HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermitJuly 21, 2021 Rachel Uslan Puget Sound Energy, Inc. PO Box 97034, EST-06E Bellevue, WA 98009-9734 PERMISSION FOR RIGHT-OF-ENTRY TO CEDAR RIVER TRAIL Dear Ms. Uslan: The City of Renton Community Services Department hereby permits employees of Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (Permittee) to enter Cedar River Trail (Trail) for the purpose of performing power pole service replacements, subject to the areas shown in Exhibit “A” and subject to the terms specified herein. Permittee’s Representations Purpose of Permittee’s work along the Trail: Remove and replace existing transmission wire of the Energize Eastside transmission line to address electrical system deficiencies identified during federally-required planning studies. Permittee will perform work over the Trail to the west of Riverview Park: Entry: Vehicle access to the Trail will be from east of the work site at 131st Ave SE. No vehicle access from the west of the work site due to Trail instability. Equipment: No equipment will be located on the Trail. Safety: o Secure area around the overhead work location with cautionary signage; o Place two (2) ‘Trail Closed’ signs along the Trail approximately 200ft. in advance on either side of the work site, one on either side of the work site; Trail traffic: o Place one ‘Trail Detour’ sign on the Trail at Riverview Park; o Place one ‘Trail Detour’ sign on the Trail at Cedar River Park; o Two (2) flaggers will be present on the Trail when work is occurring overhead, one on either side of work area for traffic control. It is understood that two (2) trail closures will last approximately 15 minutes in each instance. Construction duration: 1 – 2 days (estimated). PAG-21-004 Puget Sound Energy  Page 2 of 3  July 21, 2021  The Permittee will adhere to the following: Permittee members must wear identifiable, bright-colored vests; Permittee will minimize impacts to flora and fauna to the maximum extent possible; Permittee will restore any damage to the Trail to its original condition. Conditions of Right-of-Entry 1.A copy of this Permit must be in your possession when on-site on the Trail. 2.It is understood and agreed by the Permittee that the performance of any work under this Permit shall constitute an acceptance of all provisions and an agreement to adhere to all of Permittee’s Representations stated above. 3.The term of this Permit shall begin July 21, 2021 and shall terminate upon completion of PSE’s work, or by December 31, 2021, whichever occurs sooner. This Permit may be extended or amended upon written agreement by both parties. 4.Prior to start of project (approximately two days prior), the Permittee shall communicate with Bryce Goldmann, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, at (425) 766-6201 to confirm start date and logistics. 5.At no time shall Permittee in any way represent themselves as an employee, officer, or agent of the City. 6.There shall be no entry onto the subject properties, nor onto any private property, except via public roads, without the permission of the affected owner(s). 7.Overnight use of the subject properties is not allowed unless approved by the City. 8.Permittee shall notify City Park staff of any unusual or unauthorized activities noted while on the Trail or in the Park. 9.Any negative physical impact to Trail or Park property will be restored and/or corrected to the satisfaction of the Administrator of the Community Services Department. 10.Permittee shall in no way obstruct or impede access to the subject properties. In addition, Permittee shall take action to ensure that all work in relation to this Permit is conducted in a safe and prudent manner. 11.Permittee must be insured for damage resulting from liability of Permittee or any of Permittee’s agents or employees with General Liability insurance with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate for the Term of this Agreement. Permittee may be requested to furnish to City proof of insurance in the forms and amounts satisfactory to City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Permittee may self- insure and/or provide self-insured retentions in lieu of all or any portion of the coverage required herein. 12.Permittee shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims (whether valid or alleged), demands, actions, suits, damages, losses, judgments, liabilities, environmental response or remediation costs, expenses and other costs, including but not limited to, court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by City on account of any such claims, demands, or liabilities, and from loss of any kind or nature arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with this Permit. Permittee’s obligation shall apply whether or not there is concurrent, PugetSoundEnergyPage3013July 21,2021active,orpassivenegligenceonthepartoftheCity,itsagents,officers,oremployees,exceptwheretheCityissolelynegligent.Itisfurtherspecificallyandexpresslyunderstood that theindemnificationprovidedconstitutesPermiftee’swaiverofimmunityunder theIndustrialInsuranceAct,RCWTitle51,solelyforthepurposesofthisindemnification.Theparties havemutuallynegotiatedandagreedtothiswaiver.Theprovisionsofthissectionshallsurvivetheexpirationorterminationofthislicense.13.NothinginthisPermitshallbeconstruedtogrant Permitteeaneasementbyimplication,prescription,oranyotheroperationoflaw,ortoextendthetermofthePermitpastitsexpirationdateasstatedherein.14.PermitteemustmakeallnecessaryprecautionsandcoordinatealleffortswiththeParksandTrailsDivisionstafftoensurethe safetyandsecurityoftheTrailatalltimes.15.NothinginthisPermitisintendedtoamendPSE’sexistingeasementrightsonCity-ownedproperty.IntheeventofaconflictduringthetermofthePermit,thePermitshallcontrol.Ifyouhavefurtherquestions,pleasecontactCailInHunsaker,ParksandTrailsDirector,at(425)430-6606ore-mailchunsaker@rentonwa.gov.INWITNESS WHEREOF,thePartieshavevoluntarilyenteredintothisAgreementforthepermittermdescribedinSection3.CITYOFRENTONPUGETSOUNDENERGEY,INC.KELLYBE’MER,M’ministrator)IØME/6’V/z/a(DateDateApprovedastoLegalForm:SHANEMOLONEYCityAttorneyDatecc:CailinHunsaker,ParksandTrailsDirectorSteveBrown,Parks Maintenance ManagerBryceGoldmann,ParksMaintenanceSupervisor1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057rentonwa.gov(approved via email from Cheryl Beyer)9/1/2021 Figure 1: Preliminary Trail Closure Plan - Cedar River Trail This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIONWGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere Notes Trail closure plan is preliminary and subject to change. 03/01/2021 Legend 1023 0 512 1023 Feet Source: Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov Trails Parks Cedar River Trail Closure Plan Project activities occurring in the vicinity of Cedar River Trail include aerial line removals and restringing of the line. If temporary trail closures are needed during removal and restringing of the aerial lines, these will be either intermittent closures or continuous closure, depending on the Contractor's preference. These closures are expected to be short in duration, typically hours at a time; and may occur late at night. There are no feasible detours. Signage (posted in advance for closures) will be provided as necessary during construction and restringing of the lines. PSE Existing Transmission Lines (shown in red, approx.) Potential Trail Closure area (shown in pink) Cedar River Trail (shown in green)