HomeMy WebLinkAboutExh.56_PPT_Cedar_River_AptsCedar River Apartments LUA19-000161, ECF, SSDP, SA-M, SA-H Hearing Examiner Public Hearing August 10, 2021 Presented by: Clark Close, Senior Planner 2 •Requesting Master Site Plan Review, HEX Site Plan Review for Phases 1 and 2, SEPA Review, and SSDP •Phases 1 and 2: Two five story buildings with 481 units (39 du/ac) with approx. 4,852 sf of ground floor retail. •Phase 3: 25,000 sf medical office. •761 parking spaces (56 surface). Project Proposal •Shoreline restoration, fill activities in the 100-year flood plain, retention of approx. 34 trees, and construction of onsite pedestrian trails near the Cedar River. Site Plan and Phasing Plan Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Project Location 3 Aerial Images via COR Maps •12.5-acre parcel •1915 Maple Valley Highway, Renton WA •Cedar River Community Planning Area •Commercial Office Residential (COR) Comprehensive Planning Area/Zoning •Urban Design District ‘C’ 4 Site Characteristics SITE Image via Bing Maps SR 169 -Image via Google Maps Cedar River Park Dr -Image via Google Maps •Former Stoneway Sand & Gravel site •Site is currently vacant •Borders SR 169 and Cedar River Park Dr •North: Renton Community Center, Henry Moses Aquatic Center, Cedar River Park •East: Cedar Place Office Building •South:Cedar River and vacant City of Renton Parks and Recreation land. •West:Renton Community Center, Cedar River Park, and Carco Theatre. 5 Site Characteristics •A compacted gravel lot with minimal vegetation. Relatively flat and gradually slopes from the northeast to the south, with an elevation change of approximately twenty feet (20’) across the site. •Critical Areas: Shoreline High-Intensity Cedar River Reach C Designation, Special Flood Hazard Area (FEMA Zone –AE), Severe Channel Migration Zone (as mapped by King County), Floodway, Wellhead Protection Zone 1, Regulated Slopes, and High Seismic Hazard Area. Shoreline Plan Overview and Section 6 Building Design •Five (5) story buildings in Phases 1 & 2 (67’ max height) •Unique building shape with units that wrap around structured parking. •Step down residential leasing office •Broken shed roof and several large courtyards along the south side of the buildings •Covered decks on the fifth floor with step backs. Building A –North Elevation Building B –North Elevation 7 Natural System Impacts •883 cubic yards of fill and 1,374 cubic yards of excavation to provide compensatory flood storage. •Lowering the river side wall of the settling pond is proposed to be reduced thereby providing approx. 2,126 cubic yards of flood storage. •Net increase in flood storage of 2,616 cubic yards. Shoreline Plan Overview and Section 8 Vegetation •53 trees located on site •Retain 34 trees located along the Cedar River shoreline. •Shoreline Planting Plan •Landscaping Plan Shoreline View Planting Plan and Typical Pathway Planting Clear Zone Section Landscape Plan 9 Access and Transportation •2 primary points of access, one full access from Cedar River Park Dr and a second limited access (right in, right out) from a driveway off SR 169. •A third fire lane access driveway south of Building B. •6 study intersections would operate at LOS D or better during AM/PM peak hours with the exception of Bronson Way N/Houser Way N which would operate a LOS F (with and without the project). •N 3rd St/Sunset Blvd N intersection would drop from LOS D to LOS E with the addition of the project. Year 2029 AM Peak Traffic Volumes with full Project (Phase 1, 2 and 3) SR 169 and Cedar River Park Dr 10 Master Plan and Site Plan Review •Three (3) phases •Internal street for circulation within the development •Mix of active and passive open spaces -pedestrian trails, boardwalk, sports courts, and courtyards. •Views to Cedar River •Surface parking, structured parking, and below grade parking Site Plan Courtyard and Sports Court 11 Environmental Review •City of Renton acted as SEPA lead agency. •Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for Cedar River Apartments on June 17, 2021. •14-day comment period commenced on June 17, 2021 and ended on July 1, 2021. No appeals of the threshold determination have been filed as of the date. •Eight (8) mitigation measures related to geotechnical work, compliance with WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan, archeological survey, roadwork, signal work, and traffic calming. •Staff concurs with mitigation measures and includes compliance with subject measures as condition of approval. 12 Integral Project Features •Shoreline restoration and public access -walking trail and viewing platform. •Restoration of the shoreline area to create habitat where not a lot currently exists. •Buildings A and B would be constructed of high-quality materials and contain modulation and articulation features that are proportionate with scale and relationship to pedestrians on the street. •Buildings A and B provide architectural front-facing features along the Cedar River façade and avoids “turning-its-back” towards the river. •The site plan provides compatible transition to the future Phase 3 -provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval. •Pedestrian and vehicle conflicts are minimized with site-to-site circulation and limited curb cuts. 13 Analysis Design District The project site is located within Design District ‘C’. The proposal complies with the standards and guidelines of Design District ‘C’if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Zoning Development Standard Compliance and Consistency The proposal has demonstrated compliance with most development standards of the Urban Center (UC) zoning classification if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Comprehensive Plan Compliance and Consistency The proposal complies with the City’s Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Mater Plan and Site Plan Review The proposal is compliant with the Master Plan and Site Plan Review requirements if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. 14 Analysis cont’d Availability and Impact on Public Services Police and Fire Prevention have indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development; subject to the condition that the applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. The site is served by the City of Renton sewer and water. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit The proposal has demonstrated compliance with the Shoreline Master Program criteria if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. Critical Area Compliance and Consistency The site falls within the Downtown Wellhead Protection Area Zone 1 and King County has identified a Channel Migration Zone on the site. The proposal is compliant with the Critical Area regulations if all recommended conditions of approval are complied with. 15 Recommendation •Staff recommends approval of the Cedar River Apartments Master Site Plan application, File No. LUA19-000161, ECF, SSDP, SA-M, SA-H, as depicted in the Cedar River Apartments Site Plan (Exhibit 3), subject to the 25 conditions contained in the staff report.