HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.19_Geotechnical_ReportRevised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Prepared for: SRM Renton, LLC Kirkland, Washington Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Mountlake Terrace, Washington EXHIBIT 19 RECEIVED 07/19/2019 mherrera PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Responsive Resourceful Reliable Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. i 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 1 2.1 Site Location and Description............................................................................... 1 2.2 Project Description ............................................................................................... 2 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ........................................................................................ 2 3.1 Geology ............................................................................................................... 2 3.2 Typical Profile ...................................................................................................... 3 3.2.1 Stratum 1 - Fill .......................................................................................... 3 3.2.2 Stratum 2 – Alluvium, Loose to Medium Dense ........................................ 4 3.2.3 Stratum 3 – Alluvium, Medium Dense to Very Dense ............................... 4 3.3 Groundwater ........................................................................................................ 4 3.4 Critical Areas ....................................................................................................... 5 3.4.1 Steep-Slope Critical Area ......................................................................... 5 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ...................................... 6 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations ............................................................................... 6 4.2 Earthwork............................................................................................................. 7 4.2.1 Site Preparation........................................................................................ 8 4.2.2 Subgrade Preparation .............................................................................. 8 4.2.3 Temporary Cut Slopes .............................................................................. 9 4.2.4 Material Requirements ............................................................................. 9 4.2.5 Compaction Requirements ..................................................................... 10 4.2.6 Utility Trench Backfill .............................................................................. 10 4.2.7 Grading and Drainage ............................................................................ 11 4.2.8 Earthwork Construction Considerations .................................................. 11 4.2.9 Wet Weather Earthwork ......................................................................... 11 4.2.10 Permanent Slopes .................................................................................. 12 4.3 Foundations ....................................................................................................... 12 4.3.1 Ground Improvement with Aggregate piers ............................................ 13 4.3.2 Foundation Design Recommendations ................................................... 13 4.4 Floor Slabs......................................................................................................... 14 4.4.1 Floor Slab Design Recommendations .................................................... 14 4.4.2 Floor Slab Construction Considerations.................................................. 14 4.5 Seismic Considerations...................................................................................... 15 4.6 Lateral Earth Pressures ..................................................................................... 16 4.7 Pavements ......................................................................................................... 19 4.7.1 Subgrade Preparation ............................................................................ 19 4.7.2 Design Considerations ........................................................................... 19 4.7.3 Asphaltic Cement Concrete Thickness ................................................... 21 4.7.4 Pavement Drainage ................................................................................ 22 4.7.5 Pavement Maintenance .......................................................................... 22 4.8 Settling Pond Reconnaissance .......................................................................... 22 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS ............................................................................................... 23 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Responsive Resourceful Reliable APPENDIX A – FIELD EXPLORATION Exhibit A-1 Vicinity Map Exhibit A-2 Exploration Plan Exhibit A-3 Settling Pond Summary Exhibit A-4 Field Exploration Description Exhibit A-5 to A-11 Boring Logs B-1 to B-7 Exhibit A-12 to A-23 Test Pit Logs TP-1 to TP-12 APPENDIX B – LABORATORY TESTING Exhibit B-1 Laboratory Testing Description Exhibit B-2 Grain Size Analysis Results Exhibit B-3 Moisture-Density Relationship Exhibit B-4 California Bearing Ratio APPENDIX C – SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Exhibit C-1 General Notes Exhibit C-2 Unified Soil Classification System Exhibit C-3 Historical Monitoring Well Data Exhibit C-4 USGS Seismic Design Maps Report Exhibit C-5 WSLiq Outputs DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A geotechnical exploration program has been performed for the proposed project located at 1915 Maple Valley Highway in Renton, Washington. Terracon’s geotechnical scope of services included the advancement of seven (7) geotechnical borings and twelve (12) test pits. The site appears suitable for the proposed construction based upon geotechnical conditions encountered in the explorations and our current understanding of the proposed development, contingent on meeting the recommendations provided in this report. The following geotechnical considerations have been identified as being significant as related to the design and construction of the proposed facilities: n Existing fill was encountered at all exploration locations. The fill soils were found to be variable in composition, depth, and density. In the western region of the site, concrete-like soils were encountered and are suspected to be hardened through leaching of wet cement as part of past site usage. Specialty earth-moving equipment may be necessary to meet planned elevations for foundations and utilities within this, and other, region(s) of the site. n Groundwater was encountered in all borings and was observed between 11 and 24 feet. The groundwater depths observed are consistent with historical data from previous interim action measures. The ground water table was generally observed within a loose to medium dense alluvium stratum. n Liquefiable soils were encountered between 18 and 32 feet below ground surface (bgs). Liquefaction-induced settlements are estimated to range from 2 to 6 inches. Horizontal displacements from lateral spreading are estimate to range from ½ to 3 feet. n Static settlement of the existing fill and post-liquefaction displacements are expected to exceed those tolerable by typical, residential structures founded on conventional spread footings. Therefore, we recommend ground improvement using aggregate piers for all buildings. We also recommend mat foundation support for buildings located within 250 feet of the river to meet the life-safety performance objective for seismic design. Other ground improvement and foundation support options may be considered after discussion with the structural engineer and establishment of tolerable displacements. n For planning purposes, we recommend an allowable bearing pressure of 4,000 psf for shallow foundations (i.e., footings and mats) constructed over aggregate piers. We also recommend a subgrade modulus values of 250 pci. Recommendations for site and subgrade preparation, earthwork, fill placement and compaction, drainage, and temporary and permanent slope cuts are included. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable ii n Close monitoring of the construction operations discussed herein will be critical in achieving the design subgrade support. We therefore recommend that the Terracon be retained to monitor this portion of the work. This summary should be used in conjunction with the entire report for design purposes. It should be recognized that details were not included or fully developed in this section, and the report must be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding of the items contained herein. The section titled GENERAL COMMENTS should be read for an understanding of the report limitations. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 1 REVISED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington Terracon Project No. 81175025 October 31, 2018 1.0 INTRODUCTION Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) is pleased to present the results of our geotechnical engineering services for the proposed Cedar River Apartments project. The site is located at 1915 Maple Valley Highway, Renton, Washington. A log of the site exploration along with a site location map and exploration plan are included in Appendix A of this report. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: n subsurface soil conditions n slab design and construction n groundwater conditions n seismic considerations n earthwork n foundation design and construction n pavement design recommendations n settling pond characterization 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Site Location and Description Item Description Location Approximately 7-acre open lot near 1915 SE Maple Valley Hwy lying between the highway and Cedar River in Renton, Washington. Latitude: 47.4801 Longitude: -122.1939 Existing improvements The site is currently undeveloped and is used as vehicular and equipment storage. At the south end of the site, adjacent to the Cedar River exists several settling ponds and an infiltration basin. Current ground cover Little to no vegetation within the site boundaries. Several large pine trees exist in the northwest corner. Sparse, light vegetation along the perimeter. Existing topography Gently sloping from Maple Valley Hwy to the Cedar River. A steeper, short grade change exists at the eastern third of the site paralleling the southern boundary and resembling an old roadbed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 2 2.2 Project Description Item Description Site Layout Refer to the Exploration Plan (Exhibit A-2 in Appendix A). The apartment structures (Buildings A and B) will be located along the river, setback approximately 100 feet from the river’s edge. The site plan includes a parking area for each building located within the middle wing. Courtyards are located within the furthest wings of each building as well as between the buildings. The commercial development is located at the approximate middle of the northeastern boundary. Paved access routes and parking stalls are proposed along northern portion of the site. Structures Two, five-story, multi-wing apartment structures (Building A and B) with a two story, lobby area betweeh the buildings. A retail pad is proposed for the wst building. As presented in the site plan, the lobby area is considered part of Building A. The total footprint of Buildings A and B is 149,189 square feet and the commercial building pad is roughly 70,000 square feet. Site Grading The apartment buildings are anticipated to be near the approximate existing ground elevation at each building’s respective location. Grading will be minimal to produce level grades at the building locations. The proposed finish floor elevation for Level 1 is 52.0 feet. Cut and fill slopes The settling ponds along the southern boundary adjacent to the river will be demolished and the shoreline restored to a near-natural state. Temporary cut slopes are assumed to be used to accomplish the demolition work. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Geology The site is located within the Cedar River basin near Renton, Washington. The surficial geology of site is shown as Qac – Quaternary, Cedar River alluvium – when viewed using the Washington State Department of Natural Resources online application. The soil units observed were consistent with the geologic mapped units and were predominantly alluvial deposits overlain by a relatively thin layer of fill. Based on published data and conditions that we have observed during advancement of the subsurface exploration at the site, subsurface conditions include a relatively shallow unit of loose to very dense existing fill, loose to medium dense sand of variable silt and gravel content, and medium dense to very dense sand and gravel alluvium. A total of seven (7) soil borings and 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 3 test pits were performed from 35 to 61½-feet below ground surface (bgs) and 12 test pits were performed from 4 to 10 feet bgs (See Exhibit A-2). 3.2 Typical Profile Based on the results of the borings, subsurface conditions on the project site can be generalized as follows: Stratum Approximate Depth to Bottom of Stratum (feet) Material Description Consistency/ Density 1 21 to 18 Uncontrolled fill 2 of primarily sand with variable silt and gravel content (FILL) Loose to Very Dense 2 13 to 29 Primarily sand and gravel with variable silt content (Alluvium) Loose to Medium Dense 3 Undetermined 3 Gravel with variable sand and silt content and interbedded sand lenses (Alluvium) Medium Dense to Very Dense 1. The site is surfaced with roughly 1 to 2 feet of gravel ballast and quarry spalls 2. Uncontrolled fill is material that was placed without moisture and density control. This material is typically variable in composition, consistency, density, moisture, and depth. It was difficult to discern between native soil and uncontrolled fill due to the disturbed sampling techniques and variation in color and composition. 3. All borings were terminated within this stratum. Conditions encountered at each boring location are indicated on the individual boring logs. Stratification boundaries on the boring logs represent the approximate location of changes in soil types; in situ, the transition between materials may be gradual. Details for each of the borings can be found on the boring logs in Appendix A of this report. Laboratory tests consisted of index testing to verify the USCS classifications were conducted on selected soil samples. Test results are presented in Appendix B. 3.2.1 Stratum 1 - Fill The fill was characterized through test pit and soil boring explorations. The stratum is generally overlain by 1 to 2 feet of gravel ballast and smaller, 4 to 6 inch quarry spalls. The soils are primarily silty sandy with varying silt and gravel content. Anthropogenic debris was observed in most of the test pits and includes concrete, brick, wood, plastics, metal, and fabric. Additionally, several test pits experienced significant cobble content. TP-2 experienced up to 7 feet of material consisting of 20 to 50% rounded cobbles. Significant cobble content was also observed in TP-5, TP-6, and TP-7. High cobble contents were not encountered at other exploration locations Hard, concrete-like material was experienced in the upper 4 to 18 feet of the western portion of the site that includes B-2 and B-3 and TP7, TP8, and TP-9. Samples recovered at this depth DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 4 range exhibit properties that are similar to weak concrete. We understand that a cement plant was previously in operation at the site. Leaching of wet cement through the ground and hardening likely created this concrete-like zone in this region of the site. Although the ground is concrete- like, drilling augers were advanced through the material. For test pit explorations, this portion of the site and was unable to be excavated with a mini-excavator and test pits were terminated at the contact with the concrete-like material. An approximate 10-inch thick concrete slab was encountered at 2.5 to 5.0 feet bgs in TPs 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12. The slab was reinforced and difficult to excavate with the mini-excavator. 3.2.2 Stratum 2 – Alluvium, Loose to Medium Dense The alluvium was characterized through test pit and soil boring explorations. Generally, the stratum is overlain by 4 to 18 feet of existing fill and varies from loose to medium dense with occasional dense zones. The soils are primarily silty sand with varying gravel and silt contents. In several borings, the unit was observed to be interbedded with thin sandy silt seams (typically 1 to 2 inch) and gravel lenses. The groundwater table was generally observed within this unit. 3.2.3 Stratum 3 – Alluvium, Medium Dense to Very Dense Soil boring explorations characterized the medium dense to very dense alluvium categorized as Stratum 3. This stratum is generally overlain by Stratum 2 between depths of 11½ and 29 feet. The unit is predominately composed of subangular to subrounded gravel of various sizes. In addition, sand and silt contents differed between boring locations at depth. Medium to coarse- grained sand seams are interbedded within the unit, along with 1 to 2 inch silt seams. Finally, organic debris was observed in B-2 at a depth of 29 feet., which included wood fragments. Due to the high gravel content and depth of this unit, hard drilling was observed in the majority of the boreholes. The drilling rig typically experienced intermittent zones of hard drilling between depths of 27 and 60 feet. Sand lenses interbedded within the stratum were often observed to be in a looser state as indicated by smoother drilling and lower in situ standard penetration test (SPT) results. 3.3 Groundwater Groundwater seepage was encountered in all seven borings and was observed in four existing groundwater monitoring wells. The monitoring well locations, installed by others, are shown on Exhibit A-2. The depth to groundwater in the Terracon borings ranged from 11 to 24 feet bgs at the time of the investigation. Historical data from themonitoring wells suggests that the depth to groundwater could be as shallow as 11.1 feet bgs and trends deeper to the west. We compiled the historical monitoring well data and present the results in Appendix C Groundwater level fluctuations occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff, river elevations, and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed. In addition, DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 5 perched water can develop over low-permeability soil. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the life of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the boring logs. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. 3.4 Critical Areas The site was reviewed for geologic hazards using the City of Renton online GIS mapping tool (http://rp.rentonwa.gov/HTML5Public/Index.HTML?viewer=CORMaps). Several areas within the site are mapped as steep slope critical areas include the portion of the site that is nearest to the river. Landslide hazards, which are commonly co-mapped with steep-slope areas are only observed north of the site, across and paralleling Maple Valley Highway. Additionally, the site is within a seismic hazard mapped area. This critical areas section is limited to the mapped steep- slope slope critical area. An assessment of seismic hazards is presented in Section 4.5 Seismic Considerations. Landslide hazards are discussed as part of the report but may want to be considered given that the site is primarly accessed from Maple Valley Highway. 3.4.1 Steep-Slope Critical Area The steep slopes mapped within the site are primarily classified as Sensitive (i.e. grade of 40 percent or less); however, the westernmost end of the site is classified as Protected (i.e. grade of 40 to 90 percent). A discussion of the Sensitive and Protected areas as it relates to the site development is presented below: Sensitive:The planned development includes a 100-foot buffer setback from the Cedar River. Areas beyond this buffer will largerly be leveled during site grading to support the proposed development. These areas are generally surround by level to gently sloping ground and do not appear to present a hazard. Slope areas along the Cedar River are generally present due to natural stream processes as the river has eroded and steepened the upland soils. These sloped areas have been considered as part of the seismic hazard assessment presented later in this report as lateral spreading potential is influenced by the presence of steep-slopes. Recommendations to mitigate the potential hazard are presented later in the report. Protected: Based on our review of the proposed site development and site grades, the westernmost end of the Building B appears to be roughly 50 and 100 feet east and north, respectively, of the nearest extent of the protected area. The development does not appear to impact this slope area due to the buffer setback from the Cedar River. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 6 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations Based on the results of the subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and our analyses, the site is subject to free-field, vertical and lateral displacements during a design-level seismic event of up to ½ foot and 3 feet, respectively. Liquefiable soils primarily exist within Stratum 2, loose to medium dense alluvium, and are observed in discontinuous layers within Stratum 3, medium dense to very dense alluvium. Furthermore, the variability of the fill unit observed through the test pits and borings demonstrates the potential for erratic settlements under static conditions. Mitigation of the seismic-induced vertical and lateral displacements can be accomplished through ground improvement or use of deep foundations. Ground improvement options such as jet- grouting and deep soil-cement mixing densify the ground by means of mixing soil and cement to produce concrete-like columns. These ground improvement options may be considered to construct a buttress adjacent to the river to mitigate lateral spreading. Deep foundations such as driven piles, augercast piles, and drilled shafts would transfer the structure’s loads through the weaker, liquefiable unit to competent soils, but the design is generally controlled by horizontal loading from lateral spreading. Lateral resistance is accomplished though flexural bending of the piles which can result in relatively large pile diameters. The mitigation options of ground improvement and deep foundations mentioned above are generally expensive and may not be the most cost-effective solution. Assuming the structures can be designed to tolerate some lateral displacements while satisfying the seismic performance objective of life-safety, we recommend ground improvement with aggregate piers. Aggregate piers are generally a less expensive ground improvement method and are commonly used to mitigate excessive settlements. However, aggregate piers do not mitigate lateral spreading. Therefore, we recommend supporting buildings within 250 feet of the river on mat foundations over the aggregate piers. The depth of the aggregate piers should extend through the loose to medium dense alluvium, which is typically 25 to 32 feet bgs. Ground improvement should extend outside the building footprint by 5 feet or least 10 percent of the building footprint, whichever is greater. A specialty contractor should be consulted for design of the ground improvement system and the structural engineer should be consulted to provide the tolerable post-liquefaction displacements. n Existing uncontrolled fill is typically recommended to be removed and replaced with structural fill; however, the inclusion of aggregate piers as a ground improvement solution eliminates the need for fill removal. Anthropogenic materials and other deleterious objects encountered during foundation grading and installation of aggregate piers may require overexcavation and replacement with structural fill. It is recommended that Terracon be retained during construction to observe and identify such materials DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 7 n Soft subgrade potential exists for the siltier soils we observed in the eastern portion of the site. The siltier soils are compressible and may pose challenges for construction of utilities, trenches, and other improvements. The construction of aggregate piers will largely mitigate the settlement potential beneath the structure but may require a dense aggregate pier field for lateral resistance due to the generally weaker nature of silty soils. The extents of the siltier soils within the building footprint are not known at this time and will require monitoring and observation by a geotechnical engineer during construction to assess the extent. n Cement-hardened ground described in Section 3.2.1 may present challenges with respect to construction of the ground improvement system, foundation grading, and installation of utilities. Specialty equipment may be required to excavation the concrete-like ground. For purposes of communicating the potential extend of the cement-hardened ground, a conceptual delineation of the hardened ground is present on Exhibit A-2. n The settling ponds along the approximate middle of the southern boundary should be demolished and excavated to native soil. Dewatering of the pond basins and removal of sediments at the bottom of the pond should be accomplished prior to backfilling. Recommendations for temporary slope cuts and placement and compaction of fill is provided herein. Specific conclusions and recommendations regarding these geotechnical considerations, as well as other geotechnical aspects of design and construction of foundation systems and other earthwork related phases of the project are outlined in the following sections. The recommendations contained in this report are based upon the results of field and laboratory testing (presented in Appendices A and B), engineering analyses, and our current understanding of the proposed project. ASTM and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) specification codes cited herein respectively refer to the current manual published by the American Society for Testing & Materials and the current edition of the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, (M41-12). 4.2 Earthwork Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in our exploration, we expect that all of the on- site soils shallower than about 4 feet bgs and within the limits of construction can be removed with conventional excavation equipment. For excavations deeper than 4 feet, particularly in the western region of the site, specialty equipment maybe required for removal of the concrete-like soil condition that exists. Cobbles were observed in our explorations and te contractor should be prepared to deal with cobbles and boulders. Recommendations for site preparation, structural fill, and permanent slopes are presented below Earthwork on the project should be observed and evaluated by Terracon. The evaluation of earthwork should include observation and testing of engineered fill, subgrade preparation, ground DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 8 improvement and/or deep foundation installation, and other geotechnical conditions exposed during the construction of the project. 4.2.1 Site Preparation Prior to equipment arriving onsite, clearing and grading limits should be established and marked. Silt fences should be constructed along the downslope side of all areas planned for clearing and grading. Preparation for site grading and construction should begin with procedures intended to control surface water runoff. The site naturally grades toward the Cedar River with drainage features to channel water to the settling ponds. To the extent possible, the contractor should complete work to use the natural drainage of the site to reduce erosion and runoff. The site is largely free of vegetation presenting a relatively high susceptible to erosion by flowing water. We anticipate that adequate surface water control during wet weather and wet site conditions can be accomplished through supplementing existing drainage feature with shallow ditches and sumps and pumps as needed. Stripping efforts should include removal of vegetation, organic materials, and any deleterious debris. The majority of the site is surfaced with gravel ballast and quarry spalls. Salvaging of the upper 2 feet of materials may be desirable for use of these materials for structural purposes elsewhere onsite. It appears that up to about ½-foot of stripping will be necessary in some areas with light vegetation. Greater depths of stripping and grubbing may be necessary in areas with thick vegetation and tree roots. Stripped materials that include significant organic content are not suitable for reuse as structural fill. Site disturbance beyond the work area should be limited to reduce the potential for erosion and off-site sediment transport. Disturbance of existing vegetation and soil structure on slopes should be avoided if at all practical; if disturbance is necessary, the area should be restored with landscaping, or paving with stormwater diversion as soon as possible. 4.2.2 Subgrade Preparation Areas that are stripped or excavated to the design subgrade elevation, or that are to receive structural fill, should be proofrolled with heavy rubber-tired construction equipment (e.g. loaded dump truck). Any soft, loose, or otherwise unsuitable areas identified during proofrolling should be recompacted if practical or removed and replaced with structural fill. We recommend that proofrolling of the subgrade be observed by a representative of our firm to assess the adequacy of the subgrade conditions and identify areas needing remedial work. We recommend that this procedure not be performed during wet weather. During wet conditions, systematic probing should be used to evaluate the subgrade. In the event that overexcavation is necessary in order to reach suitable, subgrade soils we recommend that Terracon be retained to oversee excavation efforts to verify expected conditions. All subgrades that have been prepared should be observed by a Terracon representative prior to the placement of foundation elements or structural fill. If structural fill is used to reestablish desired DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 9 grades, it should be placed over an approved subgrade and in accordance with the specifications and recommendations provided in the following sections. 4.2.3 Temporary Cut Slopes We anticipate that temporary open cuts and/or trenches will be utilized during construction of the project, particularly on the upslope side of foundations and for decommissioning of the settling ponds. Temporary slope stability is a function of many factors, including the following: n The presence and abundance of groundwater n The type and density of the various soil strata n The depth of cut n Surcharge loading adjacent to the excavation n The length of time the excavation remains open It is exceedingly difficult under the variable circumstances to pre-establish a safe and “maintenance-free” temporary cut slope angle. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain safe slope configurations since the contractor is continuously at the job site, able to observe the nature and condition of the cut slopes, and able to monitor the subsurface materials and groundwater conditions encountered. It may be necessary to drape temporary slopes with plastic or to otherwise protect the slopes from the elements and minimize sloughing and erosion. We do not recommend vertical slopes or cuts deeper than 4 feet if worker access is necessary. The contractor should reference Chapter 296-155, Part N, Excavation Trenching and Shoring, of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). The cuts should be adequately sloped or supported to prevent injury to personnel from local sloughing and spalling. The excavations should conform to applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. 4.2.4 Material Requirements Compacted structural fill should meet the following material property requirements: Fill Type Recommended Materials Acceptable Location for Placement Structural Fill 9-03.12(1)A Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class A1 9-03.9(1)Ballast 9-03.9(3)Crushed Surfacing Base Course1 Existing Gravel Ballast and Quarry Spalls2 Beneath and adjacent to structural slabs and foundations Common Fill Section 9-03.14(3)Common Borrow1 Native silty sand, gravelly sand, and silty gravel 3 Backfilling of settling ponds, utility trenches, general site leveling, landscaping DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 10 Fill Type Recommended Materials Acceptable Location for Placement 1. WSDOT Standard Specifications 2. Materials were observed in the upper 2 feet and should be stockpiled separately from topsoil and other organic-rich soils. 3. Fines content of near surface native silty sand make this material moisture sensitive and therefore unsuitable for use during periods of wet weather. 4.2.5 Compaction Requirements Item Description Fill Lift Thickness 8 inches or less in loose thickness when heavy, self- propelled compaction equipment is used 4 inches in loose thickness when hand-guided equipment (i.e. jumping jack or plate compactor) is used Minimum Compaction Requirements for Structural Fill Minimum 95% of the material’s maximum modified Proctor dry density (ASTM D 1557) Minimum Compaction Requirements for Common Fill Minimum 90% of the material’s maximum modified Proctor dry density (ASTM D 1557) Moisture Content – Granular Material Workable moisture levels 1 1. Typically within 2% of optimum 4.2.6 Utility Trench Backfill Utility trenching should conform to all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, such as OSHA and WISHA, for open excavations. All trenches should be wide enough to allow for compaction around the haunches of the pipe, or material such as pea gravel (provided this is allowed by the pipe manufacturer) should be used below the spring line of the pipes to eliminate the need for mechanical compaction in this portion of the trenches. We recommend that utility trench excavations be completed using a smooth excavation bucket (without teeth) to reduce the potential for subgrade disturbance. If water is encountered in the excavations, it should be removed prior to fill placement. Materials, placement and compaction of utility trench backfill should be in accordance with the recommendations presented in Sections 4.2.2 to 4.2.5 of this report. In our opinion, the initial lift thickness should not exceed one foot unless recommended by the manufacturer to protect utilities from damage by compacting equipment. Light, hand-operated compaction equipment in conjunction with thinner fill lift thicknesses may be utilized on backfill placed above utilities if damage resulting from heavier compaction equipment is of concern. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 11 Flexible connections for utilities that pass through building foundations are recommended to reduce potential stress associated with differential settlement that may occur between the building foundation and the improvements located outside of the building footprint. 4.2.7 Grading and Drainage The site is naturally contoured to drain toward the river. Site grades should be established such that surface water is directed away from foundation and pavement subgrades to prevent an increase in the water content of the soils. Adequate positive drainage diverting water from structures, open cuts, and slopes should be established to prevent erosion, ground loss, and instability. Gutters and downspouts should be routed into tightline pipes that discharge either directly into a municipal storm drain or to an alternative drainage facility. Splash-blocks should also be considered below hose bibs and water spigots. 4.2.8 Earthwork Construction Considerations It is anticipated that excavations for the proposed construction can largely be accomplished with conventional, heavy-duty, earthmoving equipment. The western portion of the site that has been cement-hardened below about 4 feet bgs may require specialty equipment. Additionally, in the eastern portion near B-6, the earthwork contractor should anticipate encountering soils that are highly sensitive to changes in moisture and disturbance that could potentially result in unstable or inadequate working pad and/or foundation subgrade conditions. In addition, cobbles, boulders, and construction debris (e.g., concrete, and a buried concrete slab were all observed in the test pits and should be anticipated during construction. Note that several test pits met refusal on concrete-like material. If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, we recommend that the exposed subgrade be allowed to thaw and be re-compacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill. Alternatively, the frozen soil could be scraped off and wasted to expose unfrozen soil. The contractor is responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. Excavations should be sloped or shored in the interest of safety following local and federal regulations, including current OSHA excavation and trench safety standards. 4.2.9 Wet Weather Earthwork The near surface, existing fill has variable fines content based on our visual observations and lab testing and is considered moisture sensitive. The soil has a low to moderate erosion potential in- place and may be transported by running water. Therefore, silt fences and other measures will be necessary to control erosion and sediment transport during construction. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 12 The suitability of soils used for structural fill depends primarily on their grain-size distribution and moisture content when they are placed. As the fines content (that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve) increases, soils become more sensitive to small changes in moisture content. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines (by weight) cannot be consistently compacted to a firm, unyielding condition when the moisture content is more than 2 percentage points above or below optimum. Optimum moisture content is the moisture content at which the maximum dry density for the material is achieved in the laboratory following ASTM procedures. If inclement weather or in situ soil moisture content prevents the use of on-site material as structural fill, we recommend the use of import granular fill containing less than 5 percent by weight passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve, based on the fraction passing the U.S. No. 4 sieve. We recommend that all stockpiled soils for use as structural fill be protected with polyethylene sheeting anchored to withstand local wind conditions. 4.2.10 Permanent Slopes For fill areas prepared as recommended in Section 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 and on subgrade prepared as recommended in Section 4.2.2, we recommend the following maximum permanent slope inclinations relative to a horizontal reference plane: n Structural Fill: 26.5 degrees (2H:1V) n Common Fill: 18.5 degrees (3H:1V) We recommend that permanent cut-slopes be laid back for long-term stability and to reduce the potential for long-term erosion. We recommend that the shoreline along the southern boundary of the property have a maximum permanent slope inclination of 3H:1V. Unconsolidated native soils and existing fill soils observed on site are also recommended to have a maximum permanent slope inclination of 3H:1V and a maximum height of 4 feet. We are available to provide more detailed recommendations for permanent slopes that exceed 4 feet in height. 4.3 Foundations It is our opinion that the buildings can be founded on a combination of aggregate piers and mat foundations. For buildings located within 250 feet of the river, we recommend mat foundation support, and for buildings setback further than 250 feet, we recommend support with spread and continuous footings. For purposes of this report, we assume the structures can be designed to tolerate some lateral displacement. We recommend that the structal engineer and Terracon work together to establish this amount with the owner. Without mitigation, potentially liquefiable soils are estimated to result in free field, vertical and lateral displacements of up to ½-foot and 3 feet, respectively, for the design-level seismic event. As noted in Section 4.5, we recommend the structure be designed for a Site Class F designation. Design recommendations for shallow foundations are presented in the following paragraphs. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 13 4.3.1 Ground Improvement with Aggregate Piers Implementation of aggregate piers is a method of ground improvement that offers a practical and effective alternative to deep soil mixing and means to circumvent the use of deep foundations for structural support. Aggregate piers are columns of crushed stone that, when configured in groups, can provide a significant increase in the density and overall strength of the surrounding soil mass. The increase in density is partly a result of the lateral displacement of the soil that occurs within the subsurface during installation. Relative spacing of the aggregate piers is typically specified by a specialty contractor that accounts for the anticipated building loads in order to determine the level of improvement that is deemed necessary to sustain the required loading. As a general rule of thumb we recommend that aggregate piers extend approximately 5 feet or 10 percent of the building footprint, whichever is greater, beyond all building limits for adequate support of the structures. For planning purposes of mat foundation sizes, we recommend an allowable bearing pressure of 4,000 psf. A soil subgrade modulus of 250 pci can be assumed for point loads and 60 pci for distributed loads. The design bearing pressure and subgrade modulus should be determined by the ground improvement contractor and reviewed by Terracon. 4.3.2 Foundation Design Recommendations Description Column/Mat Wall/Mat Net allowable bearing pressure 1 n Ground improvement with aggregate piers 4,000 psf 4,000 psf Minimum dimensions 30 inches/Not applicable 18 inches/Not applicable Minimum embedment below finished grade 2 18 inches 18 inches Approximate static total settlement from foundation loads <1 inch <1 inch Estimated static differential settlement from foundation loads <¾ inch between columns <¾ inch over 40 feet Ultimate passive pressure 3 n Compacted structural fill or improved existing fill 350 pcf, equivalent fluid density Ultimate coefficient of sliding friction 0.35 1. The recommended net allowable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure at the footing base elevation and should be confirmed by the ground improvement contractor. Assumes any unsuitable soft soils, if encountered, will be undercut and replaced with compacted structural fill. Based upon a minimum Factor of Safety of 3. 2. For frost protection and to reduce the effects of seasonal moisture variations in the subgrade soils. For perimeter footing and footings beneath unheated areas. 3. Passive resistance in the upper 12 inches of the soil profile should be neglected. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 14 4.4 Floor Slabs In our opinion, the structures farther than 250 feet from the shoreline are subject to primarily vertical displacements from liquefaction and/or the potential for erratic static settlement from existing fill. The structures will primarily be lightly loaded, retail and commercial buildings and are suitable for conventional, Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) slab-on-grade floor slabs provided the existing fill is improved with aggregate piers. Design recommendations are presented in the following table and paragraphs. 4.4.1 Floor Slab Design Recommendations DESCRIPTION VALUE Interior floor system Slab-on-grade concrete. Floor slab subgrade support Existing fill improved with aggregate piers in accordance with sections 4.2.2, 4.2.4, and 4.2.5 of this report. Base course 1 4-inch compacted layer of free draining, uniform gravel or coarse sand containing less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve by weight. 1. The base course serves as a capillary break layer, a drainage layer, a leveling layer, and a bearing layer. We recommend subgrades be maintained at the proper moisture condition until floor slabs are constructed. If the subgrade should become disturbed prior to construction of floor slabs, the affected material should be removed or the materials scarified, moistened, and recompacted. Upon completion of grading operations in the building areas, care should be taken to maintain the recommended subgrade moisture content and density prior to construction of the building floor slabs. Where appropriate, saw-cut control joints should be placed in the slab to help control the location and extent of cracking. For additional recommendations refer to the ACI Design Manual. The use of a vapor retarder or barrier should be considered beneath concrete slab-on-grade floors that will be covered with wood, tile, carpet or other moisture-sensitive or impervious coverings, or when the slab will support equipment sensitive to moisture. If penetrations through the barrier are required, that portion of the barrier should be replaced prior to construction of the slab above. When conditions warrant the use of a vapor retarder, the slab designer and slab contractor should refer to ACI 302 and ACI 360 for procedures and cautions regarding the use and placement of a vapor retarder/barrier. 4.4.2 Floor Slab Construction Considerations After excavation to subgrade elevation, the base of the excavation is frequently disturbed or altered due to utility excavations, construction traffic, desiccation, or rainfall. As a result, the slab- DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 15 on-grade subgrade may become unsuitable for floor slab support. At the time of capillary break placement, the subgrade should be evaluated by conducting a proof roll to verify a firm and non- yielding surface. Proof-rolling should be completed using heavy equipment under the observation of Terracon. This observer will assess the subgrade conditions prior to capillary break placement. Areas where loose, soft, or disturbed surface soils are observed should be compacted or removed and replaced to the depth of the disturbance as recommended for structural fill. 4.5 Seismic Considerations We assume the site will be designed to conform to the 2015 International Building Code (IBC) and ASCE 7-10 which is based on designing for an event with a 2 percent chance of exceedance in 50 years. The following discusses the soil site class and seismic hazard potential at the site: Code Used Site Classification 2015 International Building Code (IBC) and 2010 ASCE 7 1 F 2 Site Latitude 47.48012°N Site Longitude 122.19392°W Ss – Short Period Spectral Acceleration for Site Class B 1.425 g S1 – 1-Second Period Spectral Acceleration for Site Class B 0.533 g Fa – Short Period Site Coefficient 3 1.0 Fv – 1-Second Period Site Coefficient 3 1.5 1. The 2015 International Building Code and 2010 ASCE 7 document indicates that the seismic site classification is based on the average soil and bedrock properties in the top 100 feet. The current scope does not include a 100-foot soil profile determination. This seismic site class definition considers that soils encountered at depth in our boring continue below the termination depth. Additional exploration to deeper depths would be required to confirm the conditions below the current depth of exploration. 2. Note: Site Class F applies to any profile having (1) soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading such as liquefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive clays and collapsible weakly cemented soils, (2) at least 10 feet of peats and/or highly organic clays, (3) at least 25 feet of very high plasticity clays or (4) at least 120 feet of soft to medium stiff clays. 3. ASCE 7-10 allows site coefficients Fa and Fy to be determined assuming that liquefaction does not occur for structures with fundamental periods of vibration less than 0.5 second. Based on the results of the exploration program, Site Class D may be used to determine the values of F a and Fv. The fundamental period of vibration for the structure should be verified by the structural engineer. The hazard of damage from onsite fault rupture appears to be low based on review of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Quaternary Faults and Folds Database available online (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/qfaults/map) accessed on March 7, 2017. The closest DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 16 mapped fault is the Seattle fault zone. The closest estimation of the trace of this fault lies approximately 3 miles to the north. Liquefaction is the phenomenon where saturated soils develop high pore-water pressures during seismic shaking and lose their strength characteristics. This phenomenon generally occurs in areas of high seismicity, where groundwater is shallow and loose granular soils or relatively non- plastic fine-grained soils are present. Based on the site geology and subsurface groundwater conditions, the hazard of liquefaction of the site soils is moderate to high for this site during a design level earthquake and is most likely to trigger between 18 and 32 feet below the ground surface. The site is gently sloping toward the Cedar River with a grade between 2 and 5 percent. Due to the absence of bathymetric data, the river bed is assumed to be at an elevation of 27 feet. Near the river, the topographic relief between the top of bank and the river bed is estimated to be an average of about 16 feet and creates a free-face ratio of up to 22 percent at B-5.. The risk of lateral spreading is low to moderate while the risk of flow sliding is relatively low, largely due to the planned setback. Liquefaction and lateral spreading were evalauted using WSLiq software developed by Prof. Steven L. Kramer at the University of Washington (http://faculty.washington.edu/kramer/WSliq/WSliq.htm). We estimate approximately 2 to 6 inches of liquefaction-induced settlement of the ground surface based on our understanding of the regional geology and the alluvial deposits of the site. Lateral spreading displacements are estimate to be between ½ and 3 feet. Vertical foundation settlements should be reduced given that the aggregate piers densify the ground, increase soil stiffness, and are embedded in dense material that is not expected to liquefy. Furthermore, the mat foundation recommended will reduce the effect of lateral spread displacements over the building footprint for those structures located within 250 feet of the river. However, the ground located outside the aggregate pier improvements will be subject to liquefaction-induced settlement therefore, we recommend any utilities connected to the proposed structures be designed with flexible connections to reduce damage during a seismic event. 4.6 Lateral Earth Pressures Reinforced concrete walls with unbalanced backfill levels on opposite sides should be designed for earth pressures at least equal to those indicated in the following table. Earth pressures will be influenced by structural design of the walls, conditions of wall restraint, methods of construction and/or compaction and the strength of the materials being restrained. Two wall restraint conditions are shown. Active earth pressure is commonly used for design of free-standing cantilever retaining walls and assumes wall movement. The "at-rest" condition assumes no wall movement. The recommended design lateral earth pressures do not include a factor of safety and do not provide for possible hydrostatic pressure on the walls. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 17 Earth Pressure Coefficients Earth Pressure Conditions Coefficient for Backfill Type Equivalent Fluid Density (pcf) Surcharge Pressure, p1 (psf) Earth Pressure, p2 (psf) Active (Ka) n Level n 2H:1V 0.31 0.45 40 60 (0.31)S (0.45)S (40)H (60)H At-Rest (Ko) n Level n 2H:1V 0.47 0.68 60 90 (0.47)S (0.68)S (60)H (90)H Passive (Kp)3.25 350 ------ Applicable conditions to the above include: n For active earth pressure, wall must rotate about base, with top lateral movements of about 0.002 H to 0.004 H, where H is wall height n For passive earth pressure to develop, wall must move horizontally to mobilize resistance n Uniform surcharge, where S is surcharge pressure n In-situ soil backfill weight a maximum of 130 pcf n Horizontal backfill, compacted between 92 and 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density n Loading from heavy compaction equipment not included n No hydrostatic pressures acting on wall n No dynamic loading n No safety factor included n Ignore passive pressure in frost zone DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 18 Backfill placed against structures should consist of granular soils as described in Section 4.2.4. For these values to be valid, the granular backfill must extend out and up from the base of the wall at an angle of at least 45 and 60 degrees from vertical for the active and passive cases, respectively. To calculate the resistance to sliding, a value of 0.45 should be used as the ultimate coefficient of friction between the footing and crushed rock fill (i.e. material used for aggregate piers). A perforated rigid plastic or metal drain line installed behind the base of walls that extend below adjacent grade is recommended to prevent hydrostatic loading on the walls. The invert of a drain line around a below-grade building area or exterior retaining wall should be placed near foundation bearing level. The drain line should be sloped to provide positive gravity drainage or to a sump pit and pump. The drain line should be surrounded by clean, free-draining granular material having less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. The free-draining aggregate should be encapsulated in a filter fabric. The granular fill should extend to within 2 feet of final grade, where it should be capped with compacted cohesive fill to reduce infiltration of surface water into the drain system. As an alternative to free-draining granular fill, a pre-fabricated drainage structure may be used. A pre-fabricated drainage structure is a plastic drainage core or mesh, which is covered with filter fabric to prevent soil intrusion, and is fastened to the wall prior to placing backfill. If controlling hydrostatic pressure behind the wall as described above is not possible, then combined hydrostatic and lateral earth pressures should be calculated for granular backfill, an equivalent fluid weighing 85 and 90 pcf should be used for active and at-rest, respectively. These pressures do not include the influence of surcharge, equipment or pavement loading, which DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 19 should be added. Heavy equipment should not operate within a distance closer than the exposed height of retaining walls to prevent lateral pressures more than those provided. 4.7 Pavements We encountered undocumented fill soil to depths of 4 to 18 feet in our explorations. Provided the owner is willing to accept the risk of unpredictable settlement response of the undocumented fill under pavement sections, we recommend limited risk mitigation measures including removal of at least the upper 12 inches of pavement subgrade, scarification and compaction of the exposed subgrade, and replacement of the removed material with structural fill in accordance with the earthwork section of this report. Based on the results of our explorations, the undocumented fill soil is generally in a loose to very dense condition and represents a moderate risk of excessive settlements due to traffic loading after completion of the recommended improvements, though areas of unsuitable or compressible fill may be present within the fill areas that were not observed in our explorations. 4.7.1 Subgrade Preparation On most project sites, the site grading is accomplished relatively early in the construction phase. However, as construction proceeds, excavations are made into these areas, rainfall and surface water saturates some areas, heavy traffic from concrete trucks and other construction vehicles disturbs the subgrade, and many surface irregularities are filled in with loose soil to temporarily improve driving conditions. As a result, the pavement subgrades, initially prepared early in the project, should be carefully evaluated as the time for pavement construction approaches. We recommend that the moisture content and density of the top 12 inches of the subgrade be evaluated and that the pavement subgrades be proofrolled within two days prior to commencement of actual paving operations. Areas not in compliance with the required ranges of moisture or density should be moisture conditioned and recompacted. Particular attention should be paid to high traffic areas that were rutted and disturbed earlier and to areas where backfilled trenches are located. Areas where unsuitable conditions are located should be repaired by removing and replacing the materials with properly compacted structural fills. If a significant precipitation event occurs after the evaluation or if the surface becomes disturbed, the subgrade should be reviewed by qualified personnel immediately prior to paving. The subgrade should be in its finished form at the time of the final review. 4.7.2 Design Considerations We anticipate that traffic loads will be produced primarily by automobile and light traffic and by occasional larger moving trucks and trash-removal trucks. The thickness of pavements subjected to heavy truck traffic should be determined using expected traffic volumes, vehicle types, and vehicle loads and should be in accordance with local, city or county ordinances. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 20 Pavement thickness were determined using AASHTO methods based on assumed values of maximum ESAL loading of 100,000 (ESAL = equivalent 18-kip single axle load) for standard duty car and light truck parking areas over a 20-year design life. For heavy-duty truck traffic areas, we used an assumed traffic loading of 250,000 ESALs in our analysis. If traffic loading developed by the civil engineer differs significantly from these assumed values, the pavement thickness design should be revisited. The minimum pavement sections outlined below were determined based on the estimated subgrade support and post-construction traffic loading conditions. These pavement sections do not account for heavy construction traffic during development. A partially constructed structural section may be subjected to heavy construction traffic that can result in pavement deterioration and premature failure. Our experience indicates that this pavement construction practice can result in pavements that will not perform as intended. Considering this information, several alternatives are available to mitigate the impact of heavy construction traffic on the pavement construction. These include using thicker sections to account for the construction traffic; using some method of soil stabilization to improve the support characteristics of the pavement subgrade; routing heavy construction traffic around paved areas; or delaying paving operations until as near the end of construction as is feasible. Pavement performance is affected by its surroundings. In addition to providing preventive maintenance, the civil engineer should consider the following recommendations in the design and layout of pavements: n Final grade adjacent to parking lots and drives should slope down from pavement edges at a minimum 2 percent; n The subgrade and the pavement surface should have a minimum ¼ inch per foot slope to promote proper surface drainage; n Install pavement drainage surrounding areas anticipated for frequent wetting (e.g., landscaping areas, etc.); n Install joint sealant and seal cracks immediately; n Seal all landscaped areas in, or adjacent to pavements to reduce moisture migration to subgrade soil, and; n Place compacted, low permeability backfill against the exterior side of curb and gutter Our pavement design was conducted using a CBR value of 88 percent at 95 percent compaction. To obtain this CBR value in the field, the pavement subgrade must be thoroughly compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor density within 2 percent of its optimum moisture. Any imported structural fill placed below proposed pavement areas should have a CBR value of at least 20 percent. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 21 4.7.3 Asphaltic Cement Concrete Thickness MINIMUM STANDARD-DUTY PAVEMENT SECTION FOR CAR AND LIGHT TRUCK-ONLY AREAS Layer Thickness (inches) Compaction/Material Specification Asphalt Surface 3.0 WSDOT: 9-03.8(2) ¾-inch HMA WSDOT: 9-03.8(6) ¾-inch Aggregate Crushed Aggregate Base 4.0 WSDOT: 9-03.9(3) Base Course Compacted Structural Fill Subgrade 12 95% of Modified Proctor MDD, -2 to +2% OMC Total Pavement Section 7.0 MINIMUM HEAVY DUTY-PAVEMENT SECTION FOR TRUCK AREAS Layer Thickness (inches) Compaction/Material Specification Asphalt Surface Course 4.0 WSDOT: 9-03.8(2) ¾-inch HMA WSDOT: 9-03.8(6) ¾-inch Aggregate Crushed Aggregate Base 6.0 WSDOT: 9-03.9(3) Base Course Compacted Structural Fill Subgrade 12 95% of Modified Proctor MDD, -2 to +2% OMC Total Pavement Section 10.0 The abbreviations MDD, OMC, and HMA in the tables above refer to Maximum Dry Density, Optimum Moisture Content, and Hot Mix Asphalt, respectively. The graded crushed aggregate base should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the material’s modified Proctor (ASTM D 1557, Method C) maximum dry density. We recommend that asphalt be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the Rice (theoretical maximum) density or 96 percent of Marshall (maximum laboratory) density. We recommend that a Portland cement concrete pavement (CCP) be utilized in entrance and exit sections, dumpster pads, loading dock areas, or other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering or repeated loading are expected. The dumpster pad should be large enough to support the wheels of the truck which will bear the load of the dumpster. We recommend a minimum of 6 inches of CCP underlain by 4 inches of crushed aggregate base. Although not required for structural support, the base course layer is recommended to help reduce potentials for slab curl, shrinkage cracking, and subgrade “pumping” through joints. Proper joint spacing will also be DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 22 required to prevent excessive slab curling and shrinkage cracking. All joints should be sealed to prevent entry of foreign material and dowelled where necessary for load transfer. Portland cement concrete should be designed with proper air-entrainment and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi after 28 days of laboratory curing. Adequate reinforcement and number of longitudinal and transverse control joints should be placed in the rigid pavement in accordance with ACI requirements. The joints should be sealed as soon as possible (in accordance with sealant manufacturer’s instructions) to minimize water infiltration into the soil. 4.7.4 Pavement Drainage Pavements should be sloped to provide rapid drainage of surface water. Water allowed to pond on or adjacent to the pavements could saturate the subgrade and contribute to premature pavement deterioration. In addition, the pavement subgrade should be graded to provide positive drainage within the crushed aggregate base section. We recommend drainage be included at the bottom of the crushed aggregate base layer at the storm structures to aid in removing water that may enter this layer. Drainage could consist of small diameter weep holes excavated around the perimeter of the storm structures. The weep holes should be excavated at the elevation of the crushed aggregate base and soil interface. The excavation should be covered with crushed aggregate which is encompassed in Mirafi 140NL or approved equivalent which will aid in reducing fines from entering the storm system. 4.7.5 Pavement Maintenance The pavement sections provided in this report represent minimum recommended thicknesses and, as such, periodic maintenance should be anticipated. Therefore preventive maintenance should be planned and provided for through an on-going pavement management program. Maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration and to preserve the pavement investment. Maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g. crack and joint sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g. surface sealing). Preventive maintenance is usually the first priority when implementing a pavement maintenance program. Additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of a cost effective program. Even with periodic maintenance, some movements and related cracking may still occur and repairs may be required. 4.8 Settling Pond Reconnaissance Along the southern boundary of the property, exist three (3) settling ponds and an infiltration basin. The settling ponds were investigated to characterize the types of materials of the ponds, approximate size and dimensions of the ponds, water depth, and sediment thickness. The findings of the reconnaissance are summarized on an annotated, conceptual sketches provided in Exhibit A-3. The table below summarizes the results of the reconnaissance. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 23 Feature Approximate Dimensions (ft; W x L) Water Depth (ft.; average) Sediment Thickness (ft; bgs) Concrete Side- Wall Thickness (ft; bgs) Settling Pond (North)50 x 47 5 1 ½5 ½ Settling Pond (Middle)56 x 46 6 1 3 Settling Pond (South)56 x 115 4 3 5 Infiltration Basin 28 x 55 --------- The upper 5 to 6 feet of material surrounding the ponds is generally concrete as observed from the side walls of the ponds. Some reinforcement was observed but appears to be inconsistent within the exposed and fractured concrete. The concrete appears to be moderately to highly weathered and is spalling in most areas. Native material is observed around some sections of the pond, primarily along the northeastern boundary (i.e. side opposite the river). Dividing the ponds are concrete fingers approximately 14 ½ to 17 ½ feet wide with 9-foot weirs between sidewalls allowing water flow between ponds. Demolition of the settling ponds should include dewatering and excavation of the retained sediments to expose firm, native subgrade. Due to the site history, the retained water and sediments may require treatment prior to disposal. Appropriate environmental testing should be considered to characterize potential contaminants within the materials. Demolition of the settling ponds should consider the temporary slope cut recommendations provided in Section 4.2.3. Backfilling should be performed in accordance with Section 4.2.4 and 4.2.5. 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS Terracon should be retained to review the final design plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. Terracon also should be retained to provide observation and testing services during grading, excavation, foundation construction and other earth-related construction phases of the project. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations that may occur between borings, across the site, or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. If variations appear, we should be DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Revised Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliable 24 immediately notified so that further evaluation and supplemental recommendations can be provided. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site safety, excavation support, and dewatering requirements are the responsibility of others. In the event that changes in the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless Terracon reviews the changes and either verifies or modifies the conclusions of this report in writing. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Project Mngr: Approved By: Checked By: Drawn By: Project No. Scale: Date: File No. EXHIBIT Consulting Engineers and Scientists 21905 64th Avenue W., Ste 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 FAX. (425) 771-3549PH. (425) 771-3304 SITE LOCATION MAP Cedar River Apartments 1915 Maple Valley Highway Renton, King County, Washington A-1OCT. 2018 Exhibit A-1 AS SHOWN 81175025RDL AMP ZLK DAB SITE LEGEND Source: USGS Renton, Washington, 7.5-minute Quadrangle, published 2017. APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 01500 375 1500750 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 B-3 (50 FT) B-4 (50 FT) TP-9 TP-10 50' 47'46'59' 56' 56' 56'53' CEDAR RIVER GRAVEL BALLAST 17.5' 16.0' MW7 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W16 W15 W14 W17 INFILTRATION BASINMETAL CANOPY ECOLOGY BLOCKS (TYP) QUARRY SPALLS 8"-10" QUARRY SPALLS CONCRETE PEA GRAVEL 7' 9' 16'6' 5"-8" CONCRETE K-RAIL (12' TYP) OBSERVATION WELLS SUBMERGED CONCRETECONCRETE Project Mngr: ApprovedBy: Checked By: Drawn By: ProjectNo. Scale: Date: File No.Consulting Engineers and Scientists EXHIBIT 21905 64th AvenueW,Ste100 Mountlake Terrace,WA98043 FAX. (425) 771-3549PH. (425) 771-3304 SETTLING POND SUMMARY Cedar River Apartments 1915 Maple Valley Highway Renton, King County, Washington A-3OCT. 2018 Exhibit 1 AS SHOWN 81175025RDL AMP HKO DAB N LEGEND SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS LOCATION SIDEWALL CONCRETE THICKNESS (FT) WATER DEPTH (FT) WALL HEIGHT ABOVE WATER (FT) SEDIMENT THICKNESS (FT) W1 8 6.7 9.5 1 W2 6.4 7.5 1.0 W3 4.8 7.5 W4 5.5 4.3 7.5 1.5 W5 2.5 4.2 8 W6 4 7.0 2 W7 5.2 7.5 W8 2 7.0 7.5 W9 6.2 8 W10 6.5 7 1 W11 4 6.8 6.5 W12 7.1 6 1.5 W13 2 7.4 5 W14 7.7 5 W15 8.0 4 2.5 W16 3.5 8.3 3.5 W17 8.6 3 2.5 W1 SCALE IN FEET 030 10 3020 B-1 (DEPTH; BGS)APPROXIMATEBORING LOCATION AND NUMBER TP-1 APPROXIMATETESTPIT LOCATION AND NUMBER APPROXIMATEPROBE LOCATION AND NUMBER APPROXIMATE MONITORING WELL LOCATION AND NUMBER (BY OTHERS)MW1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliablee Exhibit A-4 Field Exploration Description The exploration locations were laid out in the field by a Terracon representative using a scaled site plan provided by the client and utilizing hand-held GPS equipment. Ground surface elevations indicated on the exploration logs were estimated to the nearest ½ foot from an architectural site plan provided to Terracon by Rutledge Maul Architects dated 7/25/2017. The locations and elevations of the explorations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the means and methods used to define them. Borings B-3, B-4, B-5, and B-7 were drilled using a Mobile B-58 rotary drill rig. Boreholes B-2 and B-6 were drilled using a CME-75, while B-1 was drilled using a CME-85 rotary drill rig. All of the borings used hollow-stem augers to advance the boreholes. Samples of the soil encountered in the borings were obtained using the split-barrel sampling procedures. In the split-barrel sampling procedure, the number of blows required to advance a standard 2- inch O.D. split-barrel sampler the last 12 inches of the typical total 18-inch penetration by means of a 140-pound hammer with a free fall of 30 inches, is the standard penetration resistance value (SPT-N). This value is used to estimate the in situ relative density of cohesionless soils and consistency of cohesive soils. An automatic SPT hammer was used to advance the split-barrel sampler in the borings performed on this site. A significantly greater efficiency is achieved with the automatic hammer compared to the conventional safety hammer operated with a cathead and rope. This higher efficiency has an appreciable effect on the SPT-N value. The effect of the automatic hammer's efficiency has been considered in the interpretation and analysis of the subsurface information for this report. The Mobile B-58 had a hammer efficiency of 104.0%. The CME-75 rotary drill rig had a hammer efficiency of 77.0%, while the CME-85 had a hammer efficiency of 87.0%. The samples were tagged for identification, sealed to reduce moisture loss, and taken to our laboratory for further examination, testing, and classification. Information provided on the boring logs attached to this report includes soil descriptions, consistency evaluations, boring depths, sampling intervals, and groundwater conditions. The borings were backfilled with auger cuttings prior to the drill crew leaving the site. A total of 12 test pits were performed to depths of 4 to 10 feet using a Bobcat 335 Mini-excavator. Probing was conducted within the excavated area at depths of 2 and 4 feet bgs to infer density of the existing fill. Material deeper than 4 feet was visually classified from the excavation stockpile. A field log of each exploration was prepared by a Terracon geotechnical engineer geologist. These logs included visual classifications of the materials encountered during drilling as well as the engineer’s geologist’s interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs included with this report represent the engineer's interpretation of the field logs and include modifications based on laboratory observation and tests of the samples. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Geotechnical Engineering Report Cedar River Apartments Renton, Washington October 31, 2018 Terracon Project No. 81175025 Responsive Resourceful Reliablee Exhibit B-1 Laboratory Testing Description Soil samples were tested in the laboratory to measure their natural water content. The test results are provided on the boring logs included in Appendix A. Descriptive classifications of the soils indicated on the boring logs are in accordance with the enclosed General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System. Also shown are estimated Unified Soil Classification Symbols. A brief description of this classification system is attached to this report. All classification was by visual manual procedures. Selected samples were further classified using the results of grain size distribution and Atterberg limit testing. The Atterberg limit test and fines content results are also provided on the boring logs. Moisture-density relationship testing, or compaction testing, is a laboratory method of experimentally determining the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type will become most dense and achieve its maximum dry density. Compaction testing was conducted as part of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing procedure. The compaction testing results predict a maximum dry density of 139.8 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) at an optimum moisture of 6.7 percent. California bearing ratio (CBR) is a penetration test for evaluation of the mechanical strength of natural ground, subgrades and basecourses beneath new carriageway construction. The test is performed by measuring the pressure required to penetrate soil or aggregate with a plunger of standard area. The measured pressure is then divided by the pressure required to achieve an equal penetration on a standard crushed rock material, namely California limestone. The CBR for the material sampled in the upper 2 ½ feet is 88 percent at a compaction of 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Sample testing includes the following quantities: n 12 - Grain Size Distribution (ASTM D6913) n 11 - #200 Wash (ASTM D6913) n 1 – Moisture-Density Relationship (ASTM D1557) n 1 – California Bearing Ratio (CBR; ASTM D1883) DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 APPENDIX C SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Exhibit C-2 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests A Soil Classification Group Symbol Group Name B Coarse Grained Soils: More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve Gravels: More than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve Clean Gravels: Less than 5% fines C Cu 4 and 1 Cc 3 E GW Well-graded gravel F Cu 4 and/or 1 Cc 3 E GP Poorly graded gravel F Gravels with Fines: More than 12% fines C Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravel F,G,H Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravel F,G,H Sands: 50% or more of coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Clean Sands: Less than 5% fines D Cu 6 and 1 Cc 3 E SW Well-graded sand I Cu 6 and/or 1 Cc 3 E SP Poorly graded sand I Sands with Fines: More than 12% fines D Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand G,H,I Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand G,H,I Fine-Grained Soils: 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve Silts and Clays: Liquid limit less than 50 Inorganic:PI 7 and plots on or above “A” line J CL Lean clay K,L,M PI 4 or plots below “A” line J ML Silt K,L,M Organic:Liquid limit - oven dried 0.75 OL Organic clay K,L,M,N Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt K,L,M,O Silts and Clays: Liquid limit 50 or more Inorganic:PI plots on or above “A” line CH Fat clay K,L,M PI plots below “A” line MH Elastic Silt K,L,M Organic:Liquid limit - oven dried 0.75 OH Organic clay K,L,M,P Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt K,L,M,Q Highly organic soils:Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieve B If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add “with cobbles or boulders, or both” to group name. C Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-graded gravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorly graded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay. D Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-graded sand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay E Cu = D60/D10 Cc = 6010 2 30 DxD )(D F If soil contains 15% sand, add “with sand” to group name. G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. H If fines are organic, add “with organic fines” to group name. I If soil contains 15% gravel, add “with gravel” to group name. J If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add “with sand” or “with gravel,” whichever is predominant. L If soil contains 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add “sandy” to group name. M If soil contains 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add “gravelly” to group name. N PI 4 and plots on or above “A” line. O PI 4 or plots below “A” line. P PI plots on or above “A” line. Q PI plots below “A” line. DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Table 1 Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data Old Stoneway Renton Renton, Washington Farallon PN: 266-008 DRAFT - Issued for Client Review 6/8/2009 18.63 29.30 9/29/2016 19.62 28.31 12/14/2009 19.10 28.83 3/3/2010 18.58 29.35 6/1/2010 17.58 30.35 8/10/2010 20.78 27.15 9/14/2010 19.57 28.36 9/15/2016 19.91 28.02 6/8/2009 22.58 29.51 9/29/2016 23.48 28.61 12/14/2009 22.95 29.14 3/3/2010 22.53 29.56 6/1/2010 21.59 30.50 8/10/2010 24.45 27.64 9/14/2010 23.39 28.70 9/15/2016 23.71 28.38 6/8/2009 13.68 29.97 9/29/2009 15.75 27.90 12/14/2009 14.20 29.45 3/3/2010 13.80 29.85 6/1/2010 12.68 30.97 8/10/2010 15.56 28.09 9/14/2010 14.72 28.93 6/8/2009 14.29 31.89 9/29/2009 15.23 30.95 12/14/2009 14.77 31.41 3/3/2010 14.48 31.70 6/1/2010 13.25 32.93 8/10/2010 15.59 30.59 9/14/2010 15.13 31.05 6/8/2009 12.11 31.94 9/29/2016 13.03 31.02 12/14/2009 12.69 31.36 3/3/2010 12.25 31.80 6/1/2010 11.10 32.95 8/10/2010 13.44 30.61 9/14/2010 13.06 30.99 9/15/2016 13.23 30.82 6/8/2009 15.35 30.47 9/29/2009 16.70 29.12 12/14/2009 15.81 30.01 3/3/2010 15.45 30.37 6/1/2010 14.40 31.42 8/10/2010 17.00 28.82 9/14/2010 16.22 29.60 EPI-MW-1 NA NA 52.09 Well Identification Monitoring Date Depth of Monitoring Well (feet) Monitoring Well Screened Interval (feet bgs) Wellhead Elevation 1 (feet) Groundwater Elevation (feet) MW-1 NA NA 47.93 Depth to Water (below TOC) EPI-MW-7 17.0 5.0-17.0 44.05 EPI-MW-8 NA NA 45.82 EPI-MW-5 NA NA 43.65 EPI-MW-6 NA NA 46.18 G:\Projects\266 Gary Merlino Const Entities\266008 Old Stoneway Renton\Working Folder\Reports\2016\Tables\Tables 1 and 2.xlsx 1 of 2 DRAFT - Issued for Client Review DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Table 1 Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data Old Stoneway Renton Renton, Washington Farallon PN: 266-008 DRAFT - Issued for Client Review Well Identification Monitoring Date Depth of Monitoring Well (feet) Monitoring Well Screened Interval (feet bgs) Wellhead Elevation 1 (feet) Groundwater Elevation (feet) Depth to Water (below TOC) 6/8/2009 16.84 31.41 9/29/2016 17.95 30.30 12/14/2009 17.39 30.86 3/3/2010 17.08 31.17 6/1/2010 15.94 32.31 8/10/2010 18.31 29.94 9/14/2010 17.76 30.49 9/15/2016 18.32 29.93 7/20/2015 NA 30.72 1/13/2016 NA 32.53 9/15/2016 11.51 NC 6/8/2009 10.61 30.80 9/29/2009 12.40 29.01 12/14/2009 11.16 30.25 3/3/2010 10.80 30.61 6/1/2010 9.64 31.77 8/10/2010 12.24 29.17 9/14/2010 11.60 29.81 NOTES NA = not available NC =not calculated 1In feet at top of well casing.Monitoring Well Survey Data Obtained from Interim Action Report, Former Stoneway Batch Plant, 1915 SE Maple Valley Highway, Renton, Washington, dated February 7, 2011 prepared by Environmental Partners Inc.TOC = top of casing EPI-MW-9 19.0 7.0-19.0 48.25 MW-41 NA NA 41.41 MW-10 NA NA NA G:\Projects\266 Gary Merlino Const Entities\266008 Old Stoneway Renton\Working Folder\Reports\2016\Tables\Tables 1 and 2.xlsx 2 of 2 DRAFT - Issued for Client Review DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation Report by WSLiq Program beta (May, 2009) --------------------------------------------------- Site Name: Cedar River Apartments - Renton, WA (B1) Site Location (N,W) = 47.480 , 122.194 Job No: 81175025 Analyst: Koehn Date: 7/26/2017 8:20:46 AM --------------------------------------------------- === Soil Profile === Unit: ft The number of soil layers: 10 GWT at top of layer: 7 GWT depth: 21.00 SPT Energy Ratio (%): 87.00 Amplification Factors: a= -0.1500 b= -0.1300 Elevation: 50.00 Ground Surface: Infinite Slope (%)= 1.5 Layer Descpt. Thickness Unit Weight Nm N160 Vs (ft) (lb/ft3) ft/sec 1 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 4.5 120.00 17 41.9 835.9 2 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 51 125.7 1149.5 3 SAND_W/_SILT_AND_GRAVEL_(SP-SM) 2.5 120.00 31 65.7 995.0 4 SAND_W/_SILT_AND_GRAVEL_(SP-SM) 3.5 120.00 22 39.9 900.8 5 SAND_W/_GRAVEL_(SP) 5 120.00 36 55.7 1039.1 6 SAND_W/_GRAVEL_(SP) 3 120.00 19 26.2 863.3 7 SAND_W/_GRAVEL_(SP) 2 120.00 19 25.0 863.3 8 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(SW) 5 130.00 28 35.3 966.0 9 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(SW) 4.5 130.00 46 54.9 1115.6 10 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(SW) 2.5 130.00 35 40.3 1030.6 Layer FC PI wc/LL D50 Ini. Eff. Ini. Total (%) (mm) Stress (psf) Stress (psf) 1 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 270.0 270.00 2 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 690.0 690.00 3 7 Unsat Unsat 1.000 990.0 990.00 4 7 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1350.0 1350.00 5 4 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1860.0 1860.00 6 4 Unsat Unsat 1.000 2340.0 2340.00 7 4 0 1.5 1.000 2577.6 2640.00 8 12 0 1.5 10.000 2804.2 3085.00 9 12 0 1.5 10.000 3125.3 3702.50 10 12 0 1.5 10.000 3361.9 4157.50 Soil Profile Plots 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Initiation === --------------------------------------------------- Initiation - Multiple Scenario ----------------------------------------- Retrun Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Models Selected : Use All Deterministic Models. --WSDOT Recommended-- Use NCEER, Boulanger & Idriss, and Cetin's model with weighting factors of 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2 respectively. ---------------------------------------- ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---NCEER Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 24.96 0.249 0.273 1.10 21.8 8 35.27 0.261 3.000 11.51 22.5 9 54.89 0.269 3.000 11.14 23.0 10 40.26 0.271 3.000 11.06 23.1 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Boulanger and Idriss Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 25.48 0.285 0.292 1.02 24.4 8 37.15 0.300 3.000 10.01 25.1 9 46.00 0.313 3.000 9.60 25.6 10 44.79 0.318 3.000 9.42 25.8 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Cetin et al. Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 24.96 0.384 0.369 0.96 25.7 8 35.27 0.411 0.887 2.16 25.8 9 54.89 0.442 2.989 6.77 27.1 10 40.26 0.460 1.250 2.72 27.8 ---WSDOT Recommended------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 24.96 0.290 0.300 1.03 23.6 8 35.27 0.306 2.577 8.41 24.2 9 54.89 0.321 2.998 9.34 24.8 10 40.26 0.328 2.650 8.08 25.1 Table of FS --------------------------------------- # Depth NCEER B&I Cetin WSDOT ft PL=0.60 PL=0.60 7 -22.00 1.10 1.02 0.96 1.03 8 -25.50 11.51 10.01 2.16 8.41 9 -30.25 11.14 9.60 6.77 9.34 10 -33.75 11.06 9.42 2.72 8.08 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Lateral Spreading ** (Infinite Slope: 1.5%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 1.07 ft Youd et al.: 0.00 ft (Notice: T15 = 0) Idriss & Boulanger: 0.18 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 0.69 ft 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ** Lateral Spreading ** (Free-Face Slope: 4.3%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 0.38 ft Youd et al.: 0.00 ft (Notice: T15 = 0) Idriss & Boulanger: 0.05 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 0.24 ft === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Settlement ** ---------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Groud Surface Settlement MULTIPLE Scenario Return Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Model Selected : Use all deterministic models. ----------------------------------------- Tokimatsu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.01 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 0.357 0.89 0.01 8 25.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 30.25 4.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 33.75 2.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Ishihara & Yoshimine ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.01 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 0.671 0.64 0.01 8 25.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 30.25 4.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 33.75 2.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Shamoto et al. ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.00 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 0.500 0.39 0.00 8 25.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 30.25 4.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 33.75 2.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Wu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.01 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 0.882 0.51 0.01 8 25.50 5.0 0.008 0.00 0.00 9 30.25 4.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 33.75 2.5 0.002 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation Report by WSLiq Program beta (May, 2009) --------------------------------------------------- Site Name: Cedar River Apartments - Renton, WA (B2) Site Location (N,W) = 47.480 , 122.194 Job No: 81175025 Analyst: Koehn Date: 7/26/2017 8:53:00 AM --------------------------------------------------- === Soil Profile === Unit: ft The number of soil layers: 11 GWT at top of layer: 6 GWT depth: 18.00 SPT Energy Ratio (%): 77.00 Amplification Factors: a= -0.1500 b= -0.1300 Elevation: 48.50 Ground Surface: Infinite Slope (%)= 2.6 Layer Descpt. Thickness Unit Weight Nm N160 Vs (ft) (lb/ft3) ft/sec 1 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 4.5 120.00 100 218.2 1348.8 2 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 3.5 120.00 65 140.1 1190.4 3 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 1.5 120.00 100 182.2 1348.8 4 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 3.0 120.00 100 162.5 1348.8 5 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 5.5 120.00 3 4.1 487.9 6 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 5 120.00 8 9.8 648.4 7 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 4 120.00 13 15.2 746.4 8 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 2.5 120.00 4 4.5 530.3 9 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GP-GM) 3.5 130.00 45 49.0 1070.0 10 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GP-GM) 5 130.00 78 81.0 1255.0 11 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GP-GM) 3.5 130.00 57 56.8 1145.9 Layer FC PI wc/LL D50 Ini. Eff. Ini. Total (%) (mm) Stress (psf) Stress (psf) 1 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 270.0 270.00 2 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 750.0 750.00 3 7 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1050.0 1050.00 4 7 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1320.0 1320.00 5 12 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1830.0 1830.00 6 35 0 1 1.000 2304.0 2460.00 7 20 0 1 1.000 2563.2 3000.00 8 20 0 1 1.000 2750.4 3390.00 9 7 0 1 10.000 2940.7 3767.50 10 7 0 1 10.000 3228.0 4320.00 11 7 0 1 10.000 3515.3 4872.50 Soil Profile Plots 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Initiation === --------------------------------------------------- Initiation - Multiple Scenario ----------------------------------------- Retrun Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Models Selected : Use All Deterministic Models. --WSDOT Recommended-- Use NCEER, Boulanger & Idriss, and Cetin's model with weighting factors of 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2 respectively. ----------------------------------------- ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---NCEER Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 6 9.84 0.262 0.176 0.67 22.6 7 15.16 0.278 0.205 0.74 23.5 8 4.50 0.285 0.095 0.33 23.8 9 48.99 0.288 3.000 10.40 24.0 10 81.05 0.288 3.000 10.42 23.9 11 56.76 0.283 3.000 10.61 23.7 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Boulanger and Idriss Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 6 9.80 0.300 0.157 0.52 25.1 7 15.20 0.320 0.197 0.62 25.9 8 4.36 0.330 0.108 0.33 26.2 9 46.00 0.336 3.000 8.94 26.4 10 46.00 0.340 3.000 8.82 26.5 11 46.00 0.342 3.000 8.78 26.5 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Cetin et al. Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 6 9.84 0.396 0.148 0.37 21.6 7 15.16 0.430 0.200 0.46 24.9 8 4.50 0.449 0.083 0.18 25.6 9 48.99 0.462 2.288 4.95 28.2 10 81.05 0.473 3.000 6.34 28.8 11 56.76 0.478 2.989 6.26 29.3 ---WSDOT Recommended------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 6 9.84 0.304 0.163 0.54 23.4 7 15.16 0.325 0.201 0.62 24.7 8 4.50 0.336 0.098 0.29 25.1 9 48.99 0.342 2.858 8.35 25.8 10 81.05 0.346 3.000 8.67 26.0 11 56.76 0.345 2.998 8.68 25.9 Table of FS --------------------------------------- # Depth NCEER B&I Cetin WSDOT ft PL=0.60 PL=0.60 6 -20.50 0.67 0.52 0.37 0.54 7 -25.00 0.74 0.62 0.46 0.62 8 -28.25 0.33 0.33 0.18 0.29 9 -31.25 10.40 8.94 4.95 8.35 10 -35.50 10.42 8.82 6.34 8.67 11 -39.75 10.61 8.78 6.26 8.68 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Lateral Spreading ** (Infinite Slope: 2.6%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 2.43 ft Youd et al.: 0.62 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 5.25 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 1.80 ft 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ** Lateral Spreading ** (Free-Face Slope: 7.6%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 1.42 ft Youd et al.: 0.47 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 1.43 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 1.09 ft === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Settlement ** ---------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Groud Surface Settlement MULTIPLE Scenario Return Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Model Selected : 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Use all deterministic models. ----------------------------------------- Tokimatsu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.20 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 6 20.50 5.0 1.538 0.99 0.08 7 25.00 4.0 1.270 0.99 0.05 8 28.25 2.5 2.818 1.00 0.07 9 31.25 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 39.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Ishihara & Yoshimine ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.40 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 6 20.50 5.0 3.556 0.98 0.17 7 25.00 4.0 2.539 0.97 0.10 8 28.25 2.5 5.235 1.00 0.13 9 31.25 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 39.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Shamoto et al. ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.56 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 6 20.50 5.0 4.402 0.94 0.21 7 25.00 4.0 2.107 0.94 0.08 8 28.25 2.5 10.938 1.00 0.27 9 31.25 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 11 39.75 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Wu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.25 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 6 20.50 5.0 2.005 0.93 0.09 7 25.00 4.0 1.626 0.91 0.06 8 28.25 2.5 3.951 1.00 0.10 9 31.25 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 11 39.75 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation Report by WSLiq Program beta (May, 2009) --------------------------------------------------- Site Name: Cedar River Apartments - Renton, WA (B3) Site Location (N,W) = 47.480 , 122.194 Job No: 81175025 Analyst: Koehn Date: 7/26/2017 4:17:17 PM --------------------------------------------------- === Soil Profile === Unit: ft The number of soil layers: 12 GWT at top of layer: 5 GWT depth: 13.50 SPT Energy Ratio (%): 100.40 Amplification Factors: a= -0.1500 b= -0.1300 Elevation: 44.00 Ground Surface: Infinite Slope (%)= 3.7 Layer Descpt. Thickness Unit Weight Nm N160 Vs (ft) (lb/ft3) ft/sec 1 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 4.5 120.00 76 216.2 1345.2 2 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 100 284.5 1456.6 3 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 58 141.9 1243.8 4 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 4 120.00 100 207.2 1456.6 5 SAND_(SP) 2 120.00 100 187.9 1456.6 6 SAND_(SP) 6 120.00 5 8.8 611.0 7 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 6.5 120.00 26 42.0 985.6 8 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 5 120.00 28 42.3 1007.0 9 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 5 130.00 40 57.1 1116.7 10 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 5 130.00 17 23.0 871.3 11 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 5 130.00 100 128.5 1456.6 12 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SM) 5 130.00 57 70.0 1237.5 Layer FC PI wc/LL D50 Ini. Eff. Ini. Total (%) (mm) Stress (psf) Stress (psf) 1 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 270.0 270.00 2 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 690.0 690.00 3 7 Unsat Unsat 1.000 990.0 990.00 4 7 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1380.0 1380.00 5 0 N.P. N.P. 1.000 1677.6 1740.00 6 1 0 1 1.000 1908.0 2220.00 7 6 0 1 1.000 2268.0 2970.00 8 6 0 1 1.000 2599.2 3660.00 9 6 0 1 10.000 2912.2 4285.00 10 6 0 1 10.000 3250.2 4935.00 11 6 0 1 10.000 3588.2 5585.00 12 16 0 1 10.000 3926.2 6235.00 Soil Profile Plots 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Initiation === --------------------------------------------------- Initiation - Multiple Scenario ----------------------------------------- Retrun Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Models Selected : Use All Deterministic Models. --WSDOT Recommended-- Use NCEER, Boulanger & Idriss, and Cetin's model with weighting factors of 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2 respectively. ----------------------------------------- ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---NCEER Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 187.94 0.263 3.000 11.41 22.6 6 8.81 0.289 0.103 0.36 24.0 7 42.03 0.312 3.000 9.62 25.1 8 42.28 0.319 3.000 9.39 25.4 9 57.06 0.316 3.000 9.48 25.3 10 22.95 0.307 0.226 0.74 24.8 11 128.51 0.294 3.000 10.22 24.2 12 70.02 0.279 3.000 10.73 23.5 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Boulanger and Idriss Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 46.00 0.301 3.000 9.96 25.2 6 8.86 0.331 0.110 0.33 26.3 7 42.66 0.358 3.000 8.37 27.2 8 44.30 0.371 3.000 8.09 27.5 9 46.00 0.374 3.000 8.02 27.5 10 23.87 0.372 0.248 0.67 27.4 11 46.00 0.367 3.000 8.17 27.3 12 46.00 0.361 3.000 8.32 27.0 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Cetin et al. Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 187.94 0.389 3.000 7.70 25.0 6 8.81 0.437 0.115 0.26 26.8 7 42.03 0.491 1.452 2.96 28.2 8 42.28 0.527 1.425 2.70 29.6 9 57.06 0.550 2.990 5.44 30.6 10 22.95 0.565 0.303 0.54 31.3 11 128.51 0.576 3.000 5.21 31.9 12 70.02 0.583 3.000 5.15 30.7 ---WSDOT Recommended------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 187.94 0.304 3.000 9.88 24.1 6 8.81 0.335 0.108 0.32 25.5 7 42.03 0.366 2.690 7.34 26.5 8 42.28 0.382 2.685 7.04 27.1 9 57.06 0.386 2.998 7.76 27.2 10 22.95 0.385 0.251 0.65 27.2 11 128.51 0.380 3.000 7.90 27.0 12 70.02 0.373 3.000 8.05 26.4 Table of FS --------------------------------------- # Depth NCEER B&I Cetin WSDOT ft PL=0.60 PL=0.60 5 -14.50 11.41 9.96 7.70 9.88 6 -18.50 0.36 0.33 0.26 0.32 7 -24.75 9.62 8.37 2.96 7.34 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 8 -30.50 9.39 8.09 2.70 7.04 9 -35.50 9.48 8.02 5.44 7.76 10 -40.50 0.74 0.67 0.54 0.65 11 -45.50 10.22 8.17 5.21 7.90 12 -50.50 10.73 8.32 5.15 8.05 === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Lateral Spreading ** (Infinite Slope: 3.1%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 3.30 ft Youd et al.: 2.04 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 14.20 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 2.86 ft 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ** Lateral Spreading ** (Free-Face Slope: 13.8%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 2.59 ft Youd et al.: 1.96 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 4.48 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 2.37 ft === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Settlement ** ---------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Groud Surface Settlement MULTIPLE Scenario 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Return Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Model Selected : Use all deterministic models. ----------------------------------------- Tokimatsu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.22 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.50 2.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 18.50 6.0 2.754 1.00 0.17 7 24.75 6.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 1.051 1.00 0.05 11 45.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Ishihara & Yoshimine ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.34 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.50 2.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 18.50 6.0 4.142 1.00 0.25 7 24.75 6.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 1.831 0.96 0.09 11 45.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Shamoto et al. ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.24 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.50 2.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 18.50 6.0 3.705 1.00 0.22 7 24.75 6.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 0.500 0.85 0.02 11 45.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Wu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.29 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.50 2.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 6 18.50 6.0 3.855 1.00 0.23 7 24.75 6.5 0.003 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.003 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 1.356 0.92 0.06 11 45.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation Report by WSLiq Program beta (May, 2009) --------------------------------------------------- Site Name: Cedar River Apartments - Renton, WA (B4) Site Location (N,W) = 47.480 , 122.194 Job No: 81175025 Analyst: Koehn Date: 7/26/2017 9:01:05 AM --------------------------------------------------- === Soil Profile === Unit: ft The number of soil layers: 12 GWT at top of layer: 4 GWT depth: 9.50 SPT Energy Ratio (%): 100.40 Amplification Factors: a= -0.1500 b= -0.1300 Elevation: 43.00 Ground Surface: Infinite Slope (%)= 4.2 Layer Descpt. Thickness Unit Weight Nm N160 Vs (ft) (lb/ft3) ft/sec 1 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 4.5 120.00 22 62.6 939.0 2 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 24 68.3 963.0 3 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 4 9.8 572.7 4 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 3.5 120.00 52 113.6 1205.0 5 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 5 130.00 25 49.5 974.4 6 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 5 130.00 100 179.0 1456.6 7 SAND_W/_SILT_&_GRAVEL_(SW-SM) 5 130.00 100 164.6 1456.6 8 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW-GM) 5 130.00 58 88.9 1243.8 9 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW-GM) 5 130.00 100 143.9 1456.6 10 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW-GM) 5 130.00 100 136.1 1456.6 11 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 14 18.1 823.6 12 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW) 3.5 130.00 34 42.3 1065.3 Layer FC PI wc/LL D50 Ini. Eff. Ini. Total (%) (mm) Stress (psf) Stress (psf) 1 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 270.0 270.00 2 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 690.0 690.00 3 7 Unsat Unsat 1.000 990.0 990.00 4 7 0 1 1.000 1240.8 1350.00 5 10 0 1 10.000 1510.6 1885.00 6 10 0 1 10.000 1848.6 2535.00 7 10 0 1 10.000 2186.6 3185.00 8 10 0 1 10.000 2524.6 3835.00 9 6 0 1 10.000 2862.6 4485.00 10 6 0 1 10.000 3200.6 5135.00 11 16 0 1 10.000 3538.6 5785.00 12 0 N.P. N.P. 10.000 3825.9 6337.50 Soil Profile Plots 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Initiation === --------------------------------------------------- Initiation - Multiple Scenario ----------------------------------------- Retrun Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Models Selected : Use All Deterministic Models. --WSDOT Recommended-- Use NCEER, Boulanger & Idriss, and Cetin's model with weighting factors of 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2 respectively. ----------------------------------------- ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---NCEER Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4 113.64 0.280 3.000 10.71 23.6 5 49.51 0.315 3.000 9.53 25.2 6 179.04 0.336 3.000 8.92 26.0 7 164.62 0.345 3.000 8.70 26.4 8 88.86 0.345 3.000 8.71 26.3 9 143.87 0.337 3.000 8.90 26.1 10 136.07 0.324 3.000 9.25 25.6 11 18.12 0.308 0.208 0.68 24.9 12 42.31 0.295 3.000 10.19 24.3 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Boulanger and Idriss Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4 46.00 0.321 3.000 9.35 26.0 5 45.74 0.360 3.000 8.32 27.3 6 46.00 0.385 3.000 7.79 27.9 7 46.00 0.397 3.000 7.56 28.1 8 46.00 0.400 3.000 7.50 28.2 9 46.00 0.398 3.000 7.53 28.1 10 46.00 0.393 3.000 7.63 28.0 11 18.56 0.386 0.218 0.56 27.7 12 46.00 0.378 3.000 7.93 27.5 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Cetin et al. Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4 113.64 0.409 3.000 7.34 23.5 5 49.51 0.469 2.829 6.03 25.5 6 179.04 0.515 3.000 5.82 27.5 7 164.62 0.547 3.000 5.48 28.8 8 88.86 0.571 3.000 5.26 29.9 9 143.87 0.589 3.000 5.10 31.4 10 136.07 0.603 3.000 4.98 32.1 11 18.12 0.614 0.224 0.36 31.0 12 42.31 0.622 1.163 1.87 34.3 ---WSDOT Recommended------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 4 113.64 0.322 3.000 9.31 24.5 5 49.51 0.364 2.966 8.15 26.1 6 179.04 0.392 3.000 7.66 27.1 7 164.62 0.406 3.000 7.39 27.6 8 88.86 0.412 3.000 7.28 27.8 9 143.87 0.412 3.000 7.28 28.0 10 136.07 0.407 3.000 7.36 27.8 11 18.12 0.400 0.215 0.54 27.3 12 42.31 0.394 2.633 6.69 27.6 Table of FS --------------------------------------- # Depth NCEER B&I Cetin WSDOT 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ft PL=0.60 PL=0.60 4 -11.25 10.71 9.35 7.34 9.31 5 -15.50 9.53 8.32 6.03 8.15 6 -20.50 8.92 7.79 5.82 7.66 7 -25.50 8.70 7.56 5.48 7.39 8 -30.50 8.71 7.50 5.26 7.28 9 -35.50 8.90 7.53 5.10 7.28 10 -40.50 9.25 7.63 4.98 7.36 11 -45.50 0.68 0.56 0.36 0.54 12 -49.75 10.19 7.93 1.87 6.69 === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Lateral Spreading ** (Infinite Slope: 4.2%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 2.83 ft Youd et al.: 0.00 ft (Notice: T15 = 0) Idriss & Boulanger: 1.14 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 1.84 ft 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ** Lateral Spreading ** (Free-Face Slope: 12.8%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 1.52 ft Youd et al.: 0.00 ft (Notice: T15 = 0) Idriss & Boulanger: 0.30 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 0.99 ft === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Settlement ** ---------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Groud Surface Settlement MULTIPLE Scenario Return Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Model Selected : 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Use all deterministic models. ----------------------------------------- Tokimatsu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.06 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 4 11.25 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 5 15.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 1.181 1.00 0.06 12 49.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Ishihara & Yoshimine ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.11 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 4 11.25 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 5 15.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 2.304 0.98 0.11 12 49.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Shamoto et al. ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.03 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 4 11.25 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 5 15.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 0.586 0.90 0.03 12 49.75 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Wu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.07 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 4 11.25 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 5 15.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 1.511 0.94 0.07 12 49.75 3.5 0.003 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation Report by WSLiq Program beta (May, 2009) --------------------------------------------------- Site Name: Cedar River Apartments - Renton, WA (B5) Site Location (N,W) = 47.480 , 122.194 Job No: 81175025 Analyst: Koehn Date: 7/26/2017 9:02:56 AM --------------------------------------------------- === Soil Profile === Unit: ft The number of soil layers: 14 GWT at top of layer: 5 GWT depth: 11.50 SPT Energy Ratio (%): 100.40 Amplification Factors: a= -0.1500 b= -0.1300 Elevation: 44.50 Ground Surface: Infinite Slope (%)= 2.4 Layer Descpt. Thickness Unit Weight Nm N160 Vs (ft) (lb/ft3) ft/sec 1 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 4.5 120.00 56 159.3 1231.2 2 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 22 62.6 939.0 3 SILT_W/_SAND_(ML) 2.5 120.00 3 7.3 526.9 4 SILT_W/_SAND_(ML) 2.0 120.00 7 15.2 673.6 5 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 6.5 130.00 27 52.0 996.4 6 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 8 13.8 700.2 7 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 9 14.4 724.6 8 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 32 47.7 1046.8 9 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 21 29.5 926.4 10 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 29 38.6 1017.3 11 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 30 38.1 1027.3 12 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 30 36.4 1027.3 13 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 5 130.00 58 67.7 1243.8 14 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GW) 3.5 130.00 100 113.0 1456.6 Layer FC PI wc/LL D50 Ini. Eff. Ini. Total (%) (mm) Stress (psf) Stress (psf) 1 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 270.0 270.00 2 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 690.0 690.00 3 68 Unsat Unsat 1.000 990.0 990.00 4 68 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1260.0 1260.00 5 4 0 1 10.000 1599.7 1802.50 6 4 0 1 10.000 1988.4 2550.00 7 3 0 1 10.000 2326.4 3200.00 8 3 0 1 10.000 2664.4 3850.00 9 3 0 1 10.000 3002.4 4500.00 10 1 0 1 10.000 3340.4 5150.00 11 1 0 1 10.000 3678.4 5800.00 12 1 0 1.5 10.000 4016.4 6450.00 13 1 0 1.5 10.000 4354.4 7100.00 14 1 0 1.5 10.000 4641.7 7652.50 Soil Profile Plots 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Initiation === --------------------------------------------------- Initiation - Multiple Scenario ----------------------------------------- Retrun Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Models Selected : Use All Deterministic Models. --WSDOT Recommended-- Use NCEER, Boulanger & Idriss, and Cetin's model with weighting factors of 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2 respectively. ----------------------------------------- ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---NCEER Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 51.96 0.285 3.000 10.52 23.8 6 13.81 0.314 0.148 0.47 25.2 7 14.36 0.326 0.150 0.46 25.6 8 47.72 0.328 3.000 9.15 25.7 9 29.50 0.322 0.386 1.20 25.5 10 38.62 0.311 3.000 9.63 25.0 11 38.08 0.297 3.000 10.08 24.4 12 36.44 0.283 3.000 10.62 23.7 13 67.66 0.269 3.000 11.16 23.0 14 112.99 0.259 3.000 11.59 22.4 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Boulanger and Idriss Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 46.00 0.327 3.000 9.18 26.2 6 13.81 0.360 0.146 0.41 27.2 7 14.37 0.375 0.149 0.40 27.6 8 46.00 0.381 3.000 7.88 27.7 9 31.02 0.381 0.515 1.35 27.7 10 42.66 0.378 3.000 7.94 27.6 11 42.99 0.372 3.000 8.06 27.4 12 41.75 0.365 3.000 8.23 27.1 13 46.00 0.356 3.000 8.42 26.8 14 46.00 0.349 3.000 8.60 26.6 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Cetin et al. Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 51.96 0.421 2.912 6.92 25.2 6 13.81 0.477 0.169 0.36 27.6 7 14.36 0.507 0.168 0.33 29.2 8 47.72 0.526 2.017 3.83 30.2 9 29.50 0.536 0.494 0.92 30.8 10 38.62 0.536 0.930 1.73 31.6 11 38.08 0.530 0.868 1.64 31.8 12 36.44 0.519 0.749 1.44 31.8 13 67.66 0.506 3.000 5.93 31.8 14 112.99 0.496 3.000 6.05 31.8 ---WSDOT Recommended------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 51.96 0.329 2.982 9.07 25.1 6 13.81 0.365 0.152 0.42 26.5 7 14.36 0.382 0.153 0.40 27.1 8 47.72 0.389 2.803 7.21 27.4 9 29.50 0.388 0.459 1.18 27.4 10 38.62 0.383 2.586 6.75 27.4 11 38.08 0.374 2.574 6.88 27.1 12 36.44 0.363 2.550 7.03 26.7 13 67.66 0.351 3.000 8.54 26.3 14 112.99 0.342 3.000 8.77 25.9 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Table of FS --------------------------------------- # Depth NCEER B&I Cetin WSDOT ft PL=0.60 PL=0.60 5 -14.75 10.52 9.18 6.92 9.07 6 -20.50 0.47 0.41 0.36 0.42 7 -25.50 0.46 0.40 0.33 0.40 8 -30.50 9.15 7.88 3.83 7.21 9 -35.50 1.20 1.35 0.92 1.18 10 -40.50 9.63 7.94 1.73 6.75 11 -45.50 10.08 8.06 1.64 6.88 12 -50.50 10.62 8.23 1.44 7.03 13 -55.50 11.16 8.42 5.93 8.54 14 -59.75 11.59 8.60 6.05 8.77 === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Lateral Spreading ** (Infinite Slope: 2.4%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 2.32 ft Youd et al.: 0.36 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 8.05 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 1.64 ft 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ** Lateral Spreading ** (Free-Face Slope: 21.6%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 3.35 ft Youd et al.: 0.53 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 5.45 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 2.36 ft === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Settlement ** ---------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Groud Surface Settlement MULTIPLE Scenario Return Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Model Selected : 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Use all deterministic models. ----------------------------------------- Tokimatsu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.20 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.75 6.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 2.022 0.98 0.10 7 25.50 5.0 1.954 1.00 0.10 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.306 0.40 0.01 10 40.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 13 55.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 14 59.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Ishihara & Yoshimine ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.31 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.75 6.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 3.115 0.99 0.15 7 25.50 5.0 3.028 1.00 0.15 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.414 0.32 0.01 10 40.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 13 55.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 14 59.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Shamoto et al. ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.16 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.75 6.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 1.674 0.99 0.08 7 25.50 5.0 1.537 1.00 0.08 8 30.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.16 0.00 10 40.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 13 55.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 14 59.75 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Wu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.28 ft ---------------------------------------------- 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 14.75 6.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 2.743 0.98 0.13 7 25.50 5.0 2.681 0.99 0.13 8 30.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.731 0.23 0.01 10 40.50 5.0 0.029 0.00 0.00 11 45.50 5.0 0.028 0.00 0.00 12 50.50 5.0 0.065 0.00 0.00 13 55.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 14 59.75 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation Report by WSLiq Program beta (May, 2009) --------------------------------------------------- Site Name: Cedar River Apartments - Renton, WA (B6) Site Location (N,W) = 47.480 , 122.194 Job No: 81175025 Analyst: Koehn Date: 7/26/2017 4:42:15 PM --------------------------------------------------- === Soil Profile === Unit: ft The number of soil layers: 11 GWT at top of layer: 7 GWT depth: 21.00 SPT Energy Ratio (%): 77.00 Amplification Factors: a= -0.1500 b= -0.1300 Elevation: 52.00 Ground Surface: Infinite Slope (%)= 3.8 Layer Descpt. Thickness Unit Weight Nm N160 Vs (ft) (lb/ft3) ft/sec 1 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 4.5 120.00 36 78.5 1002.9 2 SILTY_SAND_-_FILL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 46 100.4 1076.8 3 SAND_W/_SILT_(SP-SM) 2.5 120.00 23 43.2 880.7 4 SAND_W/_SILT_(SP-SM) 3.5 120.00 12 19.3 729.3 5 SANDY_SILT_(ML) 3.5 120.00 10 14.0 691.7 6 SAND_(SP) 4.5 120.00 7 8.7 623.8 7 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 2 120.00 7 8.1 623.8 8 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 5 120.00 13 14.6 746.4 9 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW-GM) 5 130.00 25 26.5 902.3 10 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW-GM) 4 130.00 60 60.8 1163.0 11 GRAVEL_W/_SILT_&_SAND_(GW-GM) 2.5 130.00 80 78.5 1264.2 Layer FC PI wc/LL D50 Ini. Eff. Ini. Total (%) (mm) Stress (psf) Stress (psf) 1 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 270.0 270.00 2 20 Unsat Unsat 1.000 690.0 690.00 3 9 Unsat Unsat 1.000 990.0 990.00 4 9 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1350.0 1350.00 5 67 Unsat Unsat 0.100 1770.0 1770.00 6 0 Unsat Unsat 1.000 2250.0 2250.00 7 47 0 1 1.000 2577.6 2640.00 8 47 0 1 1.000 2779.2 3060.00 9 9 0 1 10.000 3092.2 3685.00 10 9 0 1 10.000 3396.4 4270.00 11 9 0 1 10.000 3616.1 4692.50 Soil Profile Plots 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Initiation === --------------------------------------------------- Initiation - Multiple Scenario ----------------------------------------- Retrun Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Models Selected : Use All Deterministic Models. --WSDOT Recommended-- Use NCEER, Boulanger & Idriss, and Cetin's model with weighting factors of 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2 respectively. ----------------------------------------- ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---NCEER Model------------ 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 8.14 0.249 0.152 0.61 21.8 8 14.56 0.261 0.233 0.89 22.5 9 26.54 0.270 0.313 1.16 23.0 10 60.78 0.272 3.000 11.03 23.1 11 78.54 0.270 3.000 11.11 23.0 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Boulanger and Idriss Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 8.03 0.285 0.142 0.50 24.4 8 14.60 0.300 0.201 0.67 25.1 9 27.79 0.314 0.378 1.20 25.6 10 46.00 0.321 3.000 9.35 25.8 11 46.00 0.323 3.000 9.28 25.9 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Cetin et al. Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 8.14 0.378 0.134 0.35 20.1 8 14.56 0.404 0.232 0.57 21.0 9 26.54 0.430 0.420 0.98 27.1 10 60.78 0.444 2.999 6.76 27.9 11 78.54 0.449 3.000 6.68 28.3 ---WSDOT Recommended------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 7 8.14 0.289 0.144 0.50 22.5 8 14.56 0.305 0.220 0.72 23.2 9 26.54 0.320 0.360 1.13 24.9 10 60.78 0.326 3.000 9.20 25.2 11 78.54 0.327 3.000 9.17 25.2 Table of FS --------------------------------------- # Depth NCEER B&I Cetin WSDOT ft PL=0.60 PL=0.60 7 -22.00 0.61 0.50 0.35 0.50 8 -25.50 0.89 0.67 0.57 0.72 9 -30.50 1.16 1.20 0.98 1.13 10 -35.00 11.03 9.35 6.76 9.20 11 -38.25 11.11 9.28 6.68 9.17 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Lateral Spreading ** (Infinite Slope: 3.8%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 2.55 ft Youd et al.: 0.14 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 1.57 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 1.71 ft 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ** Lateral Spreading ** (Free-Face Slope: 7.1%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 0.85 ft Youd et al.: 0.09 ft Idriss & Boulanger: 0.28 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 0.58 ft === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Settlement ** ---------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Groud Surface Settlement MULTIPLE Scenario Return Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Model Selected : 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Use all deterministic models. ----------------------------------------- Tokimatsu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.09 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 1.761 1.00 0.04 8 25.50 5.0 0.924 0.99 0.05 9 30.50 5.0 0.202 0.60 0.01 10 35.00 4.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 38.25 2.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Ishihara & Yoshimine ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.19 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 3.998 0.98 0.08 8 25.50 5.0 2.231 0.94 0.10 9 30.50 5.0 0.527 0.32 0.01 10 35.00 4.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 11 38.25 2.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Shamoto et al. ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.20 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 5.547 0.96 0.11 8 25.50 5.0 2.116 0.85 0.09 9 30.50 5.0 0.506 0.17 0.00 10 35.00 4.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 11 38.25 2.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Wu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.10 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 7 22.00 2.0 2.277 0.95 0.04 8 25.50 5.0 1.227 0.84 0.05 9 30.50 5.0 0.717 0.24 0.01 10 35.00 4.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 11 38.25 2.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Liquefaction Hazard Evaluation Report by WSLiq Program beta (May, 2009) --------------------------------------------------- Site Name: Cedar River Apartments - Renton, WA (B7) Site Location (N,W) = 47.480 , 122.194 Job No: 81175025 Analyst: Koehn Date: 7/26/2017 4:52:19 PM --------------------------------------------------- === Soil Profile === Unit: ft The number of soil layers: 10 GWT at top of layer: 5 GWT depth: 13.00 SPT Energy Ratio (%): 100.40 Amplification Factors: a= -0.1500 b= -0.1300 Elevation: 50.00 Ground Surface: Infinite Slope (%)= 3.4 Layer Descpt. Thickness Unit Weight Nm N160 Vs (ft) (lb/ft3) ft/sec 1 SILTY_SAND_W/_GRAVEL_(SM) 4.5 120.00 40 113.8 1116.7 2 SILTY_SAND_W/_GRAVEL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 31 88.2 1037.2 3 SILTY_SAND_W/_GRAVEL_(SM) 2.5 120.00 42 102.8 1132.6 4 SILTY_SAND_W/_GRAVEL_(SM) 3.5 120.00 43 90.1 1140.4 5 SAND_(SP) 5 120.00 25 46.6 974.4 6 SILTY_SAND_(SM) 5 120.00 26 44.8 985.6 7 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GP) 5 130.00 33 52.9 1056.1 8 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GP) 5 130.00 58 86.8 1243.8 9 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GP) 5 130.00 30 42.3 1027.3 10 GRAVEL_W/_SAND_(GP) 3.5 130.00 60 80.8 1256.1 Layer FC PI wc/LL D50 Ini. Eff. Ini. Total (%) (mm) Stress (psf) Stress (psf) 1 13 Unsat Unsat 1.000 270.0 270.00 2 13 Unsat Unsat 1.000 690.0 690.00 3 13 Unsat Unsat 1.000 990.0 990.00 4 13 Unsat Unsat 1.000 1350.0 1350.00 5 0 N.P. N.P. 0.100 1704.0 1860.00 6 25 0 1 1.000 1992.0 2460.00 7 2 0 1 1.000 2305.0 3085.00 8 2 0 1 1.000 2643.0 3735.00 9 2 0 1 10.000 2981.0 4385.00 10 2 0 1 10.000 3268.3 4937.50 Soil Profile Plots 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Initiation === --------------------------------------------------- Initiation - Multiple Scenario ----------------------------------------- Retrun Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Models Selected : Use All Deterministic Models. --WSDOT Recommended-- Use NCEER, Boulanger & Idriss, and Cetin's model with weighting factors of 0.4, 0.4, and 0.2 respectively. ----------------------------------------- ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---NCEER Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 46.62 0.275 3.000 10.90 23.3 6 44.84 0.303 3.000 9.91 24.7 7 52.91 0.317 3.000 9.46 25.3 8 86.84 0.321 3.000 9.36 25.4 9 42.30 0.316 3.000 9.48 25.3 10 80.79 0.308 3.000 9.73 24.9 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Boulanger and Idriss Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 44.38 0.315 3.000 9.52 25.8 6 44.23 0.347 3.000 8.65 26.8 7 46.00 0.364 3.000 8.23 27.3 8 46.00 0.372 3.000 8.06 27.5 9 45.86 0.374 3.000 8.02 27.5 10 46.00 0.372 3.000 8.06 27.4 ===== Mean Mw and FS ============== ---Cetin et al. Model------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 46.62 0.410 1.993 4.86 25.7 6 44.84 0.464 2.482 5.35 24.3 7 52.91 0.503 2.813 5.60 29.2 8 86.84 0.530 3.000 5.66 30.4 9 42.30 0.552 1.286 2.33 31.4 10 80.79 0.566 3.000 5.30 32.1 ---WSDOT Recommended------------ --- PGA = 0.578 Mw = 6.67--------- Layer (N1)60 CSR CRR FS Nreq ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 46.62 0.318 2.799 8.79 24.8 6 44.84 0.353 2.896 8.21 25.5 7 52.91 0.373 2.963 7.94 26.9 8 86.84 0.383 3.000 7.83 27.3 9 42.30 0.386 2.657 6.88 27.4 10 80.79 0.385 3.000 7.78 27.3 Table of FS --------------------------------------- # Depth NCEER B&I Cetin WSDOT ft PL=0.60 PL=0.60 5 -15.50 10.90 9.52 4.86 8.79 6 -20.50 9.91 8.65 5.35 8.21 7 -25.50 9.46 8.23 5.60 7.94 8 -30.50 9.36 8.06 5.66 7.83 9 -35.50 9.48 8.02 2.33 6.88 10 -39.75 9.73 8.06 5.30 7.78 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Lateral Spreading ** (Inifinite Slope: 3.4%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 2.13 ft Youd et al.: 0.00 ft (Notice: T15 = 0) Idriss & Boulanger: 0.10 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 1.39 ft 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ** Lateral Spreading ** (Free-Face Slope: 5.1%) ----------------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Model Selected : WSDOT Recommended (weighted average) using models of Baska & Kramer and Youd et al. ----------------------------------------- Baska & Kramer: 0.47 ft Youd et al.: 0.00 ft (Notice: T15 = 0) Idriss & Boulanger: 0.02 ft ---------------------------------------- Weighting factors: Baska and Kramer = 0.65 Youd et al. = 0.35 WSDOT Recommended: 0.31 ft === Effects === --------------------------------------------------- ** Settlement ** ---------------- >>>Multiple Scenario Results Groud Surface Settlement MULTIPLE Scenario Return Period (yrs) = 2475.0 Model Selected : Use all deterministic models. 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 ----------------------------------------- Tokimatsu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.00 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 15.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 39.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Ishihara & Yoshimine ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.00 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 15.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.001 0.00 0.00 10 39.75 3.5 0.001 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Shamoto et al. ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.00 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 15.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 10 39.75 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- Wu & Seed ================= Total ground surface settlement = 0.00 ft ---------------------------------------------- # Depth thickness ev Weight dh ft ft % ft ---------------------------------------------- 5 15.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 6 20.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 7 25.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 8 30.50 5.0 0.000 0.00 0.00 9 35.50 5.0 0.003 0.00 0.00 10 39.75 3.5 0.000 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------- 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 99BA427F-FE67-49CC-B142-9BE0760232C1