HomeMy WebLinkAboutAquatic Center Planning & Citizen Petition (1976) (._ ,..___a_ : d?T.J,_c_c_e_-7-t--e.: (Lp____AL___62__A_ --..) v(_ L-- Utv5_124-N. J\g_r_0- . • Renton City Council 11/1/76 Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Springbrook City Clerk Mead reported receipt of Superior Court Case No. 819335 First Trout Farm Amended Complaint, Donald J. Gallagher and Mary D. Gallagher, dba Spring- Court Case brook Trout Farm vs City, claiming damage due to diversion and discharge of waters. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported 10/28/76 bid opening for sanitary sewers in LID 300 the Olympic View Terrace area, LID 300, with 12 bids received as shown Sewers on attached tabulation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Planning Commissioner, Clark Teegarden, 264 Seneca P1 . NW, called atten- tion to the filling of the council position by the Council before the vacancy exists and noted eight council members. Mr. Teegarden noted suprise at failure of Council to nominate Mike Smith,who had run for office for council position. Mr. A. E. Noble, 1005 Monroe Ave. NE, asked each council person to consider whether or not they are discharging duties to office elected. OLD BUSINESS Motion to adjourn by Stredicke, seconded by Clymer, Failed. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe presented com- Committee Report mittee report recommending two public hearings be held on the HUD 1977 Block Grants Block Grant proposals , 11/8/76 and 11/15/76. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED 1977 BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Aquatic Center Community Services Committee report recommended that the City not authorize co-sponsorship of application for a Greater Seattle-King County .International Aquatic Center for local public works funding. The report noted the center worthwhile, however this would be in compe- tition with the city' s own applications. (Request made to Council 10/25) MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Grant requested recording of his NO vote. Burnett Ave.S Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe asked for information concerning Burnett Parking Lot Ave. S. parking area in order that committee can proceed, asking portion included, noting use by new car dealers for storage. Mayor Delaurenti reported meeting scheduled and noted area between 4th & 5th would be cleared, that decision not yet made on area between 5th & 7th, and upon further inquiry noting expenditure cannot be made with Council concurrence. Record re Councilman Clymer asked to make clear to candidates for council position Policy Matter the debates were not personal matter, but of policy regarding voting of council member on filling of own vacancy. McBeth Councilman McBeth recalled his 10/11/76 resignation effective at clnse of Steps Down Old Business 11/1 , reported having enjoyed the time he spent on the council , asking. the council members to move forward from this point on; stepped down with regret and extended congratulations to newly elected Council member Barbara Shinpoch. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Clymer Council adjourn. Roll Call : 3-Ayes: STREDICKE, THORPE, CLYMER; 3-No: PERRY, GRANT, BRUCE. Mayor Delaurenti broke the tie with NO vote and Motion Failed. (Time: 11 :30 p.m. ) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened 10:35 pm and the following Council members were present at Roll Call : THORPE, PERRY, CLYMER, GRANT AND BRUCE. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Delaurenti asked Council member-elect Barbara Shinpoch to step Oath of Office forward and receive the Oath of Office which was administered by City Clerk Mead. Congratulations and welcome were exterded to Councilwoman Shinpoch. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCILWOMAN SHINPOCH ASSUME COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS FORMERLY HELD BY COUNCILMAN McBETH UNTIL THE FIRST OF THE YEAR WHEN NEW ASSIGNMENTS ARE MADE. Mayor Delaurenti called atten- tion this would include the LEOFF Board position with Councilman Bruce. CARRIED. D N 32 z---,7:3 o m CS) m -- Cu f .,fD CD C) c < �= c •-• -r,<< w o zD 0) 3 0 N 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � n SAriIIAR1• SEWERS --OLYrMPIC VIEW TERRACE -z-I a m N�� L.I.D. 300 "--.BID OPENING - 10/28/76 o ca 4./'Lc c.) I a) o AA nal = CONTRACTOR BB EEO Subtotal SS Tax Total Price Subtotal SS Tax Total Price -I 3 a) a, _ Y. 3 = �• Plastic Pipe Concrete Pipe S o - c< m z o c+ Frcnk Coluccio Construction X No did $67,987.00 $3,671.30 $71,653.30 C < 0 0 C 9600 Empire Way South X g o -s o o Seattle, WA 98118 X W a) O m m fD CO a "iCrio Utilities Co., Inc. X X S51 ,555.00 $3,323.97 $64,878.97 $61 ,555.00 $3,323.97 $64,878.97 c+ M 7265 2nd Ave. So. X $58,555.00* $3,161.97* $61 ,716.97* $58,555.00* $3,161 .97* $61,716.97* = co o c c CD GD Seattle, v;, 92108 u� 70 c+ 's -11 v 70 Hanson Excavating Co., Inc. X X $38,145.75 $5,299.87 $103,445.62 $101,737.00 $5.493.80 $107,230.80 °i m C = C) n z 4102 S. Adams S t. a m c+ ---1 = -1 i , ps�St n �. C -. V a:c a, NA 3409 0 --4. 7o Skip Jacobson Constr. Co. X X $62,554.00 $3,377.91 $65,931.91 $62,554.00 $3,377.91 $65,931.91 -ss m .< z `-' m N 13547 S.E. 27th Place X = c") < o, = 3 m C,73C) ' Bellevue, WA 96005 a z a z Lindorook Construction Inc. X X $87,182.00 $4,707.82 $91,889.82 $89,117.00 $4,812.31 $93,929.31 o a) z -I o 20727 52nd W. P.O. Box 1066 X X $87,578.00* $4,729.21* $92,307.21* $89,513.00* $4,833.70* $94,346,.70* cr+ o a --Im o Lynnwood, 1,A 98036 co 70 = m 0 CO Lur. `-•erg Construction Co. X X No Bid $83,558.75 $4,512.17 $88,070.92 -' -< m --i -<< 3420 - 13th Ave. S.W. X '• • w A � -s Saco . c,artlF, WA 98134 cn (i. ---I -. National Construction Co. X X $111 ,000.00 $5,994.00 $116,994.00 $111,000.00 $5,994.00 $116,994.00 -o = m -< o cc-) P. 0. Box 3397 X 1 70 m o o Midway, WA 92031 p • 3 Pacific Paving Co., Inc. X X $22,255.00 $1,201.77 $23,456.77 $86,425.00 $4,666.95 $91,091.95 �, c� z • P.O. Box 80203 - 121 S. River St. X $85,185.00* $4,599.99* $89,784.99* 0 c= a) z z o Seattle, VA 93108 m z (-r. •-•, C.) z Renton Construction Co. X 583.X $61 00 $3,325.48 $64,908.48 $61 ,614.00 $3,327.16 $64,941.16 v) 0-1m m n 14329 S.E. 126th St. X a m N • m r Re^ton, WA93055 3 cCD x) 70 Howard Schwicht Constr. Co. X X $79,345.00 $4,284.63 $$83,629.63 $79,345.00 $4,284.63 $83,629.63 3 ` mr m P.O. Box 527 X o m c m --r Enumclaw, WA. 99022 a. . z o Paul Snycers Constr. Co. X X $80,110.58 $4,325.97 $84,436.55 $80,145.61 $4,327.86 $84,473.47 " �t z P. 0. Box 475 X J� �' A o Kirkland, WA 98033 o _ Tri-State Construction Co. X X $29,822.00 $1 ,610.39 $31 ,432.39 $82,995.50 $4,481.76 $87,477.26 `< o CL .--1 m 959 - 108th N.E. . X $84,156.00* $4,544.42* $88,700.42* c-) c Bellevue, WA 98004 0 a = o -v CD z _ * Engineering Corrections o --i z c) 0 -< z c+po N -° CI) G) - 0) m o C C. -n • J. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER 1, 1976 SUBJECT: INTERNATIONAL AQUATIC CENTER The Community Services Committee reviewed the request of the Steering Committee for a Greater Seattle-King County International Aquatic. Center that the City of Renton co= sponsor an application for local public works funding. The proposal for an aquatic center is certainly worthwhile, but the city has submitted its own applications for other projects which would realistically be competing for the same monies. It is therefore the Committee' s recommendation that the City of Renton not authorize co-sponsorship of the application. Chairwoman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe Kenneth Bruce Earl Clymer PST:mg e .c - ,-'u - C /1` Renton City Council 2 10/25/76 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Appointment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL APPROVE THE TEMPORARY Continued APPOINTMENT OF VINCENT LEE AS EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICER AND THAT THE MATTER OF THAT POSITION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COM- MITTEE AND TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION TO REPORT BACK. Councilman Stredicke noted federal requirement for EEO Officer; Councilwoman Thorpe asked the position be checked with budget process. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT rs. Eleanor Smith introduced Dr. Ed Barker, 12615 SE 165rd, Bellevue, Newport Hills, asked for city support for the building of an inter- Aquatic Center national aquatic center at a site previously selected with funds available through Public Works legislation, noting proposed 50 meter, 10 lane pool with room for 3,000 spectators for regional and competitive swim meets, explaining interest on the East Side and King County. Dr. Barker explained the matter had been presented to King County who sug- gested multiple city sponsorship, prime sponsor may be Bellevue Com- munity College and explained school would not have priority for funds that cities would. Mayor Delaurenti noted those items Renton has given priority to in its application for the EDA Grant Funds: Fire Sta- L-401 tion, pump station and Rolling Hills water line, Cedar River trail sys- tem and multi center. Joanne Wolfe, 12210 SE 65th, explained swim clubs in area and noted children in swimming are not in trouble with the law in any manner. Ric Colella, Olympic bronze medal winner, urged support and explained need for pool . Councilman Stredicke requested investiga- tion by the Suburban Mayor' s Association. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE R REPORT BACK NEXT WEEK. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members were present. Motion by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce, to adjourn, Failed by roll call vote: 3-Aye: Thorpe, Clymer, Grant; 4-No Stredicke, Perry, Bruce and McBeth. SPECIAL Mayor Delaurenti commerced the special presentation of the Fire Depart- PRESENTATION ment Master Plan for F Protection of the City with a telegram from the Fire Protection U.S. Dept.. of Commerce. rational Fire Prevention & Control Adm. , Wash- Master Plan ington, D.C. , J.A. Morciand,Acting Administrator, reported following the progress of Renton's master planning process under direction of Fire Chief George Williams and Captain Bruce Phillips. The wire noted plans to incorporate innovative tools developed and used by the Renton Master Planning Project Team into the master planning procedures being developed and hoped the City Council would permit the program to move forward. Fire Capt. Phillips recalled Council direction in June, 1975 for development of the master plan determining the present and future fire protection needs of the city, being cost effective and productive. Phillips explain- ed the data gathering process and retention of American Fire Technology Associates to provide data analysis. Jim Reiser of AFTA, assisted by Firefighter Steve Schneider, used slides to present the summary of the analysis of master plan data and recommended standards which had been developed under the criteria of cost consciousness and the ability to provide a level of service able to meet the demand for service. Mr. Reiser urged Council concurrence in the plan, noting implementation of the plan places the city in a priority position for federal funding and Renton would be the first city with master plan in effect tailored to the Washington State and Federal Government guidelines. Mr. Reiser reiterated recommendations included in the acceptable standards includ- ing changes in the personnel organizational chart, grading and equip- ment. Capt. Phillips discussed fire flow and possibility of sprinkler ordinance as affects businesses. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE FIRE PROTECTION MASTER PLAN TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION ALSO INCLUDING PERSONNEL ASPECTS OF FIREFIGHTER TRAINING. CARRIED. Riser noted good men in the City' s Fire Department. Phillips called attention to the nine large volumes of data collected which are available for. inspection. Councilman McBeth extended congratulations for a job well done. Copies of the master plan were distributed and Mayor Delaurenti Time: 10:40 p.m. thanked Mr. Reiser and Capt. Phillips noting master plan would help in obtaining EDA grant. Renton Cit, Council 10/25/76 'age 4 Council President Stredicke inquired re withholding ordinance publica- tion when reconsideration has been indicated. Council Councilman Stredicke noted complaints received of large number of new President automobiles being parked in the Burnett Ave. S. public parking lot Stredicke for full day by auto dealer, being advised by Mayor Delaurenti that he Inquiries has been investigating the matter and will be meeting with auto dealer. Stredicke also inquired of Wells Ave. bridge walkway, being advised by Public Works Director that walkway is closed due to structural damage and that plans for restoration are being worked on. Stredicke suggested city census be done using students from high schools, such as government class. Administrative Asst. Custer advised Hazen & Renton Booster Clubs have offered for per capita fee, also. noting Kent Fire Department had done their census for 10t per head, also noting plan for census in April . Communit Services Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe presented Community Services Committee report Committee Resort recommending that two public hearings be held on the Community Develop- ment Plan, the first on 11/1/76 and the second on 11/8/76. MOVED BY Community PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Development Plan Upon inquiry, Planning Director Erickson explained broader scope of the Community Development Plan as opposed to the Housing Assistance Plan for which hearings set last week for same dates. Councilwoman Thorpe advised the hearings meet program grant requirements. Burnett Ave. S. Councilwoman Thorpe noted complaints had also been received on the Parking Lot Burnett Ave. S. parking lot, noting use of that property in the Commun- ity Services Committee, asking for information regarding same, being advised city has deed. Councilwoman Thorpe reported during meeting with Sierra Heights area citizens concerning surplus property at NE 24th, the need for stop signs was made known for the intersections of NE 24th Glenco Ar:a St. and 136th SE, as well as NE 24th and Vashon Ave. NE. Staff person- Stop Sign- net having been present at the meeting, Public Works Director Gonnason Requested reported the matter was under study, that the Police Dept. had been requested to maintain more effective enforcement and explained need to coordinate with the county. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE AT THE PRESENT TIME FOR REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Plannin• ; Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee Development report noting meeting with Planning Commissioner Clark Teegarden 10/21 Committee Report discussing suggestions presented at 10/18/76 Council meeting concerning Examiner .nd Zoning Examiner and Planning Commission Ordinances . The report stated Planning both the committee and Commissioner Teegarden agreed to the following Commissio recommendations: Term of office for Planning Commissioners - the Ordinance• committee recommended that the language in the proposed ordinance be retained; Two new members - the committee recommended that the addi- tional two proposed in the planning ordinance be retained. The Liaison committee - the Planning and Development Committee recommended that their committee continue to act as liaison for Council and that the Commission appoint its own liaison committee to work with the Council committee; that the Planning Director and staff and Planning and Development Com- mittee prepare initial guidelines for use by the Zoning Examiner for recommendation to the Council ; also recommending that the final guide- lines be developed by the Planning Commission with liaison with Council , presenting them first to the Commission and then to Council for adoption. The committee and Commissioner Teegarden decided that the matter of the Commission acting as clearing house on the Examiner was not required. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Thorpe, Commissioner Teegarden noted it was the Mayor's prerogative • reappointment to the commission, however, urged reappointment of those terms expiring 12/31/76. Teegarden noted presence of City Attorney at meeting with Planning and Development Committee and the assurance given by the Attorney of existing constraints making the clearing house require- ment unnecessary. MOTION CARRIED. Resignation Letter from Councilman Grant withdrew his resignation from the City Withdrawn Council which had been submitted on October 11 , 1976, explaining council procedure with which he was concerned appears to be resolved and Grant pledged to work with all council members for the benefit of the public served. The letter expressed thanks for support given. Expressing the belief it was not necessary, however, MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH COUNCIL ACCEPT THE COMMUNICATION WITHDRAWING RESIGNATION. CARRIED. 4 Off' 114 44 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ® RENTON,WASHINGTON �,� �:. 3'..•.y .r POST OFFICE BOX 626 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 OVA 0o. �Q- LAWRENCE J.WARREN, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL KELLOGG, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 4:44o SEP1 March 1 , 1978 Puget Western, Inc. Puget Power Building Bellevue, WA 98009 Attention: Mr. Gary Mix Re: Talbot Crest Park Dear Mr. Mix: By letter dated January 27 , 1978 I corresponded with you concerning work to be done yet on Talbot Crest. To date I have not heard from you concerning your plans on this development. I think it is clear that the project as developed is not complete and not adequate for City standards. Unless I have heard from you within the next 15 days with your plans to complete this development, I will find it necessary to initiate a lawsuit on the City ' s behalf . I do not desire to take such action, but you are leaving me no alternatives . Therefore , I hope to hear from you within the next several days with your proposals . Very truly yours , PAIN & WARREN / Lawrence J. Warren City Attorney LJW:ad le- 1! - • * ,�� 9 i.?c17U N. SEP1970 41, Cloyd R. Jackson S CM of REN v 1 " 750 South 25th St. CLERICS OFFFIGE cw Renton, Washington 98055 September 10, 1970 ,-;...:d_-) Renton Park Board �1�� , c��7 ✓ /J' v/City Hall /'" ��' l '`�//✓ Renton, Washington 980551 Dear Sia : �yz� It is my understanding that Tennis facilities are planned for Talbot Hill Park. I am a homeowner in Victoria Park immediately adjacent to the south side of Talbot Hill Park where the said Tennis facilities are planned. I am hereby stating my objection to the construction of such facilities for the following reasons: 1. Usefulness: The Tennis facilities would greatly reduce the multi--purpose capabilities of the area chosen. Now, the area is used for several activities; such as, picnicing, football practice, small tot playing (close to home), and general playing by children and parents. The Tennis facility would be used, obviously, by only a few who want to play Tennis. 2. Aesthetic Value: The scene from out the neighborhood windows and back yards would be a large green cage. This is not why we chose this property. We chose to build on these adjacent lots because of the way the park is now. Instead of enjoying the scenes of trees grass, shrubs and natural beauty, we would be forced to put up screens and hedges to hide behind and hide the cage and lights. 3. Depletion of Privacy: There will be use of this facility at after dark hours when other park activities have ceased. Lighting and noise will be increased in what is now a Quiet, peaceful residential area. The grounds chosen for the site of the Tennis facility are, for the reasons above, a poor choice. I, and others in this area, feel that although there may be some need for Tennis facilities your reconsideration on constructing such facilities or at least the location of the Tennis Court is mandatory. _4(7/„.„1„.t..44/ --6 6,,,4„.41, je_,..1„..t,i,e---e-4.--, V 74 g--(1,-;--(3-e-7--"z---/ . - -6 ---,� �. -gyp " �, �► �a�pl c r.� J r e 4 o li C 1 j C d u ✓I C.-1 I S EP 1970 00 The following people wish to voice their objection to t c RE .7„“on a location of the planned Tennis facilities: 1�►t � oN or { .., CLERK'S 61rACE Name Address 415910 -----e44/11-11—Hic;je k Ise s . 2 s Sr 40( .2s . ,..14tileii, 7,400_,,,,,,......, )94,47_ .../6td14.44 7 4.2. - ..5-- 0,7 5stv-.17 I, LSO(( %t d P1,• S.1.. :i • •r L,. .' a _ a.1'k* PL. S.L, Arar DMA.0 n'1/3-0 /4140re ,49 s . gSr A. L , , -j, If ~ .l1 A 1- 7 /3aA•t/tt‘egi ie/ 'o. _.. _ f diR►/Vt 1T ed).4.R7" �d orliwirezr: . ..., Rclo�.f�o -- — 2578 8a�,.,r„,•,- c 3, i ft. ark a, n .• 6`d2Y 6f. S1,, v.,, Alt ..4t g 4 j • .4__.,2<?..4.a.4r ... 7_4,...7_________2._v_l_________4 t,i_•u r ' III) Z ii• a..a.. 4s fTTAK i /i . Li . _ _ - L � , - 4 - . 4ar Nerf_ZALV_I____ 1 4 1 r 1_ 4 6 _se ircif - / 7' ' • A.4 orP-414 6 4 4•:I• , itutireArAi A° . . • _• . 41 __ ..1....... .It . _ _3 (itt#1. 2 4-. 1?I e , illj 2,,t 4'.4 A ,.,, C4 f L I ,4 ix 2S3f R,Wt-, ;a.r71: R ' 30 - So ,f/ - •r-- /6'4/6 2_____ September 28tk, 1962 I./ TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HaITt2V, WASHINGTi : The undersigned residents of the Talbot Hill area in the City of Renton respectfully request your allocating the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) as submitted by our Mayor in his recent budget, to he used in developing the Talbot Hill playfield. Your acquiesence to thisfavor will enable us to accomplish the following results: 1. A centralised recreation area for the youngsters of our locality. 2. A hose field for our Talbot Hill Peewee Football Team, comprising 14 boys between the ages of F and 12. Last year they were obliged to use the Foster High School field as their home grounds, and this year they are playing their home games at the King County-Des Moines Play- field. Let us point out, that we sponsor our own athletic program financially, and each and every individual associated with this activity, devote many hours of their time without reauniration. 3. A local playfield will tend to create interest on the part of the children in this community, which means a minimum of juvenile delinquency, as well as other beneficial accomplishments. 1. i.T ////e i l c7 / `e}/ , cJ C 07 1 2. ih.a_anicte/ 4 //TO +� V v 3. (: )%;n A 1 1 �� .,1p,, i2 7) A &.) 4. 7iZ -, 4:/6/,: - /Zf z ,cQ.£-�-- �x 4., 5. i/LJII.e),Zi i?_., 3 .___1441/72.-eA 17/, 16-- 4. .tu7, A.e ms..,_, 1 -44¢ L 7. I4J1dtt,bl � - . Ao ?e. ( `7-not-ate /6 3, c Lz ro. 9. $4,6ew, Ecf 4,.?0,4 L / .v, q'V ,/,- ..<.„._ „, 10. is k L .X.�2 , Sii-A-4-_ , ll. 7 ' ti -5 ,5-- . ,,tixe..,/..i-_i_.,/- c,,, ,d,i-. 13• / 3Ulo 5''h4 i w ._ 14. 130� -TA,di--,le ,y-../&....„. is. a�-,•,e 4 //— /.3— r e . ... 16. ��-' ...W a�% --� /A35 - 1( r h Jd� /' `.• • . ! , ' 1T. /Li / ((/ `lak4Ly�f' � . 1$. `' / 2, 3 L _ 1),¢V,IS �T 5'a4,7-4 20. -via_ Z- S. ,//5:fl.elAter / c I f .1.2<5. i&au-4:1 _ii,,i7' . 21. - C'.I3- . 7c),4.7,tP / S3 41 S'.,„ , . , 22. �'`.�}7 :-. 2 `-.7e 7 /2 / 5^" 72a2„,s-1..o ,✓- ..�_'- 23. xie,frkt,7 1 . / //'3 9 --QI _Si) �r r 24. if .-c-_ M 97/ 25.i ^; 661-6147,_.0)1, 1f 3 v ji-r,,u ,; .. , _ ` - s4r�� 26. 1/?0 lv--c f 27. 4 .Ze)vk° //L 1 D (Ls s i. so .28ie.- 1,, z /.1/e__!,,,4 Ti.-----" 29 /, /`i e, So. 30Ch f 411! C� ,.?it i�,l 091 ti d im At1 -/ gi 40 1 31. V4� //a 3 LQ.a.u.4.; 32.___ Fe.. ..i.44.- _ ,fz- 1/ '6 #:ieda,,�,± S.2,,i1Z r Y1 )_&k, 33. aki . 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Lc-- - ie---,-",:-,-- - •cs ___, ", -, 4,- . .off, -rho zl: E // 7 S{ O Q •15 • 11 06 07 c4ele "hr u( , / 5-41A %2 90 �� //3 0 -,�, .1Cle C' 1- -SDo ,at--e&-eP 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1W 101 102 103 Juts CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY January l?, 1962 Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Talbot Hill Park Dear Heimie: Enclosed you will find the original of Statutory Warranty Deed from Puget Sound Power and Light Company unto the City of Renton which instrument should be placed on record with the King County auditor's office without delay. There is no sales tax involved since the City is one of the parties to this transaction. We remain Y urs very truly, HAUGAN & SHEL Gerard M. Shellan GMS:mr Enclosure cc-Mayor and the City Council Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Supt. 0 m b ta 4 , tz , \0 01 III i i V O) 1 y >1 8 1 1\ Pio 1 t . o a ,rk E 0 g I r, )3 NIT cii %,c) ti 2 F En 11 t Fan ray i\\ _.- // 'rstatutory warranty need (CORPORATE PORN THE GRANTOR PUGET SOUND PtwER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington Corporation for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations in hand paid,conveys and warrants to The CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal Corporation the f,'Rowing described real estate, situated in the County of King , State of Walt ington: N.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/Li of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., subject to that certain easement over the northerly 30 feet of said tract granted July 12, 19146, by Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to the City of Seattle and accepted by its ordinance No. 75249, King County Auditor'e File No. 3612021. • .,,ti1.%Nt r• r ry 1Tf 4 13f .a r EN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its a gnome seed to be hereunto affixed this 7hl day of c./(,V J/ /f Y /9'6 2 _PUGET SO 1D PCWER L_DAT CI ',�,,?xx By. _ 21....C/D02-c 4�'I Vi id —Operationsto4ioW By tart 3scroiery. STATE OF WAIMENOTON, ss. County of /(-4----is )n this Soh day of ��jj °''� /9 C -1/• , before me, the undersigned, a Nctary Public in and for the State of Wsb�nngto duly issloaed and sworn, personally appeared John F. Wallin and J. H. King to me known to be the Vice President and Asst. Secretary, respectively, of Puget Sound Power & Light Company the eorporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and admowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that the:, are authorised to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate sera of said core'ration. Witness my head and official seal hereto affixed the day and year fiat above writ ./ /. Note y 141r awl for the Stele of Wasliegion. fluidise . J,E,{7 -4,( CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF :ITV ATTORNEY � Lecember 21, First Investment Company President Park Development Co. e050 35th Avenue, r. E. Seattle 5, Wa stugton Attentions Mr. R. Warren Leitch Subject i Acquisition of Park Property neat Mr. Ditch: Enclosed you mill find Washington Title Insurance Company's ebAck No. 12476 in the sum of a 95.06 constituting the bal- slos due out of the sa;:'xrnt of 600.00 heretofore made to the cospenyv to apply on delinquent 'woes. Said cheek has been endoreed over to you as per our previous mcdersstanding. The balance of the purchase price should be paid to you on or before January 20, 1962, at Which time era will then place D the deed on record. Possibly, you may wish to send us a separate check before that date to cover the cost of revenue stamps. Thanking you, tine remain Tours tray, y, \\1//. 7 , $1'EL N /10 GcPA ' ; (r. rare :.♦ .`s t�Bl�aiz City Attorney f,3tda 111 oat Mr. Gene Coulon, Renton PErk hepartrent Mrs. Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer i ,.1 7 CITY OF RENTON RENTON, N'ASHINGTON DecMber 7. 1961 Mr. L. A. William, Vice President Puget Sound Power & Light Company 620 Grady Way Renton, Washington t........ : Dear Bill: Reference is hereby made to that certain Real / ICstate Contract between Puget Sound Power & Light Company. as Seller and the as Purchaser, dated April 14, 1959. The Cit 's recordsts of Renton balance due in the must of y bow & total ac warrant $,75O . Please find herewith City of No. 5306 dated December 6, 1961 in said amount to constitute full and final payment under the terns Contract. This payment is handed to co said Real thatyouEstate will toward toyour you upon the condition you fulfilment deed as�specitiedeinit6 earliest convenience, the proper Warranty proper revenue stamps, instrument. Please also affix the IJ We wish to take this opportunity to thank courteous cooperation throe you and your Company for your the la thatshout this matter. The City also appreciates 6terest. you have allowed us to pay off said contract without any We remain Yours vary truly. 84. & WILLAM IJ //I Lt By Lard M. Sheller*law •nd City Attorney GMS Inch. cc: City Clerk Mayor and City Council Gene Coulon CITY O\= RENTON RENTON, WAS; INGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY December 7, 1961 Washington Title Insurance Company f03 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington Attention: Mr. John Vinke, Unit 6 Re: B-699432 Purchaser - City of Penton Gentlemen: As per agree-fent with the Seller in the above captioned transaction. we are handing you herewith City of Renton's Warrant in the sui' of $600.00 for the purpose of having you pay, without delay, all the delinquent taxes. on behalf of Seller, that are listed in your pre- liminsry title report. In that connection, would you please have one of your officials sign the enclosed Warrant on the back which is required for the City's records and return same to us forthwith. we would also appreciate having a statement showing the amount of {F.) tars paid and the difference between said amount and the $600.00 should be returned to our office. Thereupon Item 1 of your prelim- inary title report can be eliminated. We remain, ! a very truly, / 11AUGA1t & SNELIAN card M. 1an City Attot nay GMS:car Enclosures cc-First Investlent CO., Attn. Mr. Balch Mr. Gene Coulon, Supt., Parks Dept. COMMUNICATIONS: (Continued) 12-12-1961 Re: Western Disposal Letter - Moved by Garrett, seconded by Vietzke, that this letter be referred to the Sanitation Committee and the Superintendent of Utilities. Carried. A letter was read from Metro Disposal, Inc., by Donald Gouge, its Attorney, requesting the consent of , the City to finance the purchase of the vehicles and equipment either by conditional sales contract or by loans secured by chattel mortgage on said vehicles and equipment, re the City's 1962 garbage contract. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, to refer this communication to the Sanitation Committee and the Sup't. of Utilities. Carried. A letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company, by Nestor J. Hill, District Claim Agent, submitted invoice for $222.26 covering repairs to their main track from resulting damage when a City storm sewer was broken. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Reid, that the invoice be submitted to the City's Insurance Agency. Carried. A letter was read from the Junior Chamber of Commerce requesting per- mission to sell Christmas Trees within the Renton City Limits during the 1961 season, proceeds to be shared with the Boy Scouts. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, that the request be granted under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Carried. A letter from the City Attorney, directed to Puget Sound Power & Light Comaany, was read submitting City of Renton warrant No. 5306, dated 12-6-61 con- stituting full and final payment Of $4,750.00 on Real Estate Contract for park site on Talbot Hill. The proper deed was requested to be forwarded to the City. A letter was read from J. P. Kelleher relative to traffic hazard on Riverside Drive North due to parking of vehicles so as to protrude over private property next to the Professional Building, causing restriction to ingress and egress of his driveway. Investigation and action to alleviate the problem was requested. Moved by Malgarini, seconded by Poli, to refer this communication to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A Police Department Accident report was read on a car-train accident at the Monster Road railroad crossing. The City has been investigating automatic sig- nalization installation, the matter presently in Committee with the City Engineer to determine the Railroad Companies using the track as well as the additional pro- spective participants in the area. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee, presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Changing the Zoning Classi- fication of Certain Property Within the City of Renton From Residential District (R-:) to Business District (B-1), which was read by the Clerk. (Robert Hurd Property.) Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to refer the proposed Ordinance tothe Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that, the p--oposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Com- mittee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Johnson, seconded by Pinkerton, to adopt Ordinance No. 1924 as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Councilmen present voting aye. The motion carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Changing the Zoning Classification of Certain Pronorties within tha INTER-OFFICE MEMO' bate December P, 1961 From: Gerard M. Shella Re: Acquisition of Park Property To: Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk Message: Dear Helmie: Enclosed you will find Affidavit in connection with Warrant No. 5312 signed by an official of the First Investment Company and President Park Development Company, The City's Warrant has been turned over to Mr. Leitch. Please also find copy of our letter to the title company pertaining to the other Warrant in the sum of $600.00. You understand that we will be holding the Deeds in escrow until the be- ginning of next year when the second half of the purchase price is to 'De paid by the City. ':ale remain, You s very' truly, GMS:mr cc-Mr. Gene Coulon CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY lemenb•r 7. 1961 Mt. L. A. Milllmr, his. Pose* Road & ha Presiding /41.41-4/ 17 trtw 63O 'wady My ght a 1)126/ • Washington ) Bear Sills 71 Reference is hereby wsie to that sertais Real estate Camtrest between fagot good Power 6 L.ight may, a. teller sad the Cityof Seaton AA • dated April 14, 1959. !ha Cif a s balaoaa due is the airs of $4,7l0.p. y• se her . ah City a total.1 Mantes wanrast >A.. � dates ?lien" tied herewith et [1 sosstitatm tell and final Mse■is: d, lldl is said snsunt to Contract. this parson giber the terms of said, Mai Rotate will ant. is w�t is handed to yea apes the eendities that yea will fulfilment dined as,a your earliest esnwrienss, the proper Warranty twilled to the instrument. Please also affix %ha proper revenue s tamps. F We nine to take this oplertmaity to thank yes sad your Company 'suttees' corporation that this better. The 1 sppreciat for your the fest that you halm allowed us to pay oft said sestras tt wi thsnt ~ •!infest. We Brain very truly, Lim :41,;/ $y rd lt. Ilan City Attssssy Sty Iasi. Kz City Clerk Mayer and City Osrnsii 441114 Collo' CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASH INGTON OFFICE OF ::ITY ATTORNEY December 7, 1961 gile _f:LAL 5-1?1----- Hr. L. A. Williams, Vice President Puget Sound Power & Light Company 620 Grady Way Renton, Washington (tear Bill: Qt- J j R!f rnnc: .s hie-eby made to th z certain Real Estate Contract between Puget $ouud Power b Lighc Company, ..s 3c11ar and the City of Lenton as Yurcheser, da,.ted April 14, 175V. The City's records show a total [5 bal.tace 'i ie (u the bwa of $4,750.00. Please find herewith City of Renton warrant No. 5306 dated December 6, 1961 in said amount to constitute full ttf6 final pernen_ unr.er the terms of said Real Estate Con-r,,ct. This payment is handed to you upon the condition that you will forward co us, at your earliest convenience, the proper Warranty fulfilment deed As ap6elfie:S in the t411c".11W:.Z`:. Please also affix the proper evens: st:.impa. P We wish to take this opportunity to thank you and your Company for your courteous coopit'atioo throughout this matter. The City also appreciates the fact that you have allowed us to pay off said eoatract without any &tartlet. We ria . Yours very truly, . i S IEL.LAN By rard K. Ehellan ' I :' ' :: City ..ctorney GMS:ad Enc l. cci City Clark Mayor and City Council Gene Coulua INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date 12A/61 From: City Clerk Departmental. Account No. To: Gerard Shellan, City Attorney Expenditure Account No. Message: Re : Final installment - Talbot Hill Park We are handing you herewith City of Pentoo Warrant No. 5306 dated Dec. 6, 1961 in the sum of $4,750.00 payable to Puget Sound Power & Light Co., which represents final payment for the Talbot Hill Park Site. Also enclosed is a memorandum from Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent. We note th<,,t he 1s requctinq a copy of the deed, which this office will be happy to furnish him upon receipt of the original deed in this office. / Heimie Nelson, City Clerk, W161~ To PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, Dr. PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 10608 N. E 4TH STREET BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON City of Renton Renton, Washington NO 161 City of Renton Renton, Washington DATE 11/30/0 TERMS NET 1 1/30/61 #1 61 Your Purch_se 0: der No. 1700 3561 — PAYABLE AT ANY OFFICE OF THE COMPANY F i ne I installment on $9,500.00 balance due on Talbot Hill Park PLEASE RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR PAYMENT Site Property consists of 10 acre tract described as NE1/4 of NE 1/4 $4,750.00 i4,754.00 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 30, T23N, R5E. full consideration in accordance with Real Estate Contract executed April 14, 1959 $12,500.00 Less Earnest Money peid 3,000.00 Balance due as repres1.;nted by non-interest bearing note 9,500.00 First installment ()Lid in 136E 4,750.00 Final inst4liment payable in 19.51 $ 4,750.00 OAR d No. 138,1 WHEN MAKING PAYMENT PLEASE RETURN STUB Mr PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO PUGET SOUND POWER& LIGHT COMPANY I o 411111Apm. ,W A LPN!I N G T O N the let 7, -;port Capital of the World / June 20, 1961 • -ldifiiii 1/ 11 � V Mr. John Malgarini, Chairman Power & Light Committee Renton City Council Subject: Talbot Hill Dear Mr. Malgarini: Easement With reference to the request of the City of Seattle Lighting Department for an easement across the Talbot Hill park site which was referred to the Park Baard by the Power & Light Committee, this is to inform you that at the last regular meeting of the board it was their deci- sion that this request be denied. ours truly, C k Gene L. Coulon, p . Parks & Recreation Dept. for the RENTON PARK BOARD Pa,,,,,,vg4.,,L„,r...;, .' /-21..„..4 1,, is2.4:_c_e_ii 6i, ,e......--.„?`--, p vi__ Li et-rx.044:4&c._, ' C9< . 4 I' i - at.t- /417---'(. t THE CITY Of. SEATTLE DEPARTMENT OF LIGHTING PAULTelephone CITY LIGHT BUILDING Supe 1. RAVER MAin 3-7600 Superintendent 1015 THIRD AVENUE MEMBER,BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS SEATTLE 4.WASHINGTON GORDON S. CLINTON,Mayor March 14, 1964 'Mayor Frank Aliment and Members of the City Council Icr r�` C it3 of Renton Renton, Washington Request for Additional Easemen 115 KV Transmission Line Systemo' , co Gentlemen: 6'' ` yS7CL , Several years ago, Puget Sound Power and Light Company granted the City of Seattle an easement for pipe line purposes over and across the following de- scrioed property: The northerly 30 feet of the NE,-1 of the NEt of the NE-14 of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M. On April 14, 1959, the City of Renton purchased this 10-acre tract for park purposes from Puget Sound Power and Light Company, subject to the City of Seat:le's 30-foot easement. The present plans of the Lighting Department of the City of Seattle call for the construction of a 115 KV power line on this 30-foot easement area. This will be of single wood pole construction, using line post insulators with approximately 350-foot spacing. As the original easement calls for the construction of a 60-inch water main, we feel that in order for us to use this right of way for transmission line purposes, it will be necessary that we acquire from the City of Renton an additional easement for the construction, operation and maintenance of this 115 KV transmission line system. Please consider this letter as our formal application for an easement for the purposes of a transmission line over and across the above described 30-foot easement area now used by the City of Seattle for its Bow Lake Pipe Line (South 160th Street) . Yours very truly, j47 // 1. L. C OT1'OM Assistant Superintendent DBE:gn /1/ /a. ( _ ti o ' / ri , _ d al 1,1.' . t�w#IV � + WAS H I N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World :ter ' JOE R. BAXTER, Mayor ELTON L. ALEXANDER, Clerk P ." DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, Treasurer PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., Police Judge May 22, 1959 J i I il GERARD SHELLAN COUNCILMEN City Attorney VERLE VIETZKE, Pres. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN FRANK ALIMENT Ant. City Attorney HUGH BRUCE EVERETT CLYMER DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE Health Officer Mr. Elton L. Alexander, CHARLES DELAURENTI CLARENCE DULLAHANT ANG BUSATO City Clerk AVERY GARRETT Chief of Police City Hall DALE PINKERTON F. E. LAWRENCE Fire Chief Renton, Washington DAN POLL JAMES HIGHTON WALTER REID City Engineer THOMAS W. TRIMM Re: Real Estate Transaction Puget Sound Power & Light Co. to City of Renton. Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find original of Real Es t Contract between Puget Sound Power & Light Company, as Se erand City of Renton, as Purchaser, regarding the Talbot Hil Park Property, which con- tract has been recorded with the Kin: County Auditor's office, in Volume 3909, Page 247. Please also ind the Title Insurance Policy. We suggest you keep said documents in a safe place. We remain Yours very truly, / HAUGAN & SHE A Pj i" ; City Att r i By Gerar• si GMS/dm Enclosures `11:110e... Cay of Re n t o uD ,WAS H IN G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World JOE R. BAXTER, Mayor ELTON L. ALEXANDER, Clerk DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, Treasurer PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., Police Judge May 29, 1959 GERARD SHEL.AN COUNCILMEN City Attorney VERLE VIETZKE, Pres. ARTHUR L. HUGAN FRANK ALIMENT A Asst. City Attorney HUGH BRUCE DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE EVERETT CLYMER NTI Health Officer Mr. Llton L. Alexander CHARLESLN D DULLAHANT ANG BUSATO CLARENCE DULLAHANT City Clerk AVERY GARRETT Chief of Police VERN MORRIS F. E. LAWRENCE City Hall DALE PINKERTON Fire Chic' Renton, Washington DAN POLI JAMES HIGHTON WALTER REID City Engi leer THOMAS W. TRIMM Re: Title Report No. B-589272 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. , Seller City of Renton, Purchaser Dear Mr. Alexander: We enclose herewith Supplemental Title Report showing that the first one-half of the 1959 taxes have been,..-paid. We suggest that this supplement be attached to the7.6iiginal title report. / f We remain / f LI.,Yours very truly, HAUGAN & SHELL 1l /7_41 City Art y C1 By Gerar hellan 1 GMS/dm enclosure SUP1-LEMENTAL TITLE REF-vRT • Your Loan No. Our Order No. B-589272 (IIA4U Tc : Haugan & Shellan (Purchaser) City of Renton Attorneys At Law Renton, Washington y7D7 iittacbowdDCYdoQ7aucctX I Last half of general taxes for 1959 in the sum of $223.66 on said premises and other property and forest fire protection in the sum of $1.40 on said premises and other property, are payable October 31, 1959. Dated as of the 27th day of May , 19 59, at 8:30 A.M. WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By c�•�''( Form P 42-R3 • . rL «KZ: '1-..✓\fwf1J4_33:. w'.._r+'r I�1 . _ .YID...: .tT ♦yyvy .`r._,..r-.�...._.ten _.rv'�Jyt1..'�YU L!-..v`-.f►l�.',s~1...,+.. v'�'Y1l1a.,rf.t w.fyyllJl...� .t..s((�.w]../M.�Y'�'1+��a.'�:N►t['�J�►{ti i'yi�7E'b' i 1L.'al]..ila.�.ls+. :n..J(d►1�:a.t...,....��.,tt:•,. •�-... x��J ui.--1+L li� u 4lLf.I r%u►.(ti'ti a.a rJ: y (mil 1 r..fs_I, e.� r��.L�}Y..���c., w. r.r._ V ...:l iV'_ ♦:1_.� • • -1111Akm. kCatY (1-.9 ,W A 5 H i 1V G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World JOE R. BAXTER, Mayor ELTON L. ALEXANDER, Clerk DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, Treasurer PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., Police Judge April 17, 1959 GERARD SHE.LAN COUNCILMEN City Attorney VERLE VI ETZKE, Pres. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN FRANK ALIMENT Asst. Cite Attorney HUGH BRUCE EVERETT CLYMER DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE Health Cificer CHARLES DELAURENTI CLARENCE DULLAHANT ANG BUSATCr AVERY GARRETT Chief of Police Hon. Joe R. Baxter, Mayor, and VERN MORRIS F. E. LAWRE ACE City Council of City of Renton DALE PINKERTON fire Chief City Hall DAN POLI JAMES HIGH ON y WALTER REID City Eng neer Renton, Washington THOMAS W. TRIMM Re: Talbot Hill Park Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find original and one copy of Real Estate Contract between Puget Sound Power & Light, as seller, and the City of Renton, as purchaser, which Contract is in pursuance of the Earnest Money Agreement dated December 24, 1958. You will notice that pursuant to the agreement reached by our office with Puget Sound several months ago, no interest will have to be paid by the City on the purchase price, and that the balance of the purchase price in the sum of $9500.00 may be paid at any time up to December 31, 1961. Would you please instruct the City Clerk and City Treasurer to issue a warrant in favor of Puget Sound in the sum of $80.16 as the City's pro-rata share of taxes as further specified in the letter attached hereto. After signing, would you please forward both copies of the Contract to our office for further processing. If you have any questions in this matter, or if the Park Board wishes any further information, please contact our office. We remain Yours very truly, (UAUGAN & 6E �e �. Shellan City Attorney GMS:jef Encls. cc: Park Board WASHINurON LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANJJ D FORM • POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE WASHINGTON ASHINGTON TITLE INSURANC COMPANY 719 Second Avenue Seattle 4, Washington hereinafter called the Company, a Washington corporation, for valuable considera- tion, and subject to the conditions and stipulations of this policy, does hereby insure the person or persons named in item 1 of Schedule. A, together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the conditions and stipulations, against loss or damage sustained by reason of: 1. Title to the estate, lien or interest defined in items 3 and 4 of Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as stated in item 2 of Schedule A; or 2. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date here- of, not shown in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any instrument shown in item 3 of Schedule A, or priority, at the date hereof, over any such instrument, of any lien or en- cumbrance not shown in Schedule B; provided, however, the Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the refusal of any person to enter into, or perform, any contract respecting the estate, lien or interest insured. The total liability is limited to the amount shown in Schedule A, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims here- under. In witness whereof, WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be authenticated by the facsimile signature of its President, but this policy is not valid unless attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary. WASHINGTON TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By . b„AAA President Attest: A. E G)L.“44)1 Assistant Secretary cm SCHEDULE A N0P'589272 AMOUNT $ 12,500.00 DATEMarch 31, 1959 at 8:00 a.m. PREMIUM$ 74.25 1. INSURED The City of Renton, a municipal corporation. 2. TITLE TO THE ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED BY THIS POLICY IS VESTED IN Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Massachusetts corporation. 3. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST INSURED Fee simple estate. 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS POLICY IS ISSUED Northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 30, township 23 north, range 5 east, W.M., In King County, Washington/ SCHEDULE B DEFECTS, LIENS, ENCUMBRA ES AND OTHER MATTERS AGAI2 WHICH THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE 1 . General taxes for the ar 1959 in the sum of $4 32 on said premises and other property emu forest fire protection 1 .0. in the sum of $2.80 on said premises and other property (being Tax No. 1) . 2. Easement for 60 inch water pipe line as now located on the north 30 feet of said premises, as granted by Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Massachusetts corporation, to The City of Seattle, by instrument recorded September 27, 1946, under auditor 's file No. 3612021. The grantor further reserves the right to dedicate said strip for a public highway. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Encroachments or questions of location,boundary and area,which an accurate survey may disclose; public or private easements not disclosed by the public records; rights or claims of persons in possession, or claiming to be in possession, not disclosed by the public records; material or labor liens or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not disclosed by the public records; water rights or matters relating thereto; any service, installation or construction charges for sewer, water or electricity. 2. Exceptions and reservations in United States Patents; right of use, control or regulation by the United States of America in the exercise of powers over navigation; limitation by law or governmental regulation with respect to subdivision, use, enjoyment or occupancy; defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or suffered by the insured; rights or claims based upon instruments or upon facts not disclosed by the public records but of which rights, claims, instruments or facts the insured has knowledge. 3. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding the same becom- ing a lien. (End of Schedule B) CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. The Company shall have the right to, and will, at its own expense, defend the insured with respect to all demands and legal proceedings founded upon a claim of title, encumbrance or defect which existed or is claimed to have existed prior to the date hereof and is not set forth or excepted herein; reserving, however, the option at any time of settling the claim or paying the amount of this policy in full. In case any such demand shall be asserted or any such legal proceedings shall be instituted the in- sured shall at once give notice thereof in writing to the Company at its home office and, if the insured is a party to such legal proceedings, secure to the Company, within ten days after service of first process upon the insured, the right to defend such legal proceedings in the name of the insured so far as necessary to protect the insured, and the insured shall render all reasonable assistance in such defense. If such notice shall not be given, or the right to defend secured, as above provided, then all liability of the Company with regard to the subject matter of such demand or legal proceedings, and any expense incident thereto, shall terminate; provided, however, that failure to give such notice shall in no case prejudice the insured if the insured shall not have knowledge of such demand or legal proceedings. 2. In the event of final judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, under which the estate, lien or interest in- sured is defeated or impaired by reason of any adverse interest,lien or encumbrance not set forth or excepted herein,claim may be made as herein provided. A statement in writing of any loss or damage, for which it is claimed the Company is liable, shall be furnished to the Company at its home office within sixty days after such loss or damage shall have been ascertained. No right of action shall accrue with respect thereto until thirty days after such statement shall have been furnished and no recovery shall be had unless an action shall have been commenced thereon within one year after the expiration of said thirty days. Any rights or defenses of the Company against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corporation who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. 3. The Company may at any time pay this policy in full, whereupon all liability of the Company shall terminate. Every pay- ment made by the Company, exclusive of costs incurred by the Company as an incident to defense or settlement of claims hereunder, shall reduce the liability of the Company by the amount paid. The liability of the Company shall in no case exceed the actual loss of the insured and costs which the Company is obligated to pay. When the Company shall have paid a claim here- under it shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies which the insured may have against any person or property with respect to such claim, or would have if this policy had not been issued, and the insured shall transfer all such rights to the Company. If the payment made by the Company does not cover the loss of the insured, such subrogation shall be proportionate. Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a claim under the terms of this policy by reason of a defect in the title to a portion of the area described herein, liability shall be limited to the proportion of the face amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value of the whole at the time of the discovery of the defect, unless liability is otherwise specifi- cally segregated herein. If this policy insures the lien of a mortgage, and claim is made hereunder, the Company may pay the entire indebtedness and thereupon the insured shall assign to the Company the mortgage and the indebtedness secured thereby, with all instruments evidencing or securing the same, and shall convey to the Company any property acquired in full or partial satisfaction of the indebtedness, and all liability of the Company shall thereupon terminate. If a policy insuring the lien of a mortgage is issued simultaneously with this policy and for simultaneous issue premium as provided in rate schedule,any payment by the Company on said mortgage policy with respect to the real estate described in Schedule A hereof shall reduce pro tanto the liability under this policy. 4. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured in Schedule A of this policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (1) each successor in ownership of any in- debtedness secured by any mortgage shown in Item 3 of Schedule A (2) any owner or successor in ownership of any such indebt- edness who acquires title to the real estate described in Item 4 of Schedule A, or any part thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of said indebtedness or any part thereof, (3) any governmental agency or instrumentality which insures or guarantees said indebtedness or any part thereof, and (4) any person or corporation deriving an estate or interest in said real estate as an heir or devisee of a named insured or by reason of the dissolution, merger, or consolidation of a corporate named insured; (c) "date hereof": the exact day, hour and minute specified in Schedule A; (d) "public records": records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice with respect to said real estate; (e) "home office": the office of the Company at the address shown herein. Z W fit Z 0. w LL U Z � w Z Z Z Z A ' wiiulllll�l II 1 a it re mn i'i, rrnn w w z ,,,�, rn y N w t; U) . _ , 411 .,, _ „,. . .„ _ : .. t ' ... . :, . _ PUGET SOUND POWER Ex LIGHT COMPANY 620 Grady Way . lento*, Washisgtos April 15, 1959 Men f wart N. Shellan * city Attars.), City of lostos • Vella Street Bastes, lashisiton Dear Nr• Shellac: . We are beadles you herewith two espies of Real Estate Contract, duly siseed is behalf of Puget Power, with the City of Beaton covering the sale to it of the Northeast i of the Northeast } of the; Northeast 1 of Section 30, 'Township 23 Worth, Rasse .5 last for a full considerytloa of $12,500. Also herewith is the e:trcto lry Report of the Yaehington Title Insurance Coapeny on the ?report/ cowered by the Real ;state Contra►et. Ye will pa/ the :(459 taxes on the entire Tax Lot and the City should reiabvse as for its portion of the 1959 tax applicable tot the ten , ran covered by .this. traaxsaotien.: The pro rata amount of t tl #air -tie period oy., ,, r it 15r_.1959 'to ' December 31, 1959 le 4,% of $1.32.5? or O:1a4.. it ye vtll accept both ratio* of the Reel Mete Ce*taract we el pyr the 1% leai zatate beise tax aM clear the deftest; with. inn Coat/ froarp'ei Ntmnia* the erllisal to ?ea is be -- If the litstisiesty titairlagert is eseeptahhe to the Oity viii yea es WWI rr Is *V1 t that me may oar the title 111gratrsaa � e L. 1. Vtilia ` tesagera, 5029111 VOLN697 PAGE:,4">� WABHrtlaTCx REAL ESTATE CONTRACT TITLE INSURANCE COrFANY THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this /4 7f/ lay of .April, 1959, between. MUT SOND POUR & LIB MOT, a Massachusetts corporation, hereinafter called the "seller," and TIM CI?T OP g�rj+pj, a Mai cipal aerporatioa, Y � r•, -4 hereinaiter called the "purchaser," • WII'NESSETH: That the seller agrees to sell to the purchaser and the purchaser agrees t purchase of the 'e!ter the follow;ng via*,Tilted real •.!ate »ill. the appurtenance*, eitsutt in the County of Lifts State of Washington, to-wit: Hi of I of Ili of statist 30, Township 23 North, lame 5 last, M.N., :abject to that certain lasement over the northerly 30 fest of said trust motel July 12, 1946 by Puget Sound Power i S.igt Company to The City of Siattis Mai seoaptsl ti ' its Ordinance Is. 7524Y, Kim County Auditor's File To. 3612021. — a — The terms and conditions of this contract are as follows: Thepurchaseprice is 4 .�+ol» theusal ssr. rta thatfall ($.2,$00.00 ) l�ollgrs,csf which .t" '�' — — —($ 3,,NW• • ) Dollars h.:• 'net;; ). id, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the balance of said purchase price shall to paid as f otlowvs: Iles *word Live Modred (,s00.a) Dan ms la Sall not later than Dosssher 31, 11111. The purchaser is entitled to take pomessi• n of said premises on Nara alto 1959. The p irchaser agrees to pay before delinquency all taxes and assessments that may as between grantor and grantee hereafter become a lien on said premises. The pt rchaser assumes all hazards of damage to or destruction of any improvements now on said land or here- • after to be :laced thereon,and of the taking of said premises or any part thereof for public use. The purchaser agrees, until full payment of the said purchase price, to keep all buildings on said described premises in,ured to the full insurable value thereof against loss or damage by fire in some company acceptable to the seller and f•,r the seller's benefit as interest may appear and to pay all premiums therefor and to deliver all policies and renews s thereof to the seller. In case the purchaser shall fail to make any payment heremhefore provided by the purchaser to he made, the seller may snake such payment and any amount so paid by the seller, together with interest thereon from date of payment un it repaid at the- ate of ten (10) per cent per annum,shall be repayable by the purchaser on demand,all without pre'udice to any other right the seller might have by reason of such default. The pu-chaser agrees that full inspection of said described premises has been made and that neither the seller nor assigns .hall be held to any covenant respecting the condition of any improvements on said premises nor to any agreement for alterations, improvements or repairs, unless the covenant or agreement relied on be in writing and attached to and made a part of this contract , .39119 Pia248 The seller has procured or agrees, within ten days from date herr•oi. tr, procure from Washington Tide Insurance t'snt�pa ty a purchaser's policy of title insurance,insuring the purchaser to the full amount of the said purchase price against loss or iamage by reason of defect in the title of the seller to the said described premises or by reason of prior liens not aotume 1 by the purchaser under this agreement. The seller agrees. on full payment of said purchase price rn manner hereinhefore specified. to make. exe cite. and t i er tot aser a ands ffi Tent rgt7 +,p_ tl�ee of{paid:escr'tted ptemmises. 1Y IX C 7 Tine is of the essence of this contract. In oar dset tie purchaser is fail o m�aloe any paaymenl o. t e aid purot r • pik t fsttiril promptly at the time the same shall fall due as hereinbefore specified, or promptly to perform any covenant or agreement xforesa:d. the seller may elect to declare forfeiture and cancellation of this contract and upon such election being made all rights of the purchaser hereunder shall cease and determine and any payments theretofore made hereunder by Ow purchaser shall be retained by the seller in liquidation of all damages sustained by reason of such failure. Service of all a demands.notices or other papers with respect to such declaration of forfeiture and cancellation may be made by registered • At mail at the following address, to-wit: 4 r• ', of at.euN h oh,' r,l,{rc., as thepurchaser wdii tteh,art it% wntint ta,the *Alp" afar the ,tiller may elect to bring action, or • actions on are• inrermediate overdue installment, or on any payment, or payments, made by the seller and repayable by 'he purchaser, it being stipulated that the covenant to pay intermediate installments or to pay items repayable by the purchaser, are independent of the covenant to make a deed and that every such action is an action arising on contract for the rec rvery of money only,as if the promise to pay had been expressed in a different instrument, and that no such action shall constitute an election not to proceed otherwise as to any subsequent default,'and no waiver by the seller of any default on the part of the purchaser shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent default. it Tr any suit or action to enforce any covenant of this contract or to collect any installment payment or any charge arising tht refrom, the purchaser agrees to pay a reasonable sum as attorney's fees and all costs and expenses in connection with st:ch suit, and also the reasonable cost of searching records, which sums shall be included in any judgment or decree entered in such suit. r e IN REOI, the parties hereto have executed this instrument in duplicate the day and year first herein+ a-•� " t.,r. ., '� a jir tt• t/ .•• �`t1 •, NUT SCOW POEM & LIGHT ooxrAn (SEAL) k a • 1 a.�.j a. /}'10, a f a fir.' �./'� •��r,�i..i(.J�..Jt 1te ri-o Y��Ri (SEAL) ' �.. Atttastt,/e M • • A. .. .., ,..4.„.:,4 f ."' 446 -.* Secre i at "40.1,1* ... c`titA j4�►""e.afar"• (fifl��'•L e+. TAT: OF WASHINGTON. i` • h v . On thla /4 7s/ clay of Atical , A. D. 19 , before ma. thea Notary Public in and for the , hl — adn� co itf sworn personally appeared C• ? and • to era. known to be the_ Tice President and._ _ � _Secretary, respectively. of __ __ PVGAT SOUTD Foam & DIGHT © 1 PABY: ----- the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that_t he a authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said eat eperatie rt.•. - - ATP illy}nand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ' ��: 1 ya t. ` fil'Red lax ,Record "7 1957 6�y , c M. Notary Public in and for the State of ski gt*II •,,' „.', Request of(��` �,� RUBfRT A. MORRIS, Coua liter residing at- 111" __----- _--- (Acknowledgment by Corporation. Washington Title Insurance Company. Form L 29) 4.3 a M la— vo,V RECcRDEDw " °' + G A E_-_24 7 , .. - Deeds x F V sTOF p A ii , tv o © i �4.6�ct AY 7 AM 10 24WW o • r, ; - o " 7 —+ fc �scRT A. F �+-» �� KING COUNTY' :rcn r Y il! Sly. �' % ro y" I! IEPUTY , , E• 1.4 w 'It,l I i , , OFFV.7. OF TdE CITY ATTORNEY P.O. BOX 626 2271/2 WELLS ST. RENTON, WASH. December 29, 1958 Mr. L. A. Williams Central Division Manager 2uget Sound Power & Light Co. 620 Grady Way Renton, Washington Dear Sir: This is to acknowledge receipt of two executed copies of the Earnest Money Receipt and Agreement entered into and executed between your Company and the City of Renton. We are enclosing herewith the City's draft in the sum of $3,000.00 constituting the down-payment on said transaction. Prior to processing said draft, would you please be good enough to sign the attached Certificate of Claimant and return same forthwith to the City Clerk of the City of Renton. Thanking yuu very much for your courteous cooperation in this matter, we remain Yours very truly, iVi' & 3 'LLAN VLI By a and M. Shellan City Attorney CM3sjef Lncls. cc: Mayor and City Council cc: City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY P.O. BOX 626 227 2 WELLS ST. RENTON, WASH. December 29, 1958 Wit Mr. L. A. Williams Central Division Manager Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 620 Grady Way Renton, Washington Dear Sir: This is to acknowledge receipt of two executed copies of the Earnest Money Receipt and Agreement entered into and executed between your Company and the City of Renton. We are enclosing herewith the City's draft in the sum of $3,000.00 constituting the down-payment on said transaction. Prior to processing said draft, would you please be good enough to sign the attached Certificate of Claimant and return same forthwith to the City Clerk of the City of Renton. Thanking you very much for your courteous cooperation in this matter• we remain Yours very truly, tU� AN (SILIAN B erard M Shellan City At orney GMS:jef Encis. cc: Mayor and City Council cc: City Clerk t ' LSX RNEST MONEY RECEIP AND AGREEMENT 1.^TASHINGTON (This form approved by Legal Forms Committee of Wash. Ass'n of Realtors. April 9, 1947) �7'LE INSURANCE C O MPAIIY Decembey ,�,1•l Renton, Washington, , 1958 RECEIVED FROM CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation (Hereinafter c ed "Purchaser") Three thousand and no/1 in the form of ODA paid MUM as earnest money ney In part payment of the purchase price of the following described real estate in KINGCounty, Washington: NE; of NEI of NE4 of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., subject to that certain Easement over the northerly 30 feet of said tract granted July 12, 1946 by Puget Sound Power & Light Company to City of Seattle and accepted by its Ordinance No.75249. This transaction to be evidenced by standard Real Estate Contract, Washington Titl- f ' Insurance Company form L37, and to be closed on or before April 15, 1959. (At. Total purchase price is Twelve thousand five hundred and no/100 DOLLARS (S 12,500.00 ), payable as follows: $3,000.00 cash on closing (the amount herein receipted for) and ��.1� the balance of $9,500.00 is to be paid in full not later than (\i/A( December 31, 1961. PROVIDED, that if within 90 days from the date hereof the above described 10-acre tract of land is required by the electric utility industry, then Seller herein reserves the right to cancel this Agreement upon refunding to Purchaser the Earnest Money Payment of $3,000.00. however, Seller agrees in such event, to endeavor to offer a substitute 10-acre tract in the same general vicinity for purchase by Purchaser on terms to be mutually agreed upon. after expiration of 90-day period, Seller agrees to furnish and deliver to purchaser as soon as procurabl a purchaser's policy of title insurance to be • issued b Washington Title Insurance Company,7f , if said 90-day option o came s 1 not exert sed. If title is not insurable and cannot be made insurable within ..+ days from date of title report, earnest money shall be refunded and all rights of purchaser terminated, except that purchaser may waive defects and elect to purchase. K�., But if title is good and purchaser neglects or refuses to complete purchase, the earnest money may, at seller's option, be forfeited as liquidated damages. � . The property is to be conveyed by y deed. free of encumbrances except: For general municipal purposes including parks and playgrounds. Form of deed is to be the same as that certain deed dated March 23, 1951 from Puget Sound Power & Light Company to City of Renton. Rights reserved in federal patents or state deeds, building or use restrictions general to the district, and building or zoning regulations and provisions shall not be deemed encumbrances. Encumbrances to be discharged by seller may be paid out of purchase money at date of closing. Taxes for the current year, rents., insurance, i to st, mortgage reserves, water and other utilities constituting liens, shall be prorated as of ate f.. cp tlon or day..perioc1 i,; oQntract not cancelled. Possession on expiration or 90-day. if contract not cancelled. Purchaser offers to purchase the property on the teroted in its present condition and this agreement is issued (, subject to the approval of the seller thereof within da s from date. Purchaser agrees not to withdraw this offer during said period, or until earlier rejection thereof by seller - • - 4 il.•h. .• •..Pf•e&,'a e.e it n.b•c 1.�(:.� .UO u�•� .1 �b�9h I40 ,,Is400031:4011,114W1, P0.04;, v...446pn,*..•4,4.1 It 0.'i&to01.1 .i VitOrti.*4t0l..if♦1)t.i,-i4i•..iote•1,1,6.+,rt,4. •/ x t• .q.4.•,1 .6.a f.<,y tl 1`<,r, J ,. MYYTYTTIMYYTICTICITTMTITYTYXXXXXXXWMIXXXXX= :.? ?II.l. . b1<1,•.',s,.'.t413sd. ...tltC4tr:1RIttr,t1tstTt:.1,tts t$t•atC.f,IQ*. f•.1014.m.I.'•*1.'01.-*1H, C. e.1 ••, ,40e.- i.oteti .oi••• FJ.,i11.1• a-li W')svi2.6 i .).9t. iiDi 1,411 ice' ��.�f�r!�e►n.�ii�z%:+"*�sA. �.a��%T�laanrt'�ii,:=:e%+�Tif�cr.ie����='t��'i.stite�t�4 There are no verbal or other agreements which modify or affect this agreement. Time is of the essence of this agreement. 0 ie4/ Purchaser z¢T-/ December �5 Purchaser ( ) Acc€pted this day of , 19..1`' A citizen or one who has in good faith declared his 1 PU+ ,T 4 LIGHTCOMPANY intention to become a citizen of the United States. Seller ATTEST:BY igmanrinnianwirTina Pra.i tient r 0. A i s lit] Ii • IC p • FoaM L59 Statutory Warranty Dtd !CORPORATE FORM THE GRANTOR NUS 0S P01111 • USW fit. • eassasM meets a.rporaaties • kir and in consideration of libilnr4a• kiabitelid *SSW aloWire ($3.1p.IS in hand paid, conveys and warrants to am art ♦miff♦. • s>Aas&aipai eor7erstias st the hats at ■aralsstas the following described real estate. situated in the t'ounty ,,f aims , Slate of Wask ingt on: £1.1 tame dart time et I et 11116 and ate et et issues Toessk p iji Sew f iatet, 4a., seer peril's/sing drssr&Nd as fellow llistaslog at the is►.issrtias et the sash liar at stew Nees* as mew autaiitilMl• !s the Silty at asotao niti the s.ath eetoit► Wietiiiry et the *rM Sim Pipe W. rip♦ tat esp. theses *miss s.a$Mrly &Lies the east UAW et arid Josee Street 1a the south We of thottros mesas es say established 1s tya City st those beets 70 01' &et to tas soothe, tee tbeirIv *sastery► et said ! Pipe W. nest et may, theses earth. boamdsry et said right et vat to the paint M Maid all assist oaaM the yirads moo 'lamellas eat refine/otostheretros •t► the Siestar. its aneeeeeere sad assimes. a►li seat. •11 sad afser is. and the sista. rights lily' is mod order the Geis property and awry part thereat, elaetser heretofore or Mtroattor dl ssr.rrd. vita the rift is miss, Ileeedre era pees rs the are at say tins ►smatter, withsst sip liability alaati$uu to the M atsi its areeassers or mergers ter asp ssbsiti.sss at 1Ne sidlAftliMi soy remit tree the slates Mar5iems iarrtatsre or hereafter aaaeite4 es *a said bead. preened that rtt►ah sisiai ever brie ars imerisl os !N the s/assr fssarally aass$tad l]ls the aisM" tadmstirpo IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said corporation has cau.a.d this in'trutnent to be executed by its proper officers �!'11' and is corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this .3 ,3,0 eta►• eat ,� ,,/ 4//. /7 j. 1l PNit S O ND remit t ume Saran 3b t4 otk l{y .. . . . Ylas.eresidea . J'` ' Ky (- 44/11114•Secretary. STATE OF WASMINGTON. .r' ' ✓ �� �"` ,.. r am.w...r« .. 4, ° sere. r .a a..rriF'saviii+,7.08.0 IM1+440U40.+...• On this day of , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publicin and llet f`r the Stater of 1%ashington. dal commissiunefl�win, cr appeared PAMto ens known to be the UAW I'rrAnomt anMdal POW*halts Setretar , 'lively. of used the corporation that executed the feregoinc instrument and as ktowtnlaed the saki instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the east • and purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that UN air authorieed.to execute the said instrument and that the Aral aft-tux] is the corporate seal of skid corporation. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year tirst above written. .1;ulary Public to trd Jos the Slate of ti`taaltisrgsr.a residing elOMaitltlw+ 1 STATE OF WASHINGTONi 1 jss. County of KING (*- On this A ci day of Drk er , A. D. 1958 , before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for the State of 111111thingtan , duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared L. A. WILLIAMS and BALP 4 1. rims to me known to be the Via& President and Secretary, respectively, of $IEirr SOUND PCWF.R & LIGHT COMPANY the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that_t_he Mr* authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary Public in and f the tate of laIitngtta ___—_ residing at `e&ttl8 (Acknowledgment by Corporation. Washington Title Insurance Company. Form L 29) • ILl1I11! w• nmorgen aerie eat eatst d sass by eel fetr..es !fit NM PS a Lytss tMrui, • lbeeeebeeetts seepereSies, bench Ailed *Irrafer' sad tie lily et settle, • raisipel eespereliea Seeeted is IS. wrAl/ et flu, SMte et 1101 s1 rite s, Mods willed ellisabee, rtllrs $ 1 $ ? I, Ss* ter •M is earidessstsr et Ise Mart1M Mkt teed to seem to is, fi. Meader hereby piste be *be dustier 1M SMessrrr► ate aasI ab js't Is tee eaMitsase eel resereetima irMrtMt stated, fie terdsfaal grislier) ate arllieet* to west, seen►aMsrret, asiatela, setatr lad 4,S.4S * elm �atrt • p est slag tiro ltelissiad deseelbed Lad lesatsd is Z , Oslo et ►leMe•, ts•erst. • eerib rriy test et War Wtk •! der Ste SM1 tj )lest►, Maw 5 1, Las, ].s• Sim sad iseety Asada ate rig► et ow air • • • semi se less lilted sates at lorries ter the treaevi11a Pease Ad lats$ratssa ltia■leeier ' libel AIM fie ■ettfatli." test et theReed Me artlietl/ 3s test al the we et lie e Mbib AMPe ft, srMs lees • 'mid pipe lies /bail N laid eielll bed rM M • r/M rite'!M Aar Shea arm tees valor aeler•1 states' e.sdids.es et the and afrw iessr►asitet 'tail sMereiee v. 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Oft 60006a% et 111110.04 (WOO ez arrt ttod by 1M era too is tho stsrslas at tM• Sept* ter*by grow:M. this groat is latibligithost ossosst' at say kind +istr►a.Vor, I!r *num MAUI tMs WINWIt4V kas oramod !Lila Lain"-, 11461E Its to ssrowatod by it. prover ofxtaaar. tssr stto d►ii ottaootoit oat amid PM Ilw"astos ass ososali *$ Laatso*p i to bo c arwtod by its rnr ant stt.s%o by it* City Mow* Ilia is/ uC 11944 parotttsat s stttbtr+ti>tz grouses b/is i a Sox torot‘t+osro sainted by bait 4ity Goosolli et omksl City. ?our 'tutt01;. i`ata w LW! worm by Ttrs trositoot ti"!U" ...shoot iloosstsey 1110 Cal Cif ++SAr!ii AMIN 4Y 4. v . ,.�^, kYikr'+.�11�fir..,,�,r,a►.,e,,,fir _ ,.,,...,,,�t�.....,�... EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made and entered into by and between PUGET SOUND POKER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Massachusetts corporation, herein called "Grantor" and the City of Seattle, a municipal corporation located in the County of King, State of Washington, herein called "Grantee". W ITNESSETH s Th t for and in consideration of the benefits and advantages to accrue to it, th. Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee, its successors and assigns, subject to the conditions and reservations hereinafter stated, the perpetual right, privilege and authority to construct, reconstruct, maintain, repair and operate a _3ixty—inch water pipe over and along the following described land located in King Ccunty, State of Washington, to—wit: The northerly 30 feet of the northwest* of Sec. 29, Township 23 north, Range 5 E, W.M., less the State and County Roads and right of way conveyed to the United States of America for the Bonneville Peer Administration transmission line; ALSO the northerly 30 feet of the FN and the northerly 30 feet of the NEB of the Wei of Section 30, Township 23 forth, Range 5 E., W.M., less State and County roads. Said pipe line shall be laid wholly underground to a depth of not less than three feet unless natural surface conditions of the land above described shall otherwise require and s,aia pipe line shall be used solely as a part of the water supply system of the Grantee. The Grantor reserves to itself, its successors and assigns the right to use the land herein described for its and their own pur— poses in any way whatsoever which shall not be inconsistent with the I - rights hereby granted to the Grantee, including the right to dedicate the siad thirty foot strip to the use of the public as a public highway. Grantor further reserves the right to subdivide said land with other lands adjacent thereto end plat same into lots and blocks, and the Grantee by accepting the rights hereby granted, hereby agrees to furnish a water supply to the occupants as an organized group, at all times after installation of said pipe line subject to the applicable rates and regulations duly established by the grantor. Grantee further agrees to save and hold harmless the said Grantor, its successors and designs from al : lose or damage which it or they may suffer on account of anything done or omitted by the Grantee in the exercise o, the rights hereby granted. This grant is made without warranty of any kind whatsoever, IN NITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed the 12th day of July, 1946, and the Grantee hss caused this instrument to be executed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk this Idth day of September, 1946 pursuant to authority granted by Ordinance 752L9 heretofore adopted by the City Council of said City. PUGET SOUND POVER & LIGHT COMPANY By Vice President ATTEST: Assistant Secretary THE CITY OF SEATTLE ay Mayor ATTEST Lay City Clerk 2_ 4.001111 CQty ®f l/CTent®DD ,W A S M I N G T O N the Jet Transport Capital of the World :or d" "` December 23, 1958 Mayor Joe R. Baxter and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: As you know, the Park Board has been investigating various sites for parks and recreational purposes, one of which is in the Talbot Hill vi- cinity. This department, through the City Attorney, has been in contact with Puget Sound Power & Light Company concerning an available and suitable site in this area. We have now been notified that the property has been ap- praised and is available to the City for said purposes. The Park Board, at a special meeting on Friday, December 19th, recom- mended that the City Council take action to acquire from Puget Sound the fol- lowing described property for parks and recreational purposes: "A portion of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 30-23-5 and more particu- larly described as follows: 'Beginning at the northeast corner of said Sec- tion 30; thence south along the east line of said Section 30 630 feet; thence west and parallel to the north line of said Section 30 726 feet; thence north and parallel to the east line of said Section 30 to the north line of said Section; thence east along the north line of said Section 30 to the northeast corner of said Section the point of beginning; situated in King County, Washing- ton.' " Since there is still some question as to the final location of trans- mission lines, there is a remote possibility that the above described property may not be suitable. The City and Puget Sound, by mutual agreement, could ex- change this ten-acre site for one in the same area of equal size and value. If unable to reach an agreement, then the money paid by the City would be refunded. Yours respectfully, Gene L. Coulon GLC:dd Supt. of Parks & Recreation MAYOR'S OFFICE RECEIVED 'EC 23 1958 -3, IN ettraTER 1 t - 1 . , ► i 11? 3 ' ,` '' -'Ci //'vi/20 : 79t1 d NII I j , 1 2._ i i Uli , i ` i .00 I '-J. /� 0 f ,3 pc t f l ��}�,l '-1 �- >C ' ." T • ,,: 4 ` �zl 0? 6t t i r 7 j . / / , 1 4 1 MAIL BOTH COPIES OF STATEMENT WITH CHECK PAYABLE TO ��� FIRST HALF MUST BE PAID BY APRIL 30. M. J. R. WILLIAMS OR ENTIRE TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT. • KING COUNTY TREASURER REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT 2nd HALF DELINQUENT AFTER OCT. 31.KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE SEATTLE. WASH. 9810 KING COUNTY -STATE OF WASHINGTON TAX UNDER $10.00 MUST BE PAID IN FULL. OF ALL STATE, COUNTY. MUNICIPAL. 1 �„ SCHOOL AND ROAD TAXES DELINQUENT TAX RATE 8%PER ANNUM LAND BUILDING TOTAL RTE GENERAL TAX SPECIAL TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER r A • L l it U) YOUR TAX DOLLARS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE FOLLOWING TAX DISTRICTS: 6 W STATE COUNTY PORT SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTAL TAX ~D I,., • _ • • . ' IA I CC CITY OR ROAD DISTRICT FIRE DISTRICT SEWER&WATER OTHER HALF TAX N.' l __ ilC` HALF-H -f-.- • W NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OMITTED OR DELINQUENT TAXES OR IT OLL FULL-F N LOT BLOCK T CODE-1SEC.�TWP T RG—YOEARTYEART —TAX AMOUNT INTEREST - � Z Ci I _ 2 Cr T1- F ^. ' r I f 1et LL P N CITY Li14LI I' T ", w RFNT..IN yA -__ yr > _ W 7A-'C�.y� -< O J � X PLEASE PRINT IN CHANGE OF U NOTICE TAXPAYER OR ADDRESS BELOW O NAME ADDRESS f ZIP ' .i CITY STATE CODE TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL INTEREST EXAMINE STATEMENT c • PAYMENTS ON WRONG PROPERTY CANNOT BE REFUNDED EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this ,,2,6:,fZday of July, 1961 between the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the second class unJer the laws and statutes of the State of Washington hereindter referred to as "GRANTOR" and the CITY OF SEATTIE, a municipal corporation of the first class, hereinafter referred to as "GRANT.}.;" WIT NE SSETHs 1. In consideration of One Dollar ($1.)0) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby gives, grants and conveys unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege Ind authority to construct, reconstruct, repair, maintain and operate a single olectric transmission line, consisting of necessary poles, with braces, guys and aeichors, and to place upon or suspend transmission wires, insulators, cross-arms <<nd other re cessary appsartenanoes, over, on and across the following described Ircperty owned by Grantor, to-wits The North 30 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Y.M., situated in the County of King, State of Washington PROVIDED HOWEVER that the center line of said pole line installation shall be located and limited to a line parallel with and 6.0 feet north of the swath lime of said 30-foot Easement heretofore granted to the City of Seattle Water Department, King County Auditoria File No. 3612021. 2. Grantee agrees to indemnify Grantor and save it harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities and evenses in connection with loss of life, personal injury and/or damages to property arising from or out of any nassarrestsii+ act or doings in, upon or at the above described premises or during the occupancy or maintenance thereof by Granee or occasioned wholly or in part by any -1- act or omission of the Grantee its servants, employees or agents. 3. Grantee, its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that it shall from time to time, and at all tines hereafter at its own cost and expense, repair, natntain and keep repaired and maintained in a proper, substantial and workmanlike banner said electric transmission line, and to erect, post and place proper signs and warnings see or about said improvements. Grantee, its successors and assigns shall have the right of reasonable ingress to and egress from the above property across adjacent lands of the Grantor for the aforesaid purposes. Grantee to further clear said right of way and keep the same clear of brush, timber and all fire hazards. 4. The rights, title, privileges and authority hereby granted unto Grantee snail continue and be in force until such time as Grantee, its successors er assigns mall permanently remove said poles, wires and appurtenances thereto, or shall or.herwise abandon said lines, and upon either such event all rights, title, p:civileges. and authority of the Grantee shall cease and terminate in all respects. IN WITNESS WE{ERECF, this instrument has been executed the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF RENTCN, cip Corp. BY / I or BY �1 City Clerk MATE OF WASHINGTON ) as CC{JNTY OF KING ) On this .' 6 day of July, 1961, before me, the undersigned, personally ap3eared FRANK ALIMENT and E JMIE NELSON,to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk respectively of the City of Bantaa, the municipal corporationthat executed the foregoing inst r►ueant, and adc nowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act ad deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, aryl on oath stated that they were an thoris ed to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal he reto affiled the day and year first above wr..t tea. -7 Veee'C-C-ecs ----t-iz sry Pubn and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton -2- July 26, 1961 City of Seattle ? epart*7ent of Lighting 1015 Third kvenue ,rattle 4, Uashiiigton Atte:ition: :jr. I. L. Cotton i:ss:.stint Superintendent Gentle:An: 6k are attaching hereto the original Leo:gent over curtain, lands in Talbot lark as proposed for the extonsion of 115 K V pole line. The salve has been duly exec ted by the :roger and City Clerk. of the City of Denton. Yours very truly, CITY OF RE TON gel mie Nelson City Clerk July 20, 1961 City of Seattle Department of Lighting 1015 Third Avenue Seattle 4, Washington Attention: Mr. I. L. Cottom, Assistant Superintendent Gentlemen: Pursuant to your letter of July 12, 1961 the Renton City Council at its regular meeting of Judy 18, 1961 has granted your Department Easement over certain lands within the boundaries of the City of Renton as proposed for the extension of 115 KY polc line, anda copy of your letter has been referred to the Kenton Building Depart- ment where the necessary Permit may + e secured. Yours very truly, ::ITY RENTDN By hlelmie W . Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm c, INTER-OFFICE MEMO 4 From: nfAhe_City_rderK'_.oe_ Depert`i"! ntel Iv:ccuB'.r. _ _.o.�..o .. _.��Q.�..r..... Tcs Building Department___.. Exnnd°s ture Account Ncoe Message Attn: Mr. Walt Will, S5,xp't. of Buildings The City Council, at its regular meeting of July 18, 1961 has referred the City of Seattle, Department of Lighting communication to your De- partment for the necessary building Permit in connection with extension of their 115 KV pole line over certain lands within the boundaries of Renton. Copy of said communication is attached hereto. Helmie Nelson THE CITY OF SEATTLE 7-//i'/ OF LIGHTING Telephone /frvi_it,(DEPARTMENT CITY LIGHT BUILDING PAUL J. RAVER MAin 3-7600 [/�f/ Superintendent N 1 SEATTLE THIRD AVENUE MEMBER,BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS riive., 4,WASHINGTON GORDON S.CLINTON,Mayor July 12, 1961 Mayor Aliment and City Council City of Renton Washington Gentlemen: Pursuant to the request of Mayor Aliment just prior to your regular City Council meeting on the evening of July 11, 1961, we are herein making application to the City of Renton for a building permit in connection with the City of Seattle's installation of poles, wires and fixtures for 115 KV pole line construction on cer- tain private lands in the City of Renton. It is our understanding that this request is made in order that the official body of the City of Renton be fully informed of the City of Seattle's reason for such installation, the nature or type of construction and the location of such line. We accordingly enclose our construction drawing of the proposed line, as it extends through and over certain lands within the boundaries of the City of Renton. This proposed construction consists of a single circuit 115 KV trans- mission line which originates at Cedar Falls and is constructed upon the City of Seattle's Pipe Line Right of Way insofar as is practicable. The line extends westerly therefrom to the east margin of Highway 5M, where the power line will be cut over to the existing power lines feeding both Seattle and Tacoma. The power line as it is shown on the drawing will consist of transmission line facilities only, no transformation to lower voltage (distribution facilities ) will occur at any part of the circuit as it extends through the City of Renton. We trust that this letter clarifies the City of Seattle's intent and will facilitate your early action on our behalf. Yours very ru , I. L. COTTOM OAP:lhl Assistant Superintendent Enc: Construction Drawing cc: Mayor Gordon S. Clinton Seattle, Washington Mr. Howard Carter Puget Sound Puwer & Light Company, Renton Mr. Fred Kimball Puget Sound Power & Light Company, Seattle Y. THE CITY OF SEATTLE _ DEPARTMENT OF LIGHTING Telephone CITY LIGHT BUILDING PAUL J. RAVER Superintendent MAin 3-7600 1015 THIRD AVENUE MEMBER,BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS SEATTLE 4,WASHINGTON GORDON S.CLINTON,Mayor 0" !_ Z/ # 1f)4/1.6ij I July 3, 1961 Mayor Frank Aliment and } ` �f — Members of the City Council �. ..�'� / � City of Renton Renton, Washington Request for Additional Easement 115 KV Transmission Line System Gentlemen: Reference is made to letter signed by the undersigned, dated March 14, 1961, to you requesting an easement to cross a 10-acre tract held by you for park purposes with City Light's new 115 KV power line. In support of this application, drawings and engineering information were furnished to you at or about the time of the previous letter. We have had no response to our letter of March 14. 1961. Our construction has progressed to the point where we need an early decision as to whether the easement which we requested will be granted. As you know, we are constructing this 115 KV power line in order to replace the existing 2 - 55 KV lines which are now located partially within the street area of the City of Renton. We believe it is in the mutual interest of the Cities of Seattle and Renton that these 55 KV lines be eliminated as promptly as possible. We, therefore, trust our request will receive early and favorable consideration by you. Should you require any additional information in order to process our request, please let us know immedi- ately. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours ver truly i I. L. COTTOM Assistant Superintendent OAP:mk