HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Powell Av SW & SW 15th St • INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date July 8, 1975 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: Attachment to Petition for Street Vacation - Petition for Vacation of portion of Powell Ave. S.W. - Ordinance No. 2941 We have checked the legal descriptions contained within the above referenced legal documents and find them to be satisfactory. The "Attachment to Petition" is correct in referring to S.W. 15th. The "Petition for Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave. S.W." is correct in its reference to S.W. 16th St. , within the legal description. tsi 6c�u•s� 14, AV; Ark AMH:sn b 'A LIA 13ECEIVE1 ;.t.p T l ATTACHMENT TO PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DATED 2-10-75, CIRCULATED BY Dean W Bitney We understand that the county has an easement on Powell Ave. S.W. for an electric underground wire to light the highway sign on 405. We will move this wire at no expense tb the city of Renton to the East property line in the landscape area. We would also like to purchase after vacation the small triangle of property lying northerly of lots 7 thru 10, block 35, of CD Hillmans Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1 as sj'tuatd in the 1/2 of Section 24-23-4. This is a continuation 'Of S.W. 15th iqhich is landlocked between above described property and 405 freeway. The approximate size of the triangle is 120 feet long and 20 feet on the wide or west end of the triangle, approximately 1200 sq. ft. NAME: �;_ _. ;'_ ._Y,. cI l -- C.,..c,..z% ADDRESS: 7201 So. 115th, Seattle, W . 981)78 NAME: ,y, 4J11.4,,. ADDRESS: 1082 Anacortes N' E. Renton, Wa r) f 1-,ETITION rOR STjtEET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Circulated by Dean W. Bitney Date 2-10-75_ Address 10 2 Anacortes N.E. , Renton,_Wa. 93055 Telephone No. BA6-1743 ' To: The Honprable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We, the under igned, property owners abutting Powell Ave. S.W. respectfully request the vacation f that portion of said street described as follows: All that port on of Powell Avenue S.W. having a width 60' , lying betwe- n the sOUth-erly right of way margin of FAI405 and the northerly right of way margin of, S_W.-_16th Street. Said street lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of CD Hillmans Earl ington Garden Addition_.. . Division No. 1 as situated in the E 1/2 of Section 24-23-4. Additional Comments: 7, /% A,/.: ( , '' ' {/( l'N 7 :;, I/.. 7 %I 1- /c ,/',., rl /- 1/.."'- , /) J c' '%• '' l / /' 4• t • , I Name: 71` '�i•4// v / c, , .�(.,i,-/. . ., name. , e ,, / ) i. y - Address: 4' • ' ;n' «;..n.:�.(/�. ,! ' Address; .;,�,- i)4. , ;) C.3. ,.i r,, .t..c , Legal : LYoo :1541 // 7y � A'r v,, 1.'4. Legal . ,..={1•,-�:v ;, /-',ii • _ Name Name: `: *6: -r. ::., Y l `' _''' -- ,..d• s Address: ' Address. �'� C', ..',� , z; S ._- Legal : _ ---- Legal >,.:..! 7, (: (' !_..' <a ;A ,/' A / z_,: . . 4 .P' ;IPA U ` INTEROFFICE MEMO TOt Public Works Department , Engineering Division FROM : Del Mead , City Clerk RE : Documents requiring Legal Descriptions or Verification Attached are documents which we have received from the City Attorney requiring legal descriptions or verifications of the legal . Please verify- should this be 15th or 16th, �Str.eeft? Please prove e in ormation as necessary and return Lo the (. it:y Cleck ' s office for further processing. Vic?yI O , . y JUL 1 -- 1975 ORDINANCE NO. 2941 CITY OF RENTON PUol ir` woRKs AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , VACATING A CE TAIN PORTION OF POWELL AVE. S . W. AND A PORTION OF S . W. 15th STREET WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of Streets as herein more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about March 10, 1975 and said petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such sought to be vacated. AND 'HEREAS the City Council by Resolution No . 1972 approved on March 24 , 975 and after due investigation did fix and determine the 28th day of Aril , 1975 at the hour of 8 P .M. in the City Council Chambers of the City o1 Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon ; and directed ' he Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law and su4h notice has been duly given and published and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in opposition thereto; AND 1HEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered said petition and .aid vacation as hereinafter more particularly described being found t. be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or .amage to any person or properties will result therefrom, AND HEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the propertie- sought to be vacated as provided for in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2349. I NOW HEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 RENTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described streets to-wit : Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave . S . W. All that portion of Powell Avenue S . W. , having a width of 60 ft. , lying between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI-405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S . W. 16th Street , extended, sai. portion of Powell Ave. S . W. lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C . D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded Vacation of a Portion of S . W. 15th Street All that portion of S . W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the Northerly lines of lots 7 through 10 , Block 35 , in C . D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Addition Division No . 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats , page 74 records of King County , Washington , Easterly of the Northerly prolongation of the West line of Lot 10, and southerly of the southerly right-of-way margin of FAI-405 , as situated within the East 1/2 of Section 24 , Twp . 23 N. , Range 4 E . , W. M. , City of Renton. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED , subject to payment unto the City by the abutting owners thereof, or their assignees , of the total sum of $4 , 436. 25 which sum does not exceed one-half of the appraised value of the area so vacated. SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication , unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Auditor ' s Office. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of June , 1975 . g. Delores A. Mead , Ci y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of June , 1975 . (-- .„ ,, ,,,,, ,:co: ,,,,t,„ Avery Gar' ett , Mayor. Approved as to form: ----) AAA: Ger rd M. Shellan , City Attorney Date of Publication : 6-27-75 ORS E NO.2941 Gerard M. Shellan AN ORS OF THE CITY City Attorney f;ijial)2/1‘ OF RENTON, ASHINGTON, Dated of Publication:7-11-75. VACATING A CERTAIN POR- Published in the Renton Record- TION OF POWELL AVE. S. W. Chronicle July 11, 1975. R3345. Affidavit of Publication SAND A TREETORTION OF S.W.15th WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of Streets STATE )F WASHINGTON ase herein more l particularly y CO NTY OF KING ss. described was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about March 10, 1975 and said petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds :).''.',''"a :A1' Ft''�tA of the property abutting upon such being first duly sworn on sought to be vacated. AND WHEREAS the City r31!>C r�i�C< „�E T; Council by Resolution No. 1972 oath, deposes; and says that is the of approved on March 24, 1975 and THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That after due investigation did fix and said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for determine the 281h day of in pril,197y gat the hour of 8 P.M. the City more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, Council Chambers of the City of printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- Renton to be the time and place for weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now public hearing thereon;and directed and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the the Clerk to give notice of such hear- aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton ing in the manner provided by law Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of and such notice has been duly given the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King and published and all persons hav- County, ing been heard appearing in favor of •� or in opposition thereto; Washington.That the annexed is a �,` j i' AND WHEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered said petition and said vacation as hereinafter more particularly described being found to be in the public interest and for the public as it was published in regular issues (and benefit and no injury or damage to not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period any person or properties will result therefrom, AND WHEREAS the City • of consecutive issues, commencing on the Council caused to have made a appraisal of the properties sought to , be vacated as Z► J11 L�r r Renton Ordinance vlNo.2349.ded for in City of day of , 19 ... .' and ending the NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND day of I , 19 ,both dates THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its OF RENTON,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee described streets to-wit: i,n •,- Vacation of a charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ which - Portion of has beenpaid in full at the rate ofper folio of one hundred words Powell Ave.S.E. All that portion of Powell Avenue for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words,for each S. W., having a width of 60 ft., subsequent insertion. j flying between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI-405 and the Northerly right-of-way „(1�s,! Y„ ,ft,y. fA '1 . margin of S• W. 16th Street, i }' 1' . // extended, said portio of Powell ✓✓ Ave.S.W.lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C. D. Hillman's Earlinaton Gardents Division No. I 1 as recorded in Vol.17 of Plats, Subscribed and sworn to before me this �' day of Page 74,records of King County, I Washington, situated within the E Vs of Section 24, twp. 23 N., J0- . 19.. Range 4 E., W. M. City of Renton. Reserving unto the City qIP4,, / of Easterly 10' for utility easement purposes. Not.a•ublic in and for the State of Washington, Vacation of a I residing at Renton,King County. Portion of S•W. 15th Street All that portion of S. W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the --Passed by thel Legislature, 1955,known as Senate Bill 281, effective Northerly lines of lots 7 through June 9th,1955. 10, Elock 35, in C. D.Hillman's I Earlington Gardens Addition —Western Unio Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, Division No.1 as recorded in Vol. adopted by th newspapers of the State. 17 of Plats, page 74 records of King County,Washington,East- erly of the Northerly prolonga- I tion of the West line of Lot 10, and southerly of the southerly right-of-way margin of FAI.405, as situated within the East 1 of Section 24,Twp.23 N.,Range 4 E., W.M.,City of Renton. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED,subject to payment unto the City by the abutting owners thereof,.or their assignees, of the total sum of $4,436.25 which sum does not exceed one-half of the appraised value of the area so vacated. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove•A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be tiled with the King County Auditor's Office. I PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of June, 1975. Delores A. Mead City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR I this 23rd day of June, 1975. I Avery Garret I Mayor Approved as to form: TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT June 23 , 1975 Subject: Vacation of Powell Avenue SW The Transportation Committee has reviewed the Public Works Department ' s report regarding the vacation of Powell Avenue SW. The report finds that there is no need for additional right-of-way in connection with the P- 1 channel in view of the fact that Mr. Bitney' s property is situated easterly of the required channel rights-of-way. It was determined that one-half the appraised value of the area to be vacated is in the amount of $4 , 436 . 25 . It is therefore the recommendation of the Transportation Committee that we concur in the Public Works Director ' s report and the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for the preparation of the necessary ordinance . GeQr ' Perry, Chairman e ruce /1 kichar Stredicke cc: Public Works Director City Attorney City Clerk INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Councilman Stredicke , Chairman Legislation Committee FROM: Del Mead , City Clerk RE : Ordinances and ResQlutian¢X action - Powell Avenue and portion of SW 15th St. - Dean Bitney et We attach Resolution (s) and/or Ordinance (s) which have been checked by originating Department ,as to content , and are now approved for presentation to the City Council . INTEROFFICE MEMO Date TO: r b.r. LarryWarren � Asst. City Attorney FROM: Del Mead , City Clerk SUBJECT: Vacation of Portion of Powell Ave. S . W. -- Bitney-Growa3Petition , 2/10/75 Public Works Director Gonnason requests preparation of an Ordinance vacating right-of-way , above-referenced, for presentation to Council next Monday. We forward our file, accordingly. Thank you. ORDINANCE NO. 2941 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF POWELL AVE. S . W. AND A PORTION OF S . W. 15th STREET WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of Streets as herein more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about March 10, 1975 and said petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such sought to be vacated. AND WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No . 1972 approved on March 24 , 1975 and after due investigation did fix and determine the 28th day of April , 1975 at the hour of 8 P .M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon; and directed the Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law and such notice has been duly given and published and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in opposition thereto; AND WHEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered said petition and said vacation as hereinafter more particularly described being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result therefrom, AND WHEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the properties sought to be vacated as provided for in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2349 . NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described streets to-wit : Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave . S . W. All that portion of Powell Avenue S . W. , having a width of 60 ft. , lying between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI-405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S . W. 16th Street , extended, said portion of Powell Ave . S . W. lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C . D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats , Page 74 , records of King County , Washington, situated within the E 1/2 of , Section 24 , twp. 23 N . , Range 4 E . , W. M. City of Renton . Reserving unto the City the Easterly 10 ' for utility easement purposes . - 1 - • 1 th Str et Vacation of a Portion of S . W. 5 � All that portion of S . W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the Northerly lines of lots 7 through 10, Block 35 , in C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol. 17 of Plats , page 74 records of King County, Washington , Easterly of the Northerly prolongation of the, West line of Lot 10, and southerly of the southerly right-of-way margin of FAI-405 , as situated within the East 1/2 of Section 24 , Twp . 23 N. , Range 4 E. , W.M. , City of Renton. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED , subject to payment unto the City by the abutting owners thereof, or their assignees , of the total sum of $4 , 436 . 25 which sum does not exceed one-half of the appraised value of the area so vacated. SECT ON II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and ive days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Auditor' s Office. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of June , 1975. Delores A. Mead , Ci y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of June , 1975 . Avery Garfett , Mayor Approved as tl,o form: !ram[ �', Ger rd M. Shellan , City Attorney :w= 5 Date of Publication : o V'Y\ 44;1-4ir - 2 - • i 1 CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No 4-., •' R EN1 ON, WA. ' - , 19 ',/,!)-- , rf RECEIVED OF es,/ / , , o• t 1 _., C' —C , , , ,--7.i VO L LARS , e /crel CODE AMOUNT 1 Tax.e, Genuutt Buzineaz Licenzez • (,,, Pt°6./Occap. BU.6. Lizen4 ez ., if- Otheh , •, , t , - - ,., , , , 711 4 ply::n:Re een,onte4(i'-, Non-8U4ine44 Ucen4e4 g Pe&m. Sate-Map4, Pubt. , Copie6, etc. TOTAL Ai •542e:- az; DetoneA A. Mead, Ci.ty Ctenk , ., •' ,, ) .. • i ),i , ) s.- 1 —`. , , . •tqkrtiqr,417,Yetswg',u'r.,,T, 141,- 7.7ffifftvglt—nrnlainzocItL..14,.. ] si i f ,, CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No. RENTON, WA. ;r- l9 RECEIVED OF 1 j 1" DOLLARS FOR: CODE AMOUNT Taxe Genenat Buy-.n e,aa Li.cerL e,a Pno6. /Occup. Bins. Li.cemsea Other. L(._/"(.r.c'...„. . c.('../ }C F 17 'L�.S �' 1 An,e.mae LCeenba( !, ' ' ;'c.-i- '., ': C. .'1 t Non-Bu sineba Li.een4 eb g Perm. Sate-Maps, Pub. ., Copie4, etc. Pneeinet Rent TOTAL y_ De.?on.ees A. Mead, C.i.,ty C.eenk i 1 By 1... .. , ,..., .. ., ,4 ,,,.,Z t.,a,, .,,,. I t' f, {T,. n'?h.,V`ii ci..;'7F-irtf1,,,,,x g c e.'fAn,::9*4tI.Lc.,,,.. , .,cricratrpto wratiagOrErftsionititr4n''k.,.,,,,,,., s INTEROFFICE MEMO TO : Public Works Department , Engineering Division 'RC; : Del Mead , City Clerk RE : Documents requiring Legal Descriptions or Verification Attached are documents which we have received from the City Attorney requiring legal descriptions or varifications of the legal . Please provide information as necessary and return to the City Clerk ' s office for further processing. rt TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT June 23, 1975 Subject : Vacation of Powell Avenue SW The Transportation Committee has reviewed the Public Works Department 's report regarding the vacation of Powell Avenue SW. The report finds that there is no need for additional right-of-way in connection with the P-1 channel in view of the fact that Mr. Bitney' s property is situated easterly of the required channel rights-of-way. It was determined that one-half the appraised value of the area to be vacated is in the amount of $4,436 . 25. It is therefore the recommendation of the Transportation Committee that we concur in the Public Works Director 's report and the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for the preparation of the necessary ordinance . ei ge7 err , C airman ,A)44-4e ru c e Z�_. RichardStredicke cc: Public Works Director City Attorney City Clerk e.e`. : .,tr e e t 0 &t i..' f +D ei . 7 Renton City Council 6/23/75 - Page 6 NEW BUSINESS Noise Councilman Stredicke asked Administration check loose bricks on Wells Standards Ave. S. and asked for report back to Council regarding the new noise standards , how the City plans to measure and equipment available. Traffic Light Councilman Bruce reported many calls received claiming confusion with Houser Way traffic light at Houser Way and asked it be investigated. VOUCHER Finance and Personnel Committee Member Grant. requested Council approval APPROVAL of Vouchers 4966 through 5123 in the amount of $132,041 .40, having received Departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered, and LID No. 292 Revenue Fund Warrant No. R-2 in amount of $9,602.96 and Cash Fund Warrant No. C-2 in amount of $9,602.96. Vouchers No. 4959 through 4965 were machine voided during processing and No. 5084 in amount of $445.82 was voided. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Ordinance #2940 Legislation Committee Member Perry recommended second and final readings Rezone for an ordinance rezoning the Underwood property 1706 Talbot Rd. from Underwood GS-1 to SR-1 , first reading of the ordinance was 6/16/75. Following Talbot Road readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COt•1MITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. .''`ordinance 2941 -Legislation Committee Member Perry presented street vacation ordinance Street Vacation for portion of Powell Ave. S.W. and a portion of S.W. 15th Street which Portions of had been approved earlier under Old Business. Following first reading Powell Ave. SW of the ordinance vacating street portions as requested by Mr. D. Bitney SW 15th Street it was moved by Delaurenti , Seconded by Bruce, Council refer ordinance :back to the Legislation Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, !SECONDED BY PERRY, PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. City iClerk Mead read ordinance vacation portions of Powell Ave. S.W. and S.W. 15th St. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED +AS READ. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Clerk Mead confirmed that publication would be withheld pending receipt of fees. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2942 Legislation Committee recommendation reported for first, second and Municipal Court final readings of an ordinance creating and establishing a Municipal Revolving Fund Court Witness Fee Revolving Fund, as requested by the Finance Director. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance providing means of disbursing witness fees at the time witness appears in the City' s Municipal Court. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2943 Legislation Committee recommended first, second and final readings for Appropriation an ordinance appropriating funds in amount of $3,175 from Library Fund Library Excess Cash to Library Operating Budget for smoke detectors. Following Smoke Detectors reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SUSPEND Main & Branch RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 1994 Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Water & Sewer approving and providing for the execution of an amendatory contract for Amendatory water and/or sewer facilities by and between the City and United States of Contract - HUD America, Project WS-WASH-129. City Clerk Mead read the resolution which authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk to Amendatory Contract No. H-992-561-14 Amendment No. 1 , authorizing funds in accordance with agreement. AJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. De A. Mead, City Clerk F / /c : ra we/I S. W. St. v drat/oh Renton City. Council 6/23/75 - Page 5 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Permanent Letter from Mayor Garrett announced permanent appointment of Ronald Appointment Pillo to the position of Firefighter in the Renton Fire Department R. Pillo effective July 1 , 1975, probationary period having been successfully Firefighter completed that date. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. :LLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry, noted Committee Rpt. review of Public Works Department report regarding vacation of Powell Ave. S.W. , that no additional right-of-way is needed in connection with Powell SW the P-1 channel as Mr. Bitney's property is situated easterly of the Street channel rights-of-way. The reported noted 1/2 appraised value of area Vacation to be vacated has been determined in the amount of $4,436.25. The Transportation Committee recommended that Council concur in the Public Works Director's report and the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for the necessary ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Nairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee Rpt. regarding the Public Works Director's recommendations of proposed joint West Hill water reservoir study program for the West Hill area in conjunction with Reservoir Water Districts 14, 63, 69, 77 and 88, noting Phase I study to cost Agreement $7,500 being performed by consulting engineering firm of Harstad & Associates, Inc. The report listed benefits to the City as economy by providing one large reservoir in the West Hill area with cost borne by the joint users; Referendum 27 grant of 40% is almost assured if a joint project is undertaken. The report recommended that the amount of $2,500 be approved as the City's share in connection with the Phase I study and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the joint agreement for consulting services along with the participating water districts. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Cramer Letter MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER LETTER OF MICHAEL Talbot Park Use L. CRAMER, 2826 MORRIS S. , TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH HIM REGARDING USE OF THE PARK. CARRIED. Senior Citizen Councilman Stredicke noted the Renton Soroptomist Club ho:,ted a Senior Program by Citizen program at the Renton High School which was very successful . Soroptomists MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT SEND LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED SUNDAY. CARRIED. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Member Grant submitted committee report Personnel recommending the rescinding of Resolution 1828 and recommending that Committee Rpt. higher ranking officers of the two uniformed departments be granted an 11% increase in salaries effective 7/1/75 to be funded from excess Uniform Officer revenue anticipated in the Current Fund. The committee further recom- Salary Increase mended that the subject of pay differential among officers in uniform departments be referred to the Finance Committee for report to the 1976 Resolution 1828 Budget Committee. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR Rescinded IN FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Grant explained Resolution 1828 adopted 12/72 establishing wage differentials for police and fire department officers not covered by collective bargaining agree- ments; explaining the committee wants to study parity between ranks , also noting the salary increase based upon the resolution. Following further discussion, the MOTION CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report recom- Committee Rpt. mending the exclusion of fraternal , charitable, non-profit organizations from the cardroom fee and recommended referral to the Legislation Committee Cardroom for proper ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR Exemption IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Grant noted letter from Renton Eagles and Elks requesting exemption from $500 City license fee, as no revenue derived as with commercial cardrooms; state licensing required. Following discussion, MOTION CARRIED. AWC Convention Mayor Garrett reported attendance at the Association of Washington Cities Convention in Richland during the previous week along with Councilmen Delaurenti and Clymer and Schellert, noting favorable comments re City's photo display of the Central Business District redevelopment project and City's accomplishments. Councilman Perry complimented the Council 's Legis- lative Aide for fine work done on the City Report, also including the Staff. Renton City Council 6/23/75 - Page 6 NEW BUSINESS Noise Councilman Stredicke asked Administration check loose bricks on Wells Standards Ave. S. and asked for report back to Council regarding the new noise standards , how the City plans to measure and equipment available. Traffic Light Councilman Bruce reported many calls received claiming confusion with Houser Way traffic light at Houser Way and asked it be investigated. VOUCHER Finance and Personnel Committee Member Grant requested Council approval APPROVAL of Vouchers 4966 through 5123 in the amount of $132,041 .40, having received Departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered, and LID No. 292 Revenue Fund Warrant No. R-2 in amount of $9,602.96 and Cash Fund Warrant No. C-2 in amount of $9,602.96. Vouchers No. 4959 through 4965 were machine voided during processing and No. 5084 in amount of $445.82 was voided. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE VOUCHERS AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Ordinance #2940 Legislation Committee Member Perry recommended second and final readings Rezone for an ordinance rezoning the Underwood property 1706 Talbot Rd. from Underwoo GS-1 to SR-1 , first reading of the ordinance was 6/16/75. Following Talbot R ad readings by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2941 Legislation Committee Member Perry presented street vacation ordinance Street V cation for portion of Powell Ave. S.W. and a portion of S.W. 15th Street which Portions of had been approved earlier under Old Business. Following first reading Powell A e. SW of the ordinance vacating street portions as requested by Mr. D. Bitney SW 15th treet it was moved by Delaurenti , Seconded by Bruce, Council refer ordinance back to the Legislation Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. City Clerk Mead read ordinance vacation portions of Powell Ave. S.W. and S.W. 15th St. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Clerk Mead confirmed that publication would be withheld pending receipt of fees. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 2942 Legislation Committee recommendation reported for first, second and Municipal Court final readings of an ordinance creating and establishing a Municipal Revolving Fund Court Witness Fee Revolving Fund, as requested by the Finance Director. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance providing means of disbursing witness fees at the time witness appears in the City's Municipal Court. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2943 Legislation Committee recommended first, second and final readings for Appropriation an ordinance appropriating funds in amount of $3,175 from Library Fund Library Excess Cash to Library Operating Budget for smoke detectors. Following Smoke Detectors reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL SUSPEND Main & Branch RULES AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Follow- ing reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Resolution 1994 Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Water & Sewer approving and providing for the execution of an amendatory contract for Amendatory water and/or sewer facilities by and between the City and United States of Contract - HUD America, Project WS-WASH-129. City Clerk Mead read the resolution which authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk to Amendatory Contract No. H-992-561-14 Amendment No. 1 , authorizing funds in accordance with agreement. AJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. a'• YL.I/----/ De ores A. Mead, City Clerk r S THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 O ~ AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD A 42- CITY CLERK 0 41- FO SEP1*-° June 24 , 19'75 Mr. Dean Bitney 1082 Anacortes N. E. Renton , Wa. 98055 Re : Street Vacation - Portion of Powell Ave. S. W. and Portion of S . W. 15th Street Dear Mr. Bitney : Confirming our telephone conversation of this date , the Renton City Council , at its regular meeting of June 23 , 1975 has adopted Ordinance No. 2941 vacating that certain property in Renton as above-referenced. The Ordinance becomes effective five days after publication. h Payment of Vacation Fee may now be made , payable to the City of Renton in sum of $4 ,436. 25, (one-half of the appraised value) upon receipt of which the Ordinance will be published and forwarded to the King County Assessor for recording. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:me ORDINANCE NO. 2941 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , VACATING A CERTAIN PORTION OF POWELL AVE. S . W. AND A PORTION OF S . W. 15th STREET WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a certain portion of Streets as herein more particularly described was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about March 10 , 1975 and said petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such sought to be vacated. AND WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No . 1972 approved on March 24 , 1975 and after due investigation did fix and determine the 28th day of April , 1975 at the hour of 8 P . M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for public hearing thereon; and directed the Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law and such notice has been duly given and published and all persons having been heard appearing in favor of or in opposition thereto ; AND WHEREAS the Planning Commission having duly considered said petition and said vacation as hereinafter more particularly described being found to be in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result therefrom, AND WHEREAS the City Council caused to have made an appraisal of the properties sought to be vacated as provided for in City of Renton Ordinance No. 2349. NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described streets to-wit : Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave . S . W. All that portion of Powell Avenue S . W. , having a width of 60 ft . , lying between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI-405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S . W. 16th Street , extended, said portion of Powell Ave. S . W. lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C . D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats , Page 74 , records of King County , Washington, situated within the E 1/2 of • Section 24 , twp. 23 N . , Range 4 E . , W. M. City of Renton . Reserving unto the City the Easterly 10 ' for utility easement purposes . - 1 - 4,411 • Vacation of a Portion of S . W. 15th Street All that portion of S . W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the Northerly lines of lots 7 through 10 , Block 35 , in C . D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Addition Division No . 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats , page 74 records of King County , Washington , Easterly of the Northerly prolongation of the West line of Lot 10 , and southerly of the southerly right-of-way margin of FAI-405 , as situated within the East 1/2 of Section 24 , Twp . 23 N. , Range 4 E . , W. M. , City of Renton. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED , subject to payment unto the City by the abutting owners thereof , or their assignees , of the total sum of $4 , 436 . 25 which sum does not exceed one-half of the appraised value of the area so vacated. SECTION II : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication , unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with the King County Auditor ' s Office. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of June , 1975 . Delores A. Mead , Ci y Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of June , 1975 . 61--c‘ Avery Gariett , Mayor Approved as to form: Ger rd M. Shellan , City Attorney Date of Publication : 6-27-75 .L.C1 - 2 - /1! TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT June 23, 1975 Subject: Vacation of Powell Avenue SW The Transportation Committee has reviewed the Public Works Department 's report regarding the vacation of Powell Avenue SW. The report finds that there is no need for additional right-of-way in connection with the P- 1 channel in view of the fact that Mr . Bitney' s property is situated easterly of the required channel rights-of-way. It was determined that one-half the appraised value of the area to be vacated is in the amount of $4 , 436 . 25 . It is therefore the recommendation of the Transportation Committee that we concur in the Public Works Director ' s report and the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for the preparation of the necessary ordinance . Geer Perry, Chairman e ruce kichar tredicke cc: Public Works Director City Attorney City Clerk INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: May 27, 1975 r. TO: George Perry, Chairman Transportation Committee Members FROM: Warren C. Gonnason, Public Works Director SUBJECT:. Vacation of Powell Ave. SW We have reviewed the Transportation Committee's recommendation with the petitioner, Mr. Bitney, regarding the vacation of Powell Ave. SW and a portion of SW 15th Street lying northerly of his property, Lots 7 through 10, Block 35, C. D. Hillman's Darlington Garden Addition No. 1. It was determined that the need of right-of-way for the future construction of the P-1 Channel is not required. Mr. 13itney's property is situated easterly of the proposed P-1 temporary construc- tion easement. The method used to determine the unit value shown below was based on recent sale of land of similar usage, the need for fill material on a portion of Powell Avenue to match adjacent property grade, and the location and limited usage of the small triangle area. Area Sq.' Ft. Unit Value Amount Powell Ave. SW 16,800 $0.50 $8,400.00 Small Triangle 1,350 $0.35 472.50 TOTAL: $8,872.50 Mr. Bitney is prepared to pay unto the City one-half of the appraised value of the area to he vacated which is in the amount of $4,436.25. Approval is requested. Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. WCG:ad CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of APRIL , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave. S.W. All that portion of Powell Avenue S.W. , having a width of 60 feet, 1yi.ng between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI -405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S.W. 16th Street extended , said portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington . Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington , situated within the E 1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 E. , W.M. City of Renton. Vacation of a Portion of S.W. 15th Street All that portion of S.W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the Northerly lines of lots 7 through 10, Block 35, in C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats , Page 74 records of :King County, Washington, Easterly of the Northerly prolongation of the west line of Lot 10, and southerly of the southerly right-of-way margin of FA! 405, as situated within the East 1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Range . 4 East, W.M. , City of Renton. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON 0. �,CY Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3-28-75 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING I � hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. ill Ilk ,-,\. ,�� ` eo� V 7 ,K1 r,,fait v U `off\ •Uc Affidavit of Publication ( . . �41 ��� STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Barbara Caz,ipagna being first duly sworn on CITY OF RENTON She NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING S oath, deposes and says that is the 4hie'. clerk of BY THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That RENTON CITY COUNCIL said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, the Renton City Council has fixed printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- the 28th day of APRIL,1975,at 8:00 weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now P.M.in the Council Chambers of the and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Washington as the time and place Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper order of for a public hearing to consider the pp gby following: the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King Vacation of a Portion County, of Powell Ave. S.W. Vacation of portion All that portion of Powell Avenue Washington.That the annexed is a S.W., having a width of 60 feet, lying between the Southerly Of POWc1l St. right-of-way margin of FAI-405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S.W. 16th Street as it was published in regular issues (and extended,said portion of Powell not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue fora period 35 Ave. lying betweenBlocks andd 36 of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardiehaool7noiis Division No. of one consecutive issues, commencing on the 1 as recorded inVol.17 of Plats, page 74,recordsf King County, 28 Washington, situted within.the day ofh , 19 75 ,and ending the E'iz of Section 2 Twp. 23 N., Range 4 E.,W.M.Cty of Renton. Vacation of Portion day of , 19 both dates of S.W. 15thStreet inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its All that portion f S.W. 15th subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Street lying Norterly of the Northerly lines of ts 7 through 18.72 10, Block 35, in C.D. Hillman's charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ , which Earlington Gardns Addition has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words Division No.1 as recorded in Vol. for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each 17 of Plats, Page 4recordsofKingCounty, Wasngton, Eas- subsequent insertion. terlyoftheNortherlyprolonga- tionofthewestlinef Lot 10,and southerly of the southerly right- fir .. .... • - p�t�l• of-way margin of FN.,AI 405,Range as4 U (� situated within the East 1/2of Sec- chief lion 24, Twp. 23 Flo• East, W.M., City of Renton. Any and all interested persons' 28 are invited to be present to voice Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of approval,disapproval or opinions on same. faroh 175 CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, ��� Published in the Renton City R Clerk N 16'� Q��,�" Chronicle March 28, 1975.R-3172. , Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. /r 11111 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Charles Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegi- ance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; KENNETH D. BRUCE, EARL CLYMER, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE AND GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY CLYMER,SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMEN WILLIAM J. GRANT AND HENRY E. SCHELLERT ARE EXCUSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC OFFICIALS G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL IN ATTENDANCE MEAD, City Clerk; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Plan- ning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry by Council President Pro tem Perry for corrections or additions to the Minutes of 4/21/75, Councilman Stredicke commended the City Clerk that the Minutes were very well written. MOVED PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THEAPRIL 21 , 1975 MINUTES AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Street Vacation posted, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public Hearing to consider Portion of the vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between the Powell Ave. SW southerly R/W of FAI 405 and the northerly R/W of S.W. 16th Street SW 15th Street extended, having a width of 60 feet; and a portion of S.W. 15th Street lying northerly of lots 7 through 10 Block 35 C.D. Hilman's Earlington Gardens and southerly of FAI 405 R/W. , as requested in petition filed by Dean W. Bitney and Charles H. Grouws. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to explain area of the proposed street vacation and explained the Board of Public Works 3/7/75 recommendation that City retain easement adjacent to FAI 405 for State illumination system and the City negotiate the exchange of right-of-way required for the P-1 Channel as part of the consideration for the vacation. Transpor- tation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report concurring with the Board of Public Works and recommending the vacation be granted subject to rentention of a 10-foot utility easement on the easterly portion of Powell Ave. S.W. ; that the precise determination of the portion of S.W. 15th St. to be vacated be referred to the Public Works Department for determination of the needs for R/W required for the P-1 Channel and that the Public Works Department be authorized to negotiate with the petitioners regarding the right-of-way determina- tion and report back to the Transportation Committee. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Perry noted the intent of committee report to determine whether petitioners would pay 1/2 appraised value or work out compromise on trading property. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and L. I.D. 274 published as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public Undergrounding Hearing continued from April 21 , 1975, to consider the final assess- Central ment in the amount of $227,737 for L. I .D. 274, construction and instal- Business lation of underground power and utility lines, ornamental street District lighting system and other improvements. Letter from Lillian Rosenstrom, 11039 Woodward Ave. S. , Seattle, objected to the inferior grade of grass planted in the parking strip at her property at 95 Williams S. Public Works Director Gonnason reported the matter would be checked. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO PUB- LIC WORKS COMMITTEE.CARRIED. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce Hearingreported the L. I.D. matter was before his committee and requested Continud to another week to consider. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC 5/5/75 HEARING ON LID 274 BE CONTINUED ANOTHER WEEK TO 5/5/75. CARRIED. 1011/ a 11 Renton City Council 4/28/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published Street Vacation and posted as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the Public County Road #80 Hearing continued from April 21 , 1975, to consider the vacation of a portion of County Road No. 80 (3rd Ave. Extension) in the vicinity of Renton Shopping Center as requested by Robert L. Edwards. Transportation Committee Report was presented by Chairman Perry recommending that the vacation be granted as petitioned and that it is not necessary that the proposed additional property be dedicated to the City. The report further recommended that a vacation fee in the amount of $210 be charged and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for drafting of the ordinance, which will be held pending receipt of vacation fee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (Time: 8:16 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted as required, Mayor Pro tem Delaurenti opened the continued Apartments Public Hearing to consider the further development of proposed Honey- Continued from dew Too Apartment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; April 7, to continue Whitman Court N.E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew April 14, to Estates residential area; dissolution of L. I.D. 288 requirements April 21 , to (street and lighting installation for alternate access to the North) April 28, to and vacation of Whitman Court N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apart- May 5, 1975 ment Complex; and provide for a 40-foot access to the proposed apart- ments from the northeast corner thereof to Sunset Highway. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce reported Dura Development Co. had not yet met with the committee and requested the hearing be postponed. Public Works Director Gonnason noted $10,000 bond had been posted by Dura Development Co. in order to assure that landscaping would be completed and maintained; that the turn-around for firefighting equip- ment was considered and approved by the former Fire Chief pursuant to the requirements of the agreement; that Dura Development Co. did petition for creation of LID extending Whitman Court N.E. to Sunset Blvd.,thatis now in the jurisdiction of the City; that the petition for vacation of unneeded portions of Whitman Court N.E. could not be consummated until LID completed. Public Works Director Gonnason noted this report had been delivered to the Mayor and Council on 4/23/75 and indicated that Dura Development Co. has met and is in compliance with May 1974 Agreements subject to these comments. Mr. Mike Smith, 3402 N. E. 7th, asked the Council to delay building until guidelines have been set forth. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. (Time: 8:25 p.m. ) CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Claim for Damages filed by Phillip A. Schmolke, 230 Rainier Ave. S. , Claims for in the amount of $37,000 for collision with tractor and trailer alleged Damages by the City failed to install "no parking" signs on the South side of P.A. Schmolke & 3rd Ave. Claim for Damages filed by Jacqueline Marie Russo a/k/a Russo/Schmolke Schmolke, 1709 State Rd. , Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the amount of $154,500 for personal injuries while passenger in auto driven by P.A. Schmolke,alleged accident due to failure to post "no parking" signs. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER CLAIMS TO CITY ATTOR- NEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Management Letter from the City of Renton management employees requested sanction Association in the formation of the City of Renton Management Association for the following purposes: To collectively negotiate with the Mayor and City Council on salaries, benefits and working conditions; to raise management standards; encourage spirit of pride, unity and cooperation; to improve the quality of management and to provide participation in meaningful projects. The letter also requested authorization for pay- roll deduction for dues, with membership available to all full-time management employees. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Shell Oil Co. Letter from City Attorney Shellan reported Shell Oil Co. vs City, Court Case King County No. 786059, summarized Judge Hunter' s oral decision given 4/22/75 (verbatim transcript available next week) : The basic issue before the court was whether the City acting through its Planning Commission and Council , had acted arbitrary and capriciously or not, the Court's personal view on special permit not being relevant. 1 � \ ,�' • ,• 411 111 ik r' '17'. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Barbara c:aeapag na being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that She is the ahi4r c1C.rk of CITY OF RENTON THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for BY more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, RENTON CITY COUNCIL printed and published in the English language continually as a tri NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now the Renton City CoLuncil has fixed and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the the 28th day of ncil Ch 1975,at of trw P.M.in the Council Chambers the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of Washington as the time and pl.ct the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King for a public hearing to consider the County, following: Vacation of rgrtjpn Vacation of a Portion Washington.That the annexed is a of Powers Ave. S.W. All that portion of Powell Avenue Of ='OWE'.LL A. S.W., having a width of 60 feet, lying between the Southerly i right-of-way margin of FAI-405 and the Northerly right-of-way as it was published in regular issues (and margin of S.W. 16th Street not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period extended,said portion of Powell Ave.S.W.lying between Blocks t one 35 and 36 of C.D. Hillman's 1 of consecutive issues, commencing on the Earlington Gardens Division No. 28 ab 1 as recorded in Vol.17 of Plats, 75 day of , 19 , and ending the page 74,records of King County, Washington, situated within the day of , 19 both dates E1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N., inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Range 4 E.,W.M.City of Renton. subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee Vacation of a Portion of S.W. 15th Street I.�.72 All that portion of S.W. 15th charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ which Street lying Northerly of the • Northerly lines of lots 7 through has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words 10, Block 35, in C.D. Hillman's for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each Earlington Gardens Addition subsequent insertion. Division No.1 as recorded in Vol. / G 17 of Plats, Page 74 records of • King County, Washington, Eas- terly of the Northerly prolonga- tion of the west line of Lo110,and °hie CZ!ire southerly of the southerly right- of-way margin of FAI 405, as situated within the East 1/2 of Sec- tion 24, Twp. 23 N., Range 4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� day of East,W.M.,City of Renton. Any and all interested persons' i arob 25 are invited to be present to voice 19 approval,disapproval or opinions on same. a � I . RI,L.57-1-v V�.N..i'`L- CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, Noublic in and for the State of Washington, City Clerk residing at Renton,King County. Published in the Renton Record- Chronicle March 28,1975.R-3172. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. 4101 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT April 28 , 1975 Subject : Vacation of Powell Avenue SW i The Transportation Committee has review, .. 1 . requested vacation of Powell Avenue SW and a portion of S .treet . The - Transportation Committee concurs in the n• ings of the Board of Public Works and recommends that the vacation be granted subject to the retention of a 10-foot utility easement on the easterly portion of Powell Avenue SW. It is recommended that the matter of precise determination of the portion of SW 13th to be .vacated be referred to. the Public Works Department for a determination of the needs for right-of-way that are required in connection with the P-1 channel . It is further recommended that the Public Works Department be authorized to negotiate with the petitioners this matter of right-of-way determination and report back to the Transportation Committee . Councilmanr'G,eorge 'Ferry, Chairman Councilman Ken Bruce CALK- Councilman and Stredicke cc: Public Works Director Design Engineer /1! 411 4 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT April 28 , 1975 Subject : Vacation of Powell Avenue SW The Transportation Committee has reviewed the requested vacation of Powell Avenue SW and a portion of SW 13th Street . The Transportation Committee concurs in the findings of the Board of Public Works and recommends that the vacation be granted subject to the retention of a 10-foot utility easement on the easterly portion of Powell Avenue SW. It is recommended that the matter of precise determination of the portion of SW 13th to be vacated be referred to the Public Works Department for a determination of the needs for right-of-way that are required in connection with the P- 1 channel. It is further recommended that the Public Works Department be authorized to negotiate with the petitioners this matter of right-of-way determination and report back to the Transportation Committee . Councilman George Perry, Chairman Councilman Ken Bruce Councilman Richard Stredicke cc: Public Works Director Design Engineer • `, • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of APRIL , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave. S.W. All that portion of Powell Avenue S.W. , having a width of 60 feet, ' lyifg between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI -405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S.W. 16th Street extended , said portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington , situated within the E 1/2 of Section 24, .Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 E. , W.M. City of Renton. Vacation of a Portion of S.W. 15th Street All that portion of S.W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the Northerly lines of lots 7 through 10, Block 35, in C. D. Hillman ' s Earlington Gardens Addition Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats , Page 74 records of King County, Washington, Easterly of the Northerly prolongation of the west line of Lot 10, and southerly of the southerly right-of-way margin of FAI ' 405, as situated within the East 1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 East, W.M. , City of Renton. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . • CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , C. Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3-28-75 CERTIFICATIO N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , L e s'))e L..• Phi ) )) s hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above dotice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of Ancl_____7 f3 , 19 7S - Signed ATTEST: NIOK4 '6 ota,'ry. Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton . A CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of APRIL , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave. S.W. All that portion of Powell Avenue S.W. , having a width of 60 feet, lying between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI -405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S.W. 16th Street extended , said portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington , situated within the E 1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 E. , W.M. City of Renton. Vacation of a Portion of S.W. 15th Street All that portion of S.W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the Northerly lines of lots 7 through 10, Block 35, in C . D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats , Page 74 records of King County, Washington, Easterly of the Northerly prolongation of the west line of Lot 10, and southerly of the southerly right-of-way marrdin of FAI 405, as situated within the East 1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 East, W.M. , City of Renton. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON 079,1.E Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3-28-75 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 1972 WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about March 10 , 1975 petitioning for the vacation of a portion of a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described and said Petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property owners abutting upon the portion of said street sought to be vacated , same being described as follows : NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 28th day of April , 1975 at the hour of 8 : 00 P . M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton , Washington , be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and ' determined . SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by law , and any and/or ail persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon , or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation . The City Council shall determine , at or prior to any such public hearing , as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of the property sought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No. 2349 and the City may likewise retain an easement for public utility and related pur- poses . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 24th day of March , 1975 Delores A. Mead , City lerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 24thday of March , 1975 Ary Gar ett , Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M . Shellan , City Attorney PUBLICATION DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE : March 28, 1975 lop 101 EXHIBIT "A" Vacation of a Portion of Powell Ave. S.W. All that portion of Powell Avenue S.W. , having a width of 60 feet, lying between the Southerly right-of-way margin of FAI -405 and the Northerly right-of-way margin of S.W. 16th Street extended, said portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington , situated within the E 1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 E. , W.M. City of Renton. Vacation of a Portion of S.W. 15th Street All that portion of S.W. 15th Street lying Northerly of the Northerly lines of lots 7 through 10, Block 35, in C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Addition Division No. 1 as recorded in Vol . 17 of Plats, Page 74 records of King County, Washington, Easterly of the Northerly prolongation of the west line of Lot 10, and southerly of the southerly right-of-way margin of FAI 405, as situated within the East 1/2 of Section 24, Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 East, W.M. , City of Renton. 3 ✓• Y. off, z5 �j t0 Z. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 cr CRT CAPITIkk-° �$0 11112/34, March 7 , 1975 co j 00 Ilk�"�` N\ON O Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor 0\ \G ,� Members of the City Council .'; G\-- `1 S .L sS ti Re : Street Vacation- -Portion of Powell Avenue SW `‘e4ci291-1���'c Council Referral of February 10 Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works has reviewed the petition for vacation of a portion of Powell Avenue South as shown on the attached map. The signatures represent 100 percent of the abutting properties . Our review of this proposed vacation included coordination with the Washington State Department of Highways and the King County Division of Hydraulics . On the basis of the information obtained, we recommend vacation of the two areas with retention of an easement adjacent to FAI 405 for the State Highway Department ' s illumination system. It is further recommended that the City negotiate the exchange of additional right-of-way required for the P-1 channel as part of the consideration for the vacation. The next suggested action by the City Council at this time is to set a date of public hearing. Sincerely, DE B ETT Chairman c ah cc: Public Works Director Design Engineer Planning Director ( /Q 1/0 '1 6"-"(4 c TT-E e agacutA,-"cri.ir..444g,,,,: ti.,04---,,. ...-....,'_. •.-„Li---,2 !.'..0..74 . - •--,-- , -A7--ii'l:*"' ' -• '* "*"*" .:•.--f**- '..--- -- -7•7''4,14°4*-"*.--`;.41,2- '.... ...i.-*".._• -.1.1V.5-t-it'''.'''.--,7-03";"."•'4-.-f-* --- -_Y:iltl-kn!-:7-:_,2'.: -.-.., *-`-`!2*--,',7-*. -'- -• ....- . : . 0! .•-• i - 1 i ____,...--- kr) .••••"'".. L- ....--"'- ,,,, 1 r- --•'\ S • :-)'''t ' '....._--r- . 1 1 ___•-- i 1 •••••g- • ...-1 I V) Siel i41 • ,., , ,_„:-•--"- - ---- ": ----- . .......21.___________....,., ___---•"" 1\I - -....--ik---fr 1 o • ----- _1- 3 4 3 71 . __________-.-C->--7 0 f\i _......,-i-,t ,-.9. ,, D. 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I.D. 291 Public Works Director Gonnason reported protests received including Water Mains Munson property, amount to 10.95%; that the Quendal Terminal , Baxter & Lake Washington Barbee Mill properties constitute 41% of the area of the L. I .D. and 48% Kennydale Area of the assessed valuation. Gonnason also noted the L. I .D. was larger (Continued) area than original petition, that area added was not an afterthought, but a determination at community meeting that easterly property would be specially benefitted. Upon inquiry by Councilman Grant, Fire Chief Williams noted re property to south of the LID along Lake Washington, a better fire rating would be received with installation of hydrants and water mains. The City Attorney noted two types of protests: General idea of improvement - plans and construction; and the amount to be asses- sed which is determined by special benefits received. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE CREATION OF THE LID AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY ORDI- NANCE. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, AMEND MOTION TO EXCLUDE THAT PORTION OF THE LID FROM N. 36th AVE. TO N. 40th AVE. ALONG LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Shellan advised passage of the amendment altering the proposed district would defeat L. I.D. the L. I.D. Following considerable discussion, Roll Call Vote was Terminated requested on the amendment to the motion. Four AYES: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE, GRANT; Three NO: CLYMER, BRUCE, SHELLERT. AMENDMENT CARRIED excluding property owners along Lake Washington Blvd.N. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, LID 291 BE ENDED AND THE SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC WORKS COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. Council recessed at 9:50 p.m. and reconvened at 10:00 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. Special Award Mayor Garrett presented Charmaine Baker, 3713 Meadow Ave. N. , with C. Baker Special Award in recognition of outstanding service as a member of the Bicentennial Steering Committee. Due to other commitments , Mrs. Baker will no longer be able to serve on the committee. CORRESPONDENCE Claims for Claims for Damages filed with the City Clerk: Lawrence S. Saviage, Damages 1426 Queen Ave. N.E. , damage to camper/truck in approximate amount of L. Savage $34.22, allegedly struck by City equipment. Steven R. Ray, 1102 5th S. Ray St. S.W. , Puyallup, claim filed for damage to tire in amount of $27.85 allegedly due to hole in road. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FILED BY SAVAGE AND RAY BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. Protest Letter Letter from Azelio and Josephine B. Grassi , 422 Cedar Ave. S. , protested L. I.D. 293 installation of underground wiring and new sidewalks on Cedar Ave. S. Renton Hill as specified in L. I.D. 293, Improvements to Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Hill . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason reported this protest increased percentage of protest on L. I .D. 293 to 9.34%. MOTION CARRIED. (Ordinance ordering construction of LID 293 adopted 3/10) Street Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported petition filed by Portion 3rd Ext. Robert L. Edwards for Street Vacation of a portion of County Road No. 80 Robert L. Edwards (also known as Third Ave. Extension) , represented 100% ownership of the property abutting the proposed vacation. Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for a resolution setting date of April 21 , for Public Hearing and to the Board of Public Works and Public Works Committee for determination regarding appraisal and payment, if any, to be made to the City by abutting property owners and in regard to retention of easement rights. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE CITY CLERK AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Board of Public Works Chairman Del Bennett reported review Portion Powell of petition filed by Dean W. Bitney, 1082 Anacortes N.E. , for Street Ave. S.W. Vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. lying between FAI 405 and S.W. 16th St. , reporting signatures on petition represent 100% of abutting properties. After coordinantion with State and King County 1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 PM Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES DELAURENTI , Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Bruce arrived at 8:20 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; Del Mead, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. ; VERN CHURCH Purchasing Agent; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; GENE COULON, Park Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1975, BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notification having been made, L. I.D. 291 Mayor Garrett convened Public Hearing continued from March 3, to Water Mains consider L. I.D. 291 , installation and construction of water mains and Lake Washington, appurtenances in the Lake Washington-May Creek-Kennydale area; Pre- Kennydale Area liminary Assessment Roll having been filed with the Clerk in the (Continued from amount of$386,198. The Public Works Committee report noted review March, 3, 1975) of the protests received and recommended that the Council concur in the formation of the L. I.D. as proposed and the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee for ordinance. The report also recom- mended consideration be given by the Public Works Department staff in the preparation of the final assessment roll for those single family residences assessed on the basis of commercial or multiple uses, and to those property owners on Lake Washington Boulevard N. who feel they have adequate service with existing 2-inch line, in order that the property owners are fairly assessed for the benefits received. Councilman Schellert explained Public Works Committee report that adjustment be made at the time of final assessment and hearing and that the project proceed. Upon inquiry by Councilman Clymer as to determination of increased property value in order to determine bene- fits received, Public !orks Director Gonnason advised Real Estate appraisal had been obtained of that property on Lake Washington from N. 36th to N. 40th with 2-inch line and that appraisal will be made after installation of the 8-inch line; that increased value of $20 per front foot was estimated: charges are $15 per front foot. Councilman Schellert noted 30 day protest period following adoption of the ordi- nance. Councilman Stredicke inquired whether or not the property located outside the City limits and on Ripley Lane are essential to the L. I. D. and was advised it was essential to provide service to the south. Gonnason noted those properties protesting assessment of $900 per acre in addition to single family residential charge; that amount could be arranged on late-corner' s agreement when property rezoned to higher density and felt it would be unfair to eliminate sections and assess those costs back onto the remaining properties. Those persons present making inquiries: William Lynn, 3625 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , inquired re fire hydrants. Thomas Carrolli , 3903 Meadow Ave. N. Duane Cederberg, P.O. Box 2294, County resident, noted recent issue of Record Chronicle that industries moving to Arlington. William Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. objected to tearing up streets when felt water supply adequate. Mike Malaspina, 11421 S. E. 89th P1 . Mrs. Phyllis McGerry, Windsor Hills. E.L.Munson, 809 Monroe Ave. N.E.asked for assurance that higher zoning at which he was assessed, could be obtained; otherwise, protest to the L. I .D. was registered. Nancy Coad, 80th & 110th S.E. , inquired if individual land owners could defeat the L.I .D. when greater portion is comprised of large land holders, claiming four major industries represent close to 60% of assessed valuation. Leslie Huff, 3601 Lincoln Ave. N.E. II" S Renton City Council Minutes of 3/10/75 Meeting - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Powell Ave. SW agencies, the Board of Public Works recommended vacation of two Street Vacation areas requested with retention of an easement adjacent to FAI 405 for Continued the State Highway Department' s illumination system. The letter fur- ther recommended that the City negotiate the exchange of additional right-of-way required for the P-1 channel as part of the consideration for the vacation, and suggested date of Public Hearing be set. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR COMMENT. Public Works Director Gonnason noted this was undeveloped stub-ended street recorded about 1900. MOTION CARTED. Street Street V<cation Two petitions for Street Vacations were received from The Boeing Com- Portion Logan N. pany, Director of Facilities and Service, John R. Potter. The vaca- Lake Washington tions requested were for portion of Logan Ave. N. beginning at N. Blvd. N. 6th St. to the street end, an area of 3.43 acres of 149,360. 53 sq.ft. ; the second area portion of Lake Washington Blvd. N. (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2A) near North Renton Interchange and Park Ave. N. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER PETITIONS FOR STREET VACATIONS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR CHECKING AS TO VALIDITY OF PETITIONS AND TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Committee was asked to check for conflict with proposed bike trail and SR515 Extension. "Project 1776" Letter from the Renton Bicentennial Committee Chairman, Lew Innocenti , 3/14/75 at invited attendance at the "Project 1776" workshop at Lindberg High School Lingberi High on Friday, March 14, 9:30 a.m. Yakima High School is sponsoring "Project 1776" , a statewide campaign to encourage citizen and student participation in planning for Bicentennial activities with Lingberg High selected for the Seattle/South King County area host school . Green River Letter from Planning Director Ericksen noted 3/6/75 Kent meeting Valley Watershed wherein King County representatives indicated the Soil Conservation Project Service felt it would be feasible to implement the Eastside and West- side Project areas on an individual basis for the Green River Valley Watershed Project. The letter noted the Eastside Project includes Renton, Kent and Tukwila and could be implemented at an early date if desired; further noting request of King County Councilman Mooney that cities reaffirm concurrence in the proposed project, preferably by resolution; and letter request is forthcoming from Councilman Mooney. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ASPO Planning Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested attendance of four Conference Planning Commission delegates to the American Society of Planning Officials joint conference with the Community Planning Association of Canada in Vancouver, B.C. April 12 to 17. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A Proclamation of the Mayor declared March 16, through March 23, 1975 Interna%ional as International Demolay Week. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, Demolay Week COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Master Councilor Keith 3/16-23:75 Wendorff introduced others from the Local Chapter: Larry Cluphf, Sr. Councilor; Koel Wendorff, 7th Preceptor; Loren Moore, Jr. Deacon; Brad Houk, 1st Preceptor; Scott Henry, Chaplin; James Davis, Almoner; Chuck Youells, Marshal and Dawn Davis, Sr. Princess. "Employ the Older A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared "Employ the Older Worker" Worker" Week Week of March 9, through 15, 1975, and urged employers to recognize 3/9-15/75 the merits of hiring those over 40 yrs. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION BE SENT BY THE CITY CLERK TO MAJOR INDUSTRIES IN THE AREA. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Phyllis McGerry, 551 Windsor Pl . , inquired of Record Chronicle newspaper report of Councilman Schellert' s remarks at Committee of the Whole meeting to Port of Seattle representative. Councilman Schellert noted that it was not Council nor Administration policy but his remarks that an outside source could possibly help in development of Lake Washington Beach property and did not pertain to present park. Renton City Council Meeting of 3/10/75 - Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Lake Washington MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, DEVELOPMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON Beach BEACH BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.* Councilman Development Stredicke suggested possible financial gain to the City with the build- Continued ing of a marina with charges for storage and launching. Mrs. McGerry noted lake current flowing to the south which could bring pollution from a marina into the Lake Washington Beach Park. *MOTION CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Councilmen went into executive session at 10:30 p.m. and reconvened Council Meeting at 11 :25 p.m. Roll Call : All Council- men present. Labor Negotiation Labor Negotiations Committee Report recommended the Council approve Report the addendum to the existing agreement of 2/5/73 between the City and Fire Fighters Fire Fighters Local #864, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized Addendum to to execute the addendum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CAG-011-73 CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Pro tem Perry noted 3/6 Committee of the Whole meeting Committee of the attended by Susan Gerrard, Director of Community Affairs of the Port Whole Report - of Seattle. Councilman Perry presented Committee of the Whole report 1975 Sewer/Water recommending approval for inclusion in $3,000,000 revenue bond issue, Bond Issue 1975 sewer and water bond issue projects as presented by Public Works Director. The modified report added new trunk sewers and interceptors along with replacement and rehabilitation. The report also recommended referral of the 21 water and sewer projects to the Finance and Person- nel Committee for inclusion in the bond program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert, Report noted reviewing specifics of the proposed $3,000,000 water and sewer Water & Sewer revenue bond issue with Staff and Financial Consultant and recommended Bond Issue 25-year bonds be sold at public sale with date of bid opening to be determined by the Finance Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BOND ISSUE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Report submitted by Chairman Bruce, concurred Committee Report in the Public Works Director's recommendations for the 1975 Water 1975 Water Pipe Utility material bid which was opened 2/26/75, for the following and Supplies awards: Schedule A, Water Pipe, in amount of $57,452.40 and Schedule G, Fire Hydrants, Modern, in amount of $791 .60 to the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Schedule B, Fittingsl2" & Smaller, in the amount of $6,170.96 and Schedule C, Fittings 16" & Larger, in amount of $15,769.05 to Crane Supply Co. Schedule D, Gate Valves , in amount of $8,461 .42 and Schedule E, Butterfly valves in amount of $7,972 and Schedule F, Fire Hydrants, Traditional , in amount of $1 ,103. 10 to the Pacific Water Works Supply Company. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AWARD BIDS. CARRIED. Honeydew Too Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request Apartments of Dura Development Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them for the Honeydew Apartments which deletes the requirement for L. I.D. 288, street and lighting instal- lation, and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court within the Honeydew Estates residential area and provides for the vaca- tion of Whitman Court N. E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and the Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to new apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. The report notes the agreement will be predicated on the performance by the applicant in meeting all terms and conditions prior to vacation of Whitman Court or terminating the LID, also recommending the committee report back to Council for final approval of the agreement, preparation and authorization to execute. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to answer questions regarding the request Public Hearing of Dura Development Company. Mr. Jim Summers, Vice President, explained 4/7/75 Dura's plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION Condemnation/LID PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT BE HELD UNTIL APRIL 7, AND A PUBLIC HEARING 5/23/75 SET FOR THAT DATE SO THAT PEOPLE IN THE AREA CAN BE NOTIFIED. CARRIED. , y . t * 1 AOSteetteaMONIAVO404frAltilairet444.tO'4100101 OW%ZrZnii1S1100**4.‘"AkitiO,4$001/0ft 1 Skil!.'.......*.. _'.'. ._ .:,,...........,....:•..... ...+t724„. ,.,.,,:,,, CITY OF R ENTON No CITY CLERK'S RECEI PT fi,..,:Ts.,',,•.:.':, i.. , . RECE I V ED OF . , 441 4 Ar . AMOUNT .1%, FOR: COVE-----'"--- gIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII..i - $3-14 44_4.7: TaXe.-6 _____---------' 11.1111111111.111111111111 ' anekat Busine4s LLcemes < , 1<ii.k2, ! ______..----- — 7 , ..,k, /0 ccup. Bith. bi-cen-6 e6 •,', 0,tha ,.,,._ ------------- 11111111111111111111111111111 ....,, `,'' No vt-EtaineA6 sae_maps, Cop ' e,tc. __----------- OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII \ e 0„);:b,e.c.e: e-6 & Pe)Lm. ------------ 11111111111111111111 a ', ' Puebla Rent 111111111177515951=2iiii / 0 e ---------.WI-1_ By Deloxe„6 A. Mead, City Ct,e)th -AA .--.°-1.• - - ' ",. ., '- ':,... • , ..4' Aked . . 401 Renton City Council Minutes Meeting of 2/10/75 - Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Fire Bond Issue Councilman Grant requested a fresh; look be taken at issue including Continued those people against. Fire Chief Williams reported the master plan for fire protection for the City would be completed by September. Citizen input was discussed along with possibility of purchasing equipment on councilmanic bonds. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. Creditability of the City and possibility of obtaining any outside funds were disucssed. MOTION CARRIED. Senior Citizens Letter from Mayor Garrett noted costs for the elderly are increasing Affected by for less available service and elderly are the most inadequately Program Cuts equipped to deal with these rising costs. The letter noted govern- ment action at the national level may have significant impact and, therefore, recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution opposing these cost increases and program reductions. The letter noted Mayor Garrett will be attending the National League of Cities Congressional-City Conference during the first week in March in Washington, D.C. representing the Washington State Municipal Research Council and would be able to personally deliver such a resolution to our Congressional delegation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.* Councilman Grant requested Public Works Committee to again review referral of a few months ago for reductions to the water and sewer rates to cover the poor people. *CARRIED% AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Dean Bitney, 1082 Anacortes N.E. , presented petition for Street Vacation of a portion of Powell Ave. S.W. , 60 ft. wide, lying between Street Vacation FAI 405 southerly R/W margin and the northerly R/W margin of S.W. Portion of 16th St. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , PETITION FOR Powell Ave. S.W. VACATION BE REFERRED TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO VERIFY SIGNA- TURES AS TO OWNERSHIP AND TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Chairman Delaurenti presented Committee of Committee of the the Whole Report recommending adoption of a resolution to support Whole Report the position held by Green River Community College students in regards to tuition increases. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, College Tuition COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT AND REFER TO THE Increase Opposed LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CETA Positions The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the matter of positions requested under Title VI of the CETA Program be referred to the Community Services Committee. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF WHOLE. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Grant noted meeting with Fire Fighters Committee Report Union and Fire Chief re Fire Bond Issue and other things of interest, such as ambulance service in the City. Discussion ensued regarding ambulance service and first aid and transporting to the hospital . Upon inquiry, Finance Director Marshall noted for 1974 $4,800 was paid by the City for ambulance service, with $2,400 being rebated with the possibility of receiving additional rebate as it may be collected by Shepherd Ambulance Co. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ATTENDANCE OF COUNCIL National League REPRESENTATIVE TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE IN WASH- of Cities INGTON, D.C. IN MARCH, BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL Conference COMMITTEE WITH POWER TO ACT. MOTION CARRIED, with Councilman Stredicke requesting his No vote be recorded. Councilman Perry requested permission to attend the ASPO Planning Conference in June. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PERRY'S REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sign Councilman Stredicke inquired re sign at vacant Time Oil Station on N.E. 4th and Monroe N.E. Mayor Garrett asked Public Works Director to investigate and report back. Negotiations Councilman Grant asked for update on labor negotiations at the next Council meeting. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 10 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTE : CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF CHARLES LELAURENTI , Council President; HENRY E, SCHELLERT, WILLIAM COUNCIL J. GRANT, EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, and GEORGE J. PERRY. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY CLYMER, ABSENT COUVILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, IN ATTENDANCE City Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legis- lative Aide; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Department Rep. ; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 3, 1975 MEETING AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS City Clerk Mead reported the February 5, bid opening for Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Repair which includes labor, equipment, materials Bid Opening and performance of all work in repairing existing 8" line. Three Kennydale Sewer bids were received as shown on the attached tabulation. MOVED BY Leak Repair SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER THESE BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • Water & Sewer Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Utilities Bond Issue and Division has secured opinion from the City 's financial consultant, Proposed Projects Seattle Northwest Securities, that the City' s Utilities can support a $3,000,000 Water and Sewer Bond Issue. A list of 21 proposed pro- jects was attached, noting the additional projects and dollars were added because Referendum 27 has made available 40% grant monies , some already secured, and because inflation has reduced buying power and increased project costs. The letter requested Council concurrence in the proposed projects. Upon inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason explained Referendum 27 is statewide funding assistance for water projects at a rate of 40% for qualifying projects, and Referen- dum 26 for sewer projects. Gonnason explained the proposed projects and upon inquiry by Councilman Delaurenti , Gonnason noted the Talbot Reservoir tie-in doesn' t provide Renton water. rather than Seattle water for Talbot Hill residents. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Gonnason noted joint trunk line project underway in N.E. portion of City and the second phase would be trunk lines from interceptor to unsewered portions of Highlands and Kennydale. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS LETTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. CETA Funds Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested an ordinance be pre- Titles II & VI pared appropriating funds to cover cost of positions authorized in ' 75 for Additional Budget under Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA Program) . Employees Appropriations needed for CETA Title II would be $23,793 and for CETA Title VI would be $56,891 . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See later Ordinances) Fire Bond Issue Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended that the special Fire Station Committee of the Council re-initiate meetings for review of facility and equipment needs of the Renton Fire Department, that though the Fire Bond Issue failed 2/4/75, the needs still exist. The letter recommended that in addition to those working with the committee (Fire Fighters Local 864 Members, Fire Chief and Del Bennett of City staff) representation be obtained from the Chamber of Commerce and the insurance businesses in Renton. Considerable discussion ensued. ATTACHMENT TO PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DATED 2-10-75, CIRCULATED BY Dean W Bitney We understand that the county has an easement on Powell Ave. S.W. for an electric underground wire to light the highway sign on 405. We will move this wire at no expense tb the city of Renton to the East property line in the landscape area. We would also like to purchase after vacation the small triangle of property lying northerly of lots 7 thru 10, block 35, of CD Hillmans Earlington Garden Addition Division No. 1 as situated in the E 1/2 of Section 24-23-4. This is a continuation of S.W. 15th which is landlocked between above described property and 405 freeway. The approximate size of the triangle is 120 feet long and 20 feet on the wide or west end of the triangle, approximately 1200 sq. ft. NAME: i` ,___1(\44j, ADDRESS: 7201 So. 115th, Seattle, Wa. 98D78 NAME: A •,, /j�/ ADDRESS: 1082 Anacortes .E. , Renton, Wa Ire PETITION FOR STREET VACATION `2//I )-7.S IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Circulated by Dean W. Bitney Date 2-10-75 Address 1082 Anacortes N.E. , Renton, Wa. 93055 Telephone No. BA6-1748 To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, property owners abutting Powell Ave. S.W. respectfully request the vacation of that portion of said street described as follows: All that portion of Powell Avenue S.W. having a width 60' , lying between the southerly right of tray margin of FAI405 and the northerly right of way margin of S.W. 16th Street. Said street lying between Blocks 35 and 36 of CD Hillmans Earlington Garden Addition Division P'o. 1 as situated in the E 1/2 of Section 24-23-4. Additional Comments: T/4 E 7.°// (io. AvTh/a Thik C'/77/ el' /!INro4/ To 5,E1, Tn'E ,E Kdf T ,To />E.9/V 1 �/r/4.F)/ Name: 4 - 4 ,1 05T r. Name: Address: /f Ais,/, �n.�t Address: /a X Legal : foo S4✓ // / /�E�rdN 1✓4, Legal : ��ti a), . Name: Name: (Z Address: Address: 7 ao/ So //LS �-� Legal : Legal : 777:E 64/11,S4 7P/ 76P"