HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspector's Daily Reports - 2/15/2017 *03853 708-Inspector's Daily Reports 02/15/2017' R E N T O N Inspector's Daily Report AHEAD OF THE CURVE OR Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets Project No. Project Name Day Date CM-1193(003) CITY OF RENTON- 116TH AVENUE SE Wednesday February 15,2017 SIDEWALK Prime Contractor Representative/Title A. KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. Chad Kamins/Owner Subcontractor or Agent Appr'd D/LVWBE Representative/Title S. AGS x x Angela BostwickfrCS C. E. - A.M. P.M. Weather: Rain Rain Site Conditions: Wet Temperature: Low: 38 t°F High: 51 t°F Contractor's Work Activity Description and Location Property Restorations Required Backup Samples Taken Item, Description, and Location of Work Ill Documentation Approved (NOTE:Any'NO'is to be explained in Diary) Ill Souree Approved Pay Note Made Item No. Contract Item Description Location YM YM YM YM Traffic Control Was Traffic Control Required Today? Fx Yes F—]No Was WZTC according to approved TCP? Yes F I No Was TCS on Project Site Today? Yea F—�No Do all Flaggers have current flagging card? Yes No DIARY See Below Photos taken Today?F]xYBs F7 No (Signed) NAME:/ Construction Inspector Reviewed By 1 Inspector's Daily Report GMycoNSrQsb Ew, -er Tiac- (CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT & WORKFORCE) IDR Sheet 2 of 3 Sheets Protect No. --Project Name Day Date CM-1193(003) CITY OF RENTON- 116TH AVENUE SE Wednesday February 15,2017 SIDEWALK Prime Comractor Subcontractor KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. CONTRACTOR' S EQUIPMENT Operating Contractor's ID A-E,see page 1) No. of Equi Units p Equipment Description Oper Stdby Down Idle REMARKS No. a 1 E-011 Cat 924 Loader 7 A 2 4-02 Cat 307 Exc.x2 A 1 E-031 Cat 303 Exc. 7 A I [E08 La Mor Sweeper A 1 F450 U/1' 7 A 1 F650 D/1' B 1 F150 P 6 E-13 E-14 1,15 E-16 13,171 E-18 E-19 E-20 E-21 CONTRACTOR'S WORKFORCE 0 rating Contractor's ID A-E,seepage 1 NUMBER/HOURS NUMBER Laborer, Pipe Leyr Oper Drivers Flaggers Electrician Other MW RN JAppnMlee Trainee A 1!/ / 1/S 7 / / / FOREMAN 3 B / / / / V 6 / / 1/ 6 2 D If (Signed) NMIE: , Construction Inspector Inspector's Daily Report CONSUL7ING ENGINEERS (DIARY-continued) IDR Sheet 3 of 3 Sheets Project No. Project Name Day Date CM-1193(003) CITY OF RENTON-116TH AVENUE SE Wednesday February 15,2017 SIDEWALK Pdme Contractor KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. DIARY -continued 7:30am; Kamins is on site preparing.8:00am; Kamins is removing the driveway panes and C/G at Sta. 17+4911+/-.I have directed the contractor to remove the entire curb and gutter associated with these corrections.No T/C on site at this time. 8:30am;Off site due to manditory training. 12:00pm; Kamins has removed the driveway panels at Sta. 17+49R and are performing property restorations.I have reviewed the limits and slopes required in various locations with Adam.I have stated that the areas where the reverse slope walks and subsurface drains are located require washed drain rock extending T back from the walks. 2:30pm;Work has finished for the day. (Signed)N E: Construction Inspector w r" IAAIAANAI�A�A�AANIINIIIINNAAAINI '03853 708-Inspector's Daily Reports 02/14/2017' R E N T O N Inspector's Daily Report AHEAD OF THE CURVE IDR Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets Project No. Project Name Day Date CM-1193(003) CITY OF RENTON-116TH AVENUE SE Tuesday February 14,2017 SIDEWALK Prime Contractor - Representative/We A. KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. Chad Kamins/Owner Subcontractor or Agent Appr'd D/MIWBE Representative/Title B. AGS x x Angela Bostwick/TCS C. D. E. A.M. P.M. Weather: Clear Clear Site Conditions: Dry Temperature: Low: 38 t°F High: 20F Contractor's Work Activity Description and Location Property Restorations Required Backup samples Taken Item, Description, and Location of Work Marla Documentation Approved (NOTE:Any'NO'is to be explained in Diary) Marl Source Approved Pay Note Made Item No. Contract Item Description Location YM YM YM YM Traffic Control Was Traffic Control Required Today? rzlyea C INo Was WZTC according to approved TCP?F—x—lye, L-- INo Was TCS on Project Site Today? Yee ONo Do all Flaggers have current flagging card? Yes C No DIARY See Below Photos taken Today? Yes NO (Signed) NAM Construction Inspector Reviewed By f Inspector's Daily Report Choy 8r Qsborac, Inc- (CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT &WORKFORCE) CONSULTING ENGINEERS IDR Sheet 2 of 3 Sheets Project No. Project Name Day Date CM-1193(003) CITY OF RENTON- 116TH AVENUE SE Tuesday February 14,2017 SIDEWALK Prime Contractor Subcontractor KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. CONTRACTOR' S EOUIPMENT Operating Contractor's ID A-E,see page 1) No.of Equi Unitsp Equipment Description Opar SWby Down Idle REMARKS WNo. a 1 I E-01 I Cat 924 Loader _ 7 A 2 E-021 Cat 307 Exc.x2 A l E-031 Cat 303 Exc. 5 A I E-04 Lay Mor Swee r A 1 E-05 F450 U/1' 8 A 1 E-06 F650 D/T E-07 B 1 E-08 F150 P/U 8 E-09 E-10 E-11 E-12 _ E-13 E-14 _ E-15 E-16 E-17 E-18 E-19 _ E-20 H-21 CONTRACTOR'S WORKFORCE -7�H Operating Contractor's ID(A-E,see page 1) NUMBER/HOURS NUMBER Laborers Pipe Layr Oper Drivers Flaggers Electrician Other Male I F mwk Tmkm A 1/8 / 1/8 / / / FOREMAN 31 1 B l l l l v / l u 2 (Signed) NAME: Construction Inspector Inspector's Daily Report CONSULTING ENGINEERS (DIARY-continued) IDR Sheet 3 of 3 Sheets ,K lecl No. Project Name Day Date CM-1193(003) CITY OF RENTON-116TH AVENUE SE SIDEWALK Tuesday February 14,2017 Prime Contractor KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. DIARY -continued Kamins is on site performing property restoration at Sta.21+80R+/-.I have stated to Adam that the driveway at 17+49 will have to be corrected including the C/G and the wing panel at Sta. 15+71R+/-will have to be replaced. 8:00am;AGS is on site preparing and restoring the T/C devices that were displaced overnight. 12:00pm;I have verified the cross slopes on the reverse slope walks;they measured at 1.5%+/-.The height of the depressed curbs are at 1.5"+/-the plans call out 3".2:00pm;I have measured and verified the cross slopes on the work performed 2/13/17 and found the slopes to be acceptable.Kamins is moving the bust op sign pole to the new location.2:30pm;Work has finished for the day. (Signed)NAME: Construction Inspector II����NWVI�NN��'NN�NNNIYN�NINNNN�1��1 '03853 708-Inspectors Daily Reports 02/13/2017- R�EN 2/13/2017"REN T O N Inspector's Daily Report AHEAD OF THE CURVI IDR Sheet 1 of 3 Sheets Pimlect No. Project Name Day Date CM-1193(003) CITY OF RENTON SIDEW- ALK116TH AVENUE SE Monday February 13,2017 Prime Contractor Representative/Title A. KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. Chad Kamins/Owner Subcontractor or Agent r'dD/MIWBE Representative/Title B. AGS x x Angela Bostwick/TCS _ C. CSI x Jorge VarascaTwernan D. E. - A.M. P.M. Weather: Char Clear Site Conditions: Dry Temperature: Low: 34 **F High: eF Contractor's Work Activity Description and Location Placing concrete in walks and drives. Required Bsckup Samples Taken Item, Description, and Location of Work Marls Documentation Approved (NOTE:Any'NO'is to be explained in Diary) Marl Source Approved Pay Note Made Item No. Contract Item Description Location YM YM YM YM Traffic Control Was Traffic Control Required Today? EX Yes E-INo Was WZTC according to approved TCP? Yes =No Was TCS on Project Site Today? Yes =]No Do all Flaggers have current flagging card? Yes =No DIARY See Below Photos taken Today? Yes No (Signed)nuee: �zl Construction Inspector Reviewed By Inspector's Daily Report G1i y o t0eboererRsae, - (CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT & WORKFORCE) IDR Sheet 2 of 3 Sheets Project No. Project Name Day Date CITY OF RENTON-116TH AVENUE SE CM-1193(003) Monday FcbruarN 13,21117 SIDEWALK � Prime Contractor - Subcontractor - KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. CONTRACTOR' S EQUIPMENT Op rating Contractor's ID A-E,see page 1) No. of Eqi u Units p Equipment Description Oper Stdby Down Idle REMARKS No. a 1 E-01 Cat 924 Loader _ 8 A 2 E-02 Cat 307 Exc.x2 A 1 E-03 Cat 303 Exc. 8 A 1 E-04 Lay Mor Sweeper A 1 E-05 F450 U/f _ 8 A 1 E-06 F6501M' E-07 _ B 1 E-08 F150 P/U 8 E-09 - C E-10 Fuzo UIT 9.5 C E-11 Dodge 3500 U/r 95 C E-12 Ford F450_UiT 95 E-13 E-14 E-15 - E-16 - — E-l7 - E-18 -- - E-19 - E-20 - E•21 - CONTRACTOR'S WORKFORCE Operatin Contractor's ID A-E,see page 1 NUMBER/HOURS NUMBER Laborers Pipe Layr Oper Drivers Flaggere lElectrician Other Male Fernale nU Trainee A 2/16 / / / / FOREMAN 3 B / / / / 4/ / / I/ 1 3 C / / / / / / 5/47.5 I 6 D -- E -. (Signed) Kwe: Construction Inspector ^ Inspector's Daily Report `TMy L'JL�aborrie, Ir�c. CONSULTING ENGINEERS (DIARY -continued) IDR Sheet 3 of 3 Sheets Prosect No. Project Name Day Date CITY OF RENTON- 116TH AVENUE SE CM-1193(003) SIDEWALK Monday February 13,2017 Prime Contractor KAMINS CONSTRUCTION,INC. DIARY -continued 7:30am;Kamins and AGS are on site preparing.I have spoken with Adam about work at the south end of the project;I stated that CSI will not be allowed to place concrete in the areas adjacent to Petrovitsky after 12:00pm due to the TCP which states work is limited to 2:30pm in this location.He stated that they have a UPO ordered for 12:00pm. I have shown him the areas that need corrections made in the work performed on 2/7/2017.I have not received any F/A statement for Kamins for Property Restorations on 2/1,2&3/17.8:30am; AGS has narrowed the roadway at the tum pocket to provide clear space for Kamins to perform restorations to the drive at 17450 due to erosion of the temporary drive. Kamins is making adjustments to the Type I castings at Sta.20+10&21+1511+/-.9:00am;CSI is on site preparing.Kamins is performing restorations to the drive.UPO is on site. 11:00am;I have spoken with Tani and an extention of work hours has been granted with UPOs untill 3:30pm in the work area adjacent to Petrovitsky.CSI continues to place forms and Kamins is adjusting the grade for the walks at Sta. 10+73-13+07R+/-. I live directed Kamins to maintain the BMPs on the site.12:00pm;Corliss is on site with the first load at Sta. 10+73R+/-. Kamins is working on mailboxes. 1:00pm;Corlis has delivwered the second load at Sta. 12+05R+/-.The resident at 17450 has stated that he wood like to have his mailbox placed in fort of his property;I stated that the boxes had been relocated due to the tum lane.I gave hum Flora's contact information and my card. 1:30pm;CSI xontinues to place concrete at Sta. 12+05R+/-.Kamins continues to place mailboxes on pole at Sta. 13+40R+/-.2:30pm;I have rejected load#77391 due to mix time no material from this truck was placed.CSI continues at Sta. 13+90R+/-.3:30pm;AGS is opening all lanes at the south end of the project.CSI has one more load coming;I stated that if they didn't have to pull any sheets and stayed out of the road that it would be OK. 4:30pm;I have noted that the cold joints in the walks are spaced at 6',not at 4'per COR spec.placing one cold joint in the center of the panel.I have informed Adam that this is incorrect.The work performed previously is the same.All cincrete has been placed and finish work continues.I have discussed the cold joints with the foreman;he stated that due to the spacing of the angles and the driveway approches he felt it was nessesary to place them as they did.I have looked at the panels and am somewhot in agreement as it maintained an even appearance.5:00pm;Kamins is placing the steel sheets back over the drives(2).5:30pm;CSI is covering their work.6:00pm; Work has finished for the day. (Signed)NAw: Construction Inspector