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Prepared for Mr. Baro Kim Prepared by Danny McCamish, PE Cannon 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100 Issaquah, Washington 98027 August 12, 2021 TARGETED TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT for the Barone Gardens Stormwater Quality Facility 4800 Lake Washington Blvd NE Renton, WA 98056 8/12/2021 Drainage Assessment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 190315 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 1 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ............................................................................. 1 3 WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ...................................................................... 2 4 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ........................................................................... 2 5 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 2 6 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ................................................................................... 3 APPENDIX A WSDOT PRELMINARY WQ SIZING LETTER APPENDIX B PERK FILTER INFORMATION APPENDIX C RSWDM REQUIREMENT FLOW CHART APPENDIX D WWHM CALCULATIONS APPENDIX E CONVEYANCE CALCULATION APPENDIX F OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX G ORIGINAL TIR Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page 1 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW This Targeted Technical Information Report (TIR) has been prepared to document project compliance with the City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual. This project will replace an existing bioswale with a new stormwater quality cartridge filter unit. The existing bioswale was originally designed to provide stormwater quality treatment for stormwater runoff from the Barone Gardens parking lot prior to discharging to the onsite detention pond. WSDOT’s proposed realignment of Lake Washington Blvd NE requires encroachment onto and acquisition of Barone Gardens property. This WSDOT property encroachment necessitates the removal of the existing bioswale that treats stormwater runoff from the Barone Gardens parking lot. The existing bioswale therefore needs to be replaced with a new stormwater treatment facility. The original TIR, dated June 2, 2004, prepared by American Engineering Corporation, includes the criteria and design for the bioswale, and is included in the Appendices of this report. This TIR is referenced for providing sizing criteria for the new stormwater quality cartridge filter unit. WSDOT also performed an initial study determining that a Oldcastle PerkFilter cartridge unit would be adequate to provide code compliant stormwater treatment to replace the bioswale. The letter prepared by WSDOT is included in the appendices. WSDOT has confirmed in their preliminary study that their encroachment will not impact the existing detention basin. 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY All the Core and Special Requirements are addressed herein, though some are not applicable and noted as such. Core Requirements 1. Discharge at the Natural Location: The project will continue to drain to the existing detention basin. 2. Off-Site Analysis: Not Applicable. 3. Flow Control: Not Applicable. 4. Conveyance System: The existing conveyance system will remain in place. The existing conveyance system will only be modified as needed to install the new water quality treatment unit and discharge to the existing detention pond instead of the abandoned bioswale. 5. Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Runoff from the construction area will be contained by silt fencing, in accordance with the KCSWDM Appendix D during construction. The ESC facilities will only be removed once all exposed site surfaces have been stabilized. Other temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed as needed. 6. Maintenance and Operations: See Declaration of Covenant. 7. Financial Guarantees and Liability: Not applicable. 8. Water Quality: This project proposes to replace the existing bioswale that will be abandoned due to WSDOT property encroachment with a cartridge filter unit. Per the original TIR, the bioswale was designed to provide water quality treatment for runoff from 0.26 acres of proposed asphalt parking. See Appendix A for WSDOT’s recommendation to use a cartridge filter unit to replace the existing bioswale. 9. Flow Control BMPs: Not Applicable. Special Requirements 1. Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements: The limited scope work will occur within an existing parking lot and detention basin. No other are specific requirements are anticipated. Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page 2 2. Hazard Area Delineation: The City of Renton COR GIS Map shows “regulated slopes” within the Barone Gardens property (>15% and <=25%). The slope near the project site appear to be associated with the existing detention basin that was previously constructed to provide flow control for the Barone Gardens property. 3. Flood Protection Facilities: Not Applicable. 4. Source Controls: Not Applicable. 3 WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Performance Standards Enhanced Basic Water Quality is required since more that 50% of the tributary draining to the water quality facility is from commercial land use. Water Quality Design A WWHM calculation was performed for the tributary area to the proposed water quality facility. Since the water quality unit will replace the existing bioswale, the original TIR (which included the design for the bioswale) was referenced to determine the tributary area. • WQ Tributary area: 0.26 acres Asphalt Parking lot (per Page 4-8 of original TIR) • WWHM WQ Design Flow Rate: 0.024 cfs • WWHM 100 year Peak Flow: 0.201 cfs Based on the information provided by Oldcastle, the PerkFilter Double Cartridge unit with two 12” cartridges, has sufficient capacity to both treat and convey the water quality and peak flow rates. • Treatment Capacity: 0.030 cfs (OK) • Flow Capacity: 1.3 cfs (OK) 4 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A nomograph is included in the appendices and shows that a 12” PVC pipe at 2% min will have more than enough capacity to convey the full 100 year flow from the water quality unit. 5 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Erosion control facilities proposed for the project are shown on the ESC Plan, including catch basin protection and silt fencing. Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page 3 6 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The City operation and maintenance requirements for cartridge filter facilities are included in the appendices. Regular maintenance shall be performed in conformance with the DOE General Use Level Designation (GULD) approval for Perk Filter: Maintenance: The required maintenance interval for stormwater treatment devices is often dependent upon the degree of pollutant loading from a particular drainage basin. Therefore, Ecology does not endorse or recommend a “one size fits all” maintenance cycle for a particular model/size of manufactured filter treatment device. • Typically, Kristar/Oldcastle designs Perk Filter systems for a target filter media replacement interval of 12 months. Maintenance includes removing accumulated sediment from the vault, and replacing spent cartridges with recharged cartridges. • Indications of the need for maintenance include effluent flow decreasing to below the design flow rate, as indicated by the scumline above the shoulder of the cartridge. • Owners/operators must inspect PerkFilter for a minimum of twelve months from the start of post-construction operation to determine site-specific maintenance schedules and requirements. You must conduct inspections monthly during the wet season, and every other month during the dry season. (According to the SWMMWW, the wet season in western Washington is October 1 to April 30. According to SWMMEW, the wet season in eastern Washington is October 1 to June 30). After the first year of operation, owners/operators must conduct inspections based on the findings during the first year of inspections. • Conduct inspections by qualified personnel, follow manufacturer’s guidelines, and use methods capable of determining either a decrease in treated effluent flowrate and/or a decrease in pollutant removal ability. • When inspections are performed, the following findings typically serve as maintenance triggers: • Accumulated vault sediment depths exceed an average of 2 inches, or • Accumulated sediment depths on the tops of the cartridges exceed an average of 0.5 inches, or • Standing water remains in the vault between rain events, or • Bypass occurs during storms smaller than the design storm. • Note: If excessive floatables (trash and debris) are present, perform a minor maintenance consisting of gross solids removal, not cartridge replacement. Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page A APPENDIX A WSDOT PRELMINARY WQ SIZING LETTER ATTACHMENT A Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page B APPENDIX B PERK FILTER INFORMATION June 2016 GENERAL USE LEVEL DESIGNATION FOR BASIC AND PHOSPHORUS TREATMENT For Kristar/Oldcastle Precast, Inc. FloGard Perk Filter™ (using ZPC Filter Media) Ecology’s Decision: Based on Kristar/Oldcastle’s application submissions, including the Draft Technical Evaluation Report, dated April 2010, Ecology hereby issues the following use level designations: 1. General use level designation (GULD) for the Perk Filter™ for basic treatment: Using a zeolite-perlite-carbon (ZPC) filter media as specified by Kristar/Oldcastle. Sized at hydraulic loading rate of no more than 1.5 gpm/ft² of media surface area, per Table 1. Table 1. Design Flowrate per Cartridge Effective Cartridge Height (inches) 12 18 Cartridge Flowrate (gpm/cartridge) 6.8 10.2 2. General use level designation (GULD) for the Perk Filter™ for phosphorus treatment: Using a zeolite-perlite-carbon (ZPC) filter media as specified by Kristar/Oldcastle. Sized at hydraulic loading rate of no more than 1.5 gpm/ft² of media surface area, per Table 1. 3. Ecology approves Perk Filter™ units for treatment at the hydraulic loading rates shown in Table 1, and sized based on the water quality design flow rate for an off-line system. The internal weir in the inlet chamber functions as a bypass to route flow in excess of the water quality design flow rate around the treatment chamber. Calculate the water quality design flow rate using the following procedures: Western Washington: For treatment installed upstream of detention or retention, the water quality design flow rate is the peak 15-minute flow rate as calculated using the latest version of the Western Washington Hydrology Model or other Ecology- approved continuous runoff model. Eastern Washington: For treatment installed upstream of detention or retention, the water quality design flow rate is the peak 15-minute flow rate as calculated using one of the three methods described in Chapter 2.2.5 of the Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (SWMMEW) or local manual. Entire State: For treatment installed downstream of detention, the water quality design flow rate is the full 2-year release rate of the detention facility. 4. These General Use Level Designations have no expiration date but may be revoked or amended by Ecology, and are subject to the conditions specified below. Ecology’s Conditions of Use: Perk Filter™ units shall comply with the following conditions: 1. Design, assemble, install, operate, and maintain Perk Filter™ units in accordance with Kristar/Oldcastle’s applicable manuals and documents and the Ecology Decision. 2. Each site plan must undergo Kristar/Oldcastle review and approval before site installation. This ensures that site grading and slope are appropriate for use of a Perk Filter™ unit. 3. Perk Filter™media shall conform to the specifications submitted to, and approved by, Ecology. 4. Maintenance: The required maintenance interval for stormwater treatment devices is often dependent upon the degree of pollutant loading from a particular drainage basin. Therefore, Ecology does not endorse or recommend a “one size fits all” maintenance cycle for a particular model/size of manufactured filter treatment device. Typically, Kristar/Oldcastle designs PerkFilter systems for a target filter media replacement interval of 12 months. Maintenance includes removing accumulated sediment from the vault, and replacing spent cartridges with recharged cartridges. Indications of the need for maintenance include effluent flow decreasing to below the design flow rate, as indicated by the scumline above the shoulder of the cartridge. Owners/operators must inspect PerkFilter for a minimum of twelve months from the start of post-construction operation to determine site-specific maintenance schedules and requirements. You must conduct inspections monthly during the wet season, and every other month during the dry season. (According to the SWMMWW, the wet season in western Washington is October 1 to April 30. According to SWMMEW, the wet season in eastern Washington is October 1 to June 30). After the first year of operation, owners/operators must conduct inspections based on the findings during the first year of inspections. Conduct inspections by qualified personnel, follow manufacturer’s guidelines, and use methods capable of determining either a decrease in treated effluent flowrate and/or a decrease in pollutant removal ability. When inspections are performed, the following findings typically serve as maintenance triggers: Accumulated vault sediment depths exceed an average of 2 inches, or Accumulated sediment depths on the tops of the cartridges exceed an average of 0.5 inches, or Standing water remains in the vault between rain events, or Bypass occurs during storms smaller than the design storm. Note: If excessive floatables (trash and debris) are present, perform a minor maintenance consisting of gross solids removal, not cartridge replacement. 5. Discharges from the Perk Filter™ units shall not cause or contribute to water quality standards violations in receiving waters. Applicant: Kristar/Oldcastle Precast, Inc. Applicant’s Address: 360 Sutton Place Santa Rosa, California 95407 Application Documents: Perk Filter™ Final Report, prepared by: Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento (September 2007) Verification Phase of Perk Filter™ Tests with Zeolite-Perlite-Carbon Media and Zeolite- Carbon Media (August 2007) Quality Assurance Project Plan KriStar Perk Filter™ Stormwater Treatment Performance Monitoring Project, October 2008 Draft Technical Evaluation Report Volume 1: KriStar Perk Filter™ Stormwater Treatment System Performance Monitoring, April 2010 Technical Evaluation Report Volume 2 - Appendices: KriStar Perk Filter™ Stormwater Treatment System Performance Monitoring, April 2010. Applicant’s Use Level Request: General use level designation as a basic and Phosphorus treatment device in accordance with Ecology’s Guidance for Evaluating Emerging Stormwater Treatment Technologies Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) January 2011 Revision. Applicant’s Performance Claims: Capability to remove 80% of total suspended solids from stormwater runoff from sites with influent concentrations between 100 mg/L and 200 mg/L and provide effluent concentrations of 20 mg/L or less with influent concentrations less than 100 mg/L given a typical particle size distribution. Capability to remove 50% of Total Phosphorus from stormwater runoff from sites with influent concentrations between 0.1 mg/l and 0.5 mg/l. Findings of Fact: Based on laboratory testing at a flowrate of 12 GPM per filter, the Perk Filter™ containing ZPC media had an average total suspended solids removal efficiency of 82% using Sil-Co-Sil 106 with an average influent concentration of 102 mg/L and zero initial sediment loading. Based on field-testing at a flowrate of 0.57 GPM/inch of cartridge height (17.25 inch diameter cartridge) (1.5 gpm per sq ft filter surface area), the Perk Filter™ containing ZPC media had an average total suspended solids removal efficiency of 82.4% for an influent concentration between 20 mg/L and 200 mg/l. The Perk Filter™ containing ZPC media had an average removal efficiency of 85.2% for an influent concentration between 100 mg/l and 200 mg/l. Removal rates fell over time and dropped below 80% after approximately 10 months. Based on field testing at a flowrate of 0.57 GPM/inch of cartridge height (17.25 inch diameter cartridge) (1.5 gpm per sq ft filter surface area), the Perk Filter™ containing ZPC media had an average total Phosphorus removal efficiency of 62.4% for an influent concentration between 0.1 mg/L and 0.5 mg/l. Removal rates tended to remain relatively constant during the 10 months of monitoring. Field Testing indicates that sediment accumulation in the Sediment Gallery during the 10 months of sampling was within the available volume for sediment. Thus, maintenance at a 6-month frequency (vacuuming of sediment from Inlet Gallery) as suggested by the manufacturer is sufficient. Filter flows during bypass events utilize the full 30-inch height of the filter. Without bypass, an unknown amount of filter is used. Comparing the flow through the filter during bypass events with the design flow rate shows that the Kristar/Oldcastle system falls below the design flow rate after approximately 10 months of operation. Percent removal of TSS falls below 80% after approximately 10 months. There are earlier data points below 80% but these are from low influent concentration storms Other Perk Filter™ Related Issues to be Addressed By the Company: 1. Kristar/Oldcastle may perform additional monitoring to better determine the maintenance frequency for the filters with respect to design flow rate and Total Suspended Solids removal. Presentation of additional data may result in a modification to the requirements in this Use Level designation document. Technology Description: Download at www.kristar.com Contact Information: Applicant: Jay Holtz, P.E. Engineering Manager Kristar/Oldcastle Precast, Inc. 360 Sutton Place Santa Rosa, CA, 95407 (800) 579-8819 jay.holtz@oldcastle.com Applicant website: www.kristar.com Ecology web link: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/newtech/index.html Ecology: Douglas C. Howie, P.E. Department of Ecology Water Quality Program (360) 407-6444 douglas.howie@ecy.wa.gov Revision History Date Revision March 2008 Original Draft use-level-designation document June 2010 Revise Use Level to General January 2013 Modified Design Storm Description, added Revision Table, formatted document to match Ecology standard May 2014 Revised Company name and contact information June 2016 Designated device for off-line sizing Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page C APPENDIX C RSWDM REQUIREMENT FLOW CHART SECTION 1.1 DRAINAGE REVIEW 12/12/2016 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 1-14 FIGURE 1.1.2.A FLOW CHART FOR DETERMINING TYPE OF DRAINAGE REVIEW REQUIRED Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page D APPENDIX D WWHM CALCULATIONS WWHM2012 PROJECT REPORT Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:29:21 PM Page 2 General Model Information Project Name:Barone WQ Site Name: Site Address: City: Report Date:7/13/2021 Gage:Seatac Data Start:1948/10/01 Data End:2009/09/30 Timestep:15 Minute Precip Scale:1.000 Version Date:2019/09/13 Version:4.2.17 POC Thresholds Low Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Percent of the 2 Year High Flow Threshold for POC1:50 Year Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:29:21 PM Page 3 Landuse Basin Data Predeveloped Land Use WQ Tributary_Pre Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre C, Forest, Mod 0.26 Pervious Total 0.26 Impervious Land Use acre Impervious Total 0 Basin Total 0.26 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:29:21 PM Page 4 Mitigated Land Use WQ Tributary_Post Bypass:No GroundWater:No Pervious Land Use acre Pervious Total 0 Impervious Land Use acre PARKING FLAT 0.26 Impervious Total 0.26 Basin Total 0.26 Element Flows To: Surface Interflow Groundwater Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:29:21 PM Page 5 Routing Elements Predeveloped Routing Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:29:21 PM Page 6 Mitigated Routing Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:29:21 PM Page 7 Analysis Results POC 1 + Predeveloped x Mitigated Predeveloped Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0.26 Total Impervious Area:0 Mitigated Landuse Totals for POC #1 Total Pervious Area:0 Total Impervious Area:0.26 Flow Frequency Method:Log Pearson Type III 17B Flow Frequency Return Periods for Predeveloped. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.007742 5 year 0.012685 10 year 0.015864 25 year 0.019645 50 year 0.022264 100 year 0.024711 Flow Frequency Return Periods for Mitigated. POC #1 Return Period Flow(cfs) 2 year 0.099129 5 year 0.125211 10 year 0.142932 25 year 0.165919 50 year 0.183513 100 year 0.201534 Annual Peaks Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Year Predeveloped Mitigated 1949 0.009 0.128 1950 0.011 0.139 1951 0.017 0.080 1952 0.005 0.071 1953 0.004 0.077 1954 0.007 0.081 1955 0.011 0.091 1956 0.008 0.090 1957 0.007 0.102 1958 0.008 0.082 Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:15 PM Page 8 1959 0.007 0.084 1960 0.012 0.082 1961 0.006 0.087 1962 0.004 0.076 1963 0.005 0.084 1964 0.008 0.083 1965 0.005 0.105 1966 0.005 0.070 1967 0.012 0.121 1968 0.007 0.138 1969 0.007 0.096 1970 0.005 0.092 1971 0.006 0.110 1972 0.013 0.114 1973 0.006 0.069 1974 0.006 0.100 1975 0.009 0.116 1976 0.006 0.078 1977 0.001 0.084 1978 0.005 0.103 1979 0.003 0.141 1980 0.015 0.127 1981 0.005 0.104 1982 0.010 0.146 1983 0.008 0.119 1984 0.005 0.075 1985 0.003 0.103 1986 0.013 0.090 1987 0.012 0.138 1988 0.005 0.084 1989 0.003 0.105 1990 0.028 0.177 1991 0.015 0.141 1992 0.006 0.074 1993 0.006 0.064 1994 0.002 0.070 1995 0.008 0.092 1996 0.020 0.098 1997 0.015 0.095 1998 0.004 0.096 1999 0.017 0.197 2000 0.006 0.098 2001 0.001 0.108 2002 0.007 0.126 2003 0.010 0.098 2004 0.011 0.184 2005 0.008 0.084 2006 0.009 0.074 2007 0.021 0.172 2008 0.026 0.139 2009 0.012 0.128 Ranked Annual Peaks Ranked Annual Peaks for Predeveloped and Mitigated. POC #1 Rank Predeveloped Mitigated 1 0.0280 0.1968 2 0.0258 0.1842 3 0.0212 0.1766 Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:15 PM Page 9 4 0.0196 0.1721 5 0.0169 0.1461 6 0.0166 0.1412 7 0.0151 0.1411 8 0.0151 0.1387 9 0.0149 0.1387 10 0.0133 0.1382 11 0.0128 0.1377 12 0.0120 0.1284 13 0.0119 0.1281 14 0.0117 0.1266 15 0.0117 0.1256 16 0.0109 0.1211 17 0.0106 0.1189 18 0.0105 0.1158 19 0.0102 0.1137 20 0.0098 0.1101 21 0.0091 0.1077 22 0.0089 0.1051 23 0.0088 0.1049 24 0.0085 0.1036 25 0.0085 0.1034 26 0.0084 0.1031 27 0.0081 0.1020 28 0.0078 0.1005 29 0.0076 0.0980 30 0.0068 0.0977 31 0.0068 0.0976 32 0.0067 0.0962 33 0.0066 0.0957 34 0.0065 0.0949 35 0.0065 0.0923 36 0.0064 0.0919 37 0.0063 0.0914 38 0.0063 0.0899 39 0.0061 0.0896 40 0.0059 0.0872 41 0.0059 0.0844 42 0.0059 0.0843 43 0.0057 0.0842 44 0.0055 0.0840 45 0.0053 0.0839 46 0.0053 0.0827 47 0.0052 0.0824 48 0.0052 0.0823 49 0.0051 0.0806 50 0.0050 0.0802 51 0.0047 0.0778 52 0.0046 0.0770 53 0.0043 0.0759 54 0.0040 0.0750 55 0.0037 0.0743 56 0.0032 0.0743 57 0.0031 0.0713 58 0.0030 0.0703 59 0.0020 0.0700 60 0.0011 0.0689 61 0.0009 0.0643 Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:15 PM Page 10 Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:15 PM Page 11 Duration Flows Flow(cfs)Predev Mit Percentage Pass/Fail 0.0039 17075 130686 765 Fail 0.0041 15488 127071 820 Fail 0.0042 14067 123499 877 Fail 0.0044 12797 120120 938 Fail 0.0046 11565 116933 1011 Fail 0.0048 10517 113917 1083 Fail 0.0050 9563 111029 1161 Fail 0.0052 8750 108185 1236 Fail 0.0054 8031 105468 1313 Fail 0.0055 7343 102966 1402 Fail 0.0057 6733 100527 1493 Fail 0.0059 6190 98110 1584 Fail 0.0061 5726 95865 1674 Fail 0.0063 5309 93619 1763 Fail 0.0065 4924 91459 1857 Fail 0.0067 4569 89384 1956 Fail 0.0068 4235 87288 2061 Fail 0.0070 3951 85213 2156 Fail 0.0072 3643 83309 2286 Fail 0.0074 3388 81470 2404 Fail 0.0076 3133 79609 2540 Fail 0.0078 2915 77834 2670 Fail 0.0080 2701 76080 2816 Fail 0.0081 2488 74326 2987 Fail 0.0083 2314 72679 3140 Fail 0.0085 2136 71118 3329 Fail 0.0087 1972 69578 3528 Fail 0.0089 1822 68059 3735 Fail 0.0091 1702 66605 3913 Fail 0.0093 1577 65150 4131 Fail 0.0094 1442 63760 4421 Fail 0.0096 1325 62370 4707 Fail 0.0098 1232 60979 4949 Fail 0.0100 1147 59760 5210 Fail 0.0102 1087 58541 5385 Fail 0.0104 1020 57322 5619 Fail 0.0106 950 56167 5912 Fail 0.0107 887 54905 6189 Fail 0.0109 824 53729 6520 Fail 0.0111 764 52638 6889 Fail 0.0113 725 51526 7107 Fail 0.0115 676 50542 7476 Fail 0.0117 624 49472 7928 Fail 0.0119 590 48531 8225 Fail 0.0120 552 47569 8617 Fail 0.0122 506 46563 9202 Fail 0.0124 470 45622 9706 Fail 0.0126 427 44703 10469 Fail 0.0128 389 43826 11266 Fail 0.0130 356 42906 12052 Fail 0.0132 328 42029 12813 Fail 0.0133 298 41238 13838 Fail 0.0135 270 40425 14972 Fail 0.0137 242 39655 16386 Fail Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:15 PM Page 12 0.0139 218 38885 17837 Fail 0.0141 198 38072 19228 Fail 0.0143 175 37281 21303 Fail 0.0145 152 36511 24020 Fail 0.0146 130 35805 27542 Fail 0.0148 119 35078 29477 Fail 0.0150 105 34457 32816 Fail 0.0152 95 33794 35572 Fail 0.0154 84 33174 39492 Fail 0.0156 74 32468 43875 Fail 0.0158 69 31848 46156 Fail 0.0159 61 31249 51227 Fail 0.0161 53 30650 57830 Fail 0.0163 46 30094 65421 Fail 0.0165 39 29517 75684 Fail 0.0167 29 28918 99717 Fail 0.0169 25 28404 113616 Fail 0.0171 22 27870 126681 Fail 0.0172 20 27335 136675 Fail 0.0174 17 26822 157776 Fail 0.0176 14 26308 187914 Fail 0.0178 12 25816 215133 Fail 0.0180 8 25303 316287 Fail 0.0182 7 24875 355357 Fail 0.0184 7 24362 348028 Fail 0.0185 7 23955 342214 Fail 0.0187 6 23464 391066 Fail 0.0189 6 23036 383933 Fail 0.0191 6 22587 376450 Fail 0.0193 6 22159 369316 Fail 0.0195 6 21752 362533 Fail 0.0197 5 21372 427440 Fail 0.0198 5 20972 419440 Fail 0.0200 5 20580 411600 Fail 0.0202 5 20236 404720 Fail 0.0204 5 19874 397480 Fail 0.0206 5 19475 389500 Fail 0.0208 5 19143 382860 Fail 0.0210 4 18841 471025 Fail 0.0211 4 18521 463025 Fail 0.0213 3 18187 606233 Fail 0.0215 3 17853 595100 Fail 0.0217 3 17528 584266 Fail 0.0219 3 17231 574366 Fail 0.0221 3 16925 564166 Fail 0.0223 3 16640 554666 Fail The development has an increase in flow durations from 1/2 Predeveloped 2 year flow to the 2 year flow or more than a 10% increase from the 2 year to the 50 year flow. The development has an increase in flow durations for more than 50% of the flows for the range of the duration analysis. Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:15 PM Page 13 Water Quality Water Quality BMP Flow and Volume for POC #1 On-line facility volume:0.0319 acre-feet On-line facility target flow:0.0422 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0.0422 cfs. Off-line facility target flow:0.0238 cfs. Adjusted for 15 min:0.0238 cfs.WQ Design flow = 0.024 cfs Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:15 PM Page 14 LID Report Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:46 PM Page 15 Model Default Modifications Total of 0 changes have been made. PERLND Changes No PERLND changes have been made. IMPLND Changes No IMPLND changes have been made. Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:46 PM Page 16 Appendix Predeveloped Schematic Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:47 PM Page 17 Mitigated Schematic Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 18 Predeveloped UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1948 10 01 END 2009 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 Barone WQ.wdm MESSU 25 PreBarone WQ.MES 27 PreBarone WQ.L61 28 PreBarone WQ.L62 30 POCBarone WQ1.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:15 PERLND 11 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 WQ Tributary_Pre MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 11 C, Forest, Mod 1 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* 11 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 19 PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC 11 0 4.5 0.08 400 0.1 0.5 0.996 END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP 11 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** 11 0.2 0.5 0.35 6 0.5 0.7 END PWAT-PARM4 PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS 11 0 0 0 0 2.5 1 0 END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS END IWAT-STATE1 Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 20 END IMPLND SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** WQ Tributary_Pre*** PERLND 11 0.26 COPY 501 12 PERLND 11 0.26 COPY 501 13 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 21 WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 501 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 12 PERLND PWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 12 MASS-LINK 13 PERLND PWATER IFWO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 13 END MASS-LINK END RUN Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 22 Mitigated UCI File RUN GLOBAL WWHM4 model simulation START 1948 10 01 END 2009 09 30 RUN INTERP OUTPUT LEVEL 3 0 RESUME 0 RUN 1 UNIT SYSTEM 1 END GLOBAL FILES <File> <Un#> <-----------File Name------------------------------>*** <-ID-> *** WDM 26 Barone WQ.wdm MESSU 25 MitBarone WQ.MES 27 MitBarone WQ.L61 28 MitBarone WQ.L62 30 POCBarone WQ1.dat END FILES OPN SEQUENCE INGRP INDELT 00:15 IMPLND 11 COPY 501 DISPLY 1 END INGRP END OPN SEQUENCE DISPLY DISPLY-INFO1 # - #<----------Title----------->***TRAN PIVL DIG1 FIL1 PYR DIG2 FIL2 YRND 1 WQ Tributary_Post MAX 1 2 30 9 END DISPLY-INFO1 END DISPLY COPY TIMESERIES # - # NPT NMN *** 1 1 1 501 1 1 END TIMESERIES END COPY GENER OPCODE # # OPCD *** END OPCODE PARM # # K *** END PARM END GENER PERLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name------->NBLKS Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section PWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ***************************** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW PWAT SED PST PWG PQAL MSTL PEST NITR PHOS TRAC ********* END PRINT-INFO PWAT-PARM1 <PLS > PWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP UZFG VCS VUZ VNN VIFW VIRC VLE INFC HWT *** Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 23 END PWAT-PARM1 PWAT-PARM2 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # ***FOREST LZSN INFILT LSUR SLSUR KVARY AGWRC END PWAT-PARM2 PWAT-PARM3 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN INFEXP INFILD DEEPFR BASETP AGWETP END PWAT-PARM3 PWAT-PARM4 <PLS > PWATER input info: Part 4 *** # - # CEPSC UZSN NSUR INTFW IRC LZETP *** END PWAT-PARM4 PWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation ran from 1990 to end of 1992 (pat 1-11-95) RUN 21 *** # - # *** CEPS SURS UZS IFWS LZS AGWS GWVS END PWAT-STATE1 END PERLND IMPLND GEN-INFO <PLS ><-------Name-------> Unit-systems Printer *** # - # User t-series Engl Metr *** in out *** 11 PARKING/FLAT 1 1 1 27 0 END GEN-INFO *** Section IWATER*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL *** 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <ILS > ******** Print-flags ******** PIVL PYR # - # ATMP SNOW IWAT SLD IWG IQAL ********* 11 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 9 END PRINT-INFO IWAT-PARM1 <PLS > IWATER variable monthly parameter value flags *** # - # CSNO RTOP VRS VNN RTLI *** 11 0 0 0 0 0 END IWAT-PARM1 IWAT-PARM2 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 2 *** # - # *** LSUR SLSUR NSUR RETSC 11 400 0.01 0.1 0.1 END IWAT-PARM2 IWAT-PARM3 <PLS > IWATER input info: Part 3 *** # - # ***PETMAX PETMIN 11 0 0 END IWAT-PARM3 IWAT-STATE1 <PLS > *** Initial conditions at start of simulation # - # *** RETS SURS 11 0 0 END IWAT-STATE1 END IMPLND Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 24 SCHEMATIC <-Source-> <--Area--> <-Target-> MBLK *** <Name> # <-factor-> <Name> # Tbl# *** WQ Tributary_Post*** IMPLND 11 0.26 COPY 501 15 ******Routing****** END SCHEMATIC NETWORK <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 DISPLY 1 INPUT TIMSER 1 <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** END NETWORK RCHRES GEN-INFO RCHRES Name Nexits Unit Systems Printer *** # - #<------------------><---> User T-series Engl Metr LKFG *** in out *** END GEN-INFO *** Section RCHRES*** ACTIVITY <PLS > ************* Active Sections ***************************** # - # HYFG ADFG CNFG HTFG SDFG GQFG OXFG NUFG PKFG PHFG *** END ACTIVITY PRINT-INFO <PLS > ***************** Print-flags ******************* PIVL PYR # - # HYDR ADCA CONS HEAT SED GQL OXRX NUTR PLNK PHCB PIVL PYR ********* END PRINT-INFO HYDR-PARM1 RCHRES Flags for each HYDR Section *** # - # VC A1 A2 A3 ODFVFG for each *** ODGTFG for each FUNCT for each FG FG FG FG possible exit *** possible exit possible exit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** END HYDR-PARM1 HYDR-PARM2 # - # FTABNO LEN DELTH STCOR KS DB50 *** <------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> *** END HYDR-PARM2 HYDR-INIT RCHRES Initial conditions for each HYDR section *** # - # *** VOL Initial value of COLIND Initial value of OUTDGT *** ac-ft for each possible exit for each possible exit <------><--------> <---><---><---><---><---> *** <---><---><---><---><---> END HYDR-INIT END RCHRES SPEC-ACTIONS END SPEC-ACTIONS FTABLES END FTABLES EXT SOURCES <-Volume-> <Member> SsysSgap<--Mult-->Tran <-Target vols> <-Grp> <-Member-> *** <Name> # <Name> # tem strg<-factor->strg <Name> # # <Name> # # *** WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 2 PREC ENGL 1 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PREC WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 PERLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP WDM 1 EVAP ENGL 0.76 IMPLND 1 999 EXTNL PETINP Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 25 END EXT SOURCES EXT TARGETS <-Volume-> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult-->Tran <-Volume-> <Member> Tsys Tgap Amd *** <Name> # <Name> # #<-factor->strg <Name> # <Name> tem strg strg*** COPY 1 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 701 FLOW ENGL REPL COPY 501 OUTPUT MEAN 1 1 48.4 WDM 801 FLOW ENGL REPL END EXT TARGETS MASS-LINK <Volume> <-Grp> <-Member-><--Mult--> <Target> <-Grp> <-Member->*** <Name> <Name> # #<-factor-> <Name> <Name> # #*** MASS-LINK 15 IMPLND IWATER SURO 0.083333 COPY INPUT MEAN END MASS-LINK 15 END MASS-LINK END RUN Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 26 Predeveloped HSPF Message File Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 27 Mitigated HSPF Message File Barone WQ 7/13/2021 3:30:48 PM Page 28 Disclaimer Legal Notice This program and accompanying documentation are provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind. The entire risk regarding the performance and results of this program is assumed by End User. Clear Creek Solutions Inc. and the governmental licensee or sublicensees disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of program and accompanying documentation. In no event shall Clear Creek Solutions Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation to damages for loss of business profits, loss of business information, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of, or inability to use this program even if Clear Creek Solutions Inc. or their authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Software Copyright © by : Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 2005-2021; All Rights Reserved. Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. 6200 Capitol Blvd. Ste F Olympia, WA. 98501 Toll Free 1(866)943-0304 Local (360)943-0304 www.clearcreeksolutions.com Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page E APPENDIX E CONVEYANCE CALCULATION 4.2.1 PIPE SYSTEMS 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 12/12/2016 4-23 FIGURE 4.2.1.F NOMOGRAPH FOR SIZING CIRCULAR DRAINS FLOWING FULL 12" PVC pipe at 2% has full pipe capacity of 5.5 cfs Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page F APPENDIX F OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORMWATER FACILITIES AND ON-SITE BMPS 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual 12/12/2016 A-31 NO. 21 – PROPRIETARY FACILITY CARTRIDGE FILTER SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE COMPONENT DEFECT OR PROBLEM CONDITION WHEN MAINTENANCE IS NEEDED RESULTS EXPECTED WHEN MAINTENANCE IS PERFORMED In addition to the specific maintenance criteria provided below, all manufacturers’ requirements shall be followed. Facility Documentation Update facility inspection record after each inspection. Maintenance records are up to date. Provide certification of replaced filter media. Filter media is certified to meet manufacturer specifications. Site Trash and debris Any trash or debris which impairs the function of the facility. Trash and debris removed from facility. Contaminants and pollution Any evidence of contaminants or pollution such as oils, gasoline, concrete slurries or paint. Materials removed and disposed of according to applicable regulations. Source control BMPs implemented if appropriate. No contaminants present other than a surface oil film. Life cycle Once per year. Facility is re-inspected and any needed maintenance performed. Vault Treatment Area Sediment on vault floor Varies – Refer to manufacturer’s requirements. Vault is free of sediment. Sediment on top of cartridges Varies – Refer to manufacturer’s requirements. Vault is free of sediment. Multiple scum lines above top of cartridges Thick or multiple scum lines above top of cartridges. Probably due to plugged canisters or underdrain manifold. Cause of plugging corrected, canisters replaced if necessary. Vault Structure Damage to wall, frame, bottom, and/or top slab Cracks wider than ½-inch and any evidence of soil particles entering the structure through the cracks, or qualified inspection personnel determines the vault is not structurally sound. Vault replaced or repaired to design specifications. Baffles damaged Baffles corroding, cracking warping, and/or showing signs of failure as determined by maintenance/inspection person. Repair or replace baffles to specification. Filter Media Standing water in vault Varies – Refer to manufacturer’s requirements. No standing water in vault 24 hours after a rain event. Short circuiting Flows do not properly enter filter cartridges. Flows go through filter media. Underdrains and Clean-Outs Sediment and debris Underdrains or clean-outs partially plugged or filled with sediment and/or debris. Underdrains and clean-outs free of sediment and debris. Inlet/Outlet Pipe Sediment accumulation Sediment filling 20% or more of the pipe. Inlet/outlet pipes clear of sediment. Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated in inlet/outlet pipes (includes floatables and non-floatables). No trash or debris in pipes. Damaged inlet/outlet pipe Cracks wider than ½-inch at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipes or any evidence of soil entering at the joints of the inlet/outlet pipes. No cracks more than ¼-inch wide at the joint of the inlet/outlet pipe. APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORMWATER FACILITIES AND ON-SITE BMPS 12/12/2016 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual A-32 NO. 21 – PROPRIETARY FACILITY CARTRIDGE FILTER SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE COMPONENT DEFECT OR PROBLEM CONDITION WHEN MAINTENANCE IS NEEDED RESULTS EXPECTED WHEN MAINTENANCE IS PERFORMED Access Manhole Cover/lid not in place Cover/lid is missing or only partially in place. Any open manhole requires immediate maintenance. Manhole access covered. Locking mechanism not working Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts cannot be seated. Self-locking cover/lid does not work. Mechanism opens with proper tools. Cover/lid difficult to remove One maintenance person cannot remove cover/lid after applying 80 lbs of lift. Cover/lid can be removed and reinstalled by one maintenance person. Ladder rungs unsafe Missing rungs, misalignment, rust, or cracks. Ladder meets design standards. Allows maintenance person safe access. Large Access Doors/Plate Damaged or difficult to open Large access doors or plates cannot be opened/removed using normal equipment. Replace or repair access door so it can opened as designed. Gaps, doesn't cover completely Large access doors not flat and/or access opening not completely covered. Doors close flat and cover access opening completely. Lifting Rings missing, rusted Lifting rings not capable of lifting weight of door or plate. Lifting rings sufficient to lift or remove door or plate. Targeted Technical Information Report Barone Gardens Storm Water Treatment 1700 NW Gilman Blvd, Suite 100, Issaquah, WA 98027 T 425-677-2323 F 425-677-2324 CannonCorp.us Page G APPENDIX G ORIGINAL TIR (Dated June 2, 2004, prepared by American Engineering Corporation) American Engineering Corporation Engineers • Planners • Surveyors - d 1 % m 1 Barone Garden Statuary Renton, Washington City of Renton TECHNICAL INFORMA TION REPOR T Project Site Location: 4750 Lake Washington Boulevard NE Renton, WA 98056 ycrr;t rCNF , .. r Vr y I JUN 0 q J e 2, 2004 ti,..,...,,Vir ..b.r Preparedfor: Consultin En ineev s Mr. Baro Kim Creative Solutions. . .14683 SR-20 Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Superior Sev vice AEC Job #0404 BARONE GARDEN STATUARY CITY OF RENTON TECHNICAL INFORMA TION REPOR T Project Site Location: 4750 Lake Washington Boulevard NE Renton, WA 98056 June 2, 2004 r'C.^r .7, V 4 fU v INpy Prepared for: t.,y;`.ti Mr. Baro Kim 14683 SR-20 Mount Vernon, WA 98273 By: American Engineering Corporation y E 4032 148'h Avenue NE o wAsy l+ Redmond, WA 98052 y ; I, 425-881-7430 425-881-7731 faac r 33190 1-r ti° S ot.i..E:' . o r es 05-07-jAECJob #0404 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: Project Overview ..........................................1-1 : 1-9 Section 2: Conditions and Requirements Summary ............2-1 : 2-2 Section 3: Offsite Analysis.............................................3-1 : 3-8 Section 4: Flow Control and Water Quality......................4-1 : 4-22 Section S: Conveyance System Analysis and Design ............5-1 : 5-2 Section 6: Special Reports and Studies ............................6-1 : 6-1 Section7: Other Permits .............................................7-1 : 7-1 Section 8: ESC Analysis and Design.................................8-1 : 8-2 Section 9: Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant ...........................9-1 : 9-1 Section 10:Operations and Maintenance Manual............10-1 : 10-22 naericatt Engineeri tg Co por atiort, #0404 06i02/04 i Barone Garden Statuary I Technical Information Report I TIR Section 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW American Engirteering Corporation, #fI404 06/02/04 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report Proiect Overview The proposed project site is located in the southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 24N, Range SE, W.M., in the city ofRenton, Washington of King County. The City ofRenton has adopted the storm drainage requirements and guidelines contained in the 1991,'King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCWM). The site occupies 1.25 acres, abutting NE 48th Street on the south, and Lake Washington Boulevard NE to the west,with physical address of 4750 Lake Washington Boulevard NE. The property is zoned CA(Commercial Arterial). There are currently no structures on site. The proposed development will create(1) single pole-type building of approximately 1,870 sf, and establish a garden retail business with outdoor sales area. Approximately 11,320 sf of asphalt will be provided, for parking and site access. Two access locations are proposed for the site,with one each off of NE 48th Street and Lake Washington Boulevard NE. On-site soils are Kitsap silt loam,KpC, "Type C„ (till), as indicated by the King County SCS Soil Survey. The majority of the site exhibits slope of less than 20%, with a small area near the north boundary of approximately 2,000 sf approaching slopes of45%. The site is currently well- vegetated with heavy/thick blackberry and taller grass,with fewer than ten older cottonwood trees located at the northeast corner of the site. The site sheet flows gently towards the west and then southwest, to an existing 12"CMP located at the southwest portion ofthe site. Stormwater is then routed through a series of piping, swales, and ditches before outfalling to Lake Washington to the west. In addition, there is approximately 0.44 acres upstream of the site, which gently drains as sheet flow across the site, and is considered flow-thru. Detention for the developed site is proposed via live storage in a detention pond, with outflow from the pond regulated by a riser-type control structure. Developed release rates from the pond will be no greater than existing runoff rates for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year 24-hour storms, as predicted utilizing WaterWorks version 4.13 software. i Since the amount of proposed impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic is greater than II 5,000 sf, a biofiltration water quality swale is proposed to treat runoff from parking areas, with a I design flow equivalent to the 2-year 24-hour developed flo v rate. I American Engineering Corporation, #l0404 06/02/04 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Part 2 PROJECT L CATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Owner Project Name Mr. Baro Kim Barone Gardens Address Location 14683 SR-20, Mount Vemon.WA 98273 Township 24N Phone (3601416-0129 Range 5E Project Engineer Chervl Girard, PE Section 29 Company American Enqinee inp Coraoration Address/Phone (425)881-7430 4032 148"'Ave. NE. Redmond,WA 98052 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS Subdivision DFW HPA Shoreline Management Short Subdivision COE 404 Rockery Grading DOE Dam Safety Structural Vaults Commercial X FEMA—Floodplain Other Other COE WeUands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Renton Drainage Basin Gvpsv Creek Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS River Floodplain Wetlands Stream Seeps/Springs Critical Stream Reach High Groundwater Table Depressions/Swales Groundwater Recharge Lake Other Steep Slopes yes Figure 1 1 -3 Part 7 SOILS I Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velocities KpC(Kitsap) less than 40% Moderate Moderate Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Ch.4—Downstream Analysis Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION Sedimentation Facilities X Stabilize Exposed Surface X Stabilized Construction Entrance X Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities Perimeter Runoff Control X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris X Clearing and Grading Restrictions X Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities X Cover Practices Flag limits of SAO and open space preservation areas Construction Sequence X Other Other I, I Figure 1 Z-9" Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM Method of Analysis Grass Lined Tank Infiltration Channel X SBUH Vault Depression Pipe System X CompensationlMitigation of Energy Dissapator Fiow Dispersal Eliminated Site Storage Open Channel Wetland Waiver Dry Po d X Stream Regional Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation Poullution qeneratinq impervious surface runoff to water Qualitv bioswale. All runoff to detention pond for orifice requlated discharqe. Piped discharqe to downstream drainaqe ditch. Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Part 12 EASEMENTlTRACTS Cast in Place Vault Drainage Easement X Retaining Wall Access Easement Rockery>4' High Native Growth Protection Easement Structural on Steep Slope Tract Other Other X Sewer Easement,Utilities Easement Pa t 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this woricsheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Z Zoo Signed/Date Figure 1 1-5 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Reaort 5E=72ND:Si - Ze-- cl._ s aTj' 2 t M 7+` I,^ __ ; zt\1 1y AJA qv i SE-T_T11- -- J_ Lake Weshirtgton S / ' _'-`_ -`_ ,.. ..z j- —S r,, tt•1 f', 2 g t '-1-t ..IcTH-8 H_'3 r' J ,, S92S 3•' { IS 1-; .•i_: '— I d[s I s t r— j' ' jr! z`- i _•, 1: J 6 : I 4 1 f -6L ''E; r I -.^. W r _,-.., LN 8 -'- ,t"- _' t82 S I az NE_ISRO-P_L mJH=ST J tiy' CJ 20W Ki Cerniy 6 11 Figure 2: Site Location American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 1..'C SEC.29,TWP. 24 N., RPG.5 E.,W.M. 0 55A«RIW_6.3 iNV. 36.3!(8"N) I INV J6.3(8'$E) r i KIEWIT BUILDING i i s i d I i SMM RIM 3.R i Mmvaxe.ev(e-N wv. xe.es(e'se) tr 3' fc, I io v GR E C IE w 0 i r j wca-m rt I , I1. , 4 v T y E 4 oHv .ao(e• N 2 / NV 77(1 S) O N wv zs •cuP-- N i S b `b `b . e a l . I \ o•\1. °b.$. o `,`1 j o a c3i ys y_ y s a o : 1 ' \\ I O c Y, c c 5 w ' / ,4 t - - - -- + ,._. M _ F• `' s'sEMEn oAENTfI IttI y I IO , -' I i 1, c/ , IL 7.7 I.-" y `• -- D , a $ (' 5e , ' E ENT R l0YQC07 " I I 21.07 0 << S' TORY DRAIN F aerau 4\ f .- _.- ---- ce1 va ss. I I t" , •., YAC N/Yl / "I I __ _--- i )\ \\ .. I 1 C elav-aa.st • / - // s'ununes e urs+r a'g ocac h:o ro an aF aenra LL c 'i v rt sartr vur pQ+ o aes n aoT vo sz.ac ea a 3', /'y' I. I 11 C t R £ iNv 29.p aiPas f.. ,, ---`j_' _- -- I I C = i \ pma a IN 7Y. (1 'C11P 5) - I j 1 ' ' O m 0 :, i, L6Y t I 1 \ I 37.93 a 31 'i I I i , i . C 0 1 ±' i i ti I NAUTICA BUILDING QWU .d ! I i , r ', /. ;` : % r ; j o P . 1 i f I ^a°,c,a i 9 I r 1 f2 .° js t s' ••'isd I ! r I ' I E,' s.iI I r ; I I , 1 R 2 o o-: 1ti Ac / 6'9' •4 o , 6`: .oi , r i r I of6 sJ I IHV 21.51 I I I . I 21.91 PR 3 7 l fl I 1ii1 U1iiini-,1 I i1i ; I I I r I li I i1', I 1 I i i Qa Qbucrau /'- j : ELEv?\26.0.1 I SpW Po4 28.W 1, I CB PoY 69.09 1EE RIV 217.99 N'lY SS+H fiH }}.17 I / I . V 66.49(B'GIP E) 1 WV Tg.2 '^w 32YI i 1 V 66.39(12'p1P 5) Rw``,.5z ' o --,r ,s_.\___ A tb WV 20.92(tYpm N) aao.ia xorC S)y, a ,. . il , f • • •,. INY 20.97{12 CYP NE) f T•g-a`. .. .E . - ' .. . •. . ' :. sswr Ri sa ie T/ v / 7'I /7i 7 %''T7 /-/T{"T Ww rr ! wv_ntia ow r 1 I I s w 2 wv I w s-w,z'ar •1 I ; wv_sa.e.x' Wwrvl iHv sa.}Q c mn nm. 1 i wv sas Tr c[r- I w C8 PoY 17.31 1.CB Po4 57.31 '. i I INY=2S. (8 GIP 11 1! i v 'li CB-PoM n s5b8 ' NIV a 6(6'CPP i i , i INV 43.39 8'PLAS7IC 5) J ;NV 5 2(6'f9P S) I pp /1 -//1L /1/ LL/ LL.-/LL R L1/ 1/X L!'R_/1/1 U11L 1:rs / n g o 0 t0j1`11- Ld/1_/1/'L _1Lt 1T//11L1_/1/1 r/ :L1 W -- M - M Ni76 f!M_ - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ } _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _.A ' O U Wv y - - _- - - _- - SSNH PoN.3l.% 329.IS' fCe RWt2.7(e'PLASTC N) ICb PoY66. 92. 23 IHV 12.20(lY CHP M INV:8l.3Iwv=27.5 G.FLOw 12'WP E)f-- C8 Rol-22.OE 1 1 PoY-III.82 t2'aA WV 4223(12'C4P E) 6'CPP E)I INv 19.63(t2'C4P E) INv-2 9(12'WP I INV-3.33(6'CPP Wj INV 66.60(6'•CPP W F+-1INV.1 .7(36'tlIP S) , INV 1J.43(6"CPP E) W CALL 48 HOURS 0404BEFOREYOUDIG I1-800-424-5555 MEE Z^ SEC. 29, TWP. 24 N., RPG.5 E.,W.M. m sv H r+w-a.x /IMv-x.s(e•N) INv- ts x(e'se) r r. 2 S I C i 0.4 14 : . c 9 c oT 9c b 36 AC P R v o : g,.7 Po_.s.h wv,ze.as(6'N) Os t 31• I l IiNV-28.89(6'SE) i I6 c a44 C 1 Ti 4yca N , P s s1INV22 s i l • . J . a p. Vti O I 1O Q IO ;0 0 N xYI1D!C 1L o n 3C / 1 ' I ` o a c I k'` - ser x r a__ E 3 r SI s is Y atr f1?1a 1 8 8 0 1.78x p I PF71F.P1C .. I \ __ -,c iOIIN. i I r n 0 // 0 O 1FE 1 Z :*; r! e irooc itnta Gj aas ai z I_ rnc e exnanen aws c;. P/aeav x r nwc r- vEx co sP.v wo . \ r - __,se J S' 70t01 ORNN E 12'31M I I j / x i V F LOT2 ni e i.ie p- R 4/0RT RA O c- o z^ - 7gy V0.32.P I I IA a f I/AC NAIL J/ v 8 1 n z eV''u. t 15'UTRJnES EASENQIT n tl a j r _y -'_- - 4t ` '\ DEpLATIDroanovrmrran S ` Sv iY afr I ; ^ v e s aer aut n 3 >'6 i / 1 ti ' \ VOL 52 PG.iN W$ Y . ICg 1295 I.T-1 . STATfOA o NY-29.2 (12 p1P N) r", I v'Z E 1 Y0 I r f !NI FVI(E p C' 1 aMrirfza. (i aP s) ir 0.0i WM% - - RPRM OUIFALL PAD I e'Iwc Oc R s aiaoii o 2t x t nra S TM,,a . -\ c`;, ; IE A'30 TAI.' Z 16 wiowe+• I v • a $ e. ro nn onrc on w m ^ : rve,•:9ss nr-. SO Ob E SOY aw,a e a Y a ff _, - - - _ E, k ;" ,o . f' w 1 x,x• i i r, ol a. g , y , ' , TGtpM b3.,,, MIppYir E3200 i POLE RMN i /, l 1 O y I I r euaaa ei I y6i Ik k rs a'•o9 :a t rll y< itid'. R o gnaII 0 •Li - . 1 y y fBA T-2 SM d S E" a L` pa vOD I siIc at 'Y • , r f ! 6 J b I `'' i E/ p0. I i[ ,`1 E fY TS.pp { r ieu s ir z1aEa yovE oasn a Y I ! $ \ 7 ' 7 aEv`xem ' •„ r av, S S i ! ' c wosovelsmr iH -ze.os f 1 G9 PoII fi9.09 y`, inv-z ssr.a ra_u.7 2S' / /' C vv Aaa xroww u+v-ee.as(e-aw E) rv_Ze.z^p 1 , ne io rtoac o f 1 INV-66.39(12'CYP S) t8 PoY\-v2l.52 • . C PIV 20.92(IYu N) i' _' .. . .I . 7i 9GT}iE 1YtlC 5) g yINv20.97(71'QIP NE) T s L : 1 . . .. . : '. ^ '. . . .i. -...- . - . . e . i eii ja, • / T/'c 7`' %_" /7%'`T/7 %7` , . ' 7'vw- ss n w a.e J E S200 : CF INv-279 0.FLOW 1 NSTNL COIFNT OOIqEIE EIIINXS!APPROApI ALT.2 . 5 M .t2 WV PROYDE r.T OEHHS 9MIIEFR E'W 12 OUT PFR G0.R SP.f7l-01N(lYP-2 lACA710M4) i t•ff ( Nv=.sa.9.iM G o.,o i Z A x s.6 ce r w z, i N E 48ThTf STREET I . '' ' 1 'ce ax. sz3, iI --' IL Q x v-zs. (e'cwa w i i i ts'ew-asba wv- e(e•cw e) i I i in I_ sa.3s(s'vusno,s) r v_sds(e•cvp s) ! i / 1 -11L`1/1/ L11 11-/LL L1/ 1/L L!`Ll_/1/1 t-/11L 1%1/ .//_ /1/L'L -! 17.L7' L!!1_/1/1 L/!1/1 OQ . . + _ _. „ ., ` . _ , ; C7 cT I] WI C6 Rw 6.73 CB RIM-7i25UP SSbM PoY:J.% INY 2.73(B'PLAS7IC N) INV 66.9(12'CMP E) NIV 27.3 Q fLOw INY-2.2f1(72'CMP M) INY 68.J(6'CVP E) l' / CB RiM 21.OB 9M M PoY= ze.e2 J lY DIA INV:42.23(12 QIP E) WV-19.87(12 CMP E) INV a 2.9(72'WP w) INV=J.33(6 WP W) O,INY-65.70(12'pI7 w) INV 6fi.60(6'CPP W) INV I 7(36'p1P 5) INV=tJ.aJ(6'CPP E) i y'w CALL 48 HOURS 0404BEFOREYOUDIG 1-800-424-5555 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report I N , . . f' ` ( I 1 Kp6 tii Pin i 32 EwC y U ABB InA iv \ I I Gclf Course I J KA yN 25 i a,a i , mC 1 3 I 2 A€ gg -.: ; ,;r .s.TE JSouMerc Ii i i PD g• I JrH i- I o h• A C i i ,/ f • I \ Q i I I i l, I Ma e y C ' . La eridge Sch / M 109 T 8---- ----- — 356 i, gt I •.; p8p . I 1 1. . 3 i rvo ; r . KPD' I I L('+ dKD8 a AgC p 4. South Point AgD 1 3} I. .... •. , • ' ••ASC Kennydale r °° InCt AkF Coleman Poin ' P" Q. „ Ali F• Q I InA • iR J f— B D .. R----- -- l gC AgD l/ m a Bn'1'90 • G' l N , l, t m E T Figure 4: Soils Map 9nierican Engineering Corporcrtiorl, #0404 0%J';'04 l Barone Garden Statuarv Technical Information Report TIR Section 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Provided at later date following City of Renton review) Arnericm Erigi ieerrng C'or-por•ation, ;t0404 06%'0?%04 Z-Z Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TIR Section 3: OFFSITE ANALYSIS American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/09 3-2 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Renort An offsite analysis was performed by American Engineering on April 19, 2004. Weather was overcast with intermittent showers and a temperature of 55 degrees. Upstream Analysis Minor amounts of runoff upstream of the site contribute to the site, as shown on the existing and developed hydrology maps located in TIR Section 4. Offsite flow will be collected, conveyed to the I onsite stormwater facility, and treated for water quality and quantity. Observed stream reaches upstream j of the proposed project show no existing or potential problems (flooding, scouring, sedimentation, IIerosion, etc...) Downstream Analvsis Please refer to the downstream analysis map located in this section vhen referring to the following analysis. From the southwest corner of the site ("A"), flo vs are conveyed via the following flo v segtnents: A to B (0'to 1SO'): Flows are conveyed to the south through a system of 12"minimum diameter piping, underneath NE 48`h Street, discharging to a roadside ditch/swale located at the SW intersection of Lake Washmgton Boulevard NE and NE 48th Street. B to C(1SO'to 400'): Flows travel southerly through a ditch/swale that is located along the east shoulder of Lake Washington Boulevard NE. The swale sides are well-armored with gabion, and well-vegetated with cattails and young hardwoods. C to D (400'to 6S0'): I, 24"diameter piping to the west, underneath Lake Washington Boulevard NE and I-405, discharging to Gypsy Creek. D to E(650'to 850'): Comprised of a ditch/swale flowing to the north vest that is well-stabilized,4 feet wide, and SH:1 V side slopes with grass. Note that at point"D", there is the 24"diameter outfall mentioned above. There is also a 36" diameter cast iron outfall,which is badly deteriorating/rusting, and is separate from this i downstream analysis. American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 3-z Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Renort E to F(850'to 1,030'): Comprised of 24"diameter piping heading to the west, underneath Ripley Lane and a railroad R/W. Note that there are (2) 48"type 2 catch basins along this run,both ofwhich contain"jailhouse"type inlets, and either a"birdcage"or grate type overflow structure, indicating potential surcharging during periods ofhigher flow rates. Fto G(1,030'to 1,230'): Comprised ofa ditch flowing to the northwest that is well-stabilized,5 feet wide, and 2H:1 V side slopes with young hardwoods and occasional grasses. G to H(1,230'to 1,830'): Due to presence of private property that was fenced with chain-link,the full length ofthis conveyance was not field-verified. However,this reach begins as a 24"diameter aluminum pipe, and heads underground to the west. Flows are conveyed to the west for 600 feet, before reaching Lake Washington. Drainage complaints were reviewed within the downstream analysis area. Per conversation with City of i, Renton on March 10, 2004 there is a flooding problem within the downstream area, documented as i problem site#PS-61 (see documentation at end of this section). However, the proposed project should II not negatively impact PS#61, as described below. I The downstream flowpath described above is well-stabilized. Since this project proposes to release developed surface flows at less than but no g u,;r than the existing surface flow rates, no adverse effect to downstream facilities is anticipated as a result ofthis project, and a severe flooding problem should not be created ar aggravated. Furthermore, a 30% volumetric safety factor has been applied to the proposed detention pond design volume. American Engineeri tg Corporation, #0904 06/02/04 3-3 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report King County ArcIMS HTML Viewer Ma fi a, v ;sa0000 >. p, r. _ r Yy , Q1 IGry_•' f•. .. . ._ . _I 1, Q, i i 1,. L'G1_'"'_"_ l;- P• ' Ilfp` a fLekeWeshitona ' r f ,"fm.' Y t: .•ir _ 1,2r. . u N u} t 42 0 11 r. s - • :f 2: as r ... r_ P, .. rlc s i h . i3' ' 1 ( . aP..-.. v I;Cd= y. x M a . r^9 4 ti '!c 4 , . NE l8T_H 37-i"`2 ,? b, tw I if t {, y, ; r.,,,,...._ - s f v' iiYh -S F ,_. `2924QSOOGt _`4..,. s p ' •'(i . ' ; ` j d 6 331••_ r+ - 4_r"L -. e R v I f:'` ''.. ,s _ j ' a , 4',-- f: R a D'i:_ .: s 4 a'..` ; q.o I y ' { '} s' . i y'' x . r tq. f +le ,311J3pg1 • t 1'i CJ 2069 King County f -^'r .i0 Q.$$fTllj . N , 0 Zo0 Ab 1 ow^/SrRE,qM ,N Y53'S MAp - American Engi aeering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 3-9 v c.i r .eil Pa985 7671 a a Post-tr Fax Note From L,l..r..- So" Co. GOJ e4t. PhO e v Pnona 3 Faz PLANNtNG/BUILDIN F- ' V l I DATE: M cH 21,2001 TO: GIZEGG Z MMERMAN FRED KA[JFrtAN FROM: rr,warrs SUBJ'ECT:CURI EM'POLICY'OR ADriITIONAL bRATNAGE CONTROT COiV'DT7ION5 in reviewing developulent projerts, staff has asked for upgraded drainage requiren ents on projects that aze located in areas with pot ntial downstream flaoding or erosion problems. Ihis has occasionally resulted in differezr conditions for di.fferent projects in the same neighborhood. This memo is an at empt to explain the history of these additional drainage requirements, and pro-ide guida.nce on how we wiil. address drainage concerns for new pro}ects. The City oE Renton has adopted the 1;'9 Kzng Count Surface vater Manual (1991 KCSWM} for drainage reguirements for 7e« developments. Hox•e Ter, for projects with potenrial downstream flooding or erosicr+ problenls, additional drainage requirements through SEPA or platting conditions may t warranted. Early areas of concem were the Mapl wood Greek basin (projects such G Safe vay and QFC and the 7'alhot Rd S. area projects such as Campen Springs, Spri..bbrook Condominiums and :4shbraok). These projects were required to comply to increased standards forflooding (der ntion for the 100 year storm event) or erosion control (release rate set at half the pre-existing 2 year storm re.lease rate). These increased standards ,ere applied using the design standards outlined in the 1991 KCS rM, since th 1998 KCSr''I either did not exist, or was noe yet adopted by the County. Then the 1998 KC5 4'I T cazn into e:istea:ce and adoption b the Couz ty. T-us anual has increased requirements for Qetenuoi:, ar: requires increased standards _`or certain critical drainage basins. Projects in the aruYexa:c: area east of the City yould be subject to this ne v manual if .e eloped un er Co ty ;:zrmits prior to a:-ulexa on T-ese projects have potential downstrearn flooding -.a zrc,.c proUlems, so additionzl mi oation conditions r` b vond the code mandated 1991 K;''v:;T are pr priate. To ad ress this drainage mitigation, and tc ren ain cai,is`en`.`!`lUl_Te-annexation leve? of drainage requirements, it ha5 beeri ouT polic to T quest S?;P:. or pla ig conditions for drainage plans ir compliance .th the nz•,1993 KCSW? To= a11 proJects in: 3-S J u l _ S A I;'.', ` I,..ftl III I :; : Ikl! ,IrM r.niqnJi ,lb - 11. r..,,aL...._. 'i 1. u N r.p- { i ' r,._.___ - - ErHI w i , py Y , ,- i J:, JL;% ryy', yt q^' ( Jl j" - _f} : _ - -` `-. 4 , i ^:. , i... I 1 1.1 ,.i i T.Y-" t i r. r t{+Y .fi "`sl /l - 0 111 '4Ia. ,~iu^ I`. .J i` j e ___1___-_- _- `I , ``` f ar ' r.',` ,' _ - ' 1y _ r 4 . J J'N',1 7{`3' r i 'hy-*- r _ _ _ -=z__,_1 ' 2' ;3r!}i.t j L ; ,. , s I y + q "^' P C 1-w t i8,i1' . .,r u iy , ry:• k,: ppa,v il* , , } y {{ t x iti{i tl iA w i i,5f.; s"V'II'.r' t. d" 1.i{, . r " ir i ,.. yl°iy, 1 vir L, C a rM. I6Iwil4 ,{wt In i o R ti 1'6J ci - Qlhaµy j, 9, F { q" I y t' h i' t . iiry 7 i i*'Sl ..+?,Y 1,' a s p t t, ,I i,:. r6, i . ( !`<. ' r{{R 'q' { t f .{i af . I 1 - f I a .'.. ,N eli F i P. 70 ,M r. i.Eiil , ,ilqli f'9 YY.1'i arq ,"qn il}7 .'{., F': 1, dk? k J7. . P^rtN' 4a a.- iTi n.,:;i .'^,fi'. iE¢"?.,,. ' 1 -1} a .14",a,b,. JS ,y, ,i .J d:i ri••. 1 r r,.rt.. ,.v-.+».y, i ... x i u ! .. . i'f r 7 I k ' J:a; '1'.,. ,l,, T+ g i Y. . t ti1 SY q'i tcy't.p. s ti 7, ii w @I , M qlr. ,i.i '. .11G P:. Mr ilu.l w,,MPN PGA_1brka',,a f 4'' i lil„.i. ::j tr s.?Sh:>' 'f G l'fr.,, u,;y: 9 J:' -i e.; ,il y,.,. .d,a: y ''I,,,j...,.1 i rj'w,,r,i u. u yi, J'Wry. p .?: Y I tI : ,.. ... y:lWi H:.,g ,tia{J9r' Y; .'p l t i ud i .k .1 ,.'d pua I .,'. :Y`slh'!. I"i'1'e Ih ( C ."iQ'M,. la. s(,r+,1L.r,k'.cS !i-. •.: .,,, yt.. ;; r.'ti ? ,a,,' :n '1 "'. ' ° 1e J&u!ip if:y ,l;" i;, w tiuleN, i. ;j a G:<+` ( a l 7.'2 y'-4;.tit i. l . '. ti p"i r ,,i a i ,1y, i4 d d.._ v" '4 f`.. • ,j,` ..."I bw . .: y ;- r"r11 1 c a, tx l4 .. . ; ,. .. . `i„ 9y4 .r t .t Ifl''"i", a>. J . ' ' `' i,,, 1 a 1 , r•,. y fi'+ ' ` t..y,'-, ? f;, L i:' iJt .'` 'i y.. 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T C 1 rl UfY BC si^fr y ,,y, i OTEN 1Pa- f r{r. 31.:. r .l . EAS t2 , NDs o i l l-._ , tc YaR c r 4c Uv 2A00 a G WA'iER rELW-6.S i PS-56 WASM "` 14 SSANfl1N SYSZ M J`.---'S-pRM WAY yORZN KE A SDT&C4T(1 M Y 4E r— '_._---- pS57 Ngy{TO K WA WASH q yS{N Aa fo 'M t DEG OpplN pLVD.f B 5 Iti ST 14 LOCC1T`I S R puE EL f_ - EDMOTIDS A 1 i ,PRppER S1i Au lA PRIVA r--`6 pg s E E 1,yE WpSF1 d,pCK a M STORM W.1-MA SR ELsxWNr!.MCAPACI SYS c tiVAT 11 G1N SYST-5.0 PR AS p1SCHARGE X K pROPERjY F EX1ST5tdG p5 9 y Y8 4t ST WAg4i f OW CyC O SS pVER p EAST p1SCH D A1RD P11 CE K Cl11.1' u}:>YS lE y i PS-bd OT1 s AV'E A!E WASb1 p0`,NNS SUtT ft1 r f ELVy i-ti y PONDIG OF,1 t10uR`NG Tft E I I SS T SZ n FRE LIE`.—sFM 'E NTS--` M SG5 1 UNU RSIZE Tu RSPLEY '` ST IS C1-N pOWNSTREAM IAKE Lp,CKs SUF O CU yv tT 1ty PS-b N O V K' WAS GAPAGtW 1G4i R S S. LOWS Q IIp WA54 ltJGY04`i PgSK AM p 50}OT1 R pU6-1C "'--- pROP WAV. _,.-' N io 7 Kf` r i i FICr r .f' ant MDo:vR 1'...:., . i 4<':Z:t.r,o_ r. MAR-p9-2004 16 29 ITY 0 RENTOh! 425 430 7231 P.05 y i L_-' i i" FlGUf E 1 2 i C!TY Q REN7011 suR ac w,ar R P BLEM S1T'S s l r a l e s s f soos c 1 ti 8i.tIX f t f YYEST [.AK W1 4irG'l 1V sr w w aTo r c c jl to'w t c w Anr am s 1 .— _ r i r ti. Ee' R r• I i'f f P ,- , _ t,a Tar,s, n . r 4 Vf r. s, , . a.!.i!'.+ E..i, r, MuriCipal Bcundrie Urban Growth Boundar z i ac C1 O 4000 8 00 e 1 .d8 ,o 0 0 C N Z- I i' 1 I 4 J e.. 1 1 '*iIN ` rn" I II ir i I t<<, i r's; Dd,Aatson l II<.e, :; R.Macanie. D.Visneski t ', N 6i Y 25, 1995 l 1 g9 , Y__ A : ., t TCTAL r.a i Barone Garden Statua rY Technical Information Report TIR Section 4: FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY Antericn i F_igineeri»g C'nrporation, itU4U 06/02/04 4-Z Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report Existin Site Hydrology (Part A) I Existin Hydrolo 2y The following assumptions and site parameters were used in analyzing the existing site hydrology: Total Basin A =1.69 AC(1.25 AC on-site+ 0.44 AC upstream) Impervious None Pervious Grass and/or landscape On-site:15,300 sf, CN= 86 I Upstream east: 4,275 sf, CN= 86 Brush On-site:39,281 sf, CN= 81 Upstream north: 14,630 sf, CN= 81 73,486 sf= 1.69 AC, CN=82.33 Tc= 13.51 min Table 1. Existing Site Land Cover Types I, Basin Area Impervious Pervious CN Tc (min) A 1.69 AC 0 AC 1.69 AC 82.33 13.51 American ngineering Cofporation, #U4/' 06/02/04 L 3 ti N1 i Y zg g7 I Jj '.\\ w \,` 1\ , Y e egI Q 8 g g\, o Q '%/ ' R \ \s v H / r ti..' -'a`1 ` , \ a, IS 5 I l\ , I G' \ i e ` 2o4N 1\ \ \\ I f3 I N- \ pyN l'I «i\`, t 8 Yi.or-T- lC" " i qp q I I o '* . ( 1 ' Y \ 86"' I /i 7 _ I \ c'S=a Sw 1e. l, < < 1 ' '' 11 1 I L_=., g, b 8 I 1 1e\ V a.. i/ 1 \w k igIa91I $ n i/ 1 1 ' \ I r a I i I M ' u - ___ _. Y 1 q ' '"-' ' ` 1 !•` J L` a s Y 1--_-_. I '\ c 7- I \ e 1 1 11 -__'_—. f— 3_ _ 'C e•: / SS 1 I q n. . c-- / 1P4 ^' L 1.. i\ I g w R Y Eu UI )4-- --...„ v 1 i I SS I 1I „... . _ ` m N< ivQ+ I I z u + Y Y i[ 3B\ Y PP Ak I ._ .. i vr 3 i o I o----' J i' cN U 14 c ZI, z .-.----. vV\_ I I y : - .. ' ,_A y1,,.'. y .. / m b yG 6 y 9 K I y p Q I l` 8._ y _I oo N N I 6i\ c 7, • 1 .- / / o T 4 04 1 yl _--- aa-:aa g- `-_ oe o , aJ.= I 57I'_.. . ". _ ,v..:. .. ._._.. _ •...... Y•' . ` ` ; r., I u " r v y . I \ c 1 i . T v/ Z I5,._,._... ..... \I .. :. 1 M I Y) • I r m ' ,..1, q . 1 / 06 -..._-....._` _ I _... .' I I f' .//: y . . J,- _! _ ,'.h , Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report Developed Site Hydrology (Part B) Developed HydroloQv The following assumptions and site parameters were used in analyzing the proposed site hydrology for sub-basin C: Total Rasi t A = 1.69 AC(1.25 AC on-site+ 0.44 AC upstream) Imperviorrs Roof/sidewalk/asphalt parking: 13,042 sf, CN=98 Detention pond: 1,420 sf, CN= 100 14,462 sf=0.33 AC, CN=98.19 Tc = S.Omin Pervious Gravel: 2,060 sf, CN=89 Brush Utilities Easement east: 2,565 sf, CN =81 Steep Area: 2,050 sf, CN =81 Upstream north: 14,630 sf, CN= 81 Landscaping/grass 73,486— 14,462—2,060, - 19,245)= 37,719 sf, CN=86 59,024 sf= 1.36 AC, CN=84.47 Tc= 5.0 min I Table 2. Developed Site Land Cover Types Basin Area pervious Pervious CN Tc(min) A 1.69 AC 033 AC 1.36 AC 98.19/84.47 5.0 American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 SEC. 29,TWP.24 N., RPG. 5 E.,W.M. i b.. /iNV Jl.J(e'N) v xx(s'sEl i o' I 2 s c o.c = ;. 69 1c TorA I fi36ACPFievsoi b - -- S, Cit/ = 8', 47 a 0.33 A hv-mee e•H' I I nv_zees e•sc f 6 9 C f/.-- `! Q44 c I P Tt 4N o = b cr M> wv n( s) wv x.:z c :a-- r io p to o O i o o NItaca.m 2 n 3Io < o O / , r C"sEwn , a_, I a 6 T o x a o 6 s r,r a r 0 •tsst I \` --'c i 'i .j / O.af[1K dI0• I Z F • li 3 s v ooc[n _ - Nauawiaw• Q Y7 x E X I_ -`. 9E.EX QM ry 16TD X 1'il/OC L T_ I, a R CGR SY.PAQ FLD \\ i7 / i S' ORMnA I "JSYO 1 Jf P EnT E1Y 11001 I / V/ F lOT2 b c z^ I 7gy I I ` b 0 \, • ` \ a o ' _ •oe YAG NA L8 2 nFLEv-Ja.ss t u'ununEs EnsfHEnr S r i. 4+ ` otnc o ro an oc ao+ra S ' s<fY tz'vEa 7 rQ+s„anr rur 8 '!1 1eo ti w.sz r iu G I o Y: ' i', v 1 X W T-1 STA a n f12 I in N MPI FDI 1 CIwrvwEIcr-a o I ,O R iwy-2i. ( O/P 5J NiRAP OUIFALL PAG Q I/ 4r •0.O YY% - - ` C C aarox= erwx atxtnea 1 y , i. C-« I c-uaw rao n-°° ty i n d m y S IE]G!!0 TAL• 2 t6 1'PF71F r. s._ ER7t oon o paw tE n O a.a E s'v aas s E s.O WUI` ED ptAN AT o p a : a eooc-urx a , j , I I i , Q WU 1- a,,.,u w.us._. i-] 70 YAlt9'11 X r, ;. ' I I ',. I alfDXSt Xt' 1 L i i - n ` kt r I . '. . x =I l 0. bJ i !7F1Y: 53 f tow N 8 RLTE71 Mq n.m' ,N D i i.s°s'yua I I . F+ :r u,.us I I :r f k Ik Y i rrq'a'°u I i O M aa a ooa= % .r ' : ' - ' a 9 ImRT'tsw Y }i .. I I iv dH` QOS a /' ocmrna rao snIcme r U 1'' N E Y-u,m I i i 1 4 7 I I; rer ' •izt aer wwrc oasna Y 1 i 1 I S t I7aEvxs.a.s /'. • ns i it av: i= 8 I 1 _ 1 tar 1W1oar'sn v w iaw.s9.osI xs' / % A r v t noa dw+ 1- Hv_es.aa(e•caw E) spw xe.a. Ilsswravnst ,. av-Z hv'xai 1 7E To tlOOF p1AM Hv-se.3a(tx'aw sl L w 3a.s] • 1 wY-i0.92(tYO n) W i--r']s'sOnC 5) y. . . . . t .. I WV 2LL97(IYWPNE) i/ . •f S4W PoY X10 •// ••// •f //` •` a/'/// /`/;\ ////, // l ` • ye L.. iaoii r NSTILL C01OR OO/OEfE EMNICS t ARRONGM KT.2 j"6 wv-179 0.ROM I . I r w-12 v na+oe s'oeaas e uwae a-w•our •rnt cew.v.tw-mM(rn-z auzwa) f s.' ! wv_.sas JPfRGORSD.BR1O wV Sa6 1-1 O L W W E.- 1 1 1 I ' T I ' I ce ra sz i i i F--1iN.E 48Th1 STREET t 1 f-+ r.v-ri @-aw wI; i ! ' I ' ' n u3sy Pusnc ' NV S 2(6 P q I ; j A l O pq ,v1 _/11L 1/1/ LU LL C/LL L1/:1/L_ L1L!_Y1/1 t_/L!L 1%1/11r_L,(1—/L'L 17 Tz':Lll1_f1/1 r,dL/1/1 r W O1i t . — . ' - - - - - - — , -- ` il ' , v 'J Ut-- - - 1' ^ W W1 M— — cs w-.a 1 .ce rau.nnlr SIMI PoY].96 WY 11.7J(6 PLASTG N) LaV 66.9(tY Cl+P z Y 1nv.x s a Ftow u.v-azxo(tY ar vh J I 12'OA v.a2.2J(t2'WP E) v 60.3 I6'CYP E) r / CB fLY 220a SUp1 PoM 2Qe2 NV 6110(tI'Gv O WV-19.8](tY CMP E) INV 2}9(12 PI W) INV.{].JJ(b CAP N) WV a 66.50(b CPP M) I.YV 1(x'yc s wv_a.(a'wv e) I F.e.i Mr''I CALL 48 HOURS 0404 BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 91Ef ._ S' Barone Garden StatuarY Technical Iaformation Report Performance Standards (Part C) I i I The City of Renton has adopted the 1991 KCSWM for drainage requirements. However, since this proposed development is the Gypsy Creek Basin, increased detention standards are required. The increased standard for flooding requires the detention system to be designed such that the post-development peak runoff rates from a 2-year 24-hour, 10-year 24-hour and 100-year 24- hour storm do not exceed the existing peak runoff rate from the 2-year 24-hour, 10-year 24-hour and 100-year 24-hour storms respectively. In addition, a volumetric safety factory must be applied to the detention facility: the volume of storage required for detention shall be increased by 30%without increasing storage depth. WaterWorks version 4.13 soflware has been utilized to model basins and determine detention and water quality volumes. T'he SBUH method of analysis with a Type 1-A rainfall type was used. Design storm quantities to be used in the analysis are site specific and dictated from isopluvial maps located in section 3 of the KCSWM. The rainfall amounts for the 2, 10, and 100-year 24-hour storms are 2.0,2.9, and 3.9 inches respectively. Since the amount of impervious surface subject to vehicular traf6c is greater than 5,000 sf, a biofiltration water quality swale is proposed, with a design flow equivalent to the 2-year 24-hour Iflowrate. The on-site conveyance system must have sufficient capacity to convey and contain the 25-year peak flow with at least 0.5 ft of freeboard. The conveyance system should have the capacity to convey and contain the 100-year 24-hour peak flow without overflowing. American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 6 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report Flow Control System (Part D) Flow control will be achieved by using the live storage volume in a detention pond,with outflow from the pond regulated via a riser-type control structure, located in a 54" diameter type 2 catch basin just southwest of the pond . The details of the basin summaries, level pool routing, and stage-discharge and stage-storage are found on the following pages. A summary of the results for the WaterWorks program is listed below. Table 3. Existing and Uncontrolled Developed Peak Flow Rates Basin Pre-Develo ed CFS Uncontrolled/Post-Develo ed CFS 2yr/24hr l0yr/24hr 100yr/24hr 2yr/24hr l0yr/24hr 100yr/24hr A 0.17 0.41 0.72 0.34 0.64 0.99 Table 4. E isting and Controlled Developed Peak Flow Rates Basin Pre-Develo ed CFS Controlled/Post-Develo ed CFS 2 /24hr 10 /24hr 100yr/24hr 2yr/24hr l0yr/24hr 100yr/24hr A 0.17 0.41 0.72 0.17 0.25 0.72 Required Live Storage 22.00' to 23.49'= 1,990 cf(w/o F.O.S.)x 1.39=2,590 cf(w/F.O.S.) Provided Live Storage 22.00 to 23.49' =2,800 cf>2,590 cfreq'd Control Structure(2, 10, & 100year control): 12 "riser w/notch weir Orifice : 2.99"diam., elev. =20.00 ft Notch: 0.22' H x 1.3' L, elev. =23.27 ft Overflow Elev. =23.49 ft Outlet Elev. =22.00(12" CPEP) OverJlow Spillway: Jailhouse Q=C(L-0.2H)H3n C=3.27+0.4(H/P)=3.27+0.4(0.5/1.49)=3.40 TryL=2.Oft: Q=3.40(2-0.2(0.5))0.53 Q=2.28 cfs>0.99 cfs req'd capacity,therefore use 2.0 ft. L x 0.5 ft H jailhouse. American Engineering Corporation, #0909 06/02/04 7 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report Water Quality System (Part E) Water Quality Faciliry Analysis A biofiltration swale is proposed to treat runoff from asphalt parking areas. The biofiltration swale will be located upstream of the proposed detention pond, and has been sized to treat the developed 2-year 24-hour flow from 0.26 acres of proposed asphalt parking. Due to site-specific available area constraints,the length of the biofiltration swale is proposed to be 50 feet, while maintaining the surface area of the design water surface at the biofiltration design flow equivalent to that based on a 200 foot length. Design criteria per section 4.6.4 of the 1990 KCSWM were used, as documented on the following page. r I American Engineering Corporation, #0904 06/02/04 8 BARONE GARDEN STATUARY WATER QUALITY B/OFILTRATION SWALE May 3, 2004 AEC #0404 DESIGN WIDTH(c 200'L DES/GN VELOCITY Slope(ft/ft) 0.02 Area= 0.57 Slope(ft/ft) 0.06 Area= 3.33 n 0.35 P=2.81 n 0.35 P= 11.11 Target Q(cfs) 0.11 R= 0.20 Target Q(cfs) 0.11 R= 0.30 b(bottom width,ft) 0.7 Q= 0.12 b(bottom width,ft) 9 Q= 1.56 Side slope 3 SA= 539.60 Side slope 3 flow depth(ft) 0.333 flow depth (ft) 0.333 V=0.47 1.5 fps OK CONVEYANCE CAPACITY(25-year) Slope(ftJft) 0.06 Area= 0.55 n 0.027 P= 9.38 DESlGN W/DTH(50'L Target Q(cfs) 0.84 R= 0.06 Slope(ft/ft) 0.02 Area= 3.33 b(bottom width,ft) 9 Q = 1.13 n 0.35 P= 11.11 Side slope 3 Target Q(cfs) 0.11 R= 0.30 flow depth (ft) 0.06 V=2.05 <5.0 fps OK b(bottom width,ft) 9 Q= 0.90 Side slope 3 SA= 549.90 CONVEYANCE CAPACITY(100-year) flow depth(ft) 0.333 550 sf>540 sf, OK Slope(ft/ft) 0.06 Area= 0.55 n 0.027 P= 9.38 Target Q(cfs) 0.98 R= 0.06 0.33'+0.5'min. freeboard=0.83'tota/depth b(bottom width,ft) 9 Q= 1.13 Side slope 3 flow depth(ft) 0.06 V=2.05 <5.0 fps OK D 04046ioswale,xls 6/3/2004 7:53 AM C:\waterW1040415-26-04.doc OS/26/04 11:09 AM 1!9 5/26/04 11:3 :44 am American Engineering Inc page 1 BARONE GARDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: DEV10 NAME: DEVELOPED 10-YEAR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.69 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0. 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2.90 inches AREA. . : 1.36 Acres 0.33 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 84.79 98.18 TC. . . . : 5 .00 min 5.00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 80.00 ns:0.0600 p2yr: 2.00 s:0.0750 TcReach - Shallow L: 30.00 ks :11.00 s:0.3300 TcReach - Channel L: 45.00 kc:42.00 s :0.0670 TcReach - Channel L: 105.00 kc:42.00 s:0.1500 PEAK RATE: 0.64 cfs VOL: 0.24 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: DEV100 NAME: DE 7ELOPED 100-YEAR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.69 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 .90 inches AREA. . : 1.36 Acres 0.33 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 84.79 98.18 TC. . . . : 5.00 min 5. 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 80.00 ns:0.0600 p2yr: 2. 00 s:0.0750 TcReach - Shallow L: 30.00 ks :11.00 s:0.3300 TcReach - Channel L: 45.00 kc:42.00 s:0.0670 TcReach - Channel L: 105.00 kc:42.00 s:0.1500 PEAK RATE: 0.99 cfs VOL: 0.37 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: DEV2 NAME: DEVELOPED 2-YEAR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.69 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2.00 inches AREA. . : 1.36 Acres 0.33 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 84 .79 98.18 TC. . . . : 5.00 min 5.0 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 80.00 ns:0.0600 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0.0750 TcReach - Shallow L: 30.00 ks:11.00 s:0.3300 TcReach - Channel L: 45.00 kc:42.00 s:0.0670 TcReach - Channel L: 105.00 kc:42.00 s:0.1500 PEAK RATE: 0.34 cfs VOL: 0.14 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min I I'-lD n,.,t,p'11-1,1'-(i-(l ln:, (15'Fi'r11 1 1 n :1\T ^ 5%26/04 11 :3 :44 am American Engineering Inc page 2 I BARONE GARDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: DEV2WQ NAME: DEVELOPED 2-YEAR WATER QUALI" SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 0.26 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2.00 inches AREA. . : 0.00 Acres 0.26 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 0.00 98 .00 TC. . . . . 0.00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 80.00 ns :0.06 0 p2yr: 2.00 s:0.0750 TcReach - Sheet L: 100.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s:0.1960 TcReach - Shallow L: 135.00 ks:27.00 s:0.0274 TcReach - Channe,: 40.00 kc:42.00 s:0.3 00 PEAK RATE: O.I1 fs VOL: 0.04 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: EX10 NAME: EXISTING 10-YEAR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.69 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 .90 inches AREA. . : 1.69 Acres 0.00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 82 .33 00 TC. . . . : 13.51 min 0.00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 80.00 ns :0.1500 p2yr: 2.0 s:0.0750 TcReach - Sheet L: 140.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 2.00 s:0.2000 TcReach - Shallow L: 140.00 ks:9.00 s:0.0765 PEAK RATE: 0.41 cfs VOL: 0.19 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: EX100 NAME: EXISTING 100-YEAR SBUfi METHODOLOGY i TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.69 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP I PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3.90 inches AREA. . : 1.69 Acres 0.00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 82.33 0.00 TC. . . . : 13 .51 min 0.00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: B0.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 2.00 s:0.0750 TcReach - Sheet L: 140.00 ns:0.1500 p2yr: 2.00 s:0.2000 TcReach - Shallow L: 140.00 ks :9.00 s:0.0765 PEAK RATE: 0.72 cfs VOL: 0.30 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min t c C:lwaterW1 40415-26-04.doc 05/26/04 11:09 AM 3/9 5/26/04 11:3 :44 am American Engineering Inc page 3 BARONE GARDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: EX2 NAME: EXISTING 2-YEAR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1.69 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 .00 inches AREA. . : 1.69 Acres 0.00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10.00 min CN. . . . : 82.33 0.00 TC. . . . : 13 .51 min 0.00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0.20 TcReach - Sheet L: 80.00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2.00 s:0.0750 TcReach - Sheet L: 140.00 ns:0 .1500 p2yr: 2.00 s:0 .2000 TcReach - Shallow L: 140.00 ks:9.00 s:0.0765 PEAK RATE: 0. 17 cfs VOL: 0 .09 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min l I i Z C:lwaterW10404\5-26-04.doc OS/26/04 12:01 Y 5 26 04 11:3:44 am American Er--; - - __ T BT_pnr1E ^-n^F, AEC #4404 MAY 26, 200-- HiDRu:k1=PIi SUI tI'l[?Y PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 1 0.168 480 4072 cf 1.69 :SX2 2 0.408 480 8111 cf 1.69 :SX10 3 0.716 480 13156 cf 1.69 :SXI00 4 0.342 480 6020 cf 1.69 :DSV2 5 0.639 480 10575 cf 1.69 :DBV10 6 994 480 16020 cf 1.69 :DSV100 7 0.168 510 6020 cf 1.69 :2YRCONTROLLSD 8 0.254 56 10575 cf 1.69 :IOYRCONTROLLSD 9 0.716 500 16020 cf 1.69 :100YRCONTROLLED 10 0 .105 480 1675 cf 0.26 :DEV2WQ u 4-/3 C:\„aterW\0404 5-26-04.doc OS/26/04 11:09 AM 5/9 I 5/26/04 11:3:44 am American Engineering Inc page 5 BARONE GARDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 STAGE STORAGE TABLE TRAPEZOIDAL BASIN ID No. POND2 Description: POND W/O S.F. Length: 50.00 ft. Width: 20.00 ft. Side Slope 1: 3 Side Slope 3 : 3 Side Slope 2: 3 Side 51ope 4: 3 Infiltration Rate: 0.00 min/inch STAGE <---STORAGE----> STAGE <---STORAGE---> STAGE <---STORAGE---> STAGE <---STORAGE---> ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft> ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- 100.00 0.0000 0.0000 101.10 1370 0.0315 102.20 3344 0.0768 103.30 6018 0.1382 1Q0.10 102.11 0.0023 101.20 1523 0.0350 102.30 3557 0.0817 103.40 6299 0.1446 100.20 208.50 0.0048 101.30 1661 0.0386 102.40 3775 0.0867 103.50 6587 0.1512 100.30 319.22 0.0073 101.40 1845 0.0423 102.50 4000 0.0918 103.60 6881 0.1580 100.40 434.37 0.0100 101.50 2013 0.0462 102.60 4231 Q.0971 103.70 7183 0.1649 100.50 554.00 0.0127 101.60 2187 0.0502 102.70 4467 0.1026 103.80 7491 0.1720 100.60 678.19 0.0156 101.70 2366 0.0543 102.80 4710 0.1081 103.90 7806 0.1792 100.70 807.02 0.0185 101.80 2550 0.0585 102.90 4959 0.1138 104.00 8128 0.1866 100.80 940.54 0.0216 101.90 2740 0.0629 103.00 5214 0.1197 104.00 8126 0.1866 100.90 1079 0.0248 102.00 2936 0.0674 103.10 5476 0.1257 101.00 1222 0.0281 102.10 3137 0.0720 103.20 5744 0.1319 4-i 4 C:\waterW\040415-26-04.doc OS/26/04 11:09 AM 6/9 5/26/04 11 :3:44 am American Engineering Inc page 6 BARONE GARDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 STAGE DISCHARGE TABLE MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. FROP Description: RISER W/ ORIFICES Outlet Elev: 100.00 Elev: 100 .00 ft Orifice Diameter: 2 . 9941 in. STAGE <--DISCHARGE--> STAGE <-DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- Sft) ---cfs-- ------- 100.00 0.0000 101.10 0.2552 102.20 0.3606 103.30 0.4419 100.10 0.0769 101.20 0.266 102.30 0.3690 103.40 0.4486 100.20 0.1088 101.30 0.2774 102.40 0.3769 103.50 0.4551 100.30 0.1332 101.40 0.2879- 102.50 0.3847 103.60 0.4616 100.40 0.1539 101.50 0.2960 102.60 0.3923 103.70 0.4680 1U0.50 0.1720 101.6b 0.3077 102.70 0.3997 103.80 0.4742 100.60 0.1884 101.70 0.3172 102.80 0.4071 103.90 0.4804 100.70 0.2035 101.80 0.3264 102.90 0.4143 104.00 0.4866 100.80 0.2176 101.90 0.3353 103.00 0.4214 100.90 0.2308 102.00 0.3440 103.10 0.4283 101.00 0.2433 102.10 0.3525 103.2C 0.4352 I 4-IS C:\waterW1040415-26-04.doc OS/26/04 11:09 AM 7/9 I 5/26/04 11:3 :44 am American Engineering Inc page 7 BARONE GARDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 STAGE DISCHARGE TABLE COMBINATION DISCHARGE ID No. combo Description: riser w/ orifice and notch Structure: FROP Structure: Structure: notch Structure: I Structure: STAGE <--DISCHRRGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- {ft) ---cfs-- ------- 100.00 0.0000 101.60 1.0830 103.20 9.0795 104.80 15.270 100.10 0.0769 101.70 1.4562 103.30 9.5971 104.90 15.441 100.20 0.1088 101.80 1.8654 103.40 10.105 105.00 15.579 100.30 0.1332 101.90 2.3043 103.50 10.600 105.10 15.682 100.40 0.1539 102.00 2.7677 103.60 11.083 105.20 15.748 100.50 0.1720 102.10 3.2514 103.70 11.550 105.30 15.776 100.60 884 102.20 3.7518 103.80 12.000 105.40 15.765 100.70 0.2035 102.30 4.2656 103.90 12.433 105.50 15.714 100.80 0.2176 102.40 4.7899 104.00 12.846 105.60 15.620 100.90 0.2308 102.50 5.3221 104.10 13.238 105.70 15.484 I101.00 0.2433 102.60 5.6597 104.20 13.607 105.80 15.302 i 101.10 0.2552_ 102.70 6.4004 104.30 13.953 105.90 15.075 I 101.20 0.2665 _ 102.80 6.9422 104.40 14.273 106.00 14.801 101.30 0.2994- 102.90 7.9829 104.50 14.566 i 101.40 0.4642 103.00 8.0206 104.60 14.830 101.50 0.7545 103.10 8.5534 104.70 15.066 4-/6 C:lwaterV1 0404\5-26-04.doc 05/26/04 11:09 AM 8/9 5/26/04 11:3 :44 am American Engineering Inc page 8 BARONE GARDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 STAGE DISCHARGE TABLE NOTCH WEIR ID No. notch Description: notch in 12" riser Weir Length: 1.3000 ft. Weir height (p) : 3 .0000 ft. Elevation : 101.27 ft. Weir Increm: 0.10 STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGfi---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------ (ft) ---cfs-- ------- (ft) ---cfs-- ------- 101.27 0.0000 102.00 2.4237 102.80 6.5351 103.60 10.621 101.30 0.0220 102.10 2.8989 102.90 7.0686 103.70 11.082 101.40 0.1963 102.20 3.3910 103.00 7.5992 103.80 11.526 101.50 0.4566 102.30 3.8966 103.10 8.1250 103.90 11.953 101.60 0.7752 102.40 4.4130 103.20 8.6443 104.00 12.359 101.70 1.1390 102.50 4.9374 103.30 9.1552 101.80 1.5390 102.60 5.4674 103.40 9.6560 101.90 1.9690 102.70 6.0007 103.50 10.145 C:\i aterVV\040415-26-04.doc 05/26!04 11:09 AM 9.-9 5/26/04 11 :3 :45 am American Engineering Inc page 9 BP 20NE GrRDENS AEC #0404 MAY 26, 2004 LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW -STO- -DIS- <-PEAK-> OUTFLOW STORAGE DESCRIPTION—-------> (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-STAGE> id (cfs) VOL (cf) 2 YR W/ 2 YR .. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . 0.17 0.34 POND2 combo 100.48 7 0.19 527.29 cf 1 YR W/ 10 YR . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . 0.41 0.64 POND2 Combo 101.09 S 0.25 1350.85 cf 100 YR W/ 100 YR .. . . . . ... . . .. Q.72 0.99 POND2 Combo 10i.49 9 0.72 1988.72 cf KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TABLE 3.5.2B SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS (Published by SCS in t982) Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban and urban land use for Type 1A rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. CURVE NUMBERS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL ROUP LAND USE DESCRIPTION A B D Cultivated land(t): winter cond'Rion 86 91 94 g5 Mountain open areas: low growing brush and grasslands 74 82 89 92 Meadow or pasture: 65 78 85 89 Wood or forest land:undisturbed or older second growth 42 64 76 81 Wood or forest land:young second growth or brush 55 72 81 86 Orchard: with cover crop 8t 92 Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, landscaping. good condition: grass cover on 75% or more of the area 68 80 86 90 fair cond'Rion: grass cover on 50°,6 to 75°/, of the area 77 85 90 92 Gravel roads and parking lots 76 85 89 9t Dirt roads and parking lots 72 82 87 89 Impervious surfaces, pavement, roois, e[c. 98 98 98 98 Open water bodies: lakes, wetlands, ponds, etc. 100 100 100 t00 Single Family Residential (2) Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre 6 Impervious (3} 1.0 DU/GA t5 Separate curve number 1.5 DU/GA 20 shall be selected 2.0 DU/GA 25 for pervious and 2.5 DU/GA 30 impervious portion 3.0 DU/GA 34 of the site or basi 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0 DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 5a 6_0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA 4 7.0 DU/GA 56 Planned unit developments, impervious condominiums, apartments, must be computed commercial business and industrial areas. t) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer to National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, Chapter 9, August 1972. 2} Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into street/storm system. 3) The remaining penrious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. 3.5.2-3 11/92 9 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, S URFACE W . TER DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.S.1C 2-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS r– ; :: _ .-- —— – -- – –;s – -- P ,1 7 ',1 tr. r. P.. . a._t- y S n J, s 1 i` • ` i?i 1 I i. r i l %' I KktqiM y R I J; i,iI^ x r cV y i Y -=- 20 _ "' , _` F. 1 - o' O M.a.; ., iE c„ rE' Y..._- r -. .ii i y . I L y f. a-. / 1 'T"' a i f 1 I r{'x m ., - i Msresr- -I 1 I IS "/ I v r 7 j yIj ` 1r 0 I JrL s+r. isa m"'l i _r I t I „ 7 I J y i I 3 ' m i 13C. M1011 aI O ' r k y, r ._.. 1, ! 1' , ff ` y l 1L/ MI I l I GL j.`\ \= v ip'''` u-- 1, _ I I ! 9 R' . r` I 1 I r i y i s'rKp I t'. . I y 1 i/1 I .' r,7 I i jr I/ . ! r ' ' u-\ - I y` 1 I , \\` ' G # 1, i ` ~ i ! b \ c ry'- ---/ \ Y' li - - { 1 F_ l ry 1'' d,..-- t _ , t __`, "°, ---- – yC ; v.y, i ,r S rS L7 i• 3..`- 2-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPl'ATiON j r 3.4' ISOPLUVIALS OF 2-YEAR 24-HOUR I s; 'i ' S 35 r TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES r y' l i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Miles l ti e+`. =- --. 20 i:soo,000 5 1_8 1/90 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, S URFACE WATER DESIGN M ANUAL FIGURE 3.S.lE 10-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS Z.r E_ r?--; ;z :::,- = -- _- --- 22 T 23 y ai .•• V a ----- a 1, u24I r \' 4-.5 1 '`,=_ 26 rt 2•7 1 i J - 8 r"-1 I y 9 n < ro* v. 1 "' . _ ' 3 p , °; rnE Vv F Cxk < Y , F j ` e '= i ,iY I 3y 'a _ _ , " F, c rercar`, r E-'' S, . '`_ t I lj r. 32 r I 9 i' .' ' d 7 f/ ,r r f ` L e_ r I 4 a3 r i 1 1 7 •- . 1'' J 1' l J'•S I V 1 _ ..- 4 4 I I . I,. L_ d,.,_ 1 y ya s.` G` u• i'. I . O r' S ~' t I `.`-u l ` y Y, / 1 v t C` DaMena'-r f 1 r., _ , • f 1\ Y` ,.,:' { I r' rr i .;f. :J q d ,"r`' i` ' , 1. J'< lp~ a_- ;` j J i\ — i-^ i A 1 ,i .p ': L r ."'_ ' Y i , li' jj ' % ' 'p /o'.1 d r _ - IM. y ___ _ V' j f i' 1 i J, _-T j0-YEAR 24—HOUR PRECIPITATION j i 0.5 3.4 ISOPLUVIALS OF 1Q-YEAR 24-HOUR TOTAL PRECIPITATION !N INCHES 3O 3 ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Miles W ,.21 3.s.i-io 3 5 u 4.0 KING COliNTY, WASHINGTOiV, S L' RFACE WATER DESIGN :1ANUAL FIGURE 3.51H 100-YE R Z 3-HOIJR ISOPLLVI:LS 3.p— — _.,. c— - - s - 3r y ; - ,a 1 2 r ` - `P: i 33 a. , _ , 3.q a 1 k '"" .iA rv I 3 r= , 3 3 3 1- L r RIAt '_ q I" 1 t'3: 4 t '\ ' `" f ir 4 y t a J \,. o IMnf.. i'. I 1` fi ' } i42 1, M _ P,,, a Q3 _ _ a -' -;,, ` ;, a i,' waxur i r i --. .. O 44 ,. vee _ . ,' J ° fiIdPee° 7 I jP ,x A 7 e A r r f 6f e S \ lSI S y // i,Q r c' 1 r 4.6 ' r 1 s o i j ' ''r r t' tii j C- i r r-- .j ' sMon ,. . T '. o ! y _ 'SI .a l-i J' i y I° jy_ L. , e„ ^ d uo a .1r iJo CtVi! ` r 1 I/ i I y i I 1 - \ i! x nt i r ir _y I ' • 1 no a / j w \w` r I; r _ I i v`, x r/1Izd v a p u y - .+..,. f' 'a "r / i CO1` I T c : - 3's 1 " L-y rr ,- J" _ /. Jt Vr , 1 j j Qc' i o a 100-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION i i t' 3.4--ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEAR 24HOUR S c' TOTAL PRECIPITATiON IN INCHES p ` 5'S q f' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles 6F Z 3.5.1-13 O 1:300,000 V'inn Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TIR Section 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ii i i i , t - American Engineering Corporation, #0409 06/02/04 SZ Barone Garden Statuarv Technical Information Report Conveyance System Analysis and Design The existing and proposed stormwater conveyance system was analyzed for capacity to convey and contain the 25-year, 24-hour peak flow with a minimum of 0.5 ft of freeboard. Peak flow rates obtained using the rational method were used in conjunction with the King County Backwater Program (KCBW) to predict headwater elevations at each catch basin. Based on the results of the KCBW analysis program, at least 0_5 ft of&eeboard will be maintained during the 25-year 24-hour peak flow, and none of the catch basins will overflo v during the 25-year, 24- hour storm event. A severe flooding problem should not be created or aggravated. BARONE GARDFN STATUARY CONVEYANCE ANALYSfS May 3,2004 AEC#U404I, TRIB TOTAL AREA AREA Tc Design V Design Return Frequency Location (AC) (AC) 'C' (min aR bR PR iR IR (cfs) (fps) R=100-year CB#1 0.34 0.34 0.9 6.3 2.61 0.63 3.9 0.81! 3.192424' 0.977 1.24 R=2ryear CB#1 0.34 0.34 0.9 6.3 2.66 0.&5 3.4 0.8041 2J33941 0.837 2 05 Ofull 12'CPEP?125%(oullet CB#1,Manning's Equation)= 3.71 cfs»0.96 cfs design,OK I HACK9AT'ER C011PII1'ER PROGRAIS POR PIPES i--_------__. _____.__ `----- -=- -----'u----_._... Pipe data from iile:of-cbi.bnp i-..__.. IIsinq a b oad-crested veir at intermediete junctions ii-__ ...._.-Individual CB's subject to surchatged condition should be simulaced by raising the ovetflov elevation Trvr..__-Lo an appropciate height above the cim elevation. T _._ ..-- -- -- --i---- --"___.._.___.iTailvaterElevation:33.63 Peet t r-- --I----- 't _Discharge Range:0.84 to 0.98 Step o1 0.14 [cfaj ji_-- ` - ---T--7-- '--j-Overflos Elevation:38.9 feet a- _-- ''------ ---.._. Yeic:NONE _._. .__.. ,. ... Upatream Velocity:l, ieet/sec t PIPL NO. 1: 8 LT 12"CP 8 1.25t OU77.LT. 33.50 INLET: 33.60 INTYP. 5 = JONC NO. 1: OVERFLOY-EL: 36.90 HLND: 90 DLG DIE/QIDTH: 2.5 Q-RiTIO: 0.00 t-I Q(CFS) Hy(FT) HB ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN 1'Q DO DE HIIO HYI tttiti'Rflttlt titiftit tltYtiRiif itifftiiiitltiftiiiitiVftttittlifliitiftfifitltt ',i, 0.84 0.54 34.14 * 0.012 0.39 0.30 0.33 0.33 0.39 **** 0.54 ! 0.98 0.59 34.19 * 0.012 0.92 0 33 0.33 0.33 0.42 ***** 0 59 T ' t F----- t..__ --_.___ ' __.. :____ `___._ .__.___ ..__. ' .. t--- ----lPIPE NO. 2: 76 LF - 12^CP Q 2.313 OOTLLT: 33.60 INLET: 35.40 IN1'YP: 5 i I I I i t Q(CFS) H9 FT) HY ELEf7. * N-FAC DC DN 7'7 DO DE HYO H7I i i- I attritr+rxrtrtttrt twtrtxrritfissrsttttrst:ir r+rtrai trs trr:aetrrsr+twsrtsrt !it' ___ _. _-"_.t0.84 0.51 35.91 * 0.012 0.39 0.26 0.59 0.54 0.39 ***** 0.51 ;j i A-'_'-_.... 0.96 0.56 35.96 * 0.012 0.42 0.28 0.59 0.59 0.42 ***** 0.56 ' Ameriean E igineering Corporution, #NJ I ' 06/02/04 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TIR Section 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Geotechnical Engineering Study (detached) Barone Gardens Statuary Prepared by Geo Group Northwest, Inc. Apri12, 2004 American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 b^ Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TIR Section 7: OTHER PERMITS Water (City of Renton) Sewer (City of Renton) American Engineering Corporation, #U4U-1 06/02/04 1 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TIR Section S: ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN kE F.-".' u fL`".. I,..: . American Engineering Corporation, #t0904 06/02/04 S'Z Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report ESC Analysis and Design The following erosion and sedimentation control measures will be used to help prevent the transport of sediment from the project site: Clearing Limits Clearing limits will be delineated using either siltation fencing or plastic orange protective fencing. Cover Measures Temporary cover will be installed if an area is to remain umvorked for more than seven days during the dry season (May 1 to September 30), or for more than two working days during the wet season(October 1 to Apri130). Stockpiles will be covered if they remain unworked for more than 12 hours during the wet season. Cover used shall be mulch, seed, and/or plastic covering. Perimiter Protection I Approximately 480 lf of siltation fence will be installed along the site perimeter, to reduce the amount of sediment transported beyond the disturbed area. Trafftc Area Stabilization Stabilized construction entrances will be installed per C.O.R s.p. drawing BR23. The construction entrances will be a minimum of 50 ft in length. Sediment Retention The proposed detention pond will act as a redundancy to further prevent sediment transport from the site. Catch basin protection will be provided as necessary. Surface Water Controls Surface water will flow directly to the proposed detention pond or conveyance system within the site. American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 8'2 Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TIR Section 9: i' BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT To be submitted at later date as required) lmericcirt ngineerin(.orporunon, +O-JU# 06/02/04 9-Z Barone Garden Statuary Technical Information Report TIR Section 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL i American Engineering Corporation, #0404 06/02/04 0`2 1 K[NG COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL i ' il MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 1 -DETENTION PONDS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance Results Expected When Component Is Needed Maintenance Is Performed General Trash 8 Debris Any trash and debris which exceed 1 cubic foot Trash and debris cleared from site. per 1,000 square feet(this is about equal to the amount of Uash it would take to fill up one standard size office garbage qn). In general, there should be no visuai evidence of dumping. Poisonous Vegetation Any poisonous or nuisance vegetation which No danger of poisonous vegetation may constitute a hazard to County personnel or where County personnel or the the public. public might normally be. Coordination with Seattle-King County Health Department) Pollution Oil,gasoline,or other contaminants of one No contaminants present other than gallon or more or any amount found that could: a surface film. (Coordination with I1)cause damage to plant,animal,or marine life; Seattle/King County Health 2)constitute a fire hazard;or 3)be flushed Department) downstream during rain storms. Unmowed Grass/If facility is located in private residential area, When mowing is needed, Ground Cover mowing is needed when grass exceeds 18 grass/ground cover should be inches in height. in other areas,the general mowed to 2 inches in height. policy is to make the pond site match adjacent Mowing of selected higher use ground cover and terrain as long as there is no areas rather than the entire slope interference with the function of the facility. may be acceptable for some situations. Rodent Holes Any evidence of rodent holes if faciliry is acting Rodents destroyed and dam or as a dam or berm,or any evidence of water bertn repaired. (Coordination with piping through dam or berm via rodent holes. Seattle/King County Health Department) Insects When insects such as wasps and hornets Insects destroyed or removed from interfere with maintenance activities.site. Tree Growth Tree growth dces not allow maintenance access Trees do not hinder maintenance or interferes with maintenance activiry(i.e.,slope activities. Selectively culdvate trees mowing,silt removal,vactoring,or equipment such as alders for firewood. movements). If trees are not interfering with access,leave trees alone. Side Slopes of Pond Erosion Eroded damage over 2 inches deep where Slopes should be stabilized by quse of damage is still present orwhere there using appropriate erosion control is potential for continued erosion. measure(s);e.g.,rodc reinforcement,planting of grass, compaction. Storage Area Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 10°/a of the Sediment cleaned out to designed designed pond depth.pond shape and depth;pond reseeded if necessary to control erosion. Pond Dikes Settlements Any part of dike which has settled 4 inches lower Dike should be built back to the than the design elevadon. design elevabon. Emergency Rodc Missing Only one layer of rock exists above native sal in Replace rocks to design standards. OverflowlSpillway area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of native soil at the top of out flow path of spilMray. Rip-rap on inside slopes need not be replaced. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-1 10-2 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 2 -INFILTRATION Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance Results Expected When Component Is Needed Maintenance Is Performed General Trash&Debris See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 Poisonous Vegetation See"Ponds"Standard No.1 See"Ponds"Standard No.1 Pollution See"Ponds"Standard No.1 See"Ponds"Standard No.1 Unmowed Grass/See"Ponds'Standard No.1 See"Ponds"Standard No.1 Ground Cover Rodent Holes See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 See"Ponds"Standard No.1 nsects See"Ponds'Standard No. 1 See"Ponds"Standard No.1 Storage Area Sediment A percolation test pit or test of faality indicates Sediment is removed and/or faality facility is only working at 90°/a of its designed is deaned so that infiltration system capabilities. tf two inches or more sediment is worics according to design. present,remove. Sheet Cover(If Sheet cover is visible and has more that three Sheet cover repaired or replaced. Applicable) 1/4-inch holes in it. Sump Filled with Any sediment and debris filling vault to 10%of Clean out sump to design depth. Sediment and Debris depth from sump bottom to bottom of ouUet pipe If Applicable) or obstrucGng flow into the connector pipe. Filter Bags Filled with Sediment Sediment and debris fill bag more than 1/2 full. Replace filter bag or redesign and Debris system. Rock Filters Sediment and Debris By visual inspection,little or no water flows Replace gravel in rock filter. through fiiter during heavy rain storms. Side Slopes of Pond Erosion See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 See"Ponds"Standard No.1 Emergency Rodc Missing See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 Overflow Spillway Settling Ponds and Sediment Remove when 6"or more. Vaults Note: Sediment accumulation of more than.25 inches per yearmay indicate excessive erosion is occurring upst eam of the facility or that conveyance systems are not being pr pedy maintained. The contribu6ng drainage area shoufd be checked for erosion problems or inadequate maintenance of conveyance systems if excessive sedimentation is noted in an infiRration facility. Check twice a year during frrst 2 years of operation;once a year thereaRer. Clean manholes/catch basins,repair damaged inlets/outlets, clean irash racks. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-2 d 3 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACIUTIES NO. 3 -CLOSED DETENTION SYSTEMS (PIPESlTANKS) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Storage Area Plugged Air Vents One-half of the cross sec6on of a vent is blocked at Vents free of debris and any point with debris and sediment sediment Debris and Accumulated sediment depth exceeds 10%of the All sediment and debris Sediment diameter of the storage area for'h length of storage removed from storage area. vault or any pant depth exceeds 15%of diameter. Example:72-inch storage tank would require cieaning when sediment reaches depth of 7 inches for more than Y length of tank. Joints Between Any aack allowing material to be transported into All joint between tank/pipe Tank/Pipe Section facility sections are sealed Tank Pipe Bent Any part of tank/pipe is bent out of shape more than Tank/pipe repaired or replaced Out of Shape 10%of iPs design shape to design. Manhole Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any open Manhole is closed. manhole requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism cannot be opened by one maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Mechanism Not person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less tools. Working than%z inch of thread(may not apply to self-locking lids.) Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed and Remove applying SOlbs of lift. Intent is to keep cover from reinstalled by one maintenance sealing off access to maintenance.person. Ladder Rungs King County Safety Office and/or maintenance person Ladder meeLs design standards Unsafe judges that ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,allows maintenance person safe misalignment,rust,or cracks. access. Catch Basins See"Catch Basins"Standards No.5 See"Catch Basins"Standards No.5 F_.' .I i.w 4 f . I.i l . yyy-. ??? k_ f 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-3 0 LLT APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO.4-CONTROL STRUCTURE/FLOW RESTRICTOR Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Distance between debris build-up and bottom of All trash and debris removed. Includes Sediment) orifice plate is less than 1-1/2 feet. Structural Damage Structure is not securely attached to manhole wall Structure securely attached to and outlet pipe sUucture should support at least wall and outlet pipe. 1,000 Ibs of up or down pressure. Structure is not in upright position(allow up to Structure in correct position. 10%from plumb). Connections to outlet pipe are not watertight and Connections to outlet pipe are show signs of rust. water tight;structure repaired or replaced and works as designed. Any holes—other than designed holes—in the Structure has no holes other structure. than designed holes. Cleanout Gate Damaged or Missing Cleanout gate is not watertight or is missing. Gate is watertight and works as designed. Gate cannot be moved up and down by one Gate moves up and down easily maintenance person.and is watertight. Chain leading to gate is missing or damaged.Chain is in place and works as designed. Gate is rusted over 50%of its surface area. Gate is repaired or replaced to meet design standards.. Orifice Plate Damaged or Missing Control device is not working properly due to Plate is in place and works as missing,out of place,or bent orifice plate. designed. ObstrucGons Any trash,debris,sediment,or vegetation Plate is free of all obstructions blocking the plate. and works as designed. Overflow Pipe Obstructions Any trash or debris blocking(or having the Pipe is free of all obstructions potential of blocking)the overflow pipe. and works as designed. Manhole See'Closed DetenUon Systems"Standards No.3 See"Closed Detention Systems' Standards No.3 Catch Basin See"Catch Basins"Standards No.5 See'Catch Basins"Standards No.5 9/I/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual a-a 0- APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed General Trash&Debris Trash or debris of more than 1/2 cubic foot which is No Trash or debris iocated Includes Sediment) located immediately in front of the catch basin immediately in front of catch opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by basin opening. more than 10% Trash or debris(in the basin)that exceeds 1!3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest basin.i pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and ouUet pipes free of more than 1/3 of its height. trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases(e.g.,methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which I' volume would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Comer of frame extends more than 3/4 inch past Frame is even with curb. Ii Frame and/or Top Slab curb face into the street Qf applicable). Top slab has hotes arger than 2 square inches or Top slab is free of holes and cracks wider than 1/4 inch(intent is to make sure cracks. all material is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab,i.e.,separation Frame is sitting flush on top of more than 3/4 inch of the frame from the top slab. slab. Cracks in Basin Walls/ Cradcs wider than 1!2 inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to Bottom any evidence of soil partiGes entering catch basin design standards. through cracks,or maintenance person judges that struclure is unsound. Cradcs wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch at the jant of any in1eV outlet pipe or any evidence wide at the joint of inleUoutlet of soil partictes entering catch basin through pipe. cracks. Sedimenb Basin has settled more than 1 inch w has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to Misalignment more than 2 inches out of alignment. design standards. I 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-s 0-6 APPENDIX A 1 tAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 5 -CATCH BASINS(CONTINUFD) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Fire Hazard Presence of chemipls such as natural gas,al and No flammable chemicals gasoline.present. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than No vegetadon blocking opening 10%of the basin opening. to basin. Vegetation growing in inlet/outlet pipe joints that is No vegeta6on or root growth more than six inches tall and less than six inches present. apart. Pollution Nonflammabie chemicals of more than 1/2 cubic foot No pollu6on present other than per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place.Any open Catch basin cover is Gosed catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism qnnot be opened by on maintenance Mechanism opens with proper Not Working person with proper tools.Bolts into frame have less tools. than 112 inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 Ibs.of lift;intent is keep cover from maintenance person. sealing off access to maintenance. Ladder Ladder Rungs Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs,misalignment, Ladder meets design standarcJs Unsafe rust,cracks,or sharp edges. and allows maintenance person safe access. Metai Grates Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design If Applicable) standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20°of Grate free of Vash and debris. grate surface. Damaged or Grate missing or broken member(s)of the grate.Grate is in place and meets Missing. design standards. NO. 6 DEBRIS BARRIERS (E.G.,TRASH RACKS) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Resuits Expected When Components Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20%of Barrier clear to receive capacity the openings in the barrier. flow. Metal Damaged/M'issing Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more Bars. than 3/4 inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50%deterioration Repair or replace barrier to to any part of barrier. design standards. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual a-6 p 7 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MA[NTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 7 -ENERGY DISSIPATERS Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Components Maintenance is Performed. Extemal: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in Replace rocks to design Rock area five square feet or larger,or any exposure of standards. native soil. Dispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Pipe cleaned/flushed so that it Sediment design depth. matches design. Not Discharging Visual evidence of water discharging at Trench must be redesigned or Water Properly concentrated points along trench(normal condition rebuilt to standards. is a"sheet flovd'of water along trench). Intent is to prevent erosion damage. PerforaGons Over 1/2 of perforations in pipe are plugged with Clean or replace perforated pipe. Plugged. debris and sediment. Water Flows Out Mai tenance person observes water flowing out Facility must be rebuilt or Top of"Distributo' during any storm less than the design storm or its redesigned to standards. Catch Basin. causing or appears likely to cause damage. Receiving Area Water in receiving area is causing or has potential No danger of landslides. Over-Saturated of causing landslide problems. Intemal: Manhole/Chamber Wom or Damaged Structure dissipa6ng flow deteriorates to 1/2 or Replace structure to design Post.Baffles,Side original size or any concentrated wom spot standards. of Chamber exceeding one square foot which wouid make i structure unsound. Other Defects See"Catch Basins"Standard No.5 See"Catch Basins"Standard No. I 5 I i j i 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A- o-8 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STA IDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 8-FENCING Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Components Maintenance is PerFormed General Missing or Broken Any defect in the fence that permits easy entry Parts in place to provide adequate Parts to a facility. security. Erosion Erosion more than 4 inches high and 12-18 No opening under the fence that inches wide permitting an opening under a exceeds 4 inches in height. fence. Wire Fences damaged Parts Post out of plumb more than 6 inches. Post piumb to within 1-1/2 inches. Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of bends greater than 1 incF. Any part of fence(inGuding post,top rails,and Fence is aligned and meets design fabric)more than 1 foot out of design alignment. standards. Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in place and holding fabric. Missing or loose barbed wire that is sagging Barbed wire in pface with less than more than 2-1/2 inches belween posts. 3/4 inch sag between post. Extension arm missing,broken,or bent out of Extension arrr in place with no shape more than 1 1/2 inches. bends larger than 3/4 inch. Deteriorated Paint or Part or parts that have a rusting or scaling Structurally adequate posts or Protective Coating condition that has affected structural adequacy. parts with a uniform protective coating. Openings in Fabric Openings in fabric are such that an 8-inch- No openings in fabric. diameter ball could fit through. NO. 9-GATES Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Damaged or Missing Missing gate or lodcing devices. Gates and Locking devices in Members place. Broken or missing hinges such that gate cannot Hinges intact and lubed.Gate is be easily opened and closed by a maintenance worlcing freely. person. Gate is out of plumb more than 6 inches and Gate is aligned and vertical. more than 1 foot out of design alignment. Missing stretcher bar,stretcher bands,and tles. Stretcher bar,bands and ties in place. Openings in Fabric See"Fenang"Standard No.8 See"Fencing"Standard No.8 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-g o-9 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 10-CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS (PIPES 8 DITCHES) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment 8 Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Pipe cleaned of all sediment diameter of the pipe. and debris. i Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water All vegetation removed so water through pipes.flows freely through pipes. i Damaged Protective coating is damaged;rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. I more than 509o deterioradon to any part of pipe. Any dent that decreases the cross section area of Pipe repaired or replaced. pipe by more than 20°k_ Open Ditches Trash&Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris cieared from square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumutated sediment that exceeds 20%of the Ditch deaned/flushed of all design depth. sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through through ditches. ditches. Erosion Damage to See'Ponds"Standard No.1 See"Ponds"Standard No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design Place or Missing(If the rock lining. standards. Applicable). Catch Basins See"Catch Basins:Standard No.5 See"Catch Basins'Standard No.5 Debris Barriers See"Debris Barriers'Standard No.6 See"Debris Barriers"SNandard e.g.,Trash Rack) No.6 N0. 11 -GROUNDS(LANDSCAPING) Maintenance Defect Conditions When MaiMenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Weeds Weeds growing in more than 20°of the landscaped Weeds present in less than 5% Nonpoisonous) area(trees and shrubs only). of the landscaped area. Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous No poisonous vegetation vegetation. present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper,cans,bottles,totaling more than 1 cubic foot Area clear of litter. within a landscaped area(trees and shrubs only)of 1,000 square feet. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or Trees and shrubs with less than broken which affect more than 25%of the total 5°k of total foliage with split or foliage of the tree or shrub. broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or Tree or shrub in place free of knodced over. injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported Tree or shrub in place and or are leaning over,causing exposure of the roots. adequately supported;remove any dead or diseased trees. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-9 D D APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAI IED DRAINAGE FACILITIES N0. 12-ACCESS ROADS/EASEMENTS Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed General Trash and Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Roadway free of debris which square feet i.e.,trash and debris would fill up could damage tires. one standards size garbage can. Blocked Roadway Debris which could damage vehicle tires(glass Roadway free of debris which or metal). could damage tires. Any obstruction which reduces clearance above Roadway ovefiead clear to 14 feet road surface to less than 14 feet. high. Any obstruction restricting the access to a 10 to Obstruction removed to allow at 12 foot width for a distance of more than 12 feet least a 12 foot access. or any point restricting acoess to less than a 10 foot width. Road SurFace Settiement,Potholes, When any surface defect exceeds 6 inches in Road surface uniformly smooth Mush Spots,Ruts depth and 6 square feet in area.In general,any with no evidence of settlement, surface defect which hinders or prevents potholes,mush spots,or ruts. maintenance access. Vegetation in Road Weeds growing in the road surface that are Road surface free of weeds taller Surface more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches than 2 inches. tall and less than 6 inches apart within a 400- square foot area. Modular Grid Build-up of sediment mildly contaminated with Removal of sediment and disposal Pavement petroleum hydrocarbons. in keeping with Health Department recommendations for mildly contaminated soi(s or catch basin sediments. Shoulders and Erasion Damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway more than 8 Shoulder free of erosion and Ditches inches wide and 6 inches deep. matching the surrounding road. Weeds and Brush Weeds and brush exceed 18 inches in height or Weeds and brush cut to 2 inches hinder maintenance access.in height or deared in such a way as to allow maintenance access. 9/1/98 1998 Sudace Water Design Manual A-10 D_/ i APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 13-WATER QUALITY FACILITIES A.) Biofiitration Swale Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed BiofilVation swale Sediment Accumulation Sediment depth exceeds 2-inches No sediment deposits on grass on Grass Layer layer of the bio-swale,which would impede filtration of runoff. Vegeta6on When the grass becomes excessively tall Vegetation is mowed or nuisance greater than 10-inches);when nuisance weeds vegetation is eradipted,such that and other vegetation starts to take over. flow not impeded.Grass should be mowed to a height between 4 inches and 9 inches. Inlet Outlet Pipe Inlet/outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/or No clogging or blockage in the inlet debris. and outlet piping. Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulated in the bio-swale. Trash and debris removed from Accumulation biaswale. Erosion/Scouring Where the bio-swa e has eroded or scoured Bioswale should be re-graded and the bottom due to flow channelization,or higher re-seeded to specification,to j flows. eliminated channeled flow. Overseeded when bare spots are evident. N0. 13-WATER 4UALITY FACILITIES (CONTI11fUED) B.) Grasslined Filter Strips Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Filter Strip Sediment Accumulation Sediment depth exceeds 2 inches.No sediment deposits on grass on Grass Layer layer of the filter strip,which would impede filtration runoff. Vegetation When the grass becomes excessively tall Vegetation is mowed or nuisance greater than 10-inches);when nuisance weeds vegetadon is eradicated,such that and other vegetation starts to take over. flow not impeded.Grass should be mowed to a height befinieen 4 inches and 9 inches. Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulated on the filter Trash and Debris removed from Accumulation ship. filter. Erosion/Soouring Where the filter strip has eroded or scoured SVip should be re-graded and re- due to flow channelization,or higher flows.seeded speafication,to eliminate channeled flow.Overseeded when bare spots are evident. V-Notch Pipe Weir When the V-Notch pipe becomes damaged or Cleaned and properiy functioning clogged with sedimenV debris. weir,such that flows uniformly spread. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-11 Z APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAWAGE FACILITIES C.)Wetponds Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Wetpond Vegetation Vegetation such as grass and weeds need to be Vegetation should be mowed to mowed when it starts to impede aeslhetics of pond. 4 to 5 inches in height. Trees Mowing is generally required when height exceeds and bushes should be removed 1 S-inches.Mowed vegetation should be removed where they are interfering with from areas where it could enter the pond,either pond maintenance activities. when the pond level rises,or by rainfall runoff. Trash and Debris Accumulation that exceeds 1 CF per 1000-SF of Trash and debris removed from pond area. pond. InIeU Outlet Pipe InIeU OuUet pipe clogged with sediment and!or No clogging or blockage in the debris material. inlet and outlet piping. Sediment Sediment accumulations in pond bottom that Removal of sediment from pond Accumulation in Pond exceeds the depth of sediment zone plus 6-inches, bottom. Bottom usually the first cell. Oil Sheen on Water Prevalent and visible oil sheen. Removal of sediment from pond bottom. Erosion Erosion of the pond's side slopes and/or scouring of Slopes should be stabilized by the pond bottom,that exceeds 6-inches,or where using proper erosion control continued erosion is prevalent. measures,and repair methods. Settlement of Pond Any part of these components that has settled 4- Dike/berm is repaired to Dike/Berm inches or lower than the design elevation,or specifica6ons. inspector determines dike/berm is unsound. Rock Window Rock window is clogged with sediment. Window is free ot sediment and debris. Overflow Spillway Rock is missing and soil is expased at top of Replace rocks to specifications. spillway or outside slope. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual a-i2 l_13 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTA[NED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 13-WATER QUALITY FACILITIES (CONTIIIlUED) D.)Wetvaults Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Wetvault Trash/Debris Trash and debris accumulated in vault,pipe or Trash and debris removed from I Accumulation inleU outlet,(inGudes floatables and non- vault.i floatables). Sediment Accumulation Sediment accumulation in vault bottom that Removal of sediment from vault. in Vault exceeds the depth of the sediment zone plus 6- inches. Damaged Pipes Inlet/ouUet piping damaged or broken and in Pipe repaired and/or replaced. need of repair. Access Cover Cover cannot be opened or removed,especially Pipe repaired or replaced to Damaged!Not Working by one person. proper working specifip6ons. Vault Structure Vault:Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any No cracks wider than 1/4-inch at I Damaged evidence of sal particles entering the structure the joint of the inleU outlet pipe. through the cracks,or maintenance/inspection Vault is determined to be personnel determines that the vault is not structurally sound. structurally sound. Baffles Baffles corroding,cracking,warping and/or Repair or replace baffles to showing signs of failure as determined by specifications. maintenance!inspecdon staff. Access Ladder Damage Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not functioning Ladder replaced or repaired to iproperly,missing rungs,has cracks and/or specifications,and is safe to I misaligned. use as determined by inspecdon I personnel. I 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-13 d T APPENDIX A 1fAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES N0. 13 -WATER QUALITY FACILITIES(CONTINUED) E.)Sand Filters Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Above Ground Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 1/2-inch. No sediment deposit on grass Accumulation on Grass layer of sand filter which would Layer impede permeability of the filter section. Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulated on sand filter bed. Trash and debris removed from Accumulations sand filter bed. Sediment/Debris in When the yard drain CB's and clean-out become Sediment,material from the Yard Drains/Clean- full or partialiy plugged with sediment and/or CB's and clean-0uts removed. Outs] debris. Vegetation When the grass becomes excessively tali(greater Vegetation is mowed or than 6-inches);when nuisance weeds and other nuisance vegetation is vegetation starts to Fake over. eradicated,such that flow is not impeded. Sand Filter Media Drawdown of water through the sand filter media, Usually requires replacement of takes longer than 24hours,and/or flow through top 6 to 12-inches of inedia. the overflow pipes occurs frequentty. May require replacement of entire sand filter sec6on, depending on sec6on. Prolonged flows Sand is saturated for prolonged periods of time Limit the low,continuous flows several weeks)and does not dry out between to a small portion of the faality storms due to c ntinuous base flow or proionged by using a low wooden divider or flows from detention facilities. slightly depressed sand surface. Short Circuiting When flows beoome concentrated over the sand Flow and percolation of water filter rather than dispersed. through the sand filter is uniform and dispersed across the filter section. Erosion Damage to Erosion over 2-inches deep where cause of Slopes should be stabilized by Slopes damage is prevalent or potential for continued using proper erosion control erosion is evident measures. Rock Pad Missing or Soil beneath the rock is visible.Replace or rebuild the rock pad Out of Place to design specifications. V-Notch Pipe Weir When the V-Notch pipe becomes damaged or Clean and properly functioning dogged with sediment/debris.weir,such that flows uniformly spread. Damaged Pipes Any part of the piping that is crushed or deformed Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 20%or any other failure to the piping. Below Ground Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 1/2-inch. No sediment deposits on sand Vault. Accumulation on Sand filter section,which would Media Section impede permeability of the filter section. Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 6-inches in vault bottom. No sediment deposit in the first Accumulation in Vault chamber of the vault. Trash/Debris Trash and debris accumulated in vault,or pipe Trash and debris removed from Accumulation inleU outlet,floatables and non-floatables vault,and inleb outlet piping. Sediment in Drain When drain pipes,cleanouts,and yard drains Remove the material from the Pipes/Yard Drains/ become full with sediment and/or debris. facilities. Cleanouts 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-14 5-- APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTA[NED DRAINAGE FACILITIES N0. 13-WATER QUALITY FACILITIES (CONTlNUED) E.} Sand Filters(Continued) Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Below Ground Short CircuiGng When seepage/flow occurs along the vault walls Sand filter media secdo re-laid Vault(Continued) and comers. and compacted along perimeter of vault to form a semi-seal. Vertical Riser Pipes Plugged,failure due to cracking deformation. Flows Clean out the riser pipe;replace tend to back-up in first chamber of the vault. pipe as needed. Damaged Pipes Inlet or ou8et piping damaged or broken and in Pipe repaired and/or replaced. need of repair. Access Cover Cover cannot be opened,one person cannot open Cover repaired to proper Damaged/Not the cover,corrosion!deformation of cover. working specifications or Working replaced. Vault Structure Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any evidence of sal Vault replaced or repaired to Damaged;Indudes particles entering the structure through the cradcs, design specifiqtions. Cracks in Walls, or maintenance/inspection personnel determines Bottom,Damage to that the vauit is not structurally sound. Frame and/or Top Slab. Cradcs wider than 1/2-inch at the joints of any inleU No cracks more than 1/4-inch ouUet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering wide at the joint of the inleU the vault through the walls. outlet pipe. Baffles Baffles corroding,cracking,warping and/or showing Repair or replace baffles to IIsignsoffailureasdeterminedbymaintenance/ specifiptions. inspection person. Access Ladder Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not functioning Ladder replaced or repaired to Damaged properly,missing rungs,cracks,and misaligned. specifications,and is safe to use as determined by inspection personnel. 1998 Sudace Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-is o/6 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PWVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 13 -WATER QUALITY FACILITIES (CONTlNUED) F.) Leaf Compost Filters Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Resuits Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Above Ground Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 0.25-inches. No sediment deposits on fabric Open Swale accumulation on Geo- layer which wouid impede Textile/media permeability of the fabric. Trash and debris Trash and debris accumulated on compost filter Trash and debris removed from accumulations bed. compost filter bed. SedimenU debris in When the yard drain CB's and dean-outs become Remove the accumulated drain/yard drains/full of sediment andJ or debris.material from the facility. clean-outs. Vegetation Vegetation impending flow through section,or Vegetation is mowed or encroaching into compost media. eradicated such that flow is no longerimpeded. Leaf Compost Media Drawdown of water through the leaf compost, Replace media with new to takes longer than 12-hours,and/or flow through design specifications,in addition the overfiow pipes occurs frequently. to replacing fabric. Short-Circuiting When Channeled flow occurs over the leaf inedia; Flow is unifom over the entire and where flow perks through the media at the width of the media section,and baffles.concentrated percolation does not occur at the baffle walls. Media needs to be graded and re-set at the baffles to form a seal.Weir plate may need to be adjusted in addition. Erosion Damage to Eroded damage over 2-inches deep where cause Slopes should be stabilized by Slopes of damage is prevalent or potential for continued using proper erosion control erosion is prevalent. measures. Damaged Geo-Textile When fabric is tom,deteriorated,raveled,etc. Fabric replaced as necessary. Fabric. Rock Pad Missing or Soil beneath the pad is visible. Replace or rebuild the rock pad out of place to design standards. Damaged Pipes Any part of the pipe system that is crushed, Pipe repaired or replaced. damage due to corrosion,and/or settlement V-Notch Weir Flow is not being uniformly spread over filter Clean,repair or replace the weir Assemblies media.systems. Below Ground Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 0.25-inches. No sediment deposits on fabric Vault Accumula6on on Geo- layer which would impede Textile/Media. pertneability of the fabric and compost media. Sediment Sediment depth exceeds 6-inches in first chamber. No sediment deposits in vault Accumulation in Vault bottom of first chamber. Trash/Debris Trash and debris accumulated on compost filter Trash and debris removed fi-om Accumulation bed. the compost filter bed. Sediment in Drain When drain pipes,clean-outs,yard drains become Remove the accumulated Pipes/Yard Drains/ full with sediment and/or debris. material from the faalities. Clean-Outs 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-16 7 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATF,LY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES N0. 13-WATER QUALITY FACILITIES (CONTINUED) F.) Leaf Compost Filter(Continued) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Below Ground Leaf Compost Media Drawdown of water through the leaf compost,takes Replace media with new longer than 12-hours,and/or overflow occ us compost to specifications,in frequently. addition to replacing fabric. Short Circuiting When seepage occurs along the vault wall and Percolation of water occurs comers occur. along the walls and corners and not through the media section. Media needs to be re-set along the vault wall and comers to form a semi-seal. Plugged/Damaged Fiow tends to backup unusually high in the first Clean out the elbow fittings and/ Elbows chamber of the vault. or replace if damaged. Damaged Geo-Textile Fabric is tom,deteriorated,raveled,etc.Fabric replaced as necessary. Fabric Rock Pad Missing or Soil beneath the pad is visible. Replace or rebuiid the rock pad Out of Place to design standards. Damaged Pipes Any part of the pipes that are crushed,damaged Pipe repaired and/or replaced. due to corrasion and/or settlement. Access Cover Cover cannot be opened,one person cannot open Cover repaired to proper Damaged/Not the cover,corrosion/deformation of cover. working specifica6ons or Working replaced. V-Notch Weir Flow does not spread uniformly over filter media by Clean,repair and/or replace the Assemblies weir section. weir plate secdon,or adjust height. Vault Structure Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any evidence of soil Vault replaced or repaired to Includes Cracks in particles entering the structure through the cracks, design specifiptions. Wall,Bottom, or maintenance/inspecGon personnel determines Damage to Frame that the vault is not structurally sound. and/or Top Slab Baffles Baffles corroding,cracking warping,and/or showing Repair or replace baffles to signs of failure as determined by maintenance/ speafica6on. inspection person. Access Ladder Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not functioning Ladder replaced or repaired and Damaged properly,missing rungs,cradcs,and misaligned. meets specifications,and is safe to use as determined by inspection personnel. Cracks wider than 1/2-inch at the joint of any No cracks more than 114-inch inleUouUet pipe or any evidence of soil particles wide at the joint of the inleU entering the vault through the walls. ouUet pipe. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/I/98 A-17 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES N0. 13-WATER QUALITY FACILITIES (CONTINUED) G.) In itration Ponds Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Infiltration Pond Vegetation Vegetation such as grass and weeds needs to be Vegeta6on should be mowed to mowed when it starts to impede infiltration function. 2-inches in height.Trees and Mowing is generally required when height exceeds bushes should be removed 12 inches. where they impact the infiltrating area of the pond. Sand Filter Layer Sand filter layer has sediment deposits that exceeds Remove sediment and top layer 1/2-inch or the infiltration rate of the sand layer is of sand,and replace in kind per less than 2 in/hr. specification. Sediment Sediment accumulaGons in pond bottom that Removal of sediment from pond Accumulation in exceeds 1/2-inch in depth or percolation test of the bottom. Pond Bottom pond indicates facility is only working at 90%of iYs design percolation rate. Trash and Debris Accumulation that exceeds 1-CF per 1,000-SF of Trash and Debris removed from pond area. Pond• Inlet/Outlet Pipe Inlet/outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/or No dogging or blodcage in the debris material. inlet and outlet piping. Erosion Erosion of the pond's side slope and/or scouring of Slopes should be stabilized by the pond bottom,that exceeds 2-inches,or where using proper erosion conVol potential for continued erosion is prevalent. measures and repair methods. Sediment of Pond Any part of these components that has settled 4-Slopes should be stabilized by Dike/Berm inches or lower than the design elevation,or where using proper erasion control potential for continued erasion is prevalent. measures and repair methods. Rock Window Rock window is clogged with sediment. Window is free of sediment and debris. Overflow Spillway Rock is missing and soil is exposed Replace rocks to specifications. Infiltration VauIV Sediment Tanks:Sediment depth exceeds 6-inches in depth. No sediment deposits in tank Tank Accumula6on in bottom. Vault Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulated in tank,vault or Trash and debris removed from Accumula6on connecting pipe.Indudes floatables and non- each facility. floatables. Access Cover Cover cannot be opened or removed,especially by Cover repaired or replaced to Damaged/Not one person. proper working specifications or Working replaced. Tank or Vault Tank:Joints between tank sections failing,such that Tank replaced or repaired to Structure Damaged leakage occurs and.or material being washed design specifications. through into facility;or maintenance/inspec6on person determines the tank is not structurally sound. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual a-is D-9 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACILITIES NO. 13 -WATER QUALITY FACILITIES (CONTINUED) G.) Infiltration Ponds(Continuea Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Resutts Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Infiltration VauIV Tank or Vault Structural Vault:Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any Tank replaced or repaired to Tank Damage evidence of soil particles entering the structure design specifications. through the cracks,or maintenance inspection personnel determines that the vault is not structurally sound. Access Ladder Damaged Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not Ladder replaced or repaired to functioning properly,missing rungs,has cracks specifications,and is safe to and/or misaligned.use as determined by inspection personnel. t i I i ' f. i T;y . I. I j i I I I-I I i I I 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-19 O-Z. APPENDIX A MAiNTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE FACIUTIES N0. 14-OIL CONTROL FACILITIES A.) OiIJ Water Separators Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed. API Type OWS Monitoring Inspection of discharge water for obvious signs Effluent discharge from vault of poor water quality. should be dear with out thick visible sheen. Sediment Accumulation Sediment depth in bottom of vault exceeds 6- No sediment deposits on vault inches in depth. bottom which would impede flow through the vault and separation efficiency. Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulation in vault,or pipe Trash and debris removed from Accumulation inleU outlet,floatables and non-floatables. vauit,and inleU outlet piping. Oil Accumulation Oil accumulations that exceed 1-inch,at the Extract oil irom vault by surface of the water vactoring.Disposal in accordance with state and local rules and regulations. Damaged Pipes Inlet or ouUet piping damaged or broken and in Pipe repaired or replaced. need of repair. Access Cover Damaged/ Cover cannot be opened,one person cannot Cover repaired to proper Not Working open the cover,corrosioN deformation of cover. working specifications or replaced. Vault Structure Damage- Cracks wider than 1!2-inch and any e idence of Vault replaced or repaired to InGudes Cracks in Walls soil particles entering the structure through the design specifications. Bottom,Damage to cracks,or maintenance/inspection personnel Frame and!or Top Slab determines that the vault is not structuraliy sound. Baffles Baffles corroding,cracking,warping and/or Repair or replace baffles to showing signs of failure as detertnined by specifications. maintenance/inspection person. Access Ladder Damaged Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not Ladder replaced or repaired and functioning properly,missing rungs,cradcs,and meets specifications,and is misaligned.safe to use as determined by inspection personnel. Cracks wider than 1/2-inch at the joint of any No cracks more than 1/4-inch inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence ofsal partides wide at the joint of the inleU entering the vault through the walls.ouUet pipe. CPS-Type OWS Monitoring Inspection of discharge water for obvious signs Effluent discharge from vault of poor water quality. should be clear with no thick visible sheen_ Sediment Accumulation Sediment depth in bottom ofvault exceeds 6- No sediment deposits on vault inches in depth and/or visible signs of sediment bottom and plate media,which on plates. would impede flow through the vault and separation efficiency. Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulated in vault,or pipe Trash and debris removed from Accumulation inlet/ouUet,floatables and non-floatables. vault,and inieU outlet piping. Oil Accumulation Oil accumulation that exceeds 1-inch at the Extract al from vault by water surface. vactoring methods.Clean ooalescing plates by thoroughly rinsing and flushing.Should be no visible al depth on water. 9/1/98 1998 Surface Water Design Manual A-Zo 0 2 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PRIVATELY MAtNTAINF.D DRAINAGE FACILITIES N0. 14-OIL CONTROL FACILITIES (CONT/NUED) A.) Oill Water Separators(Continued) Maintenance Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Resuits Expected When Component Maintenance is Performed Damaged Coalescing Plate media broken,deformed,cracked and/or Replace that portion of inedia Plates showing signs of failure.pack or entire plate pack depending on severity of failure. Damaged Pipes Inlet or outlet piping damaged or broken and in need Pipe repaired and or replaced. of repair. Baffles Baffles corroding,cradcing,warping and!or showing Repair or replace baffles to signs of failure as determined by maintenance/ specifications. inspection person. Vault Structure Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any evidence of soil Vault replaced or repaired to Damage-Includes particles entering the structure through the cracks, design specifications. Cracks in Walls, or maintenance inspection personnel determines Bottom,Damage to that the vault is not structurally sound. Frame and/or Top Slab Access Ladder Ladder is corroded or deteriorated,not functioning Ladder replaced or repaired and Damaged properly,missing rungs,cracks,and misaligned. meets specifications,and is safe to use as determined by inspection personnel. Cracks wider than 1/2-inch at the joint of any inleU No cracks more than 1/4-inch outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering wide at the joint of the inleV the vault lhrough the walls. outlet pipe. B.) Catch Basin Inserts Maintenance Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Companent Maintenance is Performed Catch Basin Sediment When sediment forms a qp over the insert media of No sediment cap on the insert Accumulation the insert and/or unit. media and iYs unit. Trash and Debris Trash and debris accumulates on insert unit creating Trash and debris removed from Accumulation a blockage/restriction. insert unit.Runoff freely flows into catch basin. Inspection Inspection of inedia insert is required. Effluent water from media insert is free ofoils and has no visible sheen. Media lnsert-Water Catch basin insert is saturated with water,which no Remove and replace media Saturated longer has the capacity to absorb. insert Media lnse t-Oil Media oil saturated due to petroleum spill that drains Remove and replace media Saturated into catch basin.insert. General Regular interval replacement due to typical average Remove and replace media at life of inedia insert product. regular intervals,depending on insert product. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 A-21 d Z Z