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04/14/2015 - Minutes
C[TY OF RENT01\4 � MAY � � 2015 �I�� O� ����0� RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE �oard of Pa�k Commissioners � D ���of ti�Y o , o O UA � 4 � � '��'N'r�� � ll�eeting Minute� r April 14, 2015 4:30 p.m. — City Hall — 7th Floor Conferencing Center I. CALL TO ORDER In Attendance The following members were present: Members: Cynthia Burns, Larry Reymann, AI Dieckman, Mike 0'Donin,Tim Searing, Troy Wigestrand, Marlene Winter Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach, Kelly Beymer, Doug Jacobson, Debbie Little, Kris Stimpson, Shawn Daly Guests: Avni Mungra, Dhanji Mungra, Ruth Perez The April meeting was called to order by Chair, Cynthia Burns, at 4:30 p.m. following a tour of Liberty Park Library. Roll call was taken; all members were present. il. APPROVAL OF AGEIVDA► Terry Higashiyama requested to move the notice of Earth Day/Arbor Day up on the agenda. Larry Reymann made a motion, seconded by AI Dieckman to approve the April-l4, 2015, agenda as amended. All were in favor, motion carried. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Troy Wigestrand and seconded by Mike O'Donin to approve the March 2015 minutes as written, all were in favor, motion carried. The minutes were approved as submitted. IV. ADMINISTRQ►TOR'S REPORT Terry welcomed Councilmember Ruth Perez to our meeting and asked Marlene to introduce our guest, Avni Mungra, a student and her father. Avni was interested in attending a meeting and learning about the Parks Commission and possibly applying to ' serve as a Youth Member. She currently serves on the Youth Leadership Council. � City'of Renton � - ' Park Board Minutes Apri1 14,2015 � Page 2 of 3 � V. BOARD COMNiUNICATION City Center Plan—Mike O'Donin There was nothing to report this month. Cedar River Stakeho/der Group—Larry Reymann and Mike 0'Donin The next meeting will be in May. Marlene Winter—Dog Park Marlene shared pictures and gave kudos to Terry Flatley and AI Dieckman for their help at the Dog Park. - VI. INFORMATION Earth Day/Arbor Day Terry Flatley presented the Board members with hats and t-shirts for Earth Day/Arbor Day. The event will be Saturday, April 25, at Coulon Park and volunteers will plant trees , and flowers, spread chips, and clean areas in the park promoting a healthy environment. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Lake Washington Boulevard Update—Hotel Projects—Chip Vincent Chip Vincent, Community and Economic Development Administrator, was present to update the Board members on current hotel projects along Lake Washington Blvd at Exit 5. These projects include Southport (hotel and office), Hampton/Legacy Inn and Residence Inn. The Southport Project will have 350 hotel rooms with 750,000 sq. ft. of office space, 40,000 sq. ft. convention space, and a 10,000 sq. ft. restaurant. Expected ' completion of construction will be 2017. The Legacy/Hampton Inn will have 105 rooms and be five stories on 1.25 acres with expected construction completion in late 2016. The Residence Inn will also be five stories and have 146 rooms with 146 parking stalls. This project is still awaiting the formal Land Use-application therefore building permit and construction dates are to be determined. � Lake Washington Boulevard Traffic Impacts—Doug Jacobson � Doug Jacobson explained the traffic impacts for six proposed-developments along Lake Washington Boulevard corridor. Twelve intersections were evaluated and improvements recommended to mitigate the traffic impacts for each development. Graphs�were shared showing peak hour traffic and the develo.pment vehicle trip generation during peak hours. The key findings included that the majority of Lake Washington Blvd can remain a two-lane roadway. Capacity improvements will only be needed near the I-405/N 44th Street interchange and at the south end of the Lake Washington�Blvd near the access to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. A traffic signal should be constructed at the North 43rd Street, additional capacity with 1-405 improvements will reduce traffic by 15-25% on Lake Washington Blvd. Doug answered , several questions from the audience. ' H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2015 Park Board\4.12.15min.docx � � � � City of Renton - � � ' , � Park Board Minutes � ���� � April 14,2015 Page 3 of 3 � Senior Center Business Plan—Kris Stimpson, Shawn Dall, Debbie Little A copy of the draft Business Plan was distributed to all of the members. Shawn, Kris and Debbie reiterated planning for the increase in and changing preference of older adults in the community. Input was-derived from the Planning Committee, Staff, and Stakeholder Focus Groups. This project took a one year period and had numerous meetings - betwe.en the various groups as well as private interviews. Trends demonstrate the � � population of.older adults in Renton is growing. Additionally it is increasing in ethnic and cultural diversity. Access to services is a challenge for older residents and can cause � isolation. We need to increase awareness of our services. Our goals include increase demand programming,�increase capacity of Renton's systems of services and supports, and improve access and transportation to improve quality of life for all of Renton's older adults: We also need to build partnerships with organizations and institutions that also serve the older adult population. VIII. OLD BUSINESS � 2014-Carry Forward—Terry Hiqashiyama , � � Due to time constraints Terry noted we will address the 2014 carry fo'rwards at our May meeting, as well as discuss the Sub-Committee Ordinance Review. IX. INFORMA►TION Terry,quickly reminded everyone the brochures for the Renton Community Center , and Renton Senior Activity Center were in their packets. Upcoming events include � Arbor Day/Earth Day on April 25 and the Volunteer dinner on April 28. Our May meeting will be a presentation on Capital Improvement Projects and we will elect a new Chair effective June 9, 2015. X. ADJOURNMENT . A motion was made by Larry Reymann and seconded by Tim Searing to adjourn the April 2015 meeting at 6:00 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned. � r . , � gnature � � � � �� � �� N�XT FtEGUL,A�MEETING � ������ �� �� IVlay 12, 20�:5 �ouncil Co�,ference Raorn--7t�'F!'aor H:�Boards and Commissions\Park Board�2,015 Park Board\4.12.15min.docx CITY OF IZEl\TTOl\1 Pt�Ri� BOA1�D 1VIEETIl�T� SIGN-I1o1 S�IEET DATE �ipri114, 2015 Do you wash to l�Tarme Acldress City/Zip Pho�e speak? PLEASE PRINT Yes No �L�-�t GY�u�E�t I�26 �ww/� � � ��� �d -1�s'�-3�� � ��'�, `�`�V'� �CJ� ,��,�4 \�C� ����, . �� `�Y��U �%�V���j���Z1 �l ; �� �.r: �, _ �' �� . . . � . � . . � . , .. � � . . . . .. �.:�.'�� - . � � . . , . � � � � . . budget adjustment-Log 2015[arry Forward Budget Amendment =Field Required OUf d m 11�5 n be fo nd her � � =Need to create acmun[ i =Need to review account - I j =no[in fund summary,budget neu[ral wi[hin fund �j ' — 1 —� —__ �. 4- 3 2 . . . . . .t..__ . _ —_—_— . 'Account e t Ordinance DescdpHon Account 2015 Amount �',. 2016 Amount Detailed Oescriotion Enteret���.Fun �eot '�, T e Additional Notes I —�- Highlands to landing Landscape �� Transferfrom PW for Highlands to �I � Highlands to Landing CS 001.000000.020397J6.00.000 5,000.00'� MB 001 020 '�Revenue Maintenance � Landinglandscape maintenance II ., Landscape Maintenance.pdf CS Knotweed Control Gran[ 001332040.020337.07.00.000 189,280.00 I'�; MB 'i001 020 '�.Revenue PPNR CF Requestxlsz I 2014 balance of admin travel& i CS I CANN' ro ram � �001.000000.020.573.9031.011 2 439 00� MB 001 020 :'Expendit�CS Admin CF Request.pdf � Iraimn ex enses for 2015 use. i.. . I B P . . . . .._...___--- --- ---- --------- — — --- , � 'p g � Balance of KCPH 2O13 sponsorship MB ��001 020 Ezpendrt��NRE Carryforward Request pdf< j �. CS ClamLights 001.000000.020.573.90.49.000 2,000.001 Ivar'ssponsorship MB i001 020 ��Ezpendit�NREfarryforwardRequesCpdf•; i CS 4thofluly 001.00OOOOA20.573.90.49.000 28,000.00� Ivar'ssponsorship MB �i001 020 �'�Expendit�NRECarryforwardRequest.pdf� I I MapleValleyHighwaylandscape ! . I MapleValleyHighway CS 001.000000.020.576.80.41.003 30,000.00'�. MB 1001 020 '�Fspendit� maintenance �I �,, Landscape Maintenance.pdf Rainier landscape UB trensferred �� �� i CS fromTransportation 001.000000.020.576.80.47.002 10,500.00 MB ��001 020 I Ezpendit RainierUB.pdf � CS ContractArborist 001.000000.020.576.81.41.003 60,000.00� MB ��DOl 020 '�Exoendit4ContractArhonst.pdf Rainier landscape maintenance full - II ' Rainier Landscape CS 001.00OOOOA20.576.81.48.003 10,000.00 i MB '��,001 020 'Expendit� year rather than 1/2 year. �, Maintenance.pdf -- . _--_ _._____. _....__.__.._ ._.._—._..._ __._.__—. _—-_— . _._..._-- _._____—_--- . __. - --- __ : T_--___ Mighlands to Landing Landscape i �I� High!ands to Landing CS 001.000000.02�.576.81.48.003 5,000.00 MB '�001 020 '��Expendit Maintenance I 'il '��, landscape Maintenance pdf � We will waiY until CS gets[he full$14k '� I ; CS FM/Eventtrailerpurchase 001.000000.020.597.79.00.000 - fundsbeforetrensferringmFlee[for MB I001 020 ��F�cpenditUNRECarryforwardRequesGpdf' � purchase. �� � 6 Knotweed Control Grant 001332040.020.576.81.41.010 160,703.00� MB �001 020 .Expendit PPNR CF Requestxlsx Trensfer from CED for additional I � CS 316.000000.005.397.00.00.098 100,000.00 i I316 005 I Revenue CED Cf 2015.pdf Permit Area Reconfiguration coscs ��, CS Sunset Park Parrel B�emo 316332043.005397.00.00.001 350,000.00�'� • IW �316 005 !Revenue Sunset 8 Duplex Demo I I � proposalcoverform.pdf CS Riverview 8ridge Replacement 316332041.020334.04.20.000 724,460.00;1 MB '31fi 020 ��Revenue PPNR CF Requescxlsz Pathway5idewalkPatioBoardwalk ' TrensfertoFacilitiesforsikuflex CS 316.000000.020.597.18.00.000 32,322.00 MB '316 020 �'�Ezpendit PPNR CF Reques[xlsx Repairs ' sidewalkrepairsatCityHall. � ' H:\Finance\Budget\1CY�2.Budget Adjustments\2015 CarryforwaYd\2015 Carry Forward Budget Amendment Page 1 of 4 ,* budget adjustment-Log 2015 Carry Forward Budget Amendment =Field Required Source documents can found here _�__ � =Need[o create acmun[ � I =Need m review account .____�__..-------- — ----— — -- —_ _ - =not in tund summary,budgct neutral wi[hin fund � ___ .__ — .. _ _ ,_ e 4 3� 2 _ . ..... . _.._. ..._1 ._ . I Account __ . _... : � � � IFund e t AdditlonalNotes 1 Oe t Ordiwnce Descnotion � Aaount 2015 Amount I 2016 Amount DetaUed Oescriution Ent rer � Tvoe CS AdditionalPermitReconfiguration I 316.220054.020.594.58.62.000 300,000.00 I316 020 Expendit CED CF 2015.pdf ms[s. CS Disas[er Repairs 316330033.020.594Jfi.fi3.000 200,000.00� MB ;316 020 Expendit PPNR CF Request.xlsx CS Regis Park Athletic Field Expansion 31fi332003.020.594.76.fi3.000 508,000.00 MB 316 020 �Expendit PPNR CF Requestxlsx ____ __ —L—___ _____ __ � � Complete 6askethall court renovation at CS Sport Court Repairs 316.332007.020.594.76.63.000 52,458.00 Maplewood Park MB 316 02D Expendit PPNR CF Request.xlsx -_.___ _.__... _ . ___—_____—. __ _ —._.__.__. _- __-_ _— . _ ._ . Coulon Paving Study;repairs at Coulon, CS Parking lot and Driveway Repairs 316.332008.020.594.76.63.000 69,418.00 Teasdale,&Houser MB I316 02D Expendit PPNR CF Request.xlsx Irrigation Automation& CS 316.332010.020.576.8135.000 15,000.00 i MB 316 020 Ezpendih PPNR CF Request.xlsz Conservation CS Grant Matching. 316332011 020.594J6.61.000 211,182.00 . I316 020 i Expendit PPNR CF Request.xlsx ; ..__.. .._.... _ _____._._ ._.—.__.._ ___._ __ _....__.... _. ____.._�.__-- _ _—_— t _.__ _. . _ CS Grent Matching 316332011020.594J6 61.000 3S 818.00 I Restore balance from year-end savings. MB I316 020 I Expendit PPNR Cf Request.xlsx i I � ---- —- -- -- —----- - ----T� ---- --._.__. _.. -- �-- -- --- — — � -- CS Tree Maintenance 31fi332012.020.576.81.41.003 139,83fi.00 � M8 316 @0 I Fxpendi[ PPNN Cf Request.xlsx 7ransfer balance of Ur6an Forestry � CS Tree Maintenance 316332012.020.576.81.61.003 31,644.00� p�ogram ro Tree Maintenenace M8 316 020 I Enpendit PPNR CF Requestxlsx CS Parks MM-Ligh[System Upgrades 316332023.020.59476.63.000 142,516.00' MB I316 020 Expendit PPNR CF RequesLxlsx i Transfer535kfrom Parks MM ( ;, CS Parks MM-Light System Upgrades 316.332023.020.594J6.63.000 35,000.00� MB 316 020 I Expendit PPNR CF Request�lsx ,� Landscape Renovation balance -- — � --- --- .. __._ .. --- —.___. __..----- -- ----- — Parks MM-Shoreline and Bank � � CS 31fi.332024 020.594.76 63.000 100,000.00�� MB 31fi 020 'Expendit PPNR CP Request.Mlsx ; Stabilizatian � - - --__ --- —_..__... --- -- --- -- — — — _..__.._ _ Parks MM-BoundaryTopographit& CS Site 316.332025.020.594.76 fi3 000 12,798.00 MB 316 020 Expendk PPNR CF RequestMlsx Parks MM-Landscape Renova[ion& CS 316.332027.020.576.81.48.000 4,522.00 I M9 I316 020 I Expendit PPNR CF Requestxlsx Repair I Parks MM-Structural Reviews& CS 316.332028.020.576.81.41.000 6,721.00 M6 316 020 Expendit PPNR CF Request.xlsx Repairs Parks MM-Structurel Reviews& � Additional appropriation from year end CS 316.332028.020.576.81.41.000 11,279.00� M0 316 020 Expendit PPNR CF RequestMltx Repairs — savingsforBoathouse5tructurelReview —�— --- King founty Prop 2 CAP EXP LEW�� CS 316.332029.�20.594.76.61.000 457,846.00 MB 316 020 Erzpendit PPNR CF Request.zlsz FUND Bronze plaque base and sponsorshlp CS Accessihle Playground 316.332035.020.594J6.63.000 13,803.00 sign fabrication and installation. MB I316 020 Expendit PPNR CF Requestxlsx CS Riverview Bridge Replacement 316.332041.020.59476.63.000 806,436.00 MB 316 020 I Eupendit PPNR CF RequesCxlsx 6 Sunset EIS Park-Land 316332043A20.594.76.61.000 305,619.00 I Demalition of ezis[ing structures MB 316 020 �Expendit PPNR CF Requestxlsx H:\Finance\Budget\1CY\2.Budget Adjustments\2015 Carryforward\2015 Carry Forward Budget Amendment Page 2 of 4 �.� � �,..� _�'� � -��- �,� . �� , �� . : budget adjustment-Log 2015 Carry Forward 8udget Amendment =Field Required .SOUf f�OCURI nts can be f und here � =Need m create account '� � =Need to review a[munt ��', � — . .___._____.._.__.___— ._ j =not in fund summary,budget neutral within fund �' ' . —_._.—______..—_ __—__-- _—._ _ .__ _. 1, '. 4... 3 2 � . . . . . . ., i _... _ ..._..vo._ �. Ac[oun[ De t Ordinance Desatotion Account 2015 Amount I 2016 Amount Detailed Descriotion nt r r iFund Deot T e Additional Notes ---------- — — — —I _ .. ___--- ----. —._. ..... �� I ' CS Sunse[8 Duplex Demo 316332043.020.594J6.61.000 350,000.00 - IW ��I316 020 !ExpenditJSunset 8 Duplex Demo �proposal mverform.pdf CS SunsetElSPark-Improvements 316332043.020.594J6.63.000 270,685.00�I MB �316 020 !ExpenditcPPNRCFRequestxlsa i Trenster$40kfromCoulonParkTurf �� 6 Sunset EIS Park-Improvements 316332043.020.594J6.63.000 40,000.00��, Replacement balance MB 1316 020 �Expendit IPPNR CF Request.xlsx Coulon Park Tennis Courts Transfer 6alance of Coulon Park � CS 316.332045.020.594.76.63.011 90,720.00 I�� MB '�316 020 �.6cpendtt4PPNR CF Requestxisx Refurbishment '� Shoreline Erosion �� �� CS Coulon Park Lighting Repairs 316332045.020.594J6.63.012 124,216.00' M8 '�,316 020 '�Expendit4PPNR CF Requestxisz CS Coulon Park7urf Replacement 316332Q45.020.59476.63.014 7,405.00�' MB 1316 020 ;Expendit PPNR CF Requestxisx I I CS Coulon Park Paver Re lacement 316332045.020594J6-63.018 420 661.00� Transfer$200k from Dol hins/Camei MB _-316 020 �Expendit�PPNR CF Request.xisx f P I __-_. .__-___ ____.._.__ _.—_- — ___._.—. . ._- —___— .___-�-._..__.__—. _—__—-- _ .y_ — _ —_____ _. ` I, � CS Couion Park Paver Replacement 316332045.020.594J6.63.018 200 000.00 P MB �316 020 �I ExpenditGPPNR CF Request.xisx � Logs Replacement balance ��.. Coulon Park Dolphins/Camel Logs I �I CS Replacement 316.332045A20.594J6.63.019 139,688.00' MB ,31fi 020 ,�Expendit PPNR CF Requestxlsx �� Trensfer in reconciled balance of KC ' � CS North Highlands Park Improvements 316332051A20.594J6.63.000 4,048.00'�. prop 1 Levy Funds MB ��316 020 I�Expendit�PPNR CF Request.xlsx �� Transfer in Veterens Memorial Park- CS North Highlands Park Improvementsl316332051.020.594J6.63.000 30,323.00�� MB I316 020 �Fxpendit�PPNR CF Requestxlsx � Plaque Replacement balance �� I CS NorthHighlandsParklmprovements 316.332051A20.594J6.63.000 10,D00.00�� 2014CVSgrencreceived MB ��316 020 II Expendit PPNRCFRequestzlsx i Transfer Parks MM-Plagrds,Kiosks& CS Li6erty Park Improvements 316.332054.020.594J6.63.000 261,9R.00� I MB �316 020 �li FxpenditcPPNR CF Request.xlsx � 'Interpretive5igns6alance i CS Big55ite 336.000000.020.594.72.61.000 43fi,374.00��. CarryForward IHN !336 020 '�,Expenditc336.pdf CS Highlands Library 336.220033A20.594J2.62.000 8,239,419.00' - CarryForward HN 1336 020 �I Expendit 336.pdf CS CedarRiverLi6rery 336.220043.020.594J2.62.000 6,653,967.D0�, CarryPorward HN 1336 020 I Expendit�336.pdf Pathway5idewalkPatioBoardwalk ' TransfertoFacilitiesforsikuflex � 'i CS � 504.000000.020.397.18.00.000 32,322.00� MB �i504 020 ��,Revenue PPNR CF Request.xlsx �Repairs ! sidewalkrepainatCityHall. ' Pathway5idewalkPatioBoardwalk �, TransfermFacilitiesforsikuflex �� CS 504.000000.020.518.22.48.000 32,322.00� MB .504 020 i Expendit PPNR CF Requescxlsx Repairs ! sidewalkrepairsatCityHall. � I CS FS11GeneretorUpgrade 504.220004.020.59418.62.000 12,954.001 MB �504 020 Fxpendit 504Carryforwardreqest.pdf CS fSI6WindowsReplarement 504.220608.020.594.18.62.000 27,00O.00i MB I504 �20 �Expendit 504Carryforwardreqest.pdf � i _ __ --__ _—_ .__ ' _ —__._._._.._____._._____— -- - Add 3 private offices in HR;3rd floor � CS CiryHallimprovements 504120012.020.594.18.62.000 56,413.00�, MB ��,504 020 '�,Expendit 504CarryforwardreqesLpdf � training room improvements � H:\Finance\Budget\1CY\2.Budget Adjustments\2015 Carryforward\2015 Carry Forward Budget Amendment Page 3 of 4 _, budget adjustment-Log zois ca�ry Fo�a.a e�aget nme�ame�� =F�eie Req���ea � _ _ _ Source do ments can be found her =Need to create accoun[ =Need to review acmunt --.__.--_-- —_---_..______. —. ___—_ ..___--_—__. - _ =not in fund summary,budget neutral within fund � 1 I 4�_3. 2 ._ __ ... .__ .. . . . . .. r �— .. ___ . __. . I......._- Account Deo[ Ordinance Descriotion Account ZOSS Amount � 2016 Amaunt Deta�led Descriotion Enterer Fund De t T Additianal Notes —— voe ..-----�-- ---._ .._ —.i_. .___ � CS � Senior Center Roof Replacement 504120013.020.594.18.62.000 51,244.00 M8 504 020 Expendit 504 Wrry forward reqest.pdf ; CS Instailationofconduitforholiday 504120016.020.594.18.62.000 10,000.00 MB 504 020 Expendih504Carryforwardreqest.pdf ' ligh[s-Coulon Park � Ci[y-wide Exerclse Equipmen[ CS 504.220017.020.594.18.62.000 7,782.00� Balanre of restricted donation MB 504 020 Expendit Recreation CF.pdf Replacemen[�onation 22,497,189.00 i - � I H:\Finance\Budget\1CY\2.Budget Adjustments\2015 Carryforward\ZO15 Carry Forward 8udget Amendment Page 4 of 4 • �a����a�� ���►�� i�� �- ��t . � � ,�e����r' az . ��� . �� �. . '� : ' . . ,�' . . �..... �� `�j �. � � ��- `���y� : _ � �� `�.����.��,:►. ',� ! ;�►',� ��`r,ra� �.�5 ,�., '���,;.,.h,.,�,��,'`� � -`_ „a t ,'� �r� - �� � , �� �''��;y < Check-in at 9:OOan� ,w,�-,�,. �` '�'.`�'� , ,: Event is 9:30am-11:30art� �� -� ��' `' � . ,��:�� . �,_ Thomas Teasdale Park 601 S. 23rd Street The Spring"Green & Clean"park project is a great way to help maintain the parks for everyone to enjoy. REGISTER AT R�n�on!^�a.gov/cyb��signu� Use cours� #�5617 or call 425-��0-6700 DRESS FOR THE WEATHER. r, c,y,�r , ��� 'r�s�� �o�vNZEER OPPORTUN'�Y� � �: :��� � , ARBOR DAY & EARTH DAY SATU RDAY, APRI L 25 .�;- ��...� � .�.%:..-- ,�_ _��� " _ „ ,�_ ',,�.._ t�_ --~ _ � �`�.��, r�,p�: _-*r � •`�,. �,. � �`' �j �,��t. ,.,`�; �. _ Check-in: 9:OOam • Event 9:30am-1:OOpm Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 1201 Lake Washington Blvd. North Plant trees and flowers, spread landscaping chips,and clean areas in the park to promote a healthy environment.Free lunch and i-shirt to celebrace your hard work! TO REGISTER 425.430.6600 DRESS FOR THE WEATHER! r ccy or, s �'��.rJS1� _ . _ .. �-r- , � ���.�,��� �.� �---�� �� ��_._._��.� ���� ��,� �� �...-.� �, � _ ., � �. �-_-� � . - a - . � ,< ..4� .. � „ . , , ; , .. 3 � . . �: . _ , _ . �,, . � , .��., � s. . . . _ _; x _: ,�. .�. � . -_ _.. . , �- _ , .dh � yF � . . _ o:. � , _ _ �.:. ' � _ _. _ �: : �. _ � ; � _ en y ale �V�egh�o�h od A���cia��on _ . . _ Dou� .laco �on, Deputy u ic or s rninistrator _ _ . _ Januar 27 2 Y , 01� _ _ _ . ��t� of ��� �, $ � � � � � � �; . r ������ �� - � �� : _ " � � � {rt .� r:� r, . � _ � . _ . � ,. � , �. . . � ,. � _ : .,:� ��.::. � . ;ro:,� �........ ; ..;�*_ �.��., rt:, '�'i'!7'��.. C�mmuni�ty anci. Eco�iomic I)e�velopment _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __.. _ _. _ _ _ _ �� , :�-� � ;. ���� ��..��� �.� �,. �--��-� -�� :� F. � � � �;:. , �;`�' � , : � _ . � � ,� , H� � � _ _ . . . _ • Tra ic irnpacts o Six Propose _ . _. eve �pr�ents � on� a e as� in�ton o _ _ v - orri or (y���ow� _ _ • 12 1 ntersections E�a l uated (r�d) � 2035 �ack�round Tra ic Vo ur�nes _ • Recor�nr�nended improvernents to r� iti�ate . . _ tra ic irnp�cts or eac - eve oprnent - ��`� �"� :: � � : � � � � � � �° o � �� ��,� Aflf:rCL) OF TIi� 'CiJRVE..::.. _. _.. __.. _. �: j . . , . . . . . . . �. �x��.: �-��..e.:..+�<e k -�#`..} ..�,.�.�-n.t.*+. , . .. . . . —.+�c ,... .. . �.. ...'awa°9°"..`°�"` _^--d � . Fgure 1. Study Intersections and Potential Developments . �� -� �.� � a �_ ; - �;, � �.�� , ��� .,.� •r ��`�' �r' �fl `"� '., '�.,n°r}�er.�r,§ �. ._� : � y �hENNYDP1EgM171wED U�E " �wy� _ i * ` :� � � �� '��� X C�UENC�ti1.L TERMINPL� 'A .1 � ; � , � N{�1N� . Y l' �Q3'aP� ��' 5 .r�t ��-`��_��,�i . 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'... q _. . � 6 � � � � 0 , : _ . . , lnboundJ Ou�tbound ; : To�al � _ � � . _ Southport Fiotel : 109 � _ , 104 213 - _ _ - _ �_ � , d _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _. , _ _, , �� � �.Renton Hotel �� .� : ��:. � 3��. _�:..��� � �;. 37 � � .� =. � 7`5�� � � � � , Kennydale . 103 _ 81 1�4 _ _. _ , Rfl.ixed-lJse _, _ Hawk's �Landing 53 : �:` � 51 ; 104 ,_ : _ _ , _ - Southport ; 156� 762 ; : 91� _ - Office __ : . , : � � . � �� �� « � _ Q�e�ndall . `: ,� , 340 : 19_0 :; . 530 - _ , ; _ � Terminals ; , . , a; . - , _ , _ � Total , 799 ; 1;225 2;024 _ . _ _ � � � � l:.�...�....�.� �. :: � �' + � + � 1�T 'I' � � �'.,��T�c� ,��-�k',c�> a r �r rt r c t;x v�:. .. _ _ �,--,--- �. ���.�.�.�.��� _.�;�.�.� �-�-�.�� - � , _�, > > , ., �a a _.-� - -�.�--�. �w ��H ��,�-�,�,..� . � �� s a ar, . _ � ._ � r „ �;� _ �v. �> .;,� a_ n ,� �, . � � � �. �: � . � . � . _ _ . o 10 T e t�t�Jor�tyo La: e VVas in�ton � v can remain a 2-: ane _ _ roadway. Capacity irnpro�err�ents will only be needed near the 1-405/I� 44t Street Interchan�e and at the south end of the Lake Washin�ton �I�d near the Gene Coulon Park_access. _ 2. A traffic si nal should be con�tructed at the North 43rd Street. � _ 3 _ A . itiona capacity wit 1�405 �nlprover�ents vvi re uce _ _ _ _ _ traffic by 15-25% on Lake ilVashin�ton �Ivd. This traffic - - _ : reduction could be as hi�h as 50-60%;is so all vehicles assumed to be usin� Lake V!/ashington �Ivd as an 1-405 bypass route were to use I 405 for their trip. _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ � _. _ ��" _ _. _ _ _ s� � + ,,,� � - � � I� 'I' C� N `�"�'i ��� n�-t���c> or �•Iir: rL�zv�:.:. . _ _ � � � � �����.� ���� � ������� � �--�����' �� `�`�`�' `"'�"��, � � s ,. ; � ort ��un _ - I A��S Ex�� ? 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' � � �� �� 1-405 �Ex��t 7��� (�IV�o���rth� 44t )� S��out�h�bou.nd � � � . , Ram s : p . , « » . _ Existing l.evel of Service 6 . . . . _ . , � i�na ization recommen e . . . , . _ �:�, � _ - � � � ,�,� � � � NT � I�T �'� �a�' ,��-1.�,�n o�� -rrt� cv_nv�..::.. : { � .� �-� ��-�-� �� �-���� �.�.�-� ��.,—��-��--�� ��,.��� �� �� -.� ��-�� �-��:�--��. � � � � 3 �^ ; c.�� . ... ��' .:. <,` p� F. � �- _ ' ��� " �� � .'F3� d�.�''.. ,�". �`� �� . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . ... .. .... .. ... . .... :. ... . ..._ : ... ; .... . ; ... _ ..�� � .... . . . .. . . .. .� �..�..�. ' . . . . . . '.. ..�. �. .�. _ • i�ort� 43rd Str��et l ntersection _ . . . �� » • Exi�tin� Lev� o S�rvice � _ _ _ _ � Si�nali�ation r�quired vvhen Quendall _ T�rr�inal Proj�ct is built � � _ , �� „ . . . Le�e o ervic� � a ter si�na izatior� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � v:�-----� �. ;:, ,s � � �. � I� � �T '�' C� I� �'.� �� _ _ ,�rrr:�� ar• 7-rcx cunv�.:. .. _. . :, �-, -� ., �c.�. -� :� _.: ,. <, � � � �; . >.. �.. . . . . ,: .�� � � ,,' ,� ,. . £ ,. � ..,. �, �, �3. . , `�"-��, �� �_ � ,M:,� � ... . � � ,. �, .� . ... � :.: ,��� � � 4 . . . , �� � .. �m � e _.. ... � _.� � � . �z. � � <. �.�"..�< a� �. �� �... ,- "�`? a �,a � �.> �, x � � r ...a .. , � �: ?��v. .. . . . ..,.. . ..�.... .:.� ,... ._.. �. §� � .....,... , .� . . ,., .. �. .....�� a -�.�..o- .? ..., `�4.`... � s.t F. , ,. . .�.�.. �s�a.:�� �...:<. >��=`.x ......��.: �:3a,,. ?,...n .. � .� .. �.. �. .� ... . �.. � :.�. . �,. � :�.. .��. `�` � . .,.. r >.,.. .:: ...,.<,. ...:a � ... .,.... i:�..:,t � �., . . �...,. �.'}.v..: x-21..,� .:�- . .:� ,�`,.a.��� >`�,.� P ..., � .._ �t�; .�.,.�� ,�..�� � .t": �. .,..._ .ax:.,. ._ ._. . >:. . ..... £ ::� . . .�. :,.. � ..a � :_" -s -�.. � ,. � .; :;t �" ..,:� a., m� ,.,� .::: ',�. . � ..,� �., �«,.. �'�... .� ,; ,�„f„ .�,4 ��...t ''� r� .vr ...ea"��,'�.� s � � �. �';,�� �.� ..-A� � ���r ,.,. :, .:� �_-:' s .;.s z >t, � �' � i �� - � � �� � �'� �'��������x��`� ��'�"���.x�" '� � �i Sz.�=� ''i . � �. a „ : �. ti. r ._ _. . , . ; , _ .. �a.. , , . ., . , _.. , , _. .,_��.. . . _ . � . : ,�< , � r. � ;� � � ���:�: ���� • �: � ��.�: ��� � � - • � � �Se� h a�wks��1Nay .�L�a ke �Wa sh i n�gt�o��n B�I�vd ��� �� � � �� : _ : � � � � �� Existi�n� �� le�vel � of S���rvi��� � �� « � „ � . � :: .� � � . � Ce � �� � � .�. � � ��Reconfi ������uration���and����sig�n�alizatio�n� is� �r�eq�u�ired ��� �� � ���� �� ��� . g - when Quendall Terminal Proj�ect is built . - : , , :. � : _ : . _ _ ._ �.}.:,, ,,� ,. � . _ , . + .� �` ;. . � 1\TT � RT : �'.� . 1E-IG'iCI>,OI+'.TI3�:'G:U"RV1: ��. � � ..,� �,��,� .._ , Q t � � � ,,�� � � �� �, �k � . �: � . �: �.: .. �� . �� _ �� �. �.. �: � � : :� � � , �� �� . ��� � : �� � � � � �� � 1�� 40�5� EXit� .6 � N�orth 3�0� � � � _ _ . . . � « � ,� _ � � � � •� Ex�st��n�� Level ��of Se�rv�ce 6 � � � � . , � _ . � � � ���.�evel��of��S��erv���ce� "C„ a�fte��r��all����� eve��� op�me�nts � ���� . : � . . _ _ _ . : �� � ;;. � ''" � E N T O leT �'.�N�o AF4EAU or• 7•tiE cunvL:.::... �� ,.,. e�, _ _ �� b. � � , � � � , � , ,,- .. � - .. .,. ,. ,� - � ._ ,, � _ _� ,s , , _,� � �� _ . ' _:. � , .` . �.:. _: _: -::: _ � South Coulon: Park lake Washington Blvd . . . _ « » . Ex�stin� Level o Service D . . . . � Southport Hotel �s �nstalling two new traffic _ . - signa s � , , . . « „ � level: of Service C after signalization _ . • « �, • • Rema�ns level of Service C w�th the additional tra#fic from two additional sma er ote s . ; _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ � :. � _ _ , _ � �. ,� + I� E N T � N `�.���o� _ AF6E�\D OF TIiE 'CURVE:.:. .. � �—�--� ,. � -�-�--�-- - . µ _; �� �r �_ � » - , . _ _ � , , , � , _ _ � . „ . , . � _ a_� � � -_ . � � � _ _� _. .. � _.....� � �� � � � � �:. � ����Lake Wa�s �� �ingt�on���B v �� �� �Ga�r� en Ave � � _ . . � � � _ �� �� � Intersectio�n� � � - � . . . «� „ � � � �� Existi�ng � Lev�l� of�� Serurce D � � � � _ � _ . « „ ; • Remarns Level of Serv�ce D after Sout part Hote - _ . . . « „ • Remains level of Serv�ce -D with the � . � additional traffic from two additional Hotels � _ , _ . _ � _ � .: � � - _ � ,� _ + E1�TTOlOT , t�F6E�\n.OF T3IF G,UILVG ` N`S Develo ment M iti ation p � Impr vemen s �,e,�,:�,. ijm - � . li�=: . . . . - � �,� Southport Hotel • Construct traffic signal at Gene Coulon Parl</Lake Washington Blvd N intersection (under construction). South End • None Smaller Hotel Kennydale • Construct southbound right-turn lane at NE 44th Mixed-Use Street/I-405 Northbound Ramps intersection. . Hawk's Landing • Construct traffic signal at NE 44th Street/I-405 IVorthbound Ramps Intersection. Southport Office • Change die NE 44th Street/I-405 SouthboundRamps inteYsection to all-way stop-control. • Widen Lake Wash�ngton Blvd N to 2lanes in each direcrion betcveen N Park Drive and Gene Coulon Park. • Rechannelize eastbound approach at the Gene Coulon Park/Lake Washington Blvd N inteYsecrion to a shared left-ttun/through lane and an exclusive iight-turn lane. • Construct second access to connect�vith Logan Avenue N. Quendall • Construct traffic signal at N 43rd Street/Lake �,`�Y Q ..__�,�,__, Terminal Washington Blvd N intersection: �;��;,��''�, � • Construct internal road east of the development site to � � ♦ RE N T � N connect N 43rd Street to Seahawks Way. �}��� � � �c,:'�rrQ n[�i�:r�n o r -i•t t�: c u ti v e �.i h ry� Rt . � - . , x� 4X' �1 $ �� ; 'S . ' ._ . ._:l rt . Yi �'4L �`" „'n; t . � .�: q. ' ' ...:, ' y� ' "e*' '.�'-: :. . �" �� . a � .. . ... . �".�� . . . . . .� � . . . ..�� � . �"����;�., ,� :x �m�.� ,v�yy,a � ? �, , `il c .ia _ ' . . . . .,. . . ��'fi`5.�i""�',�.'�""�i.rt..u�.�s:.. a-"'.." . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . � . : . .; . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . ._ . .. . . . . . . ... . ' . . �. .. . .....'. . .. 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"• ���: ,�- �� ., \ ,. �1 F .ye �r.; � , "� � :.�,. `��: �, ��� �, ■ � . ti -i . �� a � 19` � .� � 0 � P ° �� � e � Ack�cozvledgernents C6TY REPRESENTAT�VES PLANNIi�G CO�iMI7�EE 1Vlpyor pnCl City Co9�nCil ► Lynn Bohart;Executive Director, Renton s Denis Law, Mayor Community Foundation s Ed Prince, Council President ► Susan Dailey, Resident Services Coordinator, Renton Housing Authority ► Randy Corman - ► Jim Sullivan, Chairman of the Board, Senior � ► Marcie Palmer Housing Assistance Group and Renton - r Armondo Pavone Business Owner • ► Shelley Thompson, Senior General ► Ruth Perez Manager, Merrill Gardens ► Don Persson r Kate Turpin,Vice President/Programs, ► Greg Taylor Senior Services of Seattle/King County Sta� � ► Terry Higashiyama, Administrator ► Kris Stimpson, Recreation Director . ► Shawn Daly, Recreation Supervisor � Debbie Little, Recreation Coordinator , � Dianne Utecht, Human Services _ Coordinator �!= �? � i•� ':: • i i •� � , � i a � •a i , �'r ��, �i i ,�� i. � i � • �� i � . � �• � 1 i •� o . �� i 0 � • i11 � � a� .o � � �• � � , i � ��• � � • �•. .. � .�� .„ ,, _. ,, ,. ;. . . ,..._: . : ... .. ...:: , ,. _ . ,. .. � �:,. .. , . . .. .._; _ . ._ �. . �. i i� � � . �. . �� i i. •i .. i'. � � �;� i . .� i � 0, � � 0 •' I � S. I ' e t � � ,. � � � � , � � �7�C�1���1k1 r-- � - t �s��� . F�',!� - � �+, �-- �� ,,r, 1�,� -� �,�,;R,� �*'�� .,��`�,� F 3 � ' ' �#'� ��' '*����'�� __ - _ `� � ���' �� �� � �r ,�p� �- �.��,� ,_. ��'�-: '.,_ ` �, �:. , .m . . �'������ . . ,� . . _a_�,. _ ,.. . . �,, .;; ����� Many of you know that the baby boomer generation is reaching retirement. This "age wave" provides stress on services,�but also provides us with strong opportunities. This generation will be the healthiest, most educated and most affluent in history. However, there are still many vulnerable older adults within our community that we need to serve. The city will need to partner and collaborate with other agencies, such as businesses, nonprofits, and philanthropic organizations to expand capacity to provide these necessary services. The City of Renton has taken steps to address the needs of the older adult population by initiating this Older Adult Business Plan. The plan addresses trends in transportation, healthcare services, recreation opportunities, housing, service partners, and more. - Older adults provide a wealth of knowledge in the workforce, a pool of talent and experience. Seventy percent of older adults want to work in some capacity in their later years. In addition, older adults provide an incredible amount of volunteer hours. At the Renton Senior Activity Center alone people have provided over 12,000 annual volunteer hours. We couldn't provide programs in the community without community volunteers. In order to create "A Community for Everyone, For Life," we must provide affordable housing, adequate public transportation, accessible physical and mental health care, lifelong learning opportunities, recreation opportunities, and public safety. I applaud the staff, the planning team, and the stakeholders for their hard work, time and effort. This plan . � will guide us in the next five to ten years in our planning efforts. .!� �'��� ��'� � . , Denis Law Mayor 0 � A p ° � � o s ., . .. .�„ , , „ . , ,. ;. �: .�; ,. , ,,, � , ,. ' ; ', . Table of`Contents �� I - PURPOS� AND .CONTEXT , �� ` � :; , . 6 ': . . , . . .— . � ' VLSIO� � , �_; � 9 6 , : ., , � , � . r , . � _ { , , � � � . ._ �. � GOALS " ; . 16 �: � STRATEGiES -' "`' : , ' ` ',�. . . —; _ . . , . a �. 01/ERVI�E1�! OF GOAI,S �P�D STRATEGIES � ' � 22 , , . APPENDB� Ae ,. , . . . ., ; 23 The Planning Process < . � _ ._ _ APPENDIX �: _ _ , , 25 � Older Adu1��Services Provodeel�bgi Other..Providers in Renton � . APPEND9X C: ` ` � � � . ' 29 Older Adult Demographics and 5'ervice Trends APPEND�X D: . � - 43 Engcrgem�nt Surnmar}+ . � � _ � � , . ,,, : , � � JANUARY 2015 �t ��� ,a,,� 5+.�.';�r�' :€ k'P° ^7F � r`T+-rT{ "t �;�, ,y#y�'7^� y, t a-}� a �. a�r � k . "�` � �r ax �„� 5W� t � S � ■ �, • i 3°��r< 3"�-�.� ���'������4'� y���:�"� �z������t�`�����a'v 1 1 i .�5 t �'# " r '� g.� � r��Y? 4�' *�.���'` i. `}�.,�,r� '}'�.t P'`'���� �+�E`D A s'"�*.����'`N'�� �' iib<ni4'�y*` - ;�-x,�,£�u r' �,� 7y�. �r� ,` �������s�`,.vi?� a ': �4�s���a�T�g �"��x f�- „�a g�°.d �y.,#4� Y� `�'�"" ��� �° c� q�,.�� � '`�-'� .�, �.. .�-` t� s � �r��� � � ���^ ' � � 3��` �+,�}�+ ��, ' 4` "��3� �� � � 4� . t� �. �,y. �. x:.� t �{;.a ''t. �y� ... a n , ' " t: i;.. - : t�. psy." • ��j � e�`} Li� l y.� s .� � f '',p 3�� � 4_ ii i-* !/ �� fi,.� _ ~T� _ ,4 � . / � �� f,r 4 � �g-�' ,"'"`i ��-,'�+�'�?< ,�;� ::, ��� In the United States today, the average life expectancy is almost 79 years, which means we can all expect to live at least one-third of our lives as adults over the age of for Life. The Plan sets'a course anticipate and prepare for these 50. That is a significant portion of for how Renton can best support key drivers. one's life. What do older adults older members of the community want? What do they need to so that the last third of life can be � �e Poptilation of OldeY remain productive and engaged the best third. ' Aclults in Renton is members of our communit . Grozvi�eg. y' ����'flSE � CO�T��T How do they want to contribute Major demographic shifts are to their own community? This This Plan will guide city decision- reshaping the; composition of conversation is taking place across making and investments between communities across the United the nation, as local governments 2015 and 2020. There is no States. Our population is growing and municipalities prepare for crystal ball that predicts what the older, and over the next two an older adult population that needs and preferences of older decades, the Boomer Generation is unlike previous generations in adults will be in 2020. many ways. However, national and Percent of Renton Population in The City of Renton is proactively local trends can provide Older Age Brackets, 1990 -2010 direction for planning. 25� planning for the increase in and This section discusses changing preferences of older ` zo.s� five trends that are key Zo� adults in the community. To best s�.�r 18.1i �� . drivers Of older BCIUIt .�ro•. �� • �85 years and over prepare for the future, the City service needs , and isi , � � conducted a business needs � ��r�. ■75to84years demands at the national � ����-� � analysis of city-provided services 10� � h ��� ��'�£ �65to74years level, corroborated by �� for older adults, including an ���if �� � ��� ?�60to64years local experience and �x� � rt���� ��,� . environmental scan of services viewpoints. 5� *��� �"'�"� 055to59years and opportunities' available for Renton'solderadults.Theresultof The Plan's goals and oi this effort is its inaugural Business strategies are designed 1990 i000 zo�a Plan: A Community for Everyone, to position the City to So�u�ce:U.S. Census PAGE 6 JANUARY 2015 _ . • ! • i � �� : ' � (persons born between 1946 and for local governments with limited � T`he Popzcic�tion of OldeY 1964) will reach their 8th and 9th or diminishing revenues. Renton Ad2�lts in Renton is decades.As the average age of the is fortunate to have great, high- Increc�singly Diverse. American population increases, quality services. However, ability It is evident in schools and the service needs of older adults to access those services varies neighborhoods that ,Renton is are growing and diversifying. due to an individual's knowledge experiencing an'increase in ethnic" about the services. The City can and cu.ltural tliversit There have Renton has experienced an ° Y take concrete steps to help older been si nificant chan es in the' increase in the number of g, , g , adults access information about racial and eth.nic com osition ,of older adults in the community. • ,. p , providers who can best fit their the communit ov.er the last t,wo Between 1990 and 2010, Renton's needs. Communication about ' Y ' population older than 55 years decades,with younger immigrants the services and organizations re resentin an arra of ethnic � increased by more than 11,000 P g Y . that exist, and what they offer, is and racial backgrounds. people. Some of the increase is ' a crucial component of Renton's natural and some is attributable strategy for providing services to Towhatdegreeisgrowingdiversity to in-migration and growing city older adults. true .for older adults? Between boundaries. While nation's rural � 2000 and 2012, all age cohorts population has been dominated grew more diverse (experiencing by older age cohorts for decades, there is indication that suburban communities, such as Renton, will Renton Percent of Age Cohort that is non-Hispanic White, 2000 and 2012 "see greater increases in the older ' � w�� I adult population than Ufbatl- UnderSyears ���`�' =��, ° � � � � �=: -x•:;; �2000 core cities. Many of the Boomer s to 9 yea�5 �� { .,_,� ' , Generation came of age in the � � �zoso-zosz , suburbs and are likel to remain lOtol4years ,� „.;, ��;�` �'��e�"� estimate Y �M �3 , �',-� , in the suburbs in their advanced � ri� ����.� 15 to 19 years $ � ' '�'� years. Rising urban land prices � =� $`'•` will support this trend, as suburbs . � zotoz4yea�s� � ��:��� ��"� " � such as Renton are likely to offer . more affordable I10U5111g Opt10115 25to29years k� ��� � � . �"n'"•. , ��„�M; ���f'-:� than urban-core cities. ' . . ,o . ' 30 to 34 years ����,�, , o� A larger older adult population will � ;� t . �. represent an increase in demand 3s t°44yea�5 ��,����=Ty ` for services, and several existing 45to54years ;� � -;� older adult services �in Renton ���� `�`{�`��`�°� '�� � � � « � are already over-subscribed. � �ss co 64yea�s � ,�� �� w �� � � �-n�u The ability to increase services is , _ ::��: 65 to 74 years � � „ ��,,�� ��..,� : � ' � challenged by increasing financial �.�, ��. , � �� strain on social services at every �s to sayea�s � � '� u � � � level of government. Developing �� �""�;-� " 'I8•.• partnerships and linkages among asyea�5a�do�e� � � µ � � *� �,: ��,;. community organizations that � oi zo�o ao�o 6oso ao°o ioo�o provide services and opportunities for older adults is a viable strategy Sotrrce: U.S. Ce�asus,2000;ACS 20010—2012 3-�enr Estitai�tes IANUARY 2015 PAGE 7 � • • s • �� : � Renton Today . �� t �.y �y„�- -_ ��, �I�I �"� ��'�:" � ..,�� �� � t ; k,°� "After our children moved out of our home, we chose to downsize =� from Bellevue to Renton because we lrked the small town and w� A=� community atmosphere, and the vicinity of the airport for travel. #�� We love the dog park, Farmer's Market, May Creek, and the loca! restaurants." �`� �`�� - Amy Dedrickson, Renton Community Member � Renton, historicc�ll�, wns cc small town rrcetropolitan center ita the 3�e�ion, c�nd c�re in loec�teel between the lake c�nd the forest. I�z step zvith ciozvntozvn Renton's designation as mcer2y zvn�s it still retctif•�s that character.As ce Regionc�l Grozuth Center, the ph�sicc�l and economic core of the cit�, TRANSITIONING ECONOMY Renton's historic dozuntozvn offers sl2opping c�ncl year-round commi�nihj even#s c�ne� Rentorc's indcestric�l sector is icnc�ergoing c�ctivities. Lipliill from c�ozv'ntoZvn Rentori, � tf�nnsition azvc��frorrc heavy inc�zesfi�ic�l/ the I�tndse�pe is d2ctraeterized by residenti�cl ��nzefaeturing tozvarc�mediccrtz ancl light clevelopment c�nd nc�tural c�rens. Tl2e Cit�f is incleestricel i�ses.Altho�cgh manufacfuring crosse�l Gy rzver sand creeks, ancl its tea�rain is expeetecl to renzain stable, the nurnbeY is definecl b� riparic�n zvoodlancis. The Cedar of light anct rrce�ium indcistt'ic�l jobs in Rive1�, contaircing the largest run of Socke��e zvholesale, t��aiisportation, coniniunications, sc�linon in the eontine�itc�l Llnited St�tes, �nc�utitities is projected to nearlJ double runs throu.gh tlze heat�t of Renton's historic i�2 the Refzton area.betzveeli todc��and the c�owntozufa. Tlie Cit��'s rivers and Lake feaY 2020. In addition,Renton has been Washington are honie to runs of Chi�iook, eYperiencing an inerease in professiondl ' � Sociceye and Col2o s�lmon. , and seruice jol�s.As an example, Boezszg's ,� resec�rch c�nd development facilities zn and � But several factors place Renton on the �Yound Rentan spurred tlie development , . tlireshold of chc�nge: the traszsition of of office parks south of the dowf�tozun arad, Reriton's industYzc�l sectol°c��zd ecoazom�,• q�the noYth eaid of tJ2e G�°een River Valley. � ° coaztzmcing regio�zal and tocal po�iclation Consequently, Renton has see1�glrowth irz tlie groZvtJ1; a��cl tlze Cit��'s�Ic�ce at tlie cl�oss�•onds nutnvel�and ty�es of carnmet•cial businesses of�local,�regional;�zat�o�aal, and�znternational Tn the�city due to an inc�<eased°de2nand fo�� �--- �� transportafion. These fc�ctors foreshadow �ooc�s and se��vices. a nezv aro�e for Renton.as an important , - PAGE 8 JANUARY 2015 • • • � • � � : • . _ , . � _ •;� . r' � � � �� � _ , ' ;�4. � . � .. . . � � ��� � �� '.�,� � � �y4...1' �Y x t ��-�'1 t iY2'l t� ���-� � �'°'��i� a i���R�s.�isqy�f.atb t+E�='-r�"# •.s �I "'a'- � �— • ( �} �»'b� _ ' ''� ,�. .. �F,z,�. ..�y°�.� � k. : .(•� - � y � ' � i"�i x ' . �' r ��E ..� ._ . ' , �' :: , ..x �' �_ � k � . !i #�p. �,.. '�� 4 ��ai'i: 28 * � ���._ � �� {• — �N� � '�-� �� �.., ,.0. r 3",}i r. � `���''- `i. �C' t , A � � � . .�. ' r � �y�,.ag�. � � .� . ,. '� .a4 7' .'Si� �_� � _ ��� " � �� . > iV �� . , � t � , �+a� .� `' . R�.. ... �', a . r.'�t'� ;���� ..T� :z',�r���`�"� �� y�... - - f F � t i lX S "Fpj i +A�r. ._�S -:... I I rt- � ��ti'1F��� '�#_"R" a..u�k}��R"'�� I � T' .: �k g?� �# ' • � .'4 r � . . Y '� .^ . .. y _ _ c ~ �-i (�, .'* ����' I P s�� �y�.� �� �; � � . r w ' .a_.. . 7 �. . 7i' _�'.y,ir �' ,� �. ' � �'� �* x�-" �� .';:���,'�r,:• x ]�+r_��,,. y,t"��.�. 4$`:�`vz:`. ;" `y�i �,., '� ' .e'�y j s,�ir. _s S j�r� i*����rr R _ 4 t� ��w++- 76 � . . , � . $ '-�fi 1M - � � � a �s. a."`,�4 : �� g,�� �A t ,, ,. '�.l`� '�,r , . � ,a `;��` �' P«'" {,' � .� �:��K+ ",.a��" _ ' a- � . � a . , _� ,. frt I . �I � � ' ��` �J`, �� ,� .,�, "� _� � ���� ��, '.<�^k a� �. �+ p * ` w� ,� � �+�t pfT�`, • �`' � t ��.�. '' �fe.� " '� `"'" � `` The Ceda�•River flozus Elzroztolt IZeriton. "Renfon has been a great place to raise my family, walkable neighborhoods, open and approachable city leadership, and a ��{ � caringcommunity. We relocated to Renton in 1958, establrshed - ��' �: roots and don't plan on leaving. This is where we belong." _ � , _ - Norm Abrahamson, 2011 Citizen of the Year �:: = ' . _ . � IANUARY 2015 • PAGE 9 � � � � � 1, � � 1 .....__, ._. ... . �... . .� ...,: . . . .�. ...... . .... . . . . ... ,.,. , . . ,. . . ... , . . . , , .. .. . „ . .. .. . . ;,. ., .: . , ;.., . . . . .. ..,.. .,� , . , . . . �; . . ,, ' '; .� ' r_,.''�� � �_' . .. -, � ' . a decrease in the proportion For one, diversity in marriage and ends of the wealth spectrum and � of the population that is non- family patterns has increased. On an increase in the proportion of Hispanic White)," with younger thewhole,theBoomerGeneration older adults who are living with married laterin lifeand are too few resources to meet their �. ����,� `���°�`�' ���z,���'��k� �f more likelyto get divorced basic needs. While Renton:s older � L �'��", �"� } f r f � : � ���� ��,,���������� �;�: � than their parents. One adult poverty rate is less"than the' "'� . �� � ,�,_ � �"� '� ��j�' ��= v �� study demonstrated. that nation s, poverty has grown in :� '��� �� � ,�r; in 2009, 31% of Boomer Renton across all age categories. Y q-j . �� �� ����.��� ���'_�� men and 37% of Boomer� � :�� � �`� � -;' ' , ��� , � 4 � ':�, women were unmarried,a Both family structure , and � -. ��; � household resources impact an •-" ;# �' . �� � 50%increase in unmarried • ' � • ��� older adult's need for caregiving `� � �$>"_ individuals: _ compared _ _ _ '� � � � � �� ��� '�"�� � � � �� suppoi-ts.�Multiple strategies and � to the sam,e� age cohort in 198Q (Lin .& Brown, approaches will be �.necessary �� ' - � to meet 'the di�ersifying need's � • - � ' 2012). 'Older adults that - - - ' live alone have a different. of '-:older ;adults.- .Old" � models � � _ � that assumed spousal-sup�port " ESL,-Grou ak Renton Hoi�szngAuthorihj Properties. . Set of needs than thOSe -LL P � , ,- � '' - who are `coupled, and Will� need, to be updated to cohorts e`xperiencing'the greatest may require`additional caregiving " accommodate new family y y . �and other supports. Additionelly,. structures and social supports. increases in diversit . This is likel • - - - - - � " ` Individualized a .,. . driven by the natural increase in.A, unmarried,. Boomers have a „ ppr ches early oa , �,: , � �- - ° fina,ncial -.:planning, �and more minority�;populations as well as poverty rate almost five times in-migrants that are more diverse. higher than married Boomers varied home-based supports - � � � - will all be necessary to meet the Though not as quickly as younger and are more likely to use social cohorts, older adults are growing assistance, have a disability, or diverse needs of older adults. more diverse as well.The services lack health�insurance. � Access to Sez'vices is to support the social, health, or � - - =- -- - personal interest opportunities Secondly, wealth disparities - a Challenge for Older. ' for older adults have not kept have increased. Just as income . Renton IZesidents. , pace with the growing diversity in inequality is growing in the United Renton is a suburban community, Renton. States, the older adult population Which pr'esents-both opportunities is increasingly polarized in terms andchallengesforolderadults:The Stakeholders prioritize�addressing ' of financial� resources. There is form of suburban communities is . , the -.needs of , diverse ethnic both rowth in the urchasin ' g- P g historically low-density_�resid'entiai and linguistic communities in power of older adults at higher � .--areas separated from commersial � Renton._Many call for improving " ` Means of Tcansportation to Work, Renton Adults 60+years, 2010 9 „ �.� the cultural- and linguistic- . competence of existing service - . providers, and identifying and Total Percent providing new services tailored to car,truck, or van-drove a�one: 2,038 69%� the specific needs of these diverse � Car,truck, or van-carpooled: � 518 �s%■ • Public transportation(excluding taxicab): 197 7%� communities. Walked: 68 2%( Taxicab,motorcycle, bicycle, or other means: 22 1%� Beyond ethnic and linguistic �/orked at home� � 92 3°%� diversity, the diversity of older �� z,935 � adults is growing in other-ways. Source:U.S. Censu's - - � __ ,_ . _. _ . �. _ FAGE 10 � JANUARY 2015 � � • � ' M + orotherservice's'.'�Nafionalstudies Interstate �405. �There a`re few parficularly vulnerable to social have linked suburban living and � transportation options in�Rehton; isolation. �As de"scribed above,' physical ' health; "finding that and�•those that 'exist tend to have` for the first `time almost �one- older people walk less,frequenfly spe'cialized missions �or a`re too third 'of new older 'adult cohort's when the.y live in �lower :density limited to meet clema'nd. In fact,.• have never married, and many neighbo�hoods 'that are �distant acros"s all of� the stakefiolder- do not have children. Irr addition from services.A personal vehicle is feedback,� t'ransportation was'� to changing family structures, " almost always necessary to��meet considered the most pressing increased . mobility of =some �- one's dai'ly needs in suburban need .-or � the most significant portions of the population, can� communifies, though many older service gap in �Renton. While the inadvertently leave older adults ..;. .. ,. .., . adults will eVentually`no longer available tran'sportation "services isolated from their ffamilies. For ' want to, _or be able 'to, dri`ve. are meeting the �needs of s"ome ° example,members of the Boomer W'ithout suitable tr'ansportation older adults in Renton,'�'there is Generafion= came of age 'during� � , alternatives, older adults can face need for addit�onal transportati,on the popularization `of :suburban signi,ficant barri�ers to services in, and mobility opt�o�ns ¢` ;� living and haVe continued ��to their own communities, let alone � � � live in ', suburban communities barriers,to accessing services in � Q��Preventing�Olcl�erAdaclt ` throughout �their lives. This neighboring communities. �. � .Isolatzon is a Priorztj. ��. affinity for the suburbs cont"rasts . Thetopconcernofthecommunity, .:� to a trend toward urbanization This transportat�on ��challenge ,-. , , : ° -is especiaily acute - in Renton: serv.ice pro'viders,:and cify I,eaders ., of younger generations, including Renf'on is a"sprawling suburb that �s the safety and well=being of ..` the children and family of these community�' members .,who. ,are older adults. As a result, an older is separated by seve`ral major socially and',physically iso'latetl due �: adult may be "left behind" in their� . topographical and � �manmade •- ° ' •� current commun,ity while most of. features, including 'the . Cedar to ag"e, personal mobility, health, :� River, "�'=the -Highlands, ' and or other factors °,Older adults are �" their suppor.t system moves away. � , . . - , - �. . , : , , . , .:,, ,. .r. .. . , , , , , . , , .: : . � - :: , _ ._ , ...: � . `. .,....,. .. ,. r, � . , ;," ., . - � .�; f - . . . . � . ,, ...,. ��AD���T P��YG`8��0'��9��S � ..: . . .�� �" Health and wellness is a priority foY today's � � - ``older adults. In fact,gro�up exerc£se',is the only' `� . ' '�,, ,*: ' ` ' grou' activi where older adult aY{1CZ atzori P P . ; P., . ..: , , ,; � ` � ��'"� ``�� � � �� _ � continues to'�increase��'However, valuitig ��`� � � � � �health and fitness has�� � �� �_ ��� ��� � � . ' � � �,:' � $ � � seemirigl�not increased t ��' American older adults'actual health and � �� � � � -��-� � � � � < � a� � r Y _ , � � b . � � � , : . „ = fitness�"Adultplaygrounds;,wherelow=impact � �b� �-�'�`���� �� ��� �'������ `������ y`���"" ����' ���,�5 exerczse equipment is avaalable for.use outdoors 9 ��' 'S q .�..✓ .. . �.� . . : . . � ; �. � . ��. }= �,��."��' ���� � `. "��" '��;z�i�. .r�� `�ri ��`Fr``�.fr�. zs a prorriising.solution because tt increases . . , � � ,opportunities for group exeYcise. , , � . , These;playgrounds have been.successful`dround'the world:For example, before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, China��constructed 50;000 playgrounds for adults�to�lielp increase�people's physical health and fitness for the g'dnies. Tlie pla�grounds'have also cropped up in Japdn and`th��ougliout'Eu��o�e. � . JANUARY>2018 , PAGE 11 � � � r • � s z • Without concerted effort to Individual choice and independence. This has led to dernand for highly identify and reach isolated older The Boomer Generation h.as been individualiied, a la carte service' adults, there will„ likely be more fiercely independent, defining approaches designed: to offer adults who experience loneliness themselves by how they differ flexible amounts of support for and social isolation in Renton. from the generations before them. adults as they encounter new These factors are strongly Indeed, the term "generation limitations in their daily life. linked to negative� outcomes on gap': is a Boomer-invention. The � _ Community involvement. Traditional individuals' health and wellbeing, emphasis" on individual choice, � and result in costly de-facto care and eschewing of traditional forms of civic engagernent have strategies through emergency social clubs and networks, been declining for the past few services: By enacting the undergirds many of the drivers decades and are highly correlated strategies of this-Flan, the City described above. As a result, With education levels and can improve its coordination and older� adults " are increasingly household , income. This �is true - partnerships among City functions for older adults as.well,who have and departments, as well as with ���_ become less civically invoJved partners throughout Renton, � ' , �: over the years in all community- to identify and reach isolated "�` �`�` �- oriented activifies, except for . individuals. voting. The older cohorts (ages 67 to 83 and ages 84-plus)tend to - Q Cicltclrc�l Shifts zvill �� � �I � be less civically engaged than the �� ` :�° � ��� � Boomer Generation, which is less Change Deync�nd for � � - Services. �`� ���: ��� civically engaged than Generation �`' X(ages 31 to 47).The implications Cultural changes are likely the ��� � "�' � �,� �'" for services is that generally most significant driver of future � .� , ����.�r , �,�;� ._ � �-y,�u. , _ speaking, older adults are not� older adult service needs and actively seeking new ways to demand. By sheer numbers, the become involved—though those Boomer Generation will change �.�� who are_linked to organizations what it means'to be an older adult, �` �` "ti� and participate in group activities just as it has shaped teen culture, Long-standing.Renton Farnte��s'Market ceport many,benefits. It will take career ares, and middle age. Volicnteer.Photo b�robtehbusinesswrzter. . �. .. proacti�e marketing and outreach In addition to the diversification aging alone. For services, this has. to �keep-.: Renton's community described above, the Boomer , resulted in a movement ;awa members engaged in community . Y � <` ; ; Generation will demand services life ' from institutional care toward • �=;, that a.li n to their values, includin � g g home- - and community-based � . Health � and wellness.' Compared individual choice, community services. Boomers are less likely to the 'older cohorts before involvement, and he'alth and to move to traditional retirement them, :exercise and fitness is an wellness. Each of these cultural communities irr sun'nier locales expression of one's 'personal preferenceswill impactolderadult than their parents, and instead identity for.Boomer and following service demand and preferences prefer to age in place in their generations. National campaigns in ways both known and unknown. own homes and communities. for fitness and exercise have Rather than clear transitions into shaped their attitudes toward : � new phases of life, older adults exercise and made most aware of today will likely take their own the benefits of physical activity. path focusing on doing the things. Research on social engagement _. ._ _ . _ __. ._. _ they enjoy, including working. ` � PAGE 12 . JANUARY 2015 � � • , • ! , � e � � and community involve'ment has Health Outcomes for Renton Residents, 2007-11 Five-Year Average , shown that participation in group Percent who re Overweig�t or Obese exercise or gyms is one of the ��y � �---�.- �.�- ,�� Yfi�'� �� '�'� r�'��"�,�` �° +�.t Y�' �� r _ only community-based � activities 62�` �:�.,.,�...�.�: ��. .�:�..�.�>�. Percent with�igh Blood�C olesterol that have increased among older �-������ ��� � ��3�;r i� � �.� �� �.�:-;.� - gen2�ati0n5 Of BdUltS. j Percent with Fair or Poor ealth . - °Nv`13% _ , However, the emphasis Ofl Percent with Diabe4es � physical activityhas not,translated �.�j into`: heaJthier-�.;.lives =fo�' older``' , generations Like�all adults; older . ' o� �" 20� 40� 50� so� adults �tend to overestimate their ' Source:PHSKC Contm�cnih�Hec�lth Indicntors,2014 � actual level of ,'physical acfivrty'. " Additionally, with over� one half perceived barriers to regular and underest�mate the am:ount` ;of Renton's adult population physical activity.Perceived barriers of time t.hey are sedentary in,a � being; overweight or obese, it include finding fitness facilities day., Though people"`are <living : 'is likely that the prevalence of intimidatirig and being concerned longer, Boomers� are�far less fit chronic conditions will continue to that one will slow down others in than th�eir parents were at the . 'increase, as obesity makes adults a group exercise setting. Service same age,and are more likely to , more susceptible to many chronic _ providers have a lot to offer in be,managing a`chronic condit�on conditions, including diabetes, helping older adults overcome , such as diabetes or high :blootl hypertension, heart disease, barriers to regular physical activity , . � pressure. The ' data : available � ° shows that many of Renton's metabolic.conditions, and some with strategies such as increasing adults have chronic condifions. cancers. public education and information, improving the older-adult focus of These chronic� condition"s must Research `' on older adult current programs, and developing be : actively managed �� and motivafions for physical activity alternativemethodsforpromoting indicate a demand for health have demonstrated that many active lifestyle choices overalL care and management' services: experience'" access barriers and �4�T� � ' . ' t . ' , '�`"� zr * � � � `�� �"�� " { ' �.�� ' £ ,����! �r T1ze Renton SeniorActivihj t � �. `^' y✓�,�� '' � � ` ��,:r``�.� �t�� � p � " ,s��*+z'hr `'`4"p t�f `�� � '°� ' _ ,� ��;, �,� a ��„�. �r��Ya �,3�``�1,�`� r.�'�`�"Ss �a a��, � ��7r'��' � ,��k��.�r�� `M + � 4 t �' a a.^* '"3.,�'�` � s'c'��'.•�".u�rr z � s,�' �' CCYItL'Y 1S YIC.Xt t0 Gi�IRtI1 lil0Y1� �„�: _`i ¢ �.a'�� � �'� �' �`�� � r ,-�k" .* � ,�'�.e�as # �" � � .a��w.. �.,�-� f -� � � ��,�t �, � x� � _ , �F <�:� the Cednr River. a,n.�? �1 : $, z,- >° �€'�t��'r3 4"���'' "'�` s-" � r`�`s �' � �t �. � x . �..�5 . .� � � ��_ ,� .. +� r� rv.� � �r^' � .�- ;, .�S ,� �+ �'rr s�: � �,����2� �, �£ � _ a rm.:�a w'` a'� - � x�P r ,� s , x,,? �''�'��' �� , . .s�`s�, i c�``t t: �'�t;. .d,t<�. '� Ji.,.:`'.� ,r� :`:i"�wss s � x� r � "' ,�, - ' . ,�' f� 5 �. � .»},�a vx� •� �d�'���,?. r: • , . 7 �r:� �,.if ,,y� �"�s ir� d S '�'—"',�'��,�,�,� �,� ''c# aw:.��:; , , . , . . � �G.. � � ,� .�: � �..:;��Y �:a r �� . . ���r� � � "y����� , , ,r�x ������H 1ANUARY 2U1=5 PAGE 13 i . 1 1 • � ' , � � . � 0lOLUNTEERS MAKE RENTON SENlOR AC7IVITY CENTER A LASTING SUCCESS - In September 197�J, the cit�of Renton opened tJie dooi�s to its "nezv"senior center on the Cecic�j�River. Hailed by then Mc��or Chc�rles Delau�•enti as the "Best _ . ___--- -- on the West Coc�st,"the center z��s a clrea�n come trtiie w; � �.�������. .• ��� ����� �. ° �.; ��, for Renfon-q��ea older c�dults. ���-� �,:� � � � Today the Ren.ton Senior Activit� Center continues to �'.�" ..�� :�'� , : . � � floiirisli.A well-rounded progrc��n of social,hec�lth ane� �`"�� '`� � � recreationc�l ccctivities c�nci serviees mc�kes the eenter cc very importc�nt part of the lives of mc�ny Rentorc fi�rnilies. A key to the success of the fncility is the cornrnitment nncl involvement of oldea�cornniu�iity volunteers. The ct�ecztive,forzc�ard-thinking cont�'ibutions of the Cefiter's voluntees�s 1zc�s hc�d a positiz>e effeet on the benefits to pa�•ticipc�nts cenct the center's lively atmospl2e��e. Volienteers l�c�ve c�vested interest iri the progre�m. This is tlieir center, tliey hc�ve helped develop it c�ni�zvill co�itincce to mold its fccti�re. The� care c�boict the center - - ccnd c�re pYoucl of zvycat it offers. TTolecnteers cieserve creclit fo�•nxc�king the Renton Senior Activity Center the _ . , special pZnce thcet it hc�s becon�ce. -�` %'; '. - _ � ,, . , Volccnteel•s donc�te their tirrce for a �zicrnber of reccsons, - ,ye ,,, - ` �" ` but most voltiGntee���ecause thei�care abotict our cor�cmu�zity and zvc�nt to give somethin.g bc�ck. One volunteer recentl�toli�n2e, "YOLI g�t 02tt Of G�COYI2112ZlYlZt`lJ a w�'�� ��;,� � "'�' '' ��. � �"��,`�,��,'���;{s;. zvhat�ou put into a communit�j". �A �� t,�!�'. Our volunteers a�•e simply a�nazing. They tr�icly aa�e tlze heal�t of our senior center and without them we could not su��vive. . Renton-arec�reszclents age 50 and up are iszvited to eall tlze Renton Seniot�Activi�y Center at 425-430-G633 . for furthei�informatiozi al�oact the cen:ter arid�about volunteer . ' ,. . � � ' oppo��t�cnities availa�le. � � . " . —Shazvn Dc�l�, Senior Activity Ce�ite�•Di�•ecto�� PAGE 14 IANUARY 2015 e • • e � � d : � Over six months, city staff and community volunteers reviewed trends, conducted analysis, and engaged the community in a broad conversation about how to ensure the older members of the Renton community can _ live their best lives. The result�of this effort is a vision of an inclusive, supportive community for�the benefit of everyone, top line goals to drive city services, and supporting strategies to bring the vision into a reality. �S���m � , , ... i � . , ; . , :, A Cor�cr�unity fo� EveYyone, fo� Life. , - �o�.�so _ _ ._ , . 1. Improve the Quality of Life for all of Renton's Older Adults. . .. . _ . ,2...,Increase� High-Demand Programming and Maintain Ongoi�g Relevancy: t3. Improve Access and Transporfation Options. . 4..Increase Capacity of Renton's Systems of Se�rvices and Supports�. � .. . �. _ . .. . > . S�'�.f�.�'��I�S: � , i , . A. �ecome a m�re effective par�nero , , / � � � , , .. . ,,. :. :... - . , . . s . „�°. 'improve k�owle�dge about the older adults in Renton. , �C.` 1o�creas'e awareness about current offerings and opportunitiese� �, , � _ D. ,Improve.departmental coordination to better meet older adult needs. � � E � Ad�ocate regionally for older adults in Renton. - .-: : . �.: , F Support older adult enga�emerat in the community. �: ,.r�� , , :. ;. �. ; t : rt G Augment the Caty+ of Renton's curre�t services uuit,h hi��h dema�d and family suppor� � - {,J�A■�.&i�i� r�� . . . z . . , w - �� z - � f�,. ',.. 5 . �.. '�� , _ - ' .i.6: � 7;' _ . - u _ -. ` IANUARY'2015' BAGE 15 0 � � � ' '! i ■ � Goals and Strate�ies � \ � � We value inclusivity and recognize GOAL 1: IIlnPROVE THE adult population in Renton. It the importance of older adult qUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL OF must improve coordination and services and supports to ensure RENTON'S OLDER ADULTS. partnerships, 6oth among city that community members remain functions and departments, as active members of the greater As a community, Renton values Well as with partners throughout Renton community through all inclusivity and endeavors the Renton community. This will to ensure that our older phases of life. To achieve this, we require increased knowledge �endeavor to ensure that services adult =services are accessible, about the diverse individuals and for older adults are accessible, welcoming, and supporfive of our families that comprise Renton welcoming, and supportive of our diverse community members.This and broader opportunifies for diverse community members. Goal focuses on reducing barriers representatives of minority groups to participation by increasing or protected classes to participate- The ,overarching Vision guiding outreach and co.mpetence in � in the shaping of community this Plan is: service to diverse populations. It- ^ services and opporfunifies. It 1-� CorreYnicnit�fOY also emphasizes increasing the Will also require commitment on Ever�.�one,fOY L2fL'. ability of individuals and families behalf of the City and its partners to find the opportunities,services, to proactively address the needs, The Goals and Strategies described � or supports they seek and desire. desires,,`and preferences of these below putthisVision into action to Of particular concern is the safety constituents. ensure that all older adults receive and well-being of community culturally appropriate services to members who are socially and � � '' allow them to live their best life, physically isolated due to age, �QAL 2: I�CR�A�� HI�F�- through a network of providers personal mobility, health, or other DEr1ilA�1� PR�G�RA�N1�i11i�G � and partners that serve Renton's factors. ��yD I�1A9NTAI�! 0�lGOING older adults inclusively, equitably, � � and efficiently. To achieve this Goal,the Gity must RELE!/ANCY: . be a strong partner to the many � - ' organizations and community Needs, preferenees; and desires � groups that meet th`e needs of change with each generation. In - Renton, generational change is the growing and diverse older ; x:. YY" ` : _ ^�'� ,tf�" �ar + : � i_ ,. . . � , ��. ..�r. �y � ,. :. . .: r� �.r. �, .. . . h... _ _., .. �, : � ` ; .. t.. �"'.,. . . . .�; , .� . . �. �, ,.� , ,�. X k . � " .. �., - .., ., r:3, t� , � �.,r S_. - '�, s�' � . ' , , ^,. �. „ � . av , . .,, ., _„ _, . ..,�.� _.,.y � ��...' ,. ...... ,c.. _. _.... . .,. ..._. .;vP��G .,;... . ' x� �� -� ... .. . :�. , ts.� ,,""iF PAGE 16 JANUARY 2015 i _ _ _ _ . _. ._., ,_ _ .,_... ..:.. . .,, .... � � � • � - �� : � , „ , .,� .. , , . ,:. ,. . - , ry , � � , , _. i , d :x } . .. . . �. � ,P F � 33 . . ' . .. , i , �`� � n l : � �v .. . ' # .. ��1 � � �. �� R}{'� . . ' ' � � ' . . > .' . n - `' ..Y i ' ._. . 1 . ��> '"tS � � '. � . � .. _ . � � � . . � . , � . � . £ ' ' � i . ` . .��.. 3 " . ' .., �. -C � . "'1 . . . .. . . . �.y . _ . . . . ' . �; . :' ` � .. �' � ` � � . . ,� ..,ri-4' cou ��led with increasin� �� � � �,,. > � - p g diyersity �unable to;access work, social, or service capacity among current, � �� �: °,� amo�ng ..` .� ethnicit�es;�: �,family pe�sonal 'interest" opp'ortunities,� ' � service providers �and improving structures; an,d personel financial ,not to mention needed services. the efficiency of the overall system sta#us.To meet,the broad range of �:.,,�.Add'itionall,y, individuals.today ar.e,< << through ;improved informafion ' � : needs m,Renton, it is crit�cal�that� ' less likely to �live close tof family shar.ing and coordination. 'older adu�lt services,�are broadly.� rriembers. In Renton, the need Improving coordination and : supported and responsive . to � for accessible �''=and �'afforcla6le''` ='awa�eness'of what alre'ady'exists ;�.� ; '� changes in need and ,preference. transportation options is acute. in the community,� as'°well as This�Goal is focused on ensuring` � This goal focuses on improv,ing, ,improving the capaaty of service • .4 , the current system".of services4 older adult mobility 'by reducing providers to meet" the rieeds of , , f� � �. . � � _ ;,.. remain� relevant ancl effe�ctiVe barriers to existing transportation a broader �cross-section of our ; �.. ; . by establishing me'chanisms` to' options and advocating regionally diverse population, will ensu�re all , ;Y . �s. - . 'cipate f new;'. needs and to for increa"sed service'and''f'ra'nsit '.�-members:of tfie community haye a nt� efficiently';�bring new services to` . options. :- • �-� ~ �`'many=`"�opportunities`� to'�°�sustain . the community. ;Having releVant,:: - their lifestyle � � � ,.�;�_ . ..�,_ , _ , �,:� ���� � - useful se"rvices� is ,neces`sary:. . �' � '' �' ` to cult�vate support .for older GOAL 4. I�C�EASE ' ' `�4Achieving this'Goal wo"uld bring adult services and ensure older ' - C�APACITY 0� RENT0�1'S immediate benefits to individuals �` - �" ` ... . . ,:. and ;families who, need _su ort - community members remain SYSTENIS'O� SERVICES`A�d� � `� ` "' '" �' � � "� ` �' " pp� active, engaged members' of; and opportunities, as well as " , > SUPP�RTS �.- t� , :_; ; t:the :.<6roader� eommunity �which Renton , r :":uvill � benefit �from- the increased ° � � `- � , � � `�`��Community' ���"ser"vices � are � � , „, : , , , �, � ;: ' engagement of older adults in, _ �, ' experiencing increased ,.demand , . _ :GOA�. 3.=I'f1�iPR01lE=ACCES�S `:' �!vhi�le traditional.city revenues,are ; kcommunity `life It�is our system° � ' �� ` � eroding. This has led to inc'reased of '"services� and -'supports �that ;,-; AWD TRA�ISPORTATION ` - will allow individ'uals .to remain � OPT10iVS:' � } � financial-stram on social services , , , ._ , �� � �'` at e�ery,level'of government.`4This ���ctive, :engaged :=:.members,�='of -,� . � The:formofsuburbancomrnunit�es Goal seeks to proact�vely address the community throughout _a . � � s_ �r�: . , , , ` is hi'storicall y�car-oriented, wliich �',:'t h i s c h a l l e r i g e f o r`R e n t o n's s y s"t e m significant pliase ofiife In�this way, can present.difFiculties�to anyone < of older adult services The :.Gity,e , all me'mbers,,of the greater Renton- without access _,to a personal , , �is only one�provi;der sin�:Renton's �.t.„community ,`are ,stakeho;ltlers of P . ;' g ' ,, . �r; .. :. vehicle. Renton is a s rawlin network of� olde"r adult service older adult services. ' . suburb that i's separated ` by provid,ers `w�The� "City"can -.build � _ 5s'� ,•, ;';` - � severai major topographical and' upon its° �current par`tner5h'ips '.^ , '�#� ^ _;�'� '� ' ` manmade features, including -and increase awareness of other � � the Cedar River, the Highland5; community organizations. thet • ' � and. Interstate 405: Older adults provide r.esources to oltler adults: � , who. are transifioning out ;af This Goal:is focused'on increasing : � driving . may find tfiemselves ; � � , IANUARYx'2015' PAGE T=7 , , � � , , a� � . . i- a e � B ' � � : � � �. � .M � X �..,. STR�TE��ES 4, , �i=,���^' Strategy A: �ecome a more effective partner. `���� `` � �� 1 - ;. .�:,� �i } .. & ,� '. . . g�����'" 1"fN.:'� �� �� 1. Lay the groundwork to increase the effecfiveness of ��"����������� `��"��� � partnerships. ����.-��` � _�> ,.� �r .�' e Identify priority needs and partners who can support those ' �Y��,S������.;..� � � needs. �• � " `� ; �.,�����',�°'�'�'y'����`�.°�'�� ► Identify organizations serving targeted communities in �����^ M�R E Renton. Ta�:ETH. ` ` � � �E R ► Establish protocols and tools to improve two-way ' ' - - ' �-�` The REACH Center of Hope as a � � communication. ; : ' _ . " dcty center dnc�mght shelter for , -. .r. ► Designate an individual staff for each partnership and :: homeles"s zvotn�en and chilc�ren. ,. establish annual goals. .� The Cenfer�of Hope paYtners zvath � _ A '` a number of c�gencies to ensi�re - , 2. Build new partnersheps with organizations and institutions -; that cltents`c�re accessang:eve3�;, that currently support diverse communoties. -. avenitie possable as thei�inc�ke theiY -�otcrney frorrc homelessness to '_ ► Identify potential areas for collaboration and opportunities '�; stabilaty - " to prevent duplication of service. �_ , ; _�` ;� : s _ . . � The Reccch Center of Hope as � 3. Facilitate and expand cross-referrals between partners. an example of hozv the Czty _ � .` and its communit�partn'ef s �Strengthen relationships with neighborhood associations = can accomplash more by � � , and service providers to help identify isolated older adults. ;� zuof�ing together 'The Cerzter �~ ,< provzdes a artuch needed service; ► Consider co-locating services and programs from agencies > . - outside of Renton within city facilities. ; by �everagang the leadershap ,; and vision,of REA'CH; zvith ` � �: City suppor,"t and communzt� 4. Establish collabora�ive programming where possible. .; volunteers �; ►Consider co-location of services to improve access. T:' ' ' ' �� . - � $ ► Provide,space for community outreach workers from�partner ${ �=-_ organizations to work within the Senior Activity Center. ` ° ` , � : :.,._;,... ►Coordinate and collaborate with other service providers.to � . ...._.. provide services throughout the community. � PAGE 18 JANUARY 2015 � � � , w � , • • y . �.. ., ,.. ,. .. . ... ... _. ., ..., . _ ,. .. , . , , .._ . .. . , , : � � -. , . �: r , . - . . . . , ;:- � ... �� .; Strategy 6. Improve knowl�edge about the older adults in Renton �_� � ,e , 1. Leverage data to understand demand for existing services. �Y : � ..,.,� . .. ,;.. . . ,. .. . , , ,, , , ► Monitor data points to,track demo ra hic,trends for;older adults ''` - �' . .= " , �. . .g p � . , ► Use trends to establish next-steps,and direct,fu�rther action. - , : ._ . . _r, _, . � � _ _ . _ , . , ► Use metrics to �monitor performance and inform programming and service�decisions. . � ., ; , : � , . ,; � . . , 2. Improve decision makers' knowledge.of diverse communities vvithin Renton and ::: .;: ,.. : , ,... ..�. .... . . .: , .,, -; � their needs a'rod preferences. , -� � -�. A` . , . . ,. .. ,- ► Reduce barriers to part�cipation on advisory boards for representafives of mmority communit�es � � �`'� , . . , . . ,. ,. _. � . , , , X P. ', '> Improve provider underrstanding of obstacles facetl by older adults. ,� - . � , • . _ . . . . t � . . , �-. Stra�egy C: 'Increase a�rareness about current offerings and opportunEities. ; -< -� � � 1. Reach a broader segrr�ent of the community with improved cornmunicafions about services. - ► Ident�fyrtpotential audiences}antl key messages ` e Develo . ;,,, .,, . . , ,. ., ,� 'p eppe�aling messages and that older a"dults can identify with (such as ",older adults" instead of . ,, _ . . _; , ,{ . , . ; . , �. - , "seniors"). . , .. .,,. . . _, ;.; , . , r. 2. Improve the visibility of Renton's services within diverse communities by leveraging nevv cornmunica�ions channe9s and approaches. - ► Wse Public Service Announcerrients (PSAs)<to announce r.esources and opportunities in Renton. , � o Employ new communication=:ehannels to;reach.additional audiences. ' - . . r;.:. , , , . ,: . . .:, � . ► Proactively inform partners and�connectors/gatekeepers (such as Senior I'nformation and AsSistance) �. .,.. ,_ aofiexisting�pr,ograms.. . . - ; : :: _ - � � , �. , _ . , . :. s ;.. : .�. .. , , 3. Pilot"f�all service days"or`°service fairs"to offer a one-stop ac�ess for services. . � a , ,. . .� , - - � ._ � -. . � ��� - � ► Consider targeted fairs to specific ethnic and limited English-speaking groups. • , ' ' , . . ` , r Provide transportation to these events through Hyde Shuitle or a comparable service. . ., . , _ . , . _ . , „ } � ti ,. , _. _� . . � . v .. . , IANUARY`2015 PAGE 19 � ; � � } � � I • � � ' ' � : ' �:�. ,. _. „ _ ; . ,_ � . . �,t�� � � � " � � .,"� ;�~ • e} E�# . , . � . . . ,. .. _ ._ . . , ¢k p� ' . . . . ' _ , ' Strategy�D: Irnprove departmental coordination ta better meet � older adult needs. ������� � - _ : , _ , ..; h��_� � '�� r�"� �r 1. Improve communication and coordination between city �Fy . �' � ��� ��,. .���..� � � � �� �,,�� Y� �� departments about programs and'services. � � ��� L�� ��� � � �� �r��� � ���� �3 ����� � � �� � �'�� �'��`��'� �' ►Offer education about the a� in rocess dementia older x,�������� ��������� ���� � g g p , , �;�`:���;���������������� ���; �� ?� `adult abuse and exploitation to emergency services and other � � � � ����� �� � � � x, ' - - ' �.:� .��"°����"�-������}�������. - re'sident-facing departments. � , ,�,�� � ���� �`� � � � � � . �n, , ������� ������������� �, d;��. � �� � `�� '�� � 2. Improve first point of contact with the City of Renton to �� , .�. T�*`�"�`���r,nrt� � � -����3���� attract and retain clients. .��`��`� ��� _ r'���,r_� ► Hire a paid front desk/telephone receptionist for the Senior � . �n Activity Center to facilitate communication with stakeholders. .� _ _ � �f� • , ���`�-_ ► Coordinate with City Public Safety Officers to improve effectiveness as point of first contact to better serve older Y �.� � ��.� adults. , , , r � Cs00RC7fNATED `� � , ; - . , ;,: � �� �� . :' �UT�{�EAC,H �,� ;: � :,'� 3. Align funding forolder adult services to stated goals. Former retzrec�Renton FTre ►Once the Human Services Strategia Plan is adopted, use it to .:, Chae�f Terry Lee'Wheeler takes �, guide funding and programming decisions. , �dvantage of the free'blooc� =, .;, pressure`�anci gliccose sc�eeTngs 4. ,Implement recommendations of the City's assessment of offered by Rent�on Fare:Dastriat 11 ` inclusiveness. at�its Senaoi Day Pacntc • - t . y ' Coordzni�ted corntnunity outreach r ;. Stl'�tegy E: Advocate regionally for older adults in Renton. c�moticng City staff cc�n help . ' connect.communift �riembers to �' � 1.� Advocate for improved funding for older adult services in � neede`d servtces'and o . ortuntzes � Renton and South King County. ' � t PP - r � > . . M'any cz�j servae�s otlzer thc�r� �i . , , ► Educate decision makers about the needs in Renton and South ` communzty servaces can ac� ` ,. ; King County. �> as;first poznts of confact wzth ' ; , , : ` . . , � ' canir"rtunity inemF�ers ivho zzeed "� ► Lobby on behalf of Renton's older adults. � , sez�v2ces or support � '; ` 2. Seek additional grant and other funding opportunities. , �. , , ' ' , ►Create'an ongoing task force to guide grant-seeking � opportunities. ` � . - 3. Aclvocate for transportation improyements for older auul�s. ► Lobby for a bus stop at the Senior Activity Center. PAGE 20 � JANUARY 2015 . �� � , � � , � 1 � � � � 1 � � • � Strategy F: Support older adult engagemen# in the community. 1. Improve and expand the'volunteer opportunities. • • , ► Explore development of a volunteer transportation program. o Provide opportunities for older adults to volunteer and mentor others. ► Develop an older adults skills bank. � 2. Develop meaningful opportunifies for older adults to contribute to the broader eommunity. � �� ► �Explore o'pportunities to showcase "whole live"s" of older community members. � s Develop clear opportunities and pathways.for giving, both money and time. 3. Educate and promote coraimunity awareness about ageBsm and the value that older adults provide to t ;.,. ; th'e community. .:�. . , ' . _ Strategy G: Augment the City of Renton's current services with high-demand and family-supporfi �. services. ,�. ._ , 1. Offer information and education about aging for families, including through pee�mentoring: � 2. Off'er person-centered counseling and transition services to help edults make the best care choices. -j t ,3. Improve existing transportation options to expand accessibifity. " ", ' � - ► Increase transportation options for non-medical appointments, includi_ng social opportunities and � - accessing the food bank. � " �, ..�.., .,µ. _._ _, ,,. , . 4._ Offer more education opportunities, pote'ntially with accreditation options,for.older adults : _.__-__.__._ � .'4"' .�-,-r- ,�""Fro k-r�- .c� .�,,-r .'t�^„ .r.x- r 'z�-i��' -� x Y- -�."�. ,_"� �—'4'��.. ',;. E '^t .� .. ry� F"' 1-.,".t` .>s'�`^54 �.� . 1,.T i .v- �. f>Z y , ! k f�. J' ; � � � _ 1�����"9!!�i�...�- �P�RQU°IDING � t �IGH� DEMA�ND S'ER'UICES�� �`��Np �`� �� �.��M1-�a�' '� � t# ._4�'� ..�}Fx y ;�,r x ; ��`� � r e.�t,�.� ��"r .'S c�- �. ��r��� .l r2 � �� t fh} i.. Yf� �Lt�� '"x`3¢'`x'4'4j3� �:# )� �� - � - � ='i Re�2tof�''s SeniorActxvzt�j,:Centei p�o,vtdes a.range of ac�zvz�es forr f-� �� �''h r _ . . f 91 -.t�.�i �' �� co�nfnuniti membe�s On"e a1 ea o i�acreasan.` anterest are� ou tr a s to � � ,� ,_ " ? , � � � Jz > F � .f <�.. S�. .. , �8�' P- P � t ;� �--- � - local and `re�ona�kdestznat�ons� By woi king togetliel,ser vice providers � r s c, . : . - . � �:� - r r a �L��, t e� ¢- � - �` CGtYI.0�2YxC�I J10lI l�EY 1 R3Z$e O f T Z1.�I 2 13Z t6}2S t'GiC f t7JZ t L�S GZ12 G�0�'1�'JO Y�1�12Z�12S t0� r �n �'s u,5.t�^�..�. - t`.,,'i.��� � � �� N r� �Z�., � S �; N F ....;3 t�' t� a o t�� .� �}-�'� > t .. � � � �"� t r,� } � "3 _ q � idf.'�*�*�" 4:`. £ -N 1 � Y � "'i 'h' f �. 4 �. R 5 ,� Y -f�. 1 e �' �Y k �4� r r �mee�ab�oader�cross sectzorc�of�ieeds ��`�, ��;� � t: {���� � ;� � s � z��� ` � s , 't+��r -x` i' e�� �" r,� { �x' � �`t *� 2 � Lfir.a � �`n - t'°-�. � _. � . � c ..E S : 4 t3FY� y _ S.t F. �' .,.2.�...�� .-�Twa.-..._:x5:,... r� : . �' r-. , - � ��r—� 4 > } � � _ f . �. y,,.r.� � � € � � ..`a-e �'- � � . `' # t� � �j-. �y�c:-- . .., z l�ilJt� � � �t .r a . � h { r. . � ��;- F . � s � �'�. 2 . { _ �� � i E�.� n � � y't � � �� t � i .t, d z s,� ��.,y F� 1� " � a`' - *- .,P s ,.. .£ p �` - .r' h r..'�r . � r . ,i. a e�� F w{� �;.0� . �..rF {'. y �` 5 �� L . y ��.� �S. � y y f . .. ,iC Y l.� . _ .i_�. . - '4'�' _ Z,f�i�'."t Y. . . . �[-� i. . � C �1� i.� . . i , +t . � �.�:r - C �� �. �a �. � F ' . , -� t "�;� i.. �, : .-5 �:. � y r '�' 'f f � . d 5 f _ r t , �'� ' ��•.:',+ �� ..-' : -. . . '. �-. , . "r i' t , , 't`�42;V^� 5 .e'} ��'y� � '� �R- '�," E }- 5.� �ta'.Y:f�'Fw� ; . � �r,� - �+kw,uG.��, { ..` '. .-�l � � t r 1>-.+d.�T* . ' - . ��,�:�' y�_"`""_�"'''."`'`.ti.""� :u' ,� JANUARY:2015 P{1GE21 � � • � ' , � � The Business Plan's four goals are supported by its seven strategies.The matrix below illustrates how individual strategies support the four goals. � OVERVIE� OF GOALS Ai�D STRATEGIES ���LS� Improve the Quality of Life for All of Renton's Older Adults Increase High-Derv�and Programming and Maintain � Ongoing Relevancy Improve Access and Transportation Opfions Increase Capacity of Renton's Systems !, STRATEG I ES of Services and Supports .............................................................................................................................................. ............... ....:........... .................... A. �ecome a more effective � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ partnerm - .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. B. Improve knowledge about the `� `� `� older adults in Renton. ...................................................................................................................................................:............................................................................... C. Increase avvareness about ✓ ✓ ✓ , current offerings and opportunities. . ....................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................ D. Improve depar#rnental ✓ ✓ , coordinafion to better meet older adu9t needs. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. E. Advocate regionalfy for oider `� `� `� � adults in Renton. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... F. Support older adult ✓ ✓ engagernent in the • corr�rnunitye - . .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . . G. Augment the City of Renton's ✓ ✓ ✓ current services with high- derv�and and family=suppor� . services. � PAGE 22 JANUARY 2015 CI7Y QF REN�(�N (JIC�ER �lL7UlT �3USINESS PLAN APPEI� DIX A: The Planning Process � e � Q � 1 ° ! � o � 1 � 7� Y ... . , .. . ._ .. . - � ,i . . . A �':. . 1 1 ' C �.'1 � , � ' _ � � PLANIVIN`G CO�MMI�TTEE„ ' � � �� � �_ ��� � ` � , ... . . . � � t { `�1)S �}3�} 3 A- � £ f -� k � � { � � � � � ��t► ��Lynn Bohart,Renton Community � ` � The Planrcing Process � � `� � ` � ' a .,r4F�un��aLl�n � , a a h 1 � # a St�' J .t � � ��.� �� * F .' $u :i�) s k �� :A :' , � ► =Susan:Dailey,'�Renton HousingxAuthor�ty x �Y" s" ' °' � � The planning process was led by a Planning Committee n �, { , , -; � ; comprised of -City staff, representatives of community � � ;Shawn Daly,Gty of Renton ; ` '� ' ', , �`� , ? s - - •� � : � -� � services, and community members from March 2014 to � � ,Ter Hi ash.i'ama JCit ofRenton .x k ' "' rY . g Y , Y � � November 2014. - ' � � # -. � ►, .=Debbie Little,;City of Rentort -, - � - ` . The Planning Committee reviewed national and local �_ > ;Kr�s S'timpson,City of Renton ? x� � trends in older adult needs and serVices, met with service � ` ' � � � � ` �� s `Jim Sullivan,Senior Housing,4ssistancer � providers and stakeholders across the community, and Group:(SHAGj `�' ,r ,; � t : � _�,� � ,� y� � �; deliberated about the most promising opportunities for the �' 6 � � � `'� � f, `�� ;" 5 � r � �°,� City of Renton to better serve its older adult residents. The � �' Shelley Thompson, Merrill Gardens ' _ ;''' Y tA� Committee participated in four working sessions, reviewed � ► x Kate Turpin,S.enior Services � '� $ '. �' { 7 .�`l a l l P lan inputs, an d con ducte d most o f t he community t ' �.Dianne Utecht,Gty of Renton , : ,� outreach. The Planning Committee developed the Vision; r ; ' � , , i �Goals, and Strategies and submitted the recommended ,f STAKEHOLDER FOCUS GROUPS � � � s � ` � ? � ► ':Sentor'Gt�zens�Adviso Commi { plan to the Renton City Council. Two primary inputs to the � , ry ttee , � � lannin rocess include: � � ' ' ' , ; ; p g P r ► Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches �� � �� �� � , � ,.� � d�" w �� �' ,.e .. ti r �'x ., , A. Older Adult Demographic and Service Trentls � `► South Sountl Senior Center Directors : , � � ► �v�Senior Housin Assistance Grou� SHAG �'�` � The Business Plan is informed by a scan of national trends ' : �=:g � x � - p�,} ��3�, in older adult demographics and related service needs and � ► .Gty of Renton Department Administrators`, ;A " � trends. The consulting team, BERK, prepared a high-level . ` k ► .`Gty of Renton Senior Act�vify Center Users. - _� t� :. 1; overview o f national and local trends in the older adult h � ;Renton Area Nonprofits Unite(RANU) ? population and related service needs. The summary is � _ -_ , � ry presented in Appendix B. �` r �UW IVledicine � Valley Medical Center ` � . , y' ,s -� t~ S L': t i. , B. Community Engagement and Outreach � � , '-� "�` �` `` ` ' i k� � = STAKEMOLDER INTERVIEWEES � � V: ; u � , � , _ ,;,� .� The Planning Committee conducted outreach and z� r Valerie Bald�sserotto; HealthyxEat�ng,Act�ve f � ti �� engagement activities to gather information on current � s "�Liuing:Y(HEAL)sf y �,� ;a ,y � R ��a � ��^a �� � needs and services and to ensure the resulting plan best ; �y ' lanet Ceballos„Alzheimers Associafion � � e' " `� m e t t h e s e c i fi c n e e d s a n d b u i l t u o n t h e l o c a l a s s e t s o f �� ,F � � �� � -�<�� � �.: p p �� ► ��B o l i v e r�C h o i;C h i n e s e I n f o r m�a t�o n a n d ;;� the Renton community. Outreach activities included focus �'� ' Service Center ' '_' 4 � � } ' H,,� . :�. �: ��.. -.. E 4 . groups, stakeholder interviews, and facilitated discussions � , •Mark Gropper, Renton Housing Authority, - - a at communit y meetin gs. Throu gh these activities, the Cit y � : � - � � - �� � ► -Charles,Hoy,Ellis,�U1N�Graduate�Student� x �' _.� gathered information about trends in older adult services, r �: � , the needs of older adults in Renton, service gaps for existing ; ► ;DanxKellogg,rLegal�Services� l� ` , ;' t; �� �-` , . � � � � � �� � services in Renton, top service priorities for the community, � b Denis Law,'City,of Renton Mayor � �� ° :., methods for improving current services and the strengths of � �� � � _� �" � �` -� ""'�x �� ' �` a �� ' � � p �Tany,a McGee;Senior;Inform�at�onxantl# � �"�� ���,,` the City's current efforts. �� � � 'Assistance`� ` '� '� � ��b�x T � ati � - �, � �� � � � Most of the outreach activities were conducted b.etween � ► 'Don�Persson;.RentonFCouncil£President" �`, : February 2014 and May 2014. A summary of community �4 s `'Oleg P.y,nda;:Ukrainian Senior Center � - �? ' y �%i �.�' . .: �.° .- ���� - , .,y engagement summary is presented in Appendix E., � � � � Ann Rhyner, Greenwood IVlemcrial'Parl� � - - f q ' - ' ' 4�_..,...Y.r�.._.,...�:..-5..�-.., r.._.,,�.._. .,i�..5_,��.._................. .�.._...-...._...,.._v.i..��..:..-ti __..,wr._ ..r IANUARY 2015 PAGE 24 CITY OF'RENTON OLDER ADULT BUSINESS PLAN APPEN DIX B : Older Adult Services Provided by Other Providers in Renton, 2014 � 0 w , � o• -m• .• ie . •e � - � •- e • " " � e - - -� .� � Health s Medicaid Contacts Primary contact for AASA, DSHS King King County Adults, � ' Medicaid County , 18+ ,. Health Medicare Assistance with Medicare US Centers for USA 11SA Adults, 24 consecutive months.of � services Medicare and 65+ SSI disability, individuals in ' � Medicaid (some ex- end stage renal failure . � ceptions) -� .o Health - Medicaid - Assistance with Medicaid US Centers for USA USA N/A N/A . � services Medicare and Medicaid Nutrition Community Dining Free lunch made with Senior Services King King County Adults, N/A ° fresh, seasonal fruits and County 50+ - vegetables in a;community � . space _ � Nutrifion Meals on Wheels Nutritious, free meals Senior Services. King King County N/A � _ delivered throughout King County N • County; grocery delivery � available in Seattle, non- �' food staples available in � King County. • Social Services - Adult Protective Ser- Report and investigate ADSA,,DSHS King King County Adults, N/A vices, Region Four abuse or concerns about . � County 18+ - � adults' welfare � _Social Services WA State Ombuds- Report Resident Rights WA State King King County Adults, N/A man, King County concerns Ombudsman County � 18+ Social Services DSHS Complaint� Report and investigate DSHS Statewide Statewide Adulfs, N/A Resolution . DSHS complaints 18+ Social Services Complaint ResolutionReport and investigate Attorney �Statewide Statewide Adults, N/A for Referral Agencies complaints regarding General for 18+ service referral agents the State of Washington - � n � m N � � s ' •• , -�• .� �. • .ti`•• s " e r- • • - � • � •_ 4. -� _� .. .,.•.:. . ' • ."� � � _. ..:..�� - �`.. ' . � � .;` Sociaf Services � ` �Seriior Information 'Information and assistance; SeniorServices King " King.County N/A N/A and Assistance including services County ' . . and referrals for older � - • adults and persons with � - _ � , . disabilities � . .: ,: ...... , � .. , - Social Services � �� �Veferan's Services Regional assistance for Veteran's Seattle King County Adults Service in the armed forces o. Offices filing for veteran's benefits Administration ' Washington . , . - _ Social Services� Social Security . Assistance with social " US Social USA USA Adults N/A Adminisfration ; security#iling and receipt ofSecurity° � � - benefits Administration � ,. Transportation � Volunteer Free transportation for Senior Services King King County Adults, N/A `n Transportation individuals who can self- County� 50+ � � transfer into a private . � vehicle . , .� .: . o Transportation Hyde Shuttles �Door-to-door accessible Senior Services King King County Adults�, N/A cn- , transportation in select County _ 55+ � neighborhoods/services - � areas a - _ . � . m . . N - . � . . . . _ . . V . ' . . . - . � . . � � CITY OF RENTON OLDER,ADULT BUSINES$ PLAN � APPEN DIX C : Older Adult Demographic and Service Trends � . ; ,,. : . . . , . _ , �, . , . -. �.,. . � , . . . . - . . . , -_ , _. . . , , _ , , . . . , _ . _ - s .. - , - _ . . . _, :: . , .,- - � ._ . . .. __. , ,: . . . ,...; . .._ . . . ..� . _. . . ; . , . , � , . ",, -, , . ,. . ; _ , . , .4, ,. ` ; . , � h,, , , _ „ . �_ . - � � ��- � � . x , �. , - . `' C . ; ,... - ,; , . • . `, �� � . � . . � ITY OF RENTON ��.� � �� :� . _ � }. _ . Y SENIOR SERVICES �USINESS,_PLAN _,;� .. ,��,,:�ii�r.ACi uiN �`l�'E:.i?/7�'�'�; . -. _ '.� . ' . . � � . .. - . . . - . , � ...::�- �. . , � . .. . . . . . - ,..,.. , .. . �. . . , , .. � , -... _. . _ . . � . . , .. ..,. .� . . .. .,., . . . .. .�,^ � .. . :+ o . :_ . ... , ,. . . , . w � . _. ..... . � ,,.. . .. . .. � � � ,,� . � .� � ' . :''. . . � ,. - Older Adult Demogra;phic and`Service Trends; ' � � _t - : . _ _ . _ " � , : =UPDATED:March 2014 . - ' . . , . . . . � , �, .. �. ., , ,. . . � Y , . . - � � : �����������.� `. . ;' ,: .•_.` .. , . .. _ . � . � , . . . . � . : , ; _ •'.� � . . , . �.. ; . . ' � The City of Renton is developing a Business�Plan to guide'its provision of older adult services�for the next _ ,_ , . , ,: . . ,,,:.. ... . five.years. The,planning process will be inclusive and draw on the ms,ight and perspective of a broad �- . g .. _ _ . . _ . , � _ :. ,_� .. ,, .; _� . �� �� � �� � ran e of stakeholde�rs in Renton. It uvill be.led�b a Senior Services�Planning Committee:comprised of City ,� ''� � y . . ,:. -,.. . staffandcommunitypartners.; ';: . '. ` . _ . , ,. : . . � . . , _ , . : �: .,. . . . . . - :. . _�, . ._ .. :e � - ,. ._ � - This document provides a high-level overview of national and local trends in":the older.adult populafion � . .:- ,.: . . ..n . .. LL ` ` and related service needs. It is intended to start the conversation, and bu'ild a°common understanding of � - . . __ p , ,,. P p g g . .,: �,� ;, _,.. how the older adult, o ulation is chan in and_the. potential im lications for future servioe interests . and needs. , .. '-. .:. . _. :. , ._. , . . x;�, _ -. - - The overview includes information on: �_ - - , '. <- � . , „. . . . ,. ,w ' �• `. �Demographictrends at_.the national,and.l.ocal level,.' , .. . ;, � :: ... . : _ _,. ; ' ` •,t: Generational preferences� '„" - . �: . :., :;,, , , � :. _ � � . - . . , . � ,. . _ r . �. � - , - . �. Seniice trends . . . . .. `., , � , . :. ,.. � , � � - ` --"This is a:living document an'd the content and.ideas will be advanced over_the_course of the planning __ � -� - process. . . .. .,. � ; :'a ' .� � . , . :_ - . , , ,,. . ; , _ . :. , . . ,.� - _ ,. � �ft0 $� �j �y (�t� _ :; � :-. �����'.YJ����-.�AY ! Y 9����vM1✓� _.._.. , A�.. .. � � - - ' . . , ... . _.... _ , _. , g .: . ._. _, _._, r = � .,.; .. ,;Y , . ... ._ _ :�.. _ ._ Ma'or demo raphic shifts are reshaping the�composition of communities across the United`Stafes.The _ . , . - population is growing older and over the next two decades;the Boomer Generation (persons bor.n. _;_ , �.;;. "between 1946-an.d,1964)�will reach their eighth and nint.h;decades As,the average:age of the America'n � _, _. . . ... : , _ , . �.. _ : : ,. , . - _ .. `"� „ p p � ses,the service ne�eds.of older.adults are�growing and diversifying. - " =� � - , . „H, � . � .. o ulation increa _ �. . _. _ . _ _.. _ _ , . , _ ,;. . ,;� ,. , This section examines the chan es in the older adult o ;ulation,et both t � � � _ _. . , . - ` � he national and local level,and , g p p , , .,- ,. _ . - - explores the.implications for_different types of services:The r.e'view finds ten trends�associated :with - � older adults that'have implications for seryice prouision.The older adult population . ; . ,: . , _ ; Is growing. ': , . :. �.° . ' •: ,;;Has:greater diversity,;�in marriage and family . . • , , ..patterns . . _:;. ._ _ ' • Is increasingly ethnically.diverse ' - " � ,.., , ., ;� , �`Is'working longer . -. :. ,: ., " • Is more educated than previous � ,�' ` ' �- ` . . enerations ` , , '. , . �--. . . .. � _ , , g . Is more.likely to lie livingwith a.chronic:::� � „ �' � .illness. , ,., . ._ _:'� ;,. . .;:. ..,. �,., .. • Has increasing wealth disp"arities : � - _ . � � t � • ' Is impacted'6y growing health care costs . • Is more likely to live in the suburbs t_ �. . ,, , � , , _ , ;. , � �� � • ' Favors independence and.choice. `-' - , . . .., �� These themes are explored in more detail below. '. . . .. � � x . _ . .. " . , „ ; - _ . _ _ _ . _, � . ,. , _ _ ._ __.. _ . ,.. . _' . . _. . _ JANUARY.20.15 __. _PqcE 30 _ . . , , , , . , .. f,; . , .. . � '. . , . � � . . � � The; r"o ortian cif the;po�uiation tfiat is old'er is, r.� 'p p g"ouving �. _� s e. } �;, . � The�United States population of adults 65 years and`older.numbered 40:3 niillion people 2010, about � l _.. , 13% of the;overal'I U:S. population At�this'time, thewBoomer Generation was in�their,most p'roductive . working years. However;:.as thef Boomers age, the proportton of the U S>population 65 years of older'. ._� , ,_ ,: ,:�� , . �,.:. ,.. , > .� will quickly mcrease By 2030, older adults in the U 5`wdl number 721 million 'over twice the,number ;,-,;. �, .,_ < �. �_._ :.: -w . _ . ,. . ,. counted in,'the.2010 Census and about 19% of the overall U''S.' population: The growth in the older ,_`. adult population will increase demand for all services � • . , , ..:: . � ... _n . _ � Renton's populaf'ion structure`suggests''a younger, more quickly growing�popula"tion thari for the United . - States as a.whole. Exhibit 1 presents t�tie age d,istributiori for both Renton and the`United States'in 2010. � . . Renton's population structure'is more pyramid-shaped,with a larger proportion sof the population in the decades generally associated�vuith early careers and raising children, 'roughly��25 to 40;years rcold. The . � � : , .. . .. , , _ ' ' p p , ` p d, with:.a more equal,distribution of population`across all United States o ulation �s more box-sha e , , �, . age:categories.The Boomer generatio�n is e'vident�in the national population structure, with a slight, ' ;� � 6ulge at ages 46 to 64..;For Renton,the demographic bulge is in the earlier age categones�of 25 to 39. ` .'� � _ ,r � � - ., . � �� - � . - ... , , � � s ��"Exhibit 13a� � s :'r f � '' . � ., .. , .. . - ,. � _ �, �� ��� � . . . � � _ �Age Dis#riibution,2010 y � � , , , , ., , , .,. ... , , . . ,,, , . .. „� �� ..: �.a. {, �- - ��tR+����d � . , } �M��+��t��+�,���1.:: ; ., . -� ct � z .. , S ,��.. ... rr '���a� F,� t � � :'� �� � �{����e��������~ � z i $ !' 3 �#� s � 1 a 3���l'�����131[��° � R , � £ ' y r x � � a, '� , x ,I ��$7t��� ` � , �: � ' � ,, "� y� u���4'9:��� � �����e��� � f�'6��e� I ' � �ts�� ar� ��+'l���s "i � . � `8�t�i S�y��t`�` �. ��.'�9�F �: � '�'?��. � ;��t����y��� ¢���r�I tdac�r� F r��f�6 � ( � � 5�� r�, � ����`�r364� � �. �� i ���. ��� r� ��i,�.. i t _���'�$'���'C3� a � � ,4' � ���r� �' � �. + � , � ,�b����peyFs f f £ � _ ; ,, ; � � �". �,�'��c�����4�5 � � � � � - 5 � � '���R�;�'p�'��'# 7 � � � � i � � ,��[�d fs�`��t�.S � � " -� � `� �• ��cr�+pr�es ' ; ,� s �.; � € �'t����� � � i , � � � :riJ V.D��'a�' i ` .; ���� �; � � ���#��y�.a��s � � � ; ,. : , � C � ' � - x . � '�'1�5��'�F�+ f � �fi � 5�y�� � , tiv ; j = �u��[� �.. � � y �4�k��y�'�li� � � �. - — i � =,� t ." #��y��F�� o- �� .:i r � , :���7�i�'�*dPs. i ;° .w�. - - { � , �7�'��+��1�i `` s ' �, . . : , , } . ., 3 `����a� � �,� �� # s ��.����: � � , ; ... 7 k ��� L` �,` � . . '���`�dC$:' � � t ` � � �E����@��3'. �, �. - — ; t' , `'��W1D��'y��lf� � � E, � � � ����!�yf��Fa �# i � � �, ' • t 3 w r .. � _ . �y iA, , g ��a,��d���'��� � � ;� ii �t �; ���1�'� �� 4 `.. i .z , , ' ' ' i � i ' � � ���1���t�'r I �, .� x�, c } s � �'.��d��alT� `�r � �' a � ` � E ��r���'�r�`��"� f { � �: � � � � ' :���I�J'�.�'�"sj�Si'�"'4 � � a li7��i`�r� � = s' ; � " � :���7J'�P�. �{�� � ; � -. -.. �- A . ` �_ � • 4 ,� -� ; F����e��:; t � �� � �.�raa��7��1�� y t � � ��� � � �. 3 � .. � . ���.�d7#77ts7�Jl��7158�+�k�'I!. 7F8 J 7t��� ° �'x,� .�„3.�Y�l�f,�T39:�_��n�iri17 a;va a!:i F'r f4�� ,� ' , ... .y . -, ��� . �., . � - � . .. .., ., � _ 5 . ` , � ~" P,Q�If1�1�� � ' �1��u " - � � Source:Source;U S.Cen3us,2010,BERK,�2014 ;' �' � ',, i' f'* � _ , . - .�. ,: _ ; : . ... . .. .,�, �'.; ,... :.. .... � ." V � . ' . : . -.. k ., . '.,. � .: . . . . The`°Gty of Renton has�exper`ienced an incre,ase in'the number of older adults�in the commumtjr,,`�s .- �. _ . . _ .: x _: . _ < ;: ,.� , � ;� presented:in Exhibit 2.,Between-1990 and 2010, Renton's population oldei-than;55�yeacs has increased . by�more fiNan 1T;OOO people Some of=this inc`rease"was due:to n'atural increase'as well as in=migration , ';` and"growing Gty�boundaries:There is'.some indication that�suburkian communities, sucfi�;as Renton;.will - see'greater increases in:the�older adult populatiomthan urban co`r.e cifre"s,,as aging Boomers are more ' likely to�wish to:'remam`"in ttie�suburbs and�the�suburbs a�re likely to offer,more affordable:housing , � .- >_,. _ ,. . . ,:. . s. .� � . . �. , ' - ;r �` .,,- _ . , , ' ,JANUARY�2015 PacE.3i ;;_ § _ ,� , , , . , � , , , . . , . _ . ,. , _ , ,. „ . _ . ,, . .;: , . _: , . ,: . . .. _ . , . ,,.. . �. .. . .,;;� .. , , , ... . , . „ . . _.. . . , � options than urban-core cities. A reasonable planning estimate of older adults (ages 55 and older) in 2013 is approximately 19,600 individuals. Exhibit 2 . Renton Trends,in Older Adult Population, 1990—�000 Total Population 1990 2000 2010 2013 est � Total Population* 41,688 50,052 90,927 95,540 55to59years 1,503 2,292 5,196 60to 64years 1,501 1,661 4,267 65to74years 2,610 2,444 4,977 75 to 84 years 1,380 1,981 2,794 85 years and over 400 698 1,393 � Total 55 years and over 7,394 9,076 18,627 19,600 *Change in total population includes natural increase,� � net migration, and annexations Source:Source:U.S.Census,2010;BERK,2014 ' In addition to an increase in the total older adult population, the proportion of Renton's population in' the older adult age categories is also growing. In 2010, one in five Renton residents was older than 55. This represents a change in almost 3 percentage points since 1990. Exhibit 3 � Change iro Renton's Age Distribution, 1990—2000 , �5.� .-�.�.���.�..�,��._���-�-�.�_� ��,��i'i ��,,� . �-��:�--�::�.�,�-: �..��,��-���,.:,. ��.�� � �� �� , �,,; �r.;�tw' � . r�ks-� `. .., .. �:���%175��P�FA4��F,'f. � ���,�y .. � �. ,--� � ,:�,,�� �^���-� � �a�;: � : s�«..�;� �� ��F�.1.4��A-'���f� . � 'I�C� `�" '— _��'� : r ._k� ��,�.t��'��e�'r5 � � , � � �,�,„�� . � , � �r� � ���t��?���r�. � �� � ��� ���� � ,---����X�`a-- �,� �.�� .. ����.� �:��t�����r� . . , { �,� �_ _� h,�x ,_ ��..� �� � ��. Source:U.S.Census,1990,Z000,2010;BERK,2014 Similar to national trends, we expect the older adult population in Renton to continue to grow both in total numbers and as a percentage ofthe whole population. 1ANUARY 2015 - Pa�E 32 ,. _ , . . , . .� , � � .. >,_„ � - . . . , > - , � , : ��;. - .. . � � � � . ,.�, > _ .; � � - �he older a'dult population is character'rz�d by in�reasing'racial and ethnickdivers+ty;�� � " '- . .. , . ,., .;: t In the United States as a whole, the older adult �population is still majority,White, non-Hispanic.�The _ . , , •. .,.; - .,,., , �....; ., „ , current population�of'people 70 or more years old"were children�during the Great,Dep"ression=an era "`' characterized by .very little immigration AlthougH the older population, (ages 65 and older) is,not � expected to .become majority=minority in „b �, ` ' " the, nexf four decades, `it is expected to , � become rriore -diverse��along�'��with�`� �the`' '-' . - - �' . Exhibit 4 �, �_:� � �� ' ' Non-Hispanic VVhste Percentage i ' general�` �population Between now _and.,, � , ,. ; - .-. �>, 2030, the "propoetion of older�Americans. °`by Age�Cohort,2000 and 2012. " that 'are Hispanic is expected toi_reach : e� �. �," ; ' ' �� �� � - I TI 12%, Asian to 6%, and the African UnderSyears ���� ` , ,. , _,:: American share will increase fo 11%. � � � � � �� _ � � �� ��� ��2000 _ _ - Renton has`'�experienced :a significant -� ;5 to;9.years s���� �� change in the � racial and ethnic ,� �zo.10 20iz ' `" �� - � � � `-'10 to 14 ears �� �` � � �- � � ��estimate � , composition of :the community' over the i�' ���a�. ,;- , � _ � Y ° : _.. last-� two decades, �i with .y ouunger ,. ,: � .'_ . - r.immigrants representing an array� of 15 to 19 years � . � � � . , �` • � '��: ethnic and racial backgrounds., Exhibi# 4 � � �,--,---.� . . . ' .. , . . .. +�� � .�.���� r�: , presents ;=the ''percentage �of `each age :. ' Zo to z4 years ; ,� t� . �- _ � � ���%'�� � � � coh,ort that is -Non His�panic_��White ,�In 3 : � , �.. �_- � r�, - , _, , � 2000, the younger age cohorts had a, , 25 to 29,years ,������- �, � � � � `��'����� n .� � � ,, smaller.proportion of.the population that ;: ' Y`% " _ , � ' .: , � � x was Non-Hispanic White than older age 3o to 3a years ��� � � . cohorts B�etween�2000 and 2012, all _age " ` ��`��`�� �����`� `�' - coh.orts grew more diverse (a decrease m � ' ' =+ ��� �� � ��'�`� °�'� ; . � „ : � 35 to 44 years � � a�. � the ,proportion that was Non Hispanic ` ������ ~���'`� � , �-. .. White),with younger cohorts experiencing ` � ��� , ��.� � . ;., , . 45 to 54 years ��� � � ��� � W`�' � .. greater increases in diversity Th'is is likely , � �� � -�� �' � � �,�, dnven by`natur`al increase in minority �,��,� ����-,` ' ' ,, <-., � 55 to 64 years � � � �_.� § population"s as'iivell as mo`re,diverse' in �`= ���- � migrants. In 2000, one in two Renton � � , 65 to 74 years �� � r - � � ' cliildren. underr.fi�e yea"rs old,.was Non _ � _� � �� �,� . , Hispanic 1Nhite:By 2012;the:rate was.one >.- '.� � � • 75Ato 84 ears � � in tliree. �According to, the most recent � - � Y - •� �,� _ � � - .,��'� � , � . � ; . . _ �,, .� ������ ,; ., ��. _.. � . . _ estimate,`32% of Renton residents"65..tb ` ` .�,�:�� �, ,� ._ ,. .... , � < 85 y,ears and"'o�er. Y a�� " - ; 74 yeacs is Hispanic, a race other than � �, � �, �� ��x�:' ti, ,„_' �. : '�VVhite, or.both.The percentages.are lower ..��`' _� � �k�"�� , ::�- • ,. .,, . 0% 20% 40% 60% -80% , 100% .., - � - � t , . . �`� � � fo,r��he 75>to 84�years.cohort..and the��,85 � „��.u:. � _..� _� ���, u .� � , � � . . "years and over cohort. ' `�-� -^�-� Source:U:S Census,2000;ACS�20010"—�2012 3=year Estiinates,2014;; - - , _ , � : . ,. 1F r . �" c;i, .., �,.: . .. . . . � . ` � � _ .-:�. .,._r. . .;. . �� � �BERK,2014 � � � : , . • �.� . , , , .,e.ti ; _ - . . � —� , , . � . �, z_ _ F _ � � � �:: , > . ._ � � . � :. ,: , , .. � „ _ On,the whole,the Boomer Genera�ion is rnore�d"ucated than the generatoon-before them. �, In tfi'e United States,the Boomer Generation,is generally,more educated than their parents'generation: ` � , . � � .,,, , _ � In.Renton;. all IeGels of educational attainment are representetl in the 65 years or older population: Exhibit 5-�sliows that"between-;2007.'and 201'O:there.was:a:decrease in the number of adults age 65 and' , . . .,.. . •. . . � , :, �` � ' � ., , . , . ,, ' �' ' . � , . _r ; 33 .- , . , , .. , ,, JANUARY=2D15 ' , PacE . ' i • . _ . .`� . • . .. . . . � . older who had less than a high school diploma. There was also an increase the number of adults with some college,associate's degrees,and bachelor's degrees. � 1 Exhibit 5 . , � ` Educational Attainment for Adults Age 65 and Older LiVing in Renton,2007 and 2010 4�� .,.7.�... _ �:....,: ' ' 2007 2010 � Less than 9th grade 699 623 �d� , t .`,�„�,.�;�# ' , �`�c '� + . �-� �. ; _ � . ._ �� � �::'�""" �� �9th to 12th grade, no diploma 867. 771 . ... �i ,.r,:�� �.,. .�,� , , ��� a .,,:�:< . �High school graduate, GED, or altemati�e 1,922 �2,692, �� ' ' � ...,� .::� ._r. �Some college, no degree 1,143 1,953 �. �-- �-.,� �Associate's degree . 182 336 � ;� , �Bachelors degree 721 1,078 ia� _ � �< ,.;�, , ��'y�:.; ��;< Graduate or professional degree 237 334. . ��� �� . ' Total 5,771 7,787 Source:ACS 2007 3-year Estimates,2014;ACS 2010 3-year Estimates,2014:BERK Consulting,2014. In spite of o���ral1 v+realth among older adults, m�ny peopl� of the Boomer G�n�rat9on are not financially prepared for retirement and an increasing proporti.vn of older adults live in po�e�rty. Today's elderly(those in their 70s) are fairly well off, having saved over their working years and having � - � -� - � gotten cash out of their:home and retirement assets before the 2008 crash. In the U.S. households headed by people age 75 and over have a higher median net worth than any younger age bracket. " , Just as income inequality is growing in the United States, the olcler adult�population is becoming , increasing polarized in terms of.financial resources. There.is 6oth�growth in the purchasing power of older adults at higher ends of the wealth spectrum and an increase in the proportion of older adults who are living with too little resources to meet their basic needs. The Boomer Generation was hard hit , _ . _._ . by rising divorce rates, surging immigration, and widening gaps in wages-all serying to.increase the . , :. : distance between the haves and the have-nots. National estimates suggest 15.9% of all individuals 65 and older live in poverty. In Renton, the most recent estimate (2008 - 2012) is 11.8%, as presented in Exhibit 6. , While Renton's older adult poverty rate is less than the nation as a whole, poverty has grown in Renton across all age categories.The poverty rate for those 65 years or older has grown more than 3 percentage points since 2000. _ _ ..... _ _ _ . �Exhibit 6 _ . Population living in Poverty. ; - . � 2000 2008-2012 estimate � . , Living in Living in 125%of the poverty poverty poverty line � ' Under 18 years 14.0% 16.4% 22.2% 18 to 64 years 8.6% 10:5% 13.0%. � 65 years.and o�r� 8.4% 11.8% � 16.2% Source:U.S,Census,2000;ACS 2008–2012 5-year Estimates,2014;BERK,2014 _ . �" , .: _. _ ,.._ 1ANUARY 2015-.. . _ _. _._ .. _ _. _ . . . eAGE 34 � � . ., ., , , ,.. , . - . , ., , .. , , ,. . , , „ l ; . ..', , :. :,. " ` .� - ` , . � _ ` . - . . , � . � a , - - • Mo're older adulfis wili:be living m the suburbs �" �; � � � '. � There is a:stron refer � � ; ,: ., g; „.,.; . , � ; . � � � g.p ence ,for �a ing in place" or living in the same place where'oider adults spent' � � � � . _ ; . their working years National esttmates show;up to,70%:of seniors"=today�::live�in.thesame place where. . they celebrated their 65`.h birthday � .�� �{ Members of the Boomer Gene"ration came of age during -the popu�larization of subu`rban livmg and .. . . p a � ; . i:. 5 _i �.,.':: �- ,�t := p .�t� .:. �,:..a`� : s .; . '. .. : ' continued:to hve in suburban communities throughout their lives "However, older adult°affinity for�he;. . : .� �.. "'. •yn • . . - 5 . i . .. :. F , �T. y '' gi:g a 'Y3 ,. � ' suburbs is in contrast to a trend toward urbanization of younger generations, including the children and `: .. '' ., _ , femily of tliese older adults As a result, an older adult may be "left behind" in their current community ,.. , while most of their$sup�port system moves `ou't This is resulting in naturally�occurring retirement�-' � ,,: - i' _; ,.�a , { � ;.: � .�.: � �> ,K� , :� � ` communities m su`kburban areas that we�e generally designed for families with young children and cars : � 'YT .v� . t £ ..& �A ':. ��tl F _� i ._ l �{. ! �vr '= <= �' 'yJ ' National studies have,linked suburban living.and physical health,�:finding that older people walk less� ° .� � w , , � � frequently when they live;in lower density neighborhoods that are more distant from serdices ,',. � ; '� : T r +t : Y 'y ,A(� �: �' ° f. '•... p "2 j� ; " " -1 k .; s Suburban and rural communities are often organized around private vehicles As a res,ult, many,older ; adults live'in communities with`limited transportation options and continue to.be depe,ndent'on their �. . personal,vehicle.;`Exhib�t 7 shows that.older_adults.that continue to work often'are reliant.on driving • � .': , , . ,: . ,f. ... - v �:� themselyes in a single occupancy vehicle The 2007.and+2010 estimates demonstrate the continued ,:, . ,: .. :; . b ,... P Y . r ,.r dominance of the sin le occu"anc Vehicle in"Renton, though ca'rpooling has become,a more frequ�ent - ,. . _ .. . , . . a _ � `;,` str tegy:,,: ., `„ . �° .� � ' ;5 �.: , ,: ��' F; ` ; . ; �. n � i,';. A t �a Y _ ' _ , . ..w . -a , _. � ..r.. y _ - i • ;, -; .. _ ... x > .�,. . -.:,., . . ' . , ' . , � ; , �< Exh�bit`7 � .; , . . � � „ . . ' . � � �. Means of Transportetion to Work for Employed Renton Residents ages 60 or older, 2007 and 2010 qj'�/`�y� - � � � . 14]IJLY $ Y 4 �- : • ` # 2007 ` 2010 . �,� �,� Car, truck,'or van dro�e alone ` ` µ ,� `1,41„0. 2,038, � ,a ��Car, truck, or van carpooled, 81 518 � :, _ � � , : . _ � ' `. P � ,. , , . . Public frans ortation excludmg taxicab) 300 197 ' � +�I�6. �•� ,`Walked � _ � � , . 25 �68 , � �� •'� � � ,�= � :1'axicab moto�cycle, bicycle;"or other means. 16 22 . , ,�� "�` �� Worked at home ' ' `�` U 92 � <;, . , .r- ; . . .: ' ���` ; ;�'�1� . , „_ , k ;,� �:< .,. . ,� .._ � . �: . ,' _ , , . .:, . ,.. , ; , , , �,. _ ' 1,832 2,935 •.,` Source ACS 2007 3 year Estimates,2014,ACS 2010=3 year Estimates 2014:BERK¢Consulting,2014 ' 3 t, - r' N�. L 1.F-- �� !� �` . � t _ '-'� -� x'� C�.. +"r r � � g5 a;.x r"` �.� � �7Y F �� �t �.� �i f�"3 s� -� -. �,. �i �. ' . There is greater diverssiy in marriage and family pa�tterns for older adults , , � �T.� ,a , , x , � ;� }�- ;, �, - �<�s��;.� � f $ �y g � << On the whole, the Boomer Generation�married later'in I�fe„and were more likely, to gef divorced than `" - k their°par�ents In;2009„one study demonstratetl tha�3�.% of Boomer men and 37% of,Boomer�women wer,e#unmarried, a 50% mcrease;in the unmarr<ied intliuiduals,compared to;the same age��cohort-in 1980 (Lin,& Brown 2012) These un`marrietl Boomers haVe a poverty rate almost five times, high;er than 3 .:-2 � : �. }+ � � , � . �.. �., : � � ' '., married Boomers and aare:more I,ikelyto:use social,assrstance;ha�e aydisability,or lack health insurance; j ' ,�-� ;r, � ':� � :�: .TM �.�� ,: k t � , ; �.� � ��� ��� j The;Boomer Generatiorr�is also,characterized by gr�ater diversity in�family form includmg single parent ; , , �: , , � fa'mihes, stepfamilies, cohabitati�ng heterosexual and'.same=gender couples, child.less families,and non kin based families: Family patterns va"ry by�ethnic and racial categories,.which fias implicatio"ns for the type of sennces and serVice tleli�ery approaches that are des'i�able. ,� _,. , � � , . , . ,, , r , ;, '_ �: ,: . ,.. , ;.. , � _ ,. �. , � , .; ; JANUARY`2015 �;:i ` ;:: , ' '. PA�E'a5 �Ider acluits have prolong�d parti�ipati�n in the labor force v�rith many develo�ing second,thir�, or subsequent care�rs. In the United States in 1960, one-third of all males over age 65 were employed. By the mid-1980s, only 15% were employed due to Social Security, Medicare, and the spread of private retirem'ent plans. The Boomer Generation is expected to remain in the workforce longer and thus push up the average, retirement age. National studies predict that by 2020,the share of Americans ages 65 to 74 who are still in the workforce will break 30%. There are many factors driving this trend, including higher earning potential of the Boomer Generation and health care costs, but the dominant reason is financial necessity.The economic challenges of the last two recessions have made prolonged earning a necessity for the Boomer Generation, many of whom lost substantial retirement savings, pensions, or other long- term securities in the last years of their working life. Even so, many older adults find more than financial benefits in working, including psychological and social fulfillment. Exhibit 8 presents the workforce participation of Renton Residents 60 years and older. Between 2007 and 2010, the workforce participation of 60 to 64 years increased significantly, similar to National trends. In Renton, the workforce participation for older cohorts decreased over the same observation period. The margin of error for the estimates makes it unclear if there is a valid different from national trends. � Exhibit 8 Workforce Participatiorr of Renton Residents 60 years and older,2007 and 2010 ;�ia� � ' 1[a� - ,. .,.,<„ . ._�. ,:..,.,.,, +lt�; �� _,..,. �.,.da,..�, _t_ �_ ,..�.H __.,,�.K�. _. , �n�: � ., .. . . .- . „ �� ..: � � �. Ir�� �� �� ��� �_.� �,��� ._. �3 +' � �f.�' �3�=a ���� ��' . � R�. . . . - �*'.m�r,` ; . .. � x�a4 34� ���4 � �.�eg. � � .�1 t�6����. �t�7��� '����rs a�nd�d'+�f Source:ACS 2007 3-year Estimates,2014;ACS 2010 3-year Estimates,2014:BERK Consulting,2014. For many older adults increasesi longevity is c�upled with manag'sng a chronic illness. National trends suggest that older adults, while living longer than previous generations, will also spend more years of their life unhealthy or with chronic conditions. The data available in Renton (Exhibit 9) shows that many of Renton's adults have chronic conditions: 7% have diabetes, 43% have high blood cholesterol (an indicator of heart disease), and 28% have hypertension. These chronic conditions must be actively managed and indicate a demand for health care and managemerit services.Additionally,with over one-half of Renton's adult population being overweight or obese, it is likely that the prevalence of chronic conditions will continue to increase, as obesity makes adults more susceptible to many chronic conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, metabolic conditions,and some cancers. )AfVUARY 2015 , PAGE 36 . . , ' , , . Exh'ibit 9 � .t ` � ,, .: . . , . :. � Health Outcomes for Renton Residents, 2007-11 Five-Year Average �, '� � � .3, ','Health`Repo�ting Area.�.. - ��, _ ��. . . � r; ;.�; � � , �, �-; . ;„ <,_ . ,. � . � ' Renton � Renton EasfwRenton NortN�Renton-South�-� �'�' � � � � . . � . ,.: • - Life Expectaniy at Age 65 � - _' �'R 20.4 years ' �20.8 Years� '21 years = ��20=Yea�s �°- � , "' � ' � ' Percentage in Fair or Poor`.Health = �' :T3% - 10% : ; 19%" 13%:� Percent with'Unmet Medical Need 12% 9% 13% 14% ;� � Diabetes Prevelence ` 7% 7% 9% 7% � Percent who are Overweight o�Obese ' ,62% 62% 57% 64% � , Percent with�High Blood Cholesterol ' 43% 47% 49% `� ' 41% � • . 1 �Source PHSKC Community,Health Indicato�5,`2014;BERK Consultmg 2014. ' } ' ; ,. , ., t .,:.. :�� , .. , . ,>. . , ..� .:,; � . , .. , �: EX�'llblt 10 . - r,`; ;.s��� Health Outcomes for�Renton Residents,2006-10 Five-Year Average '� . . . .. � ... ..3-,.t .�.. �.., ,..v .:.... ; .u. ' - ' , ..,�. ' .,�.... ., ' ' .. .._ �. . . .., � , , : ;.Etenton ` . ., . .. . � �.... . - � 4 �..;.. . -. . .: - ' . � .'Health , , w °,. . _ , - Planning. ,,. : �. , . , . ,s ,. ; .,. .- _ r- . ,. . . -_. . ,, �. - . „ • �Area . , . Percentage with Activity Limitation • "' '23% ;, ,:� ,•:: .`° : ;. .. , ` " � :.;_ �; ' Percentage with.HYPertens�on Awa`ren� " `=28% .x . . ' • " , - , . . . . '.Fi .. . '�'' .. .�. . . � . � Source:,PHSKC Community Health Indicators,20T4;BERK Consulting;2014. �' � � _ - l f�'- � S .L2 j _ ��y{ . . Ad d ,. , �u, �. . .-,. .,- , - , .�. . .:,. ,: _ ' itionally, as almost one-quarter of all adults in Renton have�an activify limitation. Health and fitness ;�.. : programming will need to provide a continuum of ezperiences for all activity levels. Adults who do��not ' -. � ;,,_ .. , � .: _ . . „�. have. an activity`limifetion might wa'nt higher impact'or'more active�p'rogramming, while'modified` � programming will be�necessa ,ry for those with activity limitations., r . . , _ ' ° Fdealth care is becoming;incr<easing9y costiv.., . . .':; � �.:. _= ` • _ . y.,� , .. ,. � . .,,. , _. . . .,,, :�: , ,. , ;' . Tfie�'increase in life expectancy�and growing'rates of chronic disease are happenmg at a time when health care costs�:ere outpacing income .Mo°st.new.retirees``are�urraware of the costs and limitations of �_. , ., . . ,., �. , -.: ..�. .: : . :< _, • IVledicare`and"ha`v'e not fi.nancially�planned.a�ccordingly `Health ca're:costs�will`continue�to be a'`clrain on � -,. ; :. ; ,.� the budgets.of olcler adults and':much more education is needed�a't;a younger age:'# _` '" ' Cultural shifts favoring choice and independence:are changing_social services pr.ovision �:>� ��"`= There is:much<de6ate,about how Boomer�Generation cultur.e differs fromr.liothYthe;generation.befo"re it `' and;the~generation_after: Regardless of:the generational div.isions,;the Boomer Generation will;�demand ', services fti'at align.to.theirualues, including�individual.shoice,.coirimunity�in�oluement; and health:and uvellness:'The culturai values associ.ated�with_the.:Boomer;;Gene�ation_will IeadrAto`several trends in ` , . seniice provision;;includmg Y , ,. .�� .,f; •�5.-' �3�i- . . . �'�'r"� t' g ,. . , � • -<Emphasis on."personal choice and..individ'ualiied�services. � � �t � ���� �, �, ��_.� � � . Movement away,from institutional:care and`toward home end`community tiased�services`.� ` ° � . . . , , , .. ,. . ,;.� '• Increased interest in "aging in place"which:allows.older adults:to continue involvement in tlieir'`,. - , � _ _ . longtime communities and::preventsdisplacement into institutional'communities .Many Boo�mers , . . , . . . . . , . : ,. . _ � 1ANUARY`.:2015 . - PAGE=37 ,, , . _ „ t _ , , , . � x will wish to stay near their adult children and remain an active, productive member of their communities.- - , , • Demand for active hobbies,and activity options(more sports and fitness opportunities). • Interest in lifelong learning and continuing education. � , However, the ability of an individual to act on his or her personal preferences is often dependent on ; financial resources. Providing customized services for individuals with limited resources will be a challenge.' { �������������� . The demographic trends discussed above have implications for the ongoing delivery of older adult services. This section reviews implications and trends driven by the demographic,factors discussed above as well as other factors that impact the availability of services for older adults. General Trends � Increasing financial strain on so�ial service at every leve! of gov�rnment. At the same time the older adult population is growing, there is an increasing financial strain on social service provision at every level of government. As a result, there is a growing focus on cost efficiency and cost reduction in service provision. - . � Additional trends in services are meant to improve older adults' access to information in the market so that they may make the best, most economically efficient choices.These services include: � • Case management and options counseling,to help older adults make fiscally sound choices for their -.. _. . .. . #uture care. , � • Information a'nd referrals to community.resources;and education about available services. , , _ Su�psart f�r adoptBng technol�gy-enhanc�d s�rs�icas. � The Boomer Generati'on is one of the last generations that did not grow up using computers,and the ' Silent Generation before therri have much less experience with new technologies.Some older adults will likely continue to need phone and in-person assistance, as information is increasingly.disseminated ` through the internet. Older adult services must integrate the use of technology in service provision.in an inclusive way that accommodates all skill levels. Housing : . . . _ . . • Older adults are delaying their move to senior living settings, creating en emp{iasis on services to support"aging in place."This will increase demand for housing retrofits to existing homes and housing that accommodates individuals at every stage of life and ability(ramblers, minimal stairs, wide hallways, ramps;minimized thresholds, bars and grips). - • • Housing for older adults is moving away from institutional settings and towards home and community based services and other more personalized living arrangements.This will increase the demand for: . - o In-home skilled nursing care o Adult family homes � ' ' . _ JANUARY 2015 � _ PacE 3s , , . . ' ; , , o �Delivery of groceries.and otherstaple goods f; ., ,. . . ,. ,. � o I,n�home`services•(v,arioustherapies,health services,•,personal care;home;care) i�=< ,� ;,i� � -. � � , ; , a , � � -1 1 .'in� x� �. �. � �-'E,_ d 4}t A, i � -� 3 -, iS_ $ , . � . Tfiere will be increased demand for affordable, accessible,housing ` „ , •� New housing models'such as multigenerational hou`sing,'senior`villages,co housing and other p� � {.� .: ,. .-�; • E�;� . � .:. - ., , � - _ • , � communitjr living solutions will contmue to evolve as a way to`reduce h`ousing'costs.'= � . ; '• For individuals who do pursue assisted-living options,independent living and.housing communitie's , � , . � .thaf provide varying degrees of independence through a continuum,of,services for�their residents.,is ;-. � a majortrend. ,,. t.. _ � . . _ k — . �+ . ;. :, � : -� .,;. . „ ° �, , � Smce older adults prefer to,'`age in'place"care facilities will have to update rates,admission polic�es,4�. � �. � � ���and make other changes to,account for higher rates of liigh acu)ty residents Definitions of senior �° ` � � � ' , � � �. ,�-.x'�Y . „� `� :�t i;r t t .i.;� . �.. # �...; r ...��! .�.. �,� ��-�a y „ �:'� `� ������ � ' • � . " . ' iiving`catego�ies will change,witfi assisted living 'c`ommunities"functioning more like'skilled nursing , , � Iternatives to hos itals Sherriff` ' � . P. ,,, . g, g g g � : � , ... � . , , , � e, 2014). , . settin s,and nursin homes be innin to serve as a , . � . . T.. '� k t.i3 � •,. "-t � Nutrition� - �, _ � �� . � •, An iric�easing'focus'on and awareness of soaal equity and cultural competence throughout all ' .� government agencies and communiry based organizations will also inspire�.the need for m�eal and' � _ � ;. . . , '_food choices that best-me'et the needs and desires of all older;adults.This will incl'ude providing -'., - . meal`options that respect the dietary restrictions and food preferences of a'diverse array`of older t adults: , . ; , "., . S � � `To he�lp mitigate the impacts of chronic illness and obesity,and�espond to demands for health and ,. , , -., .,. . , . , � . , , . . . 4`fitness'options;�there is"a-trend toward providing healthy and n"utrifious meals that include'fresh` � . , ;. ,. , n � . , � fruits'antl vegetables. �'� f t "; - ' "� . _ . . . � , ,. . ... � . _ � �,. ;.. ,- .. o ;. , . . . �.- �,: ' • 'Providing meals in a group or social setting when possible to p�ovide the necessary riutrition � - ` _ ;suppo"rt, hel,p meke..meal provision cost efficient(minimiiing�delivery.costs,standardizing time � - � � _ . served fo minimize labor),and to help enhance social opportunities `. , - ' _ . . : � � ' , . � . :,. . `, Soaal`Services . , , � ; , �-� , ,.. i ,. � 4 , e has,made it necessary to impro�e service'providers'ability to � �;. � .`Increased awareness of elder abus � r , identify and.prevent;elder�abuse`'Many�social seruice ag'encies provide-opportunities�'for filing � t;; � , � ,�complaints�and concerns regarding elderabuse �t , 5. ,, .��� yk f ,;; "f �r�., ,, �;�, i ... . • �Older�adult.se�rvices andasocial seniices supports�have grown increasingly complex over the last� . . � ._ �. ; �decade This has inereased:the need for case management and opt�ons:counseling,to help older ; , �'adults make appropriate choices(fiscally and individually)for th�eir future It has also increased the ', - : �.� " ''need`for;information;referr.als,and�education a'6ouf community resources`and available services •" . .. . ' . .. � L ��� { -p,�: 1 ;'� t ... � � � . . :Tr:anspor.tation� r . , fi ;< < �: ¢ �.t.,� a . ,. . .. . ,.. ., .. .._ _� . ,. „ ; �, ,.. ; . - . . . .,_ _ ' � • The.car oriented�sfructure;of most�suburban enyi�onments,coupled with limited putilic � ,=;F�{ ;_ fa �1 �transportation options(a trademark of,many s,uburban,en�ironments)'is necessitating additional .x rY . ., transportation options , ` � ,. _ �, x 1f.h�,,f,�� .'.t E �':aY,' i �� � '" :`3e e8 �vy:; �� � ����. tx � �r_�r'�! �.r � ,:-xYa �1�t�3 i �Z��. � �"; t `i. . � � '. ��, ` • _Transportation will continue to be a prima�ry barrier to accessing services and�remainra�need;for � V �old`er.-adults. `� � _ . ' ' - � _. t l� . � 2 t K -1 �"� .. . . .�..�. . . .. , . . . -: ' . � . . . . . , . . . . . � . . � _ . - . . �. . � . . . . .. ., - _ .. .. , .. .: . , , . ;. - . . � , ;, , .. , , ,' . ... . . . . . �c. ;._ ". ,,. �". . � . _ , . . , . - � 1 . r. ,, .,. -�. ,.;;' - ,, .,a 3'. . . ,..' sl' PAGE 39 JANUARY 2015 � . , . , - . . ; , ° �, „ , . � t , , , . . , . , , . - , _ , .: :' �' � . ..<< � .,_ , : . s.,. . , � . �. . Healfh • Low-impact and adaptive fitness activities like walking,tai chi, exercise with the aid of a chair,and yoga will continue to be offered to suit those with limited mobility and low fitness levels. • By 2027,the Medicare eligibility age will be raised to 67; however,with the existence of the Affordable Car,e Act,there is debate about how this will affect long term social service needs for older adults. Activities/Entertainment . s Expanding activity offerings to include activities for people of all cultures and backgrounds. • An emphasis on community building and supporting relationship development between participations. Most activities advertise the opportunity for participants to meet new friends and have fun. Employment and Volunteer Opportunities . • Many older adults are interested in subsequent careers, increasing demand for educational opportunities and professional networking. • Flexibility in work and retirement options will be necessary for those older adults who need to, or choose to,work past the traditional retirement age. PetS • . There is an increasing recognition of the important role of pets as companions, and thus on helping older adults maintain their pets.This includes assistance with the pre-related costs, including emergency veterinary costs and ongoing pet food and care supply costs. • Interest from priyate donors in this cause has led to the existence of several private funds in the City of Renton for pet assistance ���=�������� � . Administration on Aging, Department of Health and Human Services.A�in�Statistics. � Aging and Disability Services: Area Agency on Aging for Seattle and King County [2014], http://www.a�in�kin�countv.or�/. Drake, Bruice (2014). Number of older Americans in the workforce is on the rise. Pew Research Center. Golant,Stephen.M (2014)Aging in the American Suburbs:A changing population. Excerpted at Today's Geriatric Medicine, http://todaysgeriatricmedicine.com/news/ex 06309_01.shtml Kinne,Susan (2012). Kin�Countv Adults A�e 60+: Numbers bv Nei�hborhood. - Mcllwain,John (2011).Suburbs, Cities,and Aging in Place. Urban Lond. http://urbanland.uli.org/economy-markets-trends/suburbs-cities-and-aging-in-place/ Multnomah County Task Force on Vital Aging (2008). Everyone Motters:A Practicol Guide to Building a Community forAll Ages. Sherrifee, Cherise (2014).The Bridge to Aging. www.thebrid�etoagin�.or� IANUARY 2015 PAGE40 � U.S.Census(2010).The Next Four Decades:The Older Population in the United Stetes 2010—2050. � Current Population Report by Grayson Vincent and Victoria Velkoff. P25-1138 U.S.Census(2012). U.S. Census Bureau Proiections Show a Slower Growin�, Older, More Diverse Nation a Half Centurv From Now.�CB12-243. Wacker, Robyn R and Karen A Roberto (2013). Community Resources for OlderAdults:Proqrams and , Services in an Era of Chanqe. Fourth Edition.�Sage Publications � • ; . ' ; . . - ' 1ANUARY:20.15..., PncE 41 , CITY OF RENTON OLDFR ADULT BUSINESS PLAN , APPEN DIX D : Engagement Summary � ,_ - , � � . . , . . . r .. , .., . . . . , , .. ,. � , . � � , ; CITY OF RENTOIV , . ; . -. - � � ° � � � �" OLDER ADULT SERVICES B,USINESS PLAN � ' . _.A�Yii..bt��,1,6 9'iiL i:�3�W�PX . ,__ . . . _.:. . , . __. . .. ,. . _ .. . � � Engagement Summary. � � � _ UPDATED:June 2014 --- � � - , ` � , . , . � � �11$rOdI,IC�lO�'1 , , f , . , . . . . .. . - ' The City of.Renton conducted outreach a'nd engagement activities as part of its current efforts to � develop a Business Plan for the provision of older adult services in Renton. Outreach activities included focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and facilitated discussions at community'organization meetings. � Through these activities, the Ci .ty has gathered information about,trends in old�r adult services, the. ,- needs of older adults in Renton, serv'ice gaps for,existing services in Renton,top service priorities for the . community, methods for improving current services,and the strengths of_the City's current efforts. A I'ist ofthe focus groups conducted and_inferviewees consulted is presented below. , Stakeholder Focus Groups � �' �'' � f � • Senior Citizens Advisary Committee. Senior Hou� �� � , • sing Assistance Group ' � _ , ,_. .. ,. .., (conducted by the consultant, BERK) • City of Renton Department Administrators � r - ! Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches� •� City of Renton Senior Activity Center'Users. � - _ . (REACH) . , : • : . . . - ' • RANU . • South Sound Senior Center Directors . ' : � - Stakeholder Interviewees. - - _ _ ,, _ _ . � _ • Valerie Baldisserotto, HEAL Public Health of . • , Dan Kellogg, Legal Services .. � ' Seattle 8e King County �. � " � �., Denis Law,City of Renton Mayor � � � • Janet'Ceballos,.Alzheimers.Association . , Tanya McGee,Senior Information and �, • Boliver Choi, Chinese lnformation and � Assistance _ . �__1:., _ _ Service Center. ., ._ , • Don Persson,City of Renton Council - . _ ' _. . _ • IVlark Gropper, Renton Housing Authority(a President - � written.submission) - � ,.- , , • Oleg Pynda, Ukrainian.Senior Center._ .. . . � Charles Hoy-Ellis, UW Graduate Student • ,Ann Rhyner,Greenwood Memorial Park focused on LGBT Community , ' ' � Outreach activities were conducted between February and May2014 by City staff.as well as members�of the Renton Senior Services Business:Pl.anning Committee.This`summary is based on the"written notes` , ' ,�' :. _ a . .. . _.,....,. :_ , ... taken by City staff, planning committee m�embers,and the consulting team. In some cases;�community - representatives provided their feedback in vuritten form.The summary' identifies key themes across _ three topics: , , ' , , � Trends in Older Adult Needs � �, , . , _ . . � , . JANUARY 2015 _ PacE 44 , . - • �3Trends in OlderAdult;Services < � ;=..F:,' ` '_' ';%;�r r - .%s'•" ' ' � • Stren,gths of Renton.'s Curr.ent Services , " " „} �, � �-'; � � , - - = ' � . .j�.. ` ,. 3 '...;' .}.'i:4 ,. ., 7 ta�.. `��.n 4.. . 'l.a. �k� '� j �i' ri 'l'� _. . . ..: _ Tfiemes an'd subthemes are presented in descending order of the frequency of inentions by . ,-.. .' " '1 f.<: ... �. i. . :.�• ....�.� x. .... . .: .. .. . ..,..! � .. ..r �.i� . . . stakehol.d'ers The summary uses selective quotes toyillustrate the idea o�"concepf':in a stakeholder's � _. , . . -,; , , , , ., ; '. . ' particular words:Quotes are riot individually:attributed t;f -, t:� ���_ � � . . , � '- ' ' _ 5;�.�g�: ,.�� dF:���t• c $ 'y .q�� a£. :.1;.�x �� t., � r-.;t,: f . . . . .�. 1 . . �� . . � . .�..� .. . � .�. ' ' . . . ... . � r Trends in OlderAdult��le � : . _ . . .. - _ eds � 1 t;: , ,�.:'r.', ' _ � 5'` . — -. � t.� ,.' . .�. , '. �� �' � . wa 4t'.�-�: . . '�. �. Characteristics of'Renton's Older Adult Population' ` ' ' ' ��'` - - �� , �� � •*' ,.< ;,i ..,.�� ''`,:•-, t..,�.�s.-. ' � , F , , ' '" "� _ � .. DEMOGRAPHIC AiVD FAMILY STRUCTURE' � ' . , , . � , ; �. , , . � _ Man.y stake.holders provided comments and input on;how they see�the older adult population changing. . � now and in'the future 'A common theme throughout these discussions is that differen`t populations of ., , . . , ... . , _ .: . ., _ ; , older adults have different needs, andthat there are significant differences'between older adults across ' , ` ` • decades `.It'is frequently the case that`�an important��service'meets,the needs off some'portions of the t .'�f:.. � ' ,. .... _ .. . .. .,. . .. �r. ' . . ,: ,. . , : . � adult population`well, while the needs�of other,g`roups'are not'well met .Se,ction 2`of this`summary provides�nformat_ion on-potential services changes to address gaps;� ' r . , . , -,. - .:, ,_ . } _• • �_Renton is_increasingly ethnically and linguistically d'iverse Stakeholders expect the older adult �" � . . population to grow increasingly diverse over the next few decades � � � - _. 4 ..c. y' �� �.i.:, .. ., � . . -.; . t-�. , .i. f .� S �.. �..: f� . w- �. �` r .�. . � � `� _ ;o A focus group of older a"dults that was mostly White expressed interest in better`integration ,, . . . . . . . _ .= among the ethnic communities'represented in Renton ' > ,_;:: , � >>; " - : 7. " � . - - .., f _: . . ., , • : Family structure`s will continue to change;with increasing diversity in family sfructures ' , � : .. � � � �� , ,; s , �. �,.. - � � } , � ; b � � �, � ` . • o People are increasmgly'mobile;so olde�adults are much less likely to live near family This ,_ ' - , .. a aK' -�v ':a 4 ., �`' x���� �" -, . , creates challenges for con'tinuity of ca`re for`older�adults and may Iead to other cfiellenges such ' , as social isolation. � ' , : - �. ' , - , "Here m the states older adults live m their own.housrng:separ6te from theu ch►Idcen an.d - . 3:.grandchildren Somet�mes.the�r ciiildren don't even l��e in the some state Splitting the ' f ;,generateons can�ncrease�so/at►on for o/der vdults By not bemg.f�nclutled�n everyday 6fe .` sa r -c. t �� ,.. .,., r: ;� � �� ,t':. ts.:. t" � :�.many feel they are notneeded any;more';= _R, :i �_r , �„{,.,; � . . ., ..._ ..:. . .: , , "Older adWts,�need-more local.support fcom oth`ers, ourside�of family" 'x �i.-, ti� -'"- , .. . � :: ,, : � -• , : ,. ��o :5ome stakeholtlers suggest that�a growingimplication of.the move;-from aynuclear family'is th�at �' � olcler'adults will not 6e'`able to rely�orrsupportfrom,their.ad`ult chiJdren � `; ` `:-�._���� �%=,�=y ' . ,. , . . . „ , . , ,. . . . _ . -� . ` ' � ` ;: Adults-without cfiildren, including same sex cou,ples;will;need`caregNers beyond family; .�'; _ " � , � � f11efT1b2CS i� 3 � r t 'i 1 `' ca �-, ���#,.a d �� 5;. � .. . ' . ,. � ��i�� . ... '.� ` � "The�mo�or�ty of mformal cbreg►vers,are fqmily, but�n the LGBT commun�ty the ma�ority of , , , k , � . ` F.�nformal careg�vmg is to2and for each other This w�ll became a problem as car.egivers are .; � ' .. '.t. . . ....:�,? ... �s. F .:�:. ... �i.'� i f t Cw. , � , �.., w: ":. . . . ...-. .. . , � � � . , . �� - � //� � olso:aging � s � _ `, . . > -� .s y '" {e z, � # r+�,. � �S '� .'i � " z '�� � , , - � . ' � '' ': ��:; '.. -.:- ..s " _� ' - . . : i, �. _ , . , .. . . �.,... ` � , "LGBT people;�n general have developed famdres,of chace because they have 6een. . ' �. - . <=r ,� ,� , ; � -� r . z's - t : ,. . ,: ,' ;,ostrdcizetl tiythe�r fam�l�es or don't have ch�ldren!or young m la,ws They hcrve;to prov�de tlie. y '` supporC}`or,edch<other and'those informal;fam►lies are a,'!so not recognized" "' �� ' , .. . y* ,i: 4 �, - 'i` ' , . , r , . "_ .. , ...;�. t ."; �. -,`� r .. PAGE,:45 _ 1 , .. .. .; - 1ANUARY 20 5� Y- y� `� f ' , ,i .� ?:� ..t.. j�,i _:..�::. , ,.. ,� . � � ' � � . � . . .. .. . .. .. ... ... . � : .. . ... .. .. . .� ._ ,r _ . �, . . � . . . Older adults will not be able to rely on family for their caregiving needs and will be less likely , to live with family as they age. o In some cases,older adults are assuming care for their grandchildren, placing them in a role they_had not planned for.These families need a different set of supports. . Many grandparents don't have the money to access the services they and their grandchildren need. Even navigating the school system and other services for children is daunting. "Many grandparents don't have the money to do a lot of things they have to do, a!ot of calling and a lot of things to find out what is available to them." . From a community-wide perspective,affordable day care is a need so that grandparents are not entirely relied on for babysitting. o Some older adults will find themselves supporting their adult children, stretching resources that are already likely to be very limited.Stakeholders shared stories of elder abuse and financial troubles that have befallen older adults as they struggle to support their adult children who have health and financial troubles of their own. • Gender norms continue to change with each generation,though there are significant variatioris from person to person. � o In discussion of older adult needs,stakeholders acknowledged that women today are much more independent and have more opportunities in education and the workforce. However,they also warned that there are still a lot of older adults for whom this does not apply.There are still women in our community who are not independent. "We have a lot of women who come in with a spouse for a long time and then lose their ' spouse and are very lost ofter they lose their partner." . Othe�'s note that this is not specific to women. "This doesn't just apply to women. This applies egually to men and in our observations with our GoldenCare members men are often much more 'lost'when they lose their spouse." o Some feel gender norms will continue to diversify. One stakeholder explairis that she sees a ' trend in independent women having increasing cultural difFerences with less independent women, and this difference will be important to consider in designing services. • Older adults will continue to live longer; but not necessarily healthier or with�enough resources to support themselves. o Older adults are living longer but will have more mental and physical chronic conditions. • Many stakeholders expect older adults to have fewer resources than previous generations. o Stakeholders link the trends in fewer resources, less immediate family, and poorer health conditions as signaling an increase in very vulnerable seniors who need multiple services. "The intersection of diversity, health disparities, income disparities, and aging continue to grow. Limited income older odults, immigrants, and other minority groups continue to face greater barriers in accessing services." 1ANUARY 2015 , PAGE 46 o Older adults rriight not have the#inancial resources.to see-them_through.ffieir whole lives. � o Fewer older adults will have a middle class income in retirement.Many�beby,tioomers have not planned,or saved for their retirement years and as a,result stakeholders expect many older ` � adults to continue to work out of financial necessity. � ' o Some stakeholders expressed concern#hat we will see a rise in homeless seniors. � . : . ._ : . ,., _ :.. � , . ,:, . . „ . . - CULTURE;,PREFERENCES,AND iV+ORMS _. , . ' •. Older adults nbw,and more so in the future,do not identify`with the label "old:'In;co,nversations � with older adults,we heard many explanations of how their generation was different from th,eir parents'generation. � �� � , � � � '"Older adults do not►niant�to�be called or considered OLD!" ���� � � �� '�� �� � ��� ... _ , , .k , � _ � , ,. r � "We are more outgoing and more active. 1 get out in the.community more than my parents � did." " . _ : . , . . • Increasingly,-older adults have a preference for aging in place,�which is s,ta_ying in their.homes,a.nd - communities as long as possJible. However,the ability to age in,place.is often,dependent on financial . . resources. � . , � - • Travel and cultural exposure/experiences are highly valued by older adults today,some feel more so than in generations past. i , � ;-,o, �Many older adults are interested 'in travel, perhaps more now than in previous generations. : . ' ' � �:Stakeholders believe this trend.will continue. �,.. . . •-.� � : "Traveling lets us experience other cultures, travel to Europe, and go on cruises among other things." _ � . . . . . � . ,: . , � , - , _., �. . , , .. .;. . ,:.... _ . . : r • , -"Traveling ia b good education and keeps you'going a!of longer." � ' ` ", o Focus group perticipents mentioned that older adults enjoy going to a IotFof cultural events. � ' Plays,symphonies, ballets,and sporting events were mentioned specifically. ` - o :':Older adults value being.acti�e�and stakeholders 6elieve that subsequent"generations of older � � � `adults will cont�inue to seek opportunitie's for activities. ` � " �z ' � , _ , , _. �. � . . :, F. � . Some stakeholders anticipate an increase golf course and trail usage in Renton. -� � . - r,. . _ _ ; .. ::. , ,.. . , ,.� , .. . . , � __ . _ .. . _- . -_ . . ,. o Some believe thst oltler adults-will want to be.busy. One interviewee stated that volunteering and staying active w'ill`be key for those growing older in the.next five years. 0 5takeholders.6elieve physical'fitness will be;a:top priority for older adults.in the next.five years. ' , � ' . ' , � ;� L., ' �, They-tliink thatthis is.partially because exercising�will�al`so�be a social outlet for'older adults. � _;._ � • There is a digital divide among.today.'"s older adults.Tecfinology is.a cliallenge#or some older adults _ � . now and can be an�o6stacle to accessing needed.services(sucli��as on=line'liealtli-record:' ' � . .., management): However,.this,is not universal.Some older adults.are ve.:ry comforta6le•with - , - . - 3�; ,_ „ . - � . . . . - tecfinology and�would�like.to expand.tfieir skills and knowledge�of:new tools and opportunities. � � . _ � . 5 . ., _ . . : ,� :- - _ . , � .o A survey,do�ne tiy Washington Dental liealtli#ound'that 75%of;seniors prefer their.information � online rathertfian one-on=one ortlirougfi telephone;and�mobile devices. JANUARY=2015.';� eaeE 4� o Some stakeholders suggested more access to wifi and coffee shops where there is internet would be helpful to seniors. , Older Adult Service Needs AFFORDABLE APPROPRIATE HOUSI(VG • Many stakeholders listed affordable,appropriate housing as a priority need of older adults in Renton. Product types such as attached,compact,duplex style,single-floor, bottom floor,step-up and shared housing were mentioned as desirable. . o Opportunities for both rental and owner-occupied option are needed. , � Some feel the real estate market is turning around,allowing older adults with home equity to move into other living arrangements.For example,some speculate there will be greater movement to `, assisted living in the next five years due to pent up demand from the recession. � • Stakeholders expect Renton to become an even more expensive place to live given its location and rise in housing prices.Stakeholders are concerned that rising housing costs will limit Renton's older adults ability to age in place in their own community. • For those with limited resources, affordable housing is a significant need that is confounded by lifestyle and other considerations. � ' "Housing is an interesting conundrum because senior housing is one of the top program needs that(seniorsJ say is needed, but they are afraid to access senior housing due to fear of being ostracized,fear of not belonging...Even when agencies and programs are making good faitl�efforts." • Many service providers work with older adults who are under extreme housing burden. Stakeholders mentioned several types of housing assistance that are important to older adults, including rent subsidies,utility assistance,eviction services,chore services and housing repair. INIPROVED TRAi�JSPORTATIO�J OPTlO�lS � Improved and more diverse transportation options are a significant need in Renton.Across:all stakeholderfeedback,transportation is frequently cited as the most pressing need orthe most - significant service gap in Renton. o There are good transportation services to support access to medical appointments, such as the Hyde Shuttle(though it is insufficient to meet the community need), However, stakeholders stress the need for more options for a wider,variety of purposes: •, Transportation to recreation programs • Access to grocery stores � . Travel to Seattle for cultural events • Options for inclement weather ' o Bus services are slim,and inaccessible to those with personal mobility challenges. _`, - � JANUARY 2015 PA�E 4s . ... I� �. ' �. . , .. � Stakeholders b"elieve.there will be additional and growing transportation"needs for:seniors who:live � � in the car,=o�iented suburbs.like Renton,and can no longer dri�e:At�least o'ne stakeholder felt that . olde�a'tlults would prefe'r-'reliable:tran`sit options over driving, buttoo often transit'isn't.reliable:��- . :,_ . ., ,� : , . : : : • The existing transportation se�vices do not serve the ne�eds of all older�adults and are nof older- ;, adult friendly:. � ..: .: - - . .. .-� .•- , . . , . , C ' . ' ' � . . . . . . . ., `, I�.,.i. . . • o Some older adul'ts needimore in`formation about transportation options and subs�idy support to access the existing senrices.Cost and navigability are barriers to existing services.�' � o Pe�sonal mobility limitations create bar'riers to accessing existmg 6us service � " . Some older adults cannot walk to their bus stop and wait while standing � , � . - _ -_ �� _ . � t . _ � , �� ; ,. , ,, Crosswalk si nals are too short�for.some older adults:to.get across th'e,street safely as well. : . , .,, . _ g ; ,.. . . .. _, ,, . . , . , Transitioning from Eius to bus�can be a Liur`d'"en`for older a`dults, but tliat routes°aren't great � . - in Renton so it might take multiple buses to:get to a destination.. , , .,. ;. . ;. A sense of per,sonal safety is,also.a consideration: "putting sidewalks in isn't,necessarily,that ' ;, helpful if�older adults are,in an area where they,don't feel safe:"�. , , , o Housing,access to services and�transportation are all critical components of well-being...,: . "The nezt 10-20 years offers the opportunit}i fo cr"eate elder friendly-coiiiinunities. This would . mclude partnering_with a wide voriety of service agencies,pa►tnerships.with schools to � . ;= develop�nte'rgener,dt�onal rel'ati,onships;creating,o walkable,community,aLternbtive forma of _ . transportotion,and the use of universa/design." .; _ � ; ; � , , � � _. NUTRITION SUPPORTS AND EDUCATION ;,� . . � , -. � _ - �.�,�� • ' . ` • Stakeholders express,concern that_older adults have.limited,access to healthy_foods and can � . ,. , �. - become dependent.on fast food because it is inexpensive and convenient , . s � �-; �. . � `' , ... . • Marny.stakeholders.link access to healthy food with transportation constr.aints:.;'If they can't,drive - pnd hove fo,go on the bus and get�groceries it is very difficult They:don't want to.buy.things that are healthY•". . . . , , e'% y`�: L , , �r' , � � Concerns around:food are.different among different,age groups ,_t.� �, # .� �,:,. � � . o The younger�generation (boomer gene'ration) is�more familiar witfi convenience'and package�d. __ `:foods,and:may lack skills,�and familiarity with cooking:and:shopping to�support a,healthy..diet. � o ,Tlie ofder generation (currently in their 80s and'90s)`end fo�eign-born.'communities may have - more pride asSociated with bei`ng,able to feed;oneself.and,are not.as.familiar with packaged „ , . , � . , foods.The nut�ition needs of tliese groups are not well met liy packaged;convenience;foods. , . , "Many,o/dee adults:from�the formerSoviet.Union feel shame;.and,will never.admi,t�the need � '., or ood�Many older,_adults.attend the UCC/unches because.tliey need,the food, it::helps: ' ' .f ..f - � ' stretch their dollars for other needs and because the food is culturally appropribte..Many of - �. , . , >. , : _ - ,,_ ..; r ,_,.,� <...�,... _ : � . ,� their'oltler adults are el�gilile for Meols on�Wheels but tfie program does not serve.meals � _ � , r�,� - � from:tlieir-cultuce." . ' � � ... ` . • _Food is very culturally specific,a'nd the cultural approp`riateness of food is a consideration;wlien � " Y...., 4 .j:; '. f "'.. � i�":...: �" . , ..,..: t , .,1 fPl, ,.:. , . . . ' � meetingthenutntion,need"sofolderforeign born:adults: � 3 , . � . .. . '.Y,.' C . ....R t�' .a . r Y . ,L . =� i_ 9 ., , � ' � . .:�' . • -' •., , ., ', ' ; ' ' , - . ' , ' . � ' ,; , , ;. JANUARY'2015 ;�.. � PACE a9 •-.: • Some suggest that more education about nutrition and how to cook for one's self economically would be helpful to older adults,especially those adjusting to a reduction in the size of their household.A few senior stakeholders shared their personal experience that fast food seems like a good options when faced with the difficulty of cooking for one. "eeing a widow, l agree about the risks of fast food when you are cooking for one. My diet has changed now that 1 am only cooking for one. You have to be intentional to have a healthy diet." - o This is an area of new programming in Kent by Chinese Information and Services. Many stakeholders reviewed the Renton Senior Activity Center's nutrition programs favorably. • Some stakeholders suggested improving access to healthy food through farmers' markets or a South King County food hub where local farmers could aggregate their food for sale to human services and community organizations.Starting a farm-to-table cooperative was also suggested. FI�IANCIAL Ai�D LEGAL SERVICES AIVD COUNSELING • Older adults will continue to have financial and legal needs beyond what they are prepared for. Stakeholders anticipate a growing need for financial planning and financial counseling services. o Many older adults do not have a will and/or durable power of attorney in place and may find it increasingly difficult to navigate financial services. � "Start helping people with how to deal with their legal and financial p/ans. It is really interesting to talk to people in this process who haven't talked about a will and durable power of attorney. Need to have a strong emphasis on planning for the future." o Stakeholders stress the need to begin financial planning and counseling earlier rather than later. o Funeral costs can be prohibitive and will continue to increase. • While stakeholders felt that financial difficulties will increase in general as the Baby Boomers age, some ethic, racial or other minorities may be even less well financially prepared.Some ethnic or cultural groups are less likely to plan for the future or make assumptions about what supports will be available(family,government,church). • However,financial hardship will not be universal,and some baby boomers will have significant financial savings that they must manage to their best interest. • Many stakeholders expressed concern about financial abuse and fraud of older adults. Many have witnessed a trend,or know personally someone who was a victim. o A few stakeholders provided examples of elder abuse witliin families—linking financial stress of adult children to elder abuse. o The change in technology wa.s cited as contributing to older adult vulnerability to fraud.The prevalence of the Internet creates more opportunities for seniors to be victimized by scams. ':..this specific senior population is more trusting and less familiar with scammers and . computer schemes that younger people are more aware of." . One stakeholder associated the increased victimization of older adults by scams with a disintegration of the moral fiber of our communities. He or she believes that as communities get bigger and more anonymous,fraud will continue to become a bigger issue. � JANUARY 2015 PAGE 50 , . . , , . „ . , . , , . ; � - . . . : „ � MENTALHEALTH SERVICESAND SUPPORT FOR.INDIVIDUALS:AND.FAMlLIES ,,, , • •, Many,stakeholders iden,tified individual and family support for-mental,health.as a top service � � , priority for older adults and an area`where there`is a significantshortage of_services .Many conside'r . . � . �,. : r �.�_.. .� . � � .,,. . ,, ..; ,. mental health services to,be��a growing need and correlated to longer life expectancies and � - - , , ._. . _ , _ . ; ' inc�eased h;ealth concerns or chronic conditions. � . � � � .� r' ' :.i . . . . ;f t;i � ' . o Specific mental health services needs identified by stakeholders include � . . , .. . ,_. y, a . s v �� _t'�.t ;}�� ..� . . ..ta� .:` } . ..�a ..t . . .. � - .. :<. � r Mental health services for all agesand populations , , . y , � - , . , .,_ � , . , ... _ .�,. _ . , . . ��� ,.:.�� � . - ::�''Educa`tion;information,and support of individuals and-families faan`g dementia 'Dementia is � , . ... ' . .. � . . , one the health concerns most frequently mentioned by stakeNolders '` � , . � � � . ; �,. � - � , � � , = _ , • Services to address post t'raumatic stressdisorderforveteran"s � ' 't '` ' � ' ' .s, S ;� "'h ,a. .�.., � , � :.*s A, 1 i. v ,.-.t � f +,.r .. , . � . r:... • In addition to_more menta,l healtli services,stakeholders.addressed the need for mental heal'th�', , . - , .t - ;.r 5 . outreach,"including improving"systems and abilities to identify isolated�or homebound individuals: � . . . r :: � � , „p ;, , •; Mental health services must also 6e,delive�ed in culturall,y relevant ways In some communities, ' , .,.�;: y .A..�F f.0 ,a . . . . :. :. i . . . : mental health issues are both common and stigmatized. For example,a�stakeholder familiar with .. - : , .�< - � , the Ukrainian communityexplains: ' =� ` . � ;.._ � - - . ,. .t, 'Mental health�ssues are of concern►n fhe o/der adult p,opulation Under the,umbrello of : .: _ . .�. : : � Valley,Gt�es Counse6ng UCC has started offer�ng m,ental health serv�ces They have found , - :. � : g . ., - : ;. .� � , . x ... ,:� , - . ,. .. � . many;older adults suffer from depression,stres's'and anx►ety It is�mportant that they are �. � , �� ;�.,- , � ;, , ' � ' ' s-`able to offe'r.these'serv�ces from'people'who speak th`eir�langu"age and understand the � .._. �, � ., , , � , �. ,:. �; . ._ . , ` � ` culture they'come from..For insfance you would not nome�their condifion as depression � , becouse":older'adults would relate�that to evil spir.�ts. 'IVlenfa/health services�are promoted ' , - . '' as emofionvl support' - ,.. .- r � - r..,'. y ���-...' .� y .:n: n �. _ � „ i� . . ' � . .. . . , . . .. � In addition to mental'health services for those suffermg from mental�health,there is a need for � � . support for caretakers IVl'ost caretakers�of older.'adults ere older'adults themselves;and need.a � - � specialized system�of supports �'. . - � � - � � , ? �u� ;x- _ � - .;s�- � , � .a _ ' � OTHER SERUICE NEEDS � � � . •, �. � � r .4�,.� � {.��i .''.: a...� i i �.. � s � � �� sr' x r�f a ,� it ��. r� �tix^r �� �° � as' � .�. G. ' • �Socialization and connectin older�adults to the communit is another.to service riori '�` - b tY .� � � c :,�� ��_� , �.;,; ; > s �. y p� ,_r p:� � " ��mentioned by:stakeholders::. . _ . :. �, �.�.. .. :, :'- r :,t., , R�, -,, �.i :�ti , _z , ,;.; ' { ' u , . o One brganiiation recenfly,conducted'a survey of older LGTB adults abouf theirsennce needs �. � , ;, . and socializat�on was identified as a:priority need - � � o One service provider sfiared tbeir strategy for reachirig older adults-who do not�speak English ,. . . ; ,,.. � ,.. _ ,: ; _; � ;.r, r.. ; "Social rsolation�s dn issue„the�r biggest concern:eoth language barrrers and:#ransportat�on = , ' � ..�S . ��' .:.. . ".: % . ' . .� . ..- . . " t ''..:.. .. � f:-.i� '... " .`.:' ..=t�. . ' . . . barners are contr�but�ng factors and can lead to health issues T.he�r approach.�is to reach out :� � , : � ,., � , - _� � : �;�� ; �, -�_ " � ''7` ' ``'',to mdiv�duals and set them up w�th'a volunteer opportunity Nlany of,�.the people`they serve . • � .Y� '.. ..�� 4..::f ..�.� .... —�5 il.'�'" F -a� ;4°'.. �S M; t'.r 4 �3..i ."l Y . „ �, .. y � . '`have;professional backgrounds ahd often`�havetskills they can contri6ufe to the program " � . ;. . .; ., . . - o Stakeliold"ers sfiared�the following.as ideas.for-the types of`activities thatwould support � ` �':: - ' � so,cialization �; �; w;, ;� _ � � ' � , _�� - � _ .. ;_�-Mall walkmg;,issgood`';butYhere is no place-like that in Renton toi-walk irtdoors,'� ' - a . .. ' , ." �.� t '� . .�r :4 sx� rx���`.;�'�d� t.�v P���' � ��� �r iF�� 5..:i'� . .- .: . ,.. ., . . n '� , ` � In go.od wea'ther old'er ad"ults can't`always:use Re'nton stadiums" . - . , � ,:.. . . � : _.. � , . ;. �., t - , , ,;, . ,- ` .,. , - ;:� c � � �' l ,. _ ' . PAGE 51 ;..:...,, ., :. ,,. , :-: .. '. ., , ,' 'JA `NUARY 2015i v s, .s.,., , . . ,, ° ,. �' . = , .. , , ... , . . . ., . Trails are good but restrooms and places to rest are limited ' . One provider shared that her clients want to do more trips to support friendships and socialization, but transportation and other costs make it difficult to provide travel opportunities. � • Improved services to address the needs of diverse ethnic and linguistic communities in Renton. o Many stakeholders felt that future service improvements should focus on the needs of Renton's minority populations and acknowledged different ways that language barriers currently ask as a barrier to accessing services.Specific language needs identified include Ukrainian,Spanish and Southeast Asian languages. o Stakeholders suggest improving awareness of the needs and differences of older adult communities can be helpful as other organizations work to reduce isolation and increase the ability of older adults to participate in their community. . Partnering with culturally specific agencies, non-profits,community groups,volunteer groups, or schools was suggested as a strategy to address the diverse needs of our older adult cohorts. o A focus group of older adults expressed interest in learning more about the new ethnic groups that are part of the Renton community and stressed the importance of improving their own ability to communicate with members of the community who speak little English: "There are trends in greater cultural awareness and language needs in this area and so there are needs to learn about culturol differences....l came from a background where most of the people who were 1st generation but didn't keep their languages so that they could ' assimilate. There is a role reversal now;people maintain their native languages and cultures." "The ability to communicate goes both ways...we had a young man come in Friday ond he wanted to know if his grandmother could have her income tax done and he said 1 need a service that speoks Chinese ond the young man said no one in his family could interp�et." • Older adults might have higher fitness levels than older adults from past generations, and want ,opportunities to maintain active lives.Opportunities for exercise and fitness programming were • Some stakeholders mentioned that there is a need for services to help older adults prepare for emergencies. � 1'�rea��� i� 00��� A���°� �����e� Many of the stakeholders consulted in the Community Engagement process provide services to older adults in Renton and other King County communities. This section presents themes on trends in older adult services,strengths in Renton's current system of services, and priorities for future services. Service Trends • Seniors have a strong preference for aging in place,which is staying in their home and community as long as possible.Acknowledging this trend in preferences, stakeholders felt that there will be an increase in services to support older adults who are aging in place. ' JANUARY 2015 PAGE 52 ' . . � � �' . .. . „ ' � . ' , ' . � .� ' � .. � . . . , 1 . � , o Services.to support aging in place both meet=the older adults' needs and p�eferences;and irt� = " some cases offers an economical option compared to very expensive assisted livi�ng facifitie5. ' ,_��� , _ ,.� q x }> ':t �t s *�:4� �5.i'� �€o. ��'M- � t. 4y,�,t�k t}_�r� +t,sek.,� S ,_; �> ^ .. ,,. �� , � � "As mo�e baby boomers enter the-older ddult cohorts there�s;inore need and demand for . serv�ces to,age in place There are.hm�ted.choices for low►ncome o/der_adults.to moVe from ;_ �� ..�,. , : , _ < :��., ��_ , :.� rndependentliving togass�sted liwng The cost of ass►sted I�vmg,�s generally prohibrtive In . . , ~ response to this gap,there�s a hegiry demand on,serwces that ass�st older adults to age rn . '., : � , ,:� ; ,r : 'rv., place,'wh�ch�n turn can create long wa�t Irsts for these serv�ces, or t�ghter restrict�ons as to, - , N . ta _ * P ��4'.: t � �S3 e. t :+.1: ��.�.. .♦!. 1.,�` A:': ., .� ,who can dccess'these services�" - _ ,, � ' - � � � , ,< e . , ,s�,.-�t�. � . - o One stakeholder_warned that the focus on"aging m_:place"can lead to social isolatton for older ., ' _ y F� .;ZS {��y, �F A'1 �i� s., � ., t "4"� :F sp' ' . adults The stakeholder bbeheves the next 10 ;i 20 years,will offer an}opportungty f,or an improved , `'i; , approach:that emphasiies elder friendly communities and unive�r.sa41 design !�,� ,; , ' � Stekeholders expect an increase in tailored and individualaed services. �.''. . , . . , . ...� ,. _ o .Advarices in medicme;are hel,ping.us understand how.to app�oach health"for individuals�`:which � � Ex,, t is leading.to tailored health plans andP customized medicine , n, > � �, � _> ,.,, • , , , , :, , . . . " � !-�>�"Approaches`have'change`d a lot :We are,now"tailoring to indi►!idual needs�ather'than to 0 � larger,rriefo group:'We don't try to apply o cookie cutte�appr`oach Persondlized everyfhing � ' �, . _ � ' �==�` riow(personalized medicine,person centered opt�ons counseling,•need care°p/ons tdilored to - �individualsJ." , _ , � � _ � , � � � ��� �_��. � �.,.o Noting these trends,focus group participants felt that older'adults might have higher }t_, , , , F ; 2 ; .. : , ,expectations oftheir sernces in the future anrd demand more individuahzation z;, r; , ., ;. '. ; t _ ° , ; .%� at : . '. •-s , � ..- .�. . - Service Priorities �� , , _ ,_ _ � _ � . � , :. ..t: � As pert of the outreach and engagement process, stakeholders were asked what'they felt were the top. ,; , ;: service priorities;for older adults now and into the future This section summarizes the themes in current.end future service priorities. ` � .. �.� �t.".n (tx SIJ �,J� .. .. }�'- . " �. .At)i .� . � � ' � .. '_.. . • , . .J .�:�: T �5.1' �. ,. ... . . l .�. . 16ViPROVING SERVICES TO BETTER MEET THE NEEDS O.F,N11f�0aRITY POPULATlONS , ,F, ,. , , .._ . � ...v,_ z �. �: ,,.... - �a:, a � � .. � :.;. . s .-r . _. . � . . , < �. � ; , ,. �_ YP � �� . ' - p tter meet the needs of minorit opulations, mcluding;culturel„linguistic, and Im ro�ing services to be `' sexual preference minorities was considered important Stakeholders suggested strategies or service .. ..... �rt :i'.t 7 a �..,:r: � ��.'�� ..�:...-,� ..:� .. .;; .,.,, y z =•'• i +�•t,.:c �, �;s 7;: d .��'�rl . , revision"s to better meet the needs of.cultural`and linguistic�minorities These include ' ; ,. . � � � . �. •�� • , . ., .. ., ,. �, ,. . - - � _�, � Accessi6le and linguistically appropr,iate,materials in print One�stakefiolder warned that poor . � `. , � :;- r ' _, g ;; -. t :: . r r .,-.. ,x .:�. ' trenSlations`can be a;d'eterrent for:'people,:"If they can't:understand y,ou, th'ey,are notgoing to jo►n.� , , , �' y�V��•,:a�"'.� ,4�w37c: r �«;Y• �� �:,` � 4.,:�: xt, -r t �ii"t <��, aw� ti �"" �. a";`� ,+ }',� e,,,'.�a g � , � ;, , ,; ,� r . ' � � .. P.:�- :. .'. �, : r ��., 4 �` 7�.: � -�r i^- � ,. ,�.6�9�� '� ,:��' ar ,��e t,j' .� . � . !.';. , .. � �. - r �� �o �In�additio:n to language'preferences, plain speaktranslation is important Very intellectual � '�.,. � ' ' : .�".��Y' :' ��.'.� . y�, .�`:?J`� .s-;, :' � '. j�� rt��:' f sF�,.ri {E '. ..� Y ..e� C�l.Y,4� . ' Ianguage;,eVen in a familiar la"nguage;can'fie"�a ba'rcier. , � - }: . . � -=• � . -..,� . r �:�c n >,.; , -.��} � ;;..r v ;t ' A w�_j..Y J ��`�., � �. .,� � h "Always when we are dorng things l�ke th�s we hear dbout tlie people who don t speak Engl�sh � � . . ' .,z ^r ���' �4•�•i,s�cs} �'€��b i I*,tK�` r �i � ir,di t � F''. i •-,s �a� t�';: gi ,.. :��F v'- ��.z t^'[,�',� ' � ' ' . . `'., • F, ...�,. , , : ; � and I'alw"ays hear that people don t know aliout thirigs so commun►cat�on�in oll languages , ,, _: .. .. : . ` � includmg En hsh isske t" � r � � � -�k > .: ;r - = : 9 � Y•;: �,a, t 1.,:,,. a .,�7y , .� F t. � �.;: . .:- � ,, - „_; , .,. . .,: . ... _': . ;, ;: � ,� , :,. ,:. - . � �. Y ;-:^' i �.:' k ... . £ �j....�:- s �.-�.. .�' ,a ;i°, ...nw t .�. �:� f �s;`n .�:. . -._� -. .. . .,.:. •. .L. r: • '°'Diverse staff m workplaces that#serve older adults to fielp make older'adultsmore comfortable:` . - -.� : , , : , ,� �, � ; : � .�; - �: , ,�< , :,a r fc; �Some'stakeliolders,.felt thaf:.nati�e�speakers will'be necessary to'make'older adults comfortable and _ , . t. � ` ;to�best�be a61e to.ser�e tliem " , � � .. . . - _ , .. ., , , , . � . ;._. ,. , � , . � .r' � - . , ; . , , . , _.. - , , .. , '1ANUpRY�:20151 ' , PAGE.�53 ., .- . � , . f. ' ., - . r i: , , ,.,. . . .: - .;'�. . � ;.� i, '� . .r�.� :.. . . ;, .,. �. , � � . .� . � + ,. � , �.. .� . .f ..,� �,r. .. ,� ; ...:. '' . . • Partnering with,other organizations that have connections to linguistic and ethnic minorities. "Partner with culturally specific agencies,non-profits,co►nmunity groups, volunteer groups, schools, etc. that can help address the diverse needs of our older adult cohorts." • Improved outreach and engagement strategies for diverse cornmunities. Beyond translating materials, many stakeholders stressed the need to proactively reach out to diverse corrimunities and strengthen relationships between services providers and minority communities.Community `outreach events targeting diverse populations and greater inclusion of minorities on boards and commissions were suggested strategies. • Improve provider's understanding of the cultural customs,practices,and differences of diverse communities. In orderto meetthe needs of Renton's diverse populations,stakeholders suggested a focus on increasing the City and provider's understa,nding and knowledge of diverse communities' needs. o Be wary of relying on stereotypes as a method of cultural competence. o At least one stakeholder suggested that cultural competence across all cultural groups would be impossible:you can never be competent in understanding everyone and their individual cultures.She suggested that taking a cultural humility approach—such as asking people how they would like to be communicated with and served—would be a more effective approach. Ii�J1PROVI�IG ACCESS TO SERVI�ES In responding to a question about priorities for older adult services, many stakeholders emphasized the need to improve older adult access to existing services. Many older adults face barriers to accessing services such as tran'sportation,geography, language,knowledge of the service, or ability to navigate the system of referrals to access the services. Stakeholders offered suggestions for how to improve older access use of services including: . • Provide services throughout the City, particularly in areas with a high proportion of low-income . older adults,to help improve access for all older adults. o Mobile and satellite service many help reach older adults currently unable to access services: "Take the services to the seniors." o Provide older adult recreational programming at locations other than the Renton Senior Activity Center. o Expand the time services are available to include weekend options. o Expand the range of,transportation options for older adults and make existing options more accessible.Stakeholders note the challenge of transportation services not being available on the weekend and that inclement weather can pose barriers to otherwise helpful options. o Stakeholders noted that some older adults don't know how to access the services they need, or even that those services exist.They recommend improving the navigability of the existing services. o There are a lot of services and service options, but it can be hard to know how to access them. Older adults aren't educated enough on how to access services. One stakeholder shared this is much more common among minority populations who may have a mistrust of.government. - JANUARY 2015 PAGE 54 � `;O/de`r ddults.do.not know how to use th.e-reso`urces available to them,�or ho.w to access = . � : . , - ,_ ; , ,. . � , - = r �`serv�ces Help,educat►ng people on;what resources are available to them �Help to bu'ild t�ust `� yk�:, smce:i�nany'haye mistrusf`of theirformer.government"�K =�.a �� } ; � _ - , ,.: , . o Stakeholders ezplained that reliance on phon,e trees and telephony systems are d�fficult for � � � semors to navigate...One stakeholder.recorrimended incorporating face'to face;outreach`as - . 'much as possible: _ , � �� � ,.:.. r ' - � :�k ,..�A. . ' ,. , - ' � � - "Communicbfion can be very difficult as o/der adults fintl the phone system difficult to use. -_ For example if you call fo�d service and_they,get a recorded,answer tliat r.equires fhem,to `:: � _ _ t .'press buttons most of them,give up Oftent►mes they will.not leave a vo�cemail message as .� � " . ,. ,> � -, a � , � ,,�they find th�s concept d fficult Clients would prefer face to face.contact" ,,. ,.. , ; ,.. � � , , ,< • �'.Improve partnering and system of.referrals to reach homebound or±socially.isolated individuals ``. . '�"Sonie"stakeh'o�lders�feel this should�be a p"riority'�of the�City. ' � ' ' +'�' ' - - , ,,. - .r: ' "Try vnd spend some t�me focusmg on the most vulnerable people►n the commun�ty- _ r : :� ..�_ .....� . ..._. r . . -� � �jr- ..-,• � 1�1�:-' �...`' . .��, s: x4 :.._ .: '":� 'i, .:.` , , .. y,. � '` specifically the home bound ond tliose wifh l�mited soc�al networks So"me c�t�es are ` } r.y_ . ., ' � ��mcorporat�ng progroms hke�Federa/Woy Cares and Gty bf SeoTac commun�ty liaison to help; '``-refer vulnerdble people to services'bnd optio"ns'counseling.Crisis referr"al Irke`adult protective r _ - services might�be a good place to get referrals.Senior 1&As get a/ot of colls from ` '� - ;gatekeepers in the`community and we recentlyylost our funding to do,a/a�ge amount of that. . ,. . . . ,. . _ . ,. _ -- That might be sorimething that the city could do." ,. ' � ..' ;; . . - � ,' � Improve accessto the Renton Senior Activity Center.Stakehol'ders that were familiar,witfi the " - � Senior Activity Center suggested strategies to decrease berriers to accessing services offered there. � ,, �. . These include: , � . ;-� �. - - o �Expanding the footprint of the senior cenfer�to allow for a wider variety}of servi`ces and , °'.a�ctivities:: - , .. . .. , .. . � • � ' . _ .. '�.. _ ..1 I � . o Expanding the c�offee bar and provide extra space for walkers and�wheelchairs, . � _ ' ' o Increasing pa`rking �:- , . °.,� , ,,= ,. , r .. � t • `,Im rove outre ` � 4.- . . ,. . . � .. � , tt-� � ,�; € -. � �, ; r � ;. , f � ' ' . , vailable':Stakeliolders suggest p ach and communications about the services that are a ; . -. . Y� �} � g that the City;of Renfon is,a welcommg community and that ser`vices ai=e open �better�,communicatin" � � ' `� � � ,. , ., ., ,;, � ..: ;� , ..,..,. , ,,, �, ,, �,_ f.. .. ;`to all would lielp make all people feel comfortable with and tcustingofthe Gty of Renton Improving� .: , .:- f, ;-�: --: � , . , , _.�;:. . .... i �:,, . ,..�.: � �*.,�i:. _:��-;, r.,._: . ..�. ._�:.. comfort and�trust will be necessary..to reach olde�adults who are most vulnerable - ' ' • .Consulting and colla6orating with representatives of the target:populat�on can be an effectJve � � ° � ' , . p � � .Pp 4 ' � f . _ , � , � .: k '•� Y••�� } l.. 1 4 ..1� K��= .�..�(Y �fti . . ` ;strategy for improving outreach a roaches and messages Conducting.focus groups,or other _ ' � � �'.means�of targeted:ou"treach;`can also improve'tlie Gty's app�oach.This',may:�lielp`older adults.in the . _ -�corrimunity feel that�fhey.�matter and carr.6e involved �._� r f - . .: ;f� , - . i ....�:t� K :'� �.G- . �.. .,.- ' _,' �: ,,�. i t .-'�. .r. s �.h .;:.- , i f�. ., . . . " , ' 0 1Nord of mouth service �eferrals from�trusted community organizations and befini�een' . � - � .. � `.�, o .;�, j'�.:;,� �..< { �,��5 t ..�.,.. � ��;. . ; „ ..,;.� n F :` ``� � � �. �. .. . _ fr;iends/family i`s;one of.the mo"st effective outreach strategies � , , � , . . � . . . . i a,.��.''{ Y� d� �'�.� r 4 :f cY t , �e •t� . . - . " o : Participate in;culturalgroups'existing:events, like the.Pride Parade,`to increase visibility and'trust ° , in.those-communities:This would be-great advertising for tkie Gty,:� ; ' �`� � ; �"o• 'Impro�e the diversity of.:staff'to build;trust with,diver.se�communities: � ' , ; . �, . � , , , ; , , . , �. _ , , . - , . . . ,, , , . , , . , . , .. _ , , . ... ,. ,: . , {,� :, .;, . • ." `; , : : , ,; , . , . . � .•., ,, , , , '. JANUARY 2015 PA�E 55 _ , , . , , .. , � o Demonstrate inclusivity in communications materials such as by using diverse individuals in print and other advertising. One stakeholder suggested communicating"all are welcome," but also adding"regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity,"when communicating about programs and services. � o Some stakeholders noted that even though the City is committed to service its diverse communities, individual older adults may not feel as comfortable participating in diverse programming. . EXPANDING CAPACITY OF EXISTING AfVD OVER-SUBSCRIBED SERVICES Throughout conversations about services priorities, stakeholders stressed the neetl to expand the service provision in Renton. Stakeholders note that funding limitations prevent existing services from meeting all those in need and oversubscribed services prevent vulnerable individuals from accessing the services they need. Many stakeholders had suggestions for how to expand the capacity of services within their existing budgets. � - � Increase and improve Renton's current services by partnering with existing agencies.Stakeholders noted partnering as a strategy to both improve existing services as well as an opportunity to improve capacity and service provision.Stakeholders identified the following as specific agencies to consider partnering with : . The Alzheimer's Association on programming for caregivers and those with dementia . Senior Services . SeaMar . Neighborhood House . . Gay City to help serve those with health issues in the LGBT community . . Ingersoll Gender Center . Lifelong AIDS alliance. o Consider regional strategies and collaborate with neighboring cities in the planning and provision of services .This may enable economies of scale and solutions to problems that can be shared regionally.Stakeholders noted that many persons in need of services flow between cities.The stakeholder also suggested joint use agreements for developing services and facilities and looking at the flow of migration between the cities to find opportunities to collaborate. o Improve communications and collaboration across departments within the City.Once interviewee is conducting a survey of City services and shared that some cities are advancing by simply improving internal communications and better leveraging what they are already doing. The cities who are moving toword more livoble communities are doing a few things:they ore talking across departments and silos, they are doing robust community engagement like WACAN or Global to Local or Forterra and when they are doing that they are able to really find out what is going on in the neighborhoods. o Forge partnerships with private entities. IANUARY 2015 PAGE 56 . . � . _. . { . . . ' .. ' ' , ; � . . . .� � � � . .. . . , �1- • � •. .. ... .. . � . .. .. . . � . .. .. . , . o One Seattle based service prov,ider shared that it,ha's been difficult for his;organization to find , ` partners in Renton,or to unde�stand what services are already�avai,lable He was;not famiha� � with RENU,but suggested a coalition a„potential app'roach � . � - Y ik . �k F��� i�. _..Y s S ,. ..t:. .i� '�, . _ ' � ., v . .� . . .: -, ` "It would be helpful if thece was a coalition somethm like the Re u ee Forum so thot the .:, , .�. _ k�.. 9.� f 9 , .Y � , can learn guickly what organ�zations are currently operating�n.Renton. In h�s v�ew, he # ; , . : . ,, doesn't see as much commun�ty partners in Renton as he sees�ri other commun�t�es Perhaps : , . . :� ,d . . .... !,.." .. , r. , , . . .,�, � . . - .. ..�+. A b�..�. t • - ':�'� ocusin around ali er=ent serv�ce's and workin to connect rou s across services would :� f 9. ff 9 9 P L '� . '. - "o . . , 'C. ' - � help " . • � *� r, _ , �" �-`` „,� �:r; 4,: _ , . ,, , . � . , ., . , � �o Qne stakeholder`cautioned about allowing othe'r�organizations to;access fo the people;is current .. , . � servicing. ln:some case,s,organizations may see it more ofa�'marketing oppoitunity as op`posed .. , . , .. . . . . . ,, --, . . , , . to a service opportunit.y, - � ,,l,a� �° ' . .. t -�r-�t ...`;�i sa �,-. �..� { ,:z' j tt r:p" . r =e t �1 . ' ?, ,N�, , , , . . -,..� :., , � � - „ ' 9 .� ..::: ._� . , , .'�... .. -: �. , . ... . . .- � . - .. . � , , �;,, � Y F . ,. � ,.. .; � ..". .. , :, . � �. . .,.. , ' ' , . , , . ' . I ,. . .. ,'' ., °' BROADENING:LEARNING AND ENRICHMENT-OPPORTUNITiES. u ° ; _ . <. , _:: . , � .. . . .. ,. , . _ - -When asked what kinds of ser'vicesthey would like to'�see.more of, most-older adults=engaged in this . .. . � -process said more opportunities for classes and opportunities to learn Fo�example, a "draw whattyou see" class; driver's training class, brain training activities'and games, health, wellness, and nutrition - ; classes, fitness'.programs, imemoir writing, �;lifelongf lear'ni;ng..programs;; and outdoor trips�'were all mentioned as desira6le topics. :-'s ;T, , _ s '; „ � -. . . ., �,. • . _ : ,... DEVELOPING SUPPORTS`FOR'ENGAGEMENT IN THE BROADER;COMMUNITY :, � - -� _ � Many older, active community,members are interested in g'iving back to their commu,nitji Stakeholders . .: , .• . . � < , ,.. �identified Services"and supports thaf expand opportunities,for older.adultsto be engaged in the:broader .. _. _ � ,,. , . . , .,:. .K , . ; .... ,,. „ ., , .. ._ - commun'ity as a p�iority. ; : ;: .. . ,, _ - = � �� . .-. ." �.... �- 4�• i�'.t 3r - i . . �F.— . �l..-� � � } • : Meny stakeholders emphasized the�broad knowledge based and skills possessed by older adults in _ ..� • ;., _ .�.. ,. .. , _ ,_ . . � ' _ _ ,:, - :.::. �, - , . � •:- �'.Rentori Developing,opportunrties for older adult's to service as�'volun#eers or connect wrth o`ther . , .. . : .. . .,�, = . . `organization can 6ring many communi,ty benefits:: � . t ��` � � • ;The tcansition from full time employment.to retirement can 6e difficult for indi�iduals;,opportunities - fo engage in a productive manner would�be helpfuL � ` � '�One stakeholdersuggested creating more.older adult-friendly communities This would include :: � :,'partnering with a wide variety of seruice agencies; partnerships:with,scliools to develop � l . ble communi alter + , : , � ` � � ;inte�rgenerational relationships,creating a,walka ' 'ty; native forms_'of transportation; „ ;.. , . . ,: , .: , , an'd-the u'se of_universal,design � ' - , " , . : ,, . .. � , St�en��as c�f F�����n's C��rr�,�� ���oces � � � � • The,Renton:Senior Activity Center is a significant a5set to the Rentorr.comrriunity ' _ > , . , . � . . , _ . _. . .. : . . . . , : _. _ , � � . ., . . . . ..;: _ ., , o Programming at the Center is-liighly valued,especially its r.ecreation offerings;.ed'ucational . ' � s eakers;nutrition rogram,a , , ,p ,g � ::� : � ,. � p p Gity helps to •,,, ! . . , , . ,. - . . am that the , ,: ' fund ,, n associate mea s on�w ee s ro r � . �. ;.: _ , - o• �Stakeholders consider Center's=location on:the river�is�ery:in�iting.: , � ' `,;.,o Stakeholders.said:that tlie Center is;a;"hu6"for oltler adults-and a:community gethering place:.. , They feel this is:;also evidenced'by the factthat the Center has a strong membership antl{a core- :., , ,, , . , . _ � , . , � , ,_ .. . . _ � . �, � - , , , _ . , . . , , .., �' JANUARY�;2015 - - PAGE 57 <,- . , � , ,. r ' i t ��^ ti i of dedicated older adult volunteers.They also felt that providing volunteer opportunities was a core strength of the Center. • In general,stakeholders feel that Renton is a community of caring people. Many stakeholders commented that City of Renton staff and leadership are compassionate and care about serving older adults in Renton o The City and its leadership are responsive to community members'suggestions.Stakeholders - described the Mayor and City staff as good listeners. o Stakeholders value the spirit of giving in the Renton corrimunity.Other words used to describe the community were "generous"and "not pretentious" • Renton has a robust parks system,which includes more parks per capita than any other City in Washington. o The downtown Renton piazza and Renton's many walking trails are assets. � Stakeholders feel that Renton is a comparatively affordable place to live. o Renton is considered to be more affordable than Seattle.Stakeholders mentioried that there is some quality affordable housing available,too. • Renton has a great religious community,which is considered a social service asset and community net for many older adults. • • Other strengths that stakeholders mentioned: o Renton Technical College and its provision of continuing education � o City furnished lock boxes to help prevent emergency services having to break down doors in an emergency. IANUARY 2015 PAGE 58 �,/'�py[M.i�: .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . ,. .. . . . . . . . . . . �. . .. .. . ' . � .. . r�"F� �.�� . . . . - . � . . . .. . . � . . ;Y., C 1PR� ,.; • • ���9�`ittf;RF:litT�t,!`��a�, C o m m u n i t S e rv i c e s D e a rt m e n t �_ .��� y . p .. "'"a«„K,,,oa/ . �.. .. . . . _ . . . � . 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A i- nPln _ . ct o a . . : . •�♦= Trar�sportation is a_majar challenge for older adults .� _ ., . _ � ,� .�. � � � �� ���u - .�.. ���� . �. . . ; �Y _ _ . . � ��� �. � �� ��� ��� d �� � - � � � ;. . . . . . � � � : .. ... _,; . . .. . . . . � � .�:� ' . . . .. ... . . . . � ���� . . . ;I'. . ' . . �. . ,.. . ' ���.. . .. . ' . . � . . `. . . � .. . .. �. . � .. � . - �� . � �Y � � U�:. � � ♦ � ♦ ��,�2d� � - - i - r . - � -- . . ------ -- ,: - . - : �� -- : . �--- : �. -- - i i . . _ . . , , , . . - . � . .�- . . ., . �. .. . _ . : -. _ .. .. .. , .. . .. � :c � on -, a n: : : . . ; : . : . � . .. . . .. k . .... . ,. .. . ...:. ... :.� � ..." ..<.,,.' _ ' _ . . � . .. . . . .. ' . . � '`t: . ' i. ... ' . . " . .. . . . . .. .. . . ' .. � ' . � .. � , .. � . .. . . . . . . .. . ' . .. . . . .. .. . ' ,. . . . . . . �... .. � i � o . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i... . .. ... _ . . _ . . . .. i ' f . ._... . . ,.. ., . ...,., . . ;. . .. .... ... ... , . .,.. i . � ' ' ' . . . ' . ' . 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SoCial Services S�nior Inform�tion Inforrnation and assist�ce,Senior Services Iting King County fVtA N/A. ;,, „ � ' i and Assistance i�cluding seroices County � and referrals f�r older adults and persans with , , disaailities ,:f , �S : ,, �_; , ,,, . � Sacial Services Veteran's Services R��ional assisk�f�ce for Veteran's Seattl� King Caunty Adulks Service in th�armed (orces , �, ,. �. „ , OPfic�s fi�ing#or vet�ran's benefits Administration _ , _ � Washln�ton ' � ': . . Social 5�rvir,�s 5acial Security. Assistance with sociaf US Sacia� I.ISA USA Adults N/A ° , . Adrtrinistrati�n security filing and rec�ipt ofS�cur(fy '. benefiks Administration ' ` Tran�portation Volunt�r Fr��tr�nsporkakion for S�ni�r Services King King County Adults, N/A _._ ..-;j ... 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Connections, Friendships, Fitness, ancl � - Lifielong Learning for adults age 50 and over : : • ' Renton Senior Activfty Center PEATURES sEttv}c�s , . 2'11 Burnett Ave Rf aumcai�a„ eomPue�r ins+�unwn �� EIItia�15 Foan Ofrersa 12-statla� � � ��� � � � �� 425-430-dtb33 BocceCwuts mrt�uterroomwima � r �( � ��Hours of operation zee page 31 Coftes 8ar ndery of rJ�sses affered . � �. ♦�♦ ,.I n V r e a S e �e/�n O 5�u r e� O f .. � .. � Campu�rRoom fwfhefirsttlme�rto r � . ..� Craft Roarn more�advanced users . .. � ... . .. . �� ... .�.: � . � . .. � � 4 i " FRnes RoamSt PBrvisrt �OalServtces ���.Q C Q�'O�. �Q���� � � i • Li6rarylnunge Realegatirrtormatf[s� : C JC C SWtew{deHeahh � - � � �,�� ,;,�� � ACtIVIT1E5 Insursna6enefitsAdNsor - ���:����� � � &""S�E� `�BA' � through marketing and � u�acoFya#4he ,� ..`�. � 4t�. �� ��6�9ActlHtles NutrtilonRognmY . � . . . . .. . 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