HomeMy WebLinkAboutRenton Municipal Arts Comission Annual Report (1968) TABLE OF CONTENTS Members of the City Council Members of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission Letter of Transmittal to the Mayor of the City of Renton Major Concerns and Activities of the Municipal Arts Commission During 1968 Salutes,Tributes,and Commendations to Individual Citizens, Groups,and Organizations who have contributed to the Cultural Growth of Our City during 1968 Duties of the Municipal Arts Commission History of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Mayor Donald W. Custer City Council Avery Garrett, President Paul Maxin Louis Barei Vern H. Morris Kenneth D. Bruce George J. Perry Charles J. Delaurenti Henry E. Schellert Thomas R. Edwards Charles F. Shane William J. Grant Thomas W. Trimm MEMBERS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Randall Rockhill, Chairman Jan P. Klippert, City Representative Landscape and Architecture Committee: Roger Richert Gerald Edlund Mrs. Hazel O'Harra Performing Arts and Music Committee: Randall Rockhill Jerry Zilbert James Hawkins Painting, Sculpture, and Crafts Committee: Robert Lally Mrs. Alex Cugini, Jr. Thomas H. Cooke Literature and Graphic Arts Committee: Miss Ethel Telban Mrs. Lee Kirby Allan Hopkins MAJOR CONCERNS AND ACTIVITIES OF THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION DURING YEAR OF 1968: Heard reports on, studied plans for, and made recommendations concerning: Lake Washington Beach Park as presented by Roger Richert, architect. Landscape drawings for the north bank of Cedar River at Liberty Park as presented by Gerry Edlund, landscape architect. State Highway Department plans for landscaping the area under FAI-405 in the vicinity of Third street and Mill Avenue as presented by the landscape officer of Olympia. The fountain and landscaping plans for the proposed gift to the city by private citizens as drawn up by Glen Hunt, landscape architect. Landscaping of the grounds surrounding the new city hall complex. Second Street West planting and improvements of the traffic islands opposite the Renton High School, as presented by Gerry Edlunch Architectural drawing for the proposed civic center in Cedar River Park, as presented by Roger Richert. The Alan Wright bronze sculpture gift to the new city hall by the Rotary Club of Renton. Made recommendations through correspondence to: The Federal Government regarding the need for landscaping for the proposed new local post office expansion. The Renton School Board that an auditorium be included in the planning of the new high school, and that the present one at Renton High School be retained. Northern Pacific Railroad on the improvement and landscaping of the right-of-way thru Renton and particularly in the area adjoining Lake Washington Beach Park. Renton City Council on the preservation of the James Fitzgerald wood carvings presently at the Highlands Administration Building and suggested their removal to the City Hall complex for more advantageous display and care. The Mayor of the City of Renton recommending the inclusion of a budget for the Municipal Arts Commission. Made requests for information and heard reports on: Proposed new sign ordinance for the City of Renton as presented by Mr. Gary Kruger of the City Planning Department as requested a year and a half ago by the Municipal Arts Commission. Requested the city attorney to look into the legal aspects of establishing a Civic Arts Fund or General Donations and Gift Trust Fund for the city of Renton. This would make it possible for the city to accept gifts of money and art objects and the designation of the Commission's responsibility in passing on the acceptance of any donated art object. Other activities: The Commission recommended that the work of the Beautification Committee become part of the responsibility of the Commission. The chairman of the Commission met with the Renton Library Board regarding the display of donated works of art in the library. The members of the Commission recommended that a closer working relationship be established with the Washington State Arts Commission and that an effort be made to bring the Art Mobile to the Renton area. One member of the Com- mission attended the Fourth Annual Congress of the Arts held in Seattle on October 15 and 16, 1968. A member of the Commission was appointed to represent the group at the meetings of the Allied Arts of Renton. New officers for the coming year of 1968-1969 were elected: Mr. Robert Lally, Chairman Mrs. Alex Cugini, Jr., Vice-Chairman SALUTES,TRIBUTES, AND COMMENDATIONS TO: Mrs. Mamie Wright, Jerry Zilbert, and Mr. David Johnston, retiring members of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for their untiring efforts in the work of the Commission. Mrs. Wright served as chairman of the Literary and Graphic Arts sub-committee and compiled the first annual report of this Commission. Mr. Dave Johnston served as the first chairman of the Municipal Art Commission and resigned to accept an appointment to the King County Municipal Arts Commission. Jerry Zilbert for his efforts on behalf of band concerts and theater in the Park. Mrs. Hazel O'Harra upon her receipt of the Governor's Community Beautification Personal Service Award. The King County Park Dept. and the Renton School District for another excellent summer performance of the Seattle Repertory Theater. The City of Renton for the refurbishing of the Highlands Community Center. The Renton Little Theater for their continuing efforts to bring live theater to the community for both adults and children. Mrs. Harriet Gruhn and her unflagging efforts to arrange programs for the Thursday nights at the Renton Public Library. Allied Arts and their project of arranging art exhibits and one-man shows of local area artists at the Renton Public Library and donations of art works to the new city hall. Private firms and businesses who have included attractive landscaping and archi- tectural features in their new structures. The Renton Historical Society for their efforts in obtaining a display area for their growing collection of photographs and objects for public viewing. The memorial to the pioneer industry of Renton — the coal car in Tonkin's Triangle Park, largely due to the efforts of Frank Storey. The local committee for Federal Title III which annually brings live theater of a high caliber to the children of the Renton area. The local P.T.A. Junior Programs committee and their efforts to provide the children of the area live theater productions. The group of private citizens who underwrote the performance of the Philadelphia String Quartet at the Renton Public Library. The Renton Aviation Festival Committee, chaired by Gordon Clark. The local board of the YWCA for their efforts to bring all types of hobby and educational classes to the women of the community. The Rotary Club of Renton for its donation of an Allan Wright bronze sculpture to the new city hall. The Family Concert Committee which annually brings a performance of the Seattle Symphony to Renton. Green River Community College for the expansion of educational opportunities in the Renton area. The Renton School Board for the appointment of several art consultants to its administrative staff. Renton Musicians Union and the King County Park Department for the three band concerts in the park during the summer. The Mayor of Renton for providing the services of a recording secretary for the monthly meetings of the Municipal Art Commission. DUTIES OF THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION: . . . acts in an advisory capacity to the government of the City of Renton in connection with the artistic and cultural development of the City; . . . prepares specifications for the maintenance of works of art; . . . submits recommendations as to buildings, bridges,viaducts, elevated ways, gates, fences, lamp standards, or other municipally-owned structures or facilities erected on or to be erected upon land belonging to the City; . . . prepares and maintains a roster of sites and structures of historic significance in the City; . . . recommends measures for the preservation of historic structures; . . . provides voluntary advice to private property owners related to beautification of such property; . . . reviews works of art such as paintings, mural decorations, stained glass, statues, bas-relief, or other such sculpture, monuments, fountains, arches, or other structures of permanent or temporary character intended for ornament or commemoration which are to be contracted for or placed on property owned by the City. City of Renton Resolution 1320 HISTORY OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION: The twelve man Municipal Arts Commission was formed by Resolution on August 9, 1965 Its membership includes lay representatives from many diverse fields: architecture, art, music, literature, education, and other cultural organizations. The Commission received its charter by resolution and set about the task of organizing itself and establishing policies and procedures. Much of the Commission's efforts have been to study and review public projects and make recommendations related to those projects. Other efforts have been devoted to consideration of long-term projects. Close working relationships have been developed between the Commission and the several City Departments. .i I i` 4 fie. _ ,. 1 . i t 1' I I 7 s i . 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