HomeMy WebLinkAboutCM_ConstructionMitigation_210804_v1 Construction Mitigation Description August 4, 2021 City of Renton Department of Planning and Development Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Harrington Redevelopment PRE- 20000078 Jill Ding and Planning Staff; · Proposed Construction Dates are as followed: June 2022 through September 2023 · Hours and Days of Operation: 630AM – 6PM Monday through Friday, 8am – 4pm Saturdays · It is assumed that Sunset and Harrington will be anticipated access points during construction. Primary construction access will be off Sunset Blvd. · Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic, and transportation impacts, erosion, mud noise, and other characteristics:  Water to control dust  Flaggers and a traffic control plan, to deal with traffic  Prescribed TECS for erosion, · Preliminary Traffic control: City ROW work will happening along side our construction site and we can construct and stage work within the property lines. ROW work will need to create traffic control along both Harrington and Sunset during those points of construction. PARKING AGREEMENT LINEREC. NO. 9809221300PER REC. NO.20050422900002∆=30°19'18"R=410.51'L=217.25'∆=25°27'15"R=618.89'L =274.95'N24°32'09"W44.93'214.65'-MEAS 214.72'-R4SSSDICV332.7'331.2'334.7'335.5'338.2'333.5'334.1'335.7'332.8'333.2'335.0'337.5'336.0'334.9'334.1'333.4'331.6'335.1'335.2'333.6'335.2'336.3'335.5'336.7'339.4'338.3'338.8'340.0'338.9'339.1'338.1'339.1'339.4'339.3'339.6'339.7'340.0'340.2'340.2'340.2'340.4'337.0'339.6'339.4'340.7'338.5'338.0'338.0'337.8'337.7'337.4'337.1'338.2'337.1'336.3'336.1'339.2'339.3'339.3'339.4'341.7'339.5'340.8'340.2'340.2'341.1'341.6'337.3'338.0'337.1'337.0'341.3'340.1'339.8'338.1'341.4'3383403403383 3 6 33633433233833 8 3363 3 8 3 4 0 3 4 0 3383363323 3 4334 24' DRIVEWAYEASEMENTREC. NO.20050422900002PPW x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNE SUNSET BLVDH A R R I N G T O N A V E N E SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSF SF SF PROPOSED BUILDING (E) STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION PER BMP C220 (E) TREE TO DEMO TYP. SILT FENCE (E) TREE TO BE PROTECTED PER RENTON PROTECTED CONSTRUCTION MEASURES (E) TREE TO BE PROTECTED PER RENTON PROTECTED CONSTRUCTION MEASURES STANDARD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LEGEND: SILT FENCE (BMP C253) TREE TO REMAIN TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE PROTECTION FENCE (BMP T101) STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION FENCING FOR PROTECTION (BMP C105) STOCKPILE SOIL SP SA SOIL AMENDMENT REQUIRED ND NON-DISTURBED AREA SF CE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS VEG CS COMPOST SOCK HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE TREE PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE HANDLING MULCHING STD 215.10 -STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT STD 211.00 -SEDIMANT TRAP STD 214.00 -SILT FENCE STD 216.30 -STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION NOTES: © 2021 GROUPARCHITECT, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SHEET TITLE: PROJECT No. CHECKED: DRAWN: REVISIONS CLIENT: PROJECT:1735 westlake avenue north, suite 200, seattle, wa 98109206.365.1230 | www.grouparch.comORIGINAL SHEET SIZE IS 24"x36" | PLOT DATE: SHEET DATE: ISSUE: HARRINGTON REDEVELOPMENT 960 HARRINGTON AVE. NE, RENTON, WA 98056 ZARNOOR ASSOCIATES LLC PROJECT ISSUES: SITE PLAN REVIEW 08/04/2021 8/4/2021 8:44:30 AM CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION PLAN CM 001 1922 BJP KJS 08/04/21 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL SCALE:1" = 30'-0" CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION SITE PLAN