HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-406820A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE 5E, W.M. Z 0 COV Z W I- X W w i rr n I- I..L 0/� n I- 0�/� W 4'-0"MIN. - A 4'-0"MIN. - 3/8" EXPANSION PEDESTRIAN CURB - SEE CONTRACT PLANS 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION SEE CONTRACT PLANS JOINT (TYP.) - SEE SEE NOTE 9 JOINT (TYP.) - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 STANDARD PLAN F30.10 LANDING LANDING B SIDEWALK CURB AND GUTTER SIDEWALK �/ ... CURB AND GUTTER CURB RAMP CURB RAMP CURB RAMP 4'-0"MIN. - SEE CONTRACT PLANS DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - 4'- 0" MIN. - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 SEE CONTRACT PLANS FACE OF CURB FACE OF CURB DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER CROSSWALK PLAN VIEW DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - TYPE PARALLEL A SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 7 4'- 0" MIN. SEE CONTRACT PLANS O CONTRACTION JOINT (TYP.) - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.1 ^ FOR CURB RAMP LENGTHS GREATER THAN 9 - 0TROVIDE v CL CONTRACTION JOINT EQUALLY SPACED W - Cr MIN. DID. _ w CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN ¢ LANDING CURB -SEE NOTE 9 SECTION AO 15'- 0" MAX. (TYP.) 4' - O" MIN. 15' - 0" MAX. (TYP.) SEE NOTE 7 SEE CONTRACT SEE NOTE 7 PLANS SIDEWALK, +GRADE BREAK *�A GRADE BREAK r1. CURB RAMP CURB RAMP LANDING \ 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 SECTION OB (ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALKWAY) "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT - SEE NOTE 6 7\ F_ TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT 1. At marked crosswalks, the connection between the landing and the PEDESTRIAN CURB - roadway must be contained within the width of the crosswalk markings. SEE NOTE 9 2. Where "GRADE BREAK" is called out, the entire length of the grade / break between the two adjacent surface planes shall be flush. 3. Do not place Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access Covers, or other appurte- nances on any part of the Curb Ramp or Landing, or in the Depressed Curb and Gutter where the Landing connects to the roadway. 3" R. 4. See Contract Plans for the curb design specified. See Standard Plan F-10.12 for Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb and Gutter, and Pedestrian Curb details. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - 5. See Standard Plan F-30.10 for Cement Concrete SIdaW81k Details. SEE STANDARD PLAN F45.10 Sea Contract Plans for width and placement of sidewalk. 6 DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER The Bid Item "Cement Concrete Curb Ramp "does not include CROSSWALK the adjacent Curb, Curb and Gutter', Dep Curs and Gutter, 0 Pedestrian Curb, Or Sidewalks. 7. The Curb Ramp length is not required to exceed 15 feet (unless otherwise PLAN VIEW shown in the Contract Plans). Wtren applying the 15-foot max. length, TYPE PARALLEL B the running slope of the curb ramp Is al owed to exceed 8.3%. Use a single constant all horn bottom of ramp w top of ramp w match Into the skdewm over a horizontal distance of 15 feet. Do not include abaft landsng(s) in that5-foot When Is tits r GRADE BREAK max. measurement a ramp construk on a radius 15400t max lerl is measured on the inside radius along the back of tote SLOPE Wei". COUNTER TOP OF 5.0� ROADWAY 8. Curb Rahn Ps and Landings shall recelVe a broom finish. Sea Standard Specifications 8-14. DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER - 9. Pedestrian Curb may be omitted If the ground surface at the bads of the SEE STANDARD PLAN F-10.12 Curb Ramp and/or Landing will be at the same elevation as the Curb AND NOTE 6 Ramp or Landing and there will be no material to retain. 4'- 0" MIN. 15'- 0" MAX. (TYP.) LEGEND SEE CONTRACT SEE NOTE 7 PLANS SLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTION GRADE BREAK SIDEWALK * 1.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR GRADE BREAK r DESIGN/FORMWORK (2% MAX.) CL 7.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR DESIGN/ FORMWORK (8.3% MAX.) - SEE NOTE 7 CURB RAMP PEDESTRIAN CURB - A LANDING SEE NOTE 9 SECTION O (ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALKWAY) "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL B" PAY LIMIT - SEE NOTE 6 A ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PARALLEL B PAY LIMIT 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 PARALLEL CURB RAMP SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET 06/29/1 0 LANDING GRADE BREAK - SEE CONTRACT PLANS - 4' - 0" MIN. CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK - SEE NOTE 5 FLARE (TYP.) 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) - SEE STANDARD PLAJN F-30.10 GRADE BREAK / CURB, OR CURB AND GUTTER - SEE NOTE 4 FACE OF CURB MEASURED PARALLEL TO CURB (TYP.) f TF n r m Z SLOPE TREATMENT - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 rb tat exceed shown NOTES CURB RAMP WIDTH 4' - 0" MIN. LANDING TO MATCH A CURB RAMP WDTH - SEE CONTRACT PLANS CURB RAMP WIDTH 4'- 0" MIN. 1. At marked crosswalks, the connection between the curb ramp and the road LANDING MATCH CURB RAMP waymust be contained within the width of the crosswalk markings. g LANDING E WIDTH -SEE CONTRACT PLANS GRADE BREAK CURB RAMP 2• Where "GRADE BREAK" is called out, the entire length of the grade break SEE CONTRACT PLANS - GRADE BREAK between the two adjacent surface planes shall be flush. 4'- 0" MIN. CEMENT CONCRETE 3. SIDEWALK - SEE NOTE 5 Do not place Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access Covers, or other appurten- ances on any part of the Curb Ramp or Landing, or in front of the Curb Ramp where It connects to the roadway. TO SIDEWALK WIDTH 2'- 0" -- (TYP.) SEE CONTRACT PLANS - 4'- 0"J IN. MIN. SEE CONTRACT 4. PLANS\ 4'- 0" MIN. See Contract Plans for the curb design specified. See Standard Plan * F-10.12 for Curb, Curb and Gunter, Depressed Curb and Gutter, and 3/8" EXPANSION _ BUFFER WIDTH - MATCH Pedestrian Curb details. JOINT (TYP.) -SEE w w TO CURB RAMP DEPTH 5. CURB RAMP STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 (TYP.) See Standard Plan F-30.10 for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details. See Contract Plans for wktlh and placement of sidewalk. GRADE „, V 6. BREAK TRANSITION TO SIDEWALK BUFFER, IF PRESENT, OR TO BACK OF CURB (TYP.) - 1, Q The Bid Item "Cement Concrete Curb Ram T)Ipe d0e5 not Include the vi adjacent Curb, Curb and Gut�r', DepIH889O Curb &W GuW Pedestrian * * SEE CONTRACT PLANS Curb, or Skiewalks. i- 7, The C Ram le k fired to 15 feet less r CURB, OR CURB CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB - u p nglh regU (Un ot otherwise In ttla Contract Plans). When apply) the 1546max length, AND GUTTER - DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - SEE NOTE 4 SEE NOTE 4 the running of the Curb Ramp is allowed exceed 8.3%. Use a SEE STANDARD PLAN F 45.10 B DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - SIng le constant Slope from bOitOm Of ramp t0 top OF temp t0 match Into the landig over a horizontal distance of 15 deaf. Do not include the FACE OF CURB F SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 abutting landing in the 15-foot max measurement ` DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER - DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER 8. Curb Ramps and Landings shall receive a broom finish. Sea Standard SEE EE NOTE 4ISWALK CROSSWALK Specifications 8-14. 9 • Pedestrian Curb may be omitted If the ground surface at the back of the Curb Ramp and/or Landing will be at the same elevation as the Curb Ramp or Landing and thane will not be material to retain. O CONTRACTION JOINT (TYP.) - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 FOR CURB RAMP LENGTHS GREATER THAN 8' - 0' PROVIDE PLAN VIEW CONTRACTION JOINT EOUALLYSPACEDW-VMIN. OC. PLAN VIEW TYPE PERPENDICULAR A TYPE PERPENDICULAR B LEGEND DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - (SHOWN WITH BUFFER) SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 _ SLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTION 4'- 0" MIN. 15- 0" MAX. (TYP.) GRADE BREAK * 1.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR DESIGN/FORMWORK (2% MAX.) SEE CONTRACT PLANS SEE NOTE 7 COUNTER SLOPE - GRADE BREAK 5.0% MAX. * * OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR * DESIGN/FORMWORK DESIGN/FORMWORK (8.3% MAX.) * * TOP OF ROADWAY 9.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR D D • D D D DESIGN/FORMWORK (10% MAX.) LANDING CURB RAMP } DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER - 1 SEE STANDARD PLAN F-10.12 SECTION OA CEMENT CONCRETE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP "TYPE PEDESTRIAN CURB - PERPENDICULAR "A" PAY LIMIT - SEE SEE NOTE 4 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 3" R. TYP. DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER - SEE NOTE 4 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER - SEE NOTE 4 CURB RADIUS DETAIL O ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PERPENDICULAR A PAY LIMIT CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP "TYPE PERPENDICULAR "B" PAY LIMIT ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PERPENDICULAR B PAY LIMIT PERPENDICULAR CURB RAMP SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET 09/25/20 RAMNTS P I NTS PARALLEL CURB PERPENDICULAR\PCURB RAMP 2 1 OF WAS 7� �Q 33708 ���IONAL NOTES VI MATCH SIDEWALK BUFFER 1. This plan is to be used where pedestrian crossing in one direction is not WIDTH - 4' 0" MIN. STRIP permitted. MATCH SIDEWALK SEE CONTRACT PLANS WIDTH - 4' 0" MIN2. At marked crosswalks, the connection between the Landing and the . - SEE CONTRACT PLANS PEDESTRIAN CURB -SEE NOTE 10 �� roadway must be contained within the width of the crosswalk markings. CURB RAMP 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION PEDESTRIAN CURB - MATCH SIDEWALK WIDTH - 4' 0" MIN. 3. Where "GRADE BREAK" is called out, the entire length of the grade break JOINT - SEE STANDAR SEE NOTE 10 SEE CONTRACT PLANS between the two adjacent surface planes shall be flush. PLAN F-30.10 LANDING LANDING 4. Do not place Gratings, Junction Boxes, Access Covers, or other appurten- SIDEWALK - 3/8" (IN) EXPANSION JOINT - SEE `` m PEDESTRIAN CURB - ances on any part of the Curb Ramp or Landing or in the Depressed SEE NOTE 6 5' - 0" MIN. 3" R STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 �' SEE NOTE 10 (TYP.) Curb and Gutter where the Landing connects to the roadway. 5'- 0" MIN. a Y 5. See Contract Plans for the curb design specified. See Standard Plan / A z J F-10.12 for' Curb, Curb and Gutter, Depressed Curb Gutter and * 3 R. Pedestrian Curb details. * * o �� 5'- 0" 3"R. o �6. SIDEWALK - Z ° See Standard Plan F-30.10 for Cement Concrete Sidewalk Details. See O SEE NOTE 6 U Contract Plans for'width and placement of sidewalk 1�1-; BUFFER STRIP - SEE DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE BUFFER DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 7. The Bid Item "Cement Concrete Curb Ram Type= does not include the CONTRACT PLANS C SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 STRIP C SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 adjacent Curb, Curb and Gutter, DepressedpCurb and Guitar', Pedestrian Curb, or Sidewalks. CURB AND GUTTER - _ CURB AND GUTTER - SEE NOTE 5 SEE NOTE 5 8. The Curb Ramp length is not required to exceed 15 feet (unless shown PEDESTRIAN CROSSING PEDESTRIAN CROSSING otherwise in the Contract Plans . When rg the 15-foot max leno CLOSURE SIGN CURB RAMP CLOSURE SIGN FACE OF CURB RAMP (measured from bads Of skdeWa the running slope of the Curb ramp FACE OF CURB allowed to exceed 8.3%. Use a single Constant slope from bottom of CURB PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW ramp to top of ramp to match Into the sklewalk over a horizontal w distance of 15 feet. o TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION A TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION B 9• Curb Ramps and Landings shall receive a broom finish. See Standard Qf Specifications 8-14. w } 10. Pedestrian Curb may be omitted If the ground surface at the back of the m DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE - Curb Ramp and/or Landing will be at the same elevation as the Curb 15'- 0" MAX SEE STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 15'- 0" MAX (TYP.) 15'- 0" MAX (TYP.) Ramp or Landing and there will not be material to retain. i (TYP.) SEE NOTE 8 SEE NOTE 8 t GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK ❑ SEE NOTE 8 GRADE LEGEND GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK COUNTER SLOPE BREAK 5.0% MAX. SIDEWALK - SIDEWALK - SLOPE IN EITHER DIRECTION SIDEWALK - SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTE 6 SEE NOTE 6 1k * TOP OF * * �c * * 1.5 OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR �iV* ROADWAY �� I 1 * �� DESIGN/FORMWORK (2% MAX.) CURB RAMP �` 7.5% OR FLATTER RECOMMENDED FOR CL LANDING DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER - }tL DESIGN/FORMWORK (8.3% MAX.) 1� I} CURB RAMP SEE NOTE 7 SEE STANDARD PLAN F-10.12 CURB RAMP F LANDING 1 SECTION OB 1 SECTION O O CONTRACTION JOINT (TYP.) - SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30.10 (ALONG INSIDE RADIUS AT BACK OF WALKWAY) FOR CURB RAMP LENGTHS GREATER THAN V - Cr PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINT EQUALLY SPACED W - Cr MIN. OC. "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION A" PAY LIMIT - TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION B" PAY LIMIT - SEE NOTE 7 SEE NOTE 7 DETECTABLE WARNING IN RADIUS 1" (IN) SURFACE - SEE CORNER STANDARD PLAN F-45.10 PEDESTRIAN CURB DEPRESSED CURB AND GUTTER - SEE NOTE 5 90° ANGLE RADIUS MAY VARY ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION A PAY LIMIT 'TEN W COUGH LINPORTERLUNDEEN Transportation Engineering NorthWest STRUCTURAL CIVIL SEISMIC ENGINEERING Transportation Planning I Design I Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, WA 98004 801 SECOND AVENUE, SUITE 900 (206) 343-0460 Office (425) 889-6747 SEATTLE, WA 98104 www.cplinc.com Project Contact: Elyse Stemmler, P.E. Phone: 425-250-5004 1'-0" DETAIL OC ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION B PAY LIMIT SINGLE DIRECTION CURB RAMP SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET 06/29/16 NTS SINGLE DIRECTION\PCURB RAMP RECORD DRAWINGS 07 08 22 SURVEYED: SCALE: TRS DESIGNED: AS SHOWN RAG DRAWN: PRW ONE INCH CHECKED: AT FULL SCALE BSB IF NOT ONE INCH NO. REVISION BY DATE AP P R APPROVED: SCALE ACCORDINGLY TBB CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRAWING This construction record drawing is a copy of a cad file prepared by COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN and has been edited to reflect field verified invert and rim elevations of the storm, sanitary sewer and water main systems. Field verified invert and rim elevations were obtained by KLB CONSTRUCTION IN JUNE LULL The on -site private storm drainage facilities and public/private water and 3 sewer systems were installed in accordance with the approved plans and the documented field revisions and function as intended. HORIZONTAL NAD 1983/1991 R CITY OF k%; F RENTON DATUM 1J) Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. R-406820 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON PAVING DETAILS co N O 0') T A, LJ Z 0 r VJ Z W I- X W \W a a O DATE: 04/30/2021 0 FIELDB00K: PAGE: DRAWING NO: C-412 v SHEET: 24 oF:30