HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/2015 - Minutes ;:`...: ::.: - .-..,. . ... .. .. . .. .. _ , . , , �) ,.. .. .. . .. , . .. ....:. . .. . .. .. . . ... .. .. . .. :: . :: :: . . ... .. .. .: :: � :: :: _ . -:: :: . , , ..:. . . :� C�t o Renton : , . , : : Board �f Park Com►�nissioners : . . . - . City O . .. . ��Y �� � .: . U A. .. .. . ....: . . . .. . . � � � ... .. � ' ; : .; ;: ...: :: . O . "S'�i�0� ..:. _ . . � _.. . ,.:... : ,. eeting inutes : . �- „ _ . - . � F . _ ..: : : ebruar.y 10, 2015 4:30 p:m.-Gity:Hall—7th Floor Gon#erencing Center :: : .. .. . . , . I. : CALL TO ORDER. : '. ` In Attendance - _. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .... The follow:ing members were:presen.t: Mem.bers: Cynthia Burns, AI Dieckman, Troy Wigestrand,.Mike O'Donin; ,. Marlene Winter Steff: Terry Higash'iyame, Sandy Pilat; Leslie Betlach; Kelly Beymer, . :.. . .... ,. .... Kris Stimpson: : . . . . Chair C nthia Bur.ns called the Februar 10 2015:meetin to order at 4:30: :m':. Roll call , Y �: Y , , , g p : ;was taken; Tim Searing and Larr.y Reymann were not:present. Their absence:was excused,: . .. .... , . .. . _ II, APPROUAL OF AGENDA :; :: : :: :::: ::Mike 0'Donin .m.:ade:a motion, seco:nded by AI Dieckman:to approve the:.agenda as . . ; _ . . .. _ .. presented.: All were in:favor;�motion carri.ed, the:February 10, 2015; agenda wes approved. , .. ... I.II. :.APPROVAL OF MINUTES � ' . . _ . .. .. ' " A motio'n viwas made by:IVl�rlene Winter and seconded by Mike 0':Donin to approve th�e: � .. . : .. • :: , January 2015 minutes:as written all were:in#avor, motion car.ried: The minutes were . .... .. , approved as submitfed. - � _ ,. , . IV. BOARD COMMUNICATION;: : � � .. .. . . , , ., .. ,. .. .. . . City Center Plan.-Mike 0'Donin. ... : _ . ,. .. � There.has,not been:a recent City Center Plan meeting: The next.meeting�is scheduled for , :...:. _ , :. Macch 5::. s� * �" � City of Renton , - � Park Board Minutes ' February 10, 2015 Page 2 of 4 Lower Cedar River Stakeholder Group—Leslie Betlach Leslie thanked Mike and Larry for their participation and input on the Lower Cedar River Stakeholder group,the Group's primary concern is protection of the salmon. There is a lot of grant money available to study the Chinook salmon habitat. V. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION The Board received a list.of the 2015 elected officials. Terry explained the various committees and noted the majority of our council related matters will be referred to the Community Services Committee. Terry asked the members which issues they are most interested in hearing about during the course of the year to schedule presentations accordingly. VI. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 2013/2014 Accomplishments Terry reviewed the agenda for the department management staff retreat. We broke into groups and reviewed various topics and staff gave their input. These included opportunities and challenges we may face in economic development priorities, enhancement of customer � service and productivity of employees, sustainable fiscal strategy, and serving our vulnerable, diverse population. Terry attended the Mayor/Administrator retreat followed by the Council retreat. We want to make sure we get our projects out in front of Council. In the near future we have the possibility of a fire authority; sustainability is a big issue and maintaining our assets. The B & O tax will go into effect in 2016. VII. l)ISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS. Review By-Laws Terry asked everyone to review the By Laws and note items that need addressed, such as term limits, also modifying that the youth member may live within the Renton school district rather than only the city limits. She requested two volunteers to form a sub-committee to work with her on a revision to bring back to the board at a future meeting. She said anyone wishing to serve could email or phone Sandy and let her know. 2015-2016 Board Goals All members relayed various topics they would like updates/reports on including: reports from other departments including finance, economic development, and transportation. Topics_ including vandalism and crime, the library, and homeless at Liberty Park, graffiti and vandalism. Mike stated he is always interested in transportation issues. Another topic members expressed an interest in include relationship/partnership with school district, as well as the water quality in Lake Washington and the aquifer status. Tours they would like to go on H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2015 Park eoard\2min.docx ; , City of Renton � ��� i��� Park Board Minutes �l , February 10,2015 � Page 3 of 4 " - , include the Black River, VMAC, Boeing plant tour, Cedar River Water Shed tour. Also off the grid areas including Cedar River soft surface frail, Ron Regis flood plain and the back side'of golf course. On-going educational opportunities with WRPA, employee recognition functions, uolunteer opportunity, library information sharing, and the airport training center. Terry said we may be able to hold one of our meetings at the newly remodeled Fairwood Library. Also updates on the boathouse and sailing program, trails and bicycle plans and Lake Washington Blvd. Trail, legislative updates, and code enforcement. Youth Member Recruitment ' With the resignation of Sojin as our former youth member we need to solicit a replacement. Marlene took the initiative to address a letter to two high schools asking them for any � suggestions and to make the vacancy known among eligible students. Terry also mentioned there is an opening on the Library Board. Growing Tree � , , The growing tree at the community center is having two boulders engraved that will be put in � place in the near future. There was discussion about the recent drowning at Coulon Park and the garbage problem at Ivar's. Terry also stated the library would be opening in August ahead � of schedule. � - " ' VIII. CORRESPONDENCE Dobson Submittal ' A copy of paperwork Karen Dobson submitted and had addressed to the Park Board was distributed as requested. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Terry indicated the staff was conducting interviews for a lead position internally for park maintenance. Dave Peterson Senior, maintenance division, is planning on retiring. She invited everyone to the employee recognition luncheon on Friday. Kelly discussed the seasonal trail closure due to water over the walkway and the difficulty.and associated labor costs trying to keep-it open. � ,. � . , . H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2015 Park Board\2min.docx ' i . � ti - t City of Renton /~ ' 'J `'' Park Board Minutes February 10,2015 . Page 4 of 4 X. ADJOURNMENT , A motion was made by Mike O'Donin and seconded by AI Dieckman to�adjourn the February meeting at 6:20 p.m�. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned. ; , — � S' nature , , ;� � � � ; " "� `µ` # ' NEXT REGULAR MEETING� �� � � � �` �f � � � ���, ��-�" ,� � � � � ''� , . .. : ;-,. ��� ': h ..�� _-�€•= �'�. �� s `4 M:arch 10, 2015 @ 4 30 P M �, .� ��� � 4 � � r> �� �_ � � , , � - c a �� � ; � � ,��� � , � .� < .� , ` �- , � } ., � � . - �CityHallFConfer,encing Center 7t�' F/oor t"�$ k���. � � � � � , r�� � � �' � � �� ��� ,�� v:�� 's y�k :: , ��� ��� =��„ r �� � � .,_�� � � H:\Boards and Commissions\Park eoard\2015 Park Board\2min.docx , � CITY OF RENTON • CCtC C1� S CITY OF REN'I'�IIIV FINANCE CO�IMITTEE UTILITIES COMMITTEE 1055 S.Grady Way 1st�3rd Mondays, 5:OOpm 2nd 8�4th Mondays, 5:30pm Renton, WA 98057 Don Persson, Chair Greg Taylor, Chair www.rentonWa.gov Greg Taylor, Vice-Chair Randy Corman, Vice-Chair Armondo Pavone, Member Ruth Perez, Member MAYOR pUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING & Denis Law COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT 1st 8�3rd Mondays,4:30pm COMMITTEE MUNICIPAL � Armondo Pavone, Chair 2nd 8�4th Mondays,4:OOpm COURT JUDGE ' Don Persson, Vice-Chair �Randy Corman, Chair 'Terry Ju�ado Greg Taylor, Member Armondo Pavone, Vice-Chair �� . . Marcie Palmer, Member CITY C4LTNCIL . ' � COiVI�1UNITY SERVICES '- Ed Prmce, Presiclent , COi�IMITTEE TRANSPORTATION � Randy Cor"man, Pres Pro Tem 2nd 8 4th Mondays, 5:OOpm COMMITTEE Don Persson 2nd 8�4th Tuesdays, 10:00am - Ruth Perez, Chair ;Marcie Palmer Marcie Palmer, Vice-Chair Marcie Palmer, Chair Greg Taylor � Randy Corman, Member Ruth Perez, Vice-Chair ' Armondo Pavone Don Persson, Member �:Ruth Ferez : , � �, : , r-� s . Mayor's OfT'ice " _ ���"� �--, , t �" � � :o�_.�.t 425-430 6500 s�'�- �` ��.4� ,. x-=--�� � �= "� ., �, , , , �;-� � , . , � r •�� - : �< ;1 , , , . ... `t�' � � � ,w � �;. �_�. _ ; � �- COl1I1C11��1CC ' `'��� .—t,+�k:`;r,.��'�;'�' ¢_� � r.._,.'.�'i�.�:' � �.,.♦� � � ,. Rgp ,p�Y CLTY HKLI� � 425-430 6501 � i� .:� � ��� �'>`�.;;�.. -;�`�:"_. � r�a : , . , : ��,,� . . � . �. , ; r��� ;: , , : � . .:: ' ' � � ,.. ,, >. , � _ . , , ., .. ;._ - � �:� ���� �yr: �zl�' � � � ' IVluiucipal Court '�' ` `��;' _�', t s r-�rR � .� _ �,'' 425-430 6550 `3 ` "� -�� - , � , , � ;�`-��G : , � �P, � _� � ,� 4 S � � �'��t � . , �, � �� -- r �� �,,.. , - � � i ''�,� '.:� �y� ,:. , � . , . . s �'N'�� �I . . . . n . a ; � � j ,� 'l������ � "��#�� j � � '� �. `� ' � .� �,.�.�-� ��-� � . �.. �... � _ . ..�... �: .a.���. �,. �C � ! � � � � � � Q � ' '��1� � � � ` �� � � ���I(��r�f ��� ��� ��..- �: � � �,. � � �. �:.�.> �. �5�. � �. � .. �:�� � ,. �. . . �, �.„�... �. �. �.,,,.k,.,. _. ,.- Lake Wa. B:Ivd., Downtown, Highlands, Benson/Cascade Facilrtated by Kelly and Leslie _ - �Pportunities _ Expansion/re-design-improved design standards for park and.open spaces Improve pedestrian access with improved sidewalks : Bicyele lane/Trail Access with improved safety for cyclists . . Deueloping partnerships for off-feash.areas . _ - fmproved standards for developments ancl long-term;maintenance _. _ _ Look at neighboring cities for creative solutions How to market to agencies/businesses to locate there (particularly Benson) , _ CHALLENGES Inadequate off-leash ereas - , _ Code compliance/City Standards Staff resources vs increased growth and increased population (i.e:. level of service) Inadequate public restroom facilities:(witli exception of Lake 1Na. Blvd.) , The number of and comprehensiveness of'plans' and improving education/awareness deeper into our staff teams. , ry,u ,; • _ ..:. ;: Ef� H�1i�CE CIJST�i1� EIR _ _ _ SERVICE AiVD PRODl1C�IVIT'Y _ _ . � _ . . . :., . _ ; _._ s, :. . , � .. ;� , . _ . . _ _ .. . .. . .. . . ,. . .. �; .., .... ., . .n.. i :�� . .� . ,_.. . . ...,'... " F ... . . . .. . ..... . . . .. . . .. .... . . . Facilitated by Casey Stanley and Peter Reriner _ CdJSTOMER SERVICE _ , . ;:: . _,o Spread the word _ _ •: V1/:hat we do, how we benefit! _ '.�. How? . _ _.. . _ _.. _. . , : __ •. Admm to A min. . _ . _ _ � Admin to staff _ _ _ _ _ • "Tribal:kno.w:ledge" (TheTeam) _ ❖ Develo.p Relationships. _. -: (Take the initiative. Do tfie footwork.) _ , _, . �+ Staff Directory , (More info on who cloes wh:at) . ' Create a Liaison;for Departments/Divisions _ . . ..4. . ..... . . Follow through with customer(were their needs rnet?) .�. Surveys _ . • Reach:more people � _ _ _ • Get the feedkiack _ _ � Incentive for feedback - ':• Seasonal:Employees � . Are we taki_ng the time to teach our visions? Knowledge of organization:. , _ •o Website _ � Can customers navigate easily to info they want? �^y � ,y Productivitv , Enhance efficiencies Identify tools to do the job Communication Acknowledgement Celebrate the positives Building trust with employees • Bring new ideas—create safe atmosphere for employees to come forward Employee ownership Trust • Does management have your back? Risk • OK to take a risk for the greater good Re-visit trainings, retreats, conferences—are they working? Do we need new ideas? Prioritizing Add humor - • Have fun! Quality vs Quantity • Trying not to be everything to everyone • Knowing our business Focus on employee strengths f��'M Looking @ best practices of private industry—outside the box What do we do very well? Bend over backwards for our citizens! _ _ .. . . _ _ . _ _. . ����� � ��� .. � ����� _ ������ _ , _ _ _ _ �� Facilitated by Elizdbeth.Stewart and Terry Higashiyama. Leased Proper.ties _ �:�. Improve management? > : �,�. _ . _ � Other wa.ys to look for more revenue Blanket Pu:rchase Agreements for supplies, contr.acted services Shared tools and equipment (store?) _ . _ Review benefit packages and retirement How can we better partner with big businesses _ Do more with sponsorships and naming rights (develop policy) Review internal.operations - Focus on best business practices _ Better use of facilifies (more rentals, programs, etc.) _ Improve mar.eting. Strengthen pa.rtnerships with key people locally and regionally Connecting more with neighborFioods Quality.of life levy Need the technology to track costs of individual parks and buildings _ _ Tirne to find"Investors" for parks, programs, buildings Us.e utility insert to market our good stewardship _ : Educate public more where dollars:go . Solid �ision/mission from Council Councilmembers could sit on regional and state committees.� represent Renton , .. .... _ Engage front line staff to find out what they hear Follow up witfi empl_oyees about their.suggestions Con.nect better with diverse communities: - � Streamline processes and procedures - : Change physical facilities to facilitate teamwork� workplace irnprovements Can we capitalize on.relationship with Seahawks _ Market City's brarrd better .� Tell those stories (reasons to partner) Think ab.out making community.connections ' : _: Form a park district? . Form a Fire District (under discussion) Healthier workfqrce �1 Incentives for improverrient ' Ma.ximizing regional partnerships with other agencies and non=profits. Break down barriers _ Allovir employees to vofunteer .r=s _ � .. .. . .. � . .. � ��i ..� `.1�.�'��''. , .�/ �` ti (�� �'..� �`J�'}��i { 't ,� � :I ', 3�"_".` � �.-- .. . �r,...�1 e5�.....I r � r- �^, _ : ���. � � �' ��_ + � ' � � 1 � � ��^ { r � , ) ! � �. 1 . `� ���._.___.�_�_���.______L_��_ I.�n: � r�a �b. !� e � ds �� �e ��.,.� �rJ s:�e�: �___..__._...__._. __.__�.�___r__r��_�.T��..���__:�.___._._�..___._�__�____._.______�� _ ��� � � .3 �:, ��; ;._�, S� � �t �i� �� ��`� : ;��__�__,��_�M_ � �r � Facilitated by Karen Bergsvik.and Kris Stimpson; _. What is a vulnerable population:?:. : Homeless,those.with Financial Issues or:those who can't help themselves � What is diversitv? _ -:* Race ; _ : ❖ : Religion ,. •• Culture � _ , _ �:• . Sexual Orientation . _ _ _ .... ••• Gender ID � . _ _ •o� Geographical Diversity . . •o . Econo.mics , _ .:• Lanuae g.. g - UV at Do We Cur�entiv.Do? , Seniors— : Programs for everyone,Scholarships, 6panish Glasses _ . _ _ ... . Special Recreation-- � _ Social program for a wide range of ages Special Olympics: _ _ _ ._ Parks=: .. ..: . ;. Clean-up of Homeless Camps Facilities—. _.. . - Provide clean facilities .. , Summer Lunch Program Ages 1-18.yeais Neighborhood Program Scholarships ; Free Events Homeless Services Feeding Program _. Slieltering _:: _ _ City FundsoCher non-profits Coordinates ESL Group , _ � .» b v' New Ideas Hiring Practices—Vets, employees that reflect the diversity Participate in Disabled Work Programs,Job Training Youth programs for ages 18—22 (volunteer or work training program) � Educate all staff(especially front line) on what we already have in place,for example, 211, and the resources for the homeless Learning which employees are bilingual (update current list on Renton-Net& Halogen) Spanish Classes for staff � Literacy issues—need improvement Improve physical s.paces—make ADA compliant Add gender neutral restrooms City Health insurance coverage for gender dysphoria Homeless programs to "help them help themselves" Have homeless clean up homeless camps More money for drug treatment programs Day shelter for men and families Provide mental health access Partner with other agencies � Go out into the community Job shadow each other Talk to immigrant population groups on what services they would like May need after hours services for the vulnerable populations ' Cultural Awareness fair with families F � CHAPTER 9 PARK COMMISSION* SECTION: 2-9-1: Creation Of Parks Commission 2-9-2: Authority 2-9-3: Function • 2-9-4: Appointment; Members ' 2-9-5: Term 2-9-6: Commission Authority 2-9-7: Appointment, Qualifications, And Duties Of Parks Director And Recreation Director , 2-9-8: Park Rules And Regulations 2-9-1 CREATION OF PARKS COMMISSION: There is hereby created a Parks Commission. (Ord. 5155, 9-26-05) 2-9-2 AUTHORITY: The Parks Commission is established pursuant to RCW 67.20.010. (Ord. 5155, 9-26-OS) 2-9-3 FUNCTION: A. The Parks Commission shall establish policy to conduct any form of recreation or cultural activity that will employ the leisure time of the people in a constructive and wholesome manner, including policy to control and supervise all parks belonging to the City. B. In conjunction with the Mayor and City Council,the Parks Commission may plan, promote, manage, construct, develop, maintain and operate, either within or without the City limits, parks, play and recreational grounds and/or other municipally owned recreation facilities, including community buildings and improve and ornament the same. ' C. The Parks Commission shall receive, in the name of the City, all monies or other property donated by individuals or groups for the improvement of parks and other recreational areas. The Commission reserves the right to reject any such donations, subject to the approval of the Council, in the event that any such donation be considered improper, unlawful or contrary to the purposes as set forth. Any cash received by the Commission on behalf of the � City shall be forthwith paid to the Administrator of the Administrative Services Department and , same shall be placed in the Park Fund. (Ord. 5547, 8-9-10; Ord. 5654, 2-13-12) D. The Parks Commission is authorized to grant concessions and privileges within the parks and recreational areas, under such restrictions, and for such compensation as it shall prescribe, and any monies or properties paid thereunder shall be turned over to the Administrator of the Administrative Services Department. Such revenue shall be used for park purposes only. Any party aggrieved by the Commission in granting or denying such concession and privileges shall have the right of appeal to the Council within thirty (30) days of such action by the Commission. No concession shall be granted for a period of more than five (5) years, with the right for an extension for an additional five (5) year period of time, should the Commission deem it advisable, and then only upon condition that the concessionaire fulfill all conditions and provisions of the original five (5)year concession contract. (Ord. 5547, 8-9-10; Ord. 5654, 2-13- 12) � E. The Commission shall not have the power to acquire any property, by gift or otherwise, without the consent of the Council and any properties so received and acquired shall be in the name of the City. (Ord. 5155, 9-26-05) 2-9-4 APPOINTMENT; MEMBERS: The Parks Commission shall consist of eight (8) members, who shall be residents of the City of � Renton, one of whom shall be under 21 years of age at the time of appointment, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation by a majority of the members of the City Council. No Commissioner shall receive any compensation for his or her service whatsoever except for reimbursement of actual expenditures duly authorized by the City Council. (Ord. , 5155, 9-26-05) 2-9-5 TERM: The term of each Commissioner so appoint'ed shall be for a period of four (4) years from the date of such appointment. Such term shall also apply to incumbent Commissioners and each Commissioner shall serve until his or her successor has been appointed and duly qualified. The terms of office shall begin on the first Monday in June. At the expiration of each Commissioner's term, the Mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation or concurrence of a majority of Council members, a successor Commissioner. Members of the Parks Commission may be removed at any time by the appointing authority and vacancies for the remainder of unexpired terms shall be filled in the same manner as the , original appointment. Three unexcused absences in a one-year period of time shall result in �� • automatic removal of the Commissioner:The Commission shall, by a majority vote, elect one of its members to be President thereof and may appoint such other officers as may be deemed necessary by them. (Ord. 5155, 9-26-05) 2-9-6 COMMISSION AUTHORITY: � The Parks Commission shall have the authority to propose rules and regulations for the operation, management and maintenance of parks and other recreational facilities, including recommendations to the City Council to fix charges for the use of any municipally owned or controlled park or recreational facilities. (Ord. 5155, 9-26-05; Ord. 5542, 6-28-10; Ord. 5580, 11- 22-10; Ord. 5687, 5-13-13) � 2-9-7 APPOINTMENT, QUALIFICATIONS, AND DUTIES OF PARKS DIRECTOR AND RECREATION DIRECTOR: - A. When there is a vacancy in the position of Parks Director or Recreation Director,the Parks Commission, in conjunction with the Community Services Administrator, shall recommend one or more qualified candidates for the positions of Parks Director or Recreation Director to the Mayor for consideration for an appointment to that position. The Mayor shall appoint a candidate to the position of Parks Director or Recreation Director, or may reject the recommendations of the Parks Commission, and ask for additional names to be submitted. The Mayor shall not appoint a Parks Director or Recreation Director without that individual's name having been recommended by the Parks Commission. The person that the Mayor appoints to - , the position of Parks Director or Recreation Director shall be subject to confirmation by the City Council. B. The qualifications and duties for the positions of Parks Director and Recreation Director shall be established by the Human Resources Department of the City with the concurrence of the Parks Commission. C. The Parks Director or Recreation Director may serve as an ex officio member of the Parks Commission but shall have no vote thereon. This individual shall be the liaison or staff support to the Park Board. D. The salaries of the Parks Director or Recreation Director shall be as fixed in the annual budget of the City. (Ord. 5155, 9-26-05) 2-9-8 PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS: A. General Provisions: 1. Definitions: � � , a. "Administrator" shall mean the Community Services Administrator or designee. b. "Authorized personnel" shall include any City of Renton agent, contractor, employee, official, representative, and/or volunteer performing their assigned duties. c. � "Park" shall include the following areas, facilities and buildings owned, operated, maintained or managed by the City of Renton: parks, trails, open space areas (a non-developed physical area, including but not limited to natural areas and wetlands),the Maplewood Golf � Course, and recreation buildings. � 2. Priority of\Use: Programs and activities scheduled by the Community Services Department will have first priority for use of parks and facilities. Otherwise, use of parks and facilities will be on a "first-come first-served" basis. 3. Designee of Administrator:The authority granted to the Administrator is granted to the Administrator's designee. � 4. Exemptions from Rules and Regulations: , a. Subsection B.3 of this Section, possession of weapons and fireworks, does not apply to law enforcement personnel or to persons performing authorized duties. b. Subsection B.5 of this Section, Overweight Vehicles in Parks, does not apply to City of Renton maintenance vehicles or to authorized or emergency vehicles. . c. Subsection B.6 of this Section,wildlife harassment, does not apply to Administrator authorized wildlife control efforts. � d. Subsection 6.9 of this Section, Domestic Animals in Parks, does not apply to law enforcement K-9 officers in the conduct of their official duties or to animals used by independent contractors if required in performance of the contract. ' e. Subsection C.15 of this Section, Parking and Moorage, does not apply to park. ,maintenance, law enforcement watercraft. . , f. Subsection C.9,of this Section, SCUBA Diving, does not apply to Fire Department personnel, persons performing rescue operations, or authorized persons. B. Criminal Violations: Unless otherwise posted, or approved by the Administrator in writing, it shall be a misdemeanor to do any of the following in a park: � . 1. Posting of Signs: Use, place or erect any advertising in any park; or to attach any notice bill, poster, sign, wire, rod, or cord to any tree, shrub, railing, post or structure within any park; or to place or erect in any park a structure of any kind. ' 2. Park Closing: Remain in any park after the posted closing time except when engaged in activities, programs and events scheduled by the Community Services Department. � ' 3. Weapons and Fireworks: Possess any fireworks, firecracker,torpedo, explosive, air gun, sword, knife, bow and arrow, BB gun, paint ball gun, slingshot, or any other weapon, unless otherwise permitted by,federal or state law. 4. Swimming Areas: Disobey rules, signs or lifelines designating swimming areas;transmit a false signal or false alarm of drowning; or to disobey any posted rules and/or instruction of any lifeguard,facility manager, or other authorized Co,mmunity Services Department employee. Swimming shall�be permitted only within the designated swimming areas. � 5. Overweight�Vehicles in Parks: Operate or drive any vehicle with a gross weight�of over thirty-two thousand (32,000) pounds or a maximum width of over one hundred two inches (102") except for places set apart for such purposes by the Administrator an�d designated by signs. . . 6. Wildlife Feeding and Harassment:Tease, annoy, disturb, molest, catch, injure or kill, �, ; throw any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or weapon any animal, bird, or fowl in any manner; or to feed any fowl or�bird in any park. 7. Concessions, Sales, Commercial Activities, Distribution and Posting Pamphlets: Perform the following activities in a park area: a. Operating a fixed or mobile concession or event or traveling exhibition. b. Soliciting, selling, offering for sale, peddling, hawking, or vending any goods or services. , ,. c. , Advertising any goods or services other than the directrhanding of written advertising to any one person. d. Filming, recording, or photographing for commercial purposes without authorization from the Administrator. . . . .. . � . , e. Conducting classes or organized competitions. � � . f. Distributing any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or printed material of any kind in any Community Services buildings.These facilities are not public forums or limited public forums and are designated solely to the specific purposes for which they are dedicated. � - g. Entering upon, using or traversing any portion of a park for commercial purpose, including fund raising and/or fund solicitation. h. Attaching or securing to any vehicle or structure any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or printed material of any kind. 8. Water Craft: Have, keep or operate any boat, float, raft or other water craft in or upon any bay, lake, slough, river or creek, or to land the same at any point upon the shores of a park except at places set apart for such p,urposes by the Administrator and so designated by signs. It shall be unlawful to launch a boat or other water craft larger than ten thousand (10,000) pounds or longer than thirty feet (30') at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach boat launch. 9. Domestic Animals in Parks: Allow or permit any domestic animal, including service animals,to run at large, or enter any swimming area, pond or fountain. A dog brought into or kept in a park or trail area shall be on a leash not more than six feet (6') in length and under direct control of owner. Exceptions to leash requirements may be made only for approved scheduled events. a. No domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed in any park that permits swimming. Dogs, except for service animals, are not permitted in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Kennydale Beach Park, or the beach at Cedar River Park. b. Any person with a dog or other pet in their possession in any park shall be responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removal from the park of feces deposited by such animal.The person with the dog or other pet must have in their possession the equipment or supplies required for feces removal. c. No domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed at any special event , held at any park or in any area in a park posted with signs prohibiting domestic animals, unless permission is granted by the Administrator. d. No domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed at the Maplewood Golf Course,the Farmer's Market and Meadow Crest Playground. 10. Authority to Remove Persons in Parks: Stay in a park when directed to leave by an authorized Community Services Department employee or any police officer. Pursuant to RMC 6-30-2, any person violating these park rules and regulations may be subject to expulsion from all city parks. I 11. Vandalism: Remove, destroy, mutilate, deface or tie any material to any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall, fence,.railing, vehicle, bench, shrub, tree,fern, plant, flower, lighting system or sprinkling system, or other park property. 12. Littering:Throw or deposit any refuse or other material in any park, except in designated receptacles, or to take garbage or refuse generated outside a park to a park for disposal; unlawfully dump yard waste, litter, or debris in any park; fail to remove or properly . dispose of party decorations, including, but not limited to, pinatas, streamers, balloons; or picnic items, including, but not limited to, paper or plastic plates or cups or table coverings. 13. Noise Restrictions:Violate any applicable noise restrictions of Chapter 8-7 RMC, and in particular the following provisions: a. It is unlawful to play car stereos, radios, or "boom boxes"—portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact disc players or musical instruments—so loudly they interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of seventy-five feet (75') or more. ' b. It is unlawful to operate or use any loudspeaker or other mechanical means of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit from the,Administrator. 14. Conduct: Use abusive, vile, profane, or obscene language or threats; which interfere with the reasonable use of a park by the general public; engage in acts of violence; including but not limited to fights of any kind, or to act in a violent,threatening, intimidating, or hostile manner toward another person whereby such person is put in reasonable fear for his/her safety;jump off of any bridge or structure into a lake, river, creek or other body of water except as permitted in subsection B.5 of this Section in designated swim areas. 15. Lost Property: Fail to turn in any property or objects found on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police Department, at City Hall, Renton, Washington. The article shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable city and state laws. 16. Introduction of Foreign Matter: Construct any structure, wall, fence, footing, drive, walk, � steps, or path on park property, or to deposit invasive plants onto park property, or to use or maintain park property as ari extension of private property. 17. Additional Violations:Violate any state or municipal criminal laws. C. Civil Violations: Unless otherwise posted, or approved by the Administrator, it shall be a civil violation to do any of the following in a park: '. 1. Activities: Practice or play golf, baseball, cricket, soccer, polo, archery, hockey, ' volleyball, badminton or othel-games of like ch�aracter, or to fly a kite, or to hurl, propel, or fly any airborne or other missile, including model airplanes, radio operated airplanes or other flying devices except in places and times set apart for such purposes by the Administrator; erect any inflatable structure, such as "bounce houses", with the exception of city-sponsored events; or access Maplewood Golf Course property for the purpose of"hunting" for golf balls, or to remove practice range balls from the Maplewood Golf Course driving range. 2. Trail Signs: Disregard or disobey trail signs. All trail users must obey all posted trail signs. It is not a defense in any proceeding that the trail user did not see the posted sign. 3. Motorized and Non-Motorized Vehicles in Parks: Ride, park or drive any bicycle, tricycle, , motorcycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, roller-skates, land sailing device, scooter, unicycles or any other wheeled or similar vehicle, horse or pony on, over, or through any park r designated by signage; or use the Renton Skate Park at Liberty Park with any device other than , a skateboard or in-line skates. This Subsection does not apply to a disabled person using a wheelchair, wheeled prosthetic(s) or othe.r wheeled vehicle. 4. Motorized Vehicles on Trails: Operate any motorized vehicle on City of Renton trails, except those vehicles used by authorized personnel in the performance of their assigned duties or authorized projects. ' 5. Dismount Zones: Bicycle operators must dismount their bicycle and remain dismounted in a "dismount zone." Failure to dismount or remain dismounted in a dismount zone is a violation of these rules and regulations. Failure to see a sign is not a'defense. For purposes of these rules and regulations the dismount zones on the Cedar River Trail ("Trail") are: a. The Trail between the southeast side of the Bronson Way bridge to the northwest side of the Logan Avenue bridge. b. The Trail between North 6th Street and the mouth of the Cedar River at Lake Washington. , � c. The pedestrian bridge under I-405. d. For purposes of this Subsection C.S, the term "dismount" means: i. The bicycle ope,rator walks on foot alongside the bicycle. ii. It is not a dismount if the bicycle operator remains seated on the bicycle seat. iii. It is not a dismount if the bicycle operator has either foot on a pedal of the bicycle, whether or not the bicycle is being propelled by the rotation of the front sprocket. 6. Speeding on Trails:Travel on a trail at a speed in excess of posted speed limits or greater than is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions or in disregard for actual and potential hazards (such as pedestrians or poor visibility). In every event; speed shall be so ` controlled as is necessary to avoid colliding with others using the trail.Travel at speeds in � excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour on any trail shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that the person violated this Section. Travel o,n,the Cedar River Trail, (i) between 149th Avenue S.E. and I-405 Termination Point, or (ii) between the NW side of Logan Avenue to North 6th Street at speeds in excess of ten (10)"miles per hour shall constitute in evidence a prima facie presumption that th'e person violated this Section. � 7. Vehicle and Boat Repair in Parks: Operate, repair or service any,'motor vehicle, motorcycle or boat on park property, including docks, for the purpose of testing, seruicing or J repairing. , � - 8. Racing in Parks: Engage in, conduct or hold any trials or competitions for speed, endurance or hill climbing involvi'ng any vehicle, watercraft, aircraft, or animal. 9. SCUBA Diving: SCUBA diving from park docks or shorelines, or from areas of boat parking or moorage or at the boat ramp at Gene Coulon Memorial Park. , 10. Camping and.Overnight Stays in Parks: Erect a tent or shelter or to arrange bedding, or both,for the purpose of, or in such a way as will permit remaining overnight; or park a trailer, camper or other vehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight. 11. Fires and Barbecues: Build fires except in areas designed and.set aside for sueh purpose by the Administrator; use any portable barbecue over thirty-six inches (36") in length or less than thirty inches (30") in height over a combustible surface unless said surface is protected by a heat shield or-fireproof device placed under the barbecue; or place hot coals onto park grounds or into any trash containers or water bodies. . , 12. Metal Detecting: Use in any park a device to detect ores or metals, without prior written ' Administrator approval. ' � � 13. Glass Containers in Parks with Swimming Areas: Possess�any glass conta,iner in any portion of the park or park facility that permits swimming. 14. Group Rally/Special Use Permit: Conduct any gr.oup rally in a park area or designated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with normal park usage, without prior written Administrator approval. , Special Per.mit Required: Groups that desire to use City of Renton facilities may be granted Special Use Permits by the department, but will be subject to a user fee. Where appropriate, ,1 , _ special conditions of use shall be established by the Community Services Department and so noted on the Special Use Permits. 15. Parking and Moorage: . a. Park in an area designated for a particular recreational activity, unless participating in that activity. Vehicles parked in violation of this Subsection may be impounded at owner's eXpense.� � � , ' . b. Utilize the boat launch without a permit. Boat or watercraft users who are launching at � Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park without an annual permit must pay the posted usage fee. c. Moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time limits. Watercraft moored in violation of this Section may be impounded at the owner's expense. � , , 16. City Events: Disobey any city-sponsored event park signage that relates to special circumstances for that event. 17. �Alcohol: Possess or consume'alcoholic beverages except in areas designated by the Administrator. Designated areas are (a) Maplewood Golf Course, when such beverages are purchased and consumed within the concessionaire's licensed premises; and (b) designated areas of the Renton Community Center and Renton Senior Activity Ce.nter facilities as part of a ` facility rental. All activities shall comply with all Washington State Liquor Control Board requirements. D. Penalties: . � ; , 1._ Criminal Violations:Those park rules and regulations identified as criminal violations are codified in this�Section and punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-1�and 6-10-1.F. For enforcement purposes, law enforcement and staff may cite to RMC 2=9-8 or the park rules and regulations pamphlet. , ' 2. Civil Violations:Those park rules and.regulations identified as civil violations are punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3=2. For enforcement purposes, law enforcement and staff may cite to this Section or the park rules and regulations pamphlet. E. Trail Etiquette: - � 1. All Users: • ' � _ � a. Obey all trail signs:and regulations. � ' , b. Show courtesy for other trail users at all times. � � � � c. Keep dogs on leash, maximum length 6 feet (dogs are not allowed in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Kennydale Beach Park, or the beach at Cedar River Park). d. When entering or crossing a trail at an uncontrolled point, yield to traffic already on the � trail. e. No group of trail users shall occupy more than half of the trail.nor impede the normal movement of trail users. f. Stay to the right except to pass. g. Pass others, going your direction, on the left. Pass with ample separation and do not, � move back to the right until safely past. h. Use lights at night. , 2. Pedestrians: Listen,for audible signals and allow faster trail users to pass safely. When possible walk to the right. 3. Bicyclists: a. Cyclists are required to wear safety helmets on all trails in King County. , b. Yield to slower and oncoming users. Always give an early audible (voice, bell, horn) warning before passing another trail user, allowing them adequate time to react. c. When possible, pass on the left. (Ord. 5687, 5-13-13; Ord. 5694, 10-7-13) � �. ' , i _ ` I`y �■y'�����yy C`y�}�y ��}fy���� � �� . . . � ' � 1lsl• �t +ii.��'��Y�t Larr�y 'ri arren �'j��jl� JAN 3 p 2015 - Renton. +'it.y �Attorney . R�nt�n �it.y t}ffici.sls , snc�, H�: Requesting docume pts Pa�ks �:c�mmi�sic�n meznbe�� ra�arding un3i�c�la�� R��v�Qwn c/� Henton CiGy Glerk � on iaap, encZosed, on tioun��f^��s �p�� S� Gra�.p yyTag of Art Kenyon�s �r�aperty ?entvn ��A '�'305? Dear ��Ir. 1ta�ran and c}fficiala �n�i Co�n,issioners of°t'ne Park Hoard; �here needs to be full written d�.sclosure or a sit clown meet3ng r�f � us a;Ll. At ler�st you shoul.d be interested in le�arning {beyond my � �a��+�ts of..infor:nation submitted over all oP 2�3.i�, to wh3-ch i�va � v} reaeive3'no re��nnse� wh�t r�rt wanta to be sure is d4ns or nat don.e with his gift. ��hat do �enton -�: partnera (tk"stakeholders"} intend � o t� dci �;ith th� �ifted prci�erty and 'to tday Creek Park with the aaces� � � �'riis gift �'rants that did ,not _exist �before the 'gif t? c°i � Thsre ap�ear� now �:� a f'�irl'y„ rec�nt map a Right-af�Way marked o,ut . Ts � tha� doe�ntt a�^ear on nther m$p� and we knew �n�thing about. . -E+�Y�st Q:m `r3oes ��n��nJNet,�css�tle et, al. �.ntend to �io with this h0`�f? �a � ' �' � I re�u�st that ;�Qu �roviae me wi�h doeu:mentation of ,�� : �;� wno �ranted thi s and to whon . �� �"\; b) when � c) wr.o paid what �o t�rh�m (what �ar3.ce} c� o �� d) recorr�3.n� of ths R047 {copies} � � � � e) ar�,�r �ther maps this FtQ`� a�pears on as it appears c�n nana of vurs} � � You��� shown n� 3.nterest tn clj.�closare: transparency, or meating ta �� -�i. wor:� th�s aut. All �he tnfornation T have h�s oora� fram t:�e several o MS�. s Public 'D3.sclosure Re�uests T�v.e mQde at .the Clerkt� �Office ir� th� � � ��ast �ear, including this map. The map was in a file wl�ere FEMA ::�� �, a perraitted to meke �et snr�ther inaursion 3nta May Craek, again during ° �����alrsan s�a�,Rm3.ng seasrin, this time to replace a culvert� in 2Q1l�o " � �,,, I have lost i�n irreplaceable orchard Qf 200 no�-G"r14 ;fruita traes and m °7�` berries that Ngi1"� with m�r things t� E. k� and was not oarad f'or the �`�'ca� �past year. , It was all mn�eci in .Januarp 2�1l� when I ezpected ta go. '� � � � u btairted a caurt , ,� �'�=� � �.his ia not an un3awPu2 detainer set af facte; yo 0 ° � �' � � orc�er�b�r frs.u3 an� r�isrepresentation� whil$ I ha.ve been h�rassed an3 m in.t3mi.�ateci here and th;�arted in carry3.ng out �ny duties as Art�s �, Executar, Y�u snoul� strike tha 2/6/1� Superior Court hearing an3 � 3.nstea� mee�t w3.th me. I canno-t leave the r�roperty until a deed 'i� o recardad: iatherw3s� I leava the ;�stats anr� myself open tn liabilit�g � claims, our �reas vulneraole tc� Purther po3.sanings, and the k��ouse open � to #'urther ransao�cings, van�alism, and a�son, all o#' W�'�ich o.ccurred efter Art�s death here, �nc� �ince. , cere].y,� �;t�_ (���� �L°� � I have never sean the Leslie Karen pobsc�n, �xecutor Batlatoh 3ettea� alle�ed7.y 9ent , � tate of Art Kenyon t� me in 4etober 2009 that you 3�7 Linca2n Dr. AT.E. � subraitted to the Court in September Ren�on W.� 9�0�6 2Q1�. in ��up�ort of get�ing a Summery , Judgment a ain�t Art�s E tate. Despite ell the computer h.ieragly�ahic� contained �n the letter �that I have never seen on other Renton c��res�ondancsjl guess as nproof" it wa� sc�nt, I d�nrt �e23eve it was. rU,� . Q.. .fy � . rt2" � �. ��.e u .. , i ' �, ^ 6/ . � .:. $ �.: .,a� �' � � �. ,�g S.E�. 877 , �.ST. Q ��dcF`� 1 • aua 37(I 4° � \ in nsas u 1. �:N �. 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MAY �� .. � . ; ; �. . ,;- ,�- � , C .,o, ,. : i � j • � rise; IIndisclosed;� ' Just 'as :Renton oee to �court.to "evict" '� �J7 ioc, -j�- �� , 1 OY the man� maps ilrt had and I have, none ehow the .Ri ht-of- ` . � I ; FJa� marked out on this mnp (in a narrox �ro,can.. ne_o loc ��` � � aTon p�t� Pront (88th , north (wooded}, nnd ea�t (s+ooded) .� � I.' , prop�r_'��3 T�ne�, A t di� �t ntand roada or any development on ��, > : tn.e Park�s D�7tnd es. �he �� �o be inco orated,into ��^ � , >- " , ; � • k so nat�� rema ns e$84�e . � the..P ar k 1 , '� r -�ei .e' ,k � r � i ' X ��.� .� Y y i � A � � 1�rr .j {!!pp � "� °� � �er �`�� '�� 4 . . .tC��:�;������ ,� 1 m l�w `�G�'�x t�+ ..r�t �2 J sy 4 f b� 3 �� _ i�"�3.�.. � 2. ,. ..�.;: �Y. F-F. , . Z rr'^'z ��k ,,." �;'7";^:"-•-�••-Y :.s x.-s��..�� �•.; �n;"a.mi >.""-.;.• •r�.�.��:�+✓_-.�,.�� ...h��n�'1�'��:'u � �� 5 x. . c ��...�-z u� � ��,r� '"�� ,,�. ��� ,� �L � z ( : ,.; '' ,::: _.'';.- , ...,, .�. �-:..., . - . [�t�R_�.n . . .a t . . • . . , ` ,,...,.. , .,�.:, �. nG1YtV�:,� ",.- ��.;�.;'�r. <.. .�:� .�. �i3Y O� � � , ,; . ; , . , � 1��.re� 2�, 2otl� � JAN � � 2Oi5 R�n���.`Ctty:ALte�r�e7s Ses�y�9or� �'s�r1c �;i�� ��c�iv�� � �� � �is�r3c�Ii�rbeg � � � �. `��cmrC��..��K�s�o��i��� L��,i�s�rsa FtE: T ��� ne� hes�r�l`fr�a 2(lO I�i13 �1Te.�. S.- b�h Fl�sr �*ot� �o� .a�aa � Draft� �f ' R.nt�►�: �L; �98�5? �he i c•d. D e�p Adr. �a,�rtie� ���1 I�, W�srrla, .. � �iclivere8 a si�.� psg� 3.�tter to ��rur c+�ftiQe �s � , - f-,�lle�r•�p ta our �ah��i� ��i�versAtisn 2/2b/31.�. i.�i ni�icm. I � � unal�r�t�odl t�au� veu .�J�uld �a�ve �tvu: par€�1o�;�►1 5���ha�3o Rs�� �raft th� :�uit�Iai�� De�al a�� �o3.iver it tQ �n �c� rmviscv t�iv re9tricstiva ��vmi��i�� •].a�u�►�� _�e, a��u{�r� �hat ' i� e���ar�s �a �.rt i{eAyo�is i�tar�t 3.n �is'�i�; ��� t�c� wi�c�laiad "parosls �o Re�►i�n�,, T ��su�a �eu� t►pea� t� �a�� a f i�h� �tb��*�.o�a :+���� .I dolivar�d ��he lot�c�a 3/b/1�.. I . - �r�a #ol� b� �Jo� 02a�A :that;��� r��e'.wzs at►�i3s��lo, iadlu�in� ` < Stephr�ni�. � t��tors����l �ou �t�Q say �k1mt t�ie desd �r�uld .: h� �rs.Ptsai b1 t]a� fell°owixag i��aln�s.la�- �whieb �raul�i hs��o bs�� 3/5/14, I iils� u�d�rs�o�d �ou to a��l �liaic the City , �cuaail v�auld pa'�m a ttosa�liation �r .4riisa�ac �d��pti� , :.�. . _. .. _, _ tk��. �ift . -. �., . ,. .'. '_ ; � � � � � ; ,� � �.� a e�als: f�r t�e �ae'ti _ `' r�f ,� ld '':1 �rx$ ��t �vai.labl.e � � � � � ' ���1 the 7neeti�t� �r�as .a�i��ill.�� at th� l�st �aiAut�. ;''��ac.m �itis�a�.s ��w�s� :up at 7P�i Miad�►y at ;C�u�s�l .a;�l��ra 4�1�s t� Iearg `,, ; ' •;;ta.�t, Doa �er�s_��, ea�u�eit p�°��3imnt, �xs�:` othor� �d �fln� .em ' . ' ,,; � � . ,ba�iness �� ��• D..C. =;tRe�tea�� rrs"i�i��ats ��s �srll ��are �f; t ka '::Q��Gg�a e�oi� busVi���,'� r'e'la�i.o�3�ip �tith f�a. �.C, be - - 3ti Pi�'��i�l �r ill.� ` ° r, & . � .; 4, ' i�, : �+ �� . , ,. „ . ., -. ' � pn 3�11�1� �, t��k';a► �3 p�gi p�sl�i� ;'otji�c�f'ormatioa, absst � � � �. �4� �e����. a�d th� purpwas` iw `I�i� ;6i�'t �m .t�.e. Cit� C3�rlit�s s4'#`is s� f�� �.f.stril��zti�a t4 t�� �;��p �.�t� �em��rs e�f' t�� C�ux���l, ��ki� if 3� aata].�1 b• plai�ec� �a� t�� ��ez��s. fe�° tia� • gea�. ���sil �s�tix��5, bi�t w�.�t t�l�. i� �v�g up t�. t's� CitJ a�#�'�e� t� �:�'u;$ it a� t�.� a����. Si��� th�� Y trra� ���rat � ��t�iii��. �° Fl�a�� ra��riai�ai.1�'ar I "� �� l��g�r r���ivi� �33.1 h�;�e s,t �� �e�ss u���r�� I will ma �.tf,1, tc�.� �r�n�ve�����o ]ari� ti�e� �ea�,rdeat, ��1 i�ail ia �g�i� t� m� �e�r ������,�� ���S��a�t. ' � `�• :�le�se ��e Fe� os le�;�l �a�a������ t� � � r �r � bmat'e�z�se �: ma d Z e�al t• �.s ]ee�a�i� �3eate�.. �'L.a�]z yeu. , { �l.�},7 :bi�s's��.� �: I�.�;.) �� ������ J � 'r�,y'�:.� , _ : ' � � �� :. . , `.; �ren. Jo D�bsc��. ;:- One .'`� m �� t�u cti�M : ,.. Fxmeu��r/D�mastic Pr�e.t.�tr�.�r .:: � �7 lct�er,wa:a , Re�t r��d t0 g�r t��'�a�t� o� �thr�� R. ����T��i 3�ni:er' dea�i.�e tieina .cmrreetlT ,�.b�QS Ba�,d Ri�� R�i, b�. aaldre„ee ;f �sa•e riezt rm�e f�r tla.eir ,D�v�npe���, �rEL 9g�,2� ` ` �wrr�.. ad`�lre � , w lr ss la�yel. � �--�.� �:�`� t�, �xl�xr,� �. r . :,;� ; �;.:'s�, . . � � � � . . . � . _q . ,.. s�. ., " . :: , . ! .,.r , r � r � ,.. , � � . . � .. .. _,.'? ,.. : :, .� <�,r. '"�'� �,;.�.:. ,. ., .. , �.T, ._ w�„ .a .; ,�.. ._'. .,,., , y�. ..,. _ - ..._ . .H.�z. . - . . .,� .,„-.ri-�, ..m, ,�..+�. ,.-,.. �, �*a;�,,:"-� -, -- a � i. ,_.. . � i _�� . .� . . . . . . . . . .. � " , ' ��- . . . " . . . F f������� �il.�;s'Y�1���., . � , . D PICK=UPS�'(1; . �' `=77)or visit UPS:co�►m .. _ . _ . - . :F.,. . - . _.--- �.- ' � � - �� . . , ���`+�r�y~� ., ; : . :..�: �'�ri�w�d� ._ : __�_. a �_�a a�� nno ui uu n� a .�� t�ta uot� Eaa� sm o�•sdn.n�//:sd�q z � � ; -s- �' t�IOZ/9/8 "i Q I= �I�B d P .�1t�; . d—.�i � P– . d�. O � d�� l . 7� �p�ty shrpp�n, � , . � tJ�S Cw�ound -UP5 Standard - t �tC�S�Day Sel v� , x�N f o� � ,� • ,� x �V�� , �'�'_� � • , : � Nrnp��nb or�,� � � . o;.-3 t�..�-3 z�Z�`o v,�� . � � p �,��'�w-�� a��'o , ��� Q . .-�r-�O O � � � - � � � f � �0.���.. �� � * ' , , � - � � _ � t., Q 9��w`.� o� . N f .� z � � � - _ - xy - � z � �' - . _ ;_9 �d � � o �.._-� � . . . � � ,. �`'� � � � o � u - ��� `,-�i; � . � N j , , " N ��;; r �i1 Q � ' � �:r_ •�, �` V 2 �j , , - tn ;�,..__', - � � o w r■` r^ � '� :�_ ��-1 V J L� ' � � � `a. ;� � .� , �. -a ' '------ - � - . . � � z: - , �:�, � . _ � � �� � <_ �_ � �� _ � � . = . O p . � ' � � �.-. � : , _ . . - � F+� -- � z � � _. . � ' -�,'� ' .., �' �. . ;. -._� -.�. � . . . , . � ` . r � bA � :: p �. . - . 3b3H a�0�, � . ; rn . • _ �T` ' �..»- � ; :. ., . .. _ —_.---- -�m ° � � ; '� � _ o � _ �, v � , _ .._; _ • , � � � � : �.:,� ._ . . _ �. , c.a� _ .. .. t's m , -Post=GonsumerContent � . 5hipping Nottce—Carriage hereunder may be subject tb the mles reiadng w Uability�and other terms and/or condiHons established by ihe Conventfon for the UniflcaUon of Certain Rules Reladag to Intemational Carciage Varsaw�awendon")and/or the Conventbn on the Connact for the krtematlonal Caniage of Goods by Road(the"CMR ConvenUa�.These rnmmodides,technology or software were exported from the US.in accordance 070195111 03%04: �t AdmlMsfration Reguladons.Diversion contrary to US.law prohl6ited = � 4 ' °'��:;�s g �a �m,e���4' City of Renton ���n�r-�y� Recreat�on�ivis�on, . JAN � p 2015 . Pu il i��e Ci t a� t� 1715 SE Maple Valley Highway � nton.WA 8057 ,� N� ��'It3N i�� c���t.rr�auait �a �O�:�Gi"�� YQ� Dt3B,S�PT P�.�a£; 'fhe May Creek�eenwav extends from the mouth of May Creek at Lake Wash- _ ington east to King County's 3,115 acre Cougar Mountatn Regianal�Idland Park. Since the passac�e of the i989 4Gng County Open Space Bond Issue, tha Ciry of Renton, the City of NewcasUe and King County have been acquiring Qroperty along this corridor. This coordinated acquisition effort will one day result in an m- terconnected system to inciude May Creek,Honey Creek(also located in Renton), Cougar Mountain Regionai Wildiand Park and the City o#Bellewe's Coa(Creek Natural Area. � Currendy, the City of Renton owns 22 parcels totaling 55 acres along the May � I Creek corridor and an additional 6 parcels totaling 42 acres aiong Honey Creek. Multiple funding sources and acquisition methods have been used to complete the ; acquisitions in addition to two maJor private land donattons. Eighry-seven percent _ . (87°�)or$2.1 million of the total acqws�tion costs were accomplished without the � use of City funds. The Greenway serves several tunctions includin�providing habitat for endan ered '` ? � �r t e� � mon s ecies(the 6asin currently supports Chinook,Soc eye, o o, ee ea , � � p��� roa rou and Kokanee},prowding a continuous witdlife and h�bitat_corridor, , ��.���„r; protecting stee and sensitive slo es, providing surface wa'fer s o"�rage c�'fc Cy' �.���Y�� �'�an'�f'or a ure m uurs i ional soft surface trail svstem with oppartun- . . _ ._ _ _ .. _ _ �,�tes for inte re�and educa ion. Fina y,�ie`i�reenway�nc�'i-ons� an u an � 4�aCt ��,.�,� ��,�ep'—raT6e re eV�Toped areas. ���� �?����ay of this year,the City completed its first trail develo ment ro'ect within the - May Creek Corridor. The one quarter mile pe so su ace rai s sandwiched /between Lake Washington Blvd and i-405 on the north side of May Creek. (Park- , ing is located on the east side of Lake Washington Bivd.at 4260 Lake Washington Blvd.North). This acquisition and development pro ect was funded� e r � �s to�in- cl �ministe�u�lic Works oard�?Q9,Q�U11 Grant Programs_I2irect pro�ria�gn,vo er approved 2007 Kinq Counry Proposi- ' tion 2 Levy Funds, and a Washington Gtat �.���^p�f nf AT�h�r�l Racn��rraa � Urban Forestry Restoration Grant. In a i on, over 150 vo�unteers helped plant � native plant materials on Arbor Day-Earth Day. In all,habitat restoration included planting over 400 trees, 1,900 shrubs and 3,900 willow stakes. Three interpretive signs capture the property history with a link to the original prop- erty owner's tum of the century diary wf�ich is maintained at the Eastside Neritage � Museum, informaGon about the saimon life cycle and finally the May Creek Trail system. ' � . �� . � f - � � . � ;�� � - - +,�'� . FOR rIYEti Ti�ARB: - , - �azis�.q tha.t there�s beo� x�c� wa�d t• �he pu�lic, u��ut the l�r�ast �3�t ev�r � raeaiTad i��- RO�t�a�, . �s Re�tv�t� �a�� its pai�tn��iza� ��arisdieti�a�a �,�. vth�r� � �th�� s�e ena� we �'�u�.�. t n 2Q0� tfl ��,�r� ths cdrrial�r .�'r0m t32� firat �c�rol�a�e�� in 3.�a YzlaterT, tha �Wr,ST/�'tS�/N�wcastlo�t���tan�Kita� CqwttTfF`.E�i l��.c�ad TELECO�S � �^.R08SIP(�)�-naet, ATa� �d fi�.a�l�e, th�n ul�ima,tel� �e�ae ���� �stute a.a�x� �� �t4 gm� � thflir ��� and zT�id llrt�a wishea, ez�l}a.dix:; �v fr.vm tlaeir A1au�.inz �as���n� �� ev� �n•a�� ���ut th� rsa�l l�u.ilaii� �r heriz��t�1. alrillin� �'�� m�re utilit� netw�r%c � . 3��ra���tien w�hic� i� the ,�� �s�te e� ,�t4s r�t3 ���. �`h� 1�s� s►P w 1sd�-i�'a ���T . ��. ir s�r�t in�urs3sa ��x� � � � av�r� �sr �3a� t re ��e�e �x�a � �,�� ha]. � con ur� ts wa. 3r �� �.��r tr�la r� sre ese c�.t�e� a.�� �s�a �c�s disc��sr.ed" ax�.d intruda�. int� 1t� "4T�?�i^idill� t�.m z�ni�,: critie�l. ares.� �r�13�� 3�i'�, f^stectcd a��ci�a, �n�. cit�zo�'� �l�,jectisns iioc�u�s w�.�n F� c�zaea ir� :�i�b3. i�a e7.ai.mn mf "�ar�e�a�7tt �d ��'�tioa�.I �ecurit�" (�.nd �.1Z th�.t raane�� u�t ��.�.� �re an�ir� ntAl 1�Ks ans� zc��.i�i� iJ���sedi, �.aa Csnszic�.r,:;.�a �s �sa. Ar� �aes � . azlt uia ���C �.� uec�aa� t• �bs e�r iala�r '��; �� uac�, t� �,;r�+s� ��: �����o i� , � �.a� ��e wa��'�._ .�e J�. = ,. , �_� . . . . � �°'�"� � 3a /5 . - / �������-� . �-y�.,. , -. . „ . , . ' .. . i�a .'``;z� - ` :�, ,�' , -, t. r� . , , .. . � _ " ,.i� 'G j.� _..�.�n.LL�.TL •F.S�. + . �m",. � .._ � . . . , �.. _ t:!!Y{}�R�M'bEV . a =� � y ���. �� �. . � ,4'�.- '3 _ . . . � . : �JAN��,� � 20i5 ' " ;e�'� �,.. : 4 � REG'I E � ;' `��,�`' �� � �, - Y CL � . "' 6 , . "` . �` � '.•: . , - _,�y . _ The effect of tree topping on thCir appearar�ce�s t? , '' immediate.�The effect�on ihczr heatt�Z is siower to x , '' e�iib�t itsclf. , . , ELAINE ANDERSON � � � a - . , �Tappmg�cuts allow moisture and decay ta enter • '�,��'��, : , . `thq tree,�and iasect and sun damage m�e aLso more. ` � -'�` �µ��� �: i�.:, R- . ` ?` '.,'' likely#o occur,Slowly;the tree will begin to die,3' s '�f;���s��;�� � .xn ihem:trees that Iook tikt hat racks. :and a decaying tree�s iio Ionger a safe tree. v . � ���� �� , have beeu topged and ttieir limbs par- A tree'-that! has.;been topped, gr ache{ivise � ,;�e� ` �'�= �-�x ;:` . �ateii,T'h" are.` osts of theu foraier `` . , •-- .:. � � � �§. -� ��i1 's ,s .eY � pninecE improperiv,will aot rerriain tt�e uioe,`sinall s � � I see ona �of these inutilatioas, yt er size fhat�Fas desueil.It wil!immediatcly Eregin to . � t�' '`""* u ' r =•.. 1. � . ���;�: � � r , �ck. ': "° . , gro�r:again,But,what grows;are,many,many th►n �, .� ' , ' ,utd anyque warit t,his idone to these braache`s'called water sproats.l'on've sem than all � `��' , " '' tts�Hactang tfie`to off a.tree is dorie �t . Y.-�:.� � ��4.�`�' `�•� P toa�often,these satt`(not to mention ugly)attempts pnmed,wtuch will end ap coshng more than'if a certified view,ieduee the amaunt of shade the ';{or"a tree tb regain rts fonmer sptendor. These ,arboz�zst hari been hired fo do the primmg correctly in the �.notect power imes and.'ust ta make,a , . ,.:, � J branches w'sll�spawn biaz�c6es,and each one.'wil2 fiist place:;In addition,tl�e tre�Wsu i�emain vgty and��itl �ecoine too big for its�tiritches'sznaller. : contutue to grow longer and wider.The.pzabtem'is become a greater aad gr�ater safety 2�azard.�. . a'vhat`wa§once shapely and lovelY,is. �tha't a11 tfiese.4aie'weakly attachod and, therefore, •;So,please.Stop!Don'i tap that tree! �,;sn't seein to deter fotks. '' �`:`, ..- ' . become moie and more hazardous as tliey become , �. .� , : . , ill�s,wl�ywauld anyone actually do he�vlc�. {: ; t :-.' .. •� ElarneMdersoriistheWasb�r►gfon5tareUnrverslty�ension t►$ed arbonsts w�ll aat;,but mast tree �e��a y��,K,-�g��Sprouts galore;�and, ��rdrnartor foi ihe IGng County Mnscer Gardener PCogram, � t's�ust bus�ness after aU,gzvmg c!fs- ���?��'�'few years it has reached it •�r ar►swgis#o your quesboiu abotit pruning vnd other gar: :hey wazii.The ezcuse that trees don't angina2 h�e2ght,anc3 it's iiuie to cail fhe trce cutters 'denfng iopfcs,call the Moster Gcirdener Phane Clintc vt 206- ��s h�ogw�The fact�s,#hey do mind ' [�v few ears the tree need to b�_ 543-l7443 ' ` - � _ . � � � t� �v ' e�'� � y : , . - .. � thc ?•tre�s �.l:e�e excep�-�wAte�::in�:�ugu tt � : i _ - a --��-�- z . , -� , _.. ..�:�.._ . '1�,. t'''�,-� � � . H Y . . . • { ., , .. . _ . , .. ; �, � fik�c Damsoa .a�d It�a.li�rs pl�m treea _�iave pr�duce� :perf'eo`t;;'31�licious plwns . .: � � , since 2v�n Ke�yon. .a:na �Iar.3orie. ��nyon �g�ve -them�.�r��t �t�ie� Dtari3su�"aa�at Hartlett. . ; � :pe�r-tr�ea t� tl�eir a,�€� �s ��ru'sew�.rmf:� gifta i.ta �zg6o. � Parf ec� tp��.r9,� �i1.so. . i No.ps�iss�,r�, �� aprr��, ��h� �t�$��,e�crtilizer, cv�r s�nywher'e sa' this pr� erty�. 31s�akber (si� ki€��s} s�a� h�I� thistle �i�� �'ei`�s �:(s�rard si�ii� br�Ekea} -pravide 3 .., �: - '�'y . t_..� g: , � , �' cc►ver, habitat, ;`an�i fora.�e f or:,birels:, baea,�°.a��� T4tkiar po']:li�ators. L�a.va.. �Gheni : �. ' gl.�,�e: �Th��e, arc ni• riava��ive`rspecies�e�. this pr.erperty. � There are nm��:.'.'.ria.n�II�,t�.FC i PI'ax�ts ;i� n,eeat �f`re�ievzl�. {i�:�Tuitin��,iv�) �or a.�r:�ri1�l.if,e in'nec�t of. relicatin�. yFzOur, t��-il �baek tt�i`,Ma�r:.sCr�ek azia.goz►;wil�.li.�+a� ��"rrila+r is ;on �er�d sr�I:ia� .gra�d �ven � �s� wi�atcr A ss�a� ftrA33:a+�ai�a �s:.tbe�:��uilt�. ,"The:,fe►rest�f3+�Q� i�:s��ive {ar�.taa,fer ;� t�e pri.f'usia►�„ of,�°tr"ll�uns� laloe�miag in,::ea�rl:y 3pri�g �uad�r the 1u�ther �Ea�a��cl�.u:t _� '. rtree' t��':�the�'xi�ht ;_of `,t:he tiph3.1�1.4�tr�i3.l .,�ust ,si1'ter,�ye��t;_:,l,dave, �Y,�.o;��i.e►u'ae,,�g�*ef° tli�t � ,. , , � x�.._ _ . � �ther� �3dF'=a h'ea]:t,hg fc�re�t flo�r:. ) T�r uriler�erest- al�a �is "vibr�xt_°vrith wi�ldt'l�wcr���" i The ,f��.gr�i^it will �ta�ck is `3.t�• to,.4t.,t�11;,.,I cal'1 it:�'tho Art :Ke�i�ea :fl�wcr" -', > bccr��zse �it =wvuli�'t e�.st u3.1;. a�er t�er pr�pe'rt1, �gwr r�aul:,�lwtha fert� x'�res� up• � . �b el+��r ,tha pear tre�� �ir t�ic ua�ergr�u�d` bumbl�bae c��:�nia,�, .;iP Ar� ha�tn t t �eut i the.�pr�perty;�bf i�.nz�;�('�rith ra �,i�kle} evary�xapri.�g ani�`.�summ�r f�r 5�7� fe�.ra.,here:°� H � The �a�ap� �rf,�,.144� ;�tQ:�2,Qg� ee�ar �reo�,�,��firy �a,ple A��l �]:+�er�.:p2us� ,the cs�tt��.W��1'. � grlvo (s�n a�c��.�nt-;staeaies =th�.t ga.ve t�ie�' balm o� Gil�s�� i� bib�.i�si:1:. ti�►e,�) ;3�tive`�� , . ' . . . ,. � � , I� x��tertwir�a+i r�a►t ajrstems°Art� Qeve�r 1i�tvrbel: Zn all.:�thee'e f��}. fe�r.s �.�� �.l•1 t�e 4 , � ' . .. . . L � , . . . r.. k� ��.,.3 ��5' x Y wind�tc�ra�is �ur •nl'� ��wne�i ztr�e�_�wa.,s ;�ue t• a.':�x�i�5hber t.�'`.,�iig �tr f�li� or�y.it ,Fr�m ` s�b�n�e. r�.'he1�are :ithe s'enti�els �;tl�ut_:��i:t.' �►xi t�h`e rfidg��r°overl'eokim.� ou'r �hs�use, ��baiizt � ;: ,�3 �`f th�m ,,S �ame :t� t�ie ;sc�uirrel and cr�w ��zm.i}13:�es that h�.ve beem� ' berc � �0rever;, �. �rt`��,uld� ,like t�t�iain nl`I ta �be 3,e,f't,'i�l.ene,:, ;�a'�i,�, 'aa� he 'diel.,' a� seet3:}e�a�'ef' ��tur�1� ,, .�.�. fore;st. l�il�lif e �weleeme.',_ R�i'abs�rr_el� ,�i1I,e1 by,_� �i�se ir� "s�n,er.:;��.�]:p the dr��vntl.t �' �' Pre�:s, �:ri1 1ittZe� vcrit.�ara..�:' B�.rZb�:ths �'ra s� .cuat�m. �ae ie fee�. the birds.� i;n c.��7.1 , ', ' ;R�i' T`ri ;; 7 fti N`1� • � .:r.: } 'Si�t�t. sh�iul�i r�s4• :?'Fr7Antnrrnr*u .. l t: :., '� . '�. _. . . . . . . , . , , . ` .....�.. . " . ... , . _. ''- �. . , j� ,._' �, CfT'!4F R�NTOi`$ ���" aa� � o �at� RECEiVED _ � �N. t`tTY L�R 'S OFFICE. Qn� � � � S� �l ��1' �: I specifically give and b�queath unfo I�oug�.as KenY ��� ��-�� fa.mily books, snapshots, pictures, househo�d fiuniCure, goods �, , ��,.o.��„�' � X's��. . and aii o�rier toois otevery�nd and description. 7-��`-a7 �Gr�. .� P, Fi�s R:t . �. f e res residue and remaineer of in estate, bath real and ��� �: Au a � � x ��,��j��U , personal, wheresoever situate,Ip�ng aac being, I hereby wi1l,give, devise and b+�queath unto 1 f the Dobson-Kenyfln Foundatian,with directions that Karen I?obson found it and run it according to her ciiscretion and judgemenr and th�t i*be used specifically to cambat space based and ather nan Iethal energy weapans and assist the victims of these weapons to : publish the Kazen Ilobson baok {working title REVEALED}, set up a website anc3 revcal . the,government's use of these weapons.' ,�V_F.N'�: I hereby nominate and appoint Karen Dabson as Executrix of this my last Wz�l and Testament and direct that she for every.purgase serve without bond and that no Ietters testamentaa.y or of ad,ministration be xequired if she be unable or unwilling to act, I nom�inaxe and appoint T�aathy Ging to serve as E.�ecutor and direct that she for ev�rY Furpose sezve atsc� without band and that no le�tcters t�stament�ry ar of admini�tration be required, ox if she a�so is uaw�.iing ar unable to act, that David Dobson serve as Executor and direct tbat he for eve�y purpase serve afso witliout bond and that no 1e�tters testamentary of of administratian be required, azcd I do fiu�ther ciirect th.at my . intention as h�rein e��pressed be carried out and my estaCe administered, mana�ed, settled , `: � .. _ _ _ .. _ i; �and distn'buted without the intervention of any court or court� whatsaever; includ`mg the 'I . � - - �# rn'�.t to �ortga.�et sell, �c��an�e or otherwis� dispase of any or all ProP�.Y� both real an ��► erso �ith.out ord�r of court or confum.ation,and to establish the above founc3ation and �'` � � _2_ � , # . � .� - � � . ��� , , � -� �k- t 3� i�s ,�,�� � ' 1� �, - ��� ��� �' �- ����� :� � � _ �^T ,:s - . . . . , . �w.�i �.,�f _ : �S 1 1 4J5-fA�IV 1 Vi`tl ' . ' r i" ..9 �' " , - , �y t , : • .. J� .. ' `��4 . . . L�� � � �� - r�.: ... .� .. � , . , ' � . ' ' ` . � . RECEtV�.D , . Gll``(Ct��R1tS�2F�IC� , , �, ' �t .�� �.�'. . , . f'�,�h ' � ., �..,,, 5 '� -.� ' . . ��_�Y . .. T.. 3.. '�'.� � � A Park,=so that ui:a2i�ai�cula��s wz�l be conssdered t�at o�noniiitez c�ention c�f,�any court ox :M n� � , v . . _ . __v_ _ cai`.v.rts w}ieresoevar fai�any:an��erv p�ose�ih��;sa.ve as by sta:tut�provided � . ,. . .. M, � , = �. � ' . `tauching`che�nitiatory�steps ofpz�a�ate. . �,�TLY. I hereby revake,all fc�rim�er Wills executed by me or ui my,behalf. . . . ;,. IIV �ITNESS ��REOF, T have hereunto set my hand ,and s'eaT this �day of .1.,�c��, 2007. ���is�'�s''u�, - _ _ . , - : ' ���"+�r' -�i', i�-�-�-�- ,��.��,;� � ����'''� ��"~�'��� AR.,T�:[UR R.KENYC�N Th��e� �oregoing 2nst�uinent, co�isistirig of t�ree Pages, of which this is the last, . was .on the,�'�"' day of �.;; 2007, sigried and. sea2ed .and published by . , , _ ., �'CUR R.. KENYON, as d by .. , declared to be his Last W�ll.and Tes t,"in the c�thei ce of�ach�f us, who at h2s re; uest and an his presence '. d in ,� ' � of each xesen � , � q . have subs�:n"bed.our nam.es as wi�aess�s thereto. , �`� a t� �7 . ���G�t�� �'+ �3��a�� , . , � � � ; � � � . � - �. . �1`��`��� ; � � ; � � - .� , � .. � . . � __.��� , _ . . ; . _ . ; � � - � � �� � �: �� ��� �� �� �� � �� �� ��.� ra,^ ; 1 . x � ,. , . . . . . . . , ... 'f�.. � , t Y �. . .. ' . ,. .. '.� ,�' .'. �� .. . . . . . � r . . . . f � I�`� ; . . . .. ., . � � . . ' . .. . �f. � . ' . . _ . , .. " • . ' '. . A . . . - " ' t . . . - , � - ' , . � .. . f , � . . , � - - ��,. -.. , '. .. , � . . .. .. .. , , . . . - �.�µ _:��... , - . . � .. . � ..,......., . . .. , . . . �..� . . . , - . .. .. ., , _. . . .. , . , ' " ,� . . . " ^- ' . ,. .. ;' � , , , .. . . . � '�� . . ... . .. , � ' . 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R-11 12 Du�d96ty UnF�PerAan RlF #y �, � �+� � '�7 ,y �� r �� � �',�' I �.�ya'a'�'A'�'j s> � . �{"x .w� �`a �R-1a teDweAFigllydlsF'erArle@IF �',_ � � ' ����yy �� .r.�. � .- _ R•24 24 Dmeli'mg I1Nta Per Ma(8F ,�T7 a.�'} �.. �..��. '�� ,�.'' ' I x �`- �� _� �`° � �. �Ft-aa 49 o,a�'m9 una.Per�ue(HF I Y „ Au �� �� + 1�..�� � � PIS Neighbahood Susl�as � �` R,�► J i z . .�; � � r3 � ' ��_j, � '� �.�-4` f" � .:..�� .,�. �. . ca co�un+,nxrsus;ness - � � r �'� 4.� � �eS: ; � rfr "�; � 0 OFfice -0 �..; �, ,��� i-'" �. - '�p' �.. y t�� . �6ii1 AGzadUse � 4 � �.,l� � � � s LflfPlbT�_ ,(. :t-... . �.x S M.. �� � f� ,� y 's. � �A V11l9dU3l�q5L'�� � a; i 1 J.. � -_''rs , �: �', � �`� � s a�� , � All1-R 86ced Ilse Rrsklemial � 1 i � �'1� � + k _ rt �4� � � ��5� ti `��� ! ��C ��C� y�1r� r I �'� ��: Y�.�.-r Y„ * -�+ --�—:._ ; �, ! ,.�. .-�,.s � �, BOfePI ��os um�to�sre��=— � � i f j ,�.x , �� ��os � {;'^-' `-'� 1, `� ","�` '�'" � UnknPro�ed ROW i . . ^� r;� p �a �. 7� ��� � . d .,� _✓. ' y �� _.....-..- Ovm1aY r��{�E� `�, �, ,f� t� � A � � ��� n ,���Er a' � ��� Old New�astlu R'rstwic District�: � i ! � • � ! , � '�-} � f Ftld�'Way -. - � _ � �-. �� -: , � � ` � F R 1 .`�'�, •.�'` i 7.� -�j ''� � 1 Pacd BouWa�' ` � � ". .i. , . � .. 'rv— � �� I r f : a�r.. � '� �'� ...�M ; . �� Nowr�stln Cih'Bound�Y � J � _;� � � " 5., ; .:;F.,,;�� Tks �ienisi�n ts aake this ; '� � , ,• .,, r � �� _ a►.'32`t'bP _��'pr�te—� , '( ^ ''�,'�'" t''! �. &r.t KsxTsa qui�tl� en- i� .j � � : -- ,i ` :. ,r'� ��. ��� i1d11P• e�rril�r k � � .�` e ,7�,. � 4 1 '���`(id T.AC n � �- ' � t 1�t' * F .'s .� -� arri'rt�ai iwTa; be r;-qtiiil, �' ' g ?=�y �f � ... ;.^ E S ?' `,a �'' �'�� �. �� . Q�os, birls •r a�l kinds } C . ,,:. s x�"` , '' aai �ttsa, rr�sa, afld �t3�er � � � 4 � �� . � ` =. � �e.'��t..,_.. �f � � .�f. �Piah �svrxi ii tke caay4n in f .,,�- � r�l ` ,..;� F- ' , '� : �c, `� 'the aalm�tt apawa�izg�atreu, , '° '' � � tb i Zhi ri�5h ek n � proportr. , ' t ''�I.1 ', +� t ` 4 j�. ' � ' '"�1.� l 'This sves a asnturT eP pr•_ xr , y� i ��r,'.: � , �„toateal re1'ugs Ysr t�ilailiYe " t( � I#°� r 4�;. , , , � F ,;-" w ia a er�wie� urbaa arsa�anl 1 '{'�$� �' x �drt'a,'haZr ¢eut �P eFi n � ' ' �� ` I� I �` '`T ! '�, -�' I._ � ' ;it, all chnnaedt han thi a�ln� : . . �.� � !}-. ' �. bsara wRr4 trappei ani "re- , , i � ' � -�- �- ' .��'',' lsaatoi (ts tha l�ia�h e1,�ev- ��` " ' ati�xa ia aSd-wint�r aP 005 ,r" " � ;;;•r•.^' oertaixi Q�atk rsr the T�ung , �k � � t i , ! aa� uii kar tw• �oung �ubs ' ` � ''f '. -' ! - �) whs •ane s ent •ur .Pruit iin s�uaer� and the •th►er - i.... ;tqiTil.iP• rsoeiol tao, alI `���" " � aPt�r Roht��y Newnalstls, and .��,. `�^- � _ pr.iitia��t�ta117�uttdeva2��ed(and ` RENTDN z�asl n� that it woul rsaa n ..�.. .�;:: blkat' � ,) fsrest tha.t run� Pr�rn Lk. 1Ya ahin• � , ` 6ton,t C�t�n�1 1@�tuytain, �'t alono up urati; t thi`9 p t ad�.. drt " rb�ee:tod t� i ang de • p ont ar aocos ther tl�n.loT `, - .''u1' 1�tk1�g , b a�sl�,: a• e�s • reserve tho ' �_.: ; ;,. � . ' " kabita Pu e treas�ii��h t it i� , : .. . r .w � . . ,. - +u .ts��5�tke z�w1 n ��� . a +►s 1e� R � t� � ��• ..� ' .. . SMrti�Ms9Quq'(i�OF�ulayd .. . .. n:-Aa3tOe' /. t met6.dnfpYy�dhw'se�amu.dtm�iNea.rcr�ie.dM� . , ' . :.. .. ,,� •� �.�.-.•:". . ., . - _ 'lii�rMiBu;��iiuv�drudl„1.'tlF°rsY�utl��$ ' .. � ,�.f._ . - �-�+/vqv�� tr h wry��ad �'' � krrmaQ�a R�R�F+R � ,,,� L 1 ` �..a � r s r ��r ' � �^'.as , , , n m �T e , J`'�__{,`� ._,. �;a � � �:, �r,�= a �3��s ���'"a ..a^� ��.:.•'.:s *�, fi �.e-.. �