HomeMy WebLinkAboutKennydale Bathing Beach Proposal (1952-1960) King County Frank Aliment, Vern H Morris, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxbxxx October 11, 1960 Park & Recreation Department 325-B County-City Building Seattle 4, Washington Attention: Mr. George D. Wyse, Superintendent Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge your communication of October 6, 1960 relative to the action of the Board of Commissioners in regard • to deeding King County Park No. 41, otherwise known as Kenny- dale Park, to the City of Renton. The City Council, at its regular meeting of October 11, 1960 has authorized that you be advised that said area, by Supreme Court decision of May, 1960, is now a part of the corporate limits of the City of Renton. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON By Vern H. Morris, City Clerk VHM/dm HOWARD ODELL ED MUNRO SCOTT WALLACE COMMISSIONER. FIRST DISTRICT COMMISSIONER. SECOND DISTRICT COMMISSIONER. THIRD DISTRICT ^2¢A „firl = : !s ,, = e € i , Ki1Z tM Z� Ill IF y ,yw1- I I Ma� r STATE OF WASHINGTON i i , S tttlr—, 4- Oct. 6, 1960 PARK & RECREATION BOARD PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENT MRS. EUGENE HIRSCH. CHAIRMAN GEORGE D. WYSE HARRY E. HUDSON, VICE CHAIRMAN SUPERINTENDENT HARRY L. JENNINGS 325 B COUNTY-CITY BUILDING GRAN STOREY TELEPHONE MAIN 2 5900 A. L. HOFFMAN EXT. 457-458.459 FRED B. METZLER L. M. DIMMITT Mayor Frank Aliment City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Mayor Aliment: In the meeting of the King County Park and Recreation Board on March 2, 1960, the Board, on motion, recommended to the Board of County Commis- sioners that King County Park No. 41, known as Kennydale Park, be deeded to the City of Renton. This followed annexation of that area by your City. The King County Commissioners at that time returned a letter to our Board suggesting that transfer of deed be withheld pending a Supreme Court action on the annexation of that area. We now understand that the petition for de- annexation has been dropped, and that the area known as Kennydale Park No. 41 is formally within the City of Renton. We are requesting confirmation of this annexation so that we may take the necessary steps in deeding the property to your City. Sincerely, r 4P9 �'l re--- t I .rg . . nyse Superintendent GDw:as �-56c 6789 `, OCT1060 c-J RECEDED � C-..' CiPl Qf t4E:r ToN a)1 /%7 _ `1���V 1. �J. C// .rc.:17 5'Z Re JAMES A. G BBS, CHAIRMAN WM. H. SEARS DEAN C. MCLEAN COMMISSIONER. FIRST DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT COMMISSIONER. TIIIRD DISTRICT .tom eiyA �.�.. KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 402 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING e�S EnATrtTtT L E 4C {][ RALPH R. H ENDER September 15, 1-J 52 CLERK OF THI:BOARD Seat .le-King County Health Department 'Mille Safety :wilding Seattle, Washington Gentlemen: TLe County igineer submitted a re;?ort on the communication from the City of Renton r4arding traffic signs on Secondary State High. ay No. 2A = at the Kennydale bathing beach also on the wate •: at said beach which is being polluted by an ex- cessive amount of raw sewage. The Engineer states that this problem concerns the Health Department and the County Park Depart- ment. The board of County Comm ssioners in ref;ular ses- sion on Septemoer 8, 1952, on motion, approved At said 'report and the matter was referred to the Ki::g County Health Departm-T:nt for co:,ference with the Park Department, with report to the Loard. Attached please find the communication from the City of Rent;Dn for your perusal. Very truly yours, BOARD a' CcTJ NTYY Co_::, ISSIOJTMS ROBT-MT A. 41. T RIC, Clerk of board By Ralph R. Stender, Deputy RIBS: b Encl. cc: County Engine r /Cark Department ity of Renton ,sir. Wiley Crook, City Clerk Renton, Washington JAMES A. G BBS. CHAIRMAN WM. H. SEARS DEAN C. MCLEAN COMMISSIONS FIRST DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT COMMISSIONER. THIRD DISTRICT KING COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 402 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING SEATTLE 4 RALPH R. S"ENDER CLERK OF TH BOARD ;j jus V 2,70 yi9)2 d .K.....„.....„.„0„.„...... ci 4,ct„.. , 4,.,a, Mr. D. L. Evans County Engineer t U I . DIN G Dear Eir: Attached please find counic: tion as received from the City of Renton regarding Traffic E gns on Secondary State Hightay No. 2A at the eunydale bathing beach anc that the w ter at said bathing beach is being polluted by an ex- cessive amount of raw se--'az;e. The Board of County Coa lissioners in rcgu1ar session on August 25, 1952, or motion, referred this matter to you for investigation and rv.aort. Very t7izly yours, BOLRD COUNTY CQ`..: SSIM:M I; , ROUT i_. A)PIE, Clerk of Board By Ra?-:h R. Stence,, Deputy _: ERS:b Encl. cc: ity of Renton ton Mr. iiley Crook, City Cl er_f Renton, Washington - dE SEATTLE-KING COUNTY ../ r1R /J �11�.1e., 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 0 ` SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON August 25, 1952 S. P. LEHMAN, M.D., M.P.H. DIVISION OF SANITATION DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH 904 PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING PRIME: MAIN 6000 MA IN 6000. LOCAL 280 Renton City Council City Hall Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. Wiley Crook, City Clerk Gentlemen: This will reply to your recent request for a report on the sanitary condition of the Kennydale bathing beach. During the past several years, this area and beach has been under close observance by this department inasmuch as we are specifically charged with the responsibility of en- forcing the sanitary regulations of the Washington State Board of Health pertaining to the operation of bathing beaches. Sanitary surveys have been carried out on the condition of individual sewage disposal systems serving homes in the natural drainage basin of the swimming beach and although conditions have not always been found to be entirely satisfactory we have felt that the danger of pollution of the swimming beach from this source has not been too acute up to this time. Some break down in these individual sewage disposal systems has been evidenced from time to time but usually during periods of prolonged wet weather. Fortunately this is during the season of the year when the swimming beach is not in use. It can be expected however that as the area develops and the individual sewage systems serving the homes become older, the danger of pollution of the beach will become progressively more serious. Studies of current movements have been made which indicate that the movement of the water is to the north. This has been a factor which has helped to minimize pollution of the beach from any sewage which might be coming from unsewered areas served with faulty operating septic tanks. The results of bacteriological analysis of water samples taken from the bathing beach, both during the swimming season and at other periods of time, confirm the above opinion. It will be recalled that approximately a year ago, this department took immediate action to close the beach when the presence of sewage was discovered. This was due to the dis- charge of a large quantity of sewage coming from the Renton sewage treatment plant during a cleaning operation. The opening of the beach was also delayed this season at the reequest of this department until the County Park Department completed some necessary on-shore improvements. We do feel, however, that the parking problem and the means of gaining access to the bathing beach is an outstanding safety hazard due to the lack of parking space and the necessity of bathers having to cross a busy highway as well as the railroad. This, of course, is a matter that this department has no jurisdiction over and is undoubtedly being considered by the proper authorities. Renton City Council Page Two August 25, 1952 Attn: Mr. Wiley Crook, Investigations will be continued at this beach and if sanitation conditions are considered to be unsafe, action will be taken to bring about closure of the area. If you have any further questions regarding this matter or any other pertaining to public health, feel free to contact this department. Very truly yours, &AA, 014441P4-1A J. E. Van Amburgh, Director Division of Sanitation JEV/mr (2!„(7., 4I Seattle - King County DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SPLehman,MD,MPH Seattle 4, Washington Divtn of Sanitation Director of Public Health August 25, 1952 904 Public Safety Build Phone: T t.6000d s Main 6000 Local 280 Renton City Council City Hall Renton, Washington Attent:_on: Mr. Wiley Crook, City Clerk Gentlemen: This wtl1 reply to your recent request for a report on the sanitary condition of the Kennydale bathing beach. Turing the past several years, this area and beach has been under close observance by ttis department inasmuch as we are specifically charged with the responsibility of enforcing the sanitary regulations of the Washington State Board of Health pertaining to the operation of bathing beaches. Sanitary surveys have been carried out on the condition of individual sewage disposal sys- tems serving homes in the natural drainage basin of the swimming beach and although condi- tions have not always been found to be entirely satisfactory we have felt that the danger of pol:'.ution of the swimming beach from this source has not been too acute up to this time. Some break down in these individual sewage disposal systems has been evidenced from time but usually during periods of prolonged wet weather. Fortunately this is during the season of the year when the swimming beach is not in use. It can be expected however that as the area develops and the individual sewage systems serving the homes become older, the danger of pol:_ution of the beach will become progressively more serious. Studies of current movements have been made which indicate that the movement of th to the north. This has been a factor which has helped to minimize pollution of the 41' from any sewage which might be coming from unsewered areas served with faulty open:: ' tic tanks. The results of bacteriological analysis of water samples taken from the beach, both during the swimming season and at other periods of time, confirm the a. ;#;.F ., ra.• ` It will be recalled that approximately a year ago, this department took immediate = close the beach when the presence of sewage was discovered. This was due to the .,;fig a large quantity of sewage coming from the Renton sewage treatment plant during at+ operation. The opening of the beach was also delayed this season at the request o department until the County Park Department completed some necessary on-shore imp ., We do feel, however, that the parking problem and the means of gaining access to t beach is an outstanding safety hazard due to the lack of parking space and the nec= ' bather: having to cross a busy highway as well as the railroad. This, of course, that tlis department has no jurisdiction over and is undoubtedly being considered . 0 proper authorities. Investigations will be continued at this beach and if sanitation conditions are co •` be unsafe, action will be taken to bring about closure of the area. If you have any further questions regarding this matter or any other pertaining to health,. feel free to contact this department. Very truly yours, J. E. Van Amburgh, D' .. . E. Van Amburgh, Direct.y 11110 U Division of Sanitation JEV/mr A.M14 cc: Recreation Director Kennydale Improvement Club. STATE OF WASHINGTON ARTHUR D. LANGLIE, GOVERNOR 401 ATE pc, �r � 0 .5:Z7880\ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS W. A. BUGGE, DIRECTOR OFFICE OF DISTRICT ENGINEER 6TH AVE. SO. AND SPOKANE STREET SEATTLE August 19, 1952 Mr. Wiley Crook City Clerk Renton, Washington SSH 2A Kennydale Bathing Beach Dear Sir: Regarding your August 14th letter requesting that caution and slow signs be properly arranged to assure the safety to the children using the said bathing beach, we have found these signs were on lo- cation, but we have requesting, and are directing through copy of this letter, that are district sign foreman install added crosswalk ahead signs approximately 150' in advance of the crosswalk. We had earlier installed no parking restrictions here. I understand that these signs were, through some vandalism, removed. We shall reinstall the parking restriction on the westerly side of the high- way so that children do not dart out between vehicles that are parked. Also, we have requested that the manner of parking of the bicycles adjacent to the highway be altered so that the bicycles do not extend onto the shoulder of the road. This was done the last year and it appeared that this year the bicycles are again over most of the high- way shoulder. Appreciate your keen interest in this matter of traffic safety and hope you will keep us informed if any other action appears necessary. Yours very truly, D. D. FORGEY District Engineer �j By G. CYSEWSKI District Traffic Engineer DDF:DH GRC cc: cc: Mr. Harry Smart, Sign Forlm (YC�,,4,jt4.4c6„,r`/- '�"�Y Mr. Floyd E. Davis, Supt. //b /y-ve S,E $ /0 I m) STATE OF WASHINGTON ARTHUR B. LANGLIE, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS August 19, 1952 Mr. Wiley Crook City Clerk Renton, Washington SSH 2A Kennydale Bathing Beach Dear Sir: Regarding your August 14th letter requesting that caution and slow signs be properly arranged to assure the safety to the children using the said bathing beach, we have found these signs were on location, but we have requested, and are directing through copy of this letter, that our district sign foreman install added crosswalk ahead signs approximately 150' in advance of the crosswalk. We had earlier installed no parking restrictions here. I understand that these signs were, through some vandalism, removed. We shall reinstall the parking restriction on the westerly side of the high- way so that children do not dart out between vehicles that are parked. Also, we have requested that the manner of parking of the bicycles adjacent to the highway be altered so that the bicycles do not extend onto the shoulder of the road. This was done the last year and it appeared that this year the bicycles are again over most of the highway shoulder. Appreciate your keen interest in this matter of traffic safety and hope you will keep us informed if any other action appears necessary. Yours very truly, D. D. FORGEY District Engineer /s/ G. R. Cysewski By: G. R. CYSEWSKI District Traffic Engineer DDF:dh GRC cc: Mr. Harry Smart, Sign Fortin Er. Floyd E. Davis, Supt. cc: Recreation Director Kennydale Improvement Club 0