HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Geotechnical Report_Broodstock_210115_v1.pdf DRAFT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT (60% DESIGN) CEDAR RIVER HATCHERY BCF REPLACEMENT PROJECT SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Work Authorization No.: C114068 June 2019 707 South Plummer Street Seattle, Washington 98134 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1  2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK .........................................................................1  3.0 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING ................................................................................1  3.1 SITE DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................1  3.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................2  4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .................................................................................2  4.1 GENERAL GEOLOGY ........................................................................................3  4.2 SOIL CONDITIONS............................................................................................3  4.3 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS ..........................................................................4  5.0 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................4  5.1 SEISMIC SETTING ............................................................................................4  5.2 SEISMIC BASIS OF DESIGN ...............................................................................5  5.3 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS ........................................................................5  5.4 SEISMICALLY INDUCED GEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS .........................................5  5.4.1 Surface Fault Rupture .....................................................................6  5.4.2 Liquefaction Potential and Liquefaction Related Hazards .............6  6.0 PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .........................6  6.1 CONCRETE SILL AND EQUIPMENT VAULT DESIGN ..........................................7  6.1.1 Bearing Capacity and Settlement ....................................................7  6.1.2 Concrete Sill Lateral Resistance .....................................................7  6.1.3 Lateral Earth Pressures for Equipment Vault Design .....................8  6.1.4 Equipment Vault and Concrete Sill Uplift Resistance ....................8  6.2 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................8  6.2.1 Temporary Excavation Support and Dewatering ............................8  6.2.2 Subgrade Preparation ......................................................................11  6.2.3 Pipe Subgrade and Bedding ............................................................11  6.2.4 Backfill and Compaction ................................................................12  6.2.5 Wet Weather Earthwork .................................................................13  6.2.6 Construction Drainage and Erosion Control ...................................13  7.0 LIMITATIONS ..........................................................................................................13  8.0 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................16  SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING ii List of Tables (within text) Table 1 Seismic Design Parameters List of Figures (following text) Figure 1 Site and Exploration Map Figure 2 Mapped Geologically Hazardous Areas Figure 3 Generalized Subsurface Profile Figure 4 Loads for Buried Structure Design Appendix A: Field Exploration Program Figure A-1 Key to Symbols and Terms Used on Boring Logs (2 sheets) Figure A-2 through A-4 Summary Boring Logs B-101 through B-103 Figure A-5 Summary Boring Log B-201 Appendix B: Laboratory Testing Program Appendix C: Historical Explorations. DRAFT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT (60% DESIGN) CEDAR RIVER HATCHERY BCF REPLACEMENT PROJECT SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation and our recommendations for preliminary design and construction of the Cedar River Hatchery Broodstock Collection Facility (BCF) Replacement Project (Project) in Renton, Washington. The Project will include installing a permanent concrete sill across the Cedar River to support removable hydraulic picket panels and installing a small control vault for the weir on the south bank of the river. The approximate location of the Project features is shown on Figure 1. We have organized this report into several sections. The first three sections describe the purpose and scope of our work and our understanding of the Project. The remaining sections present the site subsurface conditions, seismic considerations, and our geotechnical engineering findings and recommendations. Tables within the report provide data that are described in the text. Figures illustrating Project features are presented at the end of the text. Field data are presented in Appendix A, geotechnical laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B, and logs of relevant historical explorations are provided in Appendix C. 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our work is to provide the Project Team with subsurface information and interpretation, and preliminary geotechnical engineering recommendations to support their design of the Project. Our scope of work for this Project included:  Assessing subsurface conditions using explorations, laboratory tests, and historical geotechnical reports and explorations;  Performing geotechnical assessment and analysis;  Providing geotechnical recommendations; and,  Preparing this geotechnical engineering report. 3.0 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 3.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The Project site is located within or adjacent to the Cedar River immediately east of where the river passes under Interstate 405. The parcels along the north and south bank of the river are owned by the City of Renton. The parcel along the north bank of the river is Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 2 occupied by the Renton Community Center and the Cedar River Park. Other than a boat ramp, the parcel along the south bank of the river is undeveloped. At the proposed concrete sill location, the elevation of the streambed is approximately 27 feet. An approximately 12-foot-tall rock wall provides grade separation between the river and the Renton Community Center property to the north. The ground surface slopes up gradually from elevation 37 feet at the top of the wall to elevation 40 feet approximately 80 feet to the north. The ground surface south of the river slopes up from the river to elevation 52 feet at the Cedar River trailhead approximately 120 feet to the south. The slope generally has an incline of less than 5 percent, with the exception of a 16-foot-tall slope located approximately 70 feet south of the river that has an average incline of 80 percent. The Project site is located in a high seismic hazard and adjacent to steep slope Geologically Hazardous Areas as mapped by the City of Renton. The Renton Municipal Code (RMC) defines two types of steep slopes, sensitive and protected. Sensitive slopes are defined as having and incline between 25 and 40 percent, while protected slopes are defined as having an incline of 40 percent or more and vertical elevation change of at least 15 feet. Sensitive and protected slopes are mapped approximately 70 feet south of the river and along the north bank of the river. The RMC defines high seismic hazards as areas underlain by soft or loose saturated soil. The river and the north and south banks are mapped as a high seismic hazard area. The Geologically Hazardous Areas in the vicinity of the Project are shown on Figure 2. Design and construction recommendations related to the Geologically Hazardous Areas are discussed in Sections 5.0 and 6.0 of this Report. 3.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the purpose of the BCF, which has been operated seasonally since 2008, is to capture migrating sockeye salmon for transport to the Cedar River Hatchery. Currently the entire facility is installed and removed once a year. The proposed facility will consist of a permanent approximately 20-foot by 68-foot concrete sill in the Cedar River to support removable structures including a hydraulic picket system, a tip gate, and a fish trap. The concrete sill will bear on near surface soil. A 12-foot by 8-foot equipment vault will be installed on the south bank of the river to house controls for the BCF. The base of the equipment vault will be approximately 6 feet below ground surface (bgs). 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS We based our interpretation of subsurface conditions on published geologic maps, information obtained from new and historical subsurface explorations, and laboratory tests on select soil samples. The new explorations included four borings. Figure 1 shows the location of the new and historical explorations. We prepared a generalized subsurface Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 3 profile through the concrete sill based on our interpretation of the subsurface stratigraphy. The profile alignment is shown on Figure 1, the profile is shown on Figure 3. The conclusions and analyses provided in this report are based on subsurface soil conditions interpreted from these explorations. The nature and extent of variations between the explorations and current conditions may not become evident until additional explorations are completed, or construction begins. If variations are encountered, it will be necessary to reevaluate the conclusions and recommendations in this report. 4.1 GENERAL GEOLOGY The general geologic condition of the Puget Sound is a result of glacial and non-glacial activity that occurred over the course of millions of years. Based on our review of the geologic map of Washington (Washington Geological Survey, 2017), the Project vicinity is underlain by alluvium and recent fill. During our subsurface exploration program, we encountered these geologic units as well as sandstone. 4.2 SOIL CONDITIONS Based on our interpretation of historical and new explorations, the site soil generally consists of: Fill Deposits interpreted to be fill were encountered from the ground surface to a maximum depth of 15 feet bgs in borings completed north of the river (B-101 and B-201). The fill generally consists of concrete debris; however, an approximately 1.5-foot-thick layer of silty sand was encountered 9 feet bgs in boring B-201. Alluvium Deposits interpreted to be alluvium were encountered from the ground surface to depths of between 5 and 11 feet bgs in borings completed south of the river (B-102 and B-103), and below fill to the maximum depth explored in borings completed north of the river (B-201). The alluvium generally consists of medium dense to dense silty sand with varying amounts of gravel, dense to very dense gravel with varying amounts of sand and silt, and stiff silt with varying amounts of sand and gravel. Standard Penetration Test blow counts recorded on the B-201 boring log are likely overstated due to the presence of gravel. Sandstone Sandstone was encountered below alluvium to the full depth explored in borings completed south of the river (B-102 and B-103). In general, the sandstone is highly to slightly weathered and very weak to slightly weak. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 4 4.3 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Groundwater levels at the site are likely influenced by the Cedar River. Because it would be unusual for groundwater levels to be lower than the streambed, we anticipate that at a minimum the groundwater elevation would be 27 feet. While drilling the borings south of the river (B-102 and B-103), we encountered groundwater perched on top of the sandstone between 5 and 8 feet bgs, which corresponds to elevations 30 and 26 feet. While drilling the boring north of the river, (B-201), we encountered groundwater within the alluvium approximately 17 feet bgs, which corresponds to elevation 21 feet. Because groundwater measurements taken at time of drilling are not always accurate, we recommend a design groundwater elevation of 30 feet based on expected groundwater behavior. 5.0 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS The site is located in a seismically active area. In this section, we discuss the seismic setting at the Project site, provide seismic design parameters, and discuss earthquake- induced geotechnical hazards at the site including fault rupture, liquefaction, post- liquefaction vertical settlement, and lateral spreading. 5.1 SEISMIC SETTING The seismicity of Puget Sound is dominated by the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) in which the offshore Juan de Fuca plate subducts beneath the continental North American plate. Three main types of earthquakes are typically associated with subduction zone environments: crustal, intraplate, and interplate. Seismic records in the Puget Sound area clearly indicate the existence of a distinct shallow zone of crustal seismicity that may have surficial expressions and can extend to depths of 25 to 30 kilometers (km). Several minor earthquakes occur in the area each year, most of which are not even felt. However, some of the shallow faults are capable of producing significant, damaging earthquakes. Perhaps the most notable of these faults are the Seattle Fault Zone (SFZ) and the South Whidbey Island Fault Zone (SWIFZ). Research indicates that both the SFZ and the SWIFZ are capable of producing an earthquake with a magnitude 7.0 or higher which, given the shallow depth and proximity to the Seattle urban area, could produce intense shaking at the Project site. The Project site is located 5 km south of the SFZ and 26 km south of the SWIFZ. A deeper zone of seismicity is associated with the subducting Juan de Fuca plate and produces intraplate earthquakes at depths of 40 to 70 km beneath the Puget Sound region (e.g., the 1949 Western Washington magnitude 7.1, 1964 Olympia magnitude 6.7, and 2001 Nisqually magnitude 6.8 earthquakes) and interplate earthquakes at shallow depths near the Washington coast (e.g., the 1700 Cascadia earthquake with an approximate magnitude of 9.0). Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 5 5.2 SEISMIC BASIS OF DESIGN The 2018 International Building Code (IBC) requires that structures be designed for inertial forces induced by earthquake motions in accordance with ASCE 7. The basis of design for the ASCE 7 is two-thirds of the Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER). The MCER is based on a uniform hazard ground motion with 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years that has been adjusted to a risk targeted ground motion representing a 1 percent probability of collapse in 50 years. The ASCE 7 event is referred to as the Design Event (DE). 5.3 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS Characterization of the soil profile type is required to determine the site class definition. Based on standard penetration test (SPT) data collected from our explorations and historical explorations we determined the site soils are generally Site Class C. The soil site class is based on a weighted average of the blow counts observed to a depth of 100 feet bgs. The explorations that we reviewed for this Project terminated less than 100 feet bgs; therefore, we assumed the material density below the deepest sample is the same as that of the deepest sample for our determination of the site class. We used a web interface developed by the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) and the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) to determine the mapped spectral accelerations for Site Class B sites and the site coefficients corresponding to Site Class C. The MCER spectral response accelerations are obtained by applying the site coefficients to the mapped spectral accelerations. Finally, the DE spectral response accelerations are obtained by reducing the MCER spectral accelerations by a factor of 2/3. The seismic design parameters for the Project are provided in Table 1. Table 1—Seismic Design Parameters Site Class Mapped Spectral Accelerations, (g) Site Coefficients MCER Response Accelerations, (g) DE Response Accelerations, (g) PGA SS S1 FPGA Fa Fv PGAm SMS SM1 PGA SDS SD1 C 0.61 1.43 0.49 1.20 1.20 1.50 0.73 1.72 0.73 0.49 1.14 0.49 5.4 SEISMICALLY INDUCED GEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS Potential seismically induced geotechnical hazards may include surface fault rupture, liquefaction, and lateral spreading. Our review of these hazards is based on the soils encountered in our explorations and indicated in historical explorations, regional experience, and our knowledge of local seismicity. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 6 5.4.1 Surface Fault Rupture The Project site is located 5 km south of the nearest mapped splay of the SFZ. Although there is some potential for surface rupture at the site; in our opinion, the risk is low and special design considerations for surface fault rupture are not warranted for this Project. 5.4.2 Liquefaction Potential and Liquefaction Related Hazards As part of our seismic analysis, we analyzed the potential of the soil at the Project site to liquefy. Liquefaction is a momentary loss of some portion of soil shear strength during a seismic event. The loss of shear strength can potentially cause settlement of the ground surface, lateral spreading, or landslides. The site is mapped by the City of Renton as a high seismic hazard area due to the anticipated presence of soft or loose saturated soil that is susceptible to liquefaction. SPT blow counts recorded in the new and historical explorations generally indicate that site soil below the groundwater table is dense to very dense and is therefore not susceptible to liquefaction. However, we anticipate that the gravel, cobbles, and boulders encountered in the explorations, have caused observed blow counts and assumed soil density to be overstated. Alluvial deposits, like those encountered at the site, generally consist of interbedded layers of loose to dense or soft to stiff sand, silt, gravel, and cobbles deposited by streams and running water. This depositional sequence typically results in a soil profile that is moderately to highly susceptible to liquefaction. As a result, despite the blow counts observed at the site, we anticipate that liquefaction could occur in portions of the soil units below the water table. However, we anticipate that the risk of liquefaction related hazards such as post-seismic settlement and lateral spreading is low. In addition, there is low risk to human life if the proposed structures fail. As a result, in our opinion, special design considerations for liquefaction and liquefaction related hazards are not warranted for the Project. 6.0 PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section presents geotechnical engineering recommendations for design and construction of the proposed Project features. This includes recommendations for the geotechnical engineering aspects of:  Concrete Sill and Equipment Vault Design; and  Construction Considerations. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 7 6.1 CONCRETE SILL AND EQUIPMENT VAULT DESIGN 6.1.1 Bearing Capacity and Settlement We anticipate that the concrete sill will bear on alluvium and that the equipment vault will bear on alluvium or sandstone. In general, the anticipated subgrade should provide suitable support for the proposed structures. However, because soils are variable, unsuitable subgrade conditions may be encountered at the proposed bearing elevations. If unsuitable subgrade conditions are encountered at the time of construction, the subgrade should be evaluated, and the course of action determined by the Geotechnical Engineer- of-Record. We recommend static allowable bearing pressures of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) and 4,000 psf for structures bearing on alluvium and sandstone, respectively. The recommended maximum allowable bearing pressure may be increased by 1/3 for short term transient conditions such as wind and seismic loading. We understand that the concrete sill will have a bearing pressure of up to 250 psf. For this maximum load we estimate that total static settlement will not exceed 0.25 inches. In general, we estimate that total static settlement of the equipment vault will be less than 0.5 inches. We can provide updated settlement estimates once the foundation loads are known for this structure. It is anticipated that static settlement of the sill and vault will occur during construction as loads are applied. Differential static settlement is expected to be about one-half of the total settlement. 6.1.2 Concrete Sill Lateral Resistance Lateral forces on the concrete sill will be resisted by a combination of sliding resistance between the sill and the underlying soil, and soil resistance against the below-grade portions of the sill. We recommend an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.30 for the interface between the sill and well compacted native soil. An allowable passive equivalent fluid unit weight of 136 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) may be assumed for soils adjacent to the below-grade elements. The passive resistance is mobilized incrementally as the sill moves laterally and is pushed into the adjacent soil. The full passive resistance is not estimated to occur until the sill moves a distance into the soil equal to 0.05 times the depth of the below grade portion of the sill. As a result, approximately 3 inches of lateral movement are required to mobilize the full passive resistance for the anticipated 5- foot-deep key walls. If this amount of movement is unacceptable, we recommend using an allowable at-rest equivalent fluid unit weight of 16 pcf for the soils adjacent to the below-grade elements. The upper 1-foot of passive or at-rest resistance should be neglected in the design to account for disturbance, unless it can be determined that disturbance is unlikely. These allowable values include a factor of safety of 1.5. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 8 6.1.3 Lateral Earth Pressures for Equipment Vault Design The proposed equipment vault should be designed to resist lateral loads from the retained soil and other related surcharge loads. A lateral earth pressure diagram for design of buried structures is provided on Figure 4. We provide at-rest earth pressures because we anticipate that the walls of the relatively rigid structure will not be free to rotate. Lateral loads due to surficial surcharge loading (adjacent footings, fill, traffic, etc.) should be considered by the designer on a case-by-case basis and should be added to the lateral earth pressures provided on Figure 4. 6.1.4 Equipment Vault and Concrete Sill Uplift Resistance Buried structures like the equipment vault that are watertight and that are at least partially below the groundwater table are subjected to permanent hydrostatic uplift pressures. The buoyant force on the bottom of these structures is resisted primarily by the weight of the structure and any soil above the structure. We recommend neglecting the frictional resistance between the structure walls and the adjacent soil. The uplift pressure on the base of the equipment vault can be calculated using the formula provided on Figure 4. We recommend assuming the groundwater table is at the ground surface when calculating the uplift pressure. The buoyant force is resisted primarily by the weight of the structure and any soil above the structure. We recommend minimum factors of safety against static and seismic uplift of 1.2 and 1.0, respectively. We understand that when the picket weir is raised that the water level on the upstream side of the sill will be higher than the water level on the downstream side. The sill should be designed to resist the resulting hydrostatic uplift pressure. 6.2 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 6.2.1 Temporary Excavation Support and Dewatering Because the Project is in the preliminary design stage and the location and depth of the proposed features have not been finalized, we have assumed that excavation depths will be:  Between 1 and 8 feet bgs for the equipment vault and utility trenches on the south side of the river; and  Between 1 and 6 feet bgs for the concrete sill in the river. If needed, we can refine our recommendations as the Project design progresses and excavation depths are determined. Based on our interpretation of subsurface conditions at the site, and the assumed excavation depths, it appears that excavations on the south side of the river will be made in alluvium and possibly sandstone and that excavations within the river will be made in alluvium. Cobbles and boulders should be anticipated within the alluvium. In general, we Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 9 anticipate that site soil can be excavated using standard excavation equipment and that the relatively weak near surface sandstone can be excavated using various methods including an excavator equipped with a hydraulic breaker. The contractor should be responsible for determining equipment suitability for excavation of the varying soils noted in this report, as well as for other soil strata, which may be encountered. The design parameters and the means and methods of supporting and dewatering temporary excavations are typically the contractor’s responsibility. However, we provide recommendations for feasible excavation support, and dewatering methods to aid in planning and design. Excavation Support Methods Trench boxes are a passive excavation support system that allow the sides of the excavation to slough while providing protection for workers in the excavation. Trench boxes should only be used in areas where structures or steep slopes are not present within the zone of influence of the excavation and groundwater can be controlled using sumps and pumps. The zone of influence is defined graphically in Figure A. If structures, utilities, or steep slopes will be located within the zone of influence of the trench, and if the anticipated ground movement at the location of these features is unacceptable, the Project plans and specifications should require shoring systems that restrict the movement of the sides of the excavation. Feasible shoring systems for the site that restrict movement of the excavation sides include slide rail and soldier pile and lagging. If needed, these shoring systems should be designed for the specific situation by a registered professional engineer. Based on our understanding of subsurface conditions and the assumed excavation depth for the equipment vault and utility trenches, we anticipate that, groundwater will be located less than 3 feet above the base of excavation and that, settlement sensitive structures, utilities, or steep slopes will not be located within the zone of influence of the Figure A - Zone of Influence for Temporary Excavations Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 10 excavation. As a result, in our opinion, trench boxes may be suitable for these excavations as long as the water table can be maintained below the base of excavation. We anticipate that excavations for the concrete sill will be sloped, however, a shoring system that restricts movement of the sides of the excavation is required for excavations where the base of the rock wall, which is mapped as a sensitive slope, is within the zone of influence. The surcharge from the rock wall should be considered when designing the shoring. Temporary Slopes If the contractor chooses to slope rather than shore excavation sidewalls, the specific design parameters for temporary slopes should be developed by the contractor’s competent person in accordance with WAC Chapter 296-155. However, for planning purposes, a 1.5H:1V inclination can be assumed for temporary sloped excavations in the site soils. With time and the presence of seepage and/or precipitation, the stability of temporary cuts can be significantly reduced. Therefore, construction should proceed as rapidly as feasible to limit the time the excavations are left open, and runoff water should be prevented from entering excavations. Heavy construction equipment, building materials, and surcharge loads such as excavated or imported soil should not be allowed within one third of the slope height from the top of any excavation. Dewatering We anticipate that dewatering will be required to maintain groundwater a minimum of 2 feet below the excavation depth during construction of the site features. Typically, sumps and pumps are sufficient for dewatering when excavations are less than 3 feet beneath the water table, excavation faces are supported or sloped appropriately, or if work can be completed in the wet. If conditions and construction methods do not allow for open sumps, a well point system may be a viable alternative. The contractor should choose a method based on the available information and their selected construction techniques. Well points and other external dewatering systems should be designed by a qualified professional engineer or geologist. The dewatering plan should be submitted to SPU Geotechnical Engineering for approval. Lowering the groundwater table increases the effective stress in the soil which can lead to settlement at the ground surface, particularly in compressible soils. As a result, the groundwater table should be drawn down no more than necessary for the proposed work to avoid damage to adjacent utilities and structures. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions observed in the new and historical explorations, we anticipate that the potential for dewatering related settlement is low. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 11 6.2.2 Subgrade Preparation Subgrade preparation for the concrete sill, equipment vault, and utilities should begin with the removal (stripping) of all deleterious matter, asphalt, and concrete. A smooth- bladed excavator bucket should be used to excavate to the subgrade elevation and foot traffic on the subgrade should be minimized to reduce the amount of disturbance to the subgrade. A layer of mineral aggregate or structural concrete may be used to protect the subgrade once it is exposed. The exposed subgrade should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record to evaluate the adequacy of the bearing stratum and to confirm that subsurface conditions are suitable for the recommended design bearing values. For the anticipated smaller areas where access is restricted, the subgrade should be evaluated by probing the soil with a steel rod. Soft/loose soils identified during subgrade preparation should be compacted to a firm and unyielding condition or stabilized. Typical subgrade stabilization measures include: over excavation and replacement with up to one foot of structural fill if the subgrade is not saturated or 6 inches to one foot of quarry spalls if the subgrade is saturated. Geosynthetic fabric can also be used to minimize the required thickness of imported fill. The depth of over excavation, if required, should be determined by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record at the time of construction. 6.2.3 Pipe Subgrade and Bedding In general, the subgrade soil should provide suitable support for underground utilities, provided subgrades remain in an undisturbed condition, and the pipes and structures are bedded as described below. The allowable bearing capacities provided above for the equipment vault and concrete sill are appropriate for design of the proposed underground utilities. Bedding is material placed at the bottom of the trench to provide uniform support along the bottom of a buried utility. Bedding material and placement procedures should meet the appropriate requirements and criteria of the 2017 City of Seattle Standard Specifications for Road Bridge and Municipal Construction (Standard Specifications), depending on the utility in question. In areas where a trench box is used, the bedding material should be placed before the trench box is advanced. Bedding material disturbed by movement of trench boxes should be recompacted prior to final backfilling. Care should be taken not to disturb the utility as the trench box is advanced. Trench backfill will be placed on top of the bedding. Refer to the backfill recommendations provided below. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 12 6.2.4 Backfill and Compaction In areas where settlements are to be limited (areas that support slabs, buildings, pavements, or foundations), excavation backfill shall consist of structural fill meeting the gradation requirements of Type 17 material in Section 9-03.14, Mineral Aggregate Chart in the Standard Specifications. The suitability of excavated site soils for reuse as structural fill depends upon the gradation and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the percentage of fines (that portion passing the No. 200 sieve) increases, the soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. Soil containing more than about 5 percent fines cannot be consistently compacted to a dense non-yielding condition when the water content is greater than about 3 percent above or below optimum. The soil must also be free of organic and other unsuitable material. In general, the new and historical explorations indicate that the site soil is generally not suitable for use as structural fill because it has fines contents substantially greater than 5 percent. Fill placed in all structural areas and for five feet around such areas, should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density (MDD) as determined by test method ASTM D1557. Within a lateral distance of three feet of any retaining wall or subgrade wall, smaller, possibly hand-held equipment should be used in conjunction with thinner soil lifts to achieve the required compaction and limit compaction forces on the wall. Excavated material not considered suitable for use as structural fill, may be suitable as fill for unimproved areas that would not be adversely impacted by differential settlement over time. Common fill material should be onsite or imported material within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content per ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor Test) that does not contain deleterious materials, greater than 5 percent organics, nor material larger than 3-inches in diameter. In general, the new and historical explorations indicate that the site soil is generally suitable for use as common fill, however, it may require screening to remove organics. Any proposed imported common fill should be evaluated by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record to determine its suitability. Fill in unimproved areas should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of MDD as determined by test method ASTM D1557. The procedure to achieve the specified minimum relative compaction depends on the size and type of compacting equipment, the number of passes, thickness of the layer being compacted, and certain soil properties. When the size of the excavation restricts the use of heavy equipment, smaller equipment can be used, but the soil must be placed in thin enough lifts to achieve the required compaction. A sufficient number of in-place density tests should be performed as the fill is placed to verify the required relative compaction is being achieved. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 13 6.2.5 Wet Weather Earthwork If earthwork is to be performed or fill is to be placed in wet weather or under wet conditions when control of soil moisture content is not possible, the following recommendations should apply:  Complete earthwork in small sections to minimize exposure to wet weather;  Place and compact a suitable thickness of clean structural fill immediately following excavations or the removal of unsuitable soil;  Limit the size of construction equipment if needed to prevent soil disturbance;  Use clean, granular soil for trench backfill with not more than 5 percent by dry weight passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve. The fines should be non- plastic;  Slope and seal the ground surface in the construction area with a smooth drum roller to promote rapid runoff of precipitation, prevent surface water from flowing into excavations, and to prevent ponding of water;  Protect uncompacted soil so it does not absorb water. Soils that become too wet for compaction should be removed and replaced with clean granular materials; and  Excavate and place fill under the full-time observation of a person experienced in wet weather earthwork to verify that all unsuitable materials are removed, and suitable compaction and site drainage are achieved. 6.2.6 Construction Drainage and Erosion Control Surface runoff and erosion at the site can be controlled during construction by careful grading practices and observance of best management practices (BMPs). Such practices typically include the construction of shallow, upgrade perimeter ditches or low earthen berms, and the use of temporary sumps to collect runoff. Erosion during construction can be minimized by judicious use of erosion control devices. If used, these devices should be in place and remain in place throughout construction. Erosion and sedimentation of exposed soils can also be minimized by quickly re- vegetating exposed areas of soil, and by staging construction such that large areas of the Project site are not denuded and exposed at the same time. Areas of exposed soil requiring immediate and/or temporary protection against exposure should be covered with either mulch or erosion control netting/blankets. 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional principles and practices in the field of geotechnical engineering at the time the report was prepared. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 14 The scope of our work did not include environmental assessments or evaluations regarding the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic substances in the soil, surface water, or groundwater at this site. However, we did not encounter apparent indications of contamination in our explorations This geotechnical report is intended to provide information and recommendations to support preliminary engineering activities for this project. The conclusions and interpretations presented in this report should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 15  We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Megan Higgins, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 16 8.0 REFERENCES ASTM International, 2018. American Society of Testing Materials Annual Book of Standards, Vol. 4.08, West Conshohocken, PA. City of Seattle, 2017. Standard Specifications for Road Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2017 Edition. Seismic Design Maps. Structural Engineers Association of California and California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, online application: https://seismicmaps.org/about.html. Accessed May 2019. Washington Geological Survey, 2017. Surface Geology, 1:24,000 – GIS Data, September 2017. Washington Geologic Information Portal. Washington Department of Natural Resources, Online Geodatabase: https://geologyportal.dnr.wa.gov/. Accessed May 2019. !. !. !. !( !( !(!(!( !( !(#*#*I-405CedarRiverTrail B-103 B-102 B-101A B-101B B-101C B-101D B-201 HQ-82-90 TH-1 HQ-84-90 Ced a r R i v e r 50 40 40 30 Document Path: P:\MatLab\Secure\GEOTECH\Geotechnical Projects\SPU\Watershed\Cedar River Watershed\(E114068) Cedar BCF\Preliminary Engineering\Field & Lab Work\Site Maps\Broodstock Site Map.mxdLegend !(SPU BoringHistorical Explorations !.Boring #*#*Subsurface Cross Section Proposed BCF 10 Foot Contours 2 Foot Contours StreamsClassified Site & Exploration Map Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project Renton, Washington FIGURE 1 April 2019 Project No. C114068 Seattle Public Utilities Geotechnical Engineering 20 0 20 4010 Feet NAVD88- I-405Cedar RiverTrail Ced a r R i v e r 50 40 40 30 Document Path: P:\MatLab\Secure\GEOTECH\Geotechnical Projects\SPU\Watershed\Cedar River Watershed\(E114068) Cedar BCF\Preliminary Engineering\Field & Lab Work\Site Maps\Broodstock Site Map.mxdLegend Proposed BCF 10 Foot Contours Steep Slope Hazard Areas Sensitive Slope Protected Slope Seismic Hazard Areas High Hazard Mapped Geologically Hazardous Areas Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project Renton, Washington FIGURE 2 Mayl 2019 Project No. C114068 Seattle Public Utilities Geotechnical Engineering 20 0 20 4010 Feet NAVD88- APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING A-1 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM Subsurface conditions for the current study were explored using hollow stem auger and sonic core drilling techniques. Three borings, B-101 through B-103, were completed to depths ranging from 10 inches to 13.25 feet on March 13, 2019, and an additional boring, B-201 was completed to a depth of 26.5 feet on April 1, 2019. The approximate location of the explorations is illustrated on Figure 1 in the main body of the text. The explorations were located relative to prominent features in the area. The approximate ground surface elevations at the exploration locations were determined based on the topographic survey of the site and are referenced to the NAVD88 datum. The borings were drilled by Holocene Drilling, Inc. of Puyallup, Washington, under contract to SPU Geotechnical Engineering. A track-mounted Diedrich D-50 rig with 4.25-inch inside diameter (ID) hollow stem augers was used for borings B-101 through B-103, and a track mounted Geoprobe 8140LC rig with 6.0-inch outside diameter (OD) casing and 4.0-inch ID core barrel was used for boring B-201. The results of the explorations are summarized on the individual summary boring logs, which are included here as Figures A-2 through A-5. A key to the symbols and terms used on the summary logs is presented as Figure A-1. Soil samples were obtained from all borings at 2.5-foot and 5-foot depth intervals using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT, ASTM D-1586). The 2.0-inch outside diameter (OD) SPT sampler was driven into the soil a distance of 18 inches using a 140-pound drive hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. An automatic hammer was used to operate the hammer and drive the sampler for both rigs. Recorded blows for each 6 inches of sampler penetration (blow counts) are shown on the summary logs in this appendix. The blow counts provide a qualitative measure of the relative density of cohesionless soil, or the relative consistency of fine-grained soils. Representative portions of all recovered soil samples were placed in sealed containers and transported to our laboratory for further observation and testing. P:\MatLab\Secure\GEOTECH\FORMS\Office\Boring Log Key SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND EXPLORATION LOG KEY FIGURE A-1 (Sheet 1 of 3)Geotechnical Engineering NOTES: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM - ASTM D2488 LETTER SYMBOL GROUP NAMEGROUP SYMBOLMAJOR DIVISION GRAVEL WITH BETWEEN 5% AND 15% FINES GW-GM GP-GC HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT COARSE GRAINED SOILS CONTAINS LESS THAN 50% FINES SAND AND SANDY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE FINE GRAINED SOILS CONTAINS MORE THAN 50% FINES SILT AND CLAY TPTOPSOIL GRAVEL WITH < 5% FINES GRAVEL WITH > 15% FINES SAND WITH < 5% FINES SAND WITH BETWEEN 5% AND 15% FINES SAND WITH > 15% FINES LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 GW MH SW SP SW GW CH OH GP GP GW-GC GP-GM GM GC SC CL OL SP SW-SM SW-SC SP-SM SM SP-SC ML CL ML Well-graded GRAVEL Well-graded GRAVEL WITH SAND Poorly graded GRAVEL Inorganic SILT, low plasticity Inorganic SILT WITH SAND, low plasticity Elastic inorganic SILT, moderate to high plasticity PEAT soils with high organic contents TOPSOIL ORGANIC SILT, low plasticity Well-graded GRAVEL WITH SILT Well-graded GRAVEL WITH CLAY Poorly graded GRAVEL WITH SILT Well-graded SAND Well-graded SAND WITH GRAVEL Poorly graded SAND Poorly graded SAND WITH GRAVEL Poorly graded SAND WITH CLAY Poorly graded GRAVEL WITH SAND Poorly graded GRAVEL WITH CLAY Well-graded SAND WITH SILT Well-graded SAND WITH CLAY Poorly graded SAND WITH SILT Lean inorganic CLAY, low plasticity Lean inorganic CLAY WITH SAND, low plasticity Fat inorganic CLAY, moderate to high plasticity SILTY GRAVEL CLAYEY GRAVEL SILTY SAND CLAYEY SAND ORGANIC SILT or CLAY, moderate to high plasticity 2. Solid lines between soil descriptions indicate change in interpreted geologic unit. Dashed lines indicate stratigraphic change within the unit. 3. Fines are material passing the U.S. std. #200 sieve. 1. Sample descriptions are based on visual field and laboratory observations using classification methods of ASTM D2488. Where laboratory data are available, classifications are in accordance with ASTM D2487. SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND EXPLORATION LOG KEY FIGURE A-1 (Sheet 2 of 3)Geotechnical Engineering P:\MatLab\Secure\GEOTECH\FORMS\Office\Boring Log KeyWELL CONSTRUCTION Cement Seal Groundwater level at time of drilling Measured groundwater level (date) Vibrating wire piezometer measured groundwater level (date) Vibrating wire piezometer Bentonite Seal Filter Pack Well Casing Screened Casing Slough Soil Density/consistency, color, USCS group name, minor constituent; moisture; additional comments. ORDER OF CLASSIFICATION TERMS TERM Laminated Interbedded Fractured Slickensided Blocky Lensed Homogenous CRITERIA / DESCRIPTION Alternating layers (< 1/2”) of varying material or color Alternating layers (> 1/2“) of varying material or color Breaks easily along definite fracture planes Polished, glossy, striated fracture planes Readily breaks into small angular lumps Inclusions of small pockets of different soil Same color and appearance throughout TERM Parting Seam Layer Pocket Occasional Scattered Numerous THICKNESS OR SPACING 0 - 1/16” thick 1/16 - 1/2” thick 1/2 - 12” thick Inclusions < 1” thick < 1 occurrence per foot 1 > 10 occurrence per foot > 10 occurrence per foot TERM Near Horizontal Low Angle High Angle Near Vertical CRITERIA 0 - 10 degrees 10 - 45 degrees 45 - 80 degrees 80 - 90 degrees Slow Rapid Water appears slowly on the surface of the specimen during shaking and does not disappear or disappears slowly upon squeezing. Water appears quickly on the surface of the specimen during shaking and disappears quickly upon squeezing. DILATANCY Slow Moderate Rapid A small amount of water is observed flowing from the sides of the excavation. Water collects in the bottom of the excavation during digging. Some bailing is needed to observe the excavation bottom. Water collects in the bottom of the excavation during digging. Bailing may be ineffective to observe the excavation bottom. SEEPAGE Slight Moderate Significant Soil sloughed from wall of excavation is < 6” thick. Soil sloughed from wall of excavation is between 6” - 12” thick. Soil sloughed from wall of excavation is >12” thick. CAVING Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense 0 to 4 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 over 50 0 - 15 15 - 35 35 - 65 65 - 85 85 - 100 > 3 1 - 3 0.3 - 1 0.1 - 0.3 < 0.1 RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE-GRAINED COHESIONLESS SOILS Relative Density N (blows/ft) Approximate Relative Density (lb/ft3) 1/2” Dia. Metal Probe Penetration Depth (ft) RELATIVE CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED COHESIVE SOILS Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard 0 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 8 8 to 15 15 to 30 over 30 < 250 250 - 500 500 - 1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 4000 > 4000 > 2 1 - 2 0.5 - 1 0.25 - 0.5 0.1 - 0.25 < 0.1 Relative Consistency N (blows/ft) Approximate Undrained Shear Strength (psf) 1/2” Dia. Metal Probe Penetration Depth (ft) Trace Few Some Less than 5% 5 - 15% 15 - 30% COMPONENT PROPORTIONS Dry Moist Wet Saturated Dusty, or dry to the touch. No visible water. Near optimum moisture content. Visible free water. Water content prevents soil from retaining structure. MOISTURE CONTENT TERM Occasional Scattered Numerous Organic PEAT PERCENT BY VOLUME 0 to 1 1 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 50 to 100 ORGANIC CONTENT AL FC GSD ENV SG MD C UU CU CD UCS PERM PP TV DS ORG PID Atterberg Limits Fines Content Grain Size Distribution Environmental Testing Specific Gravity Moisture Density Relationship Consolidation Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Consolidated Drained Triaxial Unconfined Compression Strength Hydraulic Conductivity Test Pocket Penetrometer Torvane Direct Shear Organic Content Photoionization Detector Reading LABORATORY TESTSSAMPLING METHOD 2” OD SPT Split Spoon Sample with 140 lb hammer falling 30” (ASTM D1587) Core Run No Recovery Shelby Tube Sample (ASTM D1587) 3” OD Split Spoon Sample with 300 lb hammer falling 30” Grab Sample Non Standard (As noted on log) Boulders Cobbles Gravel Coarse Gravel Fine Gravel Sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand Silt and Clay Larger than 12 in. 3 in. to 12 in. 3 in. to No. 4 (4.75 mm) 3 in. to 3/4 in. 3/4 in. to No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) to No. 200 (0.075 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) to No. 10 (2.00 mm) No. 10 (2.00 mm) to No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) to No. 200 (0.075 mm) Smaller than No. 200 (0.075 mm) COMPONENT DEFINITIONS STRUCTURE SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND EXPLORATION LOG KEY FIGURE A-1 (Sheet 3 of 3)P:\MatLab\Secure\GEOTECH\FORMS\Office\Boring Log KeyGeotechnical Engineering R1 R2 R3 R4 R0 R5 R6 Very Weak Rock Weak Rock Moderately Weak Rock Strong Rock Extremely Weak Rock Very Strong Rock Extremely Strong Rock 1.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 100 0.25 - 1.0 100 - 250 > 250 150 - 750 750 - 3,500 3,500 - 7,500 7,500 - 15,000 50 - 150 15,000 - 35,000 > 35,000 Crumbles under firm blows with point of geological hammer. Can be peeled by a pocket knife with difficulty. Shallow indentation made by firm blow with point of geological hammer. Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife. Specimen can be fractured with single firm blow of geological hammer. Specimen requires more than one blow of geological hammer to fracture it. Can be readily indented, grooved or gouged with fingernail, or carved with a pocketknife. Breaks with light manual pressure. Specimen requires many blows of geological hammer to fracture it. Specimen can only be chipped with geological hammer. ROCK HARDNESS Grade Description WEATHERING Term Description Field Identification Approximate UCS (MPa)Approximate UCS (psi) Slightly Weathered Moderately Weathered Highly Weathered Completely Weathered Fresh Residual Soil Discoloration indicates weathering of rock material and discontinuity surfaces. All the rock material may be discolored by weathering and may be somewhat weaker externally than in its fresh condition. Less than half of the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or discolored rock is present either as a continuous framework or as core stones. More than half of the rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or discolored rock is present either as a discontinuous framework or as core stones. All rock material is decomposed and/or disintegrated to a soil. The original mass structure is still largely intact. No visible sign of rock material weathering; perhaps slight discoloration on major discontinuity surfaces. All rock material is converted to a soil. The mass structure and material fabric are destroyed. There is a large change in volume, but the soil has not been significantly transported. Close Moderately Wide Extremely Close Very Wide Extremely Wide 1.0 - 2.5 in. 2.5 - 8.0 in. 8.0 in. - 2.0 ft. 2.0 - 6.5 ft. < 1.0 in. 6.5 - 20.0 ft. > 20.0 ft. 2 - 6 cm 6 - 20 cm 20 - 60 cm 60 cm - 2 m < 2 cm 2 - 6 m > 6 m DISCONTINUITY SPACING English Metric Percent Term APERTURE WIDTH CL Ga Ca Fe Qtz Sd Py So Mn Clay Gauge Calcium Carbonate Iron Oxide Quartz Sand Pyrite Sulfite Manganese INFILL TYPE 25 - 50 50 - 75 75 - 90 90 - 100 0 - 25 Poor Fair Good Excellent Very Poor ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION (RQD) RQD & CORE RECOVERY CALCULATIONS RQD = Sum of intact pieces > 4 inches (100 mm) Total core run length REC = Sum of core recovery (intact pieces) Total core run length INFILL THICKNESS JOINT ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT (JRC) 0 - 2 2 - 6 6 - 10 10 - 14 14 - 20 Very Rough Rough Slightly Rough Smooth Slickensided FIELD TESTS SP Spotty N None UCS BTS CAI T M I Unconfined Compressive Strength Brazilian Tensile Strength Cerchar Abrasivity Index Triaxial Strength Testing Moh’s Hardness / Mineral Content Infiltration Testing (Packer System) Near vertical edges evident Some ridges, surface abrasion Asperities on surface can be felt Appears and feels smooth Visible polishing, striated surface Very Close Wide Term DescriptionTermWidthJRC Very Wide Open Moderately Open Tight Very Tight > 10 mm 2.5 - 10 mm 0.5 - 2.5 mm 0.1 - 0.5 mm < 0.1 mm Term Surface is grass and topsoil. (Concrete debris encountered at approximately 10 inches below ground surface. Driller moved to three other locations (B-101B to B-101D) as shown on site map. Concrete debris was encountered in all additional explorations.) Boring terminated at approximately 10 inches below ground surface due to concrete debris. No groundwater encountered. Surface restored with grass plug. CONC. 0 PL Water Content %LL FIGURE A-2 10 20 30 40 50 C114068 Blows per foot (SPT) Penetration Resistance LOG OF BORING B-101 Blows per foot (non-standard) 60GroundWater Date Completed: 3/13/2019 Driller: Holocene Drilling, Inc. Equipment: Diedrich D-50 Drilling Method: 4-1/4 inch ID HSA Hammer System: Automatic Approximate Location: In Cedar River Park, approximately 9.5 feet from Cedar River north side bank wall and 3.5 feet W of sidewalk that goes into the park from Cedar River Park Dr. (N: 178388 E: 1302746) Surface Elevation: 38 NAVD88 Depth, ftSOIL DESCRIPTION Cedar River Hatchery Broodstock Collection Facility (BCF) Replacement Project Logged by: HKH Reviewed by: MS Sheet 1 of 1LOG OF BORING (2/1/11) CEDAR RIVER BROODSTOCK.GPJ DATA_TEMPLATE_(7-21-11).GDT 4/9/19Seattle Public Utilities Geotechnical Engineering Lab testsDepth, ftSymbolRecovery, %USCSBlows/6"Samples0 5 0 5 Surface is forest duff and topsoil. ALLUVIUM Medium dense to dense, brown, SILTY fine to medium SAND, few coarse sand and gravel; moist; scattered organics (matter, roots). (Encountered large tree root.) Dense, gray, SILTY SANDY GRAVEL; wet; scattered organics (tree root). Very dense, gray, SILTY SAND, trace gravel; wet; scattered organics (tree root). SANDSTONE Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, highly weathered, very weak. Becomes moderately weathered. Borehole completed at 13.25 feet below ground surface (bgs). Perched groundwater encountered at approximately 7.5 feet bgs. Boring backfilled with bentonite chips and cuttings and surface restored with dirt plug. SM SM GM SM 1 2 3 4a 4b 5 100 67 100 100 100 0 PL Water Content %LL FIGURE A-3 10 20 30 40 50 C114068 Blows per foot (SPT) Penetration Resistance LOG OF BORING B-102 Blows per foot (non-standard) 60GroundWater Date Completed: 3/13/2019 Driller: Holocene Drilling, Inc. Equipment: Diedrich D-50 Drilling Method: 4-1/4 inch ID HSA Hammer System: Automatic Approximate Location: On the south side of the Cedar River (CR), 32.5 ft S of the concrete boat launch and 24 ft W of the CL of the boat launch near the CR Trail Trailhead. (N: 178276 E: 1302676) Surface Elevation: 34 NAVD88 Depth, ftSOIL DESCRIPTION Cedar River Hatchery Broodstock Collection Facility (BCF) Replacement Project Logged by: HKH Reviewed by: MS Sheet 1 of 1LOG OF BORING (2/1/11) CEDAR RIVER BROODSTOCK.GPJ DATA_TEMPLATE_(7-21-11).GDT 4/9/19Seattle Public Utilities Geotechnical Engineering Lab testsDepth, ftSymbolRecovery, %USCSBlows/6"Samples>>50/2.5" >>50/3" 11,19,11 16,8,7 13,14,23 14,32,50/2.5" 15,50/3" 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Surface is forest duff and topsoil. ALLUVIUM Medium dense, brown, SILTY fine to medium SAND, few coarse sand and gravel; moist; scattered organics (matter, rootlets), gravel layer at 3.5 feet below ground surface. Dense, brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND; wet; trace organics (rootlets). SANDSTONE Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, highly weathered, very weak. Sandstone, gray, fine to medium grained, slightly weathered, weak. Borehole completed at 10.2 feet below ground surface (bgs). Perched groundwater encountered at approximately 5 feet bgs. Boring backfilled with bentonite chips and cuttings and surface restored with dirt plug. SM SM GM 1 2a 2b 3 4 73 100 100 0 0 PL Water Content %LL FIGURE A-4 10 20 30 40 50 C114068 Blows per foot (SPT) Penetration Resistance LOG OF BORING B-103 Blows per foot (non-standard) 60GroundWater Date Completed: 3/13/2019 Driller: Holocene Drilling, Inc. Equipment: Diedrich D-50 Drilling Method: 4-1/4 inch ID HSA Hammer System: Automatic Approximate Location: On the south side of the Cedar River (CR), 44.5 ft S of the concrete boat launch and 35.5 ft E of the CL of the boat launch near the CR Trail Trailhead. (N: 178244 E: 1302727) Surface Elevation: 35 NAVD88 Depth, ftSOIL DESCRIPTION Cedar River Hatchery Broodstock Collection Facility (BCF) Replacement Project Logged by: HKH Reviewed by: MS Sheet 1 of 1LOG OF BORING (2/1/11) CEDAR RIVER BROODSTOCK.GPJ DATA_TEMPLATE_(7-21-11).GDT 4/9/19Seattle Public Utilities Geotechnical Engineering Lab testsDepth, ftSymbolRecovery, %USCSBlows/6"Samples>>50/3" >>50/0.5" >>50/2" 7,9,14 15,31,50/3" 50/0.5" 50/2" 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Surface is grass/topsoil. FILL Concrete debris. (Driller notes easier drilling at approximately 7.5 ft below ground surface (bgs)) Very dense, grayish brown, SILTY fine to medium SAND, few gravel and coarse sand; moist. Becomes trace coarse sand and gravel. Concrete debris. (Blows possibly overstated due to gravel in sampler shoe at 15 ft bgs) ALLUVIUM Brown, SILTY fine to medium SAND, few coarse sand and gravel; wet. Grayish brown, fine to medium SANDY SILT, trace coarse sand and gravel; wet. Grayish brown, SILTY fine to medium SAND, few coarse sand and gravel; wet. Very dense, brown, GRAVEL WITH SILT AND SAND, trace cobbles; wet. Grayish brown, SILTY SAND, trace gravel; wet. Gray, SILT; few sand, trace gravel and cobbles; moist. Stiff and wet. Boring completed at 26.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Groundwater encountered at approximately 17.5 feet bgs at time of drilling. Boring backfilled with bentonite chips and cuttings and surface restored with grass plug. FILL CONC. SM CONC. SM ML SM GP-GM SM ML 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 PL Water Content %LL FIGURE A-5 10 20 30 40 50 C114068 Blows per foot (SPT) Penetration Resistance LOG OF BORING B-201 Blows per foot (non-standard) 60GroundWater Date Completed: 4/1/2019 Driller: Holocene Drilling, Inc. Equipment: Geoprobe 8140LC Drilling Method: 6-in OD casing, 4-in core barrel. Hammer System: Automatic Approximate Location: In Cedar River Park, approximately 9.5 feet from Cedar River north side bank wall and 2.5 feet W of sidewalk that goes into the park from Cedar River Park Dr. (N: 178387 E: 1302747) Surface Elevation: 39 NAVD88 Depth, ftSOIL DESCRIPTION Cedar River Hatchery Broodstock Collection Facility (BCF) Replacement Project Logged by: HKH Reviewed by: MS Sheet 1 of 1LOG OF BORING (2/1/11) CEDAR RIVER BROODSTOCK.GPJ DATA_TEMPLATE_(7-21-11).GDT 4/9/19Seattle Public Utilities Geotechnical Engineering Lab testsDepth, ftSymbolRecovery, %USCSBlows/6"Samples>>50/6" >>50/4" >>50/5" 50/6" 50/4" 50/5" 5,11,15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING B-1 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM SPU Geotechnical Engineering representatives performed laboratory tests on selected soil samples collected during our field investigation. The laboratory tests were conducted in general accordance with appropriate ASTM test methods. The test procedures and test results are discussed below. Natural Water Content Natural water content determinations were made on selected soil samples in general accordance with ASTM D-2216, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass. Test results are graphically indicated at the appropriate sample depth on the summary logs in Appendix A. APPENDIX C HISTORICAL EXPLORATIONS Cedar River Hatchery BCF Replacement Project DRAFT Geotechnical Report (60% Design) June 2019 SPU GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING C-1 APPENDIX C HISTORICAL EXPLORATIONS In addition to the explorations and laboratory test results presented in Appendices A and B, respectively, we reviewed historical explorations to gain an understanding of the subsurface conditions along the Project alignment. Figure 1 shows the approximate location of the historical explorations in the vicinity of the Project alignment. SPU Geotechnical Engineering is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of exploration logs that were completed by others.