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CAMPEN SPRINGS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT/LUA02-045 PARTIES OF RECORD MICRO ILME Last printed 04/22/02 11:46 AM SEE DRAWING(S ) CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: Jason E. Jordal % TO: Karen Codiga/Andree Debauw FROM: Jason E. Jordan, x7219 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-02-045, LLA This Lot Line Adjustment has been sent to the County for recording. Once recorded, we will receive a copy of the mylar and the recording number. Please update the status of the project on the tracking list and in SIERRA. Thank you. cc: Yellow file H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\Jej\Lot Line Adjustments\LLAS\DECMEMO.DOC 6to. NI, CITY Or"-' RENTON •• . ' Plannin uildin ublicWorks Department Ir P Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator August 21, 2002 Dennis Alfredson Schneider Homes I, LLC 6510 Southcenter Blvd. #1 Tukwila, WA 98188 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment File No. LUA-02-045, LLA Dear Mr. Alfredson: The City of Renton has approved the above referenced lot line adjustment and has forwarded the final mylars to King County for recording. Please note the recording of the lot line adjustment map alone does not transfer ownership of property. If necessary, prepare and record a deed transferring ownership of the portion of land depicted in the lot line adjustment map. We recommend that the legal description for this document be prepared by a surveyor. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure this document is properly prepared and recorded with the County. If you have any further questions regarding this lot line adjustment, please contact me at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, Jas E. Jordan Associate Planner cc: Yellow file H.\Dlvtsion.s\Develu seDev&plarl.IrryWeJ\Lut Line AdJustnrents\LLAS\FINALLTR.DOC RENTON 1055pSouth Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 AHEAD OF THE CURVE This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21, 2002 TO: City Clerk's Office FROM: Jason E. Jorda , P/B/PW - Development/Planning, x7219 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment; File No. LUA-02-045, LLA Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County Please have Consolidated Delivery& Logistics, Inc. take these documents via: 2-hour service ($22.20)-1:00 PM deadline to City Clerk 2�/2-3'/2 hour service ($17.75)-12:00 PM deadline to City Clerk X 4-hour service ($15.29)-10:00 AM deadline to City Clerk Attached is a check for the amount of$15.29 for the fee to CD&L. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000/007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7289 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Property Management Schneider Homes, LLC H:\Division.s\Develop.ser\Dev&plan.ing\PROJ ECTS\02-045.jason\CLERKMMO.doc . ' DOCUMENTS FOR RECORDING KING COUNTY RECORDS &ELECTIONS DIVISION • TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ' DATE: • FROM: SitS,N) apRt,„„,,, end extennan) BILLING ACCOUNT NUMBER: CY-V/00-7,SC)1, 006 ,Lig 00670 t/ 000chooccoc.xxx.)commooc.xxmoccoo: IS REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX FORM REQUIRED? No lElYes El (Attach form) (Account will be charged$2.00 filing fee) LINDEXING NOTES: (Ain peA) te N/ P Po(j`D il)e-; Deg- 14'0(sAto 1:17f0( (Ociv/vec) SPECIAL RECORDING INSTRUCTIONS: A./41 DATE ACQUIRED: GRANTOR: PURPOSE: Re 1,1) o 9 . 1.2 COMMON DESCRIPTION: LOT o o • fv\a Jul • - ADDRESS: WO S2 •-9,43)S-CIO • P.I.D. Vs7 g in)S-61WS.7 S-T-R: CROSS STREETS: -50(-<//, SS— ' CURRENT USE: /11 [4.,M. F-pk,""j( MANAGING DEPARTMENT: DEPT.FILE#. RECORDING# . _ . . • Rev Date 7/97 TS/RECDOC.DOT/bh ifii schneider homes, inc. 6510 Southcenter Boulevard•Suite#1•Tukwila,WA 98188•(206) 248-2471•FAX(206)242-4209 l�r Letter of Transmittal Date: August 19, 2002 CITY OFRENTON RECEIVED To: Jason Jordan, Project Manager AUG 2 6 2002 City of Renton BUILDING DIVISION 1055 S. Grady Way 41 Renton, WA 98055 I I-6 Re: BLA, 312305-9038, -9087, -9048 Attached is: • a second set of mylars, signed ais redson, P.E. nag of Development & Construction SC-HN-EI-2 13 - - 0 r 0 1 1 CITY F RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Depai tiiient J sse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator June 6, 2002 Dennis Alfredson Schneider Homes I, LLC 6510 Southcenter Blvd. #1 Tukwilla, WA 98188 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment File No. LUA-02-045, LLA Dear Mr. Alfredson: The City has finished reviewing your proposed lot line adjustment and is now ready to approve and send the final version for recording. Prior to resubmitting the mylars, please correct the spelling errors as outlined on the attached document. Once the revisions are completed, please submit two sets of an original signed mylar and a check for$15.29 made out to CD&L to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. Please verify that the mylars have been signed by all owners of record and have been notarized with an ink stamp(not embossed). The ink stamp must be legible so that King County will promptly record the lot line adjustment. This decision to approve the proposed lot line adjustment is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, September 7, 2001. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have further questions regarding this project, please call me at(425) 430-7219. Sincerely, j..4 .j(-- 'Jason Jordan Project Manager cc: Yellow file H:wlvtston.swevetop.serwevt ptan.tn \F'HUJtu t o\uz-u4b.1asortWlJAtREQ.doc RENTON 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 ® AHEAD O F THE CURVE R V E This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 6,2002 TO: Jason Jordan FROM: Sonja J.Fesser SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment,LUA-02-045-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The word"COUNTY"is misspelled on both drawing sheets(upper left-hand corner). See the attachment for a spelling error that needs correcting. The city has decided that addresses are not necessary for this lot line adjustment. The property is being redeveloped and there will be new lots with addresses in the near future. Therefore, remove the references to addresses as noted under Item No. 8 of"NOTES"(Sheet 1 of 2). \H:\FILE.SYS\LND-Land Subdivision&Surveying Records\LND-30-City of Renton Lot Line Adjustmcnts\0242\RV020603.doc 4. (MT of RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT No. LUA-96-004-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING No. 9609179003. • 5. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER No. 498709, DATED OCTOBER 6, 1999, AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2002. 6. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP OF SE 31-23-5. 7. PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE, VOL. 194/15-17. NOTES 1. CONTROLLING BOUNDARY DATA FOR THIS SURVEY WAS OBTAINED BY DIRECT FIELD MEASUREMENTS EMPLOYING CONVENTIONAL TRAVERSE PROCEDURES USING A TOPCON 211D THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL DISTANCE MEASURING METER. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN U.S. FEET. 2. THE SURVEY ACCURACY FOR THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF WAC 332-130-090. 3. ALL INFORMATION REGARDING RECORD EASEMENTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS THAT MAY AFFECT THE QUALITY OF TITLE OF THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SHOWN HEREON WAS OBTAINED FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER No. 498709, DATED OCTOBER 6, 1999, AND SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2002. 4. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE No. 3790 ESTABLISHING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR WATER SERVICE PER INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 8403260504. 5. SUBJECT TO THE TERMS ONS OF LATECOMERS AGREEMENT RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 9505080322, AN AMMENDED Y ASSIGNMENT AND CORRECTION OF LATECOMERS AGREEMENT RECORDED UNDE . 9710140140. 6. ANY STRUCTURES LOCATED WITHIN THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT ARE TO BE REMOVED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT HEREOF. 7. ADJUSTED'LOT CORNERS WILL BE STAKED WITH 1/2" BY 24" REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "DMP INC PLS 22962" OR OTHER APPROPRIATE MEANS UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CAMPEN SPRINGS APARTMENTS 8. PER THE CITY OF RENTON THE ADDRESSES FOR THE ADJUSTED LOTS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL "A"; PARCEL "B"; PARCEL "C"; ...,�...�� N.E. 1/4, S.E. 1/4, SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANG 5 E MORROW-POBLETE, INC. WENT 2 s AUBURN WAY N. SCHNEIDER HOMES, INC. AUBURN, WA. 98002 6510 SOUTHCENTER BLVD — TUKWILA, WA 98188 53)333-2 200 (FAX)333-2206 PHONE No. (206) 248-2471 PROJECT CITY C- R=mrrrv,i CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 29, 2002 TO: Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Jason E. Jordan, Development/Planning, x7219 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-02-045, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval ' _ 4,2sx:) -• Name Date Robert T. Mac Onie, Jr. PLS LAt.) Lgut42.0e.A..) cc: Yellow File C t=%o�/.6.1l- I CT To -t}- I ��He IL4 H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\PROJECTS\02-045.jason\PLATM EMO.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 29, 2002 TO: Juliana Sitthidet, Plan Review FROM: Jason E. Jordan, Development/Planning, x7219 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-02-045, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Review approval: - "��— ame C Date cc: Yellow File H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\PROJECTS\02-045.jason\PLATMEMO.doc DMF, INC. Engineering - Surveying - Land Plan LETTER '-)F TRANSMITTAL 726 Auburn Way North AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 DATE JOB NO. (253) 333-2200 Z//Ay /o Z 9'1*-'-1-1CT FAX (253) 333-2206 ATTENTION C ArA DP-Nk WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: Shop drawings X7rints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications f l Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ./ I IoZ C -ry ���My1O7 -tD THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted f Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS _ DEVEL cOP m(OFRENTON MAY 2 ?W- RECEIVED COPY TO / SIGNED: 1'4 PRODUCT 240T if enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. CITY 4_ RENTON ..u. , Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department J:ssc Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 13,2002 Dennis Alfredson 6510 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwilla, WA 98188 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment Project No. LUA-02-045, LLA Dear Mr. Alfredson: The City of Renton has completed the initial review of your proposed lot line adjustment. The following changes will be necessary in order for the City to approve your proposal: 1. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-02-045-LLA and LND 30-0242, respectively, on the drawings in the spaces already provided. 2. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. 3. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots as soon as possible. Note these addresses on the drawing. 4. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements, or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment shall have the first recording number. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) will be referenced on the lot line adjustment in the appropriate locations. 5. "South"should be added as a suffix to Talbot Road (Sheet 2 of 2). 6. Include the city-designated name (South 55th Street) on the drawing. The county name "South 192"d Street"should be noted in parenthesis. 7. See the attachments for a spelling error and corrections needed for the line descriptions on Sheet 2 of 2. 8. Note that Item No. 5 under"NOTES"(Sheet 1 of 2) was amended by assignment and corrected under Rec. No. 9710140140. Other comments have been generated that do not require revisions to the plan set but are Advisory Note to the applicant that should be taken into consideration prior to final Lot Line Adjustment Approval: 1. Current parcels 312305-9038, 9087 and 9048 are subject to a Water Latecomer fee (Summit Park- District No. 0013). This fee will be redistributed to proposed parcels "A" and"B"and exclude parcel "C". 2. Since the proposed sewer line in parcel "A" will also be serving some units of Parcel "B", the sewer in parcel "A"will be public and a 15-feet easement will be required. 3. Maintain secondary access for all phases of the development. 4. In the event Parcel B is sold off to a separate entity in the future, Parcel A would be required to grant Parcel B access and parking easements. H:\UIVISION.S uEVELOP.SEH\UEV&PLAN.INU\NHUJEUIS\U2-U4b.ason\HEVISHtU.doc R E N T O N 055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 ® AHEAD OF THE CURVE This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer Once the above changes have been made, please submit two copies of the revised lot line adjustment to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final mylars. If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above, please contact me at (425) 430-7219. Sinc ly, 'Y.' '''..5: •,--'7_-- -- ...... Jason E. Jordan Associate Planner cc: Yellow file err �3N `Y. H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\PROJECTS\02-045.jason\REVISREQ.doc A EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A; 651,294 SF± 14.95 AC. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF KENT-RENTON ROAD (TALBOT ROAD S.); EXCEPT THE NORTH 5 ACRES THEREOF. 0 PARCEL B; 202,970 SF± 4.66 AC. om THE NORTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF RG THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 CI. NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD No. 80 (TALBOT ROAD S.); rF EXCEPT THE WEST 105 FEET OF T PROTIO LYING NORTH OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET 2_ THEREOF. 6) PARCEL C; 14,331 SF± 0.33 AC. THE WEST 105 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMEIIE MERIDIAN, !N VING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD No. 80 (TALBOT ROAD S.); EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF. • -J • \ 1319.80' --} -1 °F z, CALCULATED POSITION PER A.L.T.A. AND TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CO. CC w OF THE SPRINGBROOK SITE' BY HANSEN SURVEYING, DATED 6/20/95 bl I W RIDGE CT A TALSOT H Q 194/15-17 TRA VOL- 5 N89'O1 '40"W 1309.68' 8 U)�_ 6 275.02' 7 :--y 60974' R-25 W % 25' 0IC PI'? � tI� \1 0 k \\ Z ��\`sS'/ O \ \ / TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC EASEMENT PER REC. No. 19990826000429 8�W 189"01'00'W `t ` '�� Co`n 155.03' co w - 4DJUSTED LOT LINE 6 PARCEL 'CA Z ADJUSTED AREA 405,395 SFt 9.31 AC. 4 7------„, N88'52'26"W 1303.42' S. LIN., N1/2, N144,,lett4s,SE1/4, 31-23-5 1198.41' t r POINT OF BEGINNING PARCELS "B' AND "C. Ve / 606.90' 88'50'18"W ' 1301.33' S. LIN., N1/2, N1/2, S1/2 NEE/4 SE1/4, 31-23-5 I I UNPLATTED I ''1- N 1-,..6 Co o ��- _ 3i 3 2616.51' _ — — — G✓ 4� • 2ND S'T. ,02 .35'E' R.S.C. PT. No. 1872 0 1,025\ 1/8" BRASS PIN IN CONC., IN CASE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 10,2002 TO: Jason Jordan FROM: Sonja J. Fesser (\_ SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment,LUA-02-045 Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number,LUA-02-045-LLA and LND 30-0242,respectively,on the drawings in the spaces already provided. Indicate what has been,or is to be,set at the corners of the proposed lots. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots as soon as possible. Note theses addresses on the drawing. Note that if there are restrictive covenants,easements,or agreements to others(City of Renton, etc.)as part of this subdivision,they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment and the associated document(s)are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment shall have the first recording number. The recording number(s)for the associated document(s)will be referenced on the lot line adjustment in the appropriate locations. "South"should be added as a suffix to Talbot Road(Sheet 2 of 2). Include the city-designated name(South 55th Street)on the drawing. The county name "South 192nd Street"should be noted in parenthesis. See the attachments for a spelling error and corrections needed for the line descriptions on Sheet 2 of 2. Note that Item No. 5 under"NOTES"(Sheet 1 of 2)was amended by assignment and corrected under Rec.No.9710140140. w:\FILE.SYS\LND\30\0242\RV020508.doc May 10, 2002 Page 2 Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this lot line adjustment is provided for your use and information. H:\FILE.SYS\LND\30\0242\RV020508.doc\sjf CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: May 2, 2002 TO: Jason Jordan FROM: Juliana Sitthidet (x-7278) SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment- LUA 02-045 - REVISED 4908 Talbot Road South I have reviewed the application for the lot line adjustment at the 4908 Talbot Road South and have the following comments: ADVISORY NOTES 1. Current parcels 312305-9038, 9087 and 9048 are subject to a Water Latecomer fee (Summit Park - District No. 0013). This fee will be redistributed to proposed parcels "A" and "B" and exclude parcel "C". 2. Since the proposed sewer line in parcel "A" will also be serving some units of Parcel "B", the sewer in parcel "A" will be public and a 15-feet easement will be required. 3. No other impacts to utilities. cc: Kayren Kittrick City of R�..._n Department of Planning/Building/Public ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: r O pi/ v �� ,�2 r V r[� COMMENTS DUE: MAY 3, 2002 APPLICATION NO: LUA-02-045, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 22, 2002 c' oF APPLICANT: Schneider Homes, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: JASON E.JORDAN AF C EgFNTuN PROJECT TITLE: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment WORK ORDER NO: 78974 4pR V EQ LOCATION: 4908 Talbot Road South �T '3 ?01) SITE AREA: 19.94 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A e04 D/NG SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, Schneider Homes, LLC, is proposing a three-lot lot line adjustment to reconfigure/ttWri e existing lots that make up the Campen Springs Development. The existing lots are proposed to be reconfigured in order to accommodate phasing of the Campen Springs development and so that a separate lot could be sold or developed in the future. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary • Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals _ Transportation • Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet RECEIVED APR 2 3 2002 CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTEMS B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Routing Rev.10/9J City of Rt,,,v,i Department of Planning/Building/Public 6 v,',,.a ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 0 0. V, I Yw COMMENTS DUE: MAY 3, 2002 APPLICATION NO: LUA-02-045, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 22,2002 APPLICANT: Schneider Homes, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: JASON E.JORDAN CITY OF RENTON PROJECT TI LE: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment WORK ORDER NO: 78974 R F C F I V E D LOCATION: 908 Talbot Road South SITE AREA: 19.94 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A APR3 2UU2 SUMMA 3Y OF PROPOSAL: The applicant,Schneider Homes, LLC, is proposing a three-lot lot line adjustmenti8-44a144.44V6iON existing I Dts that make up the Campen Springs Development. The existing lots are proposed to be reconfigured in order to accomm)date phasing of the Campen Springs development and so that a separate lot could be sold or developed in the future. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS I Element of the' Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environnent Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environm<mtal Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural R-sources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CC DE-RELATED COMMENTS&e- 6t � J.vd C=&--yic.�-rv-7 4 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas w ore additional informatio fs needed to properly assess this proposal. i Sig ure of Director or Auth. ed Representative Date Rout' Rev.10/93 City of Refill/II Department of Planning/Building/Public l ,,,,,,, ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ,_- REVIEW ING DEPARTMENT: I--trQ Pr V tin fi 0i\ COMMENTS DUE: MAY 3, 2002 APPLICATION NO: LUA-02-045, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 22, 2002 APPLICANT: Schneider Homes, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: JASON E.JORDAN PROJECT TITLE: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment WORK ORDER NO: 78974 LOCATION: 4908 Talbot Road South mp 2 3 SITE AREA: 19.94 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A N� �� SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, Schneider Homes, LLC, is proposing a three-lot lot line adjustment to reconfigure three existing cts that make up the Campen Springs Development. The existing lots are proposed to be reconfigured in order to accomm)date phasing of the Campen Springs development and so that a separate lot could be sold or developed in the future. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environr,lent Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shc-eline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 41/ C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 0 nia,,,,,,. r -1 9zc0iddy acLe 5 ceir i l/ tel.. 6' - We have revi&wed this applic4ti n with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have 'dentified areas of probable impact or areas wl.ere dditional informal, n is needed to properly assess this proposal. -,' // t 7 3/, )_— Signs re yJ Director or Authorized presentative Date Routing ! Rev.10/93 CITY RENTON eel/ , `>. Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 22, 2002 Mr. Dennis Alfredson Schneider Homes I, LLC 6510 Southcenter Boulevard Tukwila, WA 98188 SUBJECT: Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment Project No,. LUA-02-045, LLA Dear Mr. Alfredson: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at(425)430-7219, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jason E.Jordan Associate Planner acceptance RENTON 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 ® AHEAD OF THE CURVE This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION I NAME: Schneider Homes I , LLC PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Campen Lot Line Adjustment ADDRESS: 6510 Southcenter Blvd. PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 4908 Talbot Rd. S. CITY: Tukwilla ZIP: 98188 Renton, WA. 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 312305-9038 312305-9087 APPLICANT (if other than owner) 312305-9048 EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: Same as Owner Single Family Residential PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY(if applicable): Multifamily EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATIOr ADDRESS: RPN PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATI N CITY: ar p-,,,,1 (if applicable): N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: R-1 4 PROPOSED ZONING(if applicable): N/A CONTACT PERSON SITE AREA (in square feet): 8 6 8, 5 9 4 +/- NAME: Dennis Alfredson SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATE. FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE(if applicable): COMPANY(if applicable): Same as Owner PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NE ADDRESS: ACRE(if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS(if applicable): CITY: .3 -WW1 ZIP: N/A " j NUMBER OF NEW DWEINLIJ'JG UNITS(if applicable): TELEPHONE NUMBEY.AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 1 masterap.doc Revised January 2002 PROJECT INFORMATION (continued) MBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: Not Known N/A UARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ILDINGS (if applicable): N/A ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE(if applicable): UARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL ** ILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): None ❑ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE lUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO ILDINGS(if applicable): N/A 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq.ft. 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq.ft. !UARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION sq.ft. ILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): None ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq.ft. T FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if ❑ WETLANDS sq.ft. )licable): /A * 1MBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE Currently under review with W PROJECT(if applicable): N/A File ## LLIA-98-039 Permit #1301043 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) TUATE IN THE SE QUARTER OF SECTION 31 , TOWNSHIP 23 , RANGE 5 , IN THE CITY = RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES Check all application types that apply-- City staff will determine fees. ANNEXATION(A) $ SHORELINE REVIEWS COMP PLAN AMENDMENT(CPA) $ _CONDITIONAL USE(SM-C) $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(CU-A,CU-H) $ _EXEMPTION(SME) $ NO CHARGE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW(ECF) $ _SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT(SM) $ GRADE&FILL PERMIT(GF) $ _VARIANCE(SM-V) $ (No.Cu.Yds: ) $ REZONE(R) $ SUBDIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION $ _BINDING SITE PLAN(BSP) $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT(RVMP) _FINAL PLAT(FP) $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL(SA-A,SA-H) $ X LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT(LLA) $ SPECIAL PERMIT(SP) $ _PRELIMINARY PLAT(PP) $ TEMPORARY PERMIT(TP) $ _SHORT PLAT(SHPL-A,SHPL-H) $ VARIANCE(V-A,V-H,V-B) $ _ (from Section: ) $ Postage: $ WAIVER(W) $ TOTAL FEE $ OTHER: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP 'tint Name) • Tel f redGOn , declare that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property %Ived in this pli tion o X the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization)and that the foregoing Cements and ans ers h ein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. / ' ce th t I now or a satisfa tory evidence that — signed this in that Pnt ants arknnwlpr(urri it to be his/nerft#teir free and voluntary act for the us :s and purposes m-.;-•edin the inst ment. PAUL E. MORROW natur Owner/Representative) V -triPrl O' STATE OF WASHINGTON Notary Public in and for the State of Washington NOTARY--.-- PUBLIC nature of Owner/Representative) Notary(Print) '. MI COMMISSION EXPIRES 7-15-04 My appointment expires:1— h ;terap.doc Revised January 2002 tCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP ' PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 498709 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF KENT-RENTON ROAD (TALBOT ROAD S.) ; EXCEPT THE NORTH 5 ACRES THEREOF. PARCEL B: THE NORTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 80 (TALBOT ROAD S. ) ; EXCEPT THE WEST 105 FEET OF THAT PORTION LYING NORTH OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL C: THE WEST 105 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 80 (TALBOT ROAD S. ) ; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF. PLATCRTL/RDA/0999 LIR schneider homes, inc. 6510 Southcenter Boulevard•Suite#1•Tukwila,WA 98188•(206) 248-2471•FAX (206) 242-4209 Letter of Transmittal Date: April 15, 2002 To: City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: BLA, 312305-9038, -9087, -9048 Attached are five copies of: • BLA application • site plan • survey calcs • neighborhood detail mapCITY OF REN TON • relevant civil drawings • title report AP;; s And a: RECEIVED • check for $450.00 DenimAirr edson, P.E. Mgnagef of Development & Construction SC-HN-EI-24 8 SCHNEIDER HOMES, INC. CONSENT IN LIEU OF SPECIAL MEETING OF DIRECTORS PURSUANT to the Washington Business Corporation Act, the undersigned, being all of the directors of Schneider Homes, Inc., a Washington Corporation (the "Company"), by this instrument in lieu of a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, hereby consent to the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, that Dennis Alfredson, being a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington and holding the position of Manager of Land Development and Construction at Schneider Homes, Inc., is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents or agreements with any private or public company or agency that may be necessary to facilitate the development of land owned by Schneider Homes, Inc. Specifically, he is authorized to execute documents including, but not limited to: contracts, applications, bond forms, developer extension agreements and easements between Schneider Homes, Inc. and any individual, corporation, city, county or utility district or any other agreement he deems necessary in his sole discretion in the process of developing land and/or recording of plats, short plats or P.U.D.s. EXECUTED the 1st day of July, 1997. Direc ors of Sc eider ome , Inc.: Gerald E. c ei er Or_,,., • N 1 - C' . e �� ► 11 /11," _ ' • :I �� ` eider r riTssell J. Tye Campen Springs Lot Line Adjustment Project Narrative 4/15/02 The purpose or the reasoning behind the lot line adjustment is to set up phases for the construction of the proposed units that will be built in conjunction with the Campen Springs development. In other jurisdictions,we normally prepare a binding site plan that allows us to establish phases,but since the city of Renton lacks a binding site plan process,we are attempting to accommodate a phasing plan by using the lot line adjustment process. Currently three parcels exist. Those parcels are known as Parcel A,Parcel B,and Parcel C. While the three parcels will remain,the lot lines that make up those parcels are being moved to accommodate two things. 1) Segregate and establish a separate lot for future development. The proposed Parcel C is configured to allow for a future development that will be distinct and separate from the Campen Springs development.Parcel C,if and when its developed will have its own homeowner's association and will not in any way shape or form be associated with the Campen Springs project which will be built upon Parcels A and B. 2) Parcels A and B are proposed as shown so that the current Campen Springs project can be developed and built utilizing two separate phases. The need for phasing the project is driven by the financing requirements of Fannie Mae,FHA,and VA lenders who require a certain number of units be pre-sold and closed in their respective phase prior to closing any permanent fmancing on the individual units. While Parcels A and B will allow for construction of future units in two different phases,all units built in conjunction with the Campen Springs project as currently proposed will be governed under a single homeowner's association. U�f qp> `'�n; Lot name: SE 1/4 North: 157287 .3468 East: 1305396. 6662 Line Course: N- 01-13-40 E Length: 2007.08 North: 159293. 9660 East: 1305439. 6721 Line Course: N 01-13-40 E Length: 669.03 North: 159962 . 8424 East: 1305454 .0075 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 2639.61 North: 160008 . 1423 East: 1302814 .7863 Line Course: S 00-43-40 W Length: 2649.86 North: 157358 .4960 East: 1302781 . 1283 Line Course: S 88-26-31 E Length: 2616.51 North: 157287 .3535 East: 1305396. 6710 Perimeter: 10582.08 Area: 6,998,222 sq.ft. 160. 66 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0082 Course: N- 35-38-01 E Error North: 0.00669 East: 0.00479 Precision 1: 1 ,286,263.39 i Lot name: bob North: 157876. 1557 East: 1302905.2471 Line Course: N 0'1-13-40 E Length: 2676. 10 North: 160551 . 6413 East: 1302962 .5883 Line Course: N 68-31-21 W Length: 1441 . 96 North: 161079.5945 East: 1301620.7559 Line Course: S 2w0.-49--04 E Length: 344C..47 North: 157845. 9697 East: 1302807 .3665 . Line Course: t 72-51-34 E Length: 102.43 North: 157876. 1576 East: 1302905.2470 Perimeter: 7664 .96 Area: 1,986,325 sq.ft. 45 .60 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii , and deltas) Error Closure: 0_ 10019 Course: N 03-43-26 W Error North: 0.00191 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 3,994,458.83 • Lot name: ROW North: 162481 .2259 East: 1298976. 9360 Line Course: S 00-30-25 W Length: 663.24 North: 161818.0119 East: 1298971 .0678 Line Course: S 88-50-18 E Length: 30.00 North: 161817 .4037 East: 1299001. 0617 Line Course: N 00-30-25 E Length: 30.00 North: 161847 .4025 East: 1299001 .3271 Line Course: N 00-30-25 E Length: 136.45 North: 161983.8472 East: 1299002 .5344 Line Course: N 00-30-25 E Length: 496.88 North: 162480 .7077 East: 1299006. 9306 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 30.00 North: 162481 .2226 East: 1298976. 9350 Perimeter: 1386.57 Area: 19,899 sq.ft. 0.46 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0035 Course: S 15-48-02 W Error North: -0.00336 East: -0.00095 Precision 1 : 396,812 . 18 Lot name: CL North: 155655.3450 East: 1289549.0879 Line Course: S 88-26-31 E Length: 1317 . 13 North: 155619.5324 East: 1290865.7309 Line Course: N 00-13-21 E Length: 1799.27 North: 157418.7889 East: 1290872.7181 Line Course: N 00-30-25 E Length: 863.96 North:. 158282 .7150 East: 1290880.3622 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 1297 .80 North:• 158304 . 9873 East: 1289582.7533 Line Course: S 00-43-40 W Length: 2649.86 North: 155655 .3411 East: 1289549. 0954 Perimeter: 7928.02 Area: 3,469, 111 sq.ft. 79.64 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0085 Course: S 62-32-13 E Error North: -0.00391 East: 0.00752 Precision 1 : 935,738.31 Lot name: BNDRY North: 161817 .4048 East: 1299001 . 0650 Line Course: N 00-30-25 E Length: 663.33 North: 162480.7089 East: 1299006. 9339 Line Course: S 89-01-00 E Length: 1309.68 North: 162458 .2327 East: 1300316.4211 Line Course: S 01-13-40 W Length: 667 .37 North: 161791 .0159 East: 1300302.1212 Line Course: N 88-50-18 W Length: 1301 .33, North: 161817 .3985 East: 1299001 .0587 Perimeter: 3941 .71 Area: 868,594 sq.ft. 19. 94 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0089 Course: S 44-35-11 W Error North: -0.00636 East: -0. 00627 Precision 1: 441,386. 81 '4 Lot name: OLD ' " North: 161958.2379 East: 1300305.7067 Line Course: N 01-13-40 E Length: 500. 11 North: 162458.2330 East: 1300316.4227 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 609.74 North: 162468. 6971 East: 1299706.7725 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 699.94 North: 162480.7092 East: 1299006.9355 Line Course: S 00-30-25 W Length: 496.88 North: 161983.8487 East: 1299002 .5393 Line Course: S 88-52-26 E Length: 1303.42 North: 161958.2324 East: 1300305.7075 Perimeter: 3610. 10 Area: 651,294 sq.ft. 14 . 95 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii , and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0055 Course: S 08-16-58 E Error North: -0.00543 East: 0.00079 Precision 1 : 657 ,311 .30 Lot name: OLD "B" North: 161791 .0199 East: 1300302 .1229 Line Course: N 01-13-40 E Length: 167 .26 North: 161958 .2415 East: 1300305 .7068 Line Course: N 88-52-26 W Length: 1198.41 North: 161981 .7940 East: 1299107 .5282 Line Course: S 00-30-25 W Length: 136.52 North: 161845.2793 East: 1299106.3203 Line Course: N 88-50-18 W Length: 105.01 North': 161847 .4082 East: 1299001 .3319 Line Course: S 00-30-25 W Length: 30 .00 North: 161817 .4094 East: 1299001 .0665 Line Course: S 88-50-18 E Length: 1301.33 North: 161791 .0269 East: 1300302. 1290 Perimeter: 2938.52 Area: 202,970 sq.ft. 4 . 66 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0 .0093 Course: N 41-32-55 E Error North: 0.00695 East: 0.00616 Precision 1 : 316,431 .95 Lot name: old 'k ' C_ North: 161847 .4056 East: 1299001 .3304 Line Course: S 88-50-18 E Length: 105 .01 North: 161845 .2767 East: 1299106.3188 Line Course: N 00-30-25 E Length: 136.52 North: 161981 .7914 East: 1299107 .5267 Line Course: N 88-52-26 W Length: 105 .01 North: 161983. 8551 East: 1299002.5370 Line Course: S 00-30-25 W Length: 136.45 North: 161847 .4105 East: 1299001 .3297 Perimeter: 482 . 98 Area: 14 ,331 sq.ft. 0.33 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0049 Course: N 08-00-27 W Error North: 0 .00485 East: -0.00068 Precision 1 : 98,714 . 69 Lot name: NEW "A" North: 161850.3901 East: 1299001.3568 Line Course: N 00-30-25 E Length: 630.35 North: 162480.7155 East: 1299006. 9339 Line Course: S 89-01-00 E Length: 699.94 North:. 162468.7034 East: 1299706.7708 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 210. 67 North: 162258.0644 East: 1299703. 1554 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 155.03 North: 162260.7250 East: 1299548.1483 Line Course: N 71-16-18 W Length: 129. 62 North: 162302 .3435 East: 1299425 .3914 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 52.35 North: 162303.2419 East: 1299373.0491 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 50 .00 North: 162253.2493 East: 1299372. 1911 Line Course: , S 89-01-00 E Length: 13.00 North: 162253.0262 East: 1299385. 1891 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 157 . 90 North: 162095. 1495 East: 1299382 .4793 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 166.50 North: 162098 .0069 East: 1299216.0038 Line Course: N 00-59-00 E Length: 48.57 North: 162146.5697 East: 1299216.8374 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 110. 67 North: 162148 .4690 East: 1299106. 1837 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 299.83 North: 161848. 6831 East: 1299101.0381 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 99.70 North: 161850.3941 East: 1299001 .3528 Perimeter: 2824 .12 Area: 226,498 sq.ft. 5.20 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0 .0056 Course: N 44-27-44 W Error North: 0.00402 East: -0.00394 Precision 1 : 501,768 . 04 • Lot name: NEW "B" North: 161803.3250 East: 1299695.3506 Line Course: N 00-59-00 E Length: 454 .80 North: 162258.0580 East: 1299703.1557 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 155 .03 North: 162260.7186 East: 1299548 . 1485 Line Course: N 71-16-18 W Length: 129. 62 North: 162302 .3372 East: 1299425 .3917 Line Course: .N 89-01-00 W Length: 52 .35 North: 162303.2356 East: 1299373.0494 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 50.00 North: 162253.2429 East: 1299372 .1913 Line Course: S 89-01-00 E Length: 13. 00 North: 162253.0198 East: 1299385 .1894 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 157 . 90 North: 162095 . 1431 East: 1299382 .4796 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 166.50 North: 162098.0005 East: 1299216.0041 Line Course: N 00-59-00 E Length: 48 .57 North: 162146.5633 East: 1299216.8377 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 110. 67 North: 162148.4626 East: 1299106.1840 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 299. 83 North: 161848. 6768 East: 1299101 .0384 Line Course: N 89-01-00 W Length: 99.70 North: 161850 .3878 East: 1299001.3531 Line Course: S 00-30-25 W Length: 32.99 North: 161817 .3991 East: 1299001.0612 Line Course: S 88-50-18 E Length: 694 .43 North: 161803.3205 East: 1299695 .3485 Perimeter: 2465 .38 Area: 236,701 sq.ft. 5.43 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0050 Course: S 25-25-35 W Error North: -0.00450 East: -0.00214 Precision 1: 494,918 .14 Lot name: NEW "C" North: 161791 .0199 East: 1300302 .1229 Line Course: N 01-13-40 E Length: 667 .37 North: 162458.2367 East: 1300316.4227 Line Course: .N 89-01-00 W Length: 609.74 North:. 162468 .7008 East: 1299706.7725 Line Course: S 00-59-00 W Length: 665.47 North: 161803.3288 East: 1299695 .3520 Line Course: .S 88-50-18 E Length: 606.90 North: 161791 . 0248 East: 1300302 . 1273 Perimeter: 2549.48 Area: 405,395 sq.ft. 9.31 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0066 Course: N 41-54-36 E Error North: 0.00488 East: 0.00438 Precision 1: 389,078.70 © CHICAGO TITLE IIN JRANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE,#1800,SEATTLE,WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 ORDER NO: 000498709 YOUR NO: CAMPEN UNIT NO: 10 LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT U ORDER REFERENCE INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER 1 OF THE SECOND CERTIFICATE D; . SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: LILA M. CAMPEN LOAN NUMBER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4908 TALBOT ROAD SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 9805t' _: � 4..w) Our Title Commitment dated 10/06/99 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: V PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 4 OF OUR COMMITMENT IS (ARE) ELIMINATED. W THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH(S) HAS (HAVE) BEEN ADDED TO OUR COMMITMENT: X PARAGRAPH NUMBER 6 : Y 1 . GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 2002 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 312305-9048-06 LEVY CODE: 2110 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 1, 087, 300.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $ 12,499.62 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 12,499.62 AFFECTS: PARCEL A SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPLCOM/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 498709 Your No.: CAMPEN Unit No.: 10 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) Z PARAGRAPH NUMBER 7: AA 2 . GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 2002 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 312305-9087-08 LEVY CODE: 2110 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 339, 300.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $ 3, 905.10 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 3, 905.10 AFFECTS: PARCEL B AB PARAGRAPH NUMBER 8: 4C 3 . GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 2002 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 312305-9038-08 LEVY CODE: 2110 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 70, 000.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $ 810.72 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 810. 72 AFFECTS: PARCEL C AF PARAGRAPH NUMBER 9: AD 4 . DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: SCHNEIDER HOMES I, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TRUSTEE: U.S. BANK TRUST COMPANY, NATIONAL SUPLCOM2/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 498709 Your No.: CAMPEN Unit No.: 10 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) ASSOCIATION BENEFICIARY: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AMOUNT: $ 4, 127, 000.00 DATED: DECEMBER 9, 1999 RECORDED: DECEMBER 17, 1999 RECORDING NUMBER: 19991217000804 LOAN NUMBER: THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. AE MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: DATED: AUGUST 24, 2001 RECORDED: AUGUST 30, 2001 RECORDING NUMBER: 20010830000513 AG THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE OCTOBER 6, 1999, DATE OF THE SECOND CERTIFICATE, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. AH FEBRUARY 21, 2002 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS AI NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT: SCHNEIDER HOMES DENNIS 1/1 DMP, INC. RUSLAN LEVANDOVSKY 1/1 SUPLCOM2/RDA/0999 k.GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAP- tlAti-EN- ;E. StAa I,E,WA IC34 SECOND CERTIFICATE PLAT CERTIFICATE Order No.: 498709 Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval,this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County,Washington,and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County,and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County,to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A(NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: SCHNEIDER HOMES I, L.L.C. , A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $17.20 Records examined to OCTOBER 6, 1999 at 8:00 AM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By MIKE HARRIS/KEITH EISENBREY Title Officer (206)628-5623 PIATCRTA/RDA/0999 CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 498709 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF KENT-RENTON ROAD (TALBOT ROAD S.) ; EXCEPT THE NORTH 5 ACRES THEREOF. PARCEL B: THE NORTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 80 (TALBOT ROAD S.) ; EXCEPT THE WEST 105 FEET OF THAT PORTION LYING NORTH OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL C: THE WEST 105 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EAST MARGIN OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 80 (TALBOT ROAD S. ) ; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF. PLATCRTL/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Order No.: 498709 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,created,first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments,overlaps,boundary line disputes,and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien,or right to lien,for contributions to employee benefit funds,or for state workers'compensation,or for services,labor,or material heretofore or hereafter furnished,all as imposed by law,and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service,installation,connection,maintenance or construction charges for sewer,water,electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable;matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations,Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights,claims,or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). PLATCRTB/RDA/0999 CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 498709 EXCEPTIONS 0 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: THE CITY OF RENTON AND TALBOT DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, L.L.C. PURPOSE: TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC AREA AFFECTED: NORTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL A RECORDED: AUGUST 26, 1999 RECORDING NUMBER: 19990826000429 A 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 3790: RECORDED: MARCH 26, 1984 RECORDING NUMBER: 8403260504 REGARDING: ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR WATER SERVICE AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES s 3 . AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: CITY OF RENTON AND: ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. RECORDED: MAY 8, 1995 RECORDING NUMBER: 9505080322 REGARDING: LATECOMERS REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONNECTION TO A WATER SYSTEM c SAID AGREEMENT HAS BEEN AMENDED BY ASSIGNMENT AND CORRECTION OF LATECOMERS AGREEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9710140140. r 4 . DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: SCHNEIDER HOMES I, L.L.C. , A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TRUSTEE: WASHINGTON TITLE COMPANY BENEFICIARY: LILA M. CAMPEN AMOUNT: $ 900, 000.00 DATED: SEPTEMBER 1, 1999 RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 1, 1999 RECORDING NUMBER: 19990901001808 LOAN NUMBER: PLATCRTB1/RDA/0999 • CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP.' PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 498709 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. p 5. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR SCHNEIDER HOMES I, L.L.C. . R NOTE 1: • GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: 1999 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 312305-9048-06 LEVY CODE: 2127 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 325,000.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 71,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED AND PAID: $ 5,312.93 AFFECTS: PARCEL A s NOTE 2: GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: 1999 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 312305-9087-08 LEVY CODE: 2127 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 137,000.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 43,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED AND PAID: $ 2,417.99 AFFECTS: PARCEL B NOTE 3: GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: 1999 • TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 312305-9038-08 LEVY CODE: 2127 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 27, 000.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 97,100.00 AMOUNT BILLED AND PAID: $ 452.10 AFFECTS: PARCEL C • • PLATCRB2/RDA/0999 CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP' • PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 498709 END OF SCHEDULE B • • PIATCRIC2/RDA/0999 :AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP! PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 498709 L THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS COMMITMENT: SCHNEIDER HOMES DENNIS 1/1 DMP, INC. JIM BROWN 1/1 PIATCRB2/RDA/0999 '" CHICAU""O'TI ,_1,a Y'' URANCE COMPAN '' n .gip: .. ) 1800 COLUMBIA CENTER, 701 5TH AVE, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 4 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. /t/ e sf ,3 / ` a .3 — S 14 , >. A.-.V..JO NO*-es lam✓` ��.'1.L9 • r°,•0 7: 11 0Ob9 _ N Q ....., i T R(7 es v k. . j k . , _ �`' ♦ �eP' 13. hoc 6f 0 t d 1 N, �v '` 1 i Jrr tar�rrt,U f^°.i,y,,. .,) P` t°. 44, L "NO13-.3441W i.y-te u�s+^r r r r ,.M <x Fes.. .,e,-i�-},+✓ - ,Y'/ + 4-r'Lr-�� fl0. e Z '. 8083,8 FR°'t K jt xr^nn`S zi It f As[ isumml OM-re i °:''.f." s"aO � • lam` „ z y Z ,..'r s;ti ,4, rA,s l Vol.mrn-14 2 ` +i n ISU CMM11 PA i to 1[ 1 c A,....,rs.,rs, L • • Ile M City of Renton P/HaPW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner CAMPEN SPRINGS LUA-98-039, SA-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 23, 1999 Page 9 of 12 3. Landscaping - The code requires landscaping of front setback areas (excluding driveways) and that landscape areas be treated with pervious surfaces. The proposal complies with this code requirement. The front yard setback areas are all landscaped. // Parking / The Parking Code requires 1 1/2 parking spaces per dwelling unit for multi-family development Z S� 3 .oc and one parking space per 4 dwelling units is reared for guest parking. This would equate to a parking requirement of 6 spaces for the 10,,p5p.gtsed units. The applicant is proposing a total of 315 parking spa s; with 76 garage pa ing spaces associated with townhouse units, 76 driveway apron pa ngspac s, and 163 surface parking spaces. The driveway apron parking spaces for the townhouse units would be a tandem arrangement behind the garage parking space. The applicant states the driveways have a minimum length of 20 feet, except for the 11 uppermost townhouse units in Phase 1 which have a minimum driveway length of 16 feet. The applicant has stated they have the ability to add 4 feet to achieve the 20 foot length required. The driveways for the 17 townhouse units in Phase 2 range between 16 and 19 feet in length. According to the applicant, these driveways would be difficult to lengthen because of slope constraints. Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works, has authority for parking code modifications and has written a determination regarding tandem parking for multi-family residential development, as follows: 1) The apron length must conform to City Code, or a 20 foot driveway length. 2) A restrictive covenant or other device will be required to assign tandem parking spaces to the exclusive use of specific dwelling units. 3) If tandem parking spaces are proposed, then 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit will be required for the dwelling units. Guest parking per Code will be required in addition to the 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. 4) Tandem parking spaces cannot be counted as guest parking spaces. According to this determination the garage and driveway parking would satisfy parking requirements for the townhouse units, except for the 17 townhouses in Phase 2 which do not meet the driveway length requirements. The applicant could seek a parking code modification, subject to approval of Gregg Zimmerman, to allow these spaces to count toward required parking. The project would be required to provide 152 additional parking spaces; 114 parking spaces for the multi-family flat units (required at a ratio of 1:5 spaces per unit), and 38 guest parking spaces. The site plan includes 163 surface parking spaces which satisfies the additional parking requirements. The 11 surplus spaces beyond the requirement could be counted toward the shortfall of the 17 driveway apron parking spaces that do not meet the minimum length requirements. Roads The subject proposal would be accessed from one main driveway off Talbot Road S. and a secondary emergency access onto Talbot Road S. along the south property boundary. The Fire Department has recommended a revision to the street access driveways, to align them with the interior streets. While this driveway revision may provide for better emergency access to the site, the applicant has stated the revision would further break-up the continuity of the wetland mitigation area and deter objectives for a single controlled access to the project. The internal street system is designed with some streets including one row of head-in parking. These street sections have 20 foot parking stall lengths and a 24 foot wide drive aisle for backout. The applicant also proposed a street width of 20 feet where there is no head-in parking. The code requires R-14 development that remains unplatted to provide access and infrastructure equivalent to those standards of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposal required approval of a street modification to allow for reduced street widths for the internal streets. Plan Review staff approved the street modification, provided that the applicant increase the width of several street sections from 20 feet to 28 feet. This will apply to street HEXRPT.DOC __TY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Printed: 04-16-2002 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA02-045 Payment Made: 04/16/2002 04:15 PM Receipt Number: R0202061 Total Payment: 450.00 Payee: SCHNEIDER HOMES LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 450.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #000356 450.00 Account Balances (c),l ci � Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 'g76'0 A''h 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee .00 4pe 9�Mp'vi(,j 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees .00 'r / ' ti ^kU 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers .00 F` 4.. 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat .00 ,'� 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees .00 !h O 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review .00 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat .00 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat .00 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD .00 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees .00 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment .00 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks .00 5017 00045.81.00.0014 Rezone .00 5018 000 345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt .00 5019 000L345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev .00 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval .00 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Special Permit Fees .00 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees .00 5023 0 .00 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee .00 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend .00 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies .00 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) .00 5954 604237.00.00.0000 Special Deposits .00 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage .00 5998 Tax .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00