HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaplewood Park Addition/Improvement Asset (1956) I i i ...... c:i• ei R`_Cc:tr r a.l W PAGE t. GE tEC'EST CF r E..) f;�.i u iti; .t:''' 790 try 2 P«I 3 34 • • Le: Oar i ,/1 t /,r{ R:LEF1 A.NJRit.S AUDIT:? • 11d1 ,3.31 ; " - • KING COUNTY MA;N. _ 7 _'�' +.. DEPUTY 2 Tors 111-C n... Quit Claim Deed 1CORPORAra PORM1 • THE GRANTOR CITY 0r i`r:l:la a Municipal Corporation, , r. for and la consideration of Exchange o^ Properties A.)iXa/ • conveys and quit claims 1u CL1ac...E E„ ,wT::T?;�_ ,.,..t oi'i znr its NI;,T301..., as their separate a:fates, ' 1 the following dexcril ed real estate,situated in the County of KING ti - State of Wash mdnm,together sslth all after atymrcd tole of the gramur(s)thereto: I That portion of the Defenses ?larrt ?i.•ht of ::ay as delineated on the Plat of i'.ap:iwoiJ.l. :=vision 'io. 2 an recorded in 'Volume )9 of Platy, Pape )u Records of rir.g Count„ 'dashington, described as follows: Becinning at the southwest corner of Lot 9, Block 9 of said Division No. 2; thence N 61°O+'L5" '; a distance of 15.0 feet; thence N 52902'1)0" d parallel with the westerly line of said Lot 9 a distance of 130.55 feet; thence 5 61079,15', E a distance of 15.0 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 9; thence f 52002130" along said westerly line a distance 1 of 1)0.55 feet to the true point of beeinnln,;. i REEEa'lINO. HO.:lN£it, unto the CITY OF aE:fTON, a municipal corporation, ' its successors and assigns a perpetual easement over, into, on, under ' and in the aforedescribod property for ingress and e.,ressand other . public purposes. i • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this day of October ,1950. • • _ CITY.OF .EN/Oii. • ,..,...,,,--7 + a Muunicip. rporation Fr Aliment�rayor Jfa�:tetaax RI ern H. .orris(/ity Clerk tratittvrX STATE OF WASHINGTON. 1 ' County of KING • • Co this 1' day of October ,1960 before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in end for the State of Washington,duly commissioned and sworn,pees= ally appeared PUNK ALIMENT and Prt,4 H. MORRIS • to me known to be the Mayor hakxJat and City CLc.&Lzxx ,respectively,of the CITY OF RENTON the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act a reand deed of said cnrpoawm. tat the uses and purpises therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they authorised to exet.ute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and uftc'al seal hereto atfitetl the day and year cant above written. ' _�........... is-t a r-i—.r_s 274- . Noldry Public in and for the State aWatliinitoa, . raiding at Renton. • . i • . • • _ _..._ — , P VOET SOUNn 'y j'•1...2 J .I,v.r✓,,,(fci - (, =w t^ •;�t� :r •�ti, sir., W /Y‘Pr'J•.1L;"/ .J *111 Jr, • I. q r..' ....... in )•t•. t •` tea f.. , •.I - ,. • f, "" E . V C� 1::)r' 25 F:i 11 55 . t . O' 1 I. ►coo,aa.t:.n.v. • Quit Claim Decd ICC/1,01.1TE PUMPS! THE GKANTIIR :I;y ,)= i 'c-1''1,11Corpnra tor , for and in consideration of s;r..ar,7V s e i Iruportinn r conveys and quit eta ins to J• Ill : ?:1 r�3::': an•.i n.',: }•A^Tc :Cl:, Ma .rt. the following des.riled r.al estate.uluahs1 in the County of K1':i . Sate of N'ashmgno,together with all alter .,,.Iuirc.l title of the grantorls,therein ' • That portion of tt.• ear. Plant :tI rit of ':ay ar I .'-,oI:oi or. th.• Plat of No. 7ollc-•. 39 of PLttn, Far .... . :lecor•1. ".talc. „�,i :i'•i••S;,rI ? ,. of K1ny, CouatJ,.' asl.'.n•:ton ,laarrlt-.•I as follow:: • -- - - Povinnin,• at tom ef, •.n• t:ve:I:erly corner of' park Int 1, I , of 131..:- - - - - . Division to. J, _.once n.nrthw"•t„rly alnn.•-the eni.!I.1;,t•rly r1,•lit of wily line of :,Lit ,1vn,ar rSat (..... 11.2al "tre. t) i 11n:aneo o'' 1.1,0 feat; thon.•5 .or:•:t••r1,; to is roint. on •.hn .+e'Iterly lino of •:atI Lot 1, eaLi paint F.•i.nr •I'..'3 fen: :.outherly fron the rarthw••aterly • corner of sail Lot. 1; thence northerly alna.; sat 1 w.•stnrly line to • the point of bon:nnit.t. 1 : I • I ' i i . f l . � i , IN WITNESS WHEREOF% said cog.,ration 'Mcaused this instrument to be caveat," by its proper officers and Its corporate seal to be hereunto afGaed this day of October ,191.0. • , CITY. Y ^F RE::711 ' a Fun;cipa lorporation. A7' !t . _ i 1 a Fr pc 1mPnt li'tor• •� !Qrailrktitt E By i/',D JJ("---,,E,-.J ?ern H. Norris, :;a ty C1nr:c iterrc7ecX r STATEOF WASIIINGTON, i / • County of KING. ` t // ,19(0 before me,the undersigned, 1 ' On this `.th• clay of October I • a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,duly aomnsioned and sworn. persmally appeared FLViii ALI:::::T and 'f._t:: ii. F0?.2I ' . to me knywn to be the ;'ayur Yltoradotkand CitX C1k.ittrtme1J(X•respectively.of the CITY OF ;".EEN?34 ' i the corporation that esecu:ed tie foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and 1 voluntary act and lend of caul corporation, for the uses and pur o-es therein mruti.mrd, and on oath stated that they-are Both urtaesl to exesute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate Aral of said i corporation. it I Witness my hand and official WA hereto aftised the day and year first above*kitten. ! i a Notary Public IN and Jar the State of Wesh,agton, 1 rending et Renton. I a ' OCT 25 1330 • p ' r.r. • • s d9 N • a i rain n,. t-Hry ' Statutory Warranty Deed • THE GRANTOR;, C1.wiiG:4;3 NT..T:ioo:!.a ii.to11}::.r.4. :=L'1'- their 4rkie„„ };p,,1U7,j,e properties, for and in consideration of Kr:chariot of Properties I.hand paid,conveys and warrants to tno C17T CY REN 0N, a Munlcl al Ggruppppx'iz,e t • the fallowing described real rrtatr,situated in the County of KING ,State of • Washington: . That portion of Lot 9, Block 9 of Maplewood Addition No. 2 as recorded in Volume )9 of Plats, Pace )9, records of King County, described as , follows:. Beginningwat a point on the westerly line of said Lot 9, said point I being 1)0.55 feet northerly from the 5.::. corner of said Lot 0; thence 5 61°09115" E a distance or 15.0 feet; thence N 52°02130" E a distance of 125.12 feet to the southerly line of Lot 1 of said Block 9; thence northwesterly along said southerly line a distance of 15.0 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 9; thence southeasterly j along said westerly line a distance of 125.12 feet to the true point of beginning. • Dated the day of October ,19 60. h .. � Clarence E. tlystrots. • % y1/� / _ L. s . .../- Robertgrys rem STATE OF VeASHINGTON, se. County of KING • • Oa this day personally appeared before me CWe2.ENCE E. NTSTRCM and P.OBE:Ii B. NYL:ROM. • se me known to be the individuals described in and who taecuted the within and foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged that t hey signed the same as their Its and voluntary act and deed,for the uses and purp.>,es therein mentioned. GIVEN under my baud and official seal this gI `y etaber ,1960. s -e(eee see... in and for the Stele of Washington, i • • el Renton. I 1 ,; NOV 4. 1C30 x ' • • • • o 5 ? tr) 3 • • ro,,4.r. i.nry Statutory Warranty Deed • THEGRANTOR3 JO. C. PA ar.•1 JQA'f P1"7111t'[l1 his wife, - for and In consideration of -x7rcltange of Properties is hand paid,conveys and warrants to Lint CIf CF :L-yT0•1. a N.anicioa1 Cemeration • the following described real estate,situated in the County of KING • ,State of Washington: • That portion of Lot 1, Block 9, Y.aplewood Addition No. 2 as recorded in Volume 39 of Plats, Pare 39, Records of King County,'Washirtgton described as follows, Beginning at the corner of said Lot 1, thence southeasterly along the southerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 15.0 feet; thence - northeasterly to a poLnt on the westerly line of said Lot 1, said point being 75.50 feet northerly frost the S.I. corner of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly Alnng said westerly line A distance of 75.50 test to the true point of beginning. • • • • • • • Dated this 7th day of October .1950. • • t--'• • • .1oiepffC. P//}�..'ter/aoa ' • ��an 7+a ties on C~��"~�/ (acid • STATE OF WASHINGTON, • Countyof KING �as 4 On this day personally appeared before me JOCEP}i C. PATT1.•'t:AN and JOAN PATTiaSON to me known to be the'Individual 3 described In and who executed the within and foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed,foe Ur uses and purposes therein mentioned. • GIVEN mdee my hand and official seal this 7th daY • October .19 60. ____....(�. 0 /•Cl�c« Notary iw ad far the State e/Wallington. • rew•1Mg as Renton.• NOV 4 1C - i 4 RELEASE AND WAIVER WHEREAS, the MAPLEWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC., a Washington Corporation, DAVID HAVERBERG and BONNIE HAVERBERG, his wife, as Grantors signed and executed a certain "uit Claim Deed unto the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal Corp- oration, as Grantee, under date of September 15, 1956, which Deed is recorded in Volume 3611, Page 291, pertaining to properties hereinafter described and WHEREAS, said Deed contained among others the following language, "The above conveyance is made unto the City of Renton for playground and recreational pur- poses and other public uses and purposes" and WHEREAS the property so conveyed is located within the so-called Defense Plant right of way and thus prohibits the erection of any buildings or permanent improvements thereunder and WHEREAS the CITY now has an opportunity to exchange portions of said right of way, to-wit: 130.55 feet by 15 feet in dimensions located in theiSouthwest corner of said property and an area of approximately 75.5 feet by 1.; feet or less in the Southeast corner thereof in exchange for a substantially equal sized parcel of property immediatelysadjoining said properties but located outside said Defense Plant right of way *izh sddltional property would be suitable for the erection of permanent improvements and said exchange being in the public interest, NOW THEREFORE The undersigned hereby JEMmusialaw release and waive that certain restriction and reservation, to-wit: "The above conveyance is made unto the City of Renton for playground and recreational purposes and other public uses and purposes" for the purpose of permitting the CITY OF RENTON, as Grantee, to exchange certain ?ortions of properties located in the Southwest and Southeast corner respectively a` the premises heretofore conveyed to the CITY, and as the CITY may determine its discretion, for the purpose of acquiring adjoining properties, substantially Equal in size to the area thus traded but located outside the boundaries of the Defense Plant right of way. Such exchange to be made for the sole purpose of allowing the CITY to erect a building or other permanent structures for the benefit of said playground and recreational facility. The undersigned hereby -1- fully concur, ratify and approve such exchange. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers, this 20th day of September, 1960, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed. MAPLEWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC. A Washington Corporation By David Haverberg David Haverberg President By Bonnie Haverberg Phyllis Bunker Secretary STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this 22nd day of, September, 1960, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared DAVID HAVERBERG and PHYLLIS BUNKER to me known to be the President and Secretary, respectively of the MAPLEWOOD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corpor- ate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. /s/ Gerard M. Shellan Notary Public in and for the State of t•?ashington, residing at Renton. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) as. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me DAVID HAVERBERG and BONNIE HAVERBERG, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 20th day of September, 1960. /s/ Bill M. Rees Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. -2- h. - 2 onded by Hansen, that ihe Council concur in the recommend Lion of the Planning Commis- sion. Carried. (2) Recommending the Council call for a public hearing on the annexation petition of Mrs. Illeana kacSpadden for described property, and (3) Recommending the Council call for a public hearing on the annexation petition of Cecil Wakelam for described property. - As the City Engineer had not checked either pe- tition as to signatures, moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that both requests be held until the City Engineer reports as to the signatures. Carried. (4) Recommending the variance request of Mr. J. H. Shaw of off-street parking require- ments for the addition to his existing building, providing the required parking is se- cured within a radius of 1000 feet from his building location. On suggestion of Coun- cilman Richardson, Mayor Baxter ordered the request held for verification of the reruir ed additional parking area. 1 A communication was read from the City Attorney regarding the Maplewood Improve- ment Association advising that the title to the playground area property had been cleared up; that the officers of said Association have now signed a Quit Claim Deed, prepared by the Attorneyls Office, which deed they are placing on record, stating that the title policy will be issued at an early date giving the City good title subject to certain easements. A bill from the Puget Sound Title Insurance Company for 25.00 to cover title insurance was enclosed. for payment by the City of Renton. Moved. by Richardson, seconded by Hansen; that the Council concur in the request of the City Attorney. Carried. iiii CITY OF R .�� NTON ICING CC NTT. WASHINGTON JOR R. MA11113%, N•iU* (-0411Q1 r 1 YA II 0016E I'. v rAftMit PAL• N MGtih{1CR MI., Rst,t,:..[ "seal !. RiTOM I A RA4WV[1I, et.r+*• • e'HAAD 01011.A.AA 4 COM 4 r tAVwtr Y C*4 M NZilFl, Mte .•WFMJW L. r.AY4•0V NJ71N p MN6[ All?. CITY ATIY411419 GNAW:MI D[►AVQITITI .• JOMM I. M[A1T1[ ' 111 M[ALTM DIe•i.1* AMA"(M11'MTT ArIJ •AW°CM ICI,M IOiLib[ r 1 LAR1110.1t • X N A NIAMMV[K FAY [ lI•TALI. MI.ALTV 4 K'D Mllq CAM, INN J •IGfi4W.9NM +.will AMMON •[DwM►• i+I/T I.ITN aM4Nw • 714004111 Iv ninlN cwiD J •FJ*M Yii•L•M VAMAf SUP. 0►MI...,MS C. 1.A.O►O A. WY1C1[ CITY OF R d++1 1 0 N ICING Cc NTY. WASHIN+GTON JOS W. BIAXTER. WAVOP powol.4ZA GOICOSIV. ef*Awiato PAUL Ir. 1140: 110, Jlt., rvn tat~et4111 IZ!70wI!. AI UAI.. L store; 0004111110.101110 a1tlAlP fNRa.i.All, _,j�!CI?7 *YtOatFRY looms.vui.N.I.Ol.N ANTFlu,l t. i.AL.iN1 Septet",..,er 17. 67 tum. t/, BMOC ANWY. L4TV i•Y7000I*! DA. .MMN I. tK�'Y'�It CHAIM=ocum rtlt'►1 MtM. t1 O1711 MI A41lIFY S* YT AKN N4 M'i'4? OI.Pi A. NA$, N C`{ft! IV ISOJe* IIAV 1. NtffI YA1.4 s. t, 0.4.047110C4 j w*I.i P *MO Poet VOW, 4 SIN J. 01C44A110414ON ,dAltt. NINftT'MMI .ND*Ni O. OW tr.' CITY KAII.NNCN CAVIL• �.. I«w►x YllittAA w. TONttL Plats N. YatYtrtt IP.iiira A. *PM ion. Joe R. ?ex ter, City Council, `:.•: — l , Maplewood Improvement Assn. Y. s io to fzdvisl you the t we :''ave now succeeded ciearinr up the title to that certain play-round area heretofore owned by the Maplewood Improvement Assoeiet{ ..n, Inc. The of''icers of said Association have now s .geed a Quit Claim Deed, prepared by our which deed we are now placing on record. The ti tlt: policy will be i ssu,d et an early date, giving the City rood title subject to certain easements, ire rive in the meantime advised the Aeeaeiatlon hf this action and expressed our tbark• ftr their courteous ie are enc_osinv a bill from tue Puget Sound Title In lr—lary for IF5.00 to cover title insurance. will you :R4ee be t-o='d enough is have said claim )..aid at an ',wry truly lours, UGAN & 3ELLA.W . . �y City A tt orney t, ^rc� 4 By Enc. cc Jerre Coulon, ; 11 Park Supt. 4 .. 4 T ({+may f • A.4 i L ! TITLE COMPANY, 7 _ CARL forr..t uc•+,dw... .,c• •.l•:,... 1 • l NT u�l.;t ! - - t • W.A. LANOLO•• •,ct ...• -[.• s,LT•Ll rII+•'TPA '-y �'-`iii?"+l! , •.,0 ♦l c.lL _-t A. • NIAOY V wtw TITLE INSURANCE COM^ANY MAIN 6128 HOME OIMIOt • .NA TM,••wee My{--ANN? • 10113V1001 OW karma R Arrl.t 4,WAONINaTON lupin! glis 1996 . • City et • • . (-311.111 . -.AAA - &- wr' 4010/-- - l,/•r' - imp-- --a..- ....,_„-- DATE ....,_„-- DATE ORb!<A NO. I M pteIT anew, •ALANC. 3-20-56 200062 Mtp1 w•ot' I •I . Kitt tint 15.09 • I . 1 , i 1 , . , - .,Y..'�.� .,• i �t. , *; , . 7,. �, Y ,ftsiiimiolej . , , ... ' ,- a, - 2 - PLU BiING FEll TITS (cont., p`0. Amount - Name Addregs Type of Work 90 -- Robert L. Edwards 223 Rainier Ave. plumbing fixtures 91 -- D. K. Nichols 15232 96th S. furnace & tank 92 -- Art Kohler 2251 6th Ave. N. furnace & tank 93 -- Mrs. Guaglitto 517 Smithers St. plumbing fixtures 94 --- Sam Pellegrino 508 Morris St. furnace & tank A communication was read from Joseph G. Lissman, 13025 91st Ave. S., requesting the City to vacate a portion of 131st Street between 90th Ave. S. and 91st Ave. S., located in Latimer9s N.H. Lake Washington Plat. hr. Lissman stated that he is the owner of abutting property on each side of said street and that a portion of 131st Street between 91st Avenue South and Rainier Avenue has already been vacated. Pioved by Trimrn, seconded by Hansen, that the request be referred to the Street & Alley Com- mittee for consideration and a report back. Carried. A communication signed by David davergerg, President, was read from the Maple- wood Community Club. A petition carrying the signatures of 103 persons, including husbands and wives, was attached. The Maplewood Community Club request the Council consider their request to create a playfield on property they would like to donate to the City of Renton for same, that the only remaining encroachment they believe is the store building which they feel the owner should be requested to move as his build- ing extends over the line of the proposed park property; that the property is level, is 200 feet Wide and extends the length of one block with no obstructions on it--- that they request that the City mow the tall grass on the field. The petition stated that-the undersigned officers (David Haverberg, President, Phyllis I. Bunker, Secre- tary, Ronnie J. Charboneau, Vice-President and Curtis D. Taylor, Treasurer) agree and are in favor of petitioning the City of Renton to add to its parks, the property under the hiline' (power lines) in haplewood belonging to the haplewood Improvement Corpora- ticn, Inc., without permission to grant rights to private individuals or to private groups for buildings, sewers, sewer runs, drain-offs, or driveways; and to remove any now existing cases---to elect Maplewood Improvement Corporation Officers for the pur- pose of turning over said property to the City of Renton. Mr. John Angell of Maple- wood, from the audience, stated they are primarily interested in having the property cleared of the long grass for the children to play there and to eliminate the fire hazard. Councilman Bruce informed the Council and audience that the property was donated to the Maplewood Community by the R construction Finance Corporation to be used as a playfield and that the Community group was paying the taxes on the property. The City Attorney stated that as the City Engineer had made a survey of the area, and that if the legal description was available, it was a matter of whether the Council is willing to accept the property for park purposes, and if they are willing to get a preliminary title report to determine who owns the property so it could be deeded to :,he City for a public playground; that if the group does not want to deed it to the City unless the encroachments are removed, this could not be done as the City has no interest in the property until the property becomes theirs---that if the group wants to deed the property to the City first, then the City could try to remove the encroachments later---that there would be a question as to whether it would be harm- ful to the playground to have this encroachment on it. In regard to the inquiry that if the City accepted this area and if a power line should drop on the field and one of the children playing on the field were hurt, the City Attorney stated that as far as he knew, if it were due to lightning, storm, etc., it would be considered an "Act of GodS7 and no one would be liable, if the Power Company was negligent and the lines were not kept in good condition and a line came down, the Power Company would be liable, that if the line was down and nothing was done about it, both the City of Ren- ton and the Power Company would be liable. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Attorney proceed with the necessary steps to create a park in the Maple- wood. Area. Carried. ,fir/I CITY OF R L _VT T O N KING CO JTY , WASHINGTON JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE C'OROTH EA S. GOSSETT, TREASURER ELTON L. ALEXANDER, CLERK RA COUNCILMEN VERN H. MORRIS, PR CITES. Y ATTORTTORN NEI HUGH D. BRUCE iHUR L. HAU GA.J ASST. CITY AT'ORNEV CHARLES DELAURENTI F. BEAI TIE „^_ AVERY GARRETT HEALTH OFFICI R (/�(/y('I (I OLIN A. HANSEN G BUSATO RAY E. HEPPENSTALL CHIEF OF POLITE WALTER P. REID E. AWR CE FIRE CHIEE BEN J. RICHARDSON F MES HIGHTON GEORGE D. SWIFT THOMAS W. TRIMM CITY ENGINEEF AVID J. PUGH �^*. VERLE R. VIETZKE SUPT. OF UTILI PIES August 4, 1956 DR. LLOYD A. WHITE Mr. David Haverberg 14219 S. E. 125th Renton, W a sh i ng ton Dear Sir: This is to advise you that our office this date received your A.4sociatioL. t s petitio,i to donate the playground to the City of Renton.. Innediatelzi upon receipt of this petition, we have ordered this date a -policy of title insurance from the Puget Sound Title Insurance Company. It 't.1l take about ten days before such report is issued and immediately u ,on receipt we shall advise you as to the status of title of the land in question. It is anticipated that in order for you to make a proper con- veyance to the City, that a meeting will have to be held by the members of the Association, minutes taken and a reolution adopted that the membership is in favor of the dedication of this land to the City. However, we shall advise you of the further details as soon as a report is submitted to us by the title company. Thanking you for ; our courteous cooperation. and patience in this matter, we remain, Yours very truly, HAT GAN & SiIEI LAN City Attorneys BY: Gerard T7. Shellan City Attorney GMS:fld ccs City Clerk (:Z,,ectd - Aug. 7, 1956) Renton City Council Gentlemen: :nclosed please find original petition signed by residents of I:aplewood for the play:'i eld. Mar you have read the petition you wi].l find that hors owners surrounding the playfield have also signed this petition. -.ee have talked to them and they will 1adl j move their fences to anyplace the survey shows without am kind of legal action. The reason the store has been brought up so rehash is that we believe after talking to 'ri that herd be the only one that would give any trouble and that all that would be necessary in his case would be fur the City Attorney to tell him to rove as the survey shows he is over the line with his building. After talking with Hugh Bruce we decided to try and rewrite the petition and reeontact, the residents of I'aplewood so we could donate the property to the City without re_Koval of encroachments as stated by original petition. '!ugh Bruce stated the City would accept the property under those conditions. On contacting the City Attorney with the idea of finding out the legal procedure or turning over the property we found that he had never seen the survey that tho City Engineer was to have turned over to hin. .;a had also net been contacted by Hugh Truce a:id didn't have enough information to supply us w_t% any information. We do not believe the City should put us up a" elegant playfield but we have 150 he:n.3 in :aplewood with from 1 to 0 caldron in each and that the playfield in easily reached and is big enough for children frost other areas. :T'e feel we are in definite need of such a fie?-t and we would even be very happy if the City would even just ricer it. The property is very level, is 200 feet wide and runs the entire length of a block with no obstructions on it. Than!_: you very much. /s/ David Waverberg, PRESTOE'•'T .:aplewood Community Club * :v :c * :: * * * * * * * * * * 3f P T1TIG-t 1 e the undersigned do hereby wee and not for undergoing statements, and are i avor of: 1. To petition the City of Denton, Wash. to add to it t s parks the property undo :he in hIapl.ewvod belonging to the haplewood Srrprover nt Corporation,Ine., without perrission to grant rights to private individuals or private groups r buildings, sewers, sewer runs, drai:.-oft's, or driveways; and to remove any nzting cases. 2. To elect officers to haplewood Imp. Corp. for purpose cf turning over said )party to City of Renton Park Dept. PIE3IDEITT: David :'avergerg VICE-PRE. Ronnie J. Charboneau (sp.) no. Phyllis I.Bunker TREAS. Curtis ;). Taylor 3. All undersigned have duly been notified of _ noting to be held October 31st .56 7:00 p.n., at 14219 S.L. 125th St., Renton, : n. and are in total agreement statements herein and agree to vote for officers as stated in petition. 4. o do hereby agree to turn over any ._vney in ideas. of Maplewood Imp. Carr (lose than )50.00, if any) to post 488, Boy Scouts, I aplewood Division. (signatures of 103 persons - including husbands and wives- attached.) 14C2tteelt/r%�i .c yet t l�C, /a Jc;.c tk 1.Q+C x t�¢S LG Q L 1 c n I M • John A. Angell Jack E. Oden Mrs. Max.ne y Broadrick Mrs. R. L. Christensen Mrs. Ear:: first Mrs. George L. Sowers Mrs. Eileen•Aaberg H. O. FitzPatrick Evan Thomas Ed C. Flynn Warren B. Hudson Charles Guy Mrs. Jake Lind Frank Abbott Vernon G. Drunette Josephine Mathewson Lowell E. Ayes Mrs. L. J. Smith James 1a;3Lith Frances DO Paddock Mrs. Clyde ;lard Jeroris II. Kramer Harold R.Ine lan Robert Lynch Ted Stei i Harold VI. Gemar Mrs. Hug.1 i•athotr% L. W. Morris, Jr. Mrs. A. .L. Spli.ttataesser Mrs. P. B u augh Mrs R. B. Keyes Mrs. F. radnik Mrs. J. L. Bersndt Mrs. B. Colvin A. R. Copper Mr. & Lars. John J. Artzer Firs. Waltwr Warren Mr. Donald E. Kempf Mr. A. W. Aarhus Mr. Leslie R. Jones Win. D. Bowden Mrs. Phl1ip A. Hansen H. T. Smith Mrs. Geo. G .tzeck G. E. Robison Donald 7.T. Loftus Mrs. Ray C. Ba&1i fin _br::= J. Clark Mrs. Mayon A. Tullis Harold E. Hay Mrs. Mike Cernick Geraldine F. ,Tinders Mrs. C. Girard Mrs. Simile 2:eyers Ernest S. Fraser Mr.. I:. A. Coulter Mrs. Andrew J. Bowman Mr. : .ra. T. R. Flaherty D n Tile n ls, Mr. i:rs. 61. C. Juc4l Albert E. :illingson Mrs. J. McGuire Andree E. iilson Mr. :)ontimt Eizle R by G. Baker Mr. Duane Burke C. E. Bruner Mr. a Mrs. Herbert Kiep Ira G. Carr Mr. & firs. F. Headley Mrs. Mattson Mr. & =firs. John OtHara B. W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Rickel Joe Diaxbri Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Zec John I. Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Dean Ruark D. E. : flocs: Mr, & Mrs. Selwyn Stuche Gerald ,tarke Erik J. Schutten Phyllis La:i ie 2•Irs. Fred nlson Joe Bart unol: Mr. Gc Mrs. L. S. Petty Tyrus Clark Mrs. Betty Jdan Armstrong Carl A. CaLlson Mr. & Liret. Robert Green Mrs. Peter B. Olson Mr. & Mrs Mario J. Farro Ruth The:tcher Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Patterson Mrs. Janes Fisher Mr. & L . Arthur A. nelson E. B. Ilurris Alice Iliitish Stanley T. May all A. Z Tright C. E. Thorns lirs. Win. "M:edsigian Mrs. & Hrs. T. R. Gussner c o I - kug. 7, 1_056) P-r1J-x-r1 ( - -,Tr Co,lne-n c-ntlemen: Inclosed please find originnl petition signed by residents of Maplewood for the el -field. ifter you have road the petition you will_ find that home owners surrounding the rTagfield have also signed this petition. 're have talked to them and they will gladlY mov, their fences to anyplace the survey shows without any kind, of legal action. The reason the store has been brought up so much is that we believe after tnlkin- te him thet he'd be the only one that would give any trouble and that all that would he necessary in his case would be for the City Attorney to tell him to move as the nr""7,-'77 shows he is over the line with his.building. 'titer talking with "ugh Truce we decided to trY and rewrite the petition and recontnet the residents of verlewood so we could donate the rrorerty to the CitY ,-ithort removal of encroachments as stated bY original petdtion. Hugh Bruce stated the City would accept the rrorertY under those conditions. Or cortnct5nrz the CitY Attorney with the idea of f:irdiry, out the legal procedure of turning over the property we found that he had, never seen the survey that the CitY -Srgi_rcer was,to have turned over to him. We had also not been contacted by Huh Bruce and didn't have enough information to ouprlY us with any information. lo not believe the City should rut us up an elegant rlaYtield but we have 1C homes in Yarlowood with from 1 to 8 children in each and, that the playfield is ea3i11r reached and is big enough for children from other areas. 'rr feel we are in definite reel of such a field and 11-e would even he very harey if the Cl.tY would even just mow it. mhe rroeerty is very level, 33 200 feet wide and runs the entire length of a 1-1 no 01- -troctiorco,, 91''',"1' You very much. is/. David '!nverberg, DR.R,CIT7TT T'aplewood Community Club * * * * * * * * * Tithe undersigned do hereby agree and rot for under-:oing statements, and are of: 1. To retition the CitY of Benton, .:Tash. to add to it's parks the property uncle:- th, 4/1 Maplewood belonging to the 7!arlelmod Improvement CorrorationlIe:, without permission to grant rights to private individuals or private groups for Thl'ldings, sewers, sewer runs, dr-in-offs, or driveways; and to remove any ro'.r cases. 2. To elect officers to ?",n21,, roci Corm, for eurpos- of turning over laid pro' s: to ClItir of Renton. Pnr': fleet. -1R"ID77T: Devid "nver-erg VTC7-PP:CS. Ponnie J. Charboneeu (c'5).) -7C. I.Run'cer TRR,As. Curtis D. Taylor 2. 91_ undersigned 11n7"; duly been notified of Yeeting to be held Octoler. S1st,l'c' 7:1)n P.M., at l4219 2•7• 125th St., Renton, M. and are in total agreement of stet-ments herein and ac_ree to vote for officers as stated in petition. I,. TT, do hereby agree to turn over any :ioney in Treas. of Maplewood Imp. Corp. / than. ' 50.001 if any) to post 08, Boy 7coute, -ap1ewood Division. (sjc-natures of ?CS persons - inclidir husbands an attached. (jitztA, "?" (>71‘4-t.it 9/?...te-ct-e( 4.4.44( „artild) ' coe.ca tVe , s • • Jo:-Ir A. An Jac" -. 0-;on Mrs. Mas-eroad,..lek mrs. R. T . Cb.ristensen. Yrs. Earl W'ujst Mrs. ceorre (101Tr'rE; Mrs. Eileet-Aaber TT, 0. Fitzrptrick Evan Thoras 7d C. Fl-nr Warren 9. Hurlcor • Charles Gu7 Mrs. Jake TArri. Frank Abbott Verron G. -8rurettc JoscPbine "ntluson Lowell E. Ayes Mrs. T. J. Smith Jares Ita7mith Frances D. Paddock Yrs. C1:-de Ward Jerome Framer Harold Rane-le.n Robert TTpch 'red Stein "aroli Mrs. Iii,!11 vrtl-eus T . W. "orris, Jr. Mrs. A. L. Splittataesser Mrs. P. Pr3mbau2h • Yrs R. "3. 1Kc-res Mrs. F. K-adnik -Yrs. J. T. Pere-dt mrs. GMAT:in A. R. Cooper Mr. Yrs. John J. Artzer Mrs. MJter Marren Yr. Donald E. Kempf Mr. A. U. 1.orus Mr. Tes34e R. Jones Th. D. Do,r1-r "rs. 7lip A. arisen R. T. "rs. 'co, 'fl'7itzsol- G. E. PobiSor Doned Toftus mrs. Bny C. Pa-lien morma.1 J. Clark Mrs. ".'n-or A. Tul14.s Hay.old E. "a7 Mrs. "i7-e Cerrick Geraldine F. 'Tinders Mrs. C. Cirrrd Mrs. Jirmie Myers " Ernest -. Eraser . A. Coulter Mrs. Andrew J. Forman Mr. x Mrs. T. R. Plaberty D n Tilorda , Mr. Mrs. "I. C. Judy Athert Mrs. J. McGuire Andres R. 'r. Dormlat 7nc-1e R br G. TI-Ier Mr. Duane Burke C. E. Pruner mr. Mrs. 'Torbert Kiep Ira G. Car mr. P. ;Mrs. 7. Ieadlel- Mrs. M-,ttson mr. Mrs. John O'Hara C. 'T. AvTlerso.1 Mr. Mrs. J. 4aekel Joe Diarb-t Mr. '• -rs. Tr. A. 7ec Jobn T. Selafer mr. Mrc. 1,-).11 Dean Ruarl D. E. "rllock Mr. P Mrs. elirm Stucbc Gerald "tarke 7rik J. Rbyllis Iambic Mrs. Fr-.:d "elsor Joe 7arturnl- Mr. 0 T'rs. T . 73. rett- Tyrur. Clnr' Yrs. Bettr Joan Arristror Carl A. Carlsor Mr. P mrs. Robert Greer Mrs. Peter E. 01 'on Mr. "Rrio J. Farro • Rut 71c:teller Mr. ' --. J. C. Patterson "rs. Jars F4sber mr-. Arthur A. "also- E. 'S. "nrr4 -, lice ^t^r11 --n' T. 'P71 "“. C. 7. T'-omas vrs. jr1, 1redz77 -iar • Mrs. ' --. T. R. Gussrer OUY( ! 1 ! , . I 4 , , ) ! , , %\*f I 4 IS 4• )\t 4 Net ) - • , • I i• 1 tl; )3,,' • , I , • , , • r I 1 1 1 �1H 1 I0 y \ � ^a , .,,,,,, . , ,,,a i 1 4 1 1 i N \ H ' li1/4 .1 • , , ,, , I I 1 Q Ill • , , I • 1 X, . 1 ,n • . 1 1 1 �; • . 1 ‘ . -N, 4 : , i 1, 1 \, , i - ] , 1 , . . i , 1 , . 1 ,s, , 1 , ) r , -: .. , ‘, 241 .1 i ' . \ ' 1 tN.t\t) " AI , ,:' , i., , ,_ , ,, , , , , l 1' ,41 1) Ai , , , a. , , , . ,, i , , . : T , , , , i, . . . 1,..- • t 1 I i J I 1. I � Ali j 1%, i 1 1 I h , ,. ,k i. j ' : , - T ` • 1 -,,\3, , , . i • � i � , , , . 1\ \ 1,\. 11 .11 \ j j I 1\ .. il ).t1- ) - , k S. :. ; 1 i , 1 )4t1 tll 1\' ‘Liq -,,rd11), k- k 1 if Ill I 1 i , ./ 0 1 - . L- 7 (- fi✓ ,, - . i. fi...1,r2 _ ' . . ."--_L_J-?:--v--4.1.e.,, --92,--virt,-_. /j_7. )9 , H 4,friar-7--L _ 1 . , - L-, % -� -- t721/. -'(:(id \cJ / t'Y\ . 1 SJ_✓J ?sJti<'� J✓2u-2.•t.Z ' _ .-"eor",„72-74.--,_ ri-e,e_ •L------ . cs' -ild. •-/_ -_/). litift...4atej , . \ ... _ _ ... . _ ._ . : : . -;:. c `.2. --#2.--4- 7--- — ---)\ ;-.P.,aN - .,,,, W, , + ,./1/7A , ;g, . a 1 C. 1 : 1],. aggrif )-111 -CY:Id/tell' - :)11111-1 .t.1 . N . Q../ . . /;::;)_ / , 7/. _0_1'4 ,d1:. Ss_e.,i,,_et , J '- ..- .5- II /�� 1 1 , _-/'1 G L/ _ _. -- L.'�-c� • >t‘t'_ J ;4-,)-t 1.-- 1. (: / \-• ti1 >,tj#,v &. ZaZ r c7 Tn .L '). i A.11/DsA-/r( it- - -- - r/ rc6 1 “)) 14 , (.;.:,_44.e.-e--..2/- ..i77...4 _".7..-_1 ... -1‘ i " 1 ‘2C 14_ . il Ve*-1 .1-. ' Lc C.;_ v•_ q i,(4_40, . eri-/-Ce e'Ci.vr.. taLt-t-i- d'i-eivyt-,,L,:k ki(..,,, , -it,e, c-e:f/ Y-Vou --Y- _-7erNt_ 1L -‘460 741-1-La-ett.51---z-' - - X . ,..:4(44),..). 9* . /1 A.:;)47- A ' ,l .' . ,,JJ,,,,,,,ed/ ' (..e-- 12 ` . etyi, ,-- c qa# •1 0 i Q'' _. ' ) )/) . up-tA,,424...40-6-e--kz_. /0 -J -4-5- j '/ /0- 9 .-s"J )1 n, ,z,,_ o - <•L i -1 , CLZJ i '- '4- ''' 41/1 4,,,,i, _ _ >,..L,r ; , %'-: IiIi"" a.),. )/ . a id-1-'77z,-;,-. , .c.„-e7-:,--- ' • , r t, 1 e az-t---, / ,_,_til.. 9 ' , , ' -/7, ) -- 9I4- f, ,', 7,.,. , . 7 L -c.✓ q-PA/3 hz,o-le- . 1--,s-v i-I?''v -- 1 .716 lit&,se-A4 . _ ____ _ _ — i )--I vr-i , C • 611.44Pr ,. 67,..,teizi. //,2 7-i , '\--.)-0 i_eiz_...e_ , 1/( ...`CLGG /-ICJ ,____:,•?c,, g , 7)7'411 ' 94:aCi . 1,41‘e?eaidge/c),___ OC.., , , _ . / /pi/. 1,/,- 21.24fAI'M .� Z :, 771 / uta...".- _ _ L.22?-/<-0- ---- _ d- -e..,c-e&o.,(.1c, . II-) ) 40 -7)2)14 , .Yq,froll i . /2 '7' i �� 'v I')-,, ,V7 (n - 7 , .J V ' . .I • ..'I .•. / .---- - 7 2 i.. ' ' :: r). `; ty . ,,,&e.e. .64:1 -i c.,4_ pi.. qi-o- 1, 'erk...4., 6(/ti ciesz c , " ,...,..—LL„..., . e , . ) •-iis----- i//4( 1, • at-T-J--F7.' ;"(,Y • -J%C??: U 2 he 1:12_ 111 - ' , z. --°q , lii.t. Ak.zaiui --- I ti• 9‘ I & iii e.:.- 741--Zeftez.4*- r _.. 76'3 L'' 1 , ) f-, ti 4/„5 7)34,, )71AeLf / (P/4t.4.4J, / 73 5 >&? (l te f ., 911) Ct 416:: 9ivt. m44, 7/11 34_ce,e_ :. /1,1 6 i I '22 . rj 42 . 2 - 7zr(? 6i--?-- - iL, x,,,,..- -- -.7„, i , , ,/ th '-; i/ 1,,,, ..". , cy L,4_i,4 , /‘..A.A-(7 y- 9a /4, d n,t _ ,c._9-,i":1- 14*te&71 411et.. 1- 0114., aali-1-4^-, a, • r 1 (Rectd - Aug. 7, 1956) Renton City Council Gertlemen: Inclosed please find original petition signed by residents of Maplewood for the plcyfield. After you have read the petition you will find that home owners surrounding the plEyfield have also signed this petition. We have talked to them and they will ;ladly move their fences to anyplace the survey shows without any kind of legal action. The reason tae store has been brought up so much is that we believe after talking to hill that herd be the only one that would give any trouble and that all that would be necessary in his case would be for the City Attorney to tell him to move as the survey shows he is over the line with his building. After talking with Hugh Bruce we decided to try and rewrite the petition and recontact the residents of Maplewood so we could donate the property to the City without removal of encroachments as stated by original petition. Hugh Bruce stated the City would accept the property under those conditions. On contacting the City Attorney with the idea of finding out the legal procedure of turning over the property we found that he had never seen the survey that the City Engineer was to have turned over to him. Vs had also not been contacted by Hugh Bruce and didn't have enough information to supply us with any information. Je do not believe the City should put us up an elegant playfield but we have l5C hones in Maplewood with from 1 to 8 children in each and that the playfield is easily reached and is big enough for children from other areas. : e feel we are in definite need of such a field and we would even be very happy if the City would even just mow it. The property is very level, is 200 feet wide and runs the entire length of a block with no obstructiorson it. Thank you very much. /s/ David Waverberg, PRESIDENT Maplewood Community Club PETIT IOV: Ile the undersigned do hereby agree and not for undergoing statements, and are in fav of: 1. To petition the City of Renton, Wash. to add to itts parks the property under the hiline in Maplewood belonging to the Maplewood Improvement Corporation,Inc.,, without permission to grant rights to private individuals or private groups for buildings, sewers, sewer runs, drain-offs, or driveways; and to remove any now existing cases. 2. To elect officers to Maplewood Imp. Corp. for purpose of turning over said prope to City of Renton Park Dept. PRESIDENT: David Havergerg VICE-PRES. Ronnie J. Charboneau (sp.) SEC. Phyllis I.Bunker TREAS. Curtis D. Taylor 3. All undersigned have duly been notified of Meeting to be held October 31st,19', 7:00 P.M., at TA219 S.E. 125th St., Renton, Tin. and are in total agreement o statements herein and agree to vote for officers as stated in petition. 4. We do hereby agree to turn over any n_loney in Treas. of Maplewood Imp. Corp. (• than :,?50.00, if any) to post 488, Boy Scouts, Maplewood Division. (signatures of 103 persons - including husbands and wives- attached.) John A. Angell Jack E. Oden Mrs. Maxine .Broadrick Mrs. R. L. Christensen Mrs. Earl W�'st Mrs. George L. Sowers Mrs. Eileen Aaberg H. 0. FitzPatrick Evan The mas Ed C. Flynn Warren I Hudson Charles Guy Mrs. Jaie Lind Frank Abbott Vernon Drunette Josephine Mathewson Lowell E. Aves Mrs. L. J. Smith James Li Sm th Frances D. Paddock Mrs. Clyde Ward Jerome M. Kramer Harold Lanahan Robert Lynch Ted Stein Harold W. Gemar Mrs. Huh athews L. W. Norris, Jr. Mrs. A. L. Splittataesser Mrs. P. Brumbaugh Mrs R. B. Keyes Mrs. F. adnik Mrs. J. L. L'erendt Mrs. B. Colvin A. R. Ccoper Mr. & Mrs. John J. Artzer Mrs. Waiter Warren Mr. Donald E. Kempf ` Mr. A. h. Aarhus Mr. Leslie R. Jones Wm. D. iowden Mrs. Philip A. Hansen H. T. Snith Mrs. Geo. GAlitzeck G. E. Robison Donald W. Loftus Mrs. Ray C. Baglien Norman J. Clark Mrs. Mayon A. Tullis Harold E. May Mrs. Mike Cernick Geraldine F. Winders Mrs. C. sirard Mrs. Jimmie Meyers Ernest S. Fraser Mr.. A. Coulter Mrs. Andrew J. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. T. R. Flaherty D n Tilenda Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Judy Albert E. Fl l ingson Mrs. J. McGuire Andree R. Wilson Mr. Dona Engle R by G. Baker Mr. Deane Burke C. E. Brener Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Klep Ira G. Carr Mr. & ;Mrs. F. Headley Mrs. Mattson Mr. & Mrs. John O'Hara W. An Jerson Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Rickel Joe Diani)ri Mr. & I-irs. M. A. Zee John I. 3chafer Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Dean Ruark D. E. HaLlock Mr. & Mrs. Selwyn Stuche Gerald S:.arke Erik J. Schutten Phyllis :Ambie Mrs. Fred Nelson Joe Bart zr�eh Mr. & Mrs. L. S. Petty Tyros C1,�rk Mro. Betty Jdan Armstrong Carl A. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Green Mrs. Peti,r E. Olson Mr. & Mrs Mario J. 'farm Ruth Thatcher Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Patterson Mrs. Jams Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Nelson E. B. Ha.•ris Alice W'i. tish Stanley Nay Will A. Wright C. E. Thomas Mrs. Win. Medzigian Mrs. & Mrs. T. R. Gussner O J y7 g ir i '' CITY OF R .. N T O N BING CI_ _ NTY , WASHINGTON JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT, TREASURER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR., POLICE JUDGE FLOYD W. SHAFF, CLERK ARTHUR L. HAUGAN COUNCILMEN CITY ATTORNEY December 6 1955 1 OLIN A. HANSEN, PRE' GERARD SHELLAN HUGH D. BRUCE ASST. CITY A'"TORREY CHARLES DELAURENTI DR. JOHN F. BEATTIE HEALTH OFFIC ER RAY E. HEPPENSTALL VERN H. MORRIS ANG BUSATO CHIEF OF POLICE WALTER P. REID F. E. LAWRENCE BEN J. RICHARDSON FIRE CHIEF GEORGE D. SWIFT JAMES HIGHTON STEVE TAMBORINI CITY ENGINEE.2 THOMAS W. TRIMM DAVID J. PUGH VERLE R. VIETZKE SUPT. OF UTII ITIES DR. LLOYD A. WHITE ELTON L. ALEXAP DER BUDGET CONIROLLER Property Committee City Council Renton, Washington Attention: Hugh Bruce, Chairman Gentlemen: This communication concerns the property offered to the City of Renton by the Maplewood Improvement Association and described as follows: That portion of land within the Defense Plant Corporation right of way as delineated on plat of Maplewood Division No. 2, King County, Wash- ington, lying between S.E. 14 2nd Street and S.E. ]J4 th Street, subject to Defense Plant Cor- poration right of way easement. The following action was taken after investigation and thorough discussion by the Park Board: It is the recommendation of a majority of the Park Board that the above described property be accepted by the City of Renton for park purposes providing existing encroachments are removed and, also, pro- viding title insurance shows free and. clear title. Respectful y, 7 J J. - • I GLC:dd Gene L. Coulon cc: Olin Hansen Supt. of Parks & Recreation George Swift City Clerkts Office 'G ' %' 1 6C ihL "'c� 10.4 �.: ...( C Lam!'-e- e & )r ',i,, t ,. e�:r.tom e�.. c u.-., 1 10-16-55 14219 5. E. 125th Renton, Wash. Gentlemen: The under signed officers of the Maplewood Improvement association Corporation on the behalf of it,5 members request the city of Renton to receive ground known as "That portion of land within the defence plant corporation right of way as delineated on plant of Maplewood division No. 2, King County Washington, lying between southeast 142nd. street and southeast 144th. street subject to defence plant corporation right of way easement. " Purchased from Carol Dobson and John W. Dobson on the 20th. day of June 1953. Taxes paid by David Haverberg for 1953 and 1954, as a donation for a nark or playfield. Without rights to give any portion of land to any private person or persons for buildings, sewers, sewer runs, drain offs, driveways or any other purpose, and to remove any now existing encrochments. Information or acknowledgements may be given or received by contacting David Haverberg 14219 5. E. 125th. Renton Wash. Phone Olive 4066. Yours, Pres: David Haverberg Vice Pres: Romeo Charbonnea Sec: Phyllis Bunker /a _/r -g-S ( ) Tres: Curtis Taylor Renton, Washington November 1, 1955 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Joe R. Baxter at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: HANSEN, TRfl1N, REID, RICHARDSON, VIETZKE, MORRIS, TAMBORINI, SWIFT, DEI,AURENTI, HEPPENSTALL AND BRUCE. (Councilman White was excused by Mayor Baxter). OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT WERE: Gerard Shellan, Assistant City Attorney; Ang Busato, Police Chief; Floyd Lawrence, Fire Chief; Floyd W. Shaff, City Clerk; Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer; James Highton, City Engineer; Dave Pugh, Street Commissioner; Gene Coulon, Park Superintendent and Walt Will, Assistant City En; .neer. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BU:LDING PERMITS NO, AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 1-512 $ 130.00 Laurence Ditlivison 81 Logan St. wire service 3 350.00 Christy's Tavern 308 Wells Street erect sign 4 250.00 Harry W. Sherrick 120 91st So. repair roof 5 350.00 Sally W. Dillard 719 3rd Ave. wire service 6 350.00 Patrick C. Ross 820 Grant St, wire service 7 250.00 Roland Day 2618 5th No. install basement 8 900.00 John R. OtHara 12723 S.E. 144th garage & wire serv, 9 200.00 Kenneth J. Jensen 620 S. Street erect carport 1550 750.00 John Tomich 515 N. Williams enclose porch 1 1,000.00 Davis Bulgarelli 800 High Street remodel residence 2 250.00 0. B. Dilley 243 Sunset Blvd. remodel kitchen 3 50.00 Francis M. Gleason 1003 "E" Street replace switch box 4 250.00 Duane Burke 12735 S.L. 144th erect carport 5 65.00 Williams & Swanson 619 3rd Ave. install canopy 6 550.00 Karls Shoe Store 818 3rd Ave. erect sign 7 300.00 LeRoy Chadwick 12405 S.E. 142nd St. addition to residence 8 200.00 Nattl Poultry Mach. 615 North Wells wire service 9 250.00 Henry Saari Renton Airport wire hangar 1560 100.00 A. Montrose 521 Park St. wire service 1 500.00 Ann Burdulis 227 Wells St. remodel store 2 300.00 Edgar Galvin 209 Lind St. wire service 3 150.00 Mike Mlaker 2208 6th Ave. addtn to residence 4 100.00 Phil Moyer 104 Burnett install sidewalk 5 800.00 Alex Cugini 611 Renton wire service 6 200.00 Pioneer Investment 818 3rd Ave. wire service 7 700.00 Karls Shoe Store 818 3rd Ave. wire service 8 16,273.00 City of Renton City Hall erect bathhouse PLUMBING PERMITS 761.E --• Bruno Feyerabend 3314 Sunset Highway install furnace 5 -- Geo. Janisch 515 4th West install furnace 6 -- P. C. Ross 820 Grant St. plumbing fixtures 7 -- David Thorson 8424 South 130th install furnace 8 -- Carl Cooks 400 Powell St. plumbing fixtures 9 -- W. H. Brokaw 9001 So. 124th plumbing fixtures 770 -- W. H. Brokaw 8820 So. 124th plumbing fixtures 1 -- W. H. Brokaw 8818 So. 124th " n 2 -- W. H. Brokaw 8816 So. 124th " 't 3 -- David Thorson 8424 So. 130th n it 4 -- Mr. H. Lee 2020 Monterey Dr. install furnace 5 -- W. H. Brokaw 8814 So. 124th plumbing fixtures 6 -- W. H. Brokaw 8816 So. 124th " 't 7 -- Patrick Ross 820 Grant St. install furnace Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the minutes of the Council meet- ing of October 18th be approved as corrected. Carried. The City Clerk stated there were three requests received for special permits, as follows: 1. Installation of one additional pin ball machine in the Oasis Cafe, 216 Wells Street, signed by Donald A. Moran, owner, 2. Waiver of "peddler's license fee" for Lawrence E. Walton, 317 Smithers, to sell hand made wooden "Soap Dispensers" from house to house, and 3. Issuance of a Business License to operate an ambulance service (two vehicle) from Tom E. Colligan, 2208 8th Place. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that the three requests be referred to the Po_..ice & License Committee with power to act. Carried. A letter of appreciation was read from Mr. & Mrs. Esther Hardie for installa- tion of the traffic signal at Second and Rainier. • -2- A letter of appreciation for the City's remembrance in memory of Mr. C. M. (Chris) Christensen, was read from Ernest and Genny Christiansen. A request was read from Mrs. B. B. Gulledge, Vice District Chairman of the South King County District Girls Scouts, for use of the North Highlands Recreation Building. Moved by Tamto rini, seconded by Reid, that the request be referred to the Property Committee. Councilman Bruce reported that this group has been in- fcrmed that this building will be closed and repaired, and that it is not City property. Councilman Temborini, with consent of his second, withdrew his motion. A request was read from the Renton Kiwanis Club, signed by D. 0. Beck, Pres., for permission for a group of boys from the Sea Explorers Ship No. 441, to use the City Administration Building auditorium for their meetings. Moved by Reid, second- er', by Delaurenti, that the request be referred to the PropertY Committee to work With the Fire Chief, Mayor and City Clerk, with power to act. Carried. The Clerk read a petition for annexation to the City of Renton of property described as "All that portion of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section sixteen (16), township twenty-three (23) north, range five (5) east, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 16, township 23 north, range 5 east, thence north 89° 12' 42" west along the north line of said section 16, a distance of 315.66 feet; thence south 1° 08' 26" west along a line 30 feet easterly of and parallel with the east line of the State of Washington tract (the description of which is recorded in volumne 2045 of deeds, page 487, records of said county), a distance of 660.30 feet; thence north 89° 12' 42" west a distance of 135.58 feet; thence south 1° 08t 26" west a distance of 659.51 feet, more or less, to the south lt.ne of the said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16; thence south 89° 06' 38" east along said south line a distance of 452.00 feet to the south- east corner of the said northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16; thence north 1° 06' 27" east a distance of 1320.61 feet, more or less, to the point o:' beginning; EXCEPT the north 30 feet thereof for county road; and EXCEPT the right o:' way of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company (conveyed to Snoqualmie Falls Power Company by deed recorded under auditor's file No. 2500774, records of said county)," s:_gned by Tine and Emma Cugini, 11857 S. E. 128th Street. This property is 12 acres in area and is located just south of 4th Avenue North, approximately 1000 feet east a" E Street, the site of the Cugini Garbage Dump. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Tnmborini, that the petition for annexation be referred to the Planning Commission fir their recommendation. C"rried. Estimate No. 1, certified correct by the City Engineer James Highton for work performed by Contractor, Van S. McKenny Company, Inc., on the mercury vapor street lighting contract in the amount of $18,918.17 was read. Moved by Morris, seconded by Vietzke, that Estimate No. 1 be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act. Carried. The City Engineer reported that the work was 75 percent complete and that the contract would be completed within three weeks. A report of the cost data on the Park Street asphaltic paving work done by the City of Renton was read from the City Engineer. The Total work performed by the Street & Water Departments being $11,996.78, compared to contract estimate of $18,374.22, an estimated saving to the City of Renton of $6,377.44. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, that the City Engineer and Street Commissioner be congratulated on their good work on this job and for the saving to the City of Renton. Carried. (A copy of the report was furnished Councilman Vietzke). The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Association of Washington Cities Regional meeting in Puyallup this coming Friday, November 4, 1955. Proposed Resolution No. 893, as presented by the Ordinance Committee, extend- ing the compulsory retirement date of James R. Chadwick of the uniformed personnel of the Statewide City Employees' Retirement System for one year, to December 1, 1956 was read. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 893 as read. Carried. Proposed Resolution No. 894, as requested by the Street & Alley Committee and presented by the Ordinance Committee was read fixing the time and date of hearing on the vacation of the- south one-half of the alley in Block 8, Earlington Addition, as Tuesday, December 6, 1955 at 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers. Moved by Swift, seconded by Trimm, that the Council adopt Resolution No. 894 as read. Carried. Mayor Baxter stated that this was the date set for the hearing on the petition to vacate and/or abandon certain streets in Renton Highlands Plat 2. The Clerk re- rorted that there were no verbal protests received. There being no oral protests from the audience, moved by Richardson, , seconded by Trimm, that the Council concur in the request that the certain streets as outlined in the "Notice of Hearing" be vacated and/or abandoned and the matter of the acceptance of Plat #2, Renton High- lands, be referred to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the • -3. necessary ordinance. Carried. Mr. Don Humble, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority, stated that as soon as the streets are legally vacated and/or abandoned and Plat #2 has been accepted by the City of Renton, this would remove final obstacles and they could proceed with the actual transfer of buildings involved to the City of Renton, In answer to Councilman Richardson's inquiry, Mr. Humble in- formed the Council that the property in question, that was included in Plat #1 and was to have been dedicated to the City of Renton as additional Highlands Fire Station property, at the time of negotiations for Highlands Plat #1, was a strip approximately 75 or 100 feet wide, adjacent to and northerly along H Street---that this piece of property should show on the original plat if it was included in Fire Station property. (In checking with the Engineering Department and Mr. Humbles Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority, it was determined that the original Plat #1 of the Renton Highlands, included all of Lot 17) Block 6, Renton Highlands, which included the strip in question). Councilman Trimm reported for the Fire & Water Committee, that after consult- ing with the Fire Chief as to advisability of a fire station at the location of intersection of Sunset Boulevard West with the Langston Road, that they feel this property is not a suitable place for a fire station and that it is the recommendation of the Fire and Water Committee that the previous proposal be rejected. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Fire & Water Committee. Carried, Councilman Trimm further stated that it is the opinion of the Committee that a fire station in this locality is needed and that they would continue to look for a suitable site in this area for same. In regard to installation ef a street light near the middle of the 500 block on Burnett Street North, moved by Richardson, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Light & Power Committee be given power to act. Carried. Councilman Hansen, President of the Council, reported that the subject of pollution of Lake Washington had been brought before the Committee meeting of the Council as a Whole, on Tuesday, October 25th. Councilman Richardson reported that the Council would have re information in this regard at the next Executive meet- ing of the Council when the Consulting Engineers (R. W. Beck& Associates) and the Bellevue Sewage District Commissioners would be present. The City Engineer report- ed that he had talked with the State Pollution Committee---that they had stated they had no definite plans but were vitally interested in the problem and would have a Staff Member present at the Executive Meeting of the Council on November 22nd. Mr. Highton further stated that there would be a meeting at the University of Washington on November 10th in regard to the Metropolitan Sewer District and in- vited any Councilman who could, to attend the m( otI r; with him. Council:a= Hansen ,Z urt; er reported that the T,:.Ftion of numl er of raffle to e-: held by Service or Charitable Organizations a3Yn; t* reet at one time was brought before the Council's Executive meeting and that the matter had been referred to the Police & License and Street & Alley Committes to report on. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Police License Committee reported that the joint committees (Street & Alley and Police & License) recommended that only one raffle be allowed on the streets per week end; that they not be allowed to use parking space adjacent to red head meters---that the sponsors of the raffle be required to pay meter fees during the time they are located at these metered areas; that if permission is re- quested for the placing of objects (i.e., boats, etc.,) on the streets between regular Council meetings, that the Police Denartment be authorized to issue a permit for same and that the Police Department c .eck with the sponsors and see that locations are changed each week, also that sponsors allowed this consideration should be only charitable or service organizations within the boundaries of the Renton School area, and so moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Heppenstall and carried. Councilman Swift reported that at the last Council meeting the Council had approved the "Scatter system" of traffic control for the intersection of Williams & Wells Streets on 3rd Avenue, but that the Street & Alley Committee had been re- quested by the Chief of Police and. City Engineer, to review this plan before pro- ceeding with the installation, and that the Committee would take this matter up at their November 7th meeting. }66-v, /, /i t Councilman Bruce, Chairman of the Property Committee reported that all the `\ members of the Committee had not as yet considered the acceptance of the park in the Maplewood Addition, but that in his opinion it was desirable property and he believed should be considered by the Council as a park site for the Maplewood area; that in talking with representatives of the Maplewood Community Club, he had found that the quit claim deed did not include the legal description and that in his opinion the matter should be referred to the City Attorney---that he understood a sewer line had been constructed on this property from the grocery store, adjacent to the proposed park property. Councilman Bruce also stated that the Park Board had not investigated this property as vet. Mr. Shellan, Asst. City AttorneTT, stated that he understood from one party that the property had been previously dedicated r ' • -4- to the Maplewood Improvement Club; that since that time the club had dissolved and that he (Mr. Shellan) had suggested that these people endeavor to locate the officers and members so that a meeting could be held to enable the club to get title status; that he had advised the party to determine from the City Engineer if the party who owns the sewer line is encroaching on this property which is not his; that providing the sewer line does not interfere with the proposed park property that an easement for this sewer line be obtained. Park Superintendent Coulon stated that he had talked with a party and had understood that there were 3 encroachments, (1) the sewer line, (2) corner of the store building, and (3) road into the property; that if the City accepts the property the representatives of the Improvement Club request the City have encroachments removed. The Assistant City Attorney suggested that a legal description of the property be obtained to determine the exact boundaries---stating that if there are encroachments, that these people be so ad- vised. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Reid, that this matter stay in the Property Committee for thorough investigation. Carried. (In checking with the Engineering Department, it was found that the Defense Plant Corporation (Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Line) has an easement over this property). Councilman Richardson reported that the Council in their Executive meeting on October 25th had discussed the matter of revision of Ordinance No. 1045 "Regulating the method to be followed in filing of plats and establishing rules and regulations in relation thereto", particularly in connection with newly annexed property, and that this matter was being studied at this time. Councilman Hansen reported that the Council as a Whole at their executive meeting had approved the proposed Precinct map as submitted by the City Clerk. Moved by Richardson, seconded by- Reid, that the Council concur in the action of the Committee of the Council as a Whole. Councilman Richardson explained that the Precinct Map as approved had been referred to the City Engineer to check the legal description and to the Ordinance Committee and City Attorney to draft the necessary Ordinance and would be presented to the Council as soon as possible. Following a discussion as to advisability of changing the map before the local election, the motion carried. In regard to the duties of the Mayor and Comptroller as outlined in the 1956 City of Renton Budget, moved by Trim, seconded by Richardson, that the matter be referred to the Ordinance Committee, City Attorney and Council as a Whole for con- sideration. Carried. In regard to adoption of a City of Renton Business Tax Ordinance for 1956, the Assistant City Attorney suggested that the Council consider the change of "tax pay- ment due date " for uniformity and to simplify the matter of this payment for busi- ness houses paying a tax as the State Law covering the date for payment of State Tax had been changed at the Extra-Ordinary Session at Olympia to the last day of the month. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the Council concur in the suggestion of the Assistant City Attorney. Carried. Councilman Richardson reported that a book was being passed around to the Councilmen this evening for their information, covering codification of City's laws of a City (San Gabriel) of approximately the same type and size as Renton; Mr. Shellan explained that for the past several years their office had been endeavoring to get estimates for codification of the City of Fenton's laws---that some of the City's ordinances should be amended or changed, some new ones should be passed to bring the laws up to date and that some should be repealed, also that they had re. ceived information as to codification of laws and cost of same from the Mickey Publishing Company of Los Angeles, the largest city codification company on the coast; that in his opinion it was definitely necessary that this matter be con- sidered and stated that possibly a committee should be appointed to investigate this matter, particularly as far as general laws and the Traffic Code was concerned. The City Clerk stated that a representative of the Book Publishing Company was working in the Clerk's Office this week to estimate the cost for their company to codify the City's ordinances. On suggestion of Councilman Richardson that the matter of codifying the City's Ordinances be referred to the proper committee (Ordinance Committee) to work with the City Attorney's Office, it was so moved by Reid, second.. ed by Swift, and carried. Councilman Swift reported there would be a meeting of the Street & Alley Committee, Monday, November 7th at 8:00 P.M., with the Police Chief and Street Commissioner. On suggestion of Councilman Swift, moved by Reid, seconded by Delaurenti, that the Street Commissioner post the proper signs on the west side of Burnett Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues stating that parallel parking only was allowed. Carried. Councilman Reid, Chairman of the Light & Power Committee, reported that the installation of street lights at the site of the new Williams Street Bridge was included in the McKenny Company contract and that they would have these lights in— stalled as soon as possible. The City Engineer stated that as soon as the dedication plaque was received that the Williams Street Bridge could be dedicated. The City Engineer reported that he had received a great deal of favorable comment on the traffic light at the intersection of 2nd and Rainier Avenue---that the light was now on "set time", that the radar system had not been installed as yet. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Tamborini, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. (There were twelve visitors present besides City of Renton employees). ;;sat *4* MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH - 8:00 P.M. STREET & ALLEY COMMITTEE MEETING WITH CHIEF OF POLICE & STREET COMMISSIONER. L tz .ar i3, 1S'55 :c.f•+ ti.._.0.;1, Fa ex r.: . s '0.; F ARE OD4RI i• At `.•- ,ast COurl0.'f 3avestitig the c oorardestior: frc' tr a !lap2.swood Assoet*tior. is regard to. the City race'_ - ;roue:-ty ir. : .t: x. a: A4d±ttor fora plc, *!M "taf . :»strict.. - 9 to its re Pet red to t}''. 1 r?CX..r."f c7tJ!o+1T' tee. ?nd PAU ton con- :`hs r: i..a;t,: was iescr:be-I as ew*►.,a.t portt or of land f t _ r rr ;�.f.". r'_a^r-of-way as deli mated ot plat at-)+.apleraol w r �+ua:p, vitae't-.tcr., -Jind ;. + Swathe Band • 5' _ y.c. .?..'��� QubJect `..0 L.F00. r ght-o'-way ea • • -..tier wca funtished you lest tuts • Floy i 3"3tf, C tty Clark • .v• . ,ee letter attached. • • r(� r Y d CITY OF R a__ N T O N ZING CC NTY, WASHING? ON JOS R. RAXTQ. MAY DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT. TRSA.0 EE PAIL W. MOYS. J11.. rinses JUsis ►LOYD W. SI APP. GLOM ART NUR L. SALSAN WO OOLNINALYOI CITY ATTOONEY ' OLIN A. HANS[N. PI' <:[RARD$NLLLAN ASST. CITY ATTORNEY HUSH D. iRVCL . - SHARLLS OLLAURENT; DR. JOHN I. 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