HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Moratorium on Airport Leases/Subleases Termination Date (2001) July 16, 2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 236 interest rates are at a historical low. The average annual debt service is estimated to be approximately$483,700 for 20 years. The Finance and Information Services Department is directed to begin the work associated with the bond issuance. This will include returning to the Council for a bond ordinance before the bonds are issued. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3p4 Y A revised resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases Airport:Moratorium on and subleases on the Renton Airport,establishing a public hearing date(held Approval of Leases and July 9,2001)and correcting the termination date of the moratorium to October Subleases 31,2001. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE OMMENT Diane Paholke, 325 Edmonds Ave. SE,Renton,98056,urged Council to take Citizen Co t:Paholke— the matter concerning the U.S. Customs Service facility at the Renton Airport US Customs S rvice Facility at seriously. Stating that the customs service is valuable to the airport Airport leaseholders,and after speaking with a representative from U.S.Customs,Ms. Paholke felt that the agency is willing to work on a resolution to the problem. She added that there has been a lot of misinformation regarding the potential use of the restaurant building property located on the airport as a customs facility. She encouraged the City to resolve the issue with U.S.Customs Service, and agreed that the City should request funding for the facility from the Federal Aviation Administration. Discussion indicated that Councilmembers were generally supportive of provisions of a customs facility,but noted that the City is currently working on developing the airport business plan. Transportation Systems Director Sandra Meyer indicated that she tried to convey to U.S. Customs Service that the City is working on a business plan and that the results of the plan would be forwarded to Customs; however,the customs official indicated that any delay was unacceptable. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A LETTER TO THE U.S. CUSTOMS SERVICE FOR THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT'S SIGNATURE EXPRESSING THE CITY'S INTENT TO PROVIDE A CUSTOMS FACILITY FOR INSPECTIONS AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT.* It was noted that the administration is welcome to co-sign the letter,if desired. Councilmembers discussed the need for a customs facility at the airport; and the timing of location and construction of the facility concurrent with development of the airport business plan. It was noted that the Transportation(Aviation) Committee will be studying this issue and will make specific recommendations regarding location of the facility at a later date. *MOTION CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Paholke - On another subject,Ms.Paholke requested that the City publish information Special Population Day Camp about the Special Population day camps in the summer day camp section of the Information What's Happening brochure distributed by the Community Services Department. Supersedes RES 3513 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3514 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON THE APPROVAL OF LEASES AND SUBLEASES ON THE RENTON AIRPORT, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE. WHEREAS,the City of Renton owns and operates the Renton Municipal Airport;and WHEREAS,the demands upon that airport have grown appreciably over the years;and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has a master plan for the airport, but does not have a business plan; and W EREAS, the City has not studied or decided upon the desired mix of airport users and uses; and W EREAS,the airport is surrounded by neighborhoods;and WHEREAS, it is advisable to determine the best balance between users of the airport and impacts t the neighborhoods; and W EREAS,the City has established its vision, mission and business plan goals;and W EREAS, it is advisable for the City to study how the airport will assist the City in achieving s vision, mission and business plan goals;and WHEREAS, there are no pending requests for leases, subleases or operating permits, with the ekception of that of World Wind Helicopters;and WHEREAS, the available space at the airport is all committed to existing lessees so the airport will continue in full usage during this moratorium; 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3514 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the approval of leases, subleases and operating permits on the Renton Airport with the exception of that currently pending by World Wind Helicopters. SECTION III. There is hereby established a hearing date of July 9, 2001 to accept testimony on whether or not the City should continue this moratorium. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place until October 31, 2001, unless extended or renewed for one or more periods, but only if a public hearing is held and findings of fact entered in support of each extension or renewal. SECTION V. This moratorium shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16th daY of July , 2001. -„/ Marilyn J. et ,en, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of July , 2001. Z4°1.01• 0.e%et. o.r.J fj�� Dan Clawson, Mayor Pro tempore Approv o form: l��✓ri,�•14,f'° La ence J. Warren, City Attorney RE .856:7/12/01:ma 2 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 9,2001 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Municipal Building CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CAL OF DAN CLAWSON,Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; COUNCIL MBERS TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN; TONI NELSON. CITY STAF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance&Information Services I Administrator; JIM SHEPHERD,Community Services Administrator;TINIA HARTMANN,Cultural Arts Coordinator; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO;COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING,Police Department. PRESS Wendy Giroux,South County Journal SPECIAL P SENTATION Jim Shepherd, Community Services Administrator and Tinia Hartmann, Community S rvices: "The Cultural Arts Coordinator,announced Renton's 2001 summer teen musical, Wiz" Teen M sical "The Wiz," will run from July 19th to August 11th at Carco Theater. Ms. Performance :xcerpts Hartmann introduced performers Frankie Goode and Ally Matsumura who entertained the audience with sample numbers from the show. PUBLIC HE ' G This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Ai o : Mora 'rium on accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Approval of L-ases& to consider a three month extension of the moratorium on the approval of leases Subleases and subleases at the Renton Airport. Gregg Zimmerman,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator,explained that a six-month moratorium was declared on January 8, 2001, to allow time for the City to create a business plan for the airport. He noted that the moratorium applied to all leases, subleases,and operating permits with the exception of six which were pending. As of this date,all of those pending actions have been resolved except for one. Mr.Zimmerman reported that no leases will expire during the three month moratorium period ending October 31,2001. The contract for the preparation of the airport business plan with Hanson Engineers will not be completed until September or October,thus the request for the three month moratorium extension through October 31,2001. Correspondence was read from John A.Hutchison,Airport Compliance. Program Manager,Federal Aviation Administration(FAA), 1601 Lind Ave. SW,Renton, 98055,opposing the proposed moratorium extension. Mr. Hutchison stated that the FAA will not defend the moratorium in any complaint filed under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 16. This could result in the City not being found in compliance with assurances that it has made for FAA financial grants and thereby jeopardize future federal airport funding. Mayor Tanner stated for the record that the FAA is trying to exercise veto power on the decisions of the City Council regarding the operations of the July 9, 20111 Renton City Council Minutes Page 220 airport,and their only threat is the withholding of future grants to the airport. He said that grants will not be withheld since a major airplane manufacturer is located on the airport. If the FAA regional director attempts to withhold grant money because he does not agree with how the City operates the airport,Mayor Tanner indicated that he would take immediate action against the FAA. He explained that the FAA's dispersal of grant money does give them some rights to influence the City's decisions regarding the airport; however,the FAA cannot tell the City how to manage the airport or to whom the City can lease space. Council President Clawson commented that the City has approached this issue in a cautious and reasonable manner,and agreed that the moratorium should be extended for another three months. Councilman Persson added that the Transportation(Aviation)Committee also agreed with the extension. Public comment was invited. There being none,it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: * Between Monday,July 9th,through Wednesday,July 11th,the public parking along Burnett Ave. S.between S. 3rd and S.4th Streets will be closed for repaving as part of the Downtown Transit Center project. It is intended that the parking area will be paved and striped and open for use by Thursday,July 12th. * The East Valley Hwy./SW 43rd St.rehabilitation project will get under way this week,with work along East Valley Hwy. scheduled to begin tonight. * The Renton Fire Marshal's July 4th Celebration Report stated that fourteen confirmed fireworks related incidents have been reported so far this season. * Passport to Summer Fun begins this month. During the month of July, which is National Recreation and Park Month,pick up your passport and participate in at least five recreation adventures to qualify for prize drawings. Contact the Community Center for more information. * Over the weekend a tree-sized limb broke off one of the two Honey Locust trees at the entrance to the golf course along the Maple Valley Hwy. These trees are of the same vintage and deterioration as other trees that were removed along the highway. The trees will be removed and replanted with a more appropriate species. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Minut s of July 2, Approval of Council minutes of July 2,2001. Council concur. 2001 Community S 'ces: Community Services Department recommended approval of an architectural Downtown Paing Garage agreement with LMN Architects in the amount of$555,340 to design,bid, and Project,LMN kchitects supervise the construction of the Downtown Parking Garage to be located on S. 2nd St.between Burnett Ave. S. and Logan Ave. S. Refer to Finance Committee. • U.S. Department Northwest Mountain Region 1601 Lind Avenue,S.W. of Transportation Colorado,Idaho,Montana Renton,Washington 98055-4055 p Oregon,Utah,Washington, Federal Aviation Wyoming Administration RECEIVED July 3,2001 .iuL 0 9 2001 Mr.Don Perrson,Chairman RENTONCITYCOUNCIL Renton City Council/Aviation Committee 1044 South Grady Way Renton,Washington 98055 Dear Mr.Perrson: This is in regard to your letter of December 21,2000 concerning a development moratorium at Renton Municipal Airport and the minutes of the Renton City Council meeting of June 25,2001. Our January 11,2001 response to your letter expressed that we normally oppose the imposition of any development or access moratorium at an airport because it is often a delay tactic intended to frustrate legitimate efforts to gain access to the airport. Notwithstanding our normal position,and in good faith,we concurred with your proposal for a six-month moratorium to allow the Aviation Committee to establish a business plan for the airport. Your letter included a draft Airport Business Plan Scope of Work for selection of a consultant to assist you in that effort. The conditions at Renton,which led us to that position,were the limited land available for new development, and the fact that major leases are not due for renegotiation until 2003. Further,we understood that any moratorium proposal would assure that applications already made to the City would be dealt with,activities concerning leases for tie-down spots and day to day tenancy issues would continue and that the loss of major services such as fuel would be dealt with immediately. Finally,the time frame for the removal of the moratorium was to be upon completion of the business plan or within six months of February 1,2001, whichever came first. The City Council minutes indicate that the Transportation(Aviation)Committee recommended that the City Council extend the moratorium on the approval of leases,subleases and operating permits on the Renton Airport for a three-month period,ending October 31,2001. A Notice of Public Hearing was also sent to us scheduling a hearing for July 9,2001. We oppose the proposed moratorium extension and will not defend it in any complaint filed under the provisions of 14 CFR Part 16. This could result in the City being found not in compliance with assurances that it has made for FAA financial grants and thereby jeopardize future federal airport funding. We look forward to continuing to work with you in this matter. If you have any questions in this regard please contact me at(425)227-2626. Sincerely: 44,c& "-- John A.Hutchison Airport Compliance Program Manager Cc: SEA ADO CC: 6111 t AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Barbara Alther, first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 ON a dailynewspaper seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a le al CITY PF PUBLIC HEARING publishedg NOTICE OF HEARING newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six RENTON CITY COUNCIL months prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 9th English language continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, day of July, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. as the Washington. The South County Journal has been approved as a legal date and time fora public hearing to be newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King held inrs the of theseventh Rentfloor n M`Council al County. Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton. The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South WA 98055.to consider the following: of County Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to nrree Lea esnth andxtension Subleases atMoratoriu n the subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Airport All sted parties are invited to attend theehearing and present written Notice of Public Hearing Renton Airport or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is in as published on: 6/29/01 compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of serPublvices for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For $46.63, charged to Acct. No. 8050640. information,call 425-430-6510. Marilyn J. Petersen The cost above includes a $6.00 fee for the printing of the affidavits. City Clerk ished in the South County Legal Number 9227 Journal June 29,2001.9227 4444 _ / /.___ Lega lerk, South County Journal Subscribed and sworn before me on this1A day of $41)-( , 2001 owil!IIIi►ri, ,NNNti _ M FEy,,,'i 4e ,AOTARy cn: r/ I • - led4 `‘ Notary Public of the State of Washington '.',X..�2 6 �ooe_ residing in Renton i,�FO�iW AS,,`?��`� King County, Washington y return to sender y fee due 600 First-Class Mail Postage and Fees Paid LISPS Permit No. G-10 0 0 CITY OF RENTON -' < .0 Office of the City Clerk Fri ;4,...,0.- r-c`t<'.•, • „ 1; c.,of � •;,-„ . . 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 �'" IU 2 b'G I is - �j, a f`? ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED G 6Z ��!r1ElER -s..P.-- jtSEnul_u.s.vostAot W U_ > N • WSam Condeluci fn M CITY OF RENTO� 225 Logan Ave.S. #C384 + _I Renton;WA 98055 Q2 lY 6 ! t) O JU C" 0 2001 COND225 980552029 1301 18 07/0a/01 FORM 5547 O LL' E L 22253 CORALBELL LN CI- RC WOODLAND HILLS CA 91367-7213 Cr) CITY CLERKSEp OFFICE_ aune MSS D HA IL,!I„H,,I,„I ,d1dJ,,,H„H„l,I,„H.,IJ 1316.IMG '" SiCS+S/`':3S�3 ilili ltlF ll(iMilihdildilidilti1fl£l1111:1'.!ti3 4, return to sender y fee due 600 First-Class Mail Postage and Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 4 0 CITY OF RENTON ,n : x: _ r r► Office of the City Clerk i Vi tu. c- .+ ♦ ,�q J k :e 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 PAHo022 980742025 1501 14 06/90/01 FORM 9547 PAHOLKE ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 925 EDMONDS AVS-SE ,eQF PENTON WA 98050-8850 u-I I jII,I„1„I,II„„I,I„II.,Ii,I,I„I„I,I,II,,,,,I,I,I,I„I„II CC CO • CITY OF RENTON __IDiane Paholke i r 2022—227tn Ave.ire i JUL 0 6 2001 O 0 Redmond,WA 98074 I I C" RECEIVED U) CITY CLERKS OFFICE D RU11P 98874 IIiIiiltihll,ulwlilidilnllhui,ilulluidditlil,Ifld 187.IMG ' aO.3 Sr~39Sa !i.1„l„1,11,,,,1,1„1,1,111„1,1„1,1,11„l,l„111 y return to sender y fee due 600 First-Class Mail Postage and Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 a p CITY OF RENTON -�; - ��: - a r► Office of the City Clerk M°z: /I u)c. I •II! 28'v i ,.;::e,5 Ll — 0 N�?a 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 L;v ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ''P <-'t• 7iied0fi[U.S.FOSTnnr W 0 > r LLJ LO i COKaren Knudsen J LLI 638 Moses Lane S#4 Q 2 r U Renton WA oRngc • O O O LL I KNUD638 980552039 1601 F19 OR O7/O /O1 O IL c:n t t KNUDSEN'KAREN J GGG7 t� 1104 5 18TH ST APT 3 La > RENTON WA 98055-3523 L O Vc l® J �V • 8P 98855 ILL,lidill„ liliIIiIiiiIhgLLiiLI„11.11 ILhli C.) U 3378.IMG ' e,Ce 1 v/s.`Bst, lliliilii'itli:iiilifiliItliiii!iiiiiiIiiliililli!i{ settiz- 6_,‘" CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 9th day of July, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, \\TA 98055, to consider the following: Three Month Extension of Moratorium on Leases and Subleases at Renton Airport All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Marilyn 1 ersen City Clerk Published South County Journal June 29, 2001 Account No. 50640 139 copies mailed to parties per attached list --BW dared'. 44)ed4V ,W,li& a. 40/ Smooth:Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® Ace Aviation Action Aviation Aero Dyne Aviation do Kurt Boswell Bill Wiles Mike Rice 289 E Perimeter Rd 840 W. Perimeter Rd 300 Airport Way Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Al Blake, President Aeropacific Aviation, Inc. Albert Kaufman Cedar River Hangar Ltd. Partnership 300 Airport Way, Suite 2 749 East Perimeter Rd. 2810 — 16th Ave. S Ap t. 201 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98144 Andrew V. Cebula Andrew Heffron Ben Ellison 1955 Bustle Creek National Air Transportation Association 350 Airport Way Alta, WY 83422 4226 King St. Renton, WA 98055 Alexandria, VA 22302 BHC, Inc. Beverly FranklinBill Shepherd 537 Williams Ave. N do Shirley Knopp 17912 McLean Rd. SW Renton, WA 98055 7825 SE 75th PI Vashon, WA 98070 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Bill Wiles Bob Guthrie Bob Moran 262 Union Ave. SE Boeing Employees Flying Association 425 Wells Ave. S Renton, WA 98059-5104 840 W. Perimeter Rd. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Boeing Employee Flying Assoc. The Boeing Company Bruce Leven Steve Beardslee Boeing Realty Corp, Robbin Bushnell do Kyle Williams 840 W. Perimeter Rd PO Box 3707, MC 2R-79 3207 C St. NE Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Auburn, WA 98002 Carolee Colter Cecilia Matta Charles Davis 4551 33rd Ave. S 10226 —65th Ave. S 2117 Sahalee Dr. E Seattle, WA 98118 Seattle, WA 98178 Redmond, WA 98074-6319 Charlie Miller Chas. H.W. Talbot Dale Hiltner 8310 S. 126th St. 3930 S. Ferdinand 2307 NE 4th St. A107 Seattle, WA 98178 Seattle, WA 98118 Renton, WA 98056 Colleen Laing Carol Heltzel Dave Womeldorff 5207 S. Farrar St. 8245 SE 61st St. 4304 — 136th Pl. SE Seattle, WA 98118 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Bellevue, WA 98006 Dan Burkhart Clayton Scott Dave Kotker National Business Aviation Association Jobmaster Co. 10164 Meadow Glen Way E 4339 — 134th PI. SE 7810 SE 30th St., Apt. 210 Escondido, CA 92026 Bellevue, WA 98006 Mercer Island, WA 98040 V I AVERY® Address Labels Laser 6160® Smooth•'Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160® Dawn Kinsey Deena & Michael DeLappe Delta Society 4703 S. Pearl St. 702 N. 5th St. do Linda Hines Seattle, WA 98118 Renton, WA 98056 289 E Perimeter Rd Renton, WA 98055 Denis Law Denny Lensegrav Dewey & Lois Rancourt Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce Community Relations PSE 3724 Lake Washington Blvd. N 300 Rainier Ave. N. P.O. Box 90868 Renton, Wa 98056 Renton, WA 98055 Bellevue, WA 98009 Diane Paholke Lane Aviation Doug Barritt Dr. James M. Olson 2022 — 227th Ave. Ne 23401 SE 225th St. 4733 Lake Washington Blvd. S. Redmond, WA 98074 Maple Valley, WA 98038 Seattle, WA 98118 Duane Anderson Frank Abraham Fred Bahr 7238 S. Langston Rd. 543 Whitworth Ave. S P.O. Box 48 Seattle, WA 98178 Renton, WA 98055 Issaquah, WA 98027 Garfield Peate Gary C. Pipkin Gerhard Letzing 3601 Lake Washington Blvd. N 1120 N. 38th St. 4820 53rd S. Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98118 Gerry Marsh Glen Garrett Gordon Hale 437 Williams Ave. N #107 1006 S. 30th Ct. 312 Stevens Ave. NW Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Harry Stern Howard Wolvington Inez P. Petersen 5127 S. Pearl St. 560 Mt. Olympus Dr. SW 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. #2 Seattle, WA 98118 Issaquah, WA 98027 Renton, WA 98056 James & Carolyn Fenner James Hurner Jennifer Jorgenson 402 Seneca Ct. NW 659 Blane Ave. NE 205 S. Tobin St. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 980056 Renton, WA 98055 Jim Gannett John Crowley John Giuliani 14443 NE 61st St. 5952 Wilson Ave. S 1400 S. 7th St. Redmond, WA 98052-4672 Seattle, WA 98118 Renton, WA 98055 John H. Powel, Jr. John Middlebrooks John S. Tilton 4621 Lake Washington Blvd. S 510 Seneca Ave. NW 313 Williams Ave. N Seattle, WA 98118 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 n AVERY® Address Labels Lacer 61 An® Smooth•Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® John W. Olcott John See National Business Aviation Assn Inc. Joseph M. Franklin 438 Burnett Ave. S 311 NW 6th ST. Renton, WA 98055 1200 — 18th St. NW, Suite 400 Renton, WA 98055 Washington, DC 20036 Lane Hangar Condo Owners Assoc. Karen Goto Karen Knudsen do Malcolm Goodfellow 424 Seneca Ave. NW 638 Moses Lane S #4 PO Box 937 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, 98057-0937 Kaynan, Inc. Kenneth Bell Karin Jensvold Mary & Ben Ellison 3711 — 38th Ave. SW 6338 Hampton Rd. S 350 Airport Way Seattle, WA 98126-2407 Seattle, WA 98118 Renton, WA 98055 Lakewood/Seward Park Community Kenneth Whitfield Kim Browne Club 15125 SE 145th PI. 1003 N. 28th PI. 4916 S. Angeline St. Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98118 Mark Kirchner Laura Gibbons Lorelei Herres 7426 SE 71st St. 5021 43rd Ave. S 8460 W. Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040-5315 Seattle, WA 98118 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Mary Jo Carlson Margaret Feaster Marge Richter 215 NW 5th St. 264 Stevens Ave. NW 300 Meadow Ave. N. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Melinda Evans Marleen Mandt Mary A. Wolfe 17031 — 17th Ave. Se 1408 N. 26th St. 2317 Camas Ave. NE Bothell, WA 98012 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Mike Cline Mary Schultz Melanie Martin 8028 S. 118th St. 150 Monterey Dr. NE 5418 S. Brandon St. Seattle, WA 98178-3852 Renton, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98118 Edwin V. Pastolero Michael Muma Michael T. Miller 1007 75th Street SE 37030—204th Ave. SE 663 Bremerton PI. Everett, WA 98203 Auburn, WA 98092 Renton, WA 98059 Marcie Palmer Mike O'Harrloran Mike O'Leary 2507 Park Pl. N. 4420 SE 4th St. 22823 NE 54th St. Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98059 Redmond, WA 98053-8336 rA AVERY® Address Labels Laser 5160® Smooth'Feed SheetsT"' Use template for 5160® Nicole Aloisio Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. Patrice Shaver 518 Williams Ave. N #3 C/oClyde Carlson 2055 SE 8th Dr. Renton, WA 98055 PO Box 1845 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98057 Patricia Killam Paul Johnson LSPCC Federal Aviation Administration Phil Pearl 5716 S Orcas St. 1601 Lind Ave. SW 5302 Lola Lane Seattle, WA 98118 Renton, WA 98055 Langley, WA 98260 Pro-Flight Aviation Phil Wyman Philip Hunziker c/o Bernie Paholke Seattle-King County Public Health 15334 SE 178th St. 540 W Permiter Rd 10801 NE 145th St. Renton, WA 98058 Renton, WA 98055 Bothell, WA 98011 R.J. Hofford PSE-Wayne Bressler R. E. Moore 620 S. 29th Pl. Real Estate Dept., OBC-11N 1016 —291 st Ave. NE Renton, WA 98055 PO Box 97034 Carnation, WA 98014 Bellevue, WA 98009-9734 Ron Lien Randal South Richard Taylor 1700 Westlake Ave N, Ste 700 518 Williams Ave N. #4 P.O. Box 717 Seattle, WA 98109 Renton, WA 98055 Medina, WA 98039 Shane Carlson Ronnie & Roberta McDonald Ruth Schilling 2117 NW 95th St. 216 NW 5th St. 247 Pelly Ave. N Seattle, WA 98117 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Theresa M. Sents Sam Evans Scott & Nora Haile 211 NW 7th ST. 127 Logan Ave. S 5430 — 57th Ave. S Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98118 M.A. Stevens Sheldon Greyell Sound Flight 523 Wells Ave. N. 1300 N. 20th St. #F-2021 do Mark Schoening Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98056 PO Box 812 Renton, WA 98057 Sam Condeluci Steve Tatham Sylvia Nogaki 225 Logan Ave. S., #C384 444Cedar Ave. S 4615 S. Alaska St. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98118 Steve Allington Theresa Zimmerman Tom & Carol Heltzel 650 Duvall Ave. 813 N. 1st St. 8245 SE 61st St. P.O. Box 2518 Renton, WA 98055 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Renton, WA 98056 e AVERY® Addrecc l!ahels I acPr c1An® • Tom Davis Tom Little Victoria Kapetan 1615 S. Puget Dr. 320 Maple Ave. NW 1003 N. 33rd St. Renton, WA 98058 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98056 Victoria Plata Wanda Harkey Wendy Hodson 800 SW 3rd PI. 1060 Redmond Ave. NE 129 S. Tobin St. Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98055 Wes McKechnie Doug Barritt Rick Lentz 6768 —48th Ave. SW 23401 SE 225th St. 18808—4th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98136 Maple Valley, WA 98038 Seattle, WA 98166 Bill Brubaker Brian Hollinger Al Banholzer 9712— 242nd PI. SW 917 S. 28th Ct. 14932 — 165th Pl. SE Edmonds, WA 98020 Renton, WA 98055-5026 Renton, WA 98059 Tom Jensen Gordon Doherty John A. Hutchison 37303 —208th Ave. SE 29902— 114th Way Se FAA/Airport Compliance Prog. Mgr Auburn, WA 98092 Auburn, WA 98092 1601 Lind Ave. SW Renton, Wa 98055 Diane Paholke Duane Anderson Glenn Reynolds Lane Aviation P.O. Box 88745 55 Logan Ave. S 500 W. Permeter Rd. Seattle, WA 98138 Renton, WA 98055-2039 Renton, WA 98055 Clayton Scott Jobmaster Co. 608 W. Perimeter Rd. Renton, WA 98055 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 513 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON D CLARING A MORATORIUM ON THE APPROVAL OF LEASES AND S I BLEASES ON THE RENTON AIRPORT, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC H ARING DATE AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Renton owns and operates the Renton Municipal Airport; and WHEREAS,the demands upon that airport have grown appreciably over the years;and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has a master plan for the airport, but does not have a business plan; and WHEREAS, the City has not studied or decided upon the desired mix of airport users and uses; and WHEREAS, the airport is surrounded by neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, it is advisable to determine the best balance between users of the airport and impacts to the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS,the City has established its vision, mission and business plan goals; and HEREAS, it is advisable for the City to study how the airport will assist the City in achieving, s vision, mission and business plan goals; and I EREAS, there are no pending requests for leases, subleases or operating permits, with the e, ception of that of World Wind Helicopters; and EREAS, the available space at the airport is all committed to existing lessees so the airport ' continue in full usage during this moratorium; 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3 513 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WAI HINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the approval of leases, subl-ases and operating permits on the Renton Airport with the exception of that currently pen,.ing by World Wind Helicopters. SECTION III. There is hereby established a hearing date of July 9, 2001 to accept test ony on whether or not the City should continue this moratorium. I SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place for three months unless extended or 1-newed for one or more periods, but only if a public hearing is held and findings of fact ent Fred in support of each extension or renewal. SECTION V. This moratorium shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25th day of June , 2001. Marilyn . e ersen, City Clerk • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2 5 th day of June , 2001. CI- -\ Ct-,_,__ .../ Dan Clawson, Mayor Pro tempore A. •A.l ed as to form: AP r"u-v42"."4-47 3,,,,,,,.,_ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE .856:6/21/01:ma 2 rune 25,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 203 The Committee recommended that the City Council authorize the Administration to begin the process of establishing a sister city relationship with Cuautla by identifying and organizing interested members of the Renton community, corresponding with municipal officials in Cuautla to determine that City's interest, and completing the appropriate processes necessary to officially establish the sister city relationship. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report on the Committee moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases on the Renton Airport. The Airport: Moratorium on Committee recommended that: Approval of Leases& 1. The City Council extend the moratorium on the approval of leases, Subleases (•t I subleases and operating permits on the Renton Airport for a three month t period, ending October 31, 2001, with the exception of one operating permit for World Wind Helicopters, Inc. which is still pending approval. 2. The City Council adopt a resolution establishing a public hearing date of July 9,2001, for the purpose of accepting testimony on whether or not the City should continue this moratorium. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN ITHE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 204 for resolution.) Transportation: Downtown Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Renton Temporary Parking regarding Downtown Renton temporary parking. The Committee recommended that the City parking lot on Main Ave. S.between S. 2nd and 3rd Streets be changed to three hour parking. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Aberdeen Ave Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report NE Sidewalk Installation regarding the proposed Aberdeen Ave.NE interim pedestrian improvements. To improve pedestrian safety on Aberdeen Ave.NE, from NE 12th St. to NE 27th St.,the Transportation Committee recommended Council authorize the Administration to install the following traffic improvements: 1. Provide a better vehicle-to-pedestrian buffer by installing an additional edge line with rumble bars spaced on 50 foot centers on both sides of Aberdeen Ave.NE between NE 12th St. and NE 27th St. 2. Install additional walk way signs on both sides of Aberdeen Ave. NE between NE 12th St. and NE 27th St. 3. Assess and prioritize this project as part of the Walkway Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Six-Year TIP Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report on the (2002-2007) annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP). The Committee has reviewed the proposed 2002—2007 Six-Year TIP and recommended adoption of the resolution updating the TIP. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 204 for resolution.) APPROVED BY • CITY COUNCIL Date, o/ TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT June 25,2001 Moratorium on the Approval of Leases and Subleases on the Renton Airport (January 8, 2001) The Transportation/Aviation Committee recommends that: 1. The City Council extend the moratorium on the approval of leases, subleases and operating permits on the Renton Airport for a three month period, ending October 31, 2001, with the exception of one Operating Permit for World Wind Helicopters, Inc. which is still pending approval, and 2. The City Council adopt a resolution,establishing a public hearing date for the purpose of accepting testimony on whether or not the City should continue this moratorium. G Lam\` Don Per son, Chair Kathy Keo er-Wheeler,Vice Chair rri Brier ,Member cc: Connie Brundage Gail Reed Moratorium061901.doc\ rev 01/01 bh June 25,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 204 Transportation: 2001 Street Responding to Councilman Persson's inquiry regarding the 2001 Street Overlay Overlay Project Project,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman said he would provide Council with maps of SW 7th St. and he affirmed that the overlay of Lind Ave. SW between SW 16th and SW 27th Streets will occur this year, either with a change order to the 2001 Street Overlay contract,or under a separate contract. Transportation: Curb Ramp In response to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry, Councilman Persson Installation(ADA Compliant) affirmed that the report regarding the installation of ADA compliant curb ramps will be reported out of Transportation Committee at the next Council meeting. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3512 resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Transportation: Six-Year TIP Improvement Program(2002—2007). MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED (2002-2007) Y BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3513 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases and Airport: Moratorium on subleases on the Renton Airport, establishing a public hearing date of July 9, Approval of Leases& 2001,and establishing a termination date of September 25,2001. MOVED BY Subleases f H h PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Airport:Noise Issues& COUNCIL REFER THE AIRPORT NOISE ISSUES AND AIRPORT Business Plan BUSINESS PLAN TO THE AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Development Services: Lande Pointing out that the Lande Feed building has been identified as a significant Feed Building Preservation structure in the inventory of historic places by King County,it was MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ON 7/2/2001 THE REQUEST FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY ON THE RELOCATION AND RESTORATION OF THE LANDE FEED CENTRAL BUILDING,INCLUDING IDENTIFICATION OF COSTS, TIMING,PROSPECTIVE LOCATIONS, OWNERSHIP,POTENTIAL FINANCING SUCH AS PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS,AND POSSIBLE USES FOR THE BUILDING, IF RELOCATED.* Responding to Councilwoman Nelson's inquiry regarding moving the building so that it can continue to operate as a feed store or for saving it as a historic structure, Councilwoman Briere explained that it is her intent to save the Lande Feed building as a historic structure but the building could be viable as a business. Council discussion ensued regarding clarification of the scope and timing of information requested. Referencing past discussion to relocate the building to the City-owned parking lot located on Wells Ave. S and S. 4th St. (behind McGowans Restaurant), Councilwoman Nelson expressed her opposition to the idea, saying that the loss of parking would be detrimental to the neighboring businesses. Councilman Parker agreed with Ms.Nelson, and pointed out that the City already contributes generously towards historic preservation; therefore he is reluctant for the City to engage in a lengthy study of this issue due to the potential costs. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 9th day of July, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way,Renton, WA 98055,to consider the following: Three Month Extension of Moratorium on Leases and Subleases at Renton Airport All ' terested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral co ents regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is in compliance with the Ame.Scan Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provi.ed upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. . a , o ip,,,;aro 0—. Mari yn i. 4 ersen City Clerk Publi hed South County Journal June 9, 2001 Acco t No. 50640 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Barbara Alther, first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL PUBLIC NOTICES 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL a daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal Following is summary of a resolution newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six adopted by the Renton City Council on months prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the January 8,2001: RESOLUTION NO.3487 English language continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, A resolution of the City of Renton, Washington. The South County Journal has been approved as a legal Washington declaring a moratorium on the newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Kingapproval on the Renton leases and Airport, establishing ngea a County. public hearing date of February 5, The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South 2001 and establishing a termination date of July 8,2001. County Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to Effective: 1/8/2001 the subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Complete text of this resolution can be read at Renton City Hall,City Clerk. Division 7th Floor, 1055 So. Grady Resolution #3487 ' Way,and at the Renton Public Library, 100 Mill Avenue South. Upon request as published on: 2/13/01 6510),to the copies w1 ll also be mailed forerk's office a a fee. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of Marilyn J.Petersen $40.63, charged to Acct. No. 8050640. City Clerk/Cable Manager Published in the South County Journal February 13,2001.8726 Legal Number 8726 4,e,„ lo Legal erk, South County Journal Subscribed and sworn before me on this (Aday of- 6 r , 2001 `1 mil i►►rrr, ```Et N M P r,�///, =�r�o Nor,,r p: �:o pUBL Notary Public of the State of Washington �d+�;•� ..-..,�\ residing in Renton '%,4 j,••e.2 6 ••1•,•?:-: ��` King County, Washington // OF�WA1S;1�w\N AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION . Barbara Alther, first di,°ly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 21:VJisl CITY COUNCIL 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 the Renton NOTICE S HEREBYh GIV Ns fixed th the 5th day of February, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. as a daily newspaper published seven (7)times a week. Said newspaper is a legal the date and time for a public hearing newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal months prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, English language continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, WA W cla 9805ring to aconsider t teiu f olloon wing: Washington. The South County Journal has been approved as a legal th newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King approval of leases and subleases on the Renton Airport. and establishing a termination date. County.The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South All interested parties are invited toattend the hearing and present written County Journal (and not in supplemental form) which.was regularly distributed to or oral comments regarding the the subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a proposal. The Municipal Building isfully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will Moratorium be provided upon prior notice. For information.call 425-430-6510. as published on: 1/13/01 Marilyn J.Petersen City Clerk Published in the South County The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $40.63, charged to Acct. No. 8050640. Journal January 13,2001.8620 Legal Number 8620 A1& dzd Legal Clerk, South County Journal Subscribed and sworn before me on this)day of - , 2001 ` 0'014 M M. F�,"i,, ``� �gI0/V Epp/'y'� �� 4c I NOTARY ; cn • - -o— = Notary Public of the State of Washington '°Uei�` ` : resiaing m Renton 1.A E` c°• ? King County, Washington •lam'ell�;c?6 2 ••%,- ty 1 CITY )F RENTON "LL F]f Renton City Council Jesse Tanner,Mayor CITY OF RENTON JUN 0 5 2002 March 14, 2001 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Moratorium on Leases and Subleases at the Renton Municipal Airport To Interested Parties: The Renton City Council's Transportation Committee will meet to review the above- referenced item on: Tuesday,June 19, 2001 4:00 PM 7th Floor/Council Conference Room City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington This is not a public hearing, but a working session of the Transportation Committee. As all Council Committee meetings are open to the public, you are welcome to attend. If you have questions regarding this meeting,please phone Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison, at 425-430-6501. Sincerely, C /€rS EvC91AD O Don Persson, Chair Transportation Committee Renton City Council -vnto 1901 2001 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425) 430-6501 • " entennl- �,� This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer © CITY OF RENTON aIC Executive Offices cc _ 13'O1 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 y "= JWI PAW0022 980742028 1501 17 06/18/01 TAGE ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PAI�OLk.E FORM 3547 325 EDMONDS AVE 5E RENTON WA 98056-8850 Ilrlrrlyddlirrrlrlrrllrrlrrlrlydulddlrr„rlrirlrlrrlrrli Diane Paholke n 2022 — 227th Ave. Ne • Redmond, WA 98074 A 1p a "s./"'.+a:rL Iltlrtlrrlr�Irltrltlltltlttti11t7111rt�lfrlll111tlrrltlrrr111l .--wee CIT OF RENTON Renton City Council Jesse Tanner,Mayor March 14, 2001 F.UBJECT: Moratorium on Leases and Subleases at the Renton Municipal Airport To h terested Parties: The Renton City Council's Transportation Committee will meet to review the above- referenced item on: Tuesday,June 19,2001 4:00PM 7th Floor/Council Conference Room City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,Washington This is not a public hearing,but a working session of the Transportation Committee. As all Council Committee meetings are open to the public, you are welcome to attend. If you have questions regarding this meeting,please phone Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison,at 425-430-6501. Sincerely, Com, Pr-ss- o Don Persson, Chair Transportation Committee Renton City Council c ento 1901 -2001 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 - (425) 430-6501:: This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer ( / n tej r" ' ` February 5, 2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 27 Judge Jurado stated that one of the goals he had hoped to accomplish during his term has been completed. The goal entailed writing and submitting the Renton Municipal Court Local Court Rules to the Washington State Office of the Administrator for the Courts for permanent filing and publication. Another goal that is being realized, is the development of an open line of communication between all parties involved with the court such as the police department,jail,and attorneys. In conclusion,Judge Jurado said that the court is continually striving to accomplish his third and most lofty goal,to break even. He thanked Joe McGuire for preparing the report and expressed his appreciation for the court staffs enthusiasm and dedication. Mayor Tanner said that Judge Jurado is doing an outstanding job and expressed his pleasure with all of the court's accomplishments. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Airport: Moratorium on accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Approval of Leases& to consider declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases on Subleases the Renton Airport. Airport Supervisor Gail Reed stated that Council adopted a resolution on January 8,2001,which declared a six-month moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases on the Renton Airport with the exception of those currently pending. He explained that the purpose of the moratorium is to allow the City time to prepare an airport business plan. Mr. Reed reported that the Federal Aviation Administration concurs with the moratorium to allow a planning period for the City to establish an airport business plan without considering any new leases for major capital projects. He noted that there are no major leases due for renegotiation until 2003. Mr. Reed said that the Public Works Department will select a consultant to prepare the business plan, and statements of qualifications from three consultants are due to be received by February 9th. Mr.Reed concluded by saying that the public hearing is being held to accept testimony on whether or not the City should continue the moratorium. Public comment was invited. Phil Pearl, 5302 Lola Lane,Langley,98260, speaking on behalf of Cedar River Hangars, a leaseholder at Renton Airport, said he supports the development of an airport business plan that takes an unbiased objective look at business propositions on the airport. He offered suggestions as to what the City should take into consideration when drafting the plan,including determining if it is cost effective for the City to engage in the direct operation of the airport facilities. Mr.Pearl recommended that the community be involved in the planning process and expressed his disappointment in not being notified prior to the adoption of the moratorium resolution. Doug Barritt,23401 SE 225th St.,Maple Valley, 98038, stated that he has been a tenant at the airport for eleven years and a partner at Cedar River Hangars for the past three years. Mr. Barritt expressed his concerns regarding the City's granting of lease extensions and asked that the City keep the aviation community in mind when drafting the airport business plan. Marge Richter, 300 Meadow Ave.N.,Renton, 98055,reminded Council of the amount of work that went into implementing noise regulations a few years ago such as the 200-foot noise wall on the east side of the airport and asked Council not to discontinue the regulations currently in place. Ms. Richter also expressed her support for the moratorium. February 5,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 28 Rick Lentz, 18808 4th Pl. SW, Seattle, 98166, said that he has been an airport tenant since 1969 and due to his profession, is very acquainted with the noise problems,mitigation and related issues. Detailing the reasons why the Renton Airport is significant in the Greater Seattle Area, Mr. Lentz pointed out that it is only one of two reliever airports in the area. He commented that the Greater Seattle Area is one of the worst-served areas in the country when it comes to airports,and encouraged the City to develop the Renton Airport to its full potential. Bill Brubaker, 9712 242nd Pl. SW, Edmonds, 98020,member of the Pacific Northwest National Business Aviation Association, stated that the implementation of a moratorium tends to send a wrong message to the community and has a dampening effect on business. He urged the City to work with each individual leaseholder instead of imposing the moratorium. Brian Hollinger, 917 S. 28th Ct.,Renton, 98055, stated that he is a private pilot and pointed out that the potential changes at the airport may make it cost prohibitive for people to become private pilots. Gary Pipkin, 1120 N. 38th St., Renton, 98056, commented that the six-month moratorium is a reasonable period of time in which to develop a business plan but cautioned the City not extend the moratorium beyond the six months. Karen Knudsen, 638 Moses Lane S. #4,Renton, expressed her displeasure at the noise caused by low flying airplanes,particularly when they fly over Renton High School. Tom Jensen, 37303 208th Ave. SE, Auburn, 98092, Washington Policy Association's Functional Director for Airports and a Washington Search and Rescue Coordinator, said that the moratorium will jeopardize the viability of businesses at the Renton Airport. Mr. Jensen also urged Council to complete an airport master plan and make it a part of the ongoing regional airport system plan. Council President Clawson commented that the Council is responsible for determining how the airport is going to be managed and how everyone's interests are going to be balanced. The moratorium was enacted to allow the City time to gather information so that decisions can be made that will benefit the majority of the people for the long term. Beverly Franklin, 537 Williams Ave.N., Renton, 98055, stated that the airport should be run like a business so that it makes a profit, or at least breaks even, without receiving government handouts. Ms. Franklin also expressed her concerns about the airport noise. Gordon Doherty, 29902 114th Way SE, Auburn, 98092, echoed the previous speaker's comments regarding running the airport as a business. He noted that as the Puget Sound area becomes more populated,thus a more expensive place to live,the City needs to take into consideration that people of all income levels need access to recreation activities including recreational flying. Diane Paholke, 500 W.Perimeter Rd., Renton, 98055, stated that she operates Pro-Flight Aviation which is located on the Renton Airport. She explained that she was not aware of any noise problems until the City contacted her last fall. Since then, she has taken measures to correct the noise problems caused by Pro-Flight Aviation as well as educate other leaseholders and users of the airport of ways to reduce noise. Februar,'5, 2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 29 Correspondence was read from John A.Hutchison,Airport Compliance Program Manager,Federal Aviation Administration(FAA), 1601 Lind Ave. SW,Renton,98055,indicating that although the FAA normally opposes the imposition of airport moratoria, it understands the City's need for a planning period in order to establish a business plan for the airport. Mr. Hutchison recommended that the consultant selected to draft the plan be well versed in airport operations and regulations. Correspondence was read from Al Blake,President,Cedar River Hangars, 749 E. Perimeter Rd.,Renton, 98055, supporting the City's efforts to draft a business plan for the airport. He offered suggestions as to what should be included in the business plan and stressed the importance of encouraging public participation during the planning process. Correspondence was read from Margaret Feaster,264 Stevens Ave.NW, Renton,98055,supporting the airport lease moratorium and requesting that a comprehensive airport plan be approved before any new leases or subleases are approved. Correspondence was read from Carolyn R. Fenner,402 Seneca Ct.NW, Renton,98055,stating her displeasure with the City's decision to allow Aerospace Aviation to operate an aircraft charter at the Renton Airport and recommended that the moratorium be extended as long as possible. Ms. Fenner also suggested that the airport be closed if Boeing moves out of Renton. Two additional letters were entered into the record opposing the increase in jet traffic at the Renton Airport from Randal South, 518 Williams Ave.N. #4, Renton, 98055,and M. A. Stevens, 523 Wells Ave.N.,Renton,98055. There being no further public comment,it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Renton Community Foundation's Circle of Giving, a non-profit organization established by a group of community leaders,has donated $500 to the City of Renton's Scholarship Program administered by Human Services and the Community Center. AUDIENCE COMMENT John Long,4310 Crystal Lane Loop SE,Puyallup,requested that the matter Citizen Comment: Long— regarding the request to modify restrictive covenants for the Conrad Short Plat Conrad Short Plat,Request to be brought forward. Modify Restrictive Covenants MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING THIS MATTER. CARRIED. Planning&Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee regarding the request to modify height restrictions for the Conrad Short Plat. Development Services: Conrad Upon consideration of comments from interested members of the public at the Short Plat,Request to Modify January 25th public meeting,the Planning and Development Committee Restrictive Covenants recommended modifying the Conrad Restrictive Covenant established as part of the approvals for the Taco Time Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezone (112, U.S. Department Northwest Mountain Region 1601 Lind Avenue, S.W. of Transportation Colorado,Idaho,Montana Renton,Washington 98055-4055 Oregon,Utah,Washington, Federal Aviation Wyoming Administration RECEIVED ji N 1 6 1U01 December 21,2000 Mr.Don Perrson,Chairman RENTON C%TY COUNGLL Renton City Council/Aviation Committee 1044 South Grady Way Renton,Washington 98055 Dear Mr.Perrson: This is in regard to the December 11,2000 meeting of the Renton City Council Aviation Committee and your letter of December 21 concerning a development moratorium at Renton Municipal Airport. We appreciate the opportunity to meet with the committee and explain our position and concerns. Your letter included a draft Airport Business Plan Scope of Work. Also,during the Aviation Committee meeting we were asked about the conditions under which we would not object to the City imposing a moratorium on signing leases at the Renton Municipal Airport. The subcommittee indicated that it relatively recently became heavily involved in controversial airport issues and that a moratorium would allow time to establish a business plan at the airport. We are normally opposed the imposition of any moratorium because it is often a delay tactic intended to frustrate legitimate efforts to gain access to an airport. However,on review of the specific conditions at Renton Municipal,we are willing to concur with the proposal from the City to allow a planning period in which it may establish the business plan without considering any new leases for major capital projects. The conditions at Renton,which lead us to this position,are the limited land available for new development, and the fact that major leases are not due for renegotiation until 2003. Further,we understand that any proposal would assure that applications already made to the City would be dealt with,activities concerning leases for tie down spots and day to day tenancy issues would continue and that the loss of major services such as fuel would be dealt with immediately. Finally,the time frame for the removal of the moratorium must be upon completion of the business plan or within 6 months of February 1,2001,whichever comes first. We would offer three comments concerning the draft scope of work. First,we believe that it is important for the consultant you select to be well versed,not only in airport operations,but also in the obligations assumed by the airport operator when it accepts Federal grants. Second,it would be beneficial for the consultant you select to be well versed in airport noise and applicable laws or regulations. Third,acceptance of the moratorium does not commit the FAA to concurrence with the business plan. We look forward reviewing your final proposal. If you have any questions in this regard please contact me at (425)227-2626. Sincerely: At, John A.Hutchison Airport Compliance Program Manager -YVt_Auci OIL 1)4"A*a nil inn/ Il A u OVA RECEIVED Cedar River Hangars JAN 2 5 2001 749 East Perimeter Road Renton, WA 98055 ACITYCL January 26, 2001 Mr. Donald Persson Chairperson Z ransportation/Aviation Committee City of Renton F.enton, WA 98055 RE: December 14, 2000 Draft Airport Business Plan Scope of Work Gear Mr. Perssons: C:edar River Hangars, Inc. (CRH) recently received a notice indicating that the City Council will be considering a moratorium on lease renewals on the Renton Municipal irport. After inquiring further about this subject, CRH obtained a copy of the City's craft business plan scope of work dated December 14, 2000. After reading this draft, CRH would like to make the following comments and suggestions. 1. CRH supports the concept of business plan for the airport and recognizes that City cfficials have a fiduciary responsibility to its citizens. To the extent the City can operate t ie airport more efficiently, everyone, including airport users, will benefit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, your memo seems to assume, as a foregone conclusion, that the City can and will be a more efficient manager of the airport than private lessees. A scope of work that makes this assumption from the onset will essentially direct the consultant to focus on ways the City can facilitate efficient City management, as opposed to making a comparison between the efficiency of City management, continued private ground leases or some combination of these approaches. Accordingly, CRH recommends that the final scope of work eliminate any bias toward full City operation of the facilities and instead redirect this effort to ask the question: "Is it cost effective for the City to be engaged in the direct operation of airport f 3cilities and how?" A business plan for the airport must include a complete inventory and engineering 5 tudy of all facilities, included planned improvements reflected in the Airport Master Flan. For example, if the City intends to take over structures that require major improvements, repairs or maintenance, the City's business plan must capture whether public ownership of these structures will require higher engineering and code F.tandards. It must also capture the amortized cost of improvements, deferred raintenance and debt service for same. A business plan without this level of i?ngineering detail will undoubtedly result in a series of invalid conclusions and be a 1 ong-term liability to the City. 4. To the extent there is a preexisting bias toward the City directly managing buildings and facilities on the airport, CRH raises the question of whether it is appropriate for City government to compete against private businesses that are efficiently operating a facility. CRH's working assumption is that government's role should be limited to providing services that are appropriate, necessary and fill a void that private enterprise is not addressing. In situations where private enterprise is efficiently addressing a need, CRH questions replacing this with public management. Further, does the City i-itend to operate (as it is suggesting it may do with respect to aircraft storage) a fixed based operation to refuel aircraft and/or provide aircraft maintenance services? If the City were to make such a decision, even limiting itself to being in the aircraft storage business, it would be at odds with virtually all other municipal airport operations - which ors a general rule, ground lease airport property to private enterprise. 5. To the extent that the City decides to engage in directly managing airport property, as opposed to leaseholds to the private sector, is the City prepared to make a substantial capital improvement to the airport? In this regard, without favorable long- term leases, the private sector will have no incentive to improve or properly maintain iirport property. Accordingly, a business plan must assume all costs related to airport i liprovements projected during the applicable business plan term. Ei. As stated above, it is the norm for municipalities to ground lease airport property. Moreover, ground leases are generally structured as long-term to invite private i ivestment. To do otherwise invites an experience involving a multifold increase in 13ndlord-tenant relationships, significant capital improvement costs, maintenance and taffing related to same. Clearly there is some "price point" where the City can maximize its airport income, hut not necessarily have all of the liabilities associated with building ownership and r iaintenance. Knowing this price point is critical to resolving the questions of efficient r rianagement. For example, if a particular building under City ownership and rianagement has a net income of $50,000 per annum, is it prudent for the City to take over the liability of the structure to earn an additional $10,000 per annum? At some price point it is more cost effective to continue a ground lease to a private lessee and pillow, him/her to assume responsibility and risk. 8. Finally, CRH highly recommends that the airport business planning process encourage and facilitate public participation. A business plan by nature involves a set of working assumptions. If the assumptions are driven only by a City desire to take certain actions, then the assumptions are likely to drive conclusions that may not ultimately be in the best interest of City taxpayers. The foregoing is provided to open constructive dialog on the proposed airport business plan. CRH looks forward to being part of this process and intends to reiterate the foregoing thoughts at the public meeting on February 5, 2001. CRH hopes you and your staff will join me in an objective and hard look at this important process. Thank you for considering the comments above. Sincerely, Al Blake President, CRH cc: Gregg Zimmerman etead /4/emei,v,‘ • ,i 'u- r`itNTON Febivary 5, 2001 F E B 0 5 201 R:CEIVED To: Renton City Council :;f i Y CLERK'S OFFICi.:.. From: Margaret Feaster 264 Stevens Ave N. W, Renton, Washington 98055 Reference: City of Renton notice of public hearing about declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases on the Renton Airport, and establishing a termination date Dear Council Members, Yes! It is important that a moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases on the Renton Airport be implemented as soon as possible. The termination date for the moratorium should be set that allows a new, comprehensive plan for the airport property to be approved before any new leases or subleases are approved. The new plan for the airport property must take into consideration the possibility that Boeing will move its facilities elsewhere. The noise Boeing generates at the airport is the sound of prosperity. Other noise generated at and above the airport and vicinity is just noise and there is already too much of it. We have furnished the use of the Renton airport to non-residents for years. This would be a good time to find other uses for the property. Let's use the Renton airport property for Renton citizens. People who reside in the Renton area, who pay taxes here, who support local business day by day, who encourage young people to return to Renton to live and operate businesses. Let's promote tourism. Let's have our citizens enjoy the same benefits as tourists enjoy. Thank you a:44t-Z7L_c_---k= Margret i14. Feaster 425-226-6793 OF RENTON 402 Seneca Ct. NW FEB01 2 Dd' Renton, WA 98055rA,tatJD January 30, 2001 ur Y CLERK'S OFF:CP Mayor Jesse Tanner Renton City Council Renton City Hall 1055 So. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mayor Tanner and City Council Members, We understand there will be a hearing on a moratorium and termination of the lease arrangement for the Renton airport. This concerns the use of the airport by the gentleman who wants to use it for charter use. We were shocked when this was approved by the council. The input of the audience confirmed that members of the community were not it favor of it. Therefore, we strongly urge that there is a firm date for termination of the lease, and that any moratorium be extended as far as possible. If Boeing is moving out of Renton, possibly now is the time for the entire field to be closed completely and some other commercial activity be put in place. This was successfully done at the air strip in Issaquah and could be done here. Please, don't inflict more noise on us. Yours truly, Carolyn R. Fenner 4111 ihtm...c..4.a a-67,01 518-Williams Avenue North , #4 Renton, Washington 98055 February 4 , 2001 Honorable Mayor Jesse Tanner & Renton City Council 1055 South Grady Way Renton , Washington 98055 Dear City Council and Mayor Tanner : I request that you read this letter into the minutes at the public hearing to be held on February 5 , 2001 . I am opposed to additional jet traffic at the Renton City Airport. In recent months , I have noticed an increase in jet traffic over my home -- mainly from jets taking off and landing at Sea-Tac . The increased jet noise incurred from the proposed commercial operations at the Renton Airport would be just too much and would significantly detract from the quality of life . I do support the cities idea of a master use plan for airport hanger facilities at the Renton Airport , but do not feel that it is in this communities interest to open up further commercial operations above and beyond the existing level of operations now in operation at the Renton Airport . Thank you for your consideration . Sin erely , RANDAL SOUTH (425) 226-3812 _ _ ._____ <lig --07,'"'- L' ----C ... • So •-t, 4airriz) , , , ____ ..} , February 4, 1994 , 200 Bro-• ay,-Seattle- 1?a—Fs ulltjt ra2 r� (20 6?t_939�- ndal South _2318 2nd Avenue ) Seattle, Washingto' 98121 Dear Mr. South: ; Your letter concerning D6 tors Kent Cox .Ag Gregory Chan has b received. (- Please complete comPlete the enc1ose forms in d • icate and return th to this office within tfii next two weeks. these f+ ms are not returned within two weeks, your case will be placed in the clo4d fi1 - . When- we;-receive the signed release forms, a copy of the complaint will be or 4' ded t.o-- fie physician involved with a l e:ter Ctsking the _physician way hysician to for ► . espop�e to the complaint so th-i matter can he# e-as bsigned for inv _ gati , .n resolution. ___ __ "= We are enclosing =a fact sheet about t' • rievance Committee. . exists to mediate disputes or misun3estandin.' -which ari • between patients and their physicians. The Committee is not a le. . body and doe not award damages Every effo t—• �.s made to preserve the con dential n'ature o all cases. If we can- be oF)furth, assistance, please le us know. Sincerely, 7 For the Grieva a Committee ��. Garris+ :liss, M.D.'r) 74L.' Chairm i GB: din n res -5- 0 / M. A.Stevens 11 523 Wells Ave. N. Ref11011.WA 98055 02. [06-io / dat oa--- >t& IdiAin 47 i , , fir ..4------1 1 (04.4 (. vt. Mgate6f/g /714 ,....„..)/ (--- , (Cffri__: cr-- < , „4.(4, 4,,,,, A r .. , v i---c, ,,,,,, . ...... . . _ . . , , ., • • •. • `4,... ••• , t e' . 17)1:171:'" 612) • •• . . •, , : ., ,,;44, ,,..4.40, 13,, Ilk -0.00r-s- . - .- ..,_ v,.._.,,,,,.„‘ t •. .- -.... - .. •- ... ..;,, , _ • -"N.. t •••." f •- 1.-k.:0 .I- -• ' ; ,..-: 1 , - • r 1.- 4.40V, • — -••• ,_ .. , „. ,,1 .- 1.• , . ...,: IA , I._., 4,..4.. •--tyl 4 .. ' l'' • .1.4,. .,, r i ..„,,,' -• ' .,i . , • 4' , "o4k. ' .1 ,,X1 ' .•• A, ....." . _ ' ,. .. - •..-.NP- ' ........ 'AP'• t ' ‘,;. ' k f 411 i t t, - .. ,...n‘ - .„, . 1 , ' • x•- -- i . "..`...51 ..... - •• 4. • . - ':''' '''' .• . s :-. - Jo' - • ..i, . '•• "'•vir" . , . .""-'...... - 1 •`-'s '......4,11 4 - • ':,. J e ' 044 ki. , i # 4 - ... ,....,, 4.- t er1 ! ,4.... 0. 4 , A • 6$ ), CITY F RENTON :.ti City Clerk Jesse Tanner,Mayor Marilyn J.Petersen January 24, 2001 Mr. Edwin V. Pastolero 1007 75th Street SE Everett, WA 98203 Re: Renton Airport Activity Dear Mr. Pastolero: On December 18, 2000, the Renton City Council approved a sublease at the Renton Airport to Aeropacific Aviation, Inc. for operation of a jet aircraft charter service. In response to public input expressing concern with potential increased noise from aircraft, on January 8, 2001, the City Council adopted a resolution setting a moratorium on the approval of leases and sub-leases at the Renton Airport. A public hearing will be held by the Council on this matter on February 5, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way,Renton 98055. The purpose of the moratorium is to provide sufficient time for the City to develop a long-term business plan for the Airport prior to approval of any further leases. You are invited to attend the hearing and submit written or oral comments. Your name will also be added to the parties of record list on this subject. For specific information regarding Renton Airport operations, the staff contact is Gail Reed, Airport Supervisor, and he can be reached at 425-430-7471. If I can provide additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Marilyn . rsen City Clerk/Cable Manager cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner Members, Renton City Council Jay Covington, CAO Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Gail Reed, Airport Supervisor • •yea` psi, 1901-2001 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425) 430-6510 / FAX (425) 430-6516 f� T , 6°I7t - -a-rA D;) ¶°,T' 4 1 .1 ' • .S - �fi �'L 6•p6)/ O 7 L5 rd -/1 u 17 2(Lli e 47-v>45 -'11- � � ' �'"'L`/►� V � :/14' -1-a, 1.44 / I _- , - w -DV /-v) 4° 1- • ° o -1\ d 0-7 -,r • ,� • • 71,o-1/7 A-! II,I„1„I,II,,,,I,1„I,I,,,II,,,I,1„II,,,I,I,I,I„l,i,,,II,I 1 a 0 CITY OF RENTON W 1�'" . -. .. -..Al' , Office of the City Clerk co cc a et y , , 1.,.,., South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 W J�N t TO I w Q ,3 Z CC CC fib till ir ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Q " mail! U.S, POSTAGE PRSRT FIRST-CLASS SEA VA 981 01113101 i', .. ._. Marcie Palmer ? `. . 2507 P1. N. �5C"1 Pa^-('- P N l Renton, Wa 98056 NO SUCH �oo . 1 krr sT )DRESS 2 W f I RETURN 10 SENDER • 66 Wd �'� __�_ . #{{!ii{ii{i{{ii►i{,iiil,liii{#t! f -iN a © CITY OF RENTON a y 1 E" -; Office of the City Clerk 1- a � ' 1055 South GradyWayRenton Washington 98055 N JAN i 2'O I �; {;� Q ,3 2 - g W to cc cc Pa hirttfl ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED °' S - - 7151401 _U.s, POr A s E !J PRSRT FIRST-CLASS SEA YA 981 011131 O1 Steve Allington t" 650 Duvall Ave. Renton,WA 98059 DcTURN — �aoa 4 WRITER m"' °Z {AWDRESSEE , Wd ,� E t jj tt jj }j i j yy f jj ! !! ( U(�KP101NN -,� J�il�' AUMPs$r�ySJI„ 1 II£I££I££I£II£,££I£I££I£I£££II£I I£t£1££I£1£££II£££1£1££II£££l£I£I£I££i£I£f£££I t c: © CITY OF RENTON a H ; ''`.•—.4 ,,'�xz; _: T:, a�ho•• Office of the City Clerk 1 `. ° .a 1 _ _ South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 W N JAN I 01 � CC CC Pe.+pts sa ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED " " • 713$d0! U.S. PORTAGE ' PRSRT FIRST-CLASS SEA VA 981 01113101 C;TY OF RENTON Clayton Scott JAN 2 2 Jobmaster Co. RE-.CD\Pc-71D 1800 SE 30th ui i'Y C:.. RK'S OFFKK.. Mercer Island, 98040 119.I\* x19-'?- +o 1Sto SC 30441 4-, 4+- 3tc' Iw.sa , \ooa ► ttA/Jt 1st a,�zt Tot( SUCHNvr ei - -- ._ } nO .. 0- tic! -n::-::w;- fldul�sl�1l��,�1did.huil1 dim AJRSS - -- A- a� i i i R-To V'T i, - Cow,ltfee. of Whok RENTON &a < ,uui'p.iL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET �1 eropaciFIc. citation el. 4e I- . DATE: 121 � v OOD PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit R}Irpp,r-f 0pera hn %Per►m l+- 1 Name -t ff Ppu4s -�- 7 Name: k_MA---- Qi,t31i.� V Address:' Sj- vbAic (/',/C/,1( Address: )CO3 i ;„_<C Vei,e' (--- A3 7-ate Pv •goy pv.+& ) q cco S23 Topic: Topic: / / 2 Name: :7;2 Y►71 !`' `► 4(t. ),z vo.ed..cS 8 Name / dOP Hi- 1-877- Address 570 Seyle .e,_. / i ' N( ) Addr s: '?".(b S (i) V) fL � -1--z`r( ?fib s S IQ'IA iy\ i J q �'s- Topic: C DYYYl,r-2C)Grl.- CS e Ncji 0'77_5 Topic: 3 Name: o 4 fDaai'S 17 - 9 Name: d1{/pg.>,7,,.r D, %- t V Address: I3 ) (e hr- �ve S Address: 90r ki">?- 36-n 2e / UJA cl53 Topic: raw,- OE T OP Topic: /4-Arps A";',7 , 4 NameY /- / - /1'I-i4..) 10 Name: cii t,l/1 f\ M t° A. k. (. d Address : J g'' 1zi,62,/ b 4 c Address: wc s • A S KA 5t. Topic: e� • Topic: ( hA tM e rt.(N{ J 1 5 Name: ? 'c:,A A, ) -j•�I___--z-9Nle 11 Name: 7/1/,1a IAA ^ J L - Ui l6v Address: /4 ) / / 6,, l L. ,S-C" Address: `/ ( S 45 ef,4 c(p--)t 174 n 9 Sc>S9 c.1 Topic: Topic: r, , l v 6 Name: ���E �, ALC1/JC�rTC>� 12 Name:�,`I;LIQ R\V, I/ Address: 1,5-o &oct a_ AVE. Address: a OD Ta', -VINE) )j Topic: ez.-)./in€eCi,2i L ve-%• Topi,i 0\\\A\lAt\e kr( r )\)ols- ( -Xcstly January 8, 2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 6 Quendall properties)whereby each partner will pay a one-third share of the engineering costs during this phase. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport: Moratorium on MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL Approval of Leases& AUTHORIZE A SIX-MONTH MORATORIUM ON THE APPROVAL OF Subleases LEASES AND SUBLEASES AT THE RENTON AIRPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claim Vouchers 188454- 188924,and zero wire transfers totaling $1,873,245.21; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 29156-29636 and 524 direct deposits totaling$1,010,424.99. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. EDNSP: Main Ave S Parking Finance Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report authorizing the Lot Lease,Taylor's Auto Body Administration to develop and execute a lease with Taylor's Auto Body Shop for parking spaces at the City's parking lot at 212—222 Main Ave. S.on a month-to-month basis. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 00-167, Carco Theater Finance Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report recommending that Renovation,Radosevich Council concur in the staff recommendation to approve the low bid for the Construction Carco Theater Renovation project submitted by Radosevich Construction,Inc. on December 13,2000. The bid would include the base bid of$97,728.50 plus acceptance of Alternatives#5,#6 and#7 for a total contract amount of $132,572.55. Sources for the additional funds are as follows: $44,000 from the Fire Station Improvements Account(316.000000.020.5940.0076.63.020029)and$40,000 from the Carco Theater Major Maintenance Account (316.000000.020.5940.0076.62.020010). The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement with the contractor. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3486 A resolution was read approving the Windwood Division 3 final plat; 14.41 Plat: Windwood Division 3, acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th Pl. and Pasco Ave.NE(FP-00-086). NE 4th P1&Pasco Ave NE MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT (FP-00-086) THE RESOLUTION AS READ.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler affirmed that the final plat would not be recorded until staff reviewed the matter regarding the use of rolled curbs. *MOTION CARRIED. Resolution#3487 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases and Airport: Moratorium 9n subleases on the Renton Airport,establishing a public hearing date of February Approval of Leases& 5,2001,and establishing a termination date. MOVED BY PERSSON, Subleases SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS /�l READ. CARRIED. January 8, :001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 6 Quendall properties)whereby each partner will pay a one-third share of the engineering costs during this phase. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport: Moratorium on �MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL Approval of Leases& AUTHORIZE A SIX-MONTH MORATORIUM ON THE APPROVAL OF Subleases LEASES AND SUBLEASES AT THE RENTON AIRPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claim Vouchers 188454- 188924,and zero wire transfers totaling $1,873,245.21; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 29156-29636 and 524 direct deposits totaling$1,010,424.99. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. EDNSP: Main Ave S Parking Finance Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report authorizing the Lot Lease,Taylor's Auto Body Administration to develop and execute a lease with Taylor's Auto Body Shop for parking spaces at the City's parking lot at 212—222 Main Ave. S.on a month-to-month basis. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CAG: 00-167,Carco Theater Finance Committee Vice-Chair Nelson presented a report recommending that Renovation,Radosevich Council concur in the staff recommendation to approve the low bid for the Construction Carco Theater Renovation project submitted by Radosevich Construction, Inc. on December 13,2000. The bid would include the base bid of$97,728.50 plus acceptance of Alternatives#5,#6 and#7 for a total contract amount of $132,572.55. Sources for the additional funds are as follows: $44,000 from the Fire Station Improvements Account(316.000000.020.5940.0076.63.020029)and$40,000 from the Carco Theater Major Maintenance Account (316.000000.020.5940.0076.62.020010). The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement with the contractor. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3486 A resolution was read approving the Windwood Division 3 final plat; 14.41 Plat: Windwood Division 3, acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th Pl. and Pasco Ave.NE(FP-00-086). NE 4th P1&Pasco Ave NE MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT (FP-00-086) THE RESOLUTION AS READ.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler affirmed that the final plat would not be recorded until staff reviewed the matter regarding the use of rolled curbs. *MOTION CARRIED. Resolution#3487 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases and Airport: Moratorium on subleases on the Renton Airport,establishing a public hearing date of February Approval of Leases& 5,2001,and establishing a termination date. MOVED BY PERSSON, Subleases SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. :hele Neumann -Airport Leases Page 1 From: Suzann Lombard To: Michele Neumann Date: 1/17/01 4:49PM Subject: Airport Leases Received a call from Dan Burkhart, West Regional Representative for National Business Aviation Association. They have a lease at the Renton Airport. He was on the mailing list for the hearing about the possible moratorium and just wanted to make sure that future mailings go to his attention, at this region, for the NBAA(sounds like basketball eh?). His address is: 10164 Meadow Glen Way E. Escondido CA 92026 Phone: (760) 749-6303 Fax: (760) 749-6313 Is this something I can update in the file? Would be happy to, if you want to show me where I should record this info. Suzann C e • JAn,1t.Al "411J t t vl , blAtil-CA CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS I-IEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of February, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases on the Renton Airport, and establishing a termination date. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Marily . ersen City Clerk Published South County Journal January 13, 2001 Account No. 50640 p�.5�-�C Clef COtt4-4,14240 Ct-J4(11t4* .'0 1//1/01 Ace Aviation Action Aviation Aero Dyne Aviation c/o Kurt Boswell Bill Wiles Mike Rice 289 E Perimeter Rd 840 W. Perimeter Rd 300 Airport Way Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Al Blake Aeropacific Aviation,Inc. Albert Kaufman 300 Airport Way, Suite 2 Cedar River Hangar Ltd.Partnership 2810— 16th Ave. S Apt. 201 Renton,WA 98055 749 East Perimeter Rd. Seattle,WA 98144 Renton,WA 98055 Andrew Heffron Andrew V. Cebula Ben Ellison 1955 Bustle Creek National Air Transportation Association 350 Airport Way Alta,WY 83422 4226 King St. Renton,WA 98055 Alexandria,VA 22302 Beverly Franklin BHC,Inc. Bill Shepherd 537 Williams Ave.N c/o Shirley Knopp 17912 McLean Rd. SW Renton,WA 98055 7825 SE 75th PI Vashon,WA 98070 Mercer Island,WA 98040 Bill Wiles Bob Guthrie Bob Moran 262 Union Ave. SE Boeing Employees Flying Association 425 Wells Ave. S Renton,WA 98059-5104 840 W.Perimeter Rd. Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Boeing Employee Flying Assoc. The Boeing Company Bruce Leven Steve Beardslee Boeing Realty Corp,Robbin Bushnell c/o Kyle Williams 840 W. Perimeter Rd PO Box 3707,MC 2R-79 3207 C St.NE Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98124-2207 Auburn,WA 98002 Carolee Colter Cecilia Matta Charles Davis 4551 33rd Ave. S 10226—65th Ave. S 7529 Lakemont Dr.NE Seattle,WA 98118 Seattle,WA 98178 Seattle,WA 98115 Charlie Miller Chas.H.W.Talbot Clayton Scott 8310 S. 126th St. 3930 S.Ferdinand Jobmaster Co. Seattle,WA 98178 Seattle,WA 98118 1800 SE 30th Mercer Island, 98040 Colleen Laing Carol Heltzel Dale Hiltner 5207 S.Farrar St. 8245 SE 61st St. 2307 NE 4th St. A107 Seattle,WA 98118 Mercer Island,WA 98040 Renton,WA 98056 Dan Burkhart Dave Kotker Dave Womeldorff National Business Aviation Association 4339— 134th P1. SE 4304— 136th Pl. SE 10164 Meadow Glen Way E Bellevue,WA 98006 Bellevue,WA 98006 Escondido,CA 92026 d1l ' at f • Dawn Kinsey Deena&Michael DeLappe Lelta Society 4703 S. Pearl St. 702 N. 5th St. do Linda Hines Seattle,WA 98118 Renton,WA 98056 289 E Perimeter Rd Renton,WA 98055 Denis Law Denny Lensegrav Dewey&Lois Rancourt Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce Community Relations PSE 3724 Lake Washington Blvd.N 300 Rainier Ave.N. P.O. Box 90868 Renton,Wa 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Bellevue,WA 98009 Diane Paholke Doug Barritt Dr. James M. Olson Lane Aviation 23401 SE 225th St. 4733 Lake Washington Blvd. S. 2022—227th Ave. Ne Maple Valley,WA 98038 Seattle,WA 98118 Redmond,WA 98074 Duane Anderson Frank Abraham Fred Bahr P.O.Box 88745 543 Whitworth Ave. S P.O. Box 48 Seattle,WA 98138 Renton,WA 98055 Issaquah,WA 98027 Garfield Peate Gary C.Pipkin Gerhard Letzing 3601 Lake Washington Blvd.N 1120 N. 38th St. 4820 53rd S. Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Seattle,WA 98118 Gerry Marsh Glen Garrett Gordon Hale 437 Williams Ave,N #107 1006 S. 30th Ct. 312 Stevens Ave.NW Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Harry Stern Howard Wolvington Inez P.Petersen 5127 S.Pearl St. 560 Mt. Olympus Dr. SW 3306 Lake Washington Blvd. #2 Seattle,WA 98118 Issaquah,WA 98027 Renton,WA 98056 James Fenner James Hurner Jennifer Jorgenson 402 Seneca Ct.NW 659 Blane Ave.NE 205 S.Tobin St. Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 980056 Renton,WA 98055 Jim Gannett John Crowley John Giuliani 14443 NE 61st St. 5952 Wilson Ave. S 1400 S. 7th St. Redmond,WA 98052-4672 Seattle,WA 98118 Renton,WA 98055 John H.Powel,Jr. John Middlebrooks John S. Tilton 4621 Lake Washington Blvd. S 510 Seneca Ave.NW 313 Williams Ave.N Seattle,WA 98118 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 John'See John W. Olcott Joseph M. Franklin 438 Burnett Ave. S National Business Aviation 311 NW 6th ST. Renton,WA 98055 Association,Inc. Renton,WA 98055 1200— 18th St.NW, Suite 400 Washington,DC 20036 Lane Hangar Condominium Owners Karen Goto Karen Knudsen Assoc. 424 Seneca Ave.NW 638 Moses Lane S#4 do Malcolm Goodfellow Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 PO Box 937 Renton,98057-0937 Karin Jensvold Kaynan,Inc. 6338 Hampton Rd. S Mary&Ben Ellison Seattle,WA 98118 350 Airport Way Renton,WA 98055 Kenneth Bell Kenneth Whitfield Kim Browne 3711 —38th Ave. SW 15125 SE 145th Pl. 1003 N. 28th Pl. Seattle,WA 98126-2407 Renton,WA 98059 Renton,WA 98056 Lakewood/Seward Park Community Laura Gibbons Lorelei Herres Club 5021 43rd Ave. S 8460 W. Mercer Way 4916 S.Angeline St. Seattle,WA 98118 Mercer Island,WA 98040 Seattle,WA 98118 Marcie Palmer Margaret Feaster Marge Richter 2507 Pl.N. 264 Stevens Ave.NW 300 Meadow Ave.N. Renton,Wa 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Mark Kirchner Marleen Mandt Mary A.Wolfe 7426 SE 71st St. 1408 N. 26th St. 2317 Camas Ave.NE Mercer Island,WA 98040-5315 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Mary Jo Carlson Mary Schultz Melanie Martin 215 NW 5th St. 150 Monterey Dr.NE 5418 S.Brandon St. Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98056 Seattle,WA 98118 Melinda Evans Michael Muma Michael T. Miller 17031 — 17th Ave. Se 37030—204th Ave. SE 663 Bremerton Pl. Bothell,WA 98012 Auburn,WA 98092 Renton,WA 98059 Mike Cline Mike O'Harrloran Mike O'Leary 8028 S. 118th St. 4420 SE 4th St. 22823 NE 54th St. Seattle,WA Renton,WA 98059 Redmond,WA 98053-8336 Northwest Seaplanes,Inc. Nicole Aloisio p Patrice Shaver 518 Williams Ave.N#3 C/oClyde Carlson 2055 SE 8th Dr. Renton,WA 98055 PO Box 1845 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98057 Patricia Killam Paul Johnson Phil Pearl LSPCC Federal Aviation Administration 5302 Lola Lane 5716 S Orcas 1601 Lind Ave. SW Langley,WA 98260 Seattle,WA 98118 Renton,WA 98055 Phil Wyman Philip Hunziker Seattle-King County Public Health 15334 SE 178th St. 10801 NE 145th St. Renton,WA 98058 Bothell,WA 98011 Pro-Flight Aviation PSE-Wayne Bressler R. E. Moore do Bernie Paholke Real Estate Dept.,OBC-11N 1016—291st Ave.NE 540 W Permiter Rd PO Box 97034 Carnation,WA 98014 Renton,WA 98055 Bellevue,WA 98009-9734 R.J.Hofford Randal South Richard Taylor 620 S. 29th Pl. 518 Williams Ave N. #4 P.O.Box 717 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Medina,WA 98039 Ron Lien Ronnie&Roberta McDonald Ruth Schilling 1700 Westlake Ave N, Ste 700 216 NW 5th St. Seattle,WA 98109 Renton,WA 98055 247 Pelly Ave.N Renton,WA 98055 Sam Condeluci Sam Evans Scott&Nora Haile 225 Logan Ave. S. #C384 127 Logan Ave. S 5430—57th Ave. S Renton,Wa 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98118 Shane Carlson Sheldon Greyell Sound Flight 2117 NW 95th St. 1300 N. 20th St.#F-2021 c/o Mark Schoening Seattle,WA 98117 Renton,WA 98056 PO Box 812 Renton,WA 98057 Steve Allington Steve Tatham Sylvia Nogaki 650 Duvall Ave. 444Cedar Ave. S 4615 S.Alaska St. Renton,WA 98059 Renton,WA 98055 Seattle, WA 98118 Theresa M. Sents Theresa Zimmerman Tom&Carol Heltzel 211 NW 7th ST. 813 N. 1st St. 8245 SE 61st St. Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Mercer Island,WA 98040 • Tom'Davis Tom Little Victoria Kapetan 1615 S.Puget Dr. 320 Maple Ave.NW 1003 N. 33rd St. Renton,WA 98058 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98056 Victoria Plata Wanda Harkey Wendy Hodson 800 SW 3rd Pl. 1060 Redmond Ave.NE 129 S.Tobin St. Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Wes McKechnie 6768—48th Ave. SW Seattle,WA 98136 AIRPORT LESSEE INFORMATION SHEET (Leaseholders are shown in bold lettering) Atititli I/0 y ACTION AVIATION,North Tower Tie-downs OFFICE 425-255-8800 FAX 425-255-7997 Bill Wiles(President) Mail to: 840 W.Perimeter Rd Renton,WA 98055 AERO DYNE AVIATION,300 Airport Way OFFICE 425-255-7648 (South Cove Ventures,LLC) FAX 425-255-7614 Mike Rice(Manager) 425-255-7648 Mail to: 300 Airport Way Renton,WA 98055 BHC,INC.(Beaver Hangar Company),850 W.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 206-447-9000 FAX 206-223-8791 Scott Spengler (h)425-204-6000 (w)206-343-4543 Mail to: BHC,Inc. do Shirley Knopp (w)206-232-4951 7825 SE 75th Place Mercer Island,WA 98040 THE BOEING COMPANY Realty Corporation Robbin Bushnell,Corporate Real Estate Manager 206-544-7444 Boeing Realty Corporation FAX 206-544-7447 PO Box 3707,MC 2R-79 Seattle,WA 98124-2207 BOEING EMPLOYEES FLYING ASSOC,840 W.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 425-237-2332 FAX 425-234-3651 Contact: Steve Beardslee(President) (w)253-773-2405 Sub-Lease ACTION AVIATION, 840 W.Perimeter Rd 425-255-8800 Bill Wiles(President) CEDAR RIVER HANGAR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OFFICE 425-228-3288 749 E.Perimeter Rd FAX 425-228-2466 Al Blake(President) Contact: Al Blake 425-228-3008 Mail to: 12541 —200th Ave SE Issaquah,WA 98027 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,300 Rainier Ave N OFFICE 425-226-4560 FAX 425-226-4287 Contact: Sharon Eklund(President) JOBMASTER,608 W.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 425-255-4222 FAX Clayton Scott(Owner) (h)206-232-1326 Mail to: 7810 SE 30th St,Apt#210 Mercer Island,WA 98040 • , KAYNAN,INC.,350 Airport Way OFFICE 425-271-3220 FAX 425-277-9333 Marty&Ben Ellison(Owners) dba ELLISON FLUID SYSTEMS LANE HANGAR CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION OFFICE 425-228-6100 500 West Perimeter Road FAX 425-255-3488 Malcolm Goodfellow(Board of Directors) 206-633-3922 Contact: Sandy Orphan(Office Manager) Mail to: Malcolm Goodfellow PO Box 937 Renton,98057-0937 LEVEN,BRUCE,243 W.Perimeter Road&East Side Tie-downs OFFICE 253-735-5543 FAX 253-735-5882 Contact: Kyle Williams(General Manager) Mobile 206-948-9922 Mail to: Kyle Williams 425-204-2061 3207 C Street N.E. Auburn,WA 98002 Sub-Lease SOUND FLIGHT,243 W.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 425-255-6500 FAX 425-255-2313 Contact: Mark Schoening(Manager) Mail to: PO Box 812 Renton,WA 98057 LIEN,RON,289 E.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 206-285-6716x3 (CONTACT DAWNA TRUMAN FOR CURRENT CONTACT AT IRS) FAX 206-282-6947 Ron Lien(Owner) (pager)206-986-0086 1700 Westlake Ave N,Ste 700 Seattle,WA 98109 Sub-Lease DELTA SOCIETY,INC.,289 E.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 425-454-2363 FAX 425-235-1076 Linda Hines(President) 425-226-7357 x363 Contact: Jon Eastlake 425-226-7357 x21 Sub-Lease ACE AVIATION,289 E.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 425-204-0845 FAX 425-277-2689 Contact: Kurt Boswell NORTHWEST SEAPLANES INC, 860 W.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 425-277-1590 FAX 425-277-8831 Clyde Carlson(President) Mail to: PO Box 1845 Renton,WA 98057 PRO-FLIGHT AVIATION,540 W.Perimeter Rd OFFICE 425-228-9510 Bernie Paholke(President) FAX 425-228-9511 Contact: Diane Paholke(Vice President) Mail to: Bernie Paholke 540 W.Perimeter Rd Renton,WA 98055 rev 5/00 PUGET SOUND ENERGY,622 W.Perimeter Rd HANGAR 253-395-6960 FAX 425-462-3300 Dave Crawford(Chief Pilot) Rick Hamberg(2nd Pilot) Mail to: Wayne Bressler 425-462-3029 Real Estate Department,OBC-11N PO Box 97034 Bellevue,WA 98009-9734 rev 5/00 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 8 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON THE APPROVAL OF LEASES AND SUBLEASES ON THE RENTON AIRPORT, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Renton owns and operates the Renton Municipal Airport; and WHEREAS, the demands upon that airport have grown appreciably over the years; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton has a master plan for the airport, but does not have a business plan; and WHEREAS, the City has not studied or decided upon the desired mix of airport users and uses; and WHEREAS, the airport is surrounded by neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, it is advisable to determine the best balance between users of the airport and impacts to the neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the City has established its vision, mission and business plan goals; and WHEREAS, it is advisable for the City to study how the airport will assist the City in achieving its vision, mission and business plan goals; and WHEREAS, there are no pending requests for leases, subleases or operating permits, with the exception of those of Aeropacific Aviation, Seattle World Cruiser, World Wind Helicopters, Ace Aviation, Leven, and Pro-Flight Aviation Inc.; and WHEREAS, the available space at the airport is all committed to existing lessees so the airport will continue in full usage during this moratorium; 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 8 7 - NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the approval of leases, subleases and operating permits on the Renton Airport with the exception of those currently pending by Aeropacific Aviation, Seattle World Cruiser, World Wind Helicopters, Ace Aviation, Leven, and Pro-Flight Aviation Inc. SECTION III. There is hereby established a hearing date of February 5, 2001 to accept testimony on whether or not the City should continue this moratorium. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place for six months unless extended or renewed for one or more six month periods, but only if a public hearing is held and findings of fact entered in support of each extension or renewal. SECTION V. This moratorium shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 8th day of January , 2001. Marilyn . rsen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 8th day of January , 2001. Rp c:704%40.4."—.0,#. Je antler, Mayor /% err \\\ 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3487 Approved as form: aivtroalayAllotoal".' Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.829:12/28/00:ma 3 e . cr Leh i/log o CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of February, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Declaring a moratorium on the approval of leases and subleases on the Renton Airport, and establishing a termination date. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Maril . ersen City Clerk Published South County Journal January 13, 2001 Account No. 50640