HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum No. 1 (7/12/2021) Page 1 of 3 Addendum No. 1 RENTON HIGHLANDS SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION PHASE II PROJECT PROJECT NO. WWP-27-04077 ADDENDUM NO. 1 Date of Addendum Issue: July 12, 2021 Due Date for Bids: 2:00 pm on July 20, 2021 Date of Bid Opening: 3:00 pm on July 20, 2021 To: ALL PLAN HOLDERS AND/OR PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS The following changes, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made a part of the project bid documents for the Renton Highlands Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II Project and shall have the same effect as if set forth therein. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Addendum No. 1 by signing in the space provided below and submitting the signed addendum with the bid package. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may result in your bid proposal being disqualified. • DELETE: Delete the “Acknowledgment of Receipt of Addenda” form that is located after the Schedule of Prices in the Bid Document. (Receipt of Addenda shall be acknowledged by signing each issued Addendum and attaching to the formal bid proposal as required on the respective addendum.) SCHEDULE OF PRICES • DELETE & REPLACE: Delete original Schedule of Prices and Replace with Attached Schedule of Prices. PROJECT INFORMATION & MAPS • ADD: Add the attached “Renton Highlands Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II - CIPP Schedule.pdf” to the bid document. (This list of pipes to be rehabilitated was inadvertently not included in the original bid document.) Page 2 of 3 Addendum No. 1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS • DELETE & REPLACE: Delete Section 1-08.4 Prosecution of the Work from the Special Provisions and Replace with the following: 1‐08.4   Prosecution of the Work  Section 1‐08.4 Delete this section in its entirety and replace with the  following:  (******)  Notice to Proceed will be given after the Contract has been executed  and the Contract bond and evidence of insurances have been approved  and  filed  by  the  Contracting  Agency.  The  Contractor  shall  not  commence the Work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the  Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on  the  project  site on a date to be mutually agreed upon by the  Contracting Agency and the Contractor. The Work thereafter shall be  prosecuted  diligently,  vigorously,  and  without  unauthorized  interruption until physical completion of the Work. There shall be no  voluntary  shutdowns  or  slowing  of  operations  by  the  Contractor  without prior approval of the Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve  the Contractor from the contractual obligation to complete the Work  within the prescribed Contract Time.    (This section was modified to allow more flexibility to the start date for construction activities) • DELETE: Delete Section 1-09.6 Force Account from the Special Provisions. (This section was from a previous project and the supplemental language does not apply to this project.) • DELETE: Delete Section 1-09.14(2)D Excessive Leak Repair for Cured-in-Place Pipe (Bid Item 4) from the Special Provisions. (This bid item was initially included as a “just in case” provision. CCTV inspections don’t show any significant infiltration in the existing sewers therefore, this bid item is being deleted from the contract.) 1. Question: Are there inspection videos available for the sewers to be lined by CIPP? Answer: Videos of sewer inspections for the segments proposed be lined by CIPP are available for view at: https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/Browse.aspx?id=8504377&dbid=0&repo=CityofRenton POTENTIAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS Page 3 of 3 Addendum No. 1 The videos can be viewed on the Renton Highlands Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II Project web page, link under “Call for Bids” label. This Addendum consists of three (3) pages and has two (2) attachments totaling six (6) pages (addendum and attachments). ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT Sincerely, All Bidders must sign this Addendum No. 1 in the space provided below and attach the signed Addendum No. 1 to the Formal Bid Proposal. Signature: ______________________________ Title: ________________________________ Company: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RENTON HIGHLANDS SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION PHASE II SCHEDULE OF PRICES - ADDENDUM NO. 1 (Note: The bid price shall be stated in figures only, in terms of the units indicated and as to a total amount. In the event of errors or where conflict occurs, the unit price bid shall govern. Illegible figures will invalidate the bid) SEE SECTION 1-09.14 OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR INFORMATION ON BID ITEMS. ITEM APPROX.ITEM UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY Dollars Cents.Dollars Cents. 1 1 Mobilization & Demobilization $$ Lump Sum per Lump Sum 2 1 Temporary Traffic Control $$ Lump Sum per Lump Sum 3 19,173 Pre-Installation Cleaning and Inspection $$ Linear Foot per Linear Foot 4 Not Used for this Contract 00 5 18,648 Furnish & Install 8" Cured In Place Pipe $$ Linear Foot per Linear Foot 6 525 Furnish & Install 12" Cured In Place Pipe $$ Linear Foot per Linear Foot 7 292 Lateral Reinstatement $$ Each per Each 8 19,173 Post Installation Inspection $$ Linear Foot per Linear Foot Subtotal $ 10.1% Sales Tax $ Total $ Asset #U/S MHDepthD/S MHDepthStreetBlockSizeMaterialLengthTotal TapsCappedActive TapsCommentsGM00042 MH6044 4.2 MH6046 10.2 Edmonds Ave NE 900 8 CP 232 404 Open all TapsGM00043 MH6046 10.2 MH0824 11.6 Edmonds Ave NE 900 8 CP 117 633 Abandon all capped taps; Open all othersGM00037 MH6042 9.5 MH6043 5.2 Edmonds Ave NE 1000 8 CP 357 905 Open Taps at 40.3, 115.0, 135.9, 244.4, 352.1 upstream from MH6043; Abandon all othersGM00039 MH6043 5.2 MH6044 4.2 Edmonds Ave NE 1000 8 CP 103 101 Open all TapsGM05842 MH6039 8.3 MH6975 8.4 Edmonds Ave NE 1100 8 CP 164 100 Abandon TapGM07850 MH6975 8.4 MH6041 10.8 Edmonds Ave NE 1100 8 CP 165 101 Open all TapsGM06399 MH6038 6.2 MH6039 8.3 Edmonds Ave NE 1100 8 CP 345 101 Open all TapsGM06397 MH6037 6.3 MH6038 6.2 Edmonds Ave NE 1200 8 CP 398 101 Open all TapsGM06393 MH6034 6.6 MH6037 6.3 Edmonds Ave NE 1300 8 CP 396 403 Abandon Tap at 136.7 downstream from MH6034; Open all othersGM06389 MH6033 11.3 MH6034 6.6 Edmonds Ave NE 1500 8 CP 392 705 Abandon Tap at 119.2, 345.3 downstream from MH6033; Open all othersGM06388 MH0335 10.4 MH6033 11.3 Edmonds Ave NE 1600 8 CP 313 404 Open all TapsGM00045 MH6049 8.4 MH0335 10.4 Edmonds Ave NE 1700 8 CP 311 707 Open all TapsGM00047 MH6050 8.7 MH6048 10.8 Edmonds Ave NE 1700 8 CP 121 101 Open all TapsGM00046 MH6048 10.8 MH6049 8.4 Edmonds Ave NE 1700 8 CP 23000GM05997 MH0828 7.6 MH0829 8.8 Glennwood Ave NE 900 8 VCP 236 725 Abandon all capped taps; Open all othersGM05998 MH0829 8.8 MH0830 7.9 Glennwood Ave NE 900 8 VCP 201 422 Abandon all capped taps; Open all othersGM05999 MH0830 7.9 MH0831 8.6 Glennwood Ave NE 900 8 VCP 73202GM00269 MH0820 8.1 MH6710 13.0 Glennwood Ave NE 1000 8 CP 177 302 Abandon Tap at 22.9 downstream from MH0820; Open all othersGM06379 MH6025 10.7 MH0805 14.0 Harrington Ave NE 1200 8 CP 294 600 Abandon all TapsGM06380 MH6026 10.8 MH6025 10.7 Harrington Ave NE 1300 8 CP 329 1003 Open Taps at 4.2, 142.8, 253.7 downstream from MH6026; Abandon all othersGM06381 MH6027 10.3 MH6026 10.8 Harrington Ave NE 1400 8 CP 259 501 Open Tap at 130.1 downstream from MH6027; Abandon all othersGM06382 MH6029 10.1 MH6030 10.2 Harrington Ave NE 1500 8 CP 192 603 Abandon Taps at 19.1, 88.4, 124.7 downstream from MH6029GM06383 MH6030 10.2 MH6027 10.3 Harrington Ave NE 1500 8 CP 200 401 Abandon Taps at 65.7, 115.1, 147.3 downstream from MH6030GM06318 MH5966 8.2 MH5967 7.9 Harrington Ave NE 1700 8 CP 175 605 Abandon Tap at 41.1 upstream from MH5967; Open all othersGM06319 MH5967 7.9 MH5968 9.0 Harrington Ave NE 1700 8 CP 365 10010 Open all TapsGM06317 MH5963 9.4 MH5966 8.2 Harrington Ave NE 1800 8 CP 285 807 Abandon Tap at 66.0 downstream from MH5963; Open all othersGM06315 MH5964 8.7 MH6261 8.9 Harrington Ave NE 1900 8 CP 107 301 Open Tap at 43.5 downstream from MH5964; Abandon all othersGM06316 MH5965 8.9 MH5964 8.7 Harrington Ave NE 1900 8 CP 305 803 Open Taps at 36.0, 169.8, 257.1 downstream from MH5965; Abandon all othersGM06764 MH6261 8.9 MH5963 9.4 Harrington Ave NE 1900 8 CP 78200 Abandon all TapsGM06322 MH5971 10.7 MH5965 8.9 Harrington Ave NE 2000 8 CP 141 401 Open Tap at 117.8 downstream from MH5971; Abandon all othersGM06324 MH5972 8.9 MH5971 10.7 Harrington Ave NE 2100 8 CP 303 804 Open Taps at 23.2, 100.2, 172.7, 256.6 downstream from MH5972; Abandon all othersGM06313 MH5960 8.6 MH5962 9.2 Harrington Circle NE 1900 8 CP 219 605 Abandon Tap at 10.4 Downstream from MH5960; Open all othersGM06314 MH5962 9.2 MH5963 9.4 Harrington Circle NE 1900 8 CP 217 404 Open all TapsGM06312 MH5961 8.7 MH5960 8.6 Harrington Circle NE 2000 8 CP 179 505 Open all TapsGM06309 MH5958 6.8 MH5960 8.6 Harrington Pl NE 2000 8 CP 106 202 Open all TapsGM06336 MH5986 5.1 MH5987 3.9 Hillcrest Ln NE 1400 8 CP 203 211 Abandon Capped TapGM06337 MH5987 3.9 MH5988 3.6 Hillcrest Ln NE 1400 8 CP 138 101 Open all TapsGM06340 MH5988 3.6 MH5989 6.7 Hillcrest Ln NE 1400 8 CP 169 202 Open all TapsGM06355 MH6004 9.9 MH0336 11.0 Index Ave NE 1300 8 CP 210 505REMOVE PROTRUDING TAP: CIPP Tap Intruding at 84.1 upstream from MH0336; Open all Taps GM06354 MH6003 8.5 MH6004 9.9 Index Ave NE 1500 8 CP 308 909 Open all TapsGM06384 MH6028 8.5 MH6030 10.2 Index Ave NE 1500 8 CP 224 606 Open all TapsGM06321 MH5970 9.5 MH5969 9.4 Index Ave NE 1700 8 CP 335 1106 Open Taps at 100 (2-PVC), 198.4, 227.0, 256.7, 313.9 upstream from MH5969; Abandon all othersGM06352 MH6002 10.3 MH0908 11.4 Jefferson Ave NE 1200 8 CP 358 1015 Open Taps at 42.8, 69.9, 152.0, 252.5, 258.1, 315.6 downstream from MH6002; Abandon all others. Vert bend at 345'GM06353 MH6001 9.4 MH6002 10.3 Jefferson Ave NE 1300 8 CP 317 808 Open all TapsGM06351 MH6000 8.3 MH6001 9.4 Jefferson Ave NE 1400 8 CP 294 808 Open all Taps; Confirm Tap count on Pre-Installation CCTV InspectionGM06350 MH5999 10.9 MH5996 11.5 Jefferson Ave NE 1500 8 CP 212 606 Open all TapsGM06357 MH6006 9.0 MH0909 9.0 Kirkland Ave NE 1200 8 CP 359 1105 Open Taps at 5.0, 44.3, 77.7, 92.8, 279.9 downstream from MH6006; Abandon all othersGM06359 MH6007 11.7 MH6006 9.0 Kirkland Ave NE 1300 8 CP 293 606 Open all TapsGM06360 MH6008 10.0 MH6007 11.7 Kirkland Ave NE 1400 8 CP 230 606 ABANDON MH6009 BY LINING THROUGH ITGM06361 MH6009 10.0 MH6008 10.0 Kirkland Ave NE 1500 8 CP 46101 ABANDON MH6009 BY LINING THROUGH ITGM06375 MH602313.9 MH6009 10.0 Kirkland Ave NE 1500 8 CP 243 808 Abandon Tap at 225.2 Upstream from MH6009; Open all Taps; Confirm Tap count on Pre-Installation CCTV InspectionGM06376 MH6024 14.2 MH6023 13.9 Kirkland Ave NE 1500 8 CP 43000 ABANDON MH6024 BY LINING THROUGH ITGM06377 MH5990 14.3 MH6024 14.2 Kirkland Ave NE 1500 8 CP 121 404 ABANDON MH6024 BY LINING THROUGH ITGM06341 MH5983 7.4 MH5991 10.8 Kirkland Ave NE 1700 8 CP 315 714 Open Taps at 83.4, 184.1, 253.3 downstream from MH5983; Abandon all othersGM06338 MH5989 6.7 MH5983 7.4 Kirkland Ave NE 1800 8 CP 82300 Abandon all TapsGM06339 MH5985 10.3 MH5989 6.7 Kirkland Ave NE 1800 8 CP 283 804 Open Taps at 10.9, 130.2, 235.6, 276.0 upstream from MH5989; Abandon all othersGM06326 MH5974 2.4 MH5973 6.2 Kirkland Pl NE 2000 8 CP 205 211 Abandon capped tapGM01488 MH0804 8.3 MH0805 14.1 NE 12th St 2600 8 CP 374 604 Abandon Taps at 275.5, 306.9 downstream from MH0804; Open all others Asset #U/S MHDepthD/S MHDepthStreetBlockSizeMaterialLengthTotal TapsCappedActive TapsCommentsGM00820 MH0337 9.2 MH0336 11.0 NE 13th St 1300 8 CP 188 505 Open all Taps: EASEMENT AREAGM06356 MH0336 11.0 MH6005 10.3 NE 13th St 2800 8 CP 279 505 Open all TapsGM06378 MH6005 10.3 MH6025 10.7 NE 13th St 2800 8 CP 159 404 Open all TapsGM06362 MH6010 8 MH6008 10.0 NE 15th Pl 3100 8 CP 216 101 Open all TapsGM06363 MH6011 9.3 MH6010 8.0 NE 15th Pl 3100 8 CP 88000GM06385 MH5968 9.0 MH6031 10.2 NE 16th St 2600 8 CP 367 901 Open Tap at 339.9 upstream from MH6031; Abandon all othersGM06386 MH6031 10.2 MH6032 8.3 NE 16th St 2600 8 CP 170 601 Open Tap at 86.4 downstream from MH6031; Abandon all othersGM06387 MH6032 8.3 MH6033 11.3 NE 16th St 2600 8 CP 148 400 Abandon all TapsGM06346 MH5995 14.0 MH5990 14.3 NE 16th St 3000 8 CP 73000 EASEMENTGM06348 MH5998 9.3 MH5969 9.4 NE 16th St 2800 8 CP 208 303 Open all TapsGM06349 MH5997 7.4 MH5998 9.3 NE 16th St 2800 8 CP 198 606 Open all TapsGM06347 MH5995 14.0 MH5996 11.5 NE 16th St 3000 8 CP 204 505 Open all TapsGM06320 MH5969 9.4 MH5968 9.0 NE 16th St 2700 8 CP 279 404 Open all TapsGM06407 MH6047 6.5 MH6048 10.8 NE 18th St 2500 8 CP 196 505 Open all TapsGM00048 MH6052 13.0 MH6050 8.7 NE 19th St 2500 8 CP 81110 Abandon all capped taps; Open all others: EASEMENT AREAGM00049 MH6051 4.2 MH6052 13.0 NE 19th St 2500 8 CP 123 202 EASEMENTGM00051 MH6053 8.5 MH6051 4.2 NE 19th St 2500 8 CP 196 505 Open all TapsGM06325 MH5973 6.2 MH5972 8.9 NE 20th St 3100 8 CP 304 404 Open all TapsGM00855 MH0525 13.9 MH0524 12.5 NE 27th St 1800 12 CP 77101 Open all TapsGM00859 MH0529 13.1 MH0528 13.6 NE 27th St 1900 8 CP 364 808 Open all TapsGM00920 MH0530 13.8 MH0529 13.1 NE 27th St 2000 8 CP 274 505 Open all TapsGM00921 MH0531 10.5 MH0530 13.8 NE 27th St 2100 8 CP 283 1229 Abandon Tap at 187.5 downstream from MH0531; Open all othersGM06030 MH6447 8.1 MH0531 10.5 NE 27th St 2200 8 CP 326 11110 Abandon all capped taps; Open all othersGM00851 MH0393 19.9 MH0392 21.6 NE 28th St 1600 12 CP 130 000GM00854 MH0524 13.9 MH0393 19.9 NE 28th St 1700 12 CP 318 101 Open all TapsGM05996 MH0827 8.1 MH6045 9.0 NE 9th Pl 2500 8 VCP 340 624 Abandon all capped taps; Open all othersGM04606 MH0827 8.1 MH0828 7.6 NE 9th Pl 2600 8 VCP 279 541 Abandon all capped taps; Open all othersGM00044 MH6045 9.0 MH6046 10.2 NE 9th Pl 2500 8 VCP 65000Total 19,173292