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05/12/2015 - Minutes
, , "�� – -.- �, -�� � City of Renton � �� Board of Park Commissioners � � D C�ty of �Y o � O US� � ♦ .� � . ''�'L�'N,�p$ . Meeting Minutes May 12, 2015 , � 4:30 p.m. — City Hall — 7'h Floor Council Conference Room I. CALL TO ORDER In Attendance The following members were present: Members: Chair Cynthia Burns, Larry Reymann, AI Dieckman, Mike 0'Donin, Troy Wigestrand, Niarlene Winter Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Margie Beitner, Leslie Betlach, Kelly Beymer, Peter Renner, Casey Stanley, Kris Stimpson, Greg Stroh, Mindy Bothwell Guests: Alex Tuttle, Councilmember Ruth Perez The May 12, 2015, meeting was called to order by Chair, Cynthia Bur.ns, at 4:30 p.m. Roll call was taken;Tim Searing was not present. His absence was excused. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mike O'Donin made a motion, seconded by AI Dieckman to approve the May 12, 2015, agenda. All were in favor, motion carried. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - A motion was made by Marlene Winter and seconded by Mike O'Donin to approve the April 2015 minutes as written, all were in favor, motion carried. The minutes were approved as submitted. ' IV. BOARD COMMUNICATION City Center Plan—Mike 0'Donin The May 7 City Center Plan meeting was postponed until June 18, 2015. City of Renton Park Board Minutes May 12,2015 Page 2 of 5 Cedar River Stakeholder—Larry Reymann Larry provided a brief update. Ron Straka represents Renton in the King County Group. Two biologists in the group have moved on. WRP,4 Conference—Cynthia Burns/Staff Cynthia Burns attended the 2015 WRPA Conference in Tacoma, Washington. Cynthia reported that it was a fantastic conference with mention of the many vendor displays and the "Zipline" that was new this year. Cynthia and Casey Stanley also gave highlights regarding�the guest speaker, Mike Smith, Founder and Executive Director of The BAY; a non-profit indoor skatepark/youth outreach center. ivlr. Smith actively manages the skateboard park and strives to help at-risk youth. City of Renton won three awards this year. Bonnie Rerecich was awarded the "Distinguished Service" award. Along with that there were two additional awards received, one for Meadow Crest Playground and the other for May Creek Trail. Terry Higashiyama noted that the 2016 WRPA Conference will be held in Everett next yea r. Mike 0'Donin said he was disappointed to see that the restrooms at Jones Park had been closed. Facilities staff advised this was due to on-going graffiti and drug paraphernalia found. Greg Stroh indicated they are working with the Police and the use of cameras to help improve on these areas. , V. CITY COUfVCIL COMMUNICATION Terry Higashiyama announced that the three (3) Community Services Awards will be presented at the June 8 City Council IVleeting. She invited all Park Commissioners to attend. VI. DISCUSSION/ACTIOfV IT'EMS Nomination for Chair 2015-2016 Cynthia Burns thanked staff for the dedication and wonderful two years that she has served as the chair. Cynthia then opened the floor for nominations. Marlene Winter nominated Troy Wigestrand and Mike O'Donin seconded the motion. Troy Wigestrand accepted the nomination for Chair. A vote was taken; all Park Commissioners were in favor of nominating Troy Wigestrand as the 2015-2016 Chair. Troy accepted the position. H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2015 Park Board�5.12.15min.docx :\ ' d i � City of Renton � ��� � '� � Park Board Minutes May 12,2015 � Page 3 of 5 ' CIP Presentation—Leslie Betlach and Peter Renner Leslie presented an overview on the Parks Planning and Natural Resources Major Maintenance and CIP budget. In opening, she explained that the CIP Budget is prepared, � as a guiding document; adjustments and accommodations are made based on need. Several components are considered when preparing this budget—some examples inclucfe safety issues, community need, and accessibility, funding shortfall or timing with � grants- coordination with external and internal funding. CIP budgets can be adjusted to : . accommodate for urgent safety issues or shortfalls in funding. A PowerPoint presentation was given reviewing all current or on-going projects being,. managed by the Parks Planning and Natural Resources staff. - . Updates were provided on the following projects: • North Highlands Park Improvements (2015)—is in various stages of design. , • •- Reconstruction o#Riverview Park Bridge-The bid for reconstruction was - awarded to Rodarte Construction with work to start in July 2015. , , " . • Riverview Park Interp,retive Signage will be added —the City coordinated with the Tribe on sign content. • Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park/Concrete Tile Rehabilitation—Work will , � begin soon; contractor to provide safe access to Coulon restaurants during construction. � ' � � � • Coulon Park Tennis Court project—surfacing to be completed before 4th of July. , • Heritage Park(drainage issues)—Park staff to start next month working on , _. grading and landscape to improve this area. - AI Dieckman asked about the trees by The Landing. Leslie noted.that the City did receive a $40,000 grant and Terry Flatley is coordinating work with Public Works and Parks for trees along Park Avenue and also Logan Avenue. Peter Renner also presented a review of the Facilities Division 2013—2014 Accomplishments for the Major Maintenance and CIP budget and highlights from the , 2015 Planned Projects. � � � ' Peter and Greg�Stroh addressed the new cameras being installed throughout the City. - The cameras produce a more quality photo and Police are now able to pull up views from other locations. The cameras have already helped to identify suspects and there , have been no complaints to date about the privacy issue. � Greg Stroh indicated the Senior Center Roof project has been awarded and work should ' start very soon.. . H:V3oarls an�Commissi�ns�Park Z�ar1�2�15 Park Boardl512.15min.docx �_ City of Renton ' , , Park Board Minutes May 12,2015 Page 4 of 5 . Terry Higashiyama mentioned that the City received a grant for$93,000 to help with homeless and the Reach Center. - VII. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT . Events and Activities—Kris Stimpson � , Kris Stimpson introduced Mindy Bothwell,the new intern working with the Recreation Staff. Kris provided.several flyers and posters related to upcoming events for the � summer months. The "Little" Free Library Program will be introduced at the Henry Moses Aquatic Center � this summer. The staff suggested putting wheels on the cart so that this service could be moved to other locations and used all year round. . The City applied for a,grant and received a new van to be used at the Senior Center. Kris Stimpson completed a grant application through the King County Van Pool Program and Dave Upthegrove delivered the van to City Hall on May 12, 2015. Kris also noted the following upcoming events: ❖ May 14 & 15—Senior Revue (Annual Dance Recital, this Thursday and Friday). ' ❖ May 16, 2015-Spring Green & Clean at Thomas Teasdale Park. - ❖ May,25, 2015—Memorial Day Service scheduled at 1:00 p.m. at the Renton Veterans Memorial Park. ❖ June 20 thru Sept. 9—Henry Moses Aquatic Center is Open. Kenyon—Dobson Property Update—Kelly Beymer and Peter Renner � The property has been released to City ownership and the clean-up process is in progress, The house was built in 1983;the City is trying to preserve the building and ' develop this property into an interpretive center. Kelly noted that this property � ' connects to a wilderness area and the city hopes to schedule volunteer.projects to cleanup Blackberries and noxious weeds. , . � Alex Tuttle, City Attorney Introduction—Terry Higashiyama , , , Terry introduced Alex Tuttle, Assistant City Attorney and explained his role in working �. with the Community Services Department. Alex Tuttle cautioned City Staff and Park Commissioners when using personal phones for City business;the City is responsible for reta,ining business texts for a certain amount of time. This could also apply to personal cell phones used for texting business. Email is the safest way to communicate information relating to city business. Terry Higashiyama added that litigation relating to H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2,015 Park Board�5.12.15min.docx � , I City of Renton ` Park Board Minutes ) May 12, 2015 Page 5 of S � • this form of communication does not keep up with technology and creates a grey area when it comes to defining the laws. . Cynthia Burns mentioned that the City's website lists emails for city staff. This may be a better way to communicate when you have questions and concerns. - ' Alex Tuttle will look into using personal email for communication that involves the Parks Commission. VI11. OLD BUSINESS, = Terry Higashiyama noted that the Arbor Day/Earth Day Event and the Volunteer Recognition Dinner were well attended and successful events. She thanked the members for attending both events. Casey Stanley presented a'PowerPoint for National Volunteer Month displaying photos and information for the two events listed above. There were 130 people at the 2015 Arbor Day/Earth Day Event who donated a to.tal of 325 hours for this event. A total of 290 City Volunteers attended the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event, and in 2014 over 6,000 people donated 46,013 hours of service throughout City programs. IX. INFORMATION Terry reminded everyone about the SIFF/May 21 Opening at the IKEA Performing Arts Center and invited all members to attend. She also advised that the next Board of Park Commissioners Meeting on June 9 will be held at the Maplewood Golf Course. X. ADJOURNMENT . A motion was made by Cynthia Burns and seconded by Larry Reymann to adjourn the May 2015 meeting at 6:05 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned. 7 S' n r �IE�XT Ft�EGUL:�4R 11�EE IN� ' June 9, 20=15 � A�:�30 p.m. Maplewood Gal"f Course— Ider Roorn H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2015 Parlc Board�5.12.15min' � docx • � � . � . . . . • . . • . ' � +.�� � . `�� .. . .�� �s �. , , ��:� . � ��� , � � � � ���° :�,.�. _, �„ . � . • . . . ! . � • � , � -�_. '::�_� ��, : . ,.r-. .F ��. ..a .... . .... � �,., � :�nlr..' ' _,: Capital Investment Program Overview • listed projects are consistent with the adopted Capital Budget,the Comprehensive Plan and the State Growth Management Act � The CIP focuses on life basis cost of each project over a full 6 year period • The CIP includes the annual capitaf-related costs,the projected operating budget impacts and the funding sources for each project � --M��tentor� �. @. � ,.LAnu_iN�.` sn.P7".. Capital Investment Program Criteria • Usefui life greater than 2 years � New/expanded physical facilities/assets including the study, planning and design phases • System-wide or subarea studies and planning efforts � large scale renovation and replacement of existing facilities over$25,000 • Acquisition of new capital facilities or assets � , � �� �� � ,', '�a^.��„���.�t&� ,��4 d s r ;�6��dr �,� � t ,a,y `.�"Y y; i g� &^� ' � .� "'a"..""__'_._._ '',^�� r �'-�'uY i' d s„� '" « "^'' � '' ,�$ �p �n'"?�°{. .a�,A'rll�\.Jll � 4'� ��yaS��� .4�5 p � 4�.'`�" n � t a�"; •.g.a t��td� � ��,�a Evaluating and Prioritizing CIP Projects Two Dimensional - Importance • Community Safety and Health • Compliance with laws and regulations • Promoting economic development • Communi#y value • Financial Stewardship ' � Consistency with adopted plans ,,_ �����y «� �� � ���,�.„.�. ..•r..�..,.�:;. ,.� � f _� .� �Vr .�.�....-M,..�"en�o�z. Evaluating and Prioritizing CIP Projects Two Dimensional — Urgency/Timing } ��,�r :A. � t a`�tP+�k3 � � .. . . . • Urgent/lmrn�d��i����y • Extecnal�resource t����� • Coordinate internat reSourte timing , • `Ma��ain servi�e level • Improve service tevei rv�F°�F�J �A y 1'�u � ��. �"s s �`�,r�` �+ '`w,� @ �- � �^=rn`�'�e�'^� �:� ' . .. 3 a?t ,�'rzi�'S ( ���� a '. i` x �� � k _�,,�Yb'a �,.,__ �� � �tg � ,¢�4x 4� � . �_ ,.� �"�°� y� � r 1 Gda ,F � Y p � �,+¢ m . , s i . �„r.. `£e. 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Coulan Park Repairs and Maintenance �,� a �erwalk Lighting - 2015 �"�G��w • Existing(ighting is 33 years olti � ■ �j, � � New 360°`LED lighting m�unted in � � � '�,.�a recessed, higr` Y inu � � � � - ,� - i � � �._ i •�..` ;: � ���:� :�.� �� K,� � -, ��� -�q�u `�.'� �� � < ,{t(.. � � . . � � � � Coulon Park Repairs and Maintenance Road/Parking Pavement Assessment - � �. �� ,�,� ,�, ;:�,' <,,+ �a•t�, �^ prehensive Repart evaluat�n� ' � aved surfaces � � "ti�es High, Med�um and Low � rity Repairs � � Level Cost Estimates �' �+�I a ument utilized for#uture Parks Major Maintenance_ Includes Five Categories � ���P���our����+�sks and Interpretive Signs� ���' Light 5ys#e�(i ` �`��des � � • Sharel�ne and Bank Stabi6�zation � Baundarr�r,�'Opag� , ,� �ite�t��►eys e,�, � :� �� ,,� � � • Fencing,�u�rc�r�ils,Bul�c���s,an� Railin�s ' ' �� � . ���. � � , +' tar�ds�p��Rer►ovation and R�p�irs • Stcucturai Reviews a�d Repairs � y`. � a=t ua.ra� } �*�� � .�, �f+�nto�, Parks Major Maintenance - Light ,., 'j{ , � entan Sr.Activi���r i �i c��,����, �ghting -Gonstr����i��,, ompleted� t A' ti '€r� ''� � ,�, � ' ���` highlands Park designed r. , ,,�� #"��� „ .. , . i �, � ��`' 4< �.:: ►?�,r» ��r"� 'zt�. �„�.�.:, '��,' •k. :d.� �k w'J •D. a5�, *�,r r{e Parks Major Maintenance — landscape Renovation and Repairs �� � rifagePark�Drainage ��� rovements sonal drainage issues in ��rP,��. a located between m�{ti- ,� �.�� �,, � � � � pose field and soft s�rfac�� � �, , '� 9r �ce�water irn�Sa+Cts � � .� �, � ' ' ten�r�ce, park us�a�d ; ��� � ,� ;` Parks Major Maintenance — Structural Review ' - 201�5� ���������` j������ n � � f .�."'F. .,�.. �Y{� Y' P ` II� � - I ~`'���. �� ;�`''�''�"�'�!.- �'� / A ' t.,� , i ' .�' ��, .', Y� ./,� . � . ..� . �� � — � � � �,_ �� � � �� �:� � � j µ �K . j�l�: � t� � �� y- . , , . ; ;, :,q, a . ���y�� ��+.a�.:� , .' .__. ...�..,. .,,,�.:.. . ,.... , �,,,� l::;` �r����� ' timbers to prevent further �''�"`�'�'� �����°� ��� ,to wait�er�lraiining from the ... detic r, _.._ � � } -�� entor��1 ...i h.6i?�ra,.. y,u ts,...»; �S �..FP.'�^ �rM'rA'n.,Ltif'� ';.,.�.�..M �tf.,. d+�n. ro�.J,RA$+s.i+�Sso.��'.6�:.... Parking Lot and Drive Repairs - 2015 z ��r ` ` ��' ���,� • Re-surfacing,patching,curb :`'���,�` replacement and striping . � .� ter''; . T 4 y�.XY . .. ,� ��' � • Teasdale Park and Houser Way � 4. . , �." a:. b�. u��..' .�` y.,,� ,' 3 .. ' �y ... r .���e�w�}�yyMylO�� 1/� Y� '��. . :�,1*a``m�.�d'�t4RP="'°,i�'v°�''..�`la��R'-�`�e�a:�9M.„63t'b�+a'�5�.`�k+C�s.'�"« t�w.n,e�?£t�`�'4�."^�ia.m�s..:4"�a��`v: � Pathways, Sidewalks, Patio and a Ik Repairs • New ADA walk improvements r ......,, , c ., : - . ' move/repair walks with safety ",�, s =�� ,.*s+ , ��� � .. � � '°�; r1' r•L. �+ .� '�4 '�', K .�u���; �' ,y �S .t �.. �y , ' ' : � : ,'� fl a��� �i` -:���►.�. "��� r � :t � ,<:,'e�'�a' .�� M, Teasdale Park AOA Walk Ph�rArntrl��a ,. `ik y }g �R.�R �h� �. 8 � �„,�;[ �� P , �..i' . d s5 FB' � ��:7„��'^E.:`�� � k� �. d�,,t'„"p *°�vb� 3� x ��: 3 . �--... 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N�'�`. `,�'w.b+,-'�",«.;�4,:ve: ��- k .�"-+ �. �:' �.. i� � �. ., ,, r : � w � � 7 -.x" w.+'�'E" < � , �s �r`��;�'. �� � °`{�,��� r. +t.a� �'.;� :: . ���. ,� ��� r� �� � ;�tt�:+;..' ;�'�,�::t�. . _ "H u-I a�-ve s Yo u ! Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event �,AK. .� �.._.� � I I�'f I 1t - : � �� r� � � ' � � � .� < � y, �!���T� � � -�'�` •� .� �.��' t � - ,� ;;I �� '„���y ` Y '�Yr } �,�1� � �r.v ,� , .. . : ...��� The City celebrated with 290 ,�., � volunteers at the"Hu-la-ves �'^` • .'� '� You!"Annual Volunteer ' -� , ;' � „ Appreciation Event. Everyone j ,� "� ��,��-���� �k- enjoyed a Luau buffet and ,���4 � �, �y �-: k� r great Tahitian Drumming and ; � -�' ` ����' �� Dancing including a fire dance. - '"" ' <_.. �� � ;�� . .., .. �� .__ _� _-- ��� i 2 + 5/12/2015 "Hu-la-ve� You ! Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event � ., � ..; r�, .��� .�, ��� °, ; � �. �� 3"`` -� � ��y - .� � . ,_ � � �� , [� � � f�. � . 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