HomeMy WebLinkAboutRenton Municipal Arts Commission Annual Report (1969) .:-Il f C,1 F.:: RENTON MUNICIPA L 4.� i :�: ARTS CO ,:....„,..„,...„,„,:„ ,,,..::::..:„,,...,„ giiig614:4i a , vo,,,,,w, t :, ,„,, ,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,.% it; ..;,‘,ti,k.,., . .4,,. 7,,,,, ,,,,, , . ,.., .•„-e.,,,..„ • . w • '4' m lw...' c.,,,: „,..4,. , '‘''''' " at v e A', xiy f e it , • PROPOSED NEW CARCO THEATER IN CEDAR RIVER PARK TABLE OF CONTENTS : Letter of Transmittal to Mayor of the City of Renton Mayor and City Council Members of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission Duties of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission History of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission Major Concerns and Activities of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission during 1969 Salutes , Tributes and Commendations to Individual Citizens , Groups and Organizations who have contributed to the Cultural Growth of the City of Renton during 1969 Listing of Art Work in the Renton Municipal Building and Renton Library • • Honorable Avery Garrett Members of the City Council City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen : The year 1969 is behind us and we immediately move on to today ' s problems , which are more closely as- sociated to a tighter economy than last year ' s . It appears pertinent to pause and assess the accomplish- ments of the past year in order to measure how well, rather than how much, was accomplished. This Annual Report, presented by the Municipal Arts Commission, is presented to accomplish this purpose. During the past five years of its existence , the Municipal Arts Commission has gradually evolved into a mature and articulate group that is rapidly becoming the catalyst that assists the Mayor , City Council , and other City Departments in the exposure of needs not normally covered by charter, budget, or departmental operating plans . MAC keeps its eye on the major responsibilities of what is needed to make Renton a beautiful and pleasant place to live. Only time will prove how successful this meeting of minds works , but there is sufficient evidence that we as a city have a lot for which to be proud. Sincerely , W. Ro, e La airman Municipal • remission ■ CITY OF RENTON Mayor Donald W. Custer* Mayor Avery Garrett CITY COUNCIL Louis Barei Bruce McKay Kenneth Bruce Vern H. Morris* Earl Clymer George J. Perry Charles J. Delaurenti Henry E. Schellert Thomas R. Edwards Charles F. Shane William J. Grant Richard M. Stredicke Avery Garrett** Thomas W. Trimm* Paul Maxin Assistant to the Mayor Jan P. Klippert* Joe Mathews * No longer active **Elected Mayor in November U ■ MEMBERS , RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION Robert W. Lally, Chairman Landscape and Architecture Committee Roger Richert Gerald Edlund Mrs . Hazel O'Harra Literature and Graphic Arts Committee Miss Ethel Telban Mrs . Lee Kirby* Mrs . Charmaine Baker Mrs . Harriet Gruhn Allan Hopkins* Painting , Sculpture, and Crafts Committee Robert Lally Mrs . Alex Cugini , Jr .* Thomas H. Cooke Mrs . Peggy Cummins Performing Arts and Music Committee Randall Rockhill Mrs . Ellen Hickok James Hawkins* Mrs . Judith Irwin * No longer active ■ THE MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION: . . . .meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month at 9 A.M. in the Mayor ' s Conference Room in the Renton Municipal Building; . . . . acts in an advisory capacity to the govern- ment of the City of Renton in connection with the artistic and cultural development of the City; . . . .prepares specifications for the maintenance of works of art ; . . . . submits recommendations as to buildings , bridges , viaducts , elevated ways , gates , fences , lamp standards , or other municipally- owned structures or facilities erected on or to be erected upon land belonging to the City ; . . . .prepares and maintains a roster of sites and structures of historic significance in the City ; . . . . recommends measures for the preservation of historic structures ; . . . .provides voluntary advice to private property owners related to beautification of such property; . . . . reviews works of art such as paintings , mural decorations , stained glass , statues , bas- relief, or other such sculpture, monuments , fountains , arches , or other structures of permanent or temporary character intended for ornament or commemoration which are to be contracted for or placed on property owned by the City. City of Renton Resolution 1320 I • HISTORY OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION : The twelve man Municipal Arts Commission was formed by Resolution on August 9 , 1965. Its membership includes lay representatives from many diverse fields : architecture, art, music, literature, education, and other cultural organizations . The Commission received its charter by resolution and set about the task of organizing itself and establishing policies and procedures . Much of the Commission' s efforts have been to study and review public projects and make re- commendations related to those projects . Other efforts have been devoted to consideration of long-term projects . Close working relationships have been developed between the Commission and the several City departments . U 111 1969 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS HEARD REPORTS ON: Local environmental needs , a multi-media presentation by two members of the Allied Arts of Renton, Duane Emberg and James Magstadt. Prospects for obtaining or constructing a band shell for Jones Park. Progress ,on the new street sign ordinance . Lions ' Club of Renton selection of Nishiwaki , Japan, as a sister city and the possible exchange of cultural and other art items . Annual Congress of the Arts , Washington State in Seattle Center at which Miss Agnes De Mille was the main speaker . Efforts being made to find a permanent and more desirable location for the World War I plaque and the James Fitzgerald murals . Deliberations of the Mayor and a few local citizens to determine the best use to be made of the gift of $100 ,000 by the Pacific Car and Foundry to the City of Renton. Their recommendations were a theater, planetarium, or historical museum. ■ 1969 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS MADE RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING: Purchase and selection of paintings for the new Municipal Building . Performing Arts expense fund and permanent band shell in Jones Park along Cedar River. Improved landscaping throughout the City of Renton and the landscaping of areas under the State 405 Freeway overpass in Renton. STUDIED PLANS FOR: Lake Washington Beach Park, Phases I and II . Landscaping plans for Third Street and Mill Avenue South under the Freeway. Placement of World War I Memorial Plaque. Restoration and new location for the James Fitzgerald murals now at the Highlands Community Building. Landscaping and improvements for Liberty Park and the north bank of Cedar River . Carco Little Theater. Cedar River Park Development, Phases I and II . 1969 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS MADE RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING: Change of status of the Municipal Arts Commission from an advisory to a legal role in city government. Necessity of the City to maintain a complete inventory of all art works and similar donations with complete descriptions and evaluations . Methods of procedure when donations of cash or other gifts are made directly to the Commission. Acceptance of gifts of paintings made to the City by the Allied Arts and Rotary Club of Renton. Selection of art project to receive priority for funding by the Washington State Art Commission should funds be available from that source. Relocation and refurbishment of Fitzgerald murals . Continuation of the popular open-air summer concert program. Refurbishment and relocation of the Chief Seattle sculpture and fountain. The State mobile bus art display. Purchase and installation of the Wenger Portable Stacie. I I 1969 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION SALUTES AND TRIBUTES Pacific Car and Foundry for its gift of $100 , 000 toward the construction of a little theater building in Cedar River Park. Board of Commissioners of the Valley General Hospital for their efforts in providing a beautiful yet functional building for the community . Mr. Hayden Williams and Mr. John Swanson for their share in the newly completed outdoor fountain in the City Center Complex. Mrs . Philip Irwin, general chairman and her committee for the outstanding annual Renton Art Show in the mall of the Renton Shopping Center . Allied Arts of Renton for their gift of art works to the City of Renton and their annual outstanding art show in the mall of the Renton Shopping Center . Rotary Club of Renton for its gifts of art works to the City of Renton and other public buildings . The Soroptimist Club of Renton for its gift of an outdoor bench for the City Center Complex. Mrs . Jack Priebe and Mrs . Jack Eckert for arranging con- tinuous art displays in Renton Public Library and Cinema I and II . Allied Arts and the P.T.A. groups of the Renton School District for their joint gift of a bronze sculpture, The Rabbit, by the Renton sculptor, G. Alan Wright, to the children of the school district. The Veterans of Foreign Wars for its donation for assist- ing in the final location of the World War I Memorial Plaque. ■ 1969 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION SALUTES AND TRIBUTES The Renton Historical Society for its continued efforts to collect, organize, display , and preserve photo- graphs and artifacts of the city 's history. Zale' s Jewelry for their offer to provide brass labels for the art work now owned by the City of Renton. The IBM Corporation of Renton for their donation in furthering the work of the Commission. The Renton School District for its initial efforts to include art work in its building plans---Tiffany Park Elementary School being the first. King County Park Department, Renton Park Department, and the Renton School District for another ex- cellent performance of the Seattle Repertory Summer Theater. Sunday afternoon musical programs at the Renton Public Library arranged for by Mr. Randall Rockhill and the music departments of the Renton Schools . Little Theater of Renton for their expanded program of live theater for the children of the Renton area. The Family Concert Committee which annually sponsors a local performance of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Milton Katims . P.T.A. Council of the Renton School District for pro- moting the Seattle Junior Programs for the young citizens of our community. Private businesses and industries who have included at- tractive landscaping and architectural features in their new or remodeled structures. 1969 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION SALUTES AND TRIBUTES The Renton High School A Cappella Choir and its director, Mr. Richard Houser, for their delegation by Governor Dan Evans , to be the official State of Washington re- presentatives at the World ' s Fair, Expo 70 at Osaka, Japan, this coming year. The City Council of Renton and its Mayor for its comple- tion of the many projects which have made a great improvement in the city ' s image : Lake Washington Beach Park, Phases I and II . Fountain in the City Center Complex. Liberty Park and Cedar River improvements . Replanting of the island on Second Street. Adoption of a new street sign ordinance. Underground wiring on several important arterials . Improved street lighting in many areas . ■ 1969 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION SPECIAL RECOGNITION DUE Mrs . Lee Kirby , Mrs . Alex Cugini , Jr. , Mr. James Hawkins , and Mr. Allan Hopkins , all retiring members of the Commission for their untiring efforts in the work of the Commission. Mrs . Kirby served for many years on the Literary and Graphic Arts sub-committee. Mrs . Cugini served very efficiently as secretary to the Commission and as a liaison representative to Allied Arts of Renton. Mr. Hawkins was a member of the Performing Arts and Music Committee and was an active member of the Renton Little Theater. Mr. Hopkins served for a year on the Literary and Graphic Arts sub-committee. Mrs . Sybil Brown for her services as re- cording secretary of the Municipal Arts Commission. MI ■ ART WORKS AND GIFTS TO THE CITY OF RENTON As of November 1969 Renton MuniciEal Building Bronze sculpture - Bronze Owl by G. Alan Wright Presented by Rotary "Caper" November 1968 Lobby Painting - Illwaco by Jess Cauthorn , AWS 1969 Rotary Purchase Award Council Chamber Painting - Untitled by Gordon E. Moore . (Collage) 1969 Rotary Purchase Award Council Chamber Painting - Portrait of a Master by Rob Holly 1969 Rotary Purchase Award Mayor ' s Conference Room Painting - Untitled collage by Nell Mooney . 1968 Allied Arts of Renton Purchase Award Mayor ' s Office Painting - Eternal by Marica Jartun 1968 Allied Arts of Renton Purchase Award Mayor' s Office Painting - Untitled by Kenneth Callahan 1969 Allied Arts of Renton and Kenneth Callahan Mayor ' s Office Painting - Willapa Bay by Lois J. Bradshaw 1969 Rotary Purchase Award Mayor' s Office (All of the above award winners were purchased at the Renton Annual Art Show) ART WORKS AND GIFTS TO THE CITY OF RENTON As of November 1969 Renton Public Library Painting - Window Sill Still Life by Larry Heald 1964 Rotary Purchase Award Painting - Play by Charlotte Ledingham Mirick 1965 Rotary Purchase Award Painting - River Relic by Norman E. Jacky 1966 Rotary Purchase Award Painting - Olympic Coast by Betty Giles 1966 Rotary Purchase Award Painting - How to Bake a Cake from Scratch by Peggy Brunton 1966 Rotary Purchase Award Painting - For Seasoning Trees by Marcy Walsh 1967 Rotary Purchase Award Painting - Growing Hill by Glen Alps 1964 Allied Arts Purchase Award Painting - Flying Machine by Richard Dunlap 1967 Allied Arts Purchase Award Painting - Roger Shimomura D-3 1967 Puget Sound Group, Northwest Painters Purchase Award Bronze Screen by Marvin Herrard 1966 presentation of Allied Arts of Renton Children' s Mobile by Mrs . Lyle Jenks ■ 1 ART WORKS AND GIFTS TO THE CITY OF RENTON As of November 1969 Outdoor fountain designed by Glen Hunt Donated by Williams and Swanson and the City of Renton Chief Seattle bronze fountain James Fitzgerald murals at the Highlands Community Center Murals at the Renton Post Office