HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Hearing - Capitol Improvements Park Acquisition & Development (1966) * ' - TENTATIVE 6-YEAR ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AREA LOCAL FUNDS MATCHING FUNDS TOTAL Lake Washington Beach (Dev. ) 225,000 225,000 450,000 Keniydaie Playground (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 Tiffany Park (Acq.) 4,000 4,000 Highlands Playfield (Dev.) 83,192 83,192 Sierra Heights Playfield (Acq.) 25,000 25,000 50,000 Kiwanis Park (Dev.) 67,754 67,754 Earlington Playground (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 Lake Washington Beach Add'n (Acq.) 75,000 75,000 150,000 Talbot Hill Playfield (Dev.) 99,352 99,352 Heather Downs Park (Acq.) 45,000 45,000 90,000 Hazelwood Playfield (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 May Creek Park (Acq.) 100,000 100,000 200,000 Horeydew Playfield (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 Marie Valley Park (Atq.) 100,000 100,000 200,000 TOTALS 904,298 650,000 1,554,298 PQ_SSIBLE ADDITIONS TO THE ABOVE PROGRAM Marlewood Playground (Day.) 26,575 Wirdsor Hills Playground (Dev.) 29,000 29,000 Philip Arnold Playfield (Dev.) 79,37? 79,379 TOTALS 650,000 1,689,252 RENTON ENTERPRISE CITY OF RENTON Renton Town Talk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Renton, Wash. RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set Proof of Publication April 4, 1966, April 11, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council This is a copy of your Chambers, City Hall, Renton, Washington, as the time and N0T CE. OF PUBLIC HEARING place for a Public Hearing to. consider the following Capital as it appeared for the first time this week. Improvements: PARK ACQUISITION AND It will be published on the following dates: DEVELOPMENT (April 4) ARTERIAL STREETS (April MArch 30, 1966 11) Any and all interested per- sons are invited to be present following the last insertion the Immediately and voice approval or disap- proval to same. affidavit of publiction will be delivered to CITY OF RENTON. your office. Helmie Nelson City Clerk per 100 words..96 words, .lx Published in The Renton Cost of notice.Q3�_._p Enterprise March 30, 1966. at the regular statutory rate, will be $.0O...934 Thank You We are pleased to have this oppor- tunity of serving you and hope that you will favor us with your next publication. Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-1966 1nnouncements by ',Mayor Custer The Mayor announced receiving State Highway project schedule for beautification of areas along the freeway. First plantings will begin along the site of the auto wrecking yard in the vicinity of the old KREN station on the E. Valley Hwy. Bids will be out April 19th and the plan calls for fall completion. Mayor Custer requested a short meeting of the Council following this evenings meei:ing to explain proposal of Metro regarding rent, a trunk line through South Renton to be constructed and Kent sewage to be handled through the Renton plant. Further facts will be outlined and advice of Council will be requested as to the Mayor's vote on the matter at the Metro Council meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: Park Acquisition and Development This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. President of the Council Hulse was given the floor and outlined plans for public hearings recommended by the Capital Improvement Priority Committee in pursuance of the 701 Plan and the Six-Year Comprehensive Plan for Parks ass s^t forth in the Community Facilities pr.r* n of the Plan. Application has been made for matching funds from Federal and State sources to implement the program and aid will be mutually negotiat�2 with County agencies, however the matter of finance will determine how far the City can progress toward accomplishment. Hearings will be held on April llth regarding Arterials and Streets and tentative date of April 25th has been dis- cussed for general government including a new city hall proposal. A letter was read from Mr. Robert Korn expressing concern thatrn one from Renton is on the King County Planning Commission and noting that earliest priority for Renton on the County Planning Commission priorities list is in 1970 at May Creek. Tro- grflu of Tentative 6-year acquisition and development was distributed outlining areas proposed for Park developments and acquisitions and funding anticipated therefore. Park Director Coulon outlined the areas on a map and advised of applications and forms filed with the Interagency Committee and the Outdoor Bureau of Recreation for matching funds. Possible additions were ar`lfi-.ed in projection over 20 year period, and list submitted by the Park Board indicated that presently owned areas be undertaken by local funds with acquisition and further development to be with at least 50% matching funds. It was pointed out that the longer it takes to acquire the properties the more costly and less available they will be. If financing can be secured the City can proceed with extension into the program decreasing span of years and cost which accelerated program could accomplish. Proposals were discussed for bond issues and aid of local organizations and clubs in promotion thereof in accordance with community desires. Audience comment was invited and among those speaking were Mr. Dick Hagley, Mr. Robert Korn, Mrs. Jean Gosse, Mrs. Elaine Fleming, and matters dis- cussed included concern that the smaller areas be developed and furnished with laultory and drinking facilities which are now being used and not just the one park issue be put on the ballot as before, inquiry as to what might be included in L<:ke Wn. Beach development and acquisition plans on the lake to the North to SE 72nd insofar as boat launching development is concerned and whether propositions will be all placed on the same ballot. Mr. Don Morken from Foster 6 Financial Consultants, outlined tentative costs of bond issues, millage levies and cost to householder based upon $5,000.00 assessed valuation (at 1.03 mills for J5 years cost of approximately $5.15 per year and for 20 years based upon .83 nills the cost would average $4.15 per year) It was pointed out that as,.the assessed valuation of the community increases the millage rate goes down. After discussion on April 25th hearing and ballot combinations, Councilman Hulse advised that the April 25th hearing might be cancelled pending further study on the civic center complex and that at present it if felt the Park and Arterial issues might be combined for ballot purposes. The Committee will make its recom- mendations upon completion of the hearings. As there was no further comment, it was Roved by Poli, seconded by Pedersen, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Movec by Perry, seconded by Hulse, that the matter be referred to the Capital mprcvement Priority Committee for recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, s-corded by Perry, that the communications be referred to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. -2- March 11, 1966 The Renton City Council is extending an invitation to all groups, organizations, clubs and persons actively interested in the governmental and civic affairs of the community, to attend public hearings during the month of April regarding proposed Bond Issues for Capital Improvements,recommended as an outgrowth of and toward implementation of the Cityts recently instituted 701 Comprehensive Plan. The Hearings are scheduled as follows and will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers in Cedar River Park, beginning at 8:00 p.m. April 4, 1966 - Park Acquisition and Development April 11,1966 - Arterial Streets April 25,1966 - General Government The Hearings are planned in an endeavor to advise and inform the community of the study and report of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, whose Chairman is Council President Bruce Hulse. The report recommends commencement of an expansion program deemed desirable and necessary in keeping with progress and the anticipated industrial, residential and general growth and development of the City as may affect the standards of living for the Community and its welfare and beautification with respect to the heritage for present and future citizens. Be informed! Be a part of your Community Affairs! Be there! Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk March 11, 1966 The Renton City Council is extending an invitation to all groups, organizations, clubs and persons actively interested in the governmental and civic affairs of the community, to attend public hearings during the month of April regarding proposed Bond Issues for Capital Improvements,recommended as an outgrowth of and toward implementation of the Cityts recently instituted 701 Comprehensive Plan. The Hearings are scheduled as follows and will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers in Cedar River Park, beginning at 8:00 p.m. April 4, 1966 - Park Acquisition and Development April 11,1966 - Arterial Streets April 25,1966 - General Government The Hearings are planned in an endeavor to advise and inform the community of the study and report of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, whose Chairman is Council President Bruce Hulse. The report recommends commencement of an expansion program deemed desirable and necessary in keeping with progress and the anticipated industrial, residential and general growth and development of the City as may affect the standards of living for the Community and its welfare and beautification with respect to the heritage for present and future citizens. Be informed! Be a part of your Community Affairs! Be there! Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON 11-� 24Y Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk trwm/rlm TENTATIVE 6-YEAR ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AREA LOCAL FUNDS MATCHING FUNDS TOTAL Lake Washington Beach (Dev. ) 225,000 225,000 450,000 Kennydale Playground (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 Tiffany Park (Acq.) 4,000 4,000 Highlands Playfield (Dev.) 83,192 83,192 Sierra Heights Playfield (Acq.) 25,000 25,000 50,000 Kiwanis Park (Dev.) 67,754 67,754 Earlington Playground (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 Lake Washington Beach Add'n (Acq.) 75,000 75,000 150,000 Talbot Hill Playfield (Dev.) 99,352 99,352 Heather Downs Park (Acq.) 45,000 45,000 90,000 Hazelwood Playfield (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 May Creek Park (Acq.) 100,000 100,000 200,000 Honeydew Playfield (Acq.) 20,000 20,000 40,000 Maple Valley Park (Acq.) 100,000 100,000 200,000 TOTALS 904,298 650,000 1 ,554,290 POSSIBLE ADDITIONS TO THE ABOVE PROGRAM Maplewood Playground (Dev.) 26,575 26,575 Windsor Hills Playground (Dev.) 29,000 29,000 Philip Arnold Playfield (Dev.) 79,379 79,379 TOTALS 1,039,252 650,000 1 ,689,252 r t. - }4 r, , ,.3 --nctiA �o, .-� ./ S - 0z41-jC.1-4, ,f 0-0-0• -rn, e- --74eoweieee(e0y i&M/139fi) s 7#1 ,-(149r"/11(11P1 'wl:1 e r 17I ,9-1) ..-7, /0)( -7,4 7/ /ze' j ,ki.'� �(/,' 'led', . 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Li/ 77 , ipI A----;, -r,r0(9- rrj''ee,c ,l 71-1,7-77-1,>12::2-,::',:.) . , PW- Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-16-1966 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter was read from King County Mental Health-Mental Retardation Planning Committee submitting Resolutions adopted by the King County Commissioners and Seattle City Council acknowledging and giving official recognition to the Mental Health Committee. The City was requested to take similar action to affirm the joint cooperation between Renton and the Planning Committee. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Carried. A letter was read from the American Public Works Association advising of a Western Public Works Conference to be held in Portland, Oregon on June 12-14, 1966. Pre-registra- tion form was attached. Councilman Pedersen requested permission to attend this meeting. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that Councilman Pedersen be authorized to attend the conferences and that his expenses be paid as allowed by provision of Ordinance. The motion carried. LtA letter from the King County Park and Recreation Department acknowledged receipt of he City's letter requesting possible ,joint cooperative efforts in improvements to e made in connection with the park bond issue and advised that the Board had indicated heir ten-year comprehensive plan for acquisition of these sites could be updated accordingly. They requested to be advised of the City's progress. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Stanley Stone to position on the Renton Planning Commission created by the resignation of Dr. Baird Bardarson. Mr. Stone is an attorney who will be opening a new law firm in Renton. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur.Delaurenti inquired whether Mr. Stone lived in the City limits. It was pointed out that several of the Commissioners do not,residency not being required. Pedersen felt the Commission should be consulted and moved to table the matter for two weeks; sacond.by .Delaurenti. Verbal no prevailed and the motion was declared lost. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, to refer the appointment to the Committee of the Whole. It was pointed out that no personal reference is intended but only satisfaction of inquiries made inasfar as Councilmen were concerned.Garrett and Schellert spoke against the motion giving support to the Mayor's selection deeming it proper to confirm the appointment as is done in his presence, research always given to candidates to be chosen. Mr. Ericksen reported meeting Mr. Stone and advised of his affiliations and background with the Prosecuting Attorney's Office and working on the King County Zoning Ordinance and it was his impression that his appointment would be a very valuable addition +o the Planning Commission. Vital interest was evidenced and it was felt that Cow cil action to allow immediate participation in the work of the Commission was to the City's advantage. Delaurenti stated his question was a matter of inquiry and that he did not plan to vote against the appointment. Morris, with consent of second withdrew the pending motion. Motion was voted upon as originally stated and the appointment was confirmed. PROCLAMATION: Proclamaticai by Mayor Custer declared May 25, 1966 as Share the Ride Day in Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinishedt'Business: Councilman Schellert reported that the Capital Improvement Priority Committee had set the date of May 23rd for hearing on the General Government portion of the program and moved that the date of June 6th be set for the hearing instead inasmuch as the Mayor is away and the Architects will have a more detailed report by that date. The motion was secorried by Delaurenti and carried. Councilman Perry called to mind the Property Committee meeting of Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers to determine whether to surplus property on the East bank of the Cedar River. New Business: Councilman Hulse announced that the Committee of the Whole will meet on Wednesday, May 18, 1966 at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Schellert reported that he and Councilwoman Dahlquist appeared before the Resolutions Committee during the Association Convention last week and that the Association Committee was very receptive to the City's proposal for Statute revision to eliminate the tax burden on Cities making collections on Metro charges as its agent. Resolution has -3- CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 'RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set , April 4, 11966, April 11, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council • Chambers, City Hall, Renton, . Washington, as the time and ; Place for a Public Hearing to consider the following Capital Improvements: PARK ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT (April 4) ARTERIAL STREETS (April 1+1) Any and all interested per- sons are invited to be present and voice approval or disap- proval to same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk Published in The Renton Enterprise March 30, 1966. Y"c‘44RR�' f` April 20, 1966 King County Park Board King County Court House ceattle, Washington A,ttentiort: Mr. George Wyse King County Park Director Gentlemen: The City of Renton is contemplating a Park Bond Issue for the November 1966 ballot. Two of the projects to be included in our proposition are May Creek P+rk and Cedar River (our Maple Valley Park) which proiects are listed in our Plans as Joint cooperative efforts between the County and the City of Renton. This is for your information in the event you may wish to adjust your priority schedule in order that our efforts might be coordinated accordingly. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk By Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk GM/dm cc: King County Commissioners c/o Mr. Scott Wallace, Chairman CITY OF RENTON NOT ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL C ITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall , Renton, Washington, as +he time and place for a Public Hearing to consider Any and all interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval or disapproval to same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: • CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) 1, hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy was posted at the City Hall, Renton, Washington on Signed : ATTEST: Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton.