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• � 9_a- M ..... .. ,I-e LfiEf ROOM i S_p I = _I_a DR .ii al 1 7 t . — .. ]s 6 I— 19 Si' • e MN w o - i .-. eC-o' IMNPDOM \ e ' e� 4udau �� T a — 1 a •1494 • .TrR MYJ ROOM • S. a I e.ddw.y ® - J - T-T . — iT MICEWEEIP-? � CM I,3 I3 tDi •-7. LFfla KW v.., a-I-- 9-. 1 I +s I I 0 3!-V t9 9 PLAN VIEW-5I I:VEY TRAILER#'s 1&2 PLAN VIEW-SLIMY TRAILERS#'5 3&4 PLAN VIEW- 5A il.A➢.EK VLF I/4"-1'-0' VI -I'4" VIZI/4'-1,0. CALL 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 SURVEYED: JCP 12/11/98 FED.AID No. ' KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET BASE MAP PLOT: PAUL TOLIVER,DIRECTOR 4 DESIST PLOT: JCP PROJECT A48114 '�V� OF CHECKED: SURVEY No. _ _- RENTON FACILITY (ii::::11 - 6 SHEETS FIELD BOOK: • ISSUED FOR PERMITS JCP 3/I6/99 TEMPORARY TRAILERS JCP 1/25/99 REVISION ev DATE MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. 4 IoA.7 dA4/ 1I FLOOR PLAN • . ; - x PROPERTY LINE 4 403.3 ft -O - . . . . x x x x x x x x x---x x x x x x x X Overland Flow . Overland Flow • X X V//////////7 4x60 j2 4/ x60// 14 x 60'� 14' x �60 jx 20' x 45'% 2 �,,,, ,,,, �/ ^��������f /����������/ Overland Flow Overland Flow x X x i •5 x ) Overlaid Flow \ I ,X Overland ow x / I x X . I I 0.5% Slope• > ) <0.5% Slope -� < Infiltration Pond X P / Ditch -7.0ft } X Ditch F3.0ft 3:1 Sideslopes 13.8ftI i I �� I I I t I I tf � Bioswale 1% Slope 16.0ft - 34.6ft Overland Flow 1 I I I I f I I i I // 9%!A 160.0ft �6D D.ort\ x ,/ X I , ! ;'4, x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 • r , 44trsi� *Entire Site Will Be DNA tIc' Graded At 0.5% Slope SCALE: 1" = 30' Es 7I27/V Towards Drainage Ditch 3407 and Bioswale (see i , CALL 2 DAYS Overland Flow direction) BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 amcxo FED.AID Na KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET ••mod.4r, PAUL TOUYER,DIRECTOR 6 O YIP ROT: OF ocot PLOD PRSURVEY Noo. M011a RENTON FACILITIES SHEETS FEW SURVEY No. 'Zell,. MD sour. _ - TEMPORARY TRAILERS m FOR '� °"°/°0 MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. 4 '�"l I DRAINAGE PLAN AP 3/11/IS WARE1 BY DATE ,11 i rt"i o \ I I I I r .. To Be Cleared: ii 0 I * 1.5 Acres i I - * Trees: Two 12" DBH Douglas-fir I�I c One 5' DBH Douglas-fir UTILik I Man small Alders and Maple Trees iI ; - CKS) d EASE VT q * Vegetation;yScotchbroom P © 5 iip 60.0 ft f © I4, } Save Large — _ CAs�f M v✓ Maple Tree // PROPERTY LINE _ ©_ _ 403.3 ft 1O 13. / / AOD•ug—Fir Trees e>�►wi¢s l�y/ I I 3/4�9 , ` dir LEGEND / I . symbols ° �' .1 l Tree % /,Area To Be Cleared x i —— Utiity Easement Boundary ` *Light Post _.._._. _.._..—� Property Line _ _ Force V— V M N M V N N N A Mmument ' A A A A A A A A Tree and Vegetation Line • Y 0 (1:3 4/ • A Scale: 1"=40' 0 0 tlr- .. CALL 2 DAYS = I i BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 • SUMEN :m FED.AID No. r KINO.DOUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET BASE YAP PLOT:• ''A 9• PAUL TQ1�ER,DIRECTOR 0 5 Of oEvm PLOT: S l7 o[o1Dx PROJECT No. AIe11{ ` SURVEY Na. 'a,% s RENTON FACILITIES 8 nom eooK: ^'"` SHEETS • MUM FOR P�3 ,Rp)OAB �o .__ I .-, LANDTEMP CLEARINGRARY TRAILERS .. �/10/OS REVISOR BY DATE MAINTENANCE DIH90N Na. • u -,•; �,_; LAND PLAN oz CC zw 0> Q 1 .. _ • • . _ ,......_ mom,,� ryV `.^-^-...„.._. i _ - _ _ •1---- —___ __ _ 2_n_c AVE. \E 35fft. _ — =°= _ I. of V 310.2 fl c - --- _.___ '. ... .- ----__- 1 /�C; CW (T l - DO - 5J' L Gravel Driveway 25•Wide u KING COUNTY 1 y DISTRICT COURT I I I 1 rr lo= I, (.._____L-1 U \ ( , Existing U SewerCI I� I I Manhole Ei \ d UTILIF J1{/ GRAPHIC SCALE a� \ EASEM a 60.P ft I.P1,-‘) �� New Water \ I I �, / :r 0 `I _O: r r Service Line& New I� 1' Meter for Each Phone/Fibe�\TRUA TRAILERS I New Sewer t GI Ia+rar)R Trailer 2500 Optic ildneLHU IOING T .EXISTING) SURVEY \ New S er. , I Manhole min-40 NAL(SP•}RE) ` PROPERTY UNE. `� Line • �-v4_ 4 WET _ TRAILERS 403.3 Il - / I CITY OF RENTON ' UT,IT!INSS'CCTION - -- ?` {I PUBLIC WORKS I 15 KW GI ERATCR ESA t -- `�. �. .. `T... -� -g'-e - TRAILER ///////// //�����/g//�/}// % ���-��-���y/y , Existing Gate jif (/ ,: , 10•x 40• - f-` "I 1 LEGEND --44.I 16.00 1 nl o Tem �ia�ara9e�coie _ ---------S'—y-mbo—ls�I BUILDING H IfIII III I I.aI I�''e:''qI I I I- I I I I I I I I Electrical I a Fire Hydrant Water.1 IELO ENGR./STORE 16600i New Gtavel Parin rAreo 10.00 I Service I I AREA=4830.1 SOFT _O_ 61.00 59 Spaces(5 Handicapped) +. sconnect Light Post I11 If O 21,000 SO'4F(TO A Monument Sewer 31V Pave III III III I 7 I 1• o Catch Basin Electri c L — — --II Handicapped Parking iNEW FENCEv A ) ; ' ' ,` I , Mew Gate Lacat0 n O Dryall Phb tic\ B __ I I . Sewer Manhole OD Transformer -Properly Line F , 400.00 •Water Meter Fence n Disconnect -- Utility Easement L(SP�R[) I 11 1 "1- 1) . I I j CALL 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 AWED. FED.AID No. SHEET CA KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 2 BASE YAP PLOT: o`sJ/..l/ PAUL TOLIVER,DIRECTOR 0DESIGN Koh PROJECT No. A48114 ,�lF,l���i4'ps�.•,a OF DNEDKED: SURVEY No. s =" RENTON FACILITY • 6 RELD eaoK: MMA• SHEETS ISSUED FOR PERMITS JCP J/+6/Do Om. my?,I TEMPORARY TRAILERS .� s/1+/BB REVISION BY DATE MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. 4 axrt MAP, PLAN `� a��, I TRANSFER STATION 1 5 ACCESS ROAD �z / fro.QFfERmx AVE NE a r¢JTx sT) h.I �a0 . ipii.-- , ,,.."..t•'-/- ,p .41, , ,,,.-_ - . , - c-_.I , / w __g_ .,..i... 7,73‘" ' '•= .-.lc . ,,y�`/� r.a ieL. b l 1 u III ,� :. ►i. lk\'', a� I -7# —7° ,. .... 1_ ,teo� I ! '� �� �� li 5 M l „ a � i 'Citin ;.4 ,,,„,,,, ie. fin . P �' y�+�! fPra-�■/1� 1#7 I ... ,.. %,, . • _.) _0, ilii, ,,,,,,,, ,,,. _ . ,e, . 0 Opp 1 .'P- - kt 1 104, 4. et AS. -,(4 tkii A ..,4 , , _ ..,„ _ ... . f-* ‘ ',(1 (2, /111V, \ZS.. & 47 -...1111 , , (9 (74,",-4- yip' 6y 004 ,___,- ._ , i, 9 ein....iik . ;(//iihi I `6-) I. lit I pJl)6 I\ ` GRAPHIC SCALE ^lJ — . ....t, , A--- - lessa. -..., ' a oa a raw t•MIL .... -.1111116 LEGEND D O - >•-,-W'.. :_ , � 1 0 O symbols r. It. cp \I' Properly L. 4"11: i` C , \ VVV A� Site Specifications J \ 7� llll��� Iml ym� •995.093 told square footage of site � 1 <5 p?Qo'mare'foola9e of nes �/ ll� t D Y Lr � 1 G o1I5.e 6 din95oan�z'ite footage of • v � ``\' /� •6815 al lot coverage O �Y I •105.351 total square footage a/all f./\�vn�\ lontluvpnq on site ILi a` Q `� •D9a.+tletl and pinking spaces • ��� ` I CALL 2 DAYS n/!�/ ,_ DIG �� /� 1 BEFORE 5 SURVEYED: CA AID No. DA KING COUNTY DEPT.'OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET BASE PAP PLOT: _ ,DAss�•¢ PAUL TOLIVER,DIRECTOR O DESIGN PLOT: • PROJECT No. A48114 J I CHECKED: SURVEY No. c. _` RENTON FACILITIES 6 AooA,. SHEETS FIELD Boat' _ TEMPORARY TRAILERS ISSUED FOR PERMITS JCY 3/I6/99 MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. 4 o"�NNeSI SITE PLAN JCP 2/I6/99 REVISION BY DATE �rt -�/���M ®r a m.'aa+§O,Atiai o➢T KC. 60 • . :•i. .,.. •.aanmrmataam tOSIV6 "[—/''6:a_ae _ , morn am Te,ofavALmrisro ENTIRE MAP • KING COUNTY DEPT. OF ASSESSMENTS '°se"° Qtu"�" ' """ CITY OF RENTON N E. I6-23- 5 SE.9-23-5 •d SCALE I•-100. R NE LTN ST. IJ26%.ti. nnf.>e e� r +,i k/N.69 O6-1 1]2A06 •+_) �p _ IN E. a�N 6T. A•(sc> q .a ,e s .,ti 8 e. F " B e b l' �� 3 zi ; J ••� a;4 a • ,DPP°4 V4,�'�� a"u e e. 2 a a k .� ,e * ? �I` '•e, R 4oa oQ e I,. R , F°�R 3 k p 4,4 0 R .YI'E .S 1.,FAO lL alo w Po .lye `SI '4"' Q. m fl•® a. G=.( ... N41 P. f v3 pem uM .,fW 'r n � G�� 3 w N r • - 3>s 1 m,,a 2,,..• ¢ '¢ p t •, ev ..,,' G� .,• p f...,,. NIa • -1 1 8 SP pe.0^�I� �' 15P` ;ho0 J y. B • p ° PEH a® e D BA i'lI �e 1. 0 ® ©� N cr t - l0 p' NPr I ...,, R .,m..e O.E. I,T2NO ..,Sr',,., rzr,u zr. aQ oN 7,4 • 3'7'9 a co,...,' ni �.,,,_ f:C TA., - a�,3 lio"1.".o..,-..-,+.>, ft R z z �__ ..,,. ® I t ., y K�..�G,,.,i.�. Ie,..-E 1 I Zt'I [�pJ1 I . i L..1,n.oK.u, L�,. N 3 {'Oo- 1i--3,•� ++�' ©I O$ . „® i -f 4. z lv,as N 6 I M i ____I.,_ �, �,°`' a r`'II y"R N _ e .a w O 4 co �' • fi o �R e c S J Nle I L6fA° II y.Ar.i„ 2 L® ® C fe", .•tea R ,y ® "Z 1 H : 5 o c,+y �i Rc.,}e� + -�j Z R 3 �U • pOO�N 8 5A07.0 .v.n e ea, 1 P`-' k.ei 9® Z. pn, fez`'x cen fa r t91 a%.Lf IJ268t- - 00-] ,n6µy ® e+® w•IIS E 16- -5 0-•1-- d p Delp Cap IB' Eat Light \ o 0 Above Door ID ___ _ i n. .6I — l v.. GG(51Gf Stol�ay O0 Ranp t0 Be Ronoicap Ramp I.l-I I/IVI. NatAle]On Ste Slope 1:12 w1EV4-1 Dotal Drip Ron -- —- _ 16'Blousing • .019 Meld Siding I . —r di Doan Sailing Pylon.O.SI. bailing Sado Oaf51Pe %/LEI/4••IV' NOf E:Please refer to the Flo-Alai for exert trailer dhtensions.This dl a inq depicts a • fly„pIc °trailer, Eli DYAD Unit-- . re• Irk 1= g , '-gi A ROW IM wit 1/4.•I,-0° wu1/I,,,I,p, CALL 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 SURVEYED: FED.AID Na. SHEET KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION BASE MAP PLOT:DESIGN PLOT: RL PAUL TOLIVER,DIRECTOR 3 PROJECT No. A48114 I. OF . aREaEo: SDRVEY Na. RENTON FACILITY - • 6 FIELD Baal: SHEETS ISSUED TOR PERMITS JCP 3/I6/99 TEMPORARY TRAILERS .KP 12/Il/9e REVISION BY DALE MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. _ Ivy..4//4/�»1 TYPICAL ELEVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . ,. ,. .. • . . - 1 • - - ' . . . •. • ' <-- . .. .• . j'ij . • . . .4" .Th,J..•-r a• „al . -7_--• `-"" ....r.:;;'"'''':,:.7.L'''''''''-'..-,-Sk.r.,, •• . • . . . . . . . 1,,,, • . VIVI atol a'A.... .,.Veal 1 'am -‘0 0. agy_iAltf,,,,! la • 4 ae,Z,:: act, t . . . . , • ,cr)! it'' -..-:‘ ' *a II' a; '0,,..;;.;;7, %%Th.. i ; ap 1 . . . ;cal,• ,,,VI I I a•il k"t 1,..' ak... - ' 1 i .. . . CD , ‘41i•1 'II , I V 1 . . ' . . 8— " I .• 8 8 LLI • -•--. • I i. • • Z ' -4*.. • 111 . . . al :'_.7 1 :'-', • • .• • p - , b. _. ••,I 1 ________L .-• . . . . W2.1.1 ....., --....—........_ " ...._____ . td!--..--.... . I-.. - • - -- ---... if 11 . . : • . •• . . . . . • • •, .,.. i v i• . . . ...,, ••••- 1' J . I ‘ . ... . .i1 a2. - -_ 0i l,i'•[V_S_7i_I t_,,_,rI-fi t.-S%..`....—•,..!Z_l%,...i-.,"‘.•,-.•-•"b.1.I._.v_—• a. .. . . .. . . . , . . • i' i t C1 te " I s ri ... . .. • - - • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . * • .• . 1 . . . . • . . _ ' • - - . . . . . . : . . . • ,-. •:'•:i:,. •• . . • . . - • .• . . • • . . - • • • • ' . • • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • .... . . . ' . . . . . • ., . . . , . - •• . • . .• . . CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 3, 2003 TO: City Clerk's Office FROM: Holly SUBJECT: Land Use File Close-Out Please complete the following information to facilitate project close-out and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: Temporary Office Trailers LUA(File) Number: LUA-99-044, TP, ECF Cross References: AKA's: King County Temporary Trailers Project Manager: Lesley Nishihira Acceptance Date: March 18, 1999 Applicant:. King County DOT Owner: King County Contact: Jon Cassidy / King County DOT PID #: 162305-9003 ERC Approval/Denial (circle one) & Date: May 25, 1999 ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: Public Hearing Date: N/A Appeal Period Ends: N/A • Date Appealed to HE & By Whom: N/A HEX Decision & Date: N/A Date Appealed to Council & By Whom: N/A • Council Decision & Date: N/A Mylar Recording #: Project Description: KING CO DEPT OF TRANS TEMP TRAILRS FOR SURVEY CRWSAND EQUIPMENT UNTIL A PERMANENT BLDG CAN BE BUILT AT THIS SITE. 24 X 60 TRAILERS (2), ONE 20 X 45 TRAILER AND ONE 10 X 40 STORAGE CONTAINER. THE TOTAL COMBINED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE • TRAILERS EXCEEDS 4,000 SQ FT SO ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS ALSO REQUIRED. ONE-YEAR EXTENSION REQUESTED 5/18/00 PURSUANT TO RMC SECTION 4-9-240.K.3. FINAL EXPIRATION DATE OF 5/25/01 APPROVED. Location: 155 Monroe Ave NE Comments: 4irrrurirririrrcririirvri irioii///r r r/r rririri r r/r rririrrriiiiirr III ir ruurii®iwiiriiiorrsa.,.r�r� Setup CITY JF RENTON ..ii. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 18, 2000 Jon Cassidy King County Department of Transportation 155 Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg H Renton, WA 98056 Subject: Temporary Office Trailers File No. LUA-99-044,TP, ECF Dear Mr. Cassidy: Thank you for submitting your request for a one-year extension for your approved Temporary Use Permit. Attached is a copy of the revised permit reflecting a new expiration date of May 25, 2001. Pursuant to RMC section 4-9-240.K.3, this extension is the only extension permitted for the approved temporary use. In the event a continuation of the temporary use is desired, a new Land Use Application would be required. Please contact me with at(425)430-7270 with any questions. Sincerely, Z(44.--) Lesley Nishia Associate Planner rrtrnitr\ 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 - - w.mi TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 1.1 I `i City of Renton File Number: LUA-99-044, TP, ECF Project Name: King County Temporary Office Trailers Location: 155 Monroe Avenue NE k. King County Assessor's Property Identification Number: 162305-9003 Owner Name: King County Department of Transportation i Applicant Name: same as above Project description: The applicant is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures totaling 5,860 square feet in area and an associated 21,000 square foot gravel ? parking area. The structures —two 1,440 sf trailers, two 840 sf trailers, one 900 sf trailer, and °Ii one 400 sf storage container—will temporarily house King County Survey crews and equipment. The project also include the installation of utilities for the trailers and a drainage system for the parking area. Date of Permit Issuance: May 25, 1999 One Year Extension Requested: May 17, 2000 (pursuant to RMC section 4-9-240.K.3) t Revised Date of Expiration: May 25, 2001 Conditions of Approval: s 1. The applicant shall comply with the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Mitigation Measures issued with the ERC's May 25, 1999 Threshold Determination of i Non-Significance - Mitigated. ,t 2. The applicant shall obtain and receive final approval for Building, Electrical, and Plumbing permits. The issuance and final inspection of the permits are subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. The applicant shall obtain and receive final approval for a Construction permit subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. The final approval 1 of the Construction Permit is contingent upon, but not limited to, the provision of: a.) secondary access to the site, b.) pavement for all access and parking areas, and c.) appropriate design of drainage systems pursuant to the requirements for Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. 1 4. The applicant shall submit two copies of the revised site plan for the land use application file. The site plan will need to indicate paved access and parking as well as secondary access to the site. i 4/(, 4,16---2 ) , r / l f�U Approved by Ve City of Renton Dat Development Services Division Director Appeals: Appeals of permit issuance may be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by a ma 5:00 PM on June 1, 2000. Phone: (425) 430-6510. OFF King County 6.4 Road Service Division Cw-it . Department of Transportation OF�A Road Maintenance Section AFM�bNN/�y 155 Monroe Ave NE � J N G Renton,WA 98056-4199 ike 4900 May 15, 2000 C(,'r/�C4 Ms. Lesley Nishihira, Project Manager City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Ms. Nishihira: In accordance with your May 27, 1999 letter, I am hereby requesting an extension of the Temporary Use Permit issued to King County for temporary office trailers, land use permit number LUA99-044,TP,ECF. Construction of the last two trailers is nearing completion and occupation is expected in the next few weeks. Our first occupants moved in on April 17, 2000 due to some unforeseeable construction delays. Design for the new office facility for the County Surveyors was initiated this year but will not be complete until 2001 due to budget shortfalls. This will result in a need to extend the Temporary Use Permit another year, as construction of the new facility is not expected to be complete until 2002. Please let me know if this is possible. Since we have not been in the temporary trailers for most of the first year of the Temporary Use, I would hope that this could be accomplished easily. However if we do have to go through another complete application process, I would like to start well before the expected expiration date on the Temporary Permit extension. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or require more information, please contact me at 206-296-8148. Si rely, Jon A. assidy Supervising Engineer Cc: Kathy Brown, Assistant Operations Manager Bernie Thompson, Program Analyst II 0 King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 400 Yesler Way,Room 400 CITY OF RENTON Seattle,WA 98104-2637 JUN 2 '3 1999 RECEIVED June 23, 1999 Lesley Nishihira Assistant Planner, City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Temporary Office Trailers, File Number LUA-99-044, TP, ECF (King County Project Number A48114) Dear Ms. Nishihira: Enclosed please find a June 8, 1999 letter from The Washington Natural Heritage Program, of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, regarding their review of records concerning significant natural features relative to this proposal. They have no record of any rare plants or high quality ecosystems in the vicinity of this project. We have contacted the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding wildlife species of concern and will forward their response to you when it is available. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact me at (206) 205-7100. Sinc y, Gr S Environmental Engineer Enclosure: 1 . 1r - 1; .1 v June 8, 1999 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Natural Resources JENNIFER M.BELCHER Commissioner of Public Lands Pat Bahor King County Road Services Division DEW-Lop/we Yesler 400YesBlerlding Wa Room 400 C�'OFREN ON1Vp� Y, Seattle WA 98104-2637 UUN 2 5 1999 SUBJECT: Temporary Office Trailers - Renton (T23N ROSE S16)R CE eVE We've searched the Natural Heritage Information System for information on significant natural features in your project area. Currently, we have no records for rare plants or high quality ecosystems in the vicinity of your project. For more information, I have enclosed a list of rare plant species known to occur in the county in which your project is located. The information provided by the Washington Natural Heritage Program is based solely on existing information in the database. In the absence of field inventories, we cannot state whether or not a given site contains high quality ecosystems or rare species; there may be significant natural features in your study area of which we are not aware. The Washington Natural Heritage Program is responsible for information on the state's endangered, threatened, and sensitive plants as well as high quality ecosystems. We have begun to add information on selected groups of animals of conservation concern, such as freshwater mussels, butterflies, salamanders and bats,to our database. We now make this information available in our reports along with information on rare plants and high quality ecosystems. The authority for protection of animal species in Washington rests with the Department of Fish and Wildlife which manages and interprets data on wildlife species of concern in the state. To ensure that you receive information on all animal species of concern, please contact Priority Habitats and Species, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 600 Capitol Way N, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, or by phone (360) 902-2543. If you have the opportunity and technology, visit our new World Wide Web site at www.wa.gov/dnr. Please do not hesitate to call me at(360) 902-1667 if you have any questions, or by E-Mail: sandra.moody@wadnr.gov. Sincerely, an Swo e Moody, nvironmental Coordinator Washington Natural Heritage Program Enclosure FOREST RESOURCES I 1111 WASHINGTON ST SE I PO BOX 47016 I OLYMPIA,WA 98504-7016 FAX:(360)902-1783 I TTY:(360)902-1125 I TEL:(360)902-1340 O.441130,,e Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer RECYCLED PAPER CO Washington Natural Heritage Information System Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive Vascular Plants of Washington May 1999 t- King County Page 1 of 1 State Federal Historic Scientific Name Common Name Status Status* Record** Arenaria paludicola Swamp sandwort Pos Extirpated LE H Aster curtus White-top aster Sensitive SC Botrychium lanceolatum Lance-leaved grape-fern Sensitive Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Sensitive Botrychium minganense Victorin ' s grape-fern Review Botrychium pedunculosum Stalked moonwort Sensitive SC Botrychium pinnatum St . john ' s moonwort Sensitive Campanula lasiocarpa Alaska harebell Sensitive Carex buxbaumii Buxbaum' s sedge Sensitive Carex comosa Bristly sedge Sensitive Carex pauciflora Few-flowered sedge Sensitive Carex saxatilis var major Russet sedge Sensitive Carex stylosa Long-styled sedge Sensitive Cassiope lycopodioides Clubmoss cassiope Sensitive Castilleja levisecta Golden paintbrush Endangered LT H Cimicifuga elata Tall bugbane Threatened SC H Fritillaria camschatcensis Black lily Sensitive Galium kamtschaticum Boreal bedstraw Sensitive Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Floating water pennywort Review Hypericum majus Canadian st . john ' s-wort Sensitive H Lobelia dortmanna Water lobelia Threatened Lycopodiella inundata Bog clubmoss Sensitive H Lycopodium dendroideum Treelike clubmoss Sensitive Platanthera chorisiana Choris ' bog-orchid Threatened Platanthera obtusata Small northern bog-orchid Sensitive Utricularia intermedia Flat-leaved bladderwort Sensitive * LE = Listed Endangered, LT = Listed Threatened, PE = Proposed Endangered, PT = Proposed Threatened, C= Candidate for listing, SC = Species of Concern (an unofficial status) ** H = Known only from historic record •• CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator une 15, 1999 lAr. Jon Cassidy King Co. Dept. of Transportation • 55 Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg H Renton, WA 98056 ;SUBJECT: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers LUA99-044,TP,ECF Dear Mr. Cassidy: ."his letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed on the ERC determination. -'his decision is final and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed. The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures and Conditions of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit. f you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7270. 1=or the Environmental Review Committee, Ar_2_0,1) Lesley Nishihira Project Manager .—JJNnL 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 era_.. .01 > s I.s s s ss r rr �BI s s,sszs�ss, A I ,s A ss s, ss s s ss sec: ,JJ '�., «,,,,,,.,.,»,,,,.#/�iec:: ue / s fJJf fsu}fe �i� cfiJ/xi f✓c e J �r%s�lf f f,r �;f t tus%G iJ,;;.;>cts%% ,io %ry rtk• TEMPORARY USE PERMIT s, 1 4 City of Renton File Number: LUA-99-044, TP, ECF 11 F roject Name: King County Temporary Office Trailers 0 Location: 155 Monroe Avenue NE Ping County Assessor's Property Identification Number: 162305-9003 ' : Owner Name: King County Department of Transportation 0 f Applicant Name: same as above i F roject description: The applicant is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures totaling 5,860 square feet in area and an associated 21,000 square foot gravel 0 parking area. The structures —two 1,440 sf trailers, two 840 sf trailers, one 900 sf trailer, and I one 400 sf storage container—will temporarily house King County Survey crews and g '' equipment. The project also include the installation of utilities for the trailers and a drainage s/stem for the parking area. g C ate of Permit Issuance: May 25, 1999 k C ate of Expiration: May 25, 2000 f Conditions of Approval: $ f 1. The applicant shall comply with the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Mitigation Measures issued with the ERC's May 25, 1999 Threshold Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated. 2. The applicant shall obtain and receive final approval for Building, Electrical, and f Plumbing permits. The issuance and final inspection of the permits are subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. t g 3. The applicant shall obtain and receive final approval for a Construction permit 0 0 subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. The final approval of the Construction Permit is contingent upon, but not limited to, the P provision of: 1 a.) secondary access to the site, b.) pavement for all access and parking areas, and g ii: c.) appropriate design of drainage systems pursuant to the requirements for Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. y 1 0 4. The applicant shall submit two copies of the revised site plan for the land use application file. The site plan will need to indicate paved access and parking as well f as secondary access to the site. y „ --, ,, , -s--ciy-- 1 ,, ,i,:„f4 Appr ti the d it of Renton Date Developrn ntServices Division Director t% 1 Appeals: Appeals of permit issuance may be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by a 5:30 PM on June 14, 1999. Phone: (425) 430-6510. '� • s„ii�'ffff�. ii`i'ri ;iii fl�'flff//Q'%%/fff%J%fJ!%�i%%%/iiN/%/i%%/iif it iii4ii%%Jf l l iiii%;%f iWl!l iiiii%/J //!!1 '•:il%%if,%Uif�G'f//.U/!.6%Jf.6CvctYi+'Giib�:%; i." iiiii.' i.'YSrr;•i,' �ilbfi;G;GS'u'%,ti fiii%j{`rl,Y�WJf/lflifiFYl�YIJ CITY OF RENTON .. .....'. .. ........... CURRENT RVPLANNING E DIVISION! AFFIDAIT OF SEIC ;BY MAILING On the Z(ot/° day of VV ck....I , 1999, I deposited in the mails of the United. States, a sealed envelope containing Ek deiev Vyttiut.31cvc documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Department of Ecology Don Hurter WSDOT KC Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman Department of Natural Resources Shirley Lukhang Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Indian Tribe Rod Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Joe Jainga Puget Sound Energy (Signature of Sender) S&wi. vGI IL . Se r-�ev-- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that sa-ecifla_ ' S_2.t signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act f6Fithe uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Cif--tie y , 1 q 5 1 Notary Public it(and for the State of Wa ington Notary (Print) My appointmen COMMISSION EXPIRES C/29/99 Project Name: KG TewpoV''.V9 f{terc evs Project Number: LUA • 9°1 . 044 "TP ELf NOTARY.DOC �• CITY Or' RENTON ;ALL AInim Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 27, 1999 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia,WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on May 25, 1999: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED KING COUNTY TEMPORARY OFFICE TRAILERS LUA99-044,T,ECF The applicant, King Co. Dept. of Transportation, is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures (five trailers—two at 1,440 s.f.,two at 840 s.f., one at 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f.) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King Co. survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. Location: 155 Monroe Avenue NE. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM June 14, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7270 For the Environmental Review Committee, ZtA) Lesley Nishihira Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Shirley Lukhang, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy agncyltr\ 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 .. CITY G.,' RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 27, 1999 Mr. Jon Cassidy King Co. Dept. of Transportation 155 Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg H Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers LUA99-044,TP,ECF Dear Mr. Cassidy: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project. The ERC, on May 25, 1999, issued a threshold Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. See the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM June 14, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Also enclosed is the Temporary Use Permit (TP) issued for the proposal. Please keep the permit posted on the site at all times— preferably covered with plastic or some type of weather protection. All conditions of approval for the Temporary Use Permit must be satisfied. The permit issued is valid for 1 year only and is set to expire May 25, 2000. In order to obtain a 1 year extension, a written request must be made no later than one month prior to the expiration date. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 430-7270. For the Environmental Review Committee, Lesley Nishihira Project Manager Enclosures DNSMLTR 1055 South Grady Way- Renton,Washington 98055 r4►r .- _.- .- CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APF LICATION NO(S): LUA-99-044,T,ECF APF LICANT: King County Department of Transportation PROJECT NAME: King County Temporary Office Trailers DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King Co. Dept. of Transportation, is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures (five trailers—two at 1,440 s.f., two at 840 s.f., one at 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f.) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be use to house King Co. survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 155 Monroe Avenue NE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$0.52 per square foot of structure located on the site. The mitigation fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APFLICATION NO(S): LUA-99-044,T,ECF APF LICANT: King County Department of Transportation PROJECT NAME: King County Temporary Office Trailers DE:CRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King Co. Dept. of Transportation, is requesting approval for t-ie temporary location of six structures (five trailers —two at 1,440 s.f., two at 840 s.f., one at 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f.) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King Co. sun,ey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. LOC ATION OF PROPOSAL: 155 Monroe Avenue NE Adr isory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental deti mination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal pro:ess for environmental determinations. Buil iinq 1. Building, electrical, and plumbing permits will be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit. Trailers must be labeled by L&I for each occupancy. Plan Review 1. Since the structures are temporary in nature, no traffic mitigation is warranted. 2. Due to the site's location within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area, parking and access areas will be required to be paved. 3. The drainage system for the site will need to include specific design criteria satisfying the requirements for Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area pursuant to RMC section 4-6-030E. 4. The paving and drainage improvements will require a Construction Permit with the City. This will be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit. Fire Department 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1,500 gpm, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structures and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of all the structures. 2. Fire Department access roadways are required to be within 150 feet of all portions of the building exteriors. Roadways are a minimum of 20 feet in width, paved, with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 3. Two means of access are required by City ordinance when more than two buildings are more than 200 feet from a public street. 4. Provide a list of the flammable, combustible liquids and any hazardous chemicals to be used or stored on site. 5. When the permanent office facility is constructed, the property will be credited for the Fire Mitigation Fee required for this proposal. Fla ming 1. As a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit, the applicant will be required to establish secondary access to the site. This will require the creation of a 20 foot paved access way over the property to the north in order to connect the site to 2nd Ave NE. If the parcels are under separate ownership, an access easement will need to be established. If an easement is necessary, the recording of the easement will also be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit and will be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. If the easement is not necessary, the installation of the paved secondary access will be required prior to the final approval of the Construction Permit. 2. As a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit, the applicant will also be required to submit revised site plans indicating paved access and parking as well as secondary access. IN01110E ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION KING COUNTY TEMPORARY OFFICE TRAILERS LUA99-044,T,ECF The applicant.Kira Co.Dept.of Transportation,is requesting approval for the temporary location of six slmctures (Me trailers-two at 1.440 s.f.,two a1 M0 at.one at 900 s.t..and one storage container al 400 s.l.)on the subject site.The temporary structures will be used to house King Co.survey crews end equipment until a permanent facility is competed.Location:155 Monroe Avenue NE. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM June 14.1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required 575.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Cleric's OMIce,(425)430-6510. • I •'• I •^ .. - : d3 a !fi . _ __. .. _ _ :____„,..... , , ... ...41 , if, _ __yr, I'' fia i - I Il I Il' _� . i , 91—..---.24-ii I _ 1....---:e 14 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. CERTIFICATION I, ` 60t.19p_. , hereby certify that -� j . copies of the above document were posted by me in 73 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on spry 27-, l Vici Signed: _ ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Public, ' or the State of Washington residing in`----_n.,,,A a.-, , on the AL 4'k day of l qc . s"----v-Y-\ cui* k c„...,„__,..i....0 MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 i CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICA—ION NO(S): LUA-99-044,T,ECF APPLICANT: King County Department of Transportation PROJECT NAME: King County Temporary Office Trailers DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King Co. Dept. of Transportation, is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures (five trailers — two at 1,440 s.f., two at 840 s.f., one at 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f.) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King Co. survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 155 Monroe Avenue NE LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals r)f the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM June 14, 1999. Appeals must be f led in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grrdy Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510 PUBLICP TION DATE: May 31, 1999 DATE OF DECISION: May 25, 1999 SIGNATL RES: Zgigiggerr; ‘,1drilinistraitor �I �7 DATE Departm€nt of Planning/Building/Public Works 1 ,,,(/ ,3(A9 Jim She her nistra or \, DATE Shepher Services cad 5Zg.5—/'Y Lee Wheeler, Fire Chef ) DAT Renton Fire Department CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-99-044,T,ECF A''PLICANT: King County Department of Transportation PROJECT NAME: King County Temporary Office Trailers DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King Co. Dept. of Transportation, is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures (five trailers—two at 1,440 s.f., two at 840 s.f., one at 91)0 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f.) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King Co. survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 155 Monroe Avenue NE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1 The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$0.52 per square foot of structure located on the site. The mitigation fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-99-044,T,ECF APPLICANT: King County Department of Transportation PROJECT NAME: King County Temporary Office Trailers DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King Co. Dept. of Transportation, is requesting approval for I he temporary location of six structures (five trailers —two at 1,440 s.f., two at 840 s.f., one at 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f.) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King Co. sun ey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 155 Monroe Avenue NE Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental det 3rmination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal pro:ess for environmental determinations. Buil iinq 1. Building, electrical, and plumbing permits will be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit. Trailers must be labeled by L&I for each occupancy. Plaii Review 1. Since the structures are temporary in nature, no traffic mitigation is warranted. 2. Due to the site's location within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area, parking and access areas will be required to be paved. 3. The drainage system for the site will need to include specific design criteria satisfying the requirements for Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area pursuant to RMC section 4-6-030E. 4. The paving and drainage improvements will require a Construction Permit with the City. This will be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit. Fir€ Department 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1,500 gpm, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structures and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of all the structures. 2. Fire Department access roadways are required to be within 150 feet of all portions of the building exteriors. Roadways are a minimum of 20 feet in width, paved, with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 3. Two means of access are required by City ordinance when more than two buildings are more than 200 feet from a public street. 4. Provide a list of the flammable, combustible liquids and any hazardous chemicals to be used or stored on site. 5. When the permanent office facility is constructed, the property will be credited for the Fire Mitigation Fee required for this proposal. Pla lninq 1. As a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit, the applicant will be required to establish secondary access to the site. This will require the creation of a 20 foot paved access way over the property to the north in order to connect the site to 2nd Ave NE. If the parcels are under separate ownership, an access easement will need to be established. If an easement is necessary, the recording of the easement will also be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit and will be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. If the easement is not necessary, the installation of the paved secondary access will be required prior to the final approval of the Construction Permit. 2. As a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit, the applicant will also be required to submit revised site plans indicating paved access and parking as well as secondary access. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Lori L. Furnish first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ETERMINATION SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON.WASHINGTON 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated for the following a daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal project under the authority of the Renton newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months Municipal Code. prior to the date ofpublication, referred to, printed andpublished in the English language TING COUNTY TEMPORARY OFFICE 9� TRAILERS continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County LUA99-044,T,ECF Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the King County Dept. of Transportation State of Washington for King County. requests approval for temporary location of The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County 6 structures at 155 Monroe Ave.NE. Journal (and not in supplemental form) wl1ich was regularly distributed to the subscribers Appeals of the environmental determina- tionduringthe below statedperiod. The annexed notice, a 50must Junee filed in 1999.writing on or mubest be 5:00 PM 14, Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required King County Temporary Office Trailers $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055.Appeals to as published on: 5/31/99 the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $34.50, process may be obtained from the Renton charged to Acct. No. 8051067. City Published u l shed in the South County rk's Office,(425) Journal May 31, 1999.6160 Legal Number 6160 L, Legal Clerk, South County Journal Subscribed and swor before on this ( J Jday , 19 q Fa-rt. ••od` /�•;�' l� Notary Public of the State of Washington �' NOTAgy Fes. = residing in Renton _._ = King County, Washington N: '3 jOU : B L‘C p t S. idJ\1:', ,tip, 2.� *i9>'''eH Ill 0 ;• ••�n NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON T le Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance - M itigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. KING COUNTY TEMPORARY OFFICE TRAILERS LUA99-044,T,ECF King County Dept. of Transportation requests approval for temporary location of 6 structures at 155 Monroe Ave. NE. A3peals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM June 14, 11499. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing E<aminer, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal pi ocess may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. P iblication Date: May 31, 1999 A;count No. 51067 STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE May 25, 1999 Project Name King County Temporary Office Trailers Appli-ant King County Department of Transportation File (`!umber LUA-099-044,ECF,TP Project Manager Lesley Nishihira Project Description The applicant, King County Department of Transportation, is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures totaling 5,860 square feet in area and an associated 21,000 square foot gravel parking area. The structures—two 1,440 sf trailers, two 840 sf trailers, one 900 sf trailer, and one 400 sf storage container—will temporarily house King County Survey crews and equipment. Included with the proposal is the installation of utilities for the trailers and parking stalls for 59 vehicles. The site is relatively flat and is vegetated with brush and small alder and maple trees. The project will require the clearing of the site, including the removal of 3 Douglas-fir trees (two 12", one 5" in caliper). Approximately 500 cubic yards of crushed rock will be brought on-site for the proposed parking area and less than 1,000 cubic yards of material will be moved or placed on site. Drainage for the site will be routed to a bioswale and onsite infiltration pond. The temporary structures will be removed after the completion of a permanent office facility adjacent to the subject site. After the trailers are removed, the site will be converted to a construction material storage yard. The project requires the approval of a Temporary Use Permit which will grant the proposal for 1 year. Upon written request, a single 1 year extension may be granted. Project Location 155 Monroe Avenue NE Exist. Bldg. Area gsf N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf 5,860 square feet Site 4rea 65,000 square feet Total Building Area gsf 5,860 square feet RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommend that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance— Mitigated(DNS-M). KING COUNT,D?PT Or ASSESSMENTS allil) 04 R N E.18-23-5 s..r ram,_ -es�.. -y-�-rw E�eL_• i;.i. . ,:,,, . ' I I 2' • '/- • i g --. ems , r N Ft '' :� i i—� M�i r _ .l s r} !! 3 I ,I Jr�-rid .0:o r-nlie i I I - I+ i n „Li! Map1_,,. 4,1 m Project Location 1` _ P J1 ERCR T 4 r� City o Renton P/B/PW Department Environmer ?eview Committee Staff Report KING COUNTY TEMPORARY OFFICE TRAILERS LUA-99-044, TP, ECF REPO,�T AND DECISION OF MAY 25, 1999 Page 2 of 3 B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. XX Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$0.52 per square foot of structure located on the site. The mitigation fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The ff)llowing notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental deter nination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Buildii g 1. Building, electrical, and plumbing permits will be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit. Trailers must be labeled by L&I for each occupancy. Plan Review 1. Slice the structures are temporary in nature, no traffic mitigation is warranted. 2. Di le to the site's location within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area, parking and access areas will be required to be paved. 3. Tt e drainage system for the site will need to include specific design criteria satisfying the requirements for Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area pursuant to RMC section 4-6-030E. 4. Tt e paving and drainage improvements will require a Construction Permit with the City. This will be required as a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit. Fire D.partment 1. Tt e preliminary fire flow is 1,500 gpm, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structures and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of all the structures. 2. Fii e Department access roadways are required to be within 150 feet of all portions of the building exteriors. Rc adways are a minimum of 20 feet in width, paved, with a turning radius of 45 feet outside and 25 feet inside. 3. Tv'o means of access are required by City ordinance when more than two buildings are more than 200 feet from a puolic street. 4. Provide a list of the flammable, combustible liquids and any hazardous chemicals to be used or stored on site. 5. Wien the permanent office facility is constructed, the property will be credited for the Fire Mitigation Fee required for this proposal. Planni ig 1. As a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit, the applicant will be required to establish secondary ac;ess to the site. This will require the creation of a 20 foot paved access way over the property to the north in order to connect the site to 2nd Ave NE. If the parcels are under separate ownership, an access easement will ne 3d to be established. If an easement is necessary, the recording of the easement will also be required as a Cc ndition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit and will be subject to the review and approval of the De velopment Services Division. If the easement is not necessary, the installation of the paved secondary access wil be required prior to the final approval of the Construction Permit. 2. As a Condition of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit, the applicant will also be required to submit revised site plans indicating paved access and parking as well as secondary access. ERCRP- City of f'enton P/B/PW Department Environme, eview Committee Staff Report KING CJUNTY TEMPORARY OFFICE Tk/►LERS LUA-99-044, TP, ECF REPOR7 AND DECISION OF MAY 25, 1999 Page 3 of 3 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. Has the applicant adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development? 1. Fife Prevention Impact 3: The proposal will add 5,660 square feet of new temporary construction to the site that will potentially impact the Citi's Fire Department. A Fire Mitigation Fee, based on $0.52 per square foot of structure, applies to all develo)ment in the City. The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$0.52 per square foot of structure located on the site. The mitigation fee, estimated at $3,047.20, is payable prior to the issuance of building permit:,. The property will be credited for the mitigation fees paid for this proposal when the permanent facility is constri cted. The pr)ject is also required to provide a secondary access to the site pursuant to City code requirements. This will require the creation of a paved access way connecting the west side of the site to 2nu Avenue NE. In addition, the gravel drive proposed does not meet minimum Fire access requirements. As a Condition of Approval for the Tempc rary Use Permit, the applicant will be required to submit revised plans indicating the location and dimensions of the acc ess way as well as the paving of all access roads. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$0.52 per square foot of structure located on the site. The mitigation fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. Policy Nexus: Environmental Ordinance (SEPA), Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution and adopting ordinance. 2. Aauifer Protection Area Impacts: The subject site is located within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area (APA). The temporary use of the site by vehicles for access and parking could pose a potential impact to the aquifer. The Renton Municipal Code requires access and parking areas for sites developed within the APA to be paved. Specific design standards are also required for drainage systems installed in this area. The proposed gravel access and parking area, as well as the bioswale and on-site infiltration pond, do not satisfy minimum requirements for development in the APA. As Conditions of Approval for the Temporary Use Permit, the applicant will be required to revise plans to include minimum design standards for the drainage facility and the paving of the site. In addition, the applicant will be required to obtain construction and building permits. Mitigaion Measures: No further mitigation above and beyond existing code requirements is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The p-oposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applic able, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Envii onmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM June 14, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. ERCRFT oz CC ZI_,j 0> • Q 1 - - 1 ,ok, • ];.2 1 tI (.5L ) GrovelD.iK.a, .. .. IS'wMe KINC CWNIY F� DIS iRiCT CWRT t LI G . 1 B Ir 1 1 L-1 -------------- • E.i6tinq ,J 1 ) I! t .. 1EASEM GRAPHIC SCALE I. P New Hates == Service Line k Nes $IIRKY II I I Meter for Each vnane/fLer/ 1 s na t • Trader i5W Optic,Line IiRAM-ERS I W New Sewer I Yell.w R. NAL(SP�RE) B 11L 1 EXISTING/ pRppERTY LR( L SURVEY ` 1 N„ E Manhole _ TRAILER$ VOJ31t�` UT IT'''. IN. ECTION — —— — ) I PUB OF ORBSRENTO --T 15 KW GENERATOR ESA C � __ __ _ _ 1 T / PUBLIC C WORKS TRAILER ',flag ",j/%/�/// j///�//// j v,.•60P, 1 E•istinq Cote dd l"-- 5)4 ie. \ ,0'.Ao' I(JJ ( LEGEND �, O Temporaryonto Storage '� I~IS OD li 1 Symbols ti `°°` If I I 111 1 1 11 Nit I. i I I 1 I. 1 11111111 I BUILDING N 6' A A d New 1 FEED ENGR./STORE p 66100 Nes Gravel PorVevq Argo +000 , Seclrica a fie Nrbmt *der t I IF� _ _ 59 Spaces.0(5 sa SOFT *Liq't Post .—'---------------Sse•er torm A=e830.1 SOFT 6+.00 O a T ��� Pave • LI Mwrlasl L y Handicapped p •Cad Bahl Electric Live — — Parking NEW FENCE 11 Sew Gate LacaUl o AyRM - Phme A III _ FLs Oplic \ I 8 m r on amK —Properly I e00.00 • Wets MeterFence 1 I a Discamect ———UM,.Easement II k I 1 • \\ 1 1 1\) i. 1 1 b _ • 1 1 _ it 1 I / - CALL 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 FED.u0 No. SHEET 9"•KD KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SASE NAP ALCMlfA 1. hr PAUL TOUVER,DIRECTOR OKCI : SURVEYPROJECT Na. Agin. RENTON FACILITY © 6 O(CI[6D: No. i' HELP stool' SHEETS 'Steil)FOR PERM TS a J/I6/Ra TEMPORARY L TRAILERS D I/„/W6 RTve9d •• OAR MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. a k�e OM 1 UTILITY PLAN pf / x PROPERTY LINE _ e_ 403.3 ft -O ' x x x x T( x x x x x x x x x x x x Overland Flow Overland Flow x x l„1,,,,11i p ////// //� j� � % 14' x 6 0' A14 x 60�x 0 x 45'% 4' x 60' 4' x 60' �,,,,,,,,,,�////////// ///////// // x r Overland Flow Overland Flow xre 1 - '- x X i 5.. \ ' S- 5 I , � y . S ` t x )X Overlord Flow 1 , Overland ' ow - - 1 � x / 1I x (0.5% Slope Infiltration Pond 0.5R Slope 7.7 Ditch 7.On 1 t x x X Ditch - r Oft 3:1 Sideslopes ` illi I I I 4 Bioswale 1% Slope 16.0f1 - 34.6ft Overland Flow , I I I I I I I I I / yr 160.0N .oat! 1 X / x 6 ` t' A" x x x x x x x x x x x X 0 //" vi. 44 ° ` i . 'Entire Site Will Be -.11114`sioNAL Graded At 0.5% Slope SCALE: 1" = 30' twogs rn' 1 Towards Drainage Ditch `1 3/4/91 and Bioswale (see CALL 2 DAYS Overland Flow direction) BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 iED.No KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET um-ma PALL T5AER.PREcwR e W E UM InOt �^°° g1pEiMs �". RENTON FACILITIES 6 3or cm� SURVEY No. i'� SHEETS rnn MOMTEMPORARY TRAILERS Man AM fora P 1/w7r MAINTENANCE DIVISXM No. DRAINAGE PLAN 0 MUM In WE • ,,,....r 1 -Ts) ...Yll �yl L-, L h1 41 I I - To Be Cleored: 0I L I I ' 1.5 Acres * Trees: Two 12" DBH Douglas—fir I 1omit' One 5" DBH Douglas—fir 44 © ' Many small Alders and Maple Trees 0 It EASE VT �, R Vegetation: Scotchbroom 0 © . p..crost. / I save Large Maple Tree O- PROPERTY LINE 0 / — — 403.3 tt _ OM — _ — 1 . 1, ` ' f t a .. W M M - N - ( 7� 7, rApp, .. f` / A _ 1b�roAT.FA"" Ie. g—Fir Trees • MIRES 7R7/ ` ' I . `� J/6/y LEGEND / Symbols ° �• 1 0 Tree % /Mao To Be Cleared Unity Easement Boundary ` *Light Past _ _ _ _ _ _ —pnwety Lisa Fence - 1111P A Naresnent e A A A A A A A Tree and**Lotion Line 0 a 0 I Scale: 1"=40' 3 CALL 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 >.�,ae FED." " �` KIND COUNP AULTDEP�T TRANSPORTATION a T AIDDPIECTOR NAP Rm: COM ROT - — -- PRC ECT IAA man. crea siAnET Ns .:�-j RENTON FACILITIES 8 m 'IUDFMSHEETS TEMPORARY AN POEM re.OVER MAINTENANCE DM9CN No. LANNUDCCLEARNC PLAN • a 3n0n0 WARM IR EWE • 11 III 1 III 1 II III II 1111 I I It 11 111111111I1[1 IIfLllhI10lHOH11lLlHDlHll Illlll11ll 111- o BE .,"off" o. . GII,_ � .._. ICI=� � CFI 5rt Lt=n:7I." , .... a vl. v.o..1T %AZ V••NT • J e Bowro -ms wt.ss.. ■ , _ p. -_(may_ - (...I_U.ee h4A 11 NL %tette-CO. NO1E:Please refer to tie Ploy Rai fa mat traia CImrnsrrts.This earhl depicts a "tgad"trakr. I'-r O L .Iv.c u+I_ �1 LJ .s-r -3LtkY Trill — - - ..__ - ._� li Fiatf MR O yuV(•,Eo CALL 2 DAYS WIEVT.T BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 FED AID No. KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION SHEET BASE+AR RAT: PAu( Tr.FR.D,SLCTQP 3 OF .AL OE OT: PROJECT No. A4E11e ID a 0 cocoa": SURVEY No. RENTON FACILITY 6 SHEETS MID WO. TEMPORARY TRAILERS ISSUED r01.RRYTS 3P6/99 MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. 1<°'e+ ,Ir I TYPICAL ELEVATIONS . ...] IX11 v-r, /-±1,11111 :1 = rr r rr 1Of5 —� �r .WJ.J.rYt i►rr I..- g - -I rr I.- I I= .-.r". .r _ii1 I , T --- J y _ eNIRT]I _ 7 l` ' mi Orr I r t-- • 1.,7 .1_ 0 - 1r ,-1--- - x_a1- r rr .-r ..I I _1 IP x-r 1141,,.. la i— l'' —'''',,,,... '. • r-r - I /...sr.r... e • ® -.+ rr K____. _r CCCC r _ ���rr-� __M .r rr � r .0r 1 • rr Ir-r ... 1 4) .-rlr-r 1 -ram . I�..r I =� r �rr " �, xi. ,r-a PIMI VEW-WRY MU*'s 18 2 PIA VEW-51RVEYIRM.ER5*'s 3 8 4 11,11 VEW-E5AWE I Four-ro wuvr-ro ruvr-ra CALL 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 pAo(rIP JCP 12/11/90 FED.AID No. SHEET KING COUNTY DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DAB r.o 0.01 4 + .4 PAUL TaIVER.DIRECTOR XS..PLO?. JCP PROJECT No. AR011A '. ) OF ««ED SURVEY No. RENTON FACILITY 6 rr10 Doo, SHEETS ISSUED!DR MOWS . 1hrM TEMPORARY TRAILERS JCP ,Ra/9r R[M901 to Dot _ MAINTENANCE DIVISION No. r F�'a efAt I FLOOR PLAN King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation Road Maintenance Section 155 Monroe Ave NE Renton,WA 98056-4199 May 6, 1999 Lesley Nishihira Assistant Planner, City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Temporary Office Trailers, File Number LUA-99-044, TP, ECF (King County Project Number A48114) Dear Ms. Nishihira: Thank you for your letter dated April 2, 1999 requesting an environmental checklist be prepared as part of King County's land use application for the temporary office trailers. Please find enclosed twelve copies of a completed environmental checklist, one copy with an original signature. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of four-hundred dollars ($400) as payment for the environmental review fee. If you have any questions, please call me at (206)296-8248. Sincerely, Jon Cassidy,PE Supervising Engineer Enclosures JC:Ip F:lsepapits\renton\trailersUtrtrail.doc �• �- CITY `sir— RENTON 3 N Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 2, 1999 Jon Cassidy King County Department of Transportation . 155 Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg H Renton, WA 98056 Subject: Temporary Office Trailers File No. LUA-99-044, TP, ECF Dear Mr. Cassidy: Thank you for your recent land use application for the King County DOT Temporary Office Trailers. This letter serves as notification that the City of Renton has determined that additional information is needed in order to continue processing your application. The proposal includes the location of 6 temporary structures on the site which total 5,860 square feet in addtion to 59 parking stalls. As presented, the proposal does not fall below the City's adopted SEPA exemption thresholds (4,000 square feet or less for structures and 20 stalls or less for parking areas). Therefore, in addition to the Temporary Use Permit review, SEPA Environmental Review will also be required. In order to initiate the review of the proposal, the following information will be required: 1. 12 copies of a completed Environmental Checklist (1 copy must have an original signature). 2. An additional fee of $400.00 is required for the Environmental Review. At this time your application has not been accepted and the timeframe for the review of the project has not begun. In order to formally accept the application as complete, all of the information listed above will need to be submitted. The materials submitted will be held until May 7th at which time they will be returned to you if the necessary information has not be received. Please contact me with at (425) 430-7270 with any questions. Sincerely, /2p3b Lesley Nishihira Assistant Planner SUtsKEQ.DOC1 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL It DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 5w/f 1Ld Lots-i.( COMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 APPLICATION NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/99 APPLICANT: King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira O�1y PROJECT TITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 4g� ���RF�, LOCATION: 155 Monroe Avenue NE �� �`'.k `�U, �N SITE AREA 65,000 s.f. BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,360 .41/lv SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval for the try location of six structures(five trailers—two @ 1,440 s.f., two @ 840 s.f., one @ 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f. to subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility mpleted. A. ENMONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of he Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environmert Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreli 1e Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environment it Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resc urces Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLh:Y-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE.-RELATED COMMENTS We have rev ewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ed ict/(A ib/7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date devapp Rev 10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWINI3 DEPARTMENT: Cov\S;}Vv uw vl •eAAC. COMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 APPLICATIDN NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/99 APPLICAN": King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira PROJECT—ITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 Ck• LOCATION 155 Monroe Avenue NE ,c•� SITE AREP: 65,000 s.f. BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,a60 s.f. 3(r SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval :the temporary location of six structures (five trailers—two @ 1,440 s.f., two @ 840 s.f., one @ 900 s.f., and one storage container s.f. ) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permatIkVacility is completed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element oft ie Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environmen' Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreli ie Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environment it Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resc uroes Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLI:Y-RELATED COMMENTS C. 7RTEDCOM ,MENTS • LL�- yte_4,z,(A4.4:4 T We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas when additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. nature or Dire or or Authorized Represetive Date devapp Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWIN G DEPARTMENT: ECQtrit,W\ GRAtriviATCOMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 APPLICATION NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/99 APPLICAN T: King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira PROJECT TITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 LOCATION: 155 Monroe Avenue NE SITE AREA 65,000 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,360 s.f. SUMMAR)"OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures(five trailers—two @ 1,440 s.f.,two @ 840 s.f., one©900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f. )on the subject site. The t 3mporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of he Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environmer t Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shorei ne Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmemal Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Rest urces Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLI:Y-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas ere a••l • . ormation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature 'rector or horized Representative Date/ devapp / Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWIF'G DEPARTMENT: M quits pova+t6\ COMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 C APPLICA1 ION NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/99 APPLICAh T: King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Ni{ jhira _ '11� PROJECT TITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 a � ar, LOCATION: 155 Monroe Avenue NE 'k(y !z9�j1.7 SITE ARE,k: 65,000 s.f. BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,360 s.f. /6 SUMMAR` OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval for the temporary cation of six structures (five trailers—two @ 1,440 s.f.,two @ 840 s.f., one @ 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f. ) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of he Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environmei t Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shore1 le Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmeni 31 Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Re&urces Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS S I vt �tefr/ce'ze P6✓6(✓ )vl vlatoc2 �ve#,e, 1207) (7,10' l/ i s wa.vVci KT-et C. CODA -RELATED COMMENTS IUD L-o uvt wt We have ret iewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. �/V i1/t/% 5/7/6M Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date devaPP Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Fire ('reue n+Lev\ COMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 APPLICATION NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/ 041 FIBF APPLICAN T: King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nisfiihfia-n" I.IRF' PROJECT TITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 1 1999 LOCATION: 155 Monroe Avenue NE SITE ARE/: 65,000 s.f. l BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,360 s.f. i V ED SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structur (five trailers—two @ 1,440 s.f.,two @ 840 s.f., one @ 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f. ) on the subject site. The tE mporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of!le Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Envlronmen! Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreli ie Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environment it Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Res(urces Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet tIo /Il1j Or ppac— B. POLI:Y-RELATED COMMENTS /? C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS,(// 67,4-44,-ej We have re'iewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional informati needed to properly assess this proposal. 0-2/Y C7 Signature off rector or Auth z d Re esentative Date devapp ,/ Rev.10/93 0 CITY OF RENTON veP-a FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU -NTo MEMORANDUM DATE: May 12, 1999 TO: Lesley Nishihira, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal rt SUBJECT: King Co. Temp. Office Trailers, 155 Monroe Av. NE Fire Department Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1500 GPM, one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structures and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of all the structures. V/M w A fire mitigation fee of$3,047.20 is required based on $.52 per square i3 ttage of all the structures. 11 'cne n 'V'3. Fire Department access roadways are required to within 150 feet of all portions of the building exteriors. Roadways are a minimum 20 in width, paved, with a turning radius of 45 foot outside and 25 foot inside. 4. Two means of access are required by City ordinance when more than two buildings are more than 200 feet from a public street. 5. The parking area may be required to be paved due to the aquifer protection zone. 6. Provide a list of the flammable, combustible liquids and any hazardous chemical to be used or stored on site. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Ptzmi ReUIP..c"o—Waite COMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 APPLICATION NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/99 � APPLICANT: King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira tr/pAr„.•PROJECT TITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 ��� LOCATION: 155 Monroe Avenue NE SITE AREA 65,000 s.f. BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,360 s.f. r".4!)/ �� V`� SUMMAR) OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval for the temporary local +Q� six structures( five trailers—two @ 1,440 s.f.,two @ 840 s.f., one @ 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f. ) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of,he Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environmer t Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shorel le Use Utilities Animals Transportation Envlronmenl3l Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Res(urces Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLI.Y-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS /� 1\)O GJWIIke ` We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 1/: /q1 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 1) City of Renton Depa 'lent of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWIt\G DEPARTMENT: t t(ic,. COMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 APPLICAT ON NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF �i, DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/99 APPLICAI\T: King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira PROJECT TITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 LOCATIOI`'': 155 Monroe Avenue NE SITE AREr+: 65,000 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,360 s.f. SUMMAR) OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures(five trailers—two© 1,440 s.f., two @ 840 s.f., one @ 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f. ) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of.he Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environmer t Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation LandrShorelt 1e Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environment 3l Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Res urces Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 5c1..(..e -I CFS OnnkoLL n1in\Mcci 1coPct- or \ice 3 iCP . B. POLI:Y-RELATED COMMENTS C. COD1_-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. C. br; els S -c) - qc-1 Signature of Director or A0qAzed Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWIN G DEPARTMENT: PCUr`Kj COMMENTS DUE: 5/21/99 APPLICATION NO: LUA-99-044, TP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: 5/7/99 APPLICAN T: King Co. Dept. of Transportation PROJECT MANAGER: Lesley Nishihira PROJECT TITLE: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers WORK ORDER NO: 78513 LOCATION: 155 Monroe Avenue NE SITE ARE.\: 65,000 s.f. BUILDING AREA(gross): 115,360 s.f. SUMMAR`.OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, King County Dept. of Transportation is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structui es ( five trailers—two @ 1,440 s.f., two @ 840 s.f., one @ 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f. ) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King County survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of he Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environmei t Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shorel ne Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environment 31 Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Res uroes Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet o '�,4, B. POLI:Y-RELATED COMMENTS /0 C. CODI RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is ne to properly assess this proposal. -S-1171?7 Signature of Director or Authorized epresentative Date devapp Rev.10/93 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS within 300 feet of the subject site PROJECT NAME: 7—crnpor•af•y O6E►cP Try; Ie.rS APPLICATION NO: LVA'99. 044 ill' The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Sew A.4-1-0 LleAea. See* Oki/L.",TyGFopM�Nr REN��NING MAR 1 8 1999 VFD (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Name Address City State/Pro Postal Co 's Parcel Number /3 Gary Kraun 3216 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126400090 *ddre.SK OK^�. Re anal Shelman 2391 Sound View Dr Langley WA 98260- 5126400095 Sherry Brunette 3205 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126400130 Ja rk Oden 3209 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126400135 Or le&Robin Brew 3217 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126400140 Joseph Diambri 3232 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900005 Denise Carey 3300 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126900010 P.A.Henninger Sr. 3308 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900015 Pacific Sunset Pro PO Box 80944 Seattle WA 98108- 5126900020 Kenneth Schwab 3324 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900025 Jo in Gollie 3332 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900030 Join&Marion Stei 3340 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900035 Rt-krne'I u-John Dobson 6611 114 Ave SE Renton WA 98056- 5126900040 l/ipu laI t Lie as add/a65ea �(cf cie L tv"�' R<nald&Geralynn 3412 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126900045 CE rrenia&John C 3420 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900050 De vid&Terri Beal 26018 SE 38 Ct Issaquah WA 98027- 5126900055 Tr)y Deady 3436 SE 5 St Renton WA 98055- 5126900060 Se muel Gomes 2222 Sahalee Dr E Redmond WA 98053- 5126900065 H;rold Reeser 3225 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900080 WL Basart 3301 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900085 Michael&Dona Wi 3309 SE 5 St Renton WA 98058- 5126900090 Patricia Maurer& 3313 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126900095 John Jr.&Terry Kr 3321 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126900100 Nancy Dalthorp 3325 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98058- 5126900105 Jack&Lee Lyons 15002 135 Ave SE Renton WA 98058- 5126900110 Jo nn Caldwell 3401 SE 5 ST Renton WA 98055- 5126900115 .... ««««<«<«2<2««««2«<<«««<«««««««<«<«««««««<««««<«2««Kit«K«KtK«2<««2<t<<«<««<««««t««<<t«<<2<<tt«2<t«««««<««2«««««2C«<«<««<2«««t««2«<2<22«<<«<««<V02""'b Tuesday,March 16, 1999 Page 2 of 2 ,1` Y Od NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: May 7,1999 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-99-044,TP,ECF APPLICATION NAME: King County Temporary Office Trailers PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, King Co. Dept. of Transportation, is requesting approval for the temporary location of six structures (five trailers—two at 1,440 s.f., two at 840 s.f., one at 900 s.f., and one storage container at 400 s.f.) on the subject site. The temporary structures will be used to house King Co. survey crews and equipment until a permanent facility is completed. PROJECT LOCATION: 155 Monroe Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton Is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated(DNS-M). A 14 day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: March 18, 1999 (:" \` NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: May 7, 1999 D V APPLICANT/OWNER: King County Department of Transportation Permits/Review Requested: SEPA Environmental Review,Temporary Use Permit Other Permits which may be required: Building Permits,Construction Permits Requested Studies: Drainage Report Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: Not required. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Analytical process Project consistency refers to whether a project is consistent with adopted and applicable development regulations,or in their absence,comprehensive plan policies. RCW 36.70B.110(2)(g)provides that the Notice of Application(NOA) include a statement of the preliminary determination of a project's consistency with the type of land use,level of development,infrastructure,and character of development if one has been made at the time of notice. At a minimum, every NOA shall include a determination of the project's consistency with the zoning,comprehensive plan and development regulations. Land Use: The proposal is consistent with the Light Industrial(IL)zoning designation as well as the Center Institution Comprehensive Land Use Map designation. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: None known. Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's Environmental Ordinance,Zoning Code,Public Work's Standards, Uniform Building Code,and Uniform Fire Code. Proposed Mitigation Measures: 1. Fire Mitigation Fee-$0.52 per square foot of new building may be required of the proposal. NOTICEOF Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Lesley Nishihira, Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on May 21, 1999. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact Lesley Nishihira at(425)430-7270. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: LESLEY NISHIHIRA(425)430-7270 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION ."17= NE.1643,:5 I i '= 41 0 SP i I 1 :J.._ ,.;t }. A . !Ji I 1 i , L _ '1 . ii I D rip 0 ..! 1 1 c rIii o .JI 4, CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 7, 1999 Jon Cassidy King Co. Dept. of Transportation 155 Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg H Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: King Co. Temporary Office Trailers LUA99-044,TP,ECF The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on May 25, 1999. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at 425-430-7270, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Lesley Nishihira Project Manager eeoptr 1055 South Grady Way- Renton, Washington 98055 E . .:,...... . . . . . . 0 ..... CITY _• RENTON ,:i:iiii:.iiiiiai , iii.::iii:i:4mi:,;=i ii iiimm:,m:wii . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • :::'.;..`: "`'`! r, ` '' MIT LAND USE PER . .. ..... ... . .. ... .. �. . • MASTER APP TION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INEORMATtON Note: If thoi a is more:than oae[egal owner, please attach an additional notarized Master AppiI atiorifiorirach owner. • PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: KinN. CouM-y Ibepar-l-ne of T-m pc r try OCCice 7-Tu-. I eAs5 Franse01' 10.1 PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 155 MonPoe_ AVenVe 1\iE /55 /`'l.onroe A . Ai L: CITY: Re.,,+on ZIP: lPjQs6 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): Z� 16 a305-9003 -oe TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( 06) (?6I6•-g I QQ EXISTING LAND USE(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) M I+i Ple Uses PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: 5.e. A.5 01,,,ne(- `: c w 1 c. COMPANY if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) -4 k O _c�OypME CITY: ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: - • O �ID L.q Op CNN/�yG LI. (' ) R R18199g TELEPHONE NUMBER: �� PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): V ,t '' CONTACT PERSON "'`ytt.' �/ O SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: -pn C.6-55 idly. 6 S,000 S c-c- COftAPANY (if applicable): K4,‘ CoUn- OUT PROJECT VALUE: B/00Z 000 ADDRESS: 156 N1onrioe_ At..e✓► /1/E IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? (t,;la-inl H ies CITY: R ,+o1(, ZIP: ' BOS6 f� IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) atq(,- gl yg N© PROJECT NARRATIVE TEMPORARY OFFICE TRAILERS INTRODUCTION The Roads and Engineering Division of King County Department of Transportation is proposing to relocate two—24' x 60' trailers,two— 14' x 60' trailers,one-20' x 45' trailer, and one- 10' x 40' storage container onto a site at the existing King County Consolidated and Office Repair Facility(CORF) located at 155 Monroe Avenue Northeast in the City of Renton. The proposed trailers will be used to temporarily house King County Survey crews and equipment until a permanent building can be built at this site. This project will also include the addition of approximately 59 parking stalls and all necessary utility hook ups. II. SITE HISTORY King County has owned the CORF facility since July 19, 1951. The site currently houses over 250 employees. This site is in use by King County's Road Maintenance Administration and Special Operation crews,Traffic Engineering, Soils Lab,Parks, and Fleet. The site is presently zoned IL(P). This project under current zoning codes is a permitted use. The site conforms to the 1990 CORF Master Plan. III. SCOPE OF PROPOSED PROJECT-GENERAL The site for the proposed temporary trailers will be located in the northeast quarter Section 16, Township 23,Range 5, due south of the district court buildings. The trailers will be removed after the design and construction of a permanent facility at the CORF site(not to exceed two years). This project will also entail the addition of approximately 59 parking stalls and utility installation for the trailers. The proposed site has a slope differential of not more than 1%, and is currently zoned IL(P). The estimated construction cost is • approximately$100,000. The overall nature and design of the proposed trailers does not significantly alter the current site. The vegetation in the area consists primarily of brush species with a few small trees. The project will increase the number of employees at the CORF site by 27. The proposed site will add 5,800 square feet of office space. The additional vehicles will be accommodated in a 21,000 square foot gravel parking area constructed adjacent to the proposed trailers. Drainage for the proposed site will be routed to a bioswale and onsite infiltration ekN#`NG � MaR 1 v�Q City of Renton Temporary Use Permit is a requirement of this project. Soil test pits showed medium dense sand and gravel for 2' followed by 4.5' of glacial outwash. IV. PROJECT DETAILS-SPECIFIC County forces will install the temporary trailers,parking lot, and utility hook ups. The two 24' x 60' trailers will be used as crew assembly rooms. The two— 14' x 60' trailers and 20' x 45' trailer will be used as offices and equipment storage. The container unit is for equipment storage only. Parking stalls will be used for County vehicles as well as private vehicles. There are an adequate number of parking stalls at this facility. The project construction design includes handicap access ramps for each of the trailers. Sewer,water, electrical, and communications will serve the trailers. Sewer and water permits will be obtained through the City of Renton. V. SUMMARY/CLOSING The proposed installation of the temporary trailers will cause minimal impact to the King County maintenance facility and the surrounding area. Measures have been taken in the proposed design to route drainage to the water quality facility in order to protect both the area's aquifer and to prevent potential leaching of contaminated storm water into area soils. • E5 • 9 T23N R5E W 1/2 E5 . 9 T23N l E 1/2 • _ci 4_� R=et� ) —'6- , _ I . • . —] P S _-- CS p I NE 4th St. —i-arra_i too. ENE ith St. me 4-1" CA CA 1 1 p II 1 M—I I SraS''. CS NE j3rd PI �- R—8 ,------1— R-10 • R-10 CS R-10I(P) NE2ndSt. R—1-01— -- R _ - j1 • roeC� o �_ �� Si*Co PI.4f .417 " - --- ): 7-__L N __._ RMH R -8 • ( R M H \__ ---- -- _ RCTi-' ---\v • —11i , I5',h! St.1 1 I -1 I 1 11 - / -- — -- �- /� 5 1_Jr \ 1� '% RC(P) ,/ RC(P) itio•- i-1/%4 R4,3'/ s\;,<<" //, .1__ _ _ k,\k tojt_ ›R--8/ i / / 1 0 s ,�6'h\ �R=BSI_ ® INOFNTPL,gNNlN� �. R C 440 i RENTON R \\ 4444 /'R-8`! MAR 1 8 1999 \ \ A6k. /R 8 �•G5 • 21T23NR5EW1/Z ECEIVE • Y 0 4�0 F5 (15 • 21T23NR5EEU2 g �a 4Sw 1 taa001 iaa00 16 T23N R5E W 1/; 16 T23N R5E _ filed Foecord At the Re nest Of Fee Simple 2-9-81 City of Renton 06 King County Real Property Division DEED The Grantor , KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington , for and in consideration of the sum of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/ 100 dollars ( $450 , 000 . 00 ) in hand paid, does hereby grant and convey unto the City of Renton , the following described real estate , situate in King County, Washington: ` Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East, W.M. ; i~ Thence along the East-West center of section line South 89-01-16 East a distance of 683 . 33 feet ; Thence North 1- 04-13 East 363 . 53 feet to the true point of beginning ; Thence continuing North 1-04-13 East a distance 960 feet to the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16 ; Thence South 89-03-38 East along said North line a distance of 642 . 05 feet to the Northeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16 ; Thence South 1-00-49 West along East line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance 960 feet ; Thence North 89-03-38 West parallel with the North line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 643 feet to the true point of beginning . Except the West 30 feet thereof . Together with and subject to a 60 foot easement for ingress , egress and utilities over , under and across the following described parcels : the East 60 feet of the West 713 . 33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of wct Section 16 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East, W.M. ; the Cr) North 60 , feet of the East 373 . 33 feet of the West 653 . 33 lI") feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 0 Cr-) 16 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East , W.M . ; also together -- with a 60 foot easement for ingress and egress over and Cn across the North 60 feet of the West 280 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16 , C?-) Township 23 North , Range 5 East , W. M. Contains 588 , 024 square feet or 13 . 50 acres , more or less . This Deed is in fulfillment of that certain Real Estate Contract executed by the parties hereto and recorded under Recording No . 8109020591 , records of King County, Washington . DATED this /5 .Ah day of A001A,22-260 --- , 1991 . v KING COUN Y , IJ/ HI TON BY O 0 SUS HEZF TIT KING C UNTY E CUTIVE SMTE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF KING I certify that ve-� signed this instrument , on oat stated that he was authorized by the King County Executive to e to the in trument , and acknowledged it as the Tl Apr - ;4j1S1-kv-1 i,1y1�- of King County , Washington , to be the ree and voluntary act of said County for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument . o Dated 9D9CO V.1 •2 41 .' NOT '� I�4 :LIC i nd for the O Sta� of Washington , residing .,' a t jl4Nx P1 TP�Y1'�C v • w . ' • My appointment expires I Ic05, CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN(S) • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says. tl, f 1. On the /k day of , 19 77 , I installed / public information sign(s) the property located at , /SS A.e-• /OE for the following project: A‘i Project name / r Owner' N(fa�•�,� .Cn rN�perla��I ame 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information si9n(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements o�� hapt Titl ;of Rent n Municipal Code. staller Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this /WI day of /)/V-6-4 , 19 gq DEVELOPMENT ITY OF RENONNING `14/1,t (Ady 11, ,(A/1_AAA MAR 1 6 7999 NOTARY PUBL in and for the State of Washington, residing at 1'1-tCc7t, RECEIVED My commission expires on /' ' % ' • PUBSION2.DOC REV.6198 PUBSIGN2.DOC\ ritiA Toi-Tecord"-1t The Request Of . ORIGINAL ._C .61.14) , REAL ESTATE CONTRACT • King County Real Property Division This Contract , made and entered into this 25th day of August 19_88 , between KING COUNTY , a political subdivision of the State of Washington , hereinafter called the Seller , and the CITY OF RENTON , a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter called the Purchaser . WITNESSF.T}1 : That the seller agrees to sell to the purchaser and the purchaser agrees to purchase from the seller the follow- ing described real estate , with the appurtenances , in liing -) County , Washington 11 8:S 1 n/0 r 40204 1 P RUT( F .00 Commencing at: the S . W . corner of the N6AEH: L 4:4:4:4:4:.n0 east 1/4 of Section 16 , Township 23 North , Fi5 Range 5 Ease , W . M . ; thence along the East- aD West center of Section line South 89-01-16 East a distance of 683 . 33 feet to the true point of beginning ; thence North 1-04-13 East 363 . 53 feet ; thence South 89-03-38 East 643 . 00 feet to the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of • the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16 ; thence South 1-00-49 West along the East line of said Southwest J./1 of the Northeast 1/4 a distance of 363 . 96 feet to Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 16 ; thence North 89-01-16 West along 0� the South line of the Northeast 1/4 of said r" Section 16 a distance of G43 . 36 feet to the z W t-- O'" Ya c� '. ;. true point of beginning . .=_ CD W Except for the West 30 feet thereof . TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a G0 foot easement for ingress , egress and utilities over , under and across the following described parcels : The East GO feet of the West 713 . 33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East , W.M. ; The North GO feet of the East 373 . 33 feet of the West 653 . 33 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 16 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East , W . M. ; ALSO TOGETHER WITH a CO foot easement for ingress and egress over and across the North 60 feet of . the West 280 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast. 1/4 of said Section 16 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East , W .M . The terms and conditions of this contract are as follows : The purchase price is THREE. HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ( $390 , 300 . 00 ) of which THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 hOLLARS ( S300 , 000 . 00 ) have been paid , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , and the balance of said purchase price shall b::• paid us, follows : FOURTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND 91 /J Ot) DOLLARS ( $1 .1 , G 1 7 . 91 ) or more at pur- chaser ' s option , on or before the 1st day of October , 19 89_, and on or before the _ _ _1st dad- of October of each succeeding year thereafter , until the balance of said pur- chase price shall ha‘ e been fully paid. The purchaser further agrees to pay interest: on the diminishing balance of said pur- chase price at the rate of ten percent ( 10%) per annum from the __1st_day of October , 19 88 _, which interest shall be deducted from each installment payment and payments to be made hereunder shall be made a t : 1 y JELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS:' REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: Calculations, Survey, Drainage Control Plane MN) Drainage Report 2 A)/1, YV Elevations, Architectural3AND4 Elevations, Grading 2 iV/C.X Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy)4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 Flood Plain Map, if applicable 4 Floor Plans 3 AND 4 , �/� Geotechnical Report2AND3 NfreW Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Plan, Detailed 2 /‘1 RGt� King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscaping Plan, Conceptual Legal Description 4 List of Surrounding Property Owners 4 Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) , Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Postage 4 Public Works Approval Letter2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography Map (5' contours)3 • Traffic Study 2 A),e.ls/ Tree CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Delineation Map4 iYw Wetlands Planting Plan 4 Wetlands Study This requirement may be waived by: t� 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: -T 1p ,�v` I c Ivi-t1CRS 2. Public Works Plan Review Section ���I lU� t�4� 3. Building Section DATE: l ! 4. Development Planning Section h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev.plan.ing\waiver.xls CITY RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 2, 1999 Jon Cassidy King County Department of Transportation 155 Monroe Avenue NE, Bldg H Renton, WA 98056 Subject: Temporary Office Trailers File No. LUA-99-044, TP, ECF Dear Mr. Cassidy: Thank you for your recent land use application for the King County DOT Temporary Office Trailers. This letter serves as notification that the City of Renton has determined that additional information is needed in order to continue processing your application. The proposal includes the location of 6 temporary structures on the site which total 5,860 square feet in addtion to 59 parking stalls. As presented, the proposal does not fall below the City's adopted SEPA exemption thresholds (4,000 square feet or less for structures and 20 stalls or less for parking areas). Therefore, in addition to the Temporary Use Permit review, SEPA Environmental Review will also be required. In order to initiate the review of the proposal, the following information will be required: 1. 12 copies of a completed Environmental Checklist (1 copy must have an original signature). 2. An additional fee of$400.00 is required for the Environmental Review. At this time your application has not been accepted and the timeframe for the review of the project has not begun. In order to formally accept the application as complete, all of the information listed above will need to be submitted. The materials submitted will be held until May 7th at which time they will be returned to you if the necessary information has not be received. Please contact me with at (425) 430-7270 with any questions. Sincerely, /) pR—) Lesley Nishihira Assistant Planner SIJBREQ.DOC1 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS PAI11070-S1 ' 403 REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 08/12/92 7COUNT NUMBER: 162305-900n-0 PROPERTY ADDRESS! 3107 NE 2ND ST )XPAYER NAME: KING COUNTY QTR: NE SECT: 16 TNN: 23 RNG: 5 FOLIO: C22858- - SUBAREA: 530-000 |ORT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK PLAT: * * * * * * * * * A S S E S S E D V A L U E H I S T O R Y * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * S A L E S H I S T O R Y_ * * * * * �AR LAND IMPS TOTAL L/C DATE CHANCE# REASON | DATE EXCISE# SALES PRICE REMARKS 3 0524,O00 8029000 12,653000 X 2100 04/17/92 REVALUE | � 2, 195,0O0 8, 129 , 100 10020100 X 2100 04/29/91 A002336 SEGREGATION | L 2, 195,O00 0129000 �0020100 X 2100 04/29/91 A002336 SEGREGATION | i 2, 320 ,000 8029000 10049000 X 2100 07/10/90 J002834 MERCER | i 650,400 2, 698000 3049000 X 2100 05/18/90 REVALUE | ) 2,320,000 8 , 129 , 100 10049, 100 X 2100 07/10/90 J002834 MERCER � } 650,400 2, 698,700 3049 , 100 X 2100 12/22/88 H007301 SEGREGATION | ; 650,400 2 , 698,700 3049000 X 2100 12/22/88 H007301 SEGREGATION | y 803 ,700 2, 698000 3002,400 X 2100 06/10/88 REVALUE | � 159,500 2,482000 2042000 X 2100 12/22/88 H007301 SEGREGATION | � X 2100 02/05/87 LEVY CODE CHNC ( ` 197, 100 2,482000 2079, 900 X 2105 07/10/86 REVALUE | 214 , 300 2, 698 ,700 2013 , O00 X 2105 02/13/85 LEVY CODE CHNC | i 214 ,300 2,698,700 2,913000 X 2122 08/10/84 MAINTENANCE | * * * CONTINUED * * * | * * END OF SALES HISTORY * * ( 1 ,8> . -_-----_-=-----------------------=====--------------------------=--- ------------------------===---- ---_====== lOOSE ONE OPTION: SEE ADDITIONAL HISTORY < ENTER > PRINT THIS SCREEN < PRINT > SEE PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS < PF3 > OR < PF15 > SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION < PF9 > OR < PF21 > SEE TAX INFORMATION < PF2 > OR < PF14 > TO END < PF12 > OR < PF24 > uEVELOPMENT PLANNING ' CITY OF RENTON MAR 1 n 1999 RECEIV CI OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ' ABATEMENT AGREEMENT FOR . TEMPORARY USE PERMIT ..' I, ROde,'i c.k L. PI c i-_}v/l r being the Applicant for the Temporary Use Permit at the location of: /55 Monroe Ave_ NE- hereby authorize the City of Renton to summarily eliminate the Temporary Use and all evidence of the use if it has not been removed as required by the terms of the permit. I also agree to reimburse the City for any expense incurred in abating this Temporary Use. Signature: Print Name: Rode,,GI g. /11e,r5an.e, Date: 3/601°/ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that >�/-f o ,-r r iE C ivVie://c,;fit.1 f� signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. i Dated: X4)..k_. ;A! (!LA) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary: (Print) C5eudl-v i My appointment expires: to—f C, "''�� TEMPUSE.DOC REVISED 6/98 8 1(1 5 7 LI 8 Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 E.,W.M. (PQI.__ZI,, 5) SOLD December 15, 1970 Sale Price: $33,000.00 (Credited to Road Fund). PURCHASER: Tino Cugini of 353 Vuemont P1. N.E., Renton, Wash. 98055 (Treas. Rec. #46125) County Treasurer issued Deed #40194, dated December 24, 1970 for the following described: i The West 265 feet of 142 of NE4 of NW16 of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , lying Nly of 3rd Avenue North Extension, less S.E. 128th St. (also known as 4th Ave. N.) SUBJECT to trans. t N line easement less coal & mineral rights. (Por. T.L. 5) 2 -- — ---- --- — — ----- — -- --12=29-70._E.E..- -- . .. ..---. MCI I 1 I 2• • • • ---- -- - 5 • Resolution #33346 passed 4-10-67 authorizing the transfer of - . _ -_- - property from King County Road District No. 2 to the Seattle- King County Health Department, or the Southeast District Health Center in the sum of $6,000.00. Check in the sum of $6,000.00 was i�'ected deposited with the County Treasurer, funds to be credited W ! to Road District No. 2. o • • W = J- o __._.__ . That portion of the N. 593.13 ft. of the W1 of the NE4 of the NW4 :_ of Section 16, Twp. 23 N. ,R. 5 E. ,W.M., in King County, Wash. , lying south of the southerly R/W line of 3rd Avenue North Extension, less • - the East 60 ft. thereof for County Road. (Por. T.L. 5) ' • • 4-27-67 E.E. :, • • 24 25 26 27 70 ' 7r,">.. 7.1 • / COPY ---------_---- ----- l'i '.. `'. RESOLUTION #12554 1 1 4 ` WHEREAS, King County has been granted an option by H. G. White and Agnes 2 J. White, husband and wife, contract purchasers, for thirty days, from date 3 of March 14, 1951, to purchase the lands hereinafter described for a total 4 4 sum of $20,500.00, said lands being described as follows: ' = The West 1/2 of the NE4" of the NW4f and the SE* of the J NW4, and the SW4 of the NE4i and the NW4 of the SE4 of 6 Section 16, T. 23 N. , R. 5 E. ,W.M. Contg. 140 Acres M/L. 7 . s 3 and; .9 U WHEREAS, the said property contains large deposits of sand and gravel 9 necessary for the County rood construction, and; 10 11 ` WHEREAS, the purchase of said property at the price named in said Option 2 is recommended by the County Road Engineer, 12 13 '' BE IT RESOLVED that the County Road Engineer is authorized and directed to 14 4 close purchase transaction of said property through. the Escrow Department of the Washington Title Insurance Company, and to pay the escrow charges 15 ' end deliver the deed to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners for filing for record. 16 r, 17 PASSED this 19th day of March, 1951. is :s 9 /S/ J. A. Gibbs 19 Wm. H. Sears _o Dean McLean 20 Board of County Commissioners 21 1 ,; ; of King County, Washington 22 2 ATTEST: ROBERT A. MORRIS 23 =' Clerk of Board - �.7 ' - f / —24 Rv /Q/ RAl r.}, S'ta„rinr •\ 25 ,6 - NCA:mm J_ r �. 26 Attach • _ =7 Dist. No. 2 '`y: *..: :: :27 . :.. 28 0 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING King County CITY OF RENTON Road Services Division Department of Transportation MAY 0 6 1999 Yesler Building 400 Yesler Way,Room 400 Seattle,WA 98104-2637 RECEIVED ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proposed Project: Temporary Office Trailers - Renton 2. Name of Applicant: King County Department of Transportation 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: King County Department of Transportation 155 Monroe Avenue Northeast Renton, WA 98056 ATTN: Pat Bahor, Senior Environmental Engineer 206/296-8215 4. Date Checklist Prepared: April 28, 1999 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable). This proposal is planned for construction in June of 1999. 7. Plans for future additions, expansion or further activity related to or connected with this proposal: A permanent office building will be constructed within two years at a location nearby the temporary trailers. After construction of the permanent office building, the temporary trailers will be removed and the site will be converted to a construction material storage yard. 8. Environmental information that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal: No environmental information, other than this document, has been prepared or is planned to be prepared directly related to this proposal. King County Road Maintenance Section f.\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 9. Applications that are pending for governmental approval of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by the proposal: Renton Temporary Use Permit. 10. List of governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for the proposal: City of Renton: Building Permit Electrical Permit Fire Department Approval Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit Side Sewer Permit Temporary Use Permit Water Meter Permit 11. Brief, complete description of the proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site: This proposal involves installing five temporary office trailers and associated utilities, one storage container, a chain-link perimeter fence, and 59 parking stalls onto a portion of the existing King County Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF). CORF presently houses the King County Road Maintenance Section headquarters, the Engineering Services Section Materials Laboratory, the Traffic Engineering Section Maintenance Unit, and the Fleet Administration Renton Maintenance Facility. The Engineering Services Section Survey Unit and various Road Maintenance staff will occupy the proposed trailers until permanent facilities are constructed. Permanent facilities are to be constructed within two years at a nearby location within CORF. The size of the proposed project is 65,000 square feet. The size of the entire CORF site is 100 acres. The dimensions of the five trailers are: 24 feet x 60 feet (two); 14 feet x 60 feet (two); 20 feet x 45 feet (one). The one container is 10 feet x 40 feet . The parking lot will be located adjacent to the grouping of trailers and is 21 ,000 square feet. 12. Location of the proposal, including the street address, if any, and section, township and range, if known; a legal description, site plan, vicinity map and topographic map, if reasonably available: 155 Monroe Avenue Northeast, Renton, Washington; Northeast '/4 of Section 16, Township 23 N, Range 5 E, W.M. (see attached plans). King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepadoc .� B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (underline one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? The steepest slope on the site is less than ten percent. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? Specify the classification of agricultural soils and note any prime farmland. In a Geotechnical Soil Investigation conducted by Hong Consulting Engineers, Inc. in May 1988, the soils on site were classified as dense, red brown weathered glacial outwash. The grain composition varies from sand and gravel to sandy gravel. Cobbles are common. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There is no surface indication or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity. e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Less than 1000 cubic yards of material will be moved or placed (cut/fill) at the site. Fill/waste material will be obtained/disposed of on site. Approximately 500 cubic yards of crushed rock for the gravel parking area will be purchased from a local vendor. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction or use? If so, generally describe. Minor erosion could occur as a result of clearing and/or construction, with inclement weather. King County Road Maintenance Section f.\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 3 g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately forty-two percent of the proposed temporary trailer site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction. The CORF site impervious surfaces will be increased by approximately three-quarter of one percent as a result of this project. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth, if any. The storm water treatment and detention system will be constructed first. During construction, any areas of exposed soils will immediately be covered with straw mulch or crushed rock surfacing. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, vehicles, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? Generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. As a result of the proposal minor amounts of dust and vehicle emissions would be emitted during construction only. Upon completion of the proposal no additional emissions would occur. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. There are no off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to the air, if any: Best Management Practices will be implemented during construction activities to suppress dust. Paved surface areas will be swept with a street sweeper to remove fines and prevent tracking of material on the roadway. A water truck will be used to control dust on unpaved surfaces if needed. A soil tacifier may be used to suppress dust and hold sediment in place. Construction equipment is equipped with standard mufflers. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepaputs\renton\tralsepa.doc 4 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site, including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There are no surface water bodies, year-round or seasonal streams, salt water, lakes, ponds, or wetlands on or in the immediate vicinity of the site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No. Not applicable. 3) Estimate the amount of dredge and fill material that would be removed from or placed in surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities, if known. No, the proposal will not require surface water withdrawals or diversions. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. No, the proposal does not he within a 100-year flood plain. King County Road Maintenance Section f.\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 5 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No, the proposal does not involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters. b. Ground 1) Will ground water be withdrawn or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose and approximate quantities, if known. No ground water will be withdrawn. Storm water runoff will be discharged to ground water by way of a bioswale and an infiltration pond. 2) Describe any waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources (e.g., domestic sewage, industrial, agricultural, etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served, or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. No waste material will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources (e.g., domestic sewage, industrial, agricultural, etc.) c. Water Runoff (including storm water) 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method(s) of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Will this runoff water be discharged or flow into surface waters or ground water? If so, describe. Storm water runoff will be routed to a bioswale and onsite infiltration pond. 2) Could waste materials or toxic materials enter ground or surface waters during or as a result of this proposal? If yes, generally describe. No waste materials or toxic materials could enter ground or surface waters during or as a result of this proposal. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 6 d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground and runoff water impacts, if any: Storm water runoff will be routed to a bioswale and onsite infiltration pond. 4. Plants a. Underline types of vegetation found on the site: 1 deciduous trees: alder, maple, birch, ash, other ✓ conifer trees: fir, cedar, pine, other ✓ shrubs: blackberry, salmon berry, spirea, other ✓ grasses pasture crops: wet soil plants: buttercup, rushes, horsetail, cattail, other water plants: water lily, milfoil, eelgrass, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The following vegetation will be removed from the site: two 12-inch douglas fir trees; one 5-inch douglas fir; many small alder and maple trees; approximately 65,000 square feet of scotch broom. c. List threatened or endangered species or critical habitat known to be on or near the site: No threatened or endangered species or critical habitat is known to be on or near the site. Verification has been requested from the Department of Natural Resources. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: No landscaping is proposed. An existing large maple on the north edge of the site will remain. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa doc 7 ` KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS PAI11080-S1 ' PN03 REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 08/12/92 ACCOUNT NUMBER : 162305-9003-0 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3407 NE 2ND ST TAXPAYER NAME: KING COUNTY QTR: NE SECT: 16 TNN: 23 RNC: 05 FOLIO: C22858- - SUBAREA: 530-000 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PACE 1 NOTE: READ LEGAL LINES LEFT TO RIGHT ACROSS SCREEN^ LOT BLOCK PLAT� SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LESS BEG SW COR TH S 89-01-16 E 683,33 FT TO POE: TH N 01-04-13 E 363453 FT TH S 89-03-38 E 30 FT TH N 01-04-13 E 960 FT TO N LINE OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TH S 89-03-38 E 612^05 FT TO NE COR OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TH S 01-00-49 H 1323^96 FT TO SE COR OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 TH N 89-01-16 N 643.36 FT TO POB TGH E 1/2 OF NW 1/4 LESS E 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 LESS N 593^ 13 FT LY 60 FT NLY OF NLY MCN OF E 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF NA 1/4 - SUBJ TO P S P 8 L CO TRAN LINE ESMT TCH NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 - SUBJ TO TRANS LINE ESMTS LESS C 8 M RCTS * * * END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION * ( 0^2) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRINT THIS SCREEN < PRINT > SEE PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS < PF3 > OR < PF15 > SEE PROPERTY HISTORY < PF6 > OR < PF18 > SEE TAX INFORMATION < PF2 > OR < PF14 > TO END < PF12 > OR < PF24 > 5. Animals a. Underline any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site, or are known to be on or near the site: invertebrates: insects, mollusks, other fish: salmon, trout, bass, herring, shellfish, other amphibians: frogs, salamanders, toads, other reptiles: snakes, lizards, turtles, other birds: songbirds, owls, hawks, eagles, heron, other mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, rabbits, rodents, other b. List any threatened or endangered species or critical habitat known to be on or near the site. No threatened or endangered species or critical habitat is known to be on or near the site. Verification has been requested from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, describe. The site is not part of any known migration route. Verification has been requested from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. No measures are proposed for preservation or enhancement of wildlife. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electrical energy will be used to operate the lighting, computers and heating/cooling systems in the trailers. b. Would the project affect the use (potential or actual) of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. Not applicable. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 8 c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans for this proposal? List any other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any. The proposed lighting system will use a light-sensitive photo cell (automatically turns lights OFF during daylight) and sodium vapor lights. These two features save electrical energy. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals or hazardous wastes, risk of explosion or fire that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services will be required. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None. Not applicable. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect the project (e.g., traffic, heavy equipment, operations, industrial, other)? No noise exists in the area that may affect the project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by, or associated with, the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (e.g., traffic, construction, operation, other)? State what hours noise would come from the site. Minimal noise would be created by, or associated with, the project on a long-term basis. On a short-term basis, during construction, noise on the site will occur from construction equipment. Noise levels may be elevated for a period of approximately four weeks. The hours of construction are normally, 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. weekdays. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 9 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Standard mufflers are used on all construction equipment. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is currently used as the King County Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF). CORF presently houses the Road Maintenance Section headquarters, the Engineering Services Section Materials Laboratory, the Traffic Engineering Section Maintenance Unit, and the Fleet Administration Renton Maintenance Facility. Adjacent properties are: King County District Court, City of Renton Department of Public Works headquarters, King County Transfer Station, King County Parks Maintenance and Facilities Division. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. Office buildings, office trailers, equipment shelters, fuel pumps, vehicle repair garages, stormwater decant facilities, and underground fuel storage tanks. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Industrial Light -Publicly Owned (IL (P)) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Center Institution King County Road Maintenance Section f.\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 1 0 g. What is the current shoreline master program designation of the site, if any? The site does not fall within the shoreline master program designation h. Has any part of the site been classified as an environmentally sensitive area? If so, specify. No. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? No one would reside at the project site. Thirty-two people would work in the completed project. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. None. Not applicable. I. Proposed measures to ensure the project is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans in the area. The proposed project is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans in the area. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many housing units would the project provide, if any? Indicate whether high, middle or low income housing. None. b. Approximately how many housing units would be eliminated, if any? Indicate whether high, middle or low income housing. None. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapitslrentonitralsepadoc 1 1 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None. Not applicable. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The tallest height of any proposed structure is fourteen (14) feet. The principal exterior building materials proposed are wood and metal. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None. Not applicable. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. None. Not applicable. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 12 12. Recreation a. What designated or informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Renton Technical College is on the north side of Northeast Fourth Street. b. Would the project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation including any recreational opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant. None. Not applicable. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any sites, structures or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state or local preservation registers known to be on or near to the site? If so, generally describe. No. Written verification has been requested from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation in Olympia, Washington. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific or cultural artifacts importance known to be on or near the site. According to the King County Comprehensive Plan (1985), there are no "designated landmarks" (i.e., sites designated for protection as King County or Community Landmarks). c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. If any archaeological remnant is uncovered or discovered during construction, the State Historical Preservation Officer (SHPO) and King County Historical Preservation Officer will be notified immediately. No additional work will be performed on the site until all archaeological investigations are completed. King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 13 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site is located just off of Monroe Avenue Northeast, which intersects with Northeast Fourth Street north of the site. b. Is the site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Metro bus routes 107, 108, 111 and 147 are within 1/4 mile of the site. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The project would create 59 parking spaces. The project would not eliminate any parking spaces. d. Will the proposal require any new roads, streets or improvements to existing roads or streets (not including driveways)? If so, generally describe, and indicate whether public or private. No. e. Will the project use (or be in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated as a result of the project? Indicate when peak traffic would occur, if known. Approximately 108 new vehicle trips per day will be generated as a result of this project. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. None. Not applicable. King County Road Maintenance Section f.\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 1 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (e.g., fire and police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No increased need for public services is anticipated. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None. Not applicable. 16. Utilities a. Underline utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, telephone, refuse service, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. b. What utility service will be needed by the project? Who (which utility) will provide the service, and what utility construction will be required on or in the immediate vicinity of the site? Utility construction will be required for all the utilities listed except refuse service: Electric— Puget Sound Energy Water— City of Renton Telecommunications — Macro Corn and US West Refuse Service — Waste Management Sanitary Sewer— City of Renton King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 15 C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: • Name Printed: Harold Taniguchi, Manager, Road Services Division Date: J �� HT:JC:PB:LP King County Road Maintenance Section f:\sepapits\renton\tralsepa.doc 16 **************************************************************** 410 41101) City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9901174 Amount: 117. 82 03/18/99 16 :25 Payment Method: BILL Notation: PO #77185 Init : CRP Project #: LUA99-044 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 162305-9003 Site Address : 155 MONROE AV NE Total Fees : 117 . 82 This Payment 117 . 82 Total ALL Pmts : 117. 82 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 .345 . 81. 00 . 0018 Special Permit Fees 100 . 00 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 17. 82 **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 05/06/99 08 :35 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9902054 Amount: 400 . 00 05/06/99 08 :35 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #643082 king co Init: LN Project #: LUA99-044 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 162305-9003 Site Address: 155 MONROE AV NE Total Fees : 517. 82 This Payment 400 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 517. 82 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 .345 . 81. 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 400 . 00 #OL.2 ® ✓ CITY OF RENTON INVOICE DATE ACCOUNT INVOICE CUSTOMER`REF PAYMENT DUE'' FORINFORMAT►ON CALL 03/25/99 r10-0042 008439 04/29/99 Dev Svcs- (425) 430-7262 KING CO ROAD MAINTENANCE f`i)P ATTN: Tammy Hocking `.1'r! 155 MONROE AVE NE "A" Bldg �tfOrrnatiOh RENTON, WA 98056 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LUA99-044 - Temporary use permit for K.C. Surveying Trailers & Temporary Parking lot (Postage) Total amount due: 117.82 F0RM3127 10/94 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WITH PAYMENT Finance Department • 200 Mill Ave. S. • Renton, Washington 98055 INVOICE City of Renton Finance Departrnen Date From Department Authorization l 10(4q Planning/Building/Public Works Dev Services • Customer Number Account Name efrq PO/Reference No 'fiCV\S 071 7 7 I eq ❑ Original Invoice ❑ Credit Memo ❑ Debit Memo For Invoice: • Invoice Title (Standard Invoice Type) Description � , a�� • ,CY9 use for Amount Su >✓ ir9 k,cs s /oo Ti2"‘Orr/vi t4"fj $ 1'7. 07 rOGf- Account Distribution _ O�/� Amount T (� tI per-ryA ( ),3 . �l . a60 , tom, 5l7, q0, 174-2• / /Y• 52 • • INVOICE TOTAL S 7,82 Comments: 14.11V C-6, irctmy . o2-&S lieL%► I.' Scote— A 2 �.-tom J (/JA c - , REQUISITION FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY NOe '771'H5 x `` k ISSUING DEPT.: SHIP TO TODAY'S DATE DEL.DATE RQD. BUYER 7il-? c \ DEPT. NAME E r,. King County TranGpor-hatinn , Roads Mt-ra Sr Same 1/1R/99 p� STREET • PERSON TO CONTACT CODE fi' 55 Moroe 74,37- -. "A" Rl1ir� :Tnn C'.'1.S' l r3 y rr , 1 CITY/ZIP PHONE ` W Renton WA gRnc,-41 g9 996-R1 00 BID NO. :_-* TEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION uNcE►RI AMOUNT " '.'`'bt.a3it'Y.* ' . 1 a Temporary Use Permit Application _ 5.00 O OPEN DATE mi ATTACHMENTS • Z ORIG. PINK : GOLD, ?. 3 GREEN WHITE BLUE_, 4 INSURANCE;_ ROD. INIT. D 5 6M.W.B.M.B.E.E.NO. W.B ECONTACT HE s R 7 RESPONSE ., , M.B.E. W.B.E.. OTHER 8 :_1 - IEM ORG.UNIT ACCOUNT TASK OPTION PROJECT RID2 T ONK AMOUNT REMARKS: SUB PREFERENCE AUTHTOTAL 5% COST 38C A48114 12'5 00 , • TAX RATE AWARD t--I S 2_.- 51c M.B.E. W.B.E. OTHER FRT. P.I.R. AFF. A.A.W. M.Mts.W CERTIFICATE:I hereby c rtify that the items requested above have been provided for in the budget of this de ment end that the established cost w•II not exceed the amount budgeted. • DATE INIT. DATE AUTHORIZED s,. STIMATED TOTAL SIGNATURE OST $`1 2 0 0 _ TEM V R(S) P.O.NO. TERMS QUOTED BY DATE ISSUED DELIVERY DATE F.O.B.POINT SHIP VIA City of Renton , Direct Pa\ gq ,64� ,TP Q5) KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT • FOR CITY OF RENTON mad PREPARED BY: KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ROADS MAINTENANCE SECTION . 155 MONROE AVENUE NORTHEAST RENTON, WASHINGTON 98056 (206) 296-8100 DATE: JANUARY, 1994 DESIGNED ENGINEER: JON CASSIDY, P.E . Pl. CAS 'ATTONAL EXPIRES 7/27/95- 8/3LOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAR 1 d 1999 RECEIVED trailer2 . txt Dro v & C.e4 co 1 w-- vn 5 2 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division HYDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4 .20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD 3 - ROUTE 4 - ROUTE2 5 - ADDHYD 6 - BASEFLOW 7 - PLOTHYD 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: SBUH/SCS METHOD FOR COMPUTING RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH STORM OPTIONS : 1 - S.C.S ., TYPE-lA • 2 - 7-DAY DESIGN STORM 3 - STORM DATA FILE SPECIFY STORM OPTION: S.C. S . TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ (YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECIP (INCHES) ******************** S .C. S . TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ****************** ** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2 . 00" TOTAL PRECIP. ****** ***. Page 1 trailer2 .txt ENTER: A(PERV) , CN (PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN (IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES) A CN A CN 1 . 5 1 . 3 68 . 7 .2 98 . 0 6 .3 PEAK-Q (CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CU-FT) . 08 7 . 67 2112 ENTER [d: ] [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division HYDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4 .20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD 3 - ROUTE 4 - ROUTE2 5 - ADDHYD 6 - BASEFLOW 7 - PLOTHYD 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: Stop - Program terminated. Page 2 trailer100 .txt 100 YEAR - 24 HOUR STORM KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division HYDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4 .20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD 3 - ROUTE 4 - ROUTE2 5 - ADDHYD 6 - BASEFLOW 7 - PLOTHYD 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: SBUH/SCS METHOD FOR COMPUTING RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH STORM OPTIONS : 1 - S .C.S . TYPE-lA 2 - 7-DAY DESIGN STORM 3 - STORM DATA FILE SPECIFY STORM OPTION: S .C. S . TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ (YEAR) , DURATION (HOUR) , PRECIP (INCHES) ******************** S .C. S . TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ****************** ** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3 . 90" TOTAL PRECIP. ****** *** Page 1 trailer100 .txt ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN (IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC (MINUTES) A CN A CN 1 . 5 1 . 3 68 . 7 . 2 98 . 0 6 . 3 PEAK-Q (CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL (CU-FT) .46 7 . 83 7973 ENTER [d: ] [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division HYDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD 3 - ROUTE 4 - ROUTE2 5 - ADDHYD 6 - BASEFLOW 7 - PLOTHYD 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: Stop - Program terminated. Page 2 King County P �)rL7P" C Project - r1Po►L N o1'rk I os WYZ_ r e Comp J C Chk -- Rev Department of Transportation Date �,i/k Date 3ITO Date Page_�of�Pages CN, �,e-• t'AVt Msu1- : 12420PS A , 0 . 11 I CNa = 1 to U n v tti izo,•-tas wrs 4Z = 0 . 4 45 4 = v.gg C 1J 3' (p 5 ?,/I E4cD G OK-- Pt.. -WR-t (cc5)(.0 .8C11) } b1 V')(o.41-5) ►tRiav I. 32V APv = 1,31.t/ CDMPt111P4 E1 T� Ti �Tz �'b L • LAY -ri z 74 : 2 .9 4 m in • l 601 lug 1 TosS, (1 r3 214 3. 3to mei P� = a.0 Pm* = 3.9 DOT-En9WorkSheet 2-96 Printed on Recycled Paper King County C 'kr a\, -•t OAS Project "T;-.P-.pare•ty 0 5'ira:s�•�` t--,n°. �_c- ec Co, c(` Comp J L�, ChkC I Rev Department of , Transportation Date -f I/41` Date 3181411 Date Page of Pages S & Um WA-TER ER Q U A L \TY b= _Qa fl, _> O.b cis �.�0� O.Ol cDO 0. (e 3](s, 1.4e1 y1 6750.5 1.4c1 (.33)I 67(.Ot)(1s 0.u?3� . :)= 0.(ob;31(o -'> •2-O t �- IJ►1 tJ h7oTcttwi W co rN oresva.t,v k) , ti UfSE�11' PXrrrb1'1 W 1 font Q Des\T F\Dw Ve 1Cci y l.C7m To o11'v. C(:NlmzkIor l f; Q�.,c = �?� _ c c A,,, = by4Z ( .o : )(o.3 -) + 3(0,331i'� = ob.(v3 -}-2 .src => I o.2?, .{-�St.�� 0 O . �ti o ra.631' ` J \e. Let,0 4 'r. - 5101���( => SLlose-c- (0,),B.rs /.e!) = 151. 160 DOT-EngWo,kSheet 2-96 Printed on Recycled Paper 1 King County Dro ' o'�. G ILV� [. .•r " 6-4-t Project Tc c rrei' 0 Comp .3C—P Chk Rev Department of Transportation Date 3/1/ Date :141 c1 Date Page 3 of 7 Pages CO \AVEYAVC. CAPACITY �I FIG.{,t_, )0,G (Qicx.7 o.c (041k _Q.0I3gV.4 I.Liq (••i{w', ; 7.c. 1.o 1aoy F low V&.C1c y A,,n Q,uu - 0.4 cC s AiC�l7 = b\i, -t Z (7;044)(c.677 (0, b.50.4--1• • ! S I y1 C D.9 < 1.01.41 e e { ze 7�-i. J\dt. 16 0 =";. I c \�; DOT-EngWorksheet 2.98 Printed on Recycled Paper King County Df c t +om Ccv\LA)\ Project 0 keA 9041, k 0 " Comp C t7 Chk `� Rev Department of � Transportation Date �/S/qq Date *`°� Date Page `! of ' Pages L = IosoV"'� Vw� = L. = ►080 �o, es) = 30a. y x 310 lone . o -Cor D-- +;✓tvocis in-C(vk.t.. biv L1..aI e +fie diiv\e(\dons olus4- be ��+ ��ae k 310,c4 Ice', . DOT-EngWorkSheet 2-98 Printed on Recycled Paper KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS C 3APTER I. PROJECT OVERVIEW II. CORE AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS III. RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN IV. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN V. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES VI. OTHER PERMITS 'III. EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DESIGN APPENDIX A: VICINITY MAP APPENDIX B: SOILS REPORT APPENDIX C: DEVELOPED SITE HYDROGRAPHS APPENDIX D: BIOFILTRATION DESIGN AND OPEN CHANNEL SWALE APPENDIX E: SAND FILTER CALCULATIONS APPENDIX F: INFILTRATION POND CALCULATIONS Page 1 of 2 King County Building and Land Development Division - TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET PA' 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PART 2 ' PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT ENGINEER . • AND DESCRIPTION Proj(,ctOwner King County Public Works ProjectName Temporary Srnraga Paa Address 155 Monroe Avenue Northeast Location Phone (206) 296-8100 Township 23N Project Engineer Tnn Claqqirly Range 5E WM Company King County Public Works Section 16 Project Size AC Address Phone (206) 296-8148 Upstream Drainage Basin Size AC 7Site3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION PART 4 OTHER PERMITS Subdivision (-1 DOF/G HPA Ti Shoreline Management I= Short Subdivision I I COE 404 Rockery L x1 Grading DOE Dam Safety Ti Structural Vaults 0 Commercial FEMA Floodplain I)Q Other 0 Other Plan Approval 0 COE Wetlands = HPA 'PA' 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN . . community - North Renton - - Drainage Basin Infiltration PART 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS . : . . = River n Floodplain El Stream • n Wetlands = Critical Stream Reach - fl Seeps/Springs = Depressions/Swales - n High Groundwater Table El Lake Ix I Groundwater Recharge 0 Steep Slopes 0 Other I I Lakeside/Erosion Hazard PA' ? SOILS . _ Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities Everett Gravelly Loam flat negligible negligible E1 Additional Sheets Attatched 1/90 KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT I . PROJECT OVERVIEW The Roads and Engineering Division of King county Public Works Department is proposing to construct a temporary material storage and sorting pad facility, construct a thirty-six stall parking lot south of the proposed temporary storage pad at the King county Consolidated Office and Repair Facility (CORF) , located at 155 Monroe Avenue Northeast Renton, Washington. The parking lot will contain thirty-six parking stalls, which were lost during CORF Phase I construction. The proposed temporary material storage and sorting pad facility will be a mutually used structure for both King County and the City of Renton forces . The proposed pad will replace the mining and stcckpiling site that was used by County forces from 1949 to March 4 , 1991 . The proposed facility will be used to dry waste material removed frcm enclosed drainage systems by the use of a vacuum-flush truck ( "vactor" ) . Liquids removed from enclosed drainage systems will be decanted into the sanitary sewer system at the existing vactor liquid decant station. Other material to be stored on the pad, will include concrete asphalt and soils collected from routine roadside maintenance activities . The construction of the storm drainage system for the material storage pad will be completed as part of this project . A Frop-T Oil Water Separator, biofiltration swale, a sand filter, and a infiltration pond will be constructed to treat the storm water runoff from the material storage pad' s apron and the proposed parking lot. The systems are sized to convey and treat the entire CORF site which will be addressed in CORF Phase II . Existing On-Site Drainage Features The proposed temporary material storage pad and parking lot site is located 50 feet south of the existing CORF Building "K" and "L" . The area is currently undeveloped. The designs were based on Everett Gravelly Sandy Loam (EVC) soils . No off-site flows affect the existing site drainage. Proposed On-Site Drainage Features The increase in the amount of developmental area is the result of the asphalt apron surrounding the storage pad, road, and rep _acement parking lost during the CORF Phase I Master Plan. Runoff from these areas will be collected in catch basins and conveyed to an oil water separator where it will be treated by a biofiltration swale, a sand filter, and then flows into an infiltration pond. The proposed vehicular apron ' s drainage system as yell as the storm water treatment systems have been KI:1G COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT 5 . A 40 mil polyethylene liner is proposed beneath the building, the biofiltration swale and sand filter. These facilities are necessary to treat stormwater runoff before it is infiltrated. 6 . A Fop-T oil water separator for the storage pad apron, parking lot, and road is proposed prior to discharge into the biofiltration swale. 7 . There are no Closed Depressions at this project site. 8 . No lakes , wetlands, or closed depressions at this project site . 9 . The Delineation of the 100 year flood plain does not apply. 10 The requirement for Flood Protection Facilities for this project does not apply. 11 , A soils analysis and report has been completed for the CORF Master Plan on May 6, 1988 by Hong Consulting Engineers, Inc. ( See enclosed copy) . 12 A soils analysis and report has been completed for the CORF Master Plan on May 6, 1988 by Hong Consulting Engineers, Inc. ( See enclosed copy) . III . RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The SBUH/SCS hydrograph method has been used to compute the on site detention required for the 100 year-24 hour design storm event. Ca] culations for sizing the peak rate runoff control facilities and rotting tables are included. IV. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ThE conveyance system has been sized based on flow rates from a 100 year-24 hour storm using the SBUH/SCS method. V. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Surface Water Design Manual Kirg County, Washington Kirg County Consolidated Office and Repair Facility Drainage Report Rose Water Engineering Inc. Seattle, Washington KIrG COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT APPENDIX A: VICINITY MAP ,_ .............. • _______ V I Y v A D NOT TOSCALE • O Iz_______„,„,__ m RENTEN WC, �Fz" NE 4th St d St �D NE 3r D MAINTENANCE • RENT] FACILITY • 900 169 %������� 900 \ - —,--- "N..\\N„.........s...... 40 - 169 KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRA_:NAGE REPORT APPENDIX B: SOILS REPORT r 3- 'o- CONHONGSULTING TING ENGINEERS, INC. . material Testing • Construction Quality Control Inspection • t� • G EOTECHNICAL SOIL INVESTIGATION E KING COUNFITCY EPUBLIRC EWORKS CONSOLIDAT PHASE I PROJECTSAIR FACILITY Renton, Washington ` Our Project Number 8846 May 6, 1988 Prepared For Arai/Jackson Architects I535 llth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98122 Attention: Mr. Greg Saito, Project Manager 1.0 INTRODUCTION !,! GV, I:itAL As rea•rttcd, a toll and foundation engineering study was conducted on the site of the propote.1 additions to the King County Department of Public Works Consolidated Office p4 and lit;air Facility. Figure 1, the Project Location Map, shows the project site. Figures 2, 3 gild 4 preterit the Site Plan Map, the Main Complex Site Plan, and the Parks Department i Yard $lit Plan, respectively. i . tN'e •Rdi rttand that the facility will be expanded in phases. The current phase consists of etpaatl,ynt to the main complex (see Figure 3). These expansions include the construction of *.ttdiai, D, ari increase in floor space for Building J, and a ministorage building. We assume 0_ that thi to additions will be designed as slab-on-grade structures without basements, similar t• the present buildings on the site. Feints plant Include the construction of new parking areas in the Parks Department Yard A area, and a new, large office complex in the presently undeveloped southeast portion of the 11EE��r property. The Investigation activities undertaken as part of this study in regards to the to.thsatt portion of the property are of a reconnaissance nature only. A complete geotech- Rica! IR.estlgation of the subsoils should be undertaken as part of the final design effort d•rtat i hat phase of site expansion. I The tsr.tces of Hong Consulting Engineers, Inc., were retained to conduct geotechnical in- •sttlgatloas which will be germane to the current and to future site development plans. i 1.: Pc; POSE The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to: a) determine the subsurface soil conditions of the building site b) anal' ze the foundation support for the proposed buildings a 4. 1 _ C Sox 506. lunnw000. Wosninoton P8046 • (206) 743-4774 ben (Thorsen, R.M., 1981, Isostatic Effects of the Last Glaciation in the Puget Lowland, Washington: U.S.G.S Open-File Report 81-370) describes the outwash deposit as the Renton 'elta. The delta sediments were deposited in glacial Lake Russell by the Cedar River. It is elieved by Thorsen that the delta was built against the retreating ice front (p. 44). Oc- ;ional finer grained beds or layers may therefore be expected, within a thick general eposit of sand and gravel. .s.2.2 Soil Exploration Program 'welve test sits were excavated, utilizing a tire mounted Case extend-a-hoe backhoe. The .est pit locations are shown on Figures 2, 3 and 4. The soils uncovered by the excavations were logged by a geologist of Hong Consulting Engineers, Inc. The detailed soil logs for the est pits are presented in Figures 5 through 16. Representative samples of the soils encountered in the test pits were collected and ransported o the laboratory for further testing. infiltration tests were conducted in TP-11 and TP-12, at the request of the client. A corn- nlete explanation of the test methods and the test results are presented in Section 3.4. .j.2.3.1 The Yarn Complex Area Elie main complex area was filled prior to the construction of the present buildings. In the andscaped portions, the surface is underlain by a thin layer of imported sod and topsoil, up to a foot dee p. consisting of sand and gravel, probably borrowed from on site, has been placed over the area. TI e fill varies from 1.5 feet thick, in TP-2, to 3.5 feet thick in TP-6. Below the ►andscaped !.ections, the fill is medium dense to dense. In the shop portions of the main omplex, the fill is very densely compacted, to bear the weight of heavy equipment. No ecords were discovered of the origin or placement of this, or any of the fill found in other portions of the site. The material appears to be equivalent to pit run sand and gravel, and we assume that it was derived from on site. A thin, discontinuous "burned zone" layer underlies the fill in TP-1, TP-3; TP-6, and TP-7. The "burned zone" contains dark gray charcoal, as though the site was burned over to clear it, prior to filling. The burned zone consists of stringers at the top of a thicker unit consist- ing of brown sand and gravel, with a trace of silt developed through soil processes. The burned zone is at most a few inches thick. The brown sand can be as much as one foot thick. Dense, red hrown weathered glacial outwash is found beneath the fIll, burned zones and/or brown sand in TP-1, TP-6, TP-7 and TP-12. The grain composition varies from sand and gravel to sandy gravel. Cobbles are usually common. The weathered zone grades downward into brown ;ray to gray unweathered material of similar composition. The ?arks Department Yard The Parks Department Yard is also underlain by brown fill, of gravelly sand to sandy gravel composition, densified by vehicular traffic. The fill is 2.0 and 2.5 feet deep in TP-4 and TP-5, respectively. The fill is underlain by medium dense to dense, brown to brown gray glacial outwash. The grain size is sandy gravel. 3 The Southeast Portion of the Site Fill was found in TP-8 and TP-10. The thickness of the fill was insignificant in TP-8, only 0.5 foot Jeep. However, the fill was found to be 2.5 feet deep in TP-10. Weathered outwash was found in all test pits in this area. The soil consists of medium dense, red brown silty fine sand in TP-9 and TP-10, and sand and gravel in TP-8. Cedar wood debris was observed at the top of the weathered zone in TP-8 and TP-10. The weathered zone is 2.0 feet thicky', in TP-8 to 3.5 feet thick in TP-10. Dense brown gray sand and gravel are found at depth in all the test pits. 3.2.4 Groundwater Conditions The test pits encountered no seepage or other signs of groundwater. Water is present some 30 to 40 feet below surface level, in the bottom of the gravel pit to the north of the main complex. However, this is not necessarily indicative of the level of the water table. Other factors, such as when a hole bottom is disturbed and siltation effectively blocks drainage, may deti rmine the occurrence of ponding in gravel terrain. 3.3 LABORATORY TESTS Moisture tests were run on the representative soil samples, in accordance with ASTM D 2216. The results of these tests are shown on the appropriate soil logs. Grain si :e analyses were accomplished on soil samples from the two infiltration test pits, on the basis of ASTM D 422. The results of theses tests are found in Figures 17 and 18. 3.4 INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS As indicated above, infiltration tests were conducted in TP-11 and TP-12. The test pits were first dug to an average depth of 5 feet. Water was introduced into the test pits by means o` the front loader bucket of the backhoe tractor. The infiltration rates thus re- corded which are presented in Table 1, were much lower than expected. We felt that this was due to the initial test being conducted within the zone of weathered outwash, which contains a significant amount of silt. After consideration of the initial results, it was decided to deepen the pits and conduct a second test. • TABLE 1 Results of Infiltration Tests for Dry Well Design 1 est Depth Material Infiltration F it of Test Rate TP-11 5' Weathered outwash/outwash 5.00 min/inch 1P-12 5' Weathered outwash/outwash 6.88 min/inch TP-12 8' Glacial outwash 0.27 min/inch TP-12 8' Glacial outwash 0.26 min/inch The pit! were duly reopened on 4/25/88, and dug to a depth of 8 feet. On this occasion, water was introduced to the pit bottom by means of a garden hose attached to a domestic tap. Care was taken not to unduly disturb the soils lining the pits. The soils were allowed to saturate for at least one hour prior to commencing the infiltration test. In both of these second tests, the infiltration rates were much higher those of the initial tests. 4 4.1.4 Flo3r Support Considerations Due to the general quality of the fill materials used on this site, we are disinclined to recommend that the owner remove the fill from within the building footprint. We feel the floor slabs may be poured directly on the existing fill sand and gravel, after stripping and removal of the topsoil. We recommend that, at the time of initiation of earthwork, we be called upon to conduct a review of the fill soils within the construction site. Also, the foun- dation and other excavations should be monitored during construction, to be certain no sub- stantial organic soils are unexpectedly present beneath the floor slab areas. If such organic soils are found, the fill materials and organic soil should be overexcavated and rem 3ved. This removal will occasion further expenses, and we recommend that a con- tingency fund be set aside to cover this possibiIIty. After overexcavation, the native, weathered soils should be proof-rolled to give a dense construction surface. A structural fill should be constructed from clean, on-site materials, as indicated Section 4.6. Six inches of freely d-aining gravel or sand and gravel with less than 2% fines should be placed under the slab;. In building which require dry floor conditions at all time, a sheet of Visqueen should be placed over the gravel layer. The thic kness of the concrete slabs should be determined on the basis of the axle loads of the anti:ipated vehicles, the flexural strength of the concrete, and a modulus of subgrade reaction Assuming that the subgrade soils are well compacted, we recommend that a modulus of subgrade of 100 pounds per cubic inch be used to design slab structures which are expected to support heavy vehicles. 4.2 UTI:.ITY CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS Utilities may be supported on the native soils. Care should be taken not to disturb the utility foundation soils. Soils at the bottom of the trenches should be compacted as indi- cated in Section 4.6. If cobbles or boulders are encountered at the grade level of the utility, the coarse material should be overexcavated, and the cavity filled with compacted sand and gravel. kt least 6 inches of minus 1.5 inch bedding material should be placed beneath all utility pipes. Utility trenches should be backfilled with 1.5 inch minus sand and gravel, im- ported cr borrowed from on site, and compacted as indicated in Section 4.6. 4.3 SETTLEMENT EVALUATION Where the organic materials have been properly removed, and the foundations have been constructed in accordance with the design parameters presented above, the buildings will exhibit tolerable settlement under all live and dead load conditions. 4.4 BOI,ROW SOURCE FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The on-site soils are suitable for use as structural fill material. 4.5 DR" WELL PARAMETERS Our infiltration tests Indicate that the well should be placed below the weathered zone, as fines cc ntained in the weathered zone inhibit infiltration. We recommend that the well be sunk to at least 8 feet, and that a percolation rate of between 2.5 and 5 minutes per inch be used in the design of the wells. This value is 1/10 to 1/20 the measured infiltration rate. Experience has shown that dry well systems may clog with fines over time. A design safety factor of 10% or less should ensure the long term viability of the dry well system. 6 r...„„ I=- Ser :/1 �.'Y • _ mow..'-l.�r-- .i' I „...a. NJl9 N ` 0,70-.1A\ 14,,,vlll'-1!''_• "'a C ' ••• ...\---••• •••=t I L 0 • rr ti.-1 1 y 1 • , 4i;," ' A -, • "i .13' ....ix.... i I •it C' Z/� i I 1 I I= tY --,• • ® N! • -0 . —�I /III -VC' 1" `• SUN ; p ,.1. al 14 i : -,t (.!....,1 "we.sp_lia LL.. D.:, tA;;_• 111.-._ : t Z 'r •..t .. .'4' aJ•I ,.• 'ft_ti ,�' •�, 11' III!{ i -- 1 .— j .1 11 - - 3 • YJ O ,i C '� 41 J 1%.:„..AA, t, .I . 1.11 . 1 ►-I 1 "..+GIP_ '�I•• ..t tic A "' ;7 "'' Z 41 0 ` 4v ` - - -1-- 1• 1 I '' a'� _fuel I• ° v �`'S is 1 • 7...f ' '• . 1 1'• t ra».• 1�' '! a i.� _ •t�� •�71� �ii1M• i� nn.� �}'• I Ml.r 22 � .11 3 � t 1 N •L v O m • a I ! ' ; I n.�!'•. .v 14.f i..l- Iled�•4 ' I ) P• I I :.I ]j t 1 I! to _ I ;z ( , /)..)1 - q iv? r 'i flii. 4 C • A.". � �I 4i! i4!r} rrif 9 — — y r i- . 7 .: -.. — • i' ss mir- r > K 1>... r : . ,� IN to • " ' 41 ^r ■ `A' N It rla ^1/117 .•- -.I• -- `7 ; 44•+> ' r Irlll / in. Gs 17t 3 - .r. • /{�I�f1lY t�7{, I2..O p>�� x _�I.., .,. SI I'13 .rrw .p ..-I19�" 1 ...1�..'I, '• I �111 I •»...r// 'T1 ) 1 _ =12. � -►. of i - . . II_� i. _ o y•Ir•r I:1 i IX: - ....� I i it �p�`'• I i s?=4---. : k —El?. 41 ; g - ti i r P ,. - • :: . ; ;7 i t it A A A a .. �,-7�-* __Au.- AV •IY • .,.•. n' ,.1` ,lei, ! Y I --- ! . ii �`��:I? .. ,' " .. • is I I II • 1 >n .t ..i• 1 II- I 1 • . TP-1 CALF IN FEET) i 250 ; it: 1f i r. ). . TP42. 'r G_ j .21 l I - I. ,i: r. TP-2 I. ,.� TP-3 * .; 1--1 i z r i TP-7 i ; �;; L_ —_� TP-6 • 1 • TP-1* Ni Site Plan �_ Lt J - - MAIN COMPLEX SITE PLAN MAP KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS- PHASE I PROJECTS CONSOLIDATED OFFICE AND SHOP FACILITY HONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. FIGURE 3 • • • TEST PIT LOG 1,1 • GROUND MOISTURE CONTENT • V.EPTN SOIL DESCRIPTION a WATER SPT RESISTANCE (feet) 0 CONDITION 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Dark brown topsoil - sod I -- 1 I Denis e brown SAND and GRAVEL 2 trace silt (Fill ) ilir3 Dar gray burn zone '- Ver/ dense red brown SAND - 4 GRA'/EL, COBBLES (weathered Outwash) 5 S-1 I_ 6 END OF PIT . \ \ • I \ I ll II DATE 4-15-88 HOLE N0. PROJECT King Co. Consol . ff O . Fa c. LOGGED 9Y SHE TP-1 Figure 5 Monroe Ave N.E. ELEVATION SHEET Renton , WA. DEPTH 5 : 1 or 1 TEST PIT LOG GROUND MOISTURE CONTENT V. O DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION a WATER SPT RESISTANCE A (feet) 0 CONDITION Io 20 30 40 50 6070 I 4 Medium dense, brown SAND and . GRAVEL (Topsoil ) 1 — Dense brown gray medium SAND and 2 GRAVEL and COBBLES / 1 (Fill ) 3 Dense brown SAND and GRAVEL: t1•ace silt (Topsoil ) — 4 -- Dense gray sandy GRAVEL: bedded — 5 _ (Glacial Outwash) — 1 6 . , END OF PIT . • I. 1 ' I 4 I I. ,- i . • • • PROJECT DATE 4-15-88 HOLE NO. King Co. Consol . Off. Fac. LOGGED B7 SHE TP-3 Figure 7 Monroe AVP N.E. ELEVATION 6 SHEET Renton, WA. DEPTH 1 of 1 TEST PIT LOG GROUND MOISTURE CONTENT •/. O DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION a. WATER SPT RESISTANCE (feet) a CONDITION ul 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 y . A Medium dense brown gravelly SAND: (Fill ) . 1 -' -, i Medium dense to dense brown gray 3 -" sandy fine to coarse GRAVEL: tedded 4 - (Glacial Outwash) -, 5 - - . 6 _ END OF PIT - rote : Pit walls exhibited - ravellina within the - outwash + i 1 . . , . + DATE 4-1. -ob HOLE NO. PROJECT Kina Co. Consol . Off. Fac. LOGGED S7 SHE TP-5 Fi gurE 9 Monroe Ave. N. E. ELEVATION SHEET Renton, WA. DEPTH 51, 1 a+ 1 TEST PIT LOG IM. A, GROUND MOISTURE CONTENT V. CO-4EPTH SOIL DESCRIPTIONWATER ISPT RESISTANCE • (feet w CONDITION IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 Dense brown silty SAND and GRAVEL L . 1 (Fill ) Da-k charcoal horizon N r- 2 - -Denise red brown sandy GRAVEL: Moist trice silt 3 — (Weathered Outwash) — I( 4 aal Dense brown gray medium to coarse SAND and GRAVEL; bedded , — 5 — (Glacial Outwash) — 6 — END OF PIT l _. 7 1 1 . 1 4 ...4 I _ 4 i I 1 -^ PROJECT DATE 4-15-88 MOLE NO. King Co. Consol . Off. Fac. LOGGED BY SHE TP-7 Figure 11 • Monroe Ave. N.E. ELEVATION SHEET Renton , WA. DEPTH 5.5' 1 or 1 _1 — I- iimemr--.A..-- ._ ——_ • TEST PIT LOG 44 GROUND MOISTURE CONTENT •/. O (DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION WATER • SPT RESISTANCE !(feet) 0 CONDITION 10 20 30 40 50 6070 ` Da -k brown topsoil Medium dense red brown fine SAND: 1 sone silt; trace gravel (Weathered Outwash) - 2 - 3 —. Medium dense brown gray medium — + ' • SAND: trace gravel ; occasional 4 boulders — (Glacial Outwash) r— 5 — 6 _� Deise brown gray SAND and GRAVEL (Glacial Outwash) 7 END OF PIT • ...— PROJECT DATE 4-15-88 HOLE NO. King Co. Consol . Off. Fad. LOGGED BY SHE TP-9 Figure 13 Monroe Ave. N.E. ELEVATION SHEET Renton , WA. DEPTH 6.5 1 of— 1 1 TEST PIT LOG • W GROUND MOISTURE CONTENT V.OEFTH SOIL DESCRIPTION a. WATER SPT aESiSTANCE • (feet) 0 CONDITION ,0 20 30 40 50 60 70 Very dense red brown SAND and GRAVEL -t.4 1 (Compacted Fill ) 2 -•— Dense, red-brown sandy SILT and GRAVEL: /i/ , , ' 3 — -t� (Weathered Outwash) 4 --- ..� Dense, gray SAND and GRAVEL: , bedded; with cobbles -om 41 5 -" I (Outwash) .� 6 - H--- 4 -� I H l END OF PIT 9 - I 10 -" 1 -1 • 1 • • 1 \ I PROJECT DATE 4-15-88 T HOLE N0. Kina Co. Consol . Off. Fac. LOGGED BY SHE TP-11 Ficure 15 Monroe Ave. N.E. ELEVATION SHEET Renton, WA. DEPTH 8. 3' 1 or 1 INIONIF . - • HONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. • Geotectutcol Engineering • Material Testing • Construction Quality Control Inspection • GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION • Project,.....n9...County...Co.r.T?..........a.t.e.d......0...f............. .......... Test Hole Number,................:.11.......!.................................................... and Repair Facil ity, Renton, WA Depth, 8' Project Number,....... Sample Description 8..8........................................... ;....6... .0 DateTested,...... .............f.8.8............................................-.................. Gravel Remarks: Sand, 38.8 Silt,. 1.2 Ctay, Manill111121111111111 1111111111111d="111111 IIIIMURIMIUI"26IUIEOEEINEMIMINRXgfgE SIEVE SIZES • 200 100 60 AO 30 20 16 108 4 13 '42 Z,, i‘Ar 2 3 100 • • . . : : . . 90 • • . . : . . . . . . . ' . ................: .. . . . . . . . . i • 80 , ., ..... • . ......••• •.•• .............................••••••.••••••••. .....•.................. • , •• . . •.: . . W . • •. • : =14 . . . . . • .•• .• . . .. '.: . . . 4 60 - • . i ; . M - • • : • : . • . . . : . . • : . : : • . . •. . • cn . . .: . . . . . : •. . . : . • i •: , .• 50 r-- , , • : Z . . . W . : • .. • 0 40 . ........;.......... ..... ...:...........................:.........;......... .... • • ................. CC , , , .• : : LU : i I , , . . • •• . : , , .• , ; . : . • : . . 30 . . • . . . ' • : . . . . . , . . • . . . . . . . . . . • : : • • • • . . • • . • . - . -- : . . • ... . , • . . • 20 • . . . •••:.. . : . . . . . ; . ; • . : • . . . . • • . . . . , • : , . . . • , • • •. . : • • -. . . , : : : i :i : : : . : • • . • , . : . . - • : .: • • : ; , ; 1 •1 • ' •, • •• • : . . .• : . . . ° iimilIN;101.0111111. ommilmillim"."1111. .10;0101010.1;11.11111111111.1 0005 001 002 .005 .01 .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 2 5 10 20 so GRAIN SIZE-MILLIMETRES Reviewed By: 5 All tests-pertormed in accordance wstn AST t•A Figure 17 7.:; 5' KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT APPENDIX C: DEVELOPED SITE HYDROGRAPHS King County ►moo r• - :-? o L>j y 14 y t r I;r; Ca Jr S Project Re`v{" Vacfp, P'lfit (0 n feu � 0 Comp G• • Chk Rev Public Works Date 7 -ao-1 4 Date Date Page of Pages 100 yr ash✓ }e rw, wG k ✓ Yv r of F c1 k / frJ uSih h yd.EXF F;lerkq me vo,c, �or� ay. i N Vac 10 ay . TKT Pec4K, 1 .1? c FS for VAcioi poc! roar— A C p�'r I rc d SF,o."-vk o✓t P9 a ".Syr - S+r rik tit'vt;{r Y(4 v\c)f P C� �G 1,1 10 f-!'o4 i'v c? Vac. asa9 . rti -� velc as-ay . rxr Peak Q = ):a3 cF5 VflG6U/— , ZN —). TXI ov-t- 1 — 1.' cC 3 <<n A • Qtv- y ,T �u±k I +c, Ct 18 1,e erg/ f•/0 Ftr Cp No ottar Flow ev\ pu. , fetal F-or ProPb cd)- 5ys 1^'t ( f--t,r u�� SCFs,) PIPE# LENGTH (ft) DIAM (IN) PIPE TYPE OUTLET IE INLET IE 'INLET TYPE I 6y 'a\-I 311,10 311.4a a 1a3 a4 -311.5d 31?.14 '3 Ic)c ay 3I8.a4f 319 .d'i y I I`i I 3a a,86 3ay,6D 5 Ib`I la 3agr,10 3ac,o, G '1 0 1a Sac .10 3a5 .c0 BWPIPES.XLS 6/9/94 Renton Vactor Q-ratios CB 4 Area(ac) 25-24 100-24 CB# Q-ratio CB# Q-ratio 1 0.4947 0.54 0.600 1 0.783 1 0.783 2 0.0482 0.05 0.060 2 1.000 16 0.341 3 0.0442 0.05 0.05 3 0.000 17 0.760 16 0.1346 0.15 0.16 18 0.000 17 0.1772 0.19 0.22 18 0.2254 0.25 0.28 Pe aK Q as - a4 f , a3 CA7 0 (o0 - ay 1 37 EG5 VACQRAT.XLS 720/94 VAC2524 .TXT KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division HYDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD 3 - ROUTE 4 - ROUTE2 5 - ADDHYD 6 - BASEFLOW 7 - PLOTHYD 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: SBUH/SCS METHOD FOR COMPUTING RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH STORM OPTIONS : 1 - S .C. S . TYPE-lA 2 - 7-DAY DESIGN STORM 3 - STORM DATA FILE S ?ECIFY STORM OPTION: S . C. S . TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION E:1TER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECIP( INCHES ) ******************** S .C. S . TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ***************** *** ********* 25-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3 . 40" TOTAL PRECIP. ***** **** ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A( IMPERV) , CN( IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. Page 1 VAC2524 .TXT DI TA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES ) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN . 1 . 0 . 0 . 1 98 . 0 . 0 PEAK-Q(CFS ) T-PEAK(HRS ) VOL(CU-FT) . 15 7 . 67 1547 ErTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A( IMPERV) , CN( IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES ) A CN A CN . 2 . 0 . 0 . 2 98 . 0 . 0 PEAK-Q(CFS ) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) . 19 7 . 67 2036 ENTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A( IMPERV) , CN( IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 6 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES ) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN . 2 . 0 . 0 . 2 98 . 0 . 0 PEAK-Q(CFS ) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) . 25 7 . 67 2591 ENTER [d: ] [path] filename[ . ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP Page 3 VAC2524 . IN 2 1 25 24 3 .4 0 0 .4947 98 0 cb1 c 0 0 . 0482 98 0 cb2 c 0 0 . 0442 98 0 cb 3 c 0 0 . 1346 98 0 cb16 c 0 0 . 1772 98 0 cb17 c 0 0 . 2254 98 0 cb18 s 10 Page 1 VAC10024 .TXT DI.TA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES ) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN . 5 . 0 . 0 . 5 98 . 0 . 0 PEAK-Q(CFS ) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) . 60 7 . 67 6402 ENTER [d: ] [path]filename[ . ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A( IMPERV) , CN( IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES ) A CN A CN . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 98 . 0 . 0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) . 06 7 . 67 623 E:dTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: S:?ECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP E:1TER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A( IMPERV) , CN( IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 3 D..TA PRINT-OUT: • AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES ) A CN A CN . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 98 . 0 . 0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) . 05 7 . 67 572 ENTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A( IMPERV) , CN( IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 4 Page 2 VAC10024 .TXT KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division HYDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD 3 - ROUTE 4 - ROUTE2 5 - ADDHYD 6 - BASEFLOW 7 - PLOTHYD 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: S:op - Program terminated. Page 4 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - BWCHAN 3 - BWPIPE 4 - BWCULV 5 - BWBOX 6 - DATA-FILE ROUTINES 7 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES SPECIFY TYPE OF PIPE-DATA INPUT: K - KEYBOARD F - FILE ENTER: NUMBER OF PIPES OUTFLOW CONDITIONS PIPE NO. 1 - TAILWATER DATA: Page 1 ENTER PIPE # 2 : LENGTH(ft) , DIA( in) , PIPE-TYPE, OUTLET-IE, INLET-IE, INLET-TYPE ENTER N-VALUE FOR PIPE NO. 2 ENTER JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-ELEV, BEND-ANGLE(deg) , STRUC.DIA/WIDTH(ft) , Q-RATIO ENTER PIPE # 3 : LENGTH( ft) , DIA(in) , PIPE-TYPE, OUTLET-IE, INLET-IE, INLET-TYPE ENTER N-VALUE FOR PIPE NO. 3 INFLOW CONDITIONS PIPE NO. 3 - OVERFLOW DATA AND UPSTREAM VELOCITY DATA: 1 ) ENTER: OVERFLOW-ELEV, OVERFLOW-TYPE (NONE=0, BROAD-WEIR=1 , SHARP-WEIR=2 ) 2 ) SPECIFY TYPE OF VELOCITY DATA INPUT: S - SINGLE VELOCITY UPSTREAM V - VARY VELOCITY ACCORDING TO V=Q/A 3 ) ENTER: VELOCITY( fps ) UPSTREAM ENTER: QMIN, QMAX, QINCRE, PRINT-OPTION ( STANDARD=1 , CONDENSED=2 , EXPANDED=3 ) PIPE NO. 1 : 64 LF - 24 "PIPE @ . 50% OUTLET: 317 . 10 INLET: 317 . 42 INTYP: 8 JUNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 330 . 00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 6 . 0 Q-RATIO: . 78 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* . 50 . 32 317 . 74 * . 009 . 25 . 21 . 50 . 50 . 25 ***** . 32 1 . 00 . 46 317 . 88 * . 009 . 35 . 29 . 50 . 50 . 35 ***** . 46 1 . 50 . 57 317 . 99 * . 009 . 43 . 35 . 50 . 50 . 43 ***** . 57 2 . 00 . 66 318 . 08 * . 009 . 50 . 40 . 50 . 50 . 50 ***** . 66 2 . 50 . 75 318 . 17 * . 009 . 56 . 45 . 50 . 50 . 56 ***** . 75 3 . 00 . 83 318 . 25 * . 009 . 61 . 49 . 50 .50 . 61 ***** . 83 Page 3 1 . 40 .41 319 . 65 * . 009 . 41 . 34 . 70 . 70 . 41 ***** . 34 SPECIFY: R - REVISE, N - NEWJOB, F - FILE, S - STOP KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - BWCHAN 3 - BWPIPE 4 - BWCULV 5 - BWBOX 6 - DATA-FILE ROUTINES 7 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION Stop - Program terminated. Page 5 KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - BWCHAN 3 - BWPIPE 4 - BWCULV 5 - BWBOX 6 - DATA-FILE ROUTINES 7 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION BACKWATER COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR PIPES SPECIFY TYPE OF PIPE-DATA INPUT: K - KEYBOARD F - FILE ENTER: NUMBER OF PIPES OUTFLOW CONDITIONS PIPE NO. 1 - TAILWATER DATA: 1 ) SPECIFY TYPE OF TAILWATER DATA INPUT: S - SINGLE TW-ELEV. F - TW/HW DATA FILE 2 ) ENTER: TW-ELEV Page 1 ENTER PIPE # 4 : LENGTH( ft) , DIA(in) , PIPE-TYPE, OUTLET-IE, INLET-IE, INLET-TYPE ENTER N-VALUE FOR PIPE NO. 4 INFLOW CONDITIONS PIPE NO. 4 - OVERFLOW DATA AND UPSTREAM VELOCITY DATA: 1 ) ENTER: OVERFLOW-ELEV, OVERFLOW-TYPE (NONE=O, BROAD-WEIR=1 , SHARP-WEIR=2 ) 2 ) SPECIFY TYPE OF VELOCITY DATA INPUT: S - SINGLE VELOCITY UPSTREAM V - VARY VELOCITY ACCORDING TO V=Q/A 3) ENTER: VELOCITY( fps ) UPSTREAM ENTER: QMIN, QMAX, QINCRE, PRINT-OPTION (STANDARD=1, CONDENSED=2 , EXPANDED=3) PIPE NO. 1 : 64 LF - 24"PIPE @ . 50% OUTLET: 317 . 10 INLET: 317 . 42 INTYP: 8 JUNC NO. 1 : OVERFLOW-EL: 330 . 00 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 6 . 0 Q-RATIO: . 78 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* . 50 . 32 317 . 74 * . 009 . 25 . 21 . 50 . 50 . 25 ***** . 32 1 . 00 . 47 317 . 89 * . 009 . 35 . 29 . 50 . 50 . 35 ***** . 47 1 . 50 . 58 318 . 00 * . 009 . 43 . 35 . 50 . 50 . 43 ***** . 58 2 . 00 . 69 318 . 11 * . 009 . 50 . 40 . 50 . 50 . 50 ***** . 69 2 . 50 . 79 318 . 21 * . 009 . 56 . 45 . 50 . 50 . 56 ***** . 79 3 . 00 . 88 318 . 30 * . 009 . 61 . 49 . 50 . 50 . 61 ***** . 88 3 . 50 . 97 318 . 39 * . 009 . 66 . 53 . 50 . 53 . 66 ***** . 97 4 . 00 1 . 07 318 . 49 * . 009 . 71 . 57 . 50 . 57 . 71 ***** 1 . 07 4 . 50 1 . 16 318 . 58 * . 009 . 75 . 60 . 50 . 60 . 75 ***** 1 . 16 5 . 00 1 . 25 318 . 67 * . 009 . 79 . 64 . 50 . 64 . 79 ***** 1 .25 PIPE NO. 2 : 114 LF - 12"PIPE @ 1 . 00% OUTLET: 322 . 86 INLET: 324 . 00 INTYP : 8 JUNC NO. 2 : OVERFLOW-EL: 328 . 00 BEND: 90 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 2 . 0 Q-RATIO: . 34 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI ******************************************************************************* . 28 . 29 324 . 29 * . 009 . 22 . 16 . 00 . 16 . 22 ***** . 29 Page 3 SPECIFY: R - REVISE, N - NEWJOB, F - FILE, S - STOP KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Surface Water Management Division BACKWATER ANALYSIS PROGRAM Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - BWCHAN 3 - BWPIPE 4 - BWCULV 5 - BWBOX 6 - DATA-FILE ROUTINES 7 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION Stop - Program terminated. Page 5 KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT APPENDIX D: BIOFILTRATION AND OPEN CHANNEL SWALE CALCULATIONS King County Project V-NTD N "m a-A e, 0 p Comp Chk Rev Public Works Date Date Date Page of Pages P jO''vV A L E r)Es I y r\1 v Q = 0.0 2-+ QZ = 5. (o'I cf S d =0. 25f}' 5= 0.9 .1 F OIL TKAr p,4 4,01 D Ft I 1 .48C, xY'. y ��-� 5Z d = Y ,I b 1 b : 5 io 4 X O . O L} - 2(0.25) I.43(o x (0.25 )I.c.l.}x (0.01)o.S 0.15 2 - 2(0. 25 ) - 9 . 3 1$ b = 10 ' CH ELIC F 012 V ELO L tTr( V5_ I .5 4/s b= 10r = 10(0. 25) f- 2 (0. 25) 1- V = 5.104 = 1 (41 ? 1 .5 no 2.(025 rb= IJ A = I(.o ( o.z5) t z Co .2.$) Z a. 17-5 V = 5.fo4 = < ( .5 - , jC - 47 5 K C Enpr.Worluneel I I - Pnrncc on RECYCLED paper King County Project R ta.t i)nl rtt-)A P_ O eirr ?A-c,0 FA-0 Comp Chk Rev Public Works Date 4112 D Hit i Date Date Page of I Pages OPEN CHANNeL S WL, Le Q = 1. 9q (A )( e. 24) LS I/= ) Q ° I2.11o -Coe 1D0 yr - 24 hr Si-or m LI D b = 12."11o ( 0 •OZw )_ - (.1.4°1)(v�t.i.ult 1- 1 I t,o • t oA 3 I ` 5. I3.z t I , y. FKGEP,DAi`D . 1,4771 5 = 9 -y22l = 0.051 (v0 KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT APPENDIX E: SAND FILTER CALCULATIONS rrcL.A. QWj,-jlll 1 u 206 296 E19e 11:29PM R840 P.01, Post-It"brand fax transmittal memo 7b/1 1r of vrgrr ► ,1( e Kin County To rro,n \\� p ,�QA,�F l�.r�� S i rH l i / n Kl1 e.1 \\\ Su lace Water co. `�o. p4, „ Management Lout' (Ada/7 lc -c • SLvM \ b.�t. 'Phone 11U ,��� Everyone lives downstream �>, w y�, d Englneerlr g&Environmental Services Fax 2� _ -42 r _ 1 ot Pesos I2C o " A CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FOR A SAND FILTER SITE: King County Public Works Renton Facilities DATE: February 24, 1994 DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS; Writer Quality Design storm = 1/3 of 2-year 24-hour storm = 1/3 X 5.12 cfs = 1 .711 cfs (flow Information provided by Joane Koasi) Design water depth — 6" above the ground level + 1' free-board Hydraulic conductivity = 0.04 cm/sec for the composite filter media ,ND FILTER DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS Minimum Surface Area Required For the Sand Filter = 3,946 sq.ft. use 4,000 sq.ft. Select a 50'X 80' sand filter or other suitable rectangular size. In order to maximize th 3 efficiency of the sand filter, the inflow should distributed evenly on the sand filter. Exact location of the sand filter will be located after a site Inspection. Installation of th3 sand filter downstream of the blofiltratlon swab° is recommended. Plan and X-section of the sand filter : Enclosed Specifications for sand, gravel, and geo-textile : Enclosed In;pection and maintenance schedule : Enclosed • t Flow above the water quality design storm should be by-passed around the sand filter. SWM.EnWorkSheet a/22/93 ItTrfaccguelter _.\\\ \ ..CoNc .E.7.UAL .)..1_/l.Al._. j'OX h - Project. K Z•An Olt, \ S N F 1LT . .... . 1'Ac1 Li T-1E - Management � D �T� S \ ,,,„•Everyone lives rtn>unsirta Comp_... :L_��' Chk_2 - Rev Engineering& Environmental Services Date...2/257q _ Date—_.___. Date f age - -of Pa; .6.._� • So H . Y . TI Y . Y Y Y ' _ .._ . . • • .. .). . . 1 • • •0:4 -I . . _. . ii • 0 . .> . ..... ... ., -i . --. .. , , .,,, . ..... . ... . . . • J.,. :t - • 1 t • T R # - kol I- 1 B/0.s•AL r. it ' 4 . 641 A• >B9 i I • 1.• 4 1)f 1 fA, • . .. I: \ Ai• i • 1.1 .. . ,� j •� . i� _... . . . .._.. . _ . . \ -1. ' ' , . . . . � . ,....2, - C-scan ovt.s Cat c.A 1 .)i•ns w d id/ . i 'c, A'r Carper/ P rat' ; :, bur —..._.. per fova (eal pvc. p%Pc'S owPGJ 5 /c% D•5-x S-foec wiiti6sec de (n;A , GraS'S (/ ‘'of 10`S'n'•• J • (Nrs ) o•5%. Slopc ��eotex. %-/E Pvc Per i'ora{c ./ • :fi--�• __ -�y_ �_�E �- _.ram:. . _,/_. 1�� O • . . •, . . � . • 1 ' : . /2. ( 1%i C • O• r.. Py+ o.... n . .i p/��- ( -. I 1 �-'/�or it.c • (Airs) . _ SWM•EngWorkShoet 4r22/93 DRAFT INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE The sand filters are subject to clogging by sediment, oil and grease, and other debris. The sand filters should be inspected at least once every three months for the first one year. Based on the Inspection findings, the frequency of Inspection may be reduced to once every six months. During an inspection the following minimum features of a sand filter should be monitored: c Accumulation of debris, grit, oil & grease, and other debris on top of the filter and in the pre-treatment BMP. c Clogging of the sand filter. In the event of clogging, water will flow through the over-flow pipe and draw-down of water will take longer than the designed draw-down time. Frequent flow through the over-flow structure Indicates clogging of sand filter or the drainage pipe. c Wears and tears on the geotextile fabric. c Erosion of the sand filter. c Flow channelization on the sand filter indicates Improper function of the flow spreader. Check for accumulation of debris on the flow spreader. c Clean-out pipes should be checked to ensure proper drainage through the perforated pipes. c, Frequency of flow through the overflow pipe. If the surface water runoff (during the storms that are smaller than the designed storm) flow through the overflow pipe than that could indicate clogged sand filter bed or design error. Inlet and outlet pipes should be checked for proper drainage. The sand filters should be maintained as needed. The following is a minimum maintenance schedule: s� Remove the deposited sediment when the accumulation exceeds six Inches In the pre-treatment settling basin. o Remove deposited sediment and debris from the sand filter when accumulation exceeds 1/2 inch. For a sub-surface filter, removal of sediment may performed by replacing the old geotextile fabric with new a geotextile fabric of the same specifications. 7 KING COUNTY TEMPORARY MATERIAL STORAGE PAD DRAINAGE REPORT APPENDIX F: INFILTRATION POND CALCULATIONS King County Project 1rxvion'sir i e-A-ri'c+c.J 0 Comp 4 Chk Rev Public Works Date 1`z4 114 Date Date Page I of 2- Page5 I IJ I 1.--1124 TI ON P DA4 D 100 y r - Z4 Vt✓ Q pui z l 2.&'4 Gf S • inhI4-rn hi)n ►' tit, be)Y,c 1 or) /70i I re-pop,1- QVin'x S. i - 3.i- 11/rvl i 11 FA60Dt2 OP ' FETE = Z (per 4ivJM t7t:SIeih./ MAr rJUos t... q .5.4.- I ) = 17•1- ►n/r rt /Z - t. SS In/►v►irt . Q. = I A /'2O ' 1.ss /-720 = 12 . (0 4 A, = 12.624 L1ZD) 4,911. 35I = 5000 ft '' 1.s 5 Cf EGK Voi In ee✓wI Vol r, oVOz Z 4 }-4-L.5 %or. t OQ y r -2' 4% Y►vi Qrn POND ft scc. 124 N 15 3t °° c/ 3 F+ 4blour ' 1.85 in/rrlln (60D0 14t) (24 ,rs ) lltr� ) (. 4; ) I, IID) 000 + t5 AIC-DvT '41-Ir) YY1IY1 dcpt- i F0-6L'13OL11Z0 . �112 I ni t I'l. en.o:' o N Pi a TrD M • I% (Ibo ' (Di..c,o•.►al_)) = 1 ' 4- I' FR r!)OatZ = Z' MIN . K.0 Engr WorksMN II Premed on RECYCLED paper