HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.47_Public_Comment_EmailsFrom: N R <bizbuzz135@outlook.com> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021 8:47 AM To: Jennifer Cisneros; glen.stamant@muckleshoot.nsn.us; Laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us; separegister@ecy.wa.gov; sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov; misty.blair@ecy.wa.gov; Sepadesk@dfw.wa.gov; sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov; Minnie.Dhaliwal@TukwilaWA.gov; jgreene@kingcounty.gov; steveo@newcastlewa.gov; andy.swayne@pse.com; sepa@pscleanair.org; Jim.Ishimaru@kingcounty.gov; Matthew (Matt) Feldmeyer; Larry.Fisher@dfw.wa.gov; McColloch, Duffy; egeorge@kentwa.gov; Madura, Jalaine; 'katherine.fischer@kingcounty.gov'; SEPA@dahp.wa.gov; katelynn.piazza@ecy.wa.gov Cc: Matthew Herrera; Council Subject: Salmon Habitat. Water quality/capacity. Traffic congestion. City of Renton Re-Notice: Cedar River Apartments, LUA19-000161 Importance: High CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well in these challenging times? I am a long time resident of Renton and would appreciate any information you might have in relation to the following. I would like more information regarding the water supply in Renton, as well as the impacts felt globally. I understand some of Renton's water supply comes from the Renton Aquifer and some from the Cedar River - my questions are specifically in relation to the very large developments planned close to the down-town area. I know there is a comment period for us to ask questions. One development is the Cedar River Apartments at the former Stoneway site, which sits on top of Zone 1 of the Aquifer, and the other is the development planned in the area where the former city hall is presently, off Houser and Mill Ave S. Both of which border the Cedar River. The questions are for information about any recent and past studies that are able to project the capacity of our water supply to support the increased demand, both in times of adequate snow pack and rain fall, as well as during times of drought? I would like information regarding the current draw demands on the Aquifer and the rate of recharge, as well as it's current capacity? This year has been very challenging and the city staff have done a great job to keep the wheels turning. I have been concerned, and still am concerned regarding the developments as mentioned above, in relation to our water supply as noted, but also the possible threat from surface contaminant seeping into the ground from chemicals that might be used to maintain landscaping, as well as oil and other leaks resulting from poorly maintained vehicles parked there. After the construction is completed it will be too late to build rules and requirements into the plans - I respectfully ask that you and your staff continue to make these issues a priority for the benefit of your residents. I have in the past emailed information to the city about a group by the name of SalmonSafe.org. They are able to provide expert information both around development practices and habitat/environmental issues to protect and improve salmon habitat. This group have assisted Portland City and Shoreline in these efforts with great success, and have put these cities on the map as shining examples of what can be accomplished to preserve habitat and the environment for our children's future, and at the same time provide necessary housing and helping development continue.. The King County site for increasing capacity for the areas garbage was decided last year. One of the options was to expand the one off the Maple Valley Road. Do you know it this is the one that is to be expanded? If it is, the traffic from this station is already a heavy burden on the roads that come past my house, and will only increase. The traffic study that was attached to the Cedar River Apartments off the Maple Valley Road at Cedar River Drive is from 2019 I understand and is outdated. Any changes to traffic as a result of the location of the expanded transfer station, and also increases as the result of the Asphalt facility, if it was approved on the Maple Valley Highway - all this should be included in the traffic study and it should be updated. The traffic both ways down the Maple Valley Hwy has been a nightmare for years, and especially where it connects with I405. Impacted especially by vehicles from the waste dump site, massive vehicles from the Department of Resources and the Cedar Grove landscape/soil supply company. I am asking a lot of questions yes, but this is what you and your staff would expect from us as involved and responsible residents of this great city. Thank you again for all you do. Respectfully, Nicola. Resident since 1985 425 255 5160 ________________________________________ From: Jennifer Cisneros <JCisneros@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 1:38 PM To: glen.stamant@muckleshoot.nsn.us; Laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us; separegister@ecy.wa.gov; sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov; misty.blair@ecy.wa.gov; Sepadesk@dfw.wa.gov; sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov; Minnie.Dhaliwal@TukwilaWA.gov; jgreene@kingcounty.gov; steveo@newcastlewa.gov; andy.swayne@pse.com; sepa@pscleanair.org; Jim.Ishimaru@kingcounty.gov; Matthew (Matt) Feldmeyer; Larry.Fisher@dfw.wa.gov; McColloch, Duffy; egeorge@kentwa.gov; Madura, Jalaine; 'katherine.fischer@kingcounty.gov'; SEPA@dahp.wa.gov; katelynn.piazza@ecy.wa.gov; bizbuzz135@outlook.com Cc: Matthew Herrera Subject: City of Renton Re-Notice: Cedar River Apartments, LUA19-000161 Hello, Please see attached Re-Notice of Application for City of Renton for the following project: Cedar River Apartments LUA19-000161 As the project progresses, more information will be available by request and through our online Public Notice of Land Use Applications Map<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Frentonwa.maps.arcgis.com %2Fapps%2FMinimalist%2Findex.html%3Fappid%3Dba8be73232e44a2fa126a36c109800b2&amp;data= 04%7C01%7CMHerrera%40Rentonwa.gov%7Cd5e213b971bc4dead26208d8f06e6b89%7C71014141061 148858e98cc96a05e1675%7C1%7C0%7C637523704349252837%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIj oiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=%2Ban4g PIrvt74AphTxKHkizVRNM%2BViat2ucxwnkHDB%2BM%3D&amp;reserved=0>. Regards, Jenny Cisneros | Planning Technician City of Renton | CED | Planning Division Remote No. (971) 217-9357 COVID-19 UPDATE City Hall is currently closed to the public but we are still available to assist you remotley. * Pay Invoice, Apply for Over-the-Counter Permit, Schedule an Inspection: Permitting Portal<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpermitting.rentonwa.gov %2F%23%2Fhome&amp;data=04%7C01%7CMHerrera%40Rentonwa.gov%7Cd5e213b971bc4dead26208 d8f06e6b89%7C71014141061148858e98cc96a05e1675%7C1%7C0%7C637523704349252837%7CUnkno wn%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7 C1000&amp;sdata=KQB7VgZgYrfG2JxktIEqxXnZAzENpQiz5I6QUhHBDH8%3D&amp;reserved=0> * Contact Staff: Building or General Permitting: permittech@rentonwa.gov<mailto:permittech@rentonwa.gov?subject=Inquiry%20from%20Website> or 425-430-7200 Planning: planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov<mailto:planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov?subject=Inq uiry%20from%20City%20Website> or 425-430-7294 Public Works Permitting: pwpermitting@rentonwa.gov<mailto:pwpermitting@rentonwa.gov?subject=Inquiry%20from%20City%2 0Website> or 206-402-8626 Code Compliance: Renton Responds<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Frentonwa.gov%2Fcms %2Fone.aspx%3FportalId%3D7922741%26pageId%3D15833143&amp;data=04%7C01%7CMHerrera%40 Rentonwa.gov%7Cd5e213b971bc4dead26208d8f06e6b89%7C71014141061148858e98cc96a05e1675% 7C1%7C0%7C637523704349252837%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoi V2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&amp;sdata=o%2B%2BJNN5myFCELyTZhKkERSEr 0ifPflAFbGcagicqiaQ%3D&amp;reserved=0> or 425-430-7373