. Bldg. 48,100 Liberty Park 72,150 3; Mothers Park and Field House 42,075 Cedar River Community Center 33,000 • 3, Highlands Community Center 117,110 North Community Center 51,495 TOTAL 417,660 Total actual participation within city limits 374,002 Total actual participation outside city limits 43,658 # Facility located within city limits. BREAKDOWN OF EXPENDITURES Salaries and wages $ 43,594.29 Maintenance and Operation 14,744.48 Capital Outlay 15,265.00 Total monies expended for Renton and • greater Renton area.. $ 73,603.77 Leadership cost per participant .... .0510 Overall cost per participant (in- cluding salaries and wages, maintenance and operation and capital outlay) .176 • I \v/rE J _ \_ _J LJ ft C r � J u )WAVE '� if _ _LI 2. . . 0 >1. The Parks and Recreation Department to assume the responsibility in the pattern of the Civil Defense Pro- gram --- plans are presently being formulated whereby facilities and recreation programming will be synchron- ized to fit the needs of this emergency. >2. A continuation of our program of improvement and de- velopment on present park properties. The past year has proven this program to be most beneficial from the stand- point of "eye-appeal" and "play-appeal". )3. A complete survey of areas for future parks and rec- reation purposes plus adopting a program which would make it possible to acquire those properties that are suitable for development and where it is reasonably proven that a present or future need does exist. )4. Consideration be given the ways and means of aug- menting our full time leadership. In view of the increase in leisure-time participants, this becomes a vital factor.