HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Meeting - South Burnett Linear Park I n rrlct r >c...n,'{`' Form 81 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON, I ss. COUNTY OF KING, E. FREEBERG being duly sworn, says that she is the principal Clerk of Seattle Times Company, publisher of THE SEATTLE TIMES, a daily newspaper, printed and published in Seattle, King County, State of Washington; that it is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that it has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of King County; that the annexed, being a retail ad , was published in said newspaper, and not in a supplement thereof, So u77/ Z eo/E and is a true copy of the notice as it was printed in the regular and enure issue of said paper on the fol- lowing day or days November 12 . 19, 1980 $9. 82 Declaration of Emergency Soo7W Zo-"E and that the said newspaper was regularly distributed to itssubscribers during all of said period. pus..c moms "DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY 4(C2r1081164 ' PUBLIC CONCERNING PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENTS" Pleat*be notified that Me Council of the City of Renton by Resolution has declared thef on ether. gencY exists concerning the Installation of sidewalk Improvements alone Burnett Avenue S.between the e°a end w TOO block of theEighteenth t ee n t h Burnett Subscribed and swot before me this g day Linear Park,which work consists of excavation. establishing of erodes.setting of forms,aeuring of sidewalks, removal of forms and cleanup. It is of December , 1 9 8 0 estimated that the aporoslmof volute of this Ima.ovemenr to be tertormed by City work forces /7���L--Cf/ �G �� lef1S.g00.tp. Cc/_.'/ //GCI L/Z/L,tsl City Clerk —November It 11�0 Neter ublic in d for the State of Washington Novernber FP,1f100 , re io-ng at Seattle Jsa.,._.- t�__• Ir------ -�. Tom.._..-- - - ---:-.►_..-- - ----- •...a-' _.—_�-�+.-•-_ - e \..- a Rentoi City Council 3/q/R1 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Garbage The Finance Department, Utilities, requested an ordinance be Collection prepared adopting the new garbage rates to be effective 4/1/81 . Rate ncrease The letter reported that the City has been paying General Disposal at the increased rate effective with the 1/1/81 collections in accordance with contract; that implementation of the increase to the users effective with 4/1/81 collections will generate approxi- mately the same amount of revenue as estimated in the 1981 budget. Refer to the Utilities Committee for review and to the Ways and Means Committee for preparation of ordinance. Appointment Letter from Mayor Shinpoch appointed Dr. Haold E. Kloes to the Municipal Arts Municipal Arts Commission to complete the term of Pauline Kirkman Commission who has resigned. Dr. Kloes is Deputy Superintendent for Instruc- tion of the Renton School District, resides in Renton; term effec- tive through 12/31/82. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Court :ase Summons and Complaint 81-2-02679-6 has been with Superior Court Right _o Keep by the Second Amendment Foundation, Dale and George F. Collier, and Bear Arms Arnold Gottschalk and Emery Wolfe, vs. the City alleging pre-emption by State law and constitutional conflict with the City ordinance prohibiting possession of certain weapons where alcoholic beverages are dispensed by the drink. Refer to the City Attorney. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN CONSENT AGENDA. Approved MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Acting Finance Director Bennett requested resolution Borrow Funds till be adopted authorizing the borrowing of funds to support the Property Taxes Park, Street and Library Funds and maintain a positive cash balance Received until tax revenues are received (June and December) . MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND TRIMM, CONCUR IN REQUEST AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. See Resolution No. 2384 adopted later. Burnett Ave. S Letter from Planning Department, Housing and Community Development Improvenents Coordinator, Ed Hayduk, reported results of a door-to-door survey Parkway of single family residents , multiple family and commercial to deter- Trees aid Sod mine resident feeling on installation of both sod and street trees in the parking strip on South Burnett between South 4th and 6th Streets. Hayduk reported that overall the sod and trees were accepted as an improvement to the neighborhood. Only two residents expressed strong objection : Mary Brown 500 S Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. Holt, 505 S Burnett, as they had previously provided hard surface for the parkway. Hayduk reported all residents were advised they would have a voice in the exact location of the trees. The letter recom- mended the project be completed and suggested the City concede to the two property owners that documented payment of original hard surface parkway as it would avoid any adverse publicity for future street improvements, Community Services Committee Chairman Reed explained meeting with residents regarding tree placement in parking strip, Following discussion it was MOVED BY REED, SECOND ROCKHILL, PROPERTY OWNERS OBJECTING TO TREES BE PERMITTED TO INSTALL HARD Holt and Brown SURFACE I'N PARKING STRIP AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION Residences BY SHANE, SECOND TRIMM, anyone who had previously paid for hard sur- Approved for faced strip between curia and sidewalk shall have it replaced at the Hard Surface City ' s expense. ROLL CALL ON SUBSTITUTE MOTION: 3-AYE: CLYMER, Parkway TRIMM, SHANE; 4-NO: STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, REED. FAILED. AMENDING MOTION BY STREDICKE,SECOND CLYMER, ALLOW THOSE RESIDENTS TO INSTALL HARD SURFACE PARKING STRIP SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE STREET COMMISSIONER. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED: ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER, REED; 2-NO: TRIMM, AND SHANE. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, THE ADMINISTRATION BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITH THE TREE AND SOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AS PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED. Shane called attention to need for wheel chair ramp at the Veteran of Foreign Wars property for access. Councilman Stredicke for the record, questioned existence of previous wheel chair ramp at VFW property. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Shinpoch reported the wheel chair ramp would be investigated. • r ` Renton City Council 3/2/81 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill reported Development successful meeting for public input on adult entertainment land Committee use, that the committee will report at a later date. Traffic Councilman Clymer noted traffic revisions had been installed Circulation affecting Renton Hill traffic and requested the Transportation Committee to consider two-way traffic on Main Ave. S from S 3rd St. and Mill Ave. S, or one way in the opposite direction in order to facilitate Renton Hill traffic. Community Community Services Committee Chairman Reed submitted committee Services report noting completion of review of Systems Development Fees Committlee by the Citizens Advisory Committee. The committee is reviewing Systems' the recommendations and a draft ordinance will be prepared and Development Fees reviewed at a public meeting for input. For information. Wetlands The Committee also reported the wetlands study and related items are receiving continued review. For information. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman presented committee report and Committee recommended second and final readings for the following ordinances on first reading 3/2/81 : Ordinance #3518 An ordinance was read establishing minimum vacatation allowance Vacation to be taken by an employee as one (1) hour increments. MOVED BY Allowance CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (Local 21R approval received, ) Ordinalnce #3519 An ordinance was read ordering construction of sanitary sewer LID #321 Orders main, laterals and side sewers in the vicinity of NE Sunset Blvd. Construction and Duvall Ave. NE and establishing LID #321 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. FirstiReadings The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading and referral Lazetti-Malesis back to committee of an ordinance changing the zoning classifica- Rezon R-217-80 tion from G to R-2 of property located at the east end of NE 16th St . and east of Kirkland Ave. NE, known as the Lazetti-Malesis Rezone. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED, Resolution #2384 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of Borrow Funds the following resolutions: till Tax Monies A resolution was read authorizing the borrowing of $600,000 from Received Street Forward Thrust Funds at interest rate of 9% per annum to be allocated to the Park. Street and Library Fund until tax monies received. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLU- TION AS READ. CARRIED. (Funds to be repaid by 7/31/81 ) Resolution #2385 A resolution was read authorizing Finance Director to borrow $10,500 Borrow Funds from the Street Forward Thrust Fund at interest rate of 11% per for LID 315 annum to be allocated for LID #315 Burnett Ave. S. from S 2nd St. to Tobin Ave. S. , Sidewalks, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. (Funds to be repaid by 8/31/81) Voucher The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval authorizing Apprpval payment of Vouchers No. 32594 through 32827 in the amount of $541 ,200.85 having received departmental approval as to receipt of merchandise and/or services; also includes LID #317 Revenue Warrant #R-1 in amount of $560. Machine Voids: #32588-#32593. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OF R4, , o de .. 0 THE CITY OF RENTON Cr. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 "LL BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 co. 235- 2550 Q, OR41-6.0 SEP14s- MEMORANDUM March 9 , 1981 TO: Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant FROM: Ed Hayduk, Housing & Community Development Coordinator In response to your directive, Jerry Lind and I conducted a survey of every single family residence and some of the multi- family and commercial uses on South Burnett (South 4th-6th) to determine resident feelings on installation of both sod and street trees in the parking strip. We canvassed door-to-door last Friday and recorded the attached comments. We again canvassed today for those households not at home on Friday. Specifically we talked to the owner of two commercial dwellings, a representative of the VFW, the owner of one 4-plex under construction and 18 households of the project area. Five single family residents were not at home either today or Friday including the owner of one house presently for sale. We did not attempt to contact the owner or residents of the six occupied 4-plexes in the project area or the owner of the other duplex under renovation. Overall (as demonstrated on the attached sheets) the proposed sod and trees were accepted by the residents as an improvement to the neighborhood. Only two residents expressed strong objections to the improvements: Mrs. Mary Brown, 500 South Burnett, and Mr. and Mrs. Holt, 505 South Burnett. They both insist, for reasons explained on the attachment, that they both want a hard surface in the parkway. Two other households stated that although street trees did not necessarily excite them, they could liwe with one tree in front of their houses. We explained to all residents that they will have a voice in the exact location of the trees and they seemed receptive to this. A few of the residents desired to have several trees as opposed to the one designated in the plan. In conclusion, we feel the project should be completed. The City, however, might want to concede to the above two property owners to avoid any adverse publicity that might affect the improvement I • Memorandum to Mike Parness March 9 , 1981 Page -2- to future streets. Although this does set precedence, both owners did document that they had paid for the original concrete or asphalt in the parking strip. Other than these possible exceptions, we feel the improvement should be completed as soon as possible. cc: Dave Clemens Dick Houghton Don Miller Ron Nelson EH;sh g,c\e (-_5 • axK . Fos* OAP.Qc -i-VLOZ12, 4-wo Arr ( 4_ 0 ` -\,,Ef r ( 1-1iW ;y 1v1 Ott �= �a�e OtURSr Ureti ve► OVQV by Ccnifct Ho C. \\/ B:4--CCrY.112i - vuk V c9 n olcArz on f 1 amp P MP Mrs QL11nJKe C1/4))o a Qc--i GrlS Lv` , niq2„" "f r\Qo( crP_A 1-\032co r (1 0) YQ<eJ jar i ` a c,i 1 oy+ cal;orZ. ( - 6t\K.od &kali-1-40 O ob c - Gas Cj+) +31 yr-LI-J(2 B\tcc (own o No .J2(_.+or 1, (J-0 = M ( pif &? (f\ o 06 c__40ref ort& e (+- \ Ware HM(Atfl 1 \:) -)) A) 1-1.:401\-)c49 (� r � n i 4/114-) /Ai JV ✓ 3 `7 7 y-12?iClfr-1-7)rq } ) o( f fuu ),eop1-Y) I 1V/ rThuJivLz, , (ff)( 0A) 11 i�(Ard-c.o, � I > —10-)*)"3 lAotpA0U)-^ --iflOu41-1 1 \ • Q1-21AA9) FPU r?ryrio)__ i/j 7, 11,i pc;IA SU .9-Jd" 0 < n J1().(19 i)K1 Pr 2mil_ 4w7M f)014rip (2)- iv?* AAA /Lodc. 1)011__,ATL.F (uko) )qutri _ ( f)� )tud S \ \4)91_ UI5 -41)19-1(Aid) (71 7C r -) "3 C-- () J flU -310 >•Y \(--• -177 4.0\114) ;-)2 v I\ • TVO WAJUJ Ci/ ')71)1_,9 fr )C (pviv 49,4 fl-vbm ic-cro \ viitj t/lowu: (Q) -6-Dc-x-C f-31a-DI DIA 4_ 6 rurym+AivII • stA ) /Th,01+-)Jcip 011,1094irs) ./.»wout„ c»\ t19-k) utf)H-,)0C4c) oki pkApolid(jk , JoN I (I) LC ( 3-f) --pk4uvi) icA, --a bur) „ )) Jo 47rn ccui_r --Y-AikkitA)0) u a1_\:)Pco nloi2 oo / • _ . , - 1 ---1---plzk:1/ ) , I . 1.,2.-',i-- 01/10-\---)T-RY -V)\A Mi . - -,/„I'm CA i \.? C ( • v t -T7 '-t'' i ,(-9-- -Ta ,k-k- (XliT 1/1*-21.v\ -- f\r). H.. ) )t)(,) (4,A --v'Taltioc-LI 1-0 o' )1A1 \ Cc 1,n i p impA --)1,-7\1,, / „ /-Ny-',.N15-1) ')-)141'-.) 7*11) )-7- , 1 , ' 1, (--77-1 40,1-1,-? \RP )( ( 7 C 39-do(i) ri.)7,/ . __1_:))A ,1,40) Q_V-: 901 ") 1\111f)-\--- 2nUtS7 \ 7c 7 f ( C))_, r 4cill1- Yr2 \DU -'' -- ) l',_1 , - _ ,-,)0 4.--10Q19 0 7\S) rciArYii f()--)343r1 K-1 -- P+111/2) CD\ ?1()Nr-) -a?.i 4_j_ocio)r 4,-ti,L,At ).4.. ,111_,-). ThQ.A..... _ Ociff\s_t--1 (._-_414-c vi)1/1- -1, _ _ )vt-I\A ( _S) ( 2,L)-1 40 fv_H 4-Ad 40,2•-::, , pAvii(i)kito) ,/Y4A (-P) AO 62:713. )q-DIJO ra-0-,)i .,lifV)11)2 illitvi _ , .�V. 7 Renton City Council 1/5/81 Page 4 New Business - Continued Parking Council President Stredicke called attention to letters Main Ave. South recently received regarding Council removal of parking on Main Ave. S. between Houser Way and 4th S. Stredicke recalled area businessmen were invited, however, none attended meeting. Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm noted the matter of traffic circulation in that area had been referred to the committee. • Trip Generation Council President Stredicke inquired regarding developer charges Fees Mitigating based on trip generations without Council authority; City Attorney Environmental Warren explained Department of Ecology regulation requiring Impact mitigation of environmental impacts , either by payment of fees or re-engineering. Differences of systems development fees and environmental impact fees was discussed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE, .SUBJECT OF IN LIEU OF FEES FOR MITIGATING ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS. CARRIED. Landscaping on Motion by Shane, second by Trimm, the subject of brush on South South Third St. Third Street be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Shane explained his belief the brush and curbs are hazardous. ROLL CALL VOTE: 2-AYES: Trimm and Shane. 5-NO: Stredicke, Rockhill , Hughes , Clymer and Reed. Motion Failed. Burnett Ave. Councilman Reed inquired regarding schedule for completion of street and sidewalk on South Burnett, noting other activities in town. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch noted with sorrow, traffic death in marked crosswalk REPORT Third and Wells Ave. S. Police Lt. Perssons reported second Traffic Fatalities traffic death of young child in Royal Hills inside complex. Senior Citizen Mayor Shinpoch noted Senior Citizen Advisory Committee swearing Committee in of officers: Jim Denzer, Chairman; Helen Sorrensen, V-Chrmn. ; Katherine Fuller, Secretary. Mayor Shinpoch noted the fine job the committee does of overseeing the Senior Center. Mayor Shinpoch reported Building Department Director Ron Nelson recovering from surgery in Valley General Hospital . Mayor Shinpoch introduced Barbara Little, new appointment to Fire Civil Service Commission, and explained Ways and Means Committee interview. AUDIENCE COMMENT I Linda Martinez, 412 Scenic Way, Kent, Co-President of N.O.W. , Personell requested the City's process for hiring of Personnel Director Director Hiring be re-started and expressed concern over the practice. Versie Vaupel , 400 Cedar Ave. S, asked Council look at reduction or removal of the 6% utility tax due to increase in Puget Power billing. Mrs . Vaupel called attention to strict rules for use of Forward Thrust Funds, calling attention to agenda item re SW Grady Way Bridge. EXECUTIVE MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION SESSION TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTER. CARRIED. 9:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened in regular session with all Council Members present. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:23 P.M. Delores A. Mead, 'C.M.(�� City Clerk Renton City Council 12/8/80 Page 3 Old Business - Continued - Transportation Committee Report - Continued Transportation Transportation Plan; (2) Which other jurisdictions should be System Plan involved; (3) Should specific local transportation plans overlap the area-wide plan; (4) Should Puget Sound Council of Governments be involved; (5) What should scope of such a study include. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke noted discussion with Kent City Council Presi- dent; Kent is entering into transportation study and is open to joining with Renton in mutual study and believesKing County should be brought into the study due to east/west traffic. Stredicke asked the Administration to contact and bring in other cities;noting Puget Sound Council of Government should coordinate, but Renton should be the lead agency. MOTION CARRIED. Transportation The Transportation(Aviation) Committee recommended that the City Aviation Committee enter into an agreement with The Boeing Company for extension of Water Line 12-inch water line on the east side of the Airport. The report Agreement noted for connection to the 10-inch water line before the Contractor with Boeing can start construction of the new extension for fire protection to the Airport 's tenants. The report also recommended authorization be granted for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement subject to approval of the City Attorney and Boeing. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation The Transportation Committee recommended that the City Council Committee accept the low bid of Renton Contruction Co. in the amount of Airport Water $31 ,542.66 for the construction of the water line on the east Line Contract side of the Airport for fire protection. The report also recom- Award mended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT LOW BID. CARRIED. City' s Newcastle Councilman Stredicke requested Council appoint Barbara Schellert Community Plan to the position of City of Renton' s representative to the Newcastle Committee Rep. Community Plan Committee, as she is representative of the Planning Commission. Mayor Shinpoch reported that Mrs. Schellert had been appointed as the City's representative by Mayor Delaurenti and that Council action was not required. Trees on Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding negotiations by City staff Sunset Blvd. SE with developer regarding trees along Sunset Blvd. SE as brought to Council 's attention by Mr. Losey. Councilman Reed noted that direction had been given in the Community Services Committee report and asked the Administration to confirm Council direction is followed. Burnett S. Councilman Reed inquired regarding setting of priorities within Sidewalks the City and schedule for sidewalks on Burnett Ave. S. Progress outlined by Public Works Director Gonnason. ORDINANCES AND RE 3LUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee recommending second and final reading for an ordinance (first reading Ordinance #3490 12/1/80) for the rezone of property in South Renton on the east side Renton Rezone of Burnett Ave. S between S 4th and S 7th St; known as City of Renton Rezone R-063-80. Rezone from L-1 to B-l . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Readings The committee recommended first reading of the following ordinances: An ordinance was read providing for transfer and appropriation of Transfer and funds in amount of $11 ,327 from Insurance Reserve, Cumulative Appropriation Reserve Fund #3467 unto the 1981 Budget Fund #3467; also providing for transfer of $340 from Municipal Arts Commission Current Fund unto 1% for Art unto 1981 Budget Municipal Arts Fund 1% for Art. Summary ordinance for publication purposes was also read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, REFER THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/8(80 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued First Readings An ordinance was read vacating a portion of S 6th Street in Street Vacation Block 11 as requested by Winford K. Moore; known as VAC-9-80. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND TRIM, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Parking & An ordinance was read amending the parking and loading ordinance Loading Ordinance Chapter 22, Title IV, Building Regulations of City Code relating to ingress and egress, off-site parking and establishing compact parking spaces and handicapped spaces. Summary ordinance for publication was also read. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, REFER ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Voucher The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Approval Vouchers No. 31208 through 31370 in the amount of $444,927.43 having received departmental certification. Machine voids : #31203 - #31207. Approval also was granted for payment of LID #314 Revenue Warrant R-3 in amount of $9,393.56. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Christmas MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF Holiday. ! LOCAL 21R TO CLOSE CITY HALL ON 12/26/80. Councilman Stredicke inquired regarding day after New Years and was advised by the Mayor that Friday 1/2/81 would be regular working day. Mayor Shinpoch explained that ordinance requires half staffing on Christmas Eve and 12/26, that with City Hall closed Friday 12/26 all the employees will be scheduled to work 12/24. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, REFER MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR LEGISLATION NECESSARY. CARRIED. Meeting Councilman Stredicke announced that the Committee on Committees for 1981 would meet following the regular Council meeting and did not meet as previously scheduled. Parking St11 Councilman Clymer noted request from downtown merchant for parking Marking stall markings to be shown on curb as markings are not visible when parking on left-hand side of street. Clymer noted this was done in some other cities. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch announced recipt of information from King County REPORT that the City's assessed valuation if $1 ,710,240,038 and that upon receipt of work sheets property taxes anticipated will be Assessed Valuation advised. Stredicke recalled his prior questions concerning assessed valuation in 81 Budget and the actual valuation. Mayor Shinpoch noted funds in excess of $300,000 to be available and proposed the tax receipts above budgeted amount be placed in the Contingency Fund until determination made for expenditure. New Fire Station Fire Department Lt. Matthews reported the new fire station should be completed by 1/1/81 , in response to inquiry. AUDIENCE COMMENT Public Works Director Gonnason reported that the Union Pacific Railroad has requested closure of SW 43rd St. for one full day Railroad 12/16/80 and partial closure for two days 12/17 and 12/18 which Maintenance will allow one-way traffic in order to replace timbers. Councilman Closes Reed inquired as to closure at times other than peak traffic. SW 43rd for Norris explained the railroad crew is moving up from Kent and 12-16, 17 & 18 there is danger they will move on without making repairs in Renton as they do not want to come back. Councilman Hughes asked that neoprene dampers could be used and Gonnason noted high cost was prohibitive. Renton Hill Kathy Keolker, 532 Cedar Ave. S. , asked that during Council study Access of downtown traffic circulation, consideration be given to access to Renton Hill , that roadway in front of the old Holms Electric Building between Mill and Main Ave. S, (south of railroad tracks) be changed to one-way west, and that S 4th St. be opened and the State assume a portion of costs. Mrs. Keolker also noted State alternate plans for widening 1-405 eliminate access to Renton Hill . 6 C II ei--K COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT December 22, 1980 This Committee met with residents of Burnett Avenue South on November 18, 1980 and December 16, 1980 and discussed the City's plans for installation of street trees as part of the last phase of the Burnett Corridor Improvement Project. As Council remembers, a petition expressing concern over the planting of street trees on Burnett Avenue South was presented at the Council meeting of September 15, 1980. After hearing specific concerns regarding the originally proposed tree (London Plane) , a list of alternate tree selections was presented to residents. Of these, residents preferred the Norway Globe Maple (see attached description) . IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED THAT THE CITY INSTALL NORWAY GLOBE MAPLES AS THE STREET TREE ON BURNETT AVENUE SOUTH. Staff will be staking proposed tree locations before planting in order to give residents input on exact locations. h The street trees and the sodding within the planting strip are being funded from a 1979 Housing $ Community Development Block Grant. . 4 John Reed, Chairman Richar'C-I Stredicke, Member Earl C ymer, Member • S . . NORWAY GLOBE MAPLE FACER PLATANOIDES GLOBOSUM') / This tree grows to a height of around 20 feet with an equal spread having a globe-like shape creating a formal appear - ance . It is generally grafted onto a 6-foot upright stem of a common Norway maple . It is unusual in that it lacks a central main branch or leader , and sends its branches side- ways in a manner called mopheaded . It forms an attractive, densely leaved tree, with the strong central leader of the species and the horizontal branching of the variety. The tree has masses of small 1 -3 inch clusters of yellow flowerf. just before the leaves come out in the spring . Its leaves are 3-4 inches across having 5 lobes . In fall , the foliage turns yellow. It is a very adaptable tree , toler- ating many soil and climate conditions as well as polluted air of cities. The globe maple is regarded as a good plant as it combines toughness with limited height to its slow growth . It is a standard street tree and ornamental tree in America and is used as the official theme tree in Ren- ton along Burnett Avenue South from South Second Street to Houser Way South and in the intersections of the business district core. Y 1� s'. I i441 s,ii" t �, +s +;!' + ry - tt��A,` .(34,-n . 4. r4ri fittt .,'1+&) Z 4 4 ) y , . ,, „ ..„ .......„, ,, ,( ,,.tit '.„ , , ,,. , ,,,,,z,,. .,,,,, ,..,..„ ji __ re,,. ; s't,74 S S Rerton City Council 12/22/80 Page 2 Corsent Agenda - Continued Northwest Letter from City Clerk Mead requested amendment to Franchise Pipeline Ordinance No. 2534 for Northwest Pipeline Corporation (formerly Franchise El Paso Natural Gas) . The amendment would clarify that $.05 is to be charged on operation and construction of natural gas pipeline across public property only, 125 lineal feet (minimum fee of $100.00) . Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Con;ent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approved PREPARED. CARRIED. Councilmen Rockhill requested a list of current commission or board members be furnished along with the appointment of new members. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Community Letter from Mayor Shinpoch reported that Mr. and Mrs . Mike Sectrity Malone, owners and operators of the Heritage Book Shop in the Evaluation Renton Shopping Center, have expressed their appreciation for the Community Relations Dvn. of the Police Dept. (Officers Jim Lapham and Russ Olson) for conducting a security evaluation of the book store and providing appropriate instruction for employees. Theyasked the Council be thanked for approving this program and the Chief be made aware of the highly professional conduct of the officers , that the information and service is appreciated. • OLD BUSINESS Community Services 'Committee Chairman Reed presented committee Community report recommending the City install Norway Globe Maples as Sery ces the street tree on Burnett Ave. S. The report explained meeting Committee with residents 11/18/80 and 12/16/80 regarding installation of Street Trees street trees as part of the last phase of the Burnett Corridor Burnett Ave. S Improvement Project. The report recalled a petition expressing concern over the plantings was presented at Council meeting of 8/15/80. A list of alternate tree selections was presented to the residents; proposed tree was London Plane. Residents pre- ferred the Norway Globe Maple and will give the staff input on exact locations. The street trees and the sodding within the planting strip are being funded from a 1979 Housing and Commun- ity Development Block Grant. MOVED BY REED, SECOND STREDICKE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Aviation The Aviation (Transportation) Committee Chairman Stredicke Committee reported being in review of the airport lease problems, i .e. , Airpo •t Sunbird Restaurant management has been assumed by another firm Restaurant and the City's regulations as to audit of financial statements has not been met and the matter referred to the City Attorney. City Attorney Warren explained satisfactory information has not yet been received In reply to his correspondence, but further correspondence has been sent. DangerDus Councilman Stredicke requested reading of letter received from Intersection Borghild F. Anderson, HPO 2005, noted prior requests for installa- tion of traffic signal at the corner of Kirkland NE and NE Sunset Blvd. and recent death. The letter asked Council unani- mously agree to make a completely controlled traffic installa- tion, being of the opinion alteration of the pedestrian lane will not remove the present safety hazards. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Was ard Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading, suspension Commoee of rules and that the following ordinances be advanced to second and final readings: Ordinarce #3496 An ordinance was read establishing a new fund to be known as Municipal "Municipal Facilities Fund No. 316" incorporating Fund formerly Facilities Fund known as "City Shop Relocation Fund No. 316." MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ AND THE SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR PUBLICATION. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. es Renton City Council 9/15/80 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee Committee report explaining negotiated rate for Boeing lease renewal for Boeing Lease the next five years of $. 10 per sq. ft. , which is an increase of Renewal $.03 per sq. ft. The report recommended acceptance of the figure increase and that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the supplemental agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Traffic Revision The Transportation Committee explained proposed traffic revision in the area of Main Ave. S. and Houser Way as recommended by the Police Department and Traffic Engineering Department for removal of ten parking stalls on Main Ave. S. so that southbound traffic could occupy two lanes of travel and the direction of traffic on Houser Way be changed to westbound only from Main to Williams creating an additional eighteen parking stalls. The Transportation Committee recommended acceptance of the proposal with the exception that the "restricted on-street parking" remain on Main Ave. S. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, concur in committee report. Following discussion wherein access to Renton Hill was discussed and that the proposed traffic revision would cost $1 ,500, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, REFER THE ENTIRE SUBJECT TO THE TRAFFIC ENGINEER FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee report recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Virginia Houser to the Planning Commission to complete the term of Appointment to James Breda, who has resigned. Mrs. Houser's term will be Planning Commission effective through 6/30/82. Mayor Shinpoch noted Mrs. Houser is not related to former Police Judge Paul Houser. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee recommended second and final Committee readings of the following ordinances which had been on first Ordinance #3368 reading 9/8/80: Renton School An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification from District Rezone General G-7200 to Residence District R-3 for Renton School District Rezone R-048-80. The property is located on the east side of Benson Rd. S. , south of SW 23rd St. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION FOR ADOPT THE ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3369 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification from Dahlby Rezone General GS-6000 to Light Industrial District L- 1 for property R-044-80 located at 1402 Maple Ave. SW, known as the Dahlby Rezone. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3370 An ordinance was read appropriating $10,000 and transferring the Appropriation funds from Unanticipated Revenue/Current Revenue, Board and Room Jail Operations of Prisoners to Current Fund/Police Jail Budget , Operating Sup- plies. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution #2361 A resolution was read approving the final plat for Glacier Park Glacier Park Co. (See Consent Agenda Page 2) Final Plat FP-069-80; property Final Plat located at southeast corner of Lind SW. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Upon inquiry by Council , Gonnason noted the question property is within the Green River fill moratorium, but this property has previously been filled. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Trimm submitted a petition opposing planting Tree Planting of trees in the parking strip of Burnett Ave. S. The petition Opposed bears 23 signatures of residents of the 400-500 blocks on Burnett. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, drop the tree planting program on Burnett S. Substitute motion failed. MOTION CARRIED TO REFER TO COMMITTEE. a .. S. i i4., . 4 ,,o-'`-tea` ` - i pciit., am'Ncr7- .4✓E /) a W:fY- ,s /4 q,,-)-c, 7 --iitc e ,,,,L.L. S-O Y 6)4t/Lotkitt 3 o Se-,A-tev- 1,0 el" -1444443L crtg (L..., `t b y3 LAAA, a ...l y, L ) , , ,i_4,, w - ' ,ic/i/ s- __4,,,,,t.,,,a_ ,„trs.„,..az- - Aroty `A.4.9-2----- c4-if..1--- /.3)._€-)44,0 "....? cr4 -4--- jki. 1,647iki L-tri"c" 1/Lti 116‘'r-3 / &.i.j- ---e ,sle6g- ___L ° Y7-2 4`;.-Lja41 - z,3/ /"P -t-e--2_ 1% - • --fri, - "261dii.: w 2,144- e ' . 96.e-t- cL.--, 4-to /`?-44 "X,5/)764 ,,_, X.77 -&c,xa.???",ge, -yzAZ-;- ‘r,c,e7d-fiz , . ,,e.,,e6/0-, a4e4e/r- ,1/8/se- £)d v,:a , 2,e/-, ff3 ti IP 011 /444641 c'"Wvor . w _6L'El64t-ieZ;' ,--/r3ep 61,vt.ce-a,iLL,,,,Z 4 ... a ,,Aa_ �' /{ f{LL Y3-2/ k*,(A tai L'i /VZ' c . y 6i „., 5% ____ 5°s - a•e-L f,t.i A Z-2=4-e- So , , v c___ '"o/ _ dr-'' Z. I , ° zon4--ere 57i,3 cam. So /1 /a7,e<1;fr,J-‘2444z4; 3/ So '1 iitt--1.d1 r S3 / / - -,.al '.c- 4 . i 7 lirlifteripasamowniroim -71 • .e,,,,h,,,,, 74 1,...6„,........xm me....a..., -.7-it, e6 , i(--- „,27„..4, -7-x...e...e..4...,- _..ae....,,...„,./ ).,,__-_ ,,,-,.. __tie..., . Av,7 GL %2r , `uir `yrs'v.lG.j j /i�z���r 71 '`-a 6 zls�� �.71- - '7�..�C�- ,z �i� � � 7�� (/ Wednesday, September 10, 1980,Valley Observer, Renton,Kent-Page 3 fit„ 0.7„,„ pie frees o rc h eSr t a fe We pai d d little attention to a few through some mysterious casting Finally, when the maples are bare silly SeaSOnaI dried-out maple leaves that lay on system, one maple holds its leaves and can keep autumn going only by S m h o n the sundeck. For reasons of their until November. already-shed dry leaves blowing y own,all trees shed an occasional leaf That last tree is strategically plac- about,their principal ally takes over. or a cone out of season. ed so prevailing winds will whirl its Alders don't bother to change to fall As leaves continued to fall on the contributions into lawn patches color, they just drop their leaves 5th, 6th, 7th and every day already raked,roof gutters previous- green, into late December. As a boy I innocently believed what along the roadside. They had been When I first remember them, they thereafter, the dismaying truth sank ly cleaned and doorway entrances The favorite resting place for alder the schoolbooks said,that there were transplanted there from Down South, were pretty big but still unlike any designed to catch whatever blows leaves is on steep driveways, where four equal seasons in a year. Ob- near Orillia, by my uncles who had other trees in the neighborhood. their way.viously that was not true in the Puget the notion maples were "ornamen- g They . you either rake them off or put on Sound region, but we lived amon were imported and therefore exotic. Since maples are the boss species, chains. g tals. They were recently from In As a young man I moved South, to running the show, other tree types So in Deciduous Valley,fall and the evergreens where the seasonal im- diana and expected that, come where the valleys are full of stand by, to fill in whenever the year finish in a dead heat. Winter balance was somewhat modified, at autumn,the trees would act like their deciduous trees, notably maple. All maples slow down. If there are not may last a couple of months but the least visually. Eastern cousins and put on a glorious over my land stood noble broadleafed - enough native trees to spread the fall pussywillows Autumn leaves fell only from or- show of scarlet, gold, amber and member of Aceraceae, upto more �� heendusually are breaking . . . a riot of col- evenly, landscaping homeowners out by the of February and the chard fruit trees, and from willow green. than two feet in diameter, and naively will have helped byplantingIndian plum is showing a tinge of and alder on logged-off land that So each year the maples became a because of my background, they all or, in tan, plain a supporting cast. green. Spring nobody had to rake. Puget Sound riot of color, in tan, P g is under way, to last The only maples in our plain brown, cigar brown and a few looked "exotic" to me. g brown cigar r Magnolia, ornamental willows and through June. Theystill stand, no longer exotic, ,,/ g cherries, birch, dogwood, aspen and Summer begins on the Fourth of neighborhood were half a dozen splashes of faded yellow. brown and mountain ash insure a steady July and drags on through August on all sides of the house. Even the ones that were once cut down still • deposit. Their leaves do not blow !! around and fill gutters quite so well Well, usually. Except when the stand. Being logged is only a tern- faded yellow. porary setback to a maple.Saw it off as maples, but they help prolong maple leaves start falling on the at the ankles and the stump explodes autumn. Fourth of July. with new limbs that then race skyward. A Western maple never lets you forget that it is your neighbor.There J are few dull moments in its life. In the spring it brings forth frilly in. There would be no summer. Fall blossoms to fall in profusion on yard, had begun and this year it would last driveway and sundeck. for six months instead of the usual Next, like its Eastern relative, it four. produced sugar but not from a tap. Maples orchestrate this wonderful As soon as blossoms stop falling and season,and in observing them,one is fresh leaves spread, a waxy syrup left with a renewed awe of nature and - begins its daily drizzle, aimed its subtle interrelationships. especially at cars parked anywhere One maple comes onstage first, as in the area. the Herald of Autumn.It tinges a few When the trees run out of stickum, leaves with yellow and delicately they get down ,to their serious drops them, on a late summer Sun- business of bombarding the earth day, into the barbecue grill. All the with helicopter seed pods and trying other maples stand around looking to bury it beneath a blanket of leaves. green and innocent, as though they Normally the campaign begins have no thought of following suit for a around the end of August. couple of months. This year we were unfolding lawn That is part of the act. When the furniture on the Fourth of July to first tree starts running low on sup- celebrate the First Day of Summer. plies,the second one takes over.The Calendars say summer begins on others hold back while solo perfor- June 21 but around Puget Sound the mantes previde us with leaves for a date is July 4.It rains throughout the month or so. week preceding the holiday, just to - Along about October the rest join make everyone nervous about the the autumn chorus, with daily picnic coming up, but the Fourth is showers of rusty foliage. However, Always sunny. the season has two months to go and I )t:> U.1" Renton City Council 11/3/80 Page 3 Councilman Thomas Trimm arrived at the Council meeting. 8:23 p.m. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Shinpoch presented Councilman Shane with letter from King County explaining services to the City, as requested by Shane 10/27. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted report Committee noting meeting with Staff, owners of adjacent property and manage- Alley Traffic • ment of Taco Bell re alley traffic in area of Sunset Blvd. and Sunset Blvd. NE Harrington NE. The report recommended no closure or vacation of the alley at the present time. The report also recommended that the administration have the Taco Bell parking lot signed for "right turn only" onto the alley, that vegetation at the base of the tavern building be removed, and that full alley improvements, including paving, be made for the full length of the Taco Bell property. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Stredicke noted Highlands School asked to advise students to use sidewalks to and from school and not the alley. (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee report noted Renton Aviation Committee has been renting the municipal hangar on its leased property Renton Aviation on a short term lease until the new construction is completed Lease and have requested an extension on a month-to-month basis. The report recommended approval at $330 per month, plus 12% leasehold tax for a four month period, which represents an increase of 100. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN REPORT AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN LEASE. CARRIED. Airport Appraisal The Committee report recommended Council approval for appraisal of the entire Municipal Airport. The report stated a number of leases are to be renegotiated in 1981 and the money has been budgeted in 1980 and carried over to the 1981 budget. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Burnett Street Transportation Committee report submitted by Chairman Stredicke Undergroundinq advising discussing of the Burnett Park, street and undergrounding project; that the administration had notified the nine affected property owners and more than half had paid the hookup fee. The report noted the Council committee had not discussed the underground- ing hookup fee of $72 at a public hearing, although the park, road and paving projects were discussed at public meetings and hearings. The report stated the committee feels the City erred in not meeting with the property owners about the undergrounding even though the park, street and undergrounding was all accomp- lished at no cost to the property owner; that the City could not dig the ditches or make connections on private property. No protests were filed and the committee recommended no action on the referral . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport Councilman Stredicke inquired re airport restaurant, City Attorney Restuarant Warren advised that the proper transfer papers had not yet been received for transfer of ownership from Specialties Restaurant to New World Restaurant of California, that the New World may serve as management consultants until lease assignment approved. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee report recommending first reading and suspension of the rules advancing the following ordinances for second and final readings: Ordinance #3476 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance #3289 which ordered LID #312 construction for improvements of West Valley Hwy. from SW 43rd to Interest Rate City Limits and allows issuance of LID warrants to be issued and shall not exceed 12% interest rate, also LID bonds shall not exceed 12% interest rate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCL TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. r • - Renton City Council 11/3/80 rage 4 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance #3477 An ordinance was read authorizing issuance and sale of interest Interim Financing bearing revenue warrants to Peoples National Bank at 62% of prime LID #314 Awarded interest to provide funds for interim financing of LID #314 to Peoples ( Improvements in area of East Valley Hwy. ) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for second and final readings: (First reading 10/27/80) Ordinance #3478 An ordinance was read establishing motor vehicle noise performance Noise Control standards , maximum environmental noise levels and adopting by reference provisions of the Washington Administrative Code and establishing penalties for violation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES, EXCEPT COUNCILMAN SHANE WHO LEFT THE CHAMBERS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3479 An ordinance was read requiring the exclusion of minors from Narcotic any room or place where devices, contrivances, instruments Paraphernalia for the smoking, inhalation, etc. of marijuana, hashish, or other controlled substances are displayed or offered for sale. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: COUNCILMAN SHANE LEFT THE CHAMBERS. ALL OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTED AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3480 An ordinance was read confirming assessment roll of LID #312 for LID #312 Roll construction of improvements in West Valley Hwy. from SW 43rd to Confirmed the city limits. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES, EXCEPT SHANE OUT OF CHAMBERS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3481 An ordinance was read amending the membership of the Board of Board of Public Works and adding the Building Official . MOVED BY CLYMER, Public Works SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL Membership AYES ( INCLUDING SHANE RETURNED TO THE CHAMBERS) . CARRIED. Ordinance #3482 Olga Lewis Rezone An ordinance was read rezoning from G-6000 to L-1 property Restrictive located at 519 SW 12th St. ; known as the Olga M. Lewis Rezone Covenants Filed R-080-80. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinance for first reading: An ordinance was read requiring all off site Waiver 6 Deferral improvements to be installed, waived or deferred prior to the issuance of a permanent occupancy permit and defining conditions for issuance of a temporary occupancy permit. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #2373 The Ways and MEANS Committee recommended reading and adoption Sidewalks of a resolution declaring an emergency and authorizing City Burnett Park work forces to construct sidewalk improvements adjacent to Burnett Linear Park. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Police Benefits The Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recommending that the matter of Police benefits and Resolution #2332 be tabled until the 1981 budget hearings. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke submitted letter for reading from Star Equip- Star Equipment ment, 4202 West Valley Road, regarding widening and improvements re SW 43rd St. for SW 43rd Street between West Valley Road and the railroad tracks. The letter protested the improvements for SW 43rd in narrowing the roadway from five to four lanes and explained the dangerous situation for their heavy equipment business. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, REFER LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. -r*c.iw s c o(L-i-0o D .vJ E 1t-1T1{S COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER 3, 1980 BURNETT STREET UNDERGROUNDING The committee discussed the Burnett park, street and undergrounding project. The city administration had sent notices to the nine affected property owners, announcing the meeting. More than half of those property owners had already paid the hookup charge (which the Council committee admits was not discussed at a public hearing, although the park, road, and paving projects were discussed as subjects of many public meetings and hearings) . Because of that, the committee feels that the city erred in not meeting with the property owners about the undergrounding, however, the park, street and undergrounding was all accomplished at no cost to the property owner. The city could not dig the ditches or make the connections on private property. And the cost was only $72.00. Only one resident appeared at the meeting and he admitted that "it was only $72.00." He did not ever file a protest. The committee therefore recommends no action on the referral . Charles Shane, Chairman Richard Stredicke Robert Hughes OF Rlv . '"`' ° PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • c) 4$ '- TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION a 235-2620 p MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 9 co- ,. 0,9'1 SEPS��O�P BARBARA r. SHINPOCH M,WOR BURNETT AVE. SOUTH IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Notification to Convert to Underground Electrical and Communication Services September 17, 1980 Subject: Address Location Burnett Ave. South Dear Property Owner and/or Occupant: Tre Burnett Ave. South improvement project has now progressed to the point where electrical power and communications (telephone and TV cable) line facilities are available to receive the new underground services connecting each property to the main system. You are hereby notified that i ac :ordance with City Ordinance No. 2432 and 2496 each property owner is responsible for the conversion from the overhead service to the underground service and that the required conversion must be completed within 90 days of the date of mailing of this notice. However, in order to reduce the amount of inconvenience and shorten the construction period, we are recommending that tie property owners complete their conversion as soon es possibl , It should be noted that if the pro?erty owner fails to convert from the overhead service to the underground service wit?:An the 90-day period following the date of mailing of this notice, the City must order the utility companies to disconnect and remove the overhead electrica and communication service 1:.nes. Should you, as the property ow-er in a conversicn area, object to the d:_sconnection and renoval of the service lines as noted above, you may file a written objection with the City Clerk within :0 days after the date of the mailing of this notice. I` you fail to take this action relating to your objection withi: the 30-day 1:.mit, you autcmatically waive the right for any subsequent c ,jections to bi- considered. The written objection when submitted will be in the form of a - application for a variance from the forgoing undergrounding requiremen s. This reqiest for a variance will be Property Owner and/or Occupant Page 2 September 17, 1980 reviewed by the City's Board of Public Works. On August 11, 1980, we sent you an informational bulletin which explained the details of the conversion from overhead services to underground services. For your assistance we have also attached hereto specific details of the conversion requirements and a listing of telephone numbers and locations for additional information you may need. Sincerely, 4'? �• �� Gary A. Norris Traffic Engineer CEM:ad Attachment BURNETT AVENUE SOUTH PROJECT Requirements for Conversion to Underground Service 1. A trench two feet in depth and of width wide enough to accommodate the total number of cables involved from the Puyet Sound Power and Light Company's secondary service box or vault in the sidewalk area adjacent to your property to the building service meter. This trench will accommodate both the electrical, telephone and TV service cables which are to be undergrounded. 2. Modify power service entrance on buildings to receive the. underground cables. This modification requires an electrical permit obtained from the City's Building Division on the third floor of the Municipal Building. Required work may be accomplished by the property owner or a qualified electrical firm or contractor. For assistance in require- ments call the Renton Building Division and ask to speak with an electrical inspector (phone 235-2540) . 3. Rigid metal or P.V.C. plastic conduit Schedule 40 to be installed on the side of the building from the bottom of the trench to the service meter. 4. When your trench has been opened and your modification to receive the underground cable has been inspected and approved by the City's Building Division, you should contact Puget Sound Power and Light Company and Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company for placement and connection of their service cables. Teleprompter TV cable will be installed in your open trench, if requested, at no charge until a service connection is requested. 5. After all cables are installed and connected, the trench may be back filled. 6. For informational assistance, please refer to the following: Renton, Traffic Engine?:ing Division 235-2620 (General Information) Renton Building Division 235-2540 (Electrical Code and Permits) Puget Sound Power & Light Company 255-2464 (Service Cable Installation) Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company 251-9690 (Service Cable Installation) Teleprompter Cable TV 433-3420 (TV Cable) 411)9j UNDERGROUND CONVERSION BURNETT AVE. SOUTH, S 4TH TO S 7TH Town of Renton 723150 Occupant: Owner: 426 Burnett Ave. S, bk 27, lot 6 John Quintinskie Same 430 Burnett Ave. S, bk 27, lot 8 Nita Croce Pauline Arko 94 Williams Ave. S 504 Burnett Ave. S, bk 28, lot 2 Marion Jordan Lawrence B. Jordan same address 510 Burnett Ave. S, bk 28, lot 3 Daniel Jordan Marion E. Jordan 504 Burnett Ave. S 514 Burnett Ave. S, bk 28, lot 4 Tom Bergamin Same 518 Burnett Ave. S, bk 28, lot 5 Douglas Farman Same 520 Burnett Ave. S, bk 28, lot 6 Vacant DeMarco Farms, Inc. 13757 19th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98125 538 Burnett Ave. S, bk 28, lot 10 James Feltrin Same 619 Burnett Ave. S, 18-23-5 #127 Robert J. Williams Same UNDERGROUND CONVERSION i4eTelephone and/or TV Cable j BURNETT AVE. SOUTH, S 4TH TO S 7TH tO G, o, Town of Renton 783930 Occupant Owner • 445 Burnett Ave. South Harry A. Dickison bk 32, lot 12 E 1/2 441 Burnett Ave. South Gloria Summers bk 32, lot 13 437 Burnett Ave. South Ann Monelli bk 32, lot 14 42) Burnett Ave. South Lena J. Illian bk 32, lot 16 *425 Burnett Ave. South (Occupant) Joseph V. Javelli bk 32, lot 17 1805 Davis Ave. South Renton, WA 98055 421 Burnett Ave. South Larry Rackeweg bk 32, lot 1-3 S 1/2 *417 Burnett Ave. South (Occupant) Terence D. Hickman, etal. bk 32, lot 1-3 N 1/2 1040 South 320th Street #2 Federal Way, WA 98002 Town of Renton 723150 438 Burnett Ave. South Gilbert Belmondo bk 27, lot: 10 434 Burnett Ave. South K. A. Gilligan bk 27, lot 9 538 Whitworth Ave. South 416 Burnett Ave. South F. R. Vaise Post 1263 VFW VFW Hall Leland Witrue, Mgr. bk 27, lot 4 & 5 416 Burnett Ave. South Renton, WA 98055 7 Renton City Council 11/3/80 Page 4 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ordinance #3477 An ordinance was read authorizing issuance and sale of interest Interim Financing bearing revenue warrants to Peoples National Bank at 62% of prime LID #314 Awarded interest to provide funds for interim financing of LID #314 to Peoples ( Improvements in area of East Valley Hwy. ) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ, ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinances for second and final readings: (First reading 10/27/80) Ordinance #3478 An ordinance was read establishing motor vehicle noise performance Noise Control standards, maximum environmental noise levels and adopting by reference provisions of the Washington Administrative Code and establishing penalties for violation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES, EXCEPT COUNCILMAN SHANE WHO LEFT THE CHAMBERS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3479 An ordinance was read requiring the exclusion of minors from Narcotic any room or place where devices, contrivances , instruments Paraphernalia for the smoking, inhalation, etc. of marijuana, hashish, or other controlled substances are displayed or offered for sale. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: COUNCILMAN SHANE LEFT THE CHAMBERS. ALL OTHER COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTED AYE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #3480 An ordinance was read confirming assessment roll of LID #312 for LID #312 Roll construction of improvements in West Valley Hwy. from SW 43rd to Confirmed the city limits. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES, EXCEPT SHANE OUT OF CHAMBERS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3481 An ordinance was read amending the membership of the Board of Board of Public Works and adding the Building Official . MOVED BY CLYMER, Public Works SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL Membership AYES ( INCLUDING SHANE RETURNED TO THE CHAMBERS) . CARRIED. Ordnance Dance #3482 Olga Lewis Rezone An ordinance was read rezoning from G-6000 to L-1 property Restrictive located at 519 SW 12th St . ; known as the Olga M. Lewis Rezone Coveiants Filed R-080-80. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Firs Reading The Ways and Means Committee recommended the following ordinance for first reading: An ordinance was read requiring all off site Waiver & Deferral improvements to be installed, waived or deferred prior to the issuance of a permanent occupancy permit and defining conditions for issuance of a temporary occupancy permit. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #2373 The Ways and MEANS Committee recommended reading and adoption Sidewalks of a resolution declaring an emergency and authorizing City Burnett Park work forces to construct sidewalk improvements adjacent to Burnett Linear Park. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Police Benefits The Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recommending that the matter of Police benefits and Resolution #2332 be tabled until the 1981 budget hearings. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BJSINESS Councilman Stredicke submitted letter for reading from Star Equip- Star Equipment ment, 4202 West Valley Road, regarding widening and improvements re SY 43rd St. for SW 43rd Street between West Valley Road and the railroad tracks. The letter protested the improvements for SW 43rd in narrowing the roadway from five to four lanes and explained the dangerous situation for their heavy equipment business. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, REFER LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. .419/11111166 Renton City Council 11/3/80 Page 3 Councilman Thomas Trimm arrived at the Council meeting. 8:23 p.m. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Shinpoch presented Councilman Shane with letter from King County explaining services to the City, as requested by Shane 10/27. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted report Committee noting meeting with Staff, owners of adjacent property and manage- Alley T-affic ment of Taco Bell re alley traffic in area of Sunset Blvd. and Sunset Blvd. NE Harrington NE. The report recommended no closure or vacation of the alley at the present time. The report also recommended that the administration have the Taco Bell parking lot signed for "right turn only" onto the alley, that vegetation at the base of the tavern building be removed, and that full alley improvements, including paving, be made for the full length of the Taco Bell property, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Stredicke noted Highlands School asked to advise students to use sidewalks to and from school and not the alley. (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee report noted Renton Aviation Committee has been renting the municipal hangar on its leased property Renton Aviation on a short term lease until the new construction is completed Lease and have requested an extension on a month-to-month basis. The report recommended approval at $330 per month, plus 12% leasehold tax for a four month period, which represents an increase of 10%. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN REPORT AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN LEASE. CARRIED. Airport Appraisal The Committee report recommended Council approval for appraisal of the entire Municipal Airport. The report stated a number of leases are to be renegotiated in 1981 and the money has been budgeted in 1980 and carried over to the 1981 budget. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Burnett Street Transportation Committee report submitted by Chairman Stredicke Undergrounding advising discussing of the Burnett Park, street and undergrounding project; that the administration had notified the nine affected property owners and more than half had paid the hookup fee. The report noted the Council committee had not discussed the underground- ing hookup fee of S72 at a public hearing, although the park, road and paving projects were discussed at public meetings and hearings. The report stated the committee feels the City erred in not meeting with the property owners about the undergrounding even though the park, street and undergrounding was all accomp- lished at no cost to the property owner; that the City could not dig the ditches or make connections on private property. No protests were filed and the committee recommended no action on the referral . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport Councilman Stredicke inquired re airport restaurant, City Attorney Restuarant Warren advised that the proper transfer papers had not yet been received for transfer of ownership from Specialties Restaurant to New World Restaurant of California, that the New World may serve as management consultants until lease assignment approved. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee report recommending first reading and suspension of the rules advancing the following ordinances for second and final readings : Ordinance #3476 An ordinance was read amending Ordinance #3289 which ordered LID #312 construction for improvements of West Valley Hwy. from SW 43rd to Interest Rate City Limits and allows issuance of LID warrants to be issued and shall not exceed 12% interest rate, also LID bonds shall not exceed 12% interest rate. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2373 A RESOLUTION DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZING CITY WORK FORCES TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ADJACENT TO BURNETT LINEAR PARK WHEREAS the City of Renton as per the requirements of Public Bid Law did , by public bid, award a contract for the installation of certain improvements along Burnett Avenue S , , adjacent to the Burnett Linear Park and 1 HEREAS the contractor was not able to satisfactorily and timely perform said work, and WHEREAS the City of Renton has awarded another .and much larger contract for street paving in the area , which contract must he performed in the immediate near future or the bid will no longer be valid, or the cost will increase substantially to the City , and WHEREAS any delay in the street paving would result in severe inconvenience for the citizens in the area with the rapid approach of winter and the rainy season, and WHEREAS it is necessary for the sidewalk improvements in the original contract to be completed before the onset of winter and the rainy season, and WHEREAS it is necessary for the sidewalk improvements to he finished before the street paving project , and WHEREAS there is insufficient time to again go to public bid for the installation of the sidewalk improvements , i'OW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects . SECTION II : An emergency is hereby declared concerning the sidewalk improvements along Burnett Avenue, adjacent to Burnett -1- 4 .' Linear Park as allowed under RCW 35 . 22. 620 . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 3rd day of November , 1980 De ores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 3rd day of November, 1980 . . Lhfi114)1.. t1.t,M.QO Barbara Y. S inpoch, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J . War n, City Attorney . moo, \t o"'o..., 1,, ns Renton City Council 6/16/80 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Six-Year Transportation'Program - Continued • Audience 19th, being advised no change planned. Stremick also inquired of Ccmment bike routes on Lind Ave. and asked for same magnitude bike area (Continued) as street construction. Darlene Vachon, 2025 Jones Circle SE, representing 350 Rolling Hills families noted community divided by Puget Drive and inquired re improvement of Puget Drive from Benso to Edmonds, noting need for protection of school children and the many accidents. Dave Williams, 1924 Rolling Hills Dr. , also represented Rolling Hills Homeowners and noted need for access to the pool and asked for pedestrian crossing for second phase of development; he also inquired re funding and was advised that condominiums were included in the proposed LID. Al Vachon, 2025 Jones Circle SE, asked that speed limit be lowered on Puget Drive and requested condo developers be included in cost of street improvements. Bill Grimm, 1725 SE 16th P1 . , requested pedestrian overpass or stop light on Puget Drive for the Rolling Hills residents. Dee Teodoro, 1733 Aberdeen Ave. SE, asked for traffic light at SE 19th and Puget Drive. Dave Williams also inquired regarding closure of 18th SE and was advised no change was proposed. Al Vachon asked regarding rebuttal if a petition to reopen 18th SE presented; Mayor Shinpoch noted the Homeowners Assoc. would be notified in that event. Public Works Director Gonnason advised of projects scheduled for completion in 1980. Mayor Shinpoch requested review of bike path problems by the Public Works Director. Six-Year MOVED BY REED, SECOND CLYMER, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Transportation MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND CLYMER, ADOPT THE SIX-YEAR STREET PROGRAM Program Adopted AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, REFER SUBJECT MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR PROPER LEGISLATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, THE CITY CLERK PROVIDE THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE WITH A LISTING OF NAMES AND ADDRESSES SO THAT THEIR CONCERNS WILL BE ATTENDED TO BY THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Time: 9:05 p.m. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND TRIMM, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. The meeting reconvened at 9:17 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Council Members present as previously shown. AIDIEW:) COMMENT Al Abbott, 8925 S 125th, Seattle, inquired regarding sign on telephone pole located on S 122nd St. , and was advised of proposed street vacation. Sandy Webb, Mill Ave. S. , called attention to Consent Agenda item re appointment of Paul Maxin to the Planning Commission; Mr. Webb's term expires 6/30/80. Mr. Webb urged greater interest by the elected officials. in the Planning Commission affairs . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included therein: Ordinance Letter from Police Chief Darby requested an ordinance controlling Requested weapons on premises where alcoholic beverages are dispensed. Refer to the Public Safety Committee. Fuld Transfer Letter from Parks Department Supt. Ron Heiret requested transfer of funds for purchase of two trucks, $9,408.77. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Appointment Letter from Mayor Shinpoch appointed Paul Maxin to the Planning u..; Commission for three-year term which is effective from 7/1/80 - through 6/30/83; position presently held by Sandy Webb whose term • expires 6/30/80. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. r Appointment Letter from Mayor Shinpoch reappointed Joan Walker to the Planning Commission effective through 6/30/83. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. "U ,$•;% Burnett Park etter from the Park Department requested contract time extension to 7/25/80 on behalf of Frontier Landscaping, Inc. re Burnett Linear N'h�'` ` Park due to late delivery of play equipment. The letter noted the sxy ., contractor had proceeded with the project ahead of schedule. ��� � Council concur in request for time extension. sar ;H •a , �f„ G ,fir Yt�' wR_S . •. ;.+`.......>,, +,�. f,� 1. �.amoo o? For use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # /- AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd /Comm. Park Department For Agenda Of June 16 , 180 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact nn Pi rPt, (Name) Agenda Status : SUBJECT: Rurnett, linear Park - extension Consent x of contract time to July 25 , 1980 Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (L(gal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attach New Business Study Session A.Letter from Frontier Landscaping Other B.Letter from Vanco Recreation C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No N/A x COUNCIL ACTI )N RECOMMENDED: Grant Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A x Pxtens ion of time Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Appropriation- Expenditure Required $ -0- Budgeted $ N/A Transfer Required $ N/A SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary. ) The contractor , Frontier Landscaping Inc . , has proceeded with the project ahead of schedule and would have easily finished the project had the play equipment been available . Play equipment is traditionally a, "late delivery" item. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: None SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. • FRONTIER LANDSCAPING, INC. ',„ 8812 105TH AVENUE N.E. • LAKE STEVENS, WA • 745-8445 • 653-2461 June 6, 1980 V r. Ron Heiret Renton harks Department 200 Mill Ave. Renton , WA. 98055 RE: Burnett Linear Park Time Exteritiori Lear Ron, Conversations with Vanco Recreation show that delivery of the play equipment is scheduled on or about July 15, 1980. This delay is due to the manufacturer' s back log of orders and is beyond our control. We request a time toftthe pa�'k complete hethe play area. The remainderomplet- ed as scheduled . rj Sincerely , ��.. FRONTIER L SCAPING , Ii.C. Jo n L. Falk President Attachment Is �'4 l',,: ' ' VA N C O ,,, P.O. BOX 1008 • KENT, WASHING TON 98031 �' <r;_ 2060G - 8I th SOU I H l Judi XXXXXXXX 872-7200 May 27, 1980 Mr. John Falk Frontier Lnadscaping, Inc. 8812 - 105th Avenue N.E. Lake Stevens, Washington 98258 Re: Burnett Park Dear John, It would appear from the Timberform manufacturing schedule that we' ll install about July 15, 1980. Please advise approval . Our supplier will be Timberform (Columbia Cascade Timber Corp,) . Payment request will be near July 15. We have filed state- ment of Intent with the Department of Labor and Industries on 5-27-80. We are not aware of any liquidated damages, since we have no specifications book. Vanco is ready to serve you. Yours very truly, 11 / litfil— l' JOHN VAN ZONNEVELn JVZ/jc • : 6°C4010•4041e. 4,12.001e..".•i AOL Renton City Council 6/2/80 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS Councilman Shane inquired regarding the Wes Williams retention Retention of of farm animals matter and was advised by the City Attorney Farn Animals that it is not appropriate for Council to discuss a matter that is pending in Municipal court and further that one Council cannot bind another except by ordinance or signed contract. Wells Ave. Councilman Shane inquired regarding the Wells Ave. bridge and Bridge was advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that determination was made for environmental assessment, however Federal Highway Commission may require a full environmental impact statement and in that event , additional funds will be required. Improvements for Councilman Shane inquired regarding petition on Garden Ave. Garden Ave. N. improvements and was advised by Public Works Director that Council terminated the LID because more than 60% protest received on the project. Gonnason noted that he had advised PacCar of off-site improvement requirement with building permit request and their obligation for improvements in front of the trunk center,which had been previously deferred. City Shops Councilman Reed inquired regarding negotiations with King County for proposed shop site. Gonnason noted authorization had been requested from City Council and referred to the Community Services Committee. Reed submitted Council Minutes of 8/6/79 and 4/14/80 and explained 9/17/79 Council approval of negotiations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, ADMINISTRATION PROCEED WITH NEGOTI- ATION PROCESS TO OBTAIN CITY SHOP SITE, 13.5 ACRES EAST OF THE PRESENT COUNTY SHOP SITE NEAR COUNTY TRANSFER STATION IN RENTON HIGHLANDS AREA. Gonnason explained 3.5 acres of area is hillside, possibly unuseable, but it will be included in the appraisal . MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, THE ADMINISTRATION MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AS TO NECESSITY/SELECTION OF ARCHITECTS FOR THE CITY SHOPS PROJECT. Following discussion wherein Council members called for a sturdy appropriate structure and not a monument, MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO INVESTIGATE PLACEMENT OF TEMPORARY STRUCTURE ON SHOP SITE WHEN PROPERTY SECURED. CARRIED. Councilman Shane left the Council meeting and was excused by Mayor Shinpoch. King County Moved by Stredicke, Second Reed, City of Renton notify County of District Court King of termination of rental space for the Justice Courts in City Hall . Mayor Shinpoch advised the Court had requested some form of notification to be better able to seek other space. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY ROCKHILL, SECOND STREDICKE, CITY OF RENTON NOTIFY KING COUNTY OF OUR INTENT NOT TO RENEGOTIATE LEASE AND URGE THEM TO SECURE SUITABLE SPACE WITHIN THE CITY. CARRIED. Robertson Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke noted Robertson Aircraft Aircraft, sub-tenant of Boeing on airport leased property, will be leaving the airport at the request of Boeing who will be removing or remodeling to enlarge the structure on the field. Robertson plans to relocate at Everett. Committee is investigating effect of rebuilding on Compass Rose and will be reporting Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Rockhill submitted Development committee report re referral of 4/28/80 for completion of plats Committee in phases (Eden Estates) . The committee determined the present Plat Development code adequately covered the situation and recommended no Council action on this item. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND REED, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Burnett Street The committee reported L-1 light industry zoning on some property Linear Park adjoining the Burnett Linear Park and recommended the matter be referred to the Planning Department for recommendation regarding appropriate zoning in order to prevent any future problems. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY STREDICKE. SECOND ROCKHILL, AMEND COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA- TION TO CHANGE THE WORD "new" TO "appropriate" zoning. CARRIED. CARRIED. Renton City Council 6/2/80 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT Pat Spangler, 2100 Aberdeen Place SE, requested to be a party of record for Agenda item 6. i . Rezone 028-80, Renton Elks Club, and requested notification of all action on behalf of the Rolling Hills Community Club. City Attorney Warren explained the ordinance process and extended her an invitation to the Ways and Means Com- mittee meeting. Clerk directed to send materials, Examiner's report. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the business matters included therein: 1979 Uniform Letter from James Matthew, Fire Marshal , requested adoption of Fire Code the 1979 Uniform Fire Code and submitted supportive proposed City ordinances. Refer to the Public Safety Committee. Fireworks Letter from Fire Marshal Matthew submitted listing of the 1980 Stands Fireworks Stands (8 applicants) and requested approval for the July 4th season. Council concur. Fund Transfer Letter from Personnel Director Sharon Green requested transfer of $3,438.05 from Cumulative Reserve 3278 to Expenditure Fund #608 for payment of unemployment benefits owed for the first quarter of 1980. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Six-Year Letter from Public Works Department, Traffic Engineering Division Transportation requested public hearing be set 6/16/80 for review and adoption Improvement of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (1981 - 1986) Program Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Station Letter from Public Works Department, General Services Division, #12 Roof requested emergency fund transfer in the amount of $16,543. 15 to remove the old roof on Fire Station No. 12 and re-roof. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Christine Haugen for mislocated Damages sewer stub in the Heather Downs LID. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Washington Natural Gas Co. , Damages $41 . 16 claiming gas line was dug up 3/10/80 by City. Refer to 1 City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of petition for NW 7th St. vacation of a portion of NW 7th St. located west of Rainier Ave.N. VAC-3-80 Refer to Board of Public Works, Transportation Committee and to the Ways and Means Committee re feasibility, appraisal and retention of easements; also for resolution setting public hearing 7/14/80. Concur. Renton Elks Club Land Use Hearing Examiner, Fred Kaufman, recommended approval of Rezone 028-80 Rezone 028-80 from GS-1 to B-1 with restrictive covenants for the Renton Elks Club. Property is located west of the existing Elks Club and east of Benson Road S. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Preliminary Plat Land Use Hearing Examiner Kaufman recommended approval with con- Kohl-Christianson ditions regarding Preliminary Plat 008-80, E-033-80 for Kohl Addition Excavating, Inc. , property located between 80th Ave. S and SW 3rd P1 , north of SW Sunset Blvd. and contains six lots. Council concur. Preliminary Plat Land Use Hearing Examiner Kaufman recommended approval with Hilltop conditions regarding Preliminary Plat 023-80, E-031-80, Schneider Construction Co. (Hilltop) . The plat contains 21 lots and is located south of NE 6th St. and east of Monroe Ave. NE. Council concur. Consent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA. Approved CARRIED. c-e - >PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 2, 1980 COMPLETION OF PLATS IN PHASES (EDEN ESTATES ) - referred 4/28/80 After thorough review of this referral , it is the recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee that since the present code seems clear and handles the situation, the Council take no action on this item. BIIRNETT STREET LINEAR PARK It was brought to the attention of the Planning and Development Committee by the Administration that some of the property adjoining the new Burnett Linear Park is presently zoned L-1 , light industry. I . is the feeling of the Planning and Development Committee that , while this is causing no problems at this time, it possibly could at some future dlte. Tle Planning and Development Committee recommends that the Council refer this matter to the Planning Department for recommendation for .new zoning. j Ar Rindy Rockhill , Chairman John Reed ti\ k Earl crymer 3/1 //80 PLAN HOLDERS BURNETT LINEAR PARK Papsco, Inc. Utilities System Inc. 3921 9th So. 495 Rainier Blvd. No. P.O. Box 24152 Issaquah 98027 Seattle 98124 392-1207 624-3853 • Amfac Mech. Supply Co. Fuller Company P.O. Box 668 20232 Filbert Road Bellingham 98225 Bothell 98011 733-0570 486-1344 Ironwood N.W. , Inc. Frontier Landscaping Inc. 9615 7th Ave. S .E. 8812 105th Ave. N.E. Everett 98204 Lake Stevens 98258 743-1762 745-8445 H & B Cement Finishing Co. D.R. Craig Construction Co. 3223 "C" St. N.E. 11820 N.E. 145th Auburn 98002 Kirkland 98033 833-1531 , 485-5513 852-2596 Pacific Earth Works Renton Concrete Products 12525 Wagner Road P.O. Box 917 Monroe, Wa 98272 Renton 98055 794-7579 255-1521 Ohno Construction Company Valley Cement Construction 1263 So. Main Street P.O. Box 838 Seattle 98144 Auburn 98002 325-1529 833-6370 852-4642 624-2043 Graham Bldg. & Trucking 2816 162nd S.E. Bellevue BarBon Concrete Construction 641-4171 7517 Grange St. W. Tacoma 98467 473-2313 Evergreen Turf 10932 33rd N.E. Bellevue H .D. Fowler Co. , Inc. 828-4554 P.O. Box 160 Bellevue, 98009 746-8400 3/17/80 Page 2 PLAN HOLDERS BURNETT LINEAR PARK Landscaping , Inc. 3/19/80 5409 180th S .E. Bothell 98011 Kohl Excavating 485-7565 3330 East Valley Road Renton 98055 226-6620 Paul Brothers, Inc. 29 N.E. 148th Ave. Portland, Ore. 97230 (503) 256-1550 Western Outdoors, Inc. 17929 7th Ave. W. Bothell 98011 McDaniel Construction Inc. 745-0861 P.O. Box 6849 Bellevue 98007 641-8576 W.H. Winterburn Co. 1250 Utah Wenatchee 98801 Lakeside Ind. (509) 662-0306 P.O. Box 1379 Bellevue 641-4600 Warren Construction 2314 N.E. 27th Renton David E. Harris Construction Inc. 228-2670 132 Park Ave. No. Renton 98055 575-3165 3/20/80 Holtz Co. Inc. P.O. Box 489 3/18/80 : Edmonds 98020 776-4801 Golf Landscaping 38016 Military Rd. So. Auburn , 98002 Sound General Construction 838-2567 12650 Northrop Way Bellevue 98005 885-1237 Spragues ' Inc. P.O. Box F Lynnwood 98036 Klokstad Concrete Construction PR 6-0113 20021 Ballinger Rd. N.E. Seattle 98155 365-6677 Iliad, Inc. P.O. Box 15288 Seattle, 98115 524-8980 Page 3 PLAN HOLDERS BURNETT LINEAR PARK 3/21/80 Landscape Services Inc 3006 W. Valley Hwy N. 852-0091 Berkey Const. Co. 4061 Is. Crest Way Mercer Island, 98040 232-5264 American N.W. Const. 35631 - 39th Ave. S. Auburn, WA 98002 838-9138 3/24/80 Customline Landscaping Inc. 4735 Ames Lk. Rd. N.E. Redmond, 98052 333-4977 Don Gannon Construction Inc. 32404 29th Southwest Federal Way 98003 838-3504 , IDMENT NO. 1 TO KING COUNTY HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROurtriM AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING COUNTY . AND THE CITY OF RENTON /� This Amendment No. 1 , entered into as of the t26 ✓ Z 11 day of E-c/Y''e�E/�' , 1979, to that certain Housing and Community Development Program Agreement dated July 1 , 1979 , between King County (the County) and (the Agency) is based upon the following recital of facts: 1 ) By agreement between the County arm the Agency, $15,000 in Needs funds are hereby added to Project CD-977-79 entitled Renton South Burnett Park as Exhibit #6 Revised. ?) The Agency also agrees to add $5,179 in Population funds to Project CD-977-79, Renton South Burnett Park also as Exhibit #6 Revised. IN W INESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. / as o the day and year first above written. AGENCY KING . 2• � j� arzed Z)tL ietL ,c, Huth Representative :yam/ n D / Spe man_ v t County Executive Attest -471) 1er 9 71' - Approved as to form: Cit} Cler - �C w 2 ' G�' ,� („) n c5 áycufg A torney Dated this (G {iday of el-C4 f 5W , 1979. King County Housing and Co unity Development , Housing&Community Developmer ogram, Block I 6It Coltrat sed Exhibit No. - — — — - 0 1 721 Smith Tower Authorized Start Date Environmental Project Seattle,Washington 98104 ' ! 7 Status/Date Cleared Termination Date (206)344 7605 U 19( � 7/5/79 6/30/80 1. Project Nu mber/Title Renton ..aouth Burnett Park, CD-977-79 '2. Project Su'ornery(briefly and clearly describe the project). This projE°ct involves the construction of a functional linear park on an abandoned railroad tight-of-way in the South Renton neighborhood. 3. Project Be refits A.Type Df project(circle one) ©general benefit to low/moderate income B= d rest benefit to low/moderate income c= alleviates slum/blight B. Explanation Protect will benefit the entire Neighborhood Strategy Area, particularly residents of the South Renton neighborhood. C. Project location Census tract # 253 -- -- &reel address __SQu_th_-Burnett—between -Houser-&-South- 7th Avenue - — Service area boundary -Rentons- NSA ------- 4. Funds Awarded 1978 1977 1978 1979 5. Special Conditions 45,179 A. Population - The following regulations or policies apply particularly to this project: _ -- -- B. Needs $6 $88610,205 53,903 C.Joint Construction Requirements Total $6 ---$8 6--10;2O5- 99,082 8. Authori2 ed Signatures/Contact Persons City of Renton Grantee tUnsaiction or agency) ------------- -- _200_Mill _Ay enu -South- -- - . — - A �ss'or chrc I e Implementing Agency(if other than Grantee) kAi96r; emt 235-2550 — __ -- __ ------ Address Phone Charles J. Delaurenti , Mauer qe��`• bi_e• ci. N.me j S g afar, / ' 0 roiect Manager or o act P rs - - --- -- ----- -- — - Phone one ` I o_'act si ature t• ir."T ' ' 1 of 7 1 8: BUDGET SUMMARY HOUSING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET CATEGORIES OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS 1. Per onal Services 11. Federal 2. Office or operating supplies 12. State 3. Consultant or purchased services $ 13,552 13. Local cash-private 4. Construction contracts 14. Local cash-public anc/or Real Property Acquisition 96,627 $240,000 5. Corr munications 15. In-kind match 6. Travel and training 16. Other county 7. Intn County support 17. Other (detail) 8. Capi al outlay—equipment 18. Total Other Funds 9. Othe' (detail) 19. TOTAL PROJECT COST $360,179 10. Tota H&CD Funds only $110,179 9. BUDGE1 DETAILS CAl EGORY 1. Personal Services Records kept to substantiate costs/charges Percent of List Employees by Position Title Annual Salary Time to Project Item Total • Fringe Benefits (4„ of Total) Category Total — Should be the same as No. 1 in Budget Summary -- OTHER BUDGET DETAIL (specify) Item Total L— ' Total *For construction contract,attach details. 2 10. FULL STATEMENT OF TH 3OJECT(start on this page and attach addit 'pages as required) I . GENERAL South Renton is presently without a neighborhood park due largely to the lack of available land. The population is , also , somewhat limited in their mobility due to financial , age , and physical factors . The nearest active park (Liberty Park) is within 3/4 of a mile ; it is however , separated from the neighborhood by the downtown business corridor with its accompanying traffic constraints . According to the Parks and Recreation Department, this places a particularly severe restraint on young children and senior citizens . According to the 1970 Census , approximately 25% of th.e. residents of the area are over 65 years of age , while approximately 20% are under 38 years of age . Based upon the Polk Profiles of Change 1974-1975 , howevEr , there is evidence that there is substantial increase in the number of younger families moving into the neighborhood . The present abandoned right-of-way was purchased by the City in 1971 . The right-of-way has been the subject of citizen complaints since this time . Although efforts have been made by the City (grading , etc . ) it has generally deteriorated into an eyesore. Much of the strip is presently being used for parking for downtown employees , therefore bringiig noise and congestion into the neighborhood from the central core . The need for active recreation and elimination of the blighted conditions caused by the right-of-way , surfaces again at a citizen ' s neetinc held May , 23 , 1978. The meeting was attended by 28 residents o; the NSA . It was generally agreed upon that a park in South Renton is the major need of the area . II . PROJECT INTENT The intent of the project is to construct a functional parkway (see Park Design) on the abandoned right-of-way which extends through the South Renton neighborhood . Therefore , the overall goals of the project are : ( 1 ) To meet the growing recreational needs of the neigborhood , particularly the elderly and young ; ( 2 ) To eliminate the present blighted conditions associated with the abandoned right-of-way; ( 3 ) To compliment recent private reinvestment in the area ( e. g . newly constructed low density multi -family units ) ; ( 4 ) To compliment planned public improvements along Burnett Avenue , including street resurfacing , sidewalks , curb and gutter , drainage, street lighting , parking and additional land (Total city funded improvements estimated at ovc $240 , 000 ) . ttach rnao showing location of project and service area benefiting) 3 of 7 f-51 To compliment the City ' s Housing Rehabilitation efforts in the neighborhood . Twelve houses have been rehabilitated through the City ' s Housing Repair Program since July 1978. It is estimated that at least fifteen additional houses will receive substantial repairs through the 1979 program. ( 5 ) To compliment other block grant funded projects in the neighborhood , including the Neighborhood Strategy Area Program. Through this program, 75 units of multi -family housing will be rehabilitated within the next three years and replaced with Section VII subsidized low income housing . 4 of 7 BURNETT LINEAL PARK (Cont.', PARK )ESIGN The c<ttch_ment area of the proposed project was surveyed by a random door to door sampL.ng method to determine neighborhood attitudes and needs for passive and/or active recreation. Base demographic date was obtained from the 1970 census tract infortation. In addition, the Renton Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan, and City current zoning maps were consulted for potential future changes in the area. As a result of this process the conceptual Master Plan was completed and elements included that met current and future needs within the design constraints of the site. The southern block of the park was selected to meet most of the passive needs of the neighborhood due to its limited exposure to traffic and it3 overall width inhibited active recreational activities. In addition, a sidewalk was needed on the southern block for pedestrian traffic. Elements pro- grammed into this block include a picnic area, patio, horseshoe pits, open area and landscaped area. This portion of the project runs from 6th Street to 7th Street on Burnett Avenue. The second portion of the project area located between 5th an;': 6th Street on Burnett Avenues lends itself more readily to active recreation due to its greater length and width which lessened design constraints and permitted alleviation of any negative aesthetic impacts. By placing these active elements including a tot lot and multi-purpose play court on opposite ends of the block, we were able to separate user groups who normally come into conflict when placed adjacent to one another. This also maximizes the amount of usable open space in the midile of the block. To truly appreciate the total scope of the concerns integrated into the design phase of this project, one must relate the above mentioned elements to the goals any objectives identified below. • Goal I: Provide easy accessibility to the Park. Objectil.es: A. Ramps for wheelchairs. B. Paved walkways. C. Crosswalks at all intersections. Goal II: Design a functional park meeting the active and passive needs of the neighborhood. Cbjectivas: A. Active Recreation. 1. Multi-purpose court with basketball, hopscotch, :-square, etc. 2. Horseshoe pits. 3. Children's play equipment area (tot lot) . B. Passive Recreation. 1. Walking. 2. Sitting. 3. Picnic area with barbecue. 4. Game tables. 5. Patio area. Goal III : Focus on the individual rather than the automobile. Cbjectives : A. Use plant materials and berms to buffer the noise and sight of automobiles. B. Provide design elements in the park that encourage pedestrian use. Establish traffic study to minimize negative impact of traffic. D. Install traffic aids that focus on foot rather than automobile movement. 5 of 7 Goal Il: Provide a part that is visually pleasing. Objectives: A. Use plant materials that provide year round color. B. Provide a balance between open space, landscaped areas, and recreation structures. C. Provide interesting earthwork by grading. Goal V: Provide a safe park. Objectives: A. Fence and/or berm the tot lot and multi-purpose court. B. Provide a landscape that people can see into and out of. C. Use plants to buffer play areas from street. D. Provide cross walks and traffic aids at all intersections. E. Provide curbing sufficient to deny automobile access. F. Provide easy pedestrian movement between elements in the park. • 6 of 7 ' The following is planning, design and cou, t.ruction schedule for the project : July 1 - August 31 : /Selection of Consultant Preparation and Execution of Contract September 1 - October 12 : Schematic Design Phase October 13 - November 2 : Design Development Phase November 3 - November 30: Construction Document Phase November 30 - January 30: Bid Process Selection of Contractor Preparation and Execution of Contract February 1 - April 30: Construction Phase The firm of Edward MacLeod & Associates has been selected as the project 's consultant . The necessary contract is presently being reviewed by the City Attorney and it is anticipated that MacLeod & Associates will receive the letter to proceed on or around September 1 , 1979. C. Tasks and Costs of Each The following Cost Estimate for the project was submitted in the original application : ITEM TOTAL COST Sidewalk $11,000.00 Irrigation 13,190.00 Multi-Purpose Court Asphalt 3,030. 00 Basketball Standards 600.00 Lay Kold 6,000.00 Striping 370.00 Base 1,000.00 Children' s Playground Enclosure 6,000.00 Sand 980.00 Equipment 6,500.00 Landscaping Plant Materials 12 ,000.00 Fencing 3,225. 00 Lawn and Top Soil 5" Top Soil 9,752.00 Finish grade and seed 4,388. 00 7 of 7 Uc - Renton City Council 12/1 )/79 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT Donovan Tracy of King County Planning Department and the Green Greer River River Basin Executive Committee Coordinator presented materials Basil Program and review of the Green River Basin Program and reported that the Federal Soil Conservation Service (SCS) is now prepared to enter into an agreement with the Cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton Tukwila, King County Conservation District and King County Green River Flood Control Zone District to proceed with the East Side Watershed Project. Tracy explained necessary resolution author- izing Mayor Delaurenti to execute the agreement, explained the projected time for commencement of construction April 1 , 1980. Upon Council inquiry, Mayor Delaurenti noted no commitment for funding is required. Percentage of acreage to be set aside for wetlands was discussed; Mayor Delaurenti noted city' s 22 acres wetlands sufficient. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, SUPPORT OF CITY' S SPONSORSHIP OF P-1 CHANEL BE REITERATED. Kay Johnson, Renton Chamber of Commerce, noted need for Sponsors to furnish 110 acres of wetlands. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, MATTER OF THE GREEN RIVER BASIN PROGRAM BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. (See Consent Agenda. ) Del I.ennett Del Bennett commended Mayor Delaurenti for service to the City and noted future challenges, engineering problems and growth management, that area is now 10 to 15% developed and that during the next ten years predicted 95 to 100% development. Bennett also commended the City for inclusion of Traffic Engi- neer but expressed disappointment that salary granted was not commensurate with ability and education necessary. Kay .'ohnson Kay Johnson, 300 Rainier Ave. , further discussed Green River Basin project and reiterated need for 110 acres wetlands and asked referral of Consent Agenda items to the Community Services Committee. BrucE McKay Bruce McKay, 241 Factory Ave. N. , recalled President Carter'.s proposed energy conservation and recalled City ' s adoption of resolution July 23, and noted City of Seattle program requir- ing home owners to meet conservation standards within five years and $3.00 per day fine for non-compliance. McKay urged the City of Renton to adopt like program. Mayor Delaurenti noted referral to the City ' s Energy Conservation Committee. Council- man Stredicke noted need for possible plan in event of state or federal request that Christmas lighting be turned off in city. OLD EUSINESS Councilman Perry noted attendance at Planning Association Con- ference and urged attendance at spring conference 4/30 - 5/2/80 by Council Members. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes submitted report noting Committee Report review of requests of Police Department and Municipal Court to Criminal and incorporate criminal and traffic statutes : RCW 26.09.300 Traffic Statutes Restraining Orders, 9A.28.020, 030 and 040 Criminal Attempt, Solicitation and Conspiracy. The Committee concurred in the City Attorney's recommendation for incorporation by reference and further recommended the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SHANE, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items are adopted by one motion which follows items included : Appropriation Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested an ordinance Burnett Linear to appropriate additional revenue in the amount of $20, 179 Park (Urd.#3385) to South Burnett Linear Park. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Green River Basin Letter from Mayor Delaurenti , Chairman of the Green River Basin Executive Committee reported completion by consultants of review of channel and storage design modifications to the East Side Green River Watershed Project. The letter noted the study analyzed four design options for the P-1 drainage channel and included wide channel plan proposed by the S.C. S. and also urged support re watershed project. (Information) a Renton City Council 12/10/79 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. MOVED BY Approval SHINPOCH, SECOND CLYMER, FOLLOWING TWO LETTERS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Metro Opposes Letter from Carl Holm, VP, Metro Industrial District Inc. , P-1 Channel noted 10/2/79 Green River Basin Executive Committee meeting Location Change for consideration of P-1 Channel design alternatives and apparently favored Alternative 4 as opposed to the original P-1 Channel location. Metro' s letter registered opposition to this change claiming loss of use of 30.8 acres of industrial- office land and further noted belief that it is in the interest of the City to maintain the original alignment and listed seven adverse effects. The letter suggested Renton maintain its 13 year identification with original P-1 Channel and the vast amount of planning by the City, land owners and others in area. (See above motion for referral to Community Service Committee. ) Audubon Society Letter from Leonard Stiener, President, East Lake Washington re Audubon Society, expressed concern about the rapid rate of Green River Basin filling that is occuring in the Renton marsh areas south of Marshland Highway 405. The letter stated they were under the impression that fill was going to take place over a long period of time and in conjunction with drainage program coordinanted by the S.C. S. and King County. The letter noted heavy use by wildlife of marsh and pond south and east of the Austin buildings occupied by The Boeing Company and that areas operate as natural water recharge areas and help eliminate flooding problems in the Valley. The letter suggest incorporation of these natural areas into the development and drainage plans for the industrial park which could prove a model for similar type developments. The letter noted marshes once filled cannot be recovered and urged consideration of proposal and that cur- rent rate of drainage be stopped, that ditch has been dug and rapidly draining this marsh. (See above referral to the Community Services Committee. ) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways nd Means Committee Report Ordinance #3382 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted report Citizens Federal recommending second and final readings of an ordinance vacating Street Vacation a portion of right-of-way between NE Sunset Blvd. and Kirkland Ave. NE as petition by Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association (VAC 18-79) First reading of ordinance 12/3/79. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Committee recommended first reading : An ordinance was read Excluding FICA excluding social security payment for illness or disability Payment on Sick (FICA) . Following reading: MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, Leave REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3384 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of right-of-way between Mastro Vacation NE 4th St. and Union Ave. NE as petitioned by Michael Mastro of Right-of-Way (VAC-15-79) . Following readings, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3385 An ordinance was read appropriating funds in amount of $20, 179 Fund Appropriation for South Burnett Linear Park from unanticipated revenue. Burnett Linear MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE Park ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6-AYE: SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, PERRY, HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM. ONE-NO: SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/10/79 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. MOVED BY Approval SHINPOCH, SECOND CLYMER, FOLLOWING TWO LETTERS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Metro Opposes Letter from Carl Holm, VP, Metro Industrial District Inc. , P-1 Channel noted 10/2/79 Green River Basin Executive Committee meeting Location Change for consideration of P-1 Channel design alternatives and apparently favored Alternative 4 as opposed to the original P-1 Channel location. Metro's letter registered opposition to this change claiming loss of use of 30.8 acres of industrial- office land and further noted belief that it is in the interest of the City to maintain the original alignment and listed seven adverse effects. The letter suggested Renton maintain its 13 year identification with original P-1 Channel and the vast amount of planning by the City, land owners and others in area. (See above motion for referral to Community Service Committee. ) Audubon Society Letter from Leonard Stiener, President, East Lake Washington re Audubon Society, expressed concern about the rapid rate of Green River Basin filling that is occuring in the Renton marsh areas south of Marshland Highway 405. The letter stated they were under the impression that fill was going to take place over a long period of time and in conjunction with drainage program coordinanted by the S.C. S. and King County. The letter noted heavy use by wildlife of marsh and pond south and east of the Austin buildings occupied by The Boeing Company and that areas operate as natural water recharge areas and help eliminate flooding problems in the Valley. The letter suggest incorporation of these natural areas into the development and drainage plans for the industrial park which could prove a model for similar type developments. The letter noted marshes once filled cannot be recovered and urged consideration of proposal and that cur- rent rate of drainage be stopped, that ditch has been dug and rapidly draining this marsh. (See above referral to the Community Services Committee. ) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Report Ordinance #3382 Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted report Citizens Federal recommending second and final readings of an ordinance vacating Street Vacation a portion of right-of-way between NE Sunset Blvd. and Kirkland Ave. NE as petition by Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association (VAC 18-79) First reading of ordinance 12/3/79. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading Committee recommended first reading: An ordinance was read Excluding FICA excluding social security payment for illness or disability Payment on Sick (FICA) . Following reading: MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE, Leave REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3384 An ordinance was read vacating a portion of right-of-way between Mastro Vacation NE 4th St. and Union Ave. NE as petitioned by Michael Mastro of Right-of-Way (VAC-15-79) . Following readings, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3385 An ordinance was read appropriating funds in amount of $20, 179 Fund Appropriation for South Burnett Linear Park from unanticipated revenue. Burnett Linear MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE Park ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following / reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6-AYE: SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, PERRY, HUGHES; CLYMER, TRIMM. ONE-NO: SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. • . Nt .-. , OF R4,4 A A. THE CITY OF RENTON v t$ © z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON.WASH. 98055 o L CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR © PLANNING DEPARTMENT 90 ti' 235- 2550 0,9g7-,O SEP���O�P December 4, 1979 Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti Members of the Renton City Council Renton, Washington RE : Request Ordinance to Appropriate Additional Revenue, Burnett Linear Park Dear Mayor and Councilmembers : As you are aware, the City received $20, 179 of additional Housing and Community Development Block Grant funds in September for the South Burnett Linear Park project . It is now necessary to appropriate these funds, into the proper account. The following appropriation is necessary : APPROPRIATE FROM: UNANTICIPATED REVENUE Special Needs Competition $15,000.00 Unallocated Population Funds $ 5, 179.00 TOTAL: $20,179.00 APPROPRIATE UNTO: SOUTH BURNETT LINEAR PARK a/c 000/000/07.538.59.31 .01 $ 7,552.00 a/c 000/000/07.538.59.65.00 $12,627.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION: $20,179.00 We respectfully request Council concurrence in this matter and referral to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper ordinance . Very truly yours , 411 ° fann rdon is sen , `.` i• : rector E: s. • Ecwarc VacLeod & Associates Landscape Archtecis/Land Flamers Terrance K Reckord 611Sin ItA'eEast SeettleWashngtcn93102 2C6` -7919 7-1-4 2 Zetr-C4---1,..-",--24:7 -----X-e62-4,,reC---4-1 Renton City Council 11/26/79 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published 1980-81 Housing and posted to consider the 1980-1981 Housing and Community & Community Development Program, Mayor pro tem Shinpoch opened the public Development hearing. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen explained the to Citizens' Advisory Committee assisted by City Staff has been Develop Viable preparing the Housing and Community Development Program for '80-81 Urban Communities and explained meetings and work sessions. Also that following hearing, the committee will be working with the Community Services Committee to formalize final recommendation and adoption by the Council December 3rd or 10th. The letter explained the City has been notified that it will be receiving $143, 131 population funds and competing with 25 other incorporated jurisdictions in King County Consortium for $719,575 in "needs" monies. Five members of the Citizens ' Advisory Committee were present and introduced: Vesta Bolstad, Selma Fitting, June Leonard, Nettie Patrick and Versie Vaupel . Planning Director Ericksen explained the program initiated in Renton in 1975 as part of a national program to finance projects which help low and moderate income people or reduce slum and blight; that the City has received block grants totalling over $1 .5 million in federal funds for a variety of projects and programs since that time. Pamphlets describing the program were distributed. Planning Staff Member Ed Hayduk explained the seven preliminary recommendations in order of priority: (1) Housing Assistance Program, includes : Housing repair program, Chore Service/Minor home repair program, Emergency repair program, neighborhood cleanup program, Fire protection/Smoke Detector program; (2) NSA Public Services Support Program, includes: Health care program, Youth services program, YWCA employment project, Senior transportation program; (3) NSA Public Improvement Project; (4) Liberty Park Community Center Renovation Phase I ; (5) NSA Beautification Program; (6) Cedar River Trail System, Design/Development Phase; (7) Planning/Implementation and Public Information/Involvement Program. Funds .Totals: $143,131 Population Funds, $162,500 Needs Funds and Total Requested: $305,631 . Continued Persons present: Virginia Merlino, Friends of Youth, Lake Washington Blvd. N. , requested funds for Talbot House, recalled public hearings before the Council and present program and need. Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells N. , described hearing procedure as very fair; also expressed appreciation for Planning Director and Staff. Tony Ladner, Executive Director, Renton Housing Authority, asked sidewalks in area of Senior Center and Cedar River. Councilman Stredicke gave recognition to Planning Staff members Sue Hudson and Ed Hayduk, along with Planning Director. Following discus- sion, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, ACCEPT RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND BACK TO THE CITIZENS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Time: 9: 15 p.m. AUDIENCE COMMENT Parks and Recreation Director Webley introduced Landscape Architect Burnett Ave. So. Terry Reckord and Karen Chamberlin of Edward MacLeod & Associates, Linear Park 611 Summit Ave. E. , Seattle, regarding Housing and Community Development Project, Burnett Linear Park. Slides were shown of the present Burnett So. area, the preliminary schematic plans examples of similar parks in other areas ; slides had been presented to people in the neighborhood for approval . Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PROCTOR, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. 9:30 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:43 p.m. Roll Call : All Council Members present as previously shown. Comprehensive Plan Ferd Reichlin, 13033 15th SW, Burien, requested public hearing SE Quadrant on the Area C portion of ordinance(scheduled for second and final readings)amending the City's Comprehsive Plan for the Southeast Quadrant of the City. Mr. Reichlin explained his appeal to the Planning Commission as well as petition that the area south of Valley General Hospital to SE 192nd between Valley Freeway and Greenbelt be designated as low/medium density multiple family Continued residential area; that Commission had only designated a portion. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26 , 1979 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Council President; THOMAS W. TRIMM, EARL COUNCIL CLYMER, GEORGE J . PERRY, MARGARET PROCTOR, RICHARD M. STREDICKE. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND PERRY, EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER CHARLES F. SHANE. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; HUGH DARBY, IN ATTENDANCE Police Chief; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks and Recreation Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Daily Record Chronicle MINUTE PPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, HOLD APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 1979 UNTIL DECEMBER 3 , 1979. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Vacation of published and mailed according to law, Mayor Piro tem Shinpoch Right-of-Way opened the public hearing to consider the vacation of a portion Citizens Federal of public right-of-way located adjacent to NE Sunset Blvd. at Savings & Loan Kirkland Ave. NE, petitioned by Citizens Federal Savings VAC-18-79 and Loan Association. Letter from Board of Public Works Director Renton Highlands Gonnason reported the right-of-way not necessary to the City's circulation plan and had no objection to the vacation subject to the maintenance of a fire lane and an easement for utilities over the entire 25 ft. area. The Board also suggested one-half of appraised value of $6.00 per sq. ft. be charged. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall maps to show area and explained area to the south had been vacated as petitioned for Jack-in-Box and bowling alley. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, CLOSE THE HEARING. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Gonnason noted the proposed vacation was mostly asphalt surface of old frontage road and not landscaped area. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL GRANT THE VACATION WITH CONDITIONS PRO- POSED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS( 1NCLUDING FEE) AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Amendment to published according to law, Mayor Pro tem Shinpoch opened the Six-Year Street public hearing to consider amendments to the Six-Year Street Program and Program and Transportation Improvement Program. Letter from Transportation Public Works Director Gonnason explained the King County Planning Improvement Department asked the City revise the Six-Year Street Program since Program there are some mismatches between that and our Transportation 1980 to 1985 Improvement Program. The following changes to Exhibit A, Sheet No. 3 of 9, were requested: (1 ) Shattuck Ave. S. - Moved $600,000 from 1981 to 1980 to match prospectus; (2) Puget and Benson - Delete listing of $50,000 in 1980; (3) SW 27th St. - Move dollar amount from 1980 to 1981 . Public Works Director Gonnason explained the changes and funding. Stredicke inquired re Forward Thrust Projects and Gonnason explained the Forward Thrust bond issue monies may be used as matching money for U.A.B. and F.A.U.S. funded projects with 80-90% funding in order to accomplish the projects. There being no public com- ment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Upon further inquiry by Stredicke, Gonnason explained Forward Thrust projects require Council action by resolution. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND REVISE STREET PROGRAM AND REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Eo 2 „7-• LICpj1oer: CI I Y OF REI1TON Yat' me lIfvir w gri'icjpae in al puu- Heeii& ' 60N6erivii&& wMg Mell*/*Alegr t:aw-tly awrn raN 61 gulE.Ale,.....g. 71d WJEscy Alcutivw.tz /4 gr .7 :*0 Fop ‘tr7ke fiEA 4/ t '57R/Cr APAININM7C v 61& rn7Acv MOP .1 /441N -,.^,° ,,,,,,_,,iill 0 ,z,A14,--- Irkr .ok„„„, , ��.' ' ��� , "1 � r - r-iii." '. ,-.40.0400 CPA, ;klyv 4 i?' A / "1111: 71-9,kirtr.t.,1,,. , ..,46•146 .4 -1164,,it, AIL- 4.J:z- =Air..., .1 _ ____ mimuL-10644iiiiitieTsimmailumm;umeratillfti � ,,,,w,644.4 ( ,, A / • , -r-— _' -'a ie s T ""- as "ftu�w R . . .---'"aC9os. q. ,ii —fin -.-.�-_. . I , eat ,—�� .. s•�-_ 66te one , Cafe A;G øyw, YOUR ic'e ,ag APvc g'z ? ( I FOR FURTHER INFOR1ATION CALL 235-2560 qt-dsa _ Lnc • Renton City Council 9/24/79 Page 2 Public Hearing - Continued VAC-16- 79 payment of fee for the vacation of one-half appraised value of Street Vacation $ 1 . 80 per sq.ft. Public Works Department Representative Don SW 12th St. Monaghan reported location of right-of-way in the Eariington area, that all other streets and alleys in area have been vacated, that these serve no function in the city' s circulation plan. It was noted Ordinance 2475 from 1969 vacated other portions of street and alley; property was dedicated in original plat. Upon inquiry, Planning Director Ericksen noted property in process of rezone to B-1 . Discussion ensued re appraised value. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND PERRY, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Shane, second Trimm, vacate subject property and assess at 1/2 the appraised $1 . 80 per sq.ft. MOVED BY PERRY , SECOND CLYMER, REFER SUBJECT TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See following comment from property owner) AUDIENCE COMMENT David Sabey, 13817 NE 70th, Redmond, objected to intent to increase VAC-16- 79 appraised value due to pending rezone, noting property below the Street Vacation flood plain, needs substantial improvement, shown B-1 on comprehen- sive plan, surrounding property all zoned B-i and would be compatible. (See later property rezone ordinance on first reading) Executive Session Council President Pro tem Trimm requested Executive Session to discuss Fire Department labor negotiations with Personnel Director, Administrative Assistant and Labor Negotiator. Council Members met in Executive Session in the 6th Floor Conference Room, leaving Chambers at 8:40 and returning at 9: 15 p.m. Roll Call : All Coun- cil Members present. OLD BUINESS MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND TRIMM, REFER 10 THE BUDGET COMMITTEE THE Gambling Tax SUBJECT OF GAMBLING TAX ON NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN Tpi7 CITY . CARRIED. Utilit Tax Rate MOVED BY SHANE; SECOND TRIMM, UTILITY TAX FOR SENIOR CITIZENS for Seniors BE REFERRED TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: SHANE, TRIMM, PERRY; 3-NO: CLYMER, PROCTOR, STREDICKE; CHAIR VOIED AYE (Shinpoch) AND MOTION CARRIED. Motion by Shane, Second Perry, Refer to Committee of Whole a study to change Council meeting night from Monday to Tuesday. FAILED. Voting Machines Councilman Clymer requested information regarding voting machine break down during Primary Election 9/18. City Clerk Meaa noted information would be obtained from the King County Election Dept. Condom nium Upon discussion of meetings regarding the condominium ordinance, Ordinance Councilman Perry requested the Administrative Asst. to research and advise Councilman Shane information requested as to differences between ordinance and building code. Burnet : Linear Councilman Stredicke noted for the record and public information Park R,!ceived that following review by Citizens Committee recommendation proposed Housinl and that $11 ,000 be added for Burnett Linear Park; also noting tnat Commun ty $5, 179 added from unallocated funds; tnat Joint Policy Committee Develo?ment Funds has awarded $15,000 bringing total to $110,179. Apartment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PROCTOR, THE HOUSING DISCRIMINATION Availa)ility CASE SETILEDBY STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION BE REFERRED TO Discrimination THE CITY OF RENTON HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. CARRIED. ORDINA'iCES AND RESOLUTIONS Cumulative The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading for the Reserve #115 Cumulative Reserve Fund #115. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, HOLD Ordinance Held ORDINANCE FOR ONE MORE WEEK. CARRIED. Sabey Rezone The Ways and Means Committee recommended first reading for an GS-1 t) B-1 ordinance rezoning property located at SE corner of SW Grady Way and Oaksdale Ave. SW requested by David A. Sabey Rezone R 387-79. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND TRIMM, REFER BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (Located west of Cummins Diesel .) OF R. v © z THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 dl z .. 90� o CHARLES J. DEL/►URENTI MAYOR co PARKS and RECREATION .94 99rFo sEP�E�O� JOHN E. WEBLEY - DIRECTOR 235-2560 September 6, 1979 To: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti and Members of the City Council From: John Webley, Parks Director Subject: Consultant Selection for Burnett Lineal Park The Park Department and the Planning Department ask for the Mayor 's and Council 's concurrence in the selection of Edward MacLeod and Associates as the landscape architect for Burnett Lineal Park . A selection committee with representatives from the Parks, Public Works and Planning Departments selected MacLeod and Associates from a select field of architects through the in- terview process. The Park Board has concurred in our selec- tion. The Parks and Planning Departments have come to terms with the architect and the City Attorney has given his approval of the contract. We await the Mayor 's and Council 's concurrence to proceed with the signing of the contract and the park 's design and specification work . n E. Webley rks Director Gordon Y. Erickser_ Planning Director l ww� OF R. A ., 0 THE CITY OF RENTON U J C z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PARKS and RECREATION 9A cp. JOHN E. WEBLEY - DIRECTOR oAgTEo sEP�E`�O�P 235-2560 September 6 , 1979 To: Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti and Members of the City Council From: John Webley, Parks Director Subject: Consultant Selection for Burnett Lineal Park The Park Department and the Planning Department ask for the Mayor ' s and Council's concurrence in the selection of Edward MacLeod and Associates as the landscape architect for Burnett Lineal Park . A selection committee with representatives from the Parks, Public Works and Planning Departments selected MacLeod and Associates from a select field of architects through the in- terview process. The Park Board has concurred in our selec- tion. The Parks and Planning Departments have come to terms with the architect and the City Attorney has given his approval of the contract. • We await the Mayor 's and Council' s concurrence to proceed with the signing of the contract and the park 's design and specification work. 4___D- n E. Webley rks Director Gor on Y. IEricks Planning Director ' Rento i City council 9/10/79 Page 4 - Continued _ Consent Agenda Letter from Fire Department Chief Geissler requested authorize for Training approval of contract to provide CPR training for the for ci D high acd District high school and middle school students Renton School �chocl District. Concur and authorize Bid Opening CAirportA Improvements. See attached tabulation. Refer to Improvements pp T ran at sportion Committee. 11 d Letter from Public Works Director GOnndS07 regquesor tedusupple oil Budgetro riation in amount ng Building Dvn. mentary arp p roffessional services , office supplies Division representing p lamed the extreme amount and equipment rental . The letter exp resulted in the of construction activity throu9 °ut the appropriations . kefer to operating expenses exceeding original Ways and Means Committee. King County Boundary Review Board lntown nnotice afdproposeCrestvdeannexaation er Proposed to the City of Tukwila of both Annexation to the Board of Public Works. ConsMOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PROCTOR, ADOPT TIUTHE N CONSENT NT AGENA. Apprent AgendaCARRIED. MOVED BY SHAPE, SECOND CLYMER, A Approval FOLLOW- ING ITEMS. CARRIED. MOIION AS AMENDED, of Pawnbroker Letter from Finance Director Marsall approvalequestedhr Loan License additional pawnbroker license applicationaddress: Shop, owned by Louis Barei , 614 5. 18th St. , shop 327 Wells Ave. S. . The letter explained City ordinance eatllows one pawnbroker license for every fifteen thousand pop ion; official State Census: 30,/00. M O V EuEDD Y PERRY,SECOND STREDICKE, CONCUR IN REQUEST AND LICENSE BE I Letter from Parks Director Webley and Planning Director Ericksen R Burnett Lineal j i requested concurrence in selection aT'rdieAssoci- ates as landscape architec I letter explained selection process and Park Board concurrence.sed Concur and authorize signing fcontract. 15 Councilmand wasan Shane ' by inquired of proposed north/southro osed for Shattuck Ave. Mayor Uelaurenti that 515 Extension was p p ` MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SiREUICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Bellevue, Manag- Lnionvu , 16301 NE 8t , Sewer ExtensionN Letter from ih Tom e aIsmon,ce p applied�for late-comers agreement on Ave. NE sew Partern,t sewer extension along Union Ave. Nowoho°useslf of MuVEUrBYtbHANE , rook Associates, owner of Fo SECOND STREDICKE, REFER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS UEPA_ RT_ AND TO tHE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. h CESNO NDENCE Letter from Richard Harbert, RK2 Engineeriullric001t114t t.E., 'testentes Hill Kirkland, requested on behalf e em city increase the current water system s sesstentctoreddevelop- I S ment in the Renton Hill area, with Immpprroo vemmee t nts pay its fair share of water system improvements necessary to provide adequate tire fighting capacities. The letter further requested the City construct improvements necessary to provide adequate fire flow and the City be reimbursed through the increase assessment for all costs including inflation. The letter out- linedimprovements including R-3 zoned area along Mill Ave. from SECOND S. 6th to I-405 and listed benefits. TILTTEE ANDEDCITYEATTORNEY PERRY, REFER LETTER TO THE _ ITIES COMMI FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. 100 ro osed AUDIENCE COMMENT Tom Teasdale, 506 S. 15thnSt. , i nquiled dgregardingrprop in 8/2910 ft. or 7 story building Proposeduildin North7 Story Record Daily Chronicle and inquired whetherh permitkswas issued ofildin4 without an environmental impact study. prc epared by developerr FAI 405 Gonnason explained environmental check list p P that view obstruction was addressed as minimal . Gonnason stated Off,4 v .► 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT C.) .. z �> • ; — ENGINEERING DIVISION 235 -2631 A '' " }. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 P O,41.E0 OO SEPIE August 9, 1979 CHARLES J DELAURENTI NAYOR TO: C. J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR FROM! W. C. GONNASON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: WATER MAIN THROUGH LINEAR PARK AREA Attached herewith are the contracts for the professional engineering services for the 24" water main to be installed in the vicinity of Linear Park on Burnett Ave. S. The City Attorney has reviewed and approves the attached contracts. Please execute the attached contracts and process them through the City Clerk for execution. RLO:pmp ) \ t : CAG 041- 79 CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES City of Renton, Washington THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 10thday of August , 1979 , by and between the City of Renton, Washington , a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as the City, and Harstad Associates , Inc. , a corporation of the City of Seattle, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the Engineer; WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, the City desires to construct a 24-inch water transmission line on South Burnett Street between South 4th Street and South 7th Street in connection with the development of the Burnett-Linear Park. AND WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Engineer in connection with the design and related services for said water transmission main improve- ments; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed that the terms and conditions under which this contract will be effective are as follows: I. The City hereby employs the Engineer to perform all engineering work necessary for the design and construction of the water system improvements as contemplated by the City and any additions and betterments thereto, as may be authorized by the City. II. The Engineer accepts such employment and agrees to perform all engineering services necessary to complete the design contemplated in the authorization of the City, and agrees to perform such ser- vices to the best of their ability in a good workmanlike manner. III . The Engineer will provide the services necessary to the construc- tion of a 24-inch ductile iron water transmission line located on South Burnett Street , from a connection to an existing 24-inch water transmission main at South 7th Street northerly to a point north of the intersection of S. E. 4th Street , including a railroad crossing and necessary interconnections to existing water mains. The Engi- neer shall provide services necessary including the preliminary design, preparation of contract plans and specifications , and admini- stration and inspection of construction as required by the City. The scope of work for the services anticipated to be required for this project is described as follows: Phase I - Preliminary Design A. The Engineer shall assemble all existing data of the City related to existing utility and street improvements along the corridor of the proposed improvement. B. The Engineer shall assemble all data provided by the City rela- ting to proposed improvements along the water main corridor, including Park, Street and related utility improvements contem- plated in the development of the Burnett-Linear Street Park. C. The Engineer shall examine all assembled data to establish its completeness and accuracy, and shall make such field surveys and investigations as are necessary to provide a complete as-built of all existing utilities and improvements and proposed utilities improvements along the water transmission line corridor. D. The Engineer shall prepare base map drawings at a scale of 1" = 20' showing all existing and proposed improvements along the water transmission main corridor. E. The Engineer shall prepare the preliminary design routing of the proposed water transmission line improvements, including proposed connections to existing water mains and preliminary requirements for crossing of the existing railroad improvements for review and approval by the City. The preliminary design shall include the Engineer's estimate of the cost of the pro- posed improvements. Phase II - Preparation of Contract Plans and Specifications A. Upon approval of the preliminary design routing by the City, the Engineer shall proceed with the preparation of final con- struction plans and specifications for the 24-inch water trans- mission line including the following: 1. Contract plans at a scale of 1" = 20' showing all details of construction necessary to obtain competitive bids and to accomplish the construction of the proposed improvements. 2. Preparation of contract specifications and bid documents incorporating standard specifications of the City, and pre- pared in accordance with the City's standard format . B. Obtain subsurface investigation if required, upon approval by the City. C. Prepare applications for required permits for railroad crossing. D. Prepare a final estimate of the project and construction cost. E. Submit completed plans , specifications and estimate to the City for final review and approval. F. Submit plans and specifications to the Dept. .of Social and Health Services for review and approval. G. Provide 50 sets of construction plans and specifications to the City for use in securing competitive bids and for construction of the improvements. H. Assist the City as required in the Advertisement for Bids, the analysis of bid results, preparation of aRecommendation for Con- tract Award, and the preparation of Contracts for Execution. Phase III - Construction Services A. The Engineer shall provide services as required by the City for the administration and inspection of the construction of the project. These services may include any or all of the follow- ing: 1. Construction inspection and consultation to the City during construction. 2. Preparation of progress payments for the contractors and administrative assistance to the City in processing of pay- ments. 3. Construction staking of improvements. 4. Testing, final inspection and recommendation of contract acceptance. 5. Preparation of as-constructed drawings. IV. The Engineers shall be paid for their services as set forth under Phase I , Phase II, and Phase III on the basis of the salary cost of said work at the time it is performed times a multiplier of 2.00 plus out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the project . Salary cost is defined as the direct job salary plus the cost of fringe benefits for all employees expressed as a percentage of direct salary cost. Fringe benefits are defined as those mandatory and customary benefits, including sick leave, vacation and holiday pay, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, social security, insurance and retirement benefits. The current value of the Engineer's salary cost for the purposes of this contract is 35% of the direct job salary. tit 4100 Out-of--pocket expenses will include in-house direct expenses such as blueprinting, copying, automobile mileage and survey supplies , which will be billed at the Engineer's established rates. Out-of-pocket expenses purchased outside of the Engineer's office shall be billed at the actual invoice cost plus 10 per cent. In order to provide a budget for the City for the Engineers' services , the Engineer agrees that the services to be provided under Phase I and Phase II will not exceed seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7 ,500 .00) without prior approval of the City. The Engineer shall provide to the City a budget for Phase III services after completion of Phase II and determinatic by the City of the services to be performed by the Engineer under Phase III . V. Payments to the Engineer will be made monthly on receipt of the Engineer's invoice in accordance with the basis of payment for services as set forth in Paragraph IV above. VI. Since the Engineer has no control over the cost of labor, materials or equipment, or with the Contractor's method of determining prices or over competitive bidding or marketing conditions , his cost estimates and cost of the project provided for herein are to be made on the basis of his experience and qualifications , and represent his best judg- ment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry. The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee the proposal bids or that the project construction cost will not vary from the cost estimates prepared by him. VII. If any work covered by this agreement shall be suspended or abandoned by the City before the Engineer has completed the plans and specifica- tions and other services, the Engineer shall be paid for the hours of work completed to said determination date in accordance with the basis of payment set forth in Paragraph IV above. VIII. This agreement is binding on the parties hereto, their heirs , successors , assigns and legal representatives. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunder hereto set their hands and seals the day and date first above written. THE CITY OF RENTON By C. , Mayor ATTEST: . eZ , ( , /?Iad City Clerk HARSTAD ASSOCIATES, INC. By ,,littee6X-Z,- . 4(e____, Vice President ATTEST: •