HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_Final_Plat_Staff_Report_210716_v1DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Administrative Report LUA20-000157 A. ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION DECISION: APPROVED DENIED REPORT DATE: May 24, 2021 Project Name: Sapphire on Talbot Project File Number: PR18-000391 Land Use File Number: LUA20-000157 Project Manager: Nathan Janders Project Location: 4827 Talbot Road South B. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Administrative Decision Exhibit 2: Final Plat Plan Exhibit 3: Compliance with Preliminary Plat Conditions Summary C. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. Conformance with Preliminary Plat: Compliance Conformance with Preliminary Plat ✓ The final plat shall: 1. Conform with only minor modifications to the preliminary plat. 2. The lot configuration and number of lots remain unchanged from the approved preliminary plat. 3. The lots meet development standards of the Zoning Code. 4. Conditions of approval have been met as identified in Exhibit 2. D. DECISION: The Sapphire on Talbot Final Plat, File No. LUA20-000157, as depicted in Exhibit 2, is approved. Signature and Date C.E. ‘Chip’ Vincent, Community and Economic Development Administrator TRANSMITTED this 24 day of May, 2021 to the Owner/Applicant/Contact: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Sapphire Homes, Inc. 16805 SE 43rd Court Bellevue, WA 98006 Sapphire Homes, Inc. 16805 SE 43rd Court Bellevue, WA 98006 Edward Mecum 165 NE Juniper St, Suite201 Issaquah, WA 98027 DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE 5/24/2021 | 10:13 AM PDT Administrative Report LUA20-000157 TRANSMITTED this 24 day of May, 2021 to the following: Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Amanda Askren, Property and Technical Services Manager Matthew Herrera, Interim Current Planning Manager Robert Shuey, Building Official Anjela Barton, Fire Marshal E. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION: The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City Clerk, along with the required appeal fee, by 5:00 pm, June 7, 2021. Due to Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation 20-25 (“Stay Home, Stay Healthy”), the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. If the situation changes such that the City Clerk’s Office is open when you file your appeal, you have the option of filing the appeal in person. EXPIRATION: The administrative final plat decision will expire six (6) months from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-110.F. To revitalize the expired plat, the plat shall be resubmitted as a preliminary plat. One extension to the six (6) month period may be granted by the Administrator. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE Administrative Report LUA20-000157 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION EXHIBITS Project Name: Sapphire on Talbot Project Number: LUA20-000157 Date of Report May 24, 2021 Staff Contact Nathan Janders, Civil Engineer II Project Contact/Applicant Edward Mecum 165 NE Juniper St, Suite201 Issaquah, WA 98027 Project Location 4827 Talbot Road South The following exhibits are included with the Administrative Report: Exhibit 1: Administrative Decision Exhibit 2: Final Plat Plan Exhibit 3: Compliance with Preliminary Plat Conditions Summary DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE EXHIBIT 2DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE Page 1 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Conditions for Plan LUA18-000665 Satisfied PLN - Hearing Examiner Condition 1. The Applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated January 18, 2019. Comments: Project construction complied with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Migizi Group, Inc., dated October 11, 2017. The Study was revised on August 30, 2018 and again on March 29, 2019.According to the Plan Review Letter, dated August 20, 2019, the civil drawings prepared by Encompass Engineering Surveying, dated August 13, 2019, recommendations were adequately incorporated into the proposed development and associated drainage design and the proposed development would be stable or stabilized during construction and would continue to be stable after construction. Earth Solutions NW observed construction and provided testing documentation. 2. At twenty (20) or more dwelling units, the Applicant shall provide an Affordable Housing Restrictive Covenant and Agreement (the "Covenant") upon one (1) unit prior to certificate of occupancy. The Covenant is designed to satisfy the granting of the density bonus provision and shall remain affordable for fifty (50) years. The Applicant shall submit to, and have approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager, the Covenant prior to or concurrent with the final plat. Comments: The Affordable Housing Restrictive Covenant and Agreement were submitted and preliminary approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The Covenant and Use Agreement will be recorded prior to certificate of occupancy. 3. The Applicant shall provide a minimum of ten feet (10’) of on-site landscaping along all public street frontages. A final detailed landscape plan, consistent with RMC 4-8-120 and RMC 4-4-070, shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of the construction permits. Comments: A landscape plan was submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager as part of civil construction permit C19003341 issued on February 21, 2020. Installation of the landscaping interior to the development has been deferred under deferral permit DEF21001238 issued on March 25, 2021. Installation of the landscaping along Talbot Rd S has been installed with the exception of the street trees which have been deferred under deferral permit DEF21001238. 4. The Applicant shall create a Homeowners' Association ("HOA") that maintains all improvements and landscaping in the stormwater/open space/tree retention tract (Tract A) and any and all other common improvements. A draft of the HOA documents shall be submitted to, and approved by, the City of Renton Project Manager and the City Attorney prior to Final Plat recording. Such documents shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. Comments: The applicant has prepared a the HOA documents to be recorded concurrent with the Final Plat recording. 5. The Applicant shall submit a revised tree retention plan showing at least eleven (11) significant trees retained, to meet the minimum requirement of twenty percent (20%) retention. Alternatively, the Applicant may submit a letter from a certified arborist with an explanation as to why at least twenty percent (20%) of the significant trees are unable to be EXHIBIT 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE Page 2 of 3 retained, subject to concurrence by the Current Planning Project Manager. The revised tree retention plan shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval at the time of Utility Construction Permit Application. Comments: A letter of explanation was prepared by the Arborist for the project and submitted for review along with a revised tree retention plan. Plans were reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager as part of civil construction permit C19003341 issued on February 21, 2020. 6. The Applicant shall submit revised plans with the building permit application that identifies the location of code compliant bicycle parking meeting the standards of RMC 4-4-080.F.11, and identifies bicycle parking stall on ten (10) of the 20 proposed lots. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Comments: This condition will be addressed at building permit review. Bicycle parking will be provided via hanging bicycle racks in the garages within units 1-10. 7. The Applicant shall increase the minimum side yard setbacks for the unattached side yards of proposed Lot 10 and Lot 11, from 4 feet (4') to six feet (6'), in order to increase visibility of the open space from the alley. If fences are proposed within this designed open space view corridor, they shall be limited to a maximum of 48" above finished grade. Comments: Unattached side yard setbacks between Lots 10 and 11 were increased to six feet. A note on page 4 of 4 of the plat map submit with LUA20-000157 calls for any fences within this six-foot building setback of Lots 10 and 11 to be limited to a maximum of 48" above finished grade. 8. Both of the three-unit buildings that front S 48th Court shall provide a minimum of one shared single loaded driveway cut not to exceed a combined sixteen feet (16') in width at the property line. All remaining driveways on S 48th Ct shall be a single loaded garage driveway and shall not exceed nine feet (9') in width at the property line. In addition, Lot 20 shall take access from the private alley (Tract B) and Lot 15 shall take access from the stormwater access, located west of Lot 15. Comments: The project was designed to meet this requirement and the construction plans were approved as part of civil construction permit C19003341 issued on February 21, 2020. 9. Any proposal to convert the stormwater vault within Tract A to a stormwater detention pond shall be considered a Major Plat Amendment subject to the requirements outlined under RMC 4-7-080.M.2. Comments: The project was designed with a stormwater vault within Tract A and the plans were approved as part of civil construction permit C19003341 issued on February 21, 2020. 10. The proposed stormwater vault within Tract A shall either be located entirely below ground or meet open space standards. Otherwise the stormwater vault will be located in a separate stormwater tract. Engineered construction plans shall be submitted at the time of Construction Permit review for review and approval. Comments: The project was designed with an underground vault Tract A. The construction plans were reviewed and approved as part of civil construction permit C19003341 issued on February 21, 2020. 11. The Applicant shall provide a minimum pavement width of 22 feet along S 48th Ct, from Talbot Rd S to the internal alleyway. The increased roadway would result in a final ROW width of 49 feet for approximately the first 100-foot street section. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Comments: The first 100 feet of S 48th St Ct from Talbot Rd S was designed per the minimum pavement width of 22 feet and 49 feet of dedicated right-of-way as required. The plans were reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager as part of the civil construction permit C21003341 issued on February 21, 2020. 12. Any proposed rooftop equipment shall be located, designed and screened to minimize views from surrounding properties. DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE Page 3 of 3 Comments: This condition would be addressed at the time of building permit review. 13. All road names shall be approved by the City. Comments: South 48th Court was approved by the City. 14. Sanitary sewers shall be provided by the developer at no cost to the City and designed in accordance with City standards. Side sewer lines shall be installed eight feet (8') into each lot if sanitary sewer mains are available, or provided with the subdivision development. Comments: The sewer construction plans were designed to meet the above requirements and include side sewers into each lot. The plans were approved as part of civil construction permit C19003341 issued on February 21, 2020. 15. Concrete permanent control monuments shall be established at each and every controlling corner of the subdivision. Interior monuments shall be located as determined by the Department. All surveys shall be per the City of Renton surveying standards. All other lot corners shall be marked per the City surveying standards. The subdivider shall install all street name signs necessary in the subdivision. Comments: Concrete survey monument have been provided at each and every controlling corner of the subdivision and street name signs have been provided where necessary. 16. All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the Public Works Department. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Public Works Department. Comments: All utilities have been designed and installed underground with adequate depth and were approved by the City Inspector prior to placement of roadway pavement. Easements required for the maintenance and operation of utilities are shown on the final plat. 17. Any cable TV conduits shall be undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot. Conduit for service connections shall be laid to each lot line by subdivider as to obviate the necessity for disturbing the street area, including sidewalks, or alley improvements when such service connections are extended to serve any building. The cost of trenching, conduit, pedestals and/ or vaults and laterals as well as easements therefore required to bring service to the development shall be borne by the developer and/ or land owner. The subdivider shall be responsible only for conduit to serve his development. Conduit ends shall be elbowed to final ground elevation and capped. The cable TV company shall provide maps and specifications to the subdivider and shall inspect the conduit and certify to the City that it is properly installed. Comments: All dry utilities have been installed or have conduit provided in accordance with the design provided by the utility and was inspected by the utility prior to covering. 18. All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet (15'). Comments: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, have a minimum radius of fifteen feet (15'). 19. The water distribution system including the locations of fire hydrants shall be designed and installed in accordance with City standards as defined by the Department and Fire Department requirements. Comments: The water distribution system including the locations of fire hydrants were designed and installed in accordance with City standards as defined by the Department and Fire Department requirements. DocuSign Envelope ID: CB3A7D59-46A9-4C92-BF40-0F0CF50EB0EE