HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Houser Way N - Car Works Addition ApFR - v THE CITY OF RENTON n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0-o AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 04 �� HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK �TFO SEPT��O August 29, 1972 Dunn Lumber Co. of Renton, Inc. Factory and North Brooks Renton, WA 98055 - Attn: Mr . Edward A. Dunn, President Mr. Dean Bitney 802 North 2nd Street Renton, WA 98055 Burlington Northern, Inc. Central Building 810 Third Avenue Seattle , WA 98104 - Attn: Mr . Richard D. Larson Regional Manager Real Estate ALL OF THE ABOVE PARTIES WERE SENT A COPY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2722 ON THIS DATE. v J i COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 26 , 1972 The Community Services Committee recommends that the City Council concur in the recommendation of the Board of Public Works and the Director of Engineering in that the vacation of Houser Way Street north of Bronson Way be granted and that said vacation be referred to the Legis- lation Committee for drafting o f an ordinance establishing the vacation with one half of the appraisal price to be charged and utility easements to be retained as recommended. Ch Ea Clymer 1(:: :::) Richard M. S redicke 1 / r / 1�i Henry E. Schellert EC :mp Meeting Held June 23 , 1972 Renton City Council I ting Minutes - Page 5 . OLD BUSINESS BY COUNCIL : Committee Reports (Cont . ) COMMUNITY SERVICES The Community Services Committee report COMMITTEE REPORT recommended that the subject of appraisal Item 2 . Appraisal of the vacated portion of Houser Way No . of Houser Way N. - be referred to the Finance Committee for Bronson to Brooks N . funding . (Dunn Lumber Co . et al) FINANCE COMMITTEE Councilman Schellert , Chairman of the REPORT - Lease of Finance Committee , submitted recommenda- city-owned property tion that Council concur in the request by Mr . E . R. Jones of Mr. E . Rex Jones to lease the area known as the Cedar River Waterway propert} (At Logan Ave . S . ) formerly leased by Mr . Archie Gustine , excution of same to be authorized subject to approval by the Mayc and City Attorney of terms and conditions , if any , in addition to those in the former lease arrangement . MOVED BY CLYMER , SECOt BY PERRY , TO CONCUR IN THE REPORT . CARRII . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr . Sven Johnson , 1520 Index Ave . N.E . Mr. Sven Johnson- requested to meet with the Mayor and City remarks re appoint- Council for a discussion concerning appoir - ment of Official ment of the Public Works Administrator-Act ig Airport Director . Mr. Joe Sporcic Mr . Joe Sporcic , 1316 Harrington Ave . NE . commented regarding the new benches to be placed along Kirkland Avenue for the Senior Citizens whom he felt to be very deserving of same , also making comments as concerned the referral to the Mayor an( expedience of donor's action toward gettin, the job done, previously unknown to him . ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLER' 6 : 05 P .M. TO ADJOURN . THE MOTION CARRIED . The Mee ng was adjourned at 6 : 05 P .M. Helmie W. Nelson , City Cle RENTON CITY COUNCIL , REGULAR MEETI'NG March 27 , 1972 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the City Council meeting to order . ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , Pres . , GRANT , CLYMER, STREDICKE , PERRY , COUNCIL MEMBERS DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE G . M. SHELLAN , City Attorney , JACK WILSON , City Engineering Director , GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator , FRANK HENRY , Acting Police Chief , VERN CHURCH , Purchasi Agent , JIM FRASER, Acting Personnel Director , JAC LYNCH , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and WES CREWS , Assistant Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO APPROVE 3/20/72 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 3/20/72 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED . Ratification of Council President Bruce submitted Committee of th 21R Agreement Whole recommendation to concur in the ratificatio in Settlement of of agreement with Local 21R of the Washington Sta Labor Dispute Council ,County and City Employees , AFL-CIO , and tc concur with Mr. James M . Conner , the Council ' s Negotiator as per his letter agreement of March 1972 , recorded herein by attachment . MOVED BY GF 4T , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF IE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS . Mr . Conner , upon invitati 1 , outlined provisions of the agreement reporting 7E ' L4 ratification vote by union members and settlement between parties this date . PENDING MOTION CARRII . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 6980 - 6981 approval of Vouchers No . 6980 and 6981 for contr, t payment and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR AND AUTHORIZE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . MOTION SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing on vacation Vacation of of portion of Houser Way was opened. Engineering portion of Director ' s letter was read reporting no objectio Houser Way No . to vacation of the unimproved right-of-way , sam Bronson Way to not included in the City ' s 6-Year Street Program No . Brooks St ., nor being necessary to traffic circulation in th to Dunn Lumber , area . It was proposed that utility easement be Burlington Nor . reserved for existing and possible future uses . and R. D. Larson , Property was described by Mr . Jack Wilson upon r [uest . 100% abutting Mr. Max Fisk was present on behalf of Petitioner ownerships Dunn Lumber Company ,and replied to inquiries by Councilman Stredicke as to spur track use , ouch > continue , landscaping and screening , problems of law enforcement noted when slats are used in tl fencing, and fee in consideration of beautificat )n efforts . After close of remarks it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CLOSE THE PUBLI HEARING . CARRIED . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDEI BY CLYMER, TO GRANT THE VACATION AS RECOMMENDED RETAINING UTILITY EASEMENT , FEE IN SUM OF ONE-HI F OF APPRAISED VALUE TO BE CHARGED . Discussion ensued concerning need for easement in the alley fee , and policy concerning appraisals for determinin( of value of city ' s interest which is not fee ti' e interest but only vested use rights . PENDING MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY PE Y , TO REFER THE MATTERS OF APPRAISAL POLICY AND FE WAIVER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND E PLANNING DIRECTOR. THE MOTION CARRIED . ! . . Renton City Council 2/28/72 Regular Meeting Minutes - Page 4. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont . ) Proposed parking code MOTION TO CONCUR CARRIED. The ordinance revisions - First was read. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED reading only BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTE THE MOTION CARRIED. Proposed Ordinance Dangerous Building ordinance was presented relating to the with second and final reading recommended, Dangerous Building Code 1st reading held on 2/14/72 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR . Tabled one week Some lengthy discussion ensued concerning content and enforcement procedures . IT WAE MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERV= 'S COMMITTEE. After council remarks of in- quiry as to reason for delay and note of need for further review , it was MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO TABLE T MATTER FOR ONE WEEK. Dissenting voice vo brought negative majority ruling and roll call vote as follows : AYE-3 : BRUCE , GRA AND DELAURENTI. NO-4 : CLYMER, STREDICKE PERRY AND SCHELLERT. MOTION LOST. REFERR TO COMMITTEE WAS VOTED ON, NEGATIVE MAJORITY RULING BRINGING ROLL CALL AS FOLLOWS : AYE . GRANT, STREDICKE AND DELAURENTI . NO-4 : BRUCE , CLYMER, PERRY AND SCHELLERT. MOT1 I LOST. Original motion to place the docun it on second and final reading was voted upc . ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED AND THE ORDINANCI WAS READ. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED I GRANT , TO TABLE THE ORDINANCE FOR ONE WEI . Dissenting voice vote brought roll call , follows : AYE-5 : BRUCE, GRANT, STREDICKI DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. NO-2 : CLYMER i D PERRY. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1789 Setting 3/27/72 as Resolution was read setting the 27th day of March , 1972 as date for public hearin hearing date on on petition for vacation of portion of petition for vacation Houser Way North , filed by Dunn Lumber of portion of Houser Co . , Inc. and supported by Burlington Way North Northern , Inc. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECO BY STREDICKE , TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION A. READ . THE MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND Notice from the Boundary Review Board , CURRENT BUSINESS of King County , reported receipt of pro] ;ed annexation intention as filed by the . Notice of Intent City of Tukwila per Temporary File No . 3 to annex property as per map attached. MOVED BY SCHELLER' filed by Tukwila SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO REFER THE MATTER (GACO Western , Inc. ) THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR RECOMMEND ION . THE MOTION CARRIED . Inquiry regarding Letter from Mr. Charles A . Ruud inquire city procedure in matters- concerning city notification and proced es railroad track removal in regard to railroad track removal and and parking in down- parking revisions in connection with th town Renton area CBD redevelopment plans . Reply from Ci Attorney Shellan outlined notification conformity and adequacy, pointing out t t the city is only indirectly involved ju s- diction resting with the Interstate Com rce Commission on track removal . City Engi er noted no plans for removal of parking a indicated , UAB Grant involving some arc of South 4th Street in the improvement -oje MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/14/72 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS : (Cont. ) Proposed Ordinance The Legislation Committee submitted proposed relating to the ordinance amending the City Code concerning Dangerous Bldg. Code dangerous buildings ,recommending first reading only this date with return to the committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. The Ordinance was read amending Chapter 21 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to the Dangerous Building Code . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1788 Proposed Resolution was submitted authorizing Railroad Track the Mayor and City Attorney to file a Motion Abandonment for Intervention with the Interstate Commerce Commission and Officials to prepare and file any and all documents necessary for reinstate- ment of prior I. C. C. Order of Abandonment , the City having direct and vital interest in the abandonment and removal of certain railroad tracks within the City more particularly des- cribed as branch line between Milepost 0+2827 and Milepost 3+1607; Order of abandonment of December 16 , 1971 , to be effective 35 days fror such service ,stayed by the Interstate Commerce Commission when one property owner filed prote: . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. THE MOTION CARR D. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Emblem Club Letter from The Renton Emblem Club #185 , Box Fireworks 652 , requested the council to pass a ruling Stand Request that only community service groups receive permits to operate fireworks stands , the compe tition too great and money leaving the area otherwise . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA TION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. THE MOTION CARRIED. Invitation to Mayor Letter from Hon . Warren G. Magnuson , U.S. S. to visit Wisconsin- extended Mayor Garrett invitation to travel tc for"Jackson Rally" Wisconsin , plane leaving 2/22/72 with group to attend rally , on behalf of Senator Jackson - MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS EXCITING TRI AT NO COST TO THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED . Vacation Petition Letter from City Engineering Director , Jack (11 Report, 88% Owner- Wilson , reported that petition filed by Dunn ship - Valid - Lumber Co . of Renton , Inc. , and supxrted by Houser Way and Burlington Northern , Inc. , for vacation of Alley between No . portion of Houser Way and 16 ft. alley in Brooks and Bronson Block 9 , Car Works Addition to Renton , is sig ?d Way North by owners representing 88% of the property abutting the street and alley and, exceeding minimum of 67% required ,is a valid petition . cjm MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION SETTING DATE FOR HEARING ON THE 1 PROPOSED VACATION. THE MOTION CARRIED. M . RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 14 , 1972 Municipal Building 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , CLYMER , STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SCHELLERT. ABSENT: GRANT. MOVED BY BRUCE AND SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO EXCUSE THE ABSENT MEMBER . THE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk IN ATTENDANCE`. DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN, City Attorney , JACK WILSON, Engineering Director , TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , GORDON Y. ERICKSEN , Planning Director, DEL BENNETT, Public Works Administrator , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Director, VIC TE GANTVOORT , Street Superintendent and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE 2/7/72 Meeting MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7, 1972 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported No. 6119 - 6457 approval of Vouchers Nos . 6119 through 6457 in total amount of $220 , 761 . 78, and recommended that Council approve same for payment at this time , proper departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services acknowledged. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO CONCUR WITH WARRANTS AUTHORIZED TO COVER PAYMENTS AS REPORTED . THE MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCE NO. 2696 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted Regulations amended ordinance for council action which had Relating to been on first , second and final readings the Pawnbrokers previous week. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS AMENDED. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED AS FOLLOWS : AYE-3 : BRUCE, CLYMER AND STREDICKE. NO-3 : PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. THE MAYOR VOTED NO BREAKING THE 3-3 TIE VOTE. THE MOTION LOST. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS ORIGINALLY PROPOSED WITH ONE PAWNBROKER FOR EVERY 15 ,000 IN POPULATION, RATHER THAN 10 ,000 . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO TABLE THE MOTION ONE WEEK FOR FULL COUNCIL ACTION. MOTION LOST. PENDING MAIN MOTION WAS VOTED UPON WITH ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTING AS FOLLOWS: AYE-3 : PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT . NO-3 : BRUCE, CLYMER AND STREDICKE . THE MAYOR CAST AN AYE VOTE BREAKING THE 3-3 TIE. THE MOTION CARRIED. THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. ORDINANCE NO. 2697 The Legislation Committee Chairman submitted Regulations an Ordinance which had been placed on first Relating to Second reading only the previous week, and second and Hand Dealers final readings were recommended at this time . Ordinance was read providing for the licensing and regulating of certain Second Hand Dealers , imposing license fees , and providing penalties for the violation thereof . MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECOND BY SCHELLERT , TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE UNANIMOUSLY AFFIRMATIVE, MOTION CARRIED. THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED. • + • MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/7/72 Page 2 . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (Action on Pawnbrokers Ordinance) Second and Final MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO Readings - Pawn- ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS AMENDED. ROLL CALL bx©kers- Ordinance FOLLOWED DISSENTING VOICE VOTE : AYE-3 : BRUCE , tabled one week CLYMER AND STREDICKE . NO-2 : PERRY AND DELAURENTI . Debate ensued concerning adoption without three readings , the City Attorney noting privilege of Council to determine its own rules , no legal requirement for three readings existing . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECOND BY BRUCE , TO PLACE THE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS . CARRIED . THE ORDINANCE WAS READ. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY , THE VOTE BE TABLED UNTIL NEXT WEEK. The Chair ruled for affirmative majority. Roll call vot was requested , resulting as follows : AYE-3 : BRUCE , PERRY , AND DELAURENTI . NO-2 : CLYMER AND STREDICKE . MOTION CARRIED. MATTER WAS TABLED ONE WEEK. Mayor Garrett read from Ordinance 2406 , Sec . 1-516 ,Procedures adopted by the Council , "At the time of adoption of an ordinance or resolution , it shall be read in full unless , after the reading of the title thereof , the further reading thereof is waived by a majority vote of the Councilmen present . Such consent may be expressed by a statement h the Presiding Officer that if there is no ob- jection , further reading of the ordinance or resolution may be waived. " CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Late-Comers Agree- Letter. from Mr. Del Bennett reported Board of ment , J. C . Kirkman , Public Works recommendation that Late-Comers Sanitary Sewer A '_eement be granted Mr . J . C . Kirkman , for a Line , NE Sunset , ton 'rear period of time , do connection with Queen Anne NE sewer line installation to serve properties along N .E . Sunset Blvd. and Queen Anne Avenue N.E . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR. THE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived at this meeting during this action . Petition for Petition of Dunn Lumber Co . of Renton , Inc . , vacation of portion owner of Lots 1 to 13 , inc. , Block 9 , Car of Houser Way works addition to Renton, endorsed by Burlingt -i Northern , Inc , Richard D . Larson , owner of the 75 ft paralleling and adjoining entire length of Houser Way, requested the vacation of Housc Way N. , between Bronson and Brooks Aves . N. $100. 00 filing fee was receipted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO REFER THE PETITION TO THE ENGINEERING DIRECTOR TO CHECK \'S THE PETITION FOR OWNERSHIP VALIDITY CARRIED. Building Code Letter from Mayor Garrett reported concurrencE Amendments in Board of Adjustment recommendation that the Council amend Sections 4-2102 and 4-2103 of the Dangerous Building Code , and recommended referral to the Legislation Committee . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO CONCUR IN THE REFERRAL AS RECOMMENDED . CARRIED . Police Department Letter from Mayor Garrett reported necessity Salaryspread for for Council action , in order that the payroll r y be ranks above Sgt . timely set up , to authorize the same provisio3 for ranks above Sergeant , as established by Resolution No . 1785 and Addendum thereto for Police Department Personnel , Clerk-Steno thro, h Sergeant . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY GRANT , REFER THE MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOL1 • • RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 7 , 1972 Municipal Building 4 : 30 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the meeting of the City Council to order . ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , CLYMER, STREDICKE , PERRY AND DELAURENTI . COUNCIL MEMBERS MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY CLYMER TO EXCUSE ABSENT MEMBERS SCHELLERT- AND GRANT . CARRIED . (Both Councilmen arrived later in the meeting) CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON , City Clerk , IN ATTENDANCE DOROTHEA GOSSETT , City Treasurer , G . M. SHELLAN , City Attorney , JACK WILSON , Engineering Director , TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator , FRANK HENRY , Acting Police Chief , GENE COULON , Park Director , M . C . WALLS , Fire Chief , VERN CHURCH , Purchasing Director , VIC TE GANTVOORT , Street Superintendent, JIM FRASER, Personnel Director and BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , TO APPROVE 1/24/72 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 1/24/72 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Member Delaurenti submitted L . I . D . 273 , Cash L . I .D . No . 273 Cash and Revenue Vouchers Nos . 3 , and Rev. #3 in sum of $3 . 00 each and council approval for payment was recommended at this time . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR AND THAT PAYMENT BE AUTHORIZED TO COVER THE VOUCHERS . MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted RESOLUTIONS proposed ordinance recommending introductory Proposed Ordinance reading and return to Committee for one week . relating to Ordinance was read providing for the licensing Second Hand and regulating of certain Second Hand Dealers , Dealers imposing license fees , and providing penalties for the violation thereof . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO REFER THE PROPOSED ORDI- NANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK NEXT WEEK. THE MOTION CARRIED . Proposed Ordinance MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE relating to Pawn- PROPOSED PAWNBROKERS ORDINANCE , REFERRED TO THE brokers COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE LAST WEEK, BE PLACED ON THE FLOOR AT THIS TIME ALONG WITH REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE . CARRIED . Committee of the Whole recommendation was reported by Council President Bruce , to concur in the amendment to provide one pawnbroker ' s license for each 10 , 000 persons , the population to be based upon the official City of Renton Census . MOVED BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE , TO TABLE THE MOTION FOR ONE WEEK WHEN A FULL COUNCIL IS PRESENT . VOICE VOTE DISSENTING , ROLL CALL VOTE WAS REQUESTED , RESULTING AS FOLLOWS : AYE : BRUCE AND DELAURENTI . NO : CLYMER, STREDICKE AND PERRY . MOTION FAILED . MAIN MOTION WAS VOTED ON . ROLL CALL WAS REQUESTED ,THE VOTE BEING DISSENTING , RESULTING AS FOLLOWS : AYE : BRUCE , CLYMER AND STREDICKE . NO : PERRY AND DELAURENTI . MOTION CARRIED , ADOPTING THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION FOR AMENDMENT AS CONCERNS POPULATION. A `'/i4 tal 1/0 /1/ COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT APRIL 3 , 1972 ITEM 1 : The majority of the Community Services Committee decided to table the matter of the Coal Creek Sanitary Fill. After careful consideration including a field trip to the site the majority felt that they did not want ro make a recommen- dation to the King County Council on their pending determination of whether the City of Seattle could use this site as a sanitary land fill or not. ITEM 2 : The Community Services Committee recommends that, the Council refer the subject of appraisal to the vacated portion of Houser Way North to the Finance Committee for funding that appraisal . / 44 Chairman Earl Clymer Henry E. Schellert Richard M. Stredicke EC:mp T��'/f., 7.! .",- :i,ii i F ..,\. _-r-'\=3. .: N. / a/'/ \ I +:Q ! 1 I II e, i- I I I ; It 11 ,..t, .• \ .. -- , \ • W• i ( � y,hti� T. � � q • �r G. r i : Imo_ � -, \.' - 3w w V' O ` i w •_ � O t. 7;AIM a ••, ra W-I1 el W =N = � �� -s � w- - yfOq � 3 3AV ,nev ;� �.y �� �� / -- 2 7,,;c5;,_ ).)''' /'. , /„' .._.j , _....i4 __ , ce 0 0 1 _ _____ , ..... __.___ ., it;/ 1_ .\\,,/,./, . L __ I _......... "el II l'- ...- , - --- ...NI( • ' , ' •'''''. ....... ..... .......... CC,:e I-1 ei,l- 1-r-- *.'',:' , . , ' : l& ) ( „) , 0 "". A W_ a • 1±11- al , 2 , . ..., , PP, PIPIPi >.. • 0 0 1 3 .--:-.--..,,.< ./ , ' 0 _ -- a ,,.�r . itirrn�i: 2 .. 0 i I F ` I — • -. 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L� i-.;•.:,�-a.,-;d.ir 'MI i ' t 'S r: _ - ,V -_ _ -1--. f 'i'3� 5 3nb 1131va�n9 - _ v.,.,,1• „if '. - ,. -\\----\ \\,,,,, \-,„, ___ , . . , z , _- , 3i�b ' .r_� Igr,.T7a -.IVT 4 1 'n 3nv V ~1el c" i 7.7.--; t I _ Tom:L' L1_-y _ r QX.�.i3f!i`ri -- ` r- r. �MM t t�-1/// ,� 'Q i dUi`.�iai ] G..-.]-1r.f ^b9� Ma ��VL, i . l' Zua r../ -. s �rV1M 3nb k :.,0•4. lets. .f.W'•-, �.i.-A -:- i p=§ . „1//!,3-i-i' i_'1 t-,f :T9-tra;r srfc_..a._, Ai 1+1 d�0w.[Irru _ • A pF � 1 .� (Ay THE CITY OF RENTON o .. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 o,o co AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O,Pgr£D SEPSEO� HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK August 28, 1972 Sterling Codifiers Sterling Building Weiser , Idaho 83672 Gentlemen: Enclosed please find Ordinance No . 2722 which has been adopted by our City Council since our last transmittal to you. Very truly yours , CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/rlg Enclosure • y off Renton 41141e11111•110 ,WASHINGTON the Jet Transport Capital of the World OFFICE OF CITY CLERK August 28, 1972 King County Engineer County-City Building Seattle, Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 2272 vacating a certain portion of city street or ar"Iey way within the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on July 3, 1972. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Heimie W. Nelson City Clerk HVN/smm Enclosures August 28, 1972 Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau P.O. Box 1818 Seattle, Washington 98100 Re: City of Renton Street or Alley-way Vacation Ordinances. Gentlemen: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 2722 vacating a certain portion of city street or alley- way within the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on July 3, 1972. Please advise if you still require a copy of these street vacation ordinances. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN:jt Enclosure 1 Uti _ THE CITY OF RENTON z o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 n o, .o AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICt OF THE CITY CLERK 04, (c HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK 41F0 SEPIE�O August 28, 1972 Ai) King County Council 402 King County Court House Seattle, Washington 98104 Attentions Mr. Ralph R. Stender, Deputy Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 2722 [If vacating a certain portion of city street or alley-way within the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on July 3, 1972. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/jt Enclosure (1) August 28, 1972 Mr. Allen Morgan King County Assessor County-City Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Sirs Enclosed is a certified copy of Ordinance No. 2722 vacating a certain portion of city street or alley-way within the City of Renton, as adopted and passed on July 3, 1972. We are also, under separate cover, forwarding a copy to be recorded. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWNI'it Enclosure CITY OF RENT . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF HOUSER WAY NORTH AND PORTION OF A SIXTEEN FOOT ALLEY IN BLOCK 9 , CAR WORKS ADDITION TO RENTON, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINBELOW. WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of a street and alley, as hereinafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about January 27 , 1972 , and said Petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds \D of the property abutting upon such portion of street and alley sought to be vacated; and cl cl WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 1789 approved on 3\ February 28 , 1972 , and after due investigation did fix and determine the 27th day of March, 1972 at the hour of 8: 00 P.M. in the City Counci chamgers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public A\ hearing thereon; and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission and the Department. of .'Engineering having duly considered said petition and said vacation and having found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation; and WHEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2349 ; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : The following described properties , to-wit: All of that portion of Houser Way North easterly of Block 9 , Car Works Addition to Renton , according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of Plats , page 47 , re- cords of King County, Washington; south of easterly extension of the south margin of Brooks Street and north of Bronson Way, and All that portion of the 16 foot alley in Block 9 , Car Works Addition to Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of plats , page 47 , records of King County , Washington, lying easterly of a line lying parallel with and 30 feet westerly, measured perpendicularly , from the westerly margin of Houser Way North - 1 - e - - BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to an easement over, across , under, and on all of the aforedescribed property in favor of the City for utility and related purposes . SECTION II : The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $a 3. 3 ( to Petitioners- Owners , said amount not exceeding one-h- _f of the City' s appraisal of the right of way interesttherein vacated, and such charge being reasonable and proper. SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be effective:upon: its passag< , approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provid for hereinabove. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections , King County, and as otherwi. provided by law. cc PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 3/21) day of , 1972 . ,. t- c't --' -21-C-i-d--1Y--- AHelmie Nelson, City Clerk �l APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this `�Rb day o , 1972 . dry i-lGar tt, Mayor 694A11- Approved as to form. 6,4 Ge M. She rafrd lan, City Attorney Date of Publication: SEP 1 1972 - 2 - 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF HOUSER WAY NORTH AND PORTION OF A SIXTEEN FOOT ALLEY IN BLOCK 9 , CAR WORKS ADDITION TO RENTON, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINBELOW. WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of a street and alley , as hereinafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about January 27 , 1972 , and said Petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such portion of street and alley sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 1789 approved on February 28 , 1972 , and after due investigation did fix and determine the 27th day of March, 1972 at the hour of 8: 00 P.M. in the City Council chamgers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon; and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission and 'the DepartJnentL.Cf .Eflg.ifleeriflg having duly considered said petition and said vacation and having found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation; and WHEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2349 ; NOW THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described properties , to-wit: All of that portion of Houser Way North easterly of Block 9 , Car Works Addition to Renton , according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of Plats , page U.7 , re- cords of King County, Washington; south of easterly extension of the south margin of Brooks Street and north of Bronson Way, and All that portion of the 16 foot alley in Block 9 , Car Works Addition to Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of plats , page 47 , records of King County, Washington, lying easterly of a line lying parallel with and 30 feet westerly , measured perpendicularly, from the westerly margin of Mouser Way North - 1 - BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, SUBJECT , HOWEVER, to an easement over, across , under, and on all of the aforedescribed property in favor of the City for utility and related purposes . SECTION II: The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $ c7323,3t to Petitioners- Owners , said amount not exceeding one-h, f of the City' s appraisal of the right of way interest3 herein vacated, and such charge being reasonable and proper. SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passag, , approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provid i for hereinabove. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections , King County , and as otherwi 3 provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of April, 1972 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of April , 1972 . Avery Garrett , Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: - 2 A-as r)I /a-% /e/e fe (fAj �/lzvlaA July 12 , 1972 Re: Vacation Portion of Houser Way North In transmitting payment of appraisal value on above- captioned property, I hereby acknowledge that arrange- ments for the acquisition of property between Dunn Lumber Co. and the Burlington Northern will be entirely the obligation of Dunn Lumber Co. DUNN LUMBER CO. '-,Z>e5) 54-14?-- Max Fisk 2 8 9 5 0 2 8 5 5 1 6 7 2 1 8 8 7 2 1 8 2 3 2 3 3 7 * IIlb IMP a 9ti1..-- .4111100 am•s-n Nan Plum ye ow Duplicate A CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT N? 2891 RENTON, WASH. 4"'-• . 197 ja ( 4.42 � . neCtiN1 OF 1�"�'Z-" G ---4..-.�I /�� 1 �C�"� /'•f.� � /dam DOLLARS FOR of 722.k7 1 TOTAL n7.z /7 I DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT I + Cm TRwuR[R ' -411•.- ,..._- I • ' a, /./ v qVy ........,.". a.".Rir♦cwr Duplicate CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT /� N? 2892 RENTON, WASH. 197�..f./ R4CLI D OF /„fir '�3i...r -O . 4„6),�. L. — • 1 _, •� a 0- DOLLARS R�,/FI] , yo--A4(70-Por..,, ?7,- f J �7 1 1 a TOTAL J72 1/y i O DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT 1 • - CITY TR LR[R /`/per--�_/ cL July 12 , 1972. Re: Vacation Portion of Houser Way North In transmitting payment of appraisal value nn above- captioned property, I hereby acknowledge that arrange- ments for the acquisition of property between Dean W. Bitney and the Burlington Northern will be entirely the obligation of "`r. Dean W. Pitney. s Dean _W.M FBitrey ' July 12 , 1972 Re: Vacation Portion of Houser Way North In transmitting payment of appraisal value on above- captioned property, I hereby acknowledge that arrange- ments for the acquisition of property between Dean W. Bitney and the Burlington Northern will be entirely the obligation of Mr. Dean W. Bitney. i/% ��-�.,. `!✓ Gam//..ti`�-` Dean W. Bitney Original . +�,-.^� 5M-7-71 R&R PRINTERY CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT No 3211 i , RENTON, WASH. —.q -- ---- -- „-� ti, 19 J i / R 06i'df D O F 4.7)// ,71I,- �-7�s ( - - — v 5 FOR Zl J '/� � ' ✓ a'-- -e"�':-) y `G TOTALj , I I �< i DOROTHEA S. GOSS G7 �- CITY TREASURER r- 7 BY ^ rim SM -7-71 RfiR PPINTERY Original CITY TREASURER ' S RECEIPT N° 3212 RENTON, WASH. �j� ___ 1 97 -� RECEIVED F &—: LJ <!/ /i ✓4 // °^I,`` '4;,) D OLLAR9 1 FOR //QC� ..i'f'7n.� r/otte--7,,le',e0"1_.''G./ !i' / — L71c/ ,,,,;4*.i...,<---(_,...tt.•*.e..''AZ,1 ', ---"-A-e.--'6,1 l7:1. I i Ca ef.A. r�s�i T,-",2/ I - TOTAL 7Fy1 - DOROTHEA S. GOSSETT CITY TREASURER _ ' - lC::�y 6 7 l BY � � v�1�/ 7 , Uti THE CITY OF R1 NTOITT miftl;:! 8 n a, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 ca AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0'P HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK qT€0 SEP-6-�O June 30, 1972 Dunn Lumber Co. of Renton, Inc. Factory and North Brooks (� Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Mr. Edward A. Dunn, President / /� Re: Vacation of Portion of Houser Way North f �Y3,j(7 //// and Portion of 16 ft. Alley, Block 9 Gentlemen: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of June 26, 1972, has authorized vacation of right-of-ways as above-captioned, at sale price of 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion abutting your property, according to the provisions of the law, as set forth below: Abutting footage 443.01 Square footage of street abutting 7,752.67 Cost C $0.225/sq. ft. - $1 ,744.35 1/2 Appraised Value - $ 872. 18 Upon receipt of payment from all parties concerned, further action will be taken by the Council to adopt the ordinance and consummate the vaca- tion. The vacation becomes effective five (5) days after publication of the ordinance and we shall forward a copy for your files. Please contact this office for any further information. Yours very truly, // CITY OF RENTON • Helmie W. Nelson )3 cr 7 7c")- . ( 7 /7ry3 City Clerk Y y Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk . INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO : Del DATE June 30, 1972 _ George Perry via gwen FROM: RE: Houser Way Street vacation George says Shellan's office told him the original ordinance was sent to Heinle copies to Engineering to check legal description. I haven't been able to get hol of Bert to see if they have copy. If we can't find the ordinance w are suppose. to get together with Shellan's office. 12 tit/t c 4— c h °f today / Also, if you do not get the letters m4iled to tY e etitioners/billing them ss.is..y- please let George know. C � �i, J 3 �� ,o� „Ay . c,/ - - 14 ill --4./- 011-1)1771— �� t 0o/72- . , 7477:-/ea„ Ade-- /,,a-d ie-et f, e X /4,,,,c V 41040 Uti� 0 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 Op ro AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �,Q �� HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK �jFO SEPIt June 30, 1972 Burlington Northern, Inc. Central Building 810 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Mr. Richard D. Larson Regional Manager Real Estate Re: Vacation of Portion of Houser Way North and Portion of 16 ft. Alley, Block 9 Gentlemen: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of June 26, 1972, has authorized vacation of right-of-ways as above-captioned, at sale price of 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion abutting your property, according to the provisions of the law, as set forth below: Abutting footage 590.06 Square footage of street abutting 10,326.05 Cost @ $0.225/sq. ft. - $2,323.36 1/2 Appraised Value - $1 , 161 .68 Upon receipt of payment from all parties concerned, further action will be taken by the Council to adopt the ordinance and consummate the vaca- tion. The vacation becomes effective five (5) days after publication of the ordinance and we shall forward a copy for your files. Please contact this office for any further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk By Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk 1111 �� pFR� v �~ THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 0� co AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �94 �� HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK 'tb SERI*. June 30, 1972 Mr. Dean W. Bitney 802 North 2nd Street Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Vacation of Portion of Houser Way North and Portion of 16 ft. Alley, Block 9 Dear Mr. Bitney: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of June 26, 1972, has authorized vacation of right-of-ways as above-captioned, at sale price of 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion abutting your property, according to the provisions of the law, as set forth below: Abutting footage 147.05 Square footage of street abutting 2,573.38 Cost a $0.225/sq. ft. - $579.01 I/2 Appraised Value - $289.50 Upon receipt of payment from all parties concerned, further action will be taken by the Council to adopt the ordinance and consummate the vaca- tion. The vacation becomes effective five (5) days after publication of the ordinance and we shall forward a copy for your files. Please contact this office for any further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk By Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk • OFR�-v U~ imm THE CITY OF RENTON r, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO, RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 •/% c;"? AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 41 HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK �9Tf0 SEP'�C-gO June 30, 1972 Dunn Lumber Co. of Renton, Inc. Factory and North Brooks Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Mr. Edward A. Dunn, President Re: Vacation of Portion of Houser Way North and Portion of 16 ft. Alley, Block 9 Gentlemen: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of June 26, 1972, has authorized vacation of right-of-ways as above-captioned, at sale price of 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion abutting your property, according to the provisions of the law, as set forth below: Abutting footage 443.01 Square footage of street abutting 7,752.67 Cost @ $0.225/sq. ft. - $1 ,744.35 1/2 Appraised Value - $ 872. 18 Upon receipt of payment from all parties concerned, further action will be taken by the Council to adopt the ordinance and consummate the vaca- tion. The vacation becomes effective five (5) days after publication of the ordinance and we shall forward a copy for your files. Please contact this office for any further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk By Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk , ovR � �� a....44 0 THE CITY OF RENTON .$ AS MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 li 8. C AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 70 A. . HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK ��TFO SEP'lt•�c June 30, 1972 Dunn Lumber Co. of Renton, Inc. Factory and North Brooks 1 Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Mr. Edward A. Dunn, President Re: Vacation of Portion of Houser Way North and Portion of 16 ft. Alley, Block 9 Gentlemen: The Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of June 26, 1972, has authorized vacation of right-of..ways as above-captioned, at sale price of lit of the appraised value of that portion abutting your property, I/ according to the provisions of the law, as set forth below: Abutting footage 443.01 Square footage of street abutting 7,752.67 Cost @ 50.225/sq. ft. - $1 ,744.35 • 1/2 Appraised Value - 3 872.18 Upon receipt of payment from all parties concerned, further action will I] be taken by the Council to adopt the ordinance and consummate the vaca- tion. The vacation becomes effective five (5) days after publication of the ordinance and we shall forward a copy for your files. Please contact this office for any further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson 1 City Clerk By Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk ') ....+ ,t THE CITY OF RENTON S osi MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 p. 42- k AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . HELMIE W. NELSON, CITY CLERK ��TFD SEP'“--� June 30, 1972 Mr. Dean W. Bitney 802 North 2nd Street Renton, Washington 98055 1: Re: Vacation of Portion of Houser Way North and *ort►on of 16 ft. Alley, Block 9 Dear Mr. Bitney: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of June 26, 1972, has authorized vacation of right-of-ways as above-captioned, at sale price of 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion abutting your property, according to the provisions of the law, as set forth below: 11 Abutting footage 147.05 Square footage of street abutting 2,573.38 Cost 0 $0.225/sq. ft. - $579.01 1/2 Appraised Value - $289.50 Upon receipt of payment from all parties concerned, further action will be taken by the Council to adopt the ordinance and consummate the vaca- tion. The vacation becomes effective five (5) days after publication 13 of the ordinance and we shall forward a copy for your files. Please contact this office for any further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmle W. Nelson City Clerk By Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk r A pF R• ,v ti U �% Q It OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . RENTON, WASHINGTON 2 ,�0 RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-331C: (:)qT CAPI(10-O June 30, 1972 Burlington Northern, Inc. Central Building 810 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 L Attention: Mr. Richard 0. Larson Regional Manager Real Estate Re: Vacation of Portion of Houser Way North and Portion of 16 ft. Alley, Block 9 Gentlemen: The Renton City Council , et Its regular meeting of June 26, 1972, has authorized vacation of right-of-ways as above-captioned, at sale price 1/ of 1/2 of the appraised value of that portion abutting your property, according to the provisions of the law, as set forth below: Abutting footage 590.06 Square footage of street abutting 10,326.05 • Cost @ 50.225/sq. ft. - 52,323.36 i. 1/2 Appraised Value - S1 ,161 .68 Upon receipt of payment from all parties concerned, further action will ' .1] be taken by the Council to adopt the ordinance and consummate the vaca.s: tion. The vacation becomes effective five (5) days after publication of the ordinance and we shall forward a copy for your files. Please contact this office for any further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk By Gwen Marshall Deputy City Clerk fr.' , � U THE CITY OF RENTON ? o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o> 0 ~ AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR ® DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING /A (O JACK E. WILSON — DIRECTOR o4,4TFo SEP1 o'R) MEMORANDUM TO: Gordon Y. Ericksen DATE: June 29 , 1972 Planning Director FROM: R. Lyman Houk Engineering Department SUBJECT: Houser Way Street Vacation Dear Gordon: Attached are revised costs to be charged property owners abutting Houser Way North between Bronson Way North and North Brooks Street. Please contact me if you need any additional information. - OF R4/\ ( RECFI%Fo 0 2\ ) i972 A `� �'i�,G D E P PR � HOUSER WAY STREET VACATION Revised Costs June 29 , 1972 1. Burlington Northern Railroad Abutting footage 590 . 06 Square footage of street abutting. . . 10 ,326 . 05 Cost @$0. 1125/sq. ft. $1,161. 68 2. Dunn Lumber Company Abutting footage 443 . 01 Square footage of street abutting. . . 7 ,752.67 Cost @$0.1125/sq. ft. $872 .18 3. Bitney Property Abutting footage 147 . 05 Square footage of street abutting. . . 2 ,573 . 38 Cost @$0. 1125/sq. ft. $289 . 51 omeLand May 15, 1972 Mr. Jack Wilson City of Renton Engineering Department Renton, Washington Re: Houser Way R/W Dear Mr. Wilson, In accordance with your request, I have reviewed my estimate of value submitted in appraisal form of April 19, 1972 on the above captioned property. I have made a value adjustment as a result of my review and further study of the circumstances and conditions of the underlying fee simple estate. All other data and assumptions of my prior report remain the same. I have adjusted as follows: Before vacation of street A. Fee Simple (subject to plat) $0.175 per sq. ft. B. Value of Easement Interest $1 .575 per sq. ft. After vacation of street A. Fee Simple after Reversion $0.40 per sq. ft. B. Easement Interest for Utility Purposes $1 .35 per sq. ft. As indicated above, there is an increase in the fee interest and a decrease in the easement interest because of the increase in utility of the subject land in the after condition. Easement interest (value before) $1 .575 per sq. ft. Easement interest (value after) $1 .35 per sq. ft. Indicated value of the easement rights relinquished and reciprocative to fee interest - $0.225 per sq. ft. 20,650 sq. ft. @ $0.225 = $4,650.00 (R.0. ) Respectfully submitted, ti Charles M. Mattaini Appraiser .. . j T /3 14 5 16 u 1 • 4 , 2 40 • f40 al ~ t ,, t /9 • f, ,ao : L.N.(1' BROOKS '. S T'. 2 4,-,,, . .., P• ,,,.. q;4/ ' , ; .,, 60. 60 ". ) 1, II ::1/ <'! _ I b, 4 1 4 A. A / ij' i I. 2 2 r O 1 C N 2 , i %� 'I, W 2 3 Q Q\ . v 3 40 -.asap/ / �'` ea . 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BROOK _.. . ,_._....�, '_ r {; ,W ,C N --', _,. ,�0 ` F.—. -. _ .._ ..r tvO UNS Ve , ' // --- .a... , y j s 21 r ' a / / I,J/0 I.,/,I, /` J' i „,.,4./' ,22 r p ° )9 t c '^ ti,. �f 1 V �' i •,6••- a:11110111161*'.''.,"pi h,1M,flet,,1w 6.r.8.",,4 g 46-6.x,:'z.o re i,ti ti„/5,1a,iv)I i,ii„, W 23 - Q 4 � .ao , Rdev1 `` /' a! 0 1 24 1, n /< J , 24 p•G, 25. o t t2. R 7 v ,c I I d= d 3 ,44 26 D � /o ,4� 26 �} j 1 /ce ,5 103 Sao �-1 _ a I 3 S T. `° ' �`' / :Q jlam p 0.2- • 0 o rd flJ35z / /•,/4C07•0• • . 1 4 _ �s J —t— 1323.83 , 12 ) �, ,� I 2 iV lifqi; q I / ) Q 1 _;4 49/ .a�. 6291' 71 �� / ir �. / 31 /2 : i- : 4 ' 71 in; ;` 3s BY5 C.,5°° V.Cts.y. Ill 73N_ QI 6 d .IN V /3 30 �`C `T / #• Qf i • it__ IS 4 1.14 I 1:1i 7_1 "‘ .......---.• 3 0\30 __..... (----rO_ : I 1. Ni •ZQ i d�ir 8 sD' �.' T / n • 4/ • Lj / ? fl .,f i {i byi1t,y,:ff dry h, ';', t `r •F ''' M . 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Iiif sT AVF' A. ) ?4-,4004 4 IVM i2 K)-)a, / / , /4 0`...4:-:,--.4•° —C' 8 ,r ,' I/ 'C >C., • > y Z , �� L , /� u P.—% ,r • HOUSER WAY STREET VACATION 1 . Burlington-Northern Railroad Abutting footage 590.06 Square footage of street abutting 10,326.05 Cost @ $0.225/sq.ft. $ 2,323.36 2. Dunn Lumber Company Abutting footage 443.01 Square footage of street abutting 7,752.67 Cost @ $0.225/sq.ft. $1 ,744.35 3. Bitney Property Abutting footage 147.05 Square footage of street abutting 2,573.38 Cost @ $0.225/sgft. $ 579.01 MEMORANDUM April 25 , 1972 TO: Jack Wilson, City Engineer FROM: Councilman Henry E. Schellert, Chairman, Finance Committee 0 RE : Appraisal of Houser Way North I am returning to your office the report of Homeland Asso- ciates , Inc. , Mr . Charles M. Mattaini , appraiser, regarding his opinion of the market value of the Houser Street right of way as proposed in the recent street vacation action of the City Council . The report is incomplete and several items need to be clarified: 1) Determine in fact that the appraisal is only the City ' spublic use of the land, and not the fee simple ownership, 2) In your opinion, briefly describe who shall become the owner of the vacated right - of way, and 3) What area will each abutting owner receive . This information will aid the Finance Committee and the Community Services Committee in our negotiations with the abutting property owners . Your early attention in clari- fying this matter will be appreciated. Sincerely, Councilman Henry E. Schellert, Chairman Finance Committee HES :mp 4 �. r _ 4� t • p` , f omeland April 19 , 1972 Mr. Jack Wilson Department of Engineering-City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington 98055 RE : Houser Street Right of Wa., Bronson Way to Brooks Str€ Renton , Washington 98055 Dear Mr . Wilson : In accordance with your request , I have made an inspection and investigation of the above captioned property for the purpose of setting forth an opinion of value of the Fee Simple Ownership . r All factual information used in this report and gathered from maps , public records and title companies is assumed to be correct as found If any errors are found the appraiser reserves the right to modify the conclusions reached . No responsibility is assumed for matters of legal nature concerning the appriased property , nor of questions of survey . No fractional part of this appraisal is to be used in conjunction with another appraisal . I hereby certify that I have no personal interest in the subject property , and that no compensation is contingent upon the amount of value certified . I further certify that I have personally inspected the subject prope y , and that to the best of my knowledge and belief , all information and estimates of value contained in this report are true and correct and no pertinent information is knowingly or willfully withheld . As a result of my investigation , it is my considered opinion that th subject property as described above , warrants a MARKET VALUE , as of April 19 , 1972 , in the amount of : NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ( $9 , 300 . 00) DOLLARS Respctfull,y submitted , i� ( Charles M . 4"Mattai ni Appraiser f T April 19 , 1972 RE : Houser Street Right of Way Bronson Way to Brooks Street Renton , Washington 98055 APPRAISAL OUTLINE TYPE OF PROPERTY : Vacant , unimproved platted street right of +y. LOCATION : Adjacent to railroad right of way , lying between Bronson Way and Brooks St. North (See attached sketch) LAND DESCRIPTION : Narrow rectangular trait 35 ' x590 ' - Containing 20 ,650 s . f. - . Land is level and at grade with adjoining lands . ASSUMPTION : The entire area of the tract is to be impr sed with an easement for underground utility 1 es . HIGHEST AND BEST USE : Ancillary use to the existing B-1 (Commerci ) use of the contiguous property on the West PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL : To estimate the market value of the subj t property. MARKET DATA APPROACH Recent commercially zoned land sales , near the downtown core distr t , show a unit value range of $2. 22 to $2. 90 per sq . ft. Pheriphery la s indicate a value range of $1 . 10 to $2 .40 per sq . ft. The subject la as an entity , has limited use and market capability but when combi d with the adjoining land use the aggregate utility of both is incre ed and an increment of value to the subject results . The land compara lity study developes an indicated plottage value for the unencumbered subject land of $1 . 75 per sq . ft. Impressed with a perpetual under ground easement, to its full width , the utility and property right of Fee Estate has been reduced and a substantial decrement of vale results . CONCLUSION Rationalization of all factors pertinent to value in this appraise It and based upon my Real Estate experience it is my considered opini 'i that the subject property has a value of $0.45 per sq . ft. 20,6 sq. f Q . • 5 p s ,lit. ■ $ 9 ,300. 00 R.O . _ •r r . r.rrya -• A i's fr1iJc t / Id ---n N. BROOKS S T. 1 iiii ei / 2 o ` T— • \ iLD ( // + i \\ 2j t �� ?3 = `Q+- < • 60 .►✓f pan I cJn 24 1 // 24 2 0 d N B 4/ _,.. 25 ° �Z •. 1 L_________±2..2 56 °/4 R 7 + t,o 1,.y,,,ii. y_:t.>.. 16-,3,,„, 40 / e 77 i1 / / . J�• ,c.- ......._ i _______. q - I?, V ) P , _, ,ND ST_ m —— I a 1J jAj; °f'` Cei 14IL _-1 6 c� ? J/ �� // 1?! Phu (7/ v • —i-- 1326.63 — r J r2 '' /j Y i �/ 9 nr ��.so i '1.'4: Nl/ ti fj ; ro ---- — -- , r 3 : , /it .> •- /! j I 1. I !o 9.. / ' '/ ' . , . , i 3 Gg o o __L .. / .,/-' r . iz / ' ni I a j r 3S 5 b / : 5 __Sr N r ° 1 '____G____LIII 7__p__________ 3u y .� N: ...-.-,., , -1 .......4 ......4 .. a 9 011- ' ,_____.--- 0, • • ;.Y41 ,c''' rr - . tiiiik:, 4,.. ro . I 1- 5 U •.— WAY Za_ - J / . . .)3._ N 1 33'3 ,N AY ) (J''''`'' 0'- --r. '"',..,.... iv :. l �!� • VI a . ti 4444 taJrw � j COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT APRIL 3 , 1972 ITEM 1: The majority of the Community Services Committee decided to table the matter of the Coal Creek Sanitary Fill. After careful consideration including a field trip to the site the majority felt that they did not want to make a recommen- dation to the King County Council on their pending determination of whether the City of Seattle could use this site as a sanitary land fill or not. ITEM 2: The Community Services Committee recommends that . the Council refer the subject of appraisal to the vacated portion of Houser Way North to the Finance Committee for funding that appraisal . Chairman Earl Clymer Henry E. Schellert Richard M. Stredicke EC:mp INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Ted Bennett, Director of Finance DATE March 30 , 1972 FROM:Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RE:Vacation Ordinance - Houser Way North Dear Ted: We are handing you herewith original and two copies of the proposed Ordinance vacating a portion of Houser Way North and alley in Block , Car Works Addition to Renton. Would you please have the Engineer ar. Planning Director check same over carefuIV to be sure of its accurac , especially the legal description. We would also like the Engineer to check the matter of retaining an easement which we presume will relate to the portion of street and portion of alley to be vacated. If any dimensions are to be indicated, please insert same . After you have checked this over, please forward these documents to the Legislation Committee for proper motion next Monday. We remain Ve trul yours , GMS: ds Gerard M. ellan Enc. . cc; Mayor. Leg. Chrm En Pl. Dir,City� g > > y Clerk r- RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 27 , 1972 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the City Council meeting to order. MOLL CALL OF BRUCE , Pres . , GRANT , CLYMER, STREDICKE , PERRY , COUNCIL MEMBERS DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT . CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE G. M. SHELLAN , City Attorney , JACK WILSON , City Engineering Director , GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator , FRANK HENRY , Acting Police Chief , VERN CHURCH , Purchasi Agent , JIM FRASER, Acting Personnel Director , JAC LYNCH , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and WES CREWS , Assistant Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO APPROVE 3/20/72 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 3/20/72 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED . Ratification of Council President Bruce submitted Committee of tr 21R Agreement Whole recommendation to concur in the ratificatio in Settlement of of agreement with Local 21R of the Washington Sta Labor Dispute ' Council ,County and City Employees , AFL-CIO , and tc concur with Mr. James M. Conner , the Council ' s Negotiator as per his letter agreement of March 1972 , recorded herein by attachment . MOVED BY GI IT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF iE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS . Mr. Conner, upon invitatri 1 , outlined provisions of the agreement reporting 7( L4 ratification vote by union members and settlement between parties this date . PENDING MOTION CARRII . VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 6980 - 6981 approval of Vouchers No . 6980 and 6981 for contr, t payment and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR AND AUTHORIZE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . MOTION SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing on vacation Vacation of of portion of Houser Way was opened. Engineering portion of Director ' s letter was read reporting no objectio Houser Way No . to vacation of the unimproved right-of-way, sam Bronson Way to not included in the City ' s 6-Year Street Program No . Brooks St .. nor being necessary to traffic circulation in th to Dunn Lumber , area . It was proposed that utility easement be Burlington Nor . reserved for existing and possible future uses . and R. D. Larson , Property was described by Mr . Jack Wilson upon r uest 100% abutting Mr . Max Fisk was present on behalf of Petitioner , ownerships Dunn Lumber Company ,and replied to inquiries by Councilman Stredicke as to spur track use , such '. continue , landscaping and screening , problems of law enforcement noted when slats are used in th fencing , and fee in consideration of beautificat n efforts . After close of remarks it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CLOSE THE PUBLI HEARING . CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED 111 BY CLYMER, TO GRANT THE VACATION AS RECOMMENDED , RETAINING UTILITY EASEMENT , FEE IN SUM OF ONE-HA OF APPRAISED VALUE TO BE CHARGED . Discussion t-J( ensued concerning need for easement in the alley , ee , and policy concerning appraisals for determining of value of city ' s interest which is not fee tit interest but only vested use rights . PENDING MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY PEF TO REFER THE MATTERS OF APPRAISAL POLICY AND FEE WAIVER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND 7 PLANNING DIRECTOR. THE MOTION CA],2RIED . 1Z1;,1^ ^- THE CITY OF EN TO ) 2 '=r. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. "t cryAVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • DEPARTMENT OF ENGINE E RI" D JACK E WILSON DIRECT' 4T4D SEP1 -s ;arch 27, 1972 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Proposed Street and Alley Vacation - Houser Way North Between Bronson Way North and North Brooks Street Gentlemen: The Engineering Department has reviewed the request of Dunn Lumber Compe and others for the vacation of that portion of Houser 'Way North between Bronson ty North and North Brooks Street. The following report is offered for your consideration. The street and alley requested for vacation are now unimproved and aout Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way north of Bronson Way North. The stre and alley were originally platted within the plat of the Carr Works Addition tc Renton in 1907 . All except the easterly 30 feet of the alley in Block 9 of t'r, plat was vacated by the City in Ordinance 2254, dated July 25, 1966. The street is 35 feet in width, the alley 16 feet in width. A 12" water main and an 8,' high pressure gas main and an overhead power line all lie within ie right-of-way. This portion of Houser Way is not included in the Cit. 's 6 Year Street Program, and is not necessary to traffic circulation in this area. The Engineering Department has no objection to this proposed vacation, p vided a utility easement is retained over the entire width of the street to pro le a utility corridor for existing and possible future utility use. 1 Very truly you s , f (.4„ Ja. E. Wilson, P.E. JEW:mj I rector of Engineering // V ' '' t 3 .. \ 4.__ • 4' I; . 'r \•'-' ,,217';'4 ' 'AL .:) .31'.4tAA ..-....4 1-'---Tq..--1,`I' ' ' '. .., •'' .. .; - '-irir-2tc zcf -• / . f. /.. , - . • ,., 4-.1. vi;:i.z ' ---1 II -"IP I I 1 I GII....1 , \ ._ I " — 0 1: . ..,, •r A •I•I. I . ........ V, a: • k. '',3,-.3‘1 _;L 1 . . ..1 E ' ' 2 s 519 " • ; I 0 . [. ' .". FA II in , .1 3n 1: • ' . " ..." c7 ---- A----' / . q , --- ., 4 ,1,..i. - .-.1 I. : L ', ••,--,-,,t, .,,, .- , Z -r-4, 1 v; / 1 td •,-4-4 t--- --R ,-!!,..1,',,A•7 • „" . r_r_,,,,---rfe,''.....,...„ ;1/4.-- - II- i.‘.- ' -- -- , Z W ( ) Ili 1 a 0 O i I ,i_ri.,;--,-„... -. ,L_-_,,,''' .... . -,;i •. 4 ,,,,, '• 'Ir'.7.. 1 11131 ;-e.'" -_D , •:N' '.1.°1 1.3. ,,,Y,,\, , "'"" I' \- \\ „.___34_,27__, ,4,47-4,......7-,,... :(11 t.) '',,z \\I ,A 6 ''A .,,,••' '-')A ;0 41". i I ! t. iq..3.,A! . .13.1:7•3. C._; /'• / ' •/ -' 0 1.! > • 1,01 A BE AP id .J ,.1 id I: I... 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I I',I 1( •*...- CITY OF RENTON g nr-g ?.t ras0 . . I t-4 c C'1' ' I- c>.-•1":4 If I.' 12 •I 4,,,,..- r, ; - - , z,,z5 , tis 6... .. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . ,--- • , 11.--- 73 . t- . . : T C.-1'r. I *-• I- . - i 41- /I;I; _ -11 1 I iV (:::: 72EET 6LLEY V&CAZIC \A c HOU E?,. WI .Y 1\102TH WA !I Id t. lairLillY!- 714' .1 //,.. II IL,il .., BeoNsow .WA ? 1.4 TO N. eir.4:t0K.S S- . 1 1 ----c' DESIGNED DATF 14P P.M'S 1 la FILE NO.___ ._ ..__ - ( ' - I 1 DRAWN_Iaemi.....J=1 [ 1 3 0 1 I ,,., Li SCALE V' ":". ,Allent:::15 FIELD BOOK-PA _ 1 7 / ÷ . ,I 1 CHECKED I, / APPROVED_ SHEET ell,/FNCtNIFIER 1/ ' ------' '-...---4; 'L"-&-fs,-- n5FrfrETFr---"\ •,/ March 1, 1972 Burlington Northern n Inc. Central Building 810 Third Ave. Seattle, Wash. 98104 Attention: ''r. Pichard D. Larson Regional Manager Real Estate Re : Rectuest to Vacate Houser Way N. between Bronson Way and N. Brook Street, Penton, by Dunn Lumber Company and endorsed by Bu±lington Northern Inc. Dear Sir: We are enclosing herewith Notice of Public Hearing on the above-captioned request setting the date of 'arch 27, 1972 at the tire of 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Penton Municipal Building, Penton for public hearing. Very truly yours , CITY OF PENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/m Enc. lir March 1, 1972 Mr. Dean W. Jitney 802 N. 2nd St. Renton, Wa. 98055 Re : Request to Vacate Houser Way N. between Bronson Way and North Brook Street, Renton Dear mr. . Bitney: We are enclosing herewith Notice of Public Hearing on the above-captioned regiest by Dunn Lumber Co. setting the date of March 27, 1972 at the tire of 8 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers , Renton "unicipaJ. Building, Renton for the public hearing. Very truly yours , CITY OF P.ENTON Helnie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/m Enc. t'v Wit• *_ march 1, 1972 Dunn Lumber Co. of Penton, Inc. Factory and N. Brooks Renton, Wash. Attention : Mr. Edward A. Dunn, President Re : Request to vacate Houser Way N. between Bronson Way and N. Brook St. , Penton, by Dunn Lumber Co. and endorsed by Burlington Northern Tnc. Dear Sir: We are enclosing herewith Notice of Public Hearing on the above-captioned r_ecruest setting the date of march 27, 1972 at the time of 8:00 p.m. in the Cou rci]. Chambers, Penton Municipal Building, Renton for the public hearing. Very truly yours , CITY CF PENTON Helmi.e W. Nelson City Clerk Ht'.r•i/m Enc. �J i lie 0 ^ CITY OF RE) . IF NTON RI RENTON CITBYLCOUNCIL RRR �:t PROPOSED STREET VACATION - piA ; 8:00 P.M. RENTON CITY COUNCIL CHAM- BERS, MARCH 27, 1972 Affidavit of Publication RESOLUTION NO. 1789 WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about Janu- STATE OF WASHINGTON ary 27, 1972 petitioning for the COUNTY OF KING ss. vacation of a portion of a certain street and portion of adjoining alley as hereinafter more particu- larly described and said Petition having been signed by the owners Deborah Orr being first duly sworn on of more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting upon the portion of said street and al- oath, deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of ley sought to be vacated, same being described as follows: THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That All of that portion of Hous- said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for er Way North easterly of Block more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, 9, Car Works Addition to Ren- printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- ton, according to the plat re- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now corded in Volume 15 of plats, and duringall of said time wasprinted in an office maintained at the page 47,srecords of sKouth o Coun- and ty, Washington; south of east- aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton erly extension of the south Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of margin of Brooks Street and the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King north of Bronson Way. and County Res• 1789 I All that portion of the 16 Washington.That the annexed is a 1 W+ Woorr R alley iti Block , Car ks Addition to Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of plats, page 47, records of King County, Washington lying easterly of a i- line lying parallel with and 30 as it was published in regular issues (and I feet westerly, measured per- not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue fora period , pendicularly, from the westerly j, margin of Houser Way North. 011E i NOW THEREFORE, BE IT of consecutive issues, commencing on the RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND 3 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 1`jch 72 OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS day of , 19 , and ending the FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the 27th day of March, 1972 at the hour of 8: day of , 19 both dates 00 P.M., at the City Council inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Chambers in the City Hall, Ren- ton,subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee Washington, be np ish fixed as the time and placs when e when the aforesaid Petition for vacating 24 03 the aforesaid portion of said charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ • , which street and alley shall be heard has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words and determined. for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each SECTION II: The City Clerk is subsequent insertion. hereby authorized and directed to q give notice of said time and hear- ing as provided by law, and any �/? _ and all persons interested therein ll!/ _ -• (0LC../ or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard chief clerk thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the 16 City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of The City Council shall determine, 72 at or prior to any such public ich hearing, as to whether an apprais- ,19 al shall be scured to determine 63-.4./,1765the fair market value the prop- .4 w I' a', erty market value of the property (1�� �- Nota Washington, sought to be vacated as provided blic in and for the State of the City may likewise pertain an eliding at Renton,King County. easement for public utility and related purposes. - PASSED BY THE CITY COUN- CILT this 28th day of February, —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective 1972. June 9th,1955. Helmie Nelson,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, 28th day of February, 1972. adopted by the newspapers of the State. Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M.Shellan,City Attorney Date of Publication: March 3, 1972 . Published in the Record-Chron- icle March 3, 1972. R-1189. • n LL Dean W Bitney n"t 802 N 2nd Street 17- Renton, Wn. 98055 r February 16 , 1972 TO: Mr. A. Garrett and Members of the Renton City , ounciJ SUBJECT: Request by Dunn Lumber Company and Burlington Rail- road to vacate Hauser Way North between Bronson Way and North Brook Street, Renton, Washington Gentlemen, I am the owner of lots /1/ and /5 which front on Factory Street and the referenced property. The vacation request has just been brought to my attention and I understand that I am the only property owner that has not signed this request. I wish at this time to state that I am in full. concurrence with the referenced vacation request. Sincerely yours Dean W Bitney fib l�i1L. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE Portion of Houser Way North TO WIT: Easterly of Block 9 , Car Works Addition, South of Easterly Extension of South Margin of Brooks St. and North of Bronson Way; and that portion of 1G foot alley in Block 9 . HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. + DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OFebruary 28 , 1972 PIKED AND DETERMINED THE " DAY OF `arch, 1972 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION 90 VACATE SAID i'ortion of Houser Way North , 1NY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEART THEREON 1011,1107 FILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIC TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. ?€ HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK Resolution No. 1789 LATE OF PUBLICATION Friday, '''. arch 3 , 1972 CERTIFICATION I, 1c L Z!� ��� �v HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE "Tr) ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, ON _,a l _ AE PRESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED• P TTEST: • \\ 1OTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON . WASHINGTON VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PETITION TO VACATE Portion of Houser Way North 7:'O WIT: Easterly of Block 9 , Car Works Addition, South of Easterly _. Extension of South Margin of Brooks St. and North of Bronson Way; and that portion of 16 foot alley in Block 9 . HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO. 1789 DULY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OFFebruary 28 , 1972 FIXED AND DETERMINED THE 27th DAY OF parch, 1972 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT WHICH SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION `10 VACATE SAID Portion of Houser Way North ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEART THEREON QR MAY PILE THEIR WRITTEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRI( TO SAID TIME OF HEARING. • HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK :tesolution #1789 :)ATE OF PUBLICATION Friday , "arch 3 c, 1972 CERTIFICATION - HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF THE ABOVE :)OCUMENT WERE POSTED BY MEIN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOV `rT, ONE (1) COPY POSTED AT THE CITY HALL RENTON ON A, 'RESCRIBED BY LAW. SIGNED; ATTEST: \\U 'A -\r\f\ tua \kk, JOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF 4ASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON T7i1!:I= IS = 3Y GIVLI TEAT A PETITION TO VACATE Portion of Houser Way North To-WT2; Easterly of Block 9 , Car W orks Additions South of Easterly Extension of South Margin of Brooks St. and North of Bronson Way; and that portion of 16 foot alley in Block 9 . HAS FEED FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COI1ICIL BY FESCU CIS T.O. 1789 D:!LY ABED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF February 28, 1972 I SEED AD DETEFICIM 'TM 27th DAY OF March, 1972 AT THE HOUR OF 8:0O P.Me, LY TtE COJNCL CHAMBERS, CITY HAIL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND ILACE AT WZICH S,kl1) FU L=C HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL IWCN THE PETITION 7t? T:ACA."E, SA':I) Portion of Houser Way North.. /in AND .ALL PEPRSQ1S IIt1LtteSc.a) THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEAR/ 11..:.xtee..`.f-- UULY FILE TL R KrTZEN OBJECTICZiS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIC 10 SAL) TI OF .�'....Lc . HELM W. NE L8 II CITY CLERK Resolution No. 1789 DATE op Friday F''�h3,.,1T JG'ATT1 y► March 3, 1972 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON , WASHINGTON rA+ri.1wz IS 1=7.TLY GIVEI TEAT A PETITION TO VACATE Portion of Houser Wav North To-WIT; Easterly of Block 9 , Car W orks Addition, South of Easterly Extension of South Margin of Brooks St. and North of Bronson Way; and that portion of 16 foot alley in Block 9 . HAS TEEN FIIED WITH TEE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY COUNCIL BY FE'SGL'L `ICN I.O. 1789 r LY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF February 28, 1972 I=C1 D AY D DaPEig FTD *TM 27th DAY OF march, 1972 AT THE HOUR CV 8:00 P.M,J IV r i COTTCIy CHAMBERS, CITY HAIL, CITY OF RENTON, AS THE DATE AND PLACE AT W IICH EAZD PUICJIZ HEARM1 WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL UPON THE PETITION TC VACA SA:D Portion of Houser Way North.. .A:a1 AM ALL PFP2OI s ITh't 's" JJ THEREIN OR WISHING TO OBJECT THERETO, MAY THEN BE HEM T; N- UlAY F_`_;: 'Rt WirTIEN OBJECTIONS TO SAID VACATION WITH THE CITY CLERK PRIG T2 TO ., r, .�SAD .it� OF .�.�..,' Z"d HEIMIE W. mum CITY CLERK Resolution No. 1789 E Friday k March 3, 1972 RESOLUTION NO .22 g_ WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about January 27 , 1972 petitioning for the vacation of portion of a certain street and portion of adjoining alley as herein- after more particularly described and said Petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting upon the portion of said street and alley sought to be vacated, same being described as follows : All of that portion of Houser Way North easterly of Block 9 , Car Works Addition to Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of plats , page 47 , re- cords of King County, Washington; south of easterly extension of the south margin of Brooks Street and north of Bronson Way.. and All that portion of thel6 foot alley in Block 9 , Car Works Addition to Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of plats , page 47 , records of King County, Washington lying easterly of a line lying parallel with and 30 feet westerly, measured perpendicularly , from the west margin of Houser Way North. NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 027f/ day of March , 1972 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. , at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall , Renton, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesa Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of said street and alley shal be heard and determined. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct& to give notice of said time and hearing as govided by law, and any and al persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacati The City Council shall determine , at or prior to any such public hearing , as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the City may likewise retain an easement for publicifility and related purposes . -1- PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of February, 1972 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this Otay of February, 1972 . (:]- ‘A A y Garrett, Ma or i2roved as to form: ?:3--yri fera:41 Ge-c -,d M. Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PU3LICATION MAR 3 1972 1 -2- .03 rn Dean W Bitney m 802 N 2nd Street z C ;78 Renton, Wn. 98055rn �' N February 16 , 197 _ TO: Mr. A. Garrett and :"embers of the Renton City Council SUBJECT: Request by Dunn Lumber Company and Burlington Rail road to vacate Hauser Way North between Bronson Wa and North Brook Street, Renton, Washington Gentlemen, I am the owner of lots /1/ and /5 which front on Factory Street and the referenced property. The vacation request has just been brought to my attention and I understand that I am the only property owner that has not signed this request. I wish at this time to state that I am in full concurrence with the referenced vacation request. Sincerely yours ,,,,//lYz.„ Dean W Bitney (/ a .... February 10, 1972 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Subject : Vacation Petition - Houser Way North and Adjoinin t:lley Between Bronson way North and North Brooks Street . Gentlemen : The petition for vacation of Houser Way North and a portion of the 16 foot wide alley in Block 9, Car Works Addition to Renton. between North Brooks Street and Bronson Way North is signed by owners representing 88% of the property abutting the street and alley. This percentage exceeds the minimum amount of 67% for a valid petition. Very truly yours , Jack E. Wilson, P.E . Director of Engineer JW :m j1 11 i II -1--, I-- I i olii I " I ), i , 4i i . t.,---g...,-,!;,,,i ,., '---.illiffzir ii-it.,..-...7. 41 . .; O.' *..1,X_ *:::,,z - \ \----\ . z„ •,.-; --T r ''.7 • ,,, -, ,i -7\ . ,' Z <a if 1 J ..........k_ •-•,'9 .---..;?,t- 1---- IL 911".i.1?1. 7 . _ __-_. r •-"rtt.. ---4,'•-•-‘.. 1'1 '-- .• \W 4, / Z W U a :a 0 0 0 .4: _-'4.s,-IS---7 , 1 -- t., l•-_:,f .- , 4.4'.:0. - , .;!, if_ L 11** '. ,.• ,......- ' .-*:•-• • . /0 f. . 1 i .•I:: ' ..1 a w w d x .11 . -'- _. ': . 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Dog Licenses "' 4, Precinct Rent . . . , k, 6."itt r ett . . . .. �-C 71..4- .t 3.;2-.`1 / 6 c: e.: . St. Vac. Filing Fees ` ' —�7 Misc. Fees Nos. ., '-elvtfirdvz Other Nos. . 0 ( , Total t Helmie TV. Nelson, CITY CLERK ("7 . er-Zit...tootmer''0, By ` PETITION FOR VACATION OF UNIMPROVED STREET -- . . _ Renton City Council City Hall Renton, Washington I/6„t Dear Members of the City Council: 'd` -r( We, the undersigned, owner of property abutting on Hauser Way No. (Rail- road Ave.) between Bronson Way and Brooks St. do hereby Petition your Honorable Body to vacate said street and portion of adjoining alley, more particularly described as: All of that portion of Houser Way North easterly of Block 9, Car Works Addition to Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 15 of plats, page 47, Records of King County, Washington; south of c easterly extension of the south margin of Brooks Street and north of 9ti Bronson Way. ' <<; orr ��/ �' and .‹,� O All that portion of the 16 foot alley in Block 9, Car Works Addition to Renton, accordingplat recorded in Volume 15of /if to the plats, page 47, Records of King County, Washington, lying easterly of a line lying parallel with and 30 feet westerly, measured perpendicularly, from the westerly margin of Houser Way North. Signature of Owner Address Legal Description Dui Lumber Co. of R nton, Inc. Factory and No.Brooks Lots 1 to 13 inclu- Renton sive, Block 9, Car �i�� • Works Addition to ` esident � �7 ��- City of Renton Endorsing above Petition Burlington Northern Inc. The 75 feet paralleling and //r/f w�j�,,` adjoining the entire length eelit4(,�y// of the East boundary of Hauser Way No. as described "c. At/ 4% above. • L. M.JENNER Senior Real Estate Representative Industrial & Economic Development Dept. BURLINGTON NORTHERN 820 Central Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 623-5560 R�,� THE CITY OF RENTON 2 o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR o DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING O 42- JACK E. WILSON — DIRECTOR ��TFO SEPIt MEMORANDUM TO: Gordon Y. Ericksen DATE: June 29 , 1972 Planning Director FROM: R. Lyman Houk Engineering Department SUBJECT: Houser Way Street Vacation Dear Gordon: Attached are revised costs to be charged property owners abutting Houser Way North between Bronson Way North and North Brooks Street. Please contact me if you need any additional information. HOUSER WAY STREET VACATION Revised Costs June 29 , 1972 1. Burlington Northern Railroad Abutting footage 590 . 06 Square footage of street abutting. . . 10 , 326 . 05 Cost @$0. 1125/sq. ft. $1, 161. 68 2. Dunn Lumber Company Abutting footage 443 . 01 Square footage of street abutting. . . 7 ,752.67 Cost @$0.1125/sq. ft. $872 .18 3. Bitney Property Abutting footage 147 . 05 Square footage of street abutting. . . 2 ,573 . 38 Cost @$0. 1125/sq. ft. $289 . 51 om e La n d May 15, 1972 Mr. Jack Wilson City of Renton Engineering Department Renton, Washington Re: Houser Way R/W Dear Mr. Wilson, In accordance with your request, I have reviewed my estimate of value submitted in appraisal form of April 19, 1972 on the above captioned property. I have made a value adjustment as a result of my review and further study of the circumstances and conditions of the underlying fee simple estate. All other data and assumptions of my prior report remain the same. I have adjusted as follows : Before vacation of street A. Fee Simple (subject to plat) $0.175 per sq. ft. B. Value of Easement Interest $1 .575 per sq. ft. After vacation of street A. Fee Simple after Reversion $0.40 per sq. ft. B. Easement Interest for Utility Purposes $1 .35 per sq. ft. As indicated above, there is an increase in the fee interest and a decrease in the easement interest because of the increase in utility of the subject land in the after condition. Easement interest (value before) $1 .575 per sq. ft. Easement interest (value after) $1 .35 per sq. ft. Indicated value of the easement rights relinquished and reciprocative to fee interest - $0.225 per sq. ft. 20,650 sq. ft. @ $0.225 = $4,650.00 (R.0. ) Respectfully submitted, elli"141411: Charles M. Mattaini Appraiser cc: Councilman Stredicke • • ... ...—. —— \?.., . ..c:::),'.7'1. -. / 4,:. ,:fl'' i� ' � v _ i !q 15 16 .7 G• r4 . - IN / 2 .! S i 91 e /?n 40 �r, , I � � N. BROOKS ' Sr. 2,/ A �_. _ cO m �a • ., C r� / / • : w i. .../ - , -... ,o1 aC 4 t'. ' 'Zi: x I C".) :," . -•?9 't 1-• . ..(t) - i L__ : -- ./7 ', ,,I7' .• 'l 4,". 0 U ' 23 • jQ v 60 i/( L. I:117/\) HH 24 i ( 8 ' / vl; 24 / 2 0 6 \ ,' 11 v ; � �_, /•'rd� izri a 26 �� /3 26 1 O / �L, /0 ° ^`` 9 Q 3_ r�3 5 �3 r2� ?f' �a 47 a ,' • S T. _ /p r /d9 '48'� ! • In , 2 - l /.;1,7- I �I/I'l `w� i '�✓ 1. 0 Z i:?, / a ,`•?. •"` /( •k ., , • ,k , - .......... Ne /'''. 9 .., / .7 _.__ __- - _____ � -t--- 1326.831-- ! : t2 # �/ �1 < 7 /O : I I J y, j4- // .// 1P// ) J • ‘ / w j `ry // \r_______i__,: 3rG ;F 5, a . a to �/¢ �P o.0, v c/Z : 1 4 i 6 Mil . i ../ \bb,Y p •yy ' lq) 1 5 Irrf,.1, i 2 . ...1 co r, , , • 73 p :; /3 Q! • ` :r;/'. / f�N p „ , 6 • .:' a 3v 30 :ivy • /. / 1 %InP 7' �s o Lk! 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I11 „ 6t, 7 .-s_ --- • . ..,,,--z.._.... , k ..,,, _ / i•: ) i ----...,.) !i 1/.k.:) ,F,47_' - 1 i ' C 0 — _---- 1•.:' , .kj is: —if)//Z. 4', G , ,.... i EL;' '2' c. ..$ f‘' ' ° I' ' , Q / •,) / ' • €i ,+ {' 9z , . 0 7.4.4 -,-, • _ i & PE ul 1 , 1, 1 • (-• 1-- , - 1 . -1.1e, L ' 4 I 4,I 4, --.. / /21z-9/ 1-/-,•‘141(tC/r7)/..,' -',, ' t i r. o .5 7 7 ,J, , ...," , , 4) „ rs, 2 i , J '''l * ii) \ . if /i7/ 9 n 9 0 i f:" :1' : r.1 ' P 17 i 2 ....---.• ,,,,o..„ 1, : if,7 Cd/ 0/ = •' -;",,A" jft'"- -- 11 1 C 1 I, 41.-".-4---- -.L---.------—1' ' i I ..--..----•••••• • I1 ",-• s 1• 4-.2....°' j".....„.. _. ,,,,09 ir's I 9 —2---------------' Oti; ' \". -•.-------:: ...., • a ' , , ,/ , 1,-i:ie.: 'gat, ,v9 1 c .0, A ; ' F1 . , ' .. / ri, i i / *- i l o rl e-. ,, , . , , ii•' 4 1.../ : , 1 ! - Le71 *.i .t ( c C)i r c7Z_ / i / . ' ,3 i \ ;if Izi 0 \ .1 c 1,, ,,.. .0 0 ' Z 7 N 01 1 '-‹r i, 0 ,z . P,.17 a •-•• 1 -- -- ----77777,7771"7( 1 to ( . ;I/ / - 4* 1 I CA: 0 1 n 0? r ri • , - " - . ' • --, tA,. • f'7: CI 'L q . c.;\,100U6 c, N 1 —------ .-- ill .0. a 5/ , i f ./ . „,. fv:,, • rb. 0,..., . ,.., 1: 117, 1 ..... .. . t .......1. n 1 fy '1 i' pf .5ti ' !frf C1 .._. 1 '' ' ..., r c. • 4'i• • I/ •• ) • . Ilk; .'6:1 I.-A / " , -----— , ... ....,,e .fr? \ t- . ' - ñ • • 1 . ' 1 �..1 ~ X`� 0�(1N . Mom- 6 Z 11 ' , t I 'i_- --- /q • I S 16 y �f: � r+ T. • r - - •T ` _ f > , � 20 . / ' P 41 / , O.) fv.z.; 72,#5 ,, , f S a I o f q . [ �r ., - - z O • r ..o Z �� �, ' .�•• '✓U 22 Q • 9 ~ o G- r,-i .� 3 J r, z3 ' W /O `3 I j 60fr, I f v.,. 4.o “, , J ` 24 // `4 -. o -_ B r o ; I! 0 I N / - //4-,L 25 o I} 12 � y 7 = yq. � ti� i 4 26 v I17) �, 3 ` �.3 j u,c. Q/ o, , /S T. � 'w a . Ji lj : l 0 f J• - ram. 9 t I t• I _ I / z , " V 9 r. t::; :i / r' �j •`nYli IJ a,L��� q 7 • ."/ , ''7' //'4• f l Cr3r.001 1>I'LC •`, N r 2 4 1 J 15 y :i o / , :°� 5 v / cD `v aq h �,_�_ N. i !4 73 • /3 a T4-• v 6 II / I / . o 9 I. _ W 1N l ; Wi I °,. ' . i •4. ;, /,. a �„ ` o WAY •ti a � Zgs Z_____.—— —-—-—-—/ / , // i) . T • E• NG 40 \... . / 8 �o• ':::,.'-.•, ..,. : /,/it ,r r p -1 C- - . ILA, / , .. Q' 1.�-,, ' • HOUSER WAY STREET VACATION 1 . Burlington-Northern Railroad Abutting footage 591.06 Square footage of street abutting 10,326.05 Cost @ $0.225/sq.ft. 2,323.36 l c.l,Co 8 ,/ 2. Dunn Lumber Company Abutting footage 443.01 R 5 r 342q CH r-) Square footage of street abutting 7,752.67 Cost @ $0.225/sq.ft. $1 ,744.35 872. l8 ' ,/ 3. Bitney Property Abutting footage 147.05 P w YNel Square footage of street abutting 2,",73.38 ?k b - Cost @ $0.225/sq:ft. 5 :79.01 ()r,. V ri.), .•y, MEMORANDUM April 25 , 1972 TO: Jack Wilson, City Engineer FROM: Councilman Henry E. Schellert, Chairman, Finance Committee RE : Appraisal of Houser Way North I am returning to your office the report of Homeland Asso- ciates , Inc. , Mr. Charles M. Mattaini , appraiser, regarding his opinion of the market value of the Houser Street right of way as proposed in the recent street vacation action of the City Council . The report is incomplete and several items need to be clarified: 1) Determine in fact that the appraisal is only the City ' s public use of the land, and not the fee simple ownership, 2) In your opinion , briefly describe who shall become the owner of the vacated right = of way, and 3) What area will each abutting owner receive . This information will aid the Finance Committee and the Community Services Committee in our negotiations with the abutting property, owners . Your early attention in clari- fying this matter will be appre -iated. Sincerely, Councilman Henry E. Schellert, Chairman Finance Committee HES :mp 0 omeLand April 19 , 1972 Mr . Jack Wilson Department of Engineering-City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton , Washington 98055 RE : Houser Street Right of WE Bronson Way to Brooks Sty yt Renton , Washington 9805E Dear Mr. Wilson : In accordance with your request , I have made an inspection and investigation of the above captioned property for the purpose of setting forth an opinion of value of the Fee Simple Ownership . All factual information used in this report and gathered from maps , public records and title companies is assumed to be correct as foun If any errors are found the appraiser reserves the right to modify the conclusions reached . • No responsibility is assumed for matters of leall nature concerning the appriased property , nor of questic.ns of surrey . No fractional part of this appraisal is to be used in conjunction with another appraisal . I hereby certify that I have no personal interest it the subject property , and that no compensation is r+ nt ; naont upon the amount of value certified . I further certify that I have persoruliy inspected the subject prop .ty , and that to the best of my knowledge and belief , all information an, estimates of value contained in thi •, report are true and correct an, no pertinent information is knowingy • r willfully withheld . As a result of my investigation , it i considf_ re'd opinion that t subject property as described above , warrants a MARKET VALUE , as of April 19 , 1972 in the amr ,nt. of : NINE THOUSAND THREE 1U'.•3RED ( $9 , 300 . 00) DOLLARS Pe pectful ly submitted , Charley. M . `Mattaini Appraier • April 19 , 1972 RE : Houser Street Right of Way Bronson Way to Brooks Street Renton , Washington 98055 APPRAISAL OUTLINE TYPE OF PROPERTY : Vacant , unimproved platted street right of ► y . LOCATION : Adjacent to railroad right of way , lying between Bronson Way and Brooks St. North (See attached sketch ) LAND DESCRIPTION : Narrow rectangular trait 35 ' x590 ' - Containing 20 ,650 s . f. - . Land is level and at grade with adjoining lands . ASSUMPTION : The entire area of the tract is to be impre ed with an easement for underground utility 11 s . HIGHEST AND BEST USE : Ancillary use to the existing B-1 (Commercia use of the contiguous property on the West. PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL : To estimate the market value of the subje property . MARKET DATA APPROACH Recent commercially zoned land sales , near the downtown core distri : , show a unit value range of $2 . 22 to $2 . 90 per sq . ft. Pheriphery lan indicate a value range of $1 . 10 to $2 . 40 per sq . ft. The subject lan ... as an entity , has limited use and market capability but when combinu.d with the adjoining land use the aggregate utility of both is increased and an increment of value to the subject results . The land comparatility study developes an indicated plottage value for the unencumbered subject land of $1 . 75 per sq . ft. Impressed with a perpetual under- ground easement , to its full width , the utility and property rights of fee Estate has been reduced and a substantial decrement of valu( results . CONCLUSION Rationalization of all factors pertinent to value in this appraismt t and based upon my Real Estate experience it is my considered opinic that the subject property has a value of $0 .45 per sq . ft. 20,650 sq . ft. @ $0 .45 per sq.ft. • $ 9 ,300. 00 R. O. $ P. — .. •• , . , :• . --- i... . .•••'' • - i . • ......-••••••-•• u I ? A j . .- •. , .s.: / i ' . 1- '-'C -- /9..4 1 " , 141 •Pr, . . - . N. !..3ROO . L#1 --------- .. 1. . ---7 t ) _ i- 0 3 0 kl •.../ 7 f., ,a • 6 1, 7 0 1 , I 1 ' ... 4 it, .' . --i• _ ( .5., ; r,_ 4k- 11111:k` 9 2 ."------- \IN -------- cr "4 - 23 >-0,_ 1 4' 4' , 04 .1 ; , / r •I • ca to ,.6 L.3 ..., 7, -- ,,..1 , I-- '.C. a ' -, ‘,. I. 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' 2 k i•:j.,2 ._!. •_ . . r-- 1__________I --•------------ 1 I 3 y ,t 7, 117:::;J: 5.; ‘t ,., -... _ - •il ,v ,.);.c / , ,5% o• 1 a. • N 15 ,'''....) / 1.e'Iry t 2 - . .1 u, • I .'15.' -....---------.-..- t- -........".. .... .."-.. 0 ji.d ;it S• t4.1. .ry < ------ 1 LiJ 1 5 4 1-9 7 •!,,... ......• _ _____,, 30.JO L.--------7__-- i o i 1 j 11-: • --------- ,/,,,/ ''/H.,• 6/ ':------.7 i i 40> - • fr. ..,:,.. • qi .), _ -I —3 o•E- . ..? -.I ar33'- y•JAY ) b' r--...., -•Ay el N) i 4°'3`- . 1 /, ,,,,a i i (2-1 • ...tr."' ti / . • 0 • ity If-.. 041' . .. . P al Q.' , • • HOUSER WAY STREET VACATION 1 . Burlington-Northern Railroad Abutting footage 590.06 Square footage of street abutting 10,326.05 Cost @ $0.225/sq.ft. $ 2,323.36 7A / 6 / E 2. Dunn Lumber Company Abutting footage 443.01 Square footage of street abutting 7,752.67 Cost @ $0.225/sq.ft. $1 ,744.357 3. Bitney Property Abutting footage 147.05 Square footage of street abutting 2,573.38 Cost @ $0.225/sq;ft. $ 579.01 8 7, Z OF •10 Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON, WARIHINGTON Qmum , MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-331C aC Jp '� 04r1 MEMORANDUM TO: Earl Clymer, Chairman DATE: June 5 , 1972 Community Services Committee FROM: Gordon Y . Ericksen, Planning Director SUBJECT: Houser Way North Street Vacation As per your request, a copy of the appraisal information was pre- pared for Dick Stredicke. Since Henry Schellert has already reviewed this information, we did not sent a copy to him. The subject matter was referred to the Community Services Commit- tee on March 27 , 1972. The Council minutes indicated the motion was "to refer the matters of appraisal policy and fee waiver to the Community Services Committee and the Planning Director. " Note copy of said minutes attached. _ RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 27 , 1972 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , Pres . , GRANT , CLYMER, STREDICKE , PERRY , COUNCIL MEMBERS DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT , Mayor , HELMIE NELSON, City Clerk, IN ATTENDANCE G. M. SHELLAN , City Attorney , JACK WILSON , City Engineering Director , GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , TED BENNETT , Acting Finance Director , DEL BENNETT , Public Works Administrator , FRANK HENRY, Acting Police Chief , VERN CHURCH , Purchasin Agent , JIM FRASER, Acting Personnel Director, JACK LYNCH , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor and WES CREWS , Assistant Building Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER , SECONDED BY PERRY, TO APPROVE 3/20/72 Meeting THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF 3/20/72 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . THE MOTION CARRIED. Ratification of Council President Bruce submitted Committee of the 21R Agreement Whole recommendation to concur in the ratificatior in Settlement of of agreement with Local 21R of the Washington Stat Labor Dispute Council ,County and City Employees , AFL-CIO , and to concur with Mr. James M. Conner , the Council ' s Negotiator as per his letter agreement of March 2 1972 , recorded herein by attachment . MOVED BY GRI T , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF ' E WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS . Mr. Conner , upon invitatic , outlined provisions of the agreement reporting 76- 4 ratification vote by union members and settlement between parties this date . PENDING MOTION CARRIE! VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported Nos . 6980 - 6981 approval of Vouchers No . 6980 and 6981 for contra payment and MOVED THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR AND AUTHORIZE SAME FOR PAYMENT AT THIS TIME . MOTION SECONDED BY PERRY AND CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set , the hearing on vacation Vacation of of portion of Houser Way was opened. Engineering portion of Director ' s letter was read reporting no objection Houser Way No. to vacation of the unimproved right-of-way, same Bronson Way to not included in the City ' s 6-Year Street Program , No . Brooks St., nor being necessary to traffic circulation in the to Dunn Lumber , area. It was proposed that utility easement be Burlington Nor . reserved for existing and possible future uses . and R. D. Larson , Property was described by Mr . Jack Wilson upon re est . 100% abutting Mr. Max Fisk was present on behalf of Petitioner , ownerships Dunn Lumber Company ,and replied to inquiries by Councilman Stredicke as to spur track use , such t continue , landscaping and screening , problems of law enforcement noted when slats are used in the fencing, and fee in consideration of beautificati efforts . After close of remarks it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY PERRY , TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY CLYMER, TO GRANT THE VACATION AS RECOMMENDED , RETAINING UTILITY EASEMENT , FEE IN SUM OF ONE-HAL OF APPRAISED VALUE TO BE CHARGED . Discussion ensued concerning need for easement in the alley , e , and policy concerning appraisals for determining of value of city ' s interest which is not fee titl interest but only vested use rights . PENDING MOTION CARRIED . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY PERK TO REFER THE MATTERS OF APPRAISAL POLICY AND FEE WAIVER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND TH PLANNING DIRECTOR. THE MOTION CARRIED . • C.) ''"'"") TIIE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE SO, RENTON, WASH. 98055 /13 AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR e DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING JACK E. WILSON — DIRECTOR 0�T4-D SEPI s- March 27, 1972 Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Proposed Street and Alley Vacation - Houser Way North Between Bronson Way North and North Brooks Street Gentlemen: The Engineering Department has reviewed the request of Dunn Lumber Company and others for the vacation of that portion of Houser Wa, North between Bronson W . North and North Brooks Street. The following report is offered for your consideration . The street and alley requested for vacation are now unimproved and abut the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way north of Bronson Way North. The street and alley were originally platted within the plat of the Carr Works Addition to Renton in 1907 . All except the easterly 30 feet of the alley in Block 9 of this plat was vacated by the City in Ordinance 2254 , dated July 25 , 1966. The street is 35 feet in width , the alley 16 feet in width. A 12" water main and an 8" high pressure gas main and an overhead power line all lie within tr right-of-way. This portion of Houser Way is not included in the City's 6 Year Street Program, and is not necessary to t, affic circulation in this area. The Engineering Department has no objection to this proposed vacation , pro- vided a utility easement is retained over the entire width of the street to provi a utility corridor for existing and possible future ,utility use. 1 Very truly you s , Jai E. Wilson, P.E. JEW:mj I rector of Engineering \c -;77,7-1,.. _. ''';;: . .9r1RN115"- q 1:211"..1, 0 , 1. -ch?”,-.• ''- :IP'. Al. ••- : 4% - ' 1 -F. -•7•--6- 1 - • ' hILIK.:ti‘;‘.:.„ 4..•- • ' 1-- -------------:-----------------------:'" ---- -'-_•-- --------- - _ __ • ____----- Zi . , -- --: :e.'itit:ALsoll 7-.- . 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