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i Larson, Jerry O. Hang Tak&Chan Chau 2418 Monterey Ave. NE 2319 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 989056 - 1 Michael R Wilgus S. &G. Claypool 2412 Monterey Ave. NE 2325 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 r� 1 Tsang W. PO Alan&C. Atemboski i2406 Monterey Ave. NE 2033 NE 24th St. Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 1 Ronald L. Smith Julian Beloiu 2427 Aberdeen Ave. NE 2331 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 1 Paul K Homola S. &P. Rallison 2328 Aberdeen Ave. NE 2016 NE 24�' St. Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 1 Dell&Patricia Keehn Jon& Susanne Oliver 2332 Aberdeen Ave. NE 2409 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 , Mr. Isaac N. Jelley Don B. Rohde 2009 NE 24th St. 2401 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 F. Joseph&K. McCallum 2015 NE 24th St. Renton,WA 98056 MICR J. C. Kwan O IL 2325 Aberdeen Ave. NE _, Renton,WA 98056 Kevin M. Tsang 2027 NE 24th St. Renton,WA 98056. 5. THAT PORTION OF THE _NW 1/4. _NE 1/4, SECTION TOWNSHIP _23 NORTH. RANGE _05 EAST. W.M. I R CASED MON.Ot5'S ,° 32 - -- 0.26•E.OF I/167N CUR. s+ /^� PER PLAT OF SUNSET HILLS En Q C�g �V T24N N88Y5'78'W N.LINE OF SEC.5-2J-5 C/7 5j Akt =723N 1323.15'(P) • A. 6 ;..1 pp N 1 h I NB953'70-W N.LINES 1/4 OF TRACT 254 �w1� N d z Y' 'V 4 - - _ - - - - 6501' u --- - • --� - " 0.91' FENCE ON LINE h FENCE/S 1:99'E -"-X x - -- 9 - * -Ili xiX-- `OF PROP uNE I I_ S!�n8T 68' M1rrniag 1 J. . _ A� I " . z� I GRAPHIC SCALE I 5.e2' , c127 1 t' �� / _ d.78' Y I / 1 y 11) I ( IN FEET ) 4�' 9 _ ��2'F allil I I Q O 3 1 inch = tt. a cc I $ '^ G`4o�6 b $' � jr Z4 L'Y p TV/I 33'1390-2003 1 `-- . V I- T W o W I 1 $I " W • I 1 I ,�4(, 0ti Ili ___ - " w C'{'�I��C1 hR W RETAIN/NC WALLS - 1•,�.., I FENCE IS 1.02'E. V -W" l�P ,�{ ti I e I�OF PRO°.LINEQC 2 w • )' Y�� 54��c�G� .14 E A%/3�W390,700t LS" -- u—- b' 'S j 3 50 Zi 1 G : O Ct I I P+'0 I' \fJRIANC�HE/1 RES'IDwC° Iz W A '' Q V ue790-2 ^I' 0..30 Anexf W / I '. ` �yc O Ct TAXI 12905t2 Sµ H.f• r,s" L� 1 I 41/ i `I I 3i , w I � 1.24• 1' Q - - - - - - ' - - 8Z72. -- - - 6502_ - -R�,, 1 S'i N89'J8'10-E `. 1 .9, �5`el � ,'O/ 2 / O S LINE NW i/t OF THE NE I/t OF SEC 5 IJ-5 - 374 93'(P) - - — I 2 (( Z. --Vl--- .�M�.�T C-��r N89'Jb YOZ �MON/N CASE PER PLAT SE TVV']"T! -c�Y-. NE >Z 4 r"5T FOUND CASED CONC MON 7 OF SUNSET HILLS , LEGEND: BASIS OF BEARINGS: NOTES: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE g N THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS MAP l5 THE CENTERLINE OF FIELD MEASUREMENTS FOR THIS SURVEY PERFORMED THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT AS SHOWN ABERDEEN AVE.NE ALSO BEIING 74£EAST LINE OF THE NORTH- WIN A 2'TOPCON G75 JB INSTRUMENT.BY TRAVERSE UNDER MY DIRECTION,IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIRE- W § 1/4 CORNER MONUMENT AS SHOWN NEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SEC.5-23-5 METHODS AND MEET OR EXCEED ACCURACY STANDARDS MENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT.AT THE REQUEST OFCO , OF 1:10.000. DANIEL DYMARKOWSKI.IN.A/NE OF 2001 Z ^ V1 I mi.FOUND SECT.CORNER THIS SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF ,4.-' N , CROSS REFERENCE: A CURRENT TITLE REPORT AND THEREFORE DOES NOT I = 3 H X TRAVERSE POINT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS N _.- W Li REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE FOLLOWING SURVEYS FOR OF RECORD.IF ANY — (P) PLAT OF HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHING TON GARDEN SECTION SUBDIVISION AND TIE/NFCRNA IION� ES D.CRONES L.S.29537 TF/////////// OF EDEN ADDITION DIVISION 4 VO..11,PG.82 PLA T OF SUNSET HILLS VOL. 169,?G.51-55. LARGE DISCREPANCIES*ERE FOUND BETWEEN FOUND 11I ///// STOLLENMAYER ADD. VOL.88.PG 87. MONUMENTS AND THE DIMENSIONS ON THE PLAT OF �,CR. C.D.HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN NO. 4. VOL IT.PC82 C.D.HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN.DUE TO \ RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. THESE DISCREPANCIES. THE RECORDED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS LEGAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: AND THE PLAT ARE UNSURVEYABLE. THE EAST-WEST ` elV- 'b ,� N BOUNDARY LINES SHOWN ARE A REPRESENTATION OF THE \ d INTENT OF THE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS BASED ON I '4r10 TNrAx/334390-2001 RECORDING CERTIFICA i E8/22/o1 OCCUPAT ON. o �� •° y y C x 6 THE SOUTH WARIER OF TRACT 254 OF y 7 � U 0 C.D.HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN NO. t RECORDED FILED FOR RECORD THIS—DAY OF 20DB.AT COPYRIGHT BY CRONES AND ASSOCIATES `°s °/°r°°°_R 10 i- LO v) IN VOLUME/I OF PLATS PAGE 82 IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. 4" ^0 $..,jam"7: EXCEPT THE WEST 100 FEET —M.IN BOOK—OF SURVEYS AT PAGE AT THE J ''VAL LATE Tn Tn A V N. 1A i AND EXCEPT THE EAST 70 FEET IHEREO�. REQUEST OF CRONES&ASSOCIATES - 11' TOGETHER MIDI; MANAGER OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS I- /I/ZB/01 SHEET THE NEST 5 FEET OF THE EAST 70 FEET OF THE SOUTH QUARTER OF TRACT 254 OF C.D.HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN NO. 4 RECORDED IN VOLUME II OF PUTS PAGE 82 IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON. B, of DYMARKOWSKI SETBACK VARIANCE/LUA02-041 PARTIES OF RECORD Andrea Friedland 2332 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 . I Q CO x _ . _ _6 ' 0 r i0 X 4 • . 5 .r.. a ,.., z 1 < eta.° r a oye`° ___——e^_ :H---\. c-. tic = — t M i t o ' z w _ r�.a.�r : r = 4 D hilicRoFILME a A • -t r 2 C /` - ts\ ., .e .� • °':,::' . } ems+ ,Ya 'A,e - ; a z 3u .." ��o ,a :?,i.u—�T yynvs flSPLl�9J5 83uOP,TL•sn� 0: ,o• , u ou ^ 'LOT ►A111-19 ,, Jo. 70." rtro. 27 28 V . „._u. 'af f es4 ---.L011 t c I n . to' 1. El ® oom /36 qM� � "iti.fA 3 q�'o Q B t DMSTRUTtos, o000 '� j ,►' .r 7 Last printed April 25, 2002 2:08 PM M , N .• '' 2 O © CITY OF RENTON A �.-Z , ✓ "'' " aill Planning/Building/Public Works �a ytr 4` 1 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 0� SPA 2 2'0 2 s. Q ,� ae Pg • ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ��` • 1211�60 U.S. POSTAGE • ,J J. C. Kwan 0 IA OTI. cc Renton, WA 9S056 0 .04% i 5 '. ,, _ iK aIb , - ..:.,. -, - - . . , 1„Affiet ir , .. 1 - -. A-'( : : `" ii 44 !!tt !! tt jj jj jj(( jj jj iiJ` (( iiJJjj ._ -+'-' --� ..C4 1�1l11hili1114 asitdiludIA �1�l1idihilaluihluihnithididihnild •• . ::1 T, CITY RENTON Plannin uildin blicWorks Department Jesse I anner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 23, 2002 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dymarkowski PO Box 2693 2020 NE 24th Street Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: Dymarkowski Setback Variance Project No. LUA-02-041,V-A Dear Mr. & Mrs. Dymarkowski: This letter is to inform you that the appeal period has ended for the Administrative Variance for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed. The applicant must comply with the following Condition of Approval: Condition: The applicant shall relocate the garage doors from the west side to the south side of the single family residence to provide garage access. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Project Manager prior to issuance of building permits. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7382. Sincerely, Susan Fiala Senior Planner FINAL RENTON 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 n AHEAD OF THE CURVE �,� This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING C)14, On the day of , 2002, I deposited in the mails of the United States, sealed envelope ontaining 1�lr�t. &ed- GI"Da-iSdcri documents. This information was sent to: Name � Representing (� 1 o..0 a 1�/�(/\ (�V c QY�Q V(�{'�91 V (-5/6/ kpIit / 60)"1-‘' ✓ r 2� r►�d � �� cL P.0. rz . (Signature of Sender) G � / NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COMMISSION EXPIRES , SS JUNE 29, 2003 COUNTY OF KING ) / I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 41 d✓,e� ��1 i) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. /J Dated:` 77104).. 15 . c>20 O 6 GI' ( j (1 r)174, Notary Publi i and for the State of Was ington Notary (Print) MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointment expirM APPOINTMENT EXPIRES: 6-29-03 Project Name: D� Q r ko uxl�l ,5e-f/M at U�r a el Project Number: L 14 4 02-of/ NOTARY.DOC . URRENCE . i c TE F 1 IPA City of Renton 1r.�� (,'C REPORT Department of Planning/Building/Public Wo ' 1 iL' j I & ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE ..... ... DECISION LAND USE ACTION DECISION DATE May 8, 2002 Project Name Dymarkowski Setback Variance Applicant Dan Dymarkowski File Number LUA-02-041, V-A Project Manager Susan Fiala Project Description The applicant is requesting an administrative variance from the Minimum Front Yard Setback required in the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. RMC Section 4-2-110.A. requires a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet. A reduced front yard setback to five feet (5) is requested for a portion of the existing house. This variance is necessary for a future two lot short plat. Project Location 2020 NE 24th Street Bldg. Area gsf NA Site Area 12,905 square feet Total Building Area gsf NA yam. , IN/•L.ft A ,., . I Q �, • t :; 'J h "!�w�; 6 -. . , 1 1. ,i% iz --- - ' ix F. r > .i it 11 '�� N `l f,,O 1Q � : 5 .., . �\\21 cr = I41.11 Z • • ♦ l r'e a a a,'' w ' 0i 0 u tk- ›R.-r 4-1 r H a • YTii' 1 MALL : J '— _ :i 1 i „ego i' , INr4 47. ��• /af 41P 1 ,44 r R r— ..... ..•M•..-f .'f• 1 ....... ._�- , .--f— p!lSPLUI�9T-083SHPL , No 79805149_905 1 '..'--' 1 n.15 �.1 si 05l 1 ss... !1X' I c 19Z7_ Lar 1 ±t • 2 •- 0• 27 38 p- Lt �Ly►t,.F a �. . 0,4 f ind 11 i= 4I � so' ._A 1 SLOT V. ' 114044. ,I�IpT ,.• 4I fr • , w ! ._.--tt_..K — 8 3! 33 O M n / ova n n 0 23TH STYBLT Ell %.*3 • ii 8t .rI)/.i som 1 N , City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Variance Staff Report DYMARKOWSK/ SETBACK VARIANCE LUA-02-041, V-A REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 8, 2002 Page 2 of 5 A. Type of Land Use Action Conditional Use Binding Site Plan Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Special Permit for Grade & Fill Administrative Code Determination x Administrative Variance B. Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 2: Drawing No. 1, Site Plan (Received April 9, 2002). Exhibit No. 3: Drawing No. 2, Neighborhood Detail Map (Received April 9, 2002). Exhibit No. 4: Zoning Map (D4-E). C. Project Description/Background: The applicant, Dan Dymarkowski, is requesting approval of an administrative variance from the required front yard for an existing home in the R-8 zone (section 4-2-110A). This variance is needed for a future short plat of the property. The subject site is located at 2020 NE 24th Street. The existing home has an "L" shaped footprint. The portion of the single family residence that the garage is located in has doors facing west where it is currently accessed. The applicant proposes a future short plat of the lot into two new lots and states that without approval of the front yard setback variance the short plat of the lot could not occur. Development standards of the R-8 zone require a minimum front yard of 20 feet. The setback is measured from the property line to the closest point of the structure. The applicant is proposing a reduction of this setback to five feet (5) in order to short plat the lot and construct a new home on the new front lot and the rear lot would contain the existing home. The variance proposal would maintain a 20 foot front yard setback for a distance of approximately 58 feet of the new property line (to be short platted subsequently) and a reduced front yard setback to 5 feet for the remaining 29 feet of the new property line. The existing single-family residence is located on a lot that is 12,905 square feet in size and the building footprint is 2,016 square feet, which equals a total lot coverage by buildings of approximately 15.6 percent. The applicant contends that in order to accommodate a short plat of the existing lot, the variance is needed to allow the existing single-family residence to remain as sited with only the garage door relocation. AD:MM V AR_Dymarkowski.doc\ City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Variance Staff Report DYMARKOWSK/ SETBACK VARIANCE LUA-02-041, V-A REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 8, 2002 Page 3 of 5 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes and enters the following: D. Findings 1) Request: The Applicant, Dan Dymarkowski, have requested approval for an administrative variance from the required 20-foot front yard setback in the R-8 zone for the property located at 2020 NE 24th Street. A five foot (5') setback is being requested for the portion of the home where the garage is located. 2) Administrative Variance: The applicant's administrative variance submittal materials comply with the requirements necessary to process a variance. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings are entered as Exhibits No. 1 through 4. 3) Existing Land Use: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: single family residential; South: single family residential; East: single family residential; and West: single family residential. 4) Zoning: The site is located in the Residential - 8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre zone. The development standards for this zone require a 20-foot front and rear yard setback, 5-foot interior side yard setback, and a 15-foot side yard along a street setback. Maximum lot coverage is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet, which ever is greater. 5) Lot and Building Size: The site is located on an existing 12,905 square foot lot. The building footprint is 2,016 square feet, which results in a building lot coverage of 15.6 percent. 6) CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA Section 4-9-2508.5.a. lists 4 criteria that the Development Services Director is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on an Administrative Variance application. These include the following: The Development Services Director shall have authority to grant an administrative variance upon making a determination, in writing, that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: a. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification: The applicant contends that special circumstances apply to the subject site that impose limitations on the area on which they can build their home. Specifically, the applicant indicates that a survey has shown their property has been shorted by 12 feet to the rear of their property whereby the existing "L" shaped house was located at less distance from the street to maintain a backyard. If the 12 feet would be part of the lot size at the time of construction, the house may have been located further ADMVAR_Dymarkowski.doc\ ' City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Variance Staff Report DYMARKOWSKI SETBACK VARIANCE LUA-02-041, V-A REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 8, 2002 Page 4 of 5 back which possibly would have provided a greater distance from NE 24th Street to allow for the 20 foot front yard setback, or a setback reduction of only 3 feet instead of 15 feet. The applicant states that without the variance they would have no access to a portion of the property used to store recreational vehicles and the short plat would not be possible. b. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated: The granting of the variance would not result in materially detrimental impacts to the public welfare. The future short plat of the property into two lots would be required to have the new single family residence maintain all front, side and rear yard setbacks of the R-8 development standards. The street frontage would continue to have a structure setback 20 feet from the front property line thus maintaining the appropriate street aesthetic of building setbacks of the R-8 standards. c. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated: Approval of the variance may be considered a grant of special privilege because it would provide an exception from a zoning standard that limits most properties under the same zoning designation. However, the same variance would be supported under identical circumstances where a greater than 12,000 square foot lot with one existing home was located and where sufficient lot area is available for one additional lot created through the short plat process. The applicant contends that the request is consistent with all the other construction in the neighborhood. d. That the approval as determined by the Development Services Director is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose: The approval of the proposal is the minimum variance necessary that would accomplish the desired purpose for a future short plat process. This variance allows the applicant to maintain their home in it's present configuration without the need for removal of 15 feet of the existing home which would in effect increase the front yard setback. To accommodate access to the garage, the applicant is relocating the garage door from the west side of the house to the south side to provide access. This door relocation will occur in the portion of the property where the requested five foot front yard setback has been made. E. Conclusions 1. The subject site is located at 2020 NE 24th St., within the Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) zoning designation. 2. The R-8 zone requires a minimum 20-foot front yard setback (RMC section 4-2- 110A). The applicant is proposing a reduction of this requirement to a five (5) foot front yard setback for the existing building. 3. The analysis of the proposal according to variance criteria is found in the body of the Staff Report. ADMVAR_Dymarkowski.doc\ ' City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Variance Staff Report DYMARKOWSKI SETBACK VARIANCE LUA-02-041, V-A REPORT AND DECISION OF MAY 8, 2002 Page 5 of 5 F. Decision The Administrative Setback Variance for the Dymarkowski Variance, File No. LUA-02- 041, V-A, is approved with the following conditions: • The applicant shall relocate the garage doors from the west side to the south side of the single family residence to provide garage access. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Project Manager prior to issuance of building permits. SIGNATURE: A/40A h2- Neil Watts, Development Services Director date TRANSMITTED this 8th day of May, 2002 to the applicant and owner: Dan and Marlene Dymarkowski 2020 NE 24th St. Renton,WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this 8th day of May, 2002 to the following parties of record: Andrea Friedland 2332 Aberdeen Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this 8th day of May, 2002 to the following: Larry Meckling, Building Official Larry Rude, Fire Marshal Jennifer Henning,Principal Planner Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator South County Journal Land Use Action Appeals The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the date of approval. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14 day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). An appeal to the Hearing Examiner is governed by Title IV, Section 4-8-11.B, which requires that such appeals be filed directly with the Hearing Examiner via the City of Renton City Clerks Office. Appeals must be made in writing on or before 5:00 PM on May 22, 2002. Any appeal must be accompanied by a $75.00 fee and other specific requirements. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ADMVAR_Dymarkowski.doc\ THAT PORTION OF THE NW 1/4, _NE 1/4, SECTION __° TOWNSHIP _23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST. W.M. CASED MON.a45'S aa6'E O'I/16TH Cal. g 32 ^ PER PLAT O'SUNSET HILLS CFI CD i J V T24N Neevsze wE./1 Y. c N.lME a SEC.5-23-5 6 Es3 723N 152115'(P) 7 439°- N ��' rAX� A 47.47�l Zcra. .. IIL ' I N8963'201* N.LANE S 1/4 OF TRACT 254 .\5 Imo,. y . h — — — _ 830J' 7' , .,: . I a91' FENCE as/ANE$ FENCE 2 r.9B•E & T C1 AN9SY9111 = OF PROP LONE • - ,..,..... .,..._ U b p IL i 6QIf 7Pf71 1 I i 4Q: E I 1 74' a e � - ' �I h GRAPHIC SCALE I 42' �� i M o Z I oECK ♦B 1 •7e' �`i w \ I o v) `� I I I ,�� b_ CD Y iir‘ i !• 2 ( IN FEET ) a CD OZ 2f I I Q 0 3 I 1 lath < Et. � J Q jQ10111 I w Q. CZ (I� i0�a „ 8 Q. ¢ k--z� rub 53 590 zpp7 •�• �1 — N �; i 'sal` n GAO y !� I n I ��,, N i I h T W [1.I PC�j�� Qc,•I�y► ^W RErAPwNc wAus `— . F CIS 7.0+1f E. § \i ce c, 'l ^ $ W p�� s �:zr� z� Ls' u_ � w e Cr) . Q V a� 2' rAze"4' - I O Ct c i " Ngw RESIDENCE ,$ VARIAKCE 4 . • " Iti � . � xDz 4.1 QO C.,' ss+sg0 iJ02 WI 01454/A '�S5 O I -43' ;1 I w I y W • — J� _ - - - R'7J �r W — — 6507_ — --I 131 N89Je'10I C� 11 4 41 Ili' I/ o RP\ — �/^�— — — — — — — — — 1 - ! V S.LORE NW I/4 O iTE NE l/4 a DECSEC 5-zs-! IJT936'(PI Y iiiik_ G MON IN CASE PER PUT Se1���'7l 't�Y'. N E Z 4 T"5 r POUND CASED CONC MOJ e OF SUNSET NRLS I LEGEND: BASIS OF BEARINGS: NOTES: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THE BAAS OF BEARINGS FOP THIS MAP IS INC CENTERLINE OF FIELD MEASUREMENTS TOR OHS SURKY PERFORMED THIS MAP CORRECTLY RLPKLIANTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR Ic CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT AS SHONN ABERDEEN AVENE ALSO BEANO I,E FAST LINE O'IHE NOR1N- WITH A 7 7LVUYW C75.rB INSTRL/MEN7,BY IPA1£RSf UNDER MY DIRECTION.IN CONFORMANCE MITN THE REQUIRE- 71 I` I I/4 CORNER MONUMENT AS SHOWN HEST EEN AVE N THE NONINCASr QUARTER Cr SEC.5-73-5 MEDICOS AND MEET as EXCEED ACCURACY STANDARDS YENIS OF 174E SURVEY RECOROMK'ACT,AT THE REO/EST OF m I Cr I:10.00a CAMEL OIMARKON90.M WINE O 2001 y . ✓ +FOUND SECT.CORNER THIS SURVEY WAS Ca4d/GrED MITHO/T Ih£BEAfFir Cr N 3 '4 7� CROSS REFERENCE: A CURRENT DTte REPORT AND THEREFORE DOES NOT W �I�► x TRAVERSE POINTPURPORT TO SHOW ALL EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS �- 4 NS L.'s W W } y (P) PUT OF NMlMAN'S LAKE wA9MMGftYT GARDEN REFERENCE IS MADE ID DIE FOLLONMlG SURVEYS FOR OF RECORD.F ANY SECTION SUBONSKW AND TIE MFCRMA DON: 5 a GROVES LS 795J7 R .{ IZP O'EDO/A00117 N ONSKN 4 VOL II.PG67 PUT O'SUNSET LULLS VOL 169.PG 51-55 LARGE DISCREPANCIES MERE FOUND BCTWEEN'ova U D. I HINMAI£R ADO. lae.eG PG e7. LARGE MONUMENTS AND INC DIMENSIONS ON INC PUT O< �R.1�' CO.GD.N61YAN'S LAKE MNSMNCTUN GARDEN O EDEN NO.4,N7L./T.P082 Ca NILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN O'EDEN.DUE Tn \ RECORDS O•KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. THESE DISCREPANCIES, THE RECORDED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS 1�. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: AND THE PLAT ARE LNSRL'EYABI.E. THE EAST-NEST 1 Lq`� 'C .p BOIANO.IRY Lees sNoxN ARE A REPRESENTATION O THE T•. 0, TAX/354190-2001 RECORDING CERTIFICATE INro✓T OF THE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS BASED ON 'Vr/ o�o P+p e/22/OI OCCUPATION. 1 -,j t .�-, v ; (� THE SOL ON O/ARTER O TRACT 254 OT ' N HLLMANY LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN O EDEN Na 4 RfC09CE0 F4fD FOR RECORD THIS—DAY O JDOa AT OCPYMONT UT CRONES ANO ASSOCIATES ,k 4I$$$$$ y 1 9 v M VOLUME II O"PLATS PACE 82 IN KING COUNTY WA9WNGTQV. \ 65 V 7 L.4 r. EXCEPT THE NEST r00 FEET,• —Y.IN BOOK_O'S IRI£YS AT PAGE AT THE 7 ' 'A'A1 LAND A T/L N A U�. AND EXCEPT THE EAST 70 FEET TNERECr REOLEST OF CRONES&A5500A TES ;,!i iii 111E ""FIN SHEET TOLC/71'IP IN/N; MANAGER O RECORDS ANO ELECTIONS �•••,iif/76/01 774E PEST 5 FEET Cr DIE-EAST 70 FEET Cr-THE SOUTH WARIER Or TRACT 254 OF CD.HILLAIANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN Na \ 4 RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PUTS PAGE 82 IN KING COUNTY I of WASHINGTCN B N. J -.-. , v kv- -�'— z \5-, l / 45. 4-1►G. I.:W 11.\•//‘%4.... \-& ".° ,."a O� t it 41 Z �o�� N �k'11�1 U.i W :00 . il 14 �� l� r ::: IO lit tit 1.1 j I� b�1 p > ',.I. ti9 L4• h (.) tLs 'el. i 1 1`t .2 �► 3J <� r r 7� 'pryiw.Esed ,•- 4. � s .io y , i Iry Pam• 474.311. 2' 0)04° k ii -- -.---- - ..----- - , 111 ek N, \/1 •.>.. at ' 0 (../.) fi.' p e 3 15 tio�` (� 1 t/F _.- - — 101.17 l Lo M mot. 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NEAberdeen Ave. NE z ^ � R-8 z z 1 77 Blaine Ave. NE _/a. _— �a Nri Camas R—8 I (�. N Dayton I I iU Ave_NE cn CO g co XI y on Dayto I r r I �_ 70 Dayton co Da ton a- 1 p CD ►-3 _ Ave NE ve l _\:-�.-r_ I I C, �7 w s o R-10 I Ave. NE Ave.e. 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' 3 4 2 T22N R5E 1;2 KROLL RC Resource Conservation CC Convenience Commercial tP> Publicly Owned ��^ R-I Residential 1 du/ec CN Center Neighborhood• Renton City Limits �j R-5 Residential 5 du/ec Cs Center Suburban• - Adjacent City Limits 1 SECT/TOWN/RANGE R-8 Residential B du/ac CD Center Downtown* I *x I (Grey Text) Prezonee RUN Residential Manufactured Homes n Center Office Residential I•;•:•;I Automall District A R-lo Residential 10 du/ec CA Commercial Arterial IAN Automall District B a z R-l4 Residential 14 du/ac CO Commercial Office • For additional regulations in overlay districts RH-il Residential Multi-Family lnfill IH Industrial - Heavy not shown on this map, please see RMC 4-3. RM-NI Residential Multi-Family Neighborhood Center 18 Industrial - Medium PAGE ' RM-C I Residential Multi-Family Suburban Center IL Industrial - Light INDEX tf RH-UI Residential Multi-Family Urban Center• P-I Public Use w • , , . CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS within 300 feet of the subject site PROJECT NAME: p yr-i n/t'Xo vs e; 'G O APPLICATION NO: Lu 44 02-CAN! / Y� The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Q, ci. , (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Applicant Certification I, Pie. //,QRkD Mzc'/ , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (PrintName) — — 41.rea.§....a....a...." e — owners and their addresses were obtained from: 1 MARILYN KAMCHEFF ❑ Title Company Records NOTARY PUBLIC IN( King County Assessors Recc( ATE OF WASHINGTON OMMISSION EXPIRES G JUNE 29, 2003 Signed `/. ) t� Date 'q(��9o-z — — _ . (Applicant) NOTARY ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Not Y Public, in and �for the State of Washington, residing at �.fN1 0-v on the "I fi' day of a Y_ , 20 O' - Sign e (J?ih, MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29-03 (Notary Public) ****For City of Renton Use**** CHEFF CERTIFICATION OF MAILI 1O a 1.g',� , . I, Ii n 1, Cu v' t j ci. ,',-,)hereby certify that notices of the pr pb FItt7a'f?+t�'t l4i iled to (City Employee) I A CCU rt`p cl�' m ay,:MBEs each listed property owner on Li /`) L- 17 i .w H.;, , ., :.. o Signed 7 % ' e'' "7 .. - Date: ci I > ( a_ NOTARY ATT T: Supscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at ,/,)i44 on the day ofc A.c ,20 6 Signed r 1 listprop.doc MARILYN CHEFF REV 03/00 MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29-03 2 - Larson, Jerry O. Jelly, Isaac N. Atemboski, Alan & 2418 Monterey Ave.NE 2009 NE 24th St. Christine Renton, Wa. 98056 Renton, Wa. 98056 2033 NE 24th St. Parcel # 8026200030 Parcel # 3343902323 Renton, Wa. 98056 Acct. # 802620003003 Acct. # 334390232307 Parcel # 3343901965 Acct. # 334390196502 Wilgus, Michael R. McCallum,.Joseph & 2412 Monterey Ave NE Kimberly Beloiu, Julian Renton, Wa. 98056 2015 NE 24th St. 2331 Aberdeen Ave. NE Parcel # 802600020 Renton, Wa. 98056 Renton, Wa. 98056 Acct # 802620002005 Parcel # 3343901966 Parcel # 3343901969 Acct # 334390196601 Acct. # 334390196908 Tsang, Po W. 2406 Monterey Ave NE Kwan, Johnny C. Rallison, Steve & Patricia Renton Wa. 98056 2325 Aberdeen Ave.NE, 2016 NE 24th St. Paarcel # 8026200010 Renton,Wa. 98056 Renton, Wa. 98056. Acct. # 802620001007 Parcel # 3343901962 Parcel # 3343902002 Acct # 334390196205 Acct. # 334390200205 Smith, Ronald L. 2427 Aberdeen Ave.NE Tsang, Kevin M. Oliver, Jon & Susanne Renton, Wa. 98056 2027 NE 24th St. 2409 Aberdeen Ave. NE Parcel # 3343902007 Renton, Wa. 98056 Renton, Wa. 98056 Acct. # 334390200700 Parcel # 3343901964 Parcel # 3343902004 Acct # 334390196403 Acct # 334390200403 Homola, Paul R. 2328 Aberdeen Ave.NE Hang Tak & Chan Rohde, Donald B. Renton, Wa. 98056 Chau 2401 Aberdeen Ave. NE Parcel # 3343901525 2319 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton, Wa. 98056 Acct. # 334390152505 Renton Wa. 98056 Parcel # 3343902003 Parcel # 3343901967 Acct. # 334390200304 Keehn, Dell & Patricia Acct. # 334390196700 2332 Aberdeen Ave.NE Renton, Wa. 98056 Claypool, Sandra L. & Parcel # 3343901526 Goldie Acct. # 334390152604 2325 Aberdeen Ave. NE Renton, Wa. 98056 Parcel # 3343901968 Acct # 334390196809 o ' • e� e NOTICE OF APPLICATION DATE: April 19,2002 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-02-041,V-A APPLICATION NAME: Dymarkowskl Setback Variance PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant le requesting en edminiatretive variance from the Minimum Front Yard Setback required In the Residential-8(R-8)zoning designation.RMC Secdon 4.2-110.A.requires e minimum hou e.front setback of 20 feet.A reduced d tor e future y two lot k plat. rd setback to f v fest(5)Is requested fora portion of the existing PROJECT LOCATION: 2020 NE 24e Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Variance Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Susan Fiala,Senior Planner,Development Services Div sion,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on May 3,2002.11 you have questions about this proposal,or weh 10 be made a party of record end receive additional notification by mall,contact The Ms.Susan Fiala et (425)430-7302.Anyone who submha written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be ratified of any decision on this protect. !PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I y PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: April 2002 i ` s ' t'tl_:�\+,�/y� NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: April 21102 TII.0 t •4 A_ t : -1 L'.91, DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: April 19,2002-- `t I I Lt -- _ rV, •t� y,. �q f I . ,_ I urJ ;J.`,•.II I AA If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further Information on this proposed prrA ct complete this form and return to:City of Renton,Development Planning,1055 So.Grady Way,Renton, File No/Name:LUA-02-041,V-A/DYMARKOWSKI SETBACK VARIANCE NAME: ADDRESS: NOTICE OF APPLICATION CERTIFICATION I, E 1(abe7-1 (kkwel ` , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above docum; ted1t were pos byy me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the describedoperty on PlFr 1‘ i 91 2002_ Signed: Ao7r ,.__. TTEST: Subscribed and sworn b fore me,a Notary Public,in and for the to o a !4'�iV�.'�`Fs ' on the o7 `day of Oc,_ 4 NOTARY PUBLIC ► MARILYN KAMCHEFF 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON L' MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29-03 COMMISSION EXPIRES 1 JUNE 29, 2003 r City of Fi_..-.n Department of Planning/Building/Public ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: )lX t y` y��1" l i.t i_; COMMENTS DUE: MAY 3,2002 CITY Or RLNTON APPLICATION NO: LUA-02-041,V-A DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 19,2002 RECEIVED APPLICANT: Daniel&Marlene Dymarkowski PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala APR 2 2 2002 PROJECT TITLE: Dymarkowski Setback Variance WORK ORDER NO: 78970 LOCATION: 2020 NE 24th Street BUILDING DIVISION SITE AREA: 12,905 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL:The applicant is requesting an administrative variance from the Minimum Front Yard Setback required in the Residential-8(R-8)zoning designation.RMC Section 4-2-110.A.requires a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet.A reduced front yard setback to five feet(5)is requested for a portion of the existing house.This variance is necessary for a future two lot short plat. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Environment Probable Probable More Element of the Environment Probable Probable More Minor Impacts Major Impacts Information Minor Impacts Major Impacts Information Necessary Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Preservation Natural Resources Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS A,/y ti Cam L /1"-e-j We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additio,a info 'tion is needed t or operly assess this proposal. Si:.4 ure of Director or AA,rized Representative Date Doc :nt1 Rev.10/93 City of Fi n Department of Planning/Building/Public cs ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: MAY 3,2002 APPLICATION NO: LUA-02-041,V-A DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 19,2002 APPLICANT: Daniel&Marlene Dymarkowski PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Dymarkowski Setback Variance WORK ORDER NO: 78970 APR LOCATION: 2020 NE 24th Street j 9 2002 '' SITE AREA: 12,905 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL:The applicant is requesting an administrative variance from the Minimum Front Yard Setback required in the Residential-8(R-8)zoning designation.RMC Section 4-2-110.A.requires a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet.A reduced front yard setback_ to five feet(5)is requested for a portion of the existing house.This variance is necessary for a future two lot short plat. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Environment Probable Probable More Element of the Environment Probable Probable More Minor Impacts Major Impacts Information Minor Impacts Major Impacts Information Necessary Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals _ Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Preservation Natural Resources • Airport Environment 10,000 Feet /� 14,000 Feet AM B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Ati C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS i We/rave re iewed this applicatisn with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have ide tified areas of probable impact or areas where additional formation isproperly assess this proposal. Signat e of Director or Authori d Representative Date Docy t1 Rev.10/93 City of F. Department of Planning/Building/Public ...,.ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ( L i l ,c L 1 C-✓ t �- l ) COMMENTS DUE: MAY 3,2002 APPLICATION NO: LUA-02-041,V-A DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 19,2002 R E^V=RENT, APPLICANT: Daniel&Marlene Dymarkowski PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Dymarkowski Setback Variance WORK ORDER NO: 78970 APR Z LOCATION: 2020 NE 24th Street 2 2002 SITE AREA: 12,905 sq.ft. BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A euILUI N'DI VISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL:The applicant is requesting an administrative variance from the Minimum Front Yard Setback required in the Residential-8(R-8)zoning designation.RMC Section 4-2-110.A.requires a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet. A reduced front yard setback to five feet(5)is requested for a portion of the existing house.This variance is necessary for a future two lot short plat. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Environment Probable Probable More Element of the Environment Probable Probable More Minor Impacts Major Impacts Information Minor Impacts Major Impacts Information Necessary Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Preservation Natural Resources Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS / V6AI C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS /gG NC We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional i ormation is needed to properly ssess this proposal. Si ature of Direc or Authorized Representative Date Document1 Rev.10/93 yY CY♦ ,�- NO NOTICE OF APPLICATION DATE: April 19,2002 LAND USE IN UMBER: LUA-02-041,V-A APPLICATIC N NAME: Dymarkowski Setback Variance PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting an administrative variance from the Minimum Front Yard :Setback required in the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. RMC Section 4-2-110.A. requires a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet. A reduced front yard setback to five feet(5) is requested for a portion of the existing louse.This variance is necessary for a future two lot short plat. PROJECT LJCATION: 2020 NE 24th Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Variance Comments o i the above application must be submitted in writing to Susan Fiala,Senior Planner, Development Services Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on May 3,2002. If you have questions about this proposal,or ,vish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail,contact the Ms.Susan Fiala at (425)430-7282. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. I Pr=CLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION , ve co PERMIT AP,LICATION DATE: April 9,2002 n'�f�`I,i. i 6,.,.:. �__-_- Ix 1 f NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: April 18,2002 .'�. ;a, '0 z ,,, r 5 -. • AX\ • DATE OF N:)TICE OF APPLICATION: April 19,2002 -- -F_ µ�%�•j ---- L11 ��C • 41..i i .. _________,„ a, ..\--.', r h 2 c A/ - r I. •11� -. R - TINS L11,197-0113 SHPL �, -'. 05I49 OS ,.Rp ®' 1 p t; 0 'y LOT}.<WTa.WT�1 c�,, y : 2 ,✓ . u _ it 4,0 t:�1r,;`a 1.t^N Iw,,o°c :s.rs—j; 's a 'LOT ',I;IAT Y C �__S' I'".. �'� ,". H ss a.) ® m 0.4 I ,J n via23Ta MUM ® 1lme 1.�-wo• '� ..g��C AN i ,d•,R. r If you wou d like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form a-id return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So.Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055. File No./N zme: LUA- 02-041,V-A/DYMARKOWSKI SETBACK VARIANCE NAME: ADDRESS: NOTICE OF/PPLICATION to � CITY uF RENTON ick solL Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 19,2002 Daniel &Marlene Dymarkowski PO Box 2693 2020 NE 24th Street Renton,WA 98056 SUBJECT: Dymarkowski Setback Variance Project No. LUA-02-041,V-A Dear Mr. &Mrs. Dymarkowski: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and,therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at(425) 430-7382, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Susan Fiala Senior Planner Acceptance RENTON 1055 South Grad Way-Renton,Washington 98055 AHEAD OF THE CURVE - oz3 / nJZ- ( CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) I I PROJECT INFORMATION 114 NAME: RAI E PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME:. front yai-e4 K0 W5k/ D Y �� s J -bad6- Varc C� ADDRESS: r P'F�'e ,37‘ e/ Q.020 A't- a er7-( Sr PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY ZIP: a ae, /V' 7` r/f 5 y raAMYA, WA gg0-5-ti RSA/ . tom/, , 9805--‘ TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) I " -© EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: /IC E Ides/ Ol At CC DEVELOPMEN1 PLANNING CITY OF REM ON PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY(if applicable): 1 ES 0. &' c--= EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: RECEIVE() R3F PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable): N TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: D �1 PROPOSED ZONING(if applicable): CONTACT PERSON SITE AREA (in square feet): / 947 NAME: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED Pyptag FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): COMPANY(if applicable): ADDRESS: a�93 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 4//i a® ME ST`A' 57 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS(if applicable): CITY ZIP: t3A/E /0-2" ' r 9'84/ NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS(if applicable): TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 171✓ e ms-- C®ef masterap.doc Revised January 2002 OJECT INFORMATION (cor lied) NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: r'�/ C Ark- SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED REST ENTIAL IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF BUILDINGS (if a¢plicable): Y ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE / SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): i•.,f7t\ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIA BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): ❑ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROP SED NON-RESIDENTIAL ❑ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS(if applicable): l Ac ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq.ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq.ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq.ft. ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq.ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS(if ❑ WETLANDS sq.ft. applicable): 4 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT(if applicable): 10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NE, QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP , RANGES, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES Check all application types that apply -- City staff will determine fees. _ANNEXATION (A) $ SHORELINE REVIEWS —COMP PLAN AMENDMENT(CPA) $ _CONDITIONAL USE(SM-C) $ —CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(CU-A,CU-H) $ EXEMPTION(SME) $ NO CHARGE —ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW(ECF) $ _SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT(SM) $ GRADE&FILL PERMIT(GF) $ _VARIANCE(SM-V) $ (No.Cu.Yds: ) $ _REZONE(R) $ SUBDIVISION _ROUTINE VEGETATION $ _BINDING SITE PLAN(BSP) $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT(RVMP) _FINAL PLAT(FP) $ _SITE PLAN APPROVAL(SA-A,SA-H) $ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT(LLA) $ _SPECIAL PERMIT(SP) $ _PRELIMINARY PLAT(PP) $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT(TP) $ _ _SHORT PLAT(SHPL-A,SHPL-H) $ 4.VARIANCE(V-A,V-H,V-B) $ [A-QC (from Section: it-..2- - (OA- ) $ Postage: $ ,;78 _WAIVER(W) $ TOTAL FEE $ OTHER: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I I, (Print Name)Pfl i MRZL(SNF Sym#A-'/ W 5if/ declare that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property involved in this appli tion or the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization)and that the foregoing statements and answ rs herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidMiA.MRr&........,,.:_ -., ZPn ,<_,1ma Lice) ti signed tipMARt ari,.IM€+ d it to be his/hbf/their free and voluntary act f9 tNO!fArRI trl@ge�LIc mentioned in the instrument. (�tllt./�//``11 TT ff IUJDD VV (Signatur f ownedR presentative) ,�i ATE OF WASHINGTON - 7 �/) 24"-n- C ' -.i,1 MISSION EXPIRES r , Notary Public in d for the State of Washi.t.j /DUNE 29, 2003 (Signature of Owner/R preset 've) Notary(Print) [� My appointment e 3 f / masterap.doc Revised anuary 2002 April 3, 2002 To: Development Services Division DEVELOPMENT,� Y ENTON 'uG Attention: Laureen Nicolay Project: Dymarkowski Project _ Location: RECEIVED 2020 N.E. 24TH St. Renton, Washington, 98056 Legal Description: The South Quarter of Tract 254 of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 4 Recorded in Volume 11 of Plats Page 82 in King County Washington(Tax# 334390-2002) My wife and I are retired and have a home in Renton at the address indicated above. Recently, our son expressed an interest in building a house on a portion of the unused land and we feel this would be beneficial to all of us. We had the property surveyed by Crones&Associates. During the survey it was discovered that there was a discrepancy in the original line to the north and we were shorted (12)feet. Because fences have been in place for many years we knew the 12 feet lost was grand-fathered but still felt we needed to have our neighbors aware and agree with the fence lines so we drew up a legal document and had all the neighbors involved sign in the presence of a Notary. The next step was to go to the Renton planning department with a proposed plan showing the site we would like to short plot just south of our residence and what kind of a house we would like to put on the short plot and try to find out what procedure to follow to accomplish this project. In discussions with the Renton planning department I found it difficult to place a house on the short plot with all the city land use requirements and standards. The one important restriction was that I was short(10)feet from the required 65' from the front property line to the proposed property line to the front of the current garage to the south. We tried several different approaches without success. With some assistance with the planning department, I believe we have the solution. By moving the garage doors and driveway from the west side to the south side of the current house and ask for a setback variance approval often feet south of the garage and a depth variance of(5)feet from the property line in front of the current house we could short plot the property and have a house plan that will fit on the southwest corner of the property. Without the depth variance on the original house, I would have no access to the piece of property I now use to store some recreational vehicles and it would also leave me with little home frontage for the original house. Without the setback variance on the new short plot south of the garage, it eliminates the possibility of building the proposed residence on the new proposed short plot. In observation of most of the building projects with individual small properties and residential closeness in the Kennydale/Highlands area, the small variance I am asking for is not detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated. I feel that it is consistent with all the other construction in this neighborhood. I am submitting the project proposal(attached)that shows the current house,the new short plot and the proposed new residence and asking for a variance approval(as shown) so that I may submit a formal application to build a house within the Renton parameters on my property. In addition, we have spoken with all neighbors on either side and in back of us and no one has any objection to another structure being built on said property. Thank you for your consideration on this project. Dan Dymarkowski (425) 226-8965 Cell—206-799-6506 EVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUFsiviiTTAL REQUIREMENTS rUR LAND USE APPLICATIONS LANE) USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: ................ Calculations, Survey 1 Density Wor ksheet Drainage Cc ntrol Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 w , Elevations, ,\rchitectural 3 AND 4 � N I/) -- Elevations, Grading 2 • Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy)4 Existing Eac.ements (Recorded Copy)4 Flood Plain Map, if applicable 41/1, Floor Plans 3 AND a Geotechnicr I Report 2 AND 3 I K, , j 111 Grading Plan, Conceptual z Grading Plan, Detailed 2 Kind County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscapin:1 Plan, Conceptual a Legal Description 4 List of Surrounding Property Owners 4 Malting labels for Property Owners 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Parking, Lo: Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs)4 Postage 4 Preapplicat on Meeting Summary 4 Public Wort s Approval Letter2 Rehabilitation Plan 4 (-0(c9ZC_L, i9L , fll J This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: fri4 )/fUWa4 1 V Ol 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 2 2� 3. Building Section DEVEL0i-sN LI'•; DATE: ` 4. Development Planning Section CITY OFREMO ..1rIG RECEIVED h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev.plan.ing\waiver.xls REVISED 5/17/00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISII WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: Screening Detail 4 Street Profiles 2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography Map (5'contours)3 Traffic'Study 2 Tree CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan 4 Urban Center Design Overlay District Report 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 k)k1A) Wetlands Delineation Map 4 (Pv Wetlandsl:Planting Plan 4 Wetlands Study 4 64111 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2AND3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: � 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: l/V� � 6 �` ' "'L 2. Public Works Plan Review Section ply I 3. Building Section DATE: 2 L/ 4. Development Planning Section G h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev.plan.ing\waiver.xls REVISED 5/17/00 + 410 + CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU�N�O MEMORANDUM DATE: March 15, 2002 TO: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal SUBJECT: Dymarkowski Short Plat, 2020 N 4th St Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. DEV CfrY OF RENT ON ING RZCLTI it1:16) CITY OF RENTON MEMO PUBLIC WORKS To: Susan Fiala From: Juliana Sitthidet Date: March 26, 2002 Subject: PreApplication Review Comments PREAPP No.02-022 Dymarkowski Short Plat NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. I have reviewed the preliminary application for this 2 lot short plat, located at 2020 NE 24th Street. WATER 1. There is an existing 12-inch water main in NE 241 Street. 2. All new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the structures. There is a fire hydrant in the 'vicinity that may be counted towards the fire protection of this project, but is subject to verification for being within 300 feet of the nearest corner of the buildings. Additional fire hydrants may be required to be installed for this site to meet City code. Existing hydrants will be required to be retrofitted with a quick disconnect Stortz fitting. 3. The derated fire flow in the vicinity is modeled at 2720 gpm with a static pressure of 60 psi. 4. The proposed project is located in the 435-water pressure zone and is within Aquifer Protection Zone 2. 5. The Water System Development Charge(SDC)would be triggered at the single-family rate of$1,105 per building lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction is issued. SANITARY SEWER 1. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main in NE 24th Street. 2. Existing septic systems shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Health prior to recording of the short plat. 3. Short plats shall provide separate side sewers stubs to each building lot.No dual side sewers are allowed. CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: March 22,2002 TO: Susan Fiala FROM: ( /Don Erickson SUBJECT: Dymarkowski Short Plat&Variance The subject site is located one lot to the west of the intersection of NE 24th Street and Aberdeen Avenue NE and is access from NE 24th Street to the south. The applicants are proposing to short plat the 12, 943 sq. ft. site into two lots (no lot sizes specified). The northern lot appears to be larger than the southern lot. The northern of the two new lots would house the current house and garage and require an access easement across the new lot to its south. The proposed density for this short plat is 6.83 units per net acre. The subject site is designated on Renton's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Residential Single Family. Consistent with this land use designation, the site is zoned R-8, Residential 8 du/net acres. Listed below are some of the more relevant Comp Plan land use policies for this designation. Comprehensive Plan Single Family Land Use Policies: Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. Policy LU-40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Policy LU-40.1. New plats proposed at higher densities than adjacent neighborhoods should be designed to incorporate street locations, lot configurations, and building envelopes which address privacy and quality of life for existing residents. Policy LU-70. Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network Conclusion: Assuming curbs, gutters and sidewalks are in or will be constructed with this short plat it generally complies with the above policies. Attachment cc: Rebecca Lind Dymarkowski Short Plat 03/26/02 Page 2 4. Thisparcel is to the Fast Kenn dale Interceptor Special Assessment District(SAD). subjectY P Pe ( ) Fees are collected as part of the construction permit if there is one. If there is no construction permit then the fees will be paid at the time a side sewer permit is issued. 5. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $760 per building lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. SURFACE WATER 1. There is a storm drainage pipe fronting a portion of this parcel in NE 24th St. 2. The preferred method of storm discharge in this area is infiltration. 3. The proposed project is within the May Creek Basin. Due to downstream flooding and erosion control problems, staff will recommend a SEPA condition requiring this project to comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Manual for design for both detention (Level 2)and water quality improvements. 4. A conceptual drainage plan and report is required with the formal application submittal for the short plat. 5. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) are $525 per building lot. These are payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. TRANSPORTATION 1. The traffic mitigation fee of$75 per additional generated trip shall be assessed per single family home at a rate of 9.57 trips. 2. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. 3. A joint use driveway may be permitted for access to two (2) lots. The private access easement shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide with 12-feet paved. 4. Street improvements including, but not limited to paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm drain and street signs are required to be constructed across the full frontage of the parcel being developed along NE 24t. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards,which are attached for reference. 2. When approval of preliminary plat is granted and utility plans are complete, please submit permit application, three (3) copies of drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, and an itemized cost of construction estimate and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. A fee worksheet is attached for your use, but prior to preparing a check, it is recommended to call 425-430-7266 for a fee estimate as generated by the permit system. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5%of the first$100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over$100,000 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over$200,000. Half the fee must be paid upon application. 3. The applicant is responsible for securing all necessary, if any,private utility easements prior to the recording of the short plat. CC: Kayren Kittrick CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM • DATE: March 28, 2002 TO: Pre-Application File No. 02-022 FROM: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, x7382 SUBJECT: Dymarkowski Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for$50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. Project Proposal: The subject property is addressed as 2020 NE 24th Street. The proposal is to subdivide a 12,756 square foot lot (0.29-acre) into two lots. The site contains a single family residence proposed to remain on one of the subdivided lots. The other lot is proposed for development of a single family home. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential - 8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zoning designation. The density range required in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). If there are no areas to be deducted from the gross area of the site, the proposal for 2 units on the property would arrive at a net density of approximately 6.9 du/ac, which is in compliance with the required density range of the R-8 zone, Development Standards: The R-8 zone permits one residential structure / unit per lot. Detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth — The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. A minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required. The proposal appears to comply with the minimum 4,500 square foot lot size required for both lots. However, the lot depth for the front lot is not a continuous depth and is averaged to determine the depth which is to equal a minimum of 65 feet. From the submitted plan, it appears that the depth of the front lot needs to be increased by a minimum of 10 feet in order to meet this requirement. As an alternative, an administrative variance from the lot depth requirement could be requested. Building Standards—The R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. Building height is restricted to 30 feet and two stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a Dymarkowski Short Plat Pre-Application Meeting March 28,2002 Page 2of3 height of 15 feet and one-story with a gross floor area that is less than the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. Setbacks — Setbacks are measured from the property lines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 20 feet in the front, 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards, and 15 feet on side yards along streets. Due to the proposed configuration of the lots, the new lot with the existing home does not meet the 20 foot front setback for that portion of the lot adjacent to the garage. In order for a reduced front yard setback, approval of an administrative variance would be needed. The variance decision is based on satisfying all of the four following criteria: a) That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; b) That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; c) That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; d) That the approval as determined by the Zoning Administrator is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. The applicant will need to provide written justification demonstrating the satisfaction of each of the four criteria with the formal variance application. It is likely that staff will support the variance request. However, the applicant has the burden of demonstrating justification for the criteria listed above. Access/Parking: Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles per lot. The plan provided does not clearly indicate how the driveway functions for the new front lot. Access to this house will need to be shown on the short plat submittal drawings. In addition, the applicant will need to record an access easement over the front lot providing the rear lot access via the driveway from NE 24th St. prior to the recording of the short plat. Sensitive Areas: Based on the City's Critical Areas Maps, the site is located in the Aquifer Protection Area (APA)—Zone 2. The APA zones prohibit certain types of facilities, restrict the use and storage of hazardous materials, and have additional requirements during construction and fill activities. If the project requires more than 100 cubic yards of fill, a source statement will be required. Permit Requirements: The short plat and variance would be processed concurrently and administratively in approximately 6 to 8 weeks. As an alternative, the variance could be processed separately. The application fee for the short plat is $1,000, plus $0.34 per mailing label required for notification to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the site. As there are two applications, the application fee for the administrative variance would be one-half of the full fee, thus $50.00. A total fee of $1,050.00 plus the cost of postage. Detailed information regarding the land use application and administrative variance submittal is provided in the attached handouts. Dyrnarkowski Short Plat Pre-Application Meeting March 28,2002 Page 3 of 3 Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat. • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; • A Parks Mitigation Fee based on$530.76 per new single family lot;and, • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. cc: Jennifer Henning \ V. :\0 .. v _�---- - \-5 en � II . n N.l v°4 i�lG. 0 ? ' 101.41 • 0 ion ;.. a K. y,� O — _ S J1-.if 10 ^ ts-ol-4o • iv .--......\ -A 4.• kJ iii ,01.19. •A 1? -- •t _____\ . -- • 1.. 7 IA r p a�10 Q ) ." �© Y a • 5 2 irti:iii y o°° 0) Z/o W y0 �, o .06,L9� r i II op5o . — -- — - N �. a / x ioi. 7 j h .2 t, a `� 1.4. : ‘ .4 I. zti Z7e3, 2 a,A° ey, cp-, r O n d '• p (../) ti..� ) %aryti9 ° �30 �' /f -- 4 VI s • t ZZ _ rr( g to\ A ,.. 101.110. 043 j 5C . 4 k. 64,o 101.17 i 60- ,ya�1 4, „ w ° ^ g7i0 1 ,O 2O �� 002v s tS IS y°0 7oojO �00 '� ZS°�o`y ��L *1 to7B ` iFf in LISP LUA97-083 SHPL , a,_,o E. �- 9805149/l 5 30 fS.os 4 itr 1 92.e5 �S qii° lAT IMLOT(�� n s�l�5a t$$ r 1si 1927I M c t ; ,��L�� t LOT 2 i 5�y,q x It $ 61° g . 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