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, . © CITY OF RENTON . (4% 4 mil Planning/Building/Public Works a 4� "' �; i CC J 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 APR 16'S 8 j �o mill „ 0 2 9 g ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED im. 6• 7 PG METER 7150564 * U.S. POSTAGE 133270-0110-09 694999 BAKOW LECN 607 WILLIAMS AVE S V210 SF_C` 5 ▪ 30v sod •s•n v95n51L - - RENICK hA 8AK0607 980552025 1N 19 04/23/9B * 'a3�r .4i)!Kitk.,.....--maw RETURN TO SENDER * L "„ Ii� .--11 ; -I NO FORWARD ORDER ON FILE 1 i Q B.L _ -- \b **d� ' UNABLE TO FORWARD EX m m 1 ( D ��;. _ } ' ; 1111, h1111 H.111.i111,��1111 lei,l��l�l,��I�I���UI�►i�l�ii�llill���il<<�';. „ © CITY OF RENTON aa Planning/Building/Public Works v. v. a; ; 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 W Cat)tv... 1 �,L",Y..,r 1 - 0 ,2 9 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQ ESTED n METER t 7150564 u.S. POSTAGE _/ 0E49yr 133270-0310-07 F F,+ cy4fe CANYON OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSO5��9999 `'. PO SX 84923 SEATTLE to SE12r, N VrhABIE����- y y� A� QU'URrSSED �' UrJtE : 10 SCR �'Aa; '`--r 1 i • r, `1 .9 F...JUP'J ;p i� Ri-�,k ' --4 1: o % p CITY OF RENTON kr rN �9 . , _.,� !L sall Planning/Building/Public Works - " ,- ' 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washincc ton 98055 N 0 •7 F. .R I '9 8 ,2i9i *. .. g W v / r ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED d I' 7l5OS6..R 150564 U.S. POSTAGE or‘(/?) 1334210-3464-0 Kennydale Mini-Mart ..c _,) 2910 NE 30th St. Renton WA 98056 - r e .s' AE URN —., �c,�Y;� ` c y 9, T0 WRITER `—_— (ADDRESS UNKNOWN �1 - 31separcipa thi„1,J,li,,,,I,I„I,i,,,l,l,„lii„l,i,i„il,„it rl,i ,1 PARCEL 1334210-3466 — JTe_ir - 7 08 WEST GOMMUNOOTJONS • tm AVEN,.E NE NDOY ' BEHONE WA6HINQi81 PHONE UP6)A61-WOO �OA.n—n.. i4 A6R FK FAl( (1261 A81-0310 ;C vm °M I f• 1 S or® R SITE NAME: "ors K G M 1H ;;:'-Fr.'1 r �= 0 JOHN & CONRAD SCHLOREDT aAil,7 ratP N : Vii�;s c eN� {t3 * 22.R� Mom„a M OOP �,W _ ' •C) / I i SITE NUMBER: i 71 /urn — r Pe .�,as snma I 1 I i ii SEA041B X ` J I • • I I f•_ OINKT1150 PE06506 C —__ 1.m13L111A9EK . 611060660NM ItIM6 201w1 RRW JR MNS NORTH 30 IN STREET mon MSSNT .nAgMR.MFR i¢ m m OWN ms!T aY.2. 14.MOTOARTucAs . mm TO A¢a0w 0"i Ra. SITE PLAN v= SCAM P-30. 1 — .. �. 1__ REY n«a THE a 1 r 1 v �� o f Ea: = .AT 00 q SAb.,1 A.aMA 2 �.— I. ..v 3 St a[3w::O:°1 "bM:SIT,o"Q� 410 wa N, .-J 3P .94a s M 44.32 EAST,.»MS. eeaxam: MEL&Mf L II ® i„"`F„i nwTM COSIII cat 30 rm TO 114 WJRnA NOM a SC [ „�„ " .0.. In _ �T""r',[" a,TM" nK nu PONT a Q...c. 0s RFn ca.A,..cS W.ROM Ta F.0i"10.2 4.2 WNlif CV iJ).Af MT. QLLW[.R 450 tic. "AiW. • I v[wA[ — '�� s �� MFF MR,"O�aJ�,Q�b>t�rt[T R Of REST uC b M 46* CONTACT IALM WT.[R CaxrAcr aWc[.SLICE ]w 5756,361 OF WO 115 Kl 3.s fowl MT NJ..Yq A6T UK TO SRO KMx .... - sme.w M " ,F� .n.v m5r EXIT 8 OFF OF 406 . . .,.. f.TH Jo 3.5116( ""°tx evo Jr 501 J34 FEET kW sm)0�.�[N.„,s,.R x0•r.am.m rK Twl r m�°f6 TO COMM.0<Nm ,w urm Roo msarur.Jne SCHLOREDT A.�O.b: oT i.AF ",b w- b,._ RP .N•""".106�"o "' s r• SHEET INDEX I,, I _ RECOPY.0"u".�C com11 R[04,0.w 0o MO NO:J i lECIOR(�, x e � .�.:..XI.n $.WM.FEE OE R PO iiWA�roar,6611 WOW 401.0 -Ile--�M YDYL Me A OM>tTR A� AL)ROMEO �. g„ s ........ (0M Am 5Fc,0R TR..m..S Tm9J AUWim Al m. SEAO4TB n ..� $ LEGAL DESCRIPTION • ...... '•"' Q 4 — 20r(i eV*OF PNN'fl PARCEL NIINBERIS).tom. WEtlLaE'�tl I'N'°°im o 'F cc •o."Rs ss.T.-s.se vaam �— 2900 NE JOtn s n .o.wam r" ,w STD 96121 a Fxwcix 000100.WA 98056 N m: W Am-Alto ARMCO po0,6Ci AREA U.S.A r r.(206)AAJ-RJS o s qv a r A Aram 0 T M WMJRR .TACT STARRY cNmoR w6iR 2'140.11 r CD, ar MR /,\ /,� RE,-TonZ aR® _ f e KfElde I sar—' ®-- mr Rum. ¢YP ROT.. ,nn..A,00 94. 0 J NO su.t a 180Au - __ — SITE INFORMATION ® 2224 wpm. 2.)Ell iu-oo SIJE INFORM6710N •�I.Na,uH ucAi.ax VICINITY MAP arm ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS VICINITY MAP N.T.S PROJECT TEAM I� I PROJECT INFORMATION APPROVALS T_� _ _ _ i � U� fq J/ i THY sA ib4 T T I / 6E0 Nm AVENUE NE NOON:tp / BE W�NICT/ ♦ ♦♦ / —__—__ __—__—__—_ �_I PHONE uzm.aeaeo FAX (AM 46tB310 .now a� i WR R I 1 RECuiFxo*ab6 • t 1,44.STE,Rei,ANFI,,s,,,,,FFS ( SOS' 1..a] S 4.. I/,„, 1 - --R aMi--89=18 t "i " ' MC IM O 5 m.SIN M. FT F 5 POP 619E I4s.-air R�R6R15R V O 041 rt 5 R AS'MARS J -�• 1 ne woo as.ma W,�9B. 4 MIN. Ia wino court :':;:�:` mm 1-. ♦t— i Roam mco I FFE wen "iHik n", _ i j 3`���j1?� I�.R V2 ,li . arx �tn�m.,9 samu_ Oh:,„Ool: �m >0y LVVi VUV, R.Cs ' '-0'xb'-6' 6'-D'x6'-6'PRECAST """ate` 4 FUTURE PRECAST CONCRETE SLAB I 1 Enn.w LEASE'!- ___ CONCRETE SLAB IM Naffs R6a FMK 1 DEW Air/Ms Mali . ... , . Mt •-If en, MIN IDni Imo Y. mne IOW SET A: : p _X X X7 z o0 OWNS ManRao ��i W _-- '-- - n ::;,, time¢ �� a. to i _ ,S noa uu uc"mTM EXIT 6 OFF OF 406 ��� I SCHLOREDT 1 97 Maea • 1 : 111 •..`'\, MEW MA ss / 9 \ SEA0419 . eea I I li . =y( I`' / t.4. ' \ 1 a e-0 P / en 9 1 1900 NE n '.,`,,-- • _____ IL Q, AA I RENTON.na 98056 • 2 r • 1 1\ SEC*w F 0MI ISM anc 1 ' \ ENLARGED SITE PLAN �''•T— SECTOR AZIMUTH / • x x x x X X X x— FROM RUE Nam. ,�I. M1 2OJECT PLAN sour: lir-rd 1 1 Wa rws- „1 I II E " US WEST an OMB 0r MO r AVENUE 60VENUE ME ROOM ma9 �) µWWI . WASH BELLEVUE VG7011 BBOd III'I III' III U)NNW x LOOM AM IJ �� [) / I}tr V F. U2B)A61-0.910 II((LLyy rm s EYfI YCTO.. BA m (Q rWeu.i.9 ImK a i_1III • 9''� W sA M reE I, .roog o �{ FmBaE woOOLKED �a9� PP OS rAoroem,70.600.0.[ � / .Non�.Wnw rwma�a n<oau ..-",,. Q — .7:-'---.,:, b ��-, • —J BBL. dt C x.1. a« n J ¢ MOW MPS WT %WWI MRS n r I 0©— FOCI Wm.15 fooP0503.0.OF FORE Wi.9.66.57 1 `� ) G FWPOSa ra of woroscn WE a m.. .�i.J EMI i._ Promo ooa 6PF .ES AM1. • I. ^m , ,---11-1 !Ill ( 1 i i ... li‘ OF aWeua MA EMT 6 OFF OF 406 SCHLOREDT ['R WAa -._ _I SEA041B 2900 NE Nhn RENTON.WA 98056 USA 'muY J [ w EI[WUW ELEVATIONSh'orr. !NANmaim A-2 IUTHEAST ELEVATION w.r. 3pgr-rd 11 NORTHEAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/111"-rd 2 1,,,,,,00 ;.;' Z ; O > I 6 5("0OUID ON OOIONE Z r�j�.R D . .m N•3 95 N S s]R CRFFR Emr,\ `\ ETr. Ili 5LOCT KNIT/i]•! [7, \ \� STEEP SLOPE Y / LONGITUDE Tmn'm.T.s .0 \ t\ I Tl011 LOo, 1t ' 1 �I I \ l EILv1..xb! (/`II 1! i \ ` "� LOT, VICINITY MAP 1 Ar N i �� (TM) NOT TO SCALE ik.00\, ,"(�'�` U. \— \ Ali.MS Or LEGAL xLE DESCRIPTION NCEPT ME EAST noEa '"E EAST s•.s FEET a I //�� (,y qe�� i OTT R WTRACT 5i1.ATTLE NO 1 SC[MD.TO rK P.'TC..E IECONGED rGWE DET\\`"‘J ana\m¢\'s �ppE E.�TM,N:i PECORTION mEREN aF Meats r's:';....0 II \�) ) ,,�\,,�(rw.)I \ . •• ca.ENc.Tc.r ME ENCASED CONCRETE w....'.-._...Nc ME cET.TE...it i / / S / I mNa swM OF e.s ET IKONA `.:s'o"a.iEuz .an I �- �_ �� ]OM STREET MO ME CENTF%YE DE gtFEai'::r"SOOT TO.*CO. / � ,N ) \ M ENCASED CaNpETE uDn�.�uE�i. . EMIavC u011•0PO1E / MO.COW..SWM•90.'],-MST T.`n TUT v ft MENCE NOON 0079'29'EAST b T[Ei 10 T.�.:.i.uANO1.U-Sti L/ 4 xMTNEnSi]DM STREET.M DE W.qNl;.:eEC.`wO. MEIN. E{ M(Nq CDNhUK NOWT"0p39'M-EAST T]):�FEET LEASE PARCEL AKA al _ TENCE NORTH pCTH']�"rESi Tb3 EIIT: ALA'EN[aOILE /•� ..i / � 75•00•29' \ Tb]0, 111EIICE SOUM x9'.]'.�'.ESi TSO N RT i:.:-E.EST uN CE:..E EaSi //� fFET 6 5.0 mKi 59: \ '' 1. .-) ,� NNOMR NMMEwS*E]Or�i.35,4[T,1[ET NO..:_-.EST U.E TC SaJ r.:/ITNENsvrzI, � /)% 1t /- � \ row,ariu..�c']rE.srxux.EEEr.._'.::a:T.D.TN N.:oN rc uE suE 1f / (wsoNNois.s wr z.w.iw wr uE.c..rN_:N�LO.-ie-D�.-4..s'YI ucamEo woE•N.w wwn�Eraonw:E z•�n) Ci ' SToN. o:w."E�.w 1;:D l.�:. =E:: �«,.ti0.. 00•� < i E,N.o '�* � "aO4 N I TREE LEGEND !Y ; tagi,""'". `� lijo �C J O O c.o,.TREE •En,.wMA 4 T.OF!/N" 9 • W / ^/ 0 Ix .ALOE: OD SET w...ApT CASE]' B W J / TYP[� \TRw GI.NErzR(w)V.NAP: EAST wow.nOr. eIX o ) '1�'I / I @• PNc«['°°'° EOT x 5p E.SAw�N TREE -cT.ERa ♦ ♦ AlaMATER STAR. P r it waT. v.'a°m.Oo.s:T _ NE.su�m,E.EN.:: ss a'na p5 6P NOTE. DER OOP uNES ME NOT TO SC.IE ... GO, SKIERS urEROOEias 'w`NwTo�'.uu:'• ' srz aE,.:,...wT S See/ NN w,Jtii sTwc wre [ pJ RUN r NOT LOCATED MOTT.S lNc.T. GI,ND 5i6'STEM POO ii d ;a i r) ° ,r LEGEND ...ENT CASE]'EAST Cr 236 ,T ECTbN� '..E N ,N I ,......LOT NOw,ED / KKR LN[�) CAUTION! eiAiw T E •. ARu .Nss' Nw >� �•- Rww E•E•EE.EA•) ROaP DOOM Kill 3..iD WOKS OAST w THE Mi. Eo-,NO•M N cM �� - OJT.aE a MOOR us:OEM ETE CO.I.OT 10 N.T GAS vAL.1•E tE • LIME POEEAurrE �T K COVIETE. caT.Or ME GIE- Nw,.,, , "" —ER,O— as U. D u T LaOArz sERwz.INK. So�yb.�. m �e wss,ro/ �� oT T°ui`P„o`•`EE((05icCD) 1 800-424-SSS NORTH LET ' R NICLE —• SM.QUM COT 6JuNDARY WAS DERIVED PLOY' ~—�� se90KzKTr { TTna' —s- �T CET AT T totO22 AOO2.NOL E S:F 1. ...TM '¢ z.REcams Or Nwc EM NyE GRAPHIC SCALE �raro C BRASS Co* • NO .MMT M LEX,Op P.M TER TO1 u N*On...ENT CASE TiSN Lilo(SCOT c _ Rf7{2.2.9 i �n„ O,FlEv.fqN M 1 SITE INFORMATION 9.5 PLAN DOES NOT REPRESENT A DO•.MT SUR*, ��J�[� T w.i). TM LOT INFORMATION ]].E1 p6-LO REVISIONS —� DCI WESTERN STE.DMESS 2 • MTV DEW►TD]R By 4'� rz CONTACT :SET RENTONM T,1 DL'NCANSON COMPANY.DiC WIRELESS ME. 3..53i Sr E rill./ 1.1 k.TINN SE 2540-B 56t AC R.—,: omi t z/,, ,= ARCO STATION/G.T.E . ,. r n900CE:97272.01E C 1 EXISTING SITE SURVEY loll 1 1 rI ' I'a ,1to ►zip zza 5 Tj gg 1 I i 1 I� � t 371 3 I 33 32 '_31 7iii}';��27 ' N ���� s - I o II II . i . °, 1 I "IATTACMEN ATTACMENT F , se IL 33RD PL. i su "^I415' °o' 9i2 3. 2101 _J2 SHti�t6TONt8° uT q4jT64l? l8 1 7.0N214,22 12: ' 2w 25 �. �a�o 8 950.70 36 � 35V'34"�33`�32 31 30 � 29 N8 � 27e .,______ o0 1 ,_ 3302 ,.., 33RD ST. N m i:,:rilf;'Q...... 3 uN `15-�i6 ielIt 19 '�' �, 2 �� - MN. 77 76 r _ , . N -37 6 3" 34. 33 31 30 28 27 26 50 '°° i 95! 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(AFPROxb T.L./B S6 0 , m -� %-, I--p ---I- I -' �� ERSON n r vj LL.60 T. 6pj // I''1 I 271��1- 5] Avery Remove'Em Laser Labels #6460 1334210-3464-0 Kennydale Mini-Mart 2910 NE 30th St. Renton WA 98056 1334210-3481-0 Cassan Curt M 3133 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98055 13.7C /O-U_^.UU U7 JACCBS ANN E 209999 29CC KENNEWICK PL NW RENTON WA 98056 133270-0310-C7 CANYON OAKS HCMEOWNERS ASSC6NS999 PC EX 84923 SEATTLE WA 98124 33421C-3310-08 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 712777 435 MAIN AVE S RENTON WA 98055 334210-338C-03 KING COUNTY 08243E 50C KING COUNTY ADMIN BLDG SEATTLE WA 98104 334210-3466-00 SCHLORCT CONRAC A 65980C B702 14TH NW SEATTLE WA 98117 33421C-3470-C4 STATE CF WASHINGTON 22980C TRANSPORTATION BLDG KF-01 OLYMPIA WA 98504 133Z /C-013U-04 NOTARC WILLIAM L+KATHLEEN H709999 2914 KENNEWICK FL M M RENTCN WA 98056 133270-0240-02 RAGLANC KENNETH C 252594 2912 KENNEWICK FL NE RENTON WA 9E056 13327C-025C-C9 UNCERWOOD DELMAR G 809993 2910 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 133270-0260-07 SMITH RAYMOND E 60999S 29C8 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTCN WA 98056 13327C-027C-05 PRUITT AUOIMESE M 509999 10423 60TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 133270-0280-03 STEVENSON 553166 1208 N 38TH ST RENTCN WA 98056 13327C-0290-01 LIBERTY JANET L 5C9999 2902 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 133270-C16C-08 BISIACK RICHARC B 179999 2928 KENNEWICK FL NE RENTON WA 98056 13327C-0170-C6 TREFNY RICHARD B 2CO233 292E KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 133270-01EC-04 RACTKE LYNN 759999 15278 SUNWCCD ELVD 014 TUKWILA WA 98188 133270-0190-C2 LLEWELLYN JACK R+HELEN JEAN509999 2922 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 13327C-0200-OC CAREY ROBIN R e1079C 2920 KENNEWICK FL NE t2920 RENTON WA 98056 133270-0210-08 CCWNES CANIEL RCSS 509999 291e KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 133270-0220-06 HERLING RCBERT B+ARLENE F 749999 2916 KENNEWICK PL NE BELLEVUE WA 98056 k"C Ic Ic cIc cI. c Ic Ic Ic IcI>4 Ic ic>;c Ii etc Ic is Ic Ic Ic Ic,!!*Ii Ic Ii;c It 'c 1It ccc,cf COMMENTS 133270-0010-00 SCATES FRANCES C 509999 2958 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 133270-0020-08 GRIFFITH LISA+CI PIANO LUCI509999 2956 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTCN WA 98056 1 ?127C-003C-06 F'CCNNELL DEBRA L E79999 2954 KENNEWICK FL NE V2954 RENTON WA 98056 133270-0040-04 STEWART ECWARD+NOELLE N ?49999 2952 KENNEWICK PL RENTON WA 98054 133270-0050-01 SMITH MICHELLE L 5N9999 2950 KENNEWICK FL NE RENTON WA 98056 r -T J 7 7 7 7 2948 KENNEWICK PL NE 06 RENTON WA 98056 133270-007C-07 CANNON MICHAEL D+CATHI J C2C489 3728 S 198TH ST SEATTLE WA 98188 13327C-008C-05 HAJNY MARILYN K 459999 2944 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 133270-0C9C-03 WICKS WAYNE N+JANET I 929999 2942 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 133270-C1C0-C1 PICKETT MICHAEL l 353177 PICKETT MARGUERITE 2940 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 1?327C-0110-09 PAKCW LEON 699999 607 WILLIAMS AVE S 0210 RENTCN WA 98055 133270-0120-07 CCNCVAN STEPHEN D 769999 2936 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 13327C-C130-05 ELSE JUDY KAY ELSE+STEPHEN 309999 2934 KENNEWICK PLACE NE RENTCN WA 9805E 133270-C14C-03 LAMMERS GRAHAM C+VON E 889999 2932 KINNEWICK PL NE • RENTON WA 98056 133270-C15C-00 LEVEQUE GREGCRY 0 2699cc 293C KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 I,b CIT.) 3F RENTON ttlL Office of the City Attorney Jesse Tanner,Mayor Lawrence J.Warren MEMORANDUM To: Fred J. Kaufman From: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date: July 28, 1998 Subject: Covenant Agreement with Conrad Schloredt, Property Owner, 2900 N.E. 30th Avenue, Renton; Parcel #334210-3466 U.S. West N.E. 30th Street PCS Site; File No. LUA98-053, CU-H I have reviewed the above-referenced document and the same is approved as to legal form. Lawrence J. arren LJW:as. cc: Jay Covington Jennifer Toth Henning A8:143.22. Post Office Box 626 - 100 S. 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (425)255-8678 0 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer ± CITY OF RENTON NELL HEARING EXAMINER MEMORANDUM Date: July 27, 1998 To: Larry Warren From: Fred J. Kaufman Re: US West NE 30th St eet PCS Site File No. LUA98-053,CU-H After reviewing the attached restrictive covenant on the above matter, it appears acceptable to this office. Would you please review it as to legal form. cc: Jennifer Toth Henning CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 1998 TO: Fred Kaufman,Hearing Examiner FROM: Jennifer Toth Henning J`'�y SUBJECT: US West NE 30th Street PCS Site(File No.LUA-98-053,CU- H,ECF) Attached is a copy of the applicant's draft Restrictive Covenant to address Condition No. 1 from the Examiner's Decision dated June 15, 1998. Please review and forward to the City Attorney if applicable. If you have any questions,please call me at 430-7286. Thank you. cc: \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\PROJECTS\98-o53.JTH\RSCV.DOC US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 10 special consideration. As noted,the applicant can apparently meet its objectives and provide the public with cellular service without the requested variance. 14. While the existing carrier already intrudes into the area,there does not appear to be any reason to allow an even taller structure. Vegetation on the subject site should help screen the use but the taller it is the more difficult it is to effectively screen in all directions. The approval of the variance would just make screening a bit more problematic. 15. In summary,the proposed use appears to be reasonably sited given the apparent technological needs and the tradeoffs of providing shorter towers but more of them. There does not appear to be any support for a variance for an 80 foot monopole under the criteria enumerated above. DECISION: The Conditional Use Permit is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The underlying owner of the site shall be required to further covenant that any landscaping required for the first monopole will be maintained while either that original monopole or this applicant's monopole remain on the site. The property owner further shall covenant that any additional landscaping installed by this applicant shall be maintained for the duration of any monopole's location on the subject site. 2. The applicant shall provide Development Services Division with a copy of the Federal Aviation Administration's Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, and a written statement indicating the intent to comply with any FAA conditions to install,maintain, and operate any required lighting or marking on the monopole. Materials must be submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits. 3. The applicant shall revise the design of the proposed monopole support structure such that the maximum height of the monopole does not exceed 70 feet. If required, revisions would need to be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of any building permits. The request for variance is denied. ORDERED THIS 15th day of June, 1998. FRED J. KA MAN HEARING E MINER • TRANSMITTED THIS 15th day of June, 1998 to the parties of record: Jennifer Henning Rebecca Slick Lorraine Spencer 200 Mill Avenue S 450 110th NE,#209 2107 33rd Street Renton, WA 98055 Bellevue,WA 98004 Everett,WA 98201 JUL 10 '98 07:34 FR USW W I RELE55/StR 425 451 bi10 IU y4d 4ie rsee r.o fue COVENANT AGREEMENT The undersigned,hereinafter referred to as"Grantor"hereby covenants and agrees that it shall: maintain any landscaping required for the first monopole while either that original monopole or the second monopole remain on the site. The property owner further shall covenant that any additional landscaping installed by the applicant of the second monopole shall he maintained for the duration of any monopole's location on the subject site. Dated this day of , 1998. GRANTOR Conrad Schloredt Property Owner • 2900 NE 30th Avenue Renton,WA 98056 • Parcel#334210-3466 (Individual Acknowledgment) STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument_ Dated: (Signature) (SEAL or Stamp] (Title) My appointment expires: AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES ,being first duly sworn,upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 15th day of June ,1998, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s)containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: —17/1 K 144 0 - SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this I +11 day of � , 1998. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at , therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: US West NE 30th PCS Site LUA98-053,CU-H,V The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT June 15, 1998 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To install 80 foot high wireless communication monopole to be shared by US West and Western Wireless SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve Conditional Use Permit; deny variance request DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on May 26, 1998. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the June 2, 1998 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday,June 2, 1998,at 9:05 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 3: Site plan Exhibit No. 4: Elevation drawing Exhibit No. 5: Enlarged site plan Exhibit No. 6: Area zoning map Exhibit No. 7: Memorandum re landscape screening Exhibit No. 8: Western Wireless system coverage map Exhibit Nos. 9a and 9b: US West system coverage Exhibit No. 10: Proposed landscape plan maps Exhibit No. 11: Topographic map Exhibit No. 12: Easement agreement US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 2 The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by JENNIFER TOTH HENNING,Project Manager, Development Services,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit and a variance from a portion of the Wireless Communications Ordinance (WCO)that limits height in this particular zone. The applicant has also asked for a modification from the standards of the WCO in order to be allowed to substitute a wood slat chain link fencing to screen the equipment compound in lieu of a combination of fencing and landscaping. Staff has agreed to allow the substitution of the screened fence in lieu of the landscaping. This site is located at NE 30th,east of I-405. The surrounding uses include a school on the south,Canyon Oaks condominium development to the southeast,a steep ravine to May Creek on the east and north of the site,and west of I-405 a small commercial center and residential housing. The subject site has an Arco gas station and mini-mart,along with an existing GTE wireless facility. The existing GTE facility on this property was permitted prior to the adoption of the current WCO. The applicant requested of GTE that they be able to co-locate with them,but GTE declined. At the time of the pre-application,a facility such as this was not allowed within 300 feet of residential and resource conservation zones. The WCO now allows monopoles to be located in certain areas if there is an existing facility on site. The proposed height is 80 feet for the support structure with antennas attached. There would be a total of nine panel antennas which are 4 feet in length by 6 inches in width. There would be three equipment cabinets containing all the electronic equipment which would be 5 feet 7 inches tall and installed at the base of the structure on a concrete pad. US West would locate at a height of about 73 feet on the pole. Western Wireless would locate at a height of 60 feet with a total of 9 panel antennas of 5 feet in length and 8 inches in width,with two equipment cabinets at the base. The GTE antennas are currently mounted at 70 feet. The proposed monopole has a slimmer design than the current one. The heights in the Convenience Commercial zone(CC)in which this site is located are limited to a maximum height of 35 feet. The WCO permits monopole II facilities to exceed the height by 35 feet for a total of 70 feet for the support structure plus an additional 15 feet for antennas,or an overall equipment height of 85 feet. The applicant is required to check with the FAA to see whether or not this monopole will be considered an obstruction. The ordinance specifies that a notice of proposed construction needs to be submitted to the FAA a minimum of 30 days prior to the issuance of a building permit. Application has been made,but no response has been received from the FAA. If the FAA requires lighting,the applicant is responsible for installation and maintenance. The existing Texaco sign on the west side of I-405 has a height which is 327 feet above sea level and was permitted by King County. Anything new coming into the area cannot exceed the height of that structure. In the CC zone the maximum height of 70 feet for the support structure plus an additional 15 feet for the antennas would be allowed. The proposal for the 80 foot high monopole in the CC zone does exceed the height allowed by the WCO. The applicant has applied for a variance in order to exceed that 70 foot permitted monopole by 10 feet. The proposed monopole is located within 300 feet of land zoned Resource Conservation on the north and east and also land zoned R-8(residential single family)to the south. The proposal is located on a site that has an existing monopole II structure. The WCO does not allow a monopole II structure over 60 feet within 300 feet of RC and R-8 zoning unless there is an existing monopole II facility on the property where the new support structure is proposed. Additionally,the new facility cannot exceed the height of the existing support structure. US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 3 The existing structure is 70 feet in height and the proposal is for 80 feet in height. The applicant's request for the height variance needs to be approved in order to allow this proposal,or the applicant needs to lower the height of the support structure so it does not exceed the height of the GTE facility. The character and uses of nearby and surrounding properties include a convenience commercial area, a school, multi-family housing,open space, and single family residences in the proximity. This project area is 900 square feet of a larger site. The topography of the site slopes from the southwest to the southeast and also from west to east. From NE 30th Street to the north, it slopes down and to the east it slopes down into May Creek. The project area is located adjacent to I-405 at the high point of the property on a very narrow strip. No trees will be removed from the site to accommodate this proposal. The elevations where this would be located are between 234 to 238 feet above mean sea level. This location gives the height that the carriers want to broadcast their signal in line-of-sight technology. The service area maps indicating system coverage by the various carriers were shown at this point. The applicant has been in negotiations with the Canyon Oaks Homeowners Association to plant additional trees on the eastern property line of the larger site to help screen the use. GTE in its prior application had a requirement to record a restrictive covenant to plant and preserve vegetation over the eastern portion of the site. In order to minimize or reduce the obtrusiveness of the structure,applicant has proposed a slim line monopole with small stand-off arms which will be finished in a dull galvanized steel. No required lighting is known at this time,but the final FAA Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration has not been received. The applicant has easements across the Arco portion of the site as well as the slope portion to access parking,construction and servicing of the structure. There are policies in the Comprehensive Plan(CP)that recognize the need for sites to accommodate utilities and wireless communications facilities. Because of the location and its limited size,this proposal appears to be a reasonable use and complies with CP policies. In terms of the zoning code,the Convenience Commercial zone permits medium utilities,and wireless communication facilities are considered to be such. Regarding the request for a variance,the WCO has three criteria which must be met. The first is whether or not there are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting the subject property where the strict application of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use or development of the land. Another is whether or not the variance is necessary to ensure the property rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under similar circumstances. Also,whether or not the granting of a variance would be detrimental to the public or injure other properties in the vicinity. Staff believes that the applicant cannot meet the first criteria--that they are not showing a hardship to justify the height variance being requested here. Because of the slopes on this site,there is a limited area for development for this facility. The existing facility on the site dictates the location of an additional facility,but staff believes it is possible in terms of technology to still achieve the required height of the antennas without increasing the height of the monopole. A possibility is an inverted candelabra array where the monopole is at the maximum permitted height of 70 feet with the antenna array coming out and up from that. The panel antennas essentially mount above the ultimate height of the monopole. The WCO does permit that. The proposed monopole combined with antennas would actually not be above the height of the existing GTE facility. According to the variance criteria, it has to meet all the tests. Based on this, staff recommends that the variance be denied because an alternative design can accomplish the applicant's needs. Whether or not the variance is necessary to insure the property owner of the rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties,the applicant is contending that the 80 foot high support structure provides the minimum US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 4 height and separation technically required to allow for co-location. Again, staff believes there is technology available to meet their needs without exceeding the support structure height. The third criteria is where it is detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The applicant stated the proposed facility is a suitable location adjacent to I-405 property that has existing telecommunications facility. This new facility would not block any views. The additional use of the site would not have any further impact on the neighboring residential properties that already exist with GTE. Staff is recommending approval of the US West NE 30th PCS site conditional use permit, subject to conditions. Those conditions would be that the applicant provide documentation to Development Services Division that they have an access easement that has been negotiated with the property owner to allow for access and parking of maintenance vehicles. The second condition is that they provide a copy of the Federal Aviation Administration's Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration,and a written statement that notes they intend to comply with any FAA conditions to install,maintain or operate required lighting or markings on the monopole. The third condition would be if the requested height variance is not approved,the applicant would be required to revise the design of the monopole support structure such that the maximum height of the monopole does not exceed 70 feet. Rebecca Slick,US West,450 110th NE,#209,Bellevue,Washington 98004,applicant herein,responded that if applicant did not get this requested facility height,they may have to replace it with two towers with reduced coverage. She explained that they are limited on the number of locations to place these facilities along the I- 405 corridor. The intent of this application was to get approval for both US West and Western Wireless antennas to be placed on this monopole. If approval is given,Western Wireless would only have to apply for a building permit to locate at this site. In response to an earlier question, she stated that the size of the existing parcel is 1.03 acres. An executed easement agreement was submitted by the applicant. Technically speaking,the 80 foot height is needed to provide adequate coverage in this area and also to maintain the separation from the existing GTE facility. In applying for the variance,applicant felt approval for it was a long shot;however,they did not feel that it would set a precedent because this particular parcel does present a physical limitation. The Determination of Non-Significance of the GTE application said that no vegetation could be removed,and applicant is adhering to that. There is no other place on this particular parcel where the pole could be located without removing any existing trees. Horizontal and vertical separation must be maintained from the existing GTE monopole. Ms. Slick concluded that technically and construction-wise,applicant could live with the 70 foot height. However, in the best interests of the neighborhood and for the best aesthetics,going to 80 feet and building the 80 foot structure would be a lot better alternative than to building the 70 foot structure. If it was a condition of approval,applicant would agree not to exceed that height of 80 feet with antennas,to limit it at that height. There were several discussions regarding issues such as the new WCO,distributing the impacts to the various neighborhoods,and the latest PCS technology. Applicant also described the enhanced landscaping which they have proposed for the site. Lorraine Spencer,2107 33rd Street,Everett, Washington 98201,consultant for Western Wireless, stated that US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 5 Western Wireless also approached GTE to co-locate with them at this site and was also denied. This site does work in conjunction with the Shurgard site which allows them to co-locate,thus reducing the number of monopoles in the area. There are very limited opportunities for additional sites in this area. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:40 A.M. FINDINGS.CONCLUSIONS& DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,US West Communications,filed a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the erection of a Type II Monopole in a CC(Convenience Commercial)Zone together with a variance to allow the monopole to exceed the height limits of that zone. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance(DNS)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is on the north side of NE 30th Street and immediately east of 1-405. The site is just west of the intersection of NE 30th and Kennewick Place NE. 6. The applicant is leasing approximately 900 square feet of an approximately 1.03 acre parcel. 7. While a plat is pending for the parcel this subject site is located on, it has not been recorded. For purposes of this discussion,the parcel will be treated as one consolidated parcel. An Arco service station is located in the center of the site. 8. A GTE monopole is already located on the subject site. The existing GTE facility is approximately 25 feet southeast of the applicant's proposed monopole site. 9. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of convenience commercial uses,but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. The Comprehensive Plan also permits, subject to review criteria,the variety of utilities needed to serve an urban population. 10. The subject site is zoned CC(Convenience Commercial),a designation it received in June 1993 with the adoption of Ordinance 4404. 11. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 2292 enacted in November 1966. US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 6 12. The proposed use will not generate any consequential traffic. During construction there will be construction vehicles and maintenance will require approximately one trip per month. The applicant has been granted an easement for both access to the site and accommodating maintenance parking on the adjacent Arco site. 13. The selected site is slightly higher than the remaining property to the east. A small mound on the site appears to have been created when work occurred on the adjacent GTE site. The mound will be modified but natural vegetation should be retained on site. 14. The approval of the GTE site plan required that vegetation along the eastern edge of the parcel be retained and additional landscaping be planted immediately abutting the site. It appears that the chosen landscaping may be less than adequate. 15. The current applicant proposes supplementing and improving the existing landscaping. 16. In addition to the applicant's antenna array at the top of the monopole,another provider, Western Wireless,will co-locate a separate antenna array lower down on the monopole. 17. The applicant's antenna panels are approximately 4 feet long and 6 inches wide. Western's are approximately 5 feet long and 8 inches wide. 18. Each provider's facility needs its own ground level equipment cabinets and fans which will be enclosed by fencing. It appears that each set of three antennas requires a cabinet so ultimately there would be three cabinets for the nine antennas. The applicant's cabinets are 5 feet 7 inches tall. Western's are 4 feet 5 inches tall. The Administrator has allowed the applicant to provide an alternate fencing and landscaping arrangement due to site limitations. 19. It appears that FAA review is not complete and it is unknown at this time whether a red warning light will be required at the top of the proposed monopole. 20. The applicant's proposed monopole height of approximately 80 feet was determined by the height of the existing GTE facility. The technology is such that different providers within a certain distance from each other must transmit their signals at a different height in order to avoid interference with each other's signals. In other words,there is a required horizontal separation required to assure appropriate propagation of the various signals. 21. The GTE antenna array is located on a 70 foot tall monopole (approved prior to the adoption of the new City wireless regulations). 22. The actual antennas would be located at or near the top of its proposed 80 foot tall monopole centered at approximately 77 feet. They would be ten(10)feet higher than the GTE facility and provide adequate horizontal separation. A second provider,Western Wireless,would be located at the approximately 60 foot level. Again,this would be ten feet lower than the GTE complex and provide the necessary horizontal separation. 23. It appears that the GTE pole was not designed with sufficient strength to allow any additional antennas to be located on it. GTE was not willing to remove or move its facilities to the applicant's proposed monopole. US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 7 24. The CC zone permits a maximum height for structures of 35 feet. The City's Wireless Communications Ordinance permits monopole II heights in the CC zone to exceed that 35 feet by an additional 35 feet. The actual antenna array may then be 15 feet higher and is not considered in the height calculation for the monopole itself. Therefore, in this location the monopole may be 70 feet tall and with an antenna array up to 85 feet tall. 25. Staff has apparently determined that lightning rods are not part of the review and not considered as part of the proposed height of the structure. 26. Since the applicant has proposed an 80 foot tall monopole(without antennas),the applicant has applied for a variance to exceed the permitted height of 70 feet. 27. Staff has recommended that the variance be denied. Staff has noted that a 70 foot tall monopole with an appropriately designed antenna array could achieve the necessary vertical separation over the nearby GTE monopole and the variance is not necessary. The applicant appears to indicate that an alternative could achieve the needed separation. 28. The proposed monopole is located less than 300 feet from both the RC(Resource Conservation)zone north of the site and the R-8(Single Family Residential)zones east and south of the site. Normally, monopole II structures are not permitted within 300 feet of residential uses. An exception permits a new monopole II if an existing facility is already located on the site. In that case,the new monopole is further restricted to not exceed the height of the existing monopole. 29. As noted,the subject site is located immediately east of I-405. Kennydale Elementary School is south of the site. May Creek is located north of the site down a steep ravine. East of the site are the Canyon Oaks Condominiums. The gasoline station and GTE site are located immediately southeast of the proposed site. 30. A Texaco sign in this location has been used as a standard of height with regards to the airport. The top of the sign is 327 feet above sea level. • CONCLUSIONS: Wireless Conditional Use Permit 1. The applicant for a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless facility must demonstrate that the use is in the public interest,will not impair the health, safety or welfare of the general public and is in compliance with the criteria found in Section 4-38-14 which provides in part that: a. The height meets the limitations of the zone the subject site is located in with the cellular exception; b. The use is appropriately separated from residential uses; c. The affect on adjacent property; d. The surrounding topography is appropriate for the location; e. The buffering aspects of surrounding tree cover and foliage; US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 8 f. The design reduces the overall intrusiveness; g. Ingress and egress is appropriate; h. The impacts of noise, light and glare; i. Alternate existing support structures;and j. Compatibility with the standards of the Comprehensive Plan. The requested conditional use appears justified for a monopole II not greater than 70 feet tall. 2. The proposed 80 foot tall monopole would exceed the height limit for such structures in the Convenience Commercial zone by 10 feet if a variance were approved. The applicant's proposed 80 foot monopole is 10 feet taller than permitted in the zone and 10 feet taller than the existing GTE monopole. The Wireless Ordinance would ordinarily not permit a monopole II in this location since it is less than 300 feet from adjacent residential zones. It is only justified because an existing monopole already is located on the site and already within the 300 foot exclusion zone. While the applicant may take advantage of the "grandfather" clause triggered by another wireless provider, it is over-reaching by asking for additional height. 3. The separation from residential uses could be greater but is actually further removed from developed residential areas than the existing monopole. Landscaping will be used to screen the proposed use from the existing residential uses east of the site. Existing landscaping that was required to screen the existing monopole will be maintained. In addition,the applicant proposes supplementing that landscaping. The applicant does not own the site but merely leases it. The underlying owner of the site should be required to further covenant that any landscaping required for the first monopole will be maintained while either that original monopole or this applicant's monopole remain on the site. This avoids any question about which monopole triggers the requirement that landscaping remain on the site to screen either monopole. 4. The applicant's analysis reveals that it is taking advantage of topography to locate its interrelated cell sites. The ground level is being exploited to locate this monopole where it can "see and be seen"by others for the applicant,the primary co-locator,and its secondary co-locator. 5. As noted above, landscaping both existing and supplemental, is intended to screen the use from nearby residential uses. Clearly, screening in some directions probably cannot be accomplished due to the height and surrounding uses or topography. Since the site is located immediately east of 1-405, screening efforts in this area would not be effective. Landscaping along the north and east should be employed as much as possible to screen the very low intensity May Creek drainage and the residential uses east of the site. 6. The applicant proposes using a slim line type of monopole. This design has a narrower diameter and, therefore,a slimmer profile. Aesthetically,whether having antennas below or above the monopole's main tower is probably one of personal preference. It would appear that if the monopole is limited to the zone's requirements of 70 feet,the antenna panels may have to extend somewhat above the top of the monopole. If the variance were granted,the monopole would be 80 feet tall but the panels would possibly not extend above the top. In any event,the applicant has stated that the antenna panels would not exceed 85 feet above ground level in either case. US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 9 7. The site is small and will not generate any real traffic. There will be monthly maintenance and other infrequent trips to the site. The applicant has acquired an easement which will permit access to the site and parking near the site for those few trips maintenance does generate. 8. The small fans should not create any appreciable noise,particularly when compared with the background noise generated by I-405. The monopole will be finished in a flat,non-glare surface. At this time, it is unknown whether a red warning light will be required for aviation safety. There should be no other lighting to call attention to the facility. 9. As noted the GTE monopole does not have the structural strength to support additional providers, requiring the current applicant to install a second monopole structure on the subject site. The GTE installation also preceded the current ordinance and is not governed or bound by the co-locational criteria. GTE is not obligated to remove its facility and co-locate on the current applicant's newer monopole. 10. While the facility is visually intrusive from some locations,particularly when coupled with the existing 70 foot monopole already there,the applicant has attempted to screen it from the residential properties east of the site. In addition, it is a utility and as such it is supported in general by the Comprehensive Plan. Variance 11. Variances under the Wireless Communications Ordinance may be granted when the property generally satisfies all the conditions described in part below: a. There are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting said property such that the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use or development of the land; b. That the variance is necessary to insure such property the rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances;and c. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity. The applicant's property does not appear amenable to the issuance of variance requested. 12. As staff noted and the applicant appears to have indicated,the variance is not absolutely necessary to allow reasonable use of the subject site. Alternative designs that do not need a variance would allow the applicant to achieve its goals. This proposed monopole is permitted within 300 feet of residential zoning only because another monopole is already on the subject site. The code provision which permits this monopole limits it to the height of the existing structure which is 70 feet. That is also the height limitation for such structures in the CC zone. Approving a variance which is already based on an exception is inappropriate. This is particularly so when another design could achieve the applicant's cellular objectives. Since a variance is not needed to allow reasonable use of the property, it cannot be granted. 13. It does not appear that the variance is necessary to allow the applicant to enjoy the rights and privileges enjoyed by others. The property can easily provide reasonable development in accordance with the underlying Convenience Commercial regulations. It is only the use for cellular services that requires US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 10 special consideration. As noted,the applicant can apparently meet its objectives and provide the public with cellular service without the requested variance. 14. While the existing carrier already intrudes into the area,there does not appear to be any reason to allow an even taller structure. Vegetation on the subject site should help screen the use but the taller it is the more difficult it is to effectively screen in all directions. The approval of the variance would just make screening a bit more problematic. 15. In summary,the proposed use appears to be reasonably sited given the apparent technological needs and the tradeoffs of providing shorter towers but more of them. There does not appear to be any support for a variance for an 80 foot monopole under the criteria enumerated above. DECISION: The Conditional Use Permit is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The underlying owner of the site shall be required to further covenant that any landscaping required for the first monopole will be maintained while either that original monopole or this applicant's monopole remain on the site. The property owner further shall covenant that any additional landscaping installed by this applicant shall be maintained for the duration of any monopole's location on the subject site. 2. The applicant shall provide Development Services Division with a copy of the Federal Aviation Administration's Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration,and a written statement indicating the intent to comply with any FAA conditions to install,maintain,and operate any required lighting or marking on the monopole. Materials must be submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits. 3. The applicant shall revise the design of the proposed monopole support structure such that the maximum height of the monopole does not exceed 70 feet. If required,revisions would need to be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of any building permits. The request for variance is denied. ORDERED THIS 15th day of June, 1998. \cot).,L, FRED J.KA MAN HEARING E MINER TRANSMITTED THIS 15th day of June, 1998 to the parties of record: Jennifer Henning Rebecca Slick Lorraine Spencer 200 Mill Avenue S 450 110th NE,#209 2107 33rd Street Renton,WA 98055 Bellevue,WA 98004 Everett,WA 98201 US West Communications US West NE 30th PCS Site File No.: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V June 15, 1998 Page 11 John Schloredt Conrad Schloredt 3708 Meadow Avenue N 8704 14th NW Renton, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98117 TRANSMITTED THIS 15th day of June, 1998 to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Administrator Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director Art Larson,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Sue Carlson,Econ. Dev.Administrator South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m.,June 29, 1998, Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant,and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City Hall. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. • • Z It......N.N............„.............' . O . C7 D. 6 1'101,D•••:cOosrt Z r�� .«r., 3v rwo,M,. , Q / yt REfk • awM..O•n n3n 1,107.1Ter • ` \ \�` STEEP SLOPEY / •0MC•>3>a Wlui .P I ;'fig,,,). 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SITE INFORMATION nos RA,DCCS.OT II(NRCO.r•.DMUT SMOLT �••SO REVISIONS DCI WESTERN T s• TIC C LSS : MOICS•LL-00 WIRELESS 44•DO.tSf MOT SOM • p„tC• xx.atTo. SF SR ma., STRUT Mr,MY �,¢'�'!'.'E D�CANSON COMPANY,INC. • ••0 . %aaAC L. rrthp"• .�_ =X••I•T•...en. SE 2540-B Sc' f .•...003.1• c 54t::/I'/90 —' ARCO STATION/G.T.E - • . ...Act.972720TT Cl EXISTING SITE SURVEY lA WIT cat..,.rATO.r — > 4,— 9.o FAX Wad awati EF, -Fj , 1.1.n.+a Rxn a r„,..-1n *we Y ` 1 I —` tans•rt,ne sw� : ,•� . .ovfYM 00►Ma..O 0 I.Int A .a 9.6. s no9un9 1 ON P...Y a a•.RS I -� O[4 �F .b.w�wat.wrfa>Mip w trrt w ata I_ ` f; - i _Fri uremia WILL_ ,) rmonarmur- �'� 1, �) Raf. f�...Y, IM 10.0 YI • I J 9 9 ..,.M9.Wt a Coto : �... ua�.. A OM t M;,9u- 7.00 :olama [.... 1 x, .. :: I I I ,• • • : IN Fi\ II IX E ,. '��• EXIT a OFF OF 406 �'is11 1,• - j • ?� •.'('. —r-+••.+. '°'v'm°"°' 3CHLOREDT SEA0418 m gam 1 S I LMa NE 3. RENION-M.9E456 U.S.A. I,a,nu 1 9p EUTEINOR ELEVATIONS 9 411 -1 [sal.Yl A-2 ' 1UTHEAST ELEVATION " SCLf E/1C•1'-0' I 1 NORTHEAST ELEVATION : 3/16"-iQ 2 InaY^t : CIT OF RENTON "' ` Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 29, 1998 Ms. Rebecca Slick W& H Pacific 450- 110th Avenue NE, Room 209 Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: US West NE 30th PCS Site Project No. LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF,V-H Dear Ms. Slick: This letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed on the environmental determination. As you know, a Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on June 02, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit and Variance. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 277-6186. For the Environmental Review Committee, ‘. era 14-emAin nni t Henning Project Manager cc: Mr. Conrad Schloredt/Owner FINAL.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer CITY O FiRENTO• • C RRENT I NNING DIVISION FFI©AVITF On the 2(0 day of Nut...A , 1998, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ReporA tteaYnw' exAinn‘her documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Rebecca Slick. R Wtt7-1' Gem iitkrticaf, 5 Gov‘ c4 S c.6loredt (owi4e,r) 41.04 14414 NW L7G t� cjf tin SchloresA1 1/*V Wt(c41W ADC4J• Reptton ig0C kctl9 Ga i pbGll Uri Wetif.Gomvkc4kticafr • (Signature of Sender) — e Vth Ifer TotitiLtotk — STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 1-1fJ SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that t re( 1-641t J-1--e 1,1 n I vt 'signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Cj a � �� ��� ,C (.L�1 Gl/)'t yt.- Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) 1)2 l c=i?el i)tq 1,1 ii My appointment expires: Kli'7, boo( Project Name: lei hE 36 PGS Project Number: LIP - 96-O 5 3, GU-ii, NOTARY DOC CITY OF RENTON ::< :>::>:::::>: :. ...: HEARING EXAMINER ::::::<:»:::: PUBLIC HEARING ° >iii JUNE 02, 1998 .. AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING T ieapplication(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which th ey will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. F ROJECT NAME: US West NE 30th PCS Site PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-053,CU-H,V-H,ECF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant requests conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. A variance is also requested to exceed the 70-foot teight limit by 10 feet. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. Location: 2900 NE 30th Street. AGNDA.DOC i City of Renton i•DUBLIC Department of Planning/Building/Public Works -/EAR/NG PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: June 2, 1998 Project Name: US West NE 30th PCS Site Applicant/ US West Communications (Kelly Campbell) Address: 450 - 110th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 Owner/ Conrad A. Schloredt Address: 8702 14th Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98117 File Number: LUA-098-053,CU-H,V,ECF Project Manager: Jennifer Toth Henning Project Description: US West is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for the installation of an 80-foot high wireless communication monopole and related equipment cabinets. A 900 square foot compound would be developed for the monopole and equipment cabinets. Nine panel antennas would be mounted on the monopole. Two purveyors, US West and Western Wireless would utilize the facility. The applicant is also requesting a variance from Code Section 4-38-11:E in order to exceed the maximum permitted height of 70 feet in the Convenience Commercial Zone. Project Location: North side of NE 30th Street/East of 1-405 014 6 dio1111 3a , t p a cf. GARDEN a_ Q .p � ` ,k �. DIV ISI OiE A s d Y� y f ' \`�AT 60 4-^:� —35 I ; " ,ies ;o ` A 9 „ ,,fir , 38L f jjk 58 r MAY 3r - 57 — :r -1 II L'I ix "� 'h 335 I ," : OQ ' l� 521.62 Zip - .:1 V _pp_ L.uil[ _,,.,u�p2.M�s,.w,t� Wit .:: gin;' SIIIEli/C �O 1 421-r.W- 1 / a a F•,;(1'431H t 4,0 k• h .: . Iti48 iii Pw 4'14 - ''''N Y n 1 11 1,, --r11 G: �7 3 4 T I� II 4 " V R.Pw 2 n,�'oy1,_.A,a 4 liM fIa—•I!:ILIA 1 ' ap4EFP /. JV .w / �p�I T��- P 5 c P II II I1: So y .I23 2 nas I • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 2 of 10 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Conrad Schloredt 8702 14th Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98117 2. Zoning Designation: Convenience Commercial (CC) 3. Comprehensive Plan: Convenience Commercial (CC) Land Use Designation 4. Existing Site Use: Gasoline Service Station, Mini-Mart, Wireless Communication Facility, Vacant 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Vacant, May Creek Open Space East: Multi-Family Residential (Canyon Oaks Condominiums) South: School (Kennydale Elementary School) West: I-405, Convenience Commercial, Single Family Residential 6. Access: via NE 30th Street 7. Site Area: 900 square foot lease area 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: N/A New Building Area: N/A Total Building Area: N/A C. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation 2292 11-28-66 Comprehensive Plan 4489 2-20-95 Zoning Code 4404 6-7-93 Wireless 4489 12-28-97 Communications Ord. Conditional Use Permit LUA-095-020-CU, 1995 ECF,V) D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: Water: Existing 12-inch water line in NE 30th Street Sewer: Not applicable for proposal HEXRPT.DOC • Cit.of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF PL BLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 3 of 10 Surface Water/Storm Water: Not applicable for proposal 2. Fire Protection: per City of Renton 3. Transit: not applicable for proposal 4. Schools: Kennydale Elementary School located adjacent to site on the south 5. Recreation: Not applicable for proposal 6. Other: Site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Zoning Code: Convenience Commercial Zone (4-31-10.5) 2. Wireless Communications Ordinance (4-38) 1=. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Utilities Element: Utilities Policies U-1, U-5; Telecommunications Policies U-100, U-101 -7. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND US West has applied to the City for a Conditional Use Permit and Variance in order to install a Personal Communication Service (PCS) facility on a leased land area located on the north side of NE 30th Street, east of and adjacent to 1-405. The proposal would include an 80-foot high monopole and associated wireless communication transmitting and receiving equipment for two carriers. US West and Western Wireless would collocate on the proposed tower. A 900 square foot compound would be developed to accommodate the proposed monopole and ground equipment. A view-obscuring security fence would surround the compound. The US West equipment would consist of 9 steel gray panel antennas. Six of the antennas would be installed initially, and 3 would be added at a later time, based on the system capacity needs. The antennas would be approximately 4 feet in length by 6 inches wide. Three cabinets would contain the electronic equipment needed to transmit the US West signal. The cabinets would be 5'-7"tall. Both the tower and cabinets would be mounted on a concrete pad 12' by 9'-6". Antennas would be mounted vertically on steel "stand-offs" or davit arms which would be 4 feet in length. There would be 3 stand-offs with 2 antennas attached to each at the top of the pole. A second carrier, Western Wireless would also locate on the monopole. The Western Wireless equipment will consist of 9 steel gray panel antennas (6 initially and 3 to be installed later) with dimensions of 5 feet in length and 8 inches in width. Two equipment cabinets would also be installed to HEXRPT.DOC Cit of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF PL BLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 4 of 10 transmit the additional carrier's signal. These cabinets would be 4'-5" tall and will locate on a concrete pad with dimensions of 10' by 8'. The subject site is located at 2900 NE 30th Street, adjacent to 1-405. The lease area is located in the west portion of the parcel, nearest to 1-405. The proposal is for an unstaffed facility which would require only monthly visits by a service technical for routine maintenance after construction is complete. The greater site is developed with an gasoline service station and convenience store on the south central portion of the site, fronting on NE 30th Street. An existing GTE telecommunications tower was installed immediately adjacent to this proposed site (OneComm Mobile Radio Facility, File No. LUA-095- 020,CU,ECF,V) in 1995. Kennydale Elementary School is located across NE 30th to the south. The Canyon Oaks Condominiums are located to the east. The proposal requires environmental review, and a conditional use permit. A variance has been applied for in order to exceed the 70-foot height limit for Monopole II facilities in the Convenience Commercial Zone. The 80-foot height monopole would exceed the permitted height by 10 feet. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on May 5, 1998 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance. No mitigation measures were required. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Section 4-38-14 lists 10 factors that the governing authority shall consider in determining whether to issue a conditional use permit (although the governing authority may waive or reduce the burden on the applicant of one or more of these criteria if the governing authority, concludes that the goals of this ordinance are better served thereby). The 10 factors are as follows: 1) HEIGHT OF THE PROPOSED TOWER Structures in the Convenience Commercial (CC) Zone are allowed to be a maximum height of 35 feet. The Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (4689) permits Monopole II facilities to achieve a height of up to 150 feet, depending on restrictions of the applicable zone. Ordinance 4689 also allows Monopole II structures to exceed the height of the underlying zoning designation by 35 feet, plus an additional 15 feet for antennas which extend above the Monopole II structure. Antennas which extend above the monopole II wireless communications support structure shall not be calculated as part of the height of the wireless communications support structure (Section 4-38-11:H.). For monopoles in the CC Zone, a maximum monopole height of 70 feet plus an additional 15 feet for antennas would be allowed. In other words, a maximum of HEXRPT.DOC Cit of Renton P/BJPW Departmem Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF PL BLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 5 of 10 85 feet of overall equipment height would be permissible (35 feet zone height plus an additional 35 feet of monopole, plus an additional 15 feet for antennas). The proposal for an 80-foot monopole in the CC Zone, exceeds the height allowed by the City's Wireless Communications Ordinance. The applicant has applied for a variance in order to exceed the 70-foot permitted monopole height by 10 feet. The variance criteria of the Wireless Communications Ordinance is addressed later in this report. 2) PROXIMITY OF THE TOWER TO RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES The proposed monopole and equipment cabinets that would comprise the compound are proposed to be located in a commercially zoned area. Wireless communications facilities are a commercial enterprise. The goals of the Wireless Communications Ordinance (Section 4-38-1) encourage: the location of towers in non-residential areas; location in areas where the adverse impact on the community is minimal; and, joint use of new and existing tower sites. The Ordinance also seeks to enhance the ability of the purveyors of telecommunications services to provide such service to the community quickly, effectively, and efficiently. The proposed monopole would be located within 300 feet of land zoned Resource Conservation (RC) on the north and also within 300 feet of land zoned Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the east (Canyon Oaks Condominiums) and south (Kennydale Elementary School). Monopole II facilities are prohibited within 300 feet of RC and R-8 Zoning, unless the Monopole II Facility is to be constructed on property where wireless communication support structures presently operate, and the new Monopole II Facility will not exceed the height of the existing support structure. The proposal would be located on a site that has an existing Monopole II structure. The proposed 80-foot height of the new monopole structure would exceed the height of the existing monopole by 10 feet. The applicant has requested approval of a variance from Section 4-38- 11:E in order to exceed the permitted height in the CC Zone. The facility would not meet the criteria of the Ordinance that permits locating within 300 feet of the RC and R-8 Zones where an existing Monopole II structure exists, since the support structure would exceed the height of the existing structure. Either the applicant's request for a height variance would need to be approved, or the applicant would need to lower the height of the support structure so that it does not exceed the existing height of the GTE facility. 3) NATURE OF USES ON ADJACENT AND NEARBY PROPERTIES The subject site is presently developed with a BP gasoline station/mini-mart and a GTE Wireless Communications Facility consisting of a 70-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Interstate 405 abuts the property on the west, Kennydale Elementary School is located across NE 30th Street to the south, the Canyon Oaks Condominiums are located adjacent to the site to the east, and May Creek is located to the north. The proposal would be located on a 900 square foot lease area of the site. The facility would be located next to and just north of the existing lease area for the GTE wireless communications equipment compound. The appears to be suitable for the proposed use, given the development of existing wireless communications facilities on the site, proximity to 1-405, site topography, existing tree cover, separation from the elementary school and residences. 4) SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY The site slopes from southwest to southeast and from west to east. May Creek is located north of the site, at the bottom of a steep ravine. The steep slope is located on the subject site. Elevations along the south boundary of the site at NE 30th Street are approximately 234 feet to 238 feet. A knoll on the western portion of the site is generally 244 feet in height with a mound that is 250 feet high. The existing monopole compound has been developed in an area on the HEXRPT.DOC Citt of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF PL BLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 6 of 10 western knoll that is approximately 246 feet high. US West proposes to install their facility just to the north of the existing compound, where ground elevations are approximately 244 feet high. The existing GTE facility was approved in 1995 and was permitted to exceed height limits of the CC Zone, provided that the overall height of the facility did not exceed the height of an existing man-made structure, the Texaco sign that is located on the west side of 1-405 and north of North 30th Street. The applicant's proposal would result in a taller support structure, however, the overall height of the facility (monopole/antennas) would be the same or less than the height of the existing GTE facility. 5) SURROUNDING TREE COVERAGE AND FOLIAGE Existing vegetation consists of fir, cedar, hemlock, alder and maple trees. Existing tree cover provides screening of the existing facility as viewed from the east. No trees would be removed in order to accomplish the applicant's project. 6) DESIGN OF THE TOWER, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS THAT HAVE THE EFFECT OF REDUCING OR ELIMINATING VISUAL OBTRUSIVENESS The proposed facility would utilize a slim-line monopole, rather than a lattice or guyed tower. In addition, the antennas would be mounted on small stand-off arms, rather than a large, bulky triangular support structure. This would give the pole a more streamlined appearance. The facility would be very similar to exiting power poles and light standards in the area. The monopole was designed for collocation to minimize the impact of an additional wireless communications provider support structure in the area. The tower would also be located next to an existing wireless communications facility. 7. PROPOSED INGRESS AND EGRESS Access to the proposed facility would be from NorthEast 30th Street via an easement across the existing paved driveway and parking area of the Kennydale Mini-Mart and BP Gas Station. The applicant would service the compound approximately once each month. Staff will recommend as a condition of approval that the applicant provide a copy of the easement agreement with the property owners demonstrating access to the site for maintenance. 8. POTENTIAL NOISE, LIGHT AND GLARE IMPACTS. Small equipment cooling fans which only turn on when necessary to cool the equipment. The amount of noise generated by the fans is not substantial. The proposed facility is located adjacent to 1-405 and the noise from the cabinets would not be heard over the ambient noise in this location. No glare would result from the installation of the monopole structure. A galvanized steel monopole is proposed. The pole would wear to a dull gray, and would not be reflective. The panel antennas would be a similar gray color. No lighting of the tower is proposed, unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Staff will recommend that the applicant provide a copy of the FAA Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration prior to the issuance of building permits. 9. AVAILABILITY OF SUITABLE EXISTING TOWERS AND OTHER STRUCTURES US West approached GTE about the possibility of GTE relocating their existing facility onto the proposed monopole, but GTE declined. US West also proposed replacing the GTE pole with a structure that would accommodate other carriers, but GTE declined that proposal. GTE has HEXRPT.DOC Cit. of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF FL BLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 7 of 10 declined requests for collocation on its structure, as the monopole cannot carry the weight of additional facilities, beyond those they intend to install. The GTE facility was approved prior to the adoption of the City's Wireless Communications Ordinance, and was not required to design or build their facility for collocation with other carriers. US West pursued locating on an existing Puget Sound Energy pole in the public right-of-way, but this is not presently possible since the City does not have franchise agreements for such facilities. US West also approached Texaco about the possibility of locating in or on their sign on the west side of 1-405 and on the north side of NE 30th Street, but Texaco rejected the proposal. There are no other available structure or towers in the area that would meet Us West's engineering criteria. 10. COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PURPOSE, GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STANDARDS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ANY OF THE PLAN, PROGRAM, MAP OR ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. (A) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ITS ELEMENTS AND POLICIES The proposed telecommunications facility is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies: Policy U-1: Utility facilities and services should be consistent with the growth and development concepts directed by the Comprehensive Plan. The City of Renton's business, industrial, and residential development is growing. The expansion of the Personal Communication System within the City is to ensure that a high quality of service can be offered to the local and regional community. Policy U-5: Encourage the appropriate siting, construction, operation, and decommissioning of all utility systems in a manner that reasonably minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. The proposed facility would be located on a portion of an existing site that is zoned for commercial use, but which could not be easily developed for commercial use, due to existing development, proximity to 1-405, and existing topography. The siting of an additional wireless communications carrier that could accommodate at least two purveyors appears to meet with the intent of this policy, since impacts on adjacent land uses are minimized by the preservation of existing tree cover. In addition, the proposed Monopole II facility would be similar to the existing wireless communications facility or the site and would not substantially increase impacts on adjacent land uses. Policy U-100: Require that the siting and location of telecommunications facilities be accomplished in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on the environment anc: adjacent land uses. Siting of the proposed telecommunications facility on the west portion of the parce preserves the flatter portion of the site for potential future redevelopment, or expansior of the existing gas station and convenience store as permitted by City zoning an( development standards. By locating on the strip adjacent to 1-405, and in the are: located, the applicant can achieve their objective without removing any of the existinc vegetation which serves to screen the project site from adjacent off-site areas. Policy U-101: Require that cellular communication structures and towers be sensitive) sited and designed to diminish aesthetic impacts, and be collocated on existin structures and towers wherever possible and practical. The applicant has an agreement to collocate with Western Wireless if the proposal permitted at this location. US West also pursued several options for collocation c existing structures, including the existing GTE support structure, the existing Texaco sic on North 30th at 1-405, and on an existing Puget Sound Energy pole. All of the parti( approached declined collocation. Therefore, US West's application identifies a purvey that they have agreed to allow to collocate on the proposed facility. HEXRPT.DOC Ci(,of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner U. WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF Pl.BLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 8 of 10 (B) ZONING CODE The CC Zone permits medium utilities subject to an administrative conditional use permit. Medium utilities are defined to include wireless base stations, and wireless communications facilities include antennas and equipment cabinets consistent with the definition of a wireless base station. Development Standards of the CC Zone restrict heights to a maximum of 35 feet. However, the Wireless Communications Ordinance (Code Section 4-38) permits Monopole II support structures to exceed the permitted height in the CC Zone by 35 feet. An additional 15 feet of antennas can extend beyond the top of the support structure. Monopole II structures can be up to 70 feet in height with an additional 15 feet of antennas, or an overall height of 85 feet in the CC Zone. The applicant proposes an 80-foot high monopole with antennas mounted at approximately 60 feet and 75 feet on the support structure. The tip-to-toe separation of panel antennas is proposed to be 12'-6", and the location of antennas on the pole takes into account separation of proposed facilities from the existing antennas on the GTE monopole structure. Since the proposal would exceed the height permitted by the CC Zone and Wireless Communications Ordinance, a height variance has been requested. If the height variance is not approved, then the applicant would need to decrease the height of the monopole structure such that it does not exceed 70 feet, or a total of 85 feet with antennas mounted above the support structure. (C) ORDINANCE 4689 -- WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES The proposal is regulated by the recently adopted Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance. Monopole facilities of greater than 60 feet but less than 150 feet in height are considered to be Monopole II facilities. The proposed structure would is permitted in the CC Zone, subject to a Conditional Use Permit, provided it is set back a minimum of 300 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel, or provided that if the proposal is within 300 feet of residential zoning, that existing wireless communications facilities are located on the site, and the proposal does not exceed the height of the support structure. The proposed facility is located within 300 feet of the closest residentially zoned parcels, but an existing GTE monopole structure is located on the site. The proposal would exceed the height of the GTE monopole, and would not be permitted at the proposed height without approval of the requested height variance, or a reduction in height. The Ordinance also requires that equipment compounds for Monopole II structures be screened with a minimum landscaping area of 15 feet in width surrounding the facility, or equivalent screening as approved by the Administrator. Landscaping shall include trees, shrubs and ground cover. The landscaped area must include an irrigation system. The applicant has requested a modification to waive the landscaping requirement for the proposed facility. The subject property has extensive existing vegetation, including large evergreen trees screening views of the facility from off-site areas. None of the existing vegetation would be removed. In addition, a view-obscuring fence is proposed as ar equivalent method of screening. 6. CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA Section 4-38-22A.1 - 3 lists 3 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along wit all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Variance application. No variance shy be approved or recommended unless the Hearing Examiner finds: 1) That there are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting said property such th the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of tt reasonable use or development of his land; and The applicant maintains that there are special physical circumstances affecting the subje parcel. The west side of the subject property has a limited amount of space that can HEXRPT.DOC Cif✓of Renton PB/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner U: WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: June 2, 1998 Page 9 of 10 developed. Interstate 405 is located immediately adjacent to the west and the property elevation drops steeply to the north and northeast toward May Creek. The telecommunications support structure has been proposed for location on the property in an area that permits service to customers without interfering with existing site development or open space to the north. There is an existing wireless communications facility located on the subject property. The existing facility was approved with a 70-foot support structure with antennas extending approximately 15-feet above the support structure, for a total overall height of 85 feet. US West is seeking an 80-foot high support structure. The applicant states, that given the limited physical space, the new proposed facility is approximately 25-feet from the existing monopole structure; this does not provide enough horizontal separation to prevent interference. Therefore, US West needs to be 10-feet above the existing structure to meet vertical separation requirements to prevent interference. Locating at the same height of the existing antennas is not technically feasible. Western Wireless, has an agreement to collocate with US West on the proposed monopole if approved. Western Wireless would locate at a height of 60-feet, which is ten feet below the existing monopole's antennas. The overall height of the proposed monopole structure would be below the height of the existing Texaco sign on the west side of 1-405. It appears to staff that the applicant could revise the design of the proposed monopole such that the maximum height of the support structure would not exceed 70 feet. The two antenna arrays could be mounted on the monopole with the separation proposed, provided that the highest antenna array is mounted above the monopole in an inverted candelabra configuration. This design would still meet the intent of the Wireless Communication Ordinance, in that the applicant would be able to achieve the desired height and separation of facilities, without exceeding the height of the existing GTE support structure, or the height permitted for Monopole II support structures in the CC Zone. Staff will recommend that the height variance be denied, if alternative design can accomplish the applicant's needs. Staff is concerned that approval of a height variance in the CC Zone coulc establish a precedent, and it appears that the applicant can accomplish the same purpose through redesign. A 70-foot high support structure, with antennas mounted on the pole anc above the pole via an inverted candelabra configuration would enable the applicant tc accomplish the same antenna height and separation as the proposed 80-foot high monopole. 2) That the variance is necessary to insure such property the rights and privileges enjoyed b other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances; and The applicant contends that the 80-foot high support structure provides that minimum height an separation technically required to allow for collocation. The existing monopole facility at 70 fel in height will not support the weight of additional wireless communications equipment beyor planned expansion, and was approved prior to the City's adoption of a Wireless Communicatior Ordinance. The proposed facility would allow for the applicant (US West) and another purvey (Western Wireless) to collocate on the monopole while maintaining minimum separation need, to allow the existing (GTE) and proposed purveyors to operate in close proximity to one anothe 3) That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious other property in the vicinity The applicant states that the proposed facility is a suitable location adjacent to 1-405 and n property that has an existing telecommunications facility. The new facility would not block < y views and the additional use at this site would not have any further impact on the neighbor ig residential properties that do not already exist with the current carrier. The subject property has extensive existing vegetation, including large evergreen and decidu us trees which would surround the proposed facility. No existing vegetation would be disturbed. .JS HEXRPT.DOC Cit of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Heanng Examiner U5 WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V,ECF PC BLIC HEARING DATE: June 2. 1998 Page 10 of 10 West is also working with the neighboring Canyon Oaks Condominiums Homeowners Association to develop a landscape plan which would provide additional screening form the residential properties The support structure and antennas would be painted a neutral gray color. I: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the US West NE 30th PCS Site Conditional Use Permit, Project File No. LUA-98-053,CU-H, V-H, ECF subject to the following conditions: (1) The applicant shall provide documentation to the Development Services Division that an access easement has been negotiated with the property owner to allow for access and parking of maintenance equipment and vehicles. Documentation shall be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed facility. (2) The applicant shall provide the City's Development Services Division with a copy of the Federal Aviation Administration's Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, and a written statement indicating the intent to comply with any FAA conditions to install, maintain, and operate any required lighting or marking on the monopole. Materials must be submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits. (3) If the requested height variance is not approved, the applicant shall revise the design of the proposed monopole support structure such that the maximum height of the monopole does not exceed 70 feet. If required, revisions would need to be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of any building permits. Staff recommends denial of the US West NE 30th PCS Site Height Variance, Project File No. LUA- 98-053,CU-H, V-H, ECF. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Conditional Use Permit: Two years from the date of approval. HEXRPT.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Rebecca Slick, US West Communications PROJECT NAME: US West NE 30th PCS Site DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2900 NE 30th Street Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Airport 1. Reference is made to LUA-95-020,CU,V,ECF, McKenzie Telecommunications Group, Inc. The Airport Layout Plan, a part of the Airport Master Plan, establishes a maximum elevation of 179 feet above mean sea level above the proposed US West Corn site at NE 30th Street, east of 1-405. The height of the proposed US West tower is 80 feet. Ground level at the proposed site is 242 feet above sea level. The elevation (above sea level) oft he top of the tower will be 322 feet above sea level, approximately 5 feet shorter than the McKenzie Telecom Group tower. If there are any special restrictions which apply to the lighted advertising sign (Texaco) on the west side of 1-405 (at North 30th Street), the same or similar restrictions should apply to the proposed tower. 2. A Notice of Proposed Construction must be submitted to the FAA unless the City Building Department determines that the provisions of Section 77.15(a) applies. ("Any object that would be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and substantial character or by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater height, and would be located in the congested area of a city, town, or settlement where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt that the structure so shielded will not adversely affect safety in air navigation.') Building Department 3. Building and electrical permits required. Development Services Division 4. Proposed facility is considered to be a Monopole II structure. 5. Zoning of the subject site is Convenience Commercial (CC). Height limit of the CC Zone is 35 feet. Ord. 4689 permits Wireless Communications facilities to exceed the maximum height by 35 feet (total 70 feet). In addition, antennas may extend 15 above the top of the monopole (overall equipment height permitted equals 85 feet). 6. Wireless Communications Ord. 4689 requires collocation where possible. Applicant has provided documentation explaining why collocation on the existing GTE tower is not possible. 7. Applicant has requested a modification from Code Section 4-38-21.0 to allow the proposed monopole to exceed the height of the existing GTE support structure. 8. The existing monopole/antennas was permitted to achieve a height of approximately 80 feet provided that the top of any portion of the facility had to be lower in height than the existing gas station sign on the west side of 1-405 and on the north side of North 30th Street. City nton Department of Planning/Building/Pt Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: V,N1,.,„A- COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 APPLICAN'-: US West Communications (Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 LOCATION'. North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth r Housing Air 1t4 Aesthetics Water Llght/Glare Plants N Recreation Lanci/Shon'line Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Re sources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet ye, 14,000 Feet NO Referen :e is made to Application No: LUA-95-020, CU, V, ECF, McKenzie Telecom Group, Inc. The Airport Layout Plan, a part of the Airport Master Plan, establishes a maximum elevation of 179 feet above mean sea level above the proposed US West Com site at NE 30th Street, east of I-405. The height of the proposed USW tower is 80 feet. Ground level at the proposed si is 242 feet above sea level . The elevation (above sea level ) of the top of the tower will b 322 feEt above sea level , approximately 5 feet shorter than the McKenzie Telecom Gp. tower. If there are any special restrictions which apply to the lighted advertising sign on the wes side of I-405, the same or similar restrictions should apply to the proposed tower. B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS A Notice of Proposed Construction must be submitted to the FAA unless the City Building Department determines that the provisions of Section 77. 15(a) applies. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS N/A We h we reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ar. when. -:•tional info 'on is needed to properly assess this proposal. alre411. 20� ,yg Signrtur, f Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVA'P.I, Rev City Cj, Kenton Department of Planning/Building/Pu.,,,, Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWIN,.3 DEPARTMENT: CJ \r\dvucr*cv\ Sew ices COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 APPLICANT: US West Communications (Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henn, Ok, PROJECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 RFjf, LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 O� SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. l BUILDING AREAjgross): N/A 4.�i,b /59c; SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the instalrtip of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the i Opole. V A. ENLIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element O'the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Envlronm,nt Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LlghvGlare Plants Recreation Land Shooeline Use Utilities . Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. F OLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Le...ejeti - VI- Ce-e-----/-A-----e-..;—(7,-1-4-1-----:4:- - _ We lave reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or a s whe,e a itional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of D or or Authorized Re resertive Date Dfig Rev ,3 DEV4PP.DOC 5 41 n.-1f Eeo IX01 AA' US WEST COI I Inaba PARCEL 134210-3466 xJ x W'_1r x.F-.F el P6511161C41 MS rby00 I . I FAX u�NM310 • 1.sMX. >3,0 .W31m u[ I d 63 I ill, ' o O I S -'j aR�iQ�N�...o ?q�4 I SUlpr MC.11- ig SITE NAME: i 444 — ! .° sue,. .; ° $. JOHN & CONRAD SCHLOREDT , : ry ". 1 .: , f � l'' � -i . . PMIMT.a k- • IE...0 " • R"° I j ti. SITE NUMBER b.M1 I I Pe MCMrtxCis SEAM! Y i, /U i S EA041 B MS.Taco Mom /,— MIMI ERi — — .r.) 0.MHO E1M.....SIT WM MAR. COP.SO MONTH 70 111 STREET .s.,. M.c.E OR,CO ROT SC.BENET.11.1606 ,.wROI W E.TWM.ar.OMMp10Y°OM MIIMINIMI SITE PLAN . , - In0llEMOMMII [ 4 I(♦ NOCI`,MO 5((AS'n $lu-ssYf: - ud`P PPAGE : Ote�°�°igN ,= — .� xC0 p.. .60EO.OIL PT OF W ,. HE �..a....a. 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Rr CASES CO O ON , TERYCTM00 Awl.AK-.DRTH I / 1 e/.M fTREEI [ /V.OSC.PV, P.MOT TIED �~ POOR(VTU(OAOb[AD) i..:.ED VTIUTES[.Si w M NfF. • two w•w �N Nerve SOS I f....Df V s!r• y IS D w.,RCLEAuw° mTE :T:i e�CO*010.ca*90.r n.E oiE:- sm]]'N•• /ilEm' ND— GAS WE uTun LOCATE SEANCE•UNMAN!N' EID'o . —01- PNOt WE(OKR.AF•D) ♦ NOU1T5 Mt.t0 CORTC.b:tgR •q„ O WS MP, Q rzUPr.ONE.A..,DE 7-800-424-55J5 IA� NORTH 30TH STREET SORE R —SS— SERER CLEAN mr -w.Du+r WAS DERIVED FROM: V O .*g.CAT.L. ...,.EL.N•T L•TE022 9002.ACCO,S,13131 3. SD— -.0...DRAw Smw'M1 L .TleeT' - �'�• ER ArS 'r SOWG]T>SOq].ACCORDS.Y YC ix .AEA A 'y' FF0 D'MASS MC 4 *AE*,...s A.A. GRAPHIC SCALE 50X0.�ww PIP. _ • .EEA - •WSO.O u000DI1 CASE a.w ALTAR go.,, _ 1uDs!.152.11 DWI,.SPOT Llfv.D. M . SITE INFORMATION DAS PEAR DOES NOT REPRESENT A Iwiw.RT SJRKT 1 w•m). A.LOT IN.IiA: OS•n0-5.66-DD REVISIONS �- _1 DCI WESTERN 9M ADDRESS 2110 NE DMN . DATE. DESCRIPTION. IT• � u. 9rt WITKT MEET RO O.•A A D�CANSON COMPANY,INC. WIRELESS .., '�""An�W SE 2540-B • come,DAVE ICIA14 z/n/sa ARCO STATION/G.T.E ( ' , PROJECT 97272 011 Cl EXISTING SITE SURVEY • Height Variance Request for CUP Application 98-053 Submitted to the City of Renton Prepared for US WEST Communications 450- 110t Avenue NE,Room 209a Bellevue,WA 98004 Prepared by W&H Pacific C/O US WEST Wireless 450- 110t Avenue NE,Room 209a Bellevue,WA 98004 May 5, 1998 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAY 0 8 1998 RECEIVED PROPOSAL SUMMARY INFORMATION US WEST Site: SEA-041B Applicant: US WEST Communications 450 - 110`h AVE, NE Room 209a Bellevue, WA 98004 Contact: Kelly Campbell (425)451-7095 Preparer for Applicant: Rebecca Slick W&H Pacific, Inc. 450- 110th AVE, NE Room 209a Bellevue, WA 98004 (425)451-6059 Property Owner: Conrad A. Schloredt 8702 14th NW Seattle, WA 98117 Request: US West requests a variance from 4-38-11.E. pursuant to section 4-38-22. Site Location: Conrad A. Schloredt 2900 NE 30th Street Renton, WA 98056 APN: 334210-3466 Zoning: Commercial Convenience (CC) US WEST requests a variance pursuant to Renton City Code 4-38-22 for section 4-38- 11.E, to allow the new monopole facility to exceed the maximum permitted height by ten feet. The underlying zone (CC) height limit is thirty-five feet and pursuant to section 4- 38-11.E, the permitted height for a Monopole II facility is thirty-five feet higher than the underlying zone, for a total overall height of seventy feet. US West is seeking approval for an eighty-foot support structure. The Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a Variance: 1. That there are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting said property such that the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of development of his land. The west side of the subject property has a limited amount of space that can be developed. Interstate 405 is immediately adjacent to the west and the property elevation drops steeply to the North and Northeast towards May Creek. The proposed telecommunications support structure has been located in the only possible area on the property, and given its adjacency to I-405, this is a suitable use for the area. There is an existing wireless telecommunication facility on the subject property. The existing facility was approved with a seventy foot support structure with antennas extending approximately fifteen feet above the support structure, for a total overall height of eighty-five feet. US West is seeking an eighty foot support structure, with only a three foot lightening rod extending above the top, for a total overall height of eighty-three feet. In addition, given the limited physical space, the new proposed facility is approximately twenty-five feet from the existing monopole structure; this does not provide enough horizontal separation to prevent interference. Therefore, US West needs to be ten feet above the existing structure to meet vertical separation requirements to prevent interference. Locating at the same height of the existing antennas is not technically feasible. Western Wireless, the collocator on the US West application, will be located at sixty feet, ten feet below the existing facility's antennas. The overall height of the new monopole facility will still be well below the height of the existing Texaco sign on the west side of I-405. 2. That the variance is necessary to insure such property the rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances The eighty-foot support structure provides the minimum height and separation technically required to allow for collocation. This takes into account the existing facility with antennas at seventy feet and the US West proposal, including US West at eighty feet and Western Wireless at sixty feet. 3. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity The proposed facility is in a suitable location adjacent to I-405 and on property that has an existing telecommunication facility. The new facility will not block any views and the additional use at this site will not have any further impact on the neighboring residential properties that do not already exist with the current carrier. The subject property has extensive existing vegetation, including large evergreen and deciduous trees which will surround the proposed facility. No existing vegetation will be disturbed. US West is also working with the neighboring condominium association to develop a landscape plan which will provide additional screening from the residential properties. The support structure and antennas will be a neutral gray color to blend in with the skyline. NUT-1W ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF,V-H • Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the Installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets.A variance Is also requested to exceed the 70-foot height limit by 10 feet. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole.Location:2900 NE 30th • Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. • Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26,1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based do erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error In judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be • reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments,If Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend Its original determination,then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a fomial appeal within the original 15-day tirneframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter,Land Use Review Supervisor,City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination Is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period,then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal Is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal.Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26,1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-116. Additional Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall,Renton,Washington,on June 02.1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit and Variance. If the Environmental Determination is appealed,the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. JL : `- GARDEN N, ST.. •.. l' i •A .• 77 NV-.J 1.• �r-- Pa VP" ao aa9 11: } F 57 i E r-�--+ F1 ,.FC t41)th (' 71 Iqe • S� /may �a.51 n) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CERTIFICATION I, Jak14.41 ►1M v'11 i�I t , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on ►'yiu) 11,I`fq8 . Signed: 'h,uwAi ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Publicr the State of Washington residing ,on the AO7;4 day of 2 7,..ijr /9 . • MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 61011-11: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF,V-H Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. A variance is also requested to exceed the 70-foot height limit by 10 feet. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. Location: 2900 NE 30th Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor,City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period,then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on June 02, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit and Variance. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. fie . W;nl� r G. . Y /1 :ion GARDEN 32ND" "ST.;• s: —r—Q 77 ; , _; s I y DIVISIt N 35 L`?i'% `,,,1 60 >^`.4c, •.r _ _ a 9 3 11 MAY • 57 'M R 4, _�• � ituj IL? 30TH. Ts Alp eat • 41 4h W i n ��_ \qN L•G74�� {, � 7.�� g �ss� kfa.Z1 ;;''- r F r \!1N 1 1 aj a rp �5 5 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION I Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on June 02, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the following petition. US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,V-H Applicant requests conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. A variance is also requested to exceed the 70-foot height limit by 10 feet. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. Location: 2900 NE 30th Street. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Publication Date: May 22, 1998 account No. 51067 HEXPUB.DOC CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION :::::<:>::::»;::>::>::>::>::::>::>;::>::>::>;:::>:»::<::: AFFIDAVIT F SERVICE BY MAILI NG On the 411, day of Voo. , 1998, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing CE?C, ddeyv\‘‘110.41 crv‘ documents. This information was sent to: name Representing C epartment of Ecology Don Hurter WSDOT K;Wastewater Treatment Division La rry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman Department of Natural Resources Sh rley Lukhang Seattle Public Utilities Du'vamish Indian Tribe Roc Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Joe Jainga Puget Sound Energy (Sigiature of Sender) sar.dios- . Se .r STA.. E OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that �.9-rtr� o_p / signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for tuses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: ��d,cy,._ /y /(jg , �� No ary Publi in and'fo`r the State of s In ton Notary (Print) MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointment ettifftwi.ssiobLE99 Project Name: US west hE 30T1 PGS s,tc Project Number: LUPr .98,0 S 3 iC.0 _N ,Et,40 NOTARY.DO CIT A_ OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department _ Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator lay 06, 1998 Washington State Department of Ecology Er vironmental Review Section PC Box 47703 OIL mpia, WA 98504-7703 Sutject:Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination and Environmental Checklist for the following project review by tt e Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on May 05, 1998: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. Location: 2900 NE 30th Street. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds thee is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsider ation and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the a al. Appcess ea will tof f t be he nvironm unless the determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing t geen the1with the required$75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)--235-2501. If you have questions, please call me at(425)277-6186. For the Environmental Review Committee, fkl'N 14f1/14(.1) nifer Toth Penning Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Shirley Lukhang, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy AGNfilj DpQ__ 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer h. y,., .> CITE 3F RENTON "IA - "'' Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 5, 1998 Ms. Rebecca Slick W&H Pacific 450- 110th Avenue NE, Room 209 Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: US West NE 30th PCS Site Project No. LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF Dear Ms. Slick: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to inform you that they have completed the review of the environmental impacts of the above-referenced project. The Committee, on May 05, 1998, decided that your project w be issued a Determination of Non-Significance. The City of Renton ERC has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. Ar Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made by the ERC under the authority of Section 4-6-6, Renton Municipal Code, after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information, on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)- 235-2501. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on June 02, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at(206)277-6186. For the Environm tal Review Committee, C:_sleifertttenni(ing LllA9 Project Manager cc: Parties of Record Mr. Conrad Schloredt/Owner DNSLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 :,a This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer • CITY OF RENTON • DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Rebecca Slick, US West Communications PROJECT NAME: US West NE 30th PCS Site DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for ti installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless wou locate facilities on the monopole. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2900 NE 30th Street LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may b involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. PUBLICATION DATE: May 11, 1998 DATE OF DECISION: May 05, 1998 SIGNATURES: �� 5/ / 7 ,6 Greg er Administrator DATE Departme t of tanning/Building/Public Works )4/44",---- ('- ..vt13: -'— - ;--70 1- Sam Chastain, Administrator DAT Community Services Department --(4-2' /:/' \r, t, . 7? V L ti r, e i DATE R o Fire Department CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Rebecca Slick, US West Communications PROJECT NAME: US West NE 30th PCS Site DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2900 NE 30th Street Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Airport 1. Reference is made to LUA-95-020,CU,V,ECF, McKenzie Telecommunications Group, Inc. The Airport Layout Plan, a part of the Airport Master Plan, establishes a maximum elevation of 179 feet above mean sea level above the proposed US West Corn site at NE 30th Street, east of 1-405. The height of the proposed US West tower is 80 feet. Ground level at the proposed site is 242 feet above sea level. The elevation (above sea level) oft he top of the tower will be 322 feet above sea level, approximately 5 feet shorter than the McKenzie Telecom Group tower. If there are any special restrictions which apply to the lighted advertising sign (Texaco) on the west side of 1-405 (at North 30th Street), the same or similar restrictions should apply to the proposed tower. 2. A Notice of Proposed Construction must be submitted to the FAA unless the City Building Department determines that the provisions of Section 77.15(a) applies. ("Any object that would be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and substantial character or by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater height, and would be located in the congested area of a city, town, or settlement where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt that the structure so shielded will not adversely affect safety in air navigation.') Building Department 3. Building and electrical permits required. Development Services Division 4. Proposed facility is considered to be a Monopole II structure. 5. Zoning of the subject site is Convenience Commercial (CC). Height limit of the CC Zone is 35 feet. Ord. 4689 permits Wireless Communications facilities to exceed the maximum height by 35 feet (total 70 feet). In addition, antennas may extend 15 above the top of the monopole (overall equipment height permitted equals 85 feet). 6. Wireless Communications Ord. 4689 requires collocation where possible. Applicant has provided documentation explaining why collocation on the existing GTE tower is not possible. 7. Applicant has requested a modification from Code Section 4-38-21.0 to allow the proposed monopole to exceed the height of the existing GTE support structure. 8 The existing monopole/antennas was permitted to achieve a height of approximately 80 feet provided that the top of any portion of the facility had to be lower in height than the existing gas station sign on the west side of 1-405 and on the north side of North 30th Street. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. Location: 2900 NE 30th Street. The 15 day comment and appeal period for this project will run concurrently and end at 5:00 PM on May 26, 1998. Following this, the City will finalize its Determination unless comments received require a reconsideration. Written comments and requests for reconsideration shall be forwarded to the Development Services Division Land Use Review Supervisor. Information on the project file is available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055. Phone: 235-2550. Appeal procedures are available in the City Clerk's office, First Floor, Municipal Building. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on June 02, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Publication Date: May 11, 1998 Account No. 51067 dnspub NoTre ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98.053,CU-H,ECF Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80.foot high I monopole and related equipment cabinets.Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole.Location:2900 NE Nth Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be Bled in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 28,1998.Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Conmittee is based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact.error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments,if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination,then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day limeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter,Land Use Review Supervisor,City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also fled with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period,then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request.The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal.Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 28,1998. Appeals must be Bled in writing together with the required 575.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by Clly of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B.Additional Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235.2501. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall,Renton,Washington,on June 02.1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit. If the Environmental Determination is appealed,the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. . ,1 •'4� — • nl y l li ; I i .�IYG N 'I II 1 a cs r ~'1 GARDEN lscti 7?,," 9T.. ,:.t sf-2 r R a�� y 131{ �a F IY a \� I DIVISIO 1 ' N ::. 1 ,. ,11 titaS ' �5 I. 3a � le I ) • } ��� ny -i! I 2'r; •r ............. -cam r. 9 y w 4I 42 aaaarrr� d,.tf.'` 1tIF'- IAt'b CMS. 7I 1E3"w7yIY..."�''`,}.51 4_a.. • rcr,.lrr +r_--, —I- _— ex-ar-,7 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION I IPlease include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CERTIFICATION I, /41/trr M 1.14/iri , hereby certify that '3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on /4y 7, /f ff Signed: _____,,,,ZeLtep,---" ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Public,in and for the State of Washington residing ifi „` -g i , on the /y* day of 0Z4-�X /�!CI� . c 9f--it....4-12-e4#15,11---- , MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 NI 0)TIJOE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. Location: 2900 NE 30th Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor,City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 ' application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on June 02, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit. If the Environmental Determination is appealed,the appeal will be heard as part - of this public hearing. ll�•-;�":1 3 al,a I {{ -- t{ -_f; 1d r Vzy z i - ' w el I ifiNG.'116 18 < cD GARDE N 77 /... .MSS I,. 2 �Q i-pi; 4 ,\' <., 1. y DIVISI01 5_1-si 1, I A�F. • 37 3 / .u`ill r Ni i� �- ; 57 ,b 4- i, r 0'q ' hi a, a ---- Gl ~. wim: to Y1 !xtg . S surf °� ,:0.4 Q ` c . �,J\._4a use „f.1 [ 4 ? e � e : p_ vo I _ tv it� � Y 6 ):I, 29ryas Mil (2a ea.: l p' -: ..,•`"ry.• '• .� 500, - E S 6.Aa '� �I rur..1�- 1 7"i T�I?fi"'ir7v'tFx(-•.•T',. —r �28TH•rs 1f S-•—•—a "' ,—a7'r•rn•;•rr.—r•r. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY-OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. 1 w STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE May 5, 1998 Project Name US West NE 30th PCS Site Applicant Rebecca Slick, US West Communications W&H Pacific 450 110th Avenue NE, Room 209 Bellevue, WA 98004 File Number LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF Project Manager Jennifer Toth Henning a= Z .- a 1f. •163A, o a . 4!all al N. VG, !. : 1�1= a 0 GARDEN 77 3?NCY' ,. ST``, -:,st F F Q 'li-: 1. a :e s7 4 ` _ _ 'x' ' DIVISIO 8 � - �N�4 �r �•rS _ _ _ 35 3 6-:' \\ . vaC Y.fy >o w„ `�`:..*.:"; xkk '' } MQY 38;, a 37 k r L rs e O f. . TRI:" 4,44.;.* . i it i.\ .41 Ink l o o41 . y..4 I ^ . , Vt - ` kFw ' . ��_ [� :�4Ss \ ' � �� 48p o ""N � a;a,. sift, 1 'i 11 i: oIW• ff b ` 4?9�y. HI r ,idd .f -- W � W - I-II + GZ' x , It! \ i' j met; ro JO I ,85.:. I ± ii R�M . •a E.$1aq; t, 50 'p s ills .�.—.--...�.—...- __._AS r—ooru.—crJ 1l o__---._•—.gym.-. T—- Project Location Map ERCRPT.Dr Cirj of Renton P/B/PW Department onmental Review Committee Staff Report US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053, CU-H,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 5,1998 Page2 of 6 Project Description US West has applied to the City for the installation of a PCS facility on a leased land area located on the north side of NE 30th Street, east of and adjacent to 1-405. The proposal would include an 80-foot high monopole and associated wireless communication transmitting and receiving equipment for two carriers. US West and Western Wireless would collocate on the proposed tower. A 900 square foot compound would be developed to accommodate the proposed monopole and ground equipment. A view-obscuring security fence would surround the compound. The US West equipment would consist of 9 steel gray panel antennas. Six of the antennas would be installed initially, and 3 would be added at a later time, based on the system capacity needs. The antennas would be approximately 4 feet in length by 6 inches wide. Three cabinets would contain the electronic equipment needed to transmit the US West signal. The cabinets would be 5'-7"tall. Both the tower and cabinets would be mounted on a concrete pad 12' by 9'-6". Antennas would be mounted vertically on steel "stand-offs" or davit arms which would be 4 feet in length. There would be 3 stand-offs with 2 antennas attached to each at the top of the pole. A second carrier, Western Wireless would also locate on the monopole. The Western Wireless equipment will consist of 9 steel gray panel antennas (6 initially and 3 to be installed later) with dimensions of 5 feet in length and 8 inches in width. Two equipment cabinets would also be installed to transmit the additional carrier's signal. These cabinets would be 4'-5"tall and will locate on a concrete pad with dimensions of 10' by 8'. The subject site is located at 2900 NE 30th Street, adjacent to 1-405. The lease area is located in the west port of the parcel, nearest to 1-405. The proposal is for an unstaffed facility which would require only monthly visits by a service technical for routine maintenance after construction is complete. The greater site is developed with an gasoline service station and convenience store on the south central portion of the site, fronting on NE 30th Street. An existing GTE telecommunications tower was installed immediately adjacent to this proposed site (OneComm Mobile Radio Facility, File No. LUA-095-020,CU,ECF,V) in 1995. Kennydale Elementary School is located across NE 30th to the south. The Canyon Oaks Condominiums are located to the east. The proposal requires Hearing Examiner Conditional Use for a Monopole II facility, and environmental review. Project Location 2900 NE 30th Street Exist. Bldg. Area gsf N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf N/A Site Area 900 s.f. Total Building Area gsf N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommend that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination r Non-Significance ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department .onmental Review Committee Staff Report US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053, CU-H,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 5,1998 Page3 of 6 B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: X DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 da A.seal Period. X Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES None required. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Airport 1. Reference is made to LUA-95-020,CU,V,ECF, McKenzie Telecommunications Group, Inc. The Airport Layout Plan, a part of the Airport Master Plan, establishes a maximum elevation of 179 feet above mean sea level above th proposed US West Com site at NE 30th Street, east of 1-405. The height of the proposed US West tower is 80 feet. Ground level at the proposed site is 242 feet above sea level. The elevation (above sea level) oft he top of the tows will be 322 feet above sea level, approximately 5 feet shorter than the McKenzie Telecom Group tower. If there are any special restrictions which apply to the lighted advertising sign (Texaco) on the west side of 1-405 (at North 30th Street), the same or similar restrictions should apply to the proposed tower. 2. A Notice of Proposed Construction must be submitted to the FAA unless the City Building Department determine, that the provisions of Section 77.15(a) applies. ("Any object that would be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and substantial character or by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater height, and woo f be located in the congested area of a city, town, or settlement where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt that th structure so shielded will not adversely affect safety in air navigation.') Building Department 3. Building and electrical permits required. Development Services Division 4. Proposed facility is considered to be a Monopole II structure. 5. Zoning of the subject site is Convenience Commercial (CC). Height limit of the CC Zone is 35 feet. Ord. 4689 permits Wireless Communications facilities to exceed the maximum height by 35 feet (total 70 feet). In addition, antennas may extend 15 above the top of the monopole (overall equipment height permitted equals 85 feet). 6. Wireless Communications Ord. 4689 requires collocation where possible. Applicant has provided documentatior explaining why collocation on the existing GTE tower is not possible. 7. Applicant has requested a modification from Code Section 4-38-21.0 to allow the proposed monopole to exceed the height of the existing GTE support structure. 8. The existing monopole/antennas was permitted to achieve a height of approximately 80 feet provided that the to ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department •onmental Review Committee Staff Report US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053, CU-H,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 5,1998 Page4 of 6 of any portion of the facility had to be lower in height than the existing gas station sign on the west side of 1-405 and on the north side of North 30th Street. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. Has the applicant adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development? 1. Aesthetics Impacts: The proposal would result in the construction of a second wireless communications facility and monopole c the site. The monopole would be 80 feet in height as measured from the ground surface. Two antenna arrays woulc: be mounted on the monopole, one for US West and the other for Western Wireless. The US West array would be located near the top of the monopole, approximately 2'-9" below the top of the monopole tower. Western Wireless would mount their antenna array with a 12'-6" separation, below the US West array, and approximately 60 feet from the ground surface. An approximate three foot high lightning rod would sit atop the monopole. The overall height of the monopole, antennas, and lightning rod would be 80 feet, or 327 feet above sea level. The existing Texaco sign on the west side of 1-405 at North 30th Street is at 327.13 feet above sea level. The applicant has provided photosimulations of the proposed facility from surrounding locations. Several vantage points were selected, two on the west side of 1-405 (from the 1-405 right-of-way, and from North 30th Street at Park Avenue North), and three on the east side of 1-405, south and east of the site (from Canyon Oaks Condominiums on Kennewick Place NE, from Kennydale Elementary School, and from Kennewick Place NE near NE 27th Street). Th( photosimulations show the potential appearance of the proposed facility, existing screening, and the relationship of the proposed facility to the existing GTE monopole. Analysis of the photosimulations reveal that the proposed monopole would be visible from all of the photo locations, but would have the appearance of being related to the existing GTE facility by nature of its proximity to that facility. The new monopole would be taller, and as a vertical element would be obvious. However, the two sets of antennas that would be mounted on the monopole at approximate elevations 60 feet above grade and 72 feet above grade would be less obvious than the existing "top-hat" array on the GTE monopole. The new arrays would be located closer to the pole and would utilize a different type of structure for mounting. The facility would be seen from on and off-site locations, and would introduce additional visual clutter in the area. Suitable locations for this type of equipment must locate based on topographic and vegetative constraints, and in travel corridors where customer demand exists. The applicant is addressing City Code requirements for siting, and has proposed antenna arrays that are less dominant than those on the GTE monopole. In addition, the applicant is meeting the City's requirements for collocation by proposing to accommodate one additional carrier. Initially, both It applicant and Western Wireless contacted GTE to collocate on the existing monopole, or to change out the monopo and replace it with a structure that would accommodate all of the carriers. GTE was unwilling to allow the substitutic and was unable to accommodate additional equipment of other carriers. It should be noted, that the GTE facility wa permitted prior to the adoption of the Wireless Communications Ordinance, therefore, was not required to design foi collocation. Existing alder, maple and cedar trees on the site, and in the vicinity of the facility would not be disturbed by the proposal. The existing vegetation provides some screening (especially during the seasons when deciduous trees al leafed out). The applicant has contacted the Board of Directors for the adjacent Canyon Oaks Condominiums and has discussed the possibility of adding landscaping such as evergreen ornamental shrubs (Photinia fraseri) on the common boundary between the subject parcel and the Canyon Oaks property. This would accomplished independently by the applicant in order to provide an additional measure of screening between the parcels. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department onmental Review Committee Staff Report US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE L UA-98-053, CU-H,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 5,1998 Page5 of 6 No landscaping is proposed around the equipment compound, due to the difficulty in providing required underground sprinkling systems. Instead, the applicant is proposing a chain-link fence with slats as an alternate per Code Section 4-38-21. It appears that the applicant has proposed a wireless communications facility that is of a sufficient height to meet system engineering needs. In addition, required carrier separation is achieved, and the overall height of the existing wireless communications equipment (monopole plus antennas) is not exceeded. The proposed height of 80 feet for the monopole would require a variance from the permitted height for Monopole II facilities in the CC Zone. Permitted heights of monopole structures are limited to 70 feet in the CC Zone. An additional 15 feet of antenna may be mounted on the monopole to achieve an overall height of 85 feet, however, restrictions of the airport would preclude an ultimate height of 85 feet on this site. Monopole II facilities are not permitted to locate within 300 feet of the following residential zones: RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 R-10, and R-14, unless the monopole II facility is to be constructed on property where wireless communications support structures presently operate, and the new Monopole II would not exceed the height of the existing support structure. The proposed US West monopole would be located within 300 feet of RC Zoning. Therefore, the applicar can locate here only due to the existence of the previously approved GTE facility. However, the GTE tower is at 70 feet in height, and to exceed that height the applicant has requested a modification from the Wireless Communications Ordinance. In order to exceed the existing height of 70 feet, and exceed 70 feet as permitted for Monopole II structures in the CC Zone, the applicant would need to apply for a variance. Or, conversely, the applicant would need to reduce the size of the proposed monopole structure to 70 feet. If the design of the facility is revised to lower the monopole, the applicant may still be able to achieve the same system engineering requirement by mounting the antennas at the top or extending above the monopole. Mitigation Measures: None required. Nexus: Not Applicable E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/( Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Comment Process Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Any aggrieved person feeling that tl environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of la or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of IF determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of th appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-da timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department onmental Review Committee Staff Report US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE LUA-98-053, CU-H,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 5, 1998 Page6 of 6 Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM May 26, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. ERCRPT.DOC N.R — // rd rd Nd U3 WEST Go11MMGATgM6 209 // ♦` BELLL't M WANO U26 Tc��I.�Y6661 .... - - -- - - - - - F. U q 261466-0J • @ Y. e �IdAE Ip IOfll { WYMrr 1 I. tell .ME ... 1 , 411" MGM ..; , . . 6R6.66n<� 4. �.E.n a..06601 ,.6 T6 I 8000 ..iWEJ sf7 ..O° j .no . .m.61,66 R�a 114 6... e. I -- e I\ 60:: oOl p�16o A ..i.. .. i4V1.,,L.VG, RCl 2 . _ R 1 4'-0'x6'-6' ' i 1 FUTURE PRECAST 6'-D'x6'-6'PR£CAS1 mime #�„�, • —__—__—__—._—._—..—_.—__°a101�we .�..—__—_._ CONCRETE SLAB •CONCRETE SLaB ,I ♦ • MOO 111‘060 MY / 4.-0 1'1 on.i ROOS SU wee r-0 .•_ri .... ..... I 9 6.R •a a-r WOW nsc MD.a. Tn WW sacm j WAN Meg sn ::i X X X—X X •=% X WOWED r Du �/`i1y. . N. _ / '•/ Sun s " g I i '— ] IM lr; K. 1, ,` ♦ ♦ _— _ —__.�__-- __—_--__—__—__-- _—'_—__—__— EXIT 8 OFF OF 406 \ I —— SCHLOREDT . II •_ I EIOC.xrwo / 9 \ SEA18 1 "Al,II a • '-> a 2900 RE aan , . 11 X ]If I 0. I USA j \ s[na.„20, lacy r6i ___ i -_ \ ENLARGED SITE PLANt.Ws.wwi.p.r _ PAWL MIEN. / /� ACTOR AZIMUTH / X X—XX—XX—X—X� __ 4-L.' \FROM TRUE NORM /et A-1 AOJECT PLAN 'suu: t/7-T•-ar 1 Ina sc.. „I • ►AREEL 1331210-341 ,_t w-.r 'n-11 ,n-.v is WEST OOlR41Rl'w710NR 1 I . , N n1 ea Mk NL ROOM RN eBLLN .WA OOTON MaMIO1E CMS)1a MO J"'-----_ Ne90419, In Nw u fo tten a I4S e Ilor ® o } ' o NNN� 1 • a RF 5; jr 40o 1e0eR9m P 4l E NOW LOCA. [R I1.I^1\\\ �•^^ �- I SITE NAME: 1i if JOHN & CONRAD SCHLOREDT u 4 . +m # ,,, // ,"` I SITE NUMBER: N f i i 4/�; SEA041B i I It Ili !` / I I Y' - .. i31 L_J wem awns 3 ` m9utl lAb!_-NST�VK ---- -- • ----� eMwww®RNR m as OWN OM. 12) ��// arum M.MAw eI 10. NORTH 30 IN STREET MOO mNs en 1. RAT a•owrrrc rteNRaumN r, No.SNc.Nwv Nc 0..N.6 H.Ree1 MACe • AKA.R C.o.a a.R na t—f-y SITE PLAN sui.E: r-00. • ©� yZ'bn,. ' o�s I I;c�€' � ogomr` MIT nNR ,. ..._ . M m ; w, AMIN sacrum ` .� K""c °'..wM�nnrt snE mNss sHe _ n�. ., XL= R .om. 3. (K.WA MOW'OW EAST 1 nee rt� arro n MORN SAO AA..o ro KN0.Fo m» `_ MACS n.. 40 e •• •••,^ 4.Ila. 4 KOm• r--a a^Iaa vema ._i n[w�ors a ® e`msrir tci�o rtn Io ni xa�'w n vn APPl1CdRL MPTKuri RFP• em ear Nomw331 ION mw OWE POW OF prtsoa KK r[.rmoN xw TOW �/a�n.isl4cow uuxs w.m . »a.•r.�iii w rtn: T 94110444.A-»eo en.[H[�ma 9.04 .w I m N.w sn Ir»: r rtn w mt rtsT v[a mt us mxrecr.A.Nm[. ott SCAC"nrlxNrts.e o mA ww SA.rn At w AO NOM CA • w» EXIT 8 OFF OF 106 e" =' '� 4 N.1(0: m Hoc sea Nam Nwe ro M MA PROS oESCREffix . �� �w»m nm s MA 6 e'°N s.. a a N Ro-w eO a CV MA=w CAM ILA eN e.aem.O mr.gym SCHLOREOT �c4CO o W w.:. m.RE MASK.peoppw./W w<-�,w .OA MAIMAA AI a.m n.NneT•O MAW w..Im a. a° ,;AI MA•^ A -m TM���^ SHEET INDEX IMI-� I olrOw w»eo.w.a scnNm.I W _ �... ..o ;,� `"ro:e.�"':a> 'a C.C.V. in/K WI OFKR: M.TO+e 6 Ma i Na.,m,,ed. — SEA0416 o LEGAL DESCRIPTION w _ l 1 2YI0tlG. /iFA OF PARfn 1%1CL�uFNf iL— PMCEI NUYBFAlcT I w.wom I } .u.s u o..cc uaam _ 2900 NE TOM " O• 'Lo. 'e" ••� r' e y r a[Nrxw AEN10x,WA 90050 e_em O wow /RL1 _ RSA Anew /quo RON w.Nx CONTACT S AM ac�a can.Nw,.u. __ .. OO. +n part �Y'1'EY SEMI. Z a� rTNFRN KORN•in; r I °1• ®-- CC.rtrowrt[ "a q 6.ra1(3 mrw NC We Sr o No sowN s rwros[o D _ _ e. SITE PLAN ® µ1.e I To e.e e1e1 SITE INFORMATION ntwna trtmectell Ira) Rce-...»� VICINITY YAP BA I sat euo ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS VICINITY MAP N.T.S_ PROJECT TEAM _ PROJECT INFORMATION _ APPROVALS _ TA INaNu ,II µ.F :G4i COR'IX}AABACAT101! y 004 1T1 Nn M1p''` ".L R r0 010 1,�reae 10 row a 1U�a)wigwys MA _ 1V aLLT lR1w;51 0 - _ AM6 A.261.00�10 1p�'�f�,JI(�1LT17,J�IJEI91A l I� evn l I FAX �4t�MFlMU Wl Il IL L W u�- ......... . - FAX 4�61 tlF6110 UI rNMI rrtwt 'T } E i1 I 1 e.su - I m'spArtz AO. RAO.10 No1ma; s woan M..m.Rwma u ma t e a v 40400.1 s r i 1 RtL;¢ n1..1 n..,.X,.X.s, 1 p �J MIMI AMA Al B MAN m.m 511 \ J ' � / 1 0_ �^ 1. «0R6am,. 7 i ,� Fnor �WM.a 1110O.d T1u. A_, pNNX1r 1oa sN sArs MUM WO MAIM . kr-1 1,--.—, , ill Ili ` • "140:40101 LOAM OF WATIA u all_ r •"� MN . �'s y o a raalan� EXIT 8 OFF OF 406 ao«s' 3CHLOREDT Imp 1 SEA041B SS 12900 E 101n MOMS J RENTON,sA 96056 U.SA. ISM J EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-2 IIITHE/ST ELEVATION " scxc: 3/16'-1.-V 1 NORTHEAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16•-1,-R 2 I^>1. 1 City _. .!enton Department of Planning/Building/I ...., Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ei,v,dv LC*cv- SQ,W Ice& COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 APPLICANT: US West Communications (Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henn 10.4,c PROJECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 9Fjh, LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 it er SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUM VARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the instal`-Stinp,of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the r5 9,pole. •to A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Elen;ent of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Envi-onment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earl. Housing Air Aesthetics Waf r Light/Glare Plan s Recreation Lanc/Shoreline Use Utilities Anin als Transportation Env.onmenfal Health Public Services Eno,gy/ Historic/Cultural Nafcral Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or r s where a ditional information is needed to property assess this proposal, Signature ofD'or or Authorized Represe ative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev l3 M City.., ,.en ton Department of Planning/Building/F__.._ Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8, DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: a,Y-��, — COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 APPLICANT: US West Communications (Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PRO IECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. _I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUM VARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high -nonopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Elen ent of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Env,-onment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earta Housing Air Aesthetics Wat?r LightGlare Plan's Recreation Lank/Shoreline Use Utilities Anir als Transportation Env,vnmental Health Public Services Ene gy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet Y0 14,000 Feet NO Reference is made to Application No: LUA-95-020, CU , V, ECF, McKenzie Telecom Group, Inc. The Airport Layout Plan, a part of the Airport Master Plan, establishes a maximum elevatio of 179 feet above mean sea level above the proposed US West Com site at NE 30th Street, ea t of I-405. The height of the proposed USW tower is 80 feet. Ground level at the proposed ite is 242 feet above sea level . The elevation (above sea level ) of the top of the tower will be 322 feet above sea level , approximately 5 feet shorter than the McKenzie Telecom Gp. tower If there are any special restrictions which apply to the lighted advertising sign on the -it side of I-405, the same or similar restrictions should apply to the proposed tower. B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS A Notice of Proposed Construction must be submitted to the FAA unless the City Building Department determines that the provisions of Section 77. 15(a) applies. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS N/A We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or is where .—•tional info 'on is needed to property assess this proposal. �t ` C6 20/ ,yl'g Sigriatur Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.1• Re, 13 - , 1-- -,•. -- --f- "" �;, l_ t } 11 1 11 I I -C� 1 [�I'I� 1x r �: • 'I It I Y IS If 11 -.)T-� .••,. , n �/ ` 5> >, 1) NI( v jit i.It r. 'I. }"o' i. i',iX.4 ooltg ifs Eb r �-N�;1k• t Na "." ••.., Is i au[1 rt s, If 1RInl/s '` uy, sls >!s Ni!7M Os, M;� * • w' 01�8 L 1111111 "= a slslzlI3,,, �-1' liNIl - • And °Mr � • Mro7) `� --is L `I 1 NiN id 3N P: Mt.15 ill( It < SS L. i II =1N \, 11S Nl I I�IS IIIOZI • s 1 T. (I! ^ oz .. NO 0 ' li , 1� Flow p L Ij xle 1 s 1 I M k li 7 -h` $NNre .2 ''I/� -r. 3H li w y� .�11. < �N IS I NI_ . I,S �' _ • S1NYNlY �• '�J < 1S <� 6Fs __lN- "' i ''r �„ Ns., Ic r x/lil t K N NI! IS MI6 > 3 > l -IJ 73 ~ Z i IMrU < /-id Hui Iw L H16 3N \I. °fa ,.+ / \ NO7 __ _ It...l.r I= .T •4E 1S .y N�0 3N�( N' • � yl ./ / \ 1 _;cIiJ �.•1'. ` IS., s -_ lS O > 1 - u < ;d..Ank N101 w O ,ta• �i1x]NIYI/ \ l? l if 1 '� Ire I • N.� v11 I1b .. 1S1Si1 'is }I s ■ I< v N tt411i. is A ' p -0uo' rA,l MOIN7N N NI I S II' I •' ). 1 NI.. •If xIII t. Y ' -- :--- „ S4r NIr11fN i f•�-.w�il R M�/71) Irt' if yell Hill w NI . . y im .'W sw n'.: '- UVd t� ���_ -,. .�,.i .. \ , 1f.' 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F--------:-7.-:-.:---:.-------:-:-:-:-:.---:-.:------.:-:-7.-:-X-7.-:.-.:-:-.:-:-:-:-:-_ --:---:.-7.-:-:-:-:- -:-:.-----:-:-:-: well�'\_ / ` - Y s [, a ra v /!_Y;l!YJ/ tY=_==A\ZZZv _-' 0 i frile Ir. N. coo"f 4 ... :i _ 3fiit3'F,__= __— `^ _===_ _—_=== _=_ I\,, i i 3 i i "Sr f ''•'--\ 1 1 —"_:::::::::_:__:__1_11._Trifitifir_fir_ ib..1- ____,y :-:::::::_:::::::;_f_f_::::::::::;;;E:Eaf_f_f_f_tf;_-_::::i N r; itail . A �sI _ �7 •� - - - • • • NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION §77.13 Construction or alteration requiring notice. §77.15 Construction or all n not requiring notice. (a) Except as provided in §77.15,each sponsor who ,_._, ses any of the following No person is required to rti,,,, ,ie Administrator for any of the following construc- construction or alteration shall notify the Administrator in the form and manner tion or alteration: prescribed in§77.17: (a) Any object that would be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and (1)Any construction or alteration of more than 200 feet in height above the ground substantial character or by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater level at its site. height, and would be located in the congested area of a city,town, or settlement (2)Any construction or alteration of greater height than an imaginary surface extending where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt that the structure so shielded will outward and upward at one of the following slopes: not adversely affect safety in air navigation. (i) 100 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 20,000 feet from the nearest point of (b)Any antenna structure of 20 feet or less in height except one that would increacP the nearest runway of each airport specified in subparagraph(5)of this paragraph the height of another antenna structure. with at least one runway more than 3,200 feet in actual length,excluding heliports. (c) Any air navigation facility, airport visual approach or landing aid, aircraft arrest- (ii) 50 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 10,000 feet from the nearest point of ing device, or meteorological device, of a type approved by the Administrator, or the nearest runway of each airport specified in subparagraph(5)of this paragraph an appropriate military service on military airports,the location and height of which with its longest runway no more than 3,200 feet in actual length,excluding heliports. is fixed by its functional purpncr. (iii) 25 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 5,000 feet from the nearest point of (d)Any construction or alteration for which notice is required by any other FAA regulation the nearest landing and takeoff area of each heliport specified in subparagraph (5)of this paragraph. §77.17 Form and time of notice. (3) Any highway, railroad, or other traverse way for mobile objects, of a height (a) Each person who is required to notify the Administrator under §77.13 (a) shall which,it adjusted upward 17 feet for an Interstate Highway that is part of the National send one executed form set of FAA Form 7460-1,Notice of Proposed Construction System of Military and Interstate Highways where overcrossings are designed for or Alteration,to the Manager,Air Traffic Division,FAA Regional Office having jurisdictior a minimum of 17 feet vertical distance, 15 feet for any other public roadway, 10 over the area within which the construction or alteration will be located. Copies o+ feet or the height of the highest mobile object that would normally traverse the FAA Form 7460-1 may be obtained from the headquarters of the Federal Aviator road, which aver is greater, for a private road, 23 feet for a railroad, and for a Administration and the regional offices. waterway or any other traverse way not previously mentioned, an amount equal to the height of the highest mobile object that would normally traverse it, would (b) The notice required under§77.13 (a) (1)through (4) must be submitted at leas' exceed a standard of subparagraph(1)or(2)of this paragraph. 30 days before the earlier of the following dates— (4) When requested by the FAA, any construction or alteration that would be in (1)The date the proposed construction or alteration is to begin. an instrument approach area(defined in the FAA standards governing instrument (2)The date an application for a construction permit is to be filed. approach procedures)and available information indicates it might exceed a standard However, a notice relating to proposed construction or. alteration that is subject of Subpart C of this part the licensing requirements of the Federal Communications Act may be sent to the FAA at the same time the application for construction is filed with the Federa (5)Any construction or alteration on any of the following airports(including heliports): Communications Commission,or at any time before that filing. (i)An airport that is available for public use and is listed in the Airport Directory (c)A proposed structure or an alteration to an existingstructure that exceeds 2,000 of the current Airman's Information Manual or in either the Alaska or Pacific Airman's Guide and Chart Supplement. feet in height above the ground will be presumed to be a hazard to air navigator (ii) An airport under construction,that is the subject of a notice or proposal on and to result in an inefficient utilization of airspace and the applicant has the burde file with the Federal Aviation Administration, and except for military airports, it of overcoming that presumption.Each notice submitted under the pertinent provisions s clearly indicated that that airport will be available for public use. of Part 77 proposing a structure in excess of 2,000 feet above ground,or an aAlteratior (iii)An airport that is operated by an armed force of the United States. that will make an existing structure exceed that height must contain a detailed showinc directed to meeting this burden.Only in exceptional cases,where the FAA concludes (b) Each sponsor who proposes construction or alteration that is the subject of a that a clear and compelling showing has been made that it would not result in at notice under paragraph (a)of this section and is advised by an FAA regional office inefficient utilization of the airspace and would not result in a hazard to air navigation that a supplemental notice is required shall submit that notice on a prescribed form will a determination of no hazard be issued. to be received by the FAA regional office at least 48 hours before the start of the construction or alteration (d) In the case of an emergency involving essential public services, public health (c) Each sponsor who undertakes construction or alteration that is the of or public safety,that requires immediate construction or alteration,the 30 day require p° subjectment in paragraph (b) of this section does not apply and the notice may be sen a notice under paragraph(a)of this section shall,within 5 days after that construction by telephone, telegraph, or other expeditious means, with an executed FM For- or alteration reaches its greatest height,submit a supplemental notice on a prescribed 7460-1 submitted within five (5) days thereafter. Outside normal business hours form to the FAA regional office having jurisdiction over the area involved,if— emergency notices by telephone or telegraph may be submitted to the nearest FAA (1) The construction or alteration is more than 200 feet above the surface level Flight Service Station. of its site;or (e) Each person who is required to notify the Administrator by paragraph (b) or (c (2) An FAA regional office advises him that submission of the form is required. of §77.13, or both, shall send an executed copy of FAA Form 7460-2, Notice o Actual Construction or Alteration,to the Manager,Air Traffic Division,FAA Regiona Office having jurisdiction over the area involved. ADDRESSES OF THE REGIONAL OFFICES Western Pacific Region Southern Region Great Lakes Region New England Region HI,CA,NV,AZ,GU KY,TN,NC,SC,GA,AL, ND,WI,Mt,SD,IL,OH,MN,IN MA,NH,VT,RI,CT,ME Western-Pacific Regional Office MS,FL,VI,PR Great Lakes Regional Office New England Regional Office Air Traffic Division,AWP-530 Southern Regional Office Air Traffic Division,AGL-530 Air Traffic Division,ANE-530 15000 Aviation Boulevard Air Traffic Division,ASO-530 2300 East Devon Avenue 12 New England Executive Park Hawthorne,CA 90260 3400 Norman Berry Drive Des Plaines,IL 60018 Burlington,MA 01803 Tel.310-297-1365 East Point,GA 30344 Tel.312-694-7568 Tel.617-273-7143 Mail Address: Tel.404-763-7646 Southwest Region Eastern Region AWP-530 Mail Address: NM,TX,OK,AR,LA NY,PA,WV,VA,DC,MD,DE,NJ P.O.Box 92007 Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Eastern Regional Office Worldway Postal Center Southern Regional Office Air Traffic Division,ASW-530 Air Traffic Division,AEA-530 Los Angeles,CA 90009 P.AO.TrafficDiv n,ASO-530 0636 4400 Blue Mound Road JFK International Airport Alaskan Region Atlanta,GA 30320 Fort Worth,TX 76193 Fitzgerald Federal Building AK Tel.817-624-5534 Jamaica,NY 11430 Alaskan Regional Office Northwest Mountain Region Mail Address: Tel.718-553-1228 Air Traffic Division,AAL-530 WA,OR,MT,ID,WY,UT,CO Department of Transporation Fax:718-553-1384 222 West 7th Avenue Northwest Mountain Regional Office Federal Aviation Administration Anchorage,AK 99513 Air Traffic Division,ANM-530 Fort Worth,TX 76193-0530 Tel.907-271-5893 1601 Lind Avenue,SW Central Region Mailing Address: Renton,WA 98055-4056 NE,IA,MO,KS Federal Aviation Administration • Tel.206-227-2530 Central Regional Office Alaskan Regional Office Fax:206-227-1530 Air Traffic Division,ACE-530 Air Traffic Division,AAL-530 601 East 12th Street 222 West 7th Avenue,Box 14 Kansas City,MO 64106 Anchorage,AK 99513-7587 Tel.816-426-3408 FAA Form 7460-1 (1-93)Supersedes Previous Edition City.,, ,:enton Department of Planning/Building/F Works EllIVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVI:=WING DEPARTMENT:-r s -�0-MTh COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 APPLICANT: US West Communications(Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth FiallitOr ret,rrnta PROJECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 APR 1 h 1998 SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A gniLV��d� vs V w10t`vt SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary EartiHousing Air Aesthetics Watf r LighVGlare Plan Is Recreation Lancl'Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Nati gal Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS NC) Gc>iM uj{e L L/ We lave reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or a as whe-e additional infornJation is needed to property assess this proposal. _ Ali G()-7/#T 4/.?0 Sigr ature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVI PP.DOC Rev ,93 City.., ,:enton Department of Planning/Building/f ... Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:S I W0.S eLea k-- COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 11fC3F-n1'krTn • - APPL.ICANT: US West Communications(Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 f^ , LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A V�L.v��vw ut v ioloN SUN MARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Eler lent of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlii Housing Air Aesthetics Wal ar Light/Glare Plants Recreation Lan l/Shoreline Use Utilities Aninals Transportation Envronrnental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Nat ral Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or is whf re additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. zoo Sig iature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev 33 City , enton Department of Planning/Building/f...,.. Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: P1�h � _ L J AeY COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 APPI.ICANT: US West Communications (Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 CITY Or.acRrrON _LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 APR SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A 1 198 SUN MARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit fortelagA l9rolo pit high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monop-ol"e. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Eler pent of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Env ronment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Wat?r LighVGlare • Plar is Recreation Lan VShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Env ronmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Nah,ral Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet• B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Ai() cUW101f We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ,s whe re additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ,\ r% / Sigi ature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEV VPP.DOC Rev 33 City.,, ,.enton Department of Planning/Building/F Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Rre__ ?r --c-tyi,\ COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 ? 1 5 19gg APPLICANT: US West Communications (Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PRO JECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 V t D LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA cgross): N/A SUM IARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Elen ent of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Env ronment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Eart, Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Env nnmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet A)) r- 1/Iff C / 1 i B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS /(-) C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS t We lave reviewed this application with,particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or s whe,-e ad tional information is neede o properly assess this proposal. 1A5hr Si at re of di actor or Authorized Repre ative Date DEVA .DOC Rev 3 City !en ton Department of Planning/Building/F Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REV EWING DEPARTMENT: ONOVV‘IG. Devcioe +COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 28, 1998 APP_ICATION NO: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 15, 1998 APP_ICANT: US West Communications (Kathy Campbell) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PRC JECT TITLE: US West NE 30th PCS Site WORK ORDER NO: 78368 LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street; East of 1-405 SITE AREA: 900 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Ean i Housing Air Aesthetics Wai?r Light/Glare Plants Recreation Lan i/Shoreline Use Utilities Anii gals Transportation Env ronmental Health Public Services Ene gy/ Historic/Cultural Nat fret Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or, .s where dditional informabbn is needed tq properly assess this proposal. 4l/A0/9 Signature of ector or Author Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev )3 _-. - . Oti SY p..= ♦ • NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: APRIL 15.1998 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBERINAME: LUA-98-053,CU.41,ECF I US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE DESCRIPTION: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the Installation of an 80-loot high monopole end related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. GENERAL LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Strout;East of-405 STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: Photo Simulations of Proposed Facilities PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review(ECF) Conditional Use Permit(CU•H) Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Ms.Jennifer Toth Henning,Project Manager, Development Services Division,200 MITI Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on May 26.1998.This matter Is also scheduled for a public hearing on June 2.1998,at 9:00 AM.Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building. 200 Mill Ave.South.If you are Interested In attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services 1 Division,(425)277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled.If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner.If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional Information by mall,contact Ms.Henning at(425)277-8186.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I DATE OF APPLICATION: APRIL 06,1998 • NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APRIL 15,1998 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: APRIL 15,1998 ._,,,,„- _ ..,, .is., d� ' ! yir 4 tp GARDEN .m -—r /:, !4 � _— :1. i DIV151O • 57 ,. } 21 ice .F f: I rr R r !NU T. u,4 r• pprsa,, ; .I .w = ,rf • . 4, as 11 ._ . . AN t#1 1;14 1( 1'•i`.:.j;si n ,ib D GENIMLDT.DGG .Qjr ;;l fa CERTIFICATION I, Sandi rni hnU , hereby certify that p copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on At,\ 11,1a°►2 • Signed: Sv^^4-ice 1A4ivvvvviAi- ATTEST: Subcribed and worn before me, a Nortary Public,in and for the State of Washington residing in v'- , on the oZ 3 day of C.*/z.4„;t /i Cd . '22') ictAy- 11<_a-s-v-- ._ff MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29199 APR 20 '98 10:19 FR USW WIRELESS/SEA 425 451 6310 TO 94252774455 P.01/02 3 WEST WIRELESS, L. L. C. 450110TH AVE NE ROOM 209 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 FAX Date: JJ / ?S Number of pages including cover sheet: 63, mmoommk tesimiA mmommor To: kTh6 `17e.be_ccrA Phone: _Phone: (425) tc_(2o yyS—S Fax phone: CC: (425)451-6310 REMARKS: ❑ Urgent ❑ For your review ❑ Reply P Y ASAP ❑ Please comment R-kcjl-ed IS a ithoz Trop\ \N`Juy\o, -Vo co Uoc_ t_., Q,13 vA*-(/\ -0\e Sc_h1oP c St - /k6k?1L � ciu . APR 20 '98 10:19 FR USW WIRELESS/SEA 425 451 6310 TO 94252774455 P.02/02 • �..... .tLJll.l4\ n1MC -X*04 141061 T f western A A A wireless April 17, 1998 Jeanette McDonald US WEST Wireless 450 110" Street N.E. , RM #211 Bellevue, WA 98006 Re: Collocation at 166 NE 30°" Street, Renton, WA 98056 Dear Jeanette, This letter hereby serves as written documentation that the GTE wireless facility at the above address is not a feasible Collocation site. rn August of 1997, Western Wireless actively pursued this site in order to collocate, however it was concluded the tower and foundation was not designed to support Western in addition to GTE's future loading requirements. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ,,,,,,,,,,ig,„7-- Jennifer ann Real Estate Supervisor Western Wireless Corporation 330 120th Avenue NE,#110 Bellevue,WA 98005 FAX(206)451-4739 FAX(206)451-7987 APR 79 ■4a as-za CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS within 300 feet of the subject site PROJECT NAME: uFtNP�t- PnS Fari 11 ty APPLICATION NO: LOP\• 98. 0 5 3, cU -tf , ELF The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER cy�A� C + /° 99 F 6 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) ispi eNtWci:BR14X3 1101481M1.400 • (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Applicant Certification I, beccG S1 t C-I. , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: 0 City of Renton Technical Services Records_��PNNE N�� 1 0 Title Company Records Q. ,..••••••.• �, 9( King County Assessors Records Q- '�55t�NR'••,���� ,t 'Q 00TARy ▪ � lei Signed Date `t/�(�� • : (Applicant) S/ PUBLIC NOTARY /,I�t��c s s •o'` �C• �= ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the Sta ington, residing at the (9 day of /y// , 1 $ ". Signed d__ (Notary Pu ic) ' E > G** For City of CERTIFICATION OF MAILING •I S IB 1�.. hereby Certify that notices of.the proposed application were mailed to (City Empioy each listed property owner on'; ' 1. • "°I$ Signed. Date N OTA RY T. ATTES r Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary PuE hc, rn and for the State of;Washin ton restdii�o ate on the { day of 19 ' signedr" z� � r# �� iistprop.doc REV 07/95 MARILYN KAMCHEFF 2 COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/ 9 *. BATCH NUMBER : EE _ --- 133270-0110-0S ' ''.. GU(TCVER NAME U.S1 - -T RAKC EON 699 99 r i< • 607 -.,LIAMS AVE S V210 _.11.;44.J.4..t.46.A.4..06.4.A:..4.716.47.A.A.-A.41.....0. !., _ , , . . , . , ,, , .7t-i,r,•-. RENTCN WA 96 55 ' 133270-0010-00 cCATES FRANCES C 5CSSSS - - ' - - 2958 KENNEWICK PL NE 133270-0120-07 RENTCN WA SEC56 CONCVAN STEPHEN 0 769999 2936 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98 5 133270-0020-08 GRIFFITH LISA+DI PIANO LUCI5C9999 . __ __ _ _ 2956 KENNEWICK PL NE 133270-0130-05 RENTCN WA SEC56 ELSE JUDY KAY ELSE+STEPHEN 309 99 . ) 2934 KENNEWICK PLACE NE RENTCN WA 98, 56 . ' 133270-0030-06 O'CONNELL DEBRA L 679999 --- -- --- - _ _ _ 2954 KENNEWICK FL NE V2954 133270-0140-03 RENTON WA 58056 LAMMERS GRAHAM C+VCN E 889(; 39 2932 KINNEWICK PL NE : _L.....f• !-,_.:-.._:.,_,..:„..:-.L..;_,...‘z:1,-..,..:,... s_!__-_=.__..z2..t.,::,..r.:_.. :•_-_,,..;:,./-,:::_,:_qt--.. RENTON WA 98( 36 iiii 1733270-0040-04 IP STEWART EDWARD+NOELLE M 349999 - __. .. . _ _ _• 2952 KENNEWICK PL 133270-0150-00 RENTCN WA -98054 LEVEQUE GREGCRY 0 269 39 2930 KENNEWICK FL NE • RENTON WA 98C56 d 133270:0050-61 I SMITH MICHELLE L 5N9599 - . -- -- ---: 2950 KENNEWICK FL NE - . 7 133270-0160-08 RENTON WA 98056 BISIACK RICHARD B . • 1799 ;9 2928 KENNEWICK PL NE •,.. .r.L....-...,..,........t...--;.-,e. ---------7---- . ._- -4 . ....•_. •...-7,--,-- • RENTON WA 980 ;6 133270-0060-09 DUEY WM C C ANN C 459999 --- . _. _, 2948 KENNEWICK FL NE V6 . 133270-0170-06 RENTCN WA 96C56 TREFNY RICHARD B 2002 3 2926 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 980 6 . I 133270-0070-07 CANNON MICHAEL D+CATHI J 020489 3728 S 198TH ST 133270-0180-04 SEATTLE WA 58188 RACTKE LYNN 7599 9 15278 SUNWOOD BLVD V14 TUKWILA WA 981 3 133276--0080-05 HAJNY MARILYN K 45999S 2944 KENNEWICK FL NE . 133270-0190-02 RENTON WA 58C56 LLEWELLYN JACK R+HFLEN JEAN5099 '3 2922 KENNEWICK FL NE - , •_.:,_.,_ . _ . ., .,. . .,...._. - _ ..,___._ _ • • 1.- L.-., '- I- RENTON WA 980 -.-) . • 133270-0090-63 WICKS WAYNE N+JANET I 929999 2942 KENNEWICK PL NE 133270-0200-00 RENTCN 'AA 9C56 CAREY ROBIN P 8107' 2920 KENNEWICK FL NE V2920 RENTON WA 980 632f6 ) -C100-01 PICKETT MICHAEL L 353177 PICKETT MARGUERITE 133270-0210-08 2940 KENNEWICK PL NE CCWNES CANIEL RCSS 5099 ' RENTON WA 98C56 2918 KENNEWICK PL NE .....--:.-_. =_-7_.7-7.::._---:-_7-_-:::_•-:.-::::-_-_=•_:-.:-_=,__-_=__.-E.- .-:.:_,:_l_::-_•_::::.:_._-.. 17:-=-_:_•!---- RENTON :,,,j A 980:- 13327G-022C-06 4- ' H;RLING ROBERT B+ARL! F 749999 133270-031 )7 2916 KENNEWICK PL NE CANYON C....3 HOMEOWNERS ASS05N9999 PC EX 84923 ' BELLEVUE WA 9E056 SEATTLE WA S812A - 133270-0230-04 NOTARO WILLIAM L+KATHLEEN H709999 3342.10-3310-08 2914 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTONSCHOOL DIST 4C3 712777 435 MAIN AVE S RENTCN WA S8C56 RENTCN WA 9EC55 133270-0240-02 RAGLAND KENNETH G 252594 334210-3380-03 2912 KENNEWICK PL NE KING COUNTY 082438 RENTCN WA 98C56 500 KING COUNTY ADMIN BLDG SEATTLE WA 9E1C4 133270-02.50-09 UNDERWOOD DELMAR G 809999 334210-3466-00 2910 KENNEWICK PL NE SCHLOROT CGNRAD A 6598CC ,RENTON WA SEC56 8702 14TH NW SEATTLE WA G8117 133270-0260-07 SMITH RAYMOND E 609999 334210-3470-04 2903 KENNEWICK PL NE STATE CF WASHINGTON 22920c TRANSPORTATION BLDG KF-01 RENTCN WA 9EC56 LYMPIA WA S85C4 1 133270-0270-05 . i �_._.___ PRUITT AUDIMESE M 509999 10423 60TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 , ------------------------ r--- --------r----:,-�--- --L- 133270-0280-03 STEVENSCN 553166 li 1334210-3464-0 1208 N 38TH ST Kennydale Mini-Mart RENTON WA S8C56 2910 NE 30th St. Renton WA 98056 133270-029C-C1 i 1334210-3481-0 LIBERTY JANET L 509999 j 2902 KENNEWICK PL NE " Cassan Curt M tt RENTON WA SEC56 3133 Jones Ave NE I Renton WA 98055 133270-030C-09 2 JACOBS ANN E 209999 2900 KENNEWICK PL NW RENTON WA 9EC55 - - i i 1 133270-0310-07 CANYON OAKS HOMEOWNERS 4SSO6N9999 PC EX 84923 j SEATTLE WA 58124 !,, l I i 334210-3310-08 i RENTGPJ SCHOOL LIST 4C3 712777 435 MAIN AVE S G' Y °I.ti TNrc_90 NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: APRIL 15, 1998 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF/US WEST NE 30TH PCS SITE DESCRIPTION: Applicant requests environmental review and conditional use permit for the installation of an 80-foot high monopole and related equipment cabinets. Both US West and Western Wireless would locate facilities on the monopole. GENERAL LOCATION: North side of NE 30th Street;East of 1-405 STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: Photo Simulations of Proposed Facilities PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review(ECF) Conditional Use Permit(CU-H) Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Ms.Jennifer Toth Henning,Project Manager, Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on May 26,1998. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on June 2,1998,at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division,(425)277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Ms.Henning at(425)277-6186. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: APRIL 06,1998 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APRIL 15,1998 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: APRIL 15,1998 9�V-_I_, 2 ��I�tp 1 W TN _--- -4_�u„ ..z�.JJ, r63 i. } 6.1 '\ it r :t I o' ' . t E • '-' a " GARDEN 77 - / ha'. 1. 4 - -, , ,x DIVISIOI 1 ... 35 i ,as'j] 60`A c`o"'. .,(• 8 vac _ 3aj 3 1 9 y ` } r- �— Agint $ c 4-1: -30TH 1$ _;; ..�3'"..`.`...t-I.o„• - ---- - 0. a a . I - I 4� 4� wi :MUM1- I;. a •�• 9 / 1. =, = �7 t AP h ' y 8ii y,o li Y '�.� . A SV 6 \� Jl l . cl GENMALOT.DOC s It (1)b emu , f 0.• �. 50 i ES AA CIT` OF RENTON ..t� 'N Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 15, 1998 Ms. Rebecca Slick W& H Pacific 450 - 110th Avenue NE, Room #209 Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: US West NE 30th PCS Site Project No. LUA-98-053,CU-H,ECF Dear Ms. Slick: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on May 5, 1998. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. The date of Tuesday, June 2, 1998, at 9:00 a.m., has been set for a public hearing to review the above-referenced matter. The hearing, before Mr. Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner, will be held in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. Please contact me, at (425) 277-6186, if you have any questions. Sincerely, In IQ*en.AAA17--) ennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Mr. Conrad Schloredt/Owner ACCPTLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 (?)This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer ....;.••..• • CITY OF RENTON -C411 f DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • MASTER APPLICATION AMNIA PROPERTY'OWNER(S), PROJECT INFORMATION.>:„ Note If there is more than one legal owner, please attach an additional note ized Master Application for each owner PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: USWest PCS Facility Ccnrad A. Schloredt PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 29A0 NE 30th -troet $�� 2 /-r t 2900 NE 30th Strcct Renton, WA 98056 CITY: c--ettliCj ZIP: C(,9/3 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): Renton- 9895G 334210-3466 TELIPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S): 425-228-4848 Undeveloped land with an existing APPLICANT (if ofher than owner) wireless telecommunication facility PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Kelly Campbell Wireless telecommunication facility in an approximate 900 square foot lease area COMPANY (if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: US West Communications Convenience Commercial ADCRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if apl able) 450 110th Ave. NE CITY: ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: Bellevue 98004 Commercial Convenience (CC) TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-451-7095 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): ;;:'::> C 3NTACT PE SOl1I DEVELOPMENT PLANNING SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGei^.ITY OF RENTON NAME: 900 sqaure feet APR 0 6 1998 Rebecca Slick RECEIVED COMPANY (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: , `EVENED W&H Pacific $50,000 ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? 450 110th Ave. NE Rm. 209 No CITY: ZIP: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMEN- LLY Bellevue 98004 SENSITIVE AREA? TEl NUMBER: No 425-451-6059 1 EGAL<DESCR__ _SON OF PROPERTY Attach septi See Attached C irlekka-ck1M2t\t" A TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES Check all application types that apply--City staff will determine fees. _ ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLANI AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT $ _ TENTATIVE PLAT $ X CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $2000.00 _ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ _ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY _ WAIVER $ _ FINAL _ WETLAND PERMIT $ _ ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION $No Charge X ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ 200.00 REVISION $ . ...................................................................... .. . ... • AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name) , declare that I am (please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application,_the authorized representative to act for the property owner (please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of uhcil residing at (Name of Owner/Re resentativ5)."`PNGY R. i� %Qcont.4 , on the 2-day of qh 'oNSSIo4,• *Y61 �iZ 19q� o No + r: 1. (Signature of Owner/Represtnta't ve) T'I 'v: 4 :04 Pop j (Signature o Notary Public dc + e�'tion to be completed by City Staff.) City File Number: s� "' 4;- A AAD BSP CAP-S CAP-U CPA CU-A CU-H • ECF. LLA MHP FPUD FP PP R RVMP SA-A SA-H SHPL-A SHPL-H SP SM SME TP,, V-A V-B V-H ' W TOTAL FEES: $ TOTAL POSTAGE PROVIDED: $ PnASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site SEPA CHECKLIST Submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: 2900 N. 30th Street PCS Site SEA041B 2. Name of applicant: USWEST Agent: W & H Pacific 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 450 110th Avenue NE, Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 451-6059 Rebecca Slick, Project Planner 4. Date checklist prepared: 3/98 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction should start immediately after permit is granted and last about 30 days. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. One additional panel antenna per sector and equipment cabinet may be added in the future should network traffic needs indicate that additional capacity is required. This would be for each carrier (for a total of up to 6 additional antennas and 2 additional equipment cabinets)D ELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON APR 0 6 1998 W&HPacific, Inc. RCCEIVEDSEA 041B 1 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. None. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for government approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None known. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Conditional Use Permit, SEPA Determination, Building Permit. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. The proposed facility will be part of the USWEST Wireless PCS system, which provides service to western Washington. USWEST seeks to utilize an approximately 500 square foot lease area for development consisting of a 80 foot steel monopole and equipment cabinets to be located adjacent to the monopole. The equipment cabinets will be surrounded by landscaping as required by the City of Renton Code Section 4-31-34. The proposal also includes an antenna array for a second carrier (Western Wireless) and related equipment cabinets at the base of the monopole. 12. Location of the proposal. The subject parcel is located at 2900 N. 30th Street, Renton, WA. The proposed lease area is located in the north west portion of the subject property and to north west of the existing telecommunication facility. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Less than 5%. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041B 2 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, mulch)? If you know the classification of the agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. The soil seems to be predominately sandy. A soils analysis will be completed as part of the building permit application. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. No filling or grading is proposed. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 300 square feet of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces. This includes the area occupied by the both carriers equipment pads and the monopole. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: None required. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. During construction, minor amounts of exhaust from construction vehicles will be released. The operating cellular facility will produce no emissions of any kind. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041 B 3 US WEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: None required. Note however, that many cellular customers believe that the use of their phones reduces the number of physical vehicle trips they must take in a typical business day. So the net effect of a cellular system upon a community is to slightly reduce traffic and exhausts. 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe types and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There are no water features located within the vicinity of the site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredged material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 80-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041 B 4 • USWEST Wirel, —NE 30th Street PCS Site 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None. Since the site is unstaffed, no sewage system will be required. c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Minor amounts of storm water runoff will result from the equipment cabinets. This runoff will evaporate or be channeled into the existing storm water management system. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No wastes are generated at this site; accordingly the site will not be a source of contamination via waste. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: No change to existing surface water, groundwater, and/or runoff will occur as a result of this project. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041B 5 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X shrubs X grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, butter cut, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Landscaping will be provided as required by the City of Renton Code Section 4-31-34. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: BIRDS: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: X Various species of small birds have been observed on the site. MAMMALS: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other:_ No animals were observed on the site. FISH: bass,salmon, trout, herring,shellfish,other: None. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041 B 6 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None. c. Is this site part of a migration route? If so, explain. None known. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None are appropriate at this location. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. The only energy need at the site will be electrical power to operate the electronics. Since the equipment cabinets are self-contained, virtually all the heating requirement will be met by waste heat given off by the equipment. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The proposed equipment cabinets are self contained, to allow waste heat from the electronics to supply virtually all of the heating needs for the site. Cooling fans within the cabinets switch on automatically only when needed to conserve energy. Note that many cellular customers believe that the use of cellular phones can reduce the number of physical trips they must take in a typical business day, resulting in a net energy savings in fuel consumption to the client and to the community. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041B 7 • USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. Except for a minor amount of electrolyte in the battery plant that is located in the equipment cabinet, no hazardous materials will be generated, used, transported or disposed of at this site. The electrolyte is sealed inside the batteries, which are similar to those used in emergency hallway lighting fixtures. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services are required, because this site creates no particular emergency risk. The facility will be secured with a chain-link fence and locking gate. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None required. b. Noise: 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. During the brief construction phase, some minor noise will be created by construction equipment used to install the electronics equipment and the antenna array. Construction noise would only occur during daylight hours. The only noise generated during operation would come from small cooling-fans. These fans do not generate significant amounts of noise. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None required or appropriate at this location. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 0418 8 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Project Site: Mini Mart and Gas station Property to South: Elementary School Property to West: Interstate 405 Property to North: Undeveloped Land/Residential Property to East: Undeveloped Land/Residential use b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. Building housing the Mini Mart facility; Gas station pumping island with canopy roof and GTE telecommunication facility consisting of a 70 foot monopole and equipment cabinets. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Convenience Commercial Zone (CC) f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Not known. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive"area? If so,specify. No. I. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Reside: None. Work: One technician once or twice per month would visit the site, usually for less than an hour. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041 B 9 • USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace. None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None required. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The proposed facility is a passive use, which is compatible and appropriate with the existing zoning and use of this site. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None required. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The steel monopole will be 80 feet above grade. The electronic equipment cabinets are also of steel and 5' 7" high. No buildings are proposed. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? The site is adjacent to an existing GTE monopole of approximate height to the southeast. The north-northeast side is partially screened by trees. I- 405 and a tall commercial sign are to the west. No views or vistas will be blocked. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The support structure is a "slim-line" monopole. This is far less obtrusive W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041B 10 • USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site than a self-supporting lattice type tower. In addition, the equipment will be screened by a view-obscuring slat fence and landscaping. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None proposed. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? None. b. Would the proposed displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: No mitigation is required. The proposal will not impact recreational opportunities. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041 B 11 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site 13. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to site? If so, generally describe. None known. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None required. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site will be accessible by an existing private paved driveway and parking area which lets onto N. 30th Street, a public street. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Not applicable. Site not visited by public. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Maintenance visits will take place one or twice a month and last for about one hour. Existing parking,jointly used, is sufficient. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). None. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? No. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041 B 12 • USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. On average, perhaps one to two trips each month. It is not known when the site visits will be conducted. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Impact is minimal, and no mitigation would be required. As previously mentioned, the applicant believes that cellular technology has a net positive impact on traffic patterns. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools other)? If so, generally describe. No. Site is unstaffed, and creates no additional need for public services. As previously mentioned, cellular technology does help make existing public services (especially emergency services) more efficient. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None required. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone,sanitary sewer, septic system, other. Only power and telephone are required. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. All required services are available to serve the site. W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041B 13 USWEST Wireless—NE 30th Street PCS Site C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: (12se ,SQj cje Date Checklist Submitted: 7/ (l qfg W&H Pacific, Inc. SEA 041B 14 ?co'S'osecck cloAeS Cor\s ch aV shcju'd S g_ ct�� �y a;k12. . 'A V.Lk N e.( and tc(51- G b 0 ut 3O da-Afs, Okouv_S e2aA-)or / GN` ` O. 71 pm. Tt-ocDosed ho k,Ak,1 f irciospo u0\1- E 3d�" S-e-. N fi5 o. oic\ �k-e. Su2 _ Nati E Needed, A N\1 j C.l c \`\ ��ELOPMENT 1 - �'10 V�(ZS CITY OF REN ANN!NG No APR 0 i998 ?c-e_At,0\ i ,nc��.� �r�� � C-o(YsAzoI P l aim RE CEI V NONE NEEDED. ED 0 Conditional Use Permit Application for 2900 NE 30th Street A Proposal Submitted to the City of Renton Prepared for US WEST Communications 450- 110`h Avenue NE,Room 209a Bellevue,WA 98004 Prepared by W&H Pacific C/O US WEST Wireless 450- 110th Avenue NE,Room 209a Bellevue,WA 98004 April 6, 1998 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON APR 0 6 1998 RECEIVED US WEST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30th Avenue Conditional Use Application I. PROPOSAL SUMMARY INFORMATION US WEST Site: SEA-041B Applicant: US WEST Communications 450 - 110`h AVE, NE Room 209a Bellevue, WA 98004 Contact: Kelly Campbell (425) 451-7095 Preparer for Applicant: Rebecca Slick W&H Pacific, Inc. 450 - 110th AVE, NE Room 209a Bellevue,WA 98004 (425) 451-6059 Property Owner: Conrad A. Schloredt .70 - 7 71 /9-7/1 it/ (,U e Re-a W-n nonc c5 , j,q ! 87l-? Request: Installation of a cellular communications facility including a 80 foot high monopole with two carriers (US WEST and Western Wireless), and related equipment cabinets for both carriers located at the base of the monopole. Site Location: Conrad A. Schloredt 2900 NE 30th Street Renton, WA 98056 APN: 334210-3466 Legal Description See Attachment A Zoning: Commercial Convience (CC) W&H Pacific,Inc. 2 February 20, 1998 US WEST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30th Avenue Conditional Use Application II. INTRODUCTION US EST Communications is in the process of developing a new cellular telephone system called Perso al Communication Services, or PCS. PCS is a unique combination of telecommunication servi es that will provide the public with the next generation of wireless devices, such as: compact cellular telephones with paging and voice-mail service, wireless fax machines and fax modems, and an array of other customized mobile equipment. When fully developed, PCS will allow for an all-in- one telecommunications device combining multiple services in a single wireless telephone. PCS ses new digital technology to produce a higher quality transfer of voices and data versus the olde analog/digital systems that are currently being used by many wireless telephone service prov ders. This digital technology also accommodates the transfer of data and graphics. In addition, PCS operates at a higher frequency, around 1,900 megahertz, and broader frequency band than cony ntional cellular. This allows for more simultaneous callers. In order to provide these services, US WEST is developing a PCS network in western Washington. PCS works by splitting a region into smaller geographic areas called cells, each cell is served by a transmitter and receiver or base station. As a caller moves across the landscape, the call is passed or "handed-off' from one base station to another. Each base station is connected to a mobile telephone switching office, which is linked to the land based phone network serving your home or office. Indi idual base station site locations, such as the proposed site, are selected based on a number of con iderations related to topography, distance from other base stations, proximity to traffic corridors, and other technical features. US WEST engineers utilize computer modeling and radio testing to dete 'ne potential sites. Because PCS base stations consist of very low powered transmitters, which cov r a relatively small geographic area, there is limited flexibility in site selection. This proposed PCS base station facility located on NE 30th Street is designed to provide PCS service to Ipterstate 405 and the City of Renton, and will connect with other neighboring facilities in the network to provide continuous service to this region of King County. A map illustrating PCS coverage generated from the proposed site and in conjunction with adjacent sites is attached, as well as a map showing coverage from neighboring sites without the proposed facility. Green represents good signal levels and excellent coverage; yellow represents marginal signal levels and marginal co rage; and red represents poor signal levels and coverage. As the maps clearly indicate, the pro osed facility will connect to other proposed neighboring facilities to provide complete, excellent qu ity, signal coverage to the area. Without the site, there would be a major gap in coverage. These co erage maps as well as an analysis describing the overall need for the facility is outlined in the att ched memo from the project's radio frequency engineer(Attachment B 1). Si lar information has been provided by Western Wireless which is outlined in Attachment B2. III PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION As illustrated in the attached exhibits, the proposed transmitter/antenna consists of a 80-foot W&H Pacific,Inc. 3 February 20, 1998 US WEST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30th Avenue Conditional Use Application monopole and associated wireless communication transmitting and receiving equipment for two carrie s. The facility will be located within a 900 square foot lease area to accommodate two carriers. The :ntire facility will be surrounded by a view-obscuring security fence. The facility will be located adjac nt to the Arco Food Store on NE 30th Street and next to the existing GTE facility. The S WEST equipment will consist of nine steel gray panel antennas (six to be installed at initial const ction and three to be added at later date based on capacity needs) approximately four feet long and ix inches wide and three equipment cabinets containing the electronic equipment necessary to trans 't the US WEST signal. These cabinets are five feet, seven inches tall. The monopole and the cabi ets will be mounted to a concrete pad measuring approximately twelve feet by nine feet six inch:s. The antennas will be mounted vertically on steel "stand-offs" or davit arms which are appr 0 ximately four feet in length. There will be three stand-offs with two antennas attached to each at the t op of the pole. The monopole will be engineered to accommodate one additional provider, Wes ern Wireless, for a total of two. The estern Wireless equipment will consist of nine steel gray panel antennas (six to be installed at initi, construction and three to be added at later date based on capacity needs) approximately five feet long and eight inches wide and two equipment cabinets containing the electronic equipment necessary to transmit the Western Wireless signal. These cabinets are four feet, five inches tall and will located on a concrete pad measuring approximately ten feet by eight feet. The subject parcel is located at 2900 NE 30th Street, adjacent to I-405. The lease area is located in the west portion of the subject parcel, nearest I-405. The proposal is for an unstaffed facility which will req ire only monthly visits by a service technician for routine maintenance after construction is co plete. Access to the site will be provided from NE 30th Street by an existing paved driveway. Th site is buffered to the north and east with a visual barrier of tall trees; zoning is Resource Co servation (RC) consisting of primarily undeveloped land and some residential development. To the outh is R-8 developed with Kennydale Elementary School and to the west is I-405. No existing tres will be removed as a part of this development. Additional landscaping will be installed as reqUired by the City. IV REQUESTED LAND USE REVIEW Th applicant requests the following land use reviews from the City of Renton in accordance with the Ci of Renton Code, for placement of a PCS telecommunications facility on property located at 2900 30 Avenue NE at I-405: ➢ A SEPA review ➢ A Conditional Use Permit ➢ A Modification W&H Pacific,Inc. 4 February 20, 1998 US WEST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30th Avenue Conditional Use Application V. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA: Section 4-38-14.B The governing authority shall consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a Conditional Use Permit: (1) Height of the proposed tower g Resp nse: The eight of the proposed tower is 80 feet which is the minimum height necessary to achieve the engi eering objectives of the US WEST wireless system. Without this site at 80 feet, two sites would be re uired to provide the same coverage. This height is also necessary to maintain the vertical sep ation from the existing GTE antennas, since the new monopole will be located within twenty- five eet of the existing tower. Western Wireless will be locating at the 60 foot level, also a ten foot separation from the existing GTE antennas. Please see Attachment B 1, memo from US WEST s' radio frequency engineer. (2) Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residential district boundaries. Re ponse: The proposed facility is located within three hundred (300) feet of residential structures; however, ther is an existing wireless communication facility located on the property. Under provision 4-38- 11.0 the proposed US WEST facility is permitted with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit, since it will be located on property where a wireless communication support structure presently operates. The additional use at this site will not have any further impact on the neighboring residential properties that do not already exist with the current carrier. All reasonable efforts are bei g made to make this facility as unobtrusive as possible. (3) Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties. Re•ponse: T1F facility will be located on property with an existing wireless communication facility. The uses in clo.est proximity are I-405 to the west and Kennydale Mini-Mart and Gas Station to the East. There are some residential properties to the north and east and Kennydale Elementary School to the South. Th- additional use at this site will not have any further impact on the neighboring residential properties that do not already exist with the current carrier. (4 Surrounding topography R sponse: All l ng I-405 (north-south), this location is at the crest of a hill. NE 30th slopes down to the west to and Lake Washington and is hilly to the east. The north edge of the subject property drops sharply W&H Pacific,Inc. 5 February 20, 1998 US WEST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30'h Avenue Conditional Use Application tow May Creek. This site is in a perfect location to provide coverage to the north and south on I- 405 d to this area of the City of Renton. Without this site at a height of 80 feet, two sites would be requited to provide the same coverage. (5) Surrounding tree coverage and foliage Response: The proposed facility will be located in a existing grove of trees which will provide screening from nod and some limited screening to the east. The majority of trees on the subject property are to the no and east. West of the site is I-405 and the Texaco sign on the other side of the freeway. To the sout is the existing wireless communication tower which will obscure north views of the additional tower. There is also some tree coverage to the south which will provide limited screening of the facil ty. (6) 0 esign of the tower, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of educing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness Res I onse: The facility will utilize a slim-line monopole, rather than a lattice or guyed tower. In addition, the antennas will be mounted on small stand-off arms, rather than a large, bulky triangular support stru ture giving the pole a cleaner and more streamlined appearance. The facility will be very similar to -, isting power poles and light standards in the area. The monopole is designed for collocation to minimize the impact of an additional wireless provider support structure in the area. The tower will be cated next to an existing wireless communication facility. (7) Proposed ingress and egress Re ponse: In ess and egress will be provided by an access easement across the existing paved driveway and p 'ng area of the Kennydale Mini-Mart and Gas Station via NE 30th Avenue. (8) Potential noise, light and glare impacts Re ponse: T only noise generated during operation would come from small cooling-fans which only turn on w en necessary to cool the equipment. These fans do not generate significant amounts of noise. The pr posed facility is located adjacent to I-405 and the small amount of noise from the cabinets will not be heard over the ambient noise in this location. The monopole is made of galvanized steel which w ars to a dull gray, thus will not cause any glare. The antennas will be of a similar gray color. There w 11 be no lighting on the tower unless required by the FAA. WI&H Pacific,Inc. 6 February 20, 1998 US WEST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30th Avenue Conditional Use Application (9) AAvailability of suitable existing towers and other structures Response: US WEST seeks to collocate on existing structures and with other carriers at every opportunity. Unfortunately, there are no structures that will allow for collocation in this area. There is an existing wireless facility, however, it is not structurally capable of holding an additional provider (see Atta hment C 1). US WEST did approach GTE about the possibility of having them relocate their facil ty onto the US WEST pole, once constructed, but they declined. US WEST pursued locating on an e fisting PSE pole with the equipment in the public right-of-way, but was informed that the City of Renton does not have franchise agreements for such facilities (see Attachment C2). US WEST also approached Texaco about the possibility of locating in or on their sign and Texaco rejected the pro osal. There are no other available structures or towers in the area that would meet US WEST's engineering criteria. (10 Compatibility with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Pl ,the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City. Response: US WEST's proposal is consistent with the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan (this site is des gnated Commercial Convenience). The proposed facility has been carefully located on a site that has an existing wireless telecommunication facility to minimize aesthetic impacts and impacts on the en ironment and adjacent land uses. The monopole support structure is designed to accommodate tw wireless carriers, which are both part of this proposal. Th project site is zoned Convience Commercial (CC) which allows for the construction of medium ut' ity facilities with a Administrative Conditional Use Permit (4-31-10.5.4.C) The proposed facility is also allowed under Ordinance 4689, Section 4-38-11.C. with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit as a Monopole II facility as there is an existing wireless communication facility on the subject property. Vl . REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION U WEST requests a modification pursuant to Renton City Code 4-38-21.B for section 4-38-11.C, to al ow the new monopole facility to exceed the height of the existing support structure. Locating at the same height of the existing antennas is not technically feasible. When collocating, each carriers' tennas need to be adequately separated from the other carriers so as not to cause interference. This c be horizontal or vertical separation. On the subject property for this proposed facility, there is o ly one suitable location which would not require the removal of existing vegetation. The location is approximately twenty-five feet from the existing monopole structure; not enough horizontal s paration to prevent interference. Thus, US WEST needs to be ten feet above the existing structure t meet the vertical separation requirement. Western Wireless will be located at 60', ten feet below W&H Pacific,Inc. 7 February 20, 1998 US WEST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30th Avenue Conditional Use Application the existing GTE antennas. The overall height of the new monopole facility will still be well below the height of the existing Texaco sign on the west side of I-405. US ST requests an alteration pursuant to Renton City Code 4-38-21.A to section 4-38-11.G, to waiv the landscaping requirement for the proposed facility. The subject property has extensive exist ng vegetation, including large evergreen trees, which will surround the proposed facility. Irrig tion is not possible at the site for new landscaping, as would be required under Renton code. US WE T is proposing to surround the facility with a slatted, view-obscuring fence as an equivalent met od of screening. VII. CONCLUSION The property is in a Commercial Convenience (CC) zone and this proposal is a permitted with a Conditional Use permit within this zone. This application satisfies all applicable criteria for a Conditional Use Permit. Bas d on the foregoing analysis and findings, the applicant requests approval of the proposed PCS faci 'ty, including an 80 foot monopole and associated equipment cabinets for two carriers (US WEST and Western Wireless) located adjacent to the ARCO Mini-Mart at 2900 NE 30th Avenue, Renton, W . W&H Pacific,Inc. 8 February 20, 1998 US EST Wireless PCS Facility - 2900 NE 30th Avenue Cond tional Use Application 1 ATTACHMENTS A. Legal Description B 1. Memo US WEST Radio Frequency Engineer B2. Memo Western Wireless Radio Frequency Engineer Cl. Letter from GTE Wireless and Requests to GTE for Collocation C2. Letter to City of Renton in Response to Other Alternatives D l. US WEST Lease Agreement with Conrad Schloredt D2. Western Wireless Lease Agreement with Conrad Schloredt El. Signed and notarized Statement from US WEST E2. Signed and Notarized Statement from Conrad Schloredt F. Neighborhood Detail Map W&H Pacific,Inc. 9 February 20, 1998 , ATTACHMENT A Fidelity National Title Company of Washington ALTA Commitment, Page 2 Order No. n206807 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 58, EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof, and the East 56.5 feet of Tract 59, C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle No. 1, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, Page 63, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the encased concrete monument marking the centerline intersection of Park Avenue North and North 30th Street, THENCE South 89°04'31" East 1, 178.88 feet along said centerline of North 30th Street and the centerline of Northeast 30th Street to a second encased concrete monument; THENCE continuing South 89°04'31" East 74.36 feet; THENCE North 00°59'29" East 30 feet to the North margin of said Northeast 30th Street and the true point of beginning; THENCE continuing North 00°59'29" East 137.61 feet; THENCE North 89°04'31" West 140.5 feet; THENCE South 29°43 '41" West 150.79 feet to the West line of the East 56.5 feet of said Tract 59; THENCE South 01°52 '36" West 5.48 feet along said West line to said North margin of Northeast 30th Street; THENCE South 89'04'31" East 213.24 feet along said North margin the true point of beginning. (ALSO known as Lot 2, Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-96-014-LLA, as recorded under King County Recording No. 9602279002. ) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. NOTE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: The following may be used as an abbreviated legal description on the documents to be recorded, per amended RCW 65.04. Said abbreviated legal description is not a substitute for a complete legal description within the body of the document. Ptn Tracts 58 and 59, C.D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of -Seattle No. 1 z !WET ET To: City of Renton From: Mark Prostor, RF Engineer, U S WEST cc: Rebecca Slick, Site Acquisition Specialist, Odelia Glenn Waddell, Senior RF Engineer, U S WEST Date: March 18th, 1998 This memo is to help clarify the RF coverage objectives of the proposed "Kennydale-Schloredt" site at 2900 NE 30th NE 30th (SEA-041-B). A description and general background on PCS are also provided as reference. General Background on PCS Description of transmitting and receiving facilities US WEST is preparing to deploy a Personal Communications System(PCS) mobile communications network in the greater Seattle area. Once completed, the network will provide high-quality digital voice and data communications services to our customers. Like existing analog cellular,PCS is a terrestrial,land-mobile based communication system.However, digital PCS offers tremendous improvements over analog cellular in quality, reliability and features (e.g., data, paging, etc.). US WEST will be employing Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology to ensure the clearest,highest capacity and most secure services available. The PCS site, or "cell," in question will be one of over 150 in the greater Seattle area providing continuous coverage via "handoff' between cell sites. Each cell site consists of several base station cabinets, transmit and receive antenna pairs, and cabling to connect the base stations and antennas. Low-profile panel antennas (42" x 4" x 4") will be used in a three-sector configuration on the proposed 85 foot monopole. Initially two antennas will be used per sector with one additional antenna in the future for a total of nine antennas. The PCS base station equipment utilizes a transmitter and receiver,providing`uplink"and"downlink" capability to mobile users with PCS handsets.The downlink or"forward"link is from the base station transmitter to mobile receiver is the and will use one of the six PCS bands in the 1930 to 1990 MHz range.The uplink or reverse link is from the mobile transmitter to base station receiver is the and will also use one of the six PCS bands in the 1850 to 1910 MHz range.The CDMA-based PCS system is a low-power technology,using a transmitter output power of only 8 watts. The location of each cell is critical to ensure contiguous coverage, and thus critical to the overall quality of the network. Each base station is integrated into the network by T-1 telephone circuits, which serve as a point of entry into the local telephone system. Approximate range of signals Due to the inherent characteristics of radio wave propagation, RF signals in the 800 MHz bands(such as cellular and ESMR) travel approximately twice as far as PCS RF signals in the 1900 MHz bands. Consequently, a PCS cell site will have a coverage radius of approximately one-half the radius of a cellular or ESMR cell site. Because of this, PCS cell sites must be spaced closer than cellular sites. Although a cell's exact coverage radius depends on its spec 1 viro nment (e.g., hilly, I_A 11NG CITY OF RENTON APR 0 0 lyy8 i US West Wireless March 18, 1998 dense trees, downtown, etc.), typical cellular coverage radius is 3 to 6 miles, whereas typical PCS coverage radius is 1 to 3 miles. Effect of terrain and clutter on reception The two main factors that influence the rate of degradation of an RF signal are terrain and "clutter." Areas of highly variable topography (i.e., the Pacific Northwest) attenuate RF signal much more rapidly than areas with uniform topography(i.e.,the Great Plains). Clutter, or "morphology," refers to the types and heights of trees and buildings in the local area of a cell site. These elements also serve as barriers or absorbers of RF signal,resulting in very rapid signal degradation. It is the challenge of the RF design engineer to design and optimize cell site heights and locations within the PCS network to enable sufficient overlap between cells to provide continuous coverage. The challenge is great in areas with both highly variable terrain and challenging clutter. This design must lie within the constraints of the availability of cell site acquisition and compliance with local zoning codes. Cell Height and Location To accurately determine location and height, US WEST employs a combination of computer simulations and empirical data. The computer simulation (created by an RF design tool) is used to predict the coverage area for a particular site. The simulation is useful in initially predicting the required antenna heights. The simulation typically incorporates terrain data and generalized clutter data(i.e.,dense urban,mixed forest,etc.). However, to fully account for the surrounding clutter, a drive test must be performed at the site. A drive test requires that a temporary site (tower, transmitter and antenna) be placed at the desired location for several hours. The RF design engineer drives a vehicle equipped with a receiver around the area of intended coverage and records the received signal strength using specialized equipment. Once the drive route is complete,the collected data is analyzed.The signal strength measurements can then be plotted on a map to determine the site's actual coverage at the simulated antenna height. Finally,the empirical drive test data is used to calibrate the simulated model for clutter.In this manner, a very accurate minimum height for the site can be calculated. Coverage Objectives US WEST requests the use of a 80-foot monopole at the Kennydale-Schloredt site. RF Engineering has determined that a 80-foot monopole is the minimum adequate height necessary to achieve our coverage objective, which is to serve the greater Kennydale area. With the PCS antennas located at the proposed location as the coverage center, we want to serve the surrounding area(I-405) west to the water at Coleman Point,north to SE 69th(Hazelwood School),east to the Hazelwood Park area,and south to North Renton(Coulon Park&Hwy.900).In addition to coverage of the above area, this site must also relay the appropriate handoff information and system parameters to the adjacent cell sites(SEA-044,063,042, 155,& 154). This portion of Seattle is difficult to cover due to the variable terrain and clutter. Lowering the site below 80 feet would drastically attenuate the RF signals and result in unacceptable performance. 2 US West Wireless March 18, 1998 Plots of the predicted signal coverage (i.e., service area) of the Kennydale - Schloredt site and the adjacent sites are provided as appendices. In addition to the coverage objectives of this site,there also must be special antenna design consideration given when ever there are more than one antenna network in close proximity of one another.In the case of SEA-041,GTE's monopole is approx.25 feet from the proposed site therefore there must be 10 feet of vertical separation between the two. The results of the coverage plots and the proximity of existing adjacent antennas demonstrate that a 80 foot monopole is required at the proposed Kennydale - Schloredt location. This will provide adequate coverage for our PCS design and enables the minimum RF performance objectives to be met. Other Sites Within City of Renton The following list is an inventory of the proposed facilities with the City of Renton. SEA-034 Skyview Reservoir-6801 S. 124 St. SEA-044 Renton Water Tower-3410 NE 12th Street SEA-047 Fricks/Nextel Collocate- 1160 Duvall St.N.E. SEA-048 Shurgard/Renton-3600 E Valley Rd. SEA-062 Texaco- 16300 SE Renton-Issaquah Rd. SEA-081 14810 SE Petrovitsky Rd. SEA-182 PSE Pole/5 Star Dance&Fitness Club- 15612 SE 128th Street SEA-183 Kepler- 19635 SE 192nd Appendix 1: "sea041_area.ps" This predicted service map shows a simulation of the proposed Kennydale-Schloredt property(SEA- 041-B) at 80 feet with surrounding sites. Green represents excellent coverage, yellow represents adequate coverage,red represents marginal coverage,and gray represents no RF coverage. Appendix 2: "sea041_area_no_41.ps" This predicted service map shows a simulation of the Kennydale coverage area without the Kennydale -Schloredt site.Again, Green represents excellent coverage,yellow represents adequate coverage,red represents marginal coverage,and gray represents no RF coverage. 3 a r a System Name: Seattle_Tom 47 33 16.2 N - . . N File Name: sea041_area_n L.ps 122 16 52.4 W 122 07 58.8 W Signal Level Analysis over -78.00 dBm 4=147.I ■ ., Iv al -88.00 to -78.00 dBm -98.00 to -88.00 dBm -104.00 to -98.00 dBm Below Minimum .`` ' , £ Not Analyzed .' at [,: .,r,, orw A/1 $EA=O�`- ■�n ■■ ■ ar ■ ■ a -� _- 4 . © \ II 1111 I /4 L.. I ''' la 1 rigid IN in r11111 ■ A . • \— 1 1 /5 Alerm • Air Ati tv. ,, L AV" iiVii�- 'SI N In III Ail ilk 111 soli In .- ■ , N 0 ` SEAO• : a ■ , ri . a \4144 , II .. • - ) II ii we z*.' _ I 1/2 ' , `■ 2Va _ ■` E 44A d A ii taiiiiti rail a : iro Ihi Is „,,,1,,' '‘,. . ,, , , , rA 1 .. 7 — ■ lik\lb' ri II ' ih,ti. is - ir ...._ . I ►k I ' .EAC;34: ■ ■ I 14/11.. s. 11%sett7 , , '-':i4 lit no IN I i:11111111%, \\... ' b d4 i gi ip Ir." II. . . r 4 , • ; 411L' h ils i'lipit,_vii ri ,i,v it 101,1111 0 derf •L ;II 1,1!". -" ' jOitir 411711 4 4116 I friiii : 4. P,4,, f iii4A -. l . ... ii _leitt , ,,,r4, ' -,„ 6 4, is '0 'g 47 28 10 .7 N Scale = 1:41816.043 1" = 0 . 660mi 47 28 10.7 N 122 16 52 .4 W Projection = ortho 122 07 58.8 W 4 molp ,,,,,,,4, System Name: Seattle_Tom 47 33 16.2 N :ii,.,414,471,247z2,6:01071568.2.8NW illiot File Name: sea041_area.p: 122 16 52.4 W Signal Level Analysis over -78.00 dBmII oi � a-88.00 to -78.00 dBm ■ ' ■ �: as -98.00 to -88.00 dBm rimalimie. jopfi, or, 4 , im , ,_4,:, , ,.:; „ . - k -104.00 to -98.00it �dBm ! . k Below Minimum i ort1 Not Analyzed ..EA:6 e4A . tW %In ■r ■� ■■r ■ S' A-15*B ■ � r, ' 'i1+G JY''l°` iy 0 514 it, ILL s li 1 N. . , ... . „. ,A„,...„..... , , „.. I jr. VI .11 Ni ill :::::1,1:.1,,,,a1:,;,:*:;17.,-t,. ,,,,,,,....,7,4 rilli iNi- , ,A ■ . . ,_ 10417 , .., . , . : 11111141. . . '''''''''''''''4 '''''''' 1:,,,,_,,,,, :: :.,:: :„.„ ,:,..„. „ , �t �! t� i i 1\1, T A1B. ■ dr! .. \N„,,.. - to 'II- I*16:, t,, _ • , i a s VI —1....-1. h k .111ri I_ 11 I ill, filtilit II .t HIgL. il . 4 '1111 14. 1",P, i . . -..- 1 .6 1 . 1 -8 44A Iliiiii I I '\ ! ` 1 `� - 4. \ .. I. 9 I mai . g A- " 111 illit II `'S- i4iiir,: t, ,, iiik '6.2„ .. 1.,,,, in',,,.. I .., , . . „,_ ,,, :,,,,,14:: P:41: II: lait zte h* ,, gi,,,, , 7• .� s ��i is dAI► ■ `' , Jam J M ,,,,"�"S.-- J"q` J k�x'`„. - ' : $117111 :11:14-11 B a --II _..' ---4 efl 111 lila .. ii 47 28 10.7 N Scale = 1:41816.043 1" = 0.660mi 47 28 10.7 N 122 16 52.4 W Projection = ortho 122 07 58.8 W ATTACMENT B2 1 western° wireless Memo Date: 03/12/98 To: City of Renton CC: Rebecca Slick M From: Candice Boyd, Sr. Radio Frequency Engineer WJ RE: Arco Station PCS Site In order for Western Wireless to meet the grade of service coverage objectives in the City of Renton, both the Shurgard and the Arco Station sites are needed. Both sites do serve the highway well, however, the coverage objectives are different. The Shurgard site provides coverage for the Newcastle residential neighborhood to the east and the Arco station site serves the residences in Renton to the south. 1:* LOPAi1E CIlY OF REipj NN G APR 0 6 1998 RECEOVi 03/12/98 Confidential Western Wireless Corporation 3650 131st Avenue SE, #400 Bellevue,WA 98006 (425) 586-8700 FAX (425) 586-8666 Nokia LBase Transceiver,. ,;tation (BTS) and Battery Backup (BBU) Specifications • Minimum Ground Space Requirements • 10' x 15' • BTS Cabinet dimensions(BTS&BBU,no expansion cabinet) • Height 53.5" • Width 60.6" • Depth 34.6" • Cabinet Weight • BTS 760 lb. • BBU 880 lb. • Power • The cabinets can use either AC(208 to 240V)or DC(-48/-60) • Maximum Potential Power Consumption(with expansion cabinet) • Primary Radio Cabinet(BTS) 2000 watts • Growth Radio Cabinet(BTS) 2000 watts • Power Cabinet(BBU) 1200 watts Antenna and Line Specifications • Coaxial cable • 7/8"for runs under 150' 0.33 lb./ft • 1-5/8"runs over 150' 0.92 lb./ft • Antennas • Overall Dimensions • Height 62.7" • Width 7.8" • Depth 1.5" • Weight • 18.4 lbs System Overview • Western Wireless will be operating between 1885.2 MHz and 1974.8 MHz. • This spectrum was bought by Western Wireless through the FCC auction for the PCS E/F Blocks. • The Base Transceiver Station(BTS)is connected to the Base Station Controller(BSC)via the"A-bis interface",and the PCS Mobile User via the"Air interface". The BSC is connected to the Mobile Switching Center(MSC)and the Operation and Maintenance Center(OMC)via the"A interface". (see below) A interface MSC Antenna Array -)))\ Air interface BSC BTS A-bis ,► interface '1 r • _OPMENT PLANNING -� OMC CITY OF RENTON �► APR 0 G 1998 P o�ileUser RECEIVED ■ ' x A •• ` f • • • • • • • • Ir - urgard Mercer 1405 , ♦ ♦ , • , r I I E • . I ■ a ♦ • iCennydale• Hill/ ?' t tY • • �• • • • �,• • • ■ • ,ayj 2q 1 t .- • • • t • • • • • • • • 4igh H2O •1/4\ . •erson • ♦ • • t f •t♦ • t r •• ; • 14s, t • • t i , t r , ■• t r . I hurgard Mercer 1405 ■ I .... . / • ,.. . # ♦ ♦ • s s r aI *0* , . r . ` ppnnyaie Hill/ US Wes ' • F \ • • \ t \ \ t t t t 4igh H2O = • = 11 f 1 ` . 1 A, ,erson \1 I t -v, 1 \ t ♦ / 1 / 1 • 1 uJ/31/`S ul:41 rAA 4JU01 TTACMENT Cl CED13GTE Wireless 2445 140th Ave. NE Suite 202 Bellevue,Washington 98005 March 30, 1998 Jeanette McDonald US WEST Wireless,L.L.C. 450- 110th Avenue NE, Rm#211 Bellevue,WA 98006 Re: Denial for collocation at 1616 NE 30th Street,Renton 98056 Dear Jeanette: This letter hereby servos as written verification that GTE has denied your request(dated January 18, 1998) to collocate at 1616 NE 30th Street, Renton, WA 98056. As you know GTE encourages collocation with other carriers,however, the tower and foundation was not designed to support our future loading requirements as well as the additional loading that you require. if you have any questions,please let me know. Thank you and we look forward to working with you in the future, Tony Zaragoza Site Development Seattle NITA DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF REV TON AI'K Uo lbSti RECEIVED A Part of GTE Corporation • Phone 425-895-7000 • Fax 425-895-7019 MAR 31 '98 07:48 PAGE.02 vs r. U S WEST Communications Wirptess 450 110th Avenue Northeast F >09 Bellevue Washington 98004 January 18, 1998 Tony Zaragoza Site Development Engineer 2445 140`h Ave.NE, Suite 202 Bellevue, WA 98005 RE: Proposed US West Wireless colocation on GTE Tower. Dear Tony: US West Communications is seeking an agreement with GTE to share facilities at an existing communication site located at 1616 NE 306,Renton WA 98056.As you know, GTE currently has a monopole at this location, and has an agreement with Western Wireless to locate antennas on the structure. US West is aware that the existing tower is not capable of accommodating three carriers,and therefore we propose the following solution which will fit the needs of all three entities involved in this location. US West is prepared to change the existing monopole out,and replace it with a structure that would support three carriers. It is our understanding that we would be able to extend the height of the monopole by 10 feet without facing any significant zoning issues. With this agreement,GTE and Western Wireless would be located at the same elevation,with US West's antennas at the top of the tower. During construction, US West would supply GTE with a Cell On Wheels(COW)to mitigate any interruption of service. When construction on the new site in completed,GTE would retain ownership of the structure,and US West would pay rent as is set forth in the master lease agreement between our two companies. The following shall represent US West's offer at this location. I look forward to further discussing this proposal with you in the near future. If you have any questions or comments,please do not hesitate to contact me at(425)451-7095. Lessor: GTE 2445 140`h Ave.NE, Suite 202 Bellevue, WA 98005 Lessee: US West Communications Wireless Group 1999 Broadway, Tenth Floor Denver, CO 80202 Premises: Kennydale 1616 NE 30'h Renton, WA 98056 Use: Lessee shall replace existing tower with a structure able to accommodate three(3) carriers,and when constructed shall locate its equipment at the top of the tower. Lessee shall provide the Lessor with a temporary communication site(COW)during construction,and when construction is completed GTE shall retain ownership of the site, with US West paying rent for space on the structure. Term: Pursuant to the Reciprocal Joint Use Agreement. Rent: Pursuant to the Reciprocal Joint Use Agreement. Renewal: Pursuant to the Reciprocal Joint Use Agreement. Utilities: Lessee shall obtain its own utility service meters, at its own expense. Commencement: Pursuant to the Reciprocal Joint Use Agreement. of Rent: Permission to Lessor hereby grants Lessee the right to enter onto the property to conduct surveys. Enter Property: soil studies, engineering studies or drive tests;and to submit for any required zoning, building or other permits. Lessor shall sign any such applications, if required by the relevant jurisdiction.All such tests, studies and applications shall be at Lessee's sole expense. If any portion of the Premises is disturbed by Lessee, Lessee shall restore any such areas to their original condition prior to Lessee's activities. Sincerely. On the behalf of S West ireless Group � elly Campbell regional Real Estate Coordinator Agreed and accepted this day of 1998 GTE U S WEST Communications Wireless ..r ,- 450 110th Avenue Northeast 209 • Bellevue.Washington 98004 �01WESu November 22, 1997 Tony Zaragoza - , I. ' Site Development Engineer 2445 140`h Ave.NE, Suite 202 • Bellevue, WA 98005 RE: Proposed US West Wireless co-location on GTE tower facility. Dear Tony : US West Communications is seeking an agreement with GTE to share facilities at an existing communication site located at 1616 NE 30`h, Renton WA 98056. As you know, GTE currently has a monopole site at this location, and has an agreement with Western Wireless to locate antennas on the structure. US West is aware that the existing tower is not capable of accommodating three carriers, and therefore we propose the following solution which will fit the needs of all three entities involved in this location. US West is prepared to change the existing monopole out,and replace it with a structure that would support three carriers. It is our understanding that we would be able to extend the height of the pole by 10 feet without facing any significant zoning issues. With this agreement, GTE and Western Wireless would be located at the same elevation,with US West's antennas at the top of the tower. During construction, US West would supply GTE with a Cell on Wheels(COW)to mitigate any interruption of service. When construction on the new site is completed, GTE would retain ownership of the structure,and US West would pay rent as is set forth in the master lease agreement between our two companies. The following shall represent US West's offer at this location. I look forward to further discussing this proposal with you in the near future. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at(425)451-7095. Lessor: GTE 2445 140`h Ave. NE, Suite 202 Bellevue, WA 98005 Lessee: US West Communications 1999 Broadway, Tenth Floor Denver, CO 80202 Premises: Kennydale 1616NE30`h Renton, WA 98056 Use: Lessee shall replace existing tower with a structure able to accommodate three(3) carriers,and when constructed shall locate it's equipment at the top of the tower. Lessee shall provide of the Lessor with a temporary communication site(COW)during construction, and when construction is completed GTE shall retain ownership of the site, with US West paying rent for space on the structure. f Tony Zaragoza Page 2 11/22/97 Term: Pursuant to Reciprocal Joint Use Agreement. Rent: Pursuant to Reciprocal Joint Use Agreement. Renewal Lessee shall have four(4)option periods of five(5)years each. Periods: Utilities: Lessee shall obtain it's own utility service meters,at its own expense. Commencement Pursuant to Reciprocal Joint Use Agreement. of Rent: Permission to Lessor hereby grants Lessee the right to enter onto the property to conduct surveys, Enter Property: soils studies,engineering studies or drive tests;and to submit for any required zoning, building or other permits. Lessor shall sign any such applications, if required by the relevant jurisdiction.All such tests,studies and applications shall be at Lessee's sole expense. If any portion of the Premises is disturbed by Lessee, Lessee shall restore any such areas to their original condition prior to Lessee's activities. Sincerely, On behalf of US West Communications, Inc. Kelly-Campbell Regional Real Estate Coordinator Agreed and accepted this day of 199_ GTE 7reative Solutions ... Superior Servit ♦ PACIFIC ATTACMENT C2 US West Wireless 450-110th Ave.NE,#209 Bellevue,W A 98004 (425)451-6043 M irch 16, 1998 Ms. Jennifer Henning Senior Planner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,WA 98055 Re: USWEST Application for a PCS Facility on NE 30th Avenue Dear Ms. Henning: As we briefly discussed last week, USWEST is trying to determine the feasibility of alternate locations to the current proposed site next to the ARCO station on NE 30t. The options are as follows: 1. GTE Colocation We are not able to locate on the existing GTE monopole due to structural and technical reasons. The pole was not designed to accommodate an additional full array of antennas and the height would not allow USWEST to meet its coverage objectives in the area. 2. Puget Sound Energy Pole There is a PSE pole to the west side of I-405, next to the Chevron station. PSE has a requirement that all of USWEST's antennas must have a minimum of 15 feet separation from the actual power lines. Therefore, the height of the PSE pole would probably need to be increased to meet this separation. The overall height would not exceed the height of the Texaco sign, and would be equivalent in height to the proposed facility on the east side of I-405. Also, in order for this site to work, USWEST would need to place its equipment in the public right-of-way. We need to determine from the City what process this would involve and the associated time frame. The above are the only two alternatives that have been identified. I am continuing to work on the application at 2900 NE 30th Avenue (old address 1616 NE 30th Avenue) and would appreciate any further direction or input that you may have. Thank you for your time. T PLANNING OI.V CITY OF REN ON OPMEN Sincerely, R 0 b 1998 AP Rebecca L. Slick RECEIVED Engineering ♦ Landscape Architecture • Environmental Services Planning • Surveying and Mapping Washington • Oregon • Idaho Site ID#SEA 041 ATTACMENT D1 OPTION AND SITE LEASE AGREEMENT THIS OPTION AND SITE LEASE AGREEMENT(this "Agreement") is entered into this 11 _day of December. 1997 ("Date of Agreement") by and between x;,, onrad Schloredt ("Lessor") whose address is 3708 Meadow Ave. N., Renton WA 98056 and U ' ."A- COMMUNICATIONS WIRELESS GROUP, a division of U S WEST Communications, Inc., a Colorado Corporation ("Lessee") whose address is 1999 Broadway,Tenth Floor, Denver,Colorado 80202. WHEREAS, Lessor is the owner of certain real property including building(s)as more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference("Property"); and WHEREAS, Lessee desires to obtain an option on the Property for the purpose of occupying and installing its Communication Facilities as more specifically set forth below. WHEREFORE, Lessor and Lessee agree as follows: OPTION 1. Lessor, for and in consideration of , this Agreement and mutual considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto Lessee, its successors, assigns, and agents an Option to lease the Property for the Permitted Use as set forth in paragraph 5our;IFtit . / £- 2. Option, he option to lease Lessor's Property may be exercised by Lessee at any time �- within the first �. onths of the Date of this Agreement ("Option Period") by providing Lessor with written not a of a see's intent. Lessor agrees that Lessee may, at its sole discretion, extend the Option J Period by additional months by providing Lessor with written notice prior to the expiration of the original O n Period and by Paying Lessor, at the 11time Lessee requests the extension, a sum of ei•1am 17c �/!R� s' /icic i`,4' 90 MA) t om• . 3. Due Diligence. During the Option eriod and any option ex ension, Lessee, its agents, engineers, or contractors shall have the right to enter upon Lessor's Property to inspect, examine, sample and conduct all engineering tests or studies of the Site, to apply for and obtain all licenses and permits required for the Lessee's Permitted Use from all applicable governmental or regulatory entities, and otherwise do those things on the Site that, in the opinion of Lessee, are necessary to determine the physical condition of the Site, Lessor's title to the Site and the feasibility or suitability of the Site for Lessee's Permitted Use, all at Lessee's expense. Lessee shall not be liable to Lessor or any third party on account of any pre-existing defect or condition or with respect to the Site, whether or not such defect or condition is disclosed by Lessee's inspection, although Lessee shall be responsible for any damage, loss or destruction to the Site as a result of the actions of its employees, representatives or agents during the due diligence activities. 1 t,PMENT �NNING D�c'iTyOFRENTON OR 0'0 1998 RECEIVED , C:\administration\sea04 I.doc PAGE I • 6, • Site ID#SEA 041 LEASE The lease provisions contained in paragraphs 4-15 of this Agreement shall become effective upon Lessor's exercise of its option pursuant to Paragraph 2 ABOVE("Effective Date"). 4. Permitted Use. The location on Lessor's Property which Lessee is occupying and installing its facilities is and shall be referred to as the "Site," which is more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. (a) Lessee shall have the right, at its expense, to install, construct, reconstruct and maintain on the Site communication facilities including, without limitation, radio and other communication transmitting and receiving antennas, support mounts, cables, equipment, equipment storage structures and other improvements relating thereto (collectively the "Communication Facilities") for the provision of wireless communications service. Lessee shall have the right to modify, supplement, replace, upgrade or relocate the Communication Facilities on the Property at any time during the term of the lease so long as said relocation, replacement or upgrade is made for the purpose of improving the operation of its Communication Facilities. (b) Lessee shall be entitled to reasonable access to the Site 24 hours a day, seven days per week, and shall have all additional rights of ingress and egress to and from each Site, provided however, except in the case of an emergency, Lessee shall notify Lessor in advance of Lessee's proposed construction, maintenance or repair activities to be performed on the Site in order to coordinate said activities with Lessor's operations. (c) Lessee shall pay any incremental additional utility charges to the Site incurred as a result of Lessee's Permitted Use. Lessee shall have the right, at its expense, to install or improve utilities within or on the Property to service this Site. 5. Term. This Lease, shall be for a term of five years ("Lease Term") from the Effective Date. Lessee shall have a right to renew the Lease Term for four(4) additional terms of five (5)years for each term (each being a "Renewal Term"). The Lease Term and each subsequent Renewal Term will automatically renew unless Lessee notifies Lessor in writing, of Lessee's intent not to renew on or before the expiration of its current lease Term or Renewal Term. 6. Rent. (a) Each month during the Lease Term Lessee shall pay ("Lease Payment") to Lessor as rent. Said rent shall be payable in advance to Lessor on or before the first day of each calendar month. During each Renewal Term Lessee shall pay rent as follows: Renewal Term I - Year 6-10 $ /month Renewal Term 2- Year 11-15 $ /month Renewal Term 3 - Year 16-20 $ /month Renewal Term 4-Year 21-25 $ /month C:\administration\sea04 I.doc PAGE Site ID#SEA 041 (b) Payment of rent shall be made payable to and sent to Lessor's address as first set forth above. (c) Lessee shall pay, as additional rent, any increase in real property taxes levied against the Site, which are directly attributable to Lessee's use and improvement of the Site, and Lessor agrees to furnish proof of such increase to Lessee. 7. Interference. • (a) Lessee shall not use the Site in any way that interferes with the existing use by: (i) Lessor or (II) tenants or licensees of Lessor holding rights to such Site on the date of this Agreement ("Existing Tenants"). (b) Lessor warrants to Lessee the use and quiet enjoyment of the Site. Lessor agrees that it shall not use, nor shall it permit its tenants, lessees, employees, invitees or agents to use, any portion of the Property in any way which would interfere with the operation of Lessee,provided that continued use by Lessor or Existing Tenants in the same manner as existed at the time the Lease was executed shall not constitute interference with Lessee's operations. 8. Environmental Matters. (a) Lessee will be solely responsible for and will defend, indemnify and hold Lessor, it agents, and employees harmless from and against any and all direct claims, costs, and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with the cleanup or restoration of the property associated with the Lessee's use of Hazardous Materials. (b) Lessor will be solely responsible for and will defend, indemnify, and hold Lessee, its agents. and employees harmless from and against any and all direct claims, costs, and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with the removal, cleanup, or restoration of the property with respect to Hazardous Materials from any and all sources other than those Hazardous Materials introduced to the property by Lessee. (c) "Hazardous Materials" means asbestos or any hazardous substance, waste or materials as defined in any federal, state, or local environmental or safety law or regulation including, but not limited to, CERCLA. (d) The obligations of this section eight shall survive the expiration or other termination of this Agreement. 9. Insurance/Indemnification/Eminent Domain. Lessee shall maintain at its expense commercial general liability insurance covering actions by Lessee providing for a limit of not less than S1,000,000.00 single limits, bodily injury and/or property damage combined, for damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of all persons and for damages to or destruction of property, including the loss of use thereof. Coverage shall include independent contractor's protection, premises-operations, products/completed operations and contractual liability with respect to the liability-assumed by Lessee hereunder. Lessee shall be entitled to self-insure for the amounts and types of insurance required herein. Lessor and Lessee shall look solely to their respective insurance carriers for loss due to any property damage which is covered by insurance and neither parry's insurance company shall be subrogated to a claim against the other party. Each party shall indemnify and defend the other against loss from its negligent acts and the negligent acts of its employees, agents, licensees, and invitees. The parties shall share in a condemnation award in proportion to their interest in the Property taken. C:\administration\sea041.doc PAGE 3 Site ID#SEA 041 10. Assignment and Subleasing. (a) Upon Lessor's written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, Lessee may assign this Lease, in part or in whole, including its right to renew, to any person or business entity which is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. (b) Lessee may sublet and assign this Lease, or portion thereof, and its other rights hereunder to any person or business entity which is a parent,subsidiary or affiliate of Lessee without Lessor's consent. (c) Upon notification to Lessor of any assignment, Lessee shall be relieved of all performance, liabilities and obligations under this Option and Site Lease Agreement. (d) In the event Lessor elects to permit another communications user the right to use any of Lessor's Property, Lessor agrees to notify Lessee thirty (30) days prior to the issuance of such authority for the purpose of determining whether the third party communications user will interfere with Lessee's use or intended use of the Site. Should Lessee notify Lessor in writing that the third party communications will interfere with Lessee's operations, then Lessor agrees not to permit the third party communications user the right to use the Site. Lessee's consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 11. Termination. This Site Lease Agreement may be terminated as follows: (a) by Lessor if Lessee fails to cure a default for payment of amounts due hereunder within thirty(30)days after Lessee's receipt of written notice of default from Lessor; (b) by the non-defaulting party if the other party defaults (other than a default described in Section 11(a) above and fails to cure such default within sixty (60) days after written notice of such default is received by the defaulting party from the non-defaulting party; provided, however, that if such default is capable of being cured, the Leas may not be terminated so long as the defaulting party commences appropriate curative action within such sixty (60) day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes such cure to completion as promptly as possible; (c) by Lessee upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, in which case Lessee shall have no further obligations to Lessor. (d) by Lessee upon thirty(30)days written notice, if it is unable to obtain local building and zoning permits or FCC license to operate in the service area. 12. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall run with the Property and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors, personal representatives and assigns. 13. Representation and Warranties. Each party covenants and warrants to the other that(i) it has full right, power and authority to execute this Option and Site Lease Agreement and has the power to grant all rights hereunder; (ii) its execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate any laws, ordinances, covenants, or the provisions of any mortgage, lease or other agreement binding on said party; and (iii) the execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the performance of its obligations hereunder, have been duly authorized by all necessary personnel or corporate officers and do not violate any provisions of law or the parry's certificate of incorporation or bylaws or any other arrangement, provision of law or court order or decree. C:\administration\sea041.doc PAGE 4 Site ID#SEA 041 14. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemAd given if personally delivered, or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses; /l • If to Lessor, to: tm .d .<. Lail/ S'?O 2 / All. '/ p F L/ ��✓A / 'i/7 -�n�i�✓ tld i tl-SchIored +( Coy y j 3708 Meadow Ave. N. j r / Renton, WA 98056 with a copy to: If to Lessee,to: U S West Communications, Inc. C/o U S West Business Resources, Inc. 188 Inverness Drive West,Suite 420 Englewood, Colorado 80112 Attn: PSL Manager/PCS Real Estate with a copy to U S WEST Communications Wireless Group 450 1 10`h Ave. NE, Room 219A Bellevue, WA 98004 Attn: Regional Real Estate Manager 15. Miscellaneous. (a) This Option and Site Lease Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the Property that is the subject matter thereof and supersedes all offers, negotiations, and other agreements with respect thereto. There are no representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by both parties. (b) Any claim, controversy or dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitration shall be conducted in the county where the property is located. There shall be no discovery other than the exchange of information which is provided to the arbitrator by the parties. The arbitrator shall have the authority only to award compensatory damages and shall not have authority to award punitive damages or other noncompensatory damages; the parties hereby waive all rights to claims for monetary awards other than compensatory damages. (c) Either party hereto that is represented in this transaction by a broker, agent or commission salesperson (a "Representative") shall be fully and exclusively responsible for the payment of any fee, commission or other compensation owing to such Representative, and shall indemnify and hold C:\administration\sea04l I.doc PAGE 5 Site ID#SEA 041 the other party harmless from and against any claim to a fee, commission or other compensation asserted by such Representative, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defending such claim. (d) If any term of this Agreement is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of this Agreement,which shall continue in full force and effect. (e) By executing this Agreement, the parties are not establishing any joint undertaking, joint venture or partnership. Each party shall be deemed an independent contractor and shall act solely for its own account. (f) This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the state in which the Property is located. The parties have entered into this Agreement as of the date first stated above. LESSOR: 4err -Conrad Schlored" BY: eerr.)k/-9 <—`)e ITS: Federal Tax ID. Or Social Security No. BY: ITS: Federal Tax ID. Or Social Security No. LESSEE: U S WEST Communications, Inc. BY: ITS: Attorney-in-Fact U S WEST Communication Wireless Group BY: ITS: CPO C:\administration\sea0 t l.doc PAGE 6 Site ID#SEA 041 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF ,CL-1'L!f ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 0.-/C/ C(C1 ?C1 /0✓{JCL is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that/(hi/she) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (h' er) free and voluntary act for the uses nd purposes mentioned in the instrument. ,''%%%,, ,. / / �yll, Dated: P. `/l S7 7 2GG C . W 'gn re) • . ofi .a . 1. .... 1.. 4.///1/41772 ) '• .4 -' •. (Title) 3`�,, '' My appointment expires: f��" e Cl y,,, . a L ' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF„)„-caj'cc.�,ti I) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that �,4�z N_tt-l&e-( is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that (he/she) signed this instrument, An oath stated that Zhe/shame).--was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the c.�e ,),yy 1•7f 7 of ZU$ t.JYcr (irr„�m 6-631-43e`the sifd'voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: ,� - 41-9/g/ 't_ia -ci , -- 4.-2:c,c.:2-ek (Signature) ..�� pa r-1--., 2 State of Colorado i/ ,l-t z, -7''`�, f Debbie L. Ivarson (Title) / NotaryPublic .,.,..... � �-�^"""'°'" ', My appointment expires: , - /}- -/ f . C:\administration\sea041.doc PAGE 7 94/71/9i WED 17:00 FAX 206 451 4739 WW/PCS Seattle '002 * ATTACMENT D2 Site Number ��Z-MHO T3 Site Name: S e fI isP r e-are !viatica 513AT E AI: py SITE LEASE WITS OPTION THIS SITS LEAS PTI N (this 'Lease is effective this 124h day of �'lbla-✓'-( . 1991 between C. 0 h re t �c. p r� ("Landlord"), and Western PCS BTA I Corporation,a Delaware corporation("Tenant"). e ►- 1. Option t% — .1 ,/ . • (a) In consideration of the payment of .. _.._ CBollary (S , (the'Option Fx")by Tenant to Landlord,Landlord hereby grants to Tenant an option to lease the use of a portion of the veal erty described is attached zlribit A the"Pro �y"),on the arms and conditions cat forth herein(the'option'). oa shall be for an'�tial term o months,commencing on the date hereof and ending 191(the 'Option Period"). The Option Period may be extended by Tenant for an Additional tVwkve-fi2) ion upon ...c,it written notice to Landlord and payment of the cum of _Dollars(S_ ? (.5 ~.�,.dditional Option Fee")at any time prior to the end oftthe Option Period. ' (b) During the Option Period and any extension thereof,and during the term of this Lease,Landlord agees to .o:operate with Tenant in obtaining,at Tenant's expense,all licenses and permits or authorizations required for Tenant's use this.<42 , of the Ptemiscs from all applicable government and/or regulatory entities(including without limitation zoning and land use nulhotitIes,and the Federal Communication Commission('FOG')(the"Governmental Approvals")).Including appoin T rant as agent for all land use and zoning permit applications, and Landlord agrees to cooperate with and to allow Tenant;at no cost to Landlord,to obtain a title report,zoning approvals and variances, conditional-use permits,perform surveys, soils tests, and other engineering procedures or environmental investigations on the Property, necessary to determine that Tenant's us?of the Premises will be compatible with Tenant's engineering specifications,system design, operations and Governmental Approvals. During the Option Period end any extension thereof;Tenant may exercise the Option by so notifying Landlord in writing,at Landlord's address in accordance with Section 12 hereof (c) If Tenant exercises the Option,then,subject to tic following terms and conditions,Landlord hereby leases to Tenant(the 'Lease") the use of that certain portion of the Property sufficient for placement of Antenna Facilities (as defined below), together with all necessary space and easements for access and utilities, as generally described and depicted in attached Pchibit S(collectively referral to hereinafter as the'Premises"). 2. Term The initial term of this Lease shall be five(5)years commencing on the date of exercise of the Option (the"Osmmeaoement Date"),and terminating et Midnight on the last day of the baitial term. 3. Permitted S7se. The Premises may be used by Tenant for,among other things,the transmission and reception cif radio communication signals and for the construction,maintenance,repair or replacement of related facilities,towers. r,ateanas,equipment or buildings and related activities. 4. Rear, Tenant shall pay Landlord,as Rent, _ .._ _ r A`ml 4.1v Dollars v)per month Mewl. Rent shall be payable hi advance beginning on the Commencement Date for the ream rider of the month in which the Commencement Date fills and for the following month,and thereafter rent will be paLable monthly in adva_nce Lon the fifth day of each month for the following month to o ri l Scl PI/a f i"r,'Ed Landlords address specified in Section 12 below. If this Lease is terminated at a milt time other than on the last day of a monthh,Rent dual be prorated as of the date of termination for any reason other than a .. to default by Tenant,and all prepaid Rent shall be refunded to Tenant 4-w l! z� �_ S. � g. Tenant shall have the right to extend this Lease for tf�r(5)aad&ii oatl,five-year tans("Renewal 'Tam'). Each Renewal Term shall be on the same tans and conditions as act forth herein, except that rent shall be - , '. 'of the rent paid over the preceding term- This Lease shall automatically renew for each tueoecsive Renewal Tarn'mien Tenant shall notify Landlord,in writing,of Tenant's intention not to renew this Lease,at least sixty(60)days prior to the expiration of the term or any Renewal Term. If Tenant shall ranain in possession of the Premises at the expiration of this Lease or any Renewal Ttrm without a written agreement.such tenancy shall be deemed e month-to-month tenancy under the same tams and conditiO e ila ass. DEv CITO`P(tOF RENTON ppR 06 `k.4r AIR 01 '98 16:00 206 451 4739 PAGE.02 04/O1/98 WED 17:01 FAX 206 451 4739 WW/PCS Seattle L 003 • . 6. lnterfacncc; Tenant shall not use the Premises in any way which interferes with the use of the Property by Landlort�,or lessees or licensees of Landlord, with rights in the Property prior in time to Tenant's(subject to Tenant's tigl is under this Lease, including without limitation. non-interference). Similarly, Landlord shall not use, nor shall Landlord.permit its tenants,licensees,employees,invitees or agents to use,any portion of the Property in any way which 1ntc.dats with the operations of Tenant Such interference shall be deemed a material breach by the interfering party,who shall, upon written notice from the other, be responsible for terminating said interference. In the event any such interference does not cease promptly, the parties acknowledge that continuing interference may cause irreparable injury and,,therefore,the injured party shall have the right,in addition to any other rights that it may have at law or in equity,to brit g a court action to enjoin such interference or to terminate this Lease immediately upon written notice. 7. jrrmrvyemeats:Ti�ilities;Atop (a) Tenant shall have the right, at its expense,to erect and maintain on the Promises improvements, personal property and facilities necessary to operate its system, including without limitation radio transmitting and receiving ant mums, microwave dish, and tower and bases, an electronic equipment shelter, and related cables and utility lines (collectively the"Antenna Facilities"). The Antenna Facilities shall be initially configured generally as set forth in exhibit C. Tenant shall have the right to replace or upgrade the Antenna Facilities at any time during the term of this Lease. Tenant shall cause all construction to occur lien-free and in compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances. The Arteana Facilities shall remain the exclusive property of Tenant Tenant shall have the right to remove the Antenna Facilities upon termination of this Lease. (b) Tenant,at its expense,may use any and all appropriate means of restricting access to the Antenna Facilities. in;lading,the construction of a face. (o) Tenant shall,at Tenant's expense,keep and maintain the Antenna Facilities now or hereafter located thereon hi commercially reasonable condition and repair during the term of this Lease, normal wear and tear excepted. Upon termination of this Lease, the Premises shall be returned to Landlord in good, usable condition, normal wear and tear co ceptod. (d) Tenant shall Dave the right to install utilities,at Tenant's expense,and to improve the present utilities on the Annilses (including, but not limited to the installation of emergency power generators). Tenant shall, wherever practicable,install separate meters for utilities used on the Property. In the event separate meters are not installed,Tenant small pay the periodic charges for all utilities attributable to Tenant's use.Landlord shall diligently correct any variation, Interruption or failure of utility service. (e) As partial consideration for Rent paid under this Lease, Landlord hereby grants Tenant an casement ("Easement's for ingress,egress,and access(including access as described in Section 1)to the Premises adequate to install aid maintain utilities, which include, but are not limited to the installation of overhead or underground power and telephone service cable,and to service the Premises end the Antenna Facilities at all times during the term of this Lease or any Renewal Term. Upon prior wtittea notice.provided Tenant's Antenna Facilities remain fully functional and continue to transmit at full power,Landlord shall have the right, at Landlords sole expense, to relocate the Basement to Tenant, provided such new location shall not materially interfere with Tenant's operations. Any Basement provided hereunder shall have the some term as this Lease. (f) Tenant shall have 24-hours-a-day,7-clays-a-week access to the Premises at all times during the term of this Lame and any Renewal Tam. 8. Termination. Bxecpt as otherwise provided herein, this Lease may be terminated, without any penalty or I ether liability as follows (a) Upon thirty (30) days written notice by Landlord for failure to care a material default for payment of umotmts due under this Lose within that thirty(30)day period; (b) upon thirty(30)days written notice by either party if the other party defkults and fails to cure or commence erring such default within that 3O-day period, or such longer period as may be required to diligently complete a am renced within that 3O-day period; (c) immediately if Tenant notifies Landlord of cmacoeptable results of any title report„environmental survey or soil tests prior to Teasers installation of the Antenna Facilities(as defined below)on the Premises,or if Tenant is unable to obtain.maintain,or otherwise forfeits or cancels any license(including without limitation an FCC license),permit or pother Governmental Approval necessary to the installation and/or operation of the Antenna Facilities or Teasat't business; (d) upon ninety(90)days written notice by Tenant if the Property,Building or the Antenna Facilities are or become unacceptable under Tenant's design or engineering specifications for its Antenna Facilities or the commrmlcations system to which the Antenna Facilities belong;and (e) i muediately upon written notice if the Preaches or the Antenna Facilities are destroyed or damaged so as in Tenant's reasonable Judgment to substantially and adversely affect the effective use of the Antenna Facilities. In such event.all rights and obligations of the parties'hall cease as of the dale of the damage or de truction,and Tenant shall be entitled to the itimbunernent of any Rent prepaid by Tenant If Tenant elects to continue this Lease.then all Rent shall Site Number: C-50-- Site Na S IQ •E /C7 T 2 me: Mttket APR 01 '98 16:00 206 451 4739 PAGE.O3 04/01/98 WED 17:01 FAX 206 451 4739 WW/PCS Seattle i1004 abate until the Premises andIor Antenna Facilities are restored to the condition existing immediately prior to such damage or itestruttion. 9. Taxes. Tenant shall pay any personal property taxes assessed on,or any portion of such taxes attributable to, the Antenna Facilities. In the event Landlord fails to pay when due any real property taxes or other fees or assessments att'bumble to the Property,Tenant shall have the tight but not the obligation to pay said taxes and deduct them from Rent air punts due under this agreement. 10. Insurance and_Snbru alien. (a) Tenant will provide Commercial General Liability Insurance in an aggregate amount of S1,000,000 and nine Landlord as an additional insured on the policy or policies. Tenant may satisfy this requirement by obtaining appropriate endorsement to any master policy of liability insurance Tenant may maintain. (b) Landlord and Tenant hereby mutually release each other(and their successors or assigns)from liability and amlve all right of recovery against the other for any loss or damage covered by their respective first party property in!utaace policies for all perils insured thereunder. In the event of such insured loss,neither partys insurance company shall have a subrogated claim against the other. 11. Hold Harmless. Tenant agrees to hold Landlord harmless from claims arising from the installation, use, maintenance„repair or removal of the Antenna Facilities,except for claims arising from the negligence or intentional acts of Landlord,its employees,agents or independent contractors. 12. Notices. All notices,requests,demands and other oommtmications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be dioemed given if personally delivered or mailed,certified mail,return receipt requested,or sent by overnight carrier to the fallowing addresses: jf toj'meat;jo: f. If to-Landlord,to; Western PCS BTA I Corporation G o N ra� S_ re r 2001 NW Sartmnatnistt Road c+7 Issaquah,WA 98027 �. Phone: (706)3134200 vt a e ko Fax: (206)313-5520 551,11 Phone( ) Attn.: PCS Leasing Administrator Pax: ( ) With a copy to: Attn.: Legal Department 13. Qutet$nf ovpicnt.Title and Anth2Eitv. landlord covenants and warrants to Tenant that(i)Landlord has full right,power and authority to execute this Lease;fir)it has good and unencumbered title to the Property fret and clear of any liens or mortgages, except those disclosed to Tenant which will not interfere with Tenant's rights to or use of the Premier and (HI) execution end performance of this Lease will not violate any laws, ordinances, covenants, or the provisions of any mortgage,lease,or other agreement binding on Landlord. Landlord covenants that at all times during the term of this Lease,Tenant's quiet enjoyment of the Premises or any part thereof shall not be disturbed as long as Tenant is not in default beyond arty applicable grace or cure period. 14. ,ny}trnana_thsl jam. Landlord represents that it has no knowledge of any substance, chemical or waste (collectively,'Hazardous Substance')on the Property that Is Identified as hazardous,toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal,state or local law or regulation. Tenant shall not introduce or use any such substance on the Property in violation of any applicable law. Landlord shall be responsible for,and shall promptly conduct any Investigation and reatedialion as required by any applicable environmental law,of all spills or other releases of Ha ardour Substance,not caused solely by Tenant,that have occurred or which may occur on the Property. Bach party agrees to defend,indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands and liability including, but not limited to. darmges, costs, expenses, assessments,penalties, fines, losses,judgments and attorneys fees that the Indatmitee may suffer due to the existence or discovery of any Hazardous Substance on the Property or the migration of any Hazardous Substance to other properties or released into the environment,that relate to or arise from the indemtnitoc's activities during or prior to the commencement of this Lease. The indemnifications in this section specifically include without limitation costs incurred in connection with any investigation of cite conditions or any cleanup, remedial, removal or restoration work required by any governmental authority. 1 S. Tenant may assign this Lease upon written notice to Landlord,to any person controlling, controlled by, or under common control with Tenant, or any paten or entity that, after flirt receiving the Site Number:Lie- /6110 fijr Site Name: -� 7 t� :41 Market APR 01 '98 16:31 206 451 4739 PAGE.04 '04/01/98 WED 17:02 FAX 206 451 4739 WW/PCS Seattle 005 necessary FCC licenses,acquires Tenant's radio communications business or assets and assumes all obligations of Tenant um ler this Leas& Upon such assignment,Tenant shall be relieved of all liabilities and obligations hereunder and Landlord shrill look solely to the assignee for performance under this Lease and all obligations hereunder. Tenant may sublease the Mortises,upon written notice to Landlord, only if such sublease is subject to the provisions of this Lease. Tenant may otherwise assign this Lease upon written approval of Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. Additionally,Tenant may,upon notice to Landlord,mortgage or grant a security interest in this Lease and the Antenna Facilities,and may assign this Lease and the Antenna Facilities to any mortgagees or holders of security interests, including their successors or assigns, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Mortgagees"), provided such Mortgagees avec to be bound by the terms end provisions of this Lease. In such event, Landlord shall execute such consent to leuschold financing as may reasonably be required by Mortgagees. Landlord agrees to notify Tenant and Tenant's M mgagecs simultaneously of any default by Tenant and to give Mortgagees the same right to cure any default as Tenant of to remove any property of Tenant or Mortgagee located on the Premises,except that the are period for any Mortgagee stall not be less than thirty(30)days after receipt of the default notice,as provided in Section 8 of this Lease. All such notices to Mortgagees shall be sent to Mortgagee at the address specified by Tenant Failure by Landlord to give k ortgagce such notice shall not diminish Landlord's rights against Tenant,but shall preserve all rights of Mortgagee to cut any default and to remove any property of Tenant or Mortgagee located on the Premises,as provided in Section 17 of tl:.is Lease. 16. 5itecessors_andMena. This Lease shall run with the Property,and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties,their respective gucces$ors,personal representatives end assigns. 17. Walser of I-andlord'sen. Landlord hereby waives any and all lien rights it may have, statutory or otherwise, concerning the Antenna Facilities or any portion thereof which shall be deemed personal property for the papaws of this Lease,regardless of whether or not the same is deemed real or personal property under applicable laws, and Landlord gives Tenantind Mortgagee the tight to remove all or any portion of the same from time to time,whether before or after a default under this Lags.;in Tenant's and/or Mortgagee's sole discretion and without Landlord's consent 18. MicJJsncous. (a) The substantially prevailing party in any litigation arising hereunder shall be entitled to its reasonable rdtomeys'fees and court costs,including appeals,if any. (b) Each party agrees to furnish to the other, within ten (10) days after request, such truthful estoppel information as the other may reasonably request (c) This Lease constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and supersedes all offers, ctegotiations and other agreements. There are no representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any to this Lease must bo in writing and executed by both parties. (d) Each party agrees to cooperate with the other in executing any documents (including a Memorandum of I.-ease in substantially the form attached to sh1 A) necessary to protect its rights or use of the Premises. The Memorandum of Lease may be recorded in place of this Lease,by either patty- (c) This Lease shall be oocsttued in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Property is located- . (0 if any term of this Lease is found to be void or invalid,such invalidity shall not affbct the remaining tams of this Lease,which shall continue in full force and effect The parties shall agree that if any provisions are deemed not enforceable,they shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make them enforceable. (g) The persons who have executed this Lease represent and warrant that they ere duly authorized to execute this Lease in their individual or representative capacity as indicated. (h) This Lease may be executed in any number of counterpart copies,each of which shall be deemed as original, but all of which together shall constitute a single instrument (i) The parties understand and acknowledge that j,(the legal description of the Property),jixhibiti3(the Pregdses location within the Property),and Fxhibit C(the site plan)may be attached to this Lease in preliminary form AMootdingty,the parties agree that upon the preparation of final,more complete exhibits,Exhibits A.B and/or C,as the case may be,which may have been attached hereto in preliminary form,may be replaced by Tenant with such final,more complete exhibit(s). ' Site Numb= —ifQ IS4 Site Name: • d-+L/-6 r Markets [�- APR 01 '98 16:01 206 451 4739 PAGE.05 04/01/98 WED 17:02 FAX 206 451 4739 IVIV/PCS Seattle L2006 The B�x/ /couti,;yi ate of th 2 day of , 199 Y' LANDLORD: 1X _ L A�% �-� TENANT:Wcste n PCS BTA I Corporation By: By: Its: Im: _ ssistant Vine-President S.S./Tax No.: �7" 1_14 "6 5 !. Site Numbcr: LIE — IV 5 Sit Namc: <$-, o I G re- MarIcet P R 01 '98 16:01 206 451 4739 PAGE.06 • 04/01/98 WED 17:03 FAX 206 451 4739 WW/PCS Seattle 10007 • ADDENDUM TO SITE LEASE WITH OPTION (Additional Terms) ReniAdislatment. Upon the commencement of the Fifth Year of the -.4tAltial.Term and_the commencement of each Extend Terra; e Lannual rent for each Extended Term shall increase by Twenty percent 2(Wo) over the annual rent paid for the immediately preceding term. Kent for each extended Tenn Sktarbe tday eachT calendarIQ n (atqual dvance installments in advance on o before on the flit day of the Extended Term and each anniversary date thereafter]. ` • = • Premises''Tenant may not assign, transfer, or sublet all or any part of the Leased without the prior consent of the Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably !withheld, delayed.or denied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tertent shall have.the right to assign and sublet the Leased Premises without the piiar consent of the Landlord to arty entity which is licensed by the FCC to"controls, � controlled by, or operate-r►der•Goiitrtt� communications business; or which conteol with Tenant or to any entity resulting from the merger or consolidation with Tenant; or to any partnership in which Tenant, the general.pdtt ter. en the or any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under comm& 1 t - i t Tenant as the general partner, or to any person or entity whichi assets, provided that such assignee assumes- 'all•'of-Tenant's all of Tenant's p obligations under this Vase. The Excwti ate of this Addendum is the 12M&. day of Tett&ua.vt i , 199a. LANDLORD: 4A06 TENANT.Western PCS BTA I Corporation By: by Is: Its: Assistant VicP-Presir Ant Site Number: ,• 4-7.ro s 6 Site Nan .s - era- Market; 'i•r FPR 01 '96 16:02 206 451 4739 PAGE.07 ' 04/01/98 WED 17:03 FAX 206 451 4739 WW/PCS Seattle Z 008 ADDENDUM TO SITE LEASE WITH OPTION (Additional Terms, ('D 7-4-1:e--S Tenant ll sha pay annually an amount equal to any increase in real estate taxes that may be attributable to any improvement to the Leased Premises made by the Tenant which incfreases the assessed valuation of the Leased Premises_ In doing so, if such tax is paid by.Landlord, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the amount of any such tax paymnt within 'sixty (60) days of receipt of sufficient documentation indicating the amount paid:and the calculation of Tenant's prorata share thereof based upon the amount of the assessed valuation of the improvements to the Lensed Premises made by,,Tenant; -Landlord shall take all reasonable measure* to minimize real estate taxes. Tenant shall not be responsible for any interest, penalty or late charges caused by Landlord's.failure to pay real estate taxes in a timely manner. Upon written request by Tenant, Landlord shall furnish evidence of payment of all taxes. Tenant may,in connection with providing protection against the filing of tax Hens .. against the Leased Premises, as required by applicable law, contest in good faith.they legality or validity of any increase in taxes attributable to Tenant's improvement and Landlord shall aft Tenant if Tenant elects to contest such tax increase.t In.-the.: event the taxes are decreased as a result of Tenant's contest, Tenant shall rule a; full benefit of such reduction in taxes either by refund from the taking authority or: by Landlord, if Tenant has previously reimbursed Landlord far the amount.of such. tax .X .• _ •_i . . - - (9 A --rev% a,i,-- S - .� I., 1 IaC cc C�u' r'ba cc_ — tev1414-5 (S.iif-ff- c'.2:. ' a-GG r o ct 4_ . 76'`of rt T al 4--at�G/�w �c� ��r�G� ca.-6"S� !'i,•'oC ( A. n�c�soar+-i 1441,(-4-.44:/c( �A�-car ° v��f- — a N d_. e s`s (-4 czoL `1q rem_ � a.f• s�e 0 Jt The Fr ratio ate of this Addendum is the 124'In- day of TO,Vl �. 199 • % II LANDLORD: 414924. TENANT:Wcatcrn PCS BTA I Corporation By , <115c0 ----%.-----,____ Its: its: Ass;Istant Vice-Presjnt S.Strax No.: 5 1 7 ` 2 T -4::' 57.13 Site Number: E D I. 6 4- Site Name: M. c t de 6-T�� Market; PPP 01 '98 16:02 206 451 4739 PAGE.08 U S WEST Communications Wir AT T A C M E N T El 450 110th Avenue Northeast Roon,-.,., Bellevue,Washington 98004 April 1, 1998 1I1•yVVEST Jennifer Henning City of Renton,Development Services 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,WA 98055 RE: CUP Submittal Requirement 4-38-5.B.6 Dear Ms.Henning: pursuant to 4-38-5.B.6,this letter is US West's signed and notarized acceptance of the following tatements: a. The applicant agrees to allow for the potential collcoations of addtional WCF equipment by other providers on the applicant's structure or within the same site location;and 1). The applicant agrees to remove the facility within six(6)months after that site's use is discontinued or if the facility falls into disrepair,and restore the site to its pre-existing condition. If there are two or more users of a single WCF,then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease using the WCF. ph L ng,Regions Real tate Manger Date S WEST Communications 50 110`s Avenue NE,Rm 209 ellevue,WA 98004 ESTATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of King ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Ralph Long is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument,on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Real Estate Manager of US WEST Communications to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated this day of f t T , 1998. Sign ure • •. +) 01.04 �Q ;`sg�oiV cp ++i L s 1ON .o OTARY ii AGN lG I�l nP - 0'16_6 ( OPM F 1 ;o N i Print Name p G�-(�( O 9� PUBLIC My appointment expires V `N V II�;CW'• • (i Itilkelq10( ATTACMENT E2 C o nrad Schloredt 3 08 Meadow Avenue N. R-nton,WA 98056 • 'ril 1, 1998 J nnifer Henning 'pity of Renton,Development Services 2 i I Mill Avenue South 'enton,WA 98055 • CUP Submittal Requirement 4-38-5.B.7 I -ar Ms.Henning: • suant to 4-38-5.B.7,this letter is my signed acceptance of the following statement: If the provider fails to remove the facility upon six(6)months of its discontinued use,the responsibility for removal falls upon the landholder. onrad Schlore Date operty Owner `ottiesetego. 2900 NE 30thStreet A.R. ;9 Renton,WA 98056 �'�4P?�SsioN F��F''.� (0, NOTARY .o 9-fir - "'+ N:N PUBLIC �$::2z TATE OF WASHINGTON ' A .� 1.-17•'tffiER . 3 • � ounty off!"/P..er.E '.�F WASN�? ',,I11111,,`, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Conrad Schloredt is the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument,on oath stated that he vas authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Property Owner of 2900 NE 30th Street Ito be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. bated this Z day of or'L. , 1998. Signature Q /1/49->va//-?. Print Name A� ilk Al `��A/(t My appointment expires 1i 6 � = I. B ATTACHMENT G • SE- z o 6?_6 • I u w a. NIILSID>E h' Sim S4. CI l''arry �e SE r�Y -, N :ai, E ttaw �� r • COA< 4s sE : ;4 St s SE x=68TH ST i 9300' J._N o ,t.. St rsC "69 ' 4, < , 4,ry _ \ rye , ESL $SE tC' a w for IN FS PIONEER 9i-- n Sc <' _� v,ST J II�yyNDD SE vLa = 5E E Q e y .CREE}Ir� . 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', 1,.. s i . . r J a • •1.4 Y• •• �1Gw • . •! i9 I . • . . - ir 411111111111111111b1". .,,,Eminimiimputimmit, fir- . 1 i I SEA041 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIO WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: Calculations, Survey, C'114 Psi Drairiage Control Plan 2 f(L3 nia a11v TNI1W3k KO",- rrz f Drainage Report 2 3 / tU 100 Elevations, Architectural 3ANDa Elevations, Grading 2 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy)4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 Flood Plain Map, if applicable 4 Floor Plans 3AND4 dal NI /�• Geoti:chnical Report2mg3 sr Grad ng Plan, Conceptual 2 )' Grading Plan Detailed , 2 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Sited Landscaping Plan, Conceptual4 /.f}� Lega Description 4 v. 1 List of Surrounding Property Owners 4 Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) , d" I Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) d Posta ge 4 Public:Works Approval Letter2 " Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 CrINA Topography Map (5' contours)3 Traffic Study 2 Tree Cutting/Vegetation Clearing Plan 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Delineation Map4 Wetlands Planting Plan 4 Wetlands Study 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. 1 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: L4,47 /Ceti►9e ZIi M 2. Public Works Plan Review Section �/' �g 3. Building Section DATE: 4. Development Planning Section hAdivision.s\develop.ser\dev.plan.ing\waiver.xls **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 05/08/98 10 : 35 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9802816 Amount: 250 . 00 05/08/98 10 : 35 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #125844 US WEST Init : LMN Project # : LUA98-053 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Location: NORTHSIDE OF NE 30TH ST EAST OF I-405 Total Fees : 2 , 461 . 84 This Payment 250 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 2 , 461 . 84 Balance : . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0019 Variance Fees 250 . 00 **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 04/06/98 16 : 03 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9801987 Amount : 11 . 84 04/06/98 16 : 03 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #3910 US WEST Init : LMN Project # : LUA98-053 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 334210-3464 Site Address : 1616 NE 30TH ST Total Fees : 2 , 211 . 84 This Payment 11 . 84 Total ALL Pmts : 2 , 211 . 84 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 11 . 84